'THE , OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 28, 1913. 13 43 ( Continued) HiGttLAND COURT) APARTMENTS.' SCD AND GLISa TS. , walking' distance. , eleo antly furnished 4 room .ATAUTAI CI 'RED I KNTfl .WHICH CAN FK SK- U OUTSIDE' KOOMS. RfciriiKfcwt.fc.a tita- i j MARSHALL S162. j yURED. THE 1RVINO. U9 IRVING HT. iaw 4 room unfurnished apartment, with hath; has bedroom also, wall bed; rooms Kood sie. ample closet room;, steam heat, gas range, refrigerator, etc Jan. -1 S a 6 room- .paxtmei)tJPrlcesnioU erate; references required. - Phone own f rr A-3iif. '. : ANrvEN Y wuta Nw luapaavinieiit; i nd , room apts.; new building, nw furniture, hot water heat; main line phones in every apartment; 121 to I-: everything first class. E. Ankeny or MnnUvjlla ' car, B-i624. East 2800. , loll RENT FLAT s 13 UOLi.ADAY addition, new 5 room mod- rrn upper flat; linoleum, carpet, walk-: tup distance. 3 blocks from new steel bnriK. at 226 Occident at. East 2NS. 6 ROOM ' modern flat. 10 minute walk, west side. 643 ttli. Main 7063. FOUR room flats, basement, bath, East 9t!i and Belmont. , Rent tl0.6GV.. Phone ii-:mo4. ili per, month, small modern 5 room upper flat, 381 N. ilst at. Apply on premises or pnone aiain in. 1:4 SIX room lower flat, walking dls- . ... . 1 1 tu C . . 'l" r. K , . muce, , west Blue. oos em ou . 4 ' - ; ' i OR RENT Modern 4 and 5 room flats, heat. Water . and phone free. Tabor .a la, ATTRACTIVE 4 and 6 room flats; gas range water heater; fig, 123.60, walk in jil9tajre4iJV IjEAUTIFUL 3 and 4 room flats, low rem, line view. - o pimi:i. MODERN 6-ioom flat. . 426 tl st. I quire 426 H 6th St ' n FLKMSHKD FIATS 60 FOR RENTFurnished flat, at 365 19th ist. r. Phone Main 8311, y COiiY fuunisiied flat, 2 blocks from Steel iiiidge. am uouaaay ave. 5 ROOM new furnished flat, west side, walking distance. Phone Main 8311. HOTELS 54 HOTEL PORTLAND European plan . only; $l.f0 and up. ' T STORES AND OFFICES 11 FOR RENT of nice large store room In good down town location. Splendid chance for business dealing in ladles' poods. Very reasonable rent. Phone Main 1499. . - ' i'Uti KENT- Desirable store room, East Burnside, between Union and Grand ave.: suitable for shoe. Jewelry, bakery and delicatessen: Inquire Mc 'arger. Kates Mv.l, Ycon Bldg. WAREHOUSE. FACTORY, Brtck building in South Portland for li-axe on long term. Apply at Journal business office,' 3d floor Chamber of Commerce, has a large list of stores. Call and see ua. rstorps for rent. LEST advertising offices, heart of city, signs on outside permissible. 0-214, Journal. STORE for rent, 629 - Washington St.; rent 330: good for millinery or bar ber nhop. ' FOB ItEM MlSCi;LL.XKOl8 83 FOR RENT, sewing machines by the week or month. Main 9431. 190 Third street between Yamhill and Taylor. WANTED TO KENT 7 8 MODERN furnished rooms to rent, gentlemen preferred. Inquire 603 Ladd ave. 1IOKSES, VEHICLES, ETC 18 20 Head '-Of horses tr muie;--su1tabl, for ranch, . delivery or grading purposes. Union jAve. Winnies, u uinon ave.. cor. rc. Ash MATCH buy team, 5 and 6. weight 2000 . ; lbs.; no blemishes black mare, 1150 lbs,, in foal; sound," years; all in guod older; trial ptven. 242 IS. 59th St. N., "M-V car, CHEAP farm team, light farm wagon and harness, left for sule, and must nell at once. 1967 E. Stark St.. Monta villa. , .. SPAN of mares, 2300 lbs., make good farm team; also set of harness; good worke.rs, 90. 247 E. 12th, near Haw- inorne sve.. in grove HAVING sold my dairy, will sell 8 good nurses anu" l Head or young cattle very cheap. Stock at 113 W. 4th St., ticouver, Wash. NICE blocky . Lullt horse, weight 1300 lbs, 7 years old. good worker, sell cheap. StHhle fuot of Main, west side. HORSES 20 head, ail I'.inds; gooseneck express wagons, harness and saddles. 1 VVtter, ror. Montgomery. West Side. HORSKS and harness, wagons, buggies, price right and reasonable. 247 E. i:tn, near iiawtnorne ave., in grove. HORSES for pasture and stable; fedhay daily. For information phone Main SPEEDY pacing horse, rubber tired bug gy and harness for sala cheap. IStii mi-, iivjii id v 1 1 jit. "WANTED G rocerv ilpllvpi'v 1,., uarue!, anu wagon, win eive a cow In part payment. Phone- Wuotflawn ?4ii ' , FOR SALE Bay mare, pacer, splendid horse, for lady. Pnone Wood lawn 134X GOOD 1250 lb. work horse for snle or mtde ror good lamny euw. Tabor 17'j. rOR SALE Young team, weight 2700. -LIVESTOCK 35 SEVERAL head fresh dairy cows, Jer sey. Uurriani and Guernsey. Some coining fresh soon. Give from 3& to " gallon per day, 4 to 7 years old. Take Woodstock car, get off at 59th ave., walk 3 blocks west J. L. May betry. -; - . i'OU WALE -Oood fcow, 3 gal. per day. '. J. Tankliauser, 1 mile south of I nt. - . f'tU SALE One cow; can be seen at 44 Flanders st. Ol'MJ Jwsoy family cow, fresh, 165. : m K. 2ith st. W-W' car. ' OH fciALl' 6-year-old Holsteln Jersey. 4r, K. Kllllngsworth ave. TOULTRY 87 "ILLAHEE" BARRED ROCKS. t 1 .1 11 fc'b:" WUITU liODlXTn.,,,... . . ...... r ,,,M.M VJ J- Oil O. A lew nettings of guaranteed eggs mil Kroiert 'and DediErrend ntnU kr I.. i.ri.Mi 'I'ONS "Vnlte alid bu ff. stock - i.d ss, : 851 Olcnii ive Fhopa B riilll .iED NVliiie Orphlngton in is, licriw, -pullets and Uarej -litis, Michigan. r . APARTMENTS pouLTr.r (Continued) 30 Rhode Island Reds, 20 Crystal White I vising loim, gv nulla i,c(iicuiu uciia. zu-tirown L.egnorn. jl u., ivvi ui vision. Tabor 226,8, ' , PORTABLE poultry houses, all slses, ' stylos and prices. " Williams Bros., north of Urays Crossing. Take Mt. Scott car. DOGS AXD HOUSEHOLD TETS 46 KAb . Irish terrier puppies, oest or pals, true blue, the kind you can't lone. John M. Mann. 8 4th. Both phones. FOR SALE Thoroughbred fox terrier. male pup, $4. Call East 6033. SPITZ pups, 6 each, males, . 327 Stark. Main 1317, Wednesday. . V ANTED a terrier dog, State price! Box A-786; Journal. AUTOMOBILES-MOTORCYCLES 44 PRIZE winning 12 acre orchard, over looking Lyle and Columbia river splendid condition, standard varieties, lust beginning to bear. Price 36000. Will take good auto as first payment. Owner.p 60S Commercial block. Phone Marshall 4646. CuMliti t, now located at 328 Burnside ' fit., with a large stock of new and second hand automobile tires, $3 to $15 each. We buy. sell and exchange any- thin pertaining to autos, WANTED at oii.ee, 10 automobiles; run aboilts, roadsters and 5 passenger cars. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE, 49S 45 Alder tft Main 1161. A-437, WaNiEi No. 1 old auto Urea, J lb., d"!lvcred; No. a auto tirea, 6o Id. Inner tubes, 16o to 33c lb. J. Lev. 186 Columbia sfr Main 6198. MO'J'ORC VOLES for sale tor trade for autos; reasonable prices. 181 Madison, FOR SALE or trade, Mitchell runabout. Main 4431, Marshall 4769. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS . 84 PIANOS for sale: a few sample pianos and player pianos that have been on disph'.y fur the wholesale trade will be sold t factory cost. Terms if desired. Room 315, Merchants Trust bldg. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 WELL ftTTEi We furnish Portland's best rose grow ers the finest rotted manure in the city. East 630. B-1905. tuK bAUlii New and second-hand Car- om and pocket billiard t a Dies, ana hnnllnu alleys and accessories: bar fis turts of all kinds: easy payments. The Brunswlck-Balke-Ooilender CO.. s- Rth st. Phones Main 769, A-1769. SL1G11TLY used machines, also new machines of Standard make, greatly reduced prices, cash or time. 8iuger Sewing Machine store, 383 Morrison st ONE pie baker, hoosier kitchen cabinet, office desk, coofee urn, steam table, coal heater, range, water neater And davenport. Phone E. 4132. fcAi'Es Mew and second-hand; large assortment: safes owned and re paired.. Mosler Safe Co.. 108 3d st. Phone Main 767. FORTLAND WOOD YARD 8th and Glisan. Good location. Also teams, grading outfit Would trade for east ern farm. Marshall 2181, ROCK crustier, screen, elevator shaft ing, belting, 60 h. p. motor, price 31200. Address 270 6th St. I'hone Main 7223. FOR SALE OR RENT Logging and hoisting engines, contractors' equip ment. Railway Equipment Co., 1st & Oak FOUR ton auto truck, for quick sal, $1600. Address 270 6th at. Phone Main 7223. PHYSICIAN'S office furniture. Office unair, uock, typewriter, rtooiu a, 246 H Morrison st. . DROPHEAD Singer sewing machine. Bargain. 329 Fliedncr bldg., cor. 10th and Washi n gton. ' DRESS form to sell or trade for furni ture, Boring. Or. Route 3. box 102. WELL rotted fertilizer for sale. E. 6174. Phone DEKiU DESK8 and office furniture. Haley Penk Co.. 210 7th st Main 687. HIGHEST price paid for furniture. Gavin & Kienon, 111 Grand ave. , WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 Square Deal Turn, Co, 235 Front, Main 2344 We lust started in: must have house. hold goods; will pay highest caBh price. Let us make you an offer. WANTED People of Portland to know that I pay the highest cash price for second-hand household goods. - N, M. tcr. 124-126' Grand ave. East 156,1. WHY sell your furniture at auction? We pay highest prices. Make no mis" take; address M. R. Seater, 248-50 Haw thorne ave Phone East 3134. COVELL FURNITURE AND COMMIS SION CO. pays the best price for your second-hand furniture, carpets and stover.. 204 First Main 3022. ORAN.. Rapids Furniture Ex., 89 Grand ave. East 768. Pay the best price for your furniture. See them. WE need the goods, you need the mon ey, Rose City Auction House. 368-373 Hawthorne ave. East 683. - BE WISE, get more for your second land-furniture-y-e! ling it-to Ford Auction Co., 211 1st. Main 8951. A-2445. BARGER'S AUCTION HOUSE. 868-370 E. Morrison at. E. 1022. $1000 worth of good furniture at once. PHONE MAIN 4773. to get top figures for your second hand furniture, etc. Exchange dept. WE want 310,000 worth of 2d-hand fur niture, highest prices paid. Sell. 1682. WANTED To Hdopt baby girl 12 to 18 months old. K-240, Journal. WANTED Sljow case and counter. Must be cheap. Tabor 4288. CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS. Martin. 320 Lumber Exchange Bldg. LOST AND FOUND 21 THE folloying is a list of articles tound on the cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Co. and turned In at the different division points. Own ers may tsc'ure same by applying at burns as indicated. Savier street car bnrns, Jan. 27, 1913. Phone A-5585: One key, one fur muff ler, one knit jjhawl, one thermos bottle, one pair gloves, one child's rubber, three umbrellas, one belt pin. Sellwood car barns,. Jan. 27, 1913. Phone A-6131: Nino umbrellas, two grips, three purses, one locket, one hat, one toy, one crowbar, one kraut cutter, one flash light, one mitten, one piece lace, one pair gloves, one valise. Ankeny barns, Jan. 27. 1913. Phone A-6131: One package, two umbrellas, one pair of glares, one miter box, one rake, one pair shoes, one suit case, one screw driver, one trowel. Piedmont barnB, Jan." 27, 1913. Phone C-1427 : One grip; five - umbrellas, one purse, two suitcases, one grip, one walk ing cane, one pair glasses, two pair gloves, two handbags, four mlscellang- ous packages COLLIE dog about 8 month old, lost ins master at E, 28th and Wasco, col or yellow and white. Home white on face and breast; eyes were slightly sore from cold. Phons-Main 5389. EOUND -Auto truck rear lamp, near Broadway bridge, Monday night; loser communicate with Mrs. C. Scbuette, 1034 k. 27th, N. L.OMI between Roselawn ave. and Kill Ingsworth ave., on or near Union ave.. brooch set with amethysts and pearls. If ioima return to journal orrice, LOST 2 trunks, Monday . night, bear. Ing C. C. 8Q1407. 418. Phone Main 5 ii or Seiiwooa lsgi. L(.ST Pearl brooch with diamond cen r.r, iteriwn lor'ir. rarrisn, jvieoicai lg. Oooijl reward. East 2208,' C-2973. bl FOUND A iiiaJe setter, 1913 license; wi"a!La.iK3iffi;r -can .myb "U11-, i 111 1 1.1 ,111111 UHli OlIH'lf, FOUlCDlist Sunday, ludy' purse, t conUlnltiR some money aud trinkets, inquire Journal office. '- JjOrtT-WKlilni;ton nt.. bt! etid VV. I'nrk, purse cinuniiig a rings.' Pica ne return to Journal office. 21 LOST Dec, 31,' J912.: on Council , Crest car, one ladies' handbag containing la dies' gold watch, hunting case, one side engraved and otner siae plain center; also neck chain and alligator, clasp purse, soma small change, less than fl. Leave with Oregon Journal: reward. -. LOST -A leaT-shaped gold watch; mon ogram "J. E."; black Bilk ribbon with Lewis and Clarke gold dollar charm. Phone East 3445; reward; a childhood LuST on 7th St., between Fwaiont and Russel, & tarpaulin. Reward. Wood lawn M. ; LOST a gold ring with 3 small diamonds in it. If found return to Journal of fice. Reward. ; PERSONAL TREATMENTS for men and women. The finest equipped private office on the PaciXJo coast. Radical cure by the latebl natural healing method. We use radium, light, heat, vibration, baths, massage, manipulation and adjustments. Every electrical treatment we give. No medi cine or operations. Dr. W. E. Mallory. Naturopath, 312 Rothcblld bldg. All con sultations are rree. v FOR RICH AND POOR. Six ntontns 1; cure or money re funded; registered guaranty, Dyspep sla, nervousness, , neuralgia, earache, kidney, general debility, constipation, rheumatism, la grippe and colds. Let ters answered. Mourn 10 to 4. 320 Swet- land bldg. The Standard Medical Socie ty, Inc. ; " " -.: MASSEUR AND NATUROPATH. Dr. N. F. Meleen baa removed to 116 Swetlaud bldg. Electro, vibratory and mechano-therapy treatments for rneu matlsm, stomach trouble, poor circula tion and nervous disorders, acute or chronic; lady assistant; oldest estab lishment in portlard. Main 1683. A-3820. tCiENTl AC Electro-Magnetic Treat ment for all chronic and nervous dis eases, paralysis, lung and stomach trouble, rheumatism. Vistula; nervous headache cured ip few minutes; one free treatment Consultations tree. 604 Buchanan bldg.. 286 Washington st, LAiJiES Antlko Mixture No. 8, the most harmless and successful regu lator of the womanly functions known. Contains no poisons and is guaranteed and for sale in Portland by The Held- fond Drug Co., 330 Morrison, near ast. MRS. STEVENS, 18 years Portlands leauing paiuuai aim cmniujium u her Jate book, "Palmistry Made Easy, in sale. 657 WilliamB aye., corner iAnuH. unce nours iu a. in. w p. ' ULD, faded and colorless rugs and car pets made to look like new, witnout injury to the most costly fabric. Charges reasonable. A postal brings me to you. ii-FiS myattitles revealed -through palmistry, astrology, and occult torces. Reading by mail. Send $1, date of birth and address. Prof. Gorman, Electric Hotel Annex, Oregon City, Or. MRS. W. R. WRENN, spiritual adviser. 294 Jefferson, cor. 6th. Circles Mon day. Thursday. 8 p. m., Wednesday at 2 p. m. Marshall zav, A-ot. bPiitii'UAL MEDIUM, REV. MAY A. PRICE. READINGS. HEAL1NO. DAILY. CIRCLES TUES., 2 ; WED. AND SUN. 8. 304 MONTGOMERY; MAIN7227 Qnmonh TrAiiKlflo Wish to see the Otoiiiauu i I uukiuo easel case I can't euro (no drugs). Dr. Douglas, D. C. 38 union ave. N. LA SHELL'S Vegetable, Nerve, Blood and Kidney Regulator guaranteed, $1 per. box, 3 for UM. Heldfond Drug Co.. 220 Morrison, near First. GYMNASTICS Passive and resistive treatment for rheumatism and nervous shall 980. Hours 1 to 7 P. ni. BE YOUR own doctor. 1 can teach you how. Health certainly restored by applying my natural methods. Lora C. Little, health expert Tabor 1673. BOOKS at reduced prices, closing out Bale. Come early. Open evenings to 8 p. in. Jones Book Store, 92 6th st, near Stark. tjENTLEMAN of 29 would like to meet a lady 25 or 35 years old. Object inat rlniony. B-231. Journal, And notes a spe cialty. Free advice. 439-441 C. of C. DM. U. V. KETCrtUM Women a maladies,- acute disease. Wasn. bldg., cor. 4th anu Wash., room 4i, Marshall. 448. LESSONS iu bbsiuess psychology by i J. Green, psychologist and minister oi the Temple of Truth; 516 Eilers bldg. MUS. F. HALL, graduate masseuse, electric treatments. Room 7. 350 Vi Morrison. ' M. DE BARR, electric treatments for rheumatism. Office 15, first floor, 35016 Morrison. Uai.u ol Figs, remedy tor aiseases ot wooian 606 Davis st Main 9215. HAlRoKEbblNG and manicuring par lors. 215 Tiiford bldg.. Miss Hedlund. USE Bassett's Native Herbs for constl pation; 60 tablets, 25c. All druggists. MRS. POTTER, painless chiropodist, electric vapor baths. 327 ife Stark st MISS CARROLL, facial massage. 428 Stark, suite 2. Pnone Marshall 117. wi'in WrttiAND Scalp specialist. Office 2. 350 H Morrison st. MA Nlc 1K1NO Most thorough and sat factory work. 606 Northwest bidg., SPIRITUAL and mental scientist moved from 326. Stark st. to .201 3d st MRS. A. IIAMOT, chiropody, electric and tub baths, 201 3d st. SPIRITUAL adviser, readings dally. Mrs. Schoppe, 108 Gibbs st. niVHRrFQ A "Specialty i lawyer, 616 UIVUnULO Kotbchild bldg. 287 Wn. tiAVE $2 to $10 by buying trunk and suitcase at 632 Wash. 17th and Wash. DIVORCE Frea expert advice. Lock Box 46 !,Portlajid. SlLLE. ROBERG, pliyskal ctilture; of fice 'Jt 3 floor. 350 & Alder st. NOllCES so SEALED proposals will be received by John B. Coffey, county clerk, court house, Portland, Oregon, until 10 a. in. of Friday, February 7, 1913, for one five ton auto truck for Multnomah county. No proposal will be considered unless accompanied by a check payable to the order of the county court of Multnomah county, certmeu by a responsible bank, for an amount equal to 10 per cent of the aggregate proposal. Bids may state earliest date of de livery. The riRin is expressly reserved to reject any or all bids. T. J. CLEETON, County Judge. W. L. LIGHTNER. County Commissioner. D. V. HART, . County Commissioner. CONSTRUCTING Quartermaster' Of fice, Vancouver Barracks, Wash., Jan. uarv 27. 1913. Sealed proposals, in triD, licate, will be received in this office until 11 a. m. February 25, 1013, and then publicly openea, ror removing cen ter boiler of battery of three, furnish ing and installing boiler at pumping plant at this post. Intending bidders must make special measurements. In formation furnished application; -En velones containing proposals to be, in dorsed "Proposals for Boiler." and ad dressed to the -constructing quarter master. SEALED B1D will be received at the office of the- undersigned, 402 Til ford building, until 6 p. m., February 6, 1913. for wood for the various schools of School District No. 1. for the,, winter of 1913-1914. Copy of specifications may be had at the office of the under signed. . Board of directors reserves the right t reject any ana an Diaa. Dated Portland, Or., January 27, 1913 , R. H. THOMAS, School, Clerk. PARTIES contemplating visiting Wash ington for the Wilson Inaugural cere monies and do not wish to Day hleh prices at hotels can find comfortable and home-like accommodations at the residence Of Chas. W. -Frush, 218 "C St., Northwest. NOTICE is riven that my wife lias left my bed and board and 'thnt I, will not be responsible for anv bills con- LpwIh; 640 Yukon ave. FINANCIAL 51 17009 MORTeAGEsftcured by a, ,J15,, 0J0 pe" fonc,rct building. Seo own er, J, 1L Nash, Sly Railway Exchange, LOST A1' FOUND - . (Cootinnad) ' 01 CASH , PAID FOR MORTGAGES ,' Or seller's equity in contract of sale on real estate in Washington oi Oregon. H. E. Noble, Lumbermens bldg. Loans. LOANS .WANTED 30 IF you want to loan your money on first -Wass real estate, list It at once with the - - - SLAUSON-CRAXG CO.. MHTJAGKHLOAN-BPTjri,--'"'f 84 pan st, near Fifth. WANTED A loan of $3000 from private party, first mortgage on corner lOOx 100 with 8-room modern house, 1 block from Union ave. Owner. 431 Chamber of Commerce. .-- WANT to borrow $300 for building pur poses from private party. Answer by mall. John. Orundstrom,: 214, Columbia. ABSTEACTS JOHN A. BKBKY, Att'y., voiiectkmi, abitraets xaanoed, written oplntooi on legu , quce tloo. 811 Allnkjr bldg. Marahall S2tt. AccoaoEos rizAmra K. Steplun, Udl' Ullor, sceurdeoa, side od auobunt pleating, . tittonJ eoferMl.. foou poDsed, bemtUchlng. Sa Alder. Mala I8i3. ACCOUtf IAMTS rPBlIC C0LU3. BEEHIDGB ft TUOJil'SON, 34 Wor cester ning. im moi. ADVESTISJHO rOBTEtt 4 KLE1SBK, outdoor tdTcrtUlog; pulutud bulletlum Minted wtli, pvtn, tC Tth Dd E. Kvwetl t. Kt 1111, B-at Plan, ntimate turnlsbed. Before you build ee Wiiliiiiiw. nm MvKxy hldg.' AET DEALERS flt'TCUB framing, oiouldiug, pictures, les tban elsewhere. 185 W. lrk, A-721K. AMllAllC WXJi ADD tHOK Ucllanc Wilt naJ Iron work. East lOta aud It landers ta. kimt iai8. A6SAYEE8 WELLS ft CO., assayen, analytical tbainiat. H!H wastungton. aiain invg. ktuMA.NA Away vttice, iauuratury, or tset Ing. Marshall itfJW. 1Kb h-irrlson. . ATTOBJEYB A. E. COOPER llemoTed from 1424 Ynoa bldg. to Suite 400 Yeon bldg. Phone M. 103; A-47i ACSO XIKE aiufAJBXIia OBEUON Vulcanixlng Co., -The Tire Boob," 64o WaabiuKton. 3artbair3i8. AUXOMObU-EU TO &EMX $3.60 per bour. lupl Auto - Co. M. 614; A 4HI4. Offlf autt Mark. . L AUTO PADiTINfl Auto, carrUge, wagon and sign painting, 88 Filth street. Call for tuforumuuu Main lbii, Msrshall 6il51. . BATHS. KING'S Turkish Baths, Imperial hotel Finest unini,,. ' twmt ruhliers unlr. Clothes pressed while you bathe. KKgaut beds for tbe flight. Main tW'O, A;71S2. 8ELX &Ef AIB1SQ fOUTLANP Belting ft ltepulr Co., 6ft Flrat; belt ropslrlng. Motorcycle Dens a up.. BLANK BOOK KAKE&S llntt'K DAVIS I1IMFANY. 1U9 2d st. ilian Unnb nianlifi,(.turwr: aKntj ttM Juoafl lib. proTCd Loom-Lent Ledgers. See the tuw Eu reka Hai. A-ais.1, Muni im. CAXhl MAKUEAOIUBEEB THE Aldoa Candr -'. od tilisaa ats. Hign itraqg cnocolattn. CAKfEBXES AMD BEPA1BXSO A. K. WIKPTROM. bouse, office, stors repair ing, remojiming, bUlioing, r.ai injo. OAKfEZ CLEAM1MO JOYCE BKOS:, Electric Cleaning Work, car pets cleaned and laid, refitting our aptclalty. E. 440, B-IWOJ. an . iwiufv tbr-U. Vacuum cleaning Iu jour house by pirt. WM: .hour. t.Bi qui: p-iooq. UU1 WEAVlNti NOHTUWEST UDa W0BK8, rngs from old carpets; rag rugs, csrpet cleaning. 153 Union avenue, near Esst Morrison. ' I'KAItSSt.U Hug Woika, rag carpel aud rua. lftiw Patton ave. Woodlawn iftH6. CAKftr rug weaving, aoc per yard and up. Warp furnished. Mis. L. It. Kurla. 241 Russell CHIE0P0D1SXS DH 1VEY treats all ailments of feet wltboqt pain; corns, bunions. Ingrowing nulls a ap clalty. 24514 Morrison, Mai 4H44. CHIKOPEACTIO PHY8ICIAN DR. HELEN JACK, 331 14th., nervous snd chronic diseases, 0 treatments $8. Main 6BOB. LK M. H. M MAUON gives Palmer aud Greg ory adjustmeuts, $10 a month. 121 4th st. CliCULAE LEXXEK8 MULTIQBAPH1NG. prlnMug, stenographers. kHjLl.NOMAtl Multlgraphiug Co.. lacslmli. alanatures. 500 Etlers bldg. Marehan 2.n. COAL AND WOOD fff SPECIAL C PK1CES ON iutr-N BHUttT-,-.WHMV- 4Ukv- (iUEKN IW1 nuow. .tfv. USiDE (JBKIifi SHOUT, 3.50. DltY UHOK't WOOD , . SAWDUS'l" for fuel and bedding. , The Portland Slabwood Co. Main SMS. A-TOOl. i , East Edlefsen Fuel Co. 23W 303 Bcst coal. Country Millwood, corawood. UlliU OUAUU CUAL from Clear creek. i,tau, arriving aauy. ik uwuhu srvti- laud. Ecuaomy uel to., u. D yi, i)i Grand nTfenne. CONSlMfciKo' Ft) EL CO. (Amer. Coal Mining Co.) Coal flireei uoiu uiiuo w iuuuiu. ob mlddlemeua profit, nasi no, .-"io. ounaara Esst 1st sna isaior. f iLToN Wood Co.. aealera in dry and green slabivooa. lry us n w.i.cu, u, wood. 120 Macadam st. raone atam lew. A-2S), MI-rD St. CADR to' A- dry foot t It NLLn tit I HUH and oak cordwood. Also I.. orrW. Prompt delivery. f A A I Main 4MH. A-4547. Yamato Wood and Coal Co. BAST M18. B-1867. tiiUVkUED PROMPTLY J.111U 6.o. r, EVEItrs. Foot Curry atrwet. PACIFIC blabwood Co., Main B7U0; A-7366. Dry Inside small, $2-75 load. Pry and green slab wood idsnertrimmnr bOA. piutier, block, slab, cord wood snd coal. Standard Wood Co., 847 E. .tttark. East 2313. B-ltfUti. : ALU1AA KLtL CO. All kinds ot green and fMry wood, mock wprings anu .wpunota con COAi. and all kinds of wood. Pbooa Uoigat Foel (Jo., seiiwooa wo. PllUfcMX 4'uel - Co-Ury wood L5o iet loan. f21 Bavler, Hum os. COLLECTIONS CCBHEN'T and delinquent, out of town eol. lectlona a aneciaity. uonest. etncient serv- Ice. Highest references. 1321-23 Yeon bldg. Tbo Standard Mercantile Agency. E. W. Augel, Manaver. Main 4HH. . COMMISSION MERCHANT8 EHEROD Rancn Egg Co.. 114 L'nlon ave. But. ter. eats. Poultry, ten I. boCT. DAIRY AMD CHEAMEKY BUPPLIES UONROE CRISELL, 145 Front, dairy, cheese fltctnrr msrhlnerr and anptiHea, DEHIAL SPECIALISTS DR. A. W. KEEXK, Dentist. Majestic Theatre bldg.. ,8M Wash, at. Marshall 8208. DENTIST AaXiriCLAL IEETH Specialist on plate work. "Tbis one thing I dn." M Cli.lic hide.. 11th and Washlnstcn. - DEEXAIOLOGISTS iMnlra, wrinkles; acliln apecla.'lst. Mrs. Court 'irht. TIT Deklifli bldg. Mil In 5042. jai-asMAKmo, school Valentine's system Isdles' tallorlnt. draa- tnaklag taarht. Wt Grand tb., between" Alor rlsoa and BelmonU FINANCIAL (Continued) ' 30 PRIVATE $350 loan wanted on my $760 lot M-'-'22, Journal.-- MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS,. SALARIES 07 MONET FOR SALARIED PEOPLE and others,- upon their- own names; cheap rates, easy, payments, confidential! D. H. Tolman. room 817 . Lumber Ex. A ' deeirb4-lee gAtl-4 men 10 oorrow, money on diamonds and jewelry at. eastern rates. Diamond Palace, 334 Wash., opp. Owl -drug store. MONEY sold on installment; -conflden- tlal to salaried people. F. A. New ton, 014 Henry niag. CHATTEL, and real estate loans, no red , tape; confidential; mortgages bought" Aaoipnua jane, it ADington Did?. , XDTJCATIOITAIV DAMCTHO MR. AND MKS. HEATH'S Schools. Allsky bldg.. 8d and Morrison and 109 2d St., bet. Wash, and Stark. - Lessons dally, fancy and -blag dancing taught; waits and two-step iuitranteed In 4 lesson. Class Mon Frl. Ere. 8 to 10 at 109 1 at. . MP610 BCHOOIB AMD TEACHEBS ; , ) RAQTIUE :..., ,,. . , Piano playing boaltlrely taught In 10 to 20 lessons,- success guaiauteed. Imitators can eopj the substance of our." advertising, but they cannot copy our system. Write now for free bookW. C'brlstensen's School of Popular Music. 201 flnodnoiiRb bldg. ' KAOT1MH guaranteed in 10 to 20 lewwna. Piono, mandolin, guitar, singing, orlglual teachers of popular music. Hours 12 to 1 and i iq I p. in.. jf Kiiers tmllillnc. Classical, tlolin, piano, luamloUu, $1, low rates! , i.'i. vi i'jwihti, nawtuoriie snq join. P. b KISSNEU, violinist, practical teaehlug," 10 lessons f 15. 16 Breedea bldg.. N. E. corner 8d and WaKhlnstou. I. J.'LAWSO., IM Hth. Mala 61UT., 1'Una lecn. 60-cents. E. TU1KLHOU.N. violin tesch-r; pupil bVvcik. 828 Kl'-diwr. A-4160: Marshall 1620. VIOLIN AND ELOCUTION EXPERIENCED elocutionist; dancing and vlo. llh lessons to children. 4S3 E. 12th N. B. 232. ElXUXaUO HOXoaS AMD SYMAM0S WB Bus, II, tent and tiebang sew and na-oBDa motors; repair wort a specialty. wCTirra cn-ctric woras. xia mn St.' Motor and aynsiuora bought, sold, rapslrsd. .j-wn nice, sq.. m pi. rirsr. wain warn. Wei-trie motor apociallata. Jaaiea, Mcbusl . Elect rtc works. 1(W Union. East 117 EYE, EAR, MOSE AND IHB0AT Treatment by apcrjallst. Glasses flited. Dr. F. K. Casseday. 41H Dekum bldg., 3d and Wab. SA&M. LHLEJU.ATS AXD VEHICLE! P. E. ESBENSUADE,' 214 Front, fata Imlu. ments. tools, lawn and field fence. tt. M. WAUiu CO., UXl JUawthuru nv. Wholenale atrlcultin-al Implements. rouMaax amp kachihe shop PhoeuU Iron Works, ft, Sd and UawUMrne. tiewral mschlne and foundry work. ftjsitlXUBE ZEg AlfilMO BOWEHS ft PAHSONS, 10U FronL Main T44H. PnrnHnn. hotpltul; packing. i'VKS ASX XAXIOEBAUSZ UEMUDKUNU aud new work. r. U. rinlej Ulit-rmlt. 2tU Columbia St. OASOUBE ENGINES. LOANS , WANTED (Continued) ' igTHARIKE hull silfiiUuMi'J, tmlilfl liHifusVars.X'AS' unn.n. ovrrui, Itw-li Front St.. between Morrison and Yamhill. GLASS AND OLAXINO Tmma," Cress ft Co., 181-180 2d st. Prompi rricv. muE Aiaiu or A-XUUO. HALE GOODS FKBVKT A HINKRTTT. Leading wig and toupev makers, finest atcck of human hair goods; balr dressing, manliut nig, u ana scalp treatments UZ 7tb, uv- Morrtsnn. M. 646. HAX PA0X0&Y THE ROYAL HAT WORKS. 223 First. MAX AND QBAXM 0. K. KNIGHT, 328-30 N. 17th st. Hay. grain. IN8UBASCS roil lire insurance, see Chapln-Ilerlow Mtg. A Trust company, We have good eompaulea snd will trust vmi rlvht: liw.iwu ki..uu..n 3ill0, A-0007. 8rd fl.Mr C'nainbcr of Comnnriv. t'AClelC biAlr-S lut ibbuUAiNcat CO. wniy m-gyon lire msursnce company. iiccAniiAu, lis tee Lively, tful y.ua Every form of insurance, bonds. I,Ayp:8'.TAy,o&"?a HIGH grade tailoring, expert cutter and fitter; suits altered aud remodeled at lateat style. Wt also make up your own material. Work guaranteed. H. Cordan. 270- 8L M. 0874. LANDSCAPE OAEDEUIIJO " PACIFIC.' Landscape Gardening company, bli llolbchlld bldg. Phone Marshall ifcjOg. LABXEBB SUSjS 8XEREOPX1CONS sold, rented; operator fur nished; reasonable. Banners, show cards signs. Ktiterprtne Art Co.. T6 6th. LEAXHES AMD PUiSntag CHA8. L. MA811CK CO., 74 rrout Leather of every inscription; tap manufactursrs, find ings, HACHLNEHY. B. TllENKMAN A CO., lydranlle and special pipe, suioiie siacas, on tauas, . mining III chutery, ropairn. UH N. 4th. EiHUlMiS, boilers, sawmills bought, sold and exchanged., 'the J. E. Martin Co.. I'ortland.tlr. HAXE&KITX E08PIXAL PORTLAND Lylng-lo Hospital Maternity cases 01117. aip ct. ;aq pt. Maranau ;K)tH. HEH'S FUBBISHIVa O00DB Nsustsdter Bros., 6th and Ankeny, Importers of men's furnishing goods. KEBSESOESS HA8TY ME88ENGKB CO., open night and day. mhui oi, A-ziaa. M0RTGA3E LOANS JOHN KEK, mortgnge lo.ns, Insurance, 803 Vm bldg. Main U283. NEUROPATH DR. J. E. LA VALLEY, SPECIALIST In OIAO- iunii, nervous, ncuie anu cnrtioie dlseaaes 406 Buchanan bldg. M, 01H9. i OUtAKENXAL WISE AND 1B0 PORTLAND WIRE V1P.ON WORKS. 24 2d st. Architectural wire and Iron. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. W. ARNOLD LIXDfiEY, Specialist on Uheuniatlsm, Stomach and All Ncrvuua Ms. eases, ol.'t Peknin blilg. Main 3781. ' UK. Ui.l.tUl'.LLlt I'A'lTKliaON. anvvlailsi . 0 nerves, acute and chronic diseases. 4 Ut Co- luninia ning. main i, DK. AGNES M, BHOWN, SOU Journal bida. Hours 10;;iO-4:86. M. Kesr'tabur 21)1. PATENX ATT0E3EYS PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock, attorney. at-law, lata Of U. S. patent office. Book frcB, 1010 Har4 of Trade lildit. U. & A.N D tOUElUN PATENTS procured by 0. O. Martin. ' 408-409 Chamrwr of Commerce Md. ' ' v-- i PAINT, OH, ' ABD GLASS ;'- PIONEKtt PAINT CO., ll4 lst st Main 1S34, A 7043. .. . .., . -- : XUE UkAVEU VAUNlKli UOUKS makes good proqocts. ana yimr neaier. RAMl b.tEN 4b CO., "Utah Standard" peine. N. E. comer Sd and Taylor. M.-A-177I. PAUiTIXO ASD PAPE&TXQ GOOD wort, mv motto. A. Osbouro, 886 East Waablngton. B-U107. East 4214. K)K tM-si work, prices cikui. eau t', A. DoanH SS2 K. Wanh SoUwoml 1 WALL pupcr tinlf priio. t'aiiorlug, HutiiiH, etc. P AVISO COMPANIES W A RHKN CONSTnC,CT10N CO. Sireet pa. Ing, sidewalks and crossings. Tth floor Jour nal hnlldln. - " X11E liAi.litU Art I' II ALT PAVJNQ CO, Port . lsnd office m Electric building. 07 (Continued) .' Salaried People START THE NEW YEAR , ? OWING BUT 'ONE PARTY $10 TO $100 ON YOUR PERSONAL ' NOTE. -FOR. FURTHER PARTICULARS ' CALL. TELEPHONE OR WRITE ? ' State Security Co. . 308 FAILING BLDG, SALARY LOANS. CHATTED LOANS. You can get $3 to $100 today at cheapest rates, best and most private terms. - P. D, Drake. 328 Henry bldg MONEY TO LOAN ON DIAMONDS. J. E. NICHOLS. ,. 613 YEON BLDG. MONEY loaned on alamonas and" Jewel ry; etrictly confidential 141 3d. PH0I0 8XVDI0I i The Ame stndlo will remuv after Jsnuar I to H4fl Washington. . ' PORTLAND WOOD Pll'B CO. factory and of. nrr iiia sua vora. Main J4J(. fLUHJIMtt ASP HEAUNO. CONTRACTINU, repairing, honest prices, esti mstea furn. T. H. Crowther. HA5 2d. M. TK34. : K.0MBLNO BUW-LIEB M. L KLWB, 4-8d Front St.. wboteMla plumb Ing snd steam supplies. v rorcoan cobsecxionb STaNUAKD CB18P CO.. 293 tillsao, ' Popcora Crl'Ri Kornut. salted nuts. faUaiXUIQ ASLKY P,1ctlu( Co., Oak. Mala 407 1. Printing a plesse. UEOUUK 1. ISAllXti i ltlMINU CO., 2o4 Stark at. Phones Main 02.13. A-3411, - ' KOOaiKU, t'AHnliAO, cltf AL&LNQ TIN roofing, repMrlug, palntlDg, Jobbing. J. 1 Usll. jVj Jetfersou. Alain H24. tUA.No. IdbLiv'; sbeot mttal works, Uu shop. BUBBES SXAMgg AND SEALS STENCILS and office stationery. Cunningham Co.. 831 Stark. Main 1407. . UAiiUaM, trails checks, brass signs,- ateoolls. Krebs Bros.. 114 2l. Marshall loll. 8ANIXABJUM MSBETB'3 SAMXAUtUM A aanltarlnm for surgical, nervoua, chronic. and all- diseases not contagious; also maternity cases. Hydro pathlc equipment and massage; 616 Lovejoy. SUOWCasM Juiii L.XV8iaV l IBB JAMES L MAUSHALL UFO. CO. New aud old showcases, cabinets, . store, offiua, -ludow Uxturvs, 4ib and touch. KUOtVCAaMi of every dwciipiloa, bank, bar and store futures mads to ortter, lha Lotke Mfg. Co. BIGNS AND EUOWCA&DS WOODEN SIGNU-UeneraJ Job work. C. A. Hoiipingwov. Mig. t.i., at. jonns, or. Col. 6a. vv AUAuAMjta v.u,, ola ComuMiuweaitb bldg. duuw 1,-wWi yiuiu lyiin, y UIUOW trilDS, STOVE BEPAIRIN0 HAVE YOVB GAS rOVBREMIBED By'aS EXf BKT. E. 1225. 232 BU8SELL ST. X0WLL SUPPLY CLEAN towels dally, comb, brushrsoap. Towel Supply Co. th and Couch ats., L per month. Hortlsud Laundry Co. Phones Main 41u, A-441Q. XAILOBXNa SCHOOL tlKSTEU'S Ladles' Tailoring College, dressmaking, tailoring. HJ 11th. Lean IBAI16TE& AUD 8X08AOS OREGON TRANSFER CO, Established 1870. Transfer and forwarding agents; (Storage, free trackaga. Offices and storages 474 UUsan atrcet. 13th and Glisan. Main 8, A-lim. C, u. 1'lcK Imualet Htorags Co., ofticu and cummodlooa 4 lory brick warehouse, with separate Iron rooms and fireproof vault for valuables. X. W, corner m and Plus sta. Pianos , aud furultur moved and packed for shipping. Spaclsl rales made on goods In our through eats to all domestic and foraluu iwlnu. Main r.96, A-J9H0. tOtt'lLAiSL" Van Btorags Co.. Inc. Utft and Everett; most, modern storage warehouse in city, low firs Insurance .rat proof of this, tree trackage, moving, packU-, shipping; re duced freight tales ou household goods In through cars to snd from east. Msla 0040. A MHO. BaUUAGb) 4k Omnibus lrausfer Co. Baggage rherked at your borne, furniture moved, stored Or packed for shipment Park and Da vis t. Phones Msln tl'.Wo; A -3322. CYDDCCQ TRANSFER AND LArnLOO GENERAL ILltLIXO Cons Bay Coal & Transfer Co. Main 2228, A-1Z76, Wwdlawn 3001. XYPEWBIXEBB. TYPEWRITERS, slightly used, L. Smiths and all other inn ken at reduced prices asd easy trms.'L. C. Smith 4 Bros. Typewriter Co. 2i Oak st. ALL makes ruuted. repaireu, sold. Cunning ham Co.. 211 Ktsrk. Main 1407. TIOUH MAKES G. KUDKX, violin maker, expert repairing. 813 Allnky bldg.. ZH.1) Murrlwon. comer 8d. WBOLESALIJIBJBJM EVKRDING tt FA UK ELL prouics and corcmla. Ion merchants. 140 tYont su, PorJand. Or. Phone Main 179. UuKiiA.N WALL PAPER CO., UlO 2d at., be tween Knlnmn snd V 'n. ALLEN A LEWIS GBOIEK1ES MONIiV TO LOAN , CHATTELS, SALAIUES BBIIME Is the dream of centuries come ' true? Take ONE HOUR off and let me administer this celebrated treatment. It is perfectly safe and positively will not lay you up one hour. You can take it secretly and your closest companion need not know that you have taken it, provided It is given the right way. I will open the tube, prepare it . In your presence, and then painlessly administer it. You will be thankful to me as Jong as you live, be- cause it will give you a new Lease on Life, I give an honest blood test thereafter, to prove that you are cured. I Introduce it DI RECTLY INTO THE BLOOD by the INTRA VENOUS METHOD, the only proper method of administering it, and the one recommended by Prof. Ehrlicb himself. - mm hi Is treacherous, cruel and relentless. It Is no respecter of persons. It leaves misery, dis figuration and blasted lives in Its, pa.way. Ail former methods of treatment hold it only--in check and continually recurring symptoms remind you that the TAINT is yet .111 viui uiuvu, nm uiis wii Kt oiMXlJal ; ' v '' ' remains, remember the vims is still thera and n nui'ni-tMi whit iiiv "some fatal complication will -develop, , . rfx even x? s mildest cases, is always a most serious dis ease. SCIENCE has at last discovered a Curative iiemedy and it is crimi nal neglect on your part if you refuse to save yourself now. r,r,?'t.d!?ny y?u,relf heualth and y the happiness and freedom that PURE Syub.nng,s- vou hive ever had Specific Blood Poison you need this Wonderful Discovery. . . L ., , JWrTiT.0110"0" AND AT THE LOWEST S9!T--aKMAv..0vJ VITAL WEAKNESS, SKIN DI8-' JPk'Vci "wSP-Q,?0,16011158! ULCERS. : SORES, PAIN. . I Oftierf ree' nisnltitlon anil Adricc : , I Invite you to come to my office. I will explain to you my treatment for Enlarged Veins. Herala, Nervous Debility, Blood Disorders, Piles. Fistula, Bladder, Kidney and all Men's Disorders and givs you FREE a special exatninatlon. Every person should take advantage of .this opportunity to learn their true condition, f My.,n.?nm?,trhr?Sr.iway" ,'or the HONESTY," SINCERITY and " the timi-ttr.siT HRf4RKW ttt , itrnonulnn-t -bill if k.i. 1, A .v.-. - - r ' v - vn..i.., ril.x. . Jl I. JUU HCCU IIOIJI UV fieQllSlO' one day longer. You now have a chance to get cured at your own terms. UIIW vac, j .wavs . - iiun imttl II Jliaiica III UUTVU Out-oMovhThin WRrTb for infornmiron or mv 9 a, in. to 8 p.. m. daily; Sundays, 10 a. in. to 12 p, oi lis fin 0' - SPECIAL NOTICE TO BORROWERS: LOANS OF 110 OR MORS TO ANYONE. - We want no advantagecare very lit tle about security, promise satisfactior and guarantee a square deal.. Tell us how much money you want convince 11a of your ability and hones intention to live up to your agreeinen and we will make you a loan. Dlr easy"payhiefil PlaB eiiaBIffsToT to repay the loan easily and quickly. YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. ' ; WE DO AS WE ADVERTISE. -PORTLAND LOAN CO.. PRIVATE OFFICES. ' '-. .207 MACLEAY BLDG. Bet; 4th and 5th on Washington at. Optw M on. and Sat evenings to 9 o'clorlc PRIVATE PAHTI LOANS at special rates on furniture, pianos, storage receipts. watcheav., diamonds, .Je welryetcno 1 j loan too large or too ainau. , - STRICTLY CONF1DENTIAU f Private offices. , 4 When in need you will make a saving by getting our terra first. Write, call r r phone Main 4817. ' 42J Lumber Exchange. - , ELBY COMPANY. LOAN for the asking, satnry or chat- , teL The Loan Co., 414 Dekum bldg.- s MONEY TO LOAN IlALKSTAT A1 . Mortgage Loans : : ' ; Money to loan at 5, 6 and 7 per cent. We specialize in improved city and closa, in suDurtian property, it will pay you to see us xirsi, ' - A, K, Hill Co, 419 Henry bldg. HAUTMAN-THOMPSON "HANK. . Chamber of Commerce Bldg. We have on hand funds for Invest. ment In good first mortgages. - If you wish to borrow on your real estate, con fer with our mortgage loan department. MONEY TO LOAN v ON REAL ESTATE. SLAUSONCRAIQ CO., ' Mortgage Loan Department, gu oag St.. in ear nrtn. MONEY TO LOAN OH REAiKSTATfiJ, $260 AND UP. J. E. NICHOLS. 61$ YEON BLDO. I HAVE money to loan on city prop- ' erty ; will deal with owner ' only, -Phone Main S289. . , , ; . $100 TO $300 to loan on real or collat eral security, for a short time. 207 Oregonian bldg. ' TO loan, estate funds on real estate at -current rates. Inquire attorney, rooms 10-12 MuiKey piqg., gq ana Morrison. $100,5 oO on "mortgages, "city or" farm property, fire Insurance. McKensle A Co.. uernnger Diag.. zq ana Aider. MONEY to loan; iargaloana a specialty, I DuiidinaT loans: lowest rates: me in-1 Burance. W. Q. Beck, 815-318 Falling Vf !iM W ' trt ' it-tan Imnrnvarl YnrYsrw' VA AM A w vw a J , SIMLIS VI V ' Sk WB property; special laciiitics tor largo loans. Title & Trust Co., 4th and Oakt 7 PER CENT mortgage money, various amounts; charges reasonable. . Ward, 1!10 Allsky bldg. PRIVATE monev to loan on real es tate mortgage. Hatfield, 165 H 4th. $1000 and 42000; Fletcher,' 225 Ablng ton bldg. - MONEY to loan, 6 to 8 per cent. W. H. Beits Co.. 110 Spalrflna- hid. MORTGAGE loans, 6 and 7 per cent Louis Salomon Co.. tt Ptarw st. WILL loan $20,000 or less, real esute. i'rrington4 1 jcomrjaerciaJl a u 9, b iq g, MONEY to loan on Improved real estate. I. L, White. 701 Commercial Club Mrig. CITY and farm loans; mtgs. purchased. Henry C. Prndnomms Co.. Wilcox Mdg. $20,000 or part for immediate loan on , real estate. Tabor 77 L ' ' 1 asjaaeajai' 8EE ME FREE. If you - , are worrying ibout any ailment tn :luiied among those within ;whlch I ape clalize, I invite you to call at my office and I will give you FREE a conscientious examination - and - - di agnosis and advise you of the proper :ourse to pursue to fid yourself forever of your worry and your ailment. My years of ex perience and my qualifications have made me -an expert in the treatment of the ailments with which MEN .are afflicted. - Every man calling at my office Is assured of my personal and individ ual treatment until a cure Is ef fected ' '- ' NEOSALVARSAN Improved German Remedy for BLOOD POISON I administer the remedy according to the . very latest method. Come to me if you have any of the following disorders: Enlarged Veins, Plmplea, Nervous Debility, Nerve, Blood and Skin Disorders Bladder Troubles, Blood Poison, Eruptions, Ulcers, Special Ailments, Piles or Fistula."' S to 57 to 8 Dally; Sundays, 1 0 to 1, ExamI nation Ad vice-Free. t J. J. KEEFE, Ph. G. M. D. Rooms 11-15 Lafayetto BIdK. US'a WASHINGTON ST.. Cor. 6TH. PORTLAND. OR. C. 1C HOLSMAN, M. D, inptom Chart, Ilpurs ,12114 MORRISON ST, Corner First St. ; PORTLAND, OREUON. MONKV TO JiO.iN CIIATTEIA SALARIES ' (ContlnuedX DR.' KEEFE IkUD U BLOOD -POISON.: Eoniiiiiij.L:i,,sC iimn 11 11 . 111