it ii IUilO liui DM EF TRADE Value to Show Further Advance iu Tortland, According to rroHcnt Indications; Good rteef Cjittlo Have Been Scarce. yiEIillTIIECilUlii Oil vUi One Is Compedfor of the Oilier and Each IIn direct Effect lloij Price , of the other Fruit; Trude Will Walt Awhile to See Extent of the Damage In the South Kefore Making Much! Change. 0TI.AV1 r&ODUCS MARKET. Xgg market mixed.- , Cheese prices revised. Butter holdlnj unchanged. , :. - Orun market nlg-ner., Green foods art higher. . , Spring chickens sought. t Excellent price for cams. : , . ' ' Country bogs ar rinu. Higher price will be forced In the beef market within the next few day end the highest value on record In tno . local trade win De 'recorded. v. With further recent advances In the price, of .cattle in the stockyards killer have been planning a. further boost in dressed' beef values, At the present -time best dressed beef in th whnlpHale market 1 12Ho a pound but next week indications point to a i3o market for pest OJ ieniiKH. :4 ms js ior me iacKing f Wjhouse product. he, beef market today ! the firmest ; s ever Known. jvotwitnetanaing mat pres-ir'i- nt prices are .the highest on record , , here; , business is Increasing Instead of ahowlng .a decrease. JUst year while ; dressed beef prices reached within a 'half cent of the present value, business was almost at a standstill. Then the ; public scarcely cared for beef but It la .nowt buying fully aa good aa during the nine wnen prices were lower. "Xhe market for beef la In an excel- ' .lent condition," says Fred penielson, ' manager of the local house of Frye. , "Business la good and while we ex pected the demand to show a decrease " wnen tne last advance was made, trade actually showed ai) Increase. Good beef is scare but we have the call for it, (inere,iort.musi nave . .. tXlQ PRICES " ARB MIXED While considerable strength (a show 'Ins- in h local egg trade, prices arc 'moving everything at 14c a dozen tor candled stock while others are atm free. ;.Jy offering at 32c. It la .believed that cold storage operators are again at :, work In boosting the local fresh egg prtoa In order to undersell it with their ice nouse gooaa. -.. -.. v V SPRING CHICKENS FIRMER , Spring chickens are now being sought and the market is really firm at 16c for .offerings of that 'character. While, a similar price la being quoted In some quarters for hens, the general market is ,a cem. uoiuw una. 'i EXTREME PRICE FOR VEALS ( Extreme prices are ruling In the . 'dressed meat trade for country-killed 'calves. One Bale was reported along the atreet aa high aa 16s a pound, al- tnouah tne general market la l&c. 1 Similar Btrength is showing in the 'dressed, hor trade with sales generally at 10c with a sprinkling of buaineaa or eometnmg extra select at a traction . tnore. ' ;,; CHEESE PRICES PUT BACK The local cheese trade Is today Ignor ing Carl Habcrlach, secretary of the Tillamook association, aa well aa his latest decline of a cent a- pound in the price. This Is due to the faot that there Ib really no chewte available here at the lower price ana present stocks cost sell ers more moneyp-'-yV' - - - BETTER CALL FOR CABBAGE ''-"The cold weather has Caused a better Remand foe cabbage in-the local: mar ket and sales are now much better at $1 per 'hundred pounds. Since the sea son started there1 has been bat limited demand in this line. " ; JAP ORANGES ; ARE HIGHER ;.' Higher prices are being quoted on .Japanese oranges in the Front atreet 'trade. Kales are now reported as high as $l.t0 per bundle of three boxes while formerly prlcca were down to l. v FORECAST FOR SHIPPERS . .,'' '' .. i : "' - Weather bureau, sends the following notice to Dhlppers: , Protect .shipments aa tw north . as Seattle against mini mum temperatures of about S3 degrees; northeast to -Spolcane, 15: aoutheaat to Boiae, 10; south to Siskiyou, 30.. Mini mum temperatute at Portluod ' tonight, about ' Q degrees. .. ;'pOTLANI -i JOBBINQ PRICES'"1 , XImm trieM ue titota at which wholeialera Mil t retailer, except aa otherw1 stated: Butter. Etc and toultc. BCTTEH Nooiliinl. extra erwaiery, rube and tttlM, S7V4c; urluti, s;'mS!v: dairy,. 24c. ' i:GG8 Xuwimil. Caiidltd 4-locul extras, 82a c', uruinnry cunuie, a-w wpui nuyine price, lo oft.,2S4l30c f. o. b, Portland bt eastern, The freeze in California will un doubtedly have a good effect upon the apple trade. Not only Is the local mar hot expected to be benefited ,as a re sult of the record cold weather In the sunny south, but all American and for eign markets are expected to show a stiffening tone and a probable advance In the price. ... While It la not expected that the small sized - fruit will show any serious change in prices, the better offerings will undoubtedly come ITi for a much better call after It is definitely axrnr talned what the damage is to the orange crop in the south. , . ' . Oranges are really a direct competitor to apples and therefore a smaller Out put of the former Is expected to have a stimulating effect upon the latter, The fact that the orange crop was believed to be a record breaker In California this season has been one of the principal factora In putting down the price of apples all over the country and thereby affecting the foreign trade, i ... 1 Club Bids Advanced In Some Quar 'Wt ters to 8 i Cents; Flour Sltua ;,; v. 4 tloit la Badly Mixed.' ;;'y-':ryi'',r' ' TOBAT'I BETZXW. , Wheat All varletlsa show atreagta JocaUy. ' !? ..: ' 'v- '"'(''! ' ' ' Oats Trade firm bat quiet. ' Barley Market extremely weak. . -. Tlottr rrtoea badly mixed. ' v KlUatuffa Trada aaay. ; ' f :, Kay Market ita4y. y ; ; V FOREIGN WHEAT UAltKKTS ' . ' '' ' Urerpool Wheat cluaed nncliioged to . 14 d lower. -' Antwerp Whett cloied unchanged, Audapear Wheat closed He lower. Berlla Wheat eloaed Ho blBber. Pirl Wboat cled nochsaged to io lower. Buenos Ayrcs 'ft best closud V, to He b If her. 'VUBAT CARGOES FIRM London, Jan. i. Wheat cargoes on passago lirm out jnsciiTe, EnglUb country tnarkeU steady. , rOBTUliD GBAIN BKCEIPTS -Cars- SOU HI PRODUCE! Ii BE ALMOST EXTINCT Or an go anrj Lemon Orders Are Re. , ' fused and Green Stuff Can." i . ,1',' aot Be Purchased. ' Uonday .... 'f nesday . , . Wednesday 1 eir ago. ....... . . . . Soaaoa to date... 11, 504 Vear ago..,...., 8,!tf0 Wheat. Barter. Flour. Oata. Bay .. 139 .. 21 7 I M IS 91 T i 38 . S 4 250. FOIJLTBY Hetw, w . 1,1 VH ' 'Vri! cW'se. lilc: Tekla dm-ks. He: Indiun Hun. 14c; aprlngs. un mm 22c; pig. nVCs. 13c: turkeys. 10c; dreased. .iihi. old.: tl: lounir. il.SO doseu. riAMH-feJack" rabbits. S1.7& Ilex down? im Port- '"VuiKu"''' Produeers' price, for lauil aeiiTwy, per 10., 000. CHKKHK-rSomlmil:' fresh Oregon fancy, full creaiH 3 twins and triplets, 10c; daisies, 10 lie: Vouug Aurica, "28. -; : n ' I a raid ua i aM0'.s. KKESU - Ultl'XS w uavej oranges, 11,03 Sia.W, bananas, VAUi'Ae Hi.; leiuoua, i5.70Sii B.iir, lluies. fl per louj grapefruit. SJ.OotoJ.So; .,ln..ii miles, be lb.; Dcura, tl.W4iI.Bo lx.r- T-r.,: Ukut, luu; watus-,-'; eraubctijea. locul, lO.Jo pet bbl.; eustora, lo.5ojn,uo; (enlau Uulw, 74uiSo lb. , afl'LK-5U:J:i; cooking, 40c box. fcui"A'itftr"'ug fiicei lixuu cboigj. (SQ soeiH chuii-e, OOc , Wfllnnry, uOc pvr sack; buying price, curlottds, 33 U0O0' country poiuta: Sttvom, Pur wi'twh , ( . OSlONil oci1.0U; sMoi'lation sclllna prka He VZ$ uul, x.;o. b. sWpplug poluu: F VKWKTAilLki ew turnips, 07Sc: naw beeta, .WI notf- uWi-e pvt a pu,. snips, rlt.' Kl?j-l.tW.; m toi'S, Pr . box, Sl.TOi string beaus, 861 loiv grtea u01. m le liu'iiue: iwpuer,-(n!iV Joe Mi.j ' huad lettuce, ?2.5i, per eVate; cel. vaa, i" ip. saur, orsta: rhu- iui . Xeau, B aaa rrorlsiona, " DUESSKU USATS Uiuutry killed: Hces V fancy.t 1014; yNlnary,-- ;10cj. rough aj fcary, SfeOy: laUey Vesl, 15; ' ordinary llt'Svi goats, 3tHe; beef, TtjMe. ... UAMS. fcAWiW, KXC llui 18(310cj break. fast,Dcou,-iUttu.'; uoueu . auiu, itlci Die- , lTjfA-l'aiui houseSteers,, tio. 1 stock, IS'.iCi.cuvr. Noswck, ill lies ewes, lujf , lolua, 17ii- , , , ' okVffcKiMShoalwater bnr, per gallon ti tt 1W lu. ack ( ); Ulrmpiaj per gallon. a.a;'pr 1W IU. sack, U; eauiieU, eaaterd. tie can; 0.W dotcu; easttra In shell, it.jiS 8 per IWi ' i-itot dams, ili8. box. w ' jrisH-PWinal Uock-'toal, loe lb.; dresaad ' flouudats, , lei halibut, (llc; sti'lpud baas. Huqj'caaUb, Wc; Bolmon. Hmi,2; aolea, ? lb,; rliup, W14o; perch, b lb.; tomeod, c lb. f 'lobaters, KO 11).; herrings t); -black buas, Sue; utiirgwHi. lsMic; silver smelt, ,, Coluiiibla smelt 6il8c, bliick eod, 7c; .cantor fcrs, full oieunure, solid pack, $3 per gallon. LAHO aierceS, - 13M; cotupuuuil, tierces, 3? - ' .'-'Hops, Wool and Sldsa." ' -m WOOVWlUajuetU ralltf. owrse, Cotswold, , layioc. lb.; uivdluin 1 tjbropabire, . 21c; choloe ' Isncr Wti, 22c per lb. r eastern Oregon lai2uc, ,rdlng la abriukaga.' ! . HOI'S Produterst . price 1012, l5(S20c, so. eurdiug to quality; 1U13 coutracti, lGi10 lb, LtillTIM OK CASCAIU BAUK 112 Donr laal, car lots 6V4e; leas ca? lotfc, 9c lb. 1U1J fcrki-fa -- rlwf-eu lb. " ' 1 , MOUAIB itlia, 82148 lb. , . w -. . . , Hiuica Dry hide, l i2cj green,' ISct fslt. Id side. 13c; bulla, green salt. 8c; klpa, ua He; caireir drr, '24U25e; cult sklus, salted 1558 1202 1019 lifts 278 Ui 4U8 im There was a firmer feeling- all through the wheat market locally for th& day, A further advance of a cen. a bushel was quoted for club, which placed the extreme price at Sic, although moat in terests are still quoting 80c. ' The best demand is for bluestem. It appears that;' tog-ether with a. smaller planting of thia variety laet season, there baa been an increaaed demand for bluestem cutoffs in the export flour trade. Thia therefore has brought out sharp bidding among millers for the hard grade variety. -No c han are is shown In the flour situa tlon. Price cutting is Still shown on all sides in the natent trade, notwith standing the fact that millers have been lorced to pay a rnucn nigner Dasis ior their wheat. It .looks aa if thev are so keen for bUHinesa mat prices are a second consideration. Nq new developments are noted In the coarse grain trade, both oata and barley being unchanged, with strength in tne lormer ana weaaness in tne lat ter line. ; '. -. WHEAT Producers' prices, track basis: Club, 8081c; bluestem, 85 86c; red Russian, 78c; forty fold, 82o; Turkey red. 82c: Willamette valley. 10c BAliJUKi froaucera prices, iraca basis: Feed, 21.60?2; brewing, $26 ; n,..4 ei!l Rfl v ......... 1 OATS Producers nrlcea. track basla No. 1 milling, 26.60; white, $25.60 per ton. FLOUR Bellinrtrlce: Patent. 4.S0: Willamette valley. 4-80: local straight, HAY -Producers' prices: Willamette valley timothy, fancy,, ordinary, $14.60: eastern Oregon-Idaho fancy tim othy., 116.60; alfalfa. $11.60012; vetch ana oats, fiz; cneat, iiu.du. MlLiLiSTUr J1 o Selling price: . uran, $21.50; middlings,, $28 30; shorts. $23.60 ton. . , ! 1 I Ml 1 I FRACTIONAL ADVANCE TODAY Chicago Wheat lfarket Closes to .tf Cent Better Than Tuesday. rhlfsa-o. Jan. f. There was a fractional ad. ranca in tha ntlc of wheat at the cloatnz to. atj; prices being ft to Batter tsan jes : TUa market was aauhanged for each of tha threa ootloui at the oBunlnc of today's trade. Tba better foreign demand was a factor wh!c causea soma fairly liberal buying ana forced lUnirt of Chicago prices furnished by Ott- becg Cooke vs., ai ai7 Board of Trade Didg, . wheat : .. . . . Monti. , , Open. HlBh. May July Svpt. May July Sept. May July Sept. Jan. May Jan. May Jan. May ... I, ... i 1 COUN . 41) 4fl . ri .ntiiji . 51 V4 M9a OATS . .3,114 IW . 3:t 3.i . Si) 4 .18 TORK .1772 .1812 Low. 1 49H 6154 8814" aa Close; 81 W B 8S'a " B 61A 83WB 83B 3314 947 072 067 072 1820 LAUD 0.-.2 ll.HO BIDS J)U7 - 073 1810 847 072 902 070 17S5 1S17 B D50 B 077 005 B 872I&73 rSan Francisco Iroduce Jlorket. Sun Francisco, Jau. 8. Eg Extras, 8114c; firsts, 28c; seleated pullet. 2lc. t'heese New California Iluta, fancy, 1414c; fb'sts. 13c; secondB, 1214c; Cull lorn I a Young American, fancy, ItBicj di firsts; He; Oregon fanev. 17c; do toting Amerlcaa, ISc. ' l'otatoea Vtt cental, KlTer KurlmnkR, 35(31 COc; Sullnas, (H)cA,$1.50; Oregon Burbanks, Oue; sweets, 00cfi$l.SS. ' Onions Per eoutal, California silTcrsklns, 25 &'wc; AustrHlluu browu, 2olg.'ioc. Seattle froduce Market. Seattle, Jan. 8. Kggs Local ranch, 37 8811; Auril aturnga. 2iaiUc; but weather east ern stiraae." 22lrt 21c. ltutter Washington creamery, . firsts, 8Se;i eastern, 3Ze. Clicenc Tillamook, 21c; Yonng Americas, 21c. Oulnno California, 0Oc(S$l.O per aaek; Ore gon. fl.25. Potatoes Local $12; Yaklmas, $1616. San Francisco Groin Calls. Saa itanclaco, Jan. 8. firalu calls: BAKLKY Open. lllph. Low. Close.. May .........12014 Jao 12014 , 130 Peeember 12 121t4 127 12n or green, 18010c; green bides, 1Q114o less than aalted; ' sheep veita, salted, bjcti$1.10: dry. $3o lb. . Groceries. BICE Japan style, No. 1, 5t42Sci No. 2, Vc; New Orleaus bead, 6-J407c; Creole, S14e SUOAU-Clibe, J$5.5; powdered, $5.!U; fruit or" bciry, $).U5; best, $J.M: dry grnnulatet), 5,55; 1 yellow, $4.5. (Above quotation ura bu dull pet cash.) , SALT Coarse, hulf grounds, 100, $10 per ton; Sua I10.7R; table dairy;. 60s, IIS; loos. $17.fiu; bales. S2-26; extra fiua barrels, 2s, Ss and 108, $5.25i0.O0; lump rock, 120.50 pee to. BEANS Small wblta, 6'c; largt white, tort pink, &c; bayon, 4Me; llmas, c; reds, 6c, UONlV New, $2.79 pet ess. . : u . JaiaU, Goal OU. Eta. WU1TB LEAD Ton hits so w ih . koa iv iov yvi iu, i tvmm luia, env PCI ID. H'SKMU OIL-Kuw bbU. '&oV .l ! k.tH. . W. Mc ful.; rw esses, lie; boiled, Ote gal,: lot of 2M nalloBi Iff !,, boiled, caaes. 11 take meal, 114 oer ten -Ull'liJi'i'liB Is Tasrsr-TStTwOotf-ltarfeW; f tw, . aivu much,' wuo gallons ' iv CSSS iotr; 72e. -:" .-. r OIL I MEAL Carload lot. $37.80; less thai torload lots, $40 Dot too. . Southern -fruits and produce of all kinds promise to be very scarce- Jn th local market within the Immediate fu ture. , ' Special sdvlceg received from Cali fornia this morning state that no de liveries of orapgea can be made at this time. Some orders that had been con firmed with local houses have now been rejected, owing : to the reported heavy damage by the storms of the last few days. While it Is not believed that the damage has been . nearly as great as California early reports would Indicate as all such, estimates ' are generally much overdrawn still for-the Immedi ate future it is expected that the trade here will be very short of supplies. Not only will oranges be scarce, but lemons are already showing; an advance as a result of the damage reports. Head -lettuce and celery from Cali fornia will likely be out of the. question In the local market during- the coming week. Already head lettuce and celery values have advanced 60c in the Front Street trade and even the price of sweet potatoes, which re really not affected by the freese because - the product Is safely stored in cellars, haa moved up ward-i ' i?- 1-. f-t ' - ' COPPER STOCKS ARE III FOR 1 DAY New York, Jan. g. There was a sharp break In copper stocks today, but the general market was stesdy to a few fraction better than yesterday. The market in general was slow. Trading no to 2 o'clock included but 1S1.800 hares. Money was nominal around 214 Per cent toward the closing. ' Sana of New York nrlcea furnished hr Over. beek k Cook Co., 216-21T Bosrd of Trade bldg. DKUCKIFTION Amalgamated Copper Co. American 0. ft F e- nwn 1r.11 V a u, v ...... . Amerlcaa Can, p..,,,. America a Cotton Oil, c Americas Loco., c American Smelt, c Amerlcaa Smelt, p Anaconda Mining Co... Atchison, c , Baltimore ft Ohio, c. Beet Suaar Brooklyn Rapid Transit Canadian racine, c. Central Leather, c.... Central Leather, p... Chicago ft O. ff,, e Chicago A O. W.. p. , C, M. 4 St. P.... C. ft N. W.. e Chesapeake ft Ohio. Colorado T. ft"!., c. Colorado Southern, t. . . Consolidated Gas Corn Products, c Delaware V Hudson Pener ft B. a., c Penrer ft R. O., p Jrte, e Erie, 2d pf Erie, first pf General Electric , G. Northern, ore lands. O. Northern, p Illinois Central Int. Harrester Int. Met., c Int. Met., p Lehigh Valley Kansas City Southern.. Louisville ft NuanvUle.. M. K. ft T., e M., K. ft T p.,,....., Missouri Pacific ,. Nevada Consolidated . . New York Central...... N. Y., Q. W.. Norfolk ft Western, e.. Northern Pacific, . c... Pacific Mull S. & Co.. lVniix) Ivunla Hallway.. 1-. ., c U Co... lieadina;, e. .......... IteadhiK, 2d pf...t... ltcndlng, lt pf Kepuhlic I. S., c.. Iti'iiuhllc I. ft S., p... Rnpfc Island, c,,..,..,. Bock Island. 11......... St. I,ft S. F., Suiithcru Pacific, ..., Sontliorn Itutltvny, c... 8oiittiern UulJwny, p.. Texas ft Pacific....,., I'nlon Pacific, c... .... I'nloi) l'uclfle, p. ...... 8. iftibijcr, c...... , Uuhlier, pf.-rrrt Steel Co.. e...., V. 8. Steel Co.. D. . l:tli Copper' ........... VlrRlnlM Chemical . . . . . Wab'tHb, c. , V. '. Teleeruph 1'i'stinphoue Klectric, Wlxeonain Central, e. 1 . lOpeui Mljhi L.: 70lfc hid SSV4 80 11814 07 73" 46" 1Q8- 01 .284 19 32 U5U 137 704, 82'' 14014 13 8214 4014 40U 131 is" 82 U87 mi 1014 Hi il 122 791k, 6514 30'A "6 6754 T3 !3 3214 40 mi4 18 114 167 43' 1014 2ll 77 , 65 ao U814 00 i T2' 100 10614 00 283 114 81 116 13(1 70 si'" 140 13 32 ii'hi 4014 13! 127 is" 82 lee 10 hi 107!l7 12214121 iii-xiiaii 03 25 K0 28 1-Ki 22 li 1(501 HI 5y 03 23 2S 17 K 2S".i W',4 22. 1!0 HI M 1I 02 f 2T", 27 loiiij 27 0 22 '4 O0si I C814 tiHVd 00 42 K, 07 5 42U 78 Total sales 21,1U). w,4 42 8 7414 18 77 68 SOU 116 43 72 it 106 3614 01 264 in T1fc 140 18U 100 21 0 32 3 401a 184 4014 131 127 110 82$ 100 141 2814 C2 42 iJ 10 10814 W V22 2X I2H14 115 H's V2 00 p14 24 41 K 27 iuti4 2S 22'(, ir,!it IH)4 42 3, J4 7 62 t, .1 ILL i,.... .1 fii,;,i lil 10S TODAY; GOOD STUFF IS SI North Portland Slarkcfi Is Firmer All Around; One Sale ta Cow Di vision Is Made at $7 to Frank L. , Smith Company. TODAY'S XJT38TOCX MAMET. ZTortb Portland Kogs, lowr Ct tie, hlfflisr j sbesp, Jina. K'y.v Cliicaro Hors, lowrj csttls, blgbtrj hasp, Xlm. . . . t. ,.T.. .' Kansas 1 City Hogs, gteevdy osttls end sheep, firm. 4 ! eettte, ' louti Omebtv Bogs " , end steady; sheep, JOo te 16e Mg1r, . ;', PORTLAND LIVESTOCK EON ' " ' '''' ' : V Hogs. C'sttl. Calves'. IhcapM Wednesday ...... 4 hw : T :; .: W4 Tuesday 343 ' ... , '268 Monday ...210T ,'t; 8.1 V 'y; 1" ' 'im 8alurlar 907 ? v.; 30. Krtday 1B6 87 II . 34 Thursday .'.-., , . i-. ,' 800 i'.;;- Hi ,f. $ 's ii-.481 Week ag-.Ilolldy, " .i. c'- ' Yrfur , ago t .1252 tl B';'.I' V 17M Two year sgq.... ... ... ', 110 ' There wee only a small run of cattle M the North Portland yards tor the day. but sufficient came to show - the strength of the situation. While only a single cow was sold at the $7 mark this morning the transaction waa suf ficient to show how really strong the situation was. -yt -. .-':----r' ' This is an extreme mark In the she division of the cattle trade, therefore It marks an entirely new situation. Kill ers are clamoring for better quality, and this is reflected by the way they have taken hold and the prices that yiyejeen obtained recently.- " ', - At Chicago there Was a firmer tone in the cattle trade, with att advance of a dime in the price, 1 Evei Kant-as City was firm, for cattle today, but values show little Change. Cattle shippers today: Mokel Cow company, by boat, 22 head; Elmer Con nelL 40 head; T. P. Pafton, Halsey, 1 load cattle, calves and hoes : C. M. Blakeley, Canby, 1 load cattle and bogs. North Portland cattle range: Heavy fed -ateerg ( , , ...... . 7.76 7.26(97.60 o.e 6.7 6.6 8.75 5.00 6.50 4.60(86.90 NORTHWEST BANK STATEMENT Olearlncs. Wednesday .. Tnewlay. ... . . uonduy Week to date. Clearingt llalances- Clesrlnas . balances .. Portland Bank. "': "'" llils week. Year airo. .......$2.1131,140.38 $3.3H!.5fia 14 ...... l.W,tM.58"' 1.802 22 '! ...... 2,431,710.00 '.l.siwlioyius .$0,457,882.02 $4,800,078.35 Tacoma Bank. Seattla Banks, . 024.2OS.OO 61,884.00 .$l,05.fi7.OO . 227,021.00 OMAHA 8J1EEP HIGHER Missouri River Market Up 10 to 13 Ciits; Otltcr .Lines Steady. 8011th Omuhn. Neb.. Jan. S. TnHl,. sain- marker sUav and atcadr. Steera n.aninnM- cow and heifers, $5.4(iw 8.T5. ; ' noff t.ksi; market steady at $T.0OT7.ri3. 6hcep-l2,iw0; market strong to luitiiftc hiph. . Yenrltna tT.AOAiH.00:'wt-thirs. in- lambs, $.8iij(i8.Kai- ewes, $4.uor4,00. New Vork Cotton Market. f Open. January .,,.1294 March ' .....1257 May 12T.S July ..,,..,.1254 August 1242 October .,,.1175 December . .1172 High. 1200 1237 1243 ins 116$ 1172 , 11,-0 Low, Close. 12&0 l280(fli8J 1247 1240 1245 1!35 1248 W4'J annus 12324S4 116tt!9 1161lU'9 ! Money find Hvchnjige. " London. 'Jan. 8. Consols 7u 3-10: allver. 20-V! bank rate, ft jier cent. " . New York. Jan, R. .Hterlliie axebsnml Lone v.tuj ounn, t.Di: surer minion, a. 2t-SiAi Kin Vi-viwl im Trt n a ..tltrtiTIr aAVaH. tu days 4.Hld: slcht, 4.Xb; doo., 4.8U,. , Trails- i.-r: 'len'ifniTHiic. per cent premium; sight, 2 per cent premium. -j Choice steers common Hieera Spayed heifers ............. Fancy cows ................ Ordinary light cows Fancy light cows . . . . Heavy calves . . . v. . . Best bulls . . Ordinary bulls Hogs Are sown Again. There was a further loss Of price In the hog market at North Portland for the day. Receipts were again liberal and while buyers took hold early there was no inclination to bid against one another tn order to get supplies. Best sales during the morning were at $7.85 but better stuff would likely bave brought a fraction abpve this. , At Chicago there was a - slightly weaker tone in the hog trade and the fractional advance Of yesterday was lost with, tops at $7.50. . . At Kansas City there. was a steady tone In the hog trade for the day with tot at $7.60. ' ' , " Hog snippers today:. Arlington Lum ber company, Mikkalo ' 1 load hogs and sheep; J. E. McCoilock, Hanson, Idaho, 1 load; C. B. Llnd. Filer, Idaho, 1 load; J. L. Phirman, Hunts Ferry. 1 load; A. ft Gale, Dayton, 1 mad! Fred B.4)ecker, West SUyton, 1 load cattle, calves, hogs and Bheep direct to Union Meat com pany; J. C. Flint, Junction City, 1 load. North Portland hog market range: Best light 7.90 Medium light 7.80 Best heavy ..... , ... ..... 7.80 Medium heavy ; .... . . . . .f.6Q Rough and heavy $.6007.00 ghep Trade Terr rirno. Tn tha sheet) market there were only limited arrivals for the day. Only one full load came forwara hut were were several small lots In mfyed cars, The situation in the mutton trade continues very firm around previous ex treme figures. . . -. - At Chicago there was a strong tone in the sheep trade with no change In prices. - . Kansas City sheep market was firm. The only shipper of a full load of sheep on today's market was E. R. Starkwether who had a car in from Juniper. General mutton market: Best east mountain lambs... $ 6.90 Good east mountain lambs .. . 8.76 Best Willamette valley lambs 6.60 Good Willamette valley lambs 6.00 6.00 Poor lambB E.00 Best yearlings 5.80 Ordinary wethers 1 6.266.60 4.SQ 4.60 iiinG mim in 1 tioi;iT Further Cut In Price 7s Shown WUli , Rebate' Increased From 15' to 23 Cento; Pacific Coast Coniimuy Is Only Rebating In the City, . Fancy ewes Good ordinary ewes Wednesday Moruing lalss. vow a No. Buyer: F. L. Smith ,., P. L. Smith ... Union Meat Co : .... 1 nOGS Carstens Packing Co 105 CurKtens Packing Co.. !'. I.. Smith Union Meat Co. I'nlon Meat Co. Union Meat Co Vulnu Moat Co P. L, Smith i'nlon Meat Co I'nlon Meat Co. T'nlon Ment Co Carstens I'aeVlnit Co.. Carstens Parking Co.. Union Meat Co. ...... OH 83 42 103 85 0 3 13 li 1 8 6 1 ii, lbs, 1810 1080 TOO, 100 ' 371 142 140 Hal 107 2H.1 oa 144 355 2,"M) 830 402 210 Price. $7.00 8.60 ' 6.78 $7.85 T.85 7.85 7.80 7,80 7.81 7.25 7.23 T.21 7.tK 7.m 7.00 7.00 0.00 CHICAGO CATTLE HIGHER Market Up a Dime Vtth Better De mand in Yards. riiM,.A .Tun Il.,irfl-.'UVnSttV VB am. AA . O0O; left over -7fi()0. Market 2'j lower. Mixed fa7.Su: rong'u uud heavy, 17.15&7.S0; 'light, 7.15f7.40. Ctittle; market loe blgner. Sheet 20,XK); ninrket strong. - KANSAS CITY LIVESTOCK Hogs Steady for Day bat Cattle and Sheep Are Firm." Kansas City. Jan. 8. Uogs 11,000; market StPKlTT top.- T.0. ' " " ' Cuttle SiHKi; market firm. Blieep 3W0; market firm! ' - A Massachusetts woman has patented a veil for members of her sex who ride in automobiles that can be adjusted in stantly. . Journal Want Ads bring results. The Canadian Bank of Commerce HEAD OFFICE, ' Toronto, Canada. Established 1876; - A General Banking Business . Transacted. ' Interest paid on time deposits. - PORTLANP BRANCH, . . XrneSondndarkSt4 F. C MALPAS, Manager. Indicating that there is not likely to be a high market for canned milk this season, the Borden Condensed MUK company made a further cut in the price of its Honeer brand today. While the nrlce remains nominally at 62.76, the former figure, the company is now giving a rebate of 26a a case, which really means a not price of 13.50.,' " " On the other hand,' the Pacific Coast Condensed .Milk' company, owners of the Carnation, brand, are quoting their large size at $3.75. but are giving a robate of 26c a case to the Portland trade. The country trade is still charged the net price. 1 . ,.'..- In former seasons canned milk; prices were generally advanced at this period of the year. The huge output of milk during the-f all, months has caused much more -stock to go into storage than usual and canners are therefore figur ing upon unloading the bulk of . this Surplus with, as little delay ; as bot aiblev-kv.' ? .' :),..: ,-f?'-li,;-: The vftght at this time aenl- to be principally between the Borden and the PaclflQ Coast companies.' Little outside milk is now coming to this city, a ,.,' 1 .1. It, .', ,; Crop Outlook Better. . " ' Walla Walla. Wash:, Jan. g -With warmer weather and indications of snow, farmers are feeling much more hopeful over the grain' situation. Yesterday there was , biting cold wind, the mer cury half .way between ; freeilng and zero and not a flake. t snow to protect the tender roots. . Prospects are brighter now, however, and wheat raisers in the city today say they think grain has not been hurt by ths-cold. , ; - ' v' J; " VOTE SHOWS ARCHBALD WILL BE IMPEACHED (United Tress, Utsed Wire,) Washington, Jan, 8. A private can vass of the senate this afternoon, where Judge Robert W. Arehbald' of the com merce court Is on trial for alleged mis behavior and misdemeanor, indicated that from 66 to 66 senators favor his impeachment, while from 20 to at will vote In bis favor. . A two-thirds vote is necessary to secure impeachment. Judge Archbald is relying on regular Republicans and southern Democrats to block his Impeachment. - The house prosecutors this afternoon are arguing against the defendant and the defense's attorneys will reply tomor. row. ' It was announced this afternoon that each of the seven bouse prose cutors would be allowed to speak. i i IJOiUiil UUiLUihil City Council Makes Grant for New Marquam Structure on Morrison Street. ' Fei mlt for tha erection of a modern fireproof skyscraper of 15 stories on the Marquam block was granted by the city council at todays ' session. The building will be the home of the North western Fidelity company and it Is not unlikely that the central portion of tho structure .will be. used as the location Of a handsome theatre, The permit had to be granted by the council on account of the fact' that the city building; code prohibits the' construction of buildings of a greater height than 12 stories. That this' limit is not high enough for a metropolitan city such as Portland promises . to he, was J the opinion ex pressed by various councilman today and loudly applauded by 60 representative business men who crowded the paiiery of the' council chamber," '" v. V The council adopted a resolution authorizing the appointment of five en glneera and architects to. revise H the building code and five men represent lng the insurance Interest and Includ ing the fire chief to act as an advisory board to confer with the working con mittee. It is entirely probable that the code will be revised so as to permit of the erection of buildings to a height of at least 16 stories and probably 18 or 20. A' resolution was adopted instructing the- city auditor to write a letter to the mayor and board of aldermen of the city of Philadelphia urging that th famous Liberty bell be sent to the San Francisco fair In IB15. , -4 1 -An ordinance authorising the appoint ment by the city auditor of 19C8 elec tion clerks and judges to serve during the ensuing year at municipal elections, was passed. ; Many of these election of ficials will be women. '. . The resolution ordering a proposed amendment providing for the erection of the publlo auditorium on the east side placed on the ballot, was defeated. -The council passed an ordinance di rectlng ' the city auditor to deliver to M. M. Blocn pay warrants of election clerks and judges of the recent city elec tlon. These warrants, amounting to about l&ooo. were assigned to Bioch. An ordinance exempting carpet clean ing establishments from the payment of license fees was passed. A number of special permits were issued to indigent cripples to enable them to peddle vari ous commodities on the streets without the payment of license, fees. . Keystone Express Wrecked. (United Prese-teised wire.) Terre Haute, Ind., Jan. 4. Four per sons, three passengers and a negro por ter, were killed here today when the Key. stone Express, an east bound Pennsylva nia passenger train, collided with a fast man train in tne union station here. . Though- your present salary may sfcmingly preclude the possibilities of a business, of your own, establishing and maintaining a bank account now with this strong institution may help you grasp an unexpected opportunity. United States National Bapk Surplus and Capital $2,000,000 THIRD AND OAK STS. . OFFICERS G. K. VVENTWORTH, President JOHN, A. KEATING, Vice-President E. G. 'CRAWFORD, Vice-President F. A. FREEMAN, Cashier ' . . GRAHAM DUKEHART, Asst. Cashier , A. L. TUCKER, Asst. Cashier F. O. COOKE, Asst. Cashier lumbermens National. Bank CORNER FIFTH AND STARK RESOURCES 6 MILLIONS FIRST NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL $1,500,000 SURPLUS $900,000 OLDEST NATIONAL BANK WEST OF THE fiOCKY MOUNTAINS L I i I t4 101 Ui . oUii i Hope to Have Trains F.urr ; This Evening; Rotary Ci:rv Under Slide ' on North en - Pacific. ' '" ' ' I8pflnl lo Tb jnuruai. Ellensburg, Wash, Jan. I. Snow slides, snowdrifts and falling ielegriii.h poles have tied up all continental tmf- flc over the Cascades on all three lines. For the past IS hours no through trnln? have been able to nejotlat the "11 unc over the Cascades. ' Northern Pacific rotary plow Mo. '9, the larest on the division, and two Mallet engines were burled in a snow slide at Dor up on the west slope shortly after daybreak. .The Wrecker was sept up from Ellensburf and is removltif; boulders and debris from the 5 traclt.t. Fir trees carried down the mountain aides by tbe slides are lying; across the rails, while the powerful wrecking; crane ham pered bjr tho drifting, blinding "novA endeavoring to clear the track to permit the passage "of" Northern Pacific, Mil waukee and Great Northern matl trains. Train No. 2, which 'left Seattle last night, was 18 hours late tnto EUensbur? this morning;. . All eastbound train.-) were from 10 to 15 hours late today, and limped into Ellensburg With their cow catchers heaped headlight high with lea, rocks and snow, ;Fivo engines were needed to get No. 1 over the hump. 'Journal Want Ads bring; results. TaVaTSyOBTATZOS.. NORTHS GERMAN LLOYD Express Sailing's Tuesdays. Vst MU Ballings $nursday. i roa LONDON-PARIS. E2E"0 Salllnts SATUKDiTS tor ' THE MEDITEaRAMEAN nuts wamgcKtrms to tks Panama Canal West Indies JAN. U FEB. MARCH XV . gyiae S.. Grosser larlamr osLaieMa a co etawii ar t Intaw,;, N, T. sr LOOiJ, iiiu it ' Kobert Capelle, G. A. P. C 60 Powell st, opposite St. Francis Hotel. Ban Fran , Cisco; A. D. Charlton Gen. Pass. AgjL N. P.; W. Stinger. Ticket Agt, O. R. ft N Co.! Tourist Agent and -Travel Bureau, t3 6th ave. SYDnEPi'WTLiiiE AUSTRALIA 19i D AYG VIA HONOLULU AND SAMOA Tilt Pleasant and Comfortable Soute ' IflCKpID TWIN ICBEW 10.0n0-to steamer mU,S "80N0MA- end -VENTURA." - FOR ROT RECREATION and PLEASURE no othw trip atuapam vitk this ia SUMMER er WINTER. . mVENSOR said ef Sunoa: "No part ot the wurld Bierta the mud attractive power upon tba visitor." W l&P isaTAsi sra $3:3 R0UN0 THE W0RLD-W0 1st cabin; 75 2d eabia. fia Orios, Egypt, Italy, ete. Liberal stop-overt. - , ' Bailings even two weeks: '. Dec. 3, 17, 31. : Writ ot wit NOW tor berths. Sena lor idaer. . OCEANIC STEAMSHIR CO. ITS Mvkst It, tan Frsncitc New yprH-Portlatid JlmeriGsa-tiawagaa S. S. C?. TS2NJA3T?EO EOUXB - freight Carried on Bcneduls 'flw. ' XlO W: ftATZS. sfreauent Regular eainoca. C. U KENNltUT. Agent. -gig Riatlway Hacbaag aurHf. Los Angeles ' ' ' nd Baa Zie?o YALE Bt..m.uM HARVARD Railroad or any ship to San Francisco, the Exposition City, largest, fastest and the ONLY strictly first class ias senger ships on tbe Coast; average spued 'it miles per hour, cost 2,t)00,uuo each. SAV rBANClSCO, POBTLAiro 5 1.0 i ,..,, 'U AHOBIES 6. 8. CO, FRANK. BULUM. Agent . Main 26 ,124 3BD STREET. A-439C : v XPKK (StKAAUkUtS FOK San Francisco and Los Angeles WITHOUT CHANGE. SS. Rose City Sails 4 p. m., January 11. Xao Baa ia-ocji; s jrwmmua s. iV Va Tlok Office 132 Third St. Fbon Main a&Qtt and A-25S9. Ladd Tilton Bank ESTABLISHED 1859 Capital Stock - - $1,000,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $1,000,000.00 COMMEPiCIAL AIJD SAVINGS ACCOUNT5 :.:--. Letters of credit, drafts and travelers checks 1 . r' Issued, available in all parts of the world Corne r Third an 9 Was hington Streets CUU5 JtSAYLlNi STKAlaEft BsiiiAKWAXBJaV. ' Sails irum Amawutia UucH. iurtiand. at p. tn., Nov, it. and tUereattcr every Tuesday evening at p. m. t'rtlght re Ctilvtcl until a p. m. on vailing day. Fas seager tare fiist class lt). becuud cIhbs 7k incluUins berth and meals. Ticket office at Auisworth dock. .Portland a; Coos Bay Steamaliip Lino. U ii. iicai tnp asent MA F11ANC1HCO, 1AJ3 A.NGCMJ 1KD BAN DIEGO DlllECJ aromxH AiputiQ m. . co. 8. 8. SOAXOZB ana M. t, ZJ.PT-9 !Mq Evry Wanslj, 'trpatiy, at I p. r Ticket offlc 12J-A Third Wu. Dear Al.l Vbowee Mats ' A-Uli. - MARTIN" JrHlULKY. tea. Ant W. U. SLUSSKa freight 'Assoc OVERBECK&COOSECO. ' Stocks, ' fcori'ls, Cotton Grain, Ftv J10-817 aoard ef Trade ui!jn. ; DIRECT PRIVATE WIIiES TO ALL EXCHANGES Members Chicago Board or Tr v Correspondents ot Liin Kt . . . - Chicago. New terk. NEW tork Vrocic i:xr' - , NEW TOHK COi'iUN t, i v ; CHICAGO BOARU VV i THK STOCK A.N'U i.-i ,. v.. . ,:,,, . ., KAN UtA... I '-J: ,. . ronmxiroin".:; 159 Oak St, Ground I'loor, I i