The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 20, 1913, Page 21, Image 21

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    I " Tpri ';Y M r " ;V 'i
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Notes of I Vcdncsdaii's, Happenings
v i,i lit! V . w
F.rief Farn graphs Give Jnnrnal Jlonlor fhn Nwi f L"t Yesterday
Afternoon an J Last i-5it.
u i y i hi
ill I L, ,
iffi 1 ilii
10 Mi! BIDS
Contract for Fuel Supply Will
Not Be Let Until Alleged
. "Price Making Agreement"
- Is Investigated. '
Deteimincd to learn, whether f there
was any collusion between agents of
thevarluus oil companies that s'ubmlt-
blda to supply tho county with fuel
Oil, County , Judirn f!lelnn " nna tni1.v
that he is planning; to call the company
representatives before bim for' a con
. Terence. " . ' . . , ,
Thls statement follows a. . decision ' of
the county commissioner yeaterdayiiot
- to make an oil contract until assured
that the county Is not a victim of a
"price .making agreement."? At present
the county consumes ' approximately
1 80 : barrels of oil monthly, at ": tho
' courthouse, the bounty .hospital,. Kelly
Butte and the ferries Mason and Web
ater, and It ls planned to use oil for
fuel aboard the ferry, St Johns and at
the county farm.,'.-;; v- -.- ;.' A- ;Vs
. . when the bids were opened'early th(s
. Week Judge Cleeton openly charged the
P company i representatives -present -with
"sundnlg together." They laughed and
" (entered nd denials at that time.- ? ,
Commissioner ' Llghtnef and. Hart
take the same stand in regard to the
' 'bids as Judwe Cleeton. They said today
Uiat they- believed there ; was a "Job"
, fcomewhere, but don't know whether the
aliened 'Job" was put up here or In
"California.- - ,
. The companies that submitted bids
- were the Standard Oil, the Union! Oil.
.Associated, OU and Oregon Road Oiling
company..' .
1 . Uids submitted by the Union Oil and
' Associated Oil companies were exactly
alike In every respect save in one, in
'. ' stance, where the Union tailed to make
a price. Each ottered to supply oil at
- the courthouse for SI1 a barrel, at the
I hospital lor $1.05, tile ferries Webster
IMffl Mason for tl, the 8t. Johns for
, . in carload lots for 90 cents. Each neg
lected to; bid oh" K&Iy Butte, leaving
two bids open," the Standard's at $1.28
. and the Oregon Road Oiling company at
" $1.18. " -siv , - ' , . : .
"I am. frank to admit that the bids
cid hot look, just right to me." said
Judge Cleeton today, "and I , Intend io
have a little talk with the local rcpre
' aentatlvee of the oil. companies. Things
way be all right, but I want to find out
, If private -business concerns have not
. been quoted betterjlgures recently. We
have some figures which show, that a
, "'number of business houses are getting
oil much cheape Possibly the raise in
oil i responsible. That's what we want
...tQ know.'! ;. ... trr i:T.r-r-
t . : ' ,f'-- '.. - u,.iinni ' imfr; " 1 '. .
' .. '.(Staff Corrtiuf ih. . . , ,.
' ' Sa'lem, Or. Feb."- 2o.--Kepresantatlve
Howard, of Douglas county, fought a
bill -to establish a $20,000 armory In
Roseburg, metropolis, of hi" own coun
- ty, in .the house this; mornlngy because
he' declared armories foster a. warlike
Howard Is a minister and opposed tQaa recently proposed. In a bill which
fighting.- 'For all that, he is one of the
best little fighters in the house when
a measure is up in which he isMnter'
ested. . ' ' '
lie announced that he would fight all
armory i appfoprlatioua. on the same
ground. C
Homan. of Harney', gave notice that
be would "whale the window lights"
put of .any armory " bili;v ire Insisted
that armories are nbt .necessary. ' "
The bill carried by 35 votes to H.
- Each" ene ef th .lifesavere who did
such-valiant work in the rescue of the
survivors of the oil tanker Rosecransi
wrecked on Teanuck Pptt in a, .terrible
atorm about tb months ago, wlli be
j resented with a library from the P6rt
,laud Chamber of Commerce. Action to
this effect was taken at a meeting of
the chamber's board of trustees at noon
today. - ' ' ' -
Secretary R. C. Olltner will prepare a
lnt of the names of the lifesavers and
tile several libraries,. consisting of about
BO volumes each, and subscriptions to
standard magazines, will be forwarded
as soon as possible. . 'eta -iYv-";r-
The action of this morning was the
result of a m6tlon made by W. W. Cot
ton, general attorney of the O.-W. R.
& Ji, company, at the recent anntlal
meeting and banquet of the chamber,
when M iv Cotton spoke of, their work as
the 'greatest and mwst magnificent of
which he had ever heard. - ,
Instant Relief, Permanent Cure
Trial Package Mailed Free to"
All in Plain Wrapper. .
We want every man and woman, suf
fering from the excruciating torture of
piles id just send their name and Ad
dress to us. and get, by return mall, a
free trial . package of the most effect-
ivo and positive cure ever known for
this disease i'yianild rile Remedy.
rt The way to -prove what this great rem
edv will do4n vour own case. is tn lust
I - j4Hbut free cdupon and send to us, and
nTyou will get, by return mail, a free sam
.pie of Pyramid rue Remedy. -.
Then, after you have proven to your
self what it Can do, you will go to tha
druggist, and get a Jo-eent box. : s : f
Don't undergo an operation, a Opera
' ttons are rarefy a success and often lead
to terrible consequences! Pyramid Pile
Remedy ' reduces all inflammation,
makes congestion, Irritation, . itching,
sorfs and ulcers disappear-and ' the
piles 'elmpl ijuit " j
For sale at all drug stores' at ; SO
-cent ifcoittv.iyVi'i'.fe,4!:'r
Free Packofic Coupon
riU'Tiut the blank lines below with
your name and address, tut out oii
1'on and mall the . PtiUMID
hiwa CO.. 40C Pyramid Bldg., Mar-
VJJt I cK,- Alr 1 4 Cfco AK 1 h
JSreut ryi-aiiiid rili Ruiwedy will then
lie mm. you at ouue by mull, FHttfc,
in plain wrapper. -; , -, -
f frret.
(Si'e-lKl (o The Journal. 1
Olynipia, Wasli I'eb r0. The gen
eral omnibus appropriation bill Was
taken up lh the house at the morning
session and adopted Section by section
without amendment to the printed bill
Until the appropriation for the Soldiers'
home at Orting was reached, when n
effort Was made to-dncreaae the appro
priation, to permit construction of ah
additional dormitory,, v 1
Chairman of the appropriation com
mittee, : Davis, explained that as a for
rner member of the board of control he
could Inform the . legislature, that the
number of inmates hnd been decreased
from 800 to ,250 during the past bien
nial, owing : to ' the married men being
removed to Port Orchard, where they can
have their wives writh . thera In , cot-
tageS. ' '-n'J".S '
The item for- the attorney general's
department; was increased by $2000 to
permit of legislative legal aid during
the best - session. At this point the
house adjourned tilt af tfernoon, wheft the
bill will be again taken tip. . - : '
Representative Goes' bili to abolish
capital punishment was "on the morning
calendar, but was shelved to make way
for the appropriation budget '
Friends of the plan to make conhty
elections nonpartisan feel OptimlBtlo to
day, as th result of the skirmish ' in
the senate Wednesday, When an attempt
to postpone the bill indefinitely, failed.
Opponents of nonpartlanship, however,
succeeded in killing off the plan to make
state officers, as well u county officers
subject to nonpartisan, elecUona-
' All elates for congressional reappor
tionment were smarhed Wednesday aft
ernoon , In the house,', one section, pf the
state spiting another, and as a result
everyone is ..dissatisfied- ;sf.:y-l'iv.: "''";
Seattle was made into a congressional
district by itself at first, but later com
plications in the formation of other con.
gresslonal districts caused a rear attack
against King county by Representatives
Davis of pierce and Conner ef Skagit,
and ftkAgit- coUnty was added to Boattle
district as the last piece Of spite work.
Representative Murirtiihe tried all the
parliamentary- moves possible to 'head
off final decision in the matter, but the
bill was passed on to third reading with
the-anti-lving county amendment tacked
on. " - 1 , . 1
Based upon a report of If. L. VOrse, as
special representative, the Technical
club, composed " of Portland achitects
and engineers, ;wlll vigorously Support
the Celilo power project of State Engi
neer John 11. Lewis. The club j elected
Mr. Yorse to. examine the site.' Mf.
Vofse has now made his report to Pres
ident W. II. Graves and Orrtn E. Stan
ley, secretary, and they today, issued
this statement;;' s . .. -
"We believe that a thorough Invest!
gation will prove that the plan is not
only feasible, but practicable from every
standpoint.? The magnitude of the un
dertuklng is the only' unusual feature
involved. Owing to the; great benefits
which will come to the entire north
west through the early completion of
the project by either pubilo or private
funds, we wish at this Ufiie to urge upon
the legislature the ; lm&drtahce of ap
proprlatingi sufficient money to make
thorough in vestlgat loft of the project
"We believe that this Investigation
can be carried out to better advantage
by the 'state engineer thaii by turning
the same ovef td'a nontechnical board(
has passed the senate. This bill should
be amended to conform with the bin
approved by the joint legislative Com
mittee."- '".'; '' ' ': "! '-' ' "' ''.""'
;..The technical club has arranged to
hold luncheons each Tuesday at the
Commercial clubh and will make the
power plant chief subject for several
weeks. Z- . . ' .
much interest in park
bond issue Shown
Discussion relative -to the proposed
park bond issue at the regular meeting
of the Greater Portland Plana associa
tion in the auditorium f The Journal
building last night, demonstrated that
1 lively interest 1 belnr taken In the
movement. ;-'i;i;l ''T:,V'J-
K. T. Mische, park suaerlntendent, in
an addresa illustrated b lantern alldee,
explained the park board" plans.; r V V.
Jones spoke lh favor of the bond issue
and pointed, out the dividends to be de
rived, financially and In benefited child
life, from increased park and play
ground area. ' .
That the most important thing now
la td find mesne of bringing out. the
voters, especially the new voters, get
thm W register and then tt Vote, was
suggested by U Ifi. Weir, playground
expert, in 'a paperread by Mrs. F. J.
Durham. iJUr. Weir recommends , that
a list of all wonien voters be compiled,
with name, address, telephone .number
by precincts,, and ultimately that
chairman and -committee, in each pre
cinct be secured. ,
. -," - - -'for.
the purpose of giving the of facials
of the, justice courts ah opportunity to
catch 'up "With its work, the county com.
rntsfrioners yesterday authorised the ap
pointment of K. J. Carr and E. W. Mor
gan as extra clerks in the Justice court.
Th appointments were mad for 30
day, and their salaries were placed at
$80 per month each.
In addition, the salary of N. Wagner,
night watchman at the courthouse, was
raised from $60 to $ 5 per month, . '
Jack Johnson Is I1L
, Chicago, Feb. 20. Jack Johnson,
heavyweight champion, is reported dan
gerously ill here with pneumonia,-
New of Johnn' . alleged Illness
was given ; out . today. His trial on
charges of white elavefy is set for next
Tuesday in . the .United, States district
court. .-:-?-."v.4.:-''' :r-'-:.':' :' ; V"' '
,'a Whit Wife. fOtTOerly LUcil
Cameron, of Mlfineapolls, refused to lot
the roportera see her busbana. , x i. SA
. . ... , -, -., : , .' .;
f Xo Itflatlon to Accused Man.;
Harry C. Taylor, the Carlisle Indian
school graduate,' who was arrested for
passing a forged Check on, a local cloth
i Mmiunr. is In An wav related to W. '
L. Taylor, secretary of the Pacif lo Coast
Rescue and Protective association, wno
haa his headquarters at the Portland
v,niinAii- . Th scpiised. man was also
living at the Portland .Commons at the
4!&JJLWS-JtK?'i - ' - -i
"T"v.' ."" " ' - .. "V . ( i
" Fpiuta Dcfor Firing Sqtuttl. . -'
' ' UtiI(d t'f l.ea Wire i
" Palt Lake City, Utah, Feb. SO. After
collHpsIng upon faclnst the firing squad.
Frank Romeo, ntdrderer was strapped
to a ehslr anI fhnl to dcfitli In the elate
Iienltcntlnry here tod.iy. .
(CnUpa Vreet tetr4 Wlr.l .
. ' London, Feb. 20. Dispatches received
today tell of a terrific three days' bat
tle Just concluded at Bulair, between
100,000 Bulgarians and . 70.000 Turks.
Each aide Is reported to have lort SljOO
men. Enver Bey, ,kchlef of staff of tho
Turkish army, is reported to have been
injured In the battle. ,
Russia, according to a St. Petersburg
dispatch, has Just been asked by Rou
mania to act as arbitrator in the latter
country's dispute with Bulgaria over the
boundary line. -The dispatch indicated
that the, dispute lias assumed ft g'raver
aspect and that Roumania is assem
bling Infantry and cavalry on tha islands
in the Danube facing the Bulgarian ter
ritory around Blllstrla. -
A Constantinople 'dispatch reported a
slight bombardment of Adrlanople by
the Balkan allies. . .-.,'
A party of -officials of the Weatern
TJnlon Telegraph ; . company reached
Portland this morning from the south
in the private ear "Electric". Vice
President A. B. Hibbard, of New York,
and Mrs. Hibbard, General Manager C
H. Grant and Assistant General Mana
ger H. F. Dodge, of SanFtaneisco, com
prise the group of visitors. They spent
the day in sightseeing and Inspecting
the local "off lees,'.; This is Mr.: Hibbard's
first trip to the northwest tcrritoryi
and It Is the intention of the party to
visit Seattle, ; Vancouver, Vicbria and
Tacoma before returning to Ban Fran
cisco. Superintendent B. Boenlnf, of
Beattle, IS also in the City. ,
General Manager Gautit Stated the
trip had no special significance, but Is
Intended to permit Vice President Hib
bard to see the Improvements in the
property and form a closer acquaint
anceship with (he states of Oregon and
Washington, Both Mr. Gaunt 'and Mr.
Hibbard are interested In the estab
lishment of the hew offices at Seventh
near Washington, , , -
The car and party leaves' on the
Northern Pacific for Seattle late this
r Money and valuables taken from pris
oners at the city Jail Will hereafter bd
kept in a "safe," built for the purpose,
and conveniently" located at headquar
ters. Moreover a patrolman will be de
tailed to watch over the strong bo
and will be held personally responsible
for Its contents. This aotlon has been
taken by Acting Chief Slbver following
the theft of a gold watch and $40 belong
ing to Charlej LeClerc, taken from their
resting place at headquarters, v ' ;. 'A
Aoclcftt Cliinese Freed.
" Being an officer or the ". Hop King
Tong, A powerful organisation among
the Chinese Which bas been quite mac
tive , foA several months, sived IieW
8oon from being locked Up trt h city
Jail last night on a charge of Vkgrancy.
Lew SOon Is One of the Chinamen impli
cated in the murder of Sold Bing, but
later released when Wong" SI Sam as
sumed all the blame for the . affair.
Within half an hour after his arrest by
Long and Wise, the members of the
Chinese, tong bad raised $1000 bail
money and obtained the release of their
officer Judge Taxwell discharged the
Chinaman this morning" when it was
shown that he was supported by con-
trlbtlons, even though he had not
worked -since being released from the
county Jail. : ' ', -.
. ...i-.iii i-
Brookings Gets Pstoffice. ,
(Whliittoa Ruretn ot Th JoriritaL)
Washington, Feb. 20. -A. F. Green has
been appointed acting postmaster at
Brookings, ' Representative Hawley pre
sented a memorial January ( asking
for the establishment of a postof flee
there to serve a hundred families at
tracted by coal and copper mining. The
request was granted on the eleventh,
but action on the postmsstershlp was
delayed to hear a report from the In
spector Hawiejr induced the depart
ment to name Green temporarily so
that the residents may let mall service.
Home Treatment
for Epilepsy or Fits
, Those who suffer from this iw.
vous disease, accompanied by Its
sudden attacks of unconsciousness
and convulsions, will be Interested
In knowing that we hare author
ised the sale of Koslne treatment
ef Epilepsy by Woodard-Clark
Drug Co. and Skldmore Drug4 Co.
These Well known stores have
Our authority to sell the Kosine
treatment for Epilepsy on the fol
lowing guaranteed Buy a bottle of
Kosine for $1.60. If after using
you are not entirely satisfied, your
money will be refunded. .
We want the most skeptical - to
try the Kosine treatment on this
guarantee, for the success of the
treatment during the past ten
years,, both by the' laity snd pro
fession, has proved the merit of the
7' Mafiy leUeTS-testlfjrtd the relief
from the sudden attacks, while
others tell of their restoration to
usual health. For sale by Wood-ard-Clarke
Co., Park and Alder 5ts..
end fcikldmore Drug Co., 161 $d St.
The Kosine Co.. Washington, j. c.
First Dos of Pape's Cold Compound
Ends Grippe Misery; Tastes
3Tlcei No Quinine
Tou can surely end Grippe and break
ud the most severe cold aither in head.
chest, back stomach or limbs, by taking
a dose of Papa's Cold Compound every
two hours until three consecutive doses
are taken. - ' .' Si :r ";;'.
It promptly relieves tho most miser
able' headache,' dullness, head and nose
stuffed up, feverishness, sneesing. sore
throat, mucous catarrhal discharges,
running of the nose, soreness; stiffness
and rheumatic, twinges. . i , ,
. Take this wonderful Compound as di
rected, without Interference with yout),..wUli-lhft.lnowllHB,
that there is nothing else In the world,
which will core your cold or end Grippe
misery ss promptly and without ansr
other assistance of bad after-effects as
a 25-cent package or Papas Cold Com--pound,
which any drujrsist can supply.
Accept no flubj-titute contaltn bT nui
nine blonji In every home. Tastes
' Congressional. .- ,
Plans for prompt reorKiWiIzatloh ct
the bouse will be made and Democratic
members of the new ways and means
committee Will be selected at a caucus
ef the Democratic representatives to be
held March E.
- -The senate Interstate commerce com,
mlttee voted Wednesday to report 'fa
vorably - ,t1ie La Folldtte-Adamson bill
for the physical valuation of railroads
and all Interstate commerce carriers,
, With tlie bouse . in -a tangle of con
gested ; sppropriatldn bills, Democratic
Leader Underwood dropped hla tariff
work Wednesday and lectured the Dem
ocrats on, the necessity for speedy ao
tlon on -supply measures. , -i
; An amendment to the rivers and har
bors appropriation bill adopted by the
senate Wednesday would authorize the
secretary of war to receive contribu
tions from private individuals to be -pended
iu connection with funds appro
priated by the government for river and
harbor Improvements and private land
reclamation, .V ;:,.vvv-V-'-v V,-"' fi- '
Secretary MacVeagh iold the house
committee on , treasury department, ex
penditures Wednesday that $SS,000,000
in the treasury above current liabilities
was a practical working balance, and
that in emergenciea it could be run be
yond that, amount. : Thertf is now ' an
actual surplus In the treasury of $50,
000,000, , ; . ' i '' -:. -
The house money trust investigation
committee Wednesday began considera
tion of the financial regulation legisla
tion which wilUbe, recommended la It
report. - - v iH- r-'i'-v . '
The-senate on Wednesday ratified a
supplementary treaty with France, e
tendlng to 1918 the operation Of the
present arhltratlori treaty between that
nation and tha United States. ; . , r '
The so-called Jones-Works excise bill,
whioh would reduc the number of sa
loons in the national capital about naif
and increase the "dry", sbnes around
school buildings, passed the senate
Wednesday. " '
The senate sub-commit on public
buildings on Wednesday took favorable
action on Rburnes amendment to-the
house public building bill and reeoffl-
mended $1,000,000 for a Portland federal
building, also ah increase of $24,000 tor
The Dalles building.- - . -
The house refused by & vote of 213 to
114, to pass the Dillingham-Burnett im
migration bill over the president's veto.
Representative Burleson, chairman of
the Dem6cratic causus, has ' called a
Democratic caucus of " the Incoming
house for noon, March S. to name the
Demooratlc members of the way and
means committee of .the sixty-third con.
gress and consider taHffbMs.
.' The lower bause of the. Minnesota
legislature has passed a bill authorising
Minnesota members of the Modern
Woodmen of America to secede from tho
national organization and form an or
ganization of their own, - , ; .
Secretary MacVeagh nas submitted
to" President Taft his plan for the re
organisation of the customs service in
accordance with the' authority granted
by congress. - The plan worked out by
Secretary MacVeagh nd Assistant Sec
retary Curtis would abolish more thai)
100 collectors of customs by reducing
the customs districts from 16S to fewer
than 60. , '., ", V '; i . y
The house resolution' favorable to
a constitutional amendment providing
for the recall of all elective ana ap
pointive offices of the state, including
the judiclaryi was adopted by tlje Kan
sas senate weanesaay nigai, -
r tfvery eltlsen of Utah Who ia eligible
to vote, but Who does not exercise the
J right will be compelled to pay a poll
lax or s unaer mo terms ox a dui
passed by the Senate Wednesday.. The
tax will fie assessed against women
as well as men.
The attempt to elect two Democratic
United States senators from Illinois vir
tually was abandoned Wednesday night
An -agreement has been practically
reached to elect the Democratic and Re
publican primary , nominees, .
A resolution . for the direct election
of United States Senators, which already
has passed the Senate, was adopted
Wednesday by the house of the South
Dakota legislature. New Hampshire's
legislature also ratified the amendment
The prospect for a Republican nation,
al convention next fall to revise the
rules governing tha selection of national
delegates and to change the basis of
southern representation at regular Re.
publican conventions Was strengthened
Wednesday through expressions favor
ing th proposed national gathering by
Senator Root of New York, and Senator
crane, of Massachusetts.
Their demands for shorter hours aad
higher wages being granted, mora thah
16,000 striking garment workers in New
iork were directed Wednesday to return
immediately to their shops.
Marking the first bloodshed in the
strike of rubber mill workers al Akron,
Ohio, Sartal SapropriAn, a Russian strik
er, Was stabbed Wednesday, supposedly
by strikebreakers. - -
The refusal of the late E. H. Ilarrl-
Many Noted
Use Walnut-Tint Itair Stain to lie
tain Xhcif. AtU-acUvcnetis, -
Netnlng give a wotatn toe
Piwarnc6 ut ag mor aurcly
this. -gray, treated, or faded
Imlf. Jllt a fotirh la ..A
tbte 'with Mra. Pottet'i rt
out-Tint Ualr Mala and pre,
to! youth Has returned avals.
No one would f tuapeet
that yutt atalned onr hair
anw jv or inn apieudid
nrpparathm. . It does not rub
a "dye" do, and lea vet
the hair tuft and flurfr. with
a oui,.,j!ii muwn . lor iuaia;: aoaua. . .. ..
It ouly take yott a tow minutes ' onr s
monlh t apply Mrs. Potter's Walrmt-Tint
Hair FtHln.' Btnina only the bilr, it eaally
an4 nulcalf applied, and it la frae fMm teil,
ulphur, illver and all metallic onmpounda.
liaa no odor, ho aediment, no greaae. One
bottla of Mra. Potter's WalnBt-TInt Hair Btaia
Ixmld Mat yoa a year. Sells for $1.00 net
bottle at -firet-clam dhiggtata. W soarantea
MtlnfaetloB. Don't accept a subatituta.
f If jm erefer a teat before trayins, send your
Btme and atldreat and enclose 25 eenta (ttatnpa
or cole) nt we will mall j-on, ebafgea pre
paid, trial parkas, in plain, aealed wram-r,
Witt a valnable bonklet on r th balf, mm.
potter'a lUslwdc Supjfly Co., . J7TH Groton
Bid., anclnnatl, Ohio, , ' ,
or : send email s at rand of " balr for o to
a tain at aasipte, ritER. If you aand sample of
lain tadkate. shade dealred. ,-t .-v.--
f ? OF THE .. :
' t:krJ 13
24 Hears
Each Car. N.
ti!e bera the f;;M
Eoicart of count, 2
. - - a
W : V
r v Va w vWv .
man to pay a bill for automobile re
pairs which lie considered exorbitant
was upheld Wednesday by the New"Yolk
courts. A jury in a replevin action
brought nearly seven years ago by the
financier, awarded Mrs. Ilarriman $1675
damages for the use of tha car, whiea
the repairman had kept , ,
3. P. Morgan A are planning the
erection of the finest bank baiSdlng Th
the world. It will occupy the site of
the old building in New York and. will
cost between $1,500,000 and $2,000,000.
Unless new proceedings are instituted,
the effort of the government t break
up the so-called "hard coal trust" came
to an end at Philadelphia, Wednesday,
whenv upon application of counsel for
the government, the United States court
dismissed the suit of the United States
against the Philadelphia & Reading Rail
way; company. .
The Minneannlts Dairy mmnkitu r,A
Oscar Erlckson, ' Its president, were
avuhu giuiiy weuneBaay nignt in the
district court of conspiracy to raise the
price of milk and cream in Mlnneapdlls.
-A sympathetic walkout of 40,000 mln.
era In western Pennsylvania to all the
striking miners In Wast Vireinta .t
urged end defeated Att resolutions pre
sented Wednesday to the convention of
district. No, 5, united Mine Workers of
America. : ,
. " racific Coast.
i While watchmen ftthnd
the door and heavy footed policemen
irauipea xne cornaors of the adjoining
police stfttion, a hardy 'burglar raided
tll Officea Of f'htef nt Tnlt. Iik.ii..
. ...-v ww.a,tuii
at Is Angeles, Wednesday, and rifled
the desk of John J. Hill Jr., secretary to
the chief. ' - , , '
OVercome annnrentl hv wvn..
emptying the. oil from a tank car into
ybib oeionging io. the California Oil
Burner company at Oakland, James Ho
bart J 5. driver, waa hnm : tn ah.
when the Structure housing the tahks
uausm ure in an unknown manner.
Indictments were returned at San
Francisco Wedneada hv th iTni,.i
States grand Jury against several of the
mgnesr.' ornciais and directors of the
Western Fuel eomnanv.. th P,Mn,i
coast branch of the coal trust, charging
tuunim-aoy lo aerraud the governmeht
by making short weight reports on shin
ments of eosj. - .
?. Frank Bauweraerts, a prospector Con",
victed in the superior court of Riverside
county California, of having murdered
two Oregon , women and who appealed
to th state supreme court from a sen-tence-of
death imposed upon biro In
i ei eiue must pay tne death pe&lty, ac
cording to the hlabeHt tat
Five years in Ban Quentln peniten'tiry
" overcoat was the sen
tence meted out Wednesday by Judir.
tawlor to William Kurrae. an artist,
whoa eScanadea ha. a
teritiott t- the , courts n both -sMea ot
ine cay tor three years. -Kunse was
fouhd guilty of stealing a cost from an
apartment house In San Francisco. The
arusi convict iirst attained notoriety
three years atro. when h miMnin
. . - . ' . . " r.v..l,u4 . 1 Will
the museum in Golden Gate park a 130 -
.A steel derriclr mmt , ... v.i
lowered Wednesday from the top of the
2"it0T 8mlt n Seattle be
canie detached from it hain at- the
vmriy-sjxui iioor and ' Plunged down
tnrbUKh tha buildltiar., rtlW.lM n
pleted concrete, floors and being halted
" 1 " "!: "or oy a pne or steel,
Mrsv Mary Ann Watt. 88, a pioneer,
died at her ham ar Ra.Mtn& m.. '
, 3f,1' Watt" " tho of the
late William Watts. She SetUed On a
The Syverson Lumber & Shingle com-
f,7 !. ' 'ld at Montesano.
SXnV lSSl lQ,rA Wedh8 tO the Ho!
qUiam Sash & Door rnn,nn - ,
Warren J. Egerer and s I Hartung
TBoo0Cn"ider,,t,on w" Woximately
Roabrt Wait,, . . ,
lZSL":S: b Walker, pastorof
.u.HiTOni cuurcn or Nyssa. Ori was
It is believed In Paris that the threat
ened c0nnict between Bulgaria and
Roumania - over rartfii,.n ...
S1?."" h v.'rte.d- ving
vuuvivt or. mediation by
, Claiming he can seura
erfuiLenough to resist frost. Lieutenant
Mv. m iiavmi aviaior at Cobenhaeen
nas offered to accompany ' Explorer
Amunusen on his dash to the North
x ois. r
With its subsoil watrln a-,
walls cracked in every direction, the
celebrated Basilica of Santa MarltK in
moicrcru, near nome, is near col
lapse. Further use of the church has
been forbidden. The ancient pile la
- ueon siartea oy pope Canx
tut, the First, in m a: n n h. x. where a mratsHmi
oil appeared at the time of the birth of
AcccDtkncai of tha
ioufnallsts memorial to William T
eieao, wno was drowned in the Titanic
disaster, has been made by Sir George
Frampton; president of the' Royal So
ciety of British Sculptors. The memo
rial win be placed On the Thames em
bankment and a replica will be sent to
New TorkV :., .
The German relchstag bas adopted by
a majority made tip of Clericals, Social
ists and three Radicals, the measure re
pealing the anti-Jesuit law.
A letter written by George Washing
ton at Mount Vernon on February s,
178, and.referrin to the election of
the represenUtives of the first United
States oon grass, was sold at auction in
London Wednesday. , It was hmicrht r.
an English collector. .
MlsceUaneous. " ,
rrepsrntions for president Taft's last
trp ns chief executive are being; made.
atTWashington. r He" will leave late
Friday night for New York, and Satur
day will attend the beginning of work
on the American Industrial memorial at
Fort Worth, Texas, the opening of the
new lighthouse of the New York asso
ciation for the blind and a banquet of
the American Peace Arbitration league.
California's, long standing lieu land
controversy is settled by a decision. Of
Secretary Fisher who declares that it
Is not nece: -try, to consider suits to pre
vent federal patents brought by Fred
Lake of Oakland and others, ; Fisher di
rected that the interior 'department
proceed with the administration of
school grant lands In California, More
than 400000 acres of the most valuable
lands In the , state are a f footed . by
Fisher's decision.- f;- t -- - - A
Lawrence O. Murray, comptroller of
the currency,'' anrtounced Wednosday
that be Intended to stop the practice by
flationat'tlntntrnf flTJ'lliir UrvMcnds fthtn
their earnings did not warrant It. ,
Ambrrarls Cargo Worth $.100,000.
rhrlKf Chtirch, X. Z., Veh. SO. Three
hundiitil thou-snnd dolUus' worth of am-
hi-rtrils l::is been' brought here to.i.iv
by the whaler ' NorveiiU. The flnl
t, .') ul records, J
(Wdsnlnjlon Bureao, of "ha Jurnt)
Washington.. Feb. 29. The rivers and
harbors bill reported - today contained
many Items affecting Oregon, including,
for Tillamook $100,009, also authorizing
expenditure for the same port of $641,
000, provided local Interests subscribe
$407,000 and pluce same to the credit Of
the- secretary of war, the United States
to grant a sum eoual to that subscribed
by-local interests. ' ""..,. -.-
An item for the maintenance and Im
provement of the Yamhill ; river and
Willamette river above Oreaon City is
increased from $30,000 to $40,000, of
which Bum $10,000 may be spent for a
reVentment near r- Independence-If tho
chief of engineers considers It necessary.
tor the improvement of the Columbia
above Celilo falls the allowance Is In
creased from $40,000 to $60,000,' and for
the , Columbia between Brirjgeport and
Kettle Falls, increased from 126,000 to
$10,000. ' ' . 'i -i-i v'.;W- m.
New York, Feb. 1 20. iss of his
tongue probably will befall LuIgl Tan
credl, a state's witness in the ;,pollce
graft Investigation, if he does further
"squealing ; according - to admissions
Tancredie has made to District Attor
ney Whitman today, ::r:-i-:;:u'-;-: .-y.yj-
-Tancredie declared that two.unknown
men waited upon him and showing him
a newspaper account, of how the ear of
one Informer against the police was cut
off, threatened to relieve him of his
tongue. .
Condon, On, Feb. 20. The fact that
Condon is to have a regular wool sale
this year Is encouraging to the wool
growers of this part of the state. Many
have promised to haul their clips here
who have formerly hauled them either
to Heppner or Shanlko. The sale date
has been fixed on June 19, and prepara
tions will b made to Insure a success
ful Sale If possible. Two thousand
sacks were hauled - to the local ware
houses last year, but the advantage of
having a regular; sale is expected to
bring at least 8500 sacks this yea"r..
,.v; : if n, , hi , ,,i .
Clty Attorney Frank S. Grant today
filed notice of his intention to become a
Candida tstornomwaTlotrgrthe Ttepub
Ucan ticket to succeed himself. . The
words be asks printed on the ballot after
his name- are, ' "Continue fearlessly to
discharge the duties of tha office." Mr,
Grant received' both the Republican and
Democratic nominations when he : ran
for the office two years ago. .
Sirs. BeUe Ten Eytk Ileelsters.
A member of the state convention of
Colorado, Which met in Pueblo, and wss
tha first to give womeh equality in pol-
ltlds, Mrs. Belle Teh Eyck, registered
yesterday for the coming city election.
Women are registering In numbers, 63
sighinit the registration books this
motnlng while but 13 men appeared.
Since the books were opened last Sat
urday morning 704 women have reg
istered and 181 men.
Tho Mexican government has decided
to equip all its War vessels with Wire
less apparatus.
Boils, Seres, Cores
It la 'many jaara (at least 90) klbee I first
ttsed I'tJRiriffA. Altboock I bare tried Kany
etbaf eletmenta, have (unud natbiDt to gao4.
W. FV TUUU8TON, M. .,, Loa Anrelei, Cal.
Sold by Clark, , Woodward tlrng Co., Paid.
Wore Drug Co. Acm fharmncr, Laua-Darls
Drng Co., Blekman Mfg. Co, , TO Cnrtlandt 8t.,
riaw Vork Cltr. Biaea lOe and 23a.
fXyJ- "Tim i
KQ tlftuiahad
It'S;, Best lio:sss0t
that trtty organ of the wtmderful htuaan bodf ; is deproJeni
upon every other If jroor liver ; goes wfong your tlooj will
be impure;, if your bowels are inactive your stomach anJ
digestion will show It, And one trouble leads to anotber.
, have become the lriost famous and the most aftproted 'far,
femed in the world. They-are Inown fof their won Jc;
andenrivaled potfer to.csuse regialac,- natural action t-f
liver and bowels. They are gentle, safe but sure. Ift!
TillsJjenefiLjtvery orffaa of .the body briglu-n t:,
i'.the brain, tone the nerves and increase : vior 1r -t r i
Such Is Charge A :
-i .. ..
North Umpqua Rive;
i 7.,v Fishermen.
':''''' ' tSiclal -to Tte 3ouroI ) j
Roseburg, Or Feb. !(. Otu. ct t
most aggravated cases of alles -l i
legal fishing ever brought to the attri
tion of the local authorities is t '
Hugh Pearson and Bert Taylor ot Win
chester, charged with stopping up it
flBh way of the Winchester dam on V i
North Umpqua river and gaffing thi
salmon that congregated there in tlnflr
efforts to get over the dam. They have
been indicted by the grand Jury and nx
under $250 bonds. , "
-The young men, bota of whom are tin.
der 26 years of age, were arrested-Mon.
day, when Sheriff Qulne, getting a tip
front Winchester that the illegal, fish
ing was in progress, burrled there in an
automobile. They caught the boys with
a boat load of $0 steelhead Salmon, each
showing the mark of a grab hook. Pear
son and Taylor have been shipping large
quantities of salmon to Portland from 1 i
Winchester fof weeks past, s , C ? ,
V y 50 Dorocs Bring $10 Each.
Brooks, Or. Feb. 20. At' an auction
sale ot Duroe Jersey hogsat this pla. e
this week, 60 animals brought $40 each,
or a total of nearly $2000, being bought
for stock hogs. Several owners placed
their animals oil sale, among them be
ing James Fruit and Guy Harvey. In
cept for the first cost of the pigs t! v
have been raised on th same ratio
given ordinary hogs. '
North Yakima, Wash.,' Feb. .
SO. George Marley, telegraph .
'operator-at Mabtonj. la la cu-
:tody of federal officers at Spo-
kane for rifling .mail sack. -
.When .arrested be tionfessed
that be had been stealing from
s , tpe -mall i and express packages
for two years to get presents
for his fiancee, -v " 4
IF Jj 81
If. Cross, Fevefish, Tongue Coated,
' GiTe "Syrup of FJgsM to Clean th
Stomach, Liver and Dowels.
took at the tongue. Mother! If coat
ed, it is a sure sigh that your littl
one's insldes, the slohiach, liver ami
$0 feet of bowels are clogged up with
putrlfylng waste .matter and need a
gehtle, thorough cleansing at once.
When your-child is listless, drooping,
pale, doesn't sleep soundly or eat heart
ily or is eross, irritable, feverish, stom
ach sour, breath bad; has stomach-acho.
diarrhoea, sore throat, or Is full of
cold, give a teaspoonful of Syrup ot
Figs, ahd in ifew-houfasJLthe foul,
constipated waste, undigested food and
sour bile will gently move on and out
of Its little bowels without nausea, grip
ing or weakness, and you surely will
have a well, happy and smiling child
agaln shortiy.i- li;-,,J'-1,"Iy v. .-
With 8yfup of Figs you at hot drug
ging your children, being composed en
tirely of luscious figi, senna and aro
matics It cannot be harmful, besides
they dearly love Ha delicious taste.
Mothers should Always keep Syrup of
Figs handy. It Is the Only stomach,
llvsr and bowel cleanser and regulator
needed. A little given today will save
a sick child totarMw:'.'-v;''.'!V--.--
Full directions for children ef sti
and for frown-ups plainly printed on tha
Ask your druggist for the full nam
"Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna. '
prepared by the California Fig Syrup Co.
This is the delicious tasting, geuun 4
old reliable. Refuse anything else of
fered. .
' " MMfg;1.!'"11 1 " 1 U"" l:..l!l-il...-t
rppf ....
'riTTr swiTftRXAnroa nr ovt'U
ilabad travalvr, fainlilar with the fsr-fuiu-it
I monntalna. enoti maklnt hla flrat trlu
. tlirndgb tha CaNAPIAN KOCK1E8, Br fl.a
Muta ot toe Canadian Pftdtie ft. It,.- enlliiin
laatically iflalmad: "This Is 80 Swltaerlanrta
la en," Tha Comparlaon almply anggodta tlia
beauty, gTandtar Snd TtBta of thtt wonder
land. Lntarloua Tfaittt. Oieratltttt Cri t' P.
R. Hotel-and Swiaa ida at all "principal f.
aorta, fall or end 4 ptet ' IHutrate.
booklet'th tlia Uoimttna,'!
frank "BU lohnaon, ft, A, t. t., Portland, Or,