The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 04, 1913, Page 4, Image 4

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    ' - '-"'.1
Frederick p. Beach; Accused
by Detectives of Cutting ,'
" Wife; She Denies Itr
(UnitM Vrr le4 Wtr.
Aikm, g.LC. With a full
jury In the box, trtat of Frederick
O. Beach, a wealthy New -.York "wan,
charged with assaulting hia wife,
opened her today.'. Beaeh pleaded "not
guilty.-? v:.;--o.v'' : r
Beach la "accused of cutting his wife's
throat, although aha personally is- ex
pected to testify in Refutation ot that
charge, - - ' j ; . . : ' ;
On Hie' night' of February 28, 1S12,
Mrs. ; Beach; was stabbed ' In the neck
niille In the yard oJWhe Beach winter
home here. V She said: she had left her
husband in the house and went to let
the dog out when a 'marked man at
tacked her, 'plunging- a knife into her
and trying to pull diamond ear rings
from her ears. The knife barely missed
the wdman's jugular vein and the gash
required 19 stitches' to close.
Detectives later asserted that Beach
himself was the assailant of his wife
after a quarrel, but, since the attack
the couple have shown -every evidence
of affection, and the- whole case la
wrapped in mystery which It is ex
pected the present; trial Will do some
thing to clear. , . . ( .
Hr Feeling W orth 3Q,0OQ.
Indianapolis, Feb. .4. Flft thousand
dollars damages today; ia awarded Miss
American Lady Corsets
The Gossard" Corsets
Arnold's Knit Goods
From 10 to 11A.M.
39c Neckwear at 10c
1000 Pieces of Wtnti'i lace
Trimmed Cascades, Jabots, Col
lars in a large assortment of new
styles. 25c and 0o values 4 A.
this hour at. lowj price of X VIC
19c Scrim Only 10c
Boo Tards of Tina Plain Curtain
Bcrlm, cream and ecru, 38 inches
wide, regular l$c value. f
this one pour at, per yard 1UC
rrliits 3 the Yard
Trom 10. to 11 A. VL on the Bal
cony 3000 yards of Standard
prints Neat patterns on light,
medium and dark grounds ni
on sale at small price o( OjC
From 10 to 11 A. M., One Hour
Only, in the Basement, Regular
6a Glass Tumblers on sale C
at the bargain price of I for vC
Great Notion Sale
These Items on Bale All
Jo Pearl Trlmmlog Buttons
10c Wilson Dress Fasteners
16c But ten-hole Tape now at
lc Hook-and-Eye Tape at
10c Mercerised Corset Laces
10c Wash Braid, all colors.
So Dutch Lineu Tape now
6c Asbestos Iron Holders at
"5c Tracing Wheela now for
6o Darning Silk .now for
iSc Needle Books offer! at
26c Shirt Waist Belta on sale 14 1
iuc DiwRiiiu uarners. ai oniy ! m
!Bc Sleeve Protectors at onlylTj
25e Naiad Shields on sale at 17
c Elastic Hair Nets at only
6e Coat Hangers offered at
I6e Hose Supporters at only
&c Wire Hairpin Cabinets st
10c and 16c Scissors per pair
lOe Cube Pins on sale only
" 60o and 6Se Buttons. Dcr doz
Common Pins at, per package 10
venom, xape, maca ana white, i
all sires, for small price of 1C
Safety Was, all eiies. a, card ln
SheeXaees, black and tan, pr. 1
wrntM vatwu, two lor DC, c
Granite Ware at 23c
Sale all Day in Basement 3000
rieoes of Best Grade English En.
am l Gray Ware V i s h p a n s,
saucepans, stewpans; baking pans,
tandard site, vslues to f
Vic on sale for tho price of boC
IfairGoods 1-3 Value
AU Say wedneaday In the Hair
Goods Department flit Xalr
15c Tinware for l)c
la the Saaemeat All Day Wednes
day jugular iso Pans and Tin
Dlahea of all kinds, double r
thlckne a, on ' sale at each 5C
Fifth Floor Specials
10 Handkerehlefa Ho -Women's
Initial Handkerchiefs of good
ioallty Shamrock lawn, .
hemstltcbiid, 10c value at 3 5 C
Table - jpamask 26c
rifth rioov 10 te 11 A. 1L 1000
Tards of line Kereertsad Dantaek.
tremendous value at. the o;
very low price of, per yard aQC
fl.69 SHoea at fl.4srrom 10 te
It A. M, oa tie ruth Floor, a
C)iM4p ef Wenen's MOO Bat
Leather ant . X t d A
auoee, on tale at, palrvl.4i
?oe TiekiBr lSe Tard From 10
J11-' ? th Tmh TVot,
lCa Tanfa of e,ml. ini v
tiMg none,.. lick lag, t4.
alue, on Mle al, the yard IOC
Gertrude Hasaler in a breach-of-promise
suit against Carl G. Fisher, millionaire.
Miss Hassier sued for 1300,900.
. . ; ,. v
After spending a month in the Burns
d(strlt of. eastern Oregon, gettlng.the
mail delivery service under full sway
again, following its paralysis when (he
delivery contract wan abandoned New
Tears Day. F. E. IT htttng.- United States
postal inspector. Is ' in Portland. He
reports .that the towns that suffered
from the delivery being shut off are re
ceiving' better service than ever before.
All of the routes, five of them, con
stituting the government's .arge J Star
contract, have been reestablished and
all the towns touched by them are re
ceiving, daily aervice. The bondsmen of
Jv M.-Kellogg of Burns,-who dropped
the route New Tear's Day. are carrying
on tfie service at their own expense, and
stand -.- to lose thousands of dollars.
Temporary contracts have been let, and
where most of the mall formerly; went
in from Vale only, the railroad company
Is hauling it Into Prairie City, the
farthest point Into the interior tnat the
new Harrlman branch has reached.
L, Waldenberg, an old time contrac
tor of Canyon City, has-taken the bulk
of the delivery business. He ia main
taining satisfactory service with teams.
Five hundred and thirty-five new ac
counts were opened at the postal sav
ings depository of Portland during Jan
uary, 1913. The number of deposits dur
ing ther month was 2543 with 191(1
withdrawals. .Certificates of deposit is
sued during the month' ( amounted to
193,438 and the certificates of deposit
paid totaled $79,217. showing an in
crease in deposits of $14,241. , The'
riese Curtains, Beds and Bedding on the Fourth
for Infants Golden Fleece Yarns "Kayser" Gloves and
From 11 to 12 A.M.
Wash Silks 15c Yard
The Tamone Beeo Bilks, plain col
ore or jacquard effects, regular
25c quality, on sale from if,
11 to 12 A. M. at only, yard 1 DC
Smoked Bacon at 18c
Prom 11" to la A, ht, In the Qro--cery,
Best OregoxfOrown Smoked
Back Meat for this one f Q
hour at the pried of, pound; JLOC
35c Bath Towels 22c
Xrge rxtra-Heary-Thiead Zath
Towels, regular 3Bc value, spe
cial from 11 to 12 A. M., An
at the small price of, each
12M Silkolincs 7c
1O0O Tards of Drapery and Quilt
ing Sllkollnes, numerous designs,
beautiful colorings, regu- j
larlJHc quality, at, yard $C
10c Bnchings 3 for 5c
Chiffon Snohlng, neck lengths,
in white and colors, good quali
ties, regular 10 each, for c
this one hour three' lengths DC
$1.50 Union Suits 79c
Ken's Derby-Hlbbed and Fleece
xaned Mediant and Keary-Welght
Union Salts, in ecru, gray and
blue, closed crotch, $1.25 rjr
and $1.SU values, this hour tuC
20c Hosiery, Pair 14c
1B00 Fairs Of Women's Fine Black
Cotton Seamless Hose, wuh dou-.
ble soles, elastic tops, all sizes,
regular 20c value, on sale 1 A
from 11 to 1! A. M. at, pair ktC
$1.00 Linens at 09c
95 Fleeea of all Fore' Linen Satin
Damask, in a wide range, of the
beet patterns, regular 11 value,
11 to 12 A. ft. on the Bal- neJ
cony, at the-low price, yd. UC.
$1.50 Gowns at 79c'
From 11 to It A. K. Women's
Hlfbtgowns of nheer long cloth
and cambric. best styles, lace and
emmroidery trimmed, $1.60 rjf
values on sale at this price liJC
$2.25 Dresses $1.19
Women's TTtlUty Wash Dresses.
alien 36 to 46, made of standard
aualltv nercaJpa and nlnixl In nnn.
ires img colors, iz.ii
values on sale at. each
5c Toilet Paper at 3c.
looo Bolls of Waldorf Toilet
Faper, too sheets to roll, this
hour three to a customer, roll DC
Fifth Floor Specials
lHo Hose 7 Ho On the Fifth
Floor Women Black-and Tan
Cotton Beamless Hose, medium
weight, with double sole,
on sale at price of, pair , JC
XJnea Drees Ooods 13 4 o From
11 te la en the Fifth Floor looo
yards of All Pure Linen Dress
Goods In checks, stripes and plain
colors. Your choice it in,
small price of, per yard law vC
ga Bugs 89o From 11 to la A. 'it
em, the Fifth Floor, TelTet 3tugs
else 2x$4 Inches, in a a rent va
riety, of designs and eolori ofl
Inga, $2 values at only, ca. Oi7C
l.S Slippers Be rrom 11 to ia
l en it Firtk Floor,
ly '-ahef.aeelsd
u una ana t n i e e
Strap House Slippers, reg on
ular $.:6 values at? pair 69C
(9 t 3) j
Amount of hatanr' nn ' dpnnail. tA ' the
credit of depositors on January SI, 1913,
is $696,265. The monthly report is is
sued' by George H. Cany in charge of
tne foruand postal savings depository
Charles Alphin, director of the Keat
ing and Flood Musical Comedy, com
pany, has a faculty of presenting each
week a new bill that in no way re
sembles anything previously produced,
and yesterday's comedy, , '(The Insur
rectos," Is no exception to the rule. .
The Insurrectos" la a musical com
edy on as lavish a scale as it ia pos
sible to introduce it, and. the effort made
more than a pleasing impression on the
LjTlcltea. Ed S. Allen In the comedy
role of Cohn. a Hebrew tourist, was aa
funny as ever and had, hia audience in
good humor from his entrance' until the
finale. Gladys Brooke as Leska, a gyp
sy, looked and played the part in an ex.
cellent manner. Her rich, mellow voice
is heard in a "Gypsy" song that was re
peatedly encored. Lou Davis as a col
ored nihilist contributes to a good deal
of the comedy. Jack Wise is playing hia
ravonie Italian character part this
week. Jack sings "Maritlnlna," assist
ed by Miss Stella Romlg, the audience
recalling them no less than five times.
Frances White as Constance looked pret
ty ana actea tier roie in a good firey
way, her song number, "When That
Midnight Choo Choo Leaves for Ala
bam." being one of the hlta of the show.
Reece Gardner and J. G. Doyle have
small part. The chorus was a sur
prise, especially In the Russian da pee,
which was well received. The same bill
will run all week with dally matinees.
Tonight the athletic eon test. Is the ex
tra feature--'" -'fi:'.
Try Our
on the
3d Floor,
From 12 to 2 P.M.
25c Half Hose; 12Ke
On Sale During These Two Hours
80 Dosen Fairs of Men's Tan Socks.
of Oriental silk and extra good
quality real maco yarn. 4
reg. 26c values at. the pair 13C
Special Lunch, at 25c
From 13 to 3 F. M., In the Basement:
Pure Mongole Chiffonade Soup.
Choice of Halibut Saute, Creole:
Baked Chinook Salmon, Stewed
Beef, Spanish; Pork Chops Saute,
Espagnole; Macaroni and Cheese au
Gratln; Baked Pork and Beans, or
Sirloin of Beef au Jus; Potatoes,
Salad, Vegetables; Cabinet Pudding;
Coffee, Tea.
$22.50 Clothing $10.00
On the Baloony 100 Men'a Suits and
Overcoats, all new model and splen
didly made garments of the very
best material, regular $20 gist
and $22.50 values, on sale for plU
50c Embroidery 19c
000 Tarda of Beautiful Swiss and
alnsook Embroidery Edges and In
sertions and Corset-Cover Designs,
values to 60c a yard, on aale in.
during these two hours only 17C
$4.00 Curtains at $23
to Faira of Fine Quality Vet Z.aee
Curtains, with wide Cluny lace edge,
2H yards long and 40 r OA
in. wide; ft vals.. 4th floor
Men's 75c Shirts 29c
Men's Flain and Fleeted ' Bosom
ntrts, ngnt ana dark colors, in neat
stripes and figures, regular 75c and
$1. vslues, from 12 to 3 p. in; nn
on sale for the low price of C
50c Vests, at Only 15c
IS Dosen Infanta' Fine' Tests for
ages from sia months. to two years,
fine wool-mixed or all wool: values
up to 50c. on sale during this 1 r
time at the low price of only IDC
25c Madras, Only 14c
On the Baloony From 13 to 9 F. M.
antra quality mm aiadre, Wash
Ooods for waists and men's 1y
alilrta, on sale at only, a yard 1HC
$1.50 Waists, Each 69c
From 13 to a F. X. One Xrfit of
women's xongerie waists, lace and
embroidery trimmed, high and low
neca siyie. special at the
yery email price of only, ea.
$1.00 Handbags 39c
Women's Handbags of velvet, moire
lined, with silver or gilt frames and
double silk cord handles. $1 on
values now on sale at, each OuC
Fifth, Floor Specials
35o Laee Collars lOo Hand -made
Linen Cluny lce Collars, three
incnes oeep, e,ion style, in assorted
pauernB, ne values, on sal
oi 10c
now at very Hmall price
14.00 Shoee l.8 Women's Kid
Gunmetel, Cloth Top, Vlvl and Pat
ent jueainer mioes, button
and lace styles, nil slscs
lBo White Ooods 5e 200A ards of
beautiful new checked atripea, nsin
sooks, long cloths, Swisses, etr., -regular
l5c values, now, yard DC
5 US House Dresses To Front 13 te
F. M. ea the Fifth Floois-women's
wyrt mtereeHy 1 flnisiiwl Hymn
Dresses, slues to 4, vslues ff
lo $1.25, offered now for only tC
m m o nirnm
in i no nn
National Chamber, of ' Com
, (: T merce Passes Set of
u$- Resolutions.
Only two resolutions were adopted at
the annual meeting of the council of
the Chamber of Commerce of the United
States Just held la Washington, D. C.
and from which Secreery E. C. Giltner
of the Portland chamber returned this
morning. frOne of these was introduced
by the Portland chamber and urges rec
ognition of the new republic of China.-
..About 600 delegates attended the
meeting and among them were repre
sentatives from all the leading cham
bers in the atatea.- President Taft was
one of the active attendants i and the
chief executive and Dr. Charles W. El
liott, president Of Harvard,: were- t'he
only speakers at the big banquet which
formed tile culminating feature of the
meeting. : x ' ; -.;.-,. "; ; .
Mr. Giltner addressed the council ia
behalf of the resolution, which
as -follows; . : ' '
"We regard the foundation of the re
public of China as having deep inter
national significance and aa calling for
the sympathy and cooperation of all civ.
lllxed nations whose experience in mod
ern methods of government can aid the
republic of China In meeting her vast
problems of readjustment. ' 1 .
"Therefore, the Ciuvmper of Commerce
of the United States of America unani
mously commenda our' government for
having- been prompt to recognize the
provisional government of China, and
Floor Bargain Store'Von the Fifth Floor Best Values in
mm mm (wmtmsm
From 2 to 3 P. M.
$15.00 Suits, Ea. $4.98
From 8 to 3 F. M. Women's Tailored
Suits, in mixtures and mannish suit
ings, regular values to $16.09, to
clear up the lot they are (4 no
placed on sale this hour at pT.70
Post Cards, Dozen, 4o
In Stationery Dept. 8 to 3 F. K.
Valentine Font Cards, Immense va
riety, all beauties, placed on
sale special this one hour, doa. fC
30c Sheeting, Yard 19c
On the Baloony, to to 3 F. M. Pull
Bleached 34 - yard Wide Sheeting,
extra heavy quality, on Bale rv
for this one hour at. the yard IVC
lie Outing Flannel 8c
On the Baloony, From 8 to 3 F. ML,
3000 Tarda of Bleached White Out
ing Flannel, soft, well-napped qual
ny, regular lie vaiue, on sale
at the bargain price of, a yard
$1.00 Aprons, Only 59c
Women's Cover-AU House Aprons,
full length, with patch pockets, best
quality percales and glng- Cft
hams, regular $1 value, only DVC
Tillamook Cheese 18c
During This One Hour the Famous
Oregon-Made Tillamook Oheeae, best
auailty, on sale - In Grocery in
Department at low price, lb. IOC
$1 Pillow Cases at G9c
In the Art Department, 3 to 3 F. M.
800 Stamped Pillow Case a on beat
Pequot tubing, dainty and beautl-
rui design; ti.oo values are n
offered at low price of, each UC
20c Satines, Yard, 10c
10OO Tarda, of Drapery and Q nil ting
Satines in wide range of colors and
patterns, on aale this one 1 n
hour at the eamil price of, yd. 1UC
98c 'Flouncinfcs at 45c
Beautiful Swiss Embroidered Baby
Flonnoings, 21 inches wide, in dain
ty, patterns, aome with ruffled edge,
98c values on sale thlr hour A j"
at the mall price of only, yd. fgDC
10c Handkerchiefs 5c
During This Hour Men's Begular 10o
White Kemstltohed and Colored Bor
der Xaadkerohtefs on aale at e
the ridiculously low price, each DC
$2.50 Union Suits $149
Women'! Fine Cream Wool tTnlon
Salts, long sleeves, Kleeneless. high
or low neck, and ankle length, slice
4 to (; regular $2.50 values i - tr
on tale at small price ofplt7
Fifth Floor Specials
31.00 Hat Shapes 8Bo On the Fifth
Floor.From 8 to 3 F, BL. TTntrimmed
Felt Mat Shapes, In desirable styles
and . colors, values to 11.09. nr
Your choice at small price of ZDC
BOo ices ISO Fieoe 50O0 Tards of
French and - German VaL laces,
Edges and. insertions, good patterns,
12-yard bolts; regular , Joo ir.
values, on sale at, per bolt IDC
15o SressVoinghams Stio a wide
range of (Valrable patterns and col
orings to select from, on the Oi
6th floor, i to 4 P. M., yard O'sC
Infants' wear Specials 8 to 3 F, M.
Fifth Floor One Xonr Only.
Infants 2o Knit VmI, at, ea.. 1 0
Infants' 25o Cotton, Huse now jji
Infants' 25c Flannel Dress now 33
urges early recognition of the perma
cent government cow about to be organ.
ixed.' - .
Mr, Giltner says that the national
chamber will not deal with questions of
minor import, but will put all questions
up - before . the various chambers of
which it is composed, so that all may
voice their position upon questions re
ferred. - .. ...
A meeting of the board of directors.
of which President A. H. Averlll of the
Portland chamber is a member, repre
senting 1 , Oregon, Washington " and
Idaho, will meet February 12 and IS.
Aa Mr, Averlll ia now In Ohio, he will
in all probability be in position to at
tend this meeting. J. N. Teal 'of Port
land is vice preaident of the national
chamber, .t:.'- - -; '-: 1" :'. . ; .;-V -;'
Geo. W. Carlson f ;;
Truckman, Truck Ho. I, F. P. 1.
member of our company knows, I have
Buffered for some, time past with a
most aggravated caae of Stomach Trou
ble. I take great pleasure to let out
siders know, too. I was so bad that
the day that the Veronica Water agent
called on me 1 had made up my mind
to see another doctor, but his proposi
tion was so fair that I gave it a trial.
1 followed his advice and had five or
more operations from my bowel a every
day. I began to Improve at once. I
gained In weight and today I am a well
man. You not alone have my word for
It. but every member of our comoanv
will gladly verify this statement and
will be pleased to tell you what Veron
ica Water bas done for them. Respect-
TUWy, UnH W. tJAKLioUN,'
Truckman, Truck No. 1, P. P. F. v..
Portland, Or. r ' . . , . ,
- Sold by all dealers. ' '
Veronica Water
Hosiery "Gold Bond" Stamps Given
at the
' Soda
From 3 to 4 P. M.
Meadow Cream Butter
the Roll, at Only G4c
From 3 to 4 P. 1L is the Basement
Grocery Department, 10OO Bolls of
Meadow Cream Butter, two pounds
or aeucious, wnoieeome, nign-graae
Butter tn roil on sale this
hour at amall price of only
25c China at Only 5c
3000 Fleets of China, including cups
and saucers, bowls, nspples, bon
bons, etc., and thin-blown turn- r;
biers, value to 25c, S to 4 at DC
35c Waistlng, at 15u
On the Baloony This One Hour SO
rieoes of Stylish Hew Waistlngs in
satin stripes and jacquard effects
In corded designs, 15c quality, 1 E
now on sale at price of, yard IDC
Trimininsrs Half Price
During This Xonr, 3 to 4 F. K, All
Beaded Trimmings, Bands and
Fringes, Metal Bands and Bilk Em
broidered Bands O-liT D.!
at. just exactly riait r nee
Stamped Waists 49c
100 Beautiful Shirt Waists on good
quality batiste, designs for French
eyelet embroidery and dlamler;
regular 75c values. In the Af
Art Dept. at low price, each ,HjC
Table Covers at $1.19
Fancy Washable Xererslble Table
Corerm, with fringed edges, two
yards square; reg. $2.60 i i n
values, this hour at, eachapl.lil
25c Emh. Galoons 8c
1000 Tards of Swiss Embroidered
Saloons, in pretty designs, with fin
ished, edges, widths to 2 inches;
regular values to 26c yard, on o
sale during this hour at, yard OC
Combinations at 79c
80 Dosen Combination .Undergar
ments of fine long cloth and nain.
sook. nicely finished, lace and em-
orwiutry inmmea; 11.6O val
ues on sale thla , hour, each
Box Candy,, Half Price
From 3 to 4 F. BC In the Candy D
Sartment. Basement, 60 Boxes of
lgh-Orade Delloloua Chocolate
Candles, --in , I and 2-pound boxes,
Fifth Floor Specials
13.00 Shoes at 386From 3 to 4 F.
M. on the Fifth Floor Children's
Xee and Button Shoes, regu- nn.
lar 12 values, your choice for 7uC
I80 Percales THo . On the' Fifth
Floor From 3 to 4 F. BL 1500 Tards
of Ss-lneh Feroalesy in light and dark
colorings and desirable pat- 7t
terns, this one hour only at jC
Be 1 Soaps 80 On Fifth Floor, 3 to' 4
F. - M, 1000 Cakes of Swift's,
Armour's and Kirk's Beat fie Toilet
Soaps, great variety, only three n
cakes to a customer, the cake X
18H Olnghanls 80 On the Fifth
FloorWednee1a3r, 3 to 4 F. M, 6000
Tarda of Hew Spring Dreaa Ging
hams, good 12 He value, on sale Q
at the amall price of, the yard OC
Amendments to the bill before the
legislature providing that the city turn
over the Willamette river brldgea to the
county, in accordance with 'the law
passed . by the people last November,
are to-be-urged by District Attorney
Evana on behalf of the county court.
. The' county court ' Is willing to as
sume control of the bridges and operate
them, but the amendments asked would
provide for the city to pay the $40,000
rental ot the railroad bridge contracted
with the 0.-W. It, A N. company for
making the bridges county roads and
the approaches city streets. The latter
provision is intended, to . compel ' the
property owners on each side of the ap'
preaches te keep the roadways up and
relieve the county of responsibility for
accidents on approaches.
Other measures; which the i 1 county
court are advocating and which are to
be introduced are an amendmenfmaking
it possible for the county -to establish
work camps along the Hood River road,
a bill making the selling of liquor to
an inmate of any county institution a
misdemeanor, and a bill to permit the
county to build roads on land which
does not belong to the county, but on
which the right has been given to con
struct the road. - !;, ,:
' The bill" permitting camps Is Sfsired
because of apparent antipathy of prop
erty owners along the route of the Hood
River road. The last named bill is for
the purpose of legalizing the building of
sections of the -tood River road which
overlap the O.-W. R. & N. company's
right of way. ,
Fifth and: TheButterick Patterns
Washington The Nemo Corsets
, dlL ii- -,.,..,i, Si 11 I
From 3 to 4 P. M.
65c Sheets Only 49c
From 3 t0 4 F. M on the Ball
cony, large Double - Bed sue
Sheets x seam 1 es s, torn and
hemmed, regular 5o val- in.
ues. thlif one hour at, each ijC
$125 Corsets for 85c
From 3 to 4 F. M on the Thirl
Floor, American Xdy Corsets, of
?ood materials, n model for every
igure, regular $1.25 val- OC
ues on sale at low price of ODC
40c Coffee, ib., 26c
Bconomy Blend Coffee, a splen
did quality, equal to the 40o kinds
you are in the habit of n;
buying, this hour at pound aCOC
Grocery Spcclaln
Buarar Com, oholee grade, at 8J
California Asparagus, large n e
can. on sale at low price of IDC
Arm and Hammer S4a, pkg. K
Feas, sweet and tender, can lit
String Beans at only, a. can 10
10c Ribbon Bolts 5c
Wash Blbbons. in (-yard pieces,
good q u a 1 1 1 y, white, pink and
light blue, regular 10c quality, on
sale from 3 to 4 P. M. at the fi.
very small price of, per bolt DC
$3.50 Shoes at $1.98
During This One Hour a Clean
up of Odds and Ends. Of Several
OoodX,ines of women's Tan. Onn.
metal, Viol Kid and FatentTeath
er; $3.60 Shoes on aale (1 QQ
at the small prlcer pall ipl.JO
$5.00 Lap Robes $2.39
targe Automobile and Carriage
Telour tap Xobes In tan, black
and mottled gray, regu-sjjn on
lar $5 values at, each ynOJ
$1.00 Silk Hose 67c
From 3 to 4 F. M. Women's Fure
Thread Silk Hose, with lisle sole
and high-spliced heel of silk and
lisle, garter tops, all sites
regular $1 values, at, pair DC
25c Drugs, Only 14c
SAa uritAh irutfl hnti en a
35o Boss Water fc Olyoerlae 14 t
voe mre tttyoenne, a Dottle
36o Bay Bum at, per bottle
85o White rise and Tar, bot.
86o Orip Cure Fills at only
$1.75 Petticoats 98c
From 3 to 4 F. M. on the Seoond
Floor Women's Blue Olngham
and Chambray Petticoats with
embroidered flounce, regu- no
lar $1.75 vals.,; this hour OC
$7.50 Bath Robe $3.98
From 3 to 4 F. M. on Second Floor
Women's $7.50 Bath Robes of
, extra quality eiderdown in brown
and Oxfords., very at- o fto
tractive styles, this hour $D0
$6.00 Mattresses $4.29
Combination cotton Mattresses of
good quality with heavy roll
edges, covered with fine art tirk--Ina-,
$J.OO values, 4n the nn
4th floor from S to 4 P. i.Zy
Fifth Floor Special
100 Blbbons 3O1200 yards of
Good Quality Taffeta Ribbons, all
the wanted colors. -widths to n
2 Inches, Te and 10c vals., yd. , DC
1.00 Waists 8e For Ons Hour.
3 to 4 F, M-, en the Fifth Floor,
Women's Lin rt Is Waists In
numerous styles, . laee and em
broidery trimmed, regular $1.00
values, but slightly OO
mussed, now offered for DC
IBs Unit Cana S a the rifth -Floor, -womn'f
jwuat vaps, reauiar ibc val- o
ues on tale during thla hour OC
- , . r-
Instead of filing a complaint against
the Portland Railway, Light ft Power
company . as he " expected to ,do some
time ago District Attorney vaos has
put the matter of the use of improper
fenders by the 4 company before the
grand Jury 'and that body will be asked
to investigate. The specific instance
of violation of the laws regarding fend-"-ers
M a car which was observed with
out any fender whatever.; The company
claims that the state has no Jurisdic
tion In the matter, as it holds It is gov.
erned by the city statutes. Mr. Evans
believes the company Is violating state
statutes as well as city ordinances.
Thin? Pale?
And do not know what to
take? : Theigo; .to' your
doctor. Ask his opinion of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. No alco
hol, no stimulation. A blood
purifier, a nerve r tonic, a
strong alterative,' an aid to
digestion. Let your doctor
Portland Found Here
With All Purchases
From 4 to 6 P. M.
re. Ranch Ei?fjs 28c
During These Two Hours 1000
Dosen Best Oregon Bench Eggs,
every one.- guaranteed, on OQ
sale -t small price ofv dos, eCOC
$6 Bedspreads $2.30
' - i . i, ,.
A Iiot of Sample Bedspreads
Satin, Marseilles, scalloped
fringed and hemmed, full double
bed size, $( values on 1 OA
sale from 4 to 6 P. M. if4Z,OiJ
$1.50 Gowns at 89c
From 4 to 6 F. M- Women's Flan.
nelette Nightgowns, very best
quality, striped or plain white,
braid trimmed, $1.60 val- QQ
ues, during this time only 07C
Bakery Dept. Sp'ls.
1000 Choeolats Ovaam Bolls, Q
fresh from the oven, at. each OC
Wineloaf Calces, very deli
cious, fresh from the oven
Also Fresh-Baked French Bolls,
Farker House Molls, Snails and
Cinnamon Bolls, fresh from tho
oven, made clean, kept clean, and
delivered to. you clean, at 1Q.
mall price of, per dosen 1 a&C
$2.50 Shoes at $1.00
Children'! Shoes, in all sices ana
styles, regular values to $2.60. in
order to clean up the stock,
during, these two hours, pain
$5.00 Suits at $3,19
Boys' Ooibl s-Breasted School
Suite in good, serviceable ' tweeds
worsteds, caaalmeres, etc.; .brown
and gray mixtures; regular $6.00
suite on sale from 4 to (JQ 1Q
6 at the small price of pD. A
50c Laces, Yard, 15c
1600 Tards of All-zanea Cluny
Zaoes, edgea and Insertions, fine
quality shadow laces, edges and
bands, widths to 6 Inches, ig
values to 60c, this hour, yd. 1 OC
$3 Couch Cover $1.59
85e Heavy Quality Tapestry Coueh
Covers, large ai ses, , in . Orlen tal
patterns, regular $3.00 e ejn
valuer, fouith floor, ea. p l.D7
35c Blouses Only 19c
Boys Blouses, slscs 4 to g. with
soft, collar -and cuff a,, good 35c
quality, on sale during n
these two hours for only 17C
25c Hose, Pair at 16c
60 dosen Fairs of Children's
Medium Weight, Fast Black, Cot
ton Bibbed Hose, with double heel
and toe, slses 6 to 9 4, 26o 4n
value, these two hours for A DC
50c Silk Hose, at 35c
From 440 F.'M. on the Main
,100rWomen.8'.Vur Thread Silk
Bilk Hose in black nnd col. or
ore, regular 60o value, at DDC
39c Jewelry Only ,10c
From 4 to 3 F. BL 2000 pieces of
Fancy Jewelry, Including . Scarf
rins, Bar Pins, Necklaces. ri
beads, etc,, vals. 25o to c 1UC
18o Challles lo Tard From 4 te
3 F, M.. on the Fifth Floor. 3000
Tarda of Swiss Challles. in beau
tiful patterns and fast col- in
ore, reg. Uc value, at, yard UC
Fifth Floor Speciala
85e Hose, l3o oa pairs of
Women's Cotton - Fleeced Hoee,
medium weight, fast black, msdo
with elastic-ribbed top, too 1 O
values on sale at thia price IDC
86o Stationery o. From 4 to 8 F.
.ft-, oaf ixvi, rioor-wiCBd. boac..of
I.lm n Cloth Btatlonery. H sheets
of raper and 24 envelopes In T
a box. 2c value, at. per box C
1(9 L
i L:
. i