The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 08, 1913, Page 20, Image 20

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ChsmplonCzt SfioiY
10 be held In The Meier & Frank Store, Jan
uary 23, 24 and 25.' Entries close January 19.
Apply for entry blanks on Sixth Floor.
Cckxbi3Gr Victor Talking I'
Of every style sold on our club plan of cisy
installments. Hear the January Records in
our Fifth Floor Talking: Machine Parlors.
t::zrycn the Fcutth Fhcr
A' convenient rest or pby rocm for children
while mothers shop in the store. Trained nurse
in charge to care for children and infants.
Or remodeled in our Fur Manufacturing' De-p-zrtr.cnt
Expert furriers to make every style,
frcm fur neckpieces to coats. . - '
A IXiTi 7 A
W W -
. Every Article in the Store Reduced
Contract Goods Oaly SxocptoA.' v .
r.!:n's and Women's Clothing
.GirU' andBoyaothinj ; "
Hatt Gloves Shoes ' . .'
Every Need for the Person
Every Need for the Home
Were in ffte Quality Store of Portland
' Every Article in White Reduced
Contract Ooodf Only Xxoptd. v
Women's Undsrmuslins
.Table and Bed LinensAVhite. Dress Goods
Laces and Embroideries f ' ,
Knit Underweais-White Gloyes ,
White Furniture Lace Curtains, Etc
Weyj Special: f or '. Only
; Regular $18 to $25 Dresses
ONLY 50 "of these stylish Dresses included
in the lot J- Styles for women "and
t misses that are sure ' to please, and in every
wanted color.; Of serge, : corduroy, charmeuse,
lain and brocaded' satin .materials. High and
ow neck styles. Lace, velvet, braid and embroidery-trimmed.
' While any remain tomorrow we
offer these $18 to $25 Dresses at thed O J
very special price of only, each DlLDv
Think of choosing
the, Winter Goat at
only $9.35. , Tomorrow
we include for women
and misses Rainproof
Cut on lines . that give
SI 2.50 Coats
Coats' of double texture.
the long loose effect Have raglan sleeves, stand
ing collar. In. tan only. ' Sizes 16, yeaps to 44
bust measure.-
Made in the
most popular
styles land all
of the latest
h e a v v Cloak-
in m. "chinchilla, cheviots and tweeds are 'these
Coats we offer tomorrow at only $10.65. Choice of
blue, tan and gray, mixtures and checks. ,1 Plain
or velvet collars. . '
To g 18.50 Coats
035.00 Suits wKprS
' , of all ire the Tail-
S14.25.' orcd s'x' ox
H 7 . .-. women and misses
included tomorrow, for. Clearance! Norfolk
and plain and fancy cutaway styles. In black,
navy brown: and gray, and tan mixtures.
neck, long or short sleeves. With
lace and embroidery trimming. Still
other styles have the sailor collars.
200- beautiful
white lingerie
waists. Of voile
and batiste, in
Dutch or high
Mannish $1.50 Waists on
Special Sale at Only 95c
Popular with the business
women are these Mannish
Waists. - With soft, . stand
ing or sailor collars, have
side pocket. Choice of white,
tan and stripes. Reg
ularly $1.50, - special
Reg. $1.00 Sateen
Petticoats for 68c
Petticoats, of black
sateen or spun glass.
Pin tucked or bias
band flounces. Reg
ularly sold at $1.00,:;
special price JO
for tomorrow UOC
$2.00 to $2.50 Mouse
Dresses Special at $1.58
- Women's percale House
Presses, in both low and
high neck "i styles; f Button
front br. side. Plain or . em
broidery trimmed; Light and
dark colors. Reg- df n
lar $2 to $2.50, at 0 1 JO
Dointy Gopoet Cover
Regular 35c to 50c Grades
T HERE'S a. most pleasing daintiness to these Corset
Cover Embroideries. In great variety of eyelet
work, on dimity and lawn. 18 inches wide. Also suit- OP
able for lingerie. Regular 35c to 50c values, yard at uoZ
Think of the selection in this
lot I 8000 yards of Swiss naih-
rL.! J!. at sook and cambric Embroidery
it m d to i a en e sEdgmrwifaand-
sertion, 1 to 4-inch, ror the
trimming of women's under
garments and children's wear.
85c to $L25 Embroidery
Insertion Strips Only 39c
They're manufact urer's
strips of dainty Embroidery
Insertion. On Swiss and cam
bric. In eyelet and floral de
signs. For waists and gowns.
454-5 yd lengths. Reg. O
85c to $1.25. The strip OuC
Reg. 20c to 35c
Regular 10c to 20c
at 6c
Muslin Flouncings, 6 to 12
inches wide. Trimmed with
tucking and lace edges. For
the making of undermuslins.
Regular 10c to 20c On
sale at special, the yard OC
Tix$ ow Sw BunaiaflUfl Ordtn ruiad
Entire Stock
Entire Stock
Willamette Rotary Sewing Machine
on . '
Purchase, sijc
Week jpVft
The Best Your Money : Can Buy at $32.50,
$35 and $40 .
MADAM, have you ' ever seen the Auto
matic Tension feature that . is found
only on the-"Willamette" Sewing Machine? It' possi
ble to sew fabric of the sheerest and daintiest, and im
mediately chanee to sewine of many thicknesses of
-heavy cloth, AdthcutfecesMtyLaen5iottdJu8tmettt.l
Uther advantages cheertuily 1 explained to you by an
expert woman operator. ; Style and finish of case reg
ulates price. All wuiaroette Macnme beads being alike.
Our Binding Ten-Year Guarantee Accom
. panies Every Willamette Machine
The Men's Store-
For Greatest Clothing Values
Two Groups Include Entire Stock
Men'i Fancy Suits and Overcoats
To $18 Fancy
Suits,0 vercoats
See' them' in the Morrison
street window and you'll
agree that even at $15 to $18
they're of exceptional qual
ity and style.
To S35 Fancy
Even the man most fas
tidious in dress will find just
the garments that meet , his
approval, in every respect in
this immense group. .
All Blue and Black SuiU and Overcoats at 10 Off
Boy? Suits and O vercoats
Famous "Hercules" Brand
Regularly $5.00 to $8.50
Th Kca'i Stox, Tblzd Jfloor XaU Ordtr nud
With $1 Purchases of Other Groceries
Log Cabin Syrup, gallon clns, special $1.10
Split Peas," four pounds special at only 25c
Dimple Peas, the can special for only 15
Fancy Li. M. Raisins, four pounds only 250
Dry Pears, two pounds special for only 250
Grape Juice,' 25c bottles, special at only 200
Brazil Nuts, special tomorrow per pound, 150
Sliced Pineapple,; three , cans for only 500
Fancy California Crape Fruity, four for 250
All 10c Spices, special tomorrow per can 70
CCC Dry Milk, 25c can, special now at 190
Atmore's Mince Meat, two pounds at 250
A. & It. Soda, four packages, special at 250
Wadco Baking Powder, special pound, 170
I Tixed Peels, special price per pound, at 1G0
Codiish, special the brick now for, only 180
fan food Grooir, BMut. Hill Ordtra rUUfl
Big Book Specials
50c Books for Boys Titles, such
as "Racer Boys," "Baseball Boys,"
".Rover Boy1 ."Stratemeyer," etc
Special 39e.
50c Books for ' Girls Includes
fully 500 good titles. Of whole
some and instructive reading. Spe
cial 39f .
25c Books for Boys and Girls'
Included are at least 1000 odd titles.
Special 10. . . . ,
Alger ft Henty 25c Edition Spe
cially priced for Clearance at l&f.
All Standard Sets Priced for
Clearance at 25 off.
50c to $1.50 Books Including a
great many new titles Fiction that
has. been slightly handled. (Priced
for Clearance at 39.
Men's Pure Linen' Kerchiefs
25c to 35c
33 c
NOT a man in' all Portland should miss this opportu
nity to purchase the Handkerchief needs at such a
price as we offer for this Clearance 1 Handkerchiefs of fine
quality, with and J-inch hemstitched borders; have block,
Japanese scroll and long style initials,"hand embroidered in
corners. They're broken lines of regular 25c to 35c pure linen
Handkerchiefs, we offer tomorrow .for only ., 150. .
. " Just Inside the Morrison Street Entrance
Sale Continues!
Entire toclr Reduced
Tb.9 Blf luiml tier 0 ,
Madam Premier ,;or "Befctfes
Never Steed
75c, 95c, $1.48, $1.95
OWNS-they're the Thurs-
1 nav teature of nnr .lanuarv j
Sale of Whitel?; Five splendid . groups
and prettier, better quality Gowns you '
never saw at anywhere near this price'.7'
. . 4. .... ...
nna au me more jmporiani are me oner
ings through the fact that every Gown 'k
that enters the sale is fresh, crisp and VI
liewr-hundreds of .them purchased spe
cially and timed to arrive just in time for
this January Sale. .
Supply tomorrow the Gown needs for
months to come here are the offerings
that make it worth while.
$1 GOWNS T5-Better quality
Gowns than you'd expect to purchase at
$tre ; these, we special at only 75ct
Neatly made of good quality nainsook in
the slipover style. Yoke and sleeves are
trimmed with wide embroidery insertion.
All sizes U Gowns priced for the Jan
uary Sale of White tomorrow at 75f. '
To SliSO Gowns
1 1 1 111 a a rihii .iffvrr.
at 95c
. Note the illustration above it
shows the prettiness of one of the
styles included in this group at 95c
Made, in the ' slipover style one;
with square heck and short, fancy
sleeves, as shown, trimmed with'
Irish crochet weave lace other in
Empire style with embroidery in
sertion and linen lace edge trim
ming. All sizes 05 f for Gowns
that sell regularly at $1.25 to $1.50.
$2.00 Gowns
Well made, of. fine quaU
ity nainsook Jn the fa
vored slipover style. Neat
ly trimmed at neck and
sleeves, with , lace medal
lions ; and i ribbon bows.
All sizes in the lot Reg-;
nlar $2.00 Gowns, priced
for ' our January Sale of
White tomorrow at only
They're unusually attractive-
and pretty of
fine quality nainsook and
made in the slipover style,
as shown in sketch above,
Made with "V'f shaped
neck and short sleeves.
Front and back trimmed
elaborately with lace in-,
sertion and ribbon run
emb'dery beading, fl.95
Every inexpensive and expensive Undergarment In 2d'Floor Section at Less I
Have You Seen the
The Las ti-
Self -Reduc
ing Model
THEY'RE the newest model of the
famous Nemo make these ideal
self-reducing Corsets made with the latest
and novel invention, the lasticurve back
,. .... ., . , . ...... ......... . .,. . ... ... . . . ....
And this new feature but one of the many
points that make Nemos the favorite Corset
with thousands of women from coast to
coast. The "Lasticurve Back" consists of
gores of elastic doth extending below the!
back steels and laced to the . end. 1 Although
the Corsets are of the extremely long type,'
holding the figure firmly, yet wonderfully,
comfortable are they, affording the wearer
that perfect ease and perfect fit. .
Advertised everywhere throughout the land ; are. these new Lasticurve ( self
reducing Corsets. Two models No. 322 with low bust. and No. 324 with: low
bust. Visit bur Second floor section tomorrow and have one of our. ex- A q f A
pert corsetieres tell you about the new Nemos. And' they are. only O)0U
. :- ATAe No-place-in-all-Portland r where- a -more -complete and
VOrSCl CCCS varied assortment of Corset Accessories is- shown
v:. .... m . , .. .:, . . than here in . our second " floor ' section. . Alt the little
SOFICS &t LOSS accessories that add -to the atractiveness of the figure.',
t. T " . Waist Ruffles, Bust Formal Brassieres. Pads, etc. Every.
price every style all reduced! ' SMnd jpio aw siuuW-acaii oars rui
Ribbon Remnants at 15c
Regularly 25c to 50c
GHOOSE 'them1 for fancy
work and hair ribbons
these Ribbon 'Remnants in ' 1 to 2
yard ' lengths, 3 to 6 inches' wide.
Plain, moir and fancy colors. "I fT,
Choice of the Remnants, at XtiU
Women's 75c Union Suits In white
and gray, fleece-lined. Made . high
neck long sleeves and - ankle length.
Regular and extra sizes. Spe- OQ
cial for this sale, the suit, itOIt
Women's r. 57c, 79c, 97c and 98c
Gloves Of lambskin. " Broken" lots
and sizes left from Sale group.
Your choice of ' the lot, pair
rCut Glaoov
Sale', Continuca I
ririt noor Mla VnU01c
Our, Regular Monthly Event With Hun
' dreds of Savings :
25c Almond Cream for chapped hands, 14
50c Hind s Honey Almond Cream; 33c.
25c Benzoin and Almond Lotion Soap, 3
cakes in box 18. "
25c White Pine Cough Syrup, 14. "
25c: Mustard Cerate, ?The .Little Poctor,"
priced 14CV-, .'
$1.25 Hot Water Bottles, 2-quarty guaran
teed I year, 73tf. ! 1
$1 J50 Hot Water Bottles, guaranteed 1 year,
priced 83.-. ' t- ' . ":' .
25c Glycerine and Rosewatef, 8 ounces10c
35c Daggett" & Ranisddl's Cold Cream 21c
25c Theatrical Cream15. r .
Oriental Cream. 921' ! ? " ' ' 5"
ilirrorS; Hand,1 trfplkate and stand styles, at
r OKE-llALF PRICE. ' ' '
TIenckera andKeen-Kutter Cutlery, includ
- ing Scissors in all styles and sizes, J4 OFF
;. rirm riodr Kw Building Mall Ordiri rilled