The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 11, 1913, Page 21, Image 21

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Senator From Multnomah Al
- ludes to "Four-Flusher With
Buncombe Platform," Evi
dently Meaning Evans.
i ' (Muff Correpondonoe.)
Salem, Or., Feb. H. Senator McCoI
i loch's bill dealing with conspiracy was
' defeated for the third time yesterday in
the senate by a vote .of 13 ayes to 16
jyiiays. After having been amended to
I ltrfgjt' the Objections of some Of . the sena
tors, Mccoiloch defined the bill as in.
tended t6 prevent cohuslve bidding oto
the part of paving concerns.
Day rabidly; attacked the bill, and
with evident reference to district At-
torney Erans of Multnomah county, who
had asked far the bill, said he was Op
posed to the passage of bills "to lvt
some four-flushing district attorney a j
cnance tomaite good on his buncombe
platform." ,,
McCollbch said he was uanble to see
the difference between the fellow who
jimmies his way with a dark lantern at
night and the one who steals in broad
daylight by means of collusive bids.
The bill was a short one, merely making
it a rlme to defraud the state or mu
nicipality. ;2
Mtieclsl to Tbe Journal.) '
Clovcidule, Or,, Feb. 11. Guy E. Al
len, about a years 'old. and Elwood
Squires, about 40 years old, were
drowned between Pacific City and Hay
stack Rock yesterday afternoon. Tho
two. with Guy Smith of Tillamook,
aged about 28, attempted to go In a
Jp I from TacJflc ' City to Haystack
Mr7ock and were swamped by a bia wave
when about 'half way. Smith began to
awlm ashore and was able to take Allen
along for " soma distance, but finally
had to let liim go. The bodies have not
been found.
Smith 'Is engineer! and owner of the
Jackrabblt, a TlUaniook boat. Squires,
who was visiting Guy Allen, ha a fam
ily in Indiana. Allen was a resident of
Woods. Tillamook county. Tho boat,
two pairs of oars and three life pre
servers were found opposite. Pacific
Deputy United: States Marshal 4
; Leonard llecker (his morning, at 4
public sale, at the north entrance 4
4 to the postoffice, iBold the team- 4
4 ff E. G. Batemuin to payJ costs 4
4 in a libel action. The unusual 4
4 ppjctaele attracted several hun- 4
4 died people In the 10 minutes 4
4 that It lasted, fli vessel was 4
4 bid In by Attorney A. T. Lewis 4
4 .'it $1580.70. This was the only 4
4 bid submitted and represents the 4
full amount of the claims agalnt 4
4 her. The various creditors got 4
together and agreed to buy the 4
4 boat, and after she has been re-j 4
4 paired and put in good shape she 4
4 will he sold and the proceeds dl- 4
4 vided among the creditors pro 4
rata' to tho amounts of the va- 4
4 lions claims. 4
4 Tlx; 15. (J. Hateman was ortg- 4
4 jnally ownyl by R. E. Henrlcl 4
4 und plied between Portland and 4
4 Vancouver. She Is an oil burner 4
4 of 71 tons. The vessel Is 70 feet 4
4 long and is licensed to carry 70 4
4 passengers. She was libeled No- 4
4 veinber 25 and seized by the gov- 4
4 eminent on claims of various.. 4
4 companies that had repaired aad 4
4 outfitted the boat. 4
Mrs. Wilkes Fondest' Hopes
Realized Health, Hap
piness and Baby.
Plattsburg, Miss. "Lydia E Pink
barn's Vegetable Compound has proved
very beneficial to me, for now I am well
and have ta sweet, healthy baby, and
our home is happy.
"I was an invalid from nervous pros
tration, indigestion and female troubles.
"I think I suffered every pain a wo
man could before I began taking Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and
Xfimk it saved thia baby's life, as I
Tost my first one.
"Uy health has been very good ever
since, and I praise your medicine to all
my friends." Mrs. Verna Wilkes,
It. F. D. No. 1, Plattsburg, Miss.
The darkest days of husband and wife
arevhen they come to look forward to
.'childless end lonely old age." ' '
Many &:wifeJh
la:blrotheThood :w1ag:toioffis
derangement of. the feminine system,
often curable by the proper remedies,
In many homes once childless there
are sow children because of the fact
that , Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound makes women normal.
If yon want special advice write to
dential) Lynn Hasnv Tour letter will
be onened. read and answered bra
woman and held in strict confidence
Monday's Delayed
Resume of Wdrld Happenings Received From ; 8 o'Clock Yeetenjay
V ' . ' V A'ternoon Until 3
President Taft On Monday sent to the
senate the names of Chrleat,Arnett of
Washington state to bt consul general
at Mukden; Fred Fisner of Oregon to
be consul at 8antlago,Cuba, and Wilbur
Gracey of California to be consul at
Guadalajara, Mexico. ' ' ' '
A bill forbidding 'the Intermarriage,
of whites with negroes, Chinese, Japan
esa or Malays in the District of Colum
bia, 'was passed- by the house Mdnday
It now goes to the senate. ''
. Senator Bourne Introduced an amend
ment to the sundry civil bill Monday ap
propriating $150,000 for road construc
tion In Crater Lake. National park.
' When the house met Monday, Hepre
seutative HammilC Jf New Jersey; in
troduced a Joint resolution calling, for
protection of American Interests In
Mexico. , , -
The-teurnett-Dllllngham Immigration
bill winch has passed both houses, of
congress and now is before the presi
dent for approval or disapproval, formed
the subject of two conferences at the
White House Monday between Presi
dent Taft and senate and house con
ferees. When- the conference adjourned
It was announced that no' definite con
elusion had been reached by the presi
dent. Political.
In view of Governor '.Wilson's deter
mination to be known simply as Wood
row Wilson, not as Thomas Woodrow
Wilson, his baptismal name, the firm
of stationers which had ' prefixed
'Thomas" to the Inauguration invita
tions was Instructed by Secretary Tu
multy Monday to make a change.
Although attorneys for various cor
porations have been pleading for
changes In the seven anti-trust bills now
before the New Jersey legislature, Gov
ernor Wilson says ha believed the mea
sures would pass without essential
President-elect Wilson will make no
announcement of ; Intended diplomatic
appointments until after he takes office.
He says that applications and indorse
ments for-diplomatic posts were beln(,'
filed-away for the present.
After indicting Police Captain Walsh
on charges of implication in the police
graft scandal In New York the special
grand Jury adjourned to Thursday. Dis
trict Attorney Whitman is confident hi
has enough evidence to smash the graft
ing system.
George G. Henry of New York, mem
ber of Solomon A. Co., bankers, was in
dicted by the federal grand Jury at
Washington Monday for contempt of a
congressional committee for refusing to
tell the house money trust Investigators
the names of 24 bank officers who par
ticipated with profit in a syndicate oper
ation In California petroleum stock. A
bench warrant for 1 Is arrest was Issued.
Receivers were appointed In . the fed
er I district court at New York Monday
for the United Copper company. F. Au
gustus Helse Is president of the com-
1 pany. It is capitalized at J80.000.000 of
which $60,000,000 Is outstanding. It
owns properties In Utah, Montana and
British Columbia.
A decree of dlrorce from Tod Sloan,
the former jockey, was awarded Julia
Sanderson, the "Sunshine girl," at New
York, Monday.
The so-called "sucker list" of the min
ing companies promoted by Julian Haw
thorne, Josiah Qulncy, Albert Freeman
and Dr., William J. Morton, who are on
trial In federal court at New York for
alleged fraudulent uso of the malls, was
compiled from 400 " college catalogued
and contained 700,000 names, according
to testimony Introduced Monday.
Tammany Hall's contingent of 1500
marchers in the inauguration parade,
March 4, will be headed by 260 Indian
to be brought' to Washington from the
west, representing 25 tribes, and each
Indian will be garbed In his distinctive
tribal dress.
The Minneapolis Milk company and
A. Ruhnke, its president, were fined
$2000 each in the district court at Min
neapolis, Monday. The corporation and
Mr. Ruhnke were convicted last week
with having conspired wjth 13 other
firms and dealers to raise the price of
milk in Minneapolis.
Unable to walk or stand because of
a bullet that had paralysed his spinal
cord, Seymour Arnold, negro, waB car
ried Monday on a stretcher to the gnl
low at Collins, Miss., and hanged. He
had been convicted of murder.
Pacific Coast.
Kmil Sorenson, 25, Is near death in a
hospital at Seattle from a bullet wound
in the bark received during a desperate
fight with Kiel McArthur, United States
customs inspector. Sorenson, while car
rying BJcans of contraband opium, was
tracked ti a room in tho Milwaukee-hotel
and thJ)Attle followed.
Held up twicejthln IS minutes, and
beaten Into unconsciousness, Ben Mel
son says Seattle Is too tough a town to
live in and Is going to Alaska, where he
can live in peace.
Suffering at a hospital in Los Angeles
from severe burns on her legs, Mrs. Clara
Coleman feelingly declares that she never
again will anoint her extremities with
liniment and then hold them in the
grateful warmth of a gas grate. Mrs.
Coleman was compelled to use a rug to
suppress the flames.
- Harry Prescott, who killed Ralph
Thompson In his wife's bedroom, at
Oakland about a year ago, and who was
acquitted of the murder charge, has
been granted an Interlocutory decree of
divorce from his wife, Katie Prescott.
: William Gerald of Sun Dlogo was
found guilty Monday of conspiracy ' to
smuggle Chinese into the United States
andwa sentenced by Federal Judge
Wellborn to six years' imprisonment In
the federal penitentiary at McNeil's is
land. Wash.
Through the finding of a love letter
on .the withered bresst of a mummy in
tlW Golden Gate Park museum, the fact
is established that affinities reigned
and scandals flourished in the days of
the ancient Ptolemies In Kgypt. The
as it was being given a new coffin. It
is supposed to have been written 200
years before Christ.
Nathan Hackett, aged 88, died at Hood
River, Sunday. Mr. Hackett came from
California in 1871, and made his home
In Portland for 20 years. In 1891 he
moved to Hood River.
Robert Heller entered a drug store
at San Francisco, Monday, asked for a
bottle of "pain killer," shot the clerk,
Albert Irwin, In the back as he reached
for a bottle, and then killed himself.
Four men, each carrying a consider
able sum of money, have dropped out of
sight in Dos Angele Within the past
month, and. the authorities express the
bUf-that4hy-wre victims- f iftf
ganlsed gang of bandits. The men were
Herbert Dealer of Tacoma, with $1000;
James A, Monroe, with tl 0,000; Erick
Lundell, with $3000, and W. F. Scholle,
with JS00.
jTbe leniency of the high court of
Saratov, Russia, in sentencing to only
stables, convicted of torturing a num
ber of prisoners suspected of murder,
has evoked loud protests from the Lib-
News Briefly Told
o'clock This Morning. 4 "V i j
eruj newspapers. One of the victims
died as the result of the brutalities in
flated upon him. j?:y-v;. 'V's
i The fout of the, Turkish army before
Bujair on Saturday is said to have been
complete. The Turks are reported to
hate suffered enormous losses, among
the- slain being 20 officers. The Bulga
rian loss Is said to have been Insignifi
cant. J - '.
Mexico securities fell heavily on the
Paris Bourse Monday, ' especially bank
shares. Mexican national Went down
from 935 to 826, London Mexican from
964 to 957, Mexican Central from 270 to
268, while there was not a single trans
action in the Mexican 4 or 5 per cent
loans. -' . , -I i '- '
The death of Dr.: Manuel E. ArauJo,
president of .the republic of Salvador,
Sunday, was due ito meningitis, which
set in the previous day, thus complicat
ing the wounds suffered by the presi
dent at the hands of an assassin. ; .
The official Relchsanzeiger, In an ex
tra edition Monday, announces the en
gagement of Princess Victoria Louise,
only daughter of the German emperor,
and Prince Ernst August, Bon of the
Duke of Cumberland, The marriage Is
expected to result in a reconciliation be
tween the royal houses of Hohenzollern
and Cumberland.
Permission to remove the cork leg of
General. Santa Ana. the famous old
Mexican warrior, from the Illinois state
house to the rapitol building at Austin,
Texas, has been denied Governor Col
qultt. The governor, hearing the relic
was in Illinois, lost no Ime in thtf'en-
deavor to secure it for Texas.
Horrible atrocities perpetrated by the
Turks against Christians in the war
zone are charged in a letter received at
Boston front a Boston girl, Olympea A.
Bosdan, a Greek by birth, now in the
Balkans. Torture, rapine and merci
less slaughter are abroad through every
land where the Moslem hordes, crazed
by defeat of their arms, ara. swarming
to wreak their vengeance on the un
armed "infidels, writes the girl In an
urgent appeal to American missionary
societies to bring their influence to the
aid of the vlcflms.
Samuel Hill of Seattle, Wash., presi
dent Of the Washington State Good
Roads association, has been elected
president of the American Roadbuilders'
The case of J. B. Sneed, charged with
the murder of Al Boyce Jri at Amarlllo,
Texas, Soptember 14 last, was called at
Vernon, Texas, Monday. This Is the
last of the five sensational trials grow
lng'out of the elopement of young Boyce
and Mrs. J. B. Sneed to Canada a little
more than a year ago. ;
Secretary of the Interior Fisher oh
Monday Issued a statement in defense
of officials against whom charges of
Incomeotency have been made by the
house subcommittee 011 Interior depart
ment expenditures.
Mystery veils the shooting of Roy E.
Rankin of San Diego at Tijuana, Lower
California, by a Mexican Volunteer sol
dier, i The soldier, Joseph E. Marcus, is
under arrest at Tijuana and an inves
tigation is being made by the Mexican
Waihlnjtnri lturria of Tb Journal, t
Washington Feb. 11. The defeat of
the Sherman county settlers' bill, car
rying $250,000, by the house last night
probably insures its defeat also in the
senate, where it passed twice. The
house also refused to consider private
bills for the relief of Lewis Montgom
ery and for George Owens and others
in land matters.
Speaks at Y. W. C.A.
Dr. Luther R. Dyott of the First Con
gregational church talked at the T. W.
C. A. at noon today on the subject,
"Mind in Relation to Right Thinking."
This was the first of a series of noon
time talks to be given by Dr. Dyott
through the week with the. exception of
Saturday and Sunday. Dr. Dyott's gen
eral theme is, "Right ' Thinking and
Character Building." The subject to
morrow will be "Mind and the Body."
Home Cure
for Piles
Trial Package Absolutely Free Will
You Spend a Post-Card for It?
If you are a sufferer from piles, in
stant relief is yours for the asking, and
a speedy, permanent cure will follow.
The Pyramid Drug Co., 471 Pyramid
Bldg., Marshall, Mich., will send you
free, in a plain wrapper, a trial pack
age of Pyramid Pile Remedy, the won
derful, sure and certain cure for the
tortures of this dread disease. Thou
sands have already taken advantage
of this offer, thousands know for the
first time In years what it is to be
free from the pains, the itching, the
awful agony of piles.
Pyramid Pile Remedy relieves the
pain and Itching Immediately. The in
flammation goes down, the swelling Is
reduced and soOn the disease Is gone
No matter how desperate you think
your case Is, write today for the free
trial treatment. Then when you have
used It in the privacy of your own
home and found out for yourself how
efficacious it Is, you ran get the full
size package at any drug store for 50
cents Every day you suffer after read
ing this noHce you suffer needlessly.
Simply fill out free coupon and mall
Pyramid Bldg.. Marshall, Mich. Kind
ly send me a sample of Pyramid Pile
Remedy, at once by mall, FREE, In
plain wrapper.
fctreet ,
City State.
And that ypu may, profit by
the health-restoring, strength
givine properties of the time
tested famous family remedy
Sold venrwksra
la boats 10, 23s.
According to the testimony introduced
this morning in the municipal court In
the preliminary hearings of George B.
Prettyman, superintendent of the Med
ical building, ' charged with whit
slavery.he wasr willing to protect Helen
Nable against every other man,'except
himself. ! Judge Tazwell held that the
girl had not been Induced to come to
Portland for immoral purposes and dis
missed the case. ' 1
"Mr. Prettyman said that if I would
come to Portland." said Miss Noble, "he
would get me a position as cashier In
a moving . picture- theatre, provided I
leave all other men alone. In this case
he would be my friend. He has been a
good friend to me, and talked me out of
tli Idea, of leadinsr mi immoral life. I
fluid not'havs anything to do with Other
men during the five weeks I have been
The evidence Introduced by the moral
squad was tp the effect thai Prettyman
had written letters to the girl while she
was living in Astoria, inviting her to
come to Portland. '.
The girl testified that she met Pret
tyman when he assisted Tom Kay and
Patrolman Stewart In a raid on a
rooming house In Portland In Novem
ber. It was then that he talked to her
of quitting an Immoral life. She furtlfer
aid she turned over a new leaf at that
Prettyman and the woman were ar
rested in his rooms on tne roof of the
Medical building a few nights ago.
Judge Tazwell said, in passing on the
case, that he did not think the case ap
plied to the white slave act, by" reason
of (he fact that the girl was not In
duced to come 'to Portland for an im
moral . purpose.
"We -might a well throw the white
slave act away," said Deputy District
Attorney Deieh.
"If you don't like the ruling of the
court." replied the judge, "you can take
tho case to the grand Jury.
(Special tThe Journal.)
Forest Grove, Or., Feb.. 11. The fu
neral of James S. Royal, who died Sun
day, was held' today at the' Methodist
church. Mr. Hoyal was born in Piqua,
Ohio, April 13. 1829. He crossed the
plains by ox team In 1852, and was a
leading figure in the development of
the great Pacific northwest. He took
up a claim in the Powell valley, and
In 1861 moved to a tract of land on
the east side of the Willamette river,
across from Portland. In 1903 he moved
to this city.
In 1856 he was married to Miss Jane
Powell Pugh, who died in 1869. Ih 1871
he married Mrs. Wealthea Markee, who
wlthtthe following children survive him:
Karl O. Royal, Portland; Mrs. Jennie
Mines, Siletz reservation; Mrs. O. W.
Tarr, Gresham; Mr. C. C Sella is, Port
land; Mrs. F. W. Jones and Mrs. A. J.
Douglas, Forest Grove.
Closlhg of estates In which taxes
are unpaid Will not be permitted in the
future. Assessor Reed, County Judgo
Cleeton and deputy county clerk have
decided to see that estates which are
not closed when assessments are mad0
shall not be dosed ujjtil the taxes are
levied and paid. Heretofore it has been
the custom to ask the cancellation of
taxes In cases of this nature. This
decision was the result of the discovery
that the Emma Archambeau estate was
closed a short ; time ago and that $198
in taxes against tiie estate remained
unpaid. i
St. Petersburg, Feb. 11. The imperial
councll'is drafting a measure to be sub
mitted, to the duma forbidding the rais
ing, preparation and sale of opium in
all parts of the Russian empire. Since
the, opium edlcti in China hundreds of
Chinese have started opium cultlvatjon
in Siberia, just kcross the frontier,' as
a result of which smuggling Into China
and opium smoking in Siberia have
spread to such ah extent that the gov
ernment feels that it calls for drastic
A Few Doses Relieves All
Such Miseries, Bladder
Weaknesses, Kidney Trou
ble and Rheumatism
Promptly Vanish.
It is no longer necessary tor any
one to suffer with backacning, kid
ney trouble, have disagreeable blad
der and urinary disorders to contend
with, or be tortured with rheumatism,
stiff joints, audits ljeart-wrenching
pain, for the new discovery, Croxone,
quickly and surely relieves all such
Croxone is the most wonderful rem
edy yet demised for ridding the system
of uric acid and driving out all the
poisonous impurities which cause such
troubles. It is entirely different from
all other remedies. It is not like any
thing else ever used for the purpose.
It acts on the principle of cleaning out
the poisons and removing the cause.
It soaks right in through the walls,
membranes and linings, like water in
a sponge, neutralizes, dissolves, and
makes the kidneys sift out and filter
away, all the uric acid and poisons
from the blood, and leaves the kid
neys and urinary organs clean, strong,
healthy and well.
It matters not how long you have
suffered, how old you are. or what
you have used, the very principle of
Croxone is such, that it is pracially
impossible to take it into the human
system without results. ,Thcrc is
nothing else on earth like it. It starts
to work the minute you take it and
relieves you the first time you use it.
Ff fou suffer with pains in your
back, and sides, or have any signs of
kidney, bladder troubles, or rheuma
tism, such as puffy swellings muler
the eyes or in the feet and ankles, if
you are nervous, tired, and run down,
or bothered with urinary disorders,
CroxOne will rjuickly relieve you of
your misery, "iou can secure an'orig
inal package of Croxone at triflina
uuttiroBi any firt,-cU.a druggist , All
druggists are authorized .to personally
return the purchase price if it fails in
a single case.
Desperate Fiflhtiog'atTchat
1 alja Told of in Sofia.;,,,
Dispatches.! rtTnttftil tri LMWfl-Wtr,
Dondon, Feb. lj. Desperate fighting
at Tehatalja, In which several thousand
Turks were killed and wdunded, and In
which the Bulgars also lost heavily. Is
reported here today In new agency, dis
patches from Sofia. 1 '
While details are lacking, it Is be-
lieved the Bulgars made an attack In
force. .
Heavy firing at Scutari, where tne
Servians and Montenegrins are attack
ing the hill fortrass-of Tarabosch, is r?
iorted toaay film Sofia. It is believed
that the Montenegrins '-have mounted
heavy steae auns on the fortress of Bar-
dan joli, stormed yesterday, and it is pre
dicted by th allies that the" city , soon
will fall. No details have been received
as to whether the expected storming of
Tarabosch has begun.
Disuatthes from various points to the
foreign office here say that the
bombardment of Adrianopie continues
iinabated, The impression is growing
here that after Scutari, is, taken by as
sault or surrenders, the Servian troops
engaged there will be removed to Adria
nopie, and if It has not then surrendered
it will be reduced with cold steel
Fierce fighting on "the Galllpoll pe
ninsula is also reported,, but no details
of the action in progress there have been
received. ' :
W. H. Dillon, managei of the Oregon
Sales company, u48 Alder street, on
whose letter head was written a note
found on the body of Miss Claudia Set
ford, who died in Seattle Sunday after
falling on the street, is now in Seattle,
where he went Immediatelyafter hear
ing of the finding of the letter. The
note was addressed to "Old Pal'' and
had been signed "Pal."
Wy.W. Dillon, manager jof the North
western Mutual Life Insurance com
pany, a cousin of W. H. Dillon, stated
that his cousin had written the letter
to the girl, and that he had known
her for about 15 years. W. H. .Dillon
is expected buck in Portland tonight.
(United Pre Letil ;Wlre.)
Seattle, Wash., Feb. U.-4-Miss Claudia
Setford, who died Sundajit the Seattle
general hospital after Tiling on the
street, strangled to death jas the result
of being given a glass of rjillk while ly
ing unconscious in the hospital, accord
ins to findings of the autopsy surgeons.
'Die milk flowed into her lungs instead.
of her stomach and her condition pre
vented her from expelling jit by cough
ing. 1
Statements of the hospltatt authorities
that she had a fractured j skull, com
pound fracture of the left arm and
broken ribs, were disproved. A fur
ther investigation is being conducted.
Probation Officer MeJtosh and Dep
uty Juvenile Officer Jeffries left early
this morning for Los Angeles, where
they wilf recellle John Bishop Bradley,
under indictment in the vice scandal,
from the police and will then "go to
Fresno for Earl Taylor and Bennle
Trout, arrested lat night ort similar in
dictments. Taylor and Trout were both
witnesses agaln-t Dr. Harry Start, and
are important witnesses against E. S. J.
McAllister, whose trial begins Thursday
before Circuit Judge Kavanaugh. After
the Start trial they, disappeared, and In
dictments were brought against them
that they might be brought back. Both
made long confessions at the time the
scandal was unearthed.
Bradley's capture was brought about
througli the discovery of ills address in
the notebook of Cioorgn Zahus, who was
arrested a few days ago, charged with
living off the earnings of fallen women,
earch for Bradley had gone on for
weeks without success.
(Special io The Journal.)
The Dalles. Or., Feb. 11. The Colum
bia river Is frozen over at this point
and people were crossing on the ice
from here to Oranddalles yesterday aft
ernoon. The steamer Tahoma arived
from Portland Sunday afternoon, after
bucking Ice from Cascade Locks here,
and returned down stream after unload
ing her cargo and a few hours after
the steamer got away tee began block
ing nt Crates Point. By midnight the
river was solid ice from here to the
point and Monday morning there was a
solid coat of ice from here to Big Ed
dy. So sudden whs the blockade that
both the wharfboats were caught in
their summer charters and will be ex
posed to the heavy current of the stream
when the Ice goes uot and will likely be
carried down the river.
I Salem, Or., Feb. 11. In retaliation for
I the measure before the Washington' leg
' islature. to tax water power transmltteJ
I to another state, aimed at the North
j western Electric company, h bill lntro
! duced by Olson in the house today pro-
vales mat tne state eonm or control
Inay Impose a tax on water or electric
ity generated In Oregon for transmis
sion outside the state, to meet restric
tions Imposed by any other state.
Should the city council decide to au
thorise County, Clerk Coffey to open
the registration books for 4 he May elec
tion a month in advance of the timo
provided by law everything will be
ready for registration Saturday room
ing at 8 o'clock. .PreparaUonlor 5ft
000 voters has beerrrmtdo-rn-mrair"ahTT
books, The registration office is
occupy the Fifth street- side of the mafh
fiopr of the courthouse and the counter
will be divided so that 60 per cent will
be devoted, to registration of east side
voters and 40 per ent to west and
north side voters.
Declare tor Felix Diaz.
(United Prew tfttKd Wlra.t
jhfi?trti; 'Ph.'' 1 4i-. "4:l?owf wm4
reports reacnea me state . aepartmem
that Zacatecas and Oaxaca, Mexico, have
declared for Felix Diaa.
(Baited pnm Leased Wire.V
St. -Paul, Minn., Feb. ll.-A bill calU
ling for the recall Of unsatisfactory of
ficials, including Judges , and another ad
foeating woman suffrage were passed
today by the state Ben.alte and the lower
house respecJvely. The vote on the re
call bill was 52 to 9, and on the suf
frage measure 80 to 3Tl, '
he-recall lnntowgOeBto"the nouse,
Where It ls-.sure topaab.
(Cnlted Pre Leaned Wlr.
Belgrade, Feb. 11. Overwhelming de
reat met an attempted sortie or a d
tachment of Turkish troops from Ad
rtanople this afternoon, according to .a
dispatch received by the war office. The
Servians, it was aid, drove back th
Turks in tne rortuications arter a us
perate engagement. The Turkish loss
was heavy.
(United Preti Luted Wir.
Los Angeles, Feb. 11. Mrs. Margaret
Armstrong Howell, once known as "the
Helen Gould of Spokane," remains the
wife of George Howell today because
Judifc Monroe refused her petition to
annul her marriage. The Howell were
married several months ago in Spokane
Mrs. Howell later alleging that Howell
exerted a strange Influence over her,
compelling her to, keep her promise to
marry him, although she wished to be
(United Prei Led Wire
New York, Feb. 11. Their plans com
pleted. the army of suffragettes who will
march to Washington under command of
"General" Rosalia Jones, await the slg
nal which wlllisend them on their way
The- marchers will assemble at the
Hudson terminal at 9 a. m. and will go
first to Jersey pity.
Fines Doctor $25.
(Special- to The Journal.)
Goldendale, Wash., Feb. 11. Dr. An
thony W. Bowman, claiming to be a
practicing physician of Tacoma, was ar
rested at Goldendale today for failure
to have his certificate recorded with
the county clerk: He entered a plea
of guilty when arraigned before a local
Justice of the peace and was fined J25
and costs. Dr. Bowman came to Gol
dendale to fUl dates made in cure-all
advertisements that have been running
In tho local press for some time under
the head of "United Doctors Will Visit
French Decry Foreign Articles.
Paris,, Feb. 11. One of the results of
the patriotic wave sweeping France,
which started with the beginning of the
recent war talk, is the order which has
trona forth from the ministry of the ma
rine to suppress further purchases of
foreign articles for use aboard warships.
DOlis. oores. Burns -m
Purlflna 1 untiwptle, nothingr and mickly
heal all skin (rouble.. Tbfl first application
will jHiililYply convince j-ou. Sueceaaful re
mits guaranteed or money refunded.
Sold by Clarku, Woodward Drug Co., Kkld
more Pmg Co., Amie Pharmacy, Mue-Parli
Prug Co., Hickman Mfg. Co., TO Cortlandt St.,
New ork city, nixc ioc ana xoc.
sirailaruig theFood anLf Rcguia
ttogUie Stomachs andJBovebaf
Promotes DigestionlMur
OpiuTU.Marphirie norftaL
fiimpkia SttJ"
Clarified Sum" '
Anerfect Reraedv forOonsfip;
Hon, Sour Stomch.D!arrtior.
Facsimile Signature oT
U: ESaranteed under thelJ
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
rominent Baker Physician I
Charged With Fraudulent
, Use of Mails.
' j : (Special U Th Jourtul.) ' "
Bakeij; Or., Feb. 11. Dr, H. E. Curre,
prominent nhTsiotan of this city. vm
arrested) by a deputy United States mar
shal from Portland yesterday, charged
with use of the, malls to defraud. The
arrest was on a bench '-warrant follow-
ng an Indictment by the federal grand
ury Saturday. When It is alleged Dr.
Currey sent medicines and medical ap
paratus, used for. illegitimate purpose,
through the mails.
Dr. Currey manufactured medical spe
cialties and did a large business, largely
by mail order. He said .last evening h
was glad a chance had come to provi
himself innocent, as the governrnent
agents had been trying to get him for
some time by decoy letters and other
means, but that 'he would ,win his case
in court. . . ' '
The arrest' caused a local ..sensation
owing to the prominence of Br, Currey,
whose busineas Is not entirely under
stood by the public at large. He ap
peared before United States Commis
sioner Patterson and gave bonds In the
sum of $1000, ' t
Columbus. Ohio. Feb. 11. The stats
supreme court today paved the way for'
a reindictment on a-perjury charge of
George B. Cox, former"polltlcal boss' of
Cincinnati, The court sustained Ob
jection of the prosecuting attorney ' to
a ruling of the common pleas-court,
which quashed Indictments against Cox;
in 190B. "f
Will Swut Mosquitos.
New York, Feb. h. To keep
Panama canal district clear of
Bquttoes.JOlooeLWiUiam Oorgas, chief
sanitary officer of the canal sone, is
en route today to the scene of his labors.
He will first remove all the , mosquito
breeding vegetation from Gutum lake.
Turkish Warship Aground,
(United Press Lvased Wire.)
Constantinople,. Feb. 11. Leaking
badly and lying In a dangerous position,
a Turkish warship is aground this aft
ernoon off the Black Sea coast at Kara-
burun. TUe ship went ashore early to ,
day. "'. ' i
Heartburn, Gas, Sourness or Dys
pepsia Ended in Five Minutes
With "Pape's Diapepsin." .
Time It! In f ivo minutes all stomach
distress will go. No indigestion, heart
burn, sourness or belching of gas, acid,
or eructations of undigested food, no
dlaziness, bloating, foul breath or head
ache, p - j.'
rape's Dlaepsin is noted for its speed
In regulating upBct stomachs. It is the
surest, quickest and most certain rem
edy. In the whole world and besides, It
is harmless.
Millions of men and women now eat
their favorite foods without feair they
know now it is needless to have a bal
stomach. .,
Please, fop your sake, get a largo JO
cent case of Tape's Diapepsin from any
drug store and put your stomach right.
Don't keep on being miserable life Is
too short you are not here long, eo '
make jour stay agreeable. $at what
you like and digest It; enjoy it without
dread of rebellion In tho stomaCJu 1
Diapepsin belongs la your hone. any
way. It should be kept handy, Should
one of the family eat something Vhich
Uoesn't agree with them or in case of
an attack of Indigestion, dyspepsia, vgaa
titys or stomach derangement at day
time or during the night It is there
to give the quickest, surest relief known.
" V:'-
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the JU
Simature Am
For Over
Thirty Safe
P I'
ll '
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