i; f ( i. i i. iiv 9 11. in. t :i, Jul tJi.ri.iue oiui'o furniture i, i i r unit-.. Onk vit-tn t,l,s;t., t-i.lnut toll-lop tvk $;(0; 2 revolv t ;.!, S anil i).i&; fciulth type- & column numbering mn- ,'i .r 'i palm -tountliig inai'tiiues, ti "12 w'uf, li'k lMiHi(ftn, 8&o each; -'i. Imnkfttw. 60c each; 10 (Shannon n pilch: JO 1'ont blmldS, 60c pnoli 1 Cow and borne, for roses and la,nf, delivered any part of City. Kast 630. '1906. ' ' ' " ': ' ' '" ' ' : luK bAi.K-ji-4New and seuond-hand Car cm and pocket billiard tables, and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix. turts of all kinds; easy payments. The Urunswlck-Balke-Collender Co., 4S-43 fclh st. Phones Main 769, A-17o9. ' ' SEWING machines Closing out fin lot second hand machines, all makes. .'arsntecd good order,, cash or terms, 292 3d. near Jefferson. Main 4728. 1 cuFffcu; urn. steam table, range, ex tension table, heater, 4x8 portable blackboard, davenport, Encyclopedia Kiltannica. 24 Russell St. r 8 ROOM house boat furnished, 21 v ft launch. $176. part , down, balance monthly payments! Call or address a om Tabes, MUwaukle, Ore. bAKKS New and second-hand; large assortment; ,, safes opened ' and re nsired.. Mosler Safe Co, 108 3d at t'hnn? Main 7H73, . - - I Oil SAU2 OR RKNT Logging and hoisting : engines, contractors' equip vnnt nailwav Eauipment Co., 1st & Oak tSKl-MACHINES, all makes, cash or terms. Krlcea right Winger Be wing Machine Store. 882 Morrison st FOR UiLEr-Ocod ; stove in ,A1 conaj. tion, Fhone East' 1810, Call 287 Wil liams ave. ' ' v '- '' ' , WAXTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 Square Deal Furn," Co. 235 Front, Main 2344 , We Just started-In; must have house hold goods; will pay big beBt price. Let us make an offer. . " . NOTICE TO MOVERS. ; We want to buy everything In fur niture, atoves and rugs that we can get in we ask Is an opportunity to make you an offer. Will pay all the cash It is worm., mono c oo. WANTED People of Portland to know that I pay the highest cash prica for . second-hand ' household goods. N, M. sinter. 124-128 Grand ave. East 1682. W flY ' sell your furniture at auction? We pay highest prices. Make no mla take; address M. R. Beater, 248-60 Haw thorne ave. Phone East 8134. COVKLL FURNITURE AND COMMIS SION CO. paya the best price for your second-hand furniture, carpets and stoves. 204 First Main 3022. UUAN-u. Rapids Furniture Ex.. 88 Grand ave. East 768. ; Pay the best price for vour furniture. ' See them. WE need the goods, you need the mon ey, Rose City Auction House, 868-379 Hawthorne ave. East 683. ' ' - BE WISE, get more for your second hand furniture by selling it to Ford Auction Co., 211 1st Main 8961. A-244S. TB A RG ER'S AUCTION HOUSE. 868-370 E. Morrison at E. 1022, $1000 worth of good furniture at once. - - "tHONE MAIN 4773. to get top figures for your second hand furniture, etc.1 1 ixcnange uept. WANTED One or two boarders, pri vats home. Rose City Park. ; Phone Tabor 4076. , ' -' CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS. Martin 320 Lumber Exchange Bldg. WANTED Kodaks, cameras, etc, Cam era Exehsnge. 246 Morrison. LOST AKD: rpLXl) gl THR JOURNAL will 'insert Lost and Found advertisements free, but with the understanding that if the property is recovered the owner paya for tha ad vertisement. ' .. , Lost and Found advertisements for frew insertions will not be received over the telephone. The loser or finder la . reouested to call at The Journal office and arrange for tha insertion of the ad vert) gin g2j ThU following is a list of articles found on the cars of the Portland Railway Light & Power company and turned In at the different division points. - Own ers may secure same by applying at liarna a at inAeatA Turned in at Ankeny barii, ; Jan. 7, itua; tt-ut.: i dook, i package.' gro cedes, 1 umbrella. r. ..... Turned in at Kenwood Darn, Jan, i, 1913: Phone B-6141: 1 flashlight 6 urn- brellas, 1 book, 1 pair gloves, 1 lunch box, 3 miscellaneous parcels. . Turned in at Savier street car barn; phone A-6685: 1 umbrella, 1 package mdfe., I package shoes, 1 box rubber goods, l nana grip. Turned in at Piedmont barn, Jan. 7, 1913: phone C-1227: 1 suit case, 1 grip 2 umbrellas, pair gloves. 4 miscellaneous pacKages,: l scnooi pqok. STOLEN $25 REWARD. Brown gelding standard bred, 4 years old, both Jiind leet white above ankles, blaze in face, white spots and streaks on back from bios forward, nearly to where back band works, fore top cut out; new set of harness, nickel trim ming, open - runabout " buggy-- badly weather beaten, when new red gear and black body. $26 reward will be given for the recovery of the above described property. m. w. kaz.ui.k, ... . . . .y McMlnnville. Or. $25 REWARD will be paid for the re covery of property as described be low; Brown gelding, standard bred, 4 years old, both, hind feet white above ankles,- blaze lh face. -white spots and utreaks on back from hips forward near ly to where backhand works, foretop cut out- New aet of harness, nickel trimming. Open runabout buggy, badly weather beaten: when new. red srear and black body. Send any information to LOST Between Star theatre and 12 th and Everett, lady' a black velvet hand bag, containing two velvet purses and - 1 amd small change. FtBder-return to journal office and receive reward. LOST West of Hillsdale, Or,, tan-col ored female doe: amwers to the nam of Beauty. Phone Main- 7734, or 28$ j nth et Kewara. LOST Between 11th andtl2th at on Washington, lady's purse, containing $15 In gold and keys. Return to Jour nal omce ana receive rgwara. LOST Small gold watch with chatelaine pin,-between 13th st. and 7th and ' Burnslde, Tuesday; valued as keepsake, D-156. Journal. . --- LOST Boy's gold rimmed classes on - : way -to Couoh aehoel, on ilisanTr mn bi.; itmoiy leave ar journal office, FOUND A VOlinX SdIIz dotr. Hi'pnkA K, 1342.' Loser may find whereabouts by ' camnK at journal onice. LOST Purse containlntr 841.25 and r ceipt for money-order; will pay good reward. 1 Leave. at Journal office. LOST 4 keys tacked together, one key marKea asid- v-Keiurn to Journal of fice and receive reward. LOST In Oregonian building a left kid glove, with black fur cuff., Return to journal oince. - r'linNI) nn H. V train in Tor. it women's umbrella. Inquire at Union Depot. "r-'-r! '"- -- - - LOST-3unday, small cash book, 60tS yno jfoweu vaiiey roau. aii xanor 14 LUST Bplts dog wlthWcense NpL 3254. Phone feellwood 115. Reward. POUND Sunday, January 6, a rosary, on business st. Phone Main 6101. FOUND Lady's purse; Call 208 18th. PERSONAL . 22 MADAMB ESTELLE. spiritual medium; reaJUngs dally. 128 13th, nr. Wash. MRS. POTTER, -: painless chiropodist eleotrio vapor natns. Z7 Btark at Mi;a MALLORY HAY. spiritual me .llum. 21 N. 11th St."? ri,: .? Ml rial CA RROLL, facial massage. 428 Mark, suite 3. Fhone Marshall 117. iA i v iU.or2a-NwtjW wHii! ..a li'Miian of rnran". L-190, Journal. I.i (--IK WAY LAND Mcalp specialist . ,,-f i.. UKML Knrrlunn ot F. HAL's graduate masseuse, i-oiwa 7, ICOVs Monlaon st - - - -sr-i -..-. . J- ..UXAL ON'T KXl'KHIMENT WITH POISONS Iiont risk your health and money. When In nid ot a safevsnd reliable ruined y for scanty, painful or -suppressed scanty, painful or -suppressed i eriods or other derangements or the lunulr-nol fnnllnn rl u hllllU Of A T1 1 1 - I o Mixture No, 8. It Is a different klndl f u rpinxiv i a arinntma nreDa- ration contains no poisons and la harm- less to the-most sensitive person.-For J I" nale and guaranteed In Portland by the bankrupt above named, was duly ad Heldfond Drug? Co., 230 Morrison, near Judicated bankrupt, and that the first First. Main 8868. . meeting of its creditors will be held at REATMKHtb fortnen-ana women. The finest equipped private office on the acific coast, kadical cure by the latest natural healing methods. We use rad.um, light heat. . vibration, baths, massage, "?,JJ?'??. "1. ut?.tfei"v-f?! electrical treatment we w ,. - Naturwffi iXto&ftd biff Ail con.' FKEE TRIAL TREATMENT?, Six months 11: cure or. money re funded; registered guaranty. v Dyspep sia, nervousness, . neuralgia," , earache, kidney, general debility, constipation, rheumatism, la grippe and colds. Let ters answered., Hours 10 to 4. S20 Swet land bids. The Standard Medical Socle- MEN AN1 WOMEN CURED. - Modern lctrln treatment for nerv ous, chronio and skin diseases. Special ty. Diseases of kidney, bladder, prostate. , - OXyOLINE for catarrh, lung irou- - bles, diabetes. UtMt scientific eoulP- mcnt. ..Or. W., I. toward, o jKOtnonua ' :T-. - " Z- 7 . ,7 I A bid?. '' ' 1 ' " ",; " " ' MASSEUR AND NATUROPATH. , I ur, . jr.- weieen naa removea 10 i Swetland bldg. Electro, vibratory .and mechano-theraDV treatments ' for rheu- l matism, stomach trouble, poor clrcula- tion and nervous disorders, acute or chronic;- lady assistant;- oldest estac , . . . . m ...i--..4 i noon I llshment In Fortland. Maln H8$, A-2820. SCIENTIFIC Electro-Magnetic Treat- raent for all chronic and nervous ais- eases, paralysis, lung ana ; tomaon trouble, rheumatism, ristuiaj nervous headache cured In few minutes; one free treatment ' Consultations tree. 603 J Hucnanan piag., sss- wasningi-on i lonir I experience, beat rererence, treairaenw for rheumatism, lumbago, etc, massage bath. 278 Park. Jefferson street car. I Open Sundays. Marshall 6038. 01 a young iaay unaer to wiuj v""5 dSss'SjneNoTnfistlettero address or phone No. in iirsi letter, no triers. ; Addresa. P, o. xsox ., ron- ?and- v, i 71 REFINED, respectable widow 40, I ultimo, tt iDiicw .v. ww. . w -. refined gentleman of means. Rancher rrfrrl - nhlAft matrimony. No trlfl-1. t-TK. Address V. O. box 2. Kent Wash. I A LITTLE bachelor of 84, intelligent, congenial iwiu ui avuu uibiivduivk. wishes to meet maid or widow, object matrimony: give residence or phone mimber. yN-06, Journal. nu.i.inviA 1,1, tiA man Kiirlal 1 anient If (p. masaase. tub baths, form' erly (14 ' Dekum bldg-t nd 1 .Raleigh bldg., i K0 uurgoyne novei, iiu ... uu Stark sts. ' ' ' ' " ' " MRS. STEVENS, 18 yeara Portland leading palmist and clairvoyant, has SITK 8. 804 MONTGOMERY: MAIN7227 .t-ktm tt-j i m 99 anma mAanB wiahua I picXV VnVZtlli SC rimony. E. J. Keliey, wn. uei., city. hISbKTk'8 SAN1TORIUM, equipped with all modern baths, baka oven and maBBa.no, 0wouim wwibuicuk awvfv-1 UJ WW. MRS, W. R. WRENN. spiritual adviser. 294 jerrerson, cor, om. vircies mon- ... id M !s ; u. w wiiiibihb v. cornar I z . - . ... . . i i . Ma wudidiiuu. Knott Of ice hours 10 a, m. to p. m, fpt above named, was duly adjudicated Uomama AW -ottice, labomocy, or. ii-utUTUAL MEJJIUM, REV. MAY bankrupt; and that the first meeUnjr of la. Mr.hn a;2s. im nUoa. A. PRICE, READINGS, HEALING, hla creditors will be held at the offices AUTO TUilt nyyaiwrtifl 1IA1JJX. A UUU., ITUV. OF TflS UnORrSlXIlCU. IWltlB " - - tori.TtoTW. tJjrfnuty at 8 CONSTRUCTING Quartermaster'. Of p, m. Marshall 439, A-4586. (et Vanc0UVer Barracks. Wash., Jan. p, m. Marsnau nv, A-ao. DOROTHY ROBBINS Baths, vibratory! Iuce ar.il acaip 111000.50. dual ti.i Hotel Scott, 7th and Ankeny. Hours 10-s. ..! IMA Owln I luncan't cure no drugs). Dr. Douglas. D. C, union ave. w. i)R. G, V. KETCHUM Women's mala- - dies, acute disease. a. mug., cor. 4th and Wash., room 41. Marshall 448. M7 DE BARR, electrio treatments for rneuiui.ABiu. -; v. . j.,vvr, 1 LOOK under Business Chances and For Trade. Sea what Hall has. TiitnWI t v A specialty; lawyer, 618 IJ VUnUtOHothchlld i.ldr. HX7U Sw SAVE $2 to 819 by buying trunk and sulfcaVe at 632 Wash Y7t' and Wash BAxJt of t igs, romauy tor diseases of women. u uavis at. -mam ait. SPIRITUAL ana mental scientist ,con- suitstion eauy. atn ptara ac MLLE. ROBERGE, physical culture; of- lice as. oo iiuor, sovyn Aiuer st. V I . I 1 1 I lJ L' w I M 1 1 u l it n", n n I . , , . i . . lora. 1B xiuorq oiag., aiiss WeOlund. Mi3. A, HA MOT Expert chiropody and electrio iignt. oatns. ttnyt BtarK st USE Rassett'e Native Herbs for const-I nation; to tapiets. hoc ah aruggiate. NOTICES 26 - NOTICE 'TO CREDITORS. In the district court of the United States for the district of Oregon. in tne matter or Martin Nakasmma, Dsnarupi; Me, mi in oanaruptcy, iNotico la nereby given that on tne 3rd d.a? ?' Januajy, a. p., 1913, Martin iK..-. "l"aiei "rei?,n: judicated bankrupt: and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at the of ice of the undersigned, rooms 401-Z-3. Fenton building. Portland, Ora- k'ii 10 a. m.. at which time said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint ,rii a,.min. h. honir.!,n, Hni transact such other hualneaa aa mav nrnnarlv Mma hofnra amid mnatlnsr , Claims must be presented in form re- quired by tha bankruptcy act, and aworn w. The schedule filed discloses doubtful assets, CHESTER G. MURPHY, Referee in Bankruptcy. Dated January 8,: 1913. NOTICE TO CREDITORSr- In the dtstrlct-T;otnt-'Pftha"crnttea States for tha district of Oregon. In the matter of F. W. Miller, bank rupt; No. 2282 in' bankruptcy. Notice Is hereby given that on the 31st day of December, A. D.. 1912. F. W. Miller of Portland. Oregon, the bank rupt above named, was duly adjudi cated bankrupt; and that the first meetinsr of his 'creditors will be held at tne offices or the undersigned, rooms 401-2-3, Fenton building. Portland, Ore- gon, on tha 21st day of January, 1913, at 11 a. m., at which time said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact auch-other business as may properly come before said meeting.- Claims must be presented in form re- quired by the bankruptcy act, and aworn to. The Schedule filed discloses no assets. CHESTER G, MURPHY, - ; Referee In Bankruptcy. Dated January-6, 1913. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. -Iri the district court of the United etHteR for the district of Orpiron. " In the matter of B. Goldblatt, bank- rupt. : o. m oanaruptcy. , Notice is hereby given that on the sixth day of January. A. D. - 1913. bankrunt above named wa Id6 MONEY TO LOAN FIRST. MORTGAGE 4?H.patSl ffliiDlf and that h tu-ti SECURITY. ' MORTGAGES PUR WS;. CHASED. - SEE G. A,COBB. ATTOR- ailhe offlceaif thndersig'ed: room. 401- .i.i. Fflnton bulldinir. Portland f)ro - gon, , on the 24th day of January, 1913, at 10 a. m at nrhlr-h f Im. oM ..uIUam, .1 iv a,. v.. " ....... .....v u btmuivi. may attena. prove tneir claims, appoint a trustee, examine tne panKrupt, ana I jT tr.vloe B17 Board Tradu bids- Main I tranannr such rth hiiln . Viotl. A, layior, on isoara xnoit mag. main I 'r-ri?-.jr.rij .r""-'-i. Claims must be presented In required by tha bankruptcy act, - and sworn to. - : . -The schedule filed discloses doubtful assets. CHESTER XI. MURPHY, t . , Referee In Bankruptcy. j -Dated January 7.. 1913. THE undersigned" will not be respon .siblefjyslncurrby member. OI eran ?nlP 88-.; t SChip- keenr " ' rnann IT1 WHI er B n II rvi . 1 linilBHr ble for debtrincured for member." ? crew of German ship Adelaide. - M, H. HOUgKR Agent ."'C QASLkB. Master, -.-v- ..a ... i . . . 1 . . i 1 " V NOT1CK TO CrU',DIT(!H-5. In the dlHtil' t court of th United Stated, for the dlh-Uiet of OreKon. in mo maner in me viiouuicin iuu- tain orchards com puny, a corporation, till fl k T U t) t. J 0. Z.Z'J 111 IKUlIt T U DICY. Notice 18 Hereby given that on tne mat nay 01 ueceinuer. a. u. 1111, i"o Chehalem Mountain Orchards company, a-corporation, of Portland. Oregon, the ln M,"na&Xn7 Oregon ;6'f Ae?2H anv $ i5n,?v mi i 1U on the 22d day of January . m. a"?. .. at wn urn , -a. "3;Yrustee, i"0 - Pf0; other "aWOT'iSJ ,, .aiA maatlno-. ' Clalrru, must be" presented In form sworn to. CHESTER G. MURPHY. ueieree in xtanarupic. Dated January 7. 1913. u; ;r notice to creditors , In the district couFt of the United States for the district of Oregon. In the matter of R, H. Goodklnd, bankrupt; No. 2236 In bankruptcy. Notice la hereby given that on the 4 th day of January, A. D., 1913. R. H. Goodkind of Portland, Oregon, tha bank rupt above named, Was duly adjudi cated bankrupt; and that the first meet- of hi creditora will be held af the f . t- under-iKne(j. rooma '401-2- ?JL ."J thB 2ard day of January. 1813. at RULUH DU11U1IIK. !TU UBUU. vse"t a. nu. at which time Bald creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a . trustee, examine tne Danarupi, u transact such other business as may nroDerlv .coma before said meeting. , claims must be presented in form re-1 aulred by the bankruptcy act and aworn to. . . . - . . . . , xne acneduie rwea aiscioses no aoooin, CHESTER a. MURPHY, . Referee in Bankruptcy.. Dated January 6," 1918. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. tn thu iii.irlM Miirt nf tha United states, for the district of Oregon, v jB the matter of bamuel Davis iocae, hfiYilrrnnt. Nn ' 22 2 A In bankniDtCV. r iouce is nereuy iveu sixth day , of - January.A. X.. 1813k Samuel Davis Locke of Portland, Ore- gon, the bankrupt, above nmoa. . i, hll at the offices of the under- U .rSom, lAtVSV'rZtuatag. di. r.rnn nn tha 22d dav of .ffir "3 if iT m"it which time said creditora may attend, prova their claima, appoint a trustee, examine i iqi MuiKruyi una riioaiik a,1"mayprope(.iy. coma, before ' " r rinim. miiit h nrMnnted In form required by tha bankruptcy act, and ,nuiu w, . The schedule filed discloses estimated assets amounting to , , CHESTER O. MTOPHT. - www. Dated January 7, 1918. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. . t M In the district court of the United States, for the district of Oregon. In the matter or raui neimera. nana- runt No. 2230 in fcankruptcy. Notice is nereDV given mat onui 31st day of December. A. D. 1912. Paul Fenton buildlne. Portland. Oregon. On the 22d day of January, 1913, at 10 twWttmbLli trustee, examine bankrupt, and transact such other business as may properijr lvvJV,T." v. lilTXZi' i fnrm reqUired Dy the DanKruptcy act, -na sworn to. CHESTER G. MURPHY, : Referee in Bankruptcy. Dated January 7, 1818. (l Vancouver Barracks. Wash., Jan. a 1913. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will DS received m viiib vlliv uuui 1 1 I m Feb. 4, 1913, nd then publicly opened, for the construction of walks, curbs, gutters, etc., at this post Full deposit of $5 will be required to insure return OI plans, speciLicauons, ate, . aa velopea containing proposals to be in- A,.. Trnnoanla for walks, ete.." and addressed to the , constructing quarter-1 rnaster. T EXTENDED Coos Bay Port Bond Sal a AH bids received up to 14 o'clock a. nt, December . ii2. were oraereo re- 5T.rf and returned unooened to tha bidders, in view of th. tat.midIln.oJ the vrtaMnitUtUfmu at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, atjwhich fCA 'oaixavxai w ar 1 time ail Dias will uvpeneu. Dated December 9, 1912. ANSON OTI8 ROGER 8. Treasurer Port of Coos Bay. THE undersigned will not be responsl- ble for debts Incurred by members of "" " . , tTum T wV r.;- T M. H. Hauser, Agent LOANS WANTED 30 If HAVE for sale arilt edge first mort gage or i(otr to run yet tor sdoui s vears. that T will sell at attractive dls- count for quick sale, aecured by country property worth $sooo. j-ins, journal. YF you want to loan your money on irat clas. real eaUte, list it at once , SLAUSON-CRAIG CO. MORTGAGE LOAN DEPT m mrt' y. . . ; . , , . OWNER will sell $1000 per cent interest; well secured by first "" " "af J V.?." iilxf '"J'it I discount if taken at once. K-18S... Jour-1 nal. I WiCTUI) Frnm nriva.1. nartv. tfifln nn I nous Allsky house and lot for years. Call at 811 llsky bldg. Ewen. WANT $600 on 20 acres of good land, Wll years, Will pay 8 per cent for one or two M-H8, journal. FINANCIAL 51 CASH PAID FOR. MORTGAGES Or aeller'a eaufty In contract of sale 1 on real estate in Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble, Lumbermena bldg. Loans. I MONEY TO LOAN 27 REAL ESTATE WE HAVE MONEY on hand for lmrne- l"1""- J:: r P ent Mn7n Per ?nLftMo8t any amount from $1500. to $20,000. ,, : . A "enry piay. MArro-acro 1 rtiane ,' iVlOllgdgD LOdllS On real estate security at reaaonabie rates in sums from $500 and up. The Lawrence Co. 171 4th st Between Morrison', and YamhilL MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. - SLATJSON CRAIG CO.. Mortgage Loan Department. 304 jsk St., wear rinn. MONfciY TO l6aN ON REAL ESTATE. l 1250 AND UP. I J. E. NICHOL8, 1 ir tfow RT.nn PUR- VP, LAW, 1013 YEON BLDG, ltinn TO- $300 to loan on real or collateral mrltv fAt. a .hnrl lima flra. 1 security, for a ahort time. v 207 Ore- I i liJ ronian oius. . . p,ENTr monev on cltv real estate. G. real estate. G. wa . ..,... nn .i .... 10-12 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison. ; $100,000 on mortgages, city or farm property, fire insurance, McKenala & Co.. Gerllnger bldg., 2d and Alder. X- cr-- u" " i j . .. " a MONEY to loan, improved - Portland )0 tAriarfv inAn al fnniH rfa. Tit 1 a PtTA Km loan- Is'Ia... . anlaltv 1 " v" t -" ' - bulwiniTloanariowefit rates; nre in- Burano. W. G Beck. J15-816 'Falling. I 89 MORTGAGE loans, and 7 per cent Louis Salomon & Co., 229 Stark at WILL loan $20,000 or less, real estate. Farflngton. 41$ Commercial Club bldg. .YD IIAIIT"! A N-Tl! O U ISO U B A N K Chamber Of Ooinrncrce IiHlg. We have on hand funds for Invest ment In pood first mort (cages. If you wisn to borrow on your real estate, con far with nur morU:nn-e loan department MONK V TO LOAN . CSn farm nr tnlfrv nmnatv Tlrfi HARBOLDT-WILSON CO.'. INC. 710-718- LEWIS BUILDING. , 4th and Oak Sts. Marshall 4200. A-7158. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A. H. HARDING, 81S Chamber of Com. MONEY to loan on Improved real estate. i. u. wnite. vol commercial Club bldg. CITY nd farm loans: rntas. purchased. Henry C. Prudhomme Co., Wilcox bldg. $20,000 or part for immediate loan on real estate. Tabor 771. MONEY to loan, to S per cent W. H, Belts A Co., 810 Bpnldlng bldg. $3000 tp $5500 to loan on farm prop erty, ti-iiu, journal. $1000 TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. FLETCHER. 226 Ablngton Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN 67 CHATTELS, SALARIES - MONEY TO LOAN ON DIAMONDS. J. B. NICHOLS. (16 YEON BLDG. Proffessioiial ABSTRACTS ' JOHN A. BKBBT. Att'y., eoUeetloot, abstracts examined, written . opinions oa . If rat qaea- tion. 81T A1lky bldg. Mrhll 38211., AOCOBBEOIT TLZJLTVSd K. itepfcaa. ladlns' trilor. aocordeoa, aids nd sunburtt pleitlng, ' bittonS covero. good toonsed. hemstltchlns. , stut Alder. Uala W378. . AOCOUMtAMTa V?? COLUS, BKEEIDGB 4 THOMPSON, 83 Wor- ceater viaf. wmn oooi. ADVEKlISOrO rOSTEB KLEISBB, outdoor dTertUlas; painted bullstlus, painted wfclw, jxt". TU nd H. KTerett it. Et 1111. b tiM. A&caiiSOXB ft BVILDZM rians. estunstes furalshed. Belort yoa anus Wllllai, K McKr bldg. ill BZAXEK1 I.i. . 1 , l PJ2t.$5 I - thaa eUewnerw. isa w. v ara. a ii. DO YOU wcu s leg 1 Get toe bait " It para. Write tor caUlogu. Ike PeerhMs ArtiUcial Umb Co., 4t Wblniton. AXXIBXIO .WOLX AHO.UOS Ballanea Wire and Iron works, .'Cast 10U . Bd lnd ltut 1888. Arioaaiig i us nnnpRll aemond from 1424 Yeoa bids . to Suite 400 Yeoa bids. Phone M. lOBS; A-476 WatJ-4t a CO., auMnjrim, auaiUeal ctraiaMta. anna iqw. OREGON ValcanUlof Oo., "Tse Itre Shop," 6M) Wsghlngtoa. Uarnhsll SI. AUZOMOBUJU XO KSX $2.60 per hoar. Duples Auto Co. 11. U4J A 4314. Office aoB BUrk. KLX BETAnUMa tOBTLANO Belting Hepalr Co.. 6 flist; bolt repairing, itotorcycio ovnt ao B. BUtNX BOOK JCAKSM howb. DAVIS COMPANY, to 3d it BUU Book manufacturers; agents (or Jones' is pruTvu uofMO-um iuia.. aw - rk itnf. A-81D3. Main 183. 1 1 BTCUUKQ AMD KEPAI1IKQ BDILDINQ, repurlntr jobbuig.; pr.cucal.r.Ua- bU. reaaonabie, day or contract. Sedgwick, Selwood 1605. " " ' ; '-' CAMDT KAMOYACTURXM THB Aldoa Candy Co., 12th aad Oliaaa sts. High grade cnocolatea. CARfEMlES AMD BXPAISIMO fBPBMTJt-coiivunp-w g work, i. B. Young. Woodstock aye. ,49tf at j WIKsxuom. . bouse, ottice, elore repair tos. remodeling, -brig, Woodl.ws w. CA&PET CLEAMIMO I0YCB BEOa Electrte Cleaning Works, ear oeU cleaned and laid, retltUng out aveclalty. B. 0, B-IB08. 204 B. 18th ;N. 'niiK.ri.uy and Cadillac, electric and band .i.i,.ra. or aala or rent: cleaning tjoni. BenUey Co.. 47 Washington. CABMZ WZAV1M0 ' NORTHWEST BOO W0BK3. ruga from old earpou; rag ruga, carpet cleaning. 163 Untoa avenue, near muhuvh. pi&ulM. Bug Works, rag carpet and ruga 1Mb ratton are, nwin"" vk. iMDimT m, weavlna. Hue ner yard and up. V" . r . . . . , 1,' ..... IU1 Un.Mll warp turuitfneq. mra. i. jt, u""' CHIROPODISTS CORNS, bunions. Ingrowing nails, etc., re mored and cured; naw method: poaluvsjly w naln. Dr. J. W. WIIW, ww-.w nviuium . U and Waahlngton. 0HI&0PBACTI0 PHISICIAM n uM.au w. IkC.K. 823 14th at. and chronle dUeaaes, UeatmeaU 8S. Mala 5608. TAj.ijaifMI.N18 restore health naturally. 1 I . ; ,k n.th nfi. 4tb and Waamngtoa CiaODLAB LETTERS utJLTIGBAPHING, printing. atanogphera. I Hill Co., a Henry Plug. STultnomau Mu tigrapbing Co.. facaimi algnatnrea. 609 Kllera bldg. Marshall tacalmlla COAL AMD WOOD SPECIAL PRICES ON uakaiN 8UOBT W0u, .!. TiZvvti A FOOT WOOD. liW. IMSIDBUREKN SHOKT. $0.50. SAWDUST for fuel and bedding. The Portland Slabwood Co, ' Mala Ml. A-7U01. " Dm law arnrr inn rinAL from Clear Creek. Utah. arriving dally. Beat brought Into Port tali Z"m, W Co., E 814, B-2343. 81 I Orand avenue. T CONSUMERS'" FCBL CO.- Amet. Catl Mining Co. I Coal direct from mine to consumer. Have mlddlWe profit Bast 118. 8-1118. Buak.ra kaat 1st alio isjfmc. - PAC. SLABWOOD CO, .r Orean ilabwood, big and small Inalde block rA nlaner trimmings, cord wood. - niLTON Wood Co., dealers In dry and green slabwood. Try ua when orueriug gooq iry wood. 1W Macadam at Phones Hals Ibk-J, A-VMW- NEER St FARR "d oak wruood?Au!o aawed to oraer. mi : m". - n klaln 4B9. A-464T. " VUrtL Yamato Wood and Coal Co. U. BAS1 BIS, C-IOOI. DaXlVBltUD . ... 4 -EOMITT.T EKlliZV. 77 EVEBT8, yoot Curry atreet. Suki planer, block, alab, cord wood and coal. " standard Wood Co., B4f K. Stark. East 8315, 1 B-it. I imiK IIlbina fuel, co.aii kiada of green and I . MMUa Uruh Hnrlnara and V.nn,. m. 1 1 urj ,, , -....v..- COAL and all klude of wood. Phone Holgats Fnel CO., eei wooa oo. . i 021 aier. - bbibjom. llm.KI.MEN bandlea wood and coal, - :. , C0T-I-Itf!'rinwt -'"- " '','-'"?-'",-u - - L -' COBBENT and 1 delinquent Out of town col. , i? i,i,"'Ho,f?i'oet v,tn JI?JT" tee, Hlgbeat referencea.; 1U21-23 icon bide. The Standard Uercastlle Agenc.-, E. W. Angelll lo.n. .a .....st. I , mi .no X'AlXc'rih "KofT "' , - caisTiitrrtam mfrohaxtb a a .. w v. - - v - -.-. - - gHEROD Bench Egg Co , 114 Unloa .. But- tw. egira, nonlrry. Teal, hogs. BENBY EVERWNO, 45-47 Front at Butter, eggs, poultry, veal. bogs, hides. - : ,,:.v "j. . i. -CUAXli.IA SAL. i TO liiiKHUWl'-Jc.-i: ' LOANS OF $10 OH MORE TO ANYONE. We want no advantaxo care very lit tle about security, promise (satisfaction and guarantee a square deal. . Tell us how. much mony" ynu want, convince us of your ability and honest Intention to live up to your agreement and we will make you a loan. Our easy payment plan enables you to repay the loan easily and oulckly. YOU-CAN GET IT TODAY. . 'WE DO AS, WE ADVERTISE. ! - PORTLAND LOAN CO., ;.. PRIVATE OFFICES, :' " 207 MACLEAY BLDG. ; Bet. 4th and 6th on Washington at. Open Mon. and Pat, evenings to 9 o'clock SALARY LOANS. CHATTEL LOANS. You can get $5 to $100 today at cheapest rates, best and most private terms, P. I). Drake, 3ii Henry oiqg MONEY Bold on Installment: confiden tial to salaried people,- F. A-Wew- ton; 614 Henry Diag. LOAN for the asking, salary or chat tel. The Loan Co., 414 Dekum bldg. CHATTEL and real estate loans, no red tape; confidential,-'mortgages bought Adolphus Lane, 414 Ablngton bldg. IF you own your lot, we will furnish the money nd plans and build to your liking; terms easy, Soil wood 1930. iaodSBusIries DAISY ASS CEEAMEEY' SXTBTJSSB ; MONROH CEISKIX, 140 Front dairy, cboaoa factory machlnerr and anppllea. . - DANCIMO PROF". W AL WILSON'S Danclni School. Walts, twotep, three-atep, arboUOin-ha; leaaons, 2oe Bvory . morning, 'afternoott and eveuliig. - . All dances guaranteed first leaaon. Do you know, anyone woo walks can tears to dance titngo and fancy dances taught dilly. 80 V4 6th St., between Stark and Oak ata. Main 7037. - MK. AND MK8. UKATU'8 schools, AUa-7 bldg., 8d and Morrison and 100 2d St., bet Wash, and Stark. Leuona 'dally, fancy aud stage dancing taught: waits and two-step guaranteed In 4 lessons, Claas Mon., Fri. Era,. 8 to 10 at 109 2d at. KINUKB'S Dancing Acadmy, a aslect acbool for sodal and fancy danclsg. 231 H Morrison. Marshall 813. Social Wednesday. Saturday. BEITIAI, SPECIALISTS DR. A. W. KEENB, Dentist, Majcatlc Theatre bldg., aai Wash, at. Marshall 8205. DENXI8X ABIIFICLAI. XKTH Specialist on plate work. "Tbla one thing I to." Q9 Olona bldg.. 11th and Washington. PEIUtAIOLOOISTS IfoUa, wrinkles, scalp apeclallat Mrs. Court right Til Dekum bldg. Mala 604Z- SaESSMAKOTO 6CU00I. , Valentine's system ladles tailoring, dress making taugbt. IM Qrand ai., bctwaea ilot rlson and Belmont. aU,QTlU9 KOTORS AMD SYBAHOS . WB BUY, sell, rent and -ei change now and aecond-bagd motors; repair work a specialty. Western Electric Works. 81 3 nth at. Motura and dynamors bought sold, repaired. H-M-H Klee. Co., 81 N. 1rat. Malu ttilO. kilevtrto motor , apeciallata. James, Mckvousie Electric works, low Union. Kaat 117. gMCBATtM EMBOSSED autioneryt'ngraTe4 cards. Oardam Co.. 403 Manchester bldg. JBYEj JAB, MOBH AMD XRROAT Treatmeoji by apeclallat Glasaas fitted. Dr. f. K. Caaxday. 18 Dekum bldg. yAAat IMFIiFMFMlS AMD VEHICLE! P. B. ESBBHSHADB. 214 Front farm Imlpo menta, tools, lawn and "field fence. K. M. WAual CO., OU Rawtaoroe ava. Wholesete agricultural Implementa. yOUMDKY AMD MACH1MX BUOY Pkoahla Iron Works, B. 8d and UivUsru. Oeaerml machloo ana tuundry work. IDBMITDRB EKPATRIMO BOWERS e PARSONS, 1O0V4 froat Mala T448. Furniture hospital; packing. ypBS AMP TAXIDEBAUBI BEMODEUNO and new work. F. B, Ulnley, GLASS AMB OLAZLVO Tlmma. Cress Co.. 148-a 2d at. Pnunnt aervlce. Ring Main or A-2XO, CAS0UMX EMQIMX MA BINS and stationary, wholesale and retull, marine hardware and equipment. Machine hop ltid-7H front at, (betwtMui Morrison and lauinui) bAAiiOftAtti aud inutile electric euuipneaia; launches, accessories, wholesale aud retail; angina repairing, Bleraoa Maculuer Co., lbs Mn-rlanit - - , , OBMEBAL BBCAUIIMO QBNEBAL machine and electrio work, repair of electric motor and ajuamus a apecialu. 8. Hlppely, 224 Qsk. HAUL SBBSSIHO OP TO DATK balrdrvaalng, manicuring, face and scalp treatments. Uau- work made up. mu Bweiland bldg.p , HAUL GOODS FKBViT UANEBUT Leading wig and toupee marerv, finest stock sf human, hair goods; hair dressing, mani bur lug, face sad scalp treatments Hi. 7U. near Morrison. M. 640. ' HAI iACXOBX THB ROYAL HAT WORKS, 223 First. HAY AMP OBAIM G. B. KNIGHT, 828-80 N. 17th at. Hay, grain. full fid.,,. .. .ht.l.. -" . ZMBUBABCE PACIFIC STATES F1BB INSUBANCS CO. vw; vrcajmi Aire lusursnco company. ruunaj us aoout jour lire iuaurenee. Main o. m"J vw., inc., OIU WIICOI bldg. McUAU(JAlt, Bates A Lively, ttol Xeoa bids. Krery form of insurauce, bonds. nTMS DEALEB8 HIGHEST price paid for tools, old machinery, copper, rubber, bottlee, M. 827a. LADIES' TAILOBIMa Biuu grade uuoring, expert cutter and fitter; uiba aifcvivu auu rouuueiect -ec latest vtyle, ws also make up your own material - Work fuaranteeq. a. uoruan, 2(U' Bo. U. 6874. FOU. ladles' garments try E. A. Adams, 261M Morrison. Buita 7-a. Mar. 1M34. Work guar' teed LAMDBCAPBOABPEMIMa . PACIFIC Landscape Gardening company, - 615 noiacniiq oipg. rnoue Marsnau 2300. LAMXEBM SLIPS 8TEBEOPTICOKS sold, rented; otrarator fur. nisneu; reuaonauie. uannera, show cards. lgll. cmrTl ISff jrnrt w., I O fx "JIO. ' LEATHEB AMD FUIDIMQS CBAS. L, MAST1CK CO., 74 Front Leather ox erery (.eacripuuu, tap luanuiaciurera, find li ' rv:--"-" -.- MACHINEBY B. TKENKMAN A CO., hydranlle and epeclal pipe, smoae aiacaa, uu tanas, mining ma- Cninery, repsirny n- n. ein. E.N 01 Miii, bullera, sawmills bought, sold and eirbanged. The I. K. Martin Co., Portland.Or. UAMICPBIMO MANICUBINQ Most thorough and latlsfsctorr - t. drkf- vi.AVw.aa t,U. . W7TK QW uinw uiu . ' ' ' HEM'S rUENIBHIMO Q00PB Neustadter Bros., 6th and Ankeny, Importers Ot men's rurninniug goons. - - KESSEM0EB8 HASTY MESSENGEB CO., open night sad day. - aiem o.y a-gioa. H0BTOAOE LOAMS JOHN ; KEIt, mortgage lo-na,1 insurance, S03 v-.. u.i oqsa . ' ' a fw.n - iiniai,' ww. ITOBIOBCHtfOLAMP TEACHERS RAGTIMB- fruaraau44- leHo-M-tanrx T. B. J.AWSON, 135 14tn. Mala 0187. Piano irons, N cents. KOUTUWKSTEUN School of. Music. Special bonnnr orrer. iziia 'trann are. 'i-;sst tuna. I'lANO, vlollA, ninnilolln, gaitar, baujo iusU'uC tloua, cuc. .tui uuwiuorue are. , ' Salaried People START THIS NKW YEAR OWING HUT ONH 1'AIITT $10 TO $100 ON You It FKKKONAL NOTE. FOR FURT1IKH PARTICULARS CALL. TELEPHONE Oil WRITE - State Security Co. - 80S FAILING IsLPG. -PRIVATE PARTY LOANS at upecial rates on ' furniture, pianos, storage receipts, watches, diamonds, Jewelry, .etc.; no loan too large or too small. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. 1 - Private offices. When in need you will make a saving by getting our terras first W'flte. call or phone Main 4617. . 820 Lumber Exchange. . " ELBY COMPANY. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE and ' others, upon their own names; cheap rates, easy payments, confidential' D. H. Tolman, room 317 Lumber Ex. A desirable place for ladies and gentle men to borrow money on diamonds and Jewelry at eastern rates. Diamond Faiace. 83 waan., opp. uwi orug store. $1000 and $1200 to loan on improved property. Vvan nnBi a, MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewel . ry; atrictly confldentlaL 141H Sd. ., MUSIC BCHOOLI AND TEACHEfiS Ragtime Piano playing poaltlreiy taught any person la 20 lesaona: auccess guaranteed. Writs bow tor free booklet Cbrlstensen'a School of Popular Music, 801 -Gooduough bldg., corner Dth and nmnui atreera, roriiana, ur. ; ' BAQT1MU guarauteed la 10 to 20 lessons. I'lsDo. mandolin, guitar, slnirlns. orialnal teachers of popular music. Flours 12 to 1 and 2 to T p. m., 417 Ellers biillillng. P. V, KISSNBEf, riullnlsl, practical teaualna. 10 lesaona Ilo. IS Broaden bids.: M. XL cor. ner Rd and Waahlngton. L TU1KLHOUN, violin teacher; pupU Sevclk. 82 manner. A-410; Msrahall 1029. OBNAMESTJX WHtK AMD JBOZI POBTLAND WIBB I EON WOBKS, 2S4 2d mi. Arrniieciursi win ana iron - DB, ULLEBKLLB PATTEBSON, specialist oa uu avBii auu vurviuv lsUPCssjsj, fia ivt, rombla bldg. Main 8981. . UK. W. A UN OLD UMDSBy.. SpedalUt. oa Bheumatlam, Stomach and Ml Nimma ni. easea. 618 Dekum bldg. Main 8784. -T7 DB, AUAJCtt M. BUOVVN. (KH Journal bld Honrs 10:HO-4:30, M. 3609. Bea. Tabor Sj. yATXMT ATTOBanCYS PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock attorney. amw, niw va u. ,o, uaienc OtllCa. Bout free. 1010 Hoard of Trade bldg. i " ' Anrr, on. amp class ,r, PIONKEB PAINT CO., m tint st Mala 1334, THB UBAVKU VAHNiiUl WUkM makes good' products. Ask ygor dealer. tASMUSSitM- a CO,, "Utah Standard" pslat N. E. corner 3d and Taylor. M.-A-IT7I. PAIMTIM0 ABB f APEB.IM0 WALL papef half price. Papering, tinting, ete. 185 Wat Park. A-7219. - s. mm . ei. BINO W7 for flgurea on paperlug. painting tinting. Chpaiifst snd beat. t. Ward. tJUXtaQ AMD PAPEBIMa r0.?obS.,t S?rk- prtc "fnt ca ' Doe as, 882 B. Wash. Sellwood lUi. OOOD work my motto, A. Oabuura, 06t Baa naauii'iioiu- It-ilol, nasi ia. JPATIMO COMPAHini . WABBEN CONSTRUCTION CO.trt par- uit, uinaiu, aau croeaings, I la Xlooe 4our- EHII UUllUlUg. . THB BABBBB ASPUALT PAVINO CO. Por lam.i . ".iii" xT , "'"r PuiHiiny. PHOTO BTVDIOS Tbe Arne studio will mo. art T.nn... , m. tiltli. u.-..ki... a POBTLAND- WOOD PIPE CO. Factory aad of- i,,.- .iu .im im. main BW, f LraBIMQ AMP KEATIMO, CONTRA Cl'INO. reoalrlnc. honnt nri. .1 auig auro. i. n. vrowiper. soo ad. M. Tbao. gLPHBIMtt SUPPLIES, M. L, KL1NB, 84-36 Front at., wbolcaale plumb- wtais savesa aaj wuyyiirgj. f OPCOaM COMFECTIOMS ' STANDARD CBISP CO., 293 UUsan. Popcora M1WTI UU IB. PBiaimo I?,ntl1n Co . W Oak. Mala 4671, BOOFLVa, PAIMIIMO. BBPAUUMQ TIN roofing, repairing, painting. Jobbing. Losll, 2U Jetterawi. Mala 1424. a a A Mi IMiLK, ahevt ueuu works, Us aDoo. "" wih quia, n-ioi-u, BOBBEB STAMPS AMD SEALS STENCILS and office stationery Cuaniogham UAHUto, Uade checks, brass aigna, aUucUa. ivreus anm.j tit aq, Msrenall iBIl. SAMITAXIim A GENERAL sanitarium for aurslcaL curuwe ana an-uueasea not Cuntagtoua; aiao maternity case. drupatlilc equipment and massage, .is uuTcju. BOSli UXX SAiMi'AulUAl, aulcll maleraii uuvpiiMi, 101 i-. ui ui aou si. SHOWCASES AMP fULXUBES THB 3AMES 1.' MARSHALL MKU. CO. New ana 01a - snowcases, cautaeta, slurs, office, window natures, 4th and Couch. . ana score in iu res msae to order, 'ihs Lutke lirg. .co. SIQMS AMP SHOWCABDS WllUUNllltR Cli. S1H famni,,.. Show earoa. cioiu aina. wmuow trims. ' TOWEL SUPPLY CLEAN towels daily, eouo, bruah, soap. Towel . supply t-o. via auu voucn sis., 1 per month. Portland Laundry Co. Phoneo Malu 410, A-14 lu. TAlLOjUaa SCHOOL KIESTEB'S Ladles'- Tailoring College. Leara dressmaking, tailoring, nayj inn. maBf ab amp sioBAOB C. O, PICK Tra niter a Storage Co., officea ana eouiuiuuiuus s.ucy wki wareuouse, with separata Iron rooma and fireproof vault tor- valuable.- N. W,-corner- iid and Pine ata. Pianon ana lurniture movea anu pat-kaa for shipping. Special rates made- oa goods In our through cais to u whuu auu luisiQ poiau, Main OHB, A-IHTO, "OREGON TRANSFER CO. , - - Batabllahed is?u. Transfer and forwarding agents. , - Storage, free trackage. ' rifflcea and atwrage. 474 Ullaatt street. 1 3th and Gllaan. ' Muln 6. A1I0B lOU'lLAM-' Van a Storage am.. Inc., IMa and Ererett; most modern storage warehouse In city i kw fire Insurance rate pi-oof of tuls. free trackage, moliig, packir.;. ahlpplug; rt a,,a,l fraiaht rates on household aooils . In through cars to and from east Mala 6W, A- 13!t0. UAiiUAUB a Omnibus Iranafer Co,-Baggage cbeckea at iwi: wiu, miuuun mormi. tared or pneaeu ir suunueui, i ura ana t ete sta. rnouw . mmu onrwi,. -flOli, - i TYPEWRITERS. TIPEWIUTKBS,. slfghtly used, L. C, Smiths " and all other makw at reduced price end easy terma. i. I.. C. Smith Droa. Tpwrltr VO.t "0 aato ALL makes rented, repaired, sold. Cunning, hsm t.. 81 Htark. Main 1407. - VlQUa MAKJB 0, KUDEN, tiolin maker, expert repairing. 813 Alisay oiK., piuiiiiHMi, crirner oo. WHOLESALE JOBBERS M. A. GUNST A CO..X DISTBIBUTORS OP IINK CIGARS rusiuas.am: EVKKDINU A PAltKELL produce and coniuiU . slon merchanta. lo front at,, Portland, Or. Phone Msln 179. UOltiiAN WALL I'AIEB CO., 2:10 2,1 at,, l- twein Sntiwn sntt aaj-.--r- . r : -- 1 ALLEN & tLWia-GUuCliUlta Belli IIj Siccecs ! In all my work l am thorough, painstaking and careful to give Just the right treatment required in each Individual case for 16 year. I have been proving my ability, - and my business methods have always been strictly, reliable.- . My unqualified success is due to a thorougn medi cal education, supplemented uy years of experience in men's special dis orders only. My treatment la a. cor rect as modern science can make it . Maybe you have been treated an uui ueiiea tenipurariiyor "01 at Has your trouble still the upper hand ' of youf Do not despair. Consult me free and let me teil you whether ybu can ever be cured, . if 1 take your case 1 CURE you, 1 will' give my time, my attention to your case ao that you will go away cured and grateful. ou need not pay a nickel until you are satisfied that you are cured. I have treated thousands. 1 have cured thousands, ,. Let me cure THE NEW GEKMAN REMEDY FOR BLOOO fOIHON. . It Is now two years since tha in troduction of the NEW GERMAN REMED lor BLOOD JfOlbUN. and during that time I have administered this preparation in aeveral thousand cases. i have given this remedy a severe test and can say without tear of contradiction that it is the great est discovery of the age and-tha bast remedy on earth for Htood Poison re gardless of thu stage of the diseaaa Don't believe doctors who tell ' you otherwise. -1 introduce it directly into tha blood by tha INTRAVENOUS meth od, giving you the genuine German Remedy. Xou come to my office, re ceive the treatment go about your work aa uauai ana in ten aays time the symptoms disappear. Why should you continue taking poisonous and injurious drugs inu your stomach for year, when you can coma to jne and be cured! , WEAK, NERVOUS MEN, -Don't despair, bclence baa at last found a aura curs. ANIMAL ShSRUM properly administered la the remedy that never disappoints my patients. Don't persist in old-fashioned treat ments that alwaya fail, when.l can offer you a listing one, ' v . My practice ia limited to the disor ders of tha mala and 1. further con fined to $hese special and chronle affections f the pelvic tract These include Lost Vitality, Enlarged Veins. Hydrocele, , Blood Disorders, Con tracted Ailments and Bladder and Kidney Diseases. -1 have ; take up these ailments especially, because thousand, of men are held down by chronio weakness which the aver age practicing physician does not understand and usually tries. to make light of by telling the patient that nature will soon repair the waata, - . - CONSULT ME FREE. - - - My advice and consultation are free td the afflicted, whether treat ment ia taken or not 1 im always ?lad to explain my methods and give flehdly advice to all who call. If you cannot come to see me, write far seir-examination Diana. - riours, a. m to p. m.; Sundays, 10 to 13 only, 221 Vi, MORRISON ST!. COR. FIRST, v PORTLAND. OREGON, f ; $ SEE ME FREE. If you , are worrying about any ailment In cluded among, those within which I ape riallxe, I invite yon to call at mr office and 1 wUl give you FKEE a conscientious examination and di agonals aud advise you ot the proper . . IA tilll-aua KA -B.- tsuia a-- ' - . - - -. . .... i,nn warrv ind rid yourself WTJJ""? tepawtao rSSrrvaSSufltroTsVh.m.Q . eert in thTtreatment ot the atl-AJ?,.p-ith Vhich MEN are afflicted. mtvitr? ma? calling Hat mf ttlca ia ual treatment until .ure la SI- teCUdNEOSALVARSAN . Improved German Remedy tar BLOOD POISON I admlniater the remedy according to the very latest method. Come to ma it you have any of tha following disorders: Enlarged Velna Pimples, Nervous Debility, . Nerve, Blood and Skin Disorders. Bladder Troubles. Blood Poison, Eruptions, Ulcers, Special . Ailments, Piles or Fistula".-' r: 8 to 67 to S Dally; Sundays 18 to V lttamination-AavicarreA j. J, KEEFE, Ph. G. M. D. Rooms 11-18 Lafayette Bldg. $13 Vi WASHINGTON ST.. COR. 6TH. v , PORTLAND. OR, . 8PEC1BI0. ANTIDOTE (For Men's Aliments and Blood Poisoning) - - -WILL CLEAN YOUR SYSTEM AND MAKE .YOUR BLOOD PURE No matter how old your1 case- is or what haa failed, try this wonderful remedy. ' Will auickly cure-': most obstinate cases or your money, re- runuea. The oniy remeay tnut t be i used internally and externally. Contains xno balsams, oils - or any metalilo astringents and will npt ir ritate or cause strictures to the most sensitive person,. - " This. Is not a dubious ,"remedy,,--lt is a CURE; there is nouncertalnty. no doubt. - Remember that it wiit cost you nothing to give this remedy a complete- trial. If you full to get results , we will positively refund your money. Don't lTesltate. get a bottle today and it will cure, you easily and quickly. Price for the double treatment 32.00; For sale and guaranteed In Portland by THB HELDFOND DRUG CO.. 220 Morrison, near First Gin Prompt and Effectual Relief without inconvenience, in the -T MOST OBSTINATE .CASES No Other treatment required. ," SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. 1 s .. .... f - , j ...... KEEFE -!itoaMn num.-