The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 15, 1913, Page 6, Image 6

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New Heme of Westminster Prcsby tcrianChurch Vhkh)m Cost $110 fiOO
; :); ) j : ; -o - '!
L'OliUi Li-L'Uii.LO iii. ili
0:im G1HL HAS
M co;ive
Ml FliOiil AliluiiiL;
Wiillam Shaw and H.-H, Rott
'Hit r" TLjn
The Westminster Presbyterian
Congregation to Be' Housed
in $140,000 Structure;
Narrative of Adam and Eve Is
Merely Typical, Says R, L.
Paddock; in College Speech,'
to Be Speakers; .tn-
dcavor Notes,' :. .
t ,
Extensive plans have been prepared
for the coming Northwest District fitate
convention ef Christian Endeavor so
i ieties which is to convene in this etty,
March 8 and 7. The principal speakers
t the convention will be William Shaw,
tie world's,serrtar3r-,Bd-Hr7H.-Rott-
roan, Held secretary or. the vnnsuan
Kndeavor ifor the northwestern states.
The' sessions of the, convention will
.. ven on Thursday morning, March 8, 1h
( tie Central - Christian church. East
. Twentieth and East Salmon streets, and
win continue tltrough, the afternoon and
evening. ; A banauet will be served' for
the officers' and delegates In the church
nt 6 o'clock In the evening, In honor of
, Mr. fihaw and Mr. Rottman. . Confer
ences and: platform" meetings will be
held on Friday, beginning at 10 o'clock
In the morning. -amtr tlia session will
close with a platform meeting at night
v Mr. Shaw will arrive In thi city on
the afternoon: -of March 6, and Will re
main until midnight.! Representatives
from all counties east of the mountains
and from southern Oregon, where, there
are Endeavor societies,1 will be in at-
, tendance. ; j';?a . ' --'-
Record crowds are expected -- to be
present at both evening sessions as the
work will embrace that of all the so
cieties of . the city. ..Thursday night be
ing prayer meeting night for most of
,,' the churches , the various pastors are
being asked to make arrangements for
..another night for the holding of this
service, In -order that thefr people may
. have the chance to hear Mr. Bhaw speak.
Those of the committee which has
charge of the convention are L. HI ggins,
chalrmanj vice chairman, C. JY Pefley;
secretary, Vera Kitchen; financial sec
retary, Robert S. Hull, Wll
J Hams. Mrs.' F. O. King, Miss Martha
Montague, Miss Ruth .Montague, J.,. A.
' AllbrecM, Henry Price, Miss Mabel C.
, ualey and Clarence IL Eprague.
; -
Beginning hcxt Sunday evening the
.Christian Endeavor Union is ta. carry
on a forward' campaign among- the o
cietles of the four districts of the city.
A "Flying Squadron of, ten people will
, visit a society, taking complete charge
of the evening's program and presenting
different phase-' of the Union workv
. Bhort Ulks on 'The Field Secretary
MVork," "Los Angeles Convention," "Ef.
, fidency Campaign,- "Good Citteenshtp,"
Finances,", and "Missions,'' will be
, made by ,' people ho -! are specialists
; along .those lines of aotlvity. s The ob
. Ject of the campaign is to arouse more
'interest in. the united work of the city
,; union sncrta get the" "city officers bett
W acquainted with local society con
; ditions and their officers. Tomorrow
evening Wood lawn Christian and Mount,
' Tabor Presbyterian societies have ip-
viicd the "Squadron" to be at" their
; meetings..
; Last Sunday evening IB people went
together to the Atkfnson Memorial Con
; gregetlonal C .E. where they received a
hearty welcome and were able to. In
terest .the people present very , much to
the work of. the different departments
of the .union. : Spending-, a half hour at
,thls chUrch the "squadron? moved to the
; Third Presbyterian society taking charge
, of the latter part of their meeting.
" ' ii'dH ' '
Pastors and their wives, of the city
, churches having Christian Endeavor so
cieties, are to be the guests of the city
I union of Christian Endeavor societies,
at an informal, banquet to be given. In
,the auditorium of the T. M. C. A. on
Tuesday evening, February 25. Already
, several Endeavor societies have notified
the committee 'that they will see that
.their pastor and wife are present at
the banquet, the necessary finance be
)lng provided for by the Society treas-
ury.' The Endeavorers seem to be very
enthusiastic about having Ahe chance
" to entertala their pastor, and It Is ei
'pected that there will be a large attend
lance. The purpose of the gathering is
to bring the pastors and city union ef-
. Wnb White -Temple, 'Rev. Welter . BnweU
T!inoo and F. A. Agar. Bible echool, 10:00.
ev-rrln It and T:20. Topics: "God and Hit
.ndlMtlck," .'.waeo Three sod One Does Not
irte Four."."' ;. , v . . .
. Kut 8id Iter. W. O. Sbank, ptor. Serv-
'", Ji n t:w: Huneiy eeboei. 10; B.. I,
P. V., 6:15. Toplm: "SeeklDf l Ixwt LoTer,"
M'B tad the Kiiigdoak," by Or. 8. 2. Batten.
Wrr ft I. K. Munrae. 11 and T.:Sfl:
A 8. 10; B. T." P. v. 6:30. Bv. Edker
,Hurtr ot Aberdeen, .Wttfa., will pretck both
- Arleu BeVi DunetB, B. Mnrmtl. fimiay
rb.l, 10; B X, P. V., t:lt. Services 11
oi t-m- ' .. . .
HiihliiTKl Re. Elliott B. T, P. U,
Hundty (K-bool. :45; Hrrlcet 11 tod
. !. Topict: 'toyilty rtlllnf Uadiw Fire,"
.."KedempiVia tht Work ef tbt Trlnliy."
fnlTemllyTtrk Ret.. A. 0, Sexton, pettor.
Imnunuel 8. 8 10 1 pretehlnc tt 11 by R.
V. Floa. . Btrry W. Stone will prftcs it 11
l, m.
Huunrtlde 0fmial 8. 8.. 1:43.
. , .. . . . . .
Bt. Jobnt Germtn)--Rev, Krl Tf ldnetb.. 8.
8,, HMfit end T:80,- Y.-P. V, T.' f
St. John Chirlef j. ; Wtehlthe, ptttor. Berv
lees It sn t:; 8. B.. lo . a. . "
(Jrtee MnBttvlll4 Hv. H. T. Cth. -11 and
r:;M: y. p.. 6;30: JS. fiji.a.
cblnM M1mIub-b. 8.7 Ii 4. U. Mtione, ta
leiliiteudent. , ..
Kirtt Oermtn Ret, i Kntt. U tod T:30;
8. H., 11:45. .. ,
Scun4 Germtc B. rrederlei Riierraitn. 11
and a. .. :45i TT. P. U., 6:.
Ktt rortjf.flfth Stret-ReT. A, B. Walft. 8.
).. !:: pretehtng, If and t: .si.t n. y.
K K.,.t;.10.-3Vpret! "It Kot adfantage Wlp."
'J'h Vote, of the ftrm of od,M T
l.irtev. I, U. Kelson j 8, 8., k 11 tod
.!:! a. Y, P. V., A
l;mnt OhTet Rev. W." A. Mifott, wtor.
1 aternaclejuv'. Robert Urtf, ptHnr. ger. 11 tnd T:aOj 8. 8., 10; . p., 8:30.
Tortet: "Coming to Cbrttt," "aitta-t Btnquet."
1liir(l-t, W. J.-Hin-, u and T:W; B.
,' L' 'i301 8- " S:45 . f'w
errke Thortdiir. at. '-"holes: "Tbuirt
J htt Hlnd-r and Help? tawltUse Wring." "JZ
in In Ho4'ttjr" (Miutrated). '
; H.llh Rev, trcderlck tladea, 10:45 and
T:ia.v8. K. 12; B. X. P. 17;, 0:3 , "
. .. . ... Pretbjrteriss,
Flmt Prebrterlts rburehwRev, '"iona" Boyd
t .lrry-EU.nili - tod CUT ttreett." Rev.
Ttmiii Holme Wtlkee. 10:30 nd 7:45: Blbk
hw.l sooni C. C4 :4, 'Topic: "West Heell
w io whs the Cbiidresf "Withiuttoaand
KnllirorU Rev. Kirk Rlehardana
t 'Mi.. 41 nd T;30s Jlle Mol, ft -At , n :
.-u.,,,." .-the Ufa of certot.T7,;..r"
ii uu v. hi., a. o..' i .
s ;.a tu f a t .rrwul Hat "fait i laiaJe
l our i i h IVjwld UnrkoMta, io:80 sad
i I. 12; , t., i;3i, ,
I "!. -He. Ilenrt ... IT.Hjtl tad j
'i - tiff, a, t, lliiiRme, nitt'fatr. '
,: tifM-i- Rer. UU i, fipire,
v : Walls ofn
other - and to discuss some situations
pertaining to the- proper advancement
of the work of the Endeavorers. of the
city. Several speakers ' will be on the
program Includlug both pastors and lay
men. ; v : - :;--s'i' , .
. A half a dozen -or more youns; people.
members of. the ' Westminster Presby
terian society of d. E.. are' expecting to
make the trip to the Los Ana-eles Inter
national C E., convention next July.
They expect to go with an Oregon party
consisting of some 350 people, ., .
"': ' VV
"Misa Emma Boyd, city missionary
chairman for the Christian Endeavor
union, after six weeks in quarantine, is
now out again and busy with her work.
Miss Boyd Is one of the most active
anaeavorers m the city work,
Annual Carnival
Extensive Alan am now tminr mnA
by the Amlcitlan club of the Pilgrim
Congregational church for the success
ful managing of the annual carnival, to
be held in the new building, to be eject
ed at the rear of the church. This car
nival will be held, June 23 to 28. Al
though this date Is several months
away, the young people of the church
have already been at work on the com
Ing affair for over a month. . c-
' The carnival will feature music, two
complete playlets,, drills, sketches and,
others wjtb the various side show at
tractions. Those in charge of the af
fair promise that two street parade
will be given. ; ''"
, Clarence H. Sprague is general man
ager of the carnival, others who are
working on the arrangements are Otto
Voelker, Flora Patterson, Fred White
hair. William Tiwoli PAHnn r v
Thompson, Walter Whltehair, Lawrence
junes, wauej weison, James Christen-
Sen. Hortanss Pichra.u. Cittn Tjih
Marldn Barton. Edith - Maison, Julia
Hedlund. Winifred WUiiams, George
Cota and Harry Montag.
1 "The 11 ;M9$i
" "The Clim.bers," a, wideawake; young
men's , club of the Sunnyslde Congrega
tional church, will have charge of an
Unt'sually interesting service tomorrow
night. Four of the club members will
act as the speakers ! of the occasion,
taking, for their general theme the
lives of Washington and Lincoln. Eu
gene P. Steinmets will sing "The Red,
White and Blue," the chorus to be taken
up by the Climbers as a whole. Other
musical numbers will be an anthem by
the large choir and "The Star Spangled
Banner," sung by Miss Harrietts Leach
with chorus by the congregation. Fol
lowing are the topics and . speakers of
the evening: "Life Sketch of Wesh
ington," Wfllard Rouse; "Washington,
the Controller of Destiny," Lloyd E.
Tilbury; "Lincoln, a' Man, a Principle,
a Nation," Lloyd Carrtck; "Two Men
and aNatlon," Raymond WV Singletary.
tor. 11 tnd nSO; S. 8.. 10 a.
... s.80 p. av ... ..-. ...
Mount Tabor Rev. Wllllum O. Moore, ptttor.
8. S , 10 . m. Services 11 and 7;ij O. B., 1
P- ?
Btwtbnrne Park Pr. E. Neleon Allen, at
10:80, 7:80; 8. 8., 18; T. P. 8. O. ., B:30.
Piedmont Kev. J. E. Snyder. 10:SO and T.90;
C. E., 6:30 p. m.; B. 8. noon. "It the World
Crowing Better!-' "In HI Stent."
Unity H, C. Marshall, mlnltter. 8. 8., 10.
prearhlug ll a. m. tod 7:B0 p. m.
Spokane Arenoe-Rev. Robert Dlen. It and
T:30; 8. ST 10: C. E., 6:30.
Hope, Modtavllla Ret. 8. W. Seemtn. 8. S.
10: aervtce 11 and 7:30.
-' wetmlnlter Rev. Henry Mareotte, 10:80
and 7:i5; B., VI',. Y. P. 8. V. ST., 8:80.
Ulllard Avenue Bnv. LeTl Jobnton. Her rice
11 and 7:30; 8. 8., 10.
Vernon H. N. Mount, D. D paitor. Serv
ices 10:30 and 8; 8. 8., 12 noon; Y. P. 8.
C. E 7 '
'Rose City Park Serrlre 11 and 7:40; Bar.
Bondlnot Seely.
thlpeae 145V, Pint. 7:48; 8. 8., 6:45.
Arbor Lodge Rev. John A., Townatnd, 11
nd 7:45; 8.. 8.. 10.
Trinity Rev. K. Benion, pantor. gervlce
11 and 7:30; 8. 8.-. 10; Y. P. 8. C. E., 9:30.
; Beformed Frank D. Prater. Preacblnf, 11
ind 7:30; 8. 8., 10. , . ,
First Eplifpal Ret. Benjamin Tounf. 9:30,
ntomlus class me line; serrleea, 10:30 and
7:30. Topic; "Keeping tb Fsltb." by Prof.
Norman F, lloleman of Reed rollsgo'. "Tomor
row .via Yesterday," by. Or, John U. Cud-
UpB.-" ,.......,,
Trinity Bev. Charlt T. McPheraon, 11 and
7:80; E. L.. 6:40; 8. 8., 10. A. W. MrDou-'
II will preach at 11 a.
Evening tofle:
1 Swedish Bortbwlck tnd Beteh, Rev. J. N.
BbrdeN. paator. 11 and 8: 8. 8.. 10; E. U. 7.
Epworth Rev. Frank James. Rally Pay exer
cises. 11 a. m.; 8. 8.. 8:45; K. L., 6:30.
First KorwgU Danish Rev. Kllaa Gjeril.
lug, paator. II and 7:46; Y. P. M., Tuesdsy
erening. Both murnlugr and evening topics by
J. Olsen. district superintendent. . ..
Bt. Johns Rev, J. J.' Patten. ' Services 11
nd 7:80; 8. 8., 10: R. U, 6:80.
Hunnyslde Rev." William H., Fry, D. D, n
and 7:45. ToplesT v"Tbe Perllof Unsanetlfled
Power," "Tlie -Church. - Members Siihdty Aft
ernoon Calls," . , .-. , ' .
Centenary Rev. ' Delmar H. Trimble. . D. 6.,
pastor. 8. 8.0:45; B.. L..- 6:90; serrlre U
and 7:43. T'Oilcs: "tiod's ' Uuldanee of the
Individual," "The Difference Hetweea Roman
Catholicism and Protestantism."
Central-Rev. C. C. Ksrlrk. 11 and 7:80; 8.
8., 9:45; K. L., Qui: : Topics; "The Pheoome
aa of Life," "The Creation."
Japaneas Mission Rev. Ellaea Rlbart, 9:80
and 8:8o; 8. 8., 8:80. .
; tiermao F. A. Sdiiimann. 8. 8., 8:45; ssrv
Ices, 11 and 8; Epworth Leagne 7:15.
Laurelwood Rev C. T. Oook. paator. Rervlees
It tnd 730. Ionics: "Worship in Spirit and
la Truts," "K Room for Christ."
Chines Mission Chin Sing Kal. 11 and 7:35.
I MV! lsnlab Rev. C, J. Lenen. It and
7i45; 8. 8., :45 a, m.
M Woodliwo Kev. IxJuU Thoma' 'patter, 8.
B., 10; preaching 11 aud 7:80. Topic; ,4Cb
eeafortabl Otiartert." :,
t ::M.'.".IM.' ,. sUf-W.4sWesipM, 8trstee
PMIwowt-f-Rev. James p. Hawkins. 11 and
7i30; 1, KiU. 2:30: E, K, e:.W. ' "
I nlversHy Psrk He. W, J. Dotigja, ILand
Affkan" Klon Rev. '. Uattbews, U and 8;
8. H-. 1 : F. 7. '
ClUiluu Kell Meuwrlal---Rv. C. 0. McCuW
m.; X P. 8. C.
for the roof. ? ' ','
Church Notes
. The Luther league of St. James' Eng
lish Lu there n church met in the base
ment of the church last Tuesday even
ing and held the usual business, em)
social meeting. Arrangements" were
made for a fellowship luncheon on next
Sunday evening, February 23. After
the business meeting games were en
joyed and refreshments were served by
the committee in chaTge. ;'
The revival meetings at the Taber
nacle Baptist churcsh, which have been
going on for some time, have been very
successful. - A great number of new
members have been converted. Tomor
row will be known as ''decision day," in
the Sunday school, and at 8 o'clock in
the afternoon the pastors will give a
talk to children. .The topic for tomor
row night's sermon will be "Satan's
Banquet." . .
. . .... ;. s '. . (;.
The Ladies' Aid society of the Hllls
boro Congregational church managed
an "entertainment given by the Schu
bert quartet In that city last Wednes
day night Proceeds mre to be used to
Start a fund for a gymnasium to be
built on the lot adjoining the church.
One man in the town has promised to
give 1800' if such a building la built.
. ' r . . -
Under the auspices ' of the Men's
Brotherhood, of the A,tkinson Memorial
Congregational church, a recitation of
old English, Irish and Scotch songs will
be given jrriaay night, February 28, by
Miss Margery Maxwell and Rev. Frank
W. Gorman, pastor of the church. Miss
Maxwell is a pupil of Mrs. Elsie Bond
Blschoff and is quite well known. Pro
ceeds from this recital will go into a
fund to. help with the church work.
A moat eniovfthl time venn nnt n
the Cluhrooms of the ThlrA Preahvtor.
Ian church by the "We Boys" class
ot me enufen, last Moaaay night when
the first "get-to-gether" of the boys
and their guests, was held. About 40
young men enjoyed themselves during
"junga uaugnters oiasa. snort talks
were made bv Dr; A. I. Hntohinann
E. C. Herlow and Wllsorr Benefiel.
Six new members were added to tho
membership of the East Bide Baptist
church, as a result of the evangelistic
services "held there last Sunday night
by Rev. W. O. Shank, the pastor. Since
he took charge of the pastorate of the
church, two months ago, the membr
shlp has been increased by 85. There
are now over 200 members In the Sun
day school.
The Brotherhood of St. James' Eng
lish Lutheran church met in the base
ment of the church last Wednesday
night and enjoyed a feast! of good
things. About 60 nf the men were
present. County Clerk W. S. T. Uerr of
Vancouver gave the address of the even
ing on the subject, "Making Church
Worktrs Out of Raw Material" The
loch. S. B., 9:45; preaching 11 and 7:80; data
meeting, ii noon; junior leagne, b; b. B.. 10:30.
Topic: "A Divine Imperative" "A Weeping
Patton Rev. George Hopkins, paator. Preach
ing U and 7:80; S. 8., 10 a. m.; E. a.. 6:80.
Topics: "Sonl Valuea," "Drifting."
Carson Heights Rev. H. T. tireene. 8, 8 10;
sermon, 11.
Bethel Rev. J', L. Craw, pastor. Service,
11 and 7:46; S. 8.. 1:15; C. E., 7.
Lents Rev. W. Boyd Moore, 11 and ti 8.
S., 10; E. L., 7.
Mount' Tabor Rev. C. U Hamilton, 11, 7:80;
8. 8., :43 a. m.; K. L.. 6:30. Topics: "The
Twentieth Century Christian." J
Woodntuck 1. W. Modre, paator. IT and 7:80:
8. 8., 10; K. U, 60.
Linoolii Street If. E. L. 0. Parker, pastor.
11 and 8; K. 8., 10:80.
Oak GroveRev.' Jame T. Moore, 11 and
8; 8. 8., 10.
Westmoreland Rev. H. T. Greene. 8. 8., 8;
Sermon, 7:30.
Wealeyan Rev. G. C. Wicker, 11 and 8;
8. S., 10; Y. P. jM 7.
FlratOerman . F. Cramer, paator, 11 a
m.; 10 t. ui.; 8.18., B. I... 8.
H, Z. Ohuroh South,
fuloa ATenue Msthodlat J. Hardr Bennett,
rater. Preaching 11 a. to. and 7:80 p. m.;
. H., 10 a. m.; E. U, 6:90 p. m; Topica:
"The Parable of Sowar," "A Ltv Man."
First Rev. Luthtr R. Pyott. D. D., 11 a.
m. and 7:46 p. m. Topics: "Independence of
Character " "Young Life."
University rark Rsv. W. 0. Kantnee, D. D.,
paator. 8. 8., 10 a. m.; Y. P. g. c. E., 7;
service 11 and 7:80.
Suunyalde Kev. J. J. Statib. 11 and 7:80;
8. 8., 10; C. K., 6:15. Morning sermon bv H.
L. Sheldon. Patriotic Mrrice by the Climbers.
Haasalo Street J. M. Lowden, paitor. Serv
Icea 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. ; 8. 8., lo;. Y. P.
S. C. E., 0:15. Topics: "Continuity f Divine
Purpose." "Grsclou 8orpries."
Mount Eton Rev. D. . Gray. 8. 8.. 10;
servlcet 11 and 7:30. , , , '
Flrat German Rsf., John H. Hopp. 10:30
and 7:80; 8. 8., 0:16; 0. E.. 6:30.
Laurelwood Kev. William H. Meyer. 8. 8..
10 nnd 8; C. E., 7:16.
Waverly Heights Rev. A. W. Bond, pastor.
Worthy 11 and 7:30; 8. 8., 10..
St. Johna Rev. G. W. Nelson, It and 8;
S. 8., 10.
Pilgrim Rev. D. V. Poling, paator. Preach
ing at 11 and 7:80; 8. 8., 9:46; C. E., 6:30.
Topica: "An AUAbSorblng Taak," ,lWhoa
Who!" ... ,
Highland-Rev. E. 8, 'Bollinger. Servlcet
11 and T:80; 8. 8.. 10. Topics; "Making De
mons Move," "The (urpjwand- the- Boy."
Atkinson Memorial RevV. W. Oorman. pas
tor. Bervlees, 11 . to, aSu 7:45; 8. 8., 9:46.
Topica: "Why I Bellsv in Mlaahwa," "Th
Blasting , of Friends."
. Chrittlaa.
Flxat, Park and Columbia street W. F. Re.
8 or, paator. Service at It and 7:45; 8. fl.
:46; C. E 8:80 p. m. Topic: "TbeirHrt;
tlona of the Goapl," "The CarlaUan Endeavor
. Central Kev. ' 8tmnl R. Hawkins
8. 8., 10; C, .; 6:80, Service 11 and t:A
- - " " W
""-SJ 11 ': P- "-f 8. S.,r10;
- Kern Park Kev. Herbert Jones, ; ptttor,
Bervloet st 11 and 7:80 p. ni. 1 -7...T -,
Monttvlllt CrUtltn Tsbernacle Res. Q, K
Berry, paator.. Service st 11 and 7:3Q..n, at.:
8. B 10 a. m.; V. t., 6:30 p. m. '
,tiladiUrte-llvv Eoj L Dwui, nutur. rr
brotherhood quartet sang several num
bers with pleasing effect, and the vio
linists, Bretlng and Blankholm, gave a
number of violin selections and were
repeatedly encored. One of the features
of the evening was the singing of the
brotherhood song and the use of the
rorder of the service arranged for the
occasion. Mr. Robert Bullock was pres
ent and gave a reading of several origi
nal, poems. The usual brotherhood
luncheon was served. .
Ladies' Program-
"Ladies Program" Will be given to
night in the. Immanuel Lutheran
church, Nineteenth and Irving streets.
The young people of the church will
have charge of the affairs and the pro
ceeds will be used to help with the
church work. Among those who are to
have a part in the entertainment are
Mrs. Fred L. Olson, poprano singer;
Miss Jessie Lewis, y pianist; Modesta
Mortensent violinist- and Mrs. Herbert
Garr Reed, reader. Following the pro
gram refreshments will be served In
the church basement
z ? US' - :
a -ii;;
Rev. C. A. Phlpps.
The Portland Graded Sunday School
union will entertain the superintendents
of all the Sunday schools of the city
next Monday night In the First Con
gregational church. Park and Madison
streets. Rev. C. A. Phlpps, 'head of
tho union, an interested worker, will
deliver an adflreon. A program con-
BiBung oi music ana addresses will be
rHen pnnrf rnlflir fhn nm-ir -
. . . . w n w,k.
less at 11 and T-tn n n. a in.
0. at 8 p. m.i C. B.. 6:30 p. m.
Woodlawn Rev. Edward Wright, pastor.
?.?Tl,Vt 11 2dJ:3 -S - W; Chrl
tlan Endeavor, 6:80. ,
Bt. John Rev. J. R. Johnson, paator. Serr
lcea at It and 7:80: 8. 8., 10; a E.. 7:80.
hellwood, corner Nineteenth and Nehalm-1
Rev. J. A. Melton, paator. Services at 11 and
7:30 p. m.; 8. S., 10; a E., 6:30.
. . Epitoopal.
Trinity church IUv. Dr. A. A. Morrison, rec
tor. Service 8 and 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.
S. 8., 0:45 a. m.
Pro-Cathedral of St. Stephen th Martyr
Rev. H. M. Hamsay. Service 11 and 7:80
Sunday school, 1(1.
Church of Our Savior Woodstock Rev. E H
Clark. Services 8 and 11. ' ,
St. Mutthew'a Mission Rev. M. A. Breck in
charge. Services at 11 and 7:48; S. 8., 10.
o St. David's Rev. Henry Rnnsel Tltott, 7:30
celebration of the Holy Encharlat; 9:45, 8. 8.;
morning prayer, 11; evening prayer, , - -
St. Andrewa, Portsmoutii Archdeacon Cham
berj In charge; 11, prayer and sermon, 7:30;
8. 8.. 10 a. m.
All Saints' Rev. Roy Edgar Rsmlngtoa, mo
tor. Strvteea, il ud 8; 8. 0:45. Common
ion first Sunday lu each month.
St. Mark's Rev. J. E. H. Simpson, rector.
Holy kucbarlst, 7:30 a. m.; S. 8., 9:45 a. m.i
morntug prayer, 11 a. m.; ertnaong, 7:80 p, n.
Grace Memorial Rev. George B Vaa- Wa
ters tnd Rev. Oswsld W. Taylor, Holy Com-
and"1?")8 ' m ' ' 8" 10 ' ' 8e,,,ce, 11
St. ohn ChurchRev. T. F. Bosres, 8. 8.
2; evening prayer and ermon, 8. , ,
7-S? S eg"I'fc10,'1""RT-,,',oho Dawtoiy 11 and
Blihop Morris Memorial . Chapei, flood Sa
maritan bospltaj Rev. William It, PowelL
chaplain. Holy Communion. 7 a. m. Ward
tervlcea, 8. Prayer and sermon, 7:15. '
AsensIon Chapel PorUand Heights, , 8. 8.
St. John-!, Mllwankle Rev. T. F. Bo wen.
8. 8., 2; evening prayer and eernjotr, 3; sery-
lOCs), 4).
St. Paul's, Woodmere Rev, Oswald W. Tar
tar. B. 8.. 3; aervice. 4, r
Bt. Michael' and All Ana-els' Rer. T. F.
BoweO In chsrgo. U and 7:80; 8. 8., 10.
- St. John'a tlhurch, Sellwood Rev. William R.
Powell In charge. Service at 11 o'clock Sun
day morning.
Patton, Michigan and Alberta George F.
Hopkins pastor. 8. B., 10: sermon, fl, by
rao p m ' K u' fl io p m; ,"rmo"'
-''---- luthsfaa, ? -v-
Swedish Immanuel tter. J. Richard Olson.
11 snd M: 8. 8.. 9:45. - , . .
. 8t. Paul a German-A. 8. K raust, -' ptttor.
5t'ce 10:30 and T:80 (German and English )
8. S., 9:30; ouug People' meeUog at 8 i.
01. smes angnsn -Kev, J. A. Lett, pastor.
teas? .?i.?D M'h . ..v p. :
tion In Prayer." " r
- 8,Aul' r-ntheran A. Krttm, pastoi1. g.
8., 9:90; servlcss 10:30 and 7:80.. '
Eloa Germn (Missouri Synod) H. H. Xon
ptlmann, 10:15. 7:45; 8. 6., 9:15. . T.
MU."i?d,.?rJr"Ll,nrIl?t,,lw Ptor.'1 ,8odf im-
Ellm Chapel itov. B, 1. Thoreon. 11; g. S
I'niminiiel German (Sellwood) H. C, Ebellna
10.;:0; S. ., ;30. '
Orsct ugllsk (Ulesourl fijnod) Kerby aud
v jrm t
Probably within, less - than r eight
months the residents of Zrvlngton will
be able to boast of having; one of the
finest churches In the city, located In
that district, for ly that" time the hew
. Westminster Presbyterian church, at
East Seventeenth and Schuyler streets
is expected to be finished and occupied.
Work On the structure Is now about half
completed. . - .-i-vi v-.v,..
' Plane for this new church were made
kbout a year ago, but work on the build
ing did not begin until several months
later. While the work has been going
on steadily, rapid progress could not
be made, as the members of the church
wished to have money on hand to pay
for the material and labor as the edi
fice rose Into the air.;.. The building Is
being.put.ajp-, lnupits,' each unit cost
being paid, upon completion, 1 '
The architeotjjre is, of the old English
type and" when finished the church
rank highly among Portland's handsome
buildings. ; The cost of the entire struc
ture will be close to aii of
the most modern church fixtures will
be found In the new building. f
Social rooms and exercise rooms for
the young peopli of the church and com
munity are also to be featured in the
structure. ; The main auditorium will
Beat over, 1000 people, v
The walls of the edifice are now up
their entire distance, and work will be
started soon upon roofing the structure
und, putting the interior. Rev. Henry
Aiarcotte is pastor or tne present West
minster church. v -
Church Differences
The question service last Sunday
night in Centenary church revealed the
fact that many people are interested In
the differences in belief In Christendom.
At that time I. Trimble stated that
he would not answer the questions re
lated to controversial points, owing to
the difficulty of such problems and the
lack of time, but that on account of
such general Interest, he deemed It h'ls
duty to begin a series of sermons on
"The Disagreements and Agreements in
Christendom," Sunday evening. He will
preach four sermons on the disagree
ments as follows: ' ? r
February is "The jMfferences Be
tween Roman Catholicism and Protest
antism." February 23 "The Sabbath Satur
day or Sunday 7' (Seventh Day Advent
lsts.) March 2 "Baptism Immersion or
Liberty r
March -christian science A Faith
or a Fake?"
Dr. Trimble says that he takes Prot
estantism versus Catholicism first be
cause this sixteenth! century movement
marked the beginning of the division of
the Christian world, and is basal to all
pur present varieties of belief. These
will be followed by a series on the
"Agreement . in j Christendom." , -The
morning sermon tomorrow will be on
"God's Guidance of the Individual."
Scandinavian Meetings
A series of special meetings for the
Scandinavianpeople of Portland will
begin tomorrow and will oontlnue for
two weeks In the First Norwegian Dan
ish M. E. church. Eighteenth and Hoyt
streets. The pastor will be assisted by
District Superintendent Rev Joseph Ol
sefl, of Seattle, Wash.,' and Rev. J.
Brungedahl, of Astoria, Or. All of the
Scandinavian people living In this city
are urged to attend these services.
The men of the Kenilworth Presby
terian church will serve a Washington
Dirthday chicken dinner next Friday
night in the basement of the church.
Joseph Tanler Is chairman of the com
mittee which has charge of the affair.
Fargo. Rsv. Carl Hassold. 10:80 amA T:S0! g.
8., 8:80. . .
Swedlab Angnstana-Rev. B. B. Stadttedt.
10:46 and 7:46; S. 8., 9:30.
St. John' German (Evangelical Synod) Grays
Crossing E. O. Heat. 10 a. m.; prsscklng 11
a. m. and 7:80.
Lenta 0. J. Camming!, ptttor. Services: B,
8., 10 1. m. ; preaching, 11 tnd 1:80 p. m.
St. Johns 8. 8., 10; preteblng, 11,
Alblna (German) J. H. Dtrkaon, pastor. O.
F. Rnsch, local elder. Services : 8. 8., JO t. m.s
preaching, 11 a. m. ' f
xtemaa Catholie. '
Holy Redeemer Rev. Ed. K. GantwelL C.
SS. R. I)w mate, 8; high mass and sermon,
10:80; benediction, 4.
8t. Ignatius Rev. F. Dillon, S. J. Low mass,
8 snd 9:30; mssa, sermon and benediction,
10:30. , .
St. Joseph's (German) Rt. Rev. Jame Ranw,
V. G. Low mass, 8; high msss and sermon,
10:3t; vespers and benediction, 8;3
St. Mary's - Pro-Csthedral Most - Rv. A.
Chriirle, D. D. Ixvr mass, 6, s. tnd 9; high
msss and sermon, 11; vesper. Instruction tnd
benediction, 7:46.
St. Francis Rev. J. H. Black. Low mate,
6, 8 tnd 9; high mtaa and sermon, 10:30; rea
pers, instruction and benediction, 7:80.
8t. Lawrence's Rev. t, C. Hughe.- Low
mass, 6, 8 - and 9: high matt and. tefmon,
10:80; reapers and benediction, 7:80.
St. Patrick's Rev. E. P. Murphy Low ma,
8; high mas and sermon,. 10:30; . vesper snd
benediction, 8:80. -
Immaculate Heart of MaryRev. W. A.
Daly. Lew ma, 6, 8 and 8. High mass and
ermen, 10:80; vespers and benediction, 7:30.
Ascension, Montavllla Rev. 1. P. Fltipatrlck.
Mats at 8; high mast with sermon, 10:30; Sun
day school at 9; benediction at 8:80.
Holy Rosary Very . Rev. H. H. Kelly. Low
mass, e, 7 8 and 9: high mas and aermon,
11: vesper and beaedletlon, 7:80f
St. Stephen Rev. W. A, Waltt. Low mass,
8:80; high mas and sermon, 10:30.
Sacred Heart. Mtlwtukie Rev. George Ro
ble. 0. 8. B. V Iow mast, 8; Wgh mam lng
sermon, 10:30; Vesper and benediction, 7:30.
Holy .dross, University Park Rev.-. J. p.
Tbillman, 0. 8. C. Low matt, 8:80; high mate
and sermon, 10:80; vesper .and benediction, 1.
St Andrew's Rev. Tboma Klarnan. Lew
Bias, ; high mass and sermon, 10; vespers.
Instruction and benediction, 7:30. ,
Bt. Btanttlans (Pollth) Rev. FL MatuasewC
akl. Low ma, I; high- mast tnd sermeo.
10:80. : : -x '
TJuittd ViMbyteriaa,
Flrtt Frank D Witt Flndley, 10:80 tnd
7:SO; 8. 8., 9:46; C. E.. 6:80 p. ra. Topics;
"When the War I On,",- "Maar Greatest In
quiry." '.- - v, o . - 1 , ,
Third- W.' A. gpsldlng, 11:00, 7:80; 8. 8.
10. Topics iV'Tbe-liSW of Christian safety."
"The Profit and Lot ef Soul Belling.'' , " :
Th Church of the Strangers Rev. 8. Karl
Dubois,- lo:0 and 7 :80i Topics: "How a
Rntlnest Maa Helatd an Opportunity.!' "It
There Another Chtaes ' After Detthl". . .
Kenton J, S. Colt, 8, 8n . 10:80: preaching
11 tnd 7:80. . ' : .
''"'"' -'Vaitsriaa. '.. ,
1. Church of One, Father Rsv. T, 1.
D.( paator, minister emeritus, Rev, V, J, Eliot
Reed college will conduct the aiornlns an.
lees, ... ... , j . ? ... ,.; i ' -.''f-- ,-.
.-S.-rV'v -'r United Brtthien. K'ii '. c
First Rev. ' Chsrlet L. Wlllltma, pattrtr,
Pervlre It and 7:JKi; 8, H,r ll): C," B :.),
Topic: "Christ and tb Sabbath, A- 8trslllled.,
,8ecuud AiUerta, Osr. J. ,W. firscber, pastor;
1 ' J
- - fc -- -
Millie Brouilette"Whltt6n. V
Millie Brouilette f WhUten of 'New
berg, Or., who .is Rapidly making a
name for herself with Her lectures and
renditions -of dramatic and humorous
readings, will speak to the members, of
the Epworth league of the ' Central
Methodist church tomorrow night.- in
their regular meeting. Monday night
she will lecture In the Central M. E.
church, Vancouver avenue and Fargo
street. Her subject will be "Nothing
Succeeds Like Success." She will de
liver an address to the members of the
Anabel Women's Neighborhood club, and
on Friday night she will be heard in a
dramatic and humorous recital In the
Montavuia M. E. church,
A series of Lenten conferences with
men will be begun tomorrow afternoon
by Bishop Scadding, on subjects which
will probably be of practical and vital
interest to men. The conferences will
be held in the Perclval Memorial library
at Spring and Nineteenth streets. Fort
land Heights, from. 8 until . 4 o'clock.
While a leader will be appointed - to
lead each subject It Is expected that all
present will take part in the discus
sion. All men Interested are invited
to attend.
" The subjects, dates and the leaders
are as follows:
February ,16 "My Relation to My
God;" a; C. Newill, St.' Stephen's. '
February 28 "My Relation to My
Church," George C. Nicholson, St
March 2 "My Relation to My Em
ployer or Emploe," Hamilton John
stone, . Trinity. -
March 8 "My Relation to My Home,"
C. N. Stockwell, St. David's.
March 16-HMy Relation to' My Com
panion," R. 'J. Brock. St. Stephen's.
The play, "Ye Destreecht Schule." will
be given in the Kenilworth Presbyterian
church Friday night, February 22, by
the members: at . thauebjireb, ao4 -.others
Of the community.
Service 11 and 7:80; 8. 8., 1 p. m.; C. E
Mount Tabor Rev. C. P. BlanchsM. naator.
Beevlce 11 and 7:80; 0. 8., 10; 0. 8., 6:80
p. m.
Fourth Rev. J. B. Conner, pantor. Servlcet
u tnd 7:30 p. m.; 8. S. 10; C. E 6:80 P. m.
HUV Wonriamrth Mamnvlal VnM Q.k
Rev. B. O, Suroerlan, psator.- Servioea. li
and 8 p. a.; S. 8, 10; xP. 8. C. E., 7..
Radical Rev. T. . CoekliBrpttor. Bervlcet
i uu 1; o. o., 10:00; u. ., e:ov p. m.
TJnltsd lvangslliml. '
Flrtt Rev. C. O. Poling. Services 11 . m.,
o. o. j . m. vapic. "Burtenng ana. Glory,'
Rv.. h L. Pratt will nrearb at 7:80.
Ockley Green Uev, 3, Bowersoz, 11 and 7:80;
a. n,, ju; a. 1,. u. e:so.
St. John William Stephen Plowman. Preach
ing 11 tnd 8; 8. S 10; K. L. 0. B.. 7.
Friend' Churofa.
Sunnyttde Esat Thirty-fifth tnd Mtln'ttreets,
Homer Cox. Ptttor. Services 11 and 7:.-!Oi $1
S., 8:46; .CI., 8:80; prayer meeUug, Thurt-
uay, 1 ,ou p. m,
Unts South Main street, Myra B, ' Smith.
Preaching, 11 a. m., 8 p. m.; Bible tohool,
West Piedmont Friondt Rev, T, J. Coburn.
Preaching 11 a. m. and 7.'vJ p. m.; Bible
sebeol, 10 a, m.; '8. 8., 10; C. E., 6:15.
Advent Chester V, L. Smith. Preteblng,
10:80 tnd 7:80; Sunday scliouL 12; P. S. L.,
6:80. , - - . .( -.,
IvaagtUeal Aisocistloni.
Carton " Height J. Storker, ptstor. ll:fjo
and 7; 8. 8, Kl:80. - . v
First German Evangelical H. Bchuknciht,
ptttor. ' - '
Memorial Calvin 8. Bergttretsef. ptstor. 8.
8., lo; 11 tnd 8. Y..P-. A.. 7.
Flrat English Esst Blith and Market streets.
F. b. Culver, 11 and 7:30 p. m'.; B. 8., 10; Y.
Pr -Ay iS, - -,
Bafemed. -
Flrtt German G., Hefner, pastor. '. Bervlcet
10:46 a. m. and 8 p. m.; 8. 8., 9:30 a. m.: Y.
P. S., 7 p. m. -
Second A. E. Wy. Columbia bird, and 83d
t 11 and 8. 8. 8. 10 s. m. y
v'-' Unlvsrsallst. ': .
: Church of the Good Tidings Rev, J. D. Cor
by. Service at 10:46 a. m.; sunshine' hour
Sunday school, 12; Y. P. 6:80. Topica: "The
Heart ef Christ the Esawple tor Real Chris
tian," ."Abrthtm, Uncoln." ,v .1.- . . ;
,,. ' .'-, . . ChrUtlaa Botsno. - .' ; --, ;
Flrtt Chnrch ot Chritt Services at 11 and
8; 8. 8., 11 nntll 12. "Soul."
Second flundty service. 11 .m. aud I p. m.)
8. 8,, 11 s. m. Tnplet "Soul." , .
Third Ellen Recital ball, 11, a. m. Topic,
"Soul." - '- j! .' ; ,-
Fourth 246 KUHnwwortb: avfj-: B.s "ll;
aervlrrt 1 a, m. and 8 p. is, Topic ;"Soul."
'"...' -Latttr Day Baintt.
CharrbtOf Jesit Chritt ot Litter Day Saints
(Mormon) 8. 8., 10r preaching, 11:46 tnd 7.
. Montavllla (not Mormon 8. 8.. 0:45, Slt v
iMi iLmiilia.,', -. - -.
"." Sevath' Day AdvtntUt. ; "-'- ' '-.
. Noteraegnlsr.wrvlces ,ot tbit deoomtutlton
sre held on Saturday. . - ' s ,
Central Mlllon H. St. Jobni, pastor. Serv
Iceat Habbsth school, .10 ,t. m,; preaching, 11
nd 7:;.'. . .
Uuuui Tabor Ktv. 0.' , Cummlng,' pastor.
Lenten Conferences J
(SpecUl to The JoutniLl
University of Oregon, Eugene, Or.. :
Feb. .16.Adara was not : the first man -
upon this earth;, neither was , Eve the
first -woman, and the serpent, and the
garden of paradise are nrobably fiaures '
or fiction. , according : to Bishop B, : h. Ln
of the Episcopal church, who addressed
00 university men and women . this
week. Man, was probably not made In
84 hours, as the Bible states, according v
to the bishop, but developed. by, evolu
tion" from the animal during ulx long "
ages of many million years. . , v ;
"The story of Adam and Eve," he de
clared, "Is a story told In very aimple
wording for the children of the race It '
conveys ,the beginning of spiritual hu
inanity. Adam and Eve Were merely
typical 6fT5ther mcrl ami 'women , al
ready existing." '
i ' "aUasoaaMe Bellgioa" Theme. ;
The theme of Bishop 'Paddock' ad
dress was 'Reasonable Religion," under
which he condemned, theological divisions,-;
and declared that the real problem
of immortality lies in its physiological
effect upon reproduction and perpetua- 1
tion At mankind. : .
'"The average man. of the. west today
is craving a reasonable' religion one
based on common horse sense," he said.
we must come down from eccleslast-
leal divisions, at which the average man
rebels; come down from the clouds, and
select that which will sweep the streets.
Religion may supply Ideals, but it must
have enough of the utilitarian to
prompt men who think to live straight.
"It--la not so much' that we. get men
into, heaven, as to getting heaven into .
men. The problem of morality , is, the
problem of making the race better.
"We must' keep our bodies sacred
not to avoid punishment; not to avoid -disgrace,
nor detection, nor pain; we
must keep our blood pure, not nfareiye I
avoid giving pain to whom God glvesH
as our life companion, thus to suffer
for our digressions, but that we may
give to the world children not damned
by our own mistakes.
"Kan's Life Must Be Clean."
"It Is natural for man to want to live
even after he is dead. He can do so
through his children. It is natural for
men to want to do good,- and continue
some good In the world; he does it and
continues it by so living that his child
will not inherit a . tendency toward de
pravity. But his own life must be
clean throughout. It is too late to say,
'When I "get married, I'll brace up, or
'After I become engaged I win be a
better man.'. It we are, to be successful
fathers and mothers we must prepare.
It will not do to reform before the birth
of the child. It is then too late. The
child will be born, not necessarily wltlfv
disease, but with developed passions for'
lower . ideals. The man who .would re
form when the time comes looks upon
marriage pot as a factor of evolution,
but as a means of gratification of, the
animal instincts."" ..
Special Services
Brigadier and Mrs. Robert Dubbin,
who have charge of the Salvation Army
work in Oregon and Washington, are
conducting special services at the head
nuarters of the local corps in this city.
The first service will be held, at 8
o'clock tonight at the headqua'Aere,
Second and Ankcny streets. Services
will be, held at 11 o'clock, tomorrow
morning at the same place, and at J:1S
o'clock In the aftemoon;and at 8 o'clock
at night, at Corps No. 4, 207 Salmon
street. Monday night a united meeting
will be held at the headquarters, Second
and Ankeny streets.
Brigadier art Mrs. Dubbin are old
time Salvationists, having had charge
of the army's WOrk in' various parts of
America. They also have been stationed
in England and Denmark.
Service: Sabbath Khool, 8 p. a.; preaching, 4
p, m. -
.j preaching, 11 a. m, JT
Scandinavian, Arleta Adolph Johnson; res
dence, Arleta. Sabbath tchool, 10 a. ni.;
ihhvuiuii, ti i. m. , nunaay, i.w.
Lents C. J. Cummlnga, paitor. . Servlett;
Sabbath ctKK!; 10 a. a. pretchiog, 11 end -7:80
p, m, ,
Bt. John Stbbtfh cbooI, 10; preaching, 11.
Albion (German) J. H. Dlrkaoe, paetori
0. F. Rutcb, local elder. Service; Sabbath
tchool, 10 t, m., preteblng, 11 a. m.
, fresarent, ... ... . -
Bellwood Cburrh of tb Narnrene Rev. Fill,
more Tanner, pastor. 8. 8., lo a. m.; pretch
Ing 1 1 1. m. tnd 8 p. m.
First Church of the Nazarene Rev. C. How-
ard Davis, paator. 8. 8., 8:45; services 11
tnd 8; ttreet meeting, 7; Y. P., 7:80.
Scandinavian. Church Rev. J. J. Ptttraoa.
paator. Service 11 and"7:30.
Brentwood Church of the Nate rent Rev.
Aaron Weill. 8'. 8., 10; servlcet It and 8; Y.
P. 8., 7; prayer meeting, Wednetdty, 8 p. m.i
Young People'i meeting 7:80.
Flrtt Church, cornet Eat Ninth and Mill '
Rev. W. J. Johnaton, paitor. Bundty eervlcel
11 a.'.rn. snd 7:30 p. at.
Central Church Rev. W. H. Boddy. 8. 8..
10: wwvlere 11 aud 7:30. I, P. M.. 6:80. -
St. Job 11 and 7:80.
Btrvlota for ,lh Daf,
t'nlted , Preabyterlan Iter. 8. Karl Dubois.
10:30 and 8; O. E- 7. - :
Reformed Pretbyterias (Covenantor,
Frank D. Frtter Service U and 7;80; 8. 8. ,
Bahal meeting, 403 Ellert -building, Sunday
afternoon at 8 o'clock.
BnlvStlon Army Corn No. A 2n7 alm.,
ttreet,--. Adjt.- and -Mr. Baldwln is ektrg
Sunday ervlce at 8:15 tnd 8. aw
Salvation Army Corp No. 1. 47 North .IflK
ond atreet. Adjt. and Mr. Whitney la cnarg.. '
Sundsy ervluea at 8:18 and 8.
Church ef the Brethren (Donkards) Rev,'
George A, Carl,, ll and 7:80; 8. 8, 10; C. W.,
6:30.' ,
Swedish Corpe Salvation Army 430 "Bufa- """"'
lde, 11. 4:80 tnd 8. . J
Congregatloa Ahaval Sholem SeVvicea tt 9:30. -tnd
8.- . ., 1- ..., -
. Volunteers of America Mission Hall JOT '
Ankeny ttreet. near fid 8:30 tnd 8:15.
- Portland New Church SoHety XSwedenboN
fun) tleventa and Alder ttreet Services at '
t a. m. Rev, Charles- A, Nunbamn, pastor V
Toplast "Th C of Teniptatloni" "Man'a Beltvs.
tlou to God and the World." V
The Church of God Rev. J. T, NVal, putof',
Servlcet at to (German), 2:30, 6J45; 8. 8. '
1:30; testimony tnd praise meeting at T. .
Lent Church Myra U. Smith. iTetchlng at -11.
and 7:46; S. S.flOf .Cv-.B., 6 :4. . T
Plsgab Mission, Lenta Fall gotpel-Bunday..
11 a.- m. and 2:80 p. tir.- ,
International Bible Students Oddfellows' hall, '
Bible lesson, 1:80; prayer tnd prats servlc at '
2:48. Berean lble study, t'The New Crettioa." -1:30.:;-
-v.-. .?' ,,.-'.v ...-..:.-.
Y. M. C. A. Sixth snd Ttylor. tt. R p.r. .
kiwi eUiluu-dlm:U)rlla-saii(ilns -st .
p. m. "Tb Man and the liuiiv," lis. Rev. Sam
uel Kan BatleA. of llillaiieipbkh. . t .... ;
I. W. C. A.eentb and Taylor. Hetvlce '
at 4:lr p. tn. A mualcal prog ram will be
rendered.- '.- '..'. .-,-.
v Journal Wagt Ada bring results.