The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 08, 1913, Page 9, Image 9

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I , . , !' . I '.,.,. i . .. I
.!,. r. : i,-!- i. ... I!.,' in. hi. i'i.i.i, i
was i'"iii!y ith.lih t l h.i n-y ill' 'I'''
tinm 1' aiH'ljn-D 'An,-; ti'lcaHcil oil
. 1 1 roi;iiii;.nn r. ,oli Is III I tin lios
pllal v. Illi tliieo lirold-n i" 1 1 ji and In
t'Tiiiil InjuilcH. Ho I a loKK'ir from
Washington, mi-tlni? Friim-I.ieo Nvv
Year's nliiht, when they took m rllo In
a Iuli ab, Lturliiff the rtilo, .Loving vian
assaulted IiIm monry tultuii.
t i
Whiskey Canse of Troufcl-"Jfs
JTKUJfi-lu Milker Theatre) "A MmU-ra Eve.'
JU'MiAUW "Ilie Hosuiy." '. ,
imi'llKl'.Ni-Viimli-villtt iBfVfiilto ml Tftyl
I.VUIC Kliitlng. 4k t'lwtf M-iil tmmy e
k " . .1... ll,.,llj.,i,I
luiuy in r j im uiiitii u tuv
TUB KSIl'lfcMS Vuiiili-rllU'.
I'AN'r.UiM-ViiuiliiTllUv . ;
I'KOl'LK 8.1 JSTAIt, AUCAItK Motion itcture.
Vat nuiiiniiient . iiiIvertlUi lK
V 'l ilt' Joiiriml In milium U-in ui'H
now hieuU-d nt tho Kiiiililiallu
coiil'iloniTy store In tlio
HuuUird building, coiner Hlutu
ami JUkIi tttrtiulri,' -phone Main
sjis, wnere mi eoniiMuinu. - t , ..ti ,v
!-il.,loim, eU;,, Will W .promptly Tn ' ,,7,':f s:' J, - Tu,- II,
attended to. . 4 ! trouble. xor two years I've hudjuioih-
i"( nui iiouum. i-iiuuc in av me
torn of It." . This Is the only excuse
Jesse Mejrlt hod to offer this morning
beforu the municipal court,' where he
was eliarged with being drunk and dis
orderly, jUtrrit's wife died lust Bum
mer while lie was on tho roekpllo, the
Officials allowing him to go . to the
funeral, front which he luter returned
to serve , his ' sentence. A pardon was
later given him provided he leave, the
state, i Merrlt went to Kansas, put re
turned to .Portland' three months ago,
Since returning lie lias been spending
Ills time around north end Balooiis, be
ing arrested lust evening by Patrolmen
Sherwood and Miller. Judge Tazwell
gave the man ' another chance this
morning, placing a sentence of 90 days
on the rockpile and a fine of $200 should
be be arrested again for drinking. ; '
i'cuthcr Conditions.
I'ortlinid HUd vlclulty ltuln or nuuw toulcht
or ainirixiuf'. Soma io ! wimi.
Orifini-tulu of . uow. tuulglit ut TUurmUij'.
M'eilwly ,iii'iJ. '
Viuiliifiu ltuln or mow tunltbt or Tlmr.
duy. -'Uulii-r toniglit fxtri'iue ut poriiou.
boutbwmt u went w'liiui. u
. MuUo Silv tonight and Tbumdiiy. Colder
Uorltt KliU ioutUwwt portion tuulglit.
I ' , , tUWAIlU A. ltK.VLS,
V " autuani Society's Koport During the
month o Uecember, 18i2, J.rE. ltudks
t dorf, majbager of , the Oregon" JItMjiano
sogliity. answered 210 calls and gave
. his attentln to iDl horses. Of this num
' ber, 23 Mere laid off, 0 were destroyed
Seventy mules, 2 cows. IS dogs and S3
' cats were examined during the month.
,' Homes were found for T dogs and 0
cats, while 11 dogs and 49 cats were
destroyed. , Examination was made of
eight barns and two were found to be
In bad condition.'" There were 108 foot
pads and 231 Christmas post cards, pub
. ltshed by the society sold during the
, month., Out of an order recently given
, to a locl store for 1000 foot pads, 60Q
liave alieady been delivered and there
Is ' heavy demand, for them. Within a
few days it Is expected that tho test
will be made ot the street sanding ma
. chine, ior which- the' council recently
appropriated 1760. ; . : , V .
Two Boys Arrested.WhilerComlng
from fit. Johns last nighjt with a Jug
of beer, Amos Carlson and Dorsey Waif
ton. 17 and 18 years old. respectively,
were arrestedby the police and ; turned. wa gl en on flccount ot the fact tnat
Dh..l t XTm.A tYinrnlniv Ttittll I .... . -
Orerworks Certala Cnarges -Prosecution
by the state under the statute pro
viding for "larceny by, bailee,'' Is to' be
discouraged, by " Judge Taswell "of the
munlcipul court. In a cues before the
Judge yesterday ; afternoon, toe ; ani
nounced hi opinion on-this statute sayJ
lng that the district attorney has over
worked it. The case; in guestion was
that of ,11. S. Cobb, formerly from Fos
sil. Or., sgainst C. M. Secor, whom
Cobb charged with keeping a not drawn
for $450. The note was involved in the
Settlement of an estate, of which Cobb
was trustee. Cobb : failed to appear
when tho case was called, a bench war
rant being issued later ' for , his pres
ence. : Judgo Taxwell held that the "ac
tion was one for the ctvll courts, ami
not for criminal prosecution, therefore
dismissing It,. j
' Appeal Is Denied Because his attor
neys failed to state in an appeal from
the Justice's court, to which court they
appealed. Circuit Judge Benson this
morning denied the appeal . of John
Scheldt man, who was convicted in the
Justice's court of selling liquor on Sun
day, ficheldeman was arrested by ex
Sheriff Stevens and Deputy Morris, and
wao later fined. $25, the maximum pen
alty. - The heaviest possible sentence
: over to Sheriff Wprd this morning, Both
boys declined to tallt or tell where they
got the liquor. . Patrolman siaxweu saw
ha hud been convicted oaoo before over
a year ago, r Scheldeman- runs a saloon
In Llnnton. Votlce has been served on
the lids walking up Portsmouth avenue. I him to pay his fine at once or a bench
stopping them at Lombard street. They
.carried a two-gallon jug nuea witn
beer. They said It was be I rife taken to
their home, thatMhey bought it in St
Johns, but would not tell at what sa
loon. The patrolman took them to the
police station and turned them over to
Captain Keller, who sent them to Sheriff
Word this morning.
Eai i Prisoner. la ChargeOn tho way
from Oakland to Edmonton, C$nndu,
Sergeant W. M. Fyffe, in charge t a
large, district of the1' Royal Northwest
Mounted Police, is spending a few days
in 'Portland. He has one prisoner to re
turn to Edmonton, while a second offi
cer is at Los Angeles for another man
wanted at Edmonton. Sergeant Fyffe
has C. C. Mitchell, who is accused of
the larceny of $50,000 in shady real es
tate transactions in and near Edmonton.
The officer has often been in Portland,
but this trip, he says, has proven more
than' any the stability of business and
constant growth of the cKJV
Picks Winter Strawberries A box
warrant will be Issued. The dental of
the motion was made on motion of Dep
uty District Attorney John Collier.
Paroled Boy Arrested Edward fc
Ginty, paroled four months ago by
Judge Morrow of the circuit court, was
arrested last night on a charge of
vagrancy. McGinty Is 19 years old, and
was before ' the circuit 'court for the
lurceny of an automobile. The parole
specified that the youth should return
to Butte, Mont, where his parents live,
lie further agreed to stay at home one
year. This morning McGinty said he
stayed at home one month, coming to
Portland upon consent of his father.
His case was referred to Judge Morrow
when it was called In the court this
Hart In Lift Elevator Whllo oper
ating the sidewalk elevator last evening
at the Hoyt hotel, Fred Spengler, 23
years old, caught his right leg between
the lift and cement walk. If was so
badly crushed that amputation was nec
essary. Spengler Is the eoh of Michael
Sfengler, proprietor of the restaurant in
of strawberries, fully c-own and well J the hotel. He Is at the Good Samaritan
developed, but not ripened on account of
a lack of sunshln, were pjefted yesterday
: morning from -a small patch -la a. five
acre tract owned by Alfred .Marsettl at
Bell Rose, on the Estacada line.- The
strawberries are not the only summer
fruit picked recently ou that place, for
recently a quantity of raspberries, suf
ficiently ripe to be aten. war picked
from bushes oa' bis place.' There are
many pussy willows already budding
there, and a. largo bundle of them has
been shipped by Mr. Marsettl's family
to tho east - W -v- -'-l
rugitlTiT Xi Taken After- TelhTre
leased from the municipal court upon
his recognisance last Saturday. Thomas
Francisco, charged with assaulting
John Loving, fan away from Portland,
getting as far as Medford where he was
arrested last night The local police
will bring him back to stand trial.
Francisco was released upon the Solici
tation of the district attorney's office,
of the
are courteously reminded
. that the Portland Grill is
a delightful dining place,
either before or after, the .
show. We ; cordially in
vite you to come and
spend a pleasant hour or
half hour; Excellent mu
sic. , -
. ' . : . '.
Noon Luncheon
12 to 2
Main Dining Room .
- Afternoon Tea ;
3 to 5:30 .
IntheGrUl .
" ' THE
1 G. J. Kaufmanny Manager
f. N. K. Clarke
' ' Assistant Manager '
hotel. A. Nelson, driver for the Swiss
dairy, was thrown from his wajron last
evening at East Forty-fifth and Belmont
streets; when streetcar struck his
wagon! His injuries are ndt serious.
He was taken home. The wason was
badly damaged. ,
Meagher Sleeted Presides T. F.
Meagher' was elected president of the
Sheet Metal Contractors at a regular
meeting held January 3. Other officers
elected for the ensuing year are as fol
lows: C; E.Uolser, rvioe presidentj- J5
E. TUton, secretary; C. J. Burkhart
treasurer; 3. C. Bayer, H. Hlrschberger,
C. J. . McFherson, T. 'P. Maney and A.
Wynkoop, members of the board of di
rectors. The Portland Association is af
filiated with the National Association
of Sheet Metal Contractors of , the
United States. ; ; ; ,
Judicial Commission Xcport A ses
sion of the Multnomah Bar assoolation
will be held this evening in department
9 on the third floor of the courthouse
for the purpose of hearing the report
of the committee of five appointed to
study the two reports handed - in by
members of the Judicial revision com
mission. "Discussion of the report will
take place and it is desired that action
may be taken looking toward placing
recommendations' oerore the State Bar
association regarding any changes when
the state association meets in this city
next Fridary afternoon.
Bankruptcy Proceedings O. H. Lav
anture, a tailor of Portland, filed a
bankruptcy petition with the federal
clerk this 'morning, scheduling debts of
$2150 and assets or $2815, .Another pe
titioner was OJB,. Heard, a shoe .dealer
of 263 Aider street Liabilities of
$2769.65 are scheduled, with assets of
$2649.86. Elmer Matteer and Edward
Matteer,' merchants of The Dalles, were
petitioners in bankruptcy today, with
assets amounting to $160 and debts of
$3611.67. . .
7, Basks Contract let Contracts for
the deal t for officials and deputies in
the county offices which are anon to h
moved-to the new wing of the court
house have been let to Glass & Prud
homme and the Haley Desk company
respectiively by the -county commis
sioners. The number-of each kind of -!
desks needed has not been definitely
settled yet ?
Improvement Club Meeting The Cen
ter Addition Improvement club will
hold its regular meeting tonight in the
Free Methodist ehurch. East Fifty-fifth
and East Flanders- streets.- All who
are interested in the association are In
vited to atttndras the petition to have
East Glisan street paved farther out
will come up probably for final sign
Asks $3060 Damages Wilhelm Sells
was awarded $600 damages yesterday in
Circuit Judge Gatens' court' by a jury
against the Portland Railway, Light A
Power company, Belle was injured when
he was thrown by the sudden starting
of a car from which he was alighting.
He asked for $5050 damages.
Salgrene, the great rheumatic and
kidney remedy, it has beet) . tried - by
bedridden patients and gave the best
results. It. dissolves the uric acid
chrystals. It contains-no alcohol; alco.
hoi is an irritant to the kidneys. - Mix
2 ounces Salgrene with 4 ounces olive
oil and take in two-teaspoonful doses.
Jail Qaartet BlnrsTTie fonrtern
women confined In the. county Jail were
given a treat last night by Matron Car-
f ....r on v i i) i
dial, -t'li-y ini;. I, I 1
a uniirti t coihimi.m
i i a.
,;. . , i.. i t. i,i;
.,' i, ,i a ;t i n i ai i i a, ,1
i u to tut Mn;,,ln;r ol'
, of tlio lui'ii iuImoii-
Cou;t Permits Trade peririlMHkm to
i xchimge thy furniture arid K-use of tho
Oxford hotel, Sixth" and (l;ik stj-eetn,
for 370 acres of Wheeler county luml
timl $:'500 in euh "v.'ail .grunted to
Johnie Gertrude KunhliiK. udinlnlMtra
tilx of thn entts of, O, C.'RuHhlng. by
l'robttte .JudBO Cleeton. thn nornlng...
The administratrix was alao given. per
tnlsslon. to raiHO J3000 by mortguge .to
complete the deal. .
Souvenirs Pres. Be sure to attend
our grand opening tonlsht at Euat Hum
side and Union ave. Fine music and
entertulnment ty the famous 1'hUip Prta
orcheHtra. 7 to 10 o'clock. The Goldeu
Furniture Co., .formerly Vernon Furni
ture CO, , A ;. V "
Physioai Culture lecture "How to Be
Good to Your stomach," is the subject
of a lecture which will be given at 8
o'clock tomorrow night in tb East Side
librurv: East Eleventh and Alder streets.
under the auspices of the Physical Cul-J
ture union. The lecture-Is iree. v ,-
Bow Is the TlnnI will give. fr; a
limited time, special Inducements in
i'rcr.i tt,z i'.
(l',ininiiii!,itUin i-ht to Tim .TatirTtil for
(million Inn lu Hill li-in rt mi-tit clioiili In- writ
tin mi only tiiit wli I u nf tint pMjirr. nlxiulil (Hit
cjo-i-rU ijiki i,!i lu i-iij;tli anil mint l nc-coiiiiiiiult-J
tjr the imutii hihI giliJri-Mtf of tbe
ui-r. If lli" writer dutu nut uilre to ti?
(li iixui uliH-huU, in liuulil o tluia.t
Cupllal runlsliment Inmithoilcd.
i.. i i i,r ill i ' i
it,in,; lii any In1,,.,!
H I 'i liny yeiiMM or lIi ' I i t mn
could not be liettef .iieroiniih.ili' d by
pKi'petuiil eoni'ine'iient. J. M, JIUWEd.
i Ventilating Through Curtains.
Tlmbervrillcy, Wasii., Jan. 7. To tje
i;dllor fif 'J'lw Jouriiul Three 'or four
yearn nifo a poultry; raiser In. onu of
the eiiatc-rli states fouuul it iv (front lirob-
l'ortlund. Or.. Jan. 6. To the Editor ; Jem to give, his chickens sufficient uir
of Tins Journal I have read with much j at all times of the day and nlht and
Internet .-All tho "Jotters .from, the ...pen.?. not., ive them a draiVaa Hmt always
plo." as 'well us your editorials on -th fcve trouble wtth colda uhd other
UUestlon of cajiital punishment It l a : sickners, so" he etrucat on the ideij of
very live issue. We shall show our- doing , uwuy with thu' glass window In
selves very progressive if wo abolish.! ou. of hla many cWeken houHes and
capital punlBhmont, and equally retro- i I'Uttlng in place of ,the glass an old
grtslve If we suntain it. - j Hour sack. To his surprise lie found
Regarding . the Bible as authority for ln"- the old troubles were no more. So
capital punlhhmcnt; . 4 up to-date there is not a good poultry
; Flret-The Old Testament Is a history "- tat has not a curtuin front In
.,,w,n.. .i i,,i nn.i place Of Klaus for ventilation. In cold
Nleal like our court decisions now, many there s ano her heavy curtain
the good old Bible. I mean the history " , -"7" Jo Yhe7-taS
ladies' suits of our regular imported ma
terlals and linings. Suits $50, Ion
coats $10. Gurney,, fourth floor Mohawk
Bldg., Third,and Morrison. '. ,
Jt will girei Kadame, , for a ' llmltoi
timo, : special ' inducements , n ', Ladies'
suitof our regular Imported mater
lals and linings..- Suits $50,, long colts
$40. .! Gurney, Fourth flQOr, . Mohawk
Bldg., Third and Morrison. - '
.,;,-. ,:,...;..,. , ' , . ' t
. ' f3 in ' Cash ' Olvon with -every suit
made by Blttner & Furrcr, taUors. be
ginning today until January 16. Ludlow
suits, $35 and up; men's suits, $30 and
up-.' All ' goods," late patterns.') 415
Stark.:- '-;"";'.,';...v-' ;.: -:;hm '
. Anditoriujtt to St Started at Once Io
order to mako room- for lt tho Opcgon
Woodyard has moved from the Market
block to Fourth and Clay, where' they
are prepared to make it warm for those
who buy their fuel. Main wf, A-i.
Cleopatra Bemalns all "- Weelr Tlie
People's theatre at enormous cost has
secured the Cleopatra; pictures for the
balance of the week. Saturday night
will positively : terminate the engage
ment " ' l : " "". '-
Jtalncoats, Orerooats, . Cravenettes
Men! $10 buys the best in the city for
the WhyT No heavy rent hanga
over my head, Jimmy Dunn, room Slo
Qregonian bldg.' Take elevator.
Think of It A 17 Jewel adjusted
watch In a 20 year gold filled case for
only $13.60. Jaeger Bros., Jewelers, 2 BO
Morrison, between Third and Fourth.
A Pleasant 3-Boom Suite in the new
Journal building, .eas facing, free us
of auditorium for tenants. Inquire ut
Journal business office.
Men's Panto Buy where you get the
best for the price. No high rent profits.
Jimmy Dunn, room 316 Oregonlan bldg.
Take elevator ' . ,
The Penn Mutual Life Insurance com
pany has removed to permanent quar
tei at 207 Selling building. Harmon St
Furner, general agents. !
Bomsopathio Line Complete. Boer
lcke & Runyon, Boericke & Tafel, Luy
tles. Red Cross Pharmacy, Seventh
street at Ankeny.
Steamer Jessie Harklns for Camas,
Washpugal and way landings, dally ex
cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street
dock at 2 p. ni.
Ladies Serge, suits this weelr at
price. ' Goods and work guaranteed.
Fashion Craft Tailors, 421 Stark.
to the present time. Their statements,
the evidence and decisions would make
reading matter a thousand times worse
than the Bible. And yet in a sense they
are all truo, in that they would point
out the right way to pursue; - and : yet
there la nothing divine about them ex
cept one may say all right la divine
and all .wrong the opposite, v
Moses was a lawgiver whose equal
has never: been found.-? But because- of
the hardness of their hearts, he wrote
certain t laws showing . that he. bad to
come down some, to meet public opinion.
A : leader must ; have a people wise
enough, to, appreciate and : educated
enough to understand what be Is trying
to lead them to or govern them with.
If he is ahead of his time he will be
an Idiot fool or crank, and "die- with
chains and shackles on his feet,"" like
Columbus. ' , '- ?
Captain Cook was murdered because
he did not have people -Who were high
enough to understand blm, but believed
every word he said - was lies, but it
was all the. truth. I ' merely mention
these things to show that the public
mind must be educated to even save a
maq'a life, although ; he has absolute
right and truth on his side, as Colum
bus and Cook had. '
Second I do not believe all. the Old
Testament is divine, but some of it IS
a mere history of the kind of people
God had to deal with in those days. But
I believe-all the prophecies are divine
and true and either have or will in time
become absolutely true. I defy anyone
who has been writing for capital pun
ishment to take the divine truth of the
Old Testament anywhere and show
where it Justifies shedding of blood by
law or otherwise. When a man reads
the Bible he should be open to honest
conviction. But if he reads it to prove
ho is right this is evidence that he' Is
wrong. If he reads it to prove any
church creed or any' law customs is
right he is rather selfish or prejudiced
before he starts to read, and is there
fore unfit for a Just Interpretation of it
He who reads it and says it is divine
from lid to lid, every word, is at one
extreme. He who will not read it at
all is at the other extreme. But he who
reads it with the prayer, "teach me the
truth," will never cry, "an eye for an
eye and a tooth for a tooth." It Is not
in the Bible legally or otherwise to take
life, but It Is a wrongful Interpretation
that seeks to Justify capital punishment
Third There are other good reasons
for abolishing capital punishment Let
the earnings of these. criminals be paid
by the state to tile wile, the child, the
mot herr-or-If-none, to the-state. Met!
who argue thatthe next governor would
pardon these criminals out are mistaken.
Limit the power of pardon, or let it rest
with the people or a pardon board.
There should be no pardon except on
proof of innocence. ;
, I claim thore is nothing in the Bible
Bout Perset Yeoman Banco Thursday
evening, January S, Mooss hall. Four
piece orchestra. Gents 60c, ladles 25c
r One-Third January Bednotioa ' from
marked price on our beautiful art silver
ware. Aronson, e -
tXnloa Transfer Company, furniture
moving and-storage, Jdaln i41 A-121L
One-TBlid January Bedootlon on big
stock high grade cut glass. Aronson.
- W. A. Wise and associates, painless
dentists. Third and Washington.
Is Tour Watch HI 7 R. Krumpf is
the doctor. ' Come to i68 Alder.
ConunercT Work. Glfford. Main 6873.
Br. areltllnf. Splnologlst, Royal bldg.
Interior lews. Glfford. Main 6878.
Br. B. C Brown, Eye, Ear. Mohawk.
Best. ChUt Kline, 249 Fifth.
Br. B. B Anthony returned. -
Safe Deposit Vaults
Private boxes at reasonable rates.
Fire and burglar proof vaults for
storage, packages, suitcases, etc. Cham
ber of Commerce building.
Change in Location
After January 16 the temporary lo
cation of the C. Elmore Grove photo
studio will be In Majestic theatre build
lng. corner Seventh and Washington.
Sno w and icy pave
ments increase
the cost of delivery
WUl Tonr Pnel Supply Carry ou
Kaln 353. 'A-3353.
Commercial Club Bldg;
to whiskey -and tobacco', but what , Is
good for chickens is also1 good for' man
when it ' conies to fresh . air. I have
tried it in my bedroom, putting in-a
half window , cur.taln. ' ; The difference
Is so great that I would not bo without
it.- us - it admits ' plenty of light and
fresh ; air and no dratt jf this lm-
1 1 1,, 1 1. ,n ,- i i.i i.i i ii, . ' . I
WOllId In,. I l.ij Mi!i-i 1, '1 to . mil' :i
milling frul, 1 eilil.. Let i'.;iu
in i. Ho Ot' the hi hoi 1 1 Iioui-m !), ti-nl, d
with a ellrtulli window, und He tho
result. It is no different from an open
window that one yuuld not believe it
until he hud tried' It;
A trli'l on a heiliiooiii window will con
vince. Jt In ulwo eood for a front room
where there is no much d"t a win
dow c-firiiiot bu kept open. . Willi a cur
tain window one can, ventilate n room
and not have She. dimt - Any kind of
fubrlo will do. Besides, there Is Honie-
thlng to ,o for -the, young lady of the
house, by putting on 'fancy designs In
paintingor embroidery. Hope. Ihe su
perlnteikileiit of the Portland schools
will glye this a test. . , -
: r.: .'- ' 'i K. WEBlSlt
The lJcst'Kducatetl Man.
GaHton, Or. Jan. ' 1. To the Editor of
The Journal I wish to ask you who Is
the best educated man in the world. Is
it Woodrow Wilson? ' JAMES LEE. :
Funornl services of Mrs. Jane Combs.
86 years. o)dr who 'died at the home of
her daughter, Mrs, Jennie 1 King, 000
Irving street, yesterday, -will be, held in
Mi.-ii ty.
'"'! s 1 I i 1".
emu.' to Oi'i ,; in .y . ;
fettling iiinr I.i ' ,i!.,i:i. 1
; where him Jived for a mi-..
In IsTO idie innli up lo r i
1'rlliefllle. yiie win the whl "
1'. Combs, wl.o died in V .- l i
l'JOO. , . '
Eight of her 12 ehinircu !
rThfy -ure" James - Comb. J.i' n
"Mary Howard. Jleppn ll Hiiiii. n
Amanda KIklns of .rrin.-vii'.e.
Harry. G. Kundrct and Mrb. J. no'
King of Portlund and William t
of Victoria, B. C. , .
So perfectly are artificial ruhi- s n
by "chemists . that '.Paris piuuio"1
refuse to take any chunctKi with gen
ones. . .. -..'. , '. ,
.-",'S;,v'" ' .-.' .:
" ; -'; r
i 'M
You can only buy Toricous Kryptoks from us. .We are
'one of the few optical concerns that own the KRYPTOK ,
BIFOCAL-PATENT, and havehe right to manufacture
KRYPTOKS in Portland. Beware of imitators and in-"
f ringers. Our years of continuous success with the larg
est and finest equipped optfeal - store west . of Chicago
spells thousands of satisfied customers. Come inland
get a magic Lens cleaner for your glasses free, and be
convinced. . .
If you have tried all the opticians in the city to get your
glasses adjusted comfortably, and still they slip off and
feel uncomfortable give us a trial and be satisfied:that';
we know HOW. References best people in the city.
Columbian Optical Go. -
The Better Opticians
. mm
Pay unending . dressmakers' . bills
and 1 be ; inconvenienced ; by being
dependent for clothes '
. ' ,i. --or- 1
Have the economy and the serv
ice of a sewing machine 'in your,
New Home
Modern Noiseless Light RunningGuaranteed.
New Home Agency
350 xoxBzsoar ST.
We Olro "S. ft H." Tradlnr Stamps.
The Hrairi on your
pocketbook for street -repairs
will be im
measurably relieved
is generally used. .
A DeKgkf ul
LuncKeon Place
1 i
The t splotless cleanliness,
Ae dainty service, the, well
, cooked and carefully-chosen
foods enjoyed before the
.big fireplace, all combine to
bring back again and again
the pleased patron.
Tke Hazel wood
Confectionery Restaurant
at Tenth.
Bntranee oa
Alder St, too. ,
Every Suit
Cloak &
have Walking Pa
. pen and posi
tively must eft.
Every . garmwit
represents the
newest styles, fab
rics and materials.
Read Clean-Up
lis sxrrrs awp cxoaks. .$ g.oo
20 gQTTS AJTP CI.OAKS..$ 9.0.
$30 BXTITS AWD CI.OAgB..yi4.0 5
$45 SPITS AirA CI.0 AK3 $ 1 8 . t -ji
$4 KxssALnrE PETncTS
No WOMAJT or XXSS should pass
this grand opportunity - to save on
their Suits and Cloaks.
2nd Floor Swetland Bldg, 8th, and
Washington. Entrance on 6th, next
to Voital Shop.
Sample Suit and Cloak Co.
Y.M.C.A.DS Schools
Trade Schools.
I Mom. to
3 years.
Assaying ......... w. ... . . . .
Automobile ( growing trade)
vmrywiiijr ....
CilOUU JIMIJT ...... .4. ....
Forestry and-Lumbering. .......
60. On
10. 0J
Bnslness and rrofessloaal Schools.
Accounting, . . . . . . . . , .... ..J15d.oo
Bookkeeping 8.00
Cost Eng. and Quantity Survey'g So.oo
Pharmacy to.oo
Plan Reading -and "Estlmattng. i. s.oo
tteinrorcea concrete vosi. io.uo
Show Card Writing.............
Salesmanship, ..............
Shorthand . .'......... .
Surveying and Drafting.........
Telegraphy, and Dispatching......
Telegraphy, wireless (new Jaw re
- quires I operators on every paa
' ' senger boat) p . . . .
Some of SO Other Courses.
Arithmetic, Algebra or Geometry f
German. French or Spanish.....
Penmanship or English. ........
Public Speaking ...............
Boys Elementary School (day)..
Boys' Elementary School (night)
Call or send for free Illustrated Cats,
logne. Portland T. C C. A. Similar
sohoola Seattle, Taooma, spolune. , .
. 6.00
- 4.00
Thej st Trust Company
Jl of Portland, Oregon
At (he instance of the owner takes charge of property
looks after Insurance, pays Taxes secures tenants '.
: - collects rents and makes prompt remittance, or will ":.';
find a purchaser. ' I . "
We Attend To Other Peoples Business
This is the best resolution that you
can possibly make. The next best
resolution is to have your work
done by the Wise Dental Company.
The test of time is the best test of
dentistry. Our work has stood this
test for 26 years and our business
increases every year the combined
result of skill, gentleness and fair
dealing. t ' , ' ' '
Our bridge
won n a a
een brought
o the high
est state of
The teeth on
this bridge
are I n t er
changea b 1
twill with,
out remov.
ing from the
. We aire a 15 Tear Guarantee, V ,
'':"v;:..,.' J '"'':
.. $ .-. ': .'-.-x-;:i-'. "'.-;;;- i
rlW .mi. I -t
in personal attendance. Ask to see
him, so that you can be sure you
are In the right place.
r 1 tmst efrriiw .
nates, With flexible Bnctloa.
The very best and latest In modern
dentistry. -No more falling plates,
Wise-Dental -Co
Portland. Oregon.
:, '" Eatrano on Third ft. ' 0
-, t southeast Corner. ,
'' Phones llala 20i9j A-3029.-
m' i n 1 - -
Renton Lamp ........ (S.OO
Renton Washed Nut,, .S7.00
East Creek S0.ft
Tono $0-30
Rock Springs .......$10.00
Main C5
Footer & Kiel;
Outdoor Advertizrra
Bast Seventh and Cast Zvere't t
Bast 1111. '
Office 830 traioa Av c.
J"hOTe I'att 1 t. J
"'ITOflle smtulanf fr,r i- '
animals at - a moment's 'i
reasonable. iUi'ft ail "" '
to this olXIce. UcaCi i