c I, .. i' , f ,. ...mi iil. ctv .f nnM..-1 flat i i 1 1 i ii.. t:iiie fur rimxi.li-r-.i , . .il l . i jot:-. hr. (.'., 12!) I Mi Ji'l- . : t M . cor. s:l M. ' t-t..sT .Model" 6-rmin I'lat, lu ll ..'.iv lurniHlioii, $30, lath ana Last i iiil lU.NT Modern furnished fist; . i l...tl. trA lint , Tnmttri J'Eluun vni'-i. imui M;; i:. Yamhill nt or phone Kant 61 Ml. HOTELS 61 HOTEL PORTLAND European plan enlv 11.50 aid up. ' HIOKLS AXlJ OFFICES 11 - Warehouse In flouih I'ortlnnd, brick warehouse for rent for long term, trackage, light, dry una airy, la suitable for light nian nfaoturine: also. Inquire at Journal bus- Ini-KS office. , A HOOD opportunity for retaaurant anil boarding house at Whltwood court. i-heap rent. Apply to . m. r-annu. $i per month; desk room, use of tele phono, reception room, counter, etc. 123 Chamber of Commerce bldg. ' ' )D MONTH Modern elore for barber, cobbler, school atore. 6338 JOBtcr Ttoad, Anabel ' ---:' " . V FOK REXT HALLS j. CI) LA ROB ateanvbeated hall for Saturday . ' and Sunday ; nights, , Inquire Howe- Pa vis Co., Ill Zdst bMALL ball for rent Howe-Davis Co, ill 2d fit. l'OIl IlKXT 5IISCELLANEOU8 33 FOR RENT-Bsrn, 80 a tails, near Broadway bridge. For particulars, Sellwood 1351. - " ; WANTED TO' 1U-;XT. 7 I On 7 room house, bungalow preferred, furnace, In good neighborhood, . on sat side, close to school, y Phono Wood lawn 1660. - - , : i V nOltSKS, VEHICLES, ETC 18 Speed I Speed! Speed I Prince Lovelace,- the finest driving horse on the coast; can show you a 2:08 gait; gentle and fearless; also a fin big Cheallls pacer that can step in 8:30; one of the best road horses In city. I will sell these horses way below value or lake cheaper horses In exchange. 14 Union ave, cor. E. Ash. -- "' Graders and. Farmers Take : ' Twenty head of good mules and horses wlthi their harness must be sold . at once to stop feed bill, as I have no work for them; can be seen at the Union ave, mablew, 14 Union ave.." cor. E. Ash. SPECIAL TO RANCHERS One team of bay horses, weight about 2600 lbs, t years old and harness as good as new. An outfit consisting of team of horses, about 2100 lbs., quiet and gentle, good workers, a little pavement sore, and 24 ranch wagon and double set of har ness; all for t:Sfi. 850 North lath at . rtables. - ' ' " STALLION AT SACRIFICE. Pedigree Belgian bay, about years old; weight about 2000 lbs. Cash sale , preferred, but will entertain exchange for unincumbered real' estate In or near Portland. Yeager & Cornish, attorneys, in:', 8 Chamber of Commerce. ' Marshall 4975. -- ' CARLOAD or eastern Oregon ..horses and tmares, weight 115u to 1500 pounds. -A II horses guaranteed. Madison Stables. 185 Madison St.. on the ap proach of Hawthorne bridge, West fcilrle. . - 880 buys good family or ranch horse, weighs 1200 lbs., good worker any place, with harness and spring wagon, 'l ake Sellwood car to Insley ave., walk 8 blocks east to house 781. y MAKES and horses all kinds, weighing 1000 lbs. to 1400 lbs., 4 to 8 years old; prices reasonable. . Foot of Main, west pMc. '" ' VANTED- Team, weight 2800, wagon and harness. In exchange for 1V4 lots with 3 room house, on Oregon City car at Oak Grove station.- B-202.- Journal. ONE sorrel horse aTyears old, weight 1400 lbs. Works single and double e nd tsound; also t mares, sound and good worwers; ror sale cneap. bib mast e st. JO LOTS Nob Hill Add. to Oregon City, mores preferred. H. McElflsh, 611 244th ft. N. . . 8V6 BUYS complete delivery outfit, good horse, new harness and enclosed wagon. In f If st : claBa condition. 06 Alberta tt. 't - . FOR SALE Several farm teams, young horses, yarylngjn weight l5ftJ.o.lfiQO. O. R Hovenden. 106 6tb st. FOR SALE Several farm teams, young horses, varying In weight 1250 to 1 500. G. B. Hovenden. 106 6th st. HORSES 20 head, all kinds; gooseneck express wagons: harness and saddles. J81 Waterr cor. Montgomery, West Side. 1100 LB.- horse and heavy single ex press harness, 866. Phone Sellwood FARM team for sale cheap. Hawthorne " ave. car to Division st, walk 1 block west and blocks south. 2815 68th S. E. A GOOD team of mules cheap or will exchange for horses, 14 Union ave., -ror. E.-AshV" - v ..- - A 5-PASSENGER tourist auto to ex change for. stock, t what have you? '14 Union ave., cor. E. Ash. FINE Shetland pony outfit, none better; cheap, or will exchange for driving rig. 14 Union ave, cor E. Ash. LIVESTOCK, 33 10 HEAD of extra good dairy cows, - some - fresh and others comlngfresh soon; Jerseys, Holatelns and Durhams. Give 4 to 6 U gallons. .Take Wood stock car to 69ht ave, walk 3 blocks westc Phone Sellwood 2071. 1 AM GOING to close out my herd of 18 head of high grade Jerstey cow. For sale, some fresh, with calves and rest will freshen soon; high testers and all young cows, second and third calves. Address y. J. Phillippl, Kingston, Or. 14 GOOD dairy cows, part Jersey and om big--Iirhftm eewa: some frewh and the rest coming fresh soon. A. Hesa. . V mile east of Lents. Take Mt. Scott cur,- ' -v . FRESH COV for. sale, 6 years old, high . grade. Jersey, gentle, elves over 4 rallotis, at Greenberg station on Oregon Electric. Address T. DeLand, Route 1, iieaverion, ur. FOR SALE A fresh Jersey cow, 2d . calf heavy., rich milker. Inquire 609 K. Kessenden st.. at Newport station. POULTET THE JOURNAL has inaugurated a poul try oepartment :. wntcn will appear every Saturday on the page preceding the clasaified ads. You will there find ' Hometbing interesting every Saturday. Head these articles. Use The Journal lor results. - POOS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 40 ILEAL ; Irish . terrier, puppies, best of pals, true Ulue,-the kind you can't lose. John M. Mann, 68 4th st. Both ! ieipmiie. TlIoROUGil BRED Scotch collie pups; rroigiec jjivcu wnii mt-n, pell. B4. G E NUlNE Spits pup, 6 months old, for sale. Phone Woodlawn 608. PAIR of canaries, good aingers; phone Main 8926. AITOMOBILES-MOTORCYCLES 44 SMITH Is now located at 828 Burns ids fit, with a large stock of new and second band automobile tires, 33 to 316 each.- We buy, sell and exchange any thing pertaining to autos. $1000 Mortgage . Trsde for automobile - or vacant lot, I iri ciHfn eciiriiyLj,'gut journaL . Ajjbi-ivo..j oia auto tirs, Jo H, d' hvrred; No. 2 auto tires, 6a lb. Irrner tubes. 15e to 23e lb, J. Leve, 184 t-clumbia st; Main 6188. -- UlU-atf4-l-at-aywewt n Ttlre Lome place in Albtna district See I'siion, Itartman ft 'Thompson bank. XJHvKE 6-ton Whit auto truck, fine T a e, j:tu0; lernia. Phone B-13i0. .;n.i:,;-Moioi:'Y('i.t. ti Second-Hand I For Sale We have a few good buys In slightly used truck and cars of different makes, traded In on new Whites. Also some bargains In rebuilt, trucks and cars.,. - , Write for latest llst and de-' acrlptlon - Mention the make you prefer. i Prices from 1300 to 83000, Offices 69 Seventh- Street, -rortland, Oregon. FOR TRADK 40 acres of timber land 5 miles from Raker." Or., for auto in first-class, running condition, fully equipped. Call or address 471 Taylor st. I'honn' Main 8676 iiwi rLissn,'li.'nll(i ' condition, fully equlp?MU Cun b 0an WILL sell cheap, new Presto lamp and" tank for auto truck. Room 333 Sher lock blork SO.MK good lots to exchange 'or auto. What have vou? V. 618 Board of Trade. ML8IC.1L ' INSTRUMENTS 84 A SNAP Klrkman piano, best English make. In a-ood condition. fine tone. ivory keys. )60 takes It. Inquire week days at 247 Alder at, between, Second and Third. PIANOS for sale: a few sample pianos and player pianos that have. been on display foi" the wholesale trade wlU be sold at factory cost Terms If desired. Room 815, Merchants Trust bldg. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 FOR 6ALE New and second-hand Car. om and pocket billiard tables, and bowling alleys and, accessories; bar fix turea of all kinds: easy- payments. The Brunswlck-Balke-Collender Co.. 48-48 6th st. Phones Main 7. A-176. FOR SAL40 A white serge suit, 83.60; a purple diagonal suit, 35, slightly worn, very modern: also a lonir tan coat2. Phbne A-7420 or call at 107 Norm zist at.. jucKApt room a. .WELL' ROTTED East 630: Manure B-180S. . Cow and horne. for- roses and lawna. delivered any part of city, 1 COJf'FUK urn. steam table, range, ex tension table, hoater, 4x8 portable blackboard, davenport. Encyclopedia Britannlca. 384 Russell st bAi'&d New and second-hand; large assortment: aares opened and re aired.. M osier Safe Co.. 108 2d st 'hone Main 7f7. bEWINU machine for sale cheap. Call at 417 Henry bldflr.. or phone Main 1J02. Well Rotted Manure East 4926. FOR SALE . OR RENT Logging and hnlatinc .THln rnntnptnn1 nilln. aient Italiway Equipment Co., 1st A Oak USED MACHINES, all makes, caah or terms, rncea ngnt. singer tscwing Machine Store. 388 Morrison st 18-FOOT BOAT, speeder, 6 horsepower, V bottom, or exchange for motorcycle. Phone past 6671. - ' - ' -- UiOODTiicycle and delivery basket for saie cneap, goon conoiwon. zvv ptarK. BARBER shop for gale; also furniture ror t-room rouse, rnont caei a 10. BUFFALO overcoat in good Condition, reasonable. B-199, journal. ONE doctor's chair; standard sewing ma- ciuner. x 4-noie xangeaai urana ave. BICYCLES 310 and up. Bargains la motorcycles. - 1K1 Madison. FOR SALE One Reliance range, nearly new. Phone Heiiwooq s3z. DERBY DESKS and office furniture. Haley Desk Co, 210 7th st Main 5S7. 810 NEW HOME sewing machine, all attachments. 102 Grand ave. WAJiTEDMISCELLANKOUS 5 v Square Deal Furn, Cd 235 Front, Main 2344 We just started in; must have house hold goods: will pay highest cash price. Let us make you an offer. NOTICE 'TO MOVERS. We want to buy everything In fur niture, stoves and rugs that we can get. All we ask la an opportunity to make you an offer, ., Will pay all the cash it is worm, phone re. sap. WANTED People of Portland to know that I pay the highest cash price for second-hand - household -goods. N. - M, Seater. 124-136 Grand ave. East 1662. WANTED Good second, hand power freight elevator from one to two tons capacity; Portland Stove Works, 626 HOOd st. - - WHY sell your furniture at auction? We pay highest prices. Make no mis take; address M. R. Seater, 248-50 Haw thorne ave. Phone East 3134. COVELL FURNITURE AND COMMIS SION CO. Days the - best nrice for jronrTeWndfi'Snd I u rnltu re, carpets and stoves. 204 First. Main 2UZ2. GKAN Rapids Furniture Ex., 88 Grand ave. East 768. -Pay the best price for your furniture. See them, WANTED 3-A Eastman kodak; must be in good condition and a bargain. B-205, Journal. WE need the goods, you need the mon ey. Rose City Auction House, 368-373 Hawthorne ave. East 683. BE WISE, get more for your second hand furniture by selling it to Ford Auction Co, 211 1st Main 8861 . A-2445. BARGER'S AUCTION HOUSE. 368-370 E. Morrison st. E. 1022, 31000 worth of good furniture at once. PHONE MAIN 4773. . -to get top figures forT your aecond hand furniture, etc. Exchange dept . CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS. Martin. 320 Lumber Exchange Bldg. LOST AND FOUND 21 PARTY who took neck fur bv mistake. from Majestic theatre .Sunday please reiurn 10 journal oi nee. iNO questions oiiKfii. rtewaro. ... A PURSE containing money; owner can have same by proving contents and paying xor mis a a. call at journal of rice. - LOST Gold bracelet on Williams ave. between Beach and Fremont valued for association. 230 Beech. LOST Brltidle and white male bulldog, -defect: In left eye, eceema. marks on fore feet Phone Main 3890: reward. LOST On 3d st near ,Wrash. abatiaot ahd 'mtg. Finder please leave , at journal orncei FOUND 1. Owner may . have same by calling FOUND Mink neckpiece in dept. store Myw 4in. . cau at journal or flee for information. j. n PrcStroU anT BeeeiTon Williams ave. rteiurn vti vv 1 1 Hams ave LOST-Gentleman's diamond ring, New , V, j-.ioenu rewara at our- AM.) lV.i.Mt THE following it u list of nrttclcH found on tin) -cars Of tint 1'ortlninl Railway Light ii l ower company und turned In at the different divlxion points, own ers may pcetire name by applying at barns a indie; ted. Turned in at Ankeny bnrn, January 10, 1918. lt-1168; uii.! lunch box, 1 piece of tin pipe, 1 packago collars, 1 jar of pickles, 2 purses, 1 stickpin, 1 tobacco pouch, 1 package " needles, 2 umbrellas. , Turned In at Sellwood barn, January 10, 1913. Phone H-6141: Six umbrellas. 1 grip, 1 pair trousers, 1 package of books, 3 miscellaneous parcels. , Turned in st Snvler street car house. Phone A-6DS6: ' Three umbrellas, 1 blue print , .. ' Turned In at Piedmont ham. i Phone C-1227: Two sultcanes, 1 broom, I lunch hnx, 1 bundle books, 8 gloves, 4 iiinbrcliHs, l book, I package mlscel- ianeou. 26 REWARD Will be paid for the re covery of property as described below; Brown gelding, standard bred, 4 years oUl both hind feet white above ankles, blaze In face, white spots and streaks on back from hips forward nearly to where backhand works, foretop cut out New set of harness, nickel trimming. Open runabout , buggy, badly weather beaten: when new, red gear and black body. Bend any information to journal omcc, LOST West of Hillsdale, Or, tan-col- orea ieraaie oog; intwen w mo no"i; of Beauty. Phone Main 7734, or 24.8 13th st.--Reward.. ,'' '- -h rERsoxAL sa DON'T EXPERIMENT WITH POISONS. Don't risk your health: and - money. When In need of a safe and reliable r..m aA tnm nt v nalnfnl op suDnreased periods or other derangements of the menstrual function get a, bottle of Antl- t .t . u 1 Jt4He 1 4 HO AllXlUrV nQ, l uaincui of a remedy. It U a aclentlfic prepa ration, contain no poisons and is harm lAaia a 4ktt mrtmt AnviHv nr8lOn Vtit sale, and guaranteed In Portland by the Heldfond Drug Co, 2-0 Morrison, near rirni, ivitiin duo. - . - - ... TREATMENTS for men and women. The ' finest equipped private office on the Pacific coast. Hadlcal cure by the lateal natural healing methods. We use radium, light, heat vibration, baths, massage, manipulation and adjustments. Every electrical treatment we give. No medi cine or operations. Dr. W. E. Mallory, Naturopath, 812 Kothchlld bldg. All con sultations are Tree. rrn mrxj a xtt-w tjaad , Six months II; cure or money T funded; registered, guaranty. Dyspep sia, nervousness, neuralgta, earache, kidney, general : debility, constipation, rheumatism, la grippe and colds. Let ters answered. Hours 10 to 4. 320 Swet land bldg. The Standard Medical Socie ty, jnc MEN AND WOMEN CUKED. Modern electrio treatment for nerv ous, chronlo and skin diseases. Special ty. Diseases of kidney, bladder, prostate. OXYOUNE tor catarrh, lung trou bles, diabetes. Latest scientiilo equip ment, Dr. W. t Woward, 804 Kothchlid bidg. uini'iiu tun HiTiranpiTH. Dr. N. F. Meleen has removed to 316 Swetland bldg. Electro, vibratory: and mechano-therapy treatmenta for rheu matism, stomach trouble, poor circula tion and nervous disorders, acute or chronic; lady assistant; oldest estao- iisnnient in yoruann. jaaiu j.oj, v-o-. SCIENTIFIC Eieciro-Magnetic Treat ment for all chronic and nervoua dis eases, paralysis, lung and stomach trouble, rheumatism, fistula; nervoua headache cured in few minutes; one free treatment Consultations free. 602 Buchanan bldg, 286 H Washington at. GERMAN trained nurse, masseuse, long experience, best reference, treatments for rheumatism, lumbago, etc, massage bath. 272 Park. Jefferson street car. Open Sundays. Marshall 603J. MRS. STEVENS, 18 years Portland a leading palmist and clairvoyant, has her late book.T"Palmlstry Made Easy." on sale. 667 Williams ave, corner Knott. Of ice hours 10 a. m. to' p. m. bPUUTUAL. MEDIUM, KEV. MAY A. PRICE. READINGS. HEALING. DAILY. CIRCLES TUES, 2 ; WED. AND SUN. -8. 304 MOWTOOMEKi; MAIN7ZZ7 WANTED Address of Mrs. O'Connell. . tha in.dv.whu did the laundry work for Odd Fellows' Home last week. G-200, Journal. : . ' YOUNG man, age 26, Very well to do, would like to meet wonting girl: ob ject matrimony; address or phone, give number, j-cii, journal. GENTLEMAN of moderate means, aged 36, desires to meet a nice-looking vounar woman: oojeci, iiia.iiimuuj'. areas z-lti, journal. f MARRY Thousands tired living alone, plan); Tells how. Mrs. Hyde. 2678-S1. Mission Ban tmnciBw, MRS. W. It WRENN. spiritual adviser. 2H cLlvfWUf-wrr-wfcH. viejiw-muu- day, Thursday, 8 p. m, Wednesday at 2 m. Marsnaii opl A I A Wish to see the case 1 Dougiao. Pre, 838 Union ave. nV - DR. G. V. KETCHUM Women's mala- ales, acute uiHaaao. no. viub, cor. 4th and Wsh, room 41. Marshall 448. T.KSSONS In business psychology Ty P. J Green, psychologist and minister of ioUNG man would like to meet young woman: object matrimony. Srl74. . -wr . journal. - - M. DE BARR, electrio treatments for rheumatism, vinue . imi iiuur, 35(1 M. Morrison. nilDri.v:A apectaity; lawyer, &1 Ul V Uimm Kothchlld bldg. tlij Wn SAVE 32 to $10 by buying trunk and eultcase at aaa wasn. nut ana wasn. UAu&k of Figs, remedy t or diseases of women, dub imtm m. main t,io, SPIRITUAL and nintal scientist cou- - aultation aauy. otarn at, kAlRDRESSlNG and manicuring par OrS. 1 Allium uivift.. mioi AAcmuMu, MRS, A. HA MOT Expert chiropody and electric iigni natna. miyt au st. ftKtn p.aaaett's Native Herba for conatl pauon; DP nuimn. aac uiugnn. MADAME ESTELLE, spiritual medium; readings aauy. - uaa ""i, nr. wasn. MRS. POTTER, painless chiropodist electrio vapor paina. sun ptara st Mi.LE. ROBERGE. physical culture: of MISS CARROLL, facial massage. 428 Stark, suite Z. Jmone. aursnau ui.r bEbntE WAYLAND Scalp specialist Office Z. aou Vt Aiorrisun- st. SAM COOK, Bert Nugent, phone or call. bio commercial otocn. main oiij. MRS. W. HALL, graduate masseuse, room 7. 35U Morrison st. NOTICES 20 SEALED nroposals will be received at the office of tho undersigned, 402 Tllford buildlnsuntil 12 m, Wednes day. Januarv 15. 1913. for the grading of playgrounds oi i-ttgniana scnooi. Pians and specmcaiions may do on- . - I 1 - A i il n T.1 A VT..aA.. milieu iilO MllivViUl J. . a, namiwith superintendent of properties, 408 Tilf ord Certified check for 10 per cent of the H. Thomas, school clerk, must accom, pany eacn proposal. ioara ot aireciors reserves the right to reject any and all proposals. A deposit of 38 is required ror plans ana specuicauonH. . . : R. H. THOMAS, School Chjrk. Dated. January 9. 1913 NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING. ' The annua! meeting of the members of tho Beaver State Merchants Mutual Fire Insurance association will be held the home office, 600 Yeon bldg, Portland, Oregon; at 2:00 o'clock p. m. January 21, litia. . r. r . J akuu, ; Secretary.' LOANS WANTED SO IF -you- want" to -loan- your' money on first class real estate, list It at once with tne SLAUSON-CRAIG CO, " v MORTGAGE LOAN DEPT, 404 Oak Btr Near Fifth. - WANTED Loan from private party o: 3300 for one year. Give chattel mort gage and pay 8 pef cent Interest, or ca"a ay nacit weeKiy. .-I87. Journai.,..i OAN wanted from private party; 31200 at 7 per cent; srooov security: 3 to years! no commission. ZX-138, Jonrnal WANT 32500 nf 7 per cent, west side improved; no nroKers. a-isk, journal. I, l.Mj CASH J'AII) FOR WOUT(5A(!:sl Or Keller' a equity In contract of mili on real est a to In U'flNlilhKt"') or Orrmm. II. E. Noldo, I.iinibertnens blilK. Loans. MONEY TO LOAN - REAL ESTATE 27 MONEY to loan on improvpd real estate. Call at 417 Henry bldg., or phone Main 1902. MONEY to loan on Improved real estate. I. L. White. 701 Commercial Club bldpr. 120,000 or part foriinuiedlat.e loan on real estate. Taoor 771, Prof essiomal and Business ABSTKAC18 30UN A. BEERY, Att'y., cudectloo. abitncta examined, written vplnloui oa legal quae Mod. 1T Allnky blilg. llarhhull 8X2., AOCOKUhOM J-LiAIlHO K. Bterkaa, Udlei' tdlor, i coord eoo, aide and uuburt pleating,', butou eovcrad, good tyongwl,. bfamitililug. 8)si. Alder. - Mla WJI3. ACOOUMfAMTS ZUSUO COLLI B, BKKB11KJM TUOMltiON, 834 War- . kiu ar.a ASVEAXUUMO) rOSTKE A KLKISKU, outdoor 'dvertialng; DMlnMd bulletlua. imluted WLht. UtMiatS. Si. tth Dd E, KtwU m. tmt 1111, b-'m. , AKCHIaECXS ft 8UIiJU PUn. MtlmatM funUataitd. Btror yoa buUd w WillUuin, BOO iiHT bldg. AAI PAIJa PIOTL'KS trsmtlig, mouldlug, pictures. Ism U elewuer. ma w. fr. a-iuv. DO YOU wear a lift tier tn best 'It Write for caUlogue. fHiW ArUiKial Uiuu Co., 4W W t.Dingtun. : , . A&XlaXlO wUUt AUXi UOM fialUoce Wire and Iroa works. Hut 1UU ml MnUer Hurt 'llflwt 1 - 1 '- .' AB8AYEB8 WKLLA ft CO, nnra, naltlcal chMaUta, Mit wnnigtua. mm imm. MoniA;A mr vttUM, Mtwrauiry, lH- AXXOaJISYi n rrinpvll Ili-mnroA (mm 1424 Yeoa bldr. to Bulte W Yeoa bldg. I'fruue MilOJMj A-4i in At to im itrtuna - OBKGON VuleaalslDg Co, "Tbe lira Haop," 60O wswugtou. Mrtnu aiw. AUXOM01ULtf XO UZXT X2.50 ovr hour, liuuiex Auto Co. 14, 014: A 4314. Ottlf JUtt BUrk. . . hBIT KEHIEIMO) tfUbTLAMU BelUng Ueyair Co, t yirstj twilt wpalrlnf. Hoturcjcw oen t up MiAMit, boos uAiaaa UOWB. DAVIS UOUfAKY. 10V 24 st UUak BuoK manufacturer; agauu h Jones' le prwed LooM-teaf Ledger, tie tbe mm nk lef. A-aiaa, Mla IBS. , Binxsma aks xetaibxnci BUILDING, repairing, jobbing, practical, relia ble, reawinable,. Uy ur couUnct, bedgwltk, gelwood 1UOS. CANDY JtAKVI ACXVUSI XHK Aldoa Candy Co., 12th and ClUaa sta. High grade cnocoiatca. .. CASTEiri-Ul AMD HEPAIB.IMO) CAKPKNIBHCONTUACTOa Nw or repair work. 4. B. loung. wouaaioca are, twa n. A. U. ylUiiMU, burnt, oitlc, ua riHUr- tng., renKKlellng. .Diug." wnuuiayo OAKPiT CiEAMIMa JOYCE BEOS, Klectrte Cleaning Works, eat- . . m. lul.l U rlirlna nil . . 1 '1 . 1 1 . Hl CWUKU IU. M.u, - r- E. 440, B-1W3. au aymth w. EtUU. "Vacuum ' vleanlug la your houne by e- . Ji 1 .. IT... U1T- U.IOA.1 - ' yCTl WJv uuut . jewo - .,11,, l1T. H CAKf T WKAVUtS KORTHWEST BOO WOBEB, rugi from old 'carpets; rag' ruga, carpet deaulug. iW Uutoa annua, near .aai aiorriwo. KB", " A'nlABOLA Uug Worka, rag carpet ana tugs; L. . .. m on .. ' n...u .i.r tiaaaa Ttrti !)! lilt. Warp turnmneu. mra. u, . uu caiaopoDiflia CORN 3, bunions, ingrowing nalla, ete, re. pain. Dr. J. W, Wayne, 808-10 NorUweat bldg. utb and Wuahlngton. : CHXaOPEACTlO PHYBICIAB .... . dvt uj tirL' R9a lath at.. . and chronic Ueaa, 0 uaatuwnu 5. Maul wtn. T)g c. H. BU8U from Chicago, eve ana -aplne spectallat. Treata u)bIuu U euray hi. aiaeaaee. uiinw x-- vu. AMlilMalNlii leatora health' oatuaUy, lu a montn. oain oiiiye. q-m,,w. CIBOVLAK LETTERS 14DLTIGBAPHINO, prinUng, iteoograpbera. Mill VO, Z&a nriny MLLlOMAU lluUlgrapblug Co, fac.lu4l algna turea. oov anera mm- COAL AND WOOD HOTICEi RPICniAL . DWIWH IkN oa. auuai nww, (au, 1NBIDK UBKklN BUWUT, .6U. ' DRX SHORT WOOD- ' SAWDUST for fuel and bedding. The Portland Slabwood Co, aiain unw. a-iwi. HIGH UBADK COAb from Clear Creek, tub, arriving daily. Meat ever brought Into Port land. Keenly 'uel Co. K iHV H-Mii. SI Grand avenue. CONSliMEks' FUEL CO. tAiuer. Coal Mining Co Coal direct from mine to consumer, ttava Bldaiemen a profit Bait , IW, B-llld, BttBkew bast J at and Taalor. -;-' -- - -: PAC. SLABWOOD CO, U'09 i.i.,.ui httf mill amall Inalda block umu iou " v". v. t . wood, planer trimniiuga. cordwuod. VllLxoM Wood Co, oealera iu dry and greea wood. 100 Uacadani at. Pbone Mulu ibvo, A-:uy- N E E R &L FA R R and $A eot&aoZ! Au awed to order. Prompt deUrery. PA A I kluln 45W8. A-454T. vUrtU Yamato Wood arid Coal Co, BA81' Bl. li-lSO. v PROMPTLY Main bio.. ! i. EVERT8. troot Curry street. BOX planer, block, . ajab, cord wood and coat Standard Wood Co, 847 K. Stark. Earn 2315, B-16U6. ALB1.SA fc'UEL CO. All klnda of green and dry wood, Mock springs ana inenaota enai. CQAL aud all klnda of wood. . Pboue Uolgata Fuel Co.. HellwooO m. PHOtNlX fuel Co. Dry wood $1.60 per load. 621 saner. Main how. EDLlvl'SKN handles wood and eoaL' COLLECTIONS ' CURRENT and delinquent Out of towa eoW . lections a specialty. Honeat. efficient serv Ira. Ulgbest references.-1821 -S3 ieon bldg. Tbe Etaudard Mercantile Agency, E. W. AageU, Manager. Main 4W9. COLLECTIONS a specialty, loans and adjust- ments. unmm agnncy, bi o. or v. : COMJUSSION MERCHANTS BHBROD Ranch Egg Co, 114 Union ave. Bat. ter, eggs, vmltry, veal, bogs, HENRY. EVERDINO, ,45-47 Kront sc. eggs, poultry, veal, bogs, hides. Butter, DAIRY AND CREAMERY SUPPLIES MONROE ft CRISELIV 143 front-aalryv Jehaese fsctory mschtnerr snd supplies. DANCING PBOF. WAL WILSON'S Dancing School. Walts, iwo-siep, inree-siep, acnomacne; leasona, -Ervry morning, afternoon aud erenlng. All danees gusrauteed first, lessoa. Do you know, anyone who walks can - lenrn to dance Stage and fancy dances taught dilly, 85 5th st, between gtarK and Oak slaMala 7&i7.. . UU. AND MKS. liEATIl'H ai bools, Aliaky bldg, 8d and Morrison and Ina Sd at, bet Wash, snd Stark. . lasone dally, ' fancy and Stage dancing taught : waits and two-step guaranteed In 4 lesson. 4 Clans Moo, Vri. live. 8 to 10 at 109 2d st. . i.;; l i..r.vi.j TO loan, csl.tto riiniKs on real estate at current rules. Imiuire attorney, rooms 10-12 M ulltey IiIiIk., "d Hnd Mori lon 10U,Ouo on niortaKDS, city or farm property, fire Insurance, MrKenzie & Co, (ieHinger bldg;t 2d and Alder. Mortgage" loins, 9 ana fTp'er cent. Louln Kulomon & Co, 221) Ktark c WILL loun JO.OOO or less, real eatate. Farrlngton, 416 Commercial Club bldg. MONWTFLT)AT0erR5XLSrXTa A. II. HARDING, 81 Chamber of Com, CITY and farm loans; nitg.1. purebamnd. Henry C. Prudhomme Co, Wilcox bldg. DB. A. W. KERMC, Dentist, Majntle Theatre blilg, HMy, wBh. at. Marahall 820S. , DEJJIISIwAaXiriCUL XtBTH Bpeclaliat oa plat work. "Tblt 6t thing I lo." Itutf tjloha blilg., Iltli and Waghlngtoa. DEHMAI0LOOIBX8 Molea. wrlnklet, icalp poclUt. Mrs. Court tlght, Til Di'kum blilg. Main 6U42. DKi,IHlJAJUJU BCnOOt i. valentine' ayateai ladles' tailoring, dree. BMklvf taught, lia draud an, twiMtea Mor? rlaoo and Helmont. - . hU.cxio jtoxoaa amp dyxamos WK BOY, tell, rent, tod txekange new and aocoud-LaDU motura; repair work a specialty. Wentern Elwctrle Work. VI3 atn at. x aiutora. aud uyiuuuont' Uuugut, aold, r him Iran, H-M-H tilec. 81 N. Mrt.-Malu Mallu, kllevinu motor auwiallata. . 4auiiM, - alcavvuiue ' Klactrte wurka, lull Unkia. kaat 117. ZYZ, lAH, MOSt AHD XgEOAI ( ,Trotuicnt ,! apeclallut. fllaaaot fltto4W pt, t, V. Casaeduy, aiM IH-kum blilg. , J AAA lMXUiM.Lh-S AHD VEiUCUtS P. K. JOSUENSllADE. 314 ffjut, taria Imhw mruU, nl, lawu and titld tenra. at. ALI S tu., U uawuiwiiia . Wttuleaala agrkuliurul luiileuiwnta. JOnMPBY AMP HACHUt-S 8H0P - PaoenlX' lroa Workaf L. Sd aud Uawtooraa. tjgueral aiacblna ana tuuuury wort. BOWEBS ft PAlUiONS, loo Vi Vroat Mala T443. Fumlturn ligaplul; paiklng.- : IVE8 ASP XAXlPEajkUSX . jAmoDEUNG aud new work. '. B. k'talex. Uiiarmlt, HV Columbia at. ' OLA6B ASP 0LAZIX6 . Tmis, .Creas ft Co, lsi-lsfl 2d it : Prompt aarviw. auug aiam at a-M, OASOLUTK EMOUTE MAttiNtt and ttatlouarr, wholesale and rata 11, . marine hardwara . aud eijuiuiueut MacUiua ahop lttM-7a 'n)ut at. . , . . BA1A SBEaalUa DP TO DATH halrdrvulim. manlrarlnv and aealt traaliuttui. h.u .o-k ai.u .... HAUL OOUDS'' .:.-"' i . irBRVirp av uu'inn teadlna wla and Iuuuim inakua. fliuat Mb of buiuaa bair govoa; hair oraaalng, inaeiwir- iu(, un ua iuuy intauueuui i JIO, Bitar lUurrlauu. at. tin. - . . . ... HAX fAOXOBY 'J""W1ia THE KOYAL HAT WOKKB, 833 Flrat. - HAT AhP OUAia Q. It K.MC3HT. m-W M. 17th at Ua, graia. teed, flour and ablnglea. , mVSAHCS PACIFIC - STATES - 1KB IN8UHANCH CO. Only Oregon tlra jnaurance wuipauy. raoiMt ua about Jour fire Insurance. Mala 4JMS, Mallory Co., luc, eiu Wilcoa bldg. aicCAtiUAit, liutea ft tlvely, Jul xvoa 4iug. Brery- form of linumucw, bond. . JWJIE DEALi.ES HIGHEST price paid for toola, old machinery, eppper, rabtwr. bottle, it. S'Sla. LADIES' TAJLOEUra HIGH grada tailoring, expert cutter and titter; suits altered and remodeled at lateat stylo. Wt also make up your own material. Work guaranteed... H. Ionian, 270 8d. M. 6874. kVd LADiEti' liARMENlli Ur E. A. Adama, Morrlaon, suite 7. Mar. 1934. Keferencea. LANDSCAPE GABBEKUO PACIFIC Landscape Owdeulng company, Bothrhlld blilg. j'hone Marshall 2308. 61S JAMIEB 6UDj 81'EKKOPTICOXS sold, rented; operator fur aiabed; reasonable. Banners, snow cards, algua. Enterprtw Art Co., 7U' 0th. ' LEATHER ASP E12JDIN03 CUAS. L. UA8TICK ft CO., 74 Front. Leather of efury wmcrlptluo; tab mauutaclurera, tUul Inga. - ' y, '- ; ; ; . MACHINERY B. TBEKKMAN ft CO, hydraulic and specUl - pipe, arnoae stacks, ell tauka, nilulna m- -l . (h 1 1 A a.K iiNlilMiii, -hollers, sawmills bougbt, sold and eaenangea. -ree.ai. aiariin to., yortlana.ur. MANICPRINO MANICURING Most thorough and satisfactory worn, wo normweBi oiu(c MATEEinTY HOSPITAL PORTLAND Lylng-In Hospital Maternity eases' mny. aio ct, tuu ai, niarnniiu aam. MEN'S t'UBNISHINO GOODS ' Itenstaater Bros.,' 0th and Ankeny, Importers of men's furnishing goods. --' : r- ME8EENGER8 HASTY MESSENGER CO, opea night (nd day, Main oa, A-tfioo. M0RT0A0E LOANS JOHN KER, mortgage Io ns, insurance, - 80S aeon via?, nam vzna. HVBIO SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS JUAGIIMB Piano playing positively taught any person In 20 lessons; auccess guaranteed. Write now' for free booklet. Chrlntennen's School of Popular Musky at'l Ooodnoygh bldg. . EAGX1MB guaranteed In 10 to 20 leasonst Piano, maudollu, guitar,- singing, original teachers of popular muale. Honrs VI to J and P. r. KISSNElt, Yloliulat practical leaebtng, 10 lessons (10. 18 Breeden bldg, N. E. corner M and Washington. : ' RAGTIME guaranteed lu .10 to 20 leaoona. T. E. LAWSON, 183 14tb. Alain 5107. Piano lessons, oo eeois. KOKTHWEtiTEUN School of Muatc. Special holiday offer. 1294 Grand are. East 0193. PIANO, violin, -mandollu. guitar, banjo Instruc tions. 60c, 4H2 Hawthorne sve. E. TH1ELHORN, viulla teacher; pupil Sercllc. 823 Klledner. A-41001 Marshall 1(129. JNEPBOPATH DR. J. E. LA VALLEY, SPECIALIST In DIAO. mimi, nervous, acute sua chronic diseases. jo Hucnanan piag. M. ow3. ORNAMENTAL WIRE AND IRON PORTLAND W1BB ' IEOJT WOHKS, 294 2d st. Arcniieeriirai wire sno iron. . OSTEOPATHIO PHYSICIANS DR. MLLEBKLLS PATTEBSON, specialist m nerves, acute and chronic diseases.. 41& Co- Main Dftt1 Hit W. AHNOLD MNDSEY. SpeclalUt, o . lineuiliniiaiu, ouiujbvii kiha rsi nervous VI' ease. bl iieanm Ding, wain 87 m DU. AONES M. BitOWN. SOU Journal bldg. Iloors 10:80-4:80. M. 009. Hes. Tahor 22I. PATEHT ATTOHWEYS PATENTS proenred by J. K. Hock, attorney. et-law, : la te of V. S. patent of ties. ; Book free.- 1OI0 Board of Trade bldg. 1 PAIHT, OIL AKS GLASS PIONEEB-PAINf CO, 180 First st Mala 1334. THE BEAVEH VARNISH WOBK8 makes good ' products. Ask .vour" dealer,' ' 1ftA8MtJfiSE!-l4',lc6,r,'-lflehJ'Stinra,,l''palut; N. E. oorner Jtd and Taylor, M.-A-I77. PAINTIKO AKD PAPE3IN0 FOR best svork, prices rllit. call P. A. Doane, 82 E. Wash. Scllivood llou. - I.'i V, $100 TO 3u0 to loan on real or collateral security for a short time. 20? Ore- ponlanlilijfT. PLKNTY inoney on city real en late. G. A. Taylor, 617 Loard Trade bldg. Main 8SH7. MONEY to loan, improved Portland propertv; special finllltles for larpo loann, Tille&lr,8L :4'!i AlLa.!lLjy,.!;,lJ MONEY-to loan; IniKa loans a epenliiity, building loans; lowest rates; fire. In suranee. W. G. Heck, 3 15-:il(l FatMng. MONK Y to loan. 6 to a per cent. y. it Belts & Co, 810 Spalding bldg. :.Directo3ry WAIX ppr halt prlet. t'aperlug,. tiutlng, etc. 18S Wet Park. A-7219. . ' iilNU WJ or (igurea ou paperlug. palutlng aud tinting, t beaui-at ami bent. - J. W'afd. (JOOU work ui.r uiotto. A, Uaouuiu, ootl aul WaWngton. B-K107, Kaat 41il4. ' " 1 J AVISO COAIPAHIiS . WARKKN C.OM3TBUCX1UN CO. Strwt par ing, aldewalk and croaalngs. Jtfc floor Jour. nai ouiioing. TUB BAUUKa asI'UAM.' PAVIMU CO, Port- lane omca wts tierrrio nuiiiiing. ,.; PH0X0 STUDIO . Iba Arue studio will remove alter Jaauary 1 to Mi'A Waahlngton. rax PORTLAND WOOD 1'IPB CO, Factory sod of. - tlce IHto and York. Main 8489. PLOHJBIMO AMP UEATUIQ, CONTKACTINO, repatrtug, bonvat prlcea, tail . matea turn. T. H. Crowliier, Hop ad. M. 7rf, PLUMBIltO iUPPUES M. U KLINE, 4-M front at., wholesale plumb. lug auu aieaui auppiiea. YOPCOU COHji.0X10il8 ll'ANDAKD CU1SP CO., "VBt Ullaan. popcorn trlap. Kornut, aalted pom. r&WXUitr ANHLKY Printing Co., gaU Oak. Mala 4071. friuung lo pleaae. EOOi-LllO, yalA-ilaia. HJLPAUmiO TIN rooflog, repairing,' painting, Jobbing, J. Uielt, -iU Jettcrauu. Idaln Uii, ' atiAAo. lb a,L,a,, anetil uiutai work, Ua savp. to 'iburuiKU. Mala 864; A-lJWt. BUBBEB tXAMM AUD tEAU STENCILS and oltlce atatloDcry. t'uiuilngbaai V., Hl blark. Main HOI. AiMiLa, Uaue ebveka, uraaa algua, aletiaU, krtba Brua, 11 l. Marattalt lai'l. BANITA&IUM NIS1IK1UB BANITAHIL'M A general taut tariuui tor aurguai, uvrvoua,, cbruuic and all dlaoaaea but vuugluua; alao luatcruity caatia. limvimtblc euuipuieut aud 1 uiaaaaga, . olU U1V)v).' " ft L . aJtOWCABAaj AJIU JtiXIUKtB IUB JAUE3 I. MAUaUAtL IJa'O. CO. Now aud old abowcaan, caoiueU,. awre. otilua, winuuw luturea, a la ana vouch . RllllM,i:AKluM 4it M.u.W rfuH...!.,!.,.. t and awre tuturva iuad to uruer. 'Abo iu BIONS AND BHOWCARDB WAUALANDEtt CO, 618 Coiuaiooweultb bldg. ww. viym ,mup, sniaiff iriioa, - XOWli SlfriTLX CLEAN towels uuy, cuuik, brusb, Map. Towel . buppiy Co. ttb sua couui i per bmmiib, Portmuil Lauuury yo. Phones iinlu 410, A-lo. XAlLOklNa SCHOOL KIKSTEK S Ladlea' Tailoring College. Leara urgwmaaun, miiurniy, ao Jim, XRANUrua AAXI bTORAQE PICK Traaafar ft - Storac Co.. of flcaa ana cobuuouiou - . aiory dtu s warebwusa, with separate lroa roonia and lireproof vaun for valuaUlea. ti. W. corner sd aud fine ats. Pianos and turulture moved aud . packed tor ablpplug. bpeclal rates mad uu goou lu out tbrougo ears to sll UouieaiM aud twelau lwinu. Mala tm, - A-ua. . i" , OREGON TKANSftK CO. Katablubed ls7v. r - xransfur and turwaruiug agents. Storage, tree trackage. Offices aud atorage 474 -uIimo street " t I8th and tillsaa. - Main 6t). A-ll8. POtt'ALAND Vaa. ft Storaga Co, . lac, 5 Uia and Evsratt; uioat moderu storage warebuut la city; kw fire Insurance rate proof of tbla. tree trackage, moving, packirj. sbbyplug; re duced freight ratea oa bcuaebold gootis la tbrougb cars to aud from east. Alain otMO, 4. 102U. UAUiiAUB) ft Omnibus Transfer Co.-Baggae checked at your borne, furniture mured, stored or pscked for shipment - l'ark and Da vis a. Phone-Ma In 80SO; A-3323. TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRITERS, slightly used. L. C. Smiths aud all other Biakea at -reduced-tirlees snd easy terms. U C Smith ft Bros. Typewriter Oul AUb a4y 1- . . W( mtO van sw ALL tuaket re d ted, rejmlrrd, iold.' Cutuiiojjs nnifl m., oi niarn. mnin iwi. VI0UN MAKER O. KUDEN, violin maker, expert repairing, 812 Allsky bids, 2M5 Morrison, corner 3d.' ; VIOLIN AND ELOCUTION EXPERIENCED elocutionists, dancing end vlo--IIh lewwn to ehlidren. 4.'3 B. 12th N. E. 62il'i. WHOLESALE JOBBERS v.f - a nrrvat m. r DISTRIBUTORS OK KINB"citJABS runiijou, im. ItVtrtLlNU A FAltltELL produce aud roamUT shia merchants. 140 ont st, Portland, Or. Phene Main 179. - . - klOHU AN WALL PAPER CO, 230 2d st, bs- tween Salmon and ' 'n. ALLEN A LEWlS--OROCERiES Is the dream of centuries come true? Take ONE HOUR off and let me administer this celebrated treatment It is nerfectlv aafe and 98itlvaly TClli jiQtlay-jFou. up sine You van take it secretly and your companion need not know that you have taken It, provided it la given the right way. I will open the tube, prepare It in your ' presence, and then painlessly ndmlnister it You wilt be thankful to me as long as you live, be cause It will give you a new Leaser on Life. I give an honest blood test - thereafter, to prove that you are cured. I Introduce It DU -RKCTLY INTO THE BLOOD by the INTRA." VENOUS METHOD, the only proper method 'of administering it, and the one recommended by Prof. Ehrlich himself. Oil D Is treacherous cruel and relentless. It Is no respecter of persons;. -, It leaves misery, dis figuration -and blasted lives in Its pa i.. way. All former nethods of treatment hold " it only in check and continually ; recurrlna symptoms .remind you that the TAINT ill ywui. uiu"Ui -no j uii tj as wti; 3 1 JVlArl Uil remains remembetv the virus Is sttn there and no mati can tell : what day some fatal complication will develop. ; ,' BL0i?i?ilLOriS0? ev!? ,n ,mlldest cases, is always a most serious dlsi ease. - SCIENCE has at last discovered a Curative Remedy and it Is crimi nal neglect on your part-if you refuse to save yourself now. -V.?0tny yourself health and all the happiness and freedom that PURE BLOODbrings. . If, you have ever .had Specific Blood Poison you need this Wonderful Discovery,. , , LAL?x?rT5?T.S,f,L.YJ:P THOROUOHLt AND AT THE LOWEST AND ALL SPECIAL AND DELICATE 1 InvlttT-yott- to-Toms to Tiijr of flceT"-!" will explain to you my treatment for Enlarged Veins, Hernia, Nervoua Debility, Blood Disorders Piles, Fistula, Bladder, Kidney, and all Men's Disorders and give you FREE special examination. Every person should take advantage of this opportunity to learn their true condition. My name has always stood for, the HONESTY," SINCERtTY - and the HIU1IEST DEGREE of professional skill. If you need'help do not hesitate one du longer. You now have a chance to get cured at your own terms. Youmdy depend upon the greatest privacy. , Out'of-town men WRITJ3 for information or my Symptom Chart Hours -4) a.. iUiintO AB.Pm dally i-aiumlayer 10 .m-4e-18-Tr--tn."""' 11 " " , 1 1 M rr M a t;;omi ;;( m i : , : CIiiuiiIjit 1,1 i imiiiii'ii i: 1 Ve have mi h,j r,mils f.,r mv. it merit in oo. first. morlmiRes. If yi wish to borrow on voiip -,.., 1 ..Mini,, ,,, fer with our iiiiiUkhub l.mri depnrlm.'-nt MONIi Y Tt LOAN On farm or city property. f THE HAnilOUiT-WJI.SoN t'(), INC 710-718 Li.:VKS HWir.DlNU. i " ' ,4t1' "d Oak Kta. Marslinll 4200. a.tiu' MONKY TO T,oaisT ON It ISA I, KSTATK !; BtAUSONCTtAlO CO., .. Mortgage I-oan Deiinrtment," "O mt pi, jenr Pirtn. MONKY TO LOAN ON 'KliAJU KtiTAlE 82M AND UP. i J. 10. NICHOLS, Bio 1 ICON BUM.' M ONKY TO LOAN fTrHT-MOiItTTaOT SECURITY. , MORT(5A(Jl.- 1 CHAblOD. SRE O. A. COBB, ATTOit- "ni Jll nW, 1UIB I FiUlN HI.IM, 82000 to loan, real estate, tilty or eoun try. 8 ner cent. W.JH4 .Tnnrn.il 81000 ancl 82000: Fletchor. tlr, AhlnvJ am 1.U . , '" . ' " I ivillllUK. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALAUIES :) iA . K PROM AT.". NflTIfR ' LOANS OF 810 OK MORE -, ,v TO AKYONK - W A 11 r Wt rnH4a . . . lift T uru'i promise sal smction rt, i. -"-w pviu.i, ucai. ' 1 lei. us nnw. inimh .A..J..HiJ COnvlnen m nf j u intent nn . Vj ... . S " . lv jour asreameiK and we will make you a loan. .u"r- payment plan enables you tcV?y tn," lotMi easily and quickly. WIi,AS w ADVKRTI8E. -. M rOHTLAND LOAN CO., . PRIVATE OFFICK8, " :' 207 MACLEAY BLUtt. '. lint. 4th inil Hth ur..i.i..i.. .i ' Onen Mon. and Sat evenings to 9 o'clock PRIVATE PARTY LOANS on furniture, pianos, storage recelnta. watches, diamonds, jewelry, etc.; no loan too large or too amall. - ,. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. - . . Private offices. . When In need rou will make a saving D V Bet T In a rtn r trmm eiv, m. ..if or phone Main 4817. , , v 12 J Lumber . Exchange,; f$V0.-j iuijnr UOM PAN i Salaried PeleK it- START THE NEW YEAR XLtzL nwiMri nifn-nun didt TO 8100 ON YOUR PERSONAL ' - ' NOTE. FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS CALL, TELEPHONE OR WRITE . btate becunty Co. 308 FAtLINQ BLDQ. MONKY. FOR RAr.AUlD-r m-nmi " and Othera . mwin !.. . .f.. .'. ?eP rlte.8' easy Payments, confidential' is. n. loinian, room 317 I.umher Rr. A dealrablft nlflnn fnt, Idlaa nr.A 1 1 a ....... " vw.awn HIVUQJI VU UIBI11UI1U9 I and lewAlrv. at .obi... .Ni..m.m..A' ------ - n . .. i .'1.IIIU1I LVV Aaiat-c, ojs wasn, opp. owl aruit store. SALARY LOANS. CHATTEL LOANS. You can, get 86 to 8100 today at Cheapest rates, beet and most nrlvata terma. u. u. oraKe. azs itenry mag MONEY sold on installment: confiden , t1-'' salaried, people. - r. A. New- ivii, uav ciriiry imu. - CHATTEL and real estate loans, no red tape! confidential; mortgages bought yiuuiunua xane. aiv ADingtoil-Digs;. MONEY TO LOAN ON DIAMONDS. j. rj. iii:him s 815 YEON BLDO. LOAN for the asking, salary or chat tel. The Loan Co, 414 Jjekam bids. . loaned rfn stlamontfs and Jewel ry; strictly confidenUal. 141 Sd. - ' SEE MB FREE, If rou ' are worrying about any ailment In eluded , among- those within which I ape eialise. I invite you to call at mr office and I wUl give you FREE a conscientious examination and 1 di agonals and advise youf of the proper tkliruiiii : tit -a kuui'v " ..mi wnrrw .Nil !nd. in thV treatment of the ail- ..oriny ual treatmeui untU vure ia w. '"NEOSALVARSAN . Improved German Jtefnedy f Of BLOOD POISON I Administer tbe remedy according to the very lateat method. - Come to me If you have any of tha following disorders: Enlarged Veins. Pimples, Nervoua Debility, Nerve. Blood and Skin Disorders. Bladder Troubles, Blood Poison, abruptions, Ulcers. Special Ailments. Plies or Fistula. ' 8 lo 67 to S Dally: Sundays 18 to L Examination Advice Free. ?. JM.'KEEFE, Ph.G. M. D. Rooma 11-15 Lafayette Bldg. 813 H WASHINGTON ST, COR. STB. - - PORTLA ND. OR. ----- I bouF, closest is yet - C. K. HOLSMAN, M. D. shm; isis.iw Lia-( SORES. PA1N- AMTV VITALITY' DISORDERS OF MEN. 221 H MORRISON ST, ' Corner First St.- . ' PORTLAND. OREGON, NR. a VH7 Uii 11 blood poisooa - .V ( t I ' ill