THH OREGON PATT TOUSNAL. rO"TL.,?'H. r.ATUTiDAY .u: : i:. u, i! APPEAR 10 nil. II DEED "IIU" C:verd Prominent in Business and Financial Circles, Jn vested- Heavily ; With J. R. . Keep, Under Arrest.-; (Special la Tbt Journal.) ' The Dalles, Or., Feb. 16. The more t;,e opeiatiops of Joseph. R. Keep lire inveoigated -the -larger -his alleged fraudulent operations' appear to grow. He has made deeds to something over a "00 acres of land' in the Waplnltia country, some" 49 miles south ot The Dalles, and upon these lands -has given mortgages -aggregating more than $2a,f 000. " ' His plan of operation appeals to have been to select tracts of land owned by non-res) dents-and- to-liave -fraudulent rif-ed t,o the same executed to him, Hlu next move vaa to have- abstracts of title to each tract made by The Dallea Abstract company, then remove- the page showing the last deed of the -land and Insert a sheet that would shew the land to have been deeded to himself, .giv ing the same dates of execution as that shown Hi the genuine deed, the volume find page of record being; the -same as that on which the correct, deed was re corded. , 1 WHh these doctored abstracts, it is said, he would go to Portland and borrow- -money- 4lFevt4frnv-whomevr.,'he could. If it were not convenient to bor row. money direct, "he would deed the land to 'some fictitious person and have Mm execute a mortgage,, then put the mortgage up . for sale. In tue , hands of some broker. Apparently the transac tlons were regular, and no' one suspect ed anything Wrony until the last few daysy77;-'y77;7:'s'i? 7:"ay'777:y77vv.' Investigation of the numerous charges against Keep are. attracting the at ten don of the grand Jury, and it will be neveral days before . the Inquisitorial body gets through with btm as some and Wisconsin, and it will be some time bpfcre they can arrive here. - j Kev'(rtUt maintains'that hie transac tions have been regular and that lie will bo able to explain evetythjrjg when the proper' time comes. ' If his transaction!! have been irregular It will result In no end of trouble in clearing up of titles, as quite a number of alleged fraudulent deeds and mortgages have, been placed on record, and it Will require actions at law to Quiet title In' many cases.',. ' Investigation here reveals that aevant Portland men prominent In financial and business circles are among those who have been irlctimissed by Keep's land op erations In Wapanitla valley, If the tained. 7, How, seriously they have been "stung" is impossible to ascertain at this time, " since . none seem disposed to say much about it ;;7y7 --77 '. 7 Robert 8. Howard Jr., receiver of the Title Guarantee ifcrTrtist company, has pone to The Dalles to males a personal investigation In the interest of the com pany which It Is understod, Invested a considerable . amount -with Keen nrior t the time it went Into the bands of t.,- receiver. '.-'..' 1 ' J. L. Jlartman, manager of .the Port hind Clearing House assciatloTv is also paid to be carrying on an investigation to get at the facts, in the case, ? but whether In his own Interest or In the interest of clients is not known. Mr. Jlartman Is out of the city today. Captain 'JL.i.Veysey, Lloyds surveyor here, declined today to say to what ex tent he had In ves tod in Mr. Keep's pro positions, which He says seemed .to ap pear all right, but indicated that some action will be taken as soon- as the creditors can get together to decide upon a plan of action.; y 77y7 -.. . , - i "I don't feel Inclined to Hay anything ' at this time, or to pass an opinion." said Captain Veysey, '"because I am hot'fa miliar with the facts, .If Mt. Keep has done anything wrong, he will have to rtatf ' cttA .r vtvlfta. v T . -.iinildratnnfl thnt , tt -vAAiiiir 'Will ' tin ttAWaiA initl hv Ihnitn interested for the purpose of finding out how, we stand. I don't-care to discuss the case st this , time, all I know lias already been given to the public" Mrs. J. H. Tox, Wife of J. H. l"ox,. who caused the arrest of Keep upon in formation from the Sheriff of "Wasco county to the effect that a tract of SCO acres held by the firm of i. H. Pox ft Co.t was mortgaged for 10000 by Mr. Keep, explained her view, however, with out hesitancy.' . nany persons have been 'stung through Keep's operations, said MrsJFox. " bought ! acres In the WaRlnitla val ley in t08 and. about a year later sold the tract to the firm of J. It . Fox & Co, Last November the sheriff of Wasco county telephoned to my husband that there were twa mortgages, against the properly each for IsOOO, fcnd signed by Keep.f One Of these mortgages,' I un derstand Is held by J. I Hartmaa of this iity."-, - E ST; J (Woahlostos Bureau of Th JiHirnal.) Washington, D. C, Feb. IS. The pub lic Wiulldlngs bill reported today con tains an item of ISoOO for postofflce site at SL Johns. . NAVAL MILITIA BILLS k HELD UP BY COMMITTEE i ' . (Stiff CorrwporiMe Salem, Or., Feb; U.-rTroubled affairs of the naval militia, as affected by two bills in the state senate, were put over to a later date by action of the Benate, ;y.hlch at request of the authors placed on the table the bills of Senator-Joseph to divorce the National Guard from the naval militia, J end of Senator plmlck to put the naval aVm of the state out of existence,1 ! Th bllf -wilt be taken up when the. report of the "committee that investigated the naval militia, of which Joseph is chairman, presents its report 7 Dismisses Lane Habeas CorpmrT . Judge . McGinn this morning dismissed.; the;-wtU-.-of- habeas corpus MugK by A. Lane, who Is in the'eounty jfllt on a, writ of execution, and remand l lJn tr the custody of the sheriff. U7 F Ball secured; judgment against Lane; for 11800 twoarsriafio, ri e-f-ount of line's failure tbturn part of iu pweede of- real-estate, gealt -'maie T TvuJ-laCKUCQVir lolheirf '; he jmlitruflnt wae never satisfied and i ill n-Himed line's arrest lust Thurs ''. " Mill now be compelled to pay ' . j -I'Unicnt or. remain Iti jttil untU n t!in t,t j.iivinsr for hi- beard ft 'f i'j a we-l. POTFI SITE OUNS NCLUDED BLACKSMITH IS OUtFOR MAYOR r ); J I; I' 1 1 7 I Charles Bredenon. ; Charles A Bredeson. ;' 525 Buchanan street, St. Johns, decided yesterday that he would ajfSln. enter the mayoralty race in, the coming election,, March 8. He was a candidate last year, being defeat ed by A. A. Muck, the present Incum bent, by only 32 votes, Mr.' Bredeson has announced no plat form ;aa'"yet,bufTslates tbanie fcitt create considerable excitement :in , St Johns before the election Is over. He Is a blacksmith, employed by the Port of Portland -commission, and says that he will be strictly a worklngman's can didate. . . r (Speoliil to The fourmil.) Sutherlln, Or., Feb. 16 "Dud" Engle, a halfbreed Indian, was Instantly killed and Dcpu-ty Sheriff I flddy was seri ously" wounded In, the -pack, two miles east of town late this afternoon. Eddy went y to -Jiagle's heme to serve a subpena on him for bis appearance" before-the grand Jury at Rosebqrg. Engle saw Eddy coming and rket him with a shotgun, Bddy ordered, Engle to put the, gtJnya.own" but: Instead of doing so he coeKed it and . pointeit It at "Eddy, who'- turned p&rtlailx,,s around -4nd - re ceived "the contents in his right yfehouM dor and side. . Eddy immediately pulled arr autematic- gmr and shot Engle-f ive times. , . ''.''. - Eddy ws brought tq town in an au tomobile and taken id a physician who found his wound serious. IIS SUIT-HE mm m mm . - (TJnlted Prens Xtf4 Wlre.t . - . New , York, Feb. 16,Clprlano Castro may stay In the United Btates. This was the deoislon. today of United States District Judge Ward, when he settled the status of the former presi dent of Venesuelft before the American law. Judge Ward set aside the findings of a special board cf inquiry at Ellis If lend and the order ot Secretary Nagel for Castro's deportation, and held that the ex-dictator might remain In the country as long as be pleased. Castro was delighted by the verdlotJ but announced that, having won. his case, he soon would sail for Europe. The government based Its decision for Castro's exclusion on the ground that he was guilty Of a felony In the shoot ing ef a general white he was president of Vehesuela. v Judge Ward held that nothing criml-' nal had been proved In that Connection, and that such an execution would have been a political crime, and not "one in volving "moral turpitude." " P0TLATCH AND PAL0USE SNOW CHIN00KS OFF , Lewlston, Idaho, Feb, ,15. The Weak in tlie cold weather occurred yesterday and chinook winds and warm rains are reported from all sections of the upper country, uajnage from freshets is reared ty tne railroad companies and a general demoralization of service Is pre dicted. The snowfall on the low lands has been unusual and while it is not expected the river stage will approach the high water mark of the late spring season, the small water courses will be swept by the snow waters and railroad lines along the creek valleys are apt to be washed out. .The' Snake river line between- Lewlston and Rlparla Is sub ject, to blockades' by wash-overs from the hlllstldes while the roads leading to Grangevllle, the Clearwater and Palouse sections are constructed in narrow creek valleys where extreme high .water will result, in serious damage. R0SEBURG IS DOWN FOR NEW PUBLIC BUILDING Washington, Feb. 15. Appropriations for federal buildings for Seattle, $300, 000 ; Boseburg, 10000; Bakersf leld, urn., iiuu.uuu uaKiami. c .. -tin 000; Ban Pedro, - CaJ., , 160,000; San Luis Obispo, Cel., $80,000, and "Modesto. Cel., $20,000, are included in the rough aran ox tne puDiie uunaings tm which is being prepared. rorjhesetciday, - Memorial for Captain Scott. Memorial services will be held tomor row night at 7:30 o'clock at the Sea men's Institute, 329 Everett street, for captain scott, tne noted English ex plorer, and party, who perished at the Bouth Pole. , Mr. NewlU of St Stephen church will, have charge of the services, and British Vice Consul Bernays' will participates ;." : .. McAllister Triat . The trial of BJ, .'7. McAllister on vice scaifdal charges was ; adjourned until Monday by Circuit Judge Kava- naugh this morning, and the iuty win be- completed Monday morning, as (but three .peremptory- challenges remain for "-Irtrtr-rTOtTrTiihctal TTeld. Tlie futietRl of Mrs. Marv Seed. resident of Oregon sinea 1879. who died Thursday at her home, 181. Eaat Twenty-eighth street, was held this afternoon from Flnky's chapel, r, Interment was la the JUuunt Sytt I'arls cemetery. HALFBRED SHOOTS AND DEPUTY KILLS H!M CASTRO louis esse . : OLDTliiER, DIES Ixmls Dammasch, Xo. "1; on the roster of the local Elks lodge and- formerly n singer Of some note, died this morning at his borne, 875, East Yamhill street, Mr., Dammasch "was a collector for the Weinhard ; Brewing company. - He had been sick about one year with a com plication of disorders. Operations which he had undergone weakened him beyond recovery., , - Mr". Dammasch was prominent Ire the early, history p Portland's theatricals. He had a" splendid dramatie -Voice in his younger days, and, even up to the time he was taken sick he often ap peared in 'concerts and, musicals, He was secretary of the Portland lodge of Elks for five years. .' Funeral arrangements tiave -not been made. ' ; ' . There will be no more card .'playing in Portland saloons.-; - ' ' Sheriff Tom "Word this afternoon aent four deputies'1 cut "to notify .aH saloon- tkeeperr,:f or the last time, that card playing In saloons ana oaca grooms oi cigar .stores must cease. ":";; "If I find any card, playing going5 on In the future," said the sheriff, 'Tm go ing to- arrest all off enders, no matter If there are a hundred, and. the propri etor will be included." , ' SbtTlf f VTord 'saya-ttnttrntetr-riaTer e ported to' him that, they have lost as much as 1100 and $200 playing cards on Sunday afternoon. ( : c . ;i f TO (I1iltd ??rMS Leased Wlr. ; Athens, -Feb. 15.-rEvacuation of the Island of Crete bjf tbe protecting powers Oreat Britain, Bosnia, France and Italy-J-waa made today and the Greek flag hoisted, amid an enthusiastic dem onstration by, the Cretans. - The flags of the poweTa, which have flown with that of Turkey since 1908, were hauled down by a detachment of bluejackets from a British cruiser. The flags were handed pver to the consuls of the respective countries, that of Turkey being given over to the Ger man consul , -': . " "CtJnlted PreM Leased Wlft.) New TTork,. Feb. IS. At noon the of ficials, of the Firemen's Brotherhood reacted the counter, Kroxwsitions of the e- raiiroaoe invoivea in m immmwi firemen's strike. Commerce Court Judge Knapp and United Htatee Labor Com missioner Nelll, wno were appointed tne special mediators of the strike, are again conferring with the two factions this afternooa CANNOT COLLECT TAX , ON CLOSED ESTATES -.,.m WM That the county cannot collect taxes from an estate of the legatees after the estate has closed, though at the time the law was made the estate was sun being administered, is the opinion of District Attorney- Evans, which was sent to Assessor Reed this . morning. . Mr. Evans also submitted an opinion wmcn holds that the city of Portland may be proceeded against for 1908 taxes on Mt Tabor City Park. .. ... a . . i The opinion regarding the city's Ha billty was given because the city has soueht to have the taxes on the 15 acres for' 1908 ' concel led. The -'tax amounted, to $172.18 and the Interest and- penalty to $89.S4, a total of $210.70. The property was deeded to the city February 17, 1909. and on' the first of that month the taxes had become a lien on the property. In the deed was spec ified the agreement that the city was to assume all taxes then due and to be levied which leaves the city liable, ac cording to Mr, Evans. The property was secured from H. I Pittock. WILL PRESENT FIELDS CASE TO GRAND JURY District Attorney Evans will present the facts In the failure of ex-County Clerk F. 8. Melds to turn over to County Clerk Coffey $18,000, when Fields' term of office expired last month, to the grand Jury next week as soon as he has all of the evidence in shape, The ques tion of what action is to be taken in the matter lies with the memlfcrs of that body. , Mr. Evans holds that the failure" of the American Bank' & Trust company, In which the funds deposited by Mr. Fields does not absolve him from re-' sponslblilty under tne state statutes. In tills Circuit Judge McGinn agrees. Mr. Evans' Idea of criminal procedure is that if Mr. Fields is-Indicted, and the indictment stands, the bonding com pany can be, held liable and forced to pay, while tire provisions of the' bond exempting the company from liability on account of bank failures precludes noiaing them in a civil suit COLUMBIA & NEHALEM ; ROAD INCORPORATED - Articles of Incorporation were filed witn tne county clerk today by the Co lumbia & Nehalem' River Railroad com pany, Vith a capital stock of $1,000,000. The incorporators are J. C. and A. L. Veasle and J. H. Hendrlckaon. The object of the company Is to build a steam or electric ' logging railroad from. Woods landing on the AstoriaJine filyQa.Jpokanj,PorUadf!catt Una to the Nehalem valley, a distance of .30 miles.. The road will give an outlet for the enormous bodies of timber In that part of the country and Will also be used for carrying freight, but not pas sengers, . A. S. Kerry, head of the Kerry Timber Company, wli'Ich owns more thaw 1.000,. 000,00ft feet of timber adjacetft to the planned road, while .other interests own about 8,000,000,000 feet y Levinger Estate $8000, r. Tho estate of Morris Levinger, valued at $8000 and consisting of real esute, Was admitted to probate this morning. Harriet M. Levinger was 'named aa ex ecutor and ia the only heir. , PUIS BAN OH CARD : PLAYING IN SALOONS IS EVACUATtO BY POWERS GREECE RAILROADS' PROPOSAL ire ifl or SEIIMEEMIO BY IBM! House Will Leave ' Big Appro priation Bills Till Monday on . Expectation . Senate Dead line Can't. Reach Them. ' " (Statf Correspondence.) Salem, pu Feb. 15.-lf" the latest plans of "house leaders go through, and apparently - they will;-? the- house will make no attempt to consider any appro priation measures today, but will devote Its entire attention- to passing' others and getting- them over tqthesenate before midnight; rZrr'ri!'-'",: This will leave the appropriation measures to be taken up early -next weelLItis-JElgured that the Senate will not be able to enforce Its embargo on these Important appropriations then, and' will accept the bills, whereas, if appropriations were rushed -through to- aay u wouia oe at tne expense or in other measures, which, the senate could and would turn down after today. " - By Its resolution binding the senate not to : receive any house bills after midnight Saturday, It is provided that a three fourths vote may suspend the rule, ' , ' , , 193 Bills Left In Committee. Une hundred and. ninety-three meas ures-have been ruthlessly sacrificed by me leauers ot me nouns organization in. adopting;, their plaa of actlontTheso are bills- now resting in committees. They wUl be permitted- to rest thera and, die painlessly. . All efforts will be centeredon clear ing; up tne calendar or the 137 bills on third reading. It is significant . that bills the "steam roller" is reputed to he especially interested in have been re ported out ana got bn the calendar, In ciuoeo in mis ciassirication is tne re pear of the state printer flat salary aw. But everything left in committees except appropriation bills, will go by me ooara. . A resolution presented this morning by Baton of Lane, if adotited. wouii have required the house to dispose of tne important appropriation measures at once and .make certain that they are considered by the seriate, it provided the following order for their considera tion: 1 .For state Institutions. 2 For constitutional offices. a For otner orrices, board and com missions. 4 For state capitol expenses, t For legislative expenses. 6 For printing, binding and paper. 7 For deficiencies and claims. , 8 For .rnlscelloneou: appropriations. Under the-latter head come-all the host of -minor appropriations oi which nearly every individual member HaBat least on. Though the. senate will hare to consider the principal appropriations. many of these small ones will undoubt edly be beheaded there. The Eaton plan, which was under stood to have the approval of the gov omor, does not please the organisation leaders, at least for .today. It will be tucked away with tHe recommendation that it be taken up on Monday, or at least the program. , ' ' & BlUs Vae XU Vrmtog. 4 Ten of the 137. bills on third reading were p&ssed this morning, two were withdrawn and one was killed, leaving 124 to be passed on before midnight The bills passed were H. B. 183, by GUI. and Hurd Making road districts municipal corporations. H. B. 411, by Gill Providing for a teachers-training school. 4 -H. B. 396, by Childs Requiring branding of tub butter and reworked butter. H. B. 414, by committee on assess ment and taxation Relating to assess ment and taxation. H. B. 415, by committee on assess ment and taxationProviding for state tax commission tb succeed board of state tax commissioner. . 1 H. B. 4S1, by elocMons committee Repealing dead statute relating to can vass of votes. 8ubBtitje for S. B. 81. by Stnlth of Josephlne Relating to selection of le gal newspaper. H. B. 320, by Belland Relative to fake statements to obtain credit s H. B. 271, by Mitchell Providing manner In which political. parties shall nominate Its candidates for public of fice; eliminating catch phrases. " H. B. 167, by. Latourette-Prescriblng a penalty for taking up any marked timber of value without consent of owner, :- - .'" , - :- SOLDIER ARRESTED FOR GIVING GIRLS LIQUOR i . 1 For giving four Camas, Wasb, girls liquor, xnree or wnom were io years oia and the other 18 years, Charles Llddell and Lee R. Minor, privates In the Twenty-first regiment, at Vancouver, were arrested last night by Deputy Sheriffs Rogers and , Schneider and Patrolmen Griffith and Kellogg. The girls were also held as witnesses, and were .sent to the Y, M. C A. The party was seen to enter a restaurant on Fourth be tween Stark and Washington streets, last night and In a short time the men pulled bottles of whisky from their pockets, and gave the Jrfrls drinks. One of the men secured a bottle of wine, which was also served to the girls. The Seward Grille Sunday ,Tabfe a'Hote Dinners Have That Satisfying Effect . 6 to 8:30 p. fn. ; - $1.00 Business Men's Lunch Daily - v -. 11:30 to 8 pf m, y v 40c 10th at Alder Main 7164 Fred'B. Phillips. Victor E. Tarbell. ANCIENT' JVIORTGAGE - The mortgage principle dates back many thousand years and was invented by the ancient Babylonians. . The essen tials of mortgage investment was the same then as now and have' always stood out pre-eminently as a favorite means of I investing money. we sen mortgages in sr 'rrusrjgiunpanif '"MP. id i e. is;g quits U. S. FOREST SERVICE W. E. Herring, district engineer of Commencement of the task of revising the United States forest service, in" tliSVthe city building Code was made yes- Portlan office for. the past four years,,, or since the district was created, has ! resigned, to take a pusitloh as head.of the engineering department of the Fuget Sound Traction, Light ifS: rower com pany, with headquarters in Seattle, lie will assume the duties of bis new posi tion March 1. 7' : , .'-;'-' " ' . , Mr. Herring -has' been; In the service of the government in nts work for six years. ,Two years waa spent as -chief engineer' in the i forestry, of flees at Washington, D, CA an on the creation of the sixth district, wtt"headquarters in Portland, he became supervising en glneer. As such, he had charge of all government constf Octlqn work , In too national forests, locaon and appraisal of power sites wllhih" the halioftat for est and superintendence of all prlvati construction work in. federal controlled forest 'districts. ';vf.i77.7 "Howard VBT OaKleafTioriEsl "assistant In the .products division of the forest serylce, has been glyen the position held by Joseph B. Knapp, aa head of the products division who haa resigned,? tf become secretary of the Northwest Box Manufacturers' association. Mr. Knapp takea up his new. duties Monday. , (Onltwl Prew Ued Tlra.) piynp'a. Ws.h., Feb. ! U. It needs only Governor Lister's approval to give the state $1,500,000 each year fqr the construction of state .highway The senate Friday approved the house bill increasing the levy to, lrnllls. : Tls money will be used, for, the construction of seven main arterial highways. An other hill, passed by the house and soon to reach the senate, provided for'S'tt mills for. roads, to be , constructed by the counties. - . ' ' This will make $4,000,000 annually, - SENATORS EXPECT TO HAVE CALENDAR CLEAN BY TONIGHT (Continued From Page One.) cfectlve plea for the bill aa a practical means of taking care of wayward girls. "Two thousand three hundred women were arrested in . Portland last year, sh said, "and not all of them came from Portland. From' the records I could show where many of these girls came from different parts of the state. We now have 97 girls under 18 years of age in one Institution, where they are kept indoors, without employment, and with little chance for. exercise and Improvement They all have to sleep in three rooms. The girls over 18 have to be sent to Jail. -"We are asking now for an Institution where the girls may be-Usefully em ployed, whatever the age, anywhere they may be cared for on the cottage plan, with healthful exercise and classl fled so that those who -may prortfle reformation may be placed under the best Influences." Moser, Farrell, Smith of" Coos, Car son,1 Perkins, MUier ana Kiddle, spoke In favor of. the bill; Hawley, Butler and Ragsdals against it Butler opposed It on the ground that it Is not needed and not carefully considered, and Hawley because, he said, the appropriation is ridiculously low, and the plans not properly worked out- Ragsdale said It was, clear to him that the frlends-rof the oil! were confused as, to ho much money is needed and how it should be spent. The test vote came on substitution of the minority report favoring . the j bill for an unfavorable report It was adopted, 18" to 11.- Then the bill was finally passed, 18 to 12, the no votes being cast by. Barrett Bean, Burgess, Butler, Hawley, Kellaher, Neuner. Rags- dald, Stewart, Thompson, Wood and President Malarkey. ' , The appropriation carried by the bill has been reduced from $60,00O year to xs&.ouo a year for the biennial term. FIXES CtTBED IN 8 TO 14 DATS. v Your drusarist will refund tnnnv If PAZO OINTMENT falls to cure Itching. oijuu, ciMuing ur rrgimunii tales, sue. H El LI GaJjgorrUo Phones Main 1 and A-I122 ' Tonight 8:15 O'CIock World' Greatest Dancer Assisted by St. TOUimv CORPS DE BALLET AND ORCHESTRA D.!..., Lower. Floor, $2 60, $2.( rricei. Balcony, $2.00, $t50,, $1. ; Seats Now -. Selling HEILIO THEATRE . bSnIino Tpfhorrovr Popular Price Mat. Wednesday. -HENRY W. SAVAGE Offers Rupert Hughes' Farce-Comedy y "EXCUSE ME" WTL.Ua SWXAtVAK " V as the Colored Porter., Evenings $1.60, $1, 76c, 60s, 1 Popular Wed. Mat $1, 75a, 60e, .' ,. ' 4,V V;' amounts ot 5UO or. more. THIRD - ; ' y . ... j-,. y. - 7 Cldlii iaUiiUDiiLii.u Or - CITY BUILDING CODE niiay when the" apeclal code revision committee held us iirst session at tne eity hall. Preliminary to the actual work Ibf revision committees were appointed to 'hanWmfffeTPe'nffiieWa. ot. the code in a systematic manner, y ; 7:-- -' Rev. Father E.'V, O'Hara, represent ing the Consumer's league, was appoint ed a committee . of one to recommend change In provisions relating to the lighting and ventilation of .tenements. ' Fire Chief B. F. Dowell was selected to suggest changes in the provisions relating to fir' eecenea,; - ; -.,"i: ;?. , -. James McCune. renresentln the un- lerwrlters, will draft; amenamentg ; in the code affecting enclosed stairways. j,rredua.arsen of the realty . board will have charge of the amendmente re lating to the height of buildings, - H. K. Plummet and Messrs. Naramore and Whltney-wrere appointed on committees to recommend general' changes In , the code...- ;-v ' -' . . v .., v 7 t.xl'" jy a ; At suggestion of Mr. Larson, the com mittee adopted a resolution providing that the eounoil be memorialised to call attention tothe too prevalent custom of ..granting special 'permits, :77;7,-frry Ban Francisco, Feb. ' IS. "Io good wife will carry bets to the race track without, toe knowtedga and xona&otof ner nusoano. mo wue witn a spark or womanhood In her makeup will hold clandestine meetings with a malt." even though he bean intimate friend of her husband and, indeed." no 'wife without the knowledge and consent of her hus band, wilt receive letters under an as sumed name from another man." y r Thie was the statemeet made by Su perior Judge Thomas Graham here to day. In dismissing the divorce proceed' Ings of Nate Llchtcnsteln . and Anita f fuel ,.i ,y ,u, , ... i The wife's complain-)- was dismissed on the grounds that by her own show ing she was net of fine enough sensibil. ltles ;. to 1 suffer under the preferred charges. Llchtenatetn's counter com plaint was declared, unstable and not worthy of consideration. - .- Mrs. -Lichtensteln recently secured the conviction of her husband, his brother, Sam, and Attprney Nathan, on a charge of attempting to defame her. It was then alleged by the husband that she placed bets In Seattle for a friend. Sol Relber. .. ' ""'. . BOTH LIClNSTEIfl . " CASES THROWN i THEATRES AMUSEMENTS ENTERTAINMENTS rEDAKER:THEATRE M.2. A-BJ60. Geo. L. Baker, Mgr , Sixth and Seventh, Near Morrison Next week, starting tomorrow, matinee, "The Squaw Man." - Matinee Dally , . Seventh and Taylor Straeta. . ". Main 6. A-1OJ0. Mats.; 16c, 26c, 60c. Nights, 16c, I So, 60c,- 76c;- - " -.7. ffTiMnTffnnn - Ml Nellie Schmidt of San Francisco: Miss Vivian UiTUlJJ U inilifllb Marshal of Portland; Tom Kelly. Valerio Sisters, I David Rafael St Co., Phil La Toska, Pantagescone, IJ tnrSQVAXiSO , orchestra, The Four Soils Brothers. Matinee dally. r WATOBYIIJJB A-2236. Mlaln 4688, .Curtain t:80, 7:16, 9. W WG THHEaTiE ' "tme f mm ma " ' U UUUVU; U UUfciim U UUlb Extra rtature Nights Tuesday. -Athletic I WEEK FEBRUARY 10 Contests; Friday, Rosebuds' Contest. Sun- Lia" ,f-day night Continuous performance, star"t- Keating & Flood present i ing at :J0. OREGON HOTELS OREGON HOTELS . : , w : -1 ; ; PORTLAND, OR '. "BEST IN THE WEST' An hostelry of indescribable charm;, ' unequaled In point of s e rv l c e comfort and appoint ments. Situated in the very heart of things. European plan. WRIGHT A DICKINSON HOTEL COMPANY, Prop. . -y-... TEL: IIM Stark Street, at Eleventh . , , PORTLAND, OREGON Conducted on the American and European plan for those who desire the beet at legitimate tariff. Attractive rates for permanent fur nished upon request. Unexcelled cuisine, , , z 1 fm'sA' . - I ' 3( i- t y tTi I lf" I tit h !"'! - uVlIHTBE HEMUT OFTMEClTVy ' . NOTE OUR RATES: Room with Bath Privilege ilX0U? , Two Peron . t . $1.50 UP RoornTWith Private Bath .....iJf;.$1.5QUP Two Persons L. Q. SWETLAND. MGR, '- irermanent Kates on Appl.catlon) ' i:.!?riil Ndfcd for the Excellence 77, ;:sx,tuw&iiit.wvi. .,,:.;;;t ($AXMKWMjj5 IUiiiU!,t!..uO THE 'WiilE TRUST'? Absorption of W. U. by Bell Company May Be Subject , , for Investigation ; :V , : . ':,;. (Ualted Press Uactd Wire. Seattle, Wash., Ffb. 18. While n- wllllng to. admit that he ecejved in structions from Attorney General Wick ersham to lay before the fVderal grand Jury which convened -Monday, : the j In vestigation of the amalgamation of the. Bell Telephone aystenrwittt the Western ' Union Telegraph company, United States - jisinci Aiiomey jseveny w, miliar l"' morning Indicated that such ; a J.rPce was not a remote rossibllltj- T. I - '"Even the enemies of the present ad- .". Wic'kersham has been most aggres- ; -elve in attempting to enforce the Sher- man anti-trust law. And the newspapers have told us all-of the big merger be tween the; two ilg interests, It would be,: therefore, not at all surprising If the department of justice decided to In vestigate the alleged combination." , it Is rumored that' the atatei public service commlsslouei s uiff -rfjiely to be ' called to. testify relative to' the local merger of the Independent ., Telephone company with ythe .Pacific.' Telephone , company. This combination has result- y ed In boosting the rates of the. former independent company subscriber from $U8 to $J.6V . ' United Statee District .Attorney John,, McCourt todsy refused to affirm or deny . the rumor that he Is to take an active ; -"parttln." Iin7 actloinor WeTgoyemment against the. Bell Telephone sjstem-on . charge of violation ' of the Bherrrinn anti-trust lav It. la reported that the y federal grand Jury will begin an lnres tlgatlon Monday.' . . It is known that United States At torney Coiner,;, of Seattle, ? and Unl ted States Attorney McCourt held a long conference in 7 city Tuesday, but McCourt refused to commit himself on the nature of the meeting.?.. . , ". 'j iim 1 1 n 1 1 'v Legislator's Long Hike, v -"" ' iHnltaS Hia LMMd Wire.) . Valdes,- Alaska, Feb. 15, Attend, legislature In the Far. North is not .wbatk it is cracked up to be, according to Ter ritorial Senator freedingf and Repre sentatives Gafney t and iAldrch, who sailed -from here -today for Juneau, to attend, the opening session on March 4. They are from the Nome district which they left January 1, mushing 2000 miles overland by dog sled.- The trip to Ju neau will bring their mileage up to 2700. ' 7 . .--'.-. 7 T'onight,Tiymmatlsatloh of the thrilling - novel, '' By Touls Joseph Vance. A mysterious and fascinating burglar story. Intensely dramatic and Interesting. First time in West Evenings 26c, 86c BOo, Mats. J&o VOLANT Assisted by Lily Le Roy. "The Flying Piano." . . . ' "" DIAMOND ft BRENNAN. THB BB8SON PLATERS. EDWARDS. RTAN AND Tl ERNE Y FIVE JUOaLINO MOW ATS. , M'CORMACK - AND IRVING. ' " - THE DORLANS. . , SEATTLE. WASH. "IN . THE. SHADOW,' OF ; ;, THETOTEM" " Ixtcated In the eeiijC"of the financial and business districts. Modern In every particular. Magnificently furnished. Euro pean plan. ' , V , WRIGHT DICKtNSON HOTEL COMPANY, Prop. ..... .,.-;-rjt .; ;7.. 7... 7 -y wszokt ' szoznrsoxr Xanagers, ABSOLUTELY FIRE-PROOF PORTLAND'S .7 7, GRANDEST ' HOTEL : 100 fooms . . . , A $1.00 per day ' 100. rooms f . , . . . . . . , .$1.50 per day 200 rooms, with bath $2.00 per day 100 rooms, -with bath $2.50 per day : Add $1.00 per day to above prices . when two occupy one room. VERY ATTRACTIVE PRICES FOR PERMANENT GUESTS H. C. BOWERS, " Manager, GAINER THIOPEN, Asst Ma -4er. , $2.50 UP L r 1