! lit I iiNiij.iii.iitLtSS 1 L i!S3a YEAR Over Half of California" Crop Lost; Small Vegetables Are Wiped Out; Price of Living Soars Again. (Cntd l'l-cua VkkkS Wire.) Los AiiReles, Jan. 8. With the cold wave that 1ms ensiled southern Celi fornla for four duys, receding, esti mators are trying today to place a, figure on the loss to thla section of the country through the unusual visitation. From 40 to .CO por cent of the ditrus crops a total Ions. This Is generally agreed by citrus experts,, but the exact percentage, and the attending financial loss, cannot be definitely fixed for an other week, y It is believed, however, that the damage will exceed $20,000,000. Not only the citrus crops suffered. Small vegetables are practically wiped out Beans, peas, tomatoes and other vegetables are soaring In prloe. and the cost of living itv southern California threatens, to. be the highest on ..record for the next three months. Every attempt la being made In tha cftrus section to thaw the damaged fruit in such, a manner tnai n win noi pe an entire loss. If proper temperatures, gradually, reduced, can be maintained In groves some of the frosted fruit can bo saved. : y '' .'.'' y : y ; ,.y "'- ' Plans are under way to secure a num ber of , experiments, financed by state and federal, governments to determine the best ways of combating the frost demon. While weather forecasters de clare the chance of another blow of, the proportions of the one that has struck this Bection Is remote for years to come, it Is believed that all growers will com bine to discover methods of resistance. More Snow In Slsklyous. . ' (United Press Leased Wlr. ., Redding, Cal., Jan. 8. Northern Call fornla, from the Oregon line to bMew Chlco, is covered with a mantle of snow? At Dunsmulr It Is one and a half foot deep and at Redding 10 Inches, Society Women Tight Frost1 (UbIM rnn Leatvd wire.) Pomona. CuL, . Jar. 8. Prominent so ciety women of the Pomona valley have gone Into the orchards with the men to fire and refill the greasy smudge pots "during the past few nights, participat ing in the fight to save the orange crop, which will be continued . until normal conditions are restored, 1 Encouraging reports are coming In to day from the growers indicating that more than was supposed ; saved - their fruit by smudging. It will be a week or more, however, before an accurate, esti mate can be made of the damage. TWO WOMEN AND, THREE . MEN CAUGHT IN RAID Tn a. raid on a. linnita i( TMM! anil Market streets last night, the police ar rested two women and three men. C. B. Aipme, proprietor or the place, was - f'v. ua.ws, ucot fclst VlAUIfi giving him a chance to change Ills clothe-i before golnr to tna polic sta ' f Hnn window, crawled along a narrow led ire to the btrett below, escaping. A bencll warrant was Issued this morning for his arrest Mrs. Alpln and Mrs. May Wlltermood, the latter living at SOa Third street, were the two women ar rested. ? The Wlltermood woman has a 4-ycar-old child, which was taken charge of tills morning by the juvenile court officers. Jack Sumeriff, Michael Kamra and -Henry Taylor were the men ar rested. Taylor proved he was only lodger and was discharged. The two men were each fined $ 50. . Sentence on the two women wag suspended until Thursday morning. , The Wlltermood woman admitted being drunk. Twenty -bottles of beer and two large bottles of whiskey were confiscated. Captain Kel ler, Sergeant unn and Patrolmen Nlles and Florence made the raid. California now ranks first among all the states west Of the Mississippi river In the value of its mineral production. TAUGHT FREE Home Instruction Special Offer to Oiir Readers In order to advertise and introduce their home study music lessons in every locality the International Insti - tute of Music of New York will give free to our readers a complete course of instruction for either Piano, Organ, Violin, Mandolin, Guitar, Banjo, Cello, Brass Instruments or Sight Singing. In return they simply ask that you recommend their ' Institute " to your friends after you learn to play.'' You may not know one note from another; yet, by " their wonderfully simple and thorough method, you can soon learn to play, If you are an ad vanced player you will receive special instruction. - The lessons are sent weekly. They are so simple and easy that . they are recommended to any- person or little child who can read English. 'Photo graphs and drawings .make everything plain. Under the Institute's free tui tion offer you will be asked to Pay only a very small amount (averaging 14 cents a week) to cover postage and the necessary sheet music. . No one should overlook this won derful offer. Tell your friends about it show, this article to them. . The International Institute has suc cessfully taught others -and can suc cessfully teach you, even if you know absolutely nothing , whatever about music. The lessons make everything clear. .Write today for., the free booklet. .use which explains everything, it will convince you and cost you nothing. Address your letter or postal card to International Institute of Music, 98 2 .M - Ave.rDet&4Mi-Nrw Yorky w. y. ' ... ... k J til i... ilffi I!L Criticism ' of State ; Training School Leads to Inquiry; . :- -Supt. Too Lenient.; Bulem, or,; Jan, 8. J. "W. Saunders, ok at the statu tralulilir school, was CO discharged last night by Superintend ent w. o. ijaie ana no win appear at 1L hffllln tn ha hi.M irH.lnv aa a ness aenlnst Sutierlntenilent Halo's ad. ministration. ,.' . Saunders so's , he wrote a letter to the members -of the state 1 board calling attention to conditions that hi considered undesirable 'at th lnxtltu. III dlsmlaant fnllnwail an iUmvnMnn he had yesterday with Mrs.' Hale,'-wife ine superiniouaent, : while Hale was Salem. Whcn'finnaHnt returned he discharged him. , gaundors' principal complaint Is of a moral dellquonoy of the boys,- who he says are not curbed sufficiently under the lenient policy of Superintendent Hale. y i-.-v y:y... .-y,,,';.' v ,':,? In-' rDlV te a nlnrv tnrlnv Governor-, Went ' said inv.rMnM in his "honor system" or employment of convicts at tne institntion for the feeble minded had no - bearing whatever ou charges that had been made to hint against Superintendent Frank E. Smith, t VTho statement attributed to Mr Kay as to a conversation between Buperln. tendent Smith and myself regarding employment of HaJl is correct so far as wem, aaia ine governor. "But more followed. llQwuiw T Knn't care to mention it at this tlro.j Ref- erenca io tne alleged hold up of Mt. Smith' bv an 'hnnnr man' niuni way for. a very Interesting story, and might: prove a very Interesting ruling if results of the Investigation which was made were given publicity. ' But that matter had , no part in chargjs against Smith, and I had hoped it mlgct have been forgotten history." The governor also gave out ' state ment showing that while a charge of U per day was lixed for the Use of tje convicts, only 25 cents of thla went to the convicts themselves, and the remain der was merely made a book charge against the Institution using the ,coc vlcts and was never collected because the money would have had to be turned imo xne generar fund and would not have benefited the prison.' . ! . Ti U. S. Ei (United treM Lasted Vfin.) Washington, D. CM Jan. 8. How Uncle Sam can save millions of dollars annu ally through 'administrative reforms by the economy and efficiency commission was pointed out by President Taft to day in a special message to congress transmitting the annual report of the commission. ' Larger and continued ap propriations for the commission are asked.:- '-.-.' Reorganization of "paper work" of the departments Is recommended by Taft The '' commission insists it can save 16,000,000 certainly each year and mil lions prospectively. '.; y " t ; I'ensions for superannuated govern ment, employes, reorganisation of sal aries upon strict efficiency basis and adoption of modern labor-saving de vices, and systems in all government of. flees are reforms urged. : (rnlted Press Tawd Wire.) Rant. Rnrha.r Cm.1 . Jan 1 "THiAAl Up" and "Oh, Promise Me," and all mu sic lying between these limits, played on hla nlinn hv Mlu Anna Tn1 mwm the heart of W. H. Coleman of Pitts burg, a retired millionaire steel manu facturer, who Is almost totally blind. - f!olmn Tfntlv aAvarttaa tnm mnm one to play for him. Miss Dale re- sponoea, ana was engaged. Coleman has been married twice previously, his first wife dyinc and tha second divorcinar him. -r".-1 " ''ry' ; E tJnitd PreM Letd Wirt.) New York, Jan. . $. -"By mutual consent," the engagement of Miss Vidu Bispham, daughter of David Btspharo. the noted baritone, and Theodore Have meyer. second son oflhej ,late Charles Havemeyer, s. the sugar i magnate. is broken on . according to announcement here today. - -,. "It was simply a case of boy and girl. who decided they would not be happy togeiner tor life." explained Mrs. Blsn- nam. NEW WASHINGTON JMUNTY OFFICERS IN (Special to The Joenil.) ;" ' aillsboro, Or., Jan. 8-Washlngton county officers elected at the November election riled their .oaths of office yes terday and took charge, R. O. Btev'en son, who filled the vacancy in the office of county judge caused by the death of County Judge J. W. Sewell a year ago. gave place to D, B. Reasoner, who served... a term as commissioner several years ago and who has. been a bridge contractor, xne new commissioner is C. A. Hanley, a prominent farmer.1 J. E. Reeves succeeded Q. ' O. Hancock as sheriff and : E. C. Luce, former chief deputy in the county clerk's office, suc ceeds - to the office, y Recorder E, L. Perkins, Assessor Max Crandall and Treasurer s. By Bapplngton' were all re elected. E- w, Barnes, former superln tendent oft. the Hlllsboro schools, suc ceeded M. C. Case as county superln tendent COMPOSER SEAGER DIES: HE WAS 82 YEARS OLD ' i-(tjDitcd PrriM Leased Wlr. Los Angeles, Jan. 8. Professor Rich ard Watson Seager, 82, composer of the cantata "Queen Esther." and a musician 1 nationally known, Is dead here at the home or a son. Professor 8eager was associated during his active muslo work with Theodore ThomasColonel Marie' son &hd others prominent ia the'iuuslcal AFT URGES PENSIONS mm BISPHAM-HAVO UNI BROKEN liliBLlit ILL CQST AGQUT 9G7 Contract" for Work ls Let" at That Figure by Lloyd's Agent to the Albina Engine & Machine Works. Bids , on the repairs to the British bark Inverclyda, damaged recently by collision with the British bark Crown of India at Astoria, wore opened yes terday afternoon tn the ornces of Henry Hewett, Lloyd's ' agent ; here, and the work will , go to tha Albina Enftlne & Machine works, as their bid of $9t7 was the lowest. , Vi,v. !.''..! i There were seven tenders ih a)l, the amounts ranghig from . that on which the contract will be awarded to one of $2800. The work Is to be completed in 10 days. The' people bidding were: Al bina Kpglne & Machine ..Works, 1967; Kobert Mcintosh, $900; Archie Mcin tosh $1000; John . .Wood i Iron Works, $1265: Willamette & Columbia River Shlplinlng company by J, ; II. Roberts, manager, $1298: Vulcan-, iron . works, $1850, and the Willamette Iron & Steel Works, $2800, : iy:i.:-',ri"i ' Repairs to the bark , Wilt include the taking out of the bowsprit and renewal of two plates, , The bowsprit shrouds to be renewed; Jlb 'guy to be renewed and fitted, and a large, number. of . sundry, other repairs. .J(l;-!, ' ' The largest amount of work will ,be done on the Crown of India, it being estimated that her repairs will amount to about $8000. Bids on the work wore to have been opened at 4 this afternoon, but because of the funeral of the late British consul, James Laidlaw, the time has been postponed until 10 o'clock to morrow morning. " . . .-' ':, ;v The work to be done on the crown ol India includes three bulwark plates .7. : . ,1.. v. n T . ana xiuings 10 uw to their original plan of construction, and a large amount of work to be done to the rlgglsg. " - Until the bark is drydocked it will be impossible to determine whether any of ; her ' lower , plates were materially damaged by her riding on the anchor Chain of the Jnyerclyde, -ji ..;' .ULf. TOWED " IN GALE'S FACD'.'- Feat of - Captain Sanstrom Brings Praise From Shipping Men. As the master of the French bark Rene had been promised a tbw from Linn ton i to . the local harbor before today, Captain Bandstrom brought her up from the ballast dock to the North Bank dock during the night against a, heavy southwest gale and very , strong cur rent' It ia-unusuel te-move a ship dur ing the night, especially under these conditions and caused much favorablo comment on the waterfront. ;,:; " : , The Monarch, operated by the Puget Sound Towboat company, went 'along side the Rene at 11:50 o'clock last night and as the baric was headed down stream it is considered some feat to have turned her around successfully, as there was about a five mile current running In the Willamette due to the recent rains. ' Captain Sanstrom, how ever, made no bones of it, saying that it was in the line of the day's work. Wie ship was anchored off the North Bank dock at 3 o'elock this morning after coming up in the face of a heavy southwest gale. . ' .. ,- ALOXQ THE WATERFRONT y : Carrying paengers and fro! ght," the steaemer Roanoke, Captain Dickson, is scheduled to sail tonight for an Fran cisco, Can Pedro and San Diego. The British baric was shifted 'yester day afternoon from the stream to the ballast dock at Llnnton and the British steamer Strathlorae, from the Eastern ft western mills to the . Irving dock, where she will begin loading barley for Europe. .,.; Immigration Inspector J. H. Barbour left last night for . eastern ' Oregon, Where he lias a number of Chinese eases to look into at Condon and Huntington In tow of the steamer Monarch "the schooner King Cyrus will be towed down from St. Helens to Astoria this after- After the Age of Fifty 1 . From . this age : the human system gradually declines and the accumulated poisons in the blood cause rheumatism In Joints, .muscles and 'back. f! 5 These warnings should . be promptly relieved and serious illness avoided - by using tne roiiowing prescription which comes from a noted doctor and is said to have no equal in curing rheumatism and-restoring physical vigor. . Good results come after the, first dose, "From your druggist get one ounce of Torts com pound (in original sealed package) and one ounce of syrup of Sarsaparilla com pound. Taku these two ingredients home and put them into a half pint of good whiskey. ; Shake the bottle and take a tablespoonful before each meal and at bedtime." y If your druggist does not have Toris compound in stock he will get it for you la a few hours from his wholesale house. Don't be influenced to take a Detent medicine instead, of this. Insist on having the genuine Toris com pound in the original one ounce,' sealed, yellow package. Published 4 the Globe I'harmaceuticai Liaooratories or cnicago, VHEII A LAXATIVE IS iirrnrn n inni nnrn Salts, Calomel and Cathartic Fills 'Act on Bowels as reppcr , , Acts la Nostrils. ' Take a Cascaret tonight and thorough lv cleanse your ..Liver, Stomach and Bowels, and you will surely feel great by morning. Tou men and women who have headache, coated tongue, can't sleep, are bilious, nervous and upset, bothered with a sick, gassy, disordered stomach, or have backache ana reel all worn out . Are you keeping your bowels clean with cascarets or merely lorcin g a passageway every few, days with salts, cathartl pills or castor oil? This is important Cascarets : immediately cleanse ' and regulate the stomach, remove the sour, undigested and fermenting food and foul gases take ' the excess bile from the tlver and carry off the constipated waste matter and poison from the intestines and bowels. - - . . . Remember, , a Cascaret tonight will straighten you out by ramming. - A 10 cent box from your druggist means healthy bowel action; aClearhead and vheetfulness for. months. Don't forget ttutu C.il i i : ..: i . ., , ,. , i , . , :i .Mi i .1 I toll i . i i,t, I lut t- ! ... in' - ,i. ,! M , wan t hi i! iii il !K l . iirll j: to l.l lit. 1 o'tlm U tins ;i i l-i iiuuii 1 1 urn Loh -Anci-Irf unil hi, ui l'i uni'luo. .Shu in a day l.ilo on her scln-dule. . . A thu rmult of tin InvfHtlK'Ltioii huld Vi'llhirijilV ln.'t-.t ITnif..rl Rtnti.U InMlli.fl- ois of tcmi veHuls JCUwmilM unj Kul- lfl' IMIlllfl UiIiiiIlIiiiiii tt 111 lili.iiiiuir Moiiari'li, was reprimanded for inakinj, fwt to an aid to navfKutlon. . . The sleuniur not nsliore at WutthouKivl beu- inn lii ht I itr iw.l.il....- In thu i'im- iuiiI In order, to- U'.ep her atcin from gcttin on ine grouna a line wua run out 10 the Urvo ldli) iloiiihln of the beacon. If it . 4m i. limit fnnvr.itoiif tn lirtnir ihe survivors of the , Itoseerans wreck to rorwanu mo inveMpiguiion into tne ...11... 4l.n ...Ir m.III I... V...I.1 t... 41... 1.UU0U vt. iiiu, niuvn mil ii? iitju uji 111a inspectora here.'-. 1 Otherwise ' the teatl- tnony or tne uauors wiu do ia;ttn ui ban Francisco. - , y '. ' As a result of a conference with some of the shippers yesterday. President 8. M. Mears, of the Port of Portland commi'sslon, . decided . that, the towage and pilotage of the port should not be turned over to the Puget Hound Tugboat oomnanv. ' Tho luttnp mmiuinv ha.il of. fercd to take It over. . i.-V BURIAL 1.Y 8AN FRANCISCO Body, of Captain Johuf on i Will Be r;?'y. Sent to .Old Home. ; Arrangements were made by Cap tain Q- L. Thomson, ' 'master pf the Steamer. Westerner, i this morning, to have the body of Captain I F, Johnson cf the Rosecrans sent to San Francisco for .burial., y Captain' Johnson's body Will be shipped to the Masonic, lodge there, ' of ' which they were both (mem bers. ', . The , master of the Ul-fated oil (anker lived at the California port with his mother and sister. : MARINE INTELLIGENCE ;i.y Y.'h, j '..:' Sue te'ArrlT, f:'.Xii)'(,4:' Str. IUwe City, Ban ran.;,,..,.V.In, S 8tr. Ilt'aver, Sun I'edro .lua. W Str. Geo. W. Kldr, Sua Diego.....;.. .Jan. 12 Ktr. Bear. 8aa FmaclMO. ............... Jin. IT Str. Uoaauka, Sun DUmo Jan. 19 ;,. "y, - So to Depart.. Str. Iloannke. Ban Vivto ....JaA. ft Str. Xultnomab, Lna Anirles. Jan. 10 Ktr. ltoae City, Sua Pedro. ..'...........Jan. It Str. 0o. W. Elurr, Bin Uiego.. ....... Jn. 15 8tr. Beavr, Sun Pedro..,. , ..Jan. Id Btr. Alliance, Eureka . ....;..,,..,,.,,. Jan. 10 Str. Bear,' Sua Pedro ....Jan. 21 . To leave Baa rrtncUoo. - Str. Tale,' Baa Diego ....... Jan. 0 btr. Uarvard, Baa l'lro , .Jan. 8 En Bout to Lod Xumlwr, Xame ' . -' - galled - ' From Dunde. Rnaa. bark Santoa Ceo. O. Hillings, Am. ch. ...... .Sua Franclxn NeoUfleld, Mr. ablp. Bvt. 12. ........... Wa hla MarU-chou, Kilsa. Ulp.... ........ ........Calluo HorlciHien, nr. atr. i . Valparaiso MatkiliU,' tior. tr.r..r.......i......kiirrka Invvran, Br. str.. ...San Krunelsco tlakawela. Am., bkta.... ...Sun Kranclaco Uupert City, Br. atr....,...,,.VaucuBTer, B. C. Satut Kllila, Ur. atr.. ................. .Eureka Inca, Am. atli. ...,...,.,..,..... Valparaiso W. II. Talbot, Am. fcb..,...,,...m...liuliue Wm. n. Smith, Am. arb. ValparaiMO Oolden Shore, Am. acli., Dee. 13...t.Cwuimbo Anerley, Br. str., Dec. Xi .......... ..(luyauis W. II. Maratun, Am. ach.. Hot, 25,..Vflllianil60 Bnttla Abbey, Br. bark. ....... .Ka Kranclaco Virginia,: Am. a(rt.........,',,..Su'n 1'raiiclxco Kldoradu. Aui. ach.. Dtc. 24.............Callao ltocbelle, Am. str., Jan. ..' San Francisco W. r, Jfwett, Am. acD.. Jan. s...mia f ranclaco Toktl Mara. Jap. atr.. Dee. 10 ....Hnnolultr Hnnta Booalla, Dr. str Vlctorl Sblnau Mara, Jap. atr Huuoluld Twlvkenbam, Br. atr., Nov. 0... Buenos Ayres Wrar Castle. Br. sulp, ...... ........Nalttvcrry Hnngor, Hot, tr. ....... ....... ...San Kraaclaoo rnwper.j Nor. atr..,. ......Ban Franclaco 1 Amaranth,. Am. bktn,, Dec. 3 Valparulao Wlnalnw, Am. acb. .y. ..Callau Waap, m. ach...Dea. ft n.T,,,Haa Ifraaclaooi v ; Ea Xouta to lioad Oraia, ' -- rmmfrloshlre ltr. lurk.. Oct. 29... 11 lo Janeiro Cambrian Princes. Br. sb.. Oct 24..Rto Janeiro (ien. le Nesrler, r. bk., July lT.Neu-ctiatle. K. rsall l'Hteitft it. bk .NeWtaStlc, X. H. W. Stclniieli, uer. atr .tsuuta umaiia OWma. Gor. nhlp. Not. 22..........,....Talta Veadee, Br. bark, Oct. ST....,,..uockbamptoa v '-'" Orsla Flctt la Fort ' Xante and Charterer" . ' Berth. Adelaide, Oer. bark, Iloascr. ...... ......lrrlns Oooaa, Oer. ablp. llouser.,... Stream Boadlcea, Br. ablp, Kerr..: Oceanic Baraibek, Ger. bark, Hoaaer,.E. k W. Lbr. Co. iTprnn, Br. bark, Houer..........,...Lluutou laebek, Ger. bark, IIx"'r........,,....Aitirla Uarechal Villura.'Fr. lurk, Kerr... .....Antorta Inrercljrde, Br. bark, Uouaer.,y..,..,.8tream Ltubetb Vt. bark, Bnltoar t 'cunlc MftruiJoU. Br. bark, Uinr... ., ...... LI niton KlUoran, Br. bark, Uouer......,.,,.,.Uunton Oaterbek, Ger. bit., UcNear.. ...,. .. .Llnnton Btxatftlorne, Br.' Houaer,...........lrTlnc Bane. Fr. bark, Berg ...North Bank Thiers, , Fr. bark. Bouaef ................ Mersey Terpsichore, uer. amp, nouar..,......j4aatoo ,-r.'.':-limasr-Ileet'iB Vert,- ; ' Name i To Batt-tor Berth. Albert, Am. bark, New Zealand.. g. Vt. mill Alert, Am. acb.,-Honolulu. ......... ..Preacott King Cyrua, Am. acb.. Ban Pedro ..Bl Helens Lottie Bennett, Am. acb., Weat Cot. P I Co. Nokomla. Am. acb., Cblle Went port Brltlah Xeomaa, Br. bark. Aoatralla.St lltlent Sebome. Am. acb., Sydney, N. 8. W., Westport Irene, Am. acb., Baa Krancico..,...St. Helens Arakm, Am. str., Baa Vranclaeo...,,... Rainier AureUa, Am. atr.. Ban rranclsoo..,.Knapptog Carlos, Am. str., Baa Franctaco. .Port Lbr. Co. Jobaa Poulaen, Am. atr, San Fran.. .Westport Manabn Mara, Jap.' atr., Japan.... .....Rainier Olympic.' Am. str., San Pedro..,, Kalama Shna Yak, Am. atr............ ...Freaoott fit Helena. Am. sa........ St. Holena Vellowitone, Atd. str,, Baa Franclaco Knapptoa "Weaterner, Am. str;, Ban Franclaco.... Kalama Willamette, Am. atr.. Baa Pedro Kalama ' Alaska Cannery neat ia Port. Name Berth. Berlin, Am. ship....;...... ....Goble Bt Nlcho's, Am. ablp Oobls 8t. Frances, Am. ahip....,.,...,,.,..,.Aatorta W. B. Flint, Am. bark , . . , . Antoria Levt T. Burgesa, Am. bark ...Goblt Beuca, Am. ablp............... Aitoris Taaaals Cleared ia Fast M Eonra, Boanoke, Am. str., San Dieto., naaa. and frght Camlno, Am. str., Ban Franclaco, general cargo Kiacellaaaous ia Fort, Roanoke, Am. str......... Martin's Rom City, Am. str... .......... ......... Aatoria Patsy, Am. gas atr.,,, ...Columbia No. 1 Crown of India, Br. bark .......Llnnton Daily River Readings. 5 S . ' v Sh , ejsi"" 10 -I fS w $ S.S 5a '9 X B5 63 y 24 0.90.6 .01 80 3.20.8 ,28 25 10 7.7 '1.31.03 20 r7.B 0.2 .SO 20 7.8 0.6 .68 87 12.6 0.4 I.Ce 15 0.8 o.l .64 8T1TI058 Lewittoa Rlparla ........ UmaUlU Eugene Albany Balein WllaonTllle Portland , () Blilng. ( ) railing. MMtlXE NOTES Astoria, Jan. S. Arrived at 8:80 a. m. and left op Steamer Northland from San Francisco. Arrived down at 1 a. B.-8teamer Willamette. Arrived dowa at 8:30 a., m. Steamer F. II. ieggett Arrived It U lUd left up at 11:30 a. m. Steamer Breakwater from Coos Bay. Out side at U a.,' m. British steamer Saint Klldra from Eoreka. Uelbourne, Jan. T. Arrlrad Brltlah steaner IkaU from Colombia river, i ' , i Aatortaf Jan. 7. Arrived at' noon and left op at 1:30 p. m. Steamer Klamath from Han Franclaoo. Arrived at 8 and left np at '4:80 p. m. Steamer Paralao from Baa Pedro. Left up at 4:15 p. U. German bark Oaterbek. Ar. rived at 4:30 and left ap st 6 p. m. steamer Keranleum, from Saa Franeiceo. t ' Ban Franclaco, Jan. 7. Arrived at 8 p. m. Steamers carlo ana uamaipais, irom rortiana. Bailed Schooner Alrena for Colombia river. San Pedro, Jan. 7. ArrWed Steamer Beaver from Portland. Balled Steamer Geo. W. Elder for San Dleiro. Astoria, Jan. 8. Condition at the piotttfi of thw rlrer at g a, m,f rough wiad asutb, 83 Uilreai waatber cloudy. - 1 Tides at Astoria Thnniday nigs water, 2.44 S, m.i 7.0 feet; l:4S p. m., s.4 feet,: Low water 8:29 a. m., 8.0 feat; 8:59 p tn., O.S foot. ? '- y ; " Daeth of August Arp. ' ' iRoaflal to Tba Jouraal.t 7 Pendleton, Or., Jan. 8. August Arfi pioneer, saloonman of this county, died early this morning. He had : Just sold out his business at Helix and was nre paxlBg,ta.Jaln hls.Uughte-4-le An- geles - when Illness sent - him to - his iil Utfi'H oUi; DiLb After Quarrel With Wife Los Angeles Man Cuts Throat . of Son and Kills Self. (t'nltcd PrcHa Leaseil Wire.) Los Angeles, Jan. 8. After a quarrel that had H& origin"' 'in'., the temporary separation of hlmuolf and hla, wife, peorgo llrurnflcld, fi5, today cut tha throat of his son, Bhermnn Brumfleld, Hit -and then killed himself ; by cuttiiiK his throat. The younger Urumfleld was taken to a hospital where it was stated he had a chance to-recover. According to the police, George Brum f leld and his , wlfo quarreled Hoveral days ago and -she left her home. The son la alleged to have called .his father to task for the separation and the men are reported to have quarreled through out the night in their apartments in the south end. At daylight today sounds of scuffling and falling furniture n the Brumfteld apartment arouaod neighbors and police were called. When the doors were broker!, down, young Drumfield lay gasping for 11 fo. The father lay on the opposite side. of the room, his own head almost severed. V - (United rrena Lrtil Wire.) - - Los Angeles, Jan. 8. Combining hu mor and a marvelous Ingenuity with his desire to kill himself, O. D. Comber constructed a, box fashioned to fit over his head and closely about his shoul ders, printed n;atly on tha cover "pat ent applied tor," attached the arrange ment by means of a rubber tube to a gas Jet, the cock of which was controlled by an alarm clock arrangement to go off at midnight, and lay -down to die. The clock's alarm, which Jangled si multaneously with the turning on of the gas, aroused other lodgers in the houso, many of .whom, rushed to Comb er's room. They found the man dead with the box on his shoulders.'.. There was no gas in the room, although there was sufficient in the box to kill sev eral men, - 1 , SENATE INQUIRES INTO '. . U. S. MILITARY. PRISONS tTnlrrd rtnmlHt Wire.) . WaHhlnrton: Jan. 8. Senator Works' rAsnltitinn. mil In? unon tha . war and navy departments to furnish a report of the number or prisoners connnea or emnlnvftd in military prisons, with the nature of the offenses charged and the conditions of .the prisots, is on rue in th aonntn todav aa adODted bv .that body. An early response from the de partments is expected,, - WORCESTERSHIRE WinterRoute to the EAST : Avoid the snow and ; storms, ake the ' Orange Grove Route Through CALIFORNIA, Southern Pacific El Paso & Southwestern, via El v IPaso, , . , The line ol low AltKode , .3 . ;' Trains .iy,vy;' ;' ''.iv' ';yy'y!y " ;:"" -':-"''" ";? We operate the famous Golden State Limited be-: Jtween California and the ' , feast No excess fares. ; :..,' - " " . . -'Sfh . -.-. Toj fail partionlars address '' :.. ' UASTZir X OEAT, General , A4Tn passenger IXy. 064 Stark Bt, Xallway JCxohange Boil ding. Jfhoaes A 8660, Uala 834. JOKES OVER DEATH ' i. , ; . y. . 'i p.'Y.-V;': ' i ''v j'j': : ':;!' .,'4. 1 :' .''v' ' i V'' .! -' '".' sjsjaeaar aipaeiaMataaaaaMtaaaaHaS ' , .4 '"-,' r i i Li l JUaiiiilUi "I'alcpr county la a terrestrial para disc, the KreuU.t 'county . In thu Rtat". if - not 'In ' thu wliolu of the IJniled States." All of which Is ' preliminary to Buying that Ed Kami, . ' thcrlff of Balccr county and one of eiiKti rii Ore fc'on'K.blg I)nnocrats, Is In Portland on buHliiuHH. Quite Incidentally he is let ting the. wide, wide world know all about Uaker, county ' and her mining, logging, horticultural, agricultural and atoelt Industries. . r : Kund Is the only man 'in the history of linker county who hue been electe I sheriff more, than twice, in succession and this In face of the fact that Itaker Is . normally Hcptiblican- by about 600 majority and he is a Democrat. liut political faith doesn't cut' much ice in Palter." explained Rand. "Up there we figure lf a man isn't right, his party affiliations can't make him right. I've al ways done my best to be right." ' y.yy.y4 ,y; ':',, :, ,- ,' And that's 'ihe sum and substance of Kd" Hand's .politics, boiled down. Ap parently the peQple of Baker", county like his brand, as lie Is now serving his fourth term and each time, he has been returned tto the Job by handsome ma jorities. f .. i Mr. Kond plans to remain in the city a day or so before returning to his home. - , . MRS. GEORGE L. BAKER. ENTERTAINS - PLAYERS "if-. ....''.. ..'' X'- i I .' " '" - 't: '.h".':. ' , . Mrs. : George I i Baker, wife of Man ager Baker of the Baker theatre, was the ; hostess at 'a reception given ' the Baker players Iri her home at BIS East Twenty-eighth street, south, last night, and to a few Invited guests. The even ing was en Joy ably spent In dancing and card playing. The affair was ' just a sort of open house tendered the players, who are resting this week preparatory to the opening ln"thetr new home in the old Orpheum next Monday. ' Be sides the players present were John F. Logan and wife, Frank Griffin and wife, Mibs LwoiM Caaa Baer,y -ut.r . Wriilf vnn flrpeatmor l.iccjllessj!lSiinkistjDr2ngC3fyQU arcicligbtcdvith tht r- . . ! i- .Ut magninccnc suvcrwarc you arc gciuug ui yuui.uav., You always order "Sunkist' oranjres and lemons becauso they are the finest, richest, selected, fruit crown anywhere in the world. -' . : ' Picked and packed by cloved hands the cleanest of all f rnits.i Thin-skinned, fibreless. f ( . - . , .... - f . ' ' "', - i Not a Seed in "Sunldst" Cut th 1 trademarks ' from tho wrappers ' around 4lSunkl8t"i oranges and lemons and send them to us. - Select silver pieces . from i our ? 27 different premiums. Every, piece th famoual , Rogers Standard A'l guaranteed silver plate. , .- t The Rogers branee spoon shown above is sent to you for l trademarks from - Sunkist" oranges or lemons and six 2-cent : stamps tto pay cost of mailing, etc.). Trademarks from "Red : Ball" orange and lemoa wrappers count same as "Sunkist," y, Sunkist'! oranges hy the, box, kali-box or ' dozen from) - j your aeaier tL vSend your ff& complete ireo hfI onrl Pr-mfnm : cisfoy'''yr: iasl fQB-a-saJSJBSl Send all orders for Premiums . and all inquiries to . is Calif ornia Frnlt Growen Excaasso 139N.OarkStmt,Ckicaetll ' m SLI 111 JV.L J-J17 ; and all during the cold Fall and Winter months his house is kept warm and . cozy for . his wife and babies. -. ,. A Perfection Oil Heater is almost fadiipen. able when there are children in the home. Every home has uses for it. ' , . v ;. -. - : ... ,,. .. ... . -.. ! .. .- y i y.- . . - ' - :f "X .. MaJ fit miektt trhnmini. ptmln Mm mt mmmaUmf. tareWae. , -: Wmrna. OrnmmmntaL imaMiln. lull rr yrmr. y trntily maa.W fnm rmum to reesa. Al W eearyHfAsre. ',. - STANDARD OIL COMPANY, ,'', (CsliferaU) k It Mathat Slie ' I IS LlI.'JI it: -i ii (rnlti-d I'tii. I.eiiicil Wlie.l Pan Fi n ihsIhcii, ,);in. X. I Jul i-nn !m-.l t secure tllu recall ol 1'oln e JuhIko Cn.uli '. Wflliir. who Tfiliiccil'tlHi bull of A! liert lltndilclci, aecuned of attackliii jtwo yountr eii ln. ami who later l'h (the city, the- executive committee o j tho Oceannldn Women's club, today 1; fcued an Invitation to ull women's of gujilzatlonH to tend represetitattveM 1 a maau meoUng Hchtduled for nextTuun day. At that time It U the lntotitlo! to plan a recall camimlKn. . ,The Itev. Kobert Webb, )ator of SI Paul's church, and Mrs. Otto I'ulmoii president; of . the Ocuansido Women' club, will preside. ? Roumanla's first census, in 13 year was taken lust month. - ; !' EUROPE SENDS US BIST . CONSUMPTION REf,!ED Indorsca by All Her Leading. Phys! chuis and Has Ixjng Lint of . SucccsKea to Its Credit. ' Swltxerland has lately been producln a remedy caned Kiroun, wnicrt pan iaKc the phyniclns of liurope by storm 4 Its wonderful work in the treatinsToj onsutnptivotf. . .. " ho oontlnued have been the success?; and so strong has teen. the praise ac corded It that fclrolln is now betna"im ported into this country In large quan titles. ' r; ; -v y ,-, ; i Birolln has succeeded where every! thing else has failed because It Is agree, able to the most delicate stomach an. aids the digestion to such a degree thu the patient takes on weight rapidly, j It has alwo received praise on th strength of its being entirely free fror.: harmful and habit-forming drugs, am never falls to relieve the most distress ing symptoms even in the most ad vanced stages of the disease. t .Additional information about Slrolli Leant be obtained In this -country fron, f the ' Birolln Co.,y 228 West Broadway New yorK city. i ne uwi , jyrug tj stores, gkldruore drug store and, l leadlng drugglsts are recommending an. distributing . Birolln W..u conslderabl' success. ; - - f Eat "Sunlasfi nges with "Sllnkist,, Spoons libelous. lUlCVi' tanPW : .- - .ir - " name" for bur' premium saccs Chlb Plan. - AWaA ' ci su. For th e Daddy doean't go out to hunt for rabbit skins to keep the baby warm. He is; less romantic, but more practical. He buys a v,. I '! - ""-Sai rwswswaa Modern Baby Bunting world, , , . - the children, 4 . 1 i ... ..... deathbed. ( ' " . - ' u '