) , .(;;) Cash Required $1500 IN KKAL estatk. 21 rooms, modern, beautifully fur nlalird, clone tn, wost side; 1m a fine, Pfivlng house; Iuib the best reasons for Boiling; ta lie small rooming house as part. Don't overlook this bargain. If. Vi 'J AM KM CO.; 8 lfltli nar Htnrk), RENT ONLY $75 MONTII A. For 52 rooms at 171 Front at. Beats anything; on west Bide. A transient hoiidft always full. Vhone A-6201. . STOCKS AND ROND9 58 500 SHARES Peerless Air Motor Mfg. I . Co. stock of Portland, Or., $350. P-190, Journal. ' ; BUSINESS CHANCES 20 Good Paying Business Offered For Sale-$10,OOQ stock gen'l mdse. In i southern Ore. Main line. Brick building. $30 month. Kales last year, $48,812. Good profits. Expenses light. $8000 . p will .handle. No trades nor agents. Wife's 111 health compels Bale. Kef erence given. I pytjBH ft r9 V .IHH. AA J.Q4 WV"ii'i - Family -Picture Show ' - - Must -Sell ' On account of division In family cost $2900; wlU take $1800; rant $50, lease 3 years; ha 230 teats, $760 electric piano. BLGQ8-THOMPBON CO. ' Cigar Store. CltV. I and fixture- will Invoice 11100: this ulace Is -leering 16 dailv: price for alt. ,Vv take-- todYi $300. , ' Terms. ; Peters, n !! nenry ping. I HAVE a 'firm who will take in ... partner vfha if really alive, temper ate and of good morals and has $1000, and Ij think he could clears $10,000 ,ln on. year; ; For interview see Real Estate Exahamre 627 Henry Bldg. Phone, Marshall 1488 I HAVE some real snaps; both . large , and small - (no commission to pay), but I haven't 'much money to spend for advertising, - Come and see me. A word to the wise is sufficient. Herbert Hald. 1204 Yenn bldg. Phone Main; 8916. , Printing Plant ' Threa platen preeaaa, Ail in every re spect; now running;, doing good eusl- ncen. u-io, iiwuinni, MEAT market in town of 000 popula tlon, eell at invoice, about $1000, oqJ business. Reason for selling going into wholesale business. Powell & Harris, Houlton, Or. , Phone 62 A FIRST CLASS drug store, confer ' ticmery, stationery, cigars, ices cream aoda fountain and bakery; all fixtures and shelf paper complete, price $1000. TO SET J LB the estate of Andrew Woods, I am obliged to soil 2 barber shops at a bargain.- Geo, W, Eilers, (45 Haight ave. Woodlawn 1867,, Call after a n m. . ' '. TWO OTHER ACTIVE MEN. . ADDRESS F. W. EPPINQER, T (NOT A BROKER) P. O. BOX 222. PORTLAND. OR. IW'OODYAkd on Union' ave. for rent; between Shaver and Mason sis.; oia established place. Phone Woodlawn 2413. CHEAP Dairy route for sale. 10 good dairy cows, 1 horse and milk wagon. Lents Jersey .Dairy, near Mt. Scott Park cemetery, mile a. or -.ents. I , HAVI. ' some real snapa, both larga and emalU on some no commission to pay, but 1 haven't much money to spend for advertising. Come and see me. A word to the wise is sufficient. Herbert Hald, 121)4 Yenn bldg. Phone M. 89 HI. PARTNER WANIEfl Ao. excellent opportunity for the right man. very little cash needed. P-206, Journal. HE YOUR OWN BOSS. ' T "have a1 well paying laundry route. Must sell it on account of having other business to attend to: F-192, Journal. FOR SALE By owner, a business build T ing, income ihv a montn; win oe more on; price $8000. Woodlawn 1696,, PARTNER for half interest produce, andl ...... ..,., In il lr ,r n i iDinn II little cash win do. uau i apor tao. FOU SALU Cigar stand, including stock and rixturea; gooo location; kong tpase. Hi Htepnetv 87 Alder at -600 Business Cards,- $1 Rose City Printers 102 3d at.; x40 grocery and market. $16 per month; will trade. Phone Owner, Ta- Dor 3S71 FOR SALK-rplaning mill machinery. 21 S Knott rt. C-I8HI. HEI4 WANTED MALK 1 ACTUALLY investigate the United States navy before making up your mind you ' wouldn't belong. Find out for yourself the whole truth about navy pay, .hours, promotion,-, training,'' pleas ant ' companionship, chances to learn trades, to save up money and see the world. If you're between 17 and 25, call at navy recruiting station, Railway Exchange, bids- Portland Or,, and get this Interesting, valuable information first hand. Or writo wr free book, "The Making of a; Man-o'Warsman.'' Tells in simple language and clear pictures all about dally lifs in the navy, etc. Send today to Bureau of Navigation, box 827, Navy Department,, waaninston, u. u, Y. M. C A. EMPLOYMENT DEPT. L Employment membership guarantees member will secure employent or refund of membership fee; gives two months' full membership privileges. 10 months' social privileges and undertakes to keep member employed during the full term Of 'membership without further charge. Record for 12 mqnths ending Dec. i ' ' ' ' ,"m!aH. for men ... ., .,,..,...2265 ll Viultlnna filial ' 1,ril7 Ste Secretary Employment Depart- : . Ekb-erienced Salfismfin To sell our home 4nll- parts of tne city, on- easy payment plan, and close In,-reatricted, : residence lots. on. both the east and went -sides; also eloso in acreage, and build to suit purchasers. We' furnish some prospects and assist in closing Pales. Liberal commissions. AU for sates manager, i . PROVIDENT TRUST' CO.. : Situation .Wanted Ads inserted free for those in need of work and who are. unable to pay for an advertisement. Advertisements must be brought to the office personally by the" parjtiea desiring work. SHOEF tSALKSMAN WANTED Good - man to uU $i,60 and $a sho-in Port land. Want a good spwedy mnn, sober, honest, cltan,- JState agej experience, pal- ary .'finti!dancl plafies Jtniilayea.jJo not nn.wr if inexperienced. Address 0-172. Journal. . ' WANTED Salesmen for Timber town ' site, it is a live one; two thirds of hn.lnttlR aprHnn fM Mlklfl mtm tun v. IIv.a Vones to sell balance tract. Prices soon; aus lurnisnea. ; -TlMWUiU TUWWHX1E CP;, 1 oyy tvortnwesi oiqg, ANTED A 1 - watchmaking and engraving, prof itabU ,. V1VI tt i p' i -r 1T1 77, iniifj I,, "n.T" ' 1111111 j ' m WILL Kve room rent to flrst-eiaas cari ' pentcr in cxehaiiK for work, i Phone BeUwpod 197!) or call., at 771 East ilUi at. - Woodstock car, f f YOUNG man, , light work on farm. E. i ;-'K .WaliUaum, Oregon City, Or.j Ml. Pleasant read, box 30. Phone Farmers CITY FliEM EMPLOYMENT 10 car pontera. $3, 10 hour, out of town. Coll 215 2d , WANTEDAt once, 2 inert t'o learn to drive apo repair untomoliDes. Call at Hnntliorne'Gnratfe, 415 'Hnwttiornts. BOY, 15 or HI years of age for office work; state ngei and salary expected In own. Iiand writing,- G-8G. .Juuviial. CTlEE "Tleadquai'tei's and Helpers. . A. CALIFORNIA -WINB DEPOT, ' I 25 Yamhill Strict. .WANTED men to learn automobile repairing and driving. Pacific Gan -BM i tn at.t.iin ,i n urn i... .i MEN waited to take tiietr Turkish baths at the Corbrtt bids, baths. WAN I E 1 A nlKlit auto wasfjef, Dul- ninef 'g'iiP'- in. at'tnt POi' w.nted, over 16, A-12i6. Journal. : A L'l l t( 'f '-':Oij, . 20-i).4 lili t t.. Cor. J. i i i rHdn. Pra:lleal litt-tructlon In repairing and driving auloiuobilcs; tuition itusonuble-; part c-uHti on enrollment, balance at time of graduation; we aaulst our graduates to (iontl.lon, ji'ltkiij iiluMtrated book tells about ove,r .'nKO.OftO protected, positions. In IT, H, service. More than 40.000 vacancies every year. There is a big chance here for you, sure and generous pay, lifetime employ in en t. 'Eaay to get,' Just aak for booklet ' C-388. NO "obligation. Earl Hopkins. Washington, D. C. LOCAL' representative wanted. Ko can. vassmg or soliciting required; good in come assured. Address National Co operative Realty Co., N-09, Mardon bKig., Washlnston, f. C, , MEN WANTED to learn a lucrutiva Dro. fesplon. Pacific Chiropractic College offers special rates for registration bo fore Feb. 1. 408 Commonwealth bldg. MEN, WOM.EN, get government jobs, $20 week. Writ Immediately for list of positions open. Franklin Institute, Dept. 33 8 W.. Rochester, N. Yt RAILWAY mall clarka wanted; tU month, Portland examinations soon, coaching free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 140 w. ttocnester, js. i. MEN " and women to learn tne bar bar trad In 1 weeks; positions guar- snteert. nr. toirner t;oueg. inwufin, WANTED That E. C. Ruland anawor thiB. aa at enct. hv position ; you want. '-' K. r. r p-n 2. Journal. i. NTEDr-2 men to lain' auto repair x: driving; Madleoa Oarage. 1111 Hawthorne. 1 N T & R H f 6" WiL" Co'rreepondenci Schools. 505 McKpy bldg.; Main lOiitt. UNCALLED for tailor mace suits, 6.60 up.- Taylor the TsHor. Burnld t t HELP WANTED FEMALI4 V 2 WANTEJOwYOUNQ LADIES FOB TEI. , EPHONB OPERATING. . WITH OR : :i:.-r - - '.,:,,;. - , VyJTHOUT EXPERIENCE. PAID WHILE LEARNING. APPLY AT THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND . TELE GRAPH COMPANY ; (EAST OFFICE), COR, 6TH AND EAST' ANKENY STS.. OR . (MAIN OFFICE), WEST PARK AND ALDER. TELEPHONE EAST JSOJ TWO ttlrl of good figure, not over & feet tall, for shopus work, to Join re liable company, where aalary la sure: prpfessionals not essential, as apt and capable amateurs wllj be considered. Address, giving height, weight, experi ence, address and phono number. Y-182, f uuriini Situation Wanted Ads Inserted free for those In need of work and who ftre unable to pay for an advertisement. Advertisements must be brought to the offles personally by the parties desiring wora CAPABLE girl tor general housework in small flat; must sleep at home; good wages. - Marshall 1J70. 629 CliX- ton, Portland Heignta. WANTED Lady 25 to 80 years of ago to keep house ror gentleman anq -year-old child: first class references re q u i red. EX-230. JournaK WANTED Woman for plain cookinR and general housework In small fam ily, one 'who ean go home nights pre- zerreo. o-i r i, iiuunmi WANTED Ladv to cook' in small re taurant for lier and husband's room and bcrard. fhone eiiwooi ziau. WANTED Girl or lady to do general housework; o objection to foreigners. Call 641 2d. : APPRENTICE, hair dressing. $15 full co'iTse, Combines . bought, M. 1916. HELP WANTED -MALE AND FEMALE SO WANTED An experienced1 bookkcper. with the public, girl preferred, good place, good salary, no aio wanieo. ri 144. Journal. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE Wanted Men and women' to learn the barber trade in 8 weeks, tools free, a chance to get in business for yourself. Send for free catalog, or call at 35 N. 4th ft. - - - : WANlED AGENTS ONE man's commission last week $2S, selling Washington Nursery Co. trees. If you can walk, talk and write an or der, write us today for territory. Wash ington jvursery uo ioppenisn. wasn SALESMEN wanted to aid us In sup- plying the brisk demand lor nursery stock. Address, Capital City Nursery Co., Sa'em. Oregon SOLICITORS fc'everal first olass, Sonie- thing new and attractive. Either Sex. Call Arminius hotel. 410 V4 Mor rison St., room 6. SITUATIONS MALE 3 MR. MERCHANT do you want a hustler In your store? If so, give me a trial, city or country; referenota. N-204t -our-nal. MAN wants Job to learn meat cutting; have some experience: will work chigap to learn. K-194. Journal. HARDWARE position by experienced clerk, wholesale or retail, 5 years' ex perience. Will go in country. R-138, Journal. PAINTER and paperhanger, sign paint ing; will work tfery reasonable. Rooms 8 and 7, 184 Shtermart st. Phone Main 7439. ' YOUNG MAN, 24, sober and not a bum. milst have work te support mother: not afraid of hard work. Address Box-I 18, Arleta. WANTED Position as night watchman or any other responsible position; can fiifnlsh'best ofTeferences. J-193, Jour nal. SlARRlED man with '-wife and child must have work of Borne kind. Phone East 818. SITUATION wanted aa floor walker, hotel clerk or cigar salesman, city or eouptry. C. H. Maraen. Hotel Arthur. JOB wanted by young painter, country trained, no booze or cigarettes, W. ii. Bales, New Hotel Houston. -jUNG married man, capable of dolns most anything, . must have employ ment. Woodlawn 315. EXPERIENCED bread and caka baker wants position in hotel or restaurant. Mo in 6338V', Fli'T-OLASS barkeeper. Must have work at once in or out of city. Main-4175f. Apartment. i. .unit ill u.. J !' 1 till. ,i v a . FIRST c la as electrician wishes posltloti in or oilt of city; all around man. Y 1S!) .fourhnl. SfTUATICfN wanted by a young ma n as timekeeper or office work. Phone Tabor 89. SOBER, Industrious finish carpenter who earns his money, having wife in hos- pltaL needs work. . H-141 , Journal. WANTED By married man, handy with tools, steady work at apy kind of com mon latwr. W. H. Gregory, 629 Rhohe. WELL experienced fireman wants posi tion at stationary engine. Phone E. GRADUATE male nurse wants nervous, chronic, or mental cuse.- Phone Main 3691 MARRIED man wants a job as -chauf---feur: - can repalroar; --utrletty-. sober ttn.i olmnva nn 1 1, fiol qf.Q.9 ..u tiiniij. J 1 1 .1.,: juu, 1 i l i ' M ' MIDI LE aged man wants Janitor's i work;' has large experience. F-191, Journal." - ..-' , , MAN wants position run elevator or -.watchman; married, ,-A.ddreB8 492 tjmy. i-iione A-4208, VVAMEl a situation as , watchhiam ' Understand ' botlorii; and furnaces; first-class referencyg, X-190, "Journal. mi,-io wont for some good firm ijr ur iinntn. jr-none lt,ast li(,l. MARRIED man wants laboring worn of hny kind, T-192. .journal. -'.. r.,.. ,,.,., . -Al-ti. .ilUIJ , llfT . ....... . ElrTralilca'tcnbrwa"htrw'orJrTnin -.."! , J- T " ' 'til tifeii HANDY man about - house. -- Will work cheap.- W-187, Journal. ClOOD all round liuin -couk waU work. U-23. Jewte!.., ' Y''M'XG rniin, 23 : oi l. viiiiils work uh a l'iirm bund. Am mil a bum. Will not jio to any plac wliero I sluill be tret ted hm Kiich, and where Hocial Ufa mc.uiH nothing. I want u pliice whom character and refinement counts as -well as ability. This ad holds good till January 20, If you should want to ! and talk with mc, tell' when and wliiiro. Wrlto A. U, C.. 3i4 rlalrnoti t., I'ortland, or, ' WANTED Position, any kind. Am en gineer and fireman by. trade. Would llk nleht watchmnn or thff like: hve good clerical education. Am 26 vaara old, married. Stranger 1 city. ... Phone Marshall 2H77. - . 1 ' '. WANTED Position, experienced, all around man In electric light, tele phone, pumping and gaa engine installa tions; capable managing small proper" ties And getting result. J Highest ref erences. A-U6b, journal. BY neat young man as assistant cutter t and fitter; graduate from Jno, J. Mireneu school, isew xora; iirsi cisra presser; best of eastern references. N. Jf. W.. D6l JW. U8K at, A STEADY Job on farm near Portland with good sociable family, by single, eober. Industrious man of 36. bom and raised on farm. -Familiar with stock; cannot milk.. State wages and partlcu- VOtJNO' man ,with. factory experience i Of both, gas and electric car wishes position a, ohauffeur tor private .fam ily, , Well acquainted in city; good rof-r MA&RIED rnaJi thoroughly exper enced in express and R. R. of flea work, but temporarily out of work,, will accept position of any kind, cheap o enow you what l can ao, j-zim. journal. NEAT, willing, middls aged "man, badly anything, willing to work for board and room anq smau wages, auur iui, Keeaf mvereti nouye, oi n, zu at., cnyj Man with hoi'iin with cowboy expert . ence, thoroughly used to handlin horses and cattle, desires work for him self and horse, but will accept any kind of work.' A-237, Journal. , WANTED tiosltion aa caroenter fore man; can; make plans and specifica tions; 2S years' experience; can give tho best of reference. Address, G. H. 184 Vlllard ave. YOUNt man wants work with auto or trnek eompapy; hava been . working for big truck and auto company In cen tral Oregon handling theirbusfness, . ft. THOROUGHLY competent pianist, sight reader and orranlst, deaires position In or out of city: experienced in play ing vaudeville, pictures or orchestra. jrnone a-zhzs WANTED Position as foreman in Bash and door factory or fixture factory by a thoroughly experienced, practical man, used to high grade work. E-233, journal. MIDDLE aged man will accept any po eltion in public or private residence; wages no object. Can operate elevator ami steam plant; references. F-196, inside work in city. Afn in heed of work and "will gladly do anything I can in return for board and room. C-283, Journal. UNIVERSITY graduate will consider of fice work, collecting or soliciting, ex pert accountant. JO years' experience; A . I. 1 . 4 A.. T 1 f I I. T must nave worn. xT, iui n,. i.nu ou YOUNG man with some experienca would like a position as piumner or tinner helper. Address 347 Oak St., room 41. YOUNG ma. of wide business ex perience and good personal character desires a position in office, or outside aa cuueciur or acueauian. j 100, jumuci. GOOD all around laborer would like work of any kind; engineer by trade; can give A-l references. Address C. W. Sainave, National Motel, in j'ront st. MARRIED man of 80 wishes position -'Of any kind, will work cheap; any kind of work; handy with tools and around the house. P-ltf, Journal. YOUNG man. 2 years' experience In drug store, honest and industrious, with good references, desires position. A-l salesman. Marsnau 4044.. MARRIED man, 35 years old, wants ' work, experienced as collector, sales man, farmer, janitor, glass bevelor or glazier. R-124, Journal. YOUNG man, baker by trade, would be glad to meet with any kind of light work. Phone Woodlawn 1116. Address 1095 Glenn ave. N. WANTED By a respectable young farmer, a Job on farm among nice people; am good with stock; reasonable wages. Wr-17. journal. GERMAN, 36, single, good habits, good handwriting, reads and writes Eng lish, Wants position at any inside work. Phone woodlawn 13 IS. YOUNG man 22, good worker, wants a job of some kind in or out of town. What have you? Address W. G., 5504 40th ave. S. E. YOUNG married man wa,nts work of any kind. Can do plastering, mason, cement repairs. S-194. Journal. SITUATIONS FEMALE 4 REFINED, educated, middle-aged lady, excellent housekeeper, cook, and aeaiti-e-tress, would like position in widow er's family or home where she can tiike full charge. Prefer permanent, home )lk3 place to big wages, G-li'8, Journal. WANTED Position as housekeeper in widower's family or bachelor's home, by widow with two little girls, aged 9 and. 3 years; am sure I can give good satisfaction, as I am competent, neat, clean and economical; city preferred. CX-251, Journal. , WANTED By lady, position as house keeper in .widower's home; care of; one Or two children preferred. T-188, Journal. '" ' '' , i RESPECTABLE woman wants house-! keepers placo in widower's home in city; good wages, .references. B-182, Journal. ' EXPERIENCED eastern woman wants a position as housekeeper or caring for j rooming house. Call or address 184 1 Sherman St., room It. ! NEAT, experienced woman wishes slt--uation working; houaekecper or cham ber work, hotel, rooming house; city, country. Phone Main 6S99, POSITRON in family or respectably w"i"3C . ower's home by youngs woman of ex cellent character and ability, with child of 3. M arshall 2476. WIDOW, with children, wants washing and Ironing at home; only ' 2oo and 50c per dozen pieces. Address 1034 E. Taylor. EXPERIENCED dressmaker and tni loresa wants work by day or at home. 1325 E. Yamhill. Tabor 1496. EXPERIENCED first class bookkeeper, stenographer, desires position, B- WANTKI One elderly lady or invalid CAPABLE woman will cure-for sick and do jig h t h ou s ework. Alain 5041 EXPE RI ENCEfT woman wants day woik. i'hone wooiittwn Iu72. if.ADY wishes work by day or hour. Phone E. 2324. LADY would like position as pastry cook. r Call Marshall 707. NEAT, reliable woman wants day work. Phone East 2122, , SITUATIONS WANTED MALE AND FEMALE , ,:$ A GOOD colored man with wife that fan cook, both wish work on,a faim; age 30 and 25; both understand work. Address Charles Erlckson, 1028 E. Mo hawk tttr, St, Johns, Qirr7rT'"r SlOTHER and son, experienced cook and ' helper; can .handle any lumber, rail road or' mining - oamp on . economical basis; references furnished. D-172. Journal.'- -..'; WANTEI Situation for man and wif cooks in oamp.i80 to 60 men. ; Address Tom English, 410 . E . RiphmbhO, .; gt, Johns.- - - .'-, v.. DRESSMAIUNG 40 COMPETENT dressmaker, $2 per day during dull season, patterns drafted. CUS2..-w--.,. ..i NURSES 60 CONFINEMENT nursing; do'll.tht wor-k and laundry for patient. .. V-U8, Jour- nal. ' . - , , . . ' JioThL l!Mtl-:it, 2 tin la Finn .st. fippoMie 'lt Hall. UNIKU NEW MANAGEMENT MIS.S K NEWOOMB. MGR. Why live eo far out. when you can get a 'beautiful room with stewm heat, hot and cold water In a new fireproof building right ''down town? ' Have made a specialty of comfortable beds. Rooms, $3.60 and up; eloRantiy furnished double rooms with bath at moderate -rates.- Clean -ani o.uiet. Botn phones. Jotfe-rson ear Depot. NEW .', ...,- NEW HOTELS ll.u l flp.nrmift ISO nlltMldA n,n on.1 eliltr.u 7(1 Ultll nriVA.tM bath. hot and cold Tunning water, steam heat anu oorn vnu(; in kvkij iuuiu, - vvn traliv locateai W) mo, ana up. , Hotel Madras 12TH AND WAEII. Hi making special inducements on $4 a week rooms; steam heat, hot and cold water and good service. Get In , while the getting' good. ' FINISHED rooms, alwayi warm, hot and cold water, close to P. O.; 76a and $1 day. bpecial terms by week or month, Hotel Aroalniuo, -noVi Morrison L ALTON HOTEL, 11th" and ' SUrk, strictly modern,) beautifully furnished, hot. and cold water, -a team heat and free phones In eagh room, $4 week and up. i: HOTEL La Salle, 10 tn and Burnslde sts, lire pruui, eiegauvir lurniBllou, aicuiu ; neat, not ana eoia waier, special raiea ny montn.' lnone Marenau ium, fitANDISH iloel" '54&,Wash; t.,Jnew-, ly funilMhea, uli outside, sunny rooms, steam beat, hot and cold water in rooms, rent $10 up. New manager HOTEL ALMA Ceti ally located, new and modern; a team heat, phones In rooms alt conveniences; special rata to permanent gueats. lth and Sturk. , : VAN GORDON HOTEL. . 105 H 12th be. Wash, and Stark, room always warm, free phones in every room, $1 a day and up. $4 week and up. Twin KKNrLWOR'fli. 228 2D ST , Steam heat, excellent location, room always clean and warm, $3 week and up. 247li6Ttu St., room's" 11.60 up per week. Free phone and bath. Mai n 778. Ttn 468 Wash. st. IC1L tU nrlr tin maut manawement, modern. Aialn 7195, A-6021. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM 662 A Waah.; new and modern, steam heat, private 1 1 1 . .. 41 'J n imr Lr onH Itn Main Q 1 Ufttlirs fo.uu tvwp A's t THE COLONIAL Most central and . ... l,U 1 C K 1AtK ftrr yovrloan L'UUILVI UUtO v.e va wwsnaw, jtiHt renovated; light, a team heat, it to 6 FUHN1SHKD rooms iu modern hotei, . .. V. . Kn I h , 1 nnw w.all ti r i . r BICB.1JI U vm, UV.., V" . w V , v MQtel OTeaiorH na, om ah THE KING 30 Jefferson; nicely fur nished rooms; modern, heat, centrally located. $J.26 week up. FURNISHED room In modern hotel, yt. 50 week anu up. oa Aioer. HOTEL ANTLERS Warm, clean rooms, terms moderate. 10th and Wash. THE BUSHMARK. modern, steam heated hotel. $3 wk. up; 562 Wash. THE L.INDELU steam heated, rooms t'l week up. 269 Market. Main 5661. THE RANDOLPH, steam heat, tree baths. $2 week up. 262 Columbia. HOTEL Glenwood 848 Salmon, modern hotel, furnished rooms. $3.60 wk. up. HOTEL HART, Bth and Burnslde $i! week up; free bath and reading room. FTJKHlSHZrS BOOMS SIDE PRIVATE JTAXXLT 70 WEST $1 PER WEEK Heat, gas, phone, hot and cold water, bath off hall, home comforts. 773 Roosevelt, near 23d. Mar shall 4116, LARGE front and hack parlor, single or en suite, with the very best library table, etc.; heat, light and phone. Walk- Ing distance. 404 Clay, near iptn. NEWLY furnished rooms, modern con veniences, $3 week. 401 Clay, near 10th street. ROOM within easy walking distance, steaiii heat, bath, $12 per month; Main 3950 or Main 9131. i NICELY furnished rooms with bath, i private family. 262 7th st, near ' Madison. . THREE large nicely furnished front rooms, en suite or single, modern con- veniences, very reasonable, 400 rark. S'i'EAM heated room, west side, walking distance, very reasonable. Main 7.184. ROOMS for. rent. 402 Clay st., reason. able rent, walking distance. 212 11TH ST. Near Salmon, neat, clean rooms, rhtes reasonable, FURNISHED ROOMS EAST SIDE 52 THE Larrabee. 27 H 'Larrabee. Rooms $2 wk., up. Brick bldg., steam heat, hot, cold water, bath, phone, electricity. THE MONTGOMERY, East. Morrison and East 8th. Furnished rooms, $1.75 week up. HOTEL EDWARDS Grand avenue, E. Morrison; room $8 week up; absolute ly respectable; private baths. E-323. HOUSEKEEPING rooms nicely fur nished at 892 E. Burnslde. rUISHED BOOMS EAST SEDE PRIVATE TAMTXT Yl FOR RENT Front room, private fam ily, for one or two working girls. 432 E. Pine; - ' - -'.' UNFURNISHED ROOMS 10 2 OR 4 unfurnished housekeeping rooms. 470 Main, between lila and 14tn. TWO' or 4 unfurnished housekeeping rooms. 470 Main, between 13th-14th. UNFURNISHED houHekeeping - rooma. 608 Clay at. - ROOMS AND BOARD 15 LADY employed during day wishes i board and room where staying with children or elderly lady eveniuss would compensate for same. S-unnyslde car If li!'C?l?-2.4. " ROOM" and 'board for young women, $3 per week ; we 1 ki n distance. E-4732. ROOM AliO BOARD PKIVATE FAMIIiT 73 ONE PARLOR room for 2 ladles. Very reaaonable. .Steam heat. batu. One single room for gentleman.' Board. Best home cooking. &54 E. Madison, , East 2601. i , BOARD, and rooms. wDTKing Kills: ' room together. Home privileges. 128 Knott. ' NICELY furnished rooms suitable for 1 2 or 3- gentlemen, 'with or without dishes cooking utensils, noard, eSJJJavff- PJipbe A-3376. Jan offer. Apartment 2, K WAN'TF.l)-u:n of two children to car 'i '.nViV? 21st ttlKl K'llli nuy- for; good homo in private family; rea so n able. P-2 0 1 , Journal. THE MANITOU. 261 13th St.; steam ht-ttt, excellent table, $26 to $30 mo. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 . WEST: SIDE HOUSEKEEPING and furnished -rooms-." Gem hotel, 665 1st st Steam heat, nfcw bldg.; rooms $1 week up; freephone THE UPsTtLR,"4o6V 26th st Furnished 2-room apts., stam , neat, ngnt. $iu up. .i Main&iit. Take. S 23d or W.ca4 MAIN 3082 housekeeping rooms for working people,, rent reasonable, fur- nisneo complete. FURNlSlED H. K. rooms, modern. $1.56 up. S car to 207 Sherman, Marshall llHit. '-' .'',':'- . - . ' . . '-.-;,-';' HOlWEKEEPING rooms., single and-in , suites, $1:75 Up, 5i8 Alder, THE MITCHELL 7th & Flanders, it K. sieepltie-rooms.' Very moderate. EOtiSKKEEPHTQ BOOMS WEST fclDB FEIVATE TAMIIY 73 12. LITJf ?"0 e;i?081l!Pl 646 GLISAN " C housekeeping ' room, ' nlcelv furnished.- $2.75, lneluding. heat, IVO"lious'k"eeplug rooms, $U' per month; all convenlenc is. 182 N. lith. . c : , . .... I T 7 1 TWO rooni ) coiuplntely furnlslu-d 'f-r II. K.; fin pho'C, g;ia ran m;, dot water, funime beat; also one room with kilcli nneitle, next to bathrooin. eultablo for bnehelor. 475 Clay. J. SUITE furnished housekeeping roonia , on east and west side, .beautifully lo cated, walking dlHtanee. I'hone Hull wood H0 and hear all about themi cheap, " - FURNISHER) housekeeping, aouth front room, alcove, fiirnaoo heat, clothes closet, gas' range,- botrioid watep.-5- 47 Cbi y. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms in private home for rent to neat, reliable parties; adults only; no dogs. 887 Ora- gon St., oet. union jina uranfl ayes. LARGE well t urnlaliST' room, modern convenieneeBi board If wantdd. 1073 Front. Marshall 3870, ilOUfalfiiiEEPlNG rooms $2 per week; also sleeping rooms, $1.60 per week. z Main, corner oth, . THREE houaekejilng rooms, can have two beds; also two rooms on ground floor. 204 14th et. - HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 48 HAST SIDE FRONT room, furnished for housekeep- ins, aicgie or en huhs; iykk iiguis, hflthu . Iinrl Ijlllnrirv Kll a nrltftlr BfllA FURNISHED:- housekeeping roomu; pioawani outsiao rooms, 3 up. iniyj union ave., cor. Belmont. 1 " HOITSEXZEHWO UOQVM A8T SZOjq VSIVATS 7AMIX.Y 74 $1.60, $2.76 weekly, clean furnished If. K. rooms: eas. free heat. laundry. baths.; Phone East 6039, , 406 Vuncou- vrr, $16r-COMPtETELY furnished clean ,3 rooms, bath, .sink, laundry, gas range, phone, no objection child, Z6 K Stark. TWO furnished housekeeptng rot - private bath; fuel and light, $12.80 rooms, per montn. xator 83 . TWO or -3 room light housekeeping suite for a couple; near S. P. shops. rnone Mam 7398. FURNISHED 2 ' housekeeping rooms, .private bath nd . toilet; fuel ana lights; $iz.B9. Tabor 638. TWO well funished H. lv. rooms, rea sonable; gas, electric lights, bath. 694 E. Ankeny, oor. 16th, HOUSEKEEPING rooms, nicely fur. nlshed, at $92' E. Bttrrislda st. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, ground floor. 203 E. 45th. B-1818. ' HOUSES VOV, KENT 12 THE MEIER FRANK STORES FREE RENTAL AND INFORMA TION BUREAU. Is for the convenience of both Port land people and strangers In ths city who may be looking for homes,, apart ments and flats. We have an excellent private list, as well as the combined lists of all real estate dealers, We can also give advice as to the new buildings In course of construction. House hunters, especially, will find relief In this special service, for we help you to get quickly, comfortably and desirably located. When you want to rent. vlBit THE MEIER A FRANK RENTAL BUREAU. 4th Floor, Main Bldg. For Sale or Rent rooms and complete 'bath room, Dutch kitchen, etc. Will rent for $18 per month or sell for $13!0, $25 aown and $10 monthly. They are 2 blocks from Eastmoreland the classy college addi tion, 2 blocks to car, 6a fare, only 20 minutes from Front st. II. Atwater, 2 Henry bldg. Phone Marshall 3117 NEW 6 room house 918 Cleveland ave. New J room house, 304 Skidmore, 1 block Williams ave.; good car service; formerly rented $20, reduced to 117.50. Inquire M'KINLEY MITCHELL, 202 H Stark st. Phones Main 2131. A-2131, SIX room cottage. 411 Ivon St.. near In-man-Poulson mill and one block from Brooklyn carline, $13 per month, loss discount $1. Burreil Inveetment Co,, 250 3d st. 180 N. 18th, corner Johnson, 8 rooms, $45; also Nos, 871 and 873 Kelly st, near Gaines; rent $25 and $18;. good American neighborhood; phone Sell wood 1640, i FIVE room modern house $16, on De troit street, block and half from vr line; good garden spot; owner, Wooci- lawn 1978. '' A NEW 6 room bungalow at Hawthorne district; part furnished. Owner, Mar shall 3241. FOR RENT Modern bungalow; M acre fruit and berries; W-W car. Phone Main 3529. 690 E. Oak st, 6 room house, modern, furnace, just kalsomlned rent reason able, call 61 E. 21s1t st. NEW modern bungalow, 5 rooms and bath, full l)ase luundry tubs. E-54. Good car service. Phone Marshall E239. NEWLY tinted 7 room house; key at tt sin, or pnone innnia.ty, ts-'iVis. $164 lower large light rooms bath, basement. ' 330 Eliza, Union ave,' car, 6 ROOM house, cor. Beach and Rodney ave. Tel. C-2263. East 6001. 7 ROOM house, walking distance. 477 Salmon at. . .-Phone Main 5814. FIVE rOom cottage west side, some fur, niture. Phone Marshall 4881, 7 ROOM house, S. W. corner E. 1.1th and Clay. Main 6030. Evenings, East 965. FURNISHED HOUSES SO TO small family, a well furnished lower floor of modm cottage, close in; also a 5 room cottage on Mt. Scott line; both moderate rent. Inquire Main 7975 or 1101 1st st. MODERN furnished eottago, 5 rooms, hath. 614 E. 21st. W-W cor or W-R car. $20 6 furnished rooms, st. Mt. Tabor car. 188 E. 45th FURNITURE FOR SALE 32 HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE 8 rooms, modem and in fine district, close in; bargain for cash. Main 8277. - $2(10 takes furniture house. Main 88110. of an 8 room SIX rooms, fine location, close in, very reasonable. 212 11th st. FURNITURE FOR KALE I MUST HURRY. Have only three day left to - sell bal- ice of swell oak furnito consist ingr library table, gents' chiffonier, rock - s, rugs, range, heating stove, iaeo aric of ers, j curtains, wardrobe with mirror door to. Aiake me w.rny apart- Marshall 1986, A-1171. $450 will take 7 room house, beautifully furnished, G minutes' walk to P. O., modern. 349 6th at. F(1R 8ACE Ram: for wuoil W omi: in fine condition; water colls . in - - eluded. Mrs. Wright, Main 8700, i . : --rr-.i, - , . .. APARTMENTS . 43 v -v-r ------ Rrnv Rahbti ' new a rooiiie biiib., iu up; eieam h, iotri,. iipht wiinir ,iiQr,- T , - ., 9sCwiotCA-262iT . Burch Apartments ' desirable .basement' apartment if.,, Aulf-aKla husilniAnti ar-mi'tfYnf. ! new, modern, dressing room. 110 N. 21 at, A 5-PAS&li.NGR tourist auto to ex SOME good lots to exchange for a it tw. I change for stock, or. what, have you? TttWf10Rk, aoaVtmenFTa-w onen'jnew finely furnished; telephones, .FINE Shetland pojjy outfit, none better; beat, Jn0dem4rtirpr.i; brick.! Chap,vor ' will excUatiKe for .driving ,nts, $20 and $23 per month. 616: rig. 14 Union ave.. cur K Ash. . anu a team nnnrtmentS. Pettygrove. Main 3423. r" SAN "MARCO APAlrrMEN Cor. East Couch and 8-th ts.. Modern, quiet, easy walking distance, Ueasonanie."-- rnone ;at 27r,p ' f j?i'l.' -JICKSTON 44. lith': ' nicelY'-for': apts., 'near Heights. : Mr.-F. ,W.-Alri Cune, Mar. 57. THE MDRTON. Cor. WauhltiKton and King. . t room tuihialiuU.ant, piuiitirn. T1IM O It T. NDO I0TII AM) WAMII.NUTO 'ST3. UN'-iUlTIONA Iir.Y FINEST LOCAT1UN IN THE CITI 2 and S room furnished apartments, posHfHslng every modern convenience, private telephone, elevator service, ex cellent closet room, laundry with steam dryerr mnst ' attractive "entrance -court In Portland. ' ' Select clientele 'provides' precisely the surroundings desired for your fam ily. : . '...,.::'., -' RATES POSITIVELY MOST REASON. ABLE TO BE FOUND. HIGHLAND .COURT : APARTMENTS ' 22d'aND QLISAN BT3. - . WALKINQ DISTANCE. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED. FOUR KyuM APARTMENTS, ALSO ONE 6 ROOM APARTMENT, WITH LARGE SLEEPING PORCH OVER LOOKING the entikeo;ty, WHXCH CAN BC CECURED JANUART 1. ALL LAROeT- BRIGHT, OUTSIDE ROOMii, REFERENCES REQUIRED. . : . . MARSHALL $162. v '.' ,r ' 'V ' THE BRETNOR, . V 20th at Loyejoy. ;--."' '.V;-' :''X -j' WALKING DISTANCE; ' ' Residential sBction, One block ttm 'yf", car,;-' .(,!;::i-'-, .';';. ,:;vr ,:., ... ''.; ;; ;;,, ;;-v; ' i S. Arifi i rnnm unfiirnlahAii an,,tm,nti appointments unexcelled in the city; all large outside rooms, finished. In whits euamei anu every convenience Known to the master builders of today. .BARRETT BROS.. Agents, 80j Board pf Trade bldg. Or apply at premises. ' THE IRVING, 688 IRVING ST, 4 room unfurnished apartment, with bath; has bedroom also, wall-bed; rooms o4 - Ample, closet room; steam heat, gas raitga, refrigerator, etc. Jan. 15 a 6 room apartment. Pricea mod- erattf; references required. Phontt own er, A-oBiU. ANJtvENX COURT NeW management; i and i toqm upta.; aew buiuing, pew furniture, hot water heat; mam line phones in every apartment! $21 to $Jt; everything firtst class. E- Ankeny pr Montavllla car. B-bJJl, East 2800. S.ntt$ Lucretia Court uJttl On Lucretia at., pear Wash, and SJ, most exclusive 3 to S room unfurnished t.ta in' l. -..r ............ , J04T .LkW. , kKJ , in4VirilV.CQ. THE DAVENPORT. . All outside i and S-rooin apartments; steam heat, ' strictly modern, walking distance, 505 Jtifierson. Main 5436, iaUNNYMuNT APIS., 85th and Belmont, SS car, best in city for the price, and tne price is risiu. nione i-aoor ibii, THE DEL MONTEttractive, fumlsbed. 8 room apts.) reasonaoie, wuixing di tance. 167 Stout at,, near 80th Ik Wash, THE ELMS. 191 14th st.-Moden 2 and 8 room furnished apts.; excellent lock-- ,,. All.iu.. Ji...... . 1 .. V. 1 IJOU, WH.lft(lK UlblUilUO, IVftNUllQUlO, THE DE LAIRT "619V4 William a ave,; modro' furnished 2-room apts.i prl- vale. plion es, baths, $25 up; East 4189. BUCK APTS.. 2l8t-& Flanders, 3 & 4 room furnished and unfurnished mod ern, electric elevator. A-3 886, Main 2782. FURNISHED apartment, 2, 8 or 6 rooms, heak hot watejv very pleasant. 377 Vancouver. FOR RENT' FI-1TS BEAUTIFUL 3 and 4-room flats, $10 to $16, water included; West Side, fine view, walking distance. 568 Market St., near Chapman ' ATTRACTIVE 4 room modern flat; gas range, water heater; walking distance; only $18. Phone Main 7157 Or Columbia 868 Ot R room, modern, all convenience built in, .I'ieoinont Dlst L or Kt Johns car; rent $1. )139. Michigan ava. NEW, modern, 4 room and bath flat, 100 ft, south Walnut par.k; best of lo cation; price $is montn. tvain 1I4 MOOBRN 6 room flat, 2 blocks north oia steei org iroiiiiHg river ueauu. nil location, inquire owte juttuiiury. MODERN B-room upper flat; west side; walking clistance. 57. A. savier, NICELY furnished coty 2 or 4-room flat. 1043 Gante-nbeln, cor. Alberta. MODERN 4-room upp'fer flat; desirable location; Private furnace. Main 6415t 5 ROOMs, modern. 303V4 E. 12th, near Hawthorne; $2..50; best in city. E. 4133. FURNISHED FLATS 50 FURNISHED flat for rent 1 bloek from Union ave. carline, 397 hart Rafael at, 4 rooms and bath. , Phoue East-60S5t-W. M. Tyler, owner. FOR -RENT Modern furnished flat; phonti water, bath- and heat Inquire on I l'j. Yamhill st, or phone East 6isi, $20 4-iOOM' furnished lower flat, 57f Dtn, veft Bine, waiting aistance. Owner, Tabor 4633. HOTEtS 04 HOTEL PORTLAND E'iropean Plan on(v $1.50 aft up. STOKES AND OFFICES It TWO store room's, 2d and Morrison ts., one fully equipped for fish .market, other eplendid location for delicatessen, Taylor & Wood, 509 Northwest bldg. $10 per month; desk room, use of tele phone, reception room, counter etc. 723 TThaniher of Commerce bldg. BILLIARD HALL LOCATION. Moderate rent, long lease. Tttyior Wood... .5.0 9. Northwest Mg- FOR RENT HALLS V B LARGE steam-heated hall for Saturday and Sunday nights. Inquire Howe- Davis Co.. Ill 2d st. SMALL bail tor rent Howe-Da via Co i ll 2d .t. WAN TED TO RENT WMiUiny ilistanee nhont'.' bnth not over ilfi; permanent if uitod. A-25&, i -whiivi'i-i ' To rnnfimui'i W,,i iTki inu ?i, ! ' rJV t mj!l54---H-- J:-. Journal CBickfinxanch: ent in improve. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC 18 1 UNE pair, mare and horseV harness, iVJ.t. Ml. cott car to ienis. in- i outre Grange store, I FOR SALE Several farm trams, young t horses, varying in weight 1250 to t G. B. Hovonden. 1J6 5th St. .1 HoRSES 20 head, all kinds; gooseneck I spreas wagons, harness and saddles. ? u ater, cor. MontRQliief y. West Side. J fff '.Byi'sr''-mar'e-"harness" an3 ) wagon; weight 3400: " soirnd and well I broke. '838 E. 28th. st. W-W car. . ' .a u'i- ii.'ain ui juiiicrB v-tiraii ur win . ,r-v,v,'. ...111 . Yha,lfl f1P hnfsp 11 Tlnlnn iv, exthc!i.ke lor n.orbes. ii union ave., cor. E. Ash. ; ' ; . . WAiV lUN j nree urn u in. van oeiiwooa I 500,- Ask for Clow, between 7 and i. evemngs. i 14 U-nlon;, ttvB,, cor K, a?Pj. CHEAP, team for sale to satisfy feel -but - foiiie qurcKi xor Daigsun. mm E. Stnrb fit;, Montavllla. ' r PONY, , suitable for .children o.r light woru; win exenange - ior typewriter. ' ?4- "th st. or phone Tnbor 46 1 a teaiuS!rvugo!;.4 aTi ftSiui5'Tor ;-. grudijiK out; piu t vtish, balance trade. (Rl 618 Hoard oi Trane, WANTED oii.-lmiif.' .n.' iC cheap. Cull Kail li.Ji or ton. 1 h waci.ui, .i3 huin- Prlii-'-j I.',, 1 ' , s , b'-i H9 011 tli c ' -. .. t; 1 i f' Ot; penlii) ai.ii jLY.ti i'. , , ii 1 i Cheitliiji pacer that e.i'i I 1 Of tl.rt bent roilil hoinj In c.!.i Sell tiie.-.,) hoi mh way bi'-v take Chcarior liurHH In ,111 Ilnlon v., cor. ):. A Mb. ; Graders and Farmers kko Notice Twenty head of rood iimlee and I-v with. their harness must be sold -once to stop fe4 bill, as I have no w it for them; can be Been at the Union ave. stables, 14 Union ave., cor. K. Ann, DISPOSED of my lease ami must 1 the following; Span of bay getiiii welKh 2600; sound and good workers, years old, $300; span , bay stolilKu; m. tt yearf 01a, weign ztuu, at on wen bred dark bay filly, 3 years old. atan.i 1 16 hands high, weighs 900 pounds, $i:.: one sorrel msre, weighs 1000 poumis, goo4 driver, $50; also wagon and har ness, v 3. F, Goodall, North Bank Feed Barn, corner. 8th nd ii ts Vancou ver, wasn. JU8T" arrived, 20 head of young sound mares, geldings; one as handsome black mare as can be found, 1300, 4- vea.rn1d riAlivarv AriLiifl'ht n4 (rmittrftl purpose stuff; jruarantoed. Phil Suetter, Can be seen , ijawtborne , Btablta, 40 I WANT a good ranch twua. hainei' ana wagon tor-my equny w a uauuy 4 - room bungalow In. Eat Portland; balance, $800, 8 e a. Mr. Caw, War- sna:i nit; a-juy. WANTED At once, "a t ton transfer ; rig, . platform spring or gooseneck; must be -good and cheap for cash. J-JC- 204, Journal. SEVERAL horses and roarest prices to suit; also one pair mules. Take ; Mt. Scott car to Lents. Ihaulra, at Grange Store, LOTS Nob Hill Add. to Oregon City, to tiade for teafla, harnesa and wagon; rnarts prjeferred. it. McEilish, -6U 'tn TEAM, 2600 lb.f.amre and horse, sound and true pullers, harness and goot wide tired wagon; bargain for cash or on time. Phono Hellwood 1788. ; UVESTOPt 35 36 llEAD of dairy : eow and heifers, Holsteins, Jerseys and Durhams. 1 registered Holstein bull. 1. grade Hoi stein bull, I registered Jersey bull; these aresood. Bruce Com, Co., Union etock yards. Phone 'Woodlawn 2400. -ONE fresh Jersey uow and calf, heavy, rich milker. 619 E. John at., St. John. poulthj: 37 THE JOURNAL has Inaugurated a poul- try department -which will . apiiear every Saturday on the page, precadlng the classified ads, Ypu will ther find something interesting every ..Saturday. Read these articles,, ,Ue The Journal S"NOW WlHTK ORPlNCiTON eggs, none better on- the oast; $2.5Q , a .setting. 15 eggs. Guaranteed fertile. Leo Stan wood, 1648 E. " 13th. Take Sell wood car. -Phone Fellwood lSO'l. FOR SALE Two doaen each of June f li.tAh.4 WliltA nnri Rmwn T.f?hnrnn flt 60c each. First money takes them. ; J. 1. tiawiey. .ueoamTn, ur, SAP Stjuah and poultry ranch on C- lumuia; money mcr uom msj terms; worth investigating. , ; "Squab," NX-200, Journal. . y - . ' - - NEW Ideal incubator, used once only: . will sell cheap. ( Call or address 16 it E. Stark St. - - .. ; v, j DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 40 LEAVING the town, for sale cheap, JaDaneaa BDanlels. male and female. 1 00- 2d ' St. - - - - -. AUTOMOBrJJES-3IOTORClTCES 4 Second-Hand For. Sale 1 1 We have a few rood buvs In slightly used trucks and cars of ' different makes, traded in en new " Whites. ' - ' Also some bargains ra rebuilt trucks and cars, .. -'"'; ,i Write for latest list and e- . scrintion Mentlqn tho make you prefer. - . Prices from $300 te $3004. Offices 69 Seventh Street, Portland, Oregon. a Extra Special CADILLAC TOURING ; CAR, 1911, SELF STARTER, FULLY KO.UIPPKD. FIVE BRAND NEW NON-SKID TIRES; HAS HAD CAREFUL DRIVER AND IS IN FIRST CLASS MECHANICAL OR DER. A DEMONSTRATION WILL CONVINCE YOU. - . .. SIUDEBAKER CHAPMAN - AND A T iPETt -LBTR EE T 3 MAIN 5969." ' A-2436. SMITH is now located at 228 Burnstd -.St.. with a large stock of new and second hand automobile tires, $3 to $15 each. We buy, sell and 'exchange any. thing pertaining to autos. $300 $300.- ! - 5-pas8enger auto in first-class condi tion, fullv equipped. . Can ba seen at Graham Motor Car "Co., 15th and Wash ington, or Tabor 4441. ,:-.,.. WANTED No... 1 .old uto tire. 7o ' lb.. d"!ivtred; No; 2 auto tires, 6c lt. Inner tubes, 16o to 2Jo lb. J. Leve, 184 Columbia st.: Main 5198. $46$-ofth' buy 16 H. P. runabout; good condition, 825 Haight st. Woodlawn 1125. AUTO wanted in part payment on nice home place in -Alblna district See Patton, Ilftvtmen & Thompson bank. - o.'a'j mb.. v..., ...... shape, $2El)0 terina. Phone-B-1 3 t!. , What have you? 518 B. of T. ( it) MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 81 PIANOS for salo: a few sample pianos and player pianos that have been on display for the wholesale trade will b.i sold fct factory cost. Terms if desired. Room 816, Merchants Truwt bldg.. WILL sell for cash my fine piano; H s a bargain and good as- new. i!-l,iu, Joum al. . ' .. ' . '.-'' ' " .. $65 allde trombone, alRiest-new,- for emu chKip. jX-187, Journal, FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 111 BUFFALO' overcoat In good condition, reftsonaiiie. t:-i". Jouriiiw. FOii SALE; 6 burner gi rangn, n new, at Vjjr'ce. I'jiooe 'l"bor '' ONlTiJoetor t chair; slaodjir.l .tw)i,i i, .i --chine; 1 "'4-liole r.ng-. Ill Gr.m.1 . UlCYCLES $10 aiid up. Bargain motorcycle1. ; 11 Mu'll'ton. jJPiirBY DEhKSaiTd ofiioe foiiu--l-lnlev r.-epk "r, 210 7th mt - , i-ni Hotel S.;olt, 7lh and Aiia-iii $IX RA.Ni.iKiX good a Phone Tabi'4,r2 '"0. $To N ii W Tt h uk ' f " . attacliiiiei-i.", 1 li( . t-' V