The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 07, 1913, Page 5, Image 5

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    t .:
t f ILL iiij ti til Uti
iOUIUi iil
Mr. Coffey's, Action in Refus
ing to Allow Additional Pa
pers Filed Without New Pay,
Arouses Attorneys' Wrath.
! Kef usal or Gounty Clerk Corfcy td re
. . celve any papers In any suit filed prior
'to January,..:j19t3,':;vnleBs tha-orlglnal
. ' filing fees are paid again will result In
mandamus proceedings being instituted
this afternoon by Wood, Montagu &
. ) Hunt' attorneys..; Mr, Coffey's action I,s
.the , result of the j failure of retiring
. - County,Clerkl Fields to turn over to Mr.
i Coffey the sum of $15,622.43 involved
, in the failure "of the American 3ank &
, Trust Co., in whlch Mr, Fields had on
tlt'posit the unearned fees held by his
office at the time of the bank" failure.
V Howls of protest-were raised by at
: "Forney when they applied for the filing
' of papers in, cases pending when depu-
ties of Mr, Qoffey refused to allow the
filing fees to be paid from deposits in
the hands of the County clerk. : Accord
ing to the law, the plaintiff in an, ac
tion must deposit . 1 10 on filing a. !orn
,. plaint or other action, and from this
V amount the fees for filing subsequent
papers in the case are deducted as they
are filed. A deposit of. $5 Is required
.; of. the defendant in a case for the same
put pose.- , Additional deposits are ttt
quired , should the papers filed exceed
in cost the original deposits, ----
v Uagtilr XsTestlgatlng Xiegallty. .
. Attorney' Isaac Hunt applied this
morning to the clerk's deputies to file
:rwpr in the cases of the Ladd Estate
vs. the Oregon Lumber & Fuel company
jj o . and the Columbia Life A Trust company
(.. omsii, as uiiomejr luaiuiui,
. lit WM...toU.Jfiit..'Ji;ma.::i'poU':an'
i other $10 In each case before the papers
, could be filed, and this he refused to
do. , Later be announced that mandamus
C proceedings would be instituted this aft
ernoon to compel Mr. Coffey to receive
the papers for filing and collect the fees
from the original deposit;
" The matter of the legality of Mr.
Corf ey'a. actions was, referred - bytMr,
, Coffey to District Attorney Evans and
:. is bel.ig investigated by Deputy District
f Attorney 'Magulre. Mr. Evans would
make no statement regarding the matter
' this morning, but expects to be able to
I give anTipInion by tomorrow, Mr. C6f
- feysa letter submitting the matter to Mr.
. Evans states that on the advise of his
'. attorney, Jay Bowerman, he has taken
the action noted. ' He states that Mr.
Fields turned over to him only $38,
, 105.82 In unearned fees of a total, of
$63,628.26 due.
": May Tit V Courts, r ,
- "My attorney has advised me that in
as much as It is impossible to segregate
the accounts so as to determine to which
, Of the litigants the sums turned over to
" - me belong and to which the funds In the
American Bank & Trust company be
:J long not to file any papers without the
'payment: again of the filing deposit,"
Related Mr. Coffey. . "He has-also-ad-
- - vised me o retain $38,106.82 receive
from MrFields Intact and 'deposit it in
t a lump sum, Which I intend to do." '
..That the action may tie up all of
, the courts is the opinion expressed by
some attorneys,, as few of the attorneys
are willing to deposit additional money,
.Gijq attorney ev.en; threatened' to allow
J,rn'sCase vto foW default and then to
i - sue Mr. Coffey for the $3000 which the
suit .called for as damages. One attor
, ney was compelled to deposit $i In addi-
tlon to his former deposit this morntng,
. astoday was the lost day in which he
was allowed to file the' paper In ques
'. tlon.' ,
Attorneys' Opinions Vary.
Attorneys are divided. In 'their opin-
- . Ions as to what can be done. Some feel
'.. that Mr. Coffey should accept the papers
and use the $38,105-82 he received from
Mr. Fields, otherafeel that the county
court should advance the money heces
" sary to balance the books and await the
'h further payment of money by the "banks
- or sue Mr. Fields and his bondsmen' for
' the $16,522.43; stilt others believe that
' the individual attorneys and litigants
Involved should. Start milts against- Mr.
Fields for the return or their money.
-; Mr. Coffey has instructed his deputies
to gle receipts to all attorneys who
'-romply with the new orders and states
that, when the matter is settled he will
. return all moneys not used in fees.
(Cnlted Preit laH Wire.)
San Diego, Cal., Jan. 7.-Frther e
kmination of the lemon groves in this
section, confirmed the reports that there
was serious damage to the fruit but
showed that the trees had . escaped.
None had cracked and it Is thought that
all except probably a few of the young
ones. will be suved. ';: .'
Piles Quickly
Cured at Home
Instant Relief, Permanent Cure Trial
Package Mailed Free t,p AH -r
in Plain Wrapper.'
Tot Pyiaiuid iaU
f "Many cases of Piles have been cured
by a trial package of Pyramid Pile rtem
' , edy without further treatment. When
it proves its value to you, get more from
. youf druggist at S0O a box, and be sure
, you gef the kind you ask for. Simply
fill out free coupon below and malt to
day.; gave yourself from the surgeon's
knife and its torture, the doctor and
his bills.
Pyramid Bldg., Marshall" Mich.
kindly send me a sample of Pyramid
Pile Hempdy, at once by mall. FREE,
In plain wrapper.
Name , ;u, , t,i.,..
Street J ..... ....... , , .
City , , , i . .. .-.Stale.
5 i (
Special Winter Excursion Train
With 200 Aboard to Ar
rive at 1:30 o'clock.
About 200" strong, the third 4 annual
midwinter excursion from Canada to
Oregon and California will arrive ' in
Portland at 1:30 o'clock tomorrow after
noon over the O.-W. K. & N. in a special
train, 1 The excursion is under the au
spices of the O.-W, . R. & N. and the
Southern Pacifia .'i;-... '.,
" The " train Is ; composed 5 of ; seven
coaches equipped wltlv all modern con
venience's for those traveling for the
purpose of recreation and sightseeing.
The excursionists wllPremaln in Port
land until 10:30. o'clock at night, and
during the stay,tvlll enjoy a trolley ride
about the city and dinner at Hotel Ore
gon.f " i i.V). '.::.! .i. v. ';:'-'. t v '
Following is tho personnel of the
party j - - 1 '
Car oneA, W. V Archlaball, f i J.' 'F.
Knoopfle, W,; H. Lyon and ' wife, Mr.
Taylor and wife, Key. George W. Kerby
and w(fe, John C. Wilson; Charles- Jack
son and , wife, Thomas AvBo!cr,; R. T.
Richardson and wire, ' John Robertson
and wire, Mrs. Arthur Doody, J. Q. Rut
tie and wife, Mrs. J. B.. Douglas, MIps
Youla Douglas'i s A,- Mackinssie, R, 'A 8,
Whaley,- wire and mald;,'-..?.-.
; Car two-r-A." C. Wilson, Miss B. Wil
son, John Talman and wife, R. S. Wil
liamson and wife, Dr. E. M. Sharp, P. B.
Ostrander, wife and" child, J. 0. Slaeer,
wife and child, . Mrs. W. F. Hansberger,
Miss Bertelle Hansberger, Miss Bernlta
Hansberger, ' P. Campbell, John
Thompson, J. R. r Mlquelon and wife,
John Irwin and wife, D. T. McEchran
and wife, : Mrs, J. B. Wolllver, Mr
George Armstrong. . .T; ?
Car three H; B. Hill and wife, T. A,
Hill and wife, John Tolman and wife,
John" IIae Er H. Crandell: and wife,
Miss Alice Ctandell, Master Jack Cran
dell, Mrs. A. F. Turnbull, Miss Turnbull
Mrs, H. R. Sutherland,; Mrs. D. E. Black,
Miss Etta Sinclair,. F, E. Osborne and
wife, Miss. Phylis Osborne, Mts. George
Murdock, Miss Marion Murdock, P. D.
Sprung and . wife, Miss Sybil Sprung,
Master-Donald- Sprung, M rs, - Mary , J.
Dobble, It. R. Curletta and Wife, Frank
Collicott and wife. Master George CoUL
cott, Mrs. T. 8. W'oodhall, Miss Dorothy
Woodliall. i v . ,. : ., '. ..
" Car four Frank .' Mexter and . wire,
Miss Lotta Mexter, Mrs-McCrimmons,
Miss McCrlmmons, J. McLachlan,.' wife
and two children, John Taylor and wife,
Miss Taylof, Miss Sliantxe, John Kelly,
wife and two children, J. A. Henry and
wife, Robert Henry, Jenette Henry, Mrs.
J. G. Tipton, Mrs. T. R. Tipton, maid
and two children, Allen Kelly, Mrs. Mc
creary, Charles McLaughlin, Blanche
McLaughlin, ' Constance McLaughlin,
lona 'McLaughlin, Harold McLaughlin.
Car five C. Smith, Mrs. R. C. Becker?
Miss Porter, Mrs, Porter, Mr. and Mrs.
CarbeV Miss Carbe't. Miss McLeay, Miss
Stack.P. Robertson and wife, C S.
Pringle and wife, J. "Fleming, wife and
I wo Thlldrenp Robert - Mitchell, ' Mrs.
J. : Mitchell vthe Misses Mitchell,' Mrs.
Sherwood, 1. P.Flnley,and .wife, Mrs.
C. Long 'and daughter. '
Car six-J. Swlnerton, wife and child.
C. j. Carter, wire and family, Miss Rich
ardson, Mrs. Little,, B, L. Cambell, wife
andf chilcC II. Haaklns, Mrs TC Cush
lng; Cr. Mllbum and wife, C, W. Smith
and wife, H. Morrow and wife, Mrs. D.
McLean and daughter, George McBean
and wife, J. Bell and wire.,; '
Car seven Oliver Manlng, Miss Grace
Manlng, Mrs. Leta Morton, Mrs. Sarah
Janes, J. C. Patterson, A. T. Linton and
and wife, E. A, Irwin and wife, P.
Naughton and wife, J. Wood, J, 11. Wood
and wife. Miss Evelyn Wood, Miss Neta
Draper, Mr. Farmer and wife, Mr. Em
ery and wife, CL T. Coote and wife, Rob
ert Parr, A. T. Leather and wife.
British Foreign Minister Makes
Brief Announcement in the
House of Commons,-
(United .Press .teased Wtre.1- '
London, Jan, 7. Joint action by the
powers to force peace In the Balkans
unless the, Turkish and Balkan plenipo
tentiaries reopen negotiations at once
is the plan of the big European nations,
according to announcement made In the
house of commons today by Sir Edward
Grey, foreign minister of Great Britain.
Ho declined to' go Into details, saying
that the situation at this time was too
delicatev' ,
i Officials at SC James" palace this
afternoon ordered the. picture gallery
prepared for a photograph Friday after
noon. This indicates that the plenipo
tentiaries have decldvd to reconvene at
this time.
E N. Y.
v . , (Culled Tress tensed Wire.)
' Cliicaao, 111,,. Jan. 7. Frank Chance
will not manage the New York Ameri
can baseball team this year. Chance,
who arrived here -this afternoon, held a
brief conrcrence with Owner Frank
Farrell of the Highlanders, Who "had
come from New York with the Idea of
arranging a. deal with the "Peerless
Leader'.' to' manage his team. , A v
After" a short talk with- .Farrell,
Chance announced that he had. declined
Farrell's offer -and that he would re
turn at once to hit orange ranch near
Los Angeles! ' '. : ..' ,
"I am going back to California and
will be out of baseball for at least a
j ear.", said' Chance "My mind is
definitely mde up. , I have told Mr,
Farrell that this is final."
The terms of Farrell's offer which
Chance' declined are not known.
AVlieat Market Lower.
Willi Wall. Wash ' Tax T T1ia Irat n
wmi mull" u xwnir fr . grower to bnld
tliolr rralnr ( ln warvhrniam I. Ma mk.
Jp; to a rhrRi of 10 rnt Mr ton jt nwnth
or frartlon Ihriwf... On JUrrh 1 grain will
Iwiiinm taxable wmi a pilars of sppraxlmiti'lr
l'ii wills a liiiihil will lie levied salint it.
iiUiLhi:iJi: liili
. SB b'l
Sanitary Condition Never Bet:
ter Than Now Owing to Ex
penditure of More Than
000,000 in 1912 .
Dclaring that the day of the cess
pool Is over in Portland and urging the
people of the city to continue to back
the present progressive movement , for
the construction of modern sewer sys
tems, 'City Plumbing Inspector, William
Hey today filed his annual report cov
ering the work of his department during-
118 and making recommendations
for ; the-ensuing earXs.iVv-
."Sanitary 'conditions . f in the City"
reads ? the ireport, S"were never, better,
the past year having proved a record
breaking one in the matter Of sewer de
vlnntnnt. v v AnDrovlmately..;: 11.000,000
was spent In establishing new sewer
trunks and laterals to aerve congested
districts. Three main conduits for the
transmission of sewage are now under
nrnui, nt r An a t t-Mrt inn . These trunks
-Sullivan's -aulcli, East Stark street
and MarqUam Gulcnwiu, wnen , com
pleted,:flll a, long felt want ; . :
. 'They will benefit, the dl&trlct Com
nrl..1 tn-thn KniithPBut stones Of Port
land Heights, the north and, west slopes
of Mount Tabor, and parts ox irvingion
and the territory tributary to Sullivan's
Gulch, where - the unsanitary cesspool
haa nntlivavri Ita liapflllnpfMI. ' ' . '.
"We are still. Jn ; need of. three large
trunk sewers; one to drain the districts
of Vernon, Woodl awn, University Park
and the Peninsula in tne norineasiern
norf nf thA pltv' una tn drain Willam
ette Heights and the district north of
Thurman streets, iin:iuaing t tfaicn s
Gulch; and : one to drain the Fulton
Park district, which,, will include Car
son Heights. ; : ,
; "There ., is also 1 5 need of several
branches on the Rhine street extension
of the Brooklyn : sewer. Another dis
trict that will need sewers in the near
future is that in the southeastern section-
of. the .clty including Arleta
T.nnrplttooit nnd LentS. t
"I belleVe that all remonstrances
against sewers should be overruled by
the council, as in no case can an lm-
nrnvomonf nt this natural hn made that
will not work a hardship on some of
the property owners assessed tor the
improvement. We are all Interested in
Greater Portland and without drainage
it- win hn Imnosslblfl to Imorove streets.
to say nothing of bettering sanltarf
conditions. Tiie cesspool is av ocst a
makeshift and may be regarded as a
menace to the public health., ...
Candidates for desk positions' In the
neat legislature, -which will meet Mon
day, are "speeding up" to gather all
possible, support before the members of
the two houses assemble at ' Salem.
f wo of tho toost interesting contests are
ror chief clerk and reading clerk in the
John W, Cochran, a newspaper man
of , Portland, and Roy W. Rittnur. for
merly calendar clerk of the senate, are
running a close race "for-chief clerk of
the senate. Frank Hotter, who has been
reading clerk for many terms, is op
posed by ex-Representative Ben Hunt
ington of Douglas, and It is not certain
where the place will fall, ;- - '
John P. Hunt of Marlon 1s the only
candidate for assistant chief clerk, a
position he held last session. Eugene
Foster or Dallas wants to be calendar
clerk, but there is Some talk that either
Cochran or Rlttner, the candidates ror
chief clerk, will be given the calendar
desk as a consolation -prize. -.
In the house W. Ft Drager of Marion
for chief clerk, Harry T. McClallen of
Douglas for assistant chief clerk, and
Dudley R.-Clark of Portland for read
ing clerk are unopposed. There is a
four-cornered contest for calendar clerk
between J. - S. Cooper, Jr., and V. c
Whittlesey of Pprtland, W. It Burner
of Wheeler and H. L. Householder of
Linn. : " - m-. -
.James Iv Wootlman of Yamhill wants
to be sergant-at-arms of the house and
W. F. McAdams of Polk seems to have
a clear field- for. mailing clerk. For
doorkeeper the aspirants number Q. C.
Bolter of Marion, RV It Corpy of Baker
ana, Jerr Jjye of - Portland.
Journal Want Ads bring results.
. (Registered).
You Salesman at
forty must know that a
buyer can change" "his
mind quicker than you
can change .-your glasses.
SaVe the orders bv com
billing two pairs into one
pair. of 'Kryptok Invisibie
Double - Vision , Lenses
made our way,"
Suggestion : K r y p t o k
Lenses "in S h u r - o n
Mountings. .Nothing bet-
f Optical Institute ' '
Second Floor Corbett Bldg;
Fifth and Morrison
Uahiil Ui' rUilDi ill
Australian Mack Has Cock
tails to Refresh His Guests :
in Prison.
(Tnltod rr" LeaapA Wla.
New York, Jan. 7. A shake-up
among. tW keepers In Charge of prison
ers in the Tombs is" forecasted today
as a result of . an unexpected visit to
the Jail last night by two assistants of
District Attorney Charles 8, Whitman,
who found unmistakable signs of a
"poker party" in the cell of John Mo
Namara, alias "Australian Mack," for
merly, a , San Francisco saloonkeeper,
who is held i- here In connection with
the $274,00t robbery . In September,
1911, of the Branch Bank of Montreal
at New Westminster, B, C. , ;
In McNamara's cell were Percy Da
vis, a Republican alderman, who is
serving a sentence: Jack Sullivan, for
mer member Of Big Jack Zelig's gun
men; known as. "King . of the News
boys," and two wire tappers, recently
arrested. It was evident that'the five
prisoners had ' been drinking cocktails.
The keepers,- it is alleged, warned the
"party" in- tlm to hldo the cards and; gambling accessories.
It, was learned today that the Jailers
have been In the habit of 'permitting
tjje group to gather after the warden
and the head . keeper had left the
Tombs. All prisoners are auppoaed: t'i
be locked in their cells at 4 oclock
every afternoon. . -'
According to information received to
day by members of the family of the
late James Laidlaw, British consul who
died Sunday from peritonitis, the five
vice consuls who worked under him In
the Pacific northwest, will attend the
funeral tomorrow afternoon in a body.
In addition it is likely that all con
suls and vice consuls stationed at Port
land, representing the various nations,
will attend tn a body also. They will
hold a meeting in this regard late this
The funeral services will be held at
the Trinity Episcopal church at 2 o'clock
and burl In the Rlverview cemetery
will follow.
The British consulate here Is closed
today out or respect for Mr. Laidlaw,
and will not reopen, until after tho
(United Prew tewed Wire.)
Washington,: Jan. 7. With hundreds
of delegates In attendance, representing
every state In the union the Women's
National Democratic league convention
Opened here today.
. The - delegates were ."Welcomed by
(Speaker Champ Clark,.
STOCKMEN ; 0F.M0RR0W . ; :
Heppner, Or., Jan. 7. The first cold
weather of the season began Saturday
night. The thermometer reached 7
above zero Monday night, turning
warmer again last night, with a slight
skiff of snow. .This has been a splen
did', winter for the stoVkmen no snow,
consequently no reeding, and the
abundance of feed raised last summer
remains in the stack: however, both
the stockman and farmer would now
welcome snow to supply moisture for
spring crops and grass.
Arc You
I Was
V I Reduced
I was rt Uncomfortable, Looked Old, Felt
.Mleruhle, Buffered wltb Ubeuiuaium. Asllimi
NeuraleU. When 1 worked ir walkeij, l nuffd
lk u l' I tiok epry lv?fHl DieiU
cln I fould find. I Sl.rred, Sweated t r.
fivd. Dnctornl mihI cllan.itr ' but I
rulupd my dlRealion. Mt a a tuvitlld Imt
t-adlly Bnlnt'l weight, ' tki'te ui not a
.liiRle plan w driitt i,,,t j hLStd uf thvt . I
did not try. I flle.i t rinm my w.-isl-t.
t dwppi'd sofiety. hi I d!U uit var lo Is
the butt of alt th J-ke. It i iDliii-ax.
Ins to hare bit friend tall uie I vrs cviilnc
Stntit. a no one kww t '( ter -Iirk,.i?
i began to tudy the -aai ,f c-r, W'hen I
dlHwrered the cattae t fouod the iem.dr Th
Vnorh Method gava m an Insight. -1 Impiowrt
on that. Kemoved the oblortlonubl,. r..V,.,...
added more pleaaant onei, and thon I tiled my
nlu oil .nijuWf for a eck. U warkod ji0
Magic. 1 mld bafs, . .
t the end of the flmt wk bea the acalea
told me I -had loat 10 pound by my ilmnlv
ear, baruileaa, Kruglen Method. It was a
pleaaure then to continue until I regained my
ncrmul self in lie. I feel 15 years younger..-1
look IS yeara yonnger. My Double Chlu baa
entirely dianppeared. - I can walk or work now
1 can elluib a mountain. I am normal n t.
I. ran weigh Juat Hbat I want to weigh. I am
master of my own body now. I did not atarve
but ate all I wanted to, I did not taka Hneat
Hatha. I did not drug. 1 uihiJ no Kleetrlclty.
or harmful -elerolsea, but 1 fonnd the Mluinle
Sane, Common Sense WAY of reducing my
weight, and 1 applied it. I hare tried It on
other. My Doctor aaya I am a perfect picture
of health now. I am no lunger ailing. I am
now a happy, healthy woman. Now I am gnu
to help other to bo bappy. I hare written a
book on the aubject. If you ar fat, I want
yon to hare It. It will tell you all about my
Harmlean, DruglcM Method.- To all who aead
uie their name ami addreaa t mall it FREE, aa
lone as the present aupnlr laats. - it will a
you iloney. Bare you from Harmful Drug, Rave
yon from Starvation Dleia, Harmful Eierciaea,
poaalltly ea YOUH LIFK. It la your, for the
aakiog without a penny. -Juat send your name
and addrea. A - Postal Card will do and I'll
be glad to send It au that you can quickly learn
how to reduce yourself and le a bappy aa I
am. Write today aa this advertisement may
out appear again In this paper.
761-Barclay, Denver. Colo.
Composer of -"l-Love YouTru'IjV'rT"A
I'erieot my, ,r 'his unaoy,"
8:15 oi lock.
Tickets, 1. on sale all Muslo Storts.
Manipulation of Oil Stock Net
ted National Bank Officials
$50,000 Each. '
(l:iiltnd l'roi Leaned M ire.) '
"Washington,-Jan. . 7 Manipulation of
the stock of" the California Fetroletim
company today occupied the attention, of
the house committee Investigating the
"money' trust." C - Q. Henry, a New
York broker, testified that f 17,000,600 of
the- company's stock -was floated.- the
physical . assets of the company repre
senting a cash expenditure of only f 8,
000,000. .
Henry described the Interest mani
fested by many banks In promoting the
stock, of the California Petroleum com
pany, lie - said that 24 bank s officers
subscribed for $500,000 worth of promo
tion syndicate stock, receiving "pres
ents": of $50,000 in profits without ac
tually receiving a single share of stock.
Henry admitted that four brokers had
"manufactured" a market forthe'etock
On- the New York stock: -exchange but
denied this constituted manipulation., He
refused, however, todlvulge the names
of the .officers-; of: national, banks sub
scribing to oil stock. ,; Chairman' pu Jo
threatened to punish him for contempt,
but Henry still refused to give .names.
(Salem Baria of Tlie Jouro.l.)
i Salem, Or., Jan,' 7. Governor West
today appointed Charles Harding of Rose
Lodge as county Judge of Lincoln coun
ty, to succeed C. H., Gardner, who. has
resigned,.,, :f v'':4 '::';: ' -v! .
- .! -
One Lot Coats
To $15 Vals.
New $5.00 Silk Waists at $3.39
You'll surhr want one
T-..,,,,r,r ;,t nrir. nf
Silks, chiffons, nets., etc.,
,.! mnHl An pxtraordinafv special tomorrow
$1.25 Tailored and Lingerie
WaistsHundreds of them, a tri
fle mussed. High and low ncck,
long and J$ sleeves. Jan- CQp
uary Sale, tomorrow......
It is a duty of the kidneys
to rid the -blood of uric acid,
an irritating poison !that is
constantly forming inside.
When the kidneys fail, uric
acid causes 'rheumatic attacks,
headache; dizziness,; 'gravel,"
urinary troubles, weak eyes,
dropsy or heart disease. T .
- Doan's Kidney Pills help
the kidneys fight off uric acid
bringing new strength to
weak kidneys and relief from
backache and urinary ills.
Here's home proof
ill i ' i-'ij i
of court mm
Tlans for the revision of court prnc
t Ice, and of the state code will be dis
cussed at a meetlngof the Oregon State
Bar assoelutioA ln'the rooms :of "the
United Staltes court, poetoffice building,
that is to be held next Friday afternoon
arid evening. All lawyers and judges of
the state, whether members of tho bar
association or hot, and aH members of
the legislature, . are Invited to attend
this meeting, arid to participate tn the
discussion, that will lead to the simpli
fication of legal proceedu re In the
courts. ' ' -
All courts of the state, including the
United States court and the supreme
court of the state, have adjourned 'for
Friday, to allow alt interested to at
tend this session, - Governor West will
i The commission appointed by Gover
nor West consider the : necessary
changes will report at thjs meeting.' , -f.,
;The commission will be representeJ
by Samuel T. Etchardson of Salem, who
will Submit the majority' report, and A.
E.',CIark of Portland will present the
minority report.
. .While it is the desire of many of the
legislators, who have agreed to attend
that some definite plans be made re
garding amendments that may be made,
it Is probable that roost of the work of
the revision : will be done by another
commission which will have the bene
fit, of a more complete, study of improvements-
made in. other .states and
countries. :. ' f ; ;'; v .j..
The reports, of the commission have
been printed in pamphlet form and has
been generally distributed throughout
the state. rThIs meeting was called by
Charles II. Carey, president of the Ore
gon StatT Bar association.
Journal Want Ads bring results.
January I s Breaking All
Records for Garment Sell
ing at Portland's Emporium
- Real Winter weather calls for warm Coats, Suits and outer-garments.
rniinln with inn fact thflr rttr
mendously reduced, is making new records at Portland's Emporium.
Why don't you take advantage tomorrow? Just look how you will save !
Can You Resist Such Suit Prices?
$16.50. and :
$17.50 Suits
'Our $19.50
Suits at
$10.95 $12.85,$14.95'$16.65
All Blue Serge Suits Reduced Almost as Phenomenally
Coat Weather Here in Earnest
$12.75 and
$13.75 Coats
$5.55 1 $9.98 $12.85l$14.95
or more of these charming Waists at
mg waists at the
Evcrv one a $3 value.
in every wanted shade
$1.50 and $1.75 Waists Linen?,
madrases, with laundered collars.'
Also scores of dainty lingerie
models. January Wind- QQ
Up Sale tomorrow vO
Any Trim
med Rat
UuUtord get'
A ? Hidden Daog
"'ih 'jJi ,: r.-
"Every Picture Tells a Story'
Whon'Your'Baclc U lame - Remember'ths
! Li . -' . . ,
r - -1 f :
Panama-Pacific Cc;..
Trying to Head Off
Alien Laws in Calif err,;.
r.r- ftJnitsd Pre tw4 V!-
San Francisco,, Jan. 7. Kemirft t;
passage of antl-alien land lawa Mt I
time might readily put the riut!i
Pacific exposition Into Jeopardy by ex
citing. th "antagonism of Juran ai J
other nations) interested in tho develop
ment of the orient, exposition of Cit-la J .
headed by" President C. C.' Moore, wcr
tolay at the capitol, attempting to ht -I
orf such legislation.
They were closeted with Governor
Johnson for two hours last night, but
refused to state afterward what admin
istration' attitude had .been encoun
tered. '
- All assemblymen having antl-alieii
land bills will, be seen individually by
the exposition representatives and per
suaded if posstbe to'wlthhold such legis
lation at least until arter the fair.
Sacramento, Cah, - When
asked today whether he would e dis
posed to withhold his proposed antl
alien land legislation because of the po
sition taken by the Panama-Pacific ex
position ofriciaJs, Senator Blrdsall de
clared that he did not want to express
himself ; untir htr; had conferred with
them.;. ;!'. ;V '''?:'i;.:v':;:'':T':'Jt. -': ,.
, Three Burled In Mine. '
i Bingham,tTtah, Jan. Three Greek
laborers and a shift boss in the under
ground workings of the United State.!
Copper company were burled beneath a
slide of rocks and earth, here early
today. One body was revered.
immant Mrmnt ctnclr ! t.
$21.50 and
$22.50 Suits
$2175 and
$27.50 Suits
$14.75 to
$16.50 Coats
$19.50 and
$22.50 Coats
y Testimony of a Resident cf
, E. Forty-Seventh Street
Mrs. Isabella lirown, lit ll?. I
:Furty:seventh St., Portland, Or,
says: "When" I had kitl-y
trouble, Doan's Kidney Pills ca
to my aid and made me well. Th- ,
' Stopped the aches and pains in i
., back' and femoved the . tron' '
with the kidney secretions. '1 :
. happened six years ago and i;
then,-! have enjoyed good lie s'
. I recommend Doan's Kidney 1'
; highly to other kidney sufftTcr
- Name''
. -