ins - OREGON iivizumc, January 13, 1:11 itksonal r experiment with poisons. a t rihk jour health . and' money, n in ia-e'1 of a safe and reliable i.v lor fciiiiny, painful or suppressed ii or u-tut-r derangements of the (itiHi rrmetion iitt a bottle or Arm . iixture No. 8. It In a different kind remedy.- It is a scientific prepa n, contains no poisons and is narm- to the most seimltlve Dorson. tor itiiii (iinrar.teed In Portland by the KUiii.rt Drus Co 220 Morrison, near! then opened, for construction of timber 1 wmii b. .. i.AT.ih.NTS for inert and women. f:n-t ni 11 lined Drlvate office on in; com w t, Kndieal cure by the latest 1 dial nettling meinods. we use rati iu i . iicnt, vibration, batns, massage, manipulation and adjustments, .uvery i ii ' tricai treatment we give. No meal- .ii.u or operations. Dr. W. E. Mallory .aluropum, 312 Kothclilld bid"., All con . , FOR RICH AND POOR. .r!x luoains $1; cure or money re funded: registered , guaranty. Dyspep sia, nervousness, neuralgia, earache, Inc. MEN AND WOMEN" CURED. jviuuvrn electric treatment lor nerr ous. enronic and skin diseases. Special y. 1 nhtaups of kidney, bladder, prostate. OX UUNW for catarrh, lunar trou diabetes. Latest aclenUfla equip- ,nt. Dr. VV. L Howard, S04 Kothchifo , iMASSEUH AND NATUROPATH. ur, is. ir. Aieieen nas removed ro i Shetland bldg. Electro, vibratory andl irKM na no-therapy treatments lor. rneu mutism, stomach trouble, poor clrcula - iion and nervous disorders, acute or Znl ladV a'SBi8UntToWst"est.VD: shment in Portland. Main 1683, A?, Ut.lUiAN trained uure. inasseUBe, long for rheumatism, lumbago, etc., massage Htii. in jfarit. joirerson street car. n Sundays. Marshall 6033. ' rrr,"'"l'"L,n.VA''n",l''i"1 vV ANTED A partner with $300 cash to take interest In contracting business; Already secured and work under con- Ktructlon. This Is a good proposition, end will bear Investigation. T-19J, Jour- ,..,1 . t ANTED-i30 to 00 on house and lot; also 1300 to $500 auto truck for Kliort time; big Interest to private party. 'i'aiior H04. ' VVAi'ED To borrow $2000 on M block , .w.pU P"." st. for 2 year, at ' .-r ""r"V tvAiiiniu ikvii lur uuiiuing purposes,!, b years, gooa security, irom private rnrty preferred. T-197, Journal. FIXAA'ClAIi 01 CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES Or seller's equity in contract of sale evi real estate in Washington oi Oregon. II. E. Noble, Ltimbermens bldgr. Loans. 07 CI 1 A IT ELS, S.1LAKLES SPECIAL NOTICE - TO BORROWERS; ' x LOANS OF $10 OR MORS TO ANYONE. Tfe want no advantaKOcara ver lit tie about security, promise satisfaction iind GruarflnleA si Hniiflr Hal - Tell us how much money you want, rnnvinoA tia rt vtn. .hllliw a intention to live up to your agreement ana we win mage you a loan. Our easy payment nlan enables rou to repay the loan easily and quickly. YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. . WE DO AS WE ADVERTISE. PORTLAND LOAN CO PRIVATE OFFICES, ' 207 MACLEAY But. 4th and 6 til on Washington st- On.-n Mon. and Pat evenlners to 9 o'clock 1 iil V A TJSPAR T f LOAJSIS j on furnnure. pUno reieipu. 1 watch, riiiain. LiT? loan too large too smalL Prlvarrf fir11 Vtien In need von will make a auvlvie 1 by getting our term flrgL . Write, call or phone Main 4617. 12.) Lumber Exchange ELBY COMPANY, ' Salaried "People START THE NEW NEW YEAR ... 1 OWING BUT ONE PARTT ' $10 TO $100 ON YOUB PERSONAL JNO'iii- FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS , . CALt. TELEPHONE OR WRITE State Security Co. 0g FAILING HLDG. MONEY FOR SAI.Ahtn and others. uDon their ?llea,? 'i asy Payments, confidential' i-i. iirnnan. room ai7 i.nmhpp v A deairable place for ladies and gentle men to borrow money on diamonds and lewelry at eastern rates. Diamond i'alace, S34 Wash., opp. Owl drug store SALARY LOANS. CHATTEL. LCiANS: xoa can get $5 to $100 today at cheapest rates, best and most private mi, u. u. DraKe. A in Hern-v hiia MONEY, tioid on Installment; confidea ,u K,81" pePl. F. A. New- - fiwiry Piag. 1.. ",MB' CHATTEL and real estate loans, no red . JaPe; confidential; mortgages bought. a HiilK T . .... ... . . . . '' "ua j"e. m APington Dlog. HONEY TO LOAN ON DIAMONDS. J. E. NTHHOI-S 815 YEON BLDG. MONEY loaned. on ciamonas and Jewel- j. uimijr CTiiuin-ntiai, 141! ad. LOAN for the asking, salary or chat- n . 1 no ixan 4jo 4I Dekum bldg. MONEY TO LOAM . HEAL ESTATE 27 HARTMAN-THOMPSON BANK, Chamber of Commerce Rids- , We have on hand funds for invest- iueni in gooa nrst mortgages. If you wish to borrow on your real estate, con ler with our mortgage loan department JiONEY on hand for immediate loan uu imjjiuveu ctty property, s and 1 per cent interest. "We also negotiate) uuuiuiu luam. ces us. at once. A. it HILL CO., -419 HENRY BLDG. ' MONEY TO LOAN T" On farm or city property. THE HARROLDT-WLLSON CO..: HJC 4th and Oak Sts. Marshall 400. - A-71SI ' MONEY TO LOAN . ' ON REAL-ESTATE. BLAUSON CRAIG CO., Mortgage Loan Department; a jhk dui wear jnnn. M $?oo"and Lvp.S ON HKAU EaTATE: , , , , J. E. NiaiOI.8, tlS YEON BLDG. 'J Vh&XJ&J FIRST MORTGAGE SECURITY. ' MORTGAGES PUR. CM A is El). - SEE O.A. COBBT ATTORl yi. 1 jg.p imn tJLLHj, M u it TGAUE loans on city and subur- va.u F'"j!ijr, learsunaoie rates; collat. .oiia, mufijajB contracts bought. owlenhaw, 615 t:ommerclal block TO loan, estate funds on real estate at current rates, Inquire attorney rooms 10-12 Mulkey bid g 2d and Morrison T" . -- " -."'" '. ciiy or larm property, fire insurance. McKenxie A . . "... "" tu sna Aiaer. i0o TO $300 to loan on real or collateral curlty for a ghort ttm. 207 Ore- ronlan bldg. . . . - ..iU&x to loan lmnrove, tnr,i A property; apecial facilltiea . for large n n b. Title & Trust Co., 4th and Oak. .uu.M.t to loan; large loans a specialty building loans; lowest rates; fire In! nrnc. W. O. Beck. 815-3U Falllnir. 1 .1 0 is k If 10 loan, f to I per cent, w u" Sett e Co.. 310 Spalding bldg. :j('H'i'UAUB loans, and 7 per cent . .77, , -"- .' -Vr 1., ',- . - " -vBrlrst. Vvlt.L loan $-0,000 or less, real esUte. ) nrrlnsrton. 416 Commercial Club bldg. : . v . Y" iT(fl7)AN 6W-REAt ESTATE A ' j. 11 liDlNG, 813 Chamber of Corrt !. imiiw Mge wwheeed. ji.ny... riiiinimnniei . W 11 COX bldg. r.V to loan t.n Improved real estate. "V! lifL'01 Commercial Club bldg. i 1 r irt for lininediate loan on n .- Tenor 771. inl int, oily or coun (it, Vi-isi, JoumaV , kidney, general debility, constipation, Bf oremn, ii flrrf bf;rti(f ill im rheumatism. la grippe and colds. Let- K0D' luTon tb. 6? day of jY ' V!,!:erAHu,10io,J2i,,?I: 1913, report to e, .. tb. governor of i nidbldo-. The Standard Medical Socle- the tte ef orecon: .' n.t .n , V. moi:y to i'"gUn ItliAI ESTATE 11060 and 12000; Fletcher, ISB.Ablng ton.hldg. NOTICES 20 - I OFFICE QM., FOUT ROSECRANS.1 V AsJ iqf. Ml. VH AUOnAilO! Cak, Dec, 10, 1912. Sealed proposals, In triplicate, will lie ! received In tills office until 11:00 a. m., Jan. , 1913, and 4 1 a M . . j . 9 . ' I wharf, landing float and board walk at The! Fort PioI'lco, San Diego, Cal. Further the I information may Da obtained bv annlv - ! lng at this office, C A. LOUR, 1st Lieut. in. i o. a. t; v. m, NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING, The annua! meeting of tha mrmhin or mo weaver state Merchants Mutual fire insurance annoclat on. will ha held at the home office, 600 Yeon bldg., Portland. Oregon, at 8:0ft oVinoir 'n m. """i xa. - r) i,.j akuu, secretary, -PROCLAMATION corporations organlzwl under tha laws of the atate of Oregon, for gain, which, for two - rr rAa.. '5 . .... . t""",u - ."'i,61 dy".?0 'E1?:. h" , inn mare , next Dreceainsr I tr . ", ..-L1"? lne ?"2 - i;-r-.r.:""". ." . vrr i hi u i uriiufini uinpr in? law nf ... ai.t. ryJ Tiut. BJJJZ ? uYr0 dX a lioeoae Uw of I Whereas, aald teport of the aeeretarr of i u aioreuio, contain , me "mm oi me roiiowing corpora tiona, wnlqb - 1 ", " ur"" 7 or more n ore- 1 " "-2f . If Vt1 f 5f5ir:ld?r?lf' ! Jur.?h "f11 K'tTffilT "lU fS" ."ny- 1 14140 Acme Lumber com pan. I Adrtne AdrerUnlDf V Vannfaehulot I ..w. 1 "il! y1.!", ram eompaay. 178 Alaka Amuaetnent company. 14!2S Alaska Products eompinyTiTBe H;i6 Alaika Yukon Expioratloa compaay. 102)6 Almadeo Furnace company. Alta Lumber company, .SSI AItl.v,BU Minlnr oimnany. ias7 Amaliramated Film Excuaaf. ' W irZl 15S&?wV. urns American Land linproreiaent winpaay. TBs American Timber company. , 140H9 Anderaon Furnace eompany. iJ2!2 ff'lT. ""etery aawclatloa, ThK : Z1 H ALTWmTEl-?.. : lAtoriV P.clfl Coiat rWthaw Ban- way compny. I ixm aatoria, 6aaide Tlllimook ' Ballway comDanr. 5971 Astoria Wharf A trarehnnaai mannas 13h:,S Auto-Garage and Machine works. 1431'S Automatic Grinder company. 11275 Automatic Osa Light company. 14303 Automatic Incnbator eomnanr. Tha. 13863 Antoinette . Bockcr Manufacturing com I1R0O Bank of Italr at PnriUnA Hmm. . 12430 Baker-Hutchaaon eomnanr. 1 13883 Baker Interurban Railway company, - 13041 Barslde Paint Mmnanv. 13787 Bandoa-Port Orford Ballroad A Rsrira- tlon company. 14724 Bearer Construction enmnsn. " 138U3 Benson Inreatment company. 8588 Belt Line Hallway company. KK188 Belleme Mutual Telephone company, The. 13758 Bearer State Trust A Inreatment Co. "jw f eeman-rvooawara company. I Yit! 2!;,Ber Auto-Llrery company, .The. I 141) rfljoa COED OB nr. ... . J 2if 0WCT Mining eompany. I i ' c wmiimhj, nev t 1 L,Dd. "P?B . 13131 Black Channel Mining A Development eomnanr. . - ... :, . . 1107$ Bine Mountain Beserrofr Irrlgatloa A lectrlc Pnwee Mmnin, 14885 Boyd Law A Abstract compaay, llcea Bowman Lumber company. f I 8201 Bohemia Seren. 14126 Brighton Beach eomnny. i c ; . I.E.. Tl ' " 14544 Brown eomnanr. The WHS British Columbia Amilgsmatad Coal I Tianr ?S KiCHnBi e,",p"r' H'.a 11885 Brooklyn Hall A Improvement s MnfJ Brown.W.ii.r.A-. m Btttt ConiilId.tS matng eonv 1S"i n,.'a crt.i. vi ; U458 CaaterUn Cutl eomnanr " v' i.s4! inby canal Bealty eompany, 12828 Catterlln A Co., F. J. Ki75 Campbell A Evans. . , . 12076 Calapoola Fruit Growers' aaaociattom, ' 14701 CallfornU Gold A Copper company, 14105 Calipools Oil company. The. 1458 Card Bealty A Inreatment company. 141)82 Celllo Milling A Power company. V 13884 Central Oregon A Pacific Ballroad com pany.. ..'.. . . . , 12334 Christiansen Art eompany. ' 14146 Cherry City Ante Co. 14398 Chilkoot Fisheries eompaay - - 7868 Chehalem Valley MilU. 1 1H068 Chehalem Yalley Orchards eompany. 14594 Cltlaea Publishing company ii?IS ChaaUuqua aasoelaUo. 14183 Clearer A Harelick. 14073 Clark Inreatment company. - ' 13372 CUmber Machinery company. 1488ft Condon Amnsement eompany. 13737 Coos Bar Coal eomnanr. Tn 13009 Coos Bay Electric Hallwayeomnaay. The. - - ww cu.iimiiu, cvuiuenr. 12854 Coos Bay Meat eompany. 13719 Coos Bay A Hoeeburg Ant TraaeperU- tioa company, The. J4570 Cooe Bay Rapid Transit company. 14279 Concord Construction company. 13828 Coumerilh-ChrUtensen ooopany. , 13399 Oonklin A Co.,. Wi If. 14556 Cbret Cove Irrigation eompaay. . 14263 Coast Coal eompany. , 9:K)2 Contract company, The. 12US4 Continental Hospital association. 8144 Coleman Hardware eompany. 14719 Continental Investment comDanr. ' 14330 Conrtflcht Krnll xunnn. - 12788 Coast Line Telephone Company ef rior- 13803 Conifer Lumber eompany 11323 Colonial Minlna eomnanr' Th. ... ".pwwuua cumpany. 13.105 Contractors' Bupply company. ... 12760 Combination Salt A Pepper Bhakr nanr. 14417 Columbia Chemical: Company f Portlind, 8720 Columbia Chair enmnanr 12862 Columbia Blver Booming A Batting eon- 13082 Columbia Blver Light A Fewer 'company. 14799 Crescent Tradinar eomnanr "tI?rltllohaneB Coppw Paint eoapuy. un. V..IWH ftiuiiurj .uiiiany, : . 11787 Darls Investment company. s 8840 Darenport-Tbompsea company. -.S'6? Darenport Brother Lumber company. 13319 Darta-Seott Beltlnr eomnanr. . 13761 Deschnte Automobile eompany. JSfJJi t! t-nsnnei t'lacer Mining company, 13306 Denner.Huffmae mmn,., i"' 9540 Deschutes Irrigation A Power eompany. . The. . , . " 1302T Deadwood Mountain Cold Mining com. '.''. pany. ,:'";...,,.'''' . 14031 Deschutes Transportation, Land A Lain. - ber eompany. 12663 Diamond Ice eompsnr. , . 9:t25 Dixie Mining company, 13036 Doctor Freeie Neurology eompaay." Wr'ii ?mbl? Monntetn Oil A Gas compaay. . , J2f!i2 l!?'" S.0'01 Lniaber company. 14037 Kastmatr Compasy, ine, 13876 Ksgle Cap Mining company. ' 14240 Earned Dollar Bond company " r. 14320 Kagle Point Orchard company. 13726 Kagle Point Telephone company. The. Vlley Fruit Growers? nnioa. f Jaat Portland Conatructloa eompany. . S' Oregon Lumber eompany, Ine. 13300 Eastern Oregon Telephone A Telegraph " eompany. . . . y 13916 Economical Llshtlnr mnuM ' 12119 Edith Mining company. 11857 Edwards Bupply compsny. 9733 Elliot Creek Minlne mmn..." 1 14915 Electrical Machinery compaar. 11806 Elko Nevada Mining eompany.' ' 14923 Electric Security eompany. 13212 Emery A Co., A. O. 12108 Equity Investment Co, ' (i tameraiaa uoia Mining company. 7806 Famous Clothlna nirni,.. 13n:i2 Field Disk-Grinding company. -12498 Florence Placer Mining company. 11847 Fossil Creamerr 14792 Prey's. . ' 14557 Frank Hill company. . k ,' , 11305 Friedman Packing company. - 13023 Fulton Iron A Steel company. (.": 14200 Gardam Bank Not Co The T. W. 13W6 Gatchet Co., Cba. B. ' 14200 Gardam Bank Note Co., The F W 13418 Gordon-nerkbam Oyster company. J,f ft"1 IUUroa br oompany. 13007 Gold Monntaln Mlnln v" lioiSS01-'? M,nln eompany. S?Sf S: en ' llllngeempmy": : . . xolu re Mining company, m ,ot' DUu-lct Agricnltnrtl so- 11997 GreeDler Dereinnmen m.. '' iiiii n ' 91 lyU"1 eompany. - " oo iowusit Development com- 14528 H. A HV Plane A Furniture Polish com- !!'"Tr?,J.'!f' r.,lr 'Nation. 1'utillfljliiB- cooibmir: I 1 120S7 Hall-Shepherd CominDy, I WDfTML th iivnitirr f at.l. a Ik. NOTICES" 11327 narlow Temperature Indicator kitlnaulaber comuany. . 1416S Herald Bros., Inc. ' ' H1168 Ilebe Construction company. ' . 1449T Halm Co-oporatlre Ealty eompaay,. ItxMO Rnppner Improvement company. 12:tsS llermlaton Inreatment miumnr. 13or Henrietta Hillliig company. j ( Jd"VI I1CIU1VIIS ffll 13M74 Hlnes Kiuall I Home Ktoctr !3''I P B'" 11 I 1 A TrTgt Una, as V j,na iuaiiin( niton eompany,' ectrtc Appliance company. t Inmtiueut comoan. , . i 14756 Hons Kons cafe. : ;"fi6 Hove Land comiiany. ' 4 ..... ' 14712 Hood hirer Land eompaay. 13016 Hood Hirer Manufacturer Pnftneerlnt company. - ,i 14004 Hood Ulrer Qiulity eompany, Ine. WH8 Hot Bprlnga company. . !.ttM0 Hollla Title Infentment eompaay. .. v -la'Mi Huntington Lumber company. 1111(10 Huntington Heal Satate company. r 1-OS9 llurley-Wakefleld Adjustable Hinge Co- The. .' , . . - 14657 Ideal Inveatment eomnanr. . 1 8.1154 Ilbdiee Mill A Manufactory Oe. . 11616 Imperial Amaaement comiiany. V72T Imnaha, Joaepb Kureka Telephone com- pany, 'The. . 12127 Interstate Adjustment company. 14H70 Interstate Mortgage company. 13s6 Interstate Telephone company, The. 10036 Irrlgon Abstract company. 11S48 Italian American bank. ia.lf.3 Jabn. 113"8 January Mlulns eomoanv. ' 13016 JscksonvUle iteductlon company, 13237 Johnston Plumbing company, "A, 11710 Keunon Lumber company,' E. L, 142:t9 Kenney Sectional Steel Tire Co, -14tf7 Kinney Investment eomoanr. - JiaiiJ Klamath faUe Timber A Logging cent. ' ' pU7. ; "... .: ...j.- .. 9703 Kreba Hod comDanr. . i 14443 Lakln Automatic indicator A Display Oo, 14564 Lacrosse Land Co, . v . . 1200T Lacrosse Park association, The. 7687 Lake County Telephone A Telegraph Co. 142S3 Lafayette riourina Mills Co.. Tha. 13H01 Laldlaw Investment eompany. ' ' 14S77 Lablab Land, Leasing A berelopment Co. 1OU60 Lanclols Oil eomnanr. 14147 Lannen Uutlaet hibliahlng eompaay. 14414 Legal Advice Co., Inc. 11001 Leasebold company, , ' 10HW Lee's Creek Gold Mines, Tma 11078 Lincoln Trust comoanr. 1 13.SS7 l4i Creek Mining eompany. ' 13448 London dDeetroscoue Co. " 14779 Lumberatens State Bask (Bead). ir.47 MarahaU Bros. . 1-V20 Mssonie Building Association ef Bay City, 12572 Masoa Bos eompany of Balem; Or., O. F. ine. 14098 Madrona Construction eompany, louia aiac-ite rirenroorins eomnanr. ' 14451 Masset-Graham Island Coal company. 10028 Mattoon Gold Mining company. The. U612 Marine Iron Work. Tbe. 13061 Malheur Land company. 8297 Manhattan Minlna A Mlllina- eomnanr. 10613 Martha Mining company. 12045 Mammoth Oil A Gas conrpany. .' ' r 14228 Malheur Bed Apple company.. Y . 12276 McAllea A McDonnell, Inc. . ' - 13706 McGregor Logging Co, 14162 McGrath A Neuhsusen Co. 12641 Mclllen A Co., K, W. - -1378S Metal Furniture Manufacturing Co, ' 13091 Menominee Farm A Fruit company, " 12026 Med ford Gas company.' 12i'a8 Medford Lumber A Manofactnring Co. . 14738 Merchants A Manufacturer Bank. 14911 Medford Orchard A Trust eompany, 14810 Medford Trnst company. - - 14610 Medford Publishing company. 10982 Merchants Wholesale eompaay, 13129 Michael A Co. 138T3 Mills company, The. , 11725 Miller company, Erllt. . 11537 Mllwaukl Country club. ' -" 10ft 16 Michigan Gold Mining company, The. lasaT Morris CO., H. C. 1 1364 Moore Cigar Lighter comDanr. 13130 Moreen Inreatment Co., Inc. 14457 Monarch Mercantile company, na 13937 Motion Picture Advertising eomnanr. 13024 Motion Picture Theatre-Manager assoda- v tlon. ! : .' : 14471 Mt Angel A Woodbsra Bteam Laundry eomnanr. The. 14751 Mutual Motel company. 14493 Murray A Richards. ' , 8862 Multnomah Fair asaociatioa, 13061 National Adjustment company, Tha, 13038 National Chemist association. 14864 National Construction comDanr. 14092 National Union secret Abba of the Amer- - lean order of Inventor. ' 14055 Nelson A Co... H. L 13592 Neuhsusen Timber Co. 14187 New VYeet Publishing company. 14563 Normetco Dredging company. - -14562 Normetco Iron A Steel eompaay. rr--."r 13051 Novelty Spoonful company. 11467 North Bend News company, The. -. 18085 North Bend Mercantile eompaay. . ... 13H45 North-Bank Lumber eompany. 14318 Northwestern Con traction csmpany. The. 12536 Northwest Gypsum Plaster company. 14535 Northwest Milling Co., Tbe. Bioa ortn rsciite Banatorinm, 13614 North Pacific Trust Company of Portland, I 13068 North 8antiam Mining eompany. I 13733 Oakland A Tidewater Ballway company, 13701 Oh Joy Theatre comoanr. 14102 Oldenburg Fruit A Dtrelopment Oe., The. 13403 Ontario Land A Lives took company. , 14608 Ontario Beal Estate company. 14823 Oregonlan Construction company, 14438 Orchard Bill Land eompany. 14636 Oregon Advertising Co., The. 14328 Oregon Bond A Brokerage company. . 13933 Oregon Building A Trust company. 8873 Oregon Commercial company, ' - -13342 Oregon Coast company, The. 11061 Oregon Consolidated Gold Mines Oe. 14481 Oregon Colonisation eompany. 18113 Oregon Concrete Block A Machine Co. Tbe. 11326 Oregon Consolidated Mining A Milling Co. 8127 Oregon Central Military Wagon Boad Co. 110922 Oregon City Furniture Manufacturing Co. 13925 Oregon Evaporating A Preserving Co. 14656 Oregon A Eastern Investment eompany. ' 11809 Oregon-Idaho eompany, 13782 Oregon Land A Cotonliatlon eompaay. 13425 Oregon Metallzlng eompany. The. 13979 Oregon Mining A Power compsny, 14466 Oregon Natural Resources Co. 11155 Oregon Spray A Ga company. 187S7 Oregon Timber Inreatment r. -. 14334 Oregon Timber-Holding company. 14005 Oregon A Washington Oil Burner Oe. The. I uivgusj .. .IU4fr;-UWIttlall CVUlllgUI, - - I 14058 Oregon-Washington Timber A Ballway Co. I 13801 Overland Inveatment Co. 11945 Owen Construction company. ' ' " -14064 Park Building A Bealty Co. v 12194 Panama Hard Wood company. :,'. . -14470 Pacific Coast Aeroplane company.'' 13016 Pacific Coast Handle A Manufacturing eompany. 13480 Pseifle Coast Showcase A FUture Co. 12576 Pacific Contracting company. 14258 Pacific City Canal company. 14039 Pacific City Improvement compaay. 14061 Paclfie Coal-Brlijuet company. . '' 13898 Pacific Car A Foundry eompaay. 14229 Pacific Cuatom Tailors, The. 14866 Pacific Fuel comoanr. 11 13939 Pacific Gas Traction eompany. ' 14091 Paclfie Northwest Milling compsny. . 12930 Pacific Northwest Bealty AsaecUte. 14202 Pcifle Opportunity Club, The. 12686 Paclfie Oil A Gas comoanr. - 4013 Pacific Pottery company. 10333 r-aciric t'oultry flgeoa plant, Te, 14177 Pacific Stoneware company. 13064 Pacific Btate Adjustment company. 11959 Pendleton Creamery company. - 12027 People Ga company. 14047 Peoria Lumber eompany. . , 10025 PeoDle Market association 1 13868 Pendleton Novelty , Manufacturing com- . pany, ids, 14034 Peerless Oil A Ga comnanv. 11146 Pendleton Tribune Pnbllshlng Co. aaoow rooenix . airg. . uo. , eis ficnett creek Mining eompany. 8870 Pittsburg Mining A Milling comnanv. The. 14772 Pine Valley Time, The. . eouo rovey uroe. uiass eompany, , - 9078 Port Orchard Route. 12004 Portage .Ballway Extension company. 14718 Portland Auditorium association. 14462 Portland Aeronautic club. 18127 Portland-Alaska Gold Dredging company. 10890 Portland-Artsona Mining company 7734 Portland Anchor Fen company, The. '" 13727 Portland Brokerage Co. . 13993 Portland-Burlington Warehouse A Dock Co. m rortiana uiiuara euppiy company. 14808 Portland Block Book comDanr. 13293 Portland, Baker City A Butte Electric uauroao compsny, 603 Portland Credit association. 12596 Portland Construction company. 12502 Portland Lime A Timber eompaay. 14061 Prudential Advertising Co. 14297 Professional Chauffeur Club et Portland. 7299 Pratt Ditch company. The. 13952 Prudential Leasebold eompany. ;-. 11330 Present Need Gold Mine company, -14371 Prebte-Rekar Airship company. . 14097 Purity Dairy Produce company. , 13759 Public Market The. 13046 PytbUn Hall association (St. Johns). 12922 Rang Boiler Insulator Manufacturing Co. 13U30 Rawdoa Co.. The. 18793 Rainier Face Brick A Clay company, 10963 Bainbow Gold A Platinum Mining Co! Th 14827 Radalen Inreetment Co, . , B723 Rainier Mine comnanv. . . I 12876 Ramseldenbnrg 'company, The. i.himq Kidium spring. 9502 Reld Co.. J. A. ' , , .. ," 13778 Realty Syndicate, Tb. 9366 Rhea Packing eompany. ' ' 13072 Rose City Amnsement eompsay. 14:i2 Rose City Athletie club. 12262 Rose City Business college. 13836 Rose City Trust eomnanr. ' 14104 Roman Combination. Keyless Lock Co., Tbe. 14519 Roseburs Oil A Osa eomnanr. 13122 Rogue Hirer Dried Fruit association. , 12615 Rogue Hirer Mining A Reduction Co. l44Na uogue Kiver orchard Land company, 12S25 Balem Beer agenry. v 14638 Scandinavian Hospital A Belief kasocl-' 14268 SeUwood Band. 4048 Beufert A Condon Telephone eompany, 13653 Security Land A Investment company. ' 14587 Shamrock Inreatment eomnanr. 12857 Blsklyon Copper A Gold Development Co. iir Biirer ureek Lime A Marble company. Hiiver Ijike Oil A (in eomnanr. ji-to Simmon Bpring Aie cimnunr. piuO Bunk River TfUibone A Telrgraph Co. " KOUC1J3 Hire 10046 Bontneast British Columbia Land A Oil voupaur, utiiited. 11W8 South Harbor liev..lnnm.n mn$ Soutbero Oriun Iuid A lYunt compiny, i iuiia Ca .k m. . "... ;7. Sr" . .. v"n "aiiway i'ower co. 1325 Ppaultllng Company, The O. F. 1289 Siirlngilale Lauib-A Bbeep eomDaar. lllWBprlngfleld Watch Co,,. Tbe7 ' 147IM State Bank of Woodrllle. . i 1481)8 Ktate Inreatment company. ?:!J2 g!n,,?, Inatrument A Tool werka. 1437il Star Ltnuber company 11297 etorey-Bravber Lumber company.' WHO Hteel Bridge Fuel company. 14253 Btokes-FlflHld lumber compsay ' 4873 Bterllng Mining company. 'J-he. " 13)145 Htrrens Printing oiuipany. It. W, " ' HI2.12 Stsyton Woolen Mllla Co. , " 12143 Hunnrslope Nurser company, 13470 Buceeaa Oil A tiaa compsny. i - l4 Bugar Pine kilning A Milling Ca. 12154 Bunaet Timber company, 4783 Bwaa Island Real Kstate eompaay. ' " 13821 Bwsn A Winkler company. The. 1HW4 Taylor Creek Placer Mining company. 0982 Tenderfoot A Trail Gold Mining Oo. " 13418 The Dalles Creamery company, 13378 Thomas company, G. W. 14237 Three Pines Lumber company. 14683 Tongue Estate company, - - - - 132M Tompkins Mailing Machine 0 The. 11703 Trl-Clty Baseball league. . llloe Transraal Copper Mining eompaay. 8523 Transfer A Livery company. 111589 Troy Mercantile Milling A Power 00. ' 14INI0 Tulmnlko Mining comiiany. 9574 Twin llocks Gold Mining A Milling Oe. . 14753 Two-States Inreetment company. ISfii Umatilla Irrigated Lands company. 13961 Union County exposition." 13125 Union Irrigation company. 14718 Union Barings Bank of Portland, Or. '' 11733 Union Transfer company. ProfebMorial ABST&ACTS JOHN A. BKBBY. Atfy., iolleetloes, abstract examinea, written opinion on legal ques tion, sit Alisay Ding. Marshall ACC0aD0 fUEAimo ST. Btepkaa,' Udksf tailor, a coord eo a, side sad aunburst pleating, battons corerod. goods spongea, nemitltening. 883 Airier, aiain waia. ACCOUtTX AMIB rtTBUO I C0LL1S, BKRBIDGH . THOMPSON, 824 War- ADVZSXISUia FOSTBa A KLK13KB, outdoor edrer Using ; nalnted bulletius. painted wl:is. poatera, si. 17th and B. Krerett et. Kaat mi. B-2224. . AB0B14.E0TB A BULJPBBJ Plana, estimates furnished. Before yen bull see Williams, sow McKay Ding. A&T OBALSBS PICTCBB framing, moulding, c picture, Uiss elsewhere. 185 W. Park. A-7319. AUHJICUI. LDCBB I DO Y0D wear a leal Get the beet. It pays. WrlU for caUloiue. The Peerless Artificial Limb Co., 493 Waahlngton. ABT18XIO WIU ABO XB0X Bella nee Wire snd Iron work. East 10th and lander it. East lWe. - - ABATEBB WELLS A CO., assay era, analytleal cbenUsts, ' 2o4M Washington. Main 7508. I UuMa:A asmv etflce, Uuoratury, ere .test. log. atarsasu xim. io mirruon. ATTOBSXYI A. B. COOPEB Bemoved from 1424 Yeoa bldg. to Bulte 400 Yeon bldg. Phone M. 1038; A-47.8 ACI0 ILKB BF.PAIB.IB0) 0BEG0N Vulcanising Co., "The Tire Bhop," 650 Washington. Marshall 879. I ' : API0M0BJUJEB I0 BJTT $160 per hour. Dupleg Auto Co. M. 14; A 4314. Office 309 Stark. BELT BF.PAIB1BO POBTLAND Belting A Bepalr Co., 65 First; belt repairing. Motorcycle belt $3 up. BLABS B00X KAIEB H0WB, DAY18 COMPANY, 108 24 St. - BUah Book nunotacturer; gnta for Jones' las Droved Loose-Leaf Ledgers. See tbe new ' he- refc leaf. A-8163, Main 133. ' BUILDISO AND BETATBIBO BCILDINQ. repairing. Jobbing, practical, rell ble, reasonable, day or contract. Sedgwick, Selwood 1665. - ' ".: - : ; - CANDY JtANOrAOTUBIBB THE Aldon Candy Co.. 12th and Gllaa sta, Mlgh grade chocolates. . ' -' CABBEBTEB ABD BEPAIBIBfJ ' CARPENTER-CONTRA CTOR New e repair work. i. a. xoung. woooaioes are, etna (t. A. la. WlTKOM. bouse, office, store repair. lng, reaooeiing.- twit. woooiaw sas, CABBZT CLEABIMO) JOYCB BROS Electric Cleaning Work, car I pets cleaned snd laid, refitting eat specialty. IB. 440, B-1963. 204 E. 19th N. ELEC. Vacuum cleaning In your house by ex pert 90c hour. Eat 6171) B-1065. ; CARPET WEAVIN9 NORTHWEST RtJQ W0BK8, rags from eld esmeta: ra ruga, carpet cleaning. 15$ Unloa r r v. ' r saomso. PEMftSULA Bug Works, rag carpet sad rug. 1618 Patton are. Woodlawn 2685. CARPET rug wearing, 80c per yard and np. Warp furnished, airs, u. K. nuit. m Musseu CIOiOPODlSTS CORNS, bunions, Ingrowing nails, etc- ra- . moven sou cureoj uw biouiwi. fw..,.ov u, Salav Dr. J. W. Wayne, 609-10 Northwest bldg, tb and Waahlngton. J':-','!;!I;',V' '"' '': CmSOPRACTIO PBTTBICIAB DR. HELEN W. JACK, 822 14th St, nervoos end enronie Otsesses, treatments o. stain 5608. '- :-."'.--;;,. '. - DB. 0. H. BUSH from Chicago. Nerve and spine epedallst Treats successfully sll eura ble diseases. Office 35th and Hawthorne. jUMUtrlMEN'lS lestore health naturally, 10 e month. Bstn otnee. in snq wssningron. CIRCULAR LETTERS ltTJLTIGBAPHlNG. printing. stenographer. Hill A Co.. MM Henry mag. MULTNOMAH Multlgraublng .' Co., ' facsimile slanaturea, eu r.ners oiug. mnmu COAL AND WOOD SPECIAL PRICES ON 1 bufcuiN SHORT WOuu, . ag.20. GREEN 4 UU1' WUUU, . Situ, . ' 1NB1DB GBEEN SHORT, $3.50. . DRY SHORT WOOD " SAWDUST for fuel snd bedding. . . The Portland Slab wood Co. - Mala 8119, A-700L, . HlUri GRADU COAL from Clear Creek, tub, arriving dally. Beat ever brought Into Port- laud. Economy Fuel Co., Bf Z14, B-2343. gi Grand erenue. - CONSUMERS' FUEL CO. (Amer. Coal Mining Co.) Coal direct from mine to consumer. Bare middlemen proni. aias. 110, b-ws, suuaii East 1st and Taalor. ; ; PAC. SLABWOOD CO. Main 8700 A-785H Oraea alabwood. big and small Inside block wood, planer trimming, cord wood. FULTON Wood OnV 'eaters. la dry and greea elabwood. Try u when ordering good dry wood. 1269 Macadam t Phones Mala 78JM, A-28W. - NEER & FAR Rand oak rMAbi ffwel.1i2 t0t eUm'' COM Main 4696. A-454T. .. . . UUAL. v x. I A J 1 O I n laiTlalO VV0UU allU UUdl L0 BAST 818, B-1M67. AalLIVEUED " PROMPTLY EVERTS. Foot Cnrry street. siulu bioi. r. Bux, ylauer, block,, slab, cord wood and coal. Standard Wood Co., 847 B. Stark. East 2315. 'alRINA FbEL CO. All kind of green sod dry wood, noes pprmg ana Mendots eo. COAL and. all kinds, of woodXboniLUoigiiitn Fuel Co.. Bellwood 485. ' ' PUUEMX Fuel Co. Dry wood $1.60 per load. 621 Bsrler. - Main 8544. , FLil.KI'Sli.N bandies wood snd eoaL COLLECTION t - CURRENT and dellmroent Out of town cot lection s specially. Honest, efficient err Ice. Highest reference. 1321-23 i'eoo bldg. The dtandard Mercanttl Agene.-, E. W. Angeil, Mnnsirer, sinln WA. ' COI.LKi.TIU.S3 siieclalty, I.. ana and adjust- menu, unuiui Jcut, Ui u ci u, -'-NOTICES 14123 United Tailors, 1374M I'plMiiila Inreatment company, 1)4(13 U. A M. Derelopuient oimpany, The 13811 Vacuum Carin-t Cloauer company, . 1271)0 Vale lumber company. ; , 14101 Vaughn Motor company. . 14726 Vain Uealty A Investment eompany. 14521 Valley Bavlnsa bank. H2tA Victor. Vaudeville circuit, 14(t2 Ward Artesian Well and Oil Co., The. l.'ltiwg Waii.ymia Abstract A Investment Co, pom Washington County Puhllsblng Co. . 13031 Ward Logguig tk., Incorporated, The, J4I03 Waablugion MnrMe Co. . . , 127M Walnut l'lnntstlon Co. t 12847 Wenaba Water A Power Out 13201 West Coast Construction Co., The.'1 9216 Western Trust A Investment Co. 14483 Western Timoer A Lumber Co, 12l Western Water Pipe Co. 12581 White Pine Box A Lumber Oe. 12355 Whirlwind Remedy Co., The, 11913 Windy Hollow Mining Co. 111877 Wit berspoon Libraries, The. 14158 Willamette Auto A Bupply Co. ' , 14706 Willamette Concrete Construction Co. ' 7089 Wlllsmette Fruit Company, The. 13280 Willamette Motor Boat Club. " 133411 World Film Manufacturing Co, 13078 Woodlawn Ice A C-oal Co. li.'l9 Woodrllle Mill Co., The. " 12!8i3 Worrell Outfitting Co., The. ' W(40 Wrlabt Mercantile Co. - 12024 Younger Grocery Co. izzue Kiinmerman racking i o. Kow. Therefore. I. Oawuld West, as Onrernor Of the Btate of Oreaon. br virtue of the au thority 'conferred upon me by Chapter 172, of the Laws of Oregon,- 10(H), and under and pur suant to the terms and provisions thereof, do hereby declare each end alt of the foregoing and above named corporations dlsaolred, and tbelr artlclee of incorporation revoked and re pealed, and all powers conferred by law upon ' " . IT ""' ,T. ' " ' '" im: w n wsat JUUlUilJiJlUeJ ..'.COMlliaSIOlT MERCHANTS SO E MOD Bench Egg Co.; 114 Unloa are. But- er, egga, nouury, vest, Poga ' ' UJCNBY A.VEHD1NG, 45-47 Front U Butter, ...iffi poiinry, rest, nogs, nine. DA1BT AMP CBEAMIBY BtJfgXJBS MONROE A CR1SETX, 145 Front, dairy, cheese ini7 nMmimrt snq supplies. DENIAL SPECIALISTS DB. A. W. KKKNE, Dentldt. Majestic Theatre niog.. eoitt wasn. t. Msrsnaii uxoa, SANCXHO . PROF. WAL WILSON'S Dancing School. Walts, two-step, three-step, scbottlsche; leaaon. 25e J very morning, afternoon and evening. All uaucee guaranteea lirst lesson. Do you know, anyone who walk can learn to dance Stage and fancy dance taught dilly, 85 6th St.. between Stark and Oak its. - Main 1t1 . IB. AND MUS. UKATU'S schools. Allskv bids.. ' 8d and Morruwn and 109 2d st, bet Wb. and Stark. Lesson dally, fancy and tg .uyiiiS iauSBt: wans ana two-step guaranteed ''ona. Clas Mon., Frt Eve. 1 to 10 at -vw -am VI. j TttT--AaTmCLU. TEETH Snertaltat m tilii. .rk tni!, ... t aarv-v uiuuw 1MUK.. 111D litl V narrnsB SERKAXOLOOISXS Moles. Wrinkles, a rain mnMuHu rm "i"i wnni mag, nam 0042. OBBSSMAJUlta SCH00V TalenrJne'e system ldt' , j. . snaking uught. 102 Graud sv. betwsea Mor. S asesjgg SS liu ps-iojan t " ' LLtCTJUO . M0TOBS ABB DYNAMOS WB BUY. sell rent mil .h.. .. n, ... pir work a specialty. Western Electric Works. S18 flth V r, . aDI"n bought, sold, repaired. 1 H-M-H Elec. C.Q., 81 N. First. Malu 92 10. Kltric awtor. speciaUst. James, Mcausl """I. jug union. Kaat HT. ' EYE, EAR, BOSS AND THROAT - . Treatment by gpeclslhrt Glasses fitted. Dr. r. r. Caaseday, 418 Dekum bldgr ' f ABM ViatEMSJiX AMP VFitiriTFg P?S1TAt)fl' Sl 'rout, f lmlpe. - w, mwH pq tieiq renee. - B, M. WADJS A CO.. 822 Hswtlu.-ua "mwT Wboleeale agricultural Implement. yOPBDBT AND HACHIBI SHOT PboenU Iron Works. B. 8d and Bawthera. Oeoerel snachlne and foundry work. rUBBIIUBB BSPAIBIHa B?21:B8-..PAE.80N8'. 10Vi Front Mala 1 ""ure uoepiisi; pacaing. . FUR! AND IAZIDEBJUSX uxuuukunq and new work, F. B. flnley " . . yuiUBlui, . 1. OIASS ABO GLAZING mm, vres Co., 184-188 3d st Prompt Mrrlrs. Ulnar w.fla M " w- am-sW4M GASOLINE ENGINE kW'aafaseasah-1 1UBINB sad stationary, wholesale aed reulL ; HAIB, DRESSING IIP TO DATS halrdoesslng, manicuring, fsca HAXB GOODS - T. ii 1. FEBTKT A HANEBDT laug wig and toupee maker, Oneet stcch of human hair goons; hair dressing, manlcur li. S, ,1!-"lp trwUnBt '" tu, near SAX FACTORY THB BOYAL HAT WORKS, 223 Flrat HAY AMP CRAIM i&k?J!2.HT'i28J?0 .N-lTU" Hy. grain, f4Xl. CWmw anil ahlnalea "t II wmnAici ' LTtSUBABCB PACIFIC STATES F1RB IN8DBANCB ca i. 7 luwutiiirw CvJLTipa Q J aS ySJft'i'J'"1' ranca M.u w -.....z .1 im., oiu wiieog bldg. cuAttAlt, sate A Lively, m Yoa blUa . Every form of lnsursnce, bonds. . JUNE. DEALERS HIGHEST iirlce paid for fool, old machinery. copper, rubber, bottles, M. 8276. LADIES' TATtOBTBOr HIGH grade tailoring, expert cutter and fitter: suits altered and remodeled at latest style. We also mak so your own material, wnr. iiiiiictii. a. yurusn, iiovt, so. . M. 6874. li'OR LADIES' GARMENTS try E. A. Adumf 291 H Morrison, .ulte 7. Mar. 1934! ftfeS LANDSCAPE GARDENING PACIFIC Landscape Gardening company. 615 LANTERN BUDS 8TEREOPTICONS sold, rented; , operator fur. . wi.u.u, inNiwutv.. osuuers, snow esribL. signs. Enterprise Art Co.. 73 6th. LEATHER ABO FINDINGS - CHAS. L. MASTICR A CO.. 74 Front Leather vi wKiiyiaw, isy wanuiagturer. find logs. ' "m MACHINERY B. 'TRENKMAN A CO., hydrauUe and special y.w, u.v ,i:na, v. inu.i, mining m. chinery. repair. 104 N. 4th. ENUlNKil, boilers, sawmills bought, sold and titmmni, im t. v. martin km., rortlsnd.Or. MANICURING MANICURING Most thorough sod satlafaetorv .''V V'j: MATEBBITT HOSPITAL ' " PORTLAND Lylng-In Hospital Mnternlty ease only. 816 N. 22d st. Marshall 3564. ' XEB'S FURNISHING GOODS : Neostadter Bros., 6th and Ankeny, Importer ef men' furnishing goods. ... MESSENGERS HASTY MESSENGER CO., open sight Sod day U.l. HI . i,..l ' m MORTGAGE LOANS asiasaasaasi"si '"sis"ass ll'asaaas'sSiSSBsaaiBtain JOHN KER,' mortgage Io- a. Insurance, 803 Yeon bids. vHaln 9285. MV610 SCHOOLS AND TEACHEBS RAGTIME Piano claying posttlrely taught anv nerann in 20 lessons; sjjfeea guaranteed. Write nv fof iree oookiui. i.uriiitiii-u a oiuooi or Popular M111I0, 201 Gnoilnoi(rh bldg, ' BAGT1MBS guaranteed 1b tlQ to 2u. liw,n, l'tano. maudollu, gultur, si tcachr Ot popitlar bjiisU', Hours 12 to 1 Mud ? to 7 y. m.t 4T7 KHitw tnlildhig, ' uu !.. f.IA A'l" till U (hnrna s sa UUUPT VVb urvwvuu BIB - koiic::j such corporations are bcrtby declared Inopors- tire snd void. ' , ... In Wllnuas Whereof, 1 have hereunto let my baud and caused tbe Great fcenl of ellats to bo hereunto afflicil at the Cltr of Bnlem, Ktate of (Ireeon. this sixth dnr of Jnnimrv. In the rear of our Lord oil 'thousand nine hundred thirteen. . ., . , OSWALD WKST, , Governor, By the Oorernor; ' H1CN W. lOU'OTT. Beeretary of Btate. 1'ItUCLAMATIUN Whereas, The Bccrelury of Htate of the fitste of Oregon, a required by Chapter 60, Laws of Oretron. lull, did on the 6lh dar of Juminrr. 1013, report to me, aa tlm Gorernor of the Btate or Oregon, a list ot list of all foreign corporations consecutive years or more next said th day of January, 11)13, icglected or refused to furnish Secretary of Ktate. euv atate- which fur two preceding the nave mneu, nrgiecieu or retuseo to rurnisu him. h ,M Keprutarr of Ki.t. .n .1.1. !,.. . . meut , required to be furnbdied nnder any law of the Htate, or to nay to the Btate Treasurer nv ll....n (.. ,m1ret In h n.M nmler -n. , - " - . : ' any llrenae fee required to be paid tinder any isw or me Btate; 1 ana, Whvreae, Bald reKH-t of the BecrettrT 0f Btate. so made as aforesaid, eontalna the names or the following foreign corporations which for two consecutive year or more next preceding the date of said report bare failed, neglected or refused to rurnmn any such statement to pay. any such license fee, to-wlt; r-07 Alhambr Theatre Company, Tbe (Wash ......,. , pany (Washington). m JHJSIG SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS i p yVeo vo . w . " x in 1 iir. W' prgctical teaching, 3d and Washington r. iv eimics mug., n. ki. corner T. B. LAWS0N, 135 14th. Main 6197, leaannsi 60 cents.' . Plane . . ,r.,lfr-r. aiamiaii inaj, NEUROPATH ' DB. J. K., LA VALLEY.. SPECIALIST man NOMIS. uervoua, acute and chronic dlaeeie. ORNAMENTAL WIRE AND IB0B PORTLAND WIRB 1E0N WORKS, 284 2d jtrvimrcinrai wire (na iron. - : O8IE0PAIH1O yHYSICIABS DB. LILLEBELLB PATTERSON, pclllt a nerve, scut and chronic dlsee. 415 Co. ImmI.1. . . -1 m . w 1 uuiu.. mil, wrid eimi DR. W. ARNOLD UNDSKY. Hn-l.ll., . l)l..nmlH.M U... U , t. -7" MMwuu.Bi.inua, Hwuimi iimi imi inervona via. rmmrw, uia iiriiim Ping, wain B7. VS. aUAU U. UKUftN. StlO Jnnrn.l KU Hours 10:30:80. M. 8609. Re. Tenor 22 I" PATENT ATTOBXEYS PATENTS procured by J, Kr Mock, attorney. mm m-rn pi inm, piag. - - PAINT, OIL AND GLASS W?NKB.rIMT.C0:.18ei First it. Main 1334, mr 7043 THE BEAVEU VARN1BH WORKS make good products. Aak ronr dealer. BASMCS.8HN A CO.. "Ulah Btandard'; paint . -'rnrr no una layior. M.-A-I771 PAINTINO ABB 7APEBXB 0 VcTpS?! Ari7P'p,rin' UDttt'' BIN 0 667 for figure on papering, painting and tlnMng. Cheapest and best. J. Vrd. uouu work mr motto. A. Osbourn. iua it..? U.' . .1,1. ....... b ...... . .... . . ' " t.wb..iw.i. ii-.ioi . nam ,iue. best work, price right, cell p. A. Dosd." WMWWfV ' .. .. BAYIBO) COBGfABTEB ,. - -, v WARREN CONSTBUCTION 0O.-Btre pay. Inc. sidewalks and cnulnn vtk nZ -f... lMhiAyLVINO CO. Port: 111 r,igrrrie pnuoing. v - PHOTO, BIUTU0S The Arne studio will remor. aft r..... . to 845 Washington. , tin PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Fictory and ef- v- -"n nu inn. Bin PLUMBING ABB HEATING, ;,v ,.--, CONTRACTING, repairing, honeet Urtcea, eatt . mate fure. T. H. Crowtber. 355 Id. M 7aa&. n blphjibo "umjes KLINE. 84-86 Front t. Wholes! plgmb lng snd steam supplies. t - - : r yOPCOBJs C0BFECTI0B1 .k v .,. STANDARD CRISP CO., 293 Gllaaa, Popcors Crisp. Kornut salted note. w PRLBIINO ffiXHJ-wJ.k.: Ml T1. 3001TB0, PAIMTaiO, REPAIBXN0) - . ,i4AiL t11-1-1. aheet metal work, tia shoo. 652 Thnrmyn 11,1a 0!U'J. - . , a .u.v, 'BITBBEB. STAMPS AND tat ,-, BT?.NCl V!L,lSef .t"0Mr' Ounninghan. H'niL"'!. b"M.. ilDM tencli,' ""I mm gi nam AfVI ( ess,erjw asiw, nt BiriGIII MBit, - - BANIIARIUM NISBETH'S SANITARIUM A ' sanltartuni for surgical, nerroiis, chronic and all disease not contagious: also matemltr u.m pathlo equipment and massage. 616 Lore Joy. SHOWCASES ABO FIXTUREI THB JAMES I. MARSHALL MFG. CO. New 110 oiu Buuwcases, eauioeu, store, . off ice. Window firture. 4th and Couch?- SHOWCASES ot erery dswarlption. bank.' b - and store futures mad to order. Tbe Lath Mfg. Co. ; - -' - v - ..- - SIGHS A5D SHOW CARDS WOODEfT SIGNS General Job work. C. A. uopiiiiignor. wig. xo., at. Jobn. Or. Col. 684. WiUAUMiklt CO., 61 Communwealta bldT. Hrwifaw wai4ia. ninth lrm m.i. a... a . TOWEL SUPPLY CLEAN towel daily, comb, brush, soap. Towel Supply Co. 9th ami Couch ts., 1 per month. rwunuu jvuuuij w. f mturw mailt ml)t A -44 JO XAILORXNQ SCHOOL KIESTEB'S Ladles' Tailoring ' College,, Lear TRANSFER AND STORAGE - - - ,- . -i -1,1-1, i)l( ; , O. PICK Transfer A Storag Co office ! siuu cuiuiuvuiuur m uwrw uritTK with separate Iron room and fireproof vault for -valuable. K, W, eurow id and pine et Piano and. furniture- moved snd packed for hipping. Special rates made on goods in our through car to sll domestic and fur sign points. OREGON TRANSFER CO."" Established 1870. .. Transfer sud forwarding agents, ' . Storsge, free trackage. f -1 rf" Office ud storag. 474 UlUan atrtmi. 13th and Gllsan. ' Main 69, A-llftS. PUUiLAMl Van A Storage Co., Inc., lath and Everett: most modern itorag warehonu In city; low fir Insurance rate proof of this. Free trackage, moving, packltjr, shipping; re duced freight rate on household good la througo cur to sod .from east. Main 664U, A- bAUOAGU A Oiuiilbualrauafi-r Co. Uaggag ehecked at - Tour bome. furniture nu..i tored r packed for shipment. : Park and Da vis sts. - Phones Main mm; A-8.'I22. XYPEWBITEBS, TYPEWRITERS, slightly msed, L. C. Smith nd all otner maaes at reuueed price snd easy terms. im enntn uro. Typewriter fo , uiis sti ;'-;,.",; Ir;, t , ALL make rented, repaired, sold, Cunnlne. bam Co., 2111 Stark. Mala 14ot. VIOLIN MAKER KUDEN. violin maker,' expert renstrlnv si aiihsj mg., omrriiHtn, wrner tw. VIOLIN AND ELOCUTION EXPERIENCED-ekwUtlonlstr idancln-sml lin lessons w-viiiiuitu. kj jam r, S. V2HZ. WHOLESALE JOBBERS ' ' M. A. GUNHT A CO., DlSi,Mtn,fOHr.fti'i'Nat:''tfirjAR 1, if ;il,- LVKuUl.NG o SAUUE1.L produce and eon.mla slon merchants. 140 Frout St.. Portlunu. Or. Phone Main 179. siOhiiAN WALL PAPER CO., 2.10 2d St., lie. ALLi..N A LLtwa OucUiU i F-85 Ani.llle Computing 8cal. Company (In- F-325 Willamette Cous'tructloo Company (Dei- F-B82 Blue Bell Gold Mining A Milling Com- Kow, Therefore, I, Oswald West, as Gorernor wjim ntll Ilk! i,;i.i f.i.. t f Oregon, by -virtue of the su- F-2S8 11 ff am Pitts romnn n! n322 UWUf S0"'" U"0U Cl"",h'r M f . .2 i;ar,1"let.K m Co. (California). r to the terms and Drovlslons thereof, do hereby r-ow tamniieii 'runner ana inreatment com- 1 h. . 1 ,. , . .2.1 r.oTlC! : ? F-218 Dalncs .'Mlnlnff. and Milling Company . ( VVasliliiglnii). F-473 Electrolj' tic Copper Company (Wsablng. ton). F-1S9 Greenback Gold Mining Compaay (Arl- aona). sud F--B36 G4d Hun Mining Company (Arlsons). F-414 llolcomb ik-sliy Couipauy of Oregon (Californls). F-305 Ideal Hydraulic Gold Mining Company, (South Dakota). ... , IM20 Jerry Lumber and Mining Company (Arl- ' aona). ,''. F-101 May Flower Gold Mining Company (Washington). - F-BS0 Mount Jcfterson Light end Power Com v ... w ''."i,.' ? K?, S,i 2T1 v V 0wyH r. M Oreailn Fl. " w lr' a. pany (Hievsda). company iiiunois;. oruiers' irrigatins Company ,.'1 Ill - M 0 -----v.. ,a power Comnanr Tk. I' - W Oregon . eeirie i ower . company, lb. 1 t Vnhra.U. 1. . '.j, K,,,l i r .a fJranf M,.r. u 0re'?im,W. ' 17 ' Company I AriSOIIS). ( F-BM Pacific Coast Airency. The (Arsons. F-H44 Pat Mining Compsuy, The (S. Diikota). " F-il,ia l'arxMis ltnod-Cutter A Bulf-iiVvUitr Cotn- ' Pny, The (Iowa). F-608 Portland, Lakerlew and Eastern Hallway (ormmiiv Arixona). a F-3TO Ttereuue Mining Company (Indiana). ' er F-ltll Ktar Loan Company, The (Montana). f r 41 Boclate Mlniere de Clarke-Creek et liurnt- - r-H Wa.hlngton-Oregon Traction , Company Klrer (France). . I wsh ilmrtonl. ltfht nf fllh anil all nf thm foreffO- mg ana bdov named corporation to transact business in the Btate of Oregon revoked and re pealed, and ill power conferred by law upon such corporation are, hereby declared Inopera tive and rold. .. In Wltnes Whereof, I hare hereunto eet my hereunto aimed at the t'Dy of Salem. Btate of Oregon tht Ixth day of January, in the year 0' our Lord on thousand nine hundred and I w wot. - .. . uawALU wkkt. ' ' i... . . - . ,. nnv.rnnr. By the florernor; - - ,.i :(. ' HKN w. )I.OQTT. Secretary ef State. OHDV-'CHf R t My Success In all mr work I am thorough. painstaking and careful to give Just the right treatment required In each Individual case Eor years I hav been Droving mv abilltv. and nw buslnesa methods have always been strictly v reliable. My unqualified success is out to a.tnoroiis-n mem. cal education, supplemented by years of experience in men's , Special dis orders only. My treatment la as cor rect aa modern science can mak It Maybe, you have been treated and only helped temporarily or not at aiL Ha your trouble atiit the upper hand of your JDo not despair, consult ma free and let mo toil you whether you can over be cured, , If X take your caae 1 CUKE you. -! 1 will five my tirue, my attention to our case so uiat you win so away cured and gratef ut You need not pay a nickel until you ara satisfied that you are cured. 1 have) treated, thousands. - I have cured thousands. . it ma cure yuu. - - -; '- - ' -- XH1C NEW UhlHMAN REMEDY - - TOli BLUUL) POISON It in now two years since tha in. troduotloa of the MEW - GEkuJan REMEDY lor BLOOD jyOIsuN, and uuriusj mat tune x tumfo aamiuistered this preparation la several thousaud cases, i have gi ven this remedy a severe test and can say without tear of contradiction that it la the great. est discovery of ttie age and the best remeay on carta ior utooa tr Olson re gardlttus of the stage of th disease, uon't believe doctors who tali you otherwise, v -r- ; 1 introduce It directly Into th oiooa uy me 'iniravjunuus math od." giving you tha genuine Qerman Kemedy. You coma to my office, ra. ceive the treatment, so about your worn as usual ana in ten aays' time the symptoms disappear. Why should you- conUnue . taking poisonous and injurious . drugs, into your stomach for years when you can coma to ma ana os curcai -- WEAK NERVOUS MEN. Don't despair, ticlence has at last found a sura cure.. ANIMAL SERUM properly administered is th remedy that never disappoints - my patients. LKin't persist in old-fashioned treat ments mat aiw-ays rail, wnsn .1 can offer you a lasting- one. . a My practice la limited to th disor ders I tne male, ana is further con fined to these special and chronlo atf eotions of tha pelvic tract, "These include Lost Vitality. Enlarged Veins. Hydrocele, Blood Disorders, Con tracted Aliments and Bladder and Kidney Diseases. I have taks up these ailments especially, - because thousands of men are held down bv chronlo weakness, which the Aver age practicing physician does not understand and usually tries to make light of by telling? the catient that nature will boon repair the waste, My advice and consultation ara free .to the afflicted, whether treat ment is taken or not I am always glad to explain my methods and give friendly advice to all -who calL If you cannot come to see me. write far self-examination, blank. Hours. a, m to 9 p. m.; Sundays, 10 to 12 only. DR. B 21 H MORRISON ST., COR. FIRST, , PORTLAND, OREGON. - SEE MB FREE. If you are y worrying about any ailment in- eluded among - those f 'Within which I sp oialue, ' 1 ' tnvlte you - to call at mv office f and 1 wi i FKEE A c ' exatninatl Ul icive you conscientiou examination and. dl- ..nulla end advise you of the . proper rnurss to DUrsU 10 rorever of your worry and -v years ot expeeuc IzS .V rrifi.,itious have made me i evAert in thetieatment of tbe ail a. P.lin JB?i. MhiM are afflicted. WEverv man "ulUni t my oiflce is sssVrV of "y lute1" .tV.f: : until .. - ure is er tWiUNEOSALVARSAN Improved GermanJKemedy for , BLOOD POISON 1 Administer the remedy acoordlng to the very lateet method. Come to me if you have any or the following disorders?. Enlarged Veins, pimples. .- Nervous Debility, Nerve, Blood and Skin Disorders, Bladder Troubles, Blood Poison, Eruptions, Ulcers, Special Ailments, puss or Fistula," !'.-.- - - t to 6 7 tor roann Ban days IS to X! Examination Advice Free, J. J. KEEFE, Ph. G. M. D. Rooms 11-15 Lafayette Bid. S13,a VA9HINOTON ST., COiU 6TI1 PORTLAND. OR. i r- i-n.i i ii. aP It i 9 V 0 v cl A . w -pi m AC 1.V ,111 yc dr 1( Cl. ttt An