THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY 7, 1313. aO CAPTAIIJ DESLET MORE FAIR DATES DROPS TIVO POLO ARE ASKED THAN CLUBS, DECAMPS ARE GOOD WEEKS His Wife, Gives Her Side of North Pacific Ass'n Delegates Strange Story That Broke Have Only Today to Reach Up His Engagement With Society Belle. Agreement; Rolston Chosen President. (United Prera Leased Hire.) San Diego, Cal.Feb. 7. Leaving a lot of puzzled friends wondering at in: trouble with his first wife. Captain J. Campbell Besley has disappeared. Ef forts of friends today to find him were fruitless1. It is thought he has gone to Mexico, where he- has been in the habit of going; on frequent business trips. To the last he denied, In the face of repeated 'statements to the contrary, that his engagement to Miss Elisabeth Wood,-Los Angeles heiress, had been broken as the result of the activities of his former wife, who was Marjorie Ben nett, iiow la San Francisco. He insisted that the wedding had been (Salem Burets of Tba Journal.) Salem. Or., Feb. With several times as many fair associations demand ing dates on the racing circuit as there are desirable weeks in the, fair season, the fight for dates being fixed at the meetinpr of the North Pacific Fair as sociation was not ended when the as sociation adjourned today for Its noon recess. But as this afternoon's session is the last, an agreement will have to be forced then Dr. A. G. Smith and Charles Lohraire were at the meeting yesterday after noon. an? asked lor a aaie ior in Riverside Driving club at Portland J VDES SALARIES BILL HAS PASSED i SEANDSENAT E Raises AH to $4000 a Year and May Be Vetoed by Gov ernor West Just as It Was Two Years Ago. postponed until he could clear away th I They asked for the week preceding the tangle he says was caused by his at torney, who had informed him that his divorce decree had been made perma nent. - , Mrs. Besley Relates Experiences. (Cnitnd Press Leawd WIre.i San Francisco, Feb. 7. "I feel deeply sorry for that poor little girl in Los Angeles," ' said Mrs. Marjorie Bennet Besley here today when interviewed re garding her husband's entanglement with Miss Wood. ; "But I feel that it is better for these facts to come out now than for her Jn have to suffer afterward as i nave sutrerea. "I waf nly 19 years old at the time I met Jim, and I was infatuated. I went to Alaska to marry him. We mar- ried in Nome in August, 1901 and 11 was onry IS days after our marriage mat i found out he was not straight. ."I was divorced .from Jim in 1903 becaHsa mv veonle made rrft see that I had spent my money for nothing, only I A fiRAMnp M E DISTRICT ' to have blm desert ine. But when not H unH,yc C" K' IT. state fair at Salem. And members ot the state fair board are holding out for the week of September 29, but mem bers of the dates committee assertod that it was likely Salem would be forced to take the week of September 5. The Riverside Driving club would then be given the preceding week, which would be doubling up with wail vvaiia ana North Yakima. The association passed resolutions in dorsing S. B. 72, providing for the Ore gon Agricultural college agricultural ex- tension work, and H. B. 4zs, putting county fairs on a millage basis of sup port. ' 1 H. S. Rolston, of Vancouver, . was elected president; R. H. Cosgrove, of Spokane, vice president; John W. Peace, of Seattle, secretary and treasurer. The next meeting will be held tt van- couver, B. c y ; - , a week after that interlocutory -decree had. been granted by Judge Seawell in San Francisco, he begged me to come to him in Seattle and stand by hlnvl went back to him. We traveled Ah rough Europe together, I always thinking that he would retrieve- himself and ."..I ctfuld forget. ;' But detectives followed us -and in many places people recognized him, We came back to San Francisco and. he lived with me in my. father's houses "After my father's sodden death when my mother broke down and , was for months an invalid, he again deserted me and this time I did not try to bring- him back.-7 I believe he went to .Mexico, j -. j "When he was in San Francisco last June -with the polo team, he came to see me. I had no idea he would try to deceive another girl so cruelly. When i did learn of it, I thought it only fair to her to tell my attorneys the whole truth. - . " "Jt is not true that after this I would ever take my husband back. I have come to his rescue with money in his trouble. I hav. given up my friends to stand by him. rl have endured shame. When he represents to, others that I am an unworthy woman and that I was never married ,to a!m-what woman- ould stand hai? CI will never see James Besley again; unless it is to to admit, the truth." -:r-- ''Csi-tacle Is Finn. , Los 'Aftgeles, CaK, -Feb. 7. E.- Pern Johnson Jr., uncle of Elizabeth Modlnl Wood, confirmed today reports that Miss "Wood's engagement to Captain James Campbell Besley has been broken. COWEEMAN VALLEY LOGS MAY AT LAST COME OUT (Special to The Journal.) ' Centralis, Wash., Feb. 7. With the closing of a timber-deal, Involving prac tically all tbe- timber on the north bank of the Coweeman river between Kelso and the holdings of the SheVltn Lumber company, ths first step has been taken road which will tap the entire Cowee man Yauey, and will eventually take out not only the timber at the head waters, of the Coweeman, but at the headwaters of the Kalama river and south fork of the Toutle as well. The proposition Is one upon which It. H Barr, ; manager of the Cowlitx Lumber company camps, has been working for ths past 10 years, and if the first steps are, fully followed up, the logging of st least. 100,000,000 feet of timber is assured.- CONFERS AT PRAIRIE CITY '(Special to The Journal.) ' prairie City. .Or, Feb. 7. The La Grande District M. E. Conference con vened at this place Tuesday of this week, remaining in session until? Thurs day. '.Threatening' weather and the dan ger of becoming snowbound reduced the, attendance front all expected 30 to some 10 or 16 of th members. This was the first time in me History or Prairie City that the District Confer ence of the M. K. Church has met at this place. Great interest was manifested In the meetings by Prairie people. (Staff Correspondence.) Salem, Or., Feb. 7. Increase of salary of the circuit judges of the state so all will get 14000 a year, was voted by the senate this morning, and the Forbes bill now goes to the governor, who vetoed a similar measure two years ago. Should the governor veto the bill again it will not become a law unless some of the senators change their views, for 11 sen ators voted against it, enough to pre vent passage over the veto. The bill was not passed until Senator Lester had denounced it. as a "salary grab, pure and simple;" Warm defense of the bill was made by Butler, Bean, Carson and others, who said the high cost of living makes it necessary to raise the pay, and several stories were told of judges left penniless in old age when retired from the bench. Ragsdale said; he was against it be cause taxpayers in his county did not want it. Carson and Neuner declared they were for it because in addition to the $3000 already received by all judges from the state treasury, 10 judges in different parts of' the state were receiv ing tlOOO additional from county treas uries. While this argument for equalization of salaries by -raising all to the $4Q00 basis was going on, no mention was made of the fact that one bill has al ready been Introduced by au thorize the payment of another 11000 by the county to the judges in Multnomah, and If the $4000 bill becomes a law Moser will also press his bill for an ad ditional $1000 for Multnomah. The vote by which the salary increase was voted today was 18 to 11, One ab sent. Dimlck, Hawley, Hosklns, Hollia, Kellaher, Lester, Miller, Ragsdale, Smith of Coos, Smith of Josephine and Stewart voted no, with Patton absent, r ruary 23, 1S47. in lews,, where he i lived with -his parents till,, at the age of -21, when he was married to Sarah A. jack son, August IS, 186$. In 1873 ' they moved to Weston, Or., where they-lived for 1$ years, coming , then to Morrow county. Fourteen years later they came to this city, where they -have since re sided. The wife and eight children. four brothers and-flve sisters survive, The children are: N. P. Williams of Troutdale. C. F. and Nora Williams of Fossil, Mrs. Ada Goodwin of Portland, and James A. Williams, J. li Williams, Anna Brians and Ella Leghorn of this city. ,,,-. ' HOOD RIVER WANTS " 4 NEW HIGH SCHOOL fRnMl.l to Tha Joarnal.l - Hood .River, Or., Feb. I. Prominent citizens of Hood River are agitating the matter of a new . high school . for , the city. It Is being planned to build the new building on the site of the present Park street school. The Park, street building is. a wooden structure .many years old, and out of date from the standpoint of safety and facilities. W. W. Kltchin, who has just retJred from the governorship of North Caro lina, has begun the practice of law In Raleigh. .:.:'. CASTOR I A For Infant i and Children. flie Rind Yoa HaT8 Alwajs Bszght Bears tha : g&gnatura of E. A. Wallace of Condon Dies. , (Special -to Tba Jour !. Condon, Or.. Feb. 7. Evan A. Wallace, of Condon, (5 years old, died in Port land, January 29. He was born Feb- ASTHUA CATARRH WHOOPING COUGH aaunuuiu SPASMODIC CROUP COUGHS C0L95 r tSTSBLISMtB 1ST A simple, aafa sod effective-treatment for bronchial troubles, without dosing tbe stomach with drug. Used with success for thirty years. The air carrying the antiseptic vapor, in spired with evovy breath, makes breath, ing easy, soothes the tors throat, and stops the cough, assuring restful nights. Creaolene is invaluable to mothers with young children and a boon to sufferers irom Agtnma. Stnd us fost at for itscriptivt booklet. All, DBVeeiSTB. Try GraotaM Antiaeptlo Throat TabMafor the Ir ritated throat. Th.yara aimpla, effect! t and ant J aeptio. Of jtmr drunrlH or f mm it lOirin atawiia. JiWh t ,- -.. ? I V .;,..'. ,. 1. j .- ' B m ..." 1 m M sT m . I ' la a a and it really is "tip-top."; Before I discovered Tip-Top Bread, I thought I could bake and I could bake too, but my bread always seemed to lack . "something. The flavor was absent, the crust was riot right, or it .was not 1 baked through. One trial of Tip-Top ) proved it better than my own taking, v "Why b it better? Because in the first ; place, it is always uniform in flavor x and quality, and aain, it is light, snow white, close grained, of fine texture," easily digested and wonderfully appe tizing. , . v "No wonder I buy it and no wonder " . we all like it Try it yourself, LooJ? for the name " T1P.TOP" on every loaf Capital Stock Increased. The Pacific 8tates Fire Insurance company filed resolution authorizing! the Jn-Tease of the capital stock of the I company from $500,000 to $1,000,000 with County Clerk Coffey this morning. The increase was authorized March 18, 1912, to take place when the entire I $600,000 of old stock was subscribed. The number of shares of stock was! also Increased from 6000 to 10,000. WANTS EX-WIFE TAKEN ITO TEXAS AS KIDNAPER - , . k (Coltcd Pra Laaed Wire. Los Angeles, Feb. 7. H. O. Saunders of Galveston. Tex., a wealthy mining man and former judge, is hurrying to Sacramento today to ask the extradition to Texas of Mrs. P. O. Mottino, former ly his wife, whom he alleges kidnaped their daughters and brought them to California. Meanwhile. Mrs. lottlno is In nominal custody of Ventura countv courts, and her daughters, Consuelo. 13. and Esper anza It, are being cared for by persons DDOlnted bv the court Mn mnim. . . ....... .M-Jllt.JI. IH formally charged in Texas with kid - leaping.. Also Burning,; Nearly Driven Crazy, Hair Cams Out by the Handful, Dandruff Like Flakes of Snow. Cu ticura Soap and Ointment Cured, P.O. Box B81, Lenta, Ore.-" I was araas ly troubled with dandruff and aa itching and burning scalp for nearly five months. My head was always Itching and burning. It nearly drove me crazy. When ever I would comb my hair (which was a very painful thing), my hair would just corns out on I the comb by the handful ' Dandruff would be falling out just likeflakesof snow. I could rub my head and dandruff would fall all over my clothes. It was I somethmg awfuL The crost-llke dandruff could plainly be seen and I had scratched my head so much there were scabs and sores all over. Sometimes I could hardly sleep. "I tried r ; and several others but to rip success. Iheard of CutJcura Soap and Ointment and deter mined to try them. I bought a box of Cutt cura Soap and Ointment and used them for three or four weeks and I was completely cured. My hair is sUky and nice, my scalp white and clean, and my hair is coming la moe and long." (Signed) Miss R. Rasmus sen. Sept 23. 1912. Outlcnra Soap (25a) and Cutirura Oint ment (50c.) are sold everywhere. A shtgle vset la often sufficient. liberal sample of each mailed free, with 32-p. Sldn Book. Ad dress post-card "Outtcura. Dept. T. Boston." Tooier-fafd men should oae Otrticura Soap Shaving Stack, S5e. Sample free. IVAPO CRESOLENE CO. VN. 3cSS SI I . ' ff , V ,.,..,,.,.,.,... .- , , 1; . v , ,. , ,,, , ., f a CartWt St.. N. T tggC.j J CS J I m ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ; : i : ; . uriU ioj i c?'.i;' i lj fY iiA i f To1 . II li I I II v I VI fill m I l II "I r ' " I i 1 I I I I II l II rM ' II II ill II I I II V I V v J. I II I II n I I II I I II II II -m- II II R ITT) 0 Fh ; C o , r r ' 1 . ' u m w 1 MOST SICKNESS COMES FROM WEAK, INACTIVE KIDNEYS Recent Reports Show Hun dreds Suffer With Kidney Troubles and Don't Know It There ara scores of nervous, tired, run-down people throughout the city, suffering with pains in the back and aides, dizzy spells, weaknesses of the bladder, ; (frequently causing annoy ance at night) who fail to realise tbe seriousness of their troubles until such conditions as chronio rheumatism, blad der troubles, dropsy, diabetes or even lirlnhfs disease result, All this is due to weak Inactive Kid neys. The kidneys ara the filters1 ih blood, and no on ran b wn n.i ii you sutrer wiin auoti tymptoins li t nrglatit yourself another day and ;a ths risk of serious complication Secure an original package of ths new discovery, Croxone, which costs but a trifle, and commence Its use at once. When you have taken a few doses, you will be surprised how differently you will feel. Croxone cures the worst cases of kid ner. bladder trouble and rheumatism, because it removes the cause. It cleans out the kidneys and makes them filter out all the poisonous waste matter and urit; aoid, that lodge in the- Joints and muscles, causing rheumatism; soothes and heals the bladder, and quickly re lieves you. of all your misery. You will find Croxone different from all other remedies. There" is nothing else on earth like It It matters hot how old you are or. how long you have suffered, it is so prepared that It Is practloally Impossible to take it into the iiuman system without results, iv. It is aven mora important than that Croxone from any first 57 ,i,? bowels mov. regularly. ; . All druggist, are . horiE ggfsts are authorized to tx.rir.nui. ly retwrn the purchaso price if H falls to give the desired results tlte very first time yoa use it ". ;,'., Suit Tailored to Order and $5.00 to $7.00 Extra Pants Free '' " . ' J lv: J Free! MEANS WITH EVERY SUIT TAILORED to Your Order- -Free! We Wish You to Bear in Mind That You Get the $7 Trousers Absolutely Free With the Same Good Dun dee Service Now arid Al ways Union Made ONI WE Starting Saturday, Feb. 8 Closing Saturday, Feb. 15 JUST THINK OF IT, MEN! A Regular $25 to $30 Suit Tailored to Your Measure With Extra Pair of Pants for $15.00 Washington Street Majestic-Theatre Building I v..