The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 01, 1913, Page 4, Image 4

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r Vl fw Handkerchiefs
U- , - m 12 1.2c
tlfrje men istore
With an Entirely New Stock of Goods
Is a Magnet to Which All Good Housekeepers
- Are Drawn
Because of the Many Economies
$1.00 Table Damask, Clearance 69c Yard
This pure Irish linen table damask comes 70 inches wide in a
beautiful variety of patterns in floral and conventional designs.
$4.50 Table Napkins, Clearance $2.98 Dozen
These napkins, which measure 23 by 23 inches, are of Irish
manufacture, extra. weight, neat patterns; with border on four
sides to match.
. $6.50 Table Cloths. Clearance $4.25 Each -
Thesccloths arc 2 by 2 yards, and come in circular and square
patterns designed .by the world's famous linen designer. A lim
ited number of these-only. J
' The Towel Rack
Can1 be made to jblossom out in new finery at a great saving
in the extraordinary offerings of this sale. ....
$1,00 Towels, Clearance 49c
Just. 25 dozen of these beautiful towels with hemstitched or
scalloped ends.: Made of plain and fancy linen hucks and birds
eye damask. Two sizesA 41x23 and .40x22.
' - . 25c Hemstitched Towels 19c
Made of medium weight linen .huck, with hemstitched ends,
embroidered in blue and red, Size 36x18 inches.
Hemmed Linen Towels, Clearance 17c
These'tbwels measure 36x18 inches, are firmly made and full
bleached. Especially, adapted, for rooming houses and Uhotels.
"T: r 7 40c Turkish" Bath" Towels 29c
Splendid quality, bath towels of two-ply twisted cotton, extra,
heavy Terry. Hemed ends. Size 46x25 inches.
Room-Size Rug's '
;AtiSpecial Clearance Sale
Room size rugs of all kinds-and sizes reduced for the
Clearance Sale. All our rugs are of the best standard
makesbeautiful patterns in plain or fancy designs, and a'
large variety of small, neat patterns in tan and brown col
orings, especially suitable, ior living rooms and dining
rocms. ; Most of these rugs measure 9x12 feet.
, Wool and Fiber Art Rugs, clearance . . $ 8.19
- Kazack Art Wool Rugs, clearance .$13.85
Tapestry Brussels Rugs, clearance $11.45
Axminster Rugs, clearance. $17.85
' ... Superior Axminster Rugs, clearance ...... .$24.95
Velvet Wilton Rugs, clearance $16.45
" Body Brussels Rugs, clearance $24.95
, Wilton Rugs, clearance.... $39, $45, $50, $60
, ' Cocoa Door Mats
CLEARANCE, 73, 93 AND $1.19
Firmly woven, machine bound and made of a selected
?uality of long cocoa fiber. These mats at clearance prices,
izes 16x27 inches, 18x30 inches, 20x33 inches.
fiath Room Rugs .
- CLEARANCE 83, $1.47 AND $2.98 EACH
Reversible bathroom rugs, every one guaranteed wash
able in pretty tile patterns with key borders; pink, blue
and green. r
Printed Linoleums, Clearance 47c Yard "
Standard quality" of printed linoleums in a large variety
of patterns, in wood, block and pretty tile designs.
Inlaid Linoleums, Clearance 98c Yard
-j-Best quality of standard inlaid linoleums in a very large
assortment of tile and oak designs. ;
35c Japanese Matting, Clearance 22c
Imported Japanese matting, "180" warfHjuality, in pretty
float designs in tan, brown, blue, red andgreen designs.
Bedding V
' . ; CLEARANCE $4.35 .
40-lb, Cotton Combination Mattresses, made of selected
quality cotton mixed. Covered with good quality ticking.
34 and 4-4 sizes.1; . -V:''.,"
Mattresses mldeof layers of sanitary felt. A very serv
iceable, and comfortable mattress, firmly made and covered
with good quality, fancy art ticking. 3-4 and 4-4 size. .
C5-lb. Silk Floss Mattresses, made with Imperial Roll
EdgefUled wth; good grade silk floss and covered with
fancy art ticking.. . . ; V f : . -rj . . .
layers, of 'Sanitary Felt ' This is a-built mattress-not
tuffed -made with Imperial roll edge. Can be had in 4-4 or
When it comes to mysterious
disappearances, .handkerchiefs
run their elusive friends, the
- pins, a pretty close second. So
a handkerchief sale is always in
order to. make up deficiencies in
one's supply. Here is a splen
did opportunity.
We are closing out a lot of
mussed handkerchiefs, princi
pally linen and Alpine embroid
ered, quite regardless of former
prices. Aside from being slight
ly rumpled and having soiled
edges, they are as good as ever.
Trimmings, Embroid'y
Passementerie Novelties
Price One Third Off
These are strictly high-class
trimmings, ordinarily sold for
from $1.00 to $5.00, and suitable
for evening dresses. They are
in all the pastel shades, with
beaded, spangled and bugle ef
fects. Many of them have not
been in the house four weeks.
For Balls and Informal Dinners'
Clearance $ 1 2.50
All imported tunics, made in
Paris, of a fine quality of net and
chiffon, in a variety, of styles and
colors, and . black . and white.
Hardly no two are alike, and are
elaborately embroidered with silks
and bead and bugle trimmings.
These overdresses sold earlier in
the season for from $35.00 to
$50.00. ;
For Women and Girls
Quarter to Half Off
Regardless of original cost we
have reduced all neckwear, includ
ing hand-embroidered and real
Irish shadow lace collars, for coats
and dresses. There are also coat
sets, chemisettes, Robespierre col-.
lars, . marabou neckpieces and
The great range of prices makes
it impossible to quote them, but
we assure you that this entire
stock is such that every item will
easily declare itself to be a bargain.
2 7 -Inch Flouncing
Clearance 59c
$1.00 flouncings of soft, fine
batiste Plauen lace and em
broidery combinations. Espe
cially selected collections of the
most desirable styles and pat
terns. Every piece is new in
this sale, never having been ex
hibited before.
18-In. Swiss Flouncing
Clearance 25c
50c flouncings in nainsook in
a wide variety of beautiful pat
terns. Like the flouncings, these
have never been shown before,
and will be found, upon investi
gation, to be an exceptionally
clever lot
45-In.St. Gall Flounc
ings, Clearance $135
Made of fine St Gall lace
a$k embroidery combinations,
also voiles and other hand
loomed materials, which make
elegant afternoon and evening
All Women's Neckwear
Trenchantly Reduced
All Merchandise Absolutely
Bear This in Mind Lipman, Wolfe . Co.
Every Day Lessens Your Opportunity
To Reap the Greatest Economies
In Our Clearance of Suits, Coats and Dresses
; n
In prices this is the story:
During the past week many women left our store to seek further. We
kept a record in each case. where customers decided to investigate else
where before purchasing. IN EVERY INSTANCE THEY RETURNED
TO THIS STORE. That is the record so far of this Clearance Sale.
We started out early in the season to establish a commanding position
for this garment store for authenticity of, styles and prices.,
To do a large volume of business necessitates immense assortments,
but it does not mean quantities of any one garment. It demands a con
stantly varying assortment, featuring every fashion change. By this
method we keep our stock distinctly new, and it is these new garments,
EVERY ONE OF THEM, that go on sale at the deepest reductions.
Particularly attractive and especially worthy are our
Suits on sale from $14.75 to $45.50. r . , s
Coats in immense variety from $9.90 to $35.00.
One-Piece Dresses for street or evening wear from $7.95 to $31.75
Original Smporttb part's! ffloM otoits
anl Mraps at $alf $rite
Third rioor.
Black Fur Set
Clearance $6.75
Fur set of black French coneyi
consisting of large shawl collarette
and flat pillow muff.
The collarette is made in the
crossed animal effect, finished with
heads and tails and lined with satin.
The muff is made in the new flat
pillow shape, lined with satin to
match the collarette.
Mackinaw and Norfolks
Clearance $5.00
Regular $10 to $15
These Mackinaw' and Norfolk
jackets are of plaid and plain mater
ials, ranging in length from 82 to
40 inches.
The jackets are made with strap,
belts and large pockets. 3d Floor.
1913 Models
Domestic Sewing Machines
$1.00 Down $1.00 Week
$65.00 Model, Special $37.50
Delivered to your home on the
first payment. Fifth1 Floor.
A -compilation of selected re
ceipts specializing German dishes,.
IX ilia VUU4 la OVU Ull4VI '
Price $1.00. :
For sale in our Book Store.
' j
The Man Who Cannot Distinguish
The Old From the New in Neckwear
Loses the Entire Force of This Sale
Half Price Clearance of Newest Neckwear
Great Half -Price Clearance Sale of men's silk neckwear. This
includes all our fancy American and English silk neckwear,
shown only in the most desirable shapes of narrow and flowing
end four-in-hands. Needless to say that this is an exceptional
offer, as the lines are all the newest styles and best makes.
Regular. .....$ .50, $ .75, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $100
Clearance $ .25, $ .38, $ .50, $ .75t $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00
Special Clearance of Underwear
. Natural gray wool underwear a 'weight desirable" for win
der wear shown in shirt and drawers. Each garment made
and trimmed in the best manner possible. .- This lot , includes. .
garmenSlhat previously sold at 55cr'75c,,$f 6d,"$1.25 and $1.50,
In this great Clearance Sale-this underwear is marked at
ONE THIRD OFF , rirrt riooi
Like everything else that is manufactured, there is a, vast dif
ference in Paris lingerie. Not all French hand-made underwear
is practicable nor well-fitting. In order to overcome these ob
jections all the underwear that we import is cut on lines for
models furnished to suit the American figure thus we escape
the criticism so often justly expressed against the cut and styles :
of some of the French lingerie.
We know our styles, no matter what the garment be, are cor
rect The price question has'never arisen, for on that score we
are positive that all our lingerie is marked fairly and at -figures
that cannot be duplicated, for all our importations come to us
direct through the local Customs House.
All French Lingerie Reduced :V
A very fine assortment of corset cover and drawer combina
tions. Some have deep yokes of lace medallions and insertions,' 1
and drawers are fancily trimmed to match. Other princess styles
made of strips of all-over embroidery and lace insertion, and fin
ished at neck with lace insertion, beading, ribbon and edging.
Also wajsted styles of eyelet embroidery and lace insertion in all '
over effect. -. :
REGULAR $3.00 AND $3.50, CLEARANCE $2.29
These dainty garments are beautifully trimmed with fine
double thread laces, edgings and insertions, combined in fancy
yoke designs with medallions of embroidery and lace. Also other
styles with, yokes of all-over lace insertion, forming deep empire '
effects back and front. Drawers also trimmed witlr laces, in
sertions and fibbons. ' .t -,: - t. r ' 'itfK
Made of fine quality longcloth and trimmed with prettyvVenise
lace drawn with ribbon. These are very heat, beautiful garments '
REGULAR $2.60 AND $2.25, CLEARANCE $1,9
Combinations of sheer longcloth with yokes of new pointed lace
and trimmings of fine lace medallions or embroidery finished with
lace edges, beading and ribbon. Also simpler styles with fine em
broidery edgings or Duchess lace and all-over embroidery trim'd.
Fine nainsook combination with yoke of swiss embroidery
drawn with white wash ribbon and trimmed with fine Val lace.
Another style has dainty embroidery insertion and edging.
Drawers also trimmed.
.French Hand Made Combinations, Clearance $3.15 " 'i
Combinations of soft sheer nainsook with waist line effect, '
combining corset cover and skirt, finished with beading and rib
bon. Dainty hand embroidered designs on the front of cover
and skirt with scalloped edges. - , . 4 .. , :v.
Corset cover and drawer combination in th& princess styfc.f
'made of soft sheer nainsook. Exquisitely hand embroideredl
hand scalloped edges and ribbons run through hand made eyelets!
You Never Could Dress a Miss
So Moderately or Becomingly Before
Jaunty Suits for Junior Girls, Ages 13 to 17
Regular $18.50, Clearance $ 1 0.00
Corduroy velvet suits made with high
or low button neck. Plain Norfolk
style with patent leather belt Coat
satin lined and trimmed with silk Her
cules braid and tiny buttons. Skirt is
made with panel froijt and back, Colors
brown, black and navy. v
YounR Girls' 3-Piece Suits
- Aaes 8 to 14 Years ;
Reg, $10 to $14.50, at $6.50
Made of navy blue serge and tan
. mixtures in Norfolk style, with and
without yoke, and box style with belted
back. - Notch and rever collars. Trim
mings of velvet, .braidN and buttons.
Skirts are made panel front and back
and waists have set-in sleeves. -. .
Smart Coats tor Girls
Regular $9, Clearance $4.95
For girls from 8 to li years of.age.'
' Materials are fancy wool tweed and"
check mixtures. These are made n
. double breasted style with large patch 't
pockets,' and have large round double
collar. Plain cloth trimming on collar, '
.... cuffs arid"pockets. Z, '" ' V:'!
girls' and Misses Raincoats Reduced .
. ' . " "-roartii rioor