( ,'!!J.-.i !":? TO LEASE FOR RENT or lease, all or part of ahop 46x100, and sheds, ground pace 80x 100. , Corner Russell and Vancouver ave., ' 7 block from Broadway bridge, iTEARS' ksaa on 64 acres of imn close In. Phone Sellwood 1644, r call 636 Maiden av., Sellwood. TO LEA BE ifor two years, 2 acres 4 room iioubij, nil kiuus ui .. v., , Oak Orovo, Red 236. - :" ' ' ' :-; V',:. A' 'GENUINE ' BARGAIN. - T, Owner instructs us to 'aell 100x100 corner; dwelling erected In 1909? a rooma and sleeping porch, :" full 'i baae ment, furnace and fireplace; located In a flna residence district On Portland Heights. The view from1 this place la fine. Tha price waa $11,600; less money -wW buy It. Let us ,sh.oyflU. ilia, projfc. ,tv anrl Hlihlntt VOIll flffllT. ' " the bhaw-fear co Main 86 r 102 Fourth Bt. A-8500. for bale at a bargain. 1 New modern1 t-room bungalow with cabinet kitchen, full plumbing, base ment and attic: fc-ood water system; neat barn and chicken yard. Beautiful alto overlooking Willamette fiver. , On eleo trio railway, with 1 or 3 full size lots. East front. For particulars call A-6799. k for am. , ' MONElf' FOR BUILDING Homes andapartments. We draw tha niam to suit your Ideas; wa build sub- X, etantlally and our prompt buainesa T methods guarantee a saving of money, tim ana annoyance ana a Duucing giv ing lasting satisfaction. Taylor Build Ing Co.. 601 McKay bldg., 8d and Btark. I W ILL build you a house or bungalow including choice lots $3000 and up according to, your idea, on Hawthorne ave. car line, west elope of ML Tabor, easy terms and no mortgages to contend with. If you are looking for a home and a square oca!, investigate. V-208, Journal. ioso Buys 4 room house, electric lights and water in nouae, smau casement, iv diss. to Alberta street. This is the biggest bargain aver offered la Alberta district ana oniy asc iou casn. m per iuuui.ii. K. O. Osborne, 30th and Alborta. Wood- lawn 1807. or East sun. Bungalow, $300 --Cash U rUUUIB, QI0 IUUi VOIIH. HMDIIJCU', retaining wall and walks, best of plumb ing; at m East 28rd st. N.; balance $20 per month. Owner, 425 Lumber Ex change; Main 8J8. K6l'klNG IX)WN. $25 PER MONTR $2S75 to responsible party, neat 6 room modern cottage, nearly new, cor ner Kllltngsworth and Olenn ava., Irv ington Park. 401 McKay bldg. Mar shall 896. .' . .. New Home at a Bargain 8 rooms, strictly modern, $850u; terms. Owner going east. Sherman Nelson, owner. 687 K. aa at. norm iroR dALti 168a E. LlNtibLW. 7 room house, nearly new, well fin ished and well built. Come and see it and get price and terms. Phona Tabor 2892. - . J HOUSES, FULL LOT. $60. $800 cash; block to car on Scllwood line. This is a good buy. Fred W. German Co., 438 Chamber of Commerce. Both phones. FOR SALE Bungalows on M. 4 2d, Juat off llawtnorne a ways, sua itauway floors and furnace, etc. and $26 month. Inoliidlng Interest. ' FOR SALE 6 room house Anna Bello station. A anap, Price will suit. S0 Railway Exchange. Ford. Will take small payment down and balance to suit. rvar MOUNT TABOR Two fine view lota for aale, on top of Mount Tabor, at a reasonable price. See owner at CI East (7th at.. Mount Twbor. " WONDERFUL , Rnrgatna In homes, Irvlngton. Easy payments. Worth a third mora. East 273. W. U. Herdman. $200, $16 per month, house and lot. Price $1,060. Mouse furnished X rooma, 26 mln. out Mt. Scott, Owner. 3823 C3rd st, 8. E. , FOR BALE 6 room bungalow. 28th and " Powell valley. to down ana balance $26 a month, Including Interest 308 Railway Exchange. Ford. " FOR BaXE 4 room houses. A ansp. K. 10th st. N. - Woodlawn. Prlco $2000 with $50 and balance to sult.09 FOR SALE 6 room modern house with . sleeping porch. With terms to suit On Richmond car. 309 Railway Kx change. Ford. $8000 4 lots: good house; chicken hous es; orchard, rents 315 monthly. $200 down, 320 monthly. Owner. Phone Sell- wood 1109. 8UNNYSIDK! room iiome. 60x 100 lot, hard surfaced street 325 monthly. 1079 E. Morrison st Main lit. MODERN 6-room bungalow, near 34th, between IlawUiortis and Itlchmond carllnes. Phone B-1507. MAftihNlTY nurse wanta case imme diately; will do light housework. Main 147. FOR SALE LOTS 16 West Side Lots Glenelyn Addition Choice building lota on weat Bide, In Bid tha three mils circle; fine view of Tualatin valley and Mt Hood; walks, graded streets and water 1n and Includ ed in price; $400 and up. Select your lot. and w will build to suit you on mall cash payment Provident Trust Co. ' second floor. Helling bldg. Before You Buy a Lot Answer This Ad I will sell my lot, 60x100, on Tillamook street, at actual cost without any In terest or taxes; with all improvements paid for; surrounded with nice homes. Pay me $10 per month. This is a big bargain for someone. Must sell. Write owner. M ' 208 Journal. r ""EXTRA sfflAE" 60x100 LOT, near Sandy Toad; fine view of snow mountains and valley; price $300, including sidewalks and wa- ter; fy casn wiii naniie. j-ma, journal. To tiHsii aud $10 per month buys a lot ooxiuu reel on iu. etn st; price 1800. Wm. L. Oraham & Co., 410 Henry bldg. phone Main. 1917. LARGE Firland lot, , $376; terma $5' month; graded street and water. 729 Chamber of Commerce. Tabor 771. , "SEE La Nolr A Co. ror west side prop erty. Exclusive dealers In west aide realty. 837 Chamber of Commerce. LOT on Union ave., 25x100 feet; price $700; terms. Wm. L. Graham A Co.. em ninry nius. riiuiie main inn, 'tOxloo foot lots, Riverside addition, $10 down, $10 per month; Woodlawn 202. ACREAGE 57 60x180. $350 $10 down, $5 monthly, or good cash discount , High, level lots; with water and graded streets, 80 minutes from 1st and Alder. A. C. Marsters, 20! Wilcox bldg. Main 3517. A-7340, Tabor 1770. " ' HAVK YOC $38 IN CASH? p . If so, it will make your first payment en a 10 acre tract of good land. 1 hour and 80 minutes from Portland. Room Its Lumber Exchange bldg, corner, 2d and FIRST CLASS - dairy, vegetable and grain land, 72 acres for sale. 26 mtlea from Portland. Partly improved. For sale or trade for Portland residence. H. A 410U W.'Morriaon st, Arminiua Hotel.. , J'y ':-:. ! $280 PER AC'iiE; fine soil; good drain age; i partly cultivated; close to car and Portland; 85 monthly. A-267, Journal " I" ACRES tars-imbT,-afime-cednr;4 close to caryne, easy terms, $1900. K-184. Journal. ONE HALF'acre "not far'out, all cleared 4u, am per inonin. 11 hii. Journal. acrea, bent soil, co ln, running tream, easy terme.c. h-M, Journal,- , ACREAGE Acrease on Macadam Road ' 1 mile from, city limits, 1 blocks 'to buwi luruiie, near good scnooi; bearing fruit trees, rnnil .nil htrh nnl alorhtlv. We will, build for you. Bold on easy yvjrislUIHS, ' T" " ...... '. .- ? " v , '",' 'V .' ' '.'''( ; ":'' ''V : Excellent soil, Jarge area of beaver- dam land and good drainage; part of this tract Is under cultivation; 8, and 10 acre tracts; prices range from $376 to 1600 per acre; Inside tha V4 mile circle; will build to suit purchaaer; aold on very easy terms. ; y., :,r:,,,i :. acre, and room papered house on 2? JiSS''; J""0 t0 cr Ln"V,A0dr?- and good drainage; an Ideal location, near scnooi. . iimcaoam roaa, gv winun car ride to business center. .' TLlUUIl TO KITIT, ' 1 ' EnTacreanTTTolmT low, bearing fruit,' best of soil, good view, on macadam road, near school, tt miles from postofflce, 3 blocks to good carline and 80 minutes to business cen- ter; $4000; small' cash payment, balance mi, : PRO VrDENT TRUST CO., OWNERS. Becond floor. Belling bldg, iiid ana Aiaer sis. The Fourth Street Franchise 1110 wui ui OUCCl 1 laiiuinoo -Electric cars will aoon b run ' ring through the center of our 4000-acra platting: JO minutes' ' ride from 4th and Washington streets. , Electrlo light, mountain water under pressure and most modern transportation, makes this the finest suburban district " out of Portland. - 'Any slsed tract,. from half acre ,up to 20 cares, at $260 to 8600 per aore; small cash payment, bal ance on monthly payment plan. BUY NOW BEFORE PRICES ADVANCE. . The Shaw-Fear Co. Main 35 102 4th St. A 8600 6-acre tract down the river, on tha west aide, 8tt miles back from 6 -cent car fare, good cord wood timber and tha very best of soli. $175 Per aero on monthly payments. The industrial devel opment Is going down tha river and prices ara sura to advance. Let ua show you these acre tracta. The Shaw-Fear Co, Main 36 103 4th St A 8S0O 5 and 10. AcresCheap 20 up to 145 per acrj, on Uraii shot soil, well waterad; easily cleared, ideal ior general rarming, xruic. vega- tables, dairying ana cnicnen raising; lo cated on county road, close to live town on R. R. and river ntar Portland. Own. rs, 703 Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak Sta. Main 8071. Kventnga East 394. I MavA !t-l Hao It 0 Acres Fertile Powell Valley, on the beautiful Sandy River. Mt. Hood electrio railway runs inrougn properiy. inn is a view ,'llb .hflxdyoouagmperty -Wiiufd.. wae .f Ins hoina for TmlOTo7rrTnn wfiwanSo n n.v fn, II Will .oil . a bargain ; eawy termH, N 208 Journal. 80x175 jiu down, per inoiuii, id minutes out from 1st and Aider, right at station, good school and store; we help you build. Save rent. $10 down, 88 per month. 25 minutes AKERSON & GOOCH, 401 Board of Trade bldg. Phone Main 670, Woodlawn 3088. CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Port land. Beat solL- good roads, aprlng water, free wood 10 acres, $400, $500, $600 per trsct; 20 acrea. $800; 40 acrea FiNF. 12 acres, all cultivated, good buildings. 7-room house, fireplace and furnace. If you are looking for a good place aee ims, ono mne emun or inline- or' orchard land, on Willamette river, 30 miles from Portland. P. H. Mc- Mahon, Newberg, R. F. D. 2. FOR SALEFARMS FOR SALE 18 acres at Newton sta- tlon, on S. P. Fourth street line (now being changed to electric.) Good house and barns, mt- can be .uMIvldid into uu,a"e.iu?ivVila-i"i 1 acre fru acre tracts. rv t dalrv farm or reinhonanH raeV McD0&r try ihiir 328 Lumbermens blda.. Or 606 Commur- cial block. BRITISH COLUMBIA LAND. 40-ACHE TRACTS I These can be bought now at $16 per acre on monthly terms. Prlco will be raised $1 per acre on February 1 next. Buy now before the rise. We have field notes and photos to show. Call at our Office. mTiwiTT t, a: n'Dnini? .7, ottji i JVLUHitliiUU ..JkLWL-J. ir I f d I A1VIV, I FOR SALE Rogue river fruit land. Aa Kood aa any in the valley. 40 acres 10 acrea cleared, house and outbuildings, iio.iu. tt. liiiMaiiuu. -y niuco liuui main i $"o00f BUnlnmblSdlnVddJeii 'tmo Iit .v. h p Addres 7030 blSl ave. B. 111. CANADA NAAS ACRES. 40 ACRES $800; $50 down, $10 month. T. J. LONG, MAIN 2190. 81 Fourth St. $70 Per Acre 80 acres, 4j miles from Hlllsboro, all level land, on rock road, 1-8 cash. By owner. Main K380. 75 Acres at Wilsonville . $135 per acre; will trade for city property at the right price. ENDERS & HARTSHORN. 431 Chamber of Commerce. A SNAP On account of sickness I wilt sacrifice my 160 acre farm 4tt Kllckl- tat county; price $2400; part cash. E zz, journal. MILLIONS In wamuta-but not every where. Wlthycombe knows where. See hie 421 Hamilton meg. Main 2276. HOMESTEADS 47 DO you want a ranch free? I dlacov- ercd a few not filed on and overlooked I near Madras Tnis land la extra and worth thousands. No lnnuisitive arents. I will call. Leave address. UX-213, Journal. TIMBER S8 TIMEEIt LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. L R. NUCK. 114 COMMERCIAL BIX EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 28 FIVE room modern bungalow, corner i?TCT, i0tn 'xLi?1199' A8 "'''vains'ssa i sume. - WE buy, sell and exchange property. What Jjave youT Berry & Alexander. 4 N. 6 til. Phone A-3182. WlliL trade for close in real estate or eu aeven passenger Packard auto mobile. Call 1212 Yeon bldar. TRAbl$i750 1910 3 cylinder Auburn . automobile for unincumbered lot J. zio journal. WE exchange what you have for what jruu wni, rtper a JBlKr,ni tsner- A . n . . . . .. Chamhe-tA?ttiwie-.jHais-4tf itsuiier at nunL ,a i 4S rooms, irnae ior acres or sale: 2214 I N. 3d st. Phone A-7725. 7'. , . I ; For trsdes of ell kinds aee UJIKLAIMJ 5 W., 11 tin St 40 ecreFcin bo soTl in lots for heavy horses and casli, -Apply 87 N, 14th. .nl,.2 .ti flX. .rJm&LVi Gon Vv"K cash business, exclusively v" IJ 'ma Portland I Or B " 0' A" r(1 ood'- at bargain. In- Yeon bld g. lortland, Or. , hn t 18000. k vou ,ra i0okincr nne i' ml es from Portland, w Z' PHYSICIAN and aurgeon with 12 years' tv.?r .'uTnl Portland, w, i. .xperience in general practice and Miner, uwntr. company work wanta location in weat. FOR SALE Cheap. 150 acrea rood lion I urn ulao an eve. ear. nose and throat THE OREGON, DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY ' EVENING, JANUARY 18, mfpggsa 67 UXCIIANGUrvKAL ESTATE 21 fAM-iCOMPELLED T Win accept equity in; Portland prop, erty for njy J3U00 interest In diversi fied farm at Hubbard, Hicks, 618-21 Duura or ursae. tl'LlCNiU wheat farm for sals or 'trade, good buildings, ,; valuable 1m- provemonta, good wheat aectton; terms, or Portland property or close in acreage; $40,000; glva full particulars; good prop- arty only. V-197, Journal. 19-KCOM hotel., with 4i aurea of land: rl Atf&iSS&T. W1 trade for good farm, atoro, or . gooa icea Darn; a good iiu.:e lor tno nogs. fanch- Pr(,e $ti50Ui T.2'0B, Journal. - 1 v.r.ru,' 7 TTT. i m ,w , ' ',Uu0" ,m"dui'n i ou? I" K' ,9Uy: 1 iV ViXtVV, 1 W1WBB - IIVUI , UUBIHBBII Part city, for Portland house and lot or J"""1"'-, LOT, in reatricted district, value $1200, for improved homestead rellnquiah- ment; two together near coast preferred, Mrs. Pearson, 721 E. 87th st. Phone .1 nuuumwn ovi,. I $0000 home, clear of Incumbrance, for business or resiuenca lots, not over $1600 each, Owners. Woodlawn H827 Monday. - VHAT have you in vacant lots suitable for building to exchange for house. tf Knrd SO!) Ilallwuv Kvohanva. pretirb to their dena on the gieam- t of light," Orlffln Bmall with I 40 ACRES 8 nTlleswest of gcappoose. value izooo, to traae ror a a-passen- ger foreaoor auto, bzt Hamilton Diag. Main 884. CONFECTIONER Y, grocery . dellcates- sen ana cigar siore on wasn.t sireec, doing good cash business, to trade for acreage or city property. Main 3089. WILL PAY 196 A MONTH I To party who will trade $2600 equity I in noitse ana lot xor my apartment ai 370 6th st. Phone Marshall 4290. ' APARTMENT house wanted in exchange for 6-room modern bungalow Haw thorne district. Give full particulars first letter. K-203 Journal. THREE 60x100 lots in Portland, clear of incumbrances, improvements paid; trade for automobile? Jones, Main 7778. SWAP COLUMN 5 WHAT have you to trade for tha latest 81000 player piano? This Instrument is new aim a oeauty. r-zu, journal. GOOD visible typewriter for chickens and ducks.- L-200, journal. WANTED -REAL ESTATE 81 CAN buy a residence lot close in for iia oown ana iiv a monm juubi o bargain. 26 ft lot will do. X-207, Journal. v- WAMKU Heal estate, cash or trade. Miner t;orKiin. sis Henry Dig, WE CLEAR LAND. J AC KOLA BROS. i qq n. i, nuiprwn, v. ROOMING HOUSES 53 a SNAP 9 rooms, fine furniture, best city, low rent, worth $800; $300 0wner- 438 WaBh- 8t- after TrtiTftr down, your own time. I also have something better; no agents, Phone least 1614. p,M w A , ,,rrm nplf f , ' re f aab" bSlaSca S.J paymSSts. 05 To I .uamnuu lB gt'. MUST sell 9 rooms housekeeping, mod ern, new furniture,, reasonable rent. Terms, bo Kiia st. " a 11 i V . " "i."'" 8100 Handles 9 rooms of good furniture .rent $35; house full, clearing $30. Price $215. , 6o6 Everett st , FOR aale or trade, part cash, 47 rooma; V' XV Vskio U wfJtiiv, ai a, vooii, w i swtiat lease, cheap rent; 371 K. Burnslde. 14 rooms in Denver to trade for Port- land property. F-201, Journal. for something that has merit and a money maker, do not fall to investigate this. See owner. 430 Washington st. Phone Main 30S8. specialist Fully equipped with offica fixturea. Would consider partnership. Addreaa Dr. D. W. Reld, La Junta. Colo.. 617 Colorado- ave. BEST BUY IN CITY. $1200 restaurant for $500. Owners leaving city and will sacrifice. Will make terms to responalble party. 613 Lumber Ex. bldg.. 2nd and 8tark. BLACKSMITH business, old established Place. 2 forges, stock and tools. 3200. A bargain. Owner wants to retire from N- l7th.aU near Thur. man- FOR SALE Half lntereat to man who -c.an do. pressing and bushellng. One ' "est cleaning and dye works in Fort- P.Yr 700 business last year. labor 8472. KOR SALE Good tranafer business. Steady hauling for factory. Lots of Bl,to freight Permanent paying busi- ness for rlaht man. Owner inn nlrf ... . . - - 'lUflOr 4U7Z poll sALt! One half Interest In ing picture show; $4 JO or the whole for J80O. to the first buyer. 821 Cham iinr nr commerce. WANTriu-V-rty with 8600 for activ; or gllent lntere8t ln old established Ihimlnoaa In ItlMrnnHtl . A pended. G-204, Journal. CASH grocery; a nice clean stock and good fixture in thickly settled dis trict, for sale at lesa than actual value. Owner. W-20S, Journal. PHYSICIAN wishing valuable city prac- tlce please answer ad. Am going east Will sell and give exclusive ter ritory. W-198. Journal. SALOON Best paying in Vancouver, ... i- i i . a . 1 1 .. ... 1 tvasn., mufueiiuviii license. Address 601-Journal, Vancouver, WaBh. FOR SALE First class drug business. vFor particulars write J. M. Wells, Eugene, Or. . FOR RENT 4ti-rooin hotel, furnished; on Grand ave.. $75. Owner, phone. Scllwood 1469. FOR SALE Men's furnishing ' goods store, -486 Washington at. CANDY kitchen for sale or tradel Washington. - 608 HELP WANTED MALE 1 Employment membership guarantees member will secure employent or refund of membership fee; glvea two months' uu memoersnip privileges, 10 months social prlvllepea and undertakes to keep member employed during the full term oi memoersnip witnout rurther charge. Record for 12 months ending Dec 81: Call for men ........8265 Positions filled 1697 Ste Secretary Employment Depart- niwni, i. i, j. a, tj unviiwuvvy VUIUU1 1 i vl I on easy payment p aS-'and clow ea" nd weat aides; also close-in acre- to eu ntji .n)i a. . . a , . ... ... age. vve rurn sn some tirosneets and Ussist in closing sales. We supply lot 1 an1 build to suit purchasers, Liberal commissions. Ask for sales manager. Provident Trust Co., 2d floor Selling bl(1f- ' - ' " ' " .- WANTEDA few young men to learn watchmaking and engraving, profitable work, plenty of openings; for informa tlon write 210 Globe bldg.. Portland. Or. BOYS wanted, 16 to 18 years of age. to . learn wholesale hardware buslnesa. a-- tnn.nKii.- r-.ii - Wavtct t,-i.- i ' t.-.JC WANTED rliat class f horsesh oer to work on ryer cent. Addrens Ijirk Ttn 6, jl unction City; Or. CHEF" iieadquarters and Helpers. 1 . CALIFORNIA WINE DEPOT, , . 2S5 Yamhill Street RUSINESS CHANCES CO ) HELP WAXTKIX MALE :, 1 WANTED FOR U.,8. AUAfyAbW bod" lod, unmarried men but ween ages of It and 35. citizens of United Htaten. of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, road and writs the Eng lish language. Fur Information apply to recruiting officer, Worcexter build Ing, 9d and Oak ntn., Portland, Or. XltiN wantud to Wks tiielr TurklsU butbS at the Corbett bWa.' baths, . v . . ,. k HELP WAXTKP--M1SC. 4d OREGON AUTO AND GASOLINE TRACTOR gCHOOU '; S88-88 Eleventh st., cor. Jefferson. Practical Instruction by instructors who are experts Jn field and shop. Tui tion part caah on enrollment, balance at graduation; libers! ilraoount for rash Mh,N Women; get Kovernment uar- t pun lum, iu weeK. write lot Hat of positions open. Franklin Inatl- lllte, Wpt. 3ZI-A, KooliPBter, N. Y. parcrls post $90 month: Portland ex- amlnatlon aoon. Coaching fr-e. Frank lin Institute, Dept. 3I9-A, Rochester, SlKN WANTKD to learn iuoratlv pro- 4naalnrt Va t( 4Ut PhUAn.a.ilA a VHVSP4 iw ava Ufi nuiiiu VWIICSy offers special ratea for registration bu- n . TT. 1 . t JAB fl... ... l,u i. 1 . 1 MT OIF, J,- iv, vuiiiiiiuiiweitiiii uiiik. MEN and women to learn tna baror trad In I weeks: noaltiona auar- ant. Ore. Hsrber Oollen. 221 Maaison. WANTED That E,' C. Kuland anawer this ad at once. ' Have position you want, n. v. n.. r-io;. journal KTI.'MnnRiPHIillM .nil..L,l speeded and placed in positions. 630 Worcester block. 1 1 N f E H V Kitf6 WAL Correspond enc Schools, 808 McKay bldg.; Main 1026. UNCALLED for tailor made aulta. $8.(0 up. i uyior rnn leuor. zs Ktirnsiae si GlRLS, learn beauty parlor biiHinons'. Earn money learning. 813 Rothchlld. II ELI' WANTED FJfcLUAJLK 2 WANTED A middle aged woman; no nil f 1 4 -... ha ....... 1. , I I. A I . . work; satisfactory. pay. 1396 forbett at WANTED Neat girl for general house work; age between 25 and 30. Call sviM BiarK St.. near 10th. APPRENTICE, hair dressing, fit full 1918. course. Combings bought M. WANTED competent second girl. Call Van. Barracks, ask for Major Chase. WANTED MALE AND FEMALE SO THE GUILD EMPLOYMENT ASSN, 814 SELLING BLDG. Man and wife, $60, first class cooks, $35 to $46; second girla $20 to $S0; 2 waitresses for high class boarding house, $25; one restaurant waitress, $11; first class chambermaids. $36; dish washer, male, $10 a week; S praottcal nurses, $25 a month. Finest general housework places, finest wages. Open until 6 today. Main 5826. ' OLER BARBER COLLEGE Wanted Ien and women to learn the barber trade in 8 weeks, tools free, a chance to get in business for yourself. Send for free catalog, or call at 35 N. 4tn st. L . TAKK orders at homes and offices for jtiick soiling staple article. Ladles preferred. Territory assigned. 639 Hamilton bldg. WANT man and wife on farm. Phone Tabor 2779. WANTED AGENTS 6 ONE man's commission last week $238, -ggllrnr-Waelilnatnn Hureerr Csj irnrm. It you can walk, talk and write an or der, write ua today for territory, Wash ington Nursery Co., Toppenlsh, Wash. SITUATIONS LE WANTED By a man of over 30, anv kind of position. Has general bust- nana Avnerlonfia snon Ir a A a ' mrA vrtivnvuvv d" on itnuo aiuu writes Kngltsh, German. Polish; un- ?"slB"a8 ?visn ana isonomian. u- VVANIKU My young married man, work, anything, in need of something ImnuMliatelyi experienced freight check er and warehooRe man; family sick; references. B-163, Journal. POSITION wanted by expert gas n Kineer, stationery, marine, or auto, or will do rnoiit any kind of mechanical work. Phone E. 4543 and ask for Mr. Pa rsons. YOUNG man, with some experience, wants position in architects office; salary no object. 607 East Ash at U-2691. EXPERIENCED shoe salesman must have work at once. Have had several years' experience in clothing and furn lshings goods. Call L. L.. Marshall 6860 STRANGER wants job dish washing in restaurant or any kind of work around a home. In bad need. X-199 Journal. POSITION wanted by motion picture operator, road experience; not from an operating school; wages no object D-181. Journal. EXPERIKN'JED man wanta position as janitor, porter, fdrnace man, or ele vator operator; understands steam and electricity. Main 717 EXPERIENCED elevator operator, cap able of keeping repaired, electrlo lighting fixturea of building wanta po sition. Call Main S756. SITUATION wanted, by a young man oVgo ablaex coijfnd oo d habits and addreas. conaidr- xuerlenco in clerical work: would er .anytning. b-214. Journal MAN with wife and baby wishes posi tion as draiJKhtsinan, maplng and to poisrap.ucal work expert at lettering; uesi oj. references, ivwun, journal MIDDLE. CAUED man of family, ex Deri. enced ln all kinds of machinery, wants management of farm or will run on shares. W-209, Journal. SITUATION wanted , on farm by mar ried man, experienced with stock and general farm work; good references. 409 Col. St. H-160, Journal. YOUNO man 18 years old wants ranch Job, stock ranch preferred; good liana with horses; wages no object during winter monms. u-iks, journal, WANTED-Work to support family; re pairs done with neatness and dis patch: drop postcard to Carpenter. 690 Raleigh at., city. , LUNCH-COUNTER man (hot or' ool5 wanta aplace, age 30. Phone A-3083, room 10. Phone before 8:30 a. m. or af- ter 8:30 p. rn. Y"uUNO, sober man, stranger, 8 years In cabinet shop, will take anything, to mHke board and room. D-191, Journal. MIDDLE aged German, good hsblts, wishes work in. kitchen to wash dishca In city. E-250, Jpurnal. . WANTED Position as collector. Have had considerable experience. Y-203, juurnui, WANTED Situation on farm, by mar rled man. Would like furnished house to live in. . Aanress, n. a. t., 61 Shaver, WANTED Position by first-class chef. tober and steady; reference. D-184, Journal. XvjuNG man, experienced stationery en gineer wanta work of any kind. Phone Taiior an b. MARRIED man wanta work aa Janitor, porter or any kind of work. Z-149 journal. EXPERIENCED elevator and bell boy ueeircs wurn in noiei or ciuo no use. Joseph Miller, 220 Monroe st lOUNG maff wants work running ele- vator, work ln restaurant or anything. MAN would like position as shipping clerk or teamster; can give good ref erences. J. Huntley. Phone H-I08.t.. POSITION aa collector by man 23; hustler; can furnish surely bond and first class reference. A-268, -tournal. BOY, 16 yeara old, wanta work in of- flce: have had exDerlence. Phone Marshall 4387. HOuSE- building, repalrlnsr nniri- p competent carpenter." F-204, Journal WHiMi worit aa .loreman on ranch, age a5. ..498 .Mill st W. W. Bishop. FAMtLY mm with team urgently needs rrlr -Mti-Jr WANTED Job running, elevator. '..Geo Bohu. 46 N. 13th. YOUNO German waaon maker ' want" position. CalMSOJJtVasUington St. CARPENf Eii wsnfs workTj"obblngbr ; day work. .Address 630 Couch at ,3 COMPETENT carpenter with family, wife, and five chharen to support, needs work. Good finisher or any Vlnd of carpenter work. , W, M. Sailing, M Freomont at. ; ; ; ; WAntkd Situation on farm or work In tin shop. J. K. T.. 81 Shaver at. SITUATIONSFEMALE 'Z REFINED. , highly respectable widow. with boy 4 years old, wants position aa working housekeeper for l or gen tlemen, no children. . Capable to raka full charge. Country preferred Wages $20 per month. Box 2, Kent, Wash. REFINED woman, good cook, wants light housework In small family, modern home; washing $6 -er wenk; no washing, $J: ' Chrlntlan Scientist fam ly preferred. Phone room, 204 St Charles Hotel, Sunday. CLURKlNO or similar position wanted years fpr Marshall Field & Co., Chicago. GRADUATE nu red and masauese (Ger man) will give treatments and take care of all kinds of sickness. Phona Main', 2664. Address "The Meroedes." 20th and Morrison. , . . CAPABLE eastern woman needs work, anv klhd: Clerical llnon nr lulnrm preferred;, best references, J-18: journal. v ; " WOMAN, first class house cook, wish es to engage work- in ramp, about to "pen. nrs ciass at pastries. Ad urPMn, r-ins, journal. SITUATION wauled as housekeeper for widower wlthv family. Capable of taking full charge, Good wages. Refer- encee exenangpo. wain 7BB7. . WANTEDChamber work, day work or housekeeping for widower. Tabor WIDOW with children wants work by ,the day or washing to take home. Address 1034 East Taylor; good refer ences. . - WANTED, place to work 2 or 3 days out of the week or morning and evening for board and room, H-153, Journal. BOuKKEBPER wants position; local references and experience. Phona B- WANTED Position as chambermaid by experienced, worthy woman. U 218, Journal. PLAIN aewlng at home or by day or any kind, of iday work.- Phona A-4232, room 16. WORK by tha day or cooking in a small restaurant or as cook's helper. Phone Bast 477. Dora Barry. WANTED Placa aii housekeeper in bachelor's or widower's family, by renned iaay. m-zui, journal EXPERIEl5CKD nurse wanta situation at once; will do light housework with nursing. Tabor 2343. A GOOD seamstress would like sewing at home; prlcea very reasonable. Main 7923. 208H 17th st, WANTED Place to work for room and board, small allowance In good fam ily. Elderly couple. A-270, Journal. GERMAN girl wants position aa cook In private family. 14, Journal. YOUNG lady would like second work. call woooiawn 840 bet. 1 and 3 o'clock. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 23 EXPERIENCED, trustworthy couple will care for furnace and act as Jani tors in small apartment house. Will give services for use of furnished rooms snd small pa", L-202. Jonrnsl. MAN and wifi, German, mi children," wish position on ranch; woman com petent cook and mnnager. Address Qua Robertson, 89 lOtli st., Portland, Or. MAN and wife want position as mana ger of apartment house. Best of ref erences. Phone Marshall 3697. YOUNG man and wife want work. Phone Tabor 4500. Janitor DRESSMAKING 40 PRIVATE classes In dressmaking. Main si si, ior information. NURSES 00 EXPERIENCED, practical nurse will care for alck and do light houaework. Main 6041. FURNISHED ROOMS WEST SIDE 0 A-2933. 265 6th St. Marshall 666. OPPOSITK CITY HALL. UNOKR N1W MANAGEMENT, MISS E. NEWCOMB, Mgr. See our modern steam heated rooms in a fireproof building, right down town. Have made a specialty of comfortable beds, clean and quiet, $3.60 a week and up. Take Jefferson car at depot. Spe- ciai rates to permanent guests. NEW NEW TO PALACE MOTEL 12TH AT WASHINGTON ST, Absolutely fireproof; 120 outside rooms and suites, 70 with private bath, hot and cold running water, steam heat and both phones ln every room; cen trally located; $20 mo. and up. TOE AOBflOEX HOTEL 12TH AND WASHINOTON. New, modern, absolutely fireproof beautifully furrilshed, both phones In every room, conducted above reproach. inspection invueq; io month ant up. HOTEL EUCLID Under new manace ment, 18th and Washington; 10 well furnished rooms, also sultea with pri vate bath, very reasonable to permanent guests. FURNISHED rooms, alwaya warm, hot and cold water, close to P. O.; 76c and 41 day. 'Special terms by week or month. Hotel ATminius, 4iuft Morrison at ALTON HOTEL, 11th and Stark atrictly modern, beautifully furnished, hot and cold water, steam heat and free phones in each room; $4 Week and up. muhi,ij ia bane, tutn and uurnsiae sts., fire proof, elegantly furnished, steam heat hot and cold water, special rates by month, rnone Marshall 4049. STANDISH Hotel, 548 H Wash. at. new ly furnlaued, ail outsiue sunny rooms. steam heat, hot and cold water in rooms, rent ?iuup. is ew manager. VAN-" aORDONHOTEL. 1051. 12th, bet. Wasii. and Stark. Rooma always warm, free phones In every room, $1 a day and up, $4 week up. per wk. Free pone and bath. Main 7754. OVffihl MR NhTHTKI ! wash, st U UUfnlUVJUUUaUUU UW U IblbfS Wk. un: nanr manKeniein. iiiuucro. jaain livo, A-S0?i this uuiajinial, most central and cumiui muie, iou ivin. cor. Morr tnn Just renovated; light, steam heat; 23-15. THE KINO, sun jerrerson; nicely fur- nisned rooms: moaren, . neat, cen trally located. $3.25 week ud. U. a liOTEL, cor. Front and SalmoiiT new, modern, ateam heated hotel, $2.60 weea up, aiwuys ciesn ana warm. NEWLY furnished single rooma. 1 mtn, utes from postofflce, tb two young men ai o.sv ig 0111 si, WCteLV furnished room, 81.76 and up: 122 12W st, corner Washington. Batt ana pirone. ' ' - : FURNISHED room in modern "hotel steam heat, bath, $3 per week and up ...... ir.j.u too V . v. e.t . ' HOTEL HART, 6th and Burnalde $i week up; free bath and reading room. BURNISHED rooms In modern hoiet - $2.50 week and up455Alder. itoTEL ANTLERS; Warm, clean rooms! , terms molerate. 10th and Wash. THE BUSHMARK Modern, - liteam heated hotel. $3 wit up. 662 Wash. THE'LINDELL", ateam heated. "room a $2week up.268MarketMain 6561. THE RANDOLPH, ateam heat"fra hatha $iwk tip. 4fi3.Co4umtle4 HuTEL (ilenwood, 248 Salmon, modern hotel, furnished rooms, $3.60 Week up. TH E OAK. 847 OhU; ateam heat, hot and cold water, $3 week, up, NICELY furnished roouis $g up; close in. 804 Madison, near 6th, i SITUATIONS -MALE WEI mm Ml FURNISHED ROOMS WEST SIDE Hotel Madras 12TH AND WASIIINGTOM Is making special inducements on 34 a week rooms; steam heat, hot and cold water and good service. ,Get in whiU tne geuing'si good YVBteltntto ROOMS WEST B-DU ZfatlVATII filuXT 70 $1 PER WEEK Heat, gas, phone, hot and cold water, bath off hall, home comrorts. 773 uouseveit, near 23d, Mar. -hall ill ( KEWLY furnished front room, modern 404 Clay( near 10th. . , , FlfOlfT parlor for one; piano, bath, phone; also housekeeping room. , 34 flo V RGtl warm room. 2 beds. 2 dressem. waiKing distance. 47B ftiain. I'HREE , i nicely furiiTaFiecl rooi'ns, rent very reasonable. ' 488 Tacoma ave. NKW furnished room, modern, walking distance. t 778 Gllsan at. Mar. 8963. Furnished rcms I EAST SIDE V 62 . . R1VERVIEW HOTEL, - , ' Third any Burnslde. . Centrally located, private phones,' ele vator, ite per uay; private bath, si day. Low rates to permanent gnests, rlUi'UL DVV AKLs, . Uraud avenue, a. Morrison; rooms 13 week up; absolute ly respectable: private baths. E-123. THK Larrabes. HlH UrriDit: itooms 82 Wk up. Brick bldgn steam heat hot rolrt water, bath, phone, electricity. 'T1IE MONTGOMERY, E. 8th and E Morrison. week up. Furnished ,roms, ' $1.78 ptrasnsiirD rooms SAST SIDE VBZTAtX JTAMTLT 71 TWO furnished rooms, with or without board. 427 H eSVIdler st. UNFURNISHED ROOMS 10 TWO Or 4 unfurnished ' housekeeping rooms. 470 Matn. bet. 13th and 14th. ROOMS AND BOARD 15 WASHINGTON AT 28D. , MODERN, - ELEGANT, EXCLUSIVE. Located In the moat choice residential section of Portland, hi block from city park, and at the Junction of all carllnes; cuisine unexcelled. Attractive ratea to permanent guests. Phone Main 7584. LARGE, nicely furnished room, with gooa noara. Tne casa Koaa, suo jer ferson st BOOS! AND BOABS FBXVATS TAMXZiY 78 LARGE parlor for 8; one single room, modern home, good board, ateam heat, musical home. 664 K. Madison, cor. 13 at, Ladies or gentlemen, K. 3601. WANTED Two young men to board ano room together, large, light room, furi'ace heated, fireplace and new fur niture; ratea $6 per week. 229 Grand ave., ror. E. Main st. WILL room and board 2 In front room. Ba'tb and furnace heat, $5 each. Phone Main 6353. I.OOM ' sind board In private family; home ,cooking; bath, phone, meals withoyt room 26c, 187 12th st. MEN to room and board in private fam ily I'Sff'-miil Bermmit'.' fnwn fl8r THE MANITOU, 861 18th at; steam heat, excellent table. $25 to $30 mo.' 831 14th st. Room and board $26 per mo. 3 menin day. Main tfiun. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS WEST SIDE 8 SHERMAN House, 184 Sherman St Large, clean, cheap furnished house keeDina rooms. 32.00 tier week. The working man's house, . HOUSEKEEPING and furnished rooma. Gom hotel. 66$ lat at. Steam heat, nbw bldg.; rooms 31 week up;' free phone ,'UUI lltr,.h.jbf 1 , 4... ML L.. I Ij 1."" I 1 1 lit fflll UJlAULT-i 111 Of f IS MUtll B. MM A. aleeplna rooms. Very moderate. FURNISHED 11. K. rooms, modern, $1.6 "up. 8 car' to 207 Sherman. Marshal! 1191 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, single and en auite, $1.75 up. 608 Alder at. TWO nice outside rooms, completely furnished for housekeeping. 214 13th. HOUSE-IEPIHO X00M8 WrST BUB PRIVATE FAMILT 73 269 7TH Good close In location; two clean pleasant front rooms, $4.50 week; one back basement room, $1.75; free lights, running water, bath, phone, clean bed linen. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, fur nace heat, gas, light, water; well lo cated on Hall, noar Park. Phone Mar shall 4980. ONE, two and three strictly modern H. K. rooms, $10, $12, $15 month. 580 Second. - . BAY window suite housekeeping, close in; well furnished, $13 month. - 635 Yamhill. ; HOUSEKEEPING rooms, single and en suite. $2 week up; bath, phone. 348 Clay st. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. $2 week; 324 Main, sleeping, $1.60 per week. corner 6th. WOULD' like to give room and board to one child. Age 3 to 5 years. Good home. Reasonable, phone C-2994. NEWLY furnished 3 room suite. house- Keeping, zxb MarKot st. . . 8 ROOMS, free light, sink, gas range. pnone, wees. a yiay. NICELY furnished H. K. rooms, $3.60 and up. 429 Salmon st HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 48 EAST SIDE NEW, furnlehed housekeeping rooms, heat, light, baths, tel. $18. Wood lawn 229. THE Cambridge 3rd cor. Alder. Fur. and unfurnished li. K. rooms. $1,60 week. and up. FURNISHED houseKeeping rooms; pleasant outsiae rooms, up. 164 54 union ave., ror. neimom. HOUSE-EEPnrQ BOOHS EAST SIDE FBITATB TAMXLT TWO or more connecting rooma, ground floor, private entrance, complete HouseKeeping, t monia upwaras. 731 Rodney, cor. or trcmonu . .Wuliamg-oi I'nlon avenue car. $7 i'lne basement rooms, modern, llglif, phone, lovely location walking dis tance. Brooklyn car. 664 & 6th, Sellwood 1109. $1.60, $2.76 weekly, clean furnished If. K. rooms; gas, rree neat, laundry, baths. Phone East 6039. 408 Vancou ver private bath, walking distance, good neighborhood. East 3332. 166 E. 13th. TWO connecting rooms; also single room, with kitchenette; reasonable, 30 East 13th St. North. FURNISHED H. 1C rooms, private fam ily. adulta only; no dogs. 387 Oregon St., bet. Union and Grand ave, HOUSES FOR RENT 12 WAVERLY HEIGHTS Modern t room house, 931 East Ellsworth at., near 31st 320. Key 919 Ellsworth. . 316 FIVE room cottage, bath, lights, shade's, lawn. Desirable. Woodstock. Sellwood 1336. . SEVEN room bungalow. 357 East 7tH at. Inquire at Btorer6th and Clinton. FOUR room cottage with bath and gas; near school. Key 463 9th St., south. $18, MODERN 6-roon house, near car. . L.J 7,k A ah . full V . B 6 . fOR RENT--roon"cottage. close in, f $15 pr mo. Phone East ail. FIVE room cottage and 8 room house. -Ca 1444 -&V li th. U. ' .. , HCrSE for rent $12 a month; 621 E. ISth, Sellwood 1H2. " r MODERN 6 room house, lath and E, Ev erett, not rurnisiiBd, sua. , , g ROOM modern d w eTh ng. Hi lipecii at, yj. nouses l on i;;m' i 8 ROOM bungalow at ILmth . trlct, only 3 months', old; im t Dutch kltohan , wash trays, bu'ii-iu I fet, hnd In fact strictly modern, u uurtalos, draperios, shades, Oiurt'-r range, if desired; rent $i7.50 p r i. Owner, phona Marahetl a J 4 1 . FOR RENT -315 a month, room iiou ..... modern, hard surfaced street; t Stops In front of door, public snd pai' chlal acliools very', nuar. ,' Largo i i Coe A. McKenna; 727 Chamber of merce. Main 4522. 6 ROOM cottage, 4U "Ivpu t., ' Inman-PoulSen mil) and one ll".-S. from Brooklyn carllne, $ia per monti, less discount 1, ; Burrell Invt'titiiiu Co,' tim Third at. 'v ' - FOR RENT Seven room new iuo.i"i i house, furhaua. flrenlacn and all i I- . .ern Improvements, w to dnte. Phone ' oay uma A-zaz4 or Mam Ut; eveninxi C-J266 or Woodlawn 196. - SEVEN ,' large rooms, .bath, f Ircuiat . iis.,.,,la.undJX.Jtuha amenta d.-bahu;.. ment, 325; 442 E, 8th st, corner wiior man; take W. R. car to 39th, go north 4 . blocks. ' A. E. Poulsen, 418 Hallway Kx. ; $2,.60, five 7 room houses, E. 11th mil! j Clay; 1 block from Hawthorne;. walk-! Ing distance to west side. Main sua a,; evenings B.j 863. 8-ROOM modern cottage, corner lot, , newly tinted and painted, 8l Fremont, Z blocM to "L" car; only $1$. Marshall 3408. . ;; ''."" - r-T. i , NEWLY tinted 7 room house. ' Key t 469 8 th st. or phone landlady, ki- FOR RENT Modern bungalow, ft acre fruit snd berries, W-W car, Phone Main 8S39. v. -.s-y .......... i... ... SlX - room modern cottage, cement basement with Tang 446 Union ave. North.- Phone East 462. $21. FOR RENT New, modern I , room house with bath, E. (4th, cheap. Mar- . shall 6239. .- ' 1 NEW, modern 8 ro(im bungalow, in . Hawthorne district, to reliable party, f without children. Phone Main 6097, ; I FOR RENT 6 room bouse, almost new, furnace, reasonable. 862 14th st, near Montgomery. ' FOR RENT $8, ' 6-roum house, near Firland. Owner,. G. B, Trotter, 614 Brooklyn St. -' . .- FURNISHED MOUSES 80 TO RENT 870 B. Davla at. 6 room lower fiat, rurnisnea. gas, . eiectriu lights, bath, fine location and conven ient; price $30.'" " v J. L WELLB CO., . . ' ' ' 834 C. of C. Bldg. ' : 10 KOOM furnished house, suitable for rooming house, 2 block from Mult nomah club; 860 per month. Martin & Campbell, room 1 Worcester block, 3d and Oak. , FOR - RENT 6 - room -house, furnished or unfurnished;, owner leaving town. S-207, Journal. FOR RENT -Two-room house, partly furnished. 288. Crosby street: near Broaoway orioge. - FOUR 'room cottage, well furnished on ' east atde, 825 per month. Keanoimble reference required. Call at 844 Rodney. A SEVEN room furnished house on Kearney at., $37.60 and 6 room house on East. 21st at. $16. Main 6792. SIX room furnished house, suitable for two families, $26. - 689 Kearney. Main 4479, near 19th. 6 ROOM modern bungalow, -completely furnished, $23 a month. Phone J one, Main 7776. NICELY furnished 4 room - cottage; bath, electricity; close, east side In-. quire 431 Cth. . - SfOT)ji,iLN s ro6,,wrnWi8iretrs.,.''"i,:-vr.' V. car, $16 per month. Tabor 1373. FOR RENT Modern 7 room furnished house, $20 per month. Tabor 1313. 6 RdOM furnished house, bath, pantry, ; fzo. 288 Alberta, woodlawn 1932. FURNITURE FOR SALE 3-. HOUSES FOR RENT LEAVING city, .will-sell furniture of.'. 6 room house chean for cash. - Rent $26. Fireplace, sleeping porch, nice yard. ' 146 Oibba St., between Corbctt and Kel- ly. Phone A-3607. ; 406 Vi PARK A clean home In choice . neighborhood; five rooms (three rented;, sleeping porch, newly - far- -nlshnd: very reasonable. - ' ' MUST GO. Furniture till room house, close in, cheap rent 369 E. Harrison st FURNITURE FOR SALE 03 BARGAIN Complete furniture for 4 rooms; mission oak, steel range: everything practically new; will aell all or part. Mam n3, FURNITURE of 8 mitut nw A tiorimi n - it if 1 Jiualnv " apt. 5. Phone A-1642. FOR SALE -Gas range, 3 wood heaters. leather couch, other furniture. 211 McMillan at. APARTMENTS 43 THE' ORLANDO , S0TH AND WASHINGTON ST 3.. UNQUESTIONARLY FINEST LOCATION LV THE CITT 3 and 3 room furnished apartments, ; possessing every modern convenience, private telephone, elevator service, ex cellent closet room, laundry with steam dryer: most attractive entrance court in Portland. Select clientele provides precisely the surroundings desired for rour fam ily. RATES POSITIVELY MOST REASON ABLE TO BE FOUND.. THE IRVING, 689 IRVING ST. 4 room unfurnished apartment, with, bath; has bedroom also, wall bed; rooms ' good size, ample closet room; steam heat gas range, refrigerator, etc.; Jan. 16 a 5 room apartment Prices, mod erate; references required. Phone own- 1 er. A-S699. : ANh-Nx COURTNew manageuieni; t and 8 room apts.; new building, new -furniture, hot , water heat; main Un phones In every apartment; $21 to t2u; everything first claas. E. Ankeny or Montavilla car. H-2624. East .800. Gray .Gables ;.. New 2 rooms apt.; $20 up; steam heat, electric light walking distance. 289 10th. A-2629. fi JST Vmi Lucretia CourtM.iaHoJ On Lucretia at, near Waah. and. SJ, most exclusive J to i room unfurniibea apts. In city; references. A-8S47. . Burch Apartments . New, mouern. tuiniHhed g room apts., dressing room; fine location; Mar ehall 4141. 110 21at st, N., W. car. NEWCLARK apartment, now open; hw and finely furnished; telephone. Steam heat, modern, ttreproof brt apartments, $20 and 322 per month. (Slti Pettygrove. Main 3423. ' SAN MARCO APARTMKN'IS. ' Cor. East Couch and 8th ats. Modern, quiet, easy walking dlnunce, ' Reasonable. Phone East 3759. THE DICKSTONT448 litii; t.alyl7T- nlshed 4 and a room modern outi i-, apts.. near Heights. , Mra. F. W. Mc Cirne, Msr. 67. BUCK APTS.. 21st ft Flanders, ) . i room furnished and unfurnlmied v- 1 ern, electrlo elevator. A-88S5, Main f ; . . NICELY) furnished apartment 8 too. n - and bath, nileslon furniture, - l' t -i and Couch sts. Frtee $30. Mstn . THE ELMS, 191 14th at Modern 2 r, 1 room lurmanea apts.; excuih-nt I j tlon. walking distance; renxotmt.U THE DE LAIH. 61k..;'WiTiii) aV modern furnished $ riort .. i m ; i vale phones, baths, l.'S'nii, . I f 4 t '' ' ' . rr- ' HE DEL UO.Ni'fcllrcin, I ""groom epf TTM"tM, tance. I4T Stout nt.. n,f ROSEKELD si'U,. 6.5 . E, Hlh, modern A room : reaoiihle. plmn I ? ' i'U Jei'Lr! n . :