The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 18, 1913, Page 6, Image 6

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:;mm institute
Object of Session Which Will
Last Five .Days . Is Purely
Educational Program, "
Much interest eenterp In the announce
ment that has been made, concerning
!JiC-aiiEalgnar.sLlJistltute vihlch will be
held 1" the CcmgregatlonaVchurches of
tills city from February V to 4, inclu
five...... The committee, which has charge
of the affair has aecurcja the serVloes Of
Rev. H. Mcllvllle Tennnv Rev prewist
Eddy, Rev. Charles I Storrs, Re Rob
ert Chambers and s Mra, V George B.
Cowif , Several of ; th'eti havealready
arrived In thls'city. . -.. C. "
The" object of this 'Missionary;. Insti
tute Is purely educational. " While defl-
'nite plana concerning, the program hae
a 1 read y beep ada,-it has not been de
rided Just ' whatCongiregational pulpli
the members of (hs"body vot worker,
will 1 occupy,' ,;pwey theYllhajf
charge of the wbrkiri the largest of the
; ch v reh es.Tr' Armouneethts -j, of these
churches, Will be made later,' "A partial
! program followst.JlNf-f ';:sv'S v- ,'
Saturday Tjlght; fehruary:l, it reeep.
Hon will be tendered "to the jvi siting
workers and at 10 o'clock Monday morn
ing, February' s, ; there Will be a con
ference of all the Congregational min
isters at the First Congregational
church. Rev. 1 Mr." .Tenney will have
charge of the conference. In the after
noon from 2:30 o'clock until 4 O'clock a
union meeting will be held for women,
with Mrs. Belle T. Hoge presiding. Ad
dresses will be made by Mra, Cowlca,
Rev. Mr Eddy and Rev; Mr. Chambers.
Following this nnion'meeting a mis
sionary conference will be conducted by
Iiev. .Mr, Eddy, Ilia subject will be
"New Arpccts Abroad, and New Methods
at Home," , At 6:30 o'clock In the eve
"Tihig; Mondsyrthr institute-supper will
Vie served to be dosed by demonstra
tion of the "every member canvass.'
-Praise services will be b.eld at 7:43
o'clock and will ha followed by brief ad
dresses by the members of the visiting
tea m of workers, ,
The recently organized Girls4 Glee club
.of the Amicitian club of Pilgrim Con
Krcsational church; has grown from 15
lneinhcrs, to 30 In ,two weeks and bids
"fair to be a succeaa in. every way. Wll?
Man Lowell Patton, the director, is very
itisM' with xwm- way tn reun women
the club work and feels sure that they
w ill "be able to make a great success of
tlm two cantatas ta be given in an en
tertainment February St and March l,
Rehearsals for .this affair have, been
. in prosress for .two weeks and some
fcood material is being found for the
production ef th entertainment. The
club meets every Monday evening at the
different homes of tho members. Off),
fora of the club have been elected as
follows: President, Hazel Kelly; vice
preaident,'Anna Nelson? secretary, Alice
,leppconn treasurer, Astrld Itoal; . li
brarian, Mildred Thompson.' i Otto Voel
ker,' a member of the Amicitian - club,
has been velscted to aet as business man.
aser of the club and will look after all
uf their business affairs.
v Baptist. '
First While s Temple, - Jtev. : Walter
Renwell Klnsun. bible school, 10:00.
sorviccs, 11 and 1:;'Q. Topics: "God's
fiiot kade to a IBt World," "Making
one's lied in Hell,"N Both, sermons by
Dr. J. u. A. Henry, ,':; y ,:
East Side Rev. W. O. Shank, pastor,
I'ltvitt l and 7:S0: Sunday school; io;
ii. V. IV tV . -15 Topics r'!riie Wlgnlfi
i'nce of Mttie Things." "Who Is on the
' l.nml's SlgnA.'.t'T' ".-f "r iW ! :;
t alary ReV. L-NMoBroeX41an4
' Aleta Rev. i,,lunean e. McPhalC
.Sunday school, 10: : iYF. Uv eae.
nri'ii 4.1 and Wi; ::- .:; ... . .
lliffMand Kev. C. B. Elliott - B. T. P.
V., 6.30, - Sunday school, :$: service.
11 and f:30,'Jplcs: Crumbllnrtftpnesj
; (;)! Who Cannot Re Tempted.' V '
'. Sclln owd Rev. F. W. Ilayta, '11 and
J;S0; H. P.. X0: Y. P. U., ;S0. ' ."v .
; University Park Rev. A. C, Saxwn
rastor; 11 and 7:60; H, JO; S.nY. P,
ll,. l.' ' t'.v-. 4-'- :
, ImniRnuol S, B.r10j preaching at II
htr r. A.. Aiar, Topic; "The Unchapf e
jLble Christ."- 1 - - ;
tjijiipyside, (German) a, S., 9:45. Con-
red "W56B, -aupeHntendant- - ;
St. Johns-tUerman) Hav, Karl Feld
metli; ' Sv :46;vjl aod3?:; T. P.
St,' Jhnsi-Charlcs J. "Waehlthe, pas
lor. Servk-ee, U' and ;J:0;' 8i 10 a
t'O- -'J '''' ' ' i':",s,-! '"C1" f ','l-'','' '.'.'. '
Grace MdnHvllla. Rev; H. T. Cash,
11 and ftSOt . P-.:0t- 8, ,M.. :.;
Chinese Mission 8, B...H J. G. Ma
lone, eu perlntndent..: K ? if;?i2i
Kirs. German Kev, J. Kratt . U and
7:30; S. Svij4&V ;A."t Sjz: 'J'
Second Vflerman Rev,' . .Frederick
Kuerrnan,4I and-:80; JS. B,, :4; Y,
P. U., 6MS. - ' ..( :-;'
East Forty-fifth "Street Rev, A. B,
Waltz. S. 8., :45; preaching, 11 and
Religious Training of Children.'. "Vain
Thoughts."' - ; - ' - ' .A
. Leius RtV. 3. W. Nelson; 8., 8.;. 10, tl
and 7:30; B. Y. P. U, 6;S0. . ....
Mount OHvet Rev, W. A.. Magett,
pastor. 11 and p. trt, 8. 8 12:80.
- 'i aHrnacl RevRubert Gray. past6f
Hrrmon, 11 and 7:S0, S. 8.. ; -V P
r,o. Topics: "We. Would Bta . Jesus,"
"The Last pay." --'':
I Third Rev. W. J. Beavan, U and
7:30; B. Y. P. L., :0; B. 8., :4B a. w.
Dr K. A. East will apeak at mornina
sri'vUcs. Chaplain O. C. Wright will
conduct the evening services.
tfwedifcli Rv, Frederick Linden.
10:45 and 7;4. 8. 8 12; U, Y. P, U,
s.BQ. .
" - ' "" t H 'itatkiinV''; rT;r'.
First Episcopal Jlev. Benjamin
Young; 9-30 -"0"ilng plass meeting;
,Krviie. 10,30 and 7:30, 'fopk-s; "The
Alan, for the Hour," "God In History;
l't. Present" " ' "
Trinity Itev. Charles T. Mopherson,
II and 7:80; E. U, :48; 8. 8., 10. Topics:
"tiood Friday,' "The Wamlerer'a Be
turn." '
Swedish Rorthwick and Beach. Rev.
J. X. Hurdell, and ; S. 8 10;
i.'. L.,J 7. " i ; ,r i : .
Kpworth Rev. Frank; James. Rally
Day exercises, it a, m.; 8, 8 :5; E,
1., i.3. Sermon by Jtev W..T. Kerr
..'Viikhi f.y tieorge JJ. ..Pratt ' ".' ,'
' l-,tt Norwegian Uanisli Rev, Ellas
'Uffiiiig. rtir; II and 7:84. Y, f, M;
'Iu".jJV eveliinn - v
ht. J-ihim Kev, J. J, Patton, services
U 7:3(: 8.1?.. 30; K. L,', f;A0. Topics;
WU. r Wnl. rs Mmte weet","The Sure
1 i f r ii.e When Tmnpted."
i n nMoRev. William IL'Fry, P,
, ..... . ..'Hung Hi rytt.pail;.,'
r. "U u ay Uev, Ualmar II. Trimble,
i' i 1 . iMnr, S. P.. ;46; fc. L.;
. " ! i !. tl and 7.43. Topics; 'iplritu-
v ' -Ti e 'Jh'Mti-c What Is It To-
' C. C. Rail. k. 1 1 Mid
. . . . i.', i:. I j., XoMi'M
Glee Club' Prospers .
Handsome New Church
is- ' v
? -if v i . y i i
I II .1' ' .I'. ' ,
ill iu )m muW'
r ?-m!t&rf..e A s2!3DBBVsBVBflBsHBBBas W
FIr8t'Metu6dl8t Episcopal hurch btttldln at Canby, Or, which !g near
.pill j mmi
'"Canbypr6ji., : 2tin.! jriTha handsome
?!.r"c! LL'!. rtrB Methodist Epia
cppVf church i-Serii;TipidTy--nearrhr
completion. Meetinas are already being
held in the basement of tile building,
while 'tho upper floor' Is being put in
readiness for, occupancy. The estimated
oat f . the building was 15000,, but the
Named Chaplain
iJtlev. fFrederlo K Howard, .M, A of
Hoquiam, Wash., has been appointed
ehapiairi 'of : the city mlaslon- work Pf
the Episcopal church and also chaplain
at tlje Qood; Samaritan hoepltal. He
comes to this lty. well trained and
equipped" for his' work. He Is a master
of arta of Grlswold ,college,'an4 most of
his study and experience has been of
modern ways of keeping the Chrlatlan
religion vital In the thinking and living
of the present day. .; .
J-Thla etty mlsslonwerk-la-aomethlng
new that haa been "undertaken by the
Episcopal church and a great deal of
good. Is expected v to reault. r Bishop
Scadding has already appointed Pr, K,
A. J. Mackenzie, F. C, Malpas. C. F.
Adams and Oscar Menefee tnembert of
an" executive oommlttee,
In Indorsing this new line of work
Blahop gcaddlng said In part:
"If there is one thing which will tend
to brine our city parishes closer to
gether, and put new courage Into the
clergy to do team Work. U will be this
establlshement of city, piUalon work, In
whlclK all can have a part or all the.
poor outcssts of the city, for our breth
ren, the sick, and unfortunate, and crim
inal, the Lord lived and dled( and ever
interceeds before the throne, For these
apostles to the end of time, and put the
law of service as the law supreme." .
Cyrriru, Cymro a Chymraeg
"Cymru, Cymro a Chymraeg," meaning
Welsh, Welshman ed the Welsh lan
guage, will be the order of services In
the Church of Strangers, Grand ave
nue and Wasco streets, at S o'clock to
morrow afternoon by Rev, John -Rhys
Griffith, pastor of the church. The ser.
mon 't will be given In the Welsh lan
guage and will be of special Interest to
all the Welsh people in the city. Pro
fessor Maldwyn Evans will aing,
"The Compasaion of - Jesus. Evening
sermon by Dr. George JJ. Pratt.
Japanese Mission Rev, Ellsen'Rlbara,
9:30 and 8:30; 8. 8., 8:20.
' German F. A. Schumann. S, 8., 8:46;
services, 11 and 8; Epworth league, 7:15.
Topics: "The First Promise of Salva
tion," "Invest Thou Me.'' -4
Iaurelwood Rev. O. T. Cook, pastor.
Services, 11 and 7:J0. Topic; 'Regener
ation." -, . .
- Chinese Mission Chan Sing Ket, 11
and 7:30, ' ' 1
Norwegian Danish Rev. C. J. Larsen,
11 and 7:4: S. S.,9;4i a m.
Woodlawn Rev. Louis Thomas, pss
tor; 8. 8., 10; preaching, 11 and 7:30.
District Superintendent J, W. McDou
gall will preach- the morning sermon,
StereepUeon lecture on the Holy Land
at 7tao p. m. ' - :r,i
, Monta villa Rev. W.- H. Hampten,
Sermon at 11 and .7:30; 6. S-. 10; In
:4t. . " . .-' .'."-.'( 1 i , -
Sellwoed Rev. James F. Hawkins, 11
and T:80; J. B. L.. ;80; m L. 6;80.
University Park Rev, , W J., Pour
lass. 11 and 7:80. 8. S. 10 a. mE. L.
;1&. :-': , v1-; -v
African Zlon Rev. W; Matthiwa; ,11
and 8; 8. 8., l;. K.H. :
Patton Rev.-George Hopkins, paator,
Preaching U and 7:30; 8. 8., 16 a, m.t
E. S.. 1:30. Tppica: ;Get Ope,".. "The
Courage and Bravery of Chrlst.'. ;
-' Clinton Kelly Memorial fRev. C. O.
McCulioch. S. S., 9:45; ppeacWng, H
and 7:80, class meeting. J2 noon i Junior
league, 8; S. . 8., ;j0:5d, f Topics: 'The
Holy Spirit and Revival," 'The Knowl
edge of Man a Revelation from God."
Carson Heights Rev, H. T. Greene.
6, S., 10;, aermon( It.- ' VsAvV,i.;.
.v BethefRev, J. L. Craw, pastor, serv.
ices U and 7:45; 8. S 1:15; C.r&, t.
. Lents BeV. W.Hoyd Moors, 11 and
8 8. 8.. JO; E. L-7. . c
.- Mount Tabor Rev, C, ? X Hamilton,
117:30;, B 8., 9:45 a.. m.: E. U :80.
Topics: "Opportunity! . Responsibility."
"The Fruits of Indecision." - -
,- Woodstock I). W. Moore, pastor;
11- and . 7:30) 8,- 10; ,E.-- L.,-:80.
Topics; "Co-Laborers With God," "Our
Hearty Father." ; - -: - --- ? ;
, Lincoln Street M. E. L. G. Parker,
paster, n anq 8 . , i eiBOi
Oak Grove Rev. James T. Moore. 11
and g; 8. 8., 10. r-1- - -
Westmoreland Rev. H. T. Greene. 8.
8., 8; sermon, 7:30. .
. Wesleyan Rev. G. C. 'Wicker, 11 and
; 8. S., 10; Y. P.M.. 7.
First German A. F. Cramer, pastor;
II a. m.. 1Q a. m.; 8. 8., E. L 8.
Union Avenue Method Istr-Hardy Ben
nett 8. S.-, 10; K. L., (-80; preaching, 11
and 7:30.- Topics: "The Rich Fool."
"Nothing Of Which, to Be Ashamed,': . J
, t y '
rresbyteriaa. !
First Presbyterian church Rev. John
Royd, minister. Morning worship 10:80;
evening, 7;30: B. S.r 12:10; C. E., 8:15.
Calvary Eleventh and CMty streets.
Rev. Thomas Holmes Walker, 10:30 and
7:45; Bible school, noon: C. E.. :45.
Topics: "The Church, in the House";
"Taking a Good Look at Yourself." , :
Kenilworth Rev. Leslie Kirk Rich
erdson, . pastor, 11 and 7:80. Bible
school,-9:45 a. m Y. P, 8. C. E, 8:30.
Topics: "The Matchless Sermon"; "Life
Made Over." - . . t -..
, Anabei Robert. N. 1 McLean!! ' Ser.
ylces U apd 7f46; 8. S, :45,C, E. at
t . Mizpah Rev. , Harry Leeds, pastor,
sermon la;ao ft,; tf.i noon; C. C,
8 jj m. . . '
V Fourth Rev. ; Donald Mackenxle,
10:30 and 7:30; & S., 12; C. E., 6:30.
Marshall Street Rev. William J.
Spire, pastor- 11 and 7:30; 8. 8 10 a,
Jv.t r-A.C.Jiid.. in.-.-.
PorIe6 Rev. lieiiiy H. Pratt; 11 and
; 8. S.. 10; C, E :30 p. m. .
Third Rev.. A. L. Hutchison, pastor.
Services! 10:30 and 7:45; 8. 8., 12; C, E.,
:45. ,
Mount Tabor Rev. William G, Moore,
pastor. S. 8., 10 a. ni. Services, u and
; C. E., 7 p. m., 10 a. m.i C. E., 7 p. m.
at Canby Nearly Ready
" - A "h ,
:"'':! i f L : f
. -t-
actual cbBt "will le about ISO0O wuii; th
furnlahinga. , It la modern In 11 Us
aqatpinflnkfhavlnrv hot water, cheating
plant, kltcfjen, pastor's study and rooms
for every need. It wag planned to build
this new church, home May -1, 1811, and
In July of the same year rround was
broken. The , etructure 4s one of the
many now belnf cpmpletad In Canpy,
Why Name Changed
As the result of tba recent Olscussibn
concerning the changing of the name bl
the First Methodist -Episcopal church,
South, In local uaage.'to Union. Avenue
Methodist .church, in which a number of
Methodist ministers took .part, .Rev. J,
Hardy Bennett, pastor of the church, is
now preparing a lecture to be given. Sun
day night, February 3, In his church, His
subject,, will be, "World. Wide Metho
dism," , ? ; -,:',,
In his" lecture Rev. Mr. Bennett will
give a full statement of all the reasons
for the recont change In the local name
of his church, and a correct and lively
resume of the history of Methodism, to
gether with a statement of the present
relative standing; of all the different
branches of Methodism Ja the world. He
will also . gi v3 those . great - and un
answerable reasons for the union of all
Methodism, and will discus the federa
tion of all Protestant denominations
for the,evangela,tlon of the world. ;
John Orr Corliss, who has lectured
in various parts of the United States
and foreign lands, will speak at the
,l!JillgM0jIL'gajrej '-"JeTyt, at 7:80 o clock
and tomorrow nfgLt at' tKe same timer
Hts auojectwiu be Religious Liberty."
Mr. Corliss la said to be a deep thinker
and is reputed, to be a very forceful
speaker. . His subject, is stated. io be
one of euprtma importance. He will
speak on the efforts which he naya are
now being; mada to restrict Christian
liberty Jn America, and of some of the
thlnga which can, be dona to maintain
freedom of conscience in the . ohurch
and; country. These two tectum will
be under the auspices of the Interna
tional Religioug Liberty league, and will
be free to the public.
: 7 . v v.; : r.
' Many a, lesjh roan marries a widow
because - it eaves k Wm the trouble of
doing a courtship stunt. .
Hawthorne Park Pr. E. Nelson Al
len, at 10:30. 7:80; 8. S., 18; P. 8. C. E.,
6:30. " ' '
Piedmont Rev, J, E. Bnjder. 10:30
and 7:30tC. 8:80 p. nufS. S., noon.
Unity H. C. Marshall, minister. 8.
8., ,10. Preaching, 11 a. m. and 7:30
P,','in..'5,'.''''-i'''.'.''''- .,i.'.' . ',.". i;;i ...,.!;
Spokane Avenue Rev. Robert Dlven.
11 and 7:30; 8. 8., 10; C. E, 6:30. Both
eermons by Rev. I. V. Roling.
- Hope, Montavllla Rev. 8. W. Seeman.
S. 8 10:, 11 and. 7:80. ,
Westminster Rev. Henry Marcotte,
10:80 and 7:46 8. 8., 1J; Y. P. 8, C, a,
Millard Avenues-Rev. Levi Johnson.
Services,. 11 and 7:30; S. B 10. i
Vernon H. N. Mount. D, D.. pastor,
gervloes JOO.and 8j 8. 8.. 11 poon; Y.
Rose Clty'Pa'rk Services 11 and 7:45:
Rev, Boudmot Seely. .. , '
Chinese 145V4 First. T:45; t."B. 6:46.
' Arbor Lodge Rev. John A Townsend,
11 and 7;45; 8. P.. 10.
Trinity Rev. E. Benson, pastor, serv.
Joea 11 and 7:90; 8. &. 10; Y. P. 8. a E
. 'Reformed Frank t). Frajer, . Preach
ing 11 and 7:80; aa. 10.
. First Rev. Luther R. Pyott, P. Ti.
11 a m. and 7:46 p. m. Topics: "No
Law Against Such"; "The Power of
Suggestion in Relation to Health."
University Park Rev. W. C. Kantner.
P. P., pastor. 8. 8.. 10 a. m.; Y. P. 8. C.
a,., 7; services. 11 and 7:30.
Sunnyslde Rev. J. J. staub; 11 and
7:80; 8. 8.,- 10; C, E., 6:16. Topics:
"A Gospel Without Apologies";: "Life's
Unrecognixed Blessings." i ,
Hasaalo Street J. MIowden. pastor.
Bervloes, 11 a. m. and 7:30 n. m.i 8. 8..
10J Y P, .i.SC K., 8:30. Topics; "MXi'
tual Helpfulnaa"; "Mysteries."
,-Mt. Zion Rev. D. B. Gray. . 8. 8
19i services IV and 7:30. ;.
First German Rev. John Hi Hops,
10:80 and 7:30; 8. 8., 9:16; C. B., 8:80.
' Laurelwood Rev, William H. Meyer.
8. 8.. 10 and t : E.. 7:16.
Waverly Heights Rev. A. W, Bond,
pastorj. Worshln II and 7;30; 8. S 10.
Topic :rGrants or Grapes la the Prom
,ieed Land.",,, , - --.-,, ..v-,--
. fctohns-Rev. G. w. Nelson 11 and
8; 8. 8... 10. : " , - -i
Pllsrrlm Rev. O. H. Wlrth, pastor.
Preaching at ,11 and 7:30; 8. 8., 9:45; C
E., 6:80. v '' "''-.',.' ".-
Highland Rev. E. 8," Bollinger Ser
vlcs 11 and -7:30; 8... 10. Topless
"God's Kindly Touches Purlng the
N lght'St. . "LI v g g in i Seven v Roomed
HOuseaf :.;: ::,,i',k.y::M.:if
Atkinson-Memorial Rv, :,F. W", Gor.
man, paator. Services, II a. m. and 7:45;
8. 8..' . 0 :46.-.-" Toplcar . "Tallying With
God"j The True Worshipers7"( X
' 1 1 ;.i.;(4Aj'"-'Of , 'V':'W,i'
i,-:'"f' '- ? Episcopal. - vr
Trinity Church Rev, Dr. A. A. Mor
rison, rector. i Services 8 and 11 a. m,
and 7:30 p. m. . 8. 8., 9:45 a. m. -
Pro-Cathedral of St. Stephen the
Martyr Rev. H. M. Ramsayv Services
11 and 7;30. ' Sunday school 10.
Church of - Our Savior Woodstock-
Rev, E. H, Clark. Services 8 and 11.
St Matthew's Mission Rev. M. A
Rreck in cliar. Services at 11. 8. 8.
18..-Services at St Helens on the Co
lumbia river at 7;3Q. ..
St pavld's Rev. Henry Russel Taj
bott - 7:30, celebration of. the Holy Eu
charts t; 9:45, 8. S.j mornlug prayer, 11;
evening prayer, 8.
St, Andrews, Portsmouth, Archdeacon
Chambers In charge; 11, prayer and ser
Hlon, 7:30; S, 8., 1$ a m. .
All Saints' Rev. Roy Edgar Reming
lonwj:(:rtor.. Services. Ji, end,i;JuL.
9:43. Communion first Sunday in eaoh
month. .
St. Mark's Rev.. J. -E. Hv Simpson,
rector. Holv Eucharist. 7:30 a. m.j
S. 8., 9:45 a. m.', morning prayer, n
a..m.; evensong, 7:30 p. m.
tirace Meinui lal l(ev. ueorge U. Van
Waters and Itev, , Oswald , W. . Taylor.
Reports Read Show Church, in
Good "Condition; Officers
Elected for tear,
The" .regular .annual congregational
meeting of the members of the First
United Presbyterian chun'h was held In
-fthn Thmuh; Thuraday nlghtr-preceding-
a banquet given in the social' rooms of
the church by the women. The meet
ing was well attended and was presid
ed over by I. II. Stevenson. " -
The election , of the following offi
cers of the congregation took place: P.
Hk Stevenson, president; Virgil Speer,
vice .presidents John Stewart, secretary;
Mrs. R., C. Ruff, .treasurer; Thomas
Stott, John Shearer, Rert Neabltt, Wil
Ham Huckleberry,' Mrs. I. Lewis - and
Mr, EllsabfithDalglelsli, trustees. C.
C, Tripp was again chosen to superin
tend the Sunday school and G. , 8. Mo-
Geehon will, !); -Ws assistant:
Reports from all of tha various socle.
ties of the church Including the paator's
report given by Rev, F. . Findley, were
heard,' K C. C, ' Trlnp, superintendent of
the Sunday (school told of the progress
made in the year juat past. From the
pastor" report It ivas learned that the
church1 membership had been increased
by',83 during :the'yeamtr-jffif ' tytA
Among those' who gave reports con
cerning the ohurch' work were Mrs, F
D. -Flndley, Miss E. Acheaon, Mrs. R.
G, . Hamilton, George Warner.i William
Huckleberry, Mrs, R, C. Ruff and John
Stewart. ' .v, vriV!;v
? While a definite selection of a pastor
to fill the pulpit Of the Pilgrim Con
gregational church, left vacant by the
resigning of Rev. CJL Wlrth, has not
been made as yet pe committee of the
Portland Congregational society has se
cureOheliervicci drilevrTTrV, Poling,
formerly pastor of the First Congre.
gatlonal church of The Dalles. He will
have charge of the church work, as act
ing pastor for three months.
Upon thBresignjng or itev. Mr. wirth,
Pcoember34, Rev. Edward Constant, of
Massachusetts, took charge of the work
for one month, while a temporary pastor
was being Bought Rev. Mr Poling la
well known in this city and It la prob
able that attempts will be made to have
him take the pastorate 'Of., the church
Honor Father
Sunday school of the Evangelical church
of St. Johns when the seoond annual
union church aervlces were held. ? Mrs.
O. M. Hall, superintendent of the school,
had charge of the affair. v y
i A good program was given, tnclud
lng musical Detections,, recitations and
short addresses. Among those who had
a part In the program were Miss Wise
of Portland, Mr, v Keeler of ; fit. Johns,
Mlssea plaskct, Mrs. Harrington and
Roy Perkins of St,. Johns,- Rev. J. A,
Goods of , Portland, f H. Westbroote of
Portland. Rev. Mr, Kerr, a. Civil war
veteran and a retired minister of the
Methodist church, delivered a apeclal ad
dress to a number of old soldiers who
were present in a body, ; Five of the
St, Johns ministers were also present.
Holy Communion 8 a. rl, S. 6., 1Q a. in..
Services 11 and 7:80.
St. John's Churoh Rev. T. F. Rowen.
8, 8., 8 Evening prayer and sermon, 8.
Good Shepherd Rev. John Pawgon.
U and 7:30; a 8., 10.
Bishop Morris Memorial Chapel,
Good Samaritan Hospital Rev.. William
R. Powell, chaplain. Hqly Communion.
7 a. m. Ward services, 8., Prayer and
sermon, 7:16,
Ascension Chapel Portland Height.
8, 8., 9:30, ;
St. John's, -Milwaukle Rev. ' TvJ T.
Bowen. H. S., 2, , evening prayr and
sermon, 8; serlves, 4.
St. raol's .Woodmere Rev. - . ' Oswald
W, Taylor. S. 8"., 8., Services, 4. .
St. Michael and All Angels Rev.
T. F. Bowen In charge, 11 and 7:80; 8,
S1 10. - --i.,-:. s.
, St John's Churoh, Sellwood, Rev, Wil
liam R. Powell lq oharg. Bervicea at
11 o clock Sunday morning;. -
Patton. Michigan and Alberta, Georga
F. -Hopkins, pastor. 8. 8.. lorsermon,
11, by Dr. C. T. Wilson; B. jl 6:89 p.
m.; sermon, 1:80 p. m. ; ,
1 Christian. - i
First W. F. Reagor. pastor.: Services
at 11 and 7145; 8. 8.. 8:45; Cr E., 6:30
p. m, Topics; "The Problem of Chris
tian Education." "Keep Your Record."
Central Rev. Samuel R. Hawkins,
pastor, 8. 8 IP; C, E., 6:30. Services
11 and 7:80,
Rodney Avenue Rev. B. W, Bass,
pastor. Services at 11 and 7:80 p. ra,; 8.
8.. 10; C, E 6:30.
Kern Park Rev, Herbert' F.' Jones,
pastor. Services at 11 and 7:30 p. m.;
S. 8., 10 a. m., C E., 6:80,
Montavllla. Christian Tabernacle
ev. G. K. Berry, pastor. Services at
11 and 7:30 p. m.; 8. S., 10 a. m.; C. E.,
6:30 p. m. . .
Gladstone Rev. Roy I Dunn, paator.
services at 11 and 7:30 p, m. 8. 8., 10;
Junior C, 3 p. m.; C. , 6:80 p, m.
Woodlawn Rev Edward Wright, pas
tor. Services at 11 and 7:80 p.,rfl,; 8. 8.,
10; Christian Endeavor, 6:80.
St. Johns Rev. J. R. Johnson, paster,
ervices at 11 and 7:30; 8. 8.. 10; C. E.,
Bervicea at It andtSOr S. s.rJOr CrE.
Sellwood. corner Nineteenth and Ne
lialem Rev. J. A. Melton, pastor. Serv.
Ices at 11 and 7:80 p, m, S. 8., 10; C. E.,
P ':; ".: ,' vv' i-JiBttsriw.',;i':'v,;' yl
Swedish Immanuel Rev. J; Richard
Olson, 11 and 8;: 8, 8., 9:45, v v
Stt Paul's German A. 8. Krause, pas
tor. Services, 10:80 and 7:30 (German
and English); 8. 8, 9:30: Young Peo
pie's meeting at 8 p. m, Confession and
communion. 10 '.a. m. y-.n. ,.? -,; .
8u James English Rev. J..A, Leas.J
imsiui. oeryiccn .- f , ? a. a., iv;
L. L., 7 p, m. - Subjects: "The One
Talent Man," "Why a Young Man Is
Not a Christian.:' . i
St. Pauls Lutheran A. Krauee, pas
saw, gf agupfj peaa
i.-.F,.v :!;, services. 10:30 and
JSion's German (Missouri Synod) M.
H. Koppelmann, 10:15, 7:45; 8. 6.. 9:15.
- United Nor weglan Detmar - Larsen;
11 and 7:80; 8. S., 8:45. . ; , - , '
Swedish Mission Rev. B. J; Thoren;
11 and 8; 8.- B.: 10 1 Yj P., 6:80. - -
Trinity German (Missouri Synod)
J. A. Rimbach. 9:16; 8. 8., 7:30. i .
EUm Chapel Reuv B. J. Tuorson, 11;
'immanuel German (Sellwood) It
C. Ebeling, 10:30; 8, 8., 8:80.
Grace English (Missouri Synod)
Kerby and Fargo, Rev. Carl tfassold,
10:80 and 7:30; 8. 8., 9:30. , T
Swedish Auaustana Rev. II. E. 8and-
St. Johns . German (Evanaellcal flv.
nod) Grays Crossing E. a. Hess.
Service, 8 p. m.J 8. S.. 8 p. m.
Lutheran Free . Church Rev. B. A.
Berrevik; services at 11. 8:80 and 7:30.
St. John's Lutheran-S. 8., 10 a. m. .
Bethany IinU Rev. ,H. C. Jensen
Englionn, pastor. Services 11 and. 6. 8.
; RHs Vacant
Our Sense of Sin Keeps Pace Willi Civilization
Jij tit, Frank Crane, former pastor" Union Congregational Church,
Worcester. Mass. ' .
Sin Is the biggest little word In all languages.
: It Implies that man has developed to a plane where lie
recognises himself as a free agent.
' It means that he does not consider his seta to be
produced automatlcallly by heredity and environment, nor
t,hat his will Is any sort of a chemical product of mole
cules of matter. f -" . :
It means that he thinks he outfit to be rewarded when
he does well and punished when he does evll '
In spite Of the progress and the supposed decay of re
ligion, there Is more arid keener sense of sin In modern
civilization than there was In the dark ages; r
, It does hot manifest Itself , now, as it did then. In
superstitious fears, but It is here all the aame. For wom
en souls still weep when thcyliave soiled themselves, and
men hate themselves when they have been cowardly or
weak,, little children are very aorry when they feel they
have done wrong, and the, whole human race Is wretched
when it is conscious of having done the things It should
not, and believes,
have done right If U
'. ii 'Thar F rnftrs I 'enitrai
ipmmmmwmmymmmmmami ' :.oav'isa lit i
Hurts when we fall to obey the word ought", within us, la a late develop
ment In creation, the mature fruit of tens of thousands of years of evolu
tion, and it can never be 'unevolved." ' - 'S '
-. The universe la a moral affair; the last word can never be that It Is a
purely physical affalr,-?.-.;i;--;t''i--. , . r
It Is inconceivable that human relations should ever be reduced ta terms
pf mechanics or chemistry, ; The vision of the poet,) the fancy of the artist,
the' sigh of the lover, the remorse of the murderer, can never be explained
by. the gyrations - of atoms. ::,-.;, ' ''; V ' :U '-'i'' 'rV r''; :-.-.v.'.' " ' tv:f;'
Science, instead of assuming that all Is' matter,- should - assum nothing,'
but should honestly, examine all phenomena It finds; and there Is no reason
Why anexact splence of spiritual, things, .based upon careful observation,
jthouldriot grow up as sound and healthy aa the; science of gases, minerals,,
iimi -iemlcal7react(one. -r-rSS
, t And auoh science must take Into account tha one 'great unshakable hu-c
man t&QU'Mn':..ti-'''t
ic The world wants to know 'what si h la, how to use It, and how', to coun-
teract It. The world la not satisfied with mediaeval solutions-of the matter.;
The world wants its clearest headed, most intellectually, honest acholara to ?
probe Its heart and tell the truth. , " - '
i".1;. Tell. u what sin it, what la its function In ' ti4 i developirient 'of life, and
how can It be .'handled so as to work grandeur and strength In the charac
tr, -whether by confession and repentance and faith, acooi-dlng to the old
formula, or by some other way, if one be known, and 'how It can be pre
vented from rotting the thew of moral strength and dissolving manhood into,
vice -or-impotence, ;j..Fnv'v:":i:'-:'';"i''('',' .'tyfu-nQ"
Gain in Membership
In one year' time the membership ef
the First Congregational churoh, Sixth
and Madison streets, has grown from
980 td' 1059. making a pet gain of SS.
according to the reports given atvthe
church Thursday night, ffhenthe:' an
nual meeting "of. theTlEongregatlohal
church society, was held. X All of the
various organizations and departments
of tl church were heard from,,
Especially commendable Is the amount
of progress that has been made by the
Christian Endeavorera of the church and
the members of . the Ladies' Aid so
ciety, , During the year the members f
this society did a great deal of work.
They made it possible for the new light
ing arrangement. In .the church and the
Interior decorations. - V1 1
, According to . the treasurer'a ' report
there is a balance on hand in the church
treasury of a few hundred dollars, with
all outstanding bills, paid.' purlng the
year the Income for the church from all
the cnurcn ana oui, was in me neign
borhood of iso.ooj. r ,
It was announced in tha meeting that
the church trustees had started an en
dowment fund. . In bis , address Rev,
Luther Pyott, pastor ; of the church,
heartily endorsed this move and one that
had been started concerning the appoint
ment of, an educational committee, the
purpose of which is to keep the people
Informed on the work of the national
societies. These endorsements were unanimously-adopted,
and James Steel, a
well known member of the church, was
made a deacon emeritus.
. preceedlng the meeting a banquet was
held in the social rooms of the church
at which a large number of , members
were present--. ..w'.-A ,-, . ....,-.
S.,.10 a. m.; Y. P every Tuesday at
I p, in, ' " . '' i. '
- Xomaa Oatholie. f
Holy Redeemer Rev. Kd. K. Gant
well, O. SB. R. Low mass. 8. High mass
and sermon, 10:80. Benediction, 4.
St. Ignatius Rev.' F, Dillon, 8, J.
Low mass, 8 and 9:80, Mass, sermon
and benediction, 10:30.
St. - Joseph' (German) Rt. Rev
James Rsuw. W G. Low mass, 8. High
mass and sermonl0:30. Vespers, bene
diction, 3:30,
8t. Mary's Pro-Cathedral Most Rev.
A, Christie, ' P. D. Low mass, 6,1 and
. High mass and sermon. 11. Vescera,
instruction and benediction. 7:4ft. ,7
St Francla Rev. J. H, Black, Low
mass, 6, 8, and 9. High mass and ser
mon, 10:30, Vespers, lnatructloa and
benadlctlon, T:80,
; St Lawrenoe'a Rev, jr ... C Hughes.
Low mass, 6. 8 and 9. High mass and
sermon. 10;3Q.. Vespers and benedlo
tlon, 7:10.
8t. Michael's (Itallan -b- Jesuit Fa
thers. Low mass, 8. High mass and
sermon, 10;80. Veaperg and benediction,
7:30. - - , ; . " . i ... -
: St. Patrick's, Rev.' E. Pi Murphy-i.
Loss mass, 8. High mass and sermon,
10:30. ' Vespers and bonedlction. 8:30.
. Jmmaculate Heart of Mary Rev. W.
A. Daly. Low mass, 6, 8 and 9. High
mass and sermon, 10:30. Vespers and
benediction, 7:80.
Ascension, .Montavllla ' Rev. J. P.
FHspatrick. Mass at 8. High mass
with sermon, 10:80. Sunday school at
9. Benediction at 3:80..
. Holy Rosary Very Rev. It It Kelly.
Low mass. 8. 7. 8 and 9. Hlah mass and
sermon, 11.. Vespers - and benediction;
St. Stephens Rev. W. A, WaltU Lew
mass, . 8:30. . High mass and sermon,
10:30. . . ,
Sacred Heart, Mllwaukle Rev; Greg
ory Roble, O. 8, B. Low mass, 8. High
mass and sermon, .10:80. . Vesperg and
benediction, -7;30. - .
Holy Cross, University - Park Rev.
J. P, Thlllmau, C. 8. C. Low mass, 6:30.
High mass and sermon, 10:30. Vespers
and benediction, 1. ." - -. -,; ,
St. Andrew's Rv, Thomas Klarnan.
Low mass, 8. High mass and sermon,
10. Vespers, Instruction and benedio.
Hon, 7:80. - .-,- - .,..-
St. Stanislaus (Polish) -Rev. Fl. Mat
ussewskl. Low mass 8, high mass and
sermon, 10:80. - - -
yV'".--' VnlteA Brethren.
'j First Rev, Chas. L, Willlajtns, paster,
Services 11 and 7:80; 8. 8.. 10: rC. E.,
6:30. Topless "Christian Perfection,"
"The Soverefgnity of 43otf,'.-.'rf.v..:'-"
Second Aider ta, Rev. J. W, 8recher,
paator. - Services 11 and 7:80: 8, 8., 10
a. m. C. E 6:80. i TopiCi .; "The Prodi
gal's Return." ---:--'--. ; - .'
Third Mount Tabor, Rev, C, P, Blan
chard, pastor. Services 11 and 7:30: 8.
s., jo; u. :iu p. m. Topics: "Hy.
pocrisy," "Prayer."
Fourth Rev. J. E. Conner, pastor.
Services 11 and 7:30 p. ra.; 8. 8.. 10:
E.. 6 :3Q i p. m. - Topic 'Types . of
Guy Woodworth Memorial Vancouver,
Wash, - Rev, R, O. Bumerlan, pastor.
Services 11 and 8 p. m.; 8. 8., 10: Y.
P 8.C''E. 7 ' ' . - --
Radical Rev. T. J. Cockling, pastor.
Services 11 and 7,' 8., 8., I0:3i; C. E..
6:80 p. m. - ...
trailed rresbrteriaa.
First Frank Pe Witt Flndlev,: 10:30
and 7:30; 8. H.t 9:45: C. B,f 6:80 p, m.
Sacred concert by choir, 7:30 p, m,;
Ijord - euppar j i 1 a Yeked I : p
With Christ." Btereoptlcon lecture at
'Third W.' A. Spalding, 117:80; P. 8.,
10. Topics: "Drifting Awav," "The
Task of the Christian Church." '
The Church of the Strangers Rev".
8. Earl Dubois, 10:30 ana 7:30. Topics:
"The-Saving, power of God," "Confes
that iUelf-ia-tqJilamtyaiiiL that it.mlght-
had so chosen.
tlitt nil tf rtmm g0 li nnsilanna 4 Via t
vi h va'v-a v mjc v j muw
Church Notes
. A reception to the newepastor of the
Waverly Helghta Congregational church,
Rev, J. W. Rond, was held in the church
laat Tuesday night with a large num
ber of the members and their friends
present. A good program was given
followed by a social hour in which the
pastornet with th members. Refresh
ments were served during, the evening,
yr::-., -'--.
''! Rev, J, Flowed, of St. Louis, the
evangelist, wilt ; end his visit in Port
land with an ali-day revival meeting to
be held tomorrow at the Central Free
Methodist church. Rev, Mr. Flower will
preach at 11 o'clock In the morning,
and half past seven In the evening.. At
8:30 o'clock In the afternoon there will
be an old-fashioned Methodist "Love
Feast" at the chirrch. Members of other
Christian churches are. invited to par
ticipate in the services, j . ' t
Rev. Palmer ir. Trimble has. decided
to use the second Sunday evening serv
ice in February, at hla churoh Centenary
Methodist, East Ninth and Pine streets,
tTTro airewTrwpiic-iy gome-
which -tome to him rrom time to time.
Those desiring to contribute questions,
write there out plainly and mall to him
at 44 East Ankeny street, or place on
the collection plate at church.1 Anything
suggested by his sermons or any queries
relating to the welfare of society and
therefore to patriotism, econlmlea, do
mestic felicity, marriage, religion, law,
business, health, happiness.
The Luther league of St, James' Lu
theran church held an interesting social
and business meeting In, the;. church
basement last Tuesday evening. Splen
did progress .was reported by , all the The new Luther league
Hymnals . have arrived and the rally
sion of Christ Must Follow Acceptance."
Kenton J. S. Cole,. 6. - S., 10:30;
preaching ll and 7:30. .
T deads' Cbnrea. F- :
Sunnyslde East Thirty-fifth H and
Main streets. Homer Cox, pastor, Serv.
Icea, 11 and 7:30; 8. 8., 8:46; C. B 6:30;
prayer meeting Thursday, 7:80 p. m,
Lenti South Main street, Myra B.
Smith. Pruciiing lift, m p, ro,:
Bible school, 9:45; C. E. ; . ( . ,
West Piedmont Friends RsV. T. J
Coburn. Preaehing 11 a; m. and 7:30 p.
m.; Bibla achool.,10 a. m,; 8. s., io; c.
'5 'Pu::::r- jraxajreaef,,:-5: 5v w
Sellwood Church of the ' Naztrene
Rev, Fillmore Tanner, pastor. - 8. 8., 10
a ro. preaching 11 a. m. ana p. m, -
-First Church of the Naxarene Rev,
C. Howard Davis, pastor; 8. S., 9:45;
services 11 and I; atreet meeting, 7j Y.
l' 7:80.
Scandinavian 1 Chureh Rev. J.- J.
Peterson, paator. Services 11 and 7:80.
Brentwood Church of the Nazarerte
Rev. Aaron Wells. , 8., 10: services, 11
f." gt B" Proyer meeting,
Wednesday, 8 p. m.j Young people a
meeting, 7:30. - . ,
Chrlstia science.
First Church of Christ Services at
11 and 8; 8. S,.l!:15. "Life." - -
Second Sunday service. 11 a tn.
and 8 p. m.i 8. 8., 11 a. m. Topic: "Life."
Third Eilers. Recital Hall, 11 a, m,
Topic: "Life."
Fourth248 KJlUngsworth ave. 8. S
11:45; services, 10.30. Topic; "Life,"'
rjratte'd Evangelical.
First -Rev. C'C. Poling. Services 11
a. m.. a p. m. H., 10 a. m. Tonlo:
"Church Efficiency." , '"'
' Ockley Green Rev. J. Bowefsoxj 11
and 7:80; 8.. 6., .10; K. L, C. E :8
p. in. Rev, C. C Poling will conduct
CommuniQn service in iiiuriung.
St John William Stephen Plowman.
Preaching 11 and 8; 8. 8., io; ic l. &
E., 7. ,;:.v;y r,t ..., , ,v...,;....t... ,
.,, ? ':v-" '- ualtarlan, -,yi ;:: .?'-'"'--?c';.:;'
Church of Our Father Rev, T. L. El
lot. D. p., pastor, . minister emeritus.
Rev, W. J. Elliot, Jr., minister. 8. 8.,
9:45. Topic: "Industrial Peace." Vesper
service at 4:80 with a tan minute ser
mon. No evening services.
H''i:r?W;Viaversailst ' .'
Church of the Good Tidings Rev, J.
IV Corby, i Services at 10:46 a. m.;
sunshine hour Sunday school, lj. y. P.,
6:80, Tepici "A New and Sure Road to
Buccess. No v evening services.
Free Methodist.
1 First Church, corner East Ninth and
Milt Rev. W, J. Johnston, pastor. Sun.
day services, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m, ,
, Central Church Rev. w H. Roddy,
8. 8.. 10; services U and 7:80. YK
M.. 6:80. ' . .
St, Johns 11 and 7:30.
'. ........ .'... ' ' "' ' 1 ' ". '.'.' "i'-:
' . ; Svasgellcal Associations. ...
.-Carson Heights J. Stocger, pastor.
U:0 and 7; 8. 8 10:80.- - ' m,lw'
First German Evangelical H. 8chu
kencht, pastor . ,
. , Memorial Calvin 8, i Rergstresser,
pastor ' 8. 8, ,10; 11 and 8. y. p.
'First English Eaa't Sixth and Market
streets. F. R. Culver, ll and 7:30 p.
m.; 8. 8., 19; T. P 4 8;30, ;
Seventh Say Adveatlst.
Note: Regular aervtces of this de
nomination are held on Saturday.
Central M Hton Hv St.- dohnn,-- -pastor.
Service! j Sattbath School, lo a, in.;
preaching. 11 and 7:80.
Mount Tabor Rv. C, J. Cnmmlngs,
pastor. V- Services: Sabbath school.- 4
p, m.; preaching, 4 p. m. ,
Montavllla Services: Sabbath
school, 10 n. m.j preachlnjr, 11 a, ni. :
Scandinavian, Arleta Adolph Juhn-
P.! i jkhj;
Take Tip From John D, Rocke- I
' Teller,-: Says t Pastor; " Dis- I
4 guised" Message to' Mothers I
'.Ua;';: 5 ..rl7.."". ," '..;''.;,. l
Chicago, 111., Jan. J. The Rev. E. E
McKay, pastor of Dlversey Boulevard
Methodist church, figuratively took
marrlojreaMe-TOTmg-tnetrtJf hlaflock- on
his knee and In a aefmon, disguised as
"A Message for COO Mothers," gave .
thetn'insldo information on how to pick
a wife, , t . : , 4
"Accept John D, Rockefeller's tip. to
pick out your mother-in-law first If you
wish a, good wife," he declared. ''' v:;
'. "An tip-to-date, breeder always pays
more attention to the dam than to the
sire, , and if young men' would use as
much good sense in studying their pros
pective mother-in-law mistukes Inexcus
able, would' be avoided, business for. dl-y
vorce eourts1csscned and thousands vir
homes made happier.". ' ,
- The ReV.iMr. McKay eulogized moth
era before dissecting their Shortcomings.
In part lie said: 1
i-Ht was left to a major prophet to
write that each mother was but an en-
larged photogarph of her daughter; that t
or cross and crabbed at, h wltl,but
very few exceptions Mary, Jane, Ruth
or Emma, her daughters, will bo just
"Mothers are living pictures In the al
bums ' of the years, announcing just
what time will do for their daughters,
y, "Find me a mother whose house has
no order the rolling pin in the musio
rack, the satin soft pillow in the coal
box, who never combs her hair until she
'goes out.r and who looks like a fright
until somebody comes in If the text Is
true, the daughter will, keep house lr
the same manner. ' i
"Find me a mother who will turn her
baby over to a nurse and let a silken
poodle lead hertoaiowntown club, who
Will go to sleep at night with a dime
novel under her pillow and' a1 15-cent
head on top of ,it I say nothing but
the grace of God i:an keep the daughter
from doing Just the same as the mother,
."But show me a mother who is kind
of heart,: decisive of will, Christian ln
cnaraccer, goon liOMwuwimi,
dally orders ar that 'dirt, debt and tha.
devil' can not enter. her home, who can
play as elegantly on the cook stove as
she can on the plano--ln short, a motlier
given to industry, self-sacrifice and con
secration and the reproduction of such a ;
mother Is esslly seen in the daughter,
hvmn win ha sunr Sunday evenlnsr. The
"j ... " - - - . .
on Sunday evening; at fi o clock. A1I tho
young people of the cuurcn are invitea
and others will be welcomed,
i Ten new membera were recently added
to the membership of St. James' Lu
theran church, and a class of about 25,
in nmnarlnsr for memberahlD at an early
(late. The Hunday morning sermons are
directed particularly in ueiiair or me
Jn the evening, Rev. Mr. Leas will
apeak on the subJectM "Why a Young
Man Is Not a Christian." , , . .
v I -',. Ii, I i ill - II, i Mil 1 , -j.., fy-rf
Unless a' mart gets married he will
never know how many faults he'pos-sesses.-'
-. ;"7;'; ;v--' w ''.:';';
son; residence, Arleta. Sabbath school,
10 a, m.j preaching, 11 a. in.; Sunday,
7:30. v - '.''.,: ."..".
Lents C. J. Cummings, pastor. Serv
ices; Sabbath school, 10 a, ni.; preach
ing. 11 and .7.30 p. m. - , .
St Johns Sabbath school 10; preach
ing, ll.
Alblna (German) J. H. Dlrkson, pas
tor; G. F. Ruscb, local elder. Services:
Sabbath school, 19 a, m., preaching, 11
J' Advent. " " J ' '
Advent Chsier F. W Smith; proaeh
Irig 10:30 and 7:80; Sunday achool, 12j
P. 8. U, 6:80. .
Morail ' "-' -
First German G. Hafner, psstor.
Services 10:45 a.rnt. and 8 p. m.: 8. B.
i ;80 a. m. ; Y, P. B. 7 P. nt.
Second A. B. .Wysa. Columbia Wvd.
and SSd st i and 8. . fl. 8., 10 a,
, -4 aervlMs for tha 8af.: S :iw
United" Presbyterian jtev. 8, Earl
jjubuis, e;evanu a, (j. i, r u
SaforaiaA VrssbTtarlaa HImhi.Li
3Ktf D. -Fraaer-Semces li an4
T!fU,:B. B. W. ..;'. .; f '. .:'. "
Bahal meeting. 409 EUers building,
Sunday afternoon st 8 p. in. Mrs. L ft
Finch of Seattle will speak. '
Temple or Truth, Filers building P.
J. Green Pastor) 6 p. m Toclo
"Through the Pathway of Light "
Salvation Army, Corps No, 4, 20T Sal
mon street- Adjt. and Mrs. Baldwin in
charge. Sunday services at 8:15 and
Salvation Army Corps No. 1 47 North
Second street. Adjt. and Mrs! Whltnev
in charge, Sunday services ll a mJ i
and 8 p. m,. 8. s., 1:80 p, m:
Church of the Brethren (Dunkards)
Volunteers of America Mission Hall'
867 Ankeny at-liear-8d 8:30 and 8-li -t
Portland New Church soclety-.(Sw.'
denborglan) Eleventh and Alder streeta
Services at 11 a. m, Rev. Charles A
Nusbaum, pastor, . V,"B' A.
The Church of God Rev. J. T. Nsl
paator. Services at 10 (German), a-ao'
6:45; 8. 8-. 1:80; testimony and praise
meeting at 7. "a pralsa
Lents Church Myra B. Smith
Preaching, 11 and 7:46; SS 10;
."Pi'sgah Mission, Lents Full 1 gospel
Sunday 11 a. m. and 2:30 p.- m.
international Bible Ktudents Odd
fellows' hall, Bible lesson, l;30. Prayer
mnA nrfltHA Brvlf at .fl4K i . .
3:16 p. m. Topic: "The Clouded Truth'
- Christian Yogas Selllng-iUrsch build
lna F. O. Garrison will sneak at 'im
E, m. Toplo: "Good and Evil," and "Tim
ouree of Power." "
Y. M. C. A-Sixlh and Taylor. R "
n.-l.l-- n.lllniia ll-',
icminn, aitii i meet
ing at 8 P. m. . ...
Y. W. C. A. Seventh and Taylor.. Ser."
vice at 4:30 p. m,
Home, of Truth. 461 East Rura.u.;
Services, 8 p. m., subject : A. Suocessl
ful Life Mw io win it," '
Matter Say Balnts, '
tk.,rt( nt . .In Bit at I'Miflar i n ' . i '
Day Saint (Mormon) 8. a 10; preach- '
lng 11:46 and 7.
. Montavllla (not Mornian) 8. 8., 8:45.
Services, 11 and 7:30.
Whr -mom her of lli44iiinttwmirt f-M
greKfiflon c hurch tjathervd In the thurch
last Tuesday evening, hcn a reception
whs '.Given..' tOtfl new '. tiaslnr nt n...
church Kev. J. R. KrioUell, , Besides the
tnoir irienns. -prPNcnj to greet tlm pas
nicmlMuw thcr were a lart'o number of
tur.' -
-, ..-...-,..