The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 01, 1913, Page 3, Image 3

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    . i .
Tins tlic Stuff Resolutions Arc ilaclcOf
pi! were hii i r.m
Now tfiat tlio CJirlstrna'Si Blockings
livo been emptied, the "do your Chop
ping early' signs havo tyeon laid face
downward In the dusty storerooms, and
Indigestion, w"e arc prepared today to
havo thoughts connected witb tha new
calendar, ' ':" .' 1
Father uiiplnches Ms Biicctacles.
Sfl.nPninn flffpnfinn DenVGr! '0,t,s hls 'newspaper. ani: looksvacrosa
p,,., ..,,y.,..B, I ihAri ,,,.. t -,
Gatcwav Situation to Re
wb have recovered from the ChrlstmasTln municipal iua ana jay u on ooi
patterns on the "best carpet," He re-J
main Until I. C. C. Makes
Its Decision. - -'- - -
lu ,'the , living roorn, all his . youthful
enthusiasm at a low ebb. His heart
tfrows sad when he thinks In quantities.
lJa...rcsolyes this year not to bring in
where mother is trying to paste a. leg
on. a much amputated horse that1 has
seen, his worst days ,Bi,wp., Santa Claua
brought him down the chimney. v.
"Well, it's New Year's day, again,"
says he In the self-same way he has
said it for twenty years. v
Mother looks at the "calendar, "Yes,
shippers I mercy ne, ! how time does- fly. Jiere
is, uie - uay 10 turn over a new - leai
again." - r
"Time to resolute'Vsays; Jim, who
was old enough this Christmas to get
i roovnau suic. '
Resolute Is theword for those who
believe inJfaft! conservation of sylla
bles. Of course V. Webster r added a.
"UoriTt it for the icason that the
word would not be used oftener than
the first day ot the first mouth of every
year, and for that reason should have
a specinc dignity all its own. ,
rV-i"yV.?t'oUiaa.8tate"ia' Here ."v".;"
The vanguard of 1913 influence has
teacher that he will not tie tin cans
on stray canine jor feline appendages
and won't go swimming on Sunday. I -
Then There Are Others.
Mr. Latc-to-Work resolves to obey
the mandate of the alarm clock, though
his f-Uinili. i li-.g J. rain l,cli.;vci that it
is only a few minutes before that lie
wound the thing. The motorntan re
solves to wait for any person seen on
top speed motion, provided 'he is not
more than a block away. The con
ductor resolves to smilo during the five
minutes' wait for Ja P. A. Y. K passen
ger to telescope a nickel from the bot
tom of a four-foot shopping bag. The
office boy rcsalves to move on the first
quarter ; second. Mr." Slow-and-Kasy
will -answer the phone at the sixth ring
at least. Mrs. X will not enter a store
to do her shopping at 6:25 o'clock when
the store elosesat 4:30 4)'clock and
well, the world is filled with resolutions
and Just watcu the makers of them
begin. , . - , q-i .,':'';
ccj:jty FILES
"i 1 .
A financial re'nnri 'of the receipts and
disbursements of the Multnpmah,Gounty
Grange Fair .assoyMatidn lias been recelVed
by the county commissioners. The report
showed the association had. received
$6189.36 during jthe year and disbursed
15938.73. Of this sum -, $2000 , was re
ceived in the .form -of,, an- appropriation
from the cpnnty.v , . .' ' '
County Clerk ; Fields asked the com
missioners to authorize him to raise the
salary of Deputy. County Clerk AV.. M
Lawlor from $95 to $100 monthly. Mr.
Fields said the raise was due Mo Mr.
lwlor October 1, under "ttye salary pay
ment ay si mi JoUoweJ In t '.: t j
clerk's of fire.
Acting on a petition Iktio1 Iiy a ' .-.
number of taxpayers of Troutdile mul
UriiUil Vil, r the commissioner pn
polntcd C. B. Tiiamliall road superintend
ent 'Of district 1, division J2, replacing
Carl Nielson. The appointment becomes
effective today. ',
i , (Special tw Tb Joiirnrl ) '
- Oregon City, Jan. 1. A petition
signed By more than iOO Oregon City
citiiens was presented to the -Live Wires
at their weekly noon day luncheon yes-
t ' .
r;u,i v...( r I :
t.. I V t i
a I t f - - .
very Hhnii 'i
ttia t Hliiinrnint v- 1 1 " i
pipe line can M .;:h i
proximately of J l
mends that the in h v
election to veto bmi.s f-r
A heated discussion "f t'1
up at the luncheon, as rin;l
bcrs are ardent uUvuluUs
ent water system.
.. The blind telephone girl h
tried aiid proved u success S i
Lumber manufacturers and
are pleased with the news from Wash
ington, D. C..,to the. effect that the
Interstate commerce - commission : has
suspended thor tariffs recently published
by the llarrlmai( system closing the
Ienver gateway o lumber .from points
IVi the Paclfio northwest that "can be
reached via the JIarrimaa linen.
The suspension will remain .In force
till after a, hearing' on' -Aprtt- SO, when
the .commission will rule' as to the
rights of the carrier to say what rout-
trig a, shipment is to take, The action
, of the commission Is In response ho a
tyotest filed by th trafflo Oepartment been in the air for nearly a week, hav
tot the West Coast Lumber Manufac-lns followed closely on the Christmas
uieio nsHuemuon, oi wmcn r. . wra- epidemic, . and everywhere that New
aldson of this city. Is manager, and for Year's has been mentioned might bp
allien J. is.-Teal is counsel. seen a solemnity of countenance very
Shlppexg Make Complalat. , much in keeping with the mental state
It -Is tontended that while the rate of . those who are about to renounce
over the Harrlmnn lines would rtot be their most cherished foibles or weak
Area ter on lumber than it is now aver nessea.
the various routes, it would prevent Some of us are giving up the things
shippers from selecting their own route we gave up one year ago today, but
as the new tariff prescribes combina- Which we have possessed for - three
lion loads where shipments are routed hundred and sixty-four days. Some of
partly over other systems. 1 A,": , us will fin the. resolution breach with
The purpose of the new tariff as seen things we donf ' want any day in the
by shippers, is to prevent division of year. ' v
fielght revenues -wherever possible. (, "Motherj what resolutions have you
A similar protest -has been filed by made?" -
the West Coast Lumber Manufacturers Mother has succeeded In Joining the
association against the proposed clos- horse to its, leg.' Her resolutions are
inff of the Spokane gateway, which for the benefit of the family. Se-
would prevent mills on the Great North- cretlyi she declajresth4-he - witf -get
r rn or other northern roads from ship- the children to school, on time, looking
Ping into Harrlman territory.- The cf- sa fine that they will be like excerpts
-fect of thia proposed change, to become from" fashion books.
effectlte today, would be to prevent Bh is going to wash Jhe breakfast
buyers of lumber in Harrlman territory dishes directly after breakfast, instead
: ii om paironiung nuus on me noruierniof after luncheon or just before din
.'. roaas. -' -
It is taken as" reasonable to believe!
that, the commission will also suspend
this proposed tariff, since the features
are identical to those of the Denver
case. , . . , , l
v Protest Is Tiled.
The transportation committee of the
I Portland Chamber of Commerce.)fiS
also filed a protest in "the Denver case,
-covering commodities other than lum
, bcr. In view 'of the suspension of the
1 lumber tariff, it is expected that this
protest will also receive favorable ac
; (ion and that a hearing will be set for
April 30.
Manager J. H, Lothrop of the trarns
; ? portatlon committee, notified members
of the receipt of the following telegram
from the secretary of the interstate
.. commerce commission:
"Carrlefs inform jeonunlsston .that
further conference with view probable
moamcation certain items suggested at
hearings suspension docket 154, trans
continental commodity advances, will
- be held Counties office, Chicago, Jl
- o'clock, January 8. Shippers invited.
, Notify your shippers."
This has reference to transcontinental
. tariff No. which was suspended by
me interstate commerce commission. It
Is suggested that members write their
easturn shippers, giving, the substance
' of the testimony presented at the Hear
ing at Portland, November 29, in order
that they may, .If possible, appear rt
'. this hearing, to not only support the
position taken by the coast shippers,
but also in order that anything, addi
tional may be presented. "
ner. She knows this means the elim
ination of the daily chit-chat over the
back fence with . the neighbor whose
baby has developed a bicuspid or molar
of the milk teeth species: whose grand
mother or maiden aunt -has-just -died
and has forgotten the family in her
will, whose husband's mother is com
Uig ,JtorA- .xlsiV-or- any, other toplo-that
makes a back fence conversation per-
mineable except January 1
Mother says she has resolved to mind
her .own business-and to be so busy
that she will not have time to see
whether the Joneses have mowed their
lawn: whether the Chester children
have worn their pinafores for two days;
whether the Delft-Browns have com
pany who look like poor relations;
whether Mr. and Mrs. Black go to the
theatre on Sunday, or whether Mrs,
ing until Thursday.- She is going to
remember that her own wash tub is
not always filled Monday morning or
her clothes line full Monday afternoon,
or her ironing board busy Tuesday
. ' What, This On Again!
Father increased the number of
Cigars for the past week, because when
the New Year was rung in, his smoking
privileges were rting out. He has de
cided to put the cigar money into the
pig bank the baby got from Us god
father for Christmas to start the
youngster's Rockefeller account. .
The resolution not to smoke is easy to
make, for he has Just taken the first
fqur puffs of the first cigar out of ,the
box which mother gave him for Christ
mas, '
Then he has another, resolve up Ms
sleeve. It is that he will not wince
mentally or physically when he dons
w urAA- Bhlpl Tti) 4ha fltrinnl .lt
PRESENT FOR ST. JOHNS ttat came - -Uh CM from
your loving iuuiu-'-'" '
message from "your affectionate aunt,"
and which two presents-according to
the laws of Christmas etiquette he
musl wear not later than tomorrow
across a bosom., that Is expressing rev
erent gratitude.
He not only resolves that he will be
the' 191 model of the perfect husband
and father, . hut that he is going to
wear a real smile from eight to five
in the office, whisper his wrath in gen-i
tie syllables when central says "Num
ber, please." after he has chewed his
pencil for five, minutes waiting for
something to happen to the receiver at
the other end of the line.
Satsl Ob, Batal
Sis has resolved to abandon "rats"
and has bought a diary. In this she
will write the daily impressions of a
woman who has taken to the simple
hair dress. She starts the New Year as a
bona fide voter who believes in the
social reclamation of thev confirmed
' Johnnie has partaken of too much
Christmas candy. He lies on the sofa
t St. Johns Is officially recog-
nlzed today by Uncle Sam as a
part of the city of Portland.
With the passing of the ojd year
last,nlgh't,vthe postofflce there,
a fourth class affair, was dls-
continued formally and it became
. a station of the Portland main
office. Thomas J. Monahan,
t who was postmaster, was made
t superintendent of .malls of the
: 4 new station, which gives St.
Johns free delivery. The change
was ordered November 1 to go
into effect-today after an ex
tensive Investigation had been
carried out by the postal depart
i ment. The change Is especially
gratifying to St. Johns residents!
because of the new delivery!
, service. - , r v , 4
. ;. 1 . .
At the regular meeting of- the city
health board yesterday City Health
., Officer .C. 11 Wheeler was authorised
, to appolnfan additional market Inspec
tor an4..a sanitary Inspector.
The report of the health officer for
December, submitted to the health board
, today contain b a, warning against araall
pox, "The character, of the cases of
, smallpox we are having at the present
.time are more severe,'? reads 4he report,
. 'and are gradually assuming the malig
nant type. X believe that within the
next year the : smallpox cases over 'the
. northwest generally " will t' of that
, f rightfully malignant type we .had in
former -years, and I. c"annbt urge too
strongly that-people, protect themselves
n as far ss possible by having recourse o
accinauon. . -:'
Holds a Woman Does Not Re
quire More Than That to
; Outfit Self Attractively.
(Cnlted PreM L 11 red Wire.)
Jersey City, N, J., Jan. 1. One suit,
a n a. a 4 a . m. . t a
COLDS CATTS'B VBASACBB onrw iv on? CDt i0i un" vlr 01 "nes, s;
M,axativk 1 "oMaQumhliSB"rid ori Palr. f." 2;, Th,
:'lde Cold and Grin remed v. rmnv cording to Vice. Chancellor Garrison.. Is
jivse. jsee signature u.. w. urovb. !5c I tne ouisiae umu xo wnicn a husband
f-- '- iii i.hnnM yn in providing apparel for his
win, .
The corsets were also priced, because
they were included in a list set as top
notch figures by George G. Ho Hon for
his wife, and . which prices tradesmen
were' forbidden' to exceed when grant
ing her credit in Iloltman a name. The
Home economy demands
a good Sewing' Machine.
Good judgment of value
and mechanism points to
.Sewing Machine .
Modern in mechanism '
Noiseless, Light Running ; '
Warranted for Quality
Second-Hand Sewing; Machines
' in Good Working Order
vr , for$5 and Up.
New Home Agency.
We Give S. ft-II. Trad'g Stamps
matter came before Chancellor Garrison
when Mrs. Holtman, much peeved, suei
for separation and alimony,
"It. is no part of a husband's duty,'
said the chancellor's decision, "to spend
J75 or $100 for suits In which his wife
may go to ' bridge parties and make
other women envious. I have seen
Plenty pf women m $20 suits, and they
looked goed to me, .; Eighteen dollar
uoats and It shoes are fine, and for 12
a pair of corsets may be bought which
are really magnificent -1 think Holton
is treating his wife with the greatest
.'yr-1 i. ..l . " " '",1.;
. ish Makes' Hens Lay.
(Unlfcd pretit l,pir Wlrx.)
7XJSJTtgeie3, Jan. 3. "feed them on
fish; any hen can do it then." This" is
Mrs. : A. -Holm berg's advice to chicken
fanciers,. Her seven fish fed fowls-laid
153 egg's during December, she declares.
mm-. l. .
Every' Man's Suit and Overcoat every Boy's' Suit and Overcoat every article of Haberdashery is "deeply ;
cut iri price. Start the new year right buy Moyer Clothing and save ? money on everything you ; buy. '
Mehs Suits and Overcoats Reduced
OVERCOATS ::......;$ 6.85
OVERCOATS ....$9,85
$15.00 MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS . . , . . V. . .$1185
$20.00 MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS r... $14.85
Boys' Suits and Overcoats Reduced , " -
$1.95 SUITS AND OVERCOATS. ...... . . .... . . ,$1.65 $4.45. SUITS jAND " OVERCOATS , e 1 . v e' . ... ... .$3.65
$2.45 SUITS. AND OVERCOATS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... $1.95 $5.00 SUITS AND OVERCOATS. . . . . ..$3.95
$3.95 SUITS AND OVERCOATS,..;.. ....... ....,$2.35 $6.00 SUITS AND OVERCOATS ..........$4.85
$3.45 SUITS AND OVERCOATS ... ..$2.85 $6.50 SUITS AND OVERCOATS...,. $5.10
$8.50 SUITS AND OVERCOATS... .........$6.95
Men's Trousers ReducedL
"$1.50 1 rTr6usew now only7. . . . . .$1.15
$2.00 Trousers now only. .... . .$1.65
$2.50 Trousers' now only $1.95
$3.00 Trousers now only . .$2.35
$3.50 . Trousers now only ....... $2.85
$4.00 Trousers how only $3.35
$5.00 Trousers now only $3.95
Men's Sweaters Reduced
$5.00 Ruff Necks now only. , . . . .$3.95
$6.50 Ruff Necks now only. .... .$4.95
$7.50 Ruff Necks now only. . $5,95
$3.00 All Wool Turtle Neck Jerseys,
all shades $2.25
Men's Underwear Reduced Men's Gloves Reduced
$1.00 Garments are now. $0.79
$1.50 Garments are now. ...... .$1.15
$2.00 Garments are now. . ..... .$1.65
$1.50 Gloves are now only. . . . .$1.15
$2.00 Gloves are now only . . .: ; . $1.45
$2.50 Gloves are now only, . .', . . $1.95
Night Robes arid Pajamas Reduced Men's Hose Reduced
$1.00 Garments are now. ,.$0.85
$1.50 Garments are now. $1.15
$2.00 Garments are now, . .$1.65
Umbrellas Keduced
$1.00 Umbrellas for.
$1.50 Umbrellas for.
$2.50 Umbrellas for.
25c Hose now only . ............ 19c "
50c Hose now only. ........ . . ,39c
Men's Onion Suits Reduced -
$1.50 Union SuiU now. .$1.15.
$2.0( Union Suits now. ....... .$1.45
$2.50 Union SuiU now. . ....... $1.95
$3.QQ Union Suits now. ....... .$2.45
. 1
Five Stores
Five Stores
k ' :' j
First and Morriion Second and Morrison First and Yamhill 87 and 89 Third Third and Oak
In addition to regular stamps
' given with all purchases.
3 tins Pink Salmon. . . .25c
Snider's Catsup . 20c
2 tins Peas. 25c
. 3 tins Tomatoes . -. . . i .25c
3 tins Cam ..... 25c
1.10c pk& A. &'H.'Soda 5c
6 Its. Rolled Oats i..-. 25c
5 lbs Macaroni ......25c
2 tins String Beans. . . .25c
1 tiir Eagle Milk . , ...,15c
' 3 tins Carnation Milk', ,25c
.2 tins Yelloban Milk. . ,15c
3 tins Pioneer" Milk. . .25c
Knox Gelatine, pkg.. ,.10c
3 tins 10c Soup, any'brand
" in stock . ..25c
1 pkg. Cream of Wheat 15c.
2 pkgs. Grape' Nuts . . 25c
3 pkgs. Gloss Starch . .25c
3 plcgs. Corn -Starch. . ,25c
Bluing and 'Ammonia, bof-
tlc. 5c
Sapolio, 2 bar's 15c
a : or Sunny Monday. . .25c
10c Toilet: Paper, dozen 8c
NOf 1 STORE 401 Haw
thorne, Cor. Grand, B-1615.
E. 867. 1
NO. 4 STORE 405 Haw
thorne A v., B-1615, 3 Rings
r ' ' s .
Four Stores
NO. 2 STORE 595 Wash
ington, M. ?22, A2 U .
NO. 3 STORE 142 Second,
: Near Alder, M. 4160. k
A lMf MW mm TO-TOP
Bellamy's new 40c Coffeje, 3 lbs. . .$1.00
Bellamys 30c Blend Coffee ;27c
All 60c grades Tea 50c
Pepper, Mustard, Allspice, per tin 5c
Cayenne Pepper, Ginger, Cloves, -tint .5c
One 35c iottle Van Duzer Vanilla. . .25c
One, 25c bottle Van Duzer Lemon. v. 20c
Double Stamps on Above Goods
Searchlight . . . ,7 pkgs. 25c doz. 40c
Domino . . ;6pkgs. 25c, jloZtAfa
Birdseye . . . .r . . . 6 pkgs. 25c, doz.'45c
Velvet Tip ;. . ; . . . V. 6 pfegs. 25c, doz.: 45c
Special Noonday Lunch 25c ,
Home Style-Cooking -
Try Our Blackberry, Mince and Pumpkin
; . ; Pies; ; ;
Turkeys, Chickens or Meats Cooked to
Order at Very Reasonable Price
" for Families. , :
65c-Broom,-made for ladies' ziT"r.T:CZz
Coal Oil, 5 gallons ; , crs
Pearl Oil, 5-gallontin .T;
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Tuesdayand Thursday
We will deliver every day
to any. point within thirty
blocks of the post office.
. Per Sic!:
Bellamy's Rose $1.20
Kansas Blend
. ... .1.1 U
Other Brands-.... $1.33
9 lbs Pastry Hour .,32c
9 Tb s Whole Wh. Flour 20c
9 lbs Corn Meal ..
9 lbs Graham Flour
9 lbs B. R. Pancake f I'r 3Cc
6TKIS 65 c 12 TIIi'3 $1.25
Otter Minced Clcn:3. . ,
Barataria Shrimps.
Best Brand Cove Oyslrrs.
Summer Brand Tcnvay I: r-
Pimentos. '
It will pay you well to I
" in doisn his.
T API f?
Log Cabin, pints. . , .r
Log Cabnl, Quai l. ....
Log Cabin, T '