The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 07, 1913, Page 20, Image 20

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coil sets
(Salem Bureau of Ta Journal.)
Salom, Or Feb. 7. The state railroad
commission has ordered the following
harines on complaints made to thea
recently: " - - -
O. M. Bailey of Parkdale against the
Mount Hood Railroad company. This is
a case growing utof-uiTiultls-Mr.
ISaiiey and others have encountered in
their- endeavors to secure adequate sta
tion fatuities and equitable freight rates
to Parkdale. a station on the Mount
Hood line near Mount Hood. The hear
insr is set for February 26, $ Hood
Liver. -- - : - - .
C 3. Sutherland of Estacada against
Portland Railway. .Light & Power com
pany. This is a case to force the rail
road company to carry baggage to Esta
cada and other stations In that vicinity,
as at present all baggage of passengers
on this line must be shipped by express.
The hearing Is set for .February .27, at
Portland.;' - f
A hearing Is 'set for February 28,- at
Oregon City, in which the Portland Rail
way, Light & Pjower company asks for
the privilege of discontinuing its line
from the Southern Pacific crossing
above Oregon City to Canemah. At the
time this line was built it was thought
to be a valuable gateway, but now the
railroad company desires to .abandon
art of the line. '
For first mortgage loans on Portland
'residence and inside business property.
5 Mortgages Bougnt.
1018 Chamber of Commerce. - .
- 1 (CoBtumed)
Port I ml Trust Co. to Olof Olson t l
U 9. btnek . Mw low .
A" Bis SnaD
Beautiful homer-waa built
(Washinrtoa Bureau of Tb Joarhal.)
Washington, Feb. 7. Exhaustive
Iiearlngs have been held on the tariff,
and the ways and means committee Is
in possession of a vast amount of in
formation on which to base its sched
ules. , - '
Just where the reductions are to be
made is exceedingly uncertain. Take
the Item of burlap and Jute fabrics, for
Instance. . J. J. Culbertson told the com
mittee he asked tbat bagging for cotton
be placed on the free list in behalf of
the southern farmer. He figured that
the duty of O.J of a cent per square
J ard would bring in 1750,000 a year. He
wanted the duty of 1.4 cents each on
' burlap bags taken Off, saying that 80,
000,000 bags are used annually for cake
weal and bulls. ,
Like some others who appeared before
the committee, Mr. Culberson seemed to
be poorly prepared on the subjject. lie
gave the committee to understand that
he was a, manufacturer of bags, when
he was a manufacturer of cotton seed
products. It took some time to get at
this fact . The committee drew out of
the witness that be represented an as
sociation of 400 cotton seed mills, and
that everything- they made comes in
free of duty, while some 15,000,000 gal
lons Ot cotton seed oil Is imported
yearly . ' lie said the only thhig he used
that was not taxed was the air in his
automobile tires.
(Special to The lournal.V
The Dalles, Or Feb. 7.- About a year
ago N. M, Eastwood filed a homestead
on a tract embracing a considerable por.
tion of the north part of Dalles City, bis
position being tbat the land, although
occupied by private Individuals and by
the O. R. & N. company for years, was
still government land, title never hav
ing properly passed from the govern
ment to the persons who laid out tbe
original townslte of Dalles City. East
wood's entry Is being contested by the
government, evidence being taken before
tbe local land office by Special Agent B.
G. Thsyer of Portland. J. W. Allen, an
attorney of this city, represents East
wood in the contest.
Real Estate, Loans, Exchanges.
List your property with us.
629 Chamber of Commerce. Mats. 604
Stop itching
Resinol clears itching skin
humors right away. You
can't imagine the comfort
the first use of it brings.
" For eighteen year Retfnol hat bees a
doctor's proscription and household rem
edy for akin troubles, plmplas, dandruff,
barns, boils, eorot, pile, etc. Realnol
' Olntaant (Me and ft) and Resinol Soap
2Se) sold by all druggists. Forsample
of each, write to Dept. lt-T, Ketinol
Chemical Ca Baltimore. Mi.
. t, :
If your name appears In
either phone book you
can telephone your ad to
and have It charged.
Bills will be mailed to
you the following day
for payment.
The Journal cannot
guarantee accuracy or
assume responsibility for
errors of any kind oc
curring in telephoned
In effect April 1, 1912.
- Daily or Sunday.
1 time. c per line. '
3 cnnseentlre time. 8c per line per tnaertien.
t or more consecutive time. 7c per Ulna per
Insertion; or 7 insertions (or price of 6.
No nd counted for lew tban 2 11dm. f
Tbe Ur rates apply to ''New Tocay" and
all otber classifications except tUtuations Want
.1 T.i Rent and Wanted to Kent ails.
Situations Wanted. To Rent and Wanted to
Rent ads (Apartments and uotuis eicepwa), tna
rates arc:
6c per line first Insertion.
4c per line each subsequent Insertion.
No aa taken for lesa than 15c.
1 time, 10c per line.
a nmmrutiv times. 9c per Una per Insertion.
T or mora consecutive times, be per Hue per
insertion. .
Tbe atwre rates apply to "New Today" and
al) other classifications, except "bltuatlona
Wanted, To Rent and Wanted to Rent'- ads.
Situations Wanted, To Kent and i Wanted to
Rent ada (Apartments and Hotels excepted) tbe
rata is 7c per line per insertion.
No ad charged for less than two lines er 13c.
The Journal will not be responsible for more
than one Incorrect Insertioo of any advertisa
ment ordered more than one time.
Contract rate upon application. A pbons
call will brlnj a solicitor.
U. K riAlir- a,U. inc. Atiairaciur ueauuru, nume. i ;, puiii -.ior a
171 4tb Pi.. ot. 'orri"n ann timnni "ciieu ximii ')i"-l J"OK
- - r "wp'-to.t
v ' t.r-t ..T,rrc t First floor; house consists of large re-
" MEETING iOTIC caption Kali,'- livln room, dining root-J.
'------"- i'i,'"',w-' dep. sewing room and kitchen. -ROSE
CITY, I O. W N'o- M! Meets Second flpor: Three large beJrooms
first and third Saturdays of each wito iarire closets with windows, largo
month, W, O. W. halL JJl Ruasell st, linen closet in hall, large bath room,
K. B." P. meets second and fowrta- best of plumbing, medicine cheat, larg'!
Saturdays. WM. MXSF.ITKAl M. V. , sieeplng- porch , 12x12 inclosed with ?
R X a fr. nnM t'aniu meettt bru -Hmem windows
ere... Sianchster bUlg.. 85 ot
Pr. A. Wlillley, 1614 Yera atreet, orer 21,
and Reba Keanedy, 1199 -ast Xajrlor street,
OTer 18.
John.. Prodinsfr 27("i Fourth street, SO,
and Aanastasia Aaderle, 0J2 Kt- Mntb atreet,
1. ' ' .. . - .-
Julius Kacklln, Ceiitralla. Wash., SO, and
Shara Weiss, $M Park street. 2S.
John fio. Madras hotel. Si. and Era Abjer,
Madras , hotel. 21. ,
Ford C. Totter. White Rlrer. Or., 42, , and
Sablna Onurtwrigbt, Uarden Iloma. 40.
Theodore KuhwII, Fortlnnd hotel, S8, and
Mra. Tear! Erslvbcu, Portland hotel, 81. . 1
Hoy Matthews. ' 121 Monroe street, 21. and
Julia Traynor, 42ii Eaat Xweutyelsbth atreet :
north. 20.- ' 1 - i
Frank C Nnland. SSS Union avenue north. 22.
and Kthel I. I'eterson. Vi Uratiam areime, 2i
C. J, Ford, 830 Kif Ih fctreet. is. and Fay V, :
Tbeer,, Winton apartments, 4. . ' j
t'rlat Walthart, Bt. Johns, Or., 62, and Llla
NU-uota, St. Johns, Or., orer 81.
Oeorae C. Boyersmitb. Marshfleld. Or.. oer
21. and Katheriue W. Hayek, 150 North Ten-
ty-rourtu street, a.
Ueorae.W. Hsusen. R22 8senth atreet, 28,
and &Itia U. Direr, 322 Kevenlh atreet, 20.
uenry a. iiurr, uacoma, aso., on. auu.
Afnes Sk'hnls, I'erklns hotel, 3S.
Housa hua t.v.lpt iin s itnwn stairs.
beam ceilings in. hall and dining- room,
panel venwr wainscoting and plate rail,
hardwood floors. nlpe4y4inted ihroulx
out, mirror door in hall, full sized bas
ment with wash trays; 57 foot corner
lot; furnace; tills house is double con
structed; 11000 cash required and easy
terms on balanc. . . . .
309 Railway Exchange bldg., t
' Main 1224, A-7884.
Immediate Independence,
Only $1200 for completely furnished,
splendid 3 room bungalow; $250 cash,
balance very easy; fine 60x100 foot lot,
chicken house, chicken yard and chick
ens. Tins is a splendid opportunity to
get a bouse for less than its value. It
you want a great snap see us about this
quickly. , ' ,
, GEO. 11 All,, : ' V
B27 Henry Building.
W. G. Smith (St Go. VSSSRf c.&
Waahlnsrton hide., cor. 4th. on.Wash'ton.
iKEbs suits lor renx. alt sues,. Unique
Tailoring Co.. S09 Stsrk at : .
CLAKKb Bttus., tiorists, fine flowers
and More l dealsrns Morrison St.
HA UN To Sir. and Mra. Henry Hahn. 784 East
Tenth street, February a. a boyj
SMITH To Mr. and Airs, ttubcrt V. Smith, Jr.,
loll Brooklyn atreet. Febmary 2," a girl.
STADTTo Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stadt, 4482
Fonrth street, February 3, a i;lrl. ' , j
WEST To Mr. and? Airs. Horace A3. West, B40
Kast Serenteenth street, January 31, a girl.
BRKNISEK To Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Brenlnea,
2xll liaise j street, February S, a girl.
Wl EM ANN To Mr. and Mra. Uearm E. Wl.
man,. 1021 Bortbwick atreet, January 6. a
boy. ' '
BIRD To Mr. and Mr. Harold Bird, 492 East
Twenty-aeYenth street, January 20, a boy.
O'XKIL At his lata residence. 635 Broadwar.
February 7. 1913, John K. O' Neil, aged 75
years, Funeral from resilience Sunday. FebrO'
ary 9, at it p. m., tbeoco to tha Chnrcb of
the MaUcllne, Kast Twenty-tbird and Blekiyoa
streets. Interment Mount Calvary cemetery.
trienaa itirtteu.
The following letters in answer to
advertisements appearing in The Jour
nal remain uncalled for;
A 268. 274.
B 223, 210. 110.
C 273. 124. 262. 270, 202, 274. 27$.
1 187, 229. 1S3. 188, 223.
E 242. 203.
F 111, 267, 267, 21J.
(i 204, 213.
H 155.
J 224. 20B.
K211. 155,
1211, 195, 205.
M 211. ZlT. 202. 207, 216, 208, 216,
N 186.
O 193,. 190. f t .
P 222, 185, 214, 207. 209.
Jt 28. 8.
S 11. 137. 196.
T 214, 217, 196, 208.
V 186. !
W 171, 20$, 198.
X 208.
WILLIAMS Tbe funeral serrlce of Weldon It.
Williams, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Wil
liams of Beavertoa, Or., will be held Sutur
day, February 8, at 10 o'clock a. m., from
tbe new chapd of J. F. Fluley V SonP Mont
gomery ana nrtn streets, itlenda. lnrlted.
IntiTuient KlTer View cemetery.
BKHN'KaV!n this cltr Fehruarr 6. at the
family residence, S6.'I6 Sixtieth strest aoath-
esat, urea juennae, aeea on years u months
and 20 days. Itemslns are at the new parlors
or 4. r. uniej M.n, .MORtzomerr and Kirth
atrcats. Funeral ootlce will appear la a later
11A1LK1 At tb family residence, SOI Minne
aota avenue, Rethra Bailey, aged 3 yeara It
monins sua aars, oetorea oauaDter or Mr.
and Mrs. Alex Bailey. Interment will be at
Koso City cemetery today, February T, at 8
p. m.
Vernon Bargain -
7 room 3 story house on lot 60x100 ft,
a block to car: furnace, fireplace, ee-
ment floor in basement, gas and electric
fixtures, room newly tinted, new win
dow shades, street improvements paid.
-or jzouo; j&uu cash, valance at o per
cent, v.' - .
Iowa Realty Co.
629 Chamber of Commerce.
Sacrifice in Piedmont Home
Cost Owner S6500. It must be sold
and can now be had for $4750. Contains
8 rooms, modern in every respect, corner
lot 100x100, and requires only $750 cash
to handle. : Get particulars. No phone
W. A, Barnes
406 Lewis bldg. 4th and Oak st.
Look Here
' (Continued) .
i mm
Invested in Land' '
- It means a
Warranty Deed .
In a few months to a lot 50x100 feet In
6aw MAKiAti can you spare tnat
amount of money f rem your present
Income? Are you willing to speculate
on the future of Oregon 1 These lots
sell for $35 now on payments of $2 per
month. Aftr March 1 they will cost
you $50.
A Small Investment Now May
Be Independence Later
" Call or write for particulars. ' - ,
v Wm. L Graham & Co. -
610-611 Henry Building, Portland, Or.
Phone Main 1917.
IN KOKTHV1EW addition, Patton ave.
and Lombard st
600LOT-600. ,
Very tery easy terms. Best buy n the
Fourth' and Pine Streets.
' Beautiful as a picture and a few feet
above BidcwallQ 50x100, improvements
all In, price only $1800, good terms; an
investment Worth considering.
Yeou bldg. - Marshall 2569. -;
Scappoos,e Acres '
The acreaerd that neonle are buying
because of Its real merits. Only 2a miles
from Portland, no tract more than -i
mile from railroad. Fine red loam noil,
no rocks or gravel. Pure water. Close to
station and school. Divided Into tracts
of from 8 to 25 acres, at 2i to $65 per
Headquarters of large logging com
pany affording work at good wages for
all, where you can clear up your land
at odd times and yet have regular wages
coming every month. ;. -
The following will give you an. idea
of how you can buy and pay for it
with, a small down-payment w: v - .
No. 168 Has 18 acres at $30, $60
down payment. $1 per month; 1 acres
level, balance pasture land, good spring;
IS: mllea to station Kin soil. Noi 68
LHas 16 2-3 acres at $50. $85 down and
$11 per montn. All neany level oem-n
land except about 2 acres in draw with
fine, spring. 4 mile to station and
school. No. llS Has 9 4 acres at $60
per acre. $60 down payment and $14
per month. All nearly level bench land,
very foot of this1 tract is tillable;
mile to station and school. ,
Write, or call at our office far de
scriptive literature, and other inform
ation. '
Lueddemann, Ruley & uo.
13 Chamber Of Commerce. -
These are close to new railroad, and
offered on easy terms of $17 per acre,
$50 cash, $15 per month. Will double
In value on completion of railway in two
years. See field notes and photos at
our office. . - .
RUMMELL ft MoBRIPE, "274-Stark st.
Fern Ridge "
lots cleared and lanced, 5-room
house, inclosed; $1500; $600 cash, bal
ance easy torms. Call Jr M.. Williams,
Kern Rltlge, Humlay.
LOT 40x100, Kelly St.. near 87th st.; tent
bouse on lot; cheap for cash.
S09 Railway Kxphango Bldg.
Main 1224, A-7884. r
'i LOTS in Peninsula Add. No. 2, 25 ft.
each, cheap for cash.
309 Railway Exchange Bldg. ,
Main 1224. A-78S4. -
LOTS 50x100, so'uth of Killings wortK
ave.. $25 down, $10 month, Wood-
lawn 20-1
I will sell my 6 room modern cottage, l,.OR SALE Fine V block, close in. Call
full concrete basement, all electric fix
tures in and shades, lot 50x100 ft. streets
paved, between 2 carllnes, on east side,
walking distance, for $2250: $250 down
and balance like rent. This is 1 block
to Sunnyside carline. -See owner, J. II.
Nash. 325 Railway Exchange bldg.
on owner. 334 College st
I have a collection of, 1000 new and
modern homes, bungalows of all new
and artistic designs ranging from $800
up. Blue print plans ami specifications!
furnished free Artistic brick mantels I
and tile hearths of all new designs.
1329 Campbell St., Portland. Or.
7-KOOM modern 2 story brick. East
Burnside, lot 37xl00. cement cellar,
imp. all paid; facing south; best buy of
Easy Terms.
$09 Railway Exchange Bldg.,
Main 1224, A-7884.
5 to 10 Acre Tracts
On Germantowh road, 2
miles west of the Willamette
river, opposite St. Johns; rich
soil and some timber on each
tract Price $175 to $200 per
fcre. 10 per cent down and
'one Per cent and interest
monthly, t
Shaw-Fear Co.
Main 35. 102 4th St. A 3500,
Y 209, 103. 157. P7.
'A 162. 219, lf8. 157. 1 5J
CERTIFICATES of title made. Title
Trust Co., Lewis bldg.. 4th and Oan
LsiiU ftstsla to. to 1stUI . Painter et
I 1.. 11. KLwl. M l.ilil-fl arf,l(t..n t 1 TM
winiam ltyan and wife to refill 51.
r..r.. Mj. p, FINLEYiSONiSW.
HAYES Daniel Hayes, Home of Aged, Febru
ary 5, sged 77 ; accident.
CLOW Kennlth M. Clow, St. Vlncent'a hos
pital, Fehruary , aged 22; lobar pneumonia.
CHAPIN Henry D. Cnuplu. 6J3 East Sixty
second atreet north, February 2, aged 67; apo
plexy. .
STKOHM rrea r. errontn, it secona atreet,
February 6. aged 41; pneumonia.
AM1RIC1I Sarah A. Aldrlen, 340 Clay street,
Fehruary o, aged 74; aiaoetes.
WALTER Laura Ruth Walter, Good Samaritan
hospital, February 5, aged years; cerebro
spinal meningitis. o
STEVENS Lortna Jane Stevens, 893 Eerhy
atreet, February 4, aged 44; cancer.
15 Acres 15 Acres
15 acres of choice land. 14 acre in
c.n im m.i 'in - cultivation, 4 acres 16-year-old annles:
vineyard, berries and fruit trees. 100
reet rrom car on Mt. Scott line;
town on S. P. railway, south or Port-
Main 4190- osee him at m creek aoss one corner deeded
a am 4180-, or see him at 317 Hamilton water rights; it must and will Sell. See
w.A i rzrrrz me once if you are looking for a
o-jLKjjn iiiuuuiii iiuue, uox-ivo, juuti i snap.
xulii umweeii uuine ana i rescoii
sis., graaea, cement warn, gas m street,
$500 cash, balance easy terras; now
rented for 118 month:
209 Railway Exchange Bldg.,
Main 1224, A-78S4,
$09 Railway Exchange Building.
Main 1224, A-7884. -
Close-In Acreage
5 acres finest land in the Tualatin Val-
lev. 1 Snillpa frnm IIia natiinr ttt Port
FOR SALE BY OWNER Beautiful 6- land, near Beaverton; lies slightly roll
room bungalow, modern in every ro- ng; spring branch across one end; soil
apect, east front, on hard Burface st, is the very best and will grow any
1 block from, 2 carlines, 2 fine bearing thing; near school, church and stores;
cherry trees! In rear beautiful xhaln eaBy to see this; price $875, $100 caali,
. , - - - -- T ,i I 0 years m pay ins oaiHiiue-.
on balance.. Call and see it U. J. fcan- ALVORD-CARR-UCNTEU CO.,
ders, 293 East 48th Bt. 218-219 Hoard of Trade.
SUBURBAN home sites on electric car
Acreage on Macadam' Road'
fn -twtTo frnm Mtv limits. , t blocks
to good ctrline, near good school: bear
ing" fruit trees, good soil, high and sight
ly. We will build for you. Sold on easy
payments, , .
Acreage on West bide
TCrr-llnt unll lartrn area nf beaver-
dam laud and good drainage; part of
this tract is under irrigation, pari in
stumps and some heavy timber; 2 M, B
aim 10-acre tracts. Prices range from
$375 to $600' per acre; Inside tha er4
mile circle; will build to subpurchaser.
sold on very easy terms. ; - .. .
o- Acres : ' - -
And 2 room papered house, on 'west
side, mile to earline; good soil and
good ' drainage;, an ideal location, near
school, macadam road; 80 minute car
ride to business center; terms to suit
One Acre
And 5 room modern bungalow; bearing
fruit trees, best or sou, goou view on
macadam road, near school, 6 H miles
from postofflee. 8 blocks to good car-
line ana za minutes lo uusuietsa u-iucil
$4000: small cash payment, balance to
suit. .
Second Floor Selling Bldg.
6th and Alder Sts. - - '
Beaverton-Reedville .
.Acreage -.
1 to 6 aero tracts In the Tual
atin valley, 30 minutes from
Fourth snd Washington sts, on
the new Fourth street electric We
will have mountain water, under
pressure Rnd clectrio lights In a
few months. Each tract fronts
on good graded road. Prices $250
to $000 per acre, 10 per cent ;
down and 1 per cent and Interest
monthly. One acre 10 minutes i
walk to stajlon on good side
walk for $400. $40 down and
$6.10 monthly, with the payment 1
growing less each month,
Shaw-Fear' Co.
Main 35.. 102 Fourth St A S500.
FOR-SALE Within, city limits, on
acre poultry ranch, close to car; ,
room house: building to hold 800 hens;
all kinds of fruits and berriM. Ideal
location. Price $ so OOWoith $3300. N J
trades. Tabor C29. - - -
THE best of truck or dairy land close
in. Kent reasonable. .217 Abinatnn
bWg., I'ortlnnd Real Estate Co. Alain.
will locate you 320 acres..
Go with De Vaul to Bnd.
. ' KLICKITAT, : .
- Apples and Alfalfa1
48 acres Newtown and Ortley apples,
red shot soil, uplendld condition, 2 yrs. '
old: show place of Neighborhood. ,
40 acres, unimproved, , tinibeted, aty
extremely low price, r
- 12 Vi acres prlise winning G-yeaiol4
orchard, overlooking Lyle and Colum
bia: no - better orchard.V magnificent '
view, near -rail and river;' fine country
80 acres, undeveloped, timbered, bar
gain price on this..
Several 10 and 20 acre tracts In rap-
Idly developing dlstrkt. .
Above for sale tor rash, on easy '
terms, Portland property or good auto -or
truck emi bo used as first payment ,
on some of thesr-, with prices on cshU
basis on both skies. ' -
See exhibits of our .products in office.
windows of Great Northern Railway
and North Bank '.Railway.- '
808 Commercial Block. Marshall 4615. .
The owner ot this business will give
some onq a fine deal; the building is "
Krl,., Id tiu'elatl A. . ni.ln i n m '
fine Willamette valley city; the stock .
is hardware and implements; the price
ior evrryming is io,aoo. it is clear
of Incumbrance; wauls a stock ranch.-
'our story brick hotel In the W ilia- ,
mette valley. This place has a monop-
oly on the business; the present ownsti II
iihs been mere ior 2S years at tne same
place; he is old and wants to trade for
a good ranch up to $:SO,000, In the val
ley; the price of tho building is $65,000.
917 Yeon Bldg. " M -v-'i
' , irORNIA
A fine piece of aureage clone to Fresno
which is the celebrated raisin center.
This i land is close to the San Joaquin
river and adjoins a town; this property
Is all in cultivation and partly in alfalfa.-
917 Yeon Bldg. ' :
IfiOOO in Sellwood,. clear,
$6000, Laurelhurst, clear.
13500, Mount Scott, clear.
$6000. Woodstock. 2 acres.
$6000, Irviagton, clear.
$4600, Central Albina. dear
PIT Yeon Bldg.
TONSKTH FLORAL CO., 133 6th. choice
cut flowers for all occasions; prompt
service. M. 6102, A-1102.
FUNERAL designs, flowers, all occa
sions, c. xaune, 406' Mor. juar. bill).
MAX M. SMITH, florist, 14 Hi tb sl.
In Selling bldg. Main 7215.
MR. EDWARD HOLM AN. the leading
funeral director, 220 Third street, cor
ner Salmon. Lady assistant, Phone A
1511. Main (07.
Dunning (StMcEntee &Trr?krn
every detail. 7th and Pine. Main 430.
A-4A5R. Lady assistant.
4. 6 and 0. bloilt "A." Amily Part 4,500
A. W. ftnrm t" llenrr Beren", west 4n
feet of Ms 20 and S. Klrlsnd Place 1,900
B. A. Ufferle and wife to I'erdlnaml
Mertiileit, lot 2, bWxk S. tileueee Tsrlt 1,630
Wllbnrton Inrestment Co. to Itoy t'.
Knlder, lot I, block 7. Wllburton SuO
rorllsnd lteally A Trust Co. to W. F.
tVIUIams, lot 6, block 1, Sewlckly ad-
dlilon "25
Henry llarkv.n to VIIIIni A. Williams
t-t al. lot 35 Hollywood, 2,?00
K. It. Ulngle and wlfo to V. W. Ilurm-lt
et a I, west AO feet lot 1. block 3.
lijruos addttiov 2,500
Slr. X. E. Agnen- and huxbnnd to Ionla
II. and Ida lUjsanr, lot 1. block Zli,
TreiiKiut I'lai-e 900
WeMern Scurilies Co. lo lno '. t.old
thwall lots 4, 5 and 6, block tf, Wild
wood 800
T. It. Whipple to Maiilel Srhmltko, 77'i,x
24i feet com mend ne 10 chains 1,, feet
west fmui slake In bo'tlon Uim road
at Sfdithtvest corner ,f farm onmil
t.T Mrs. A. S. Mblln tictolwr 3, 1SMI.
them- neat 4'20 feet, thenca nortb
5S2.4t fei-t to lH-glnulns point 1,150
KenwotHl Land ('. to t'. l-ruy lleluwk
lits :'G. r.7. W and 39, east 'j lot
40, block ;!, Kenton 4,900
K. A. Heed to It. V. Melln et nl north
Kl I a feet lot , block 2. Newport.. 0,275
( buries Ijiwatuch and wife to louUa
liiimore soutln'Sst i northeast '1
''illnu 4, tonnshlp 1 sonlb, mnge 4
H. K. Noble and wife to I'.lla n. Town
send U.t K, bUnk X Areh'-r IMare
R. II. Vincent st nl In M. McMillan, lot
14. bWk 1-", ll'iee Cll l"rk
J. I. Morris lo Mm. S. J. Tsrkir. luls
7 snd H, block 12. Wbea.-lsrid sddltton
Henry llfriwii snd wife to A. 8. Benson
lot Ift, bliwk 2ii, H. !t. Jobn $
Ollzrus Ituiik to W . K. WmUm.c ta 20
and 'Jl, bka-k ". Rul.lons addition
Inlerurbsn Kesllr lo. I W. II. Corey
b-l , block lo. Belle CrcM,'.
The Western Securities Co. tn'jobn Kler-
nieler, bit 4, bl.a-k X Wlldwood
Same in Kittle Klernieler, lot 2, block 3,
Lmirelhiirst t o. lo J. W. Ittner et al lot
0, block 07. Ijiiirelhurst
I.. I". I,ee and wife to Judith M. I-e
lot i, LI m k 2. Lsurelburil, part of lot
At Fifth st.
East Side Funeral Directors.
414 E. Aider. East B2. B-2SIS,
LERCH, lenditag East Side Undertaker;
ladv assistant. E. 6th and Alder sts.
B-1888. Eiist 781.
A. R. ZELLER CO, Both phones.
PT ARQOM Undertakers. K 1080, Sb-
i LrwiuwiijTi Russell
L.IIIUOUI1 S133. A-223R.
I CDHli Underuker.
LLllUl I B-1888
Lady assistant
TiEMSTOCK. 1687 E. Uth. Sell. 71. B
1122. and Unlvers. Park. CoL S94-3J5
PORTLAND Marble Works, 2(4-2 4th
at Onposlte cltv risu Main aa4.
$800 Equity '
Itnp In trnnt nf 1 9 S 1 bii1 ( nttraa of
FoV S300: artistic 6 room bunjcalow, I it7B
built 1 year, modern; am forced to sell; binatlon of city and country. Good grow-
t lv . ' "yi""'"''"" " Ming community, store, school, telephone,
& 26 4?firjno,nE,,h Including all interest Lod uto road. Near rapid growing
Phone Tabbr 651. I manufai-turlna- rtlHtrlct Dnlv 4.1 trnctii to
BRAND NEW 8 ROOMS. $23i)0. sell at these low prices. Investigate.
Grouml 100x107. some bearinar trees: compare values, fall or ohone for birds-
close to school and new addition, where eye view of Portland's auburbs. J. W.
single lots sell for as high as 800, Ilefferlln, 307 Railway Exchange bldg.
loo down, mommy. rea w. uer- r- (o j rnTTT
man Co.. 932 Chamber of Commerce. 0 S.nCl I U ACrfiS LheaD
Both phones. e20 up to 14$ per acre, on terma
Onni PneK Tracta of 6 acres or mor; deep, red
ODOL LaSll shot SOU. well watered; easily cleared.
21900 rash for a S3000 home on east Ideal for general farming, fruit, veitt-
side; to settle an estate, am selling at tables, -dairying and chicken raising; lo.
a sneriflec; must sc41 at once. See J. . cated on county road, close to live town
Nanh 325 Railway Exchange bldg. Can on R. R. and river near Portland. Own-
arrnngo for a loan.
J-ROOM new modern house, lot BOxlIB
foet. 231 East 7th st. North. Monta
villa. If you are looking for snaps, see
this. Easy payments.
103 Riillway Exchange Bldg.,
Main 1224, A-78H4.
ers, 703 Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak sis.
Main 8078. Evenings East 394.
In suburbs of Canby, Or., Just 24 miles
from Portland, fine sandy loam soil,
near Junction of the two new railroads
at Canby. This property is worth II80O.
"70I Ctl- 8C" 81 0,"u Tor 4" terms, two
ll Weidler btreW blocks good school. This is fine and
t- i. .rocft . nw. I Kfcntlv but I M S M4ll. ArlilreKsi or
jror Httio ior aaoov. ,-noy mc v.un- j - , -, k -
tains 6 rooms aul attic and basement, phone It. Qrahani (Owner). Canby, Or.
tnodrti -onvenienccs. Lot boxiuo. can
East 4154.
TSCi P. HAT .1" 1 Till flprofl n t irood. rich
black soil, three miles northeast of
LaGrande, Or .two shares of water on
irriaatinar ditch. 75 acres alfalfa, a fine
dairy farm, most all under woven fence;
rair improvements. ..trice iiio per acre,
part cash. E. J. Urown, LaOraude. Or.,
R. R. No. I.
ii aprcs tsr.n
Good soiL roads and new school; ltf go ACItES 34 miles from Portland. 1
hours from -Portland: your own terms. I -mile from station: house and barn.
215 LUMBER EXCHANGE BUHi, family orchard, and 12 acres in cuitl-
Cor. Second and starK ts. vawou; on county road and mall route;
' 1 1 "' - I ,f A. A I T ! 1 1 1 . A..., 1..,
fuv urr fthir, villi ltt&e ,iv,uito ctiiu tut,
For Exchange
FOR 6ALE--FA2MS JT to $1600 anywhere on eleotrto Hue. or
in r oriianu, auu some casn. i
. . r- irrr i tic lo i rawiora. on . ex rx. hv.
ZUU ACre Tamil MOUU t at store" for Mr. W. A, Mcffilroy, or
a n. . tj-,iU wnnA. see agent ut ba Jtcnry nmg.
land. Wash., nearlv all fine rich plow
mnn on main rountv roaa. ciuse iu
-.1..1 1,.ll.r Mnll .11 ! WMHtr olillt 30 1 tlAtrtvnlhlii tn nt,i hnurliiirr nllAV anf
oviivut, ubii j aunt, ..c.'.v.. . . v . -- - i ... ... . -.. . -j . v . uw....,n .,.
acres under plow, fair' buildings, or- confectionery, located In live town, clos
chard, berries. A fine, dairy or at oca to Jt'ortianu; win coumaer anytiung
farm. 81500 cash, balance good time. that s good.
OKI A (TOI U Ar Vf.KtlUlvV
OJf nLICbi OCC. TCI nlO 525 -Chamber .-of Commerce
. . ,. . . j i . . i. ..
1 mm 1 1 tj 1 1 1 rniMHuu, t usg iu iun i'. I oivmv i. ,e .. ..
to school, nil SDlendid land. This Is I" i,.i u .
adjoining land 1 am el ling ; for $40 1 per wUn thp placo Would consider part
traae; ioo per aero ir 8id tins montn.
tjeo. llaacKe, itoom 1 Worcester bltlg.
Fhone Alain 6479.
11 LOTS FOR $K00.
Ixcated In West Portland Park.
Mortgage of $225. due 18 months. Will
exchange for furniture, piano, live stock
acre in raw state. This will make
good farm and splendid Investment.
J17 Board of Trade Building.
$20 acres of fine land In Alberta, to
trade for Portland property. Rose City . Yvr"f and hurgv. Vied. V. Onnan
Park preferred. This is a good 1m- fr f0i (,33 Ci of C. Holli phones.
ni Snr 1UHJMINU house. M. rooms, for sale or
mill and fences, ready Tor use, nna is rsl for lot or cauitv in Iioiikh and
lmatwl nn u eriil rnnrl near aood rail- . irauetror joi or pquit in iioiiRn ana
located on u good road, near good rail
road town, vliat have jout
The Westlyn Trust Co.
1203 eon Bldg.
Marshall 2553, A-771.
You Can't Beat This
4 .11 n Mailt lltntlnn 4fl fx ..Iw
a tan, i ip. a 1 g a is vMiiisatiuii! a tuq v ic w
only 4 2Qnuteato two electric Btatloiirt,
rnltl tA.l t an A n. ft Mlnm hnniA
high and sightly, near quick east aldo lth board walk; 12-ccnt fare;
car service; water ana granea si., in
cluded; $75 down, $12 monthly, See Jas.
l Logan, 815 ypaiding Plug.
terms. Sen
Atchison & Allen
210 Gerllnger B11, 2d and Alder.
UM AD ' Maarlarn A riwm hliniyolnW TT
.r.v Ke,ar Hni.M. Ha.', tn I CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Port
S p" shops. improvement all In. ". , Best soil, good 'Oad "phnf
Price $2000. $200 cash. bal$25 per water, free wood, 10 acres $400 $500.
month. E. A. McUrath, 628 Chamber of $00 per tract; 20 acres, $800; 40 acres
Sm n- blda-. Marshall 2209. 1 -'"O; 50 acrts. $2000; 40 acres timber.
r . r . j $2400. Jtanches an Kinas ror sale. Eaay
711 WATER ST. 9 room bouse, 50 foot erma .rank McFarland Realty Co., 30
joi, pricru very iuw nuu iiiiih iw nun, i ,,.. hide Portland. Or.
THE FIRST TRUST COMPANY. icon mag., rortiana. ur
lot irt th city or acroHgo near rlty not
over za nines away or wouiu iruoe ior
team -and wagon or auto. Xso agent
wanted. Call Tabor MSH.
GOOD bonne, und 2 iou on Mt. Sioti
r(i w linn I .mteol tviutil Mlntinn. 'to at.
cliauge. .Will take vacant lots or acra- f
age-ior eutiity, sn mignt-pay casn
difference. Main 106.
c 1. uiuBL'nnro "fic cn,lhi 1,1
trie, all in cultivation, owned by non- - -., .t rjr.,-
residhiit. A snap. 40 and 60 acres ad- SOMK SNAPS on Oregon City line. .
Joining good town south of Salem. $125 sen or cxeuange. a.isi your property
acre. Also 2 or 3 small tracts near IOWA REALTY CO.,
Reedvllle. Price right; terms. 629 Chamber of Commerce.
Iowa Realty Co.
839 Chmnlier of Commerce bldg.
196 acres near station on Oregon IClec-
Washlngton and Third els.
oi'lu SCHUMAN. granite and marble
works. Eaft 8d and Pine. Eaat 74J.
Grand ave and Mult. E. 87 C-l0,
til Chamber of Cornmorea. Main 16it.
205 Gerltnaer Bldg. Main 141.
McKay Bldg. Mali
in 00 ir.O DOWN. $15 MONTHLY.
Neat 6 room cottage with bath and!
toilet Mt Scott district. Why pay rent
Fred W. German Co., 932 Cliamber of
Commerce. Both phones.
80x175, All Cleared
Right Bt station, store, school. SB
minutes from 1st and Abler sts., $10
down and $8 per month. W will help
you build. AKorson r.ooon, 401 Board
of Trade bldg. Main 570. Evenings Main
llooo EQUITY In 6 room bungalow In
Improved district, for sale cheap;
terms on all of above property. Iowa
Realty Co- $29 Chamber of Commerce
Acres, Only $1000
On new S. P. electric, close to Sta
tion, llo fare. $5 minutes' ride. A splen
did investment or suburban home. Buy
FOR HALE Modern 8-room house, fur- whllo the prho is rigiit.
mitnA twi uii rennv to mnve nrni ailuiooh oc Aiiijr.ii.
into: raved street.'1,, block from car- 210 Gerllnger bldg. 2d and Alder at.
line. Call at 638 Maiden ave. Sell- WHAT DO YOU WANT 7 Business op
wood ion
NEAR INDEPENDENCE. "EACH bird and each beast. It Is bleasej --
On mil frnm eWtrln station in six I lu decree." If vou want to buy. wish .
months; 125 acres. 60 in cultivation, bal- to sell, or will trade, and doslro results "
ance good oak timber; no waste land; from honest brokers, see Griffin 4
good, new modern buildings; all stock, Smiill. 403 Rothehlld bldg.
crop and implements included,- at only 15 CRES, trade for small house and lot
ff 1 AA Bd.aa jb aa- aa w t lilt' fja 111 4Wftj . . va m w
ju iicr nuo, icuua , wu- nrM earline. vwncr, m. m. aiar-
alder some trade. ... shall. .Vancouver. Wash. It. F. D. No.
COLUMBIA TRUST CUMPAr, 2. Ho 137. " '-v
82 rOUl'tn pt, I ....... , . ... ... ,r..Aa in Lh.r,. ..r .inn' ,
160 ACRE farm, located 1,A miles from .500 ,n I'co'ple's'Navlgatlon Co. V,
Boring. Or., on tne u. Vlrlc steamer Tahoma. Address Fox Fuml-
1ine, county road running through place, . ,lre r 0,i3i Russell st.
bSie'daVr.ntaatsCrk Z&.'ZtUZ ,
ir fin-Hi,. nRrtteulars jrall or write arlc St. . . ; :
owner, Mrs. Emma Bourgeois, Troutdale, GOOD modern house, corner lot, near
Or or A. O. JtorDerg, aujmning towce. scnoot su c. . niiummv. .
' NXATTYXMIliLLr Trado for what you have Perth. nd. As-
.,n K.ia.,.. I sums some. Snap. O-230. Journal. ,
Umber; good creek, .good buildings, on PORTLAND. PROPERTY TO EX- ,
e,T. Vnad: nl stock crop and imple- C11ANO Kbit ACRE A IE AKOl'NU '
ments Included, at only $90 per acre; 1 SACRAMENTO. CALL 187 PARK ST.
Dortunitles? Rooming and apartment terma to suit; will taKe some city voR EXCHANGE Now 6 room cottaKo
houses? Farms, small, acreage? We , property a pari rment on paved stre-L for a San Diego, Cal.,
tui.u floii . a. ' f,iv-' ' - residence lot, r'noiif niiwinnn .i.n
B m r UUI in ri.
vno Kli.K 5 room bunualow. Waver
i..ini, iicltrl,t- tr,0 flown, balnnca 125 will ret lust what you Want if we have
a month. Including interest. . 309 Rail- not got It. . New Thot Realty Co., 61C h
For 50 vears. 100x100 on Morrison st
below 12th st.; thm Is a snap, at price is
right. P-226. Journal.
Gently CIcmuie Your Kloniarh, Ivr-r, l'oriund TniiV to. to "i ;. ii t;Vrter kit
and Towels AVliile lot Sli't p.
That awful sournesn, belching of ni iJ
and foul gases; that pain In the pit "f
the itomach, the heartburn, nervous
ness, nausea, bloating after ctlnir fp..i.
Ing of fullness, dlzsllieas and sick head-1 J'"!' ,'"U1 - 'UU Hesld. lot 12.
,,hc. mean, a disordered stomaoi,. ! j. 'tMi.r.T wife V. i
n nn.ii , ..iiv. . -. . .. u.iui juii rr-
II rn your- stom
II. Mixk C, Mruefee adilltion.
Willamette lies II jf (i. . Jubn J. King
I. it 0, lilixk .18. Belle Crenl
llciir.r Kri'i'lKirongh ami wlfo tn J. H.
iMinran. ht in. blvek 5. WeUbuor
imali '
Iloiiry KreelviriMiEli sikI wife tn J. It.
Ilunifin. lot t). blue. 7, Weuubnroutb
1IOCSEKEEPINO rooms, free 'light,
heat unil hot water; rent reasonable.
355 Salmon, corner Park.
iiiove tne caoar.
urn's fault . Your stomach Is as good
uh any. -
Try Csscoicts; they Immediately
cleanae and regulate the stomach, re
move the sour, undigested and ferment
leg food and foul gaaes; take the excels
Ml' front the Jlver, and carry off the
lonrttrated wait matter and poison
from the Intestines and bow-Is. Then
rone- atomach trouble la ended. A Can
.'aret tonight will straighten you out
l(, morning a 10 cent, bog from any
ug stoia will keep your stomach sweet,
liver and-howela regular, for month.
Imn t loit the children their llttln
et al. kits 4 and 10. block X Marontfo
nil.lli ton tw Kt. John
J. II. N.ih lo Jnsle Hrnphy, sutitli 'i lut
11. Woik 4. Vpioa Park
AlmneiU Land t'o. to Killib Maf, lut
i, tiba'k 34. Alameda I'ark
I.aurrlhurxt Co. to Alonso D. Wartm
kit X block 12. ljnrelhnrwt
riirlmlna tialllard and halian4 to (ien.
X'hrelber et al lot 0, block 8, Belle
I I rent
Marifarrt A. isuca and bii'hand to Rweoa
II. Itamejr et al. lut 12, block 5, Irr
liitfwinid .....'
Il'irj M. Tumlliisoa and lf to Arthur'
i. i uruiiu"tiii, j mirr vrmnvinf in j
ctli line eat and wt through
aerlUm T. tnnnnliln 1 south, range 1 '
east, 27a.6l feet west of ft corner be
tween -rrttoiis 7 and
TMiriritrM-irtnf.TITBWana I'ark"
auiiHUiii ,
. 700
TWO fine business lots for sale, corner
3d and Couch. Must sell at once; also
one lot 100 feet on Washington st, 60
feet on King. Apply 107 North Third.
Ktlers bldg.
way Kxcnang. eoru w n.
NKW & loom modern house, beamed
celling, decorations, etc 1 block from
car, $16U0; $6U0 casn. uau owner, laoor
i. i uii 'i.-T i in veil mv Iiuuha and 76x100
in Woodstock. $650; $50 cash, $10 wood 476
per month. 5431 63d av. 6Bth st,
WE BELL and exchange farms, houses -
and autos. wagoner. i jtnnt,
U W S aw w - , av SS m a Zf
Uood soli, city water, close to carline;
easy terms. Phone Marshall lift 5, Sell.
John H. Oibaon, owner.
Tf n It will, make your flrat
6 mi io acre tract of good land, 1 hour
and 80 minutes ironi roruana. Kooro 115
Lumber Exchange uiug corner 2d and
NEW modern room bungalow, com
pletely furnished; beat of everything:
party gotn- south, will sell af a sacri
fice. Woodlawn $229.
Payments like rent." 6 room bunga
low, one block from carline. . P-229,
Journal. ' ' '
FOR BALE room modern house, a
snap; to down, paiam-e to suit. 309
Railway Exchange. Ford t'o,
Irvlngton; finely finished In oak and
mahogany. Tuast 273. W. 11. Iludman.
fc nnwN iio MONTHLY.
niclenhurif. 1U .blocks to Hawthorne Stark ati.
car, Inside lots $550 corners $800. , Fred TJkegoN CITY, 6 acres, hog fenced,
W. Gorman io., va ai xioin cultivated, fruit set, water. 6 room
nhones. ' I honne. furniture, chicken house, chlck-
LOT 13. block 8, iAdd's addition,' cheap ens, potatoes, team, wagon and harness ;
lot ctUb. , A $1400 part oash. Bee owner. Casadero
JOS. MEYER, . I car, Heraetey suimn, i
809 Railway Exchange Bldg,
Main HZ A-7H84.
FOR HAIjE 25 acres of land; 10 acres
In bearing iruii nna eiiaua, suD-irrt-
VP 1'ull stae lot. 60x100. Ko City gated, near Island ity, Or. Oood house
ark. on 63d et, improvements paid; and barn. Price $5000, part cash, rest
e $600, terms. Enders & Hartshorn, reasonabln terms. b. J. Brown, La
bl'NN VSIDK BNAP room bouse, 60x
100 lot. Improved street, a good buy;
1079 K Morrison st. Main' lias.
FOR HALE 4i room bungalow, E. 10th
St., north; $30 down, balanca rent Si)
Railway Exchange. Ford , Co.
bMAi.l. houce ami large lot, easy terms.
... . . . i . , rr- l jft-n
Mt. reoii oiHi, lmimjt .ii,
VXtn 'ft A? f Imtsesr aticf T la fa-, - m me ' Ti s
rent. 0-226, journal. ;
6NA.P :
431 t. Iiamner oi i.uinnienyi- . ... - -- - . -
,0OObuy.J,a.f .cre,w.lJe.l5,.ln- "'Tti?.
uiea car rio, gg tare, mis . nm, , . , - i .
, tin h,l,n 110 iinr Dtr. price tv "tie. c-htoi miner
,.-1111!. '.'.-.-.- I .1 in A 3 3 triali.r
month : M. Hi. Ij bZ2 I OrDeil DIOK. I kwu i"i. -" ' w
Cn6l(';li lot went sl.le. $0x1 20, l.eHutifuI
view, Ideal home site: price. $400, $20 AOilKB. i Vi?-CS5h,:,ni-.eai'"
cash. balance $5 per montn. M. E. Le. ily; cleared: fino rich soil! close to
6J2 Corbett bldg. - car line. A snap for $750., Terms $14
. 1 ima ..i... iixi; i ner momo. nMi,-,u m.
0 m)AC9 111. " C.41111, r itniiir.iii
bought 19011; snap.
U..-1, r.i- lR ? Imaiittrnl v aw' 3U AU(K ii iiioiiiiiiy. on ear
loir. '"" ----'J,-'.".-. :" .... 'I 'fi ,, ..l....rj,l n ........I 1I1-1
1 1 lie. XSl 1 v.. ,i v D 1 n , V,. .
N-244, Journal;
r-r tr,-rr.Tv, 1 " i. ...:-:n rsrTTTS I Journal.
lot 3 blocks from car. K-18J, Jour- FIVE acres at a bargain on UiMn at
tial . .. Bull Run water on two sides. Thos.
feKE L. Kolrt C.'.-tft Wat' prop: V If -.3 J-
- rTT rTefwtv;-ittTa-tn--rirt-llt H-Hhe I ie-wea, -ft4Msrr-4iU
realty. $37 Chamber of Commerce, in, C-2406.
tenanetivA farm purchasers will find I .1" Jfi e'
wrlt or call before you ntiy, 1 ' -. J . mm.
... nail liefnr VOI1
COLUMBIA TBum tumrAni,
82 Fourth St.
$600: $50 down. $10 month. .
T. j. I-ONO. MAIN 2490.
81 Fourth 81.
lock bldg.. 3d and Oak. Marshall 2654.
CLEAR lots to trade for auto or good-
equities. vernoeuer, u-i kimmuer ui
Commerce. - . .
COLUMBUS clectrirt phaeton, cost $2150.
two Tun sets naileries a-i tinui
tlon. For city lots. 7,-173. Journal.
FOUR lota to exchange for rooinlwi
jiouse Y-225, .Tonrniil. . '
chickens or
A Chance for a Poor Man
b nerea r.i rods from Oregon Electric.
15 miles 'out all cleared and level, only TRADK , typewriter . for c
$1250; $25011.1 0 per year. x23 t,JI oyrnal. ;
810 Ppaldlng bldg Mam hi. WANTED REAL 1CSTATE 8t
I 1 . . ayBA I.J,I41d Hll I
hiNAr. xo'acrea 10 niu 1 1 mu m 1 yi-wvvww
Land su
iae,,iamiir V" "-y-'; Oder wenn Sle die pienste sscngitntiiger
ek through place. Ideal ' JJJ GrundoUenrumsmaenner o.ler Notara
ry. No agents 12250 cash, balance mirhen B0 vlrtl Vmt,n lmBer Deutsolut
iy terms. U-169 Journal. Department gern dlenlleh seln.
Ideal country home.
Improved 83 acre farm on county road
In Fruit Valley. H mile, from Van
couver. Wash. Very fertile soil, no hard
pan or 'gravel; $200 per acre, 1-3 cash.
t . . . , n 1 r I
tall owner, imjur aun
ts' PEC 1AL inducements to settlers of Ir
rigated California land; excursion Feb
15. A. M. Illghhouse, 617 Board of
Trade bldg. '
MlLLlONrt In walnuts but not every.
where. Wlthvcombe knows where. Se
hln42J Hamilton bldg. Main 2375.
. down.. D-2i, Journal, . , . .. , . ,
........ r-- - ,, .ii.
ti Kl.l, pi. llll.. li-l Iienry oniy,
WANTED Modern residence In gooct
dlatrlct from owner; must be flear
of Incumbrance; VIU pay part ranli.
balance in. country property, Marshall
4645. ; ' " ' '',
vXnTED Incouic property, .weft aide, '
from $15,000 to $100,000. M, E. Lee,
522 Corbet t bldg.
VvAN'ljiKi iraiaie, (Uh ur IraUa.
Miller rn-min, sis Henry m.
VVjtNTEIVrl's In town of Ttrrrebnnr.e,
fir. Will l'wy rw!b. W-232. .Imirnal.
(CoulUi4ed oii .i , , "