Uj..AiCr LV.IL jljlj 43 f n r OFT. ,ypf fT'I A 1 v A SMI N4TON STS. rMjrKSTIONABLY r ;."iT LpCATIU.N IN THE CITY 2 and 3 room furnished, ajftrtmenls, j (it-si'ssiiDr every dhvIctii convenience !'i i h to telephone, elevator service, ex (flient trdset room, laundry with Bteam ciryrr; most attractive entrance court In Portland. ' . Select clientele provides -precisely, the surroundings desired for your farn- KATES POSITIVELY MOST REASON ABLE TO BE FOUND.-, : . THE BRETNOR, ' SO lb at Lovejoy WALKING DISTANCE, ' '"" Residential section one-block from "W Car.- , . ' :. i 1 I and 4 room unfurnished apartments: - appotntnicnu unexeelled In the etty; all large outside rooms, finished la white . enamel and every convenience - known . to the master builders of today. , , BARRETT BROa, Agents. T SOS Board of Trade bldg. ..' ' ' 1 Or apply at premises. ' ' XHJ VILLA -ST. CLARA. '.,. ' 12th and Taylor. "'' Most magnificently furnished apart' menta in the city; location perfect; rent ala reasonable; every modern conven ience, . banquet hall and roof garden, high class service; references.:Tgfluired. Both phones In all apartmentST Main I innnln Anartments. 4th and Lincoln; all outside J room arts.. 12169 to 30. Main 1377. A-S471L IOR RENT FLATS MODERN t room flats, two blocks north old steel bridge, fronting river; Veautiful location, fli.eO. Phone East S81S. ' - : v 1-.ST ,lde.;.lwaJking distance; 6 room fiats, J17 and 118; 4 room flat. $16; 1 rooms, f 10, Key, No. , 260 Stout sL Marshall 4220. TWO lower flats. 4 and S rooms, nice yard, attic and basement, almost new, Sit and 116. 103313. 11th st.;N. Alberu ca r. Inquire upstairs. . - FIVE-ROOM modern; walking distance. 801-303 E. 12th,' near Hawthorne. iz.,.00. : Best in city, rnona East H3a, fe'OUH room, modern, all convenience built In. Piedmont DlsL L or St Johns car; rent IIS. 1138 Michigan ave. MODERN 4 room over corner store, I12.60.J. 811 wuiiama ave. wood' jawn ib07. CLOSE1 In, up to date, free phone, 4- room nai, 1. Phone Main 7167, or Columbia 88. TWO and S room flats very cheap; 706 Vancouver ave.; w-ooci lawn ioa 6 ROOM fiatrinquire 1264 Division st Phone Tabor 1463. IIOIELS HOTEL' - PORTLAND European plan only 11.60 and up. STORES AND OFFICES . 11 st6rjTbom-3i8xio io" r ui 6 1 ront"t.i near Morrison, suitable lor commis 1 slon house, etc.. inquire oj premises, Xl 0 Der month: desk room, use of tele phone, reception room, counter, eta 723 Chamber of Commerce bldg. MODERN brick store, 7x24; cement basement; snap. East 2173, yon IUSXT HALLS' '," 59 LARGE fsteam-heated hall for Saturday and Sunday nights. Inquire Howe Davis Co-j 111 Id st, SMALL hall for rent. Howe-Davis Co.. Ill 2d st WANTED TO RENT WANTED 1 unfurnished rooms, walk ing distance of North Bank depot, or hear Broadway bridge, on east aide; must hawe gas, bath, phone; reason- iible. F-189, Journal. WANTED Small store or part of s tor, centrally located, .to be used f6r circulating library.' Phone Marshall 1636, W E can 1 rent your .place for you. Wat ton & Therkelsen Co., "305-306 Spald- jrnc hldg.; Main 7692. . ' ,- FL'BNISHED -2, 8, 4 room flat or house, walking distance; Home phone. P.O. Box 708. .. - HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC 18 TEAM mares; weight 2400 lbs.;, har ness and farm wagon.. No use for ' them. Must sell. 452ft E. Market be- tween 7th and 8tn. - For" SALE Team, harness, wagon, T" chlfkens, furniture. Bargain If taken at once. , 78th and Division. R. I. Box S A. Lnts, Or. . ; .-t-i GENTLE driving horse, harness, buggy, work harness and cultivator, 366. End of Pattoa road, opposite church. Phone A-1)IK!. '- ' COMPLETE delivery outfit, single. You can buy at your own price. 267 E. 8th. ',' - - ' - . -1-1 VE passenger tourist car to exchange for. horses or cattle. 14 Union ave., R, cor. E. Ash st. to HEAD of horses and mules; must be sold at once. 14 Union ave., s cor. K'Ash street. ELEVEN horses and mares for sale cheap. Come try them before you buy them. 267 E..8th. UUUD team of ponies for sale cheap or exchange, 1100 or 1200 lbs., horse. 14 Union ave.. S., cor. E. Ash Bt. VOuD pair work mules for sale or ex - change for horses and cattle. 14 Union Bv., 8., cor. E. Ash st.- ib'lv FARM team, good heavy harness, 8180. Can be seen until Monday night. 14 Union ave., S.. cor, E. Ash st NICE, gentle, well bred driving horse, : buggy and harness. Cheap. 267 E. 8th. LIVESTOCK 35 WANTED Good fresh cow, Guernsey - preferred. Address S, C. Bowles, Bea vgrtort. Or.. R. R. No. 1. FOR BALE Good cow. Durham. E. 76th and Division sts., 2d house south. Ask rorjMr. coiciougn. TWO young fresh cows, heavy rich milk-, era. J480 Macadam at., Fulton car. root or jaano. A 1TRESH Jersey cow at a bargain, 1020 E. 26th N. Woodlawn 2520, Call after 6 p. m. i-lRST class milk cows with calves for sale cheap: Bellwood 1913. FRESH cowa for eale. 1427 Com'l st. POULTRY 37 FOR SALE -About 60 chickens. White ' and Buff Leghorns, Barred Rock and Bull Orpingtons; also 60 pair hguab breeding Homer pigeons. Will NI all at a sacrifice or trade for ino torcyclK. See ,G. R. Dingle, East 26th rnn ijoiny ex. BARPJD Rock cockerels, bred for ex hibition,' pullet or cockerel bred 85 each, also 6 pairs Crpnean pigeons. $2.60 ? air. H. J, Hamlet, 114 1st St. I)OG3 AXD IHJUSEnoLIJ PETS 46 .HAVING town, beautiful present Scotch Collie. $S and Japanese Bpan lel..K. 306 2d. - A LTOIOlfKS-MOTORCYCLE3. 44 'SMITH Is tiow located at 328 Burnslde .t with a large stock of new and urcond hand automobile tires, 33 to $15 firh, We by, sell and exchange any- V AN"! KI No. l old auto tires, 7 c tb., d-uvreo; wa s eow urea, 6o lb. Inner tubes, 15c to 23c lb, J, eve, 181 i -tfttnbla eti'Mtn 6198. aSi kID -Second hand motorcvele .4 or 6 II, P Hh mauneto; must be rv-rnfi for a quick -bargain; .slate price .V ,t.4pytU'aiM- lWrVttiK,. SEVEN passenger touring' car, will trade for good real estate. I'hoiie 150. 11-0 AUiina ave. FOIi SAlK MISCELLANEOUS 19 rort SALE New and second-hand Car om and- pocket billiard tables, and bowling alleys and accessories! -bar- f i turea of all Kinds; easy payments. The Brunswlck-Balke-Collender Co., 48-48 6th St. Phones Main 769. A-1769. East. 6so. Fertilizer " .B-1S05. Well rotted manure for rosea and lawns. ' , :'. 1 COFFEE urn, -steam table, range, ex tension table.- heater. - 4x8 portable blackboard. dayenDort. , : Encyclopedia Brftannica. 2 Kf Russell St. - bAi"'KS New and second-hand; large assortment: safes opened and' re paired..: Mosler Safe Co, 108 2d at Phone Mam 77(i. 400 will take electric piano, Edison moving- picture machine, 160 stereop tlcon slides and 24,000 feet of film,' J. W. Applegate.jhotogTapher, 285 1st A NEW Mandy Lee 100 egg incubator for sale cheap. Res. 210V E. Schuyler St., MontavUla, between 84th and 86th. USED MACHINES, all mokes, cash or terms. Prices right. Singer Sewing MohnrStorv- Sit- Morrison .jt,-. - I'OR SALE Wood ready to put on oar at Barlow, ' Address W . O. Berguson, Barlow, Or, FOR photographs, views. Interiors, pos tals and enlargements, see J. W. Ap- Plegate, photographer 886 1st at. ONE doctor's chair; standard sewing me- chine; 1 4-holo range. Ill Grand ave, BICYCLES $10 and up. Bargains U - motorcycles. 181 Madison. . DERBY DESKS and office furniture. Haley Desk Co.. S!0 7th st Main 687. kgTEEL range and heater and other nouaenoia goons, si ii. sag St., worm. lh Sewing machine, late White, like new, 336 Russell, phone East 4448. 10 NEW HOME sewing taachine, all attachments, 162 Grand aye. 6EVVINQ machine for sale cheap. Call at 327 Mohawk. WANTED mSCELLANEOUS K vfiTt "rn tinvnns -We want to buy everything in fur. nlture, stoves and nigs that we can-get, All we ask is an opportunity to make you an offer. Will pay all the cash, it is worth. Phone E. 636. - ' :- WANTKli bv the. Katie Furniture houM. your second-hand furniture: highest I cash prices paid. M. J. Falmar proprie- I tor. t-nona wooatawa joo. 20. XN.. Union ave. - . . WANTED People of Portland to know that I pay -the highest cash nrica for secona-nana nousenoia goods, n. M. Seater. 124-126 Grand ave. East 1662. WHY sell your furniture at auction? we pay highest prices. Make no mis take; address M. R. Seater, 248-60 Haw thorne av. Phone East 3134, COVELL FURNITURE AND COMMIS- )N CO nava th heat nrina fnp i&J2t$t!$& ffi your stoves. 204 First GRANa Rapids Furniture Ex., 69 Grand I ave. n-aat its. pay the best price for your furniture. See them. WE need tmr goods, you need the mon-1 ey, Roseity Auction House, 368-979 Hawthorne ave. East 683. tjt. wisp , "Mr nTbyuin to FoM Auction JJQ, u l Main 8961, A-2445. AUUilUJN HUIIHK. J68-370 E. MOrrlsori St E. 1022, 11000 worth of good furniture at once. CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS. Martin. 820 Lumber Exchange Bldg. WANTED Kodaks, cameras, etc. Cam era Exchange, 246 Morrison. LOST AND FOUND 21 THE following Is a list of articles found on the cars of the Portland Railway. Light & Power company and turned in at the different division v i .v"r' Mjf w iuiii uj I uie onice oi tne unaersigned, 40Z tii applying at barna as Indicated. ford building, until 12 nw Wednesday, -Turned in at the East Ankeny Dtrn. idkiup. ir iii fr ih. rini.hin huni. January 1, 1913. Phone B-1168: 8 um- ureimo.- 'C," T,." - , i ... . i Ali edfff,;,lrn; Jan' lri?n cage's? 1 1 suu'- ihf.Ai5i5Jtl rUbber 1 Pa" 0t lah, 1 Turned C nhat- the SellwOod division TmbWasl VlP!3l 'SffiSEt 2 pairs ahoes, 1 purse, 1 lunch box, 1 pair rubbers, 1 muff. 1 pair overall 1 ?alr 'Turned In at Savler street barn, Jan- n. . R "na,M4S', f.001 clrtt itnr 1 mi -j Phnn. a Dated. December 28, 1912. J f . V - V HUHV V V V W , . - UII'UIWI- las, l supper, l peonage mercnanaise, 1 1 cialij proposals will ne received at purse, 1 eyeglass case. 1 string beads, 1 1 the office of the undersigned, 402 Til bottle honey, 2 hand grips. iford building, until 12 m.. Wednesday, THE following articles have been found on trains and turned in at the Union deiiof On N. P. train No, 807, December 28. man's dark overcoat. On O.-W. R. & N. train No. 17. brown suitcase, 1 imn....o. tj..u ,. .k; VIA TrT m neV 30 1912 one small bla3ck cPhanmg; pursecontiinlnT lSo! Mndpr return tn Welch Oro Co 19th rndTarnantdSli reward. ' ' . I LOST Boston Terrier dog light brln- die and white, ulcer on left eye. red J,ol,TBJ:..."ontrm'" ltuP,JJZ: iV.-Y""h " " " 1 J . I ... n 1 ' ' . -T . I On O.-W. R. & N. train NO. 5. D- ceinber 25. traveling bag. ... . . . in main waning room union aepot, be upon application to the under brown suitcase, 2 umbrellas. Ularned. Certified check for 6 oer cent LOST West of Hillsdale. Or., small tan colored female doe: answers by the name of "Beauty." Phone Main 7784 or 288 13th st. Reward. LOST Gold bracelet, rubies and dia mond. Multnomah anil or near there. Tuesday night. Reward. Telephone Main 7584. LOST Afternoon of December 23, one cameo Din. Finder call Marsnau 1286 and receive iinerai rewaro. LOST Royal Arcanum watch charm on black ribbon. Phone B-2210 or call 166 East 14th st., for reward. KUUND A bull dog, "Phone Main 385. PERSONAL A YOUNG German farmer desires ac- qualntance with a young working girl about 18 to 26 years old; object matrUl. inony. JA.-i4, journal. NlSBETH'S SAN1TOK1UM, equipped witn an modern bains, oaae oven and massase; Swedish movement. 616 Love- Joy st. MRS. W. R. WRENN. spiritual adviser, , ,24 Jefferson, cor. 5th. Circles Mon day, Thursday, 8 p. m., Wednesday at 2 j p. m. Marsnau iav, a-ioo. C( 'I A t IP A Wish to ae tha case 1 oom i ivncan t cure no drugs). Dr. Uoiigias, u. t:.. a union ave. n. DR. G. V. KETCHUM Women's mala dies, acute disease. Wash, bldg., cor. 4th ana vvasn., room m. Marshall 448. M, DE BARR, electric treatments for rheumatism. Utnce lb, first floor, iinii'A Morrison. MRS. A. v. aiiurr, epiniuai aaviser: consultation daily 10 to 4. 66H Grand ave, E. 3348, Muc POTTER, balnless enjropoaast, i i electric vapor baths. 3274 Stark st civ-C t i. HA hv hll.ln. nl, I - .y t- - ---" 'vi .. . . , . a a r i, , vioan i.n mnm 11. . . . i B"HI-I'ro "" BA. I1 hilTntt rMitl"."s" W .wtrtneh 606 Davis st. Main 9216. 6P1R1TUAL and mental scientist - con- auuation oauy. iivft axmrii mx. HA 1RDRESS1NG and manicuring par- lore. 215 Tilford bldg.. Miss Hedlund. MRS. A. HA MOT Expert chiropody and electric ngnt oatne. azej BtarK st. USE Bassett'a Native Herbs for eonstl-I nation; 60 tablets, zoo, ah druggists. MANICURING Meat thorough and Isfactory woric bob wortnwest oidtr. MRS, MALIORY HAY, Spiritual me- dtum. 21 W. litn st. Ml.LE ROBElRGE, physical culture; of flee 29. 3d floor. 350 Alder st. MISS CARROLU Seientlfio massage, iii MflrK st., suite a. rnone warsnaii in, : MRS. F. HALL, gradual masseuse, TTallT - - - IIUV'III I, ,OV7 JllVi I II.",, MADAME ESTELLK, spiritual medium 1 mdtrff8-astlylJri;i3th.nr.Waa, room l, BblHi Morrison l. ' l-i::; onal DON'T EXPERIMENT WITH POISON'S, )on't ri-k your lica.lt Ii and money. When in iit-ed of' a xate and reliable remedy for i-aiilvpuluf ul or suppressed periods or other derangements of the nienntrual function get a bottle of Anti ko Mixture No. 8. It Is a different kind of 'a remedy. It is a scientific prepa ration, contains no pofcons. and is harm less IS 'the inost "sensitive" person. For Kale and guaranteed in Portland by the lieldfond Drug Co., 2.'0 Morrison, near j-irwr. wain 8?ki. HAVE 1UU SUPERFLUOUS HAIR? SPECIAL OFPER FVH 30 DAYS. To any-irtywnh iiair on the face, neck, arms. Hands, bust, eyebrows, moles or warts, weWill give free treatment to convince you what can be done by experts.- Come in, have a nuinbr of hairs rempved,- watch the resylta. ' - ELECTROLYSIS COMPANY. 6C4 Swetland bldg., 6th and Washington. TREATMENTS for men and women. The finest eouiDDed Drlvate office on the Pacific coast. Radical cure by the latest! natural neaung motnoas we use raaiuin, light, heat, -vibration, baths, massage, manipulation and adjustments. -Every electrical treatment we give. No medi cine or operationa. ' Dr.' W. E. Mallory, Naturopath, 313 liothclilld bldg., AU eon sultatlons ara free.'" ' 1 . . ' ' 'v " MEN AND wbMEN CUllED. "Modern electric treatment tor nerv ous; chronic and stdn-flUfewttSSplaltJ?! Diseases of kidney, bladder, prostate. OXYOL1NK for- caturrhlung. .Uou bits, diabetes.' Latest scientific equip ment Dr. W. J, Howard, 304 Rothchlld bldg. ' r . . ; , MASSEUR AND NATUROPATH Dr. N, V, Meleen has removed to 318 6 wetland, bldg. Electro, vibratory and mechano-therapy treatment, for rheu matism, stomach trouble, poor circula tion and nervous disorders, acuta or chronic; lady assistant; oldest estao Hshment in Portland. Main 1683, A-2820. SCIENTIFIC Electro-Magnetic Treat ment for all chronic and nervous dis eases, paralysis, 1 lung and stomach trouble, rheumatism, fistula; nervous tiaarfaAhA r-tlt-Ail in f AW mlnlltg! OllA free treatment. Consultations free, 02 Buchanan bldg., -286 & Washington st. MRS. SOPHIA B SE1P. menatl and BDirltual scientist: teacner of mental attitude for health and success. Daily office 302 Alisky bldg.. 3d and Morri son, public parlor meetings Wednes day, 8 p. m., same place. Main 6824. Correspondence solicited, GERMAN trained nurse, masseuse, long experience, best references, treat- ments for rheumatism, lumbago, etc.; massage baths, 272 Park, Jefferson at car. Open Sundays. Marshall 6033. MRS. STEVENS. 18 vears Portland's leading palmist and clairvoyant,, has Her late book. "Paunlstry Made Easy. on sale. 66714 Williams ave., corner Knott unce nours iu a. m. to a p. m SPIRITUAL MEDIUM. REV. MAY DAlLYi-HiRCLES TUE"S.. 2; WEd! sp 804 MONTGOMERY ST, NOTICES 26 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. ln tne aisirici court oi me united Se. for the district of OregonIn the 2226 in Bankruptcy. Notice is hereby gtven that on the 80th day of December. A. D. 1912, Balti- more Arustic Furniture ..company of Portland,-Oregon, the bankrupt . above named, was duly adjudicated bankrupt; and that the first meeting of Its credit- S ff 5S- h tb5n b5iidin.pSrtli53. Oregon. Vn the 18 th IHnv of Innnorv 1413 at 1 ft o ,n at which lime said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and U-ansact such otner nusiness as may properly come be fore said meeting. Claims must be presented in form re quired by the Bankruptcy Act, and sworn to. The schedule filed discloses estimated assets amounting to Jo ODD. vufuijut vt, mum uii Referee in BankruDtcv uateo. x-'ecemper si, ivu. SEALED proposals will be received at ware for the new Alnsworth school. Plans and specifications may be ob- tained at the office of F. A, NaramoT-e, gX-,d'nt 408 T1" Certified check for 10 per cent of the fJ00" &Fk W ?. AHAS anyd,arndt0ari! ?.i. A.Vl f irn i.y.L,V Pros- &LM,fc" 18 rulred . i - i ij tj . ... .in i i i Jafiu.ary. 15 ,19A3- Jor tho heating and ventilating of the Jonesmore school. "lans and specifications may be ob tarned at the office of F. A. Naramore, superintendent of properties, 408 Tilford Duuamg. . . . . . . Certified checks for 10 per cent of tho amount or tne proposal, payable to K. ti. Thdmas, school clerk, must accompany JWt'Tl&t lnTZZk atl serves the right to, reject any and all proposals. A deposit of $20 is required f ah n ona artrl enaol rifiof InnD j. h. THOMAS, School Clerk, Dated December 28, 1912. BeILMd bids wlii T recelvir CTii office of the undersigned. 402 Tilford . . 1 I .1 1 tlnn i ' . .... n .....II 1 '1 . .. UU1IU1111,,' i Ul uaiiu, UlCfiUU, Ulll.ll A ill. Vchrnorv K iaia. fnr Indian lnh Vlnh holders and wands. Specifications may of the amount of tot,al bid, payable to R. II. Thomas, school clerk, must ac- j company each proposal. Board of dlrec- tors reserves the right to reject any and all bids. R. II. THOMAS, . . School Clerk. Dated Portland, Or., Dec. 80, 1912. EXTENDED Tnoa Bav Port Bond Bala. All bids recelVcd un to 10 o'clock a. m.. Decern Der a. iviz. were ordered re jected and returned unopened to the Didders, in view ox ins tare mailing oi the prospectus ana time lor bidding-was extended to Monday, January 13, 1913, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at which time all bids win -be opened. Dated December 9, I it 12. ANSON OTIS ROGERS. Treasurer Port of Coos Bay. THE undersigned will not be responsi- ble for debta ineured- for members of crew oi German snip Adelaide. M. II. IIOUSER. Agent. C. GABLER, Master. Thr undersigned will not be resDonsI- 1 ble for debts Incurred by members of the crew of German barque Barmbek. A. LUHMANN, captain. M. H. Mauser, Agent. LOANS WANTED 80 IF you want to loan your money -on first class real estate, list It at once With tho -3-- SLAUSON-CRAIG CO., MORTGAGE LOAN DEPT.j 304 Oak St, Near Fifth. 1600 First chattel mortgage drawing 1U per ceni lnoreB cxcepiionauy well a -..-'i ran bft had at liberal diacoMnt K Vernal discount, IM-183. JournaL i iiuuu iiiui aaacasaa uianium a UCI iii ' tHret. excebtlonallv well aecurnd .pnn be had for quick sale at big discount. R 11-A ITT T A rr r t- mnl . -fW. '""?'' ..V" country real esxaxe ror sale at lib- i . - - i eral discount. K-isa, journal. WANTED To borrow small sum of money , on good security. 847 -Wll- Dams ave, WANTED $4000 3 years 7 oer cent best security; no proaers. . v-i& Journal. ' FINANCIAL 51 CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES Or seller' equity in contract of sale on real estate ln Washington or Oreeon. H. E. jsoble. ' Lumbermena bldg. loans. MONEY T:0 LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 0' MONEY FOR SALARIED FEOPLTd and others, uoon their own names . 1 . - - -V (cheap rates, easy payments, confidential) I v. ti. 1 oiroan, room if iiumoer-nxi I ... . w. mvill .... ..,...fcl, . MVJ 1 IaOANfor the Rsklij; salary ,i0r chad t " 'ML TlieLoan Co., ill Dekum bids, . 7 PRIVATE PARTY LOANS . - , at fneoitil rates on furniture, pianos, storage receipts, watches, diamonds. Jewelry, etc.; no loan -too larve or t'io small. .. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. Private offices. When-ii need yoa will make a saving by getting our terms first. Write, call cr phone Main 4(517. . Lumber Exchange. ELBY. COMPANY. . Salaried People BTART THE NEW YEAR -L ' OWING BUT ONE PARTY l0 TO 1100 'ON- YOUR PERSONAL i - ' NOTE. - V FOR FCRTH Kit PARTICULARS CALL; TELEPHONE OR WRITE- State Security Co, . , 3(15 JJAIXjIINU KljJLHi. SALARY IjOANS. - CHATTEL. LOANS. You can get 86 to 6100 - today at cheapest rates, best, and most private terms. D. P. Drake. 828 nenry bldg A desirable place -lor ladies and gentle men' to borrow money on: diamonds nd Jewelry at eastern- rates Diamond raiare. a vvasn., npp. uwi drug store. CHATTEL and real estate loans, no red tape: confidential; mortgage bonght. AdolphusLang.-4HAblrtgtOrt Tjldg;. MONEY loaned on -diamonds and Jewel ry; trlctlCOhfidentlaL : H 3d. - ABSTHACT8 JOHN A, BERRY. Atfy., collection, abrtrscts v examinea, written ' apiniona on we hk tlon. 17 AlUfcy bldg. MrhU 8820. ACCORDE0- fLEATIlfO K. BteriitB, .ladW tillor, accordtoa, elde and aunburat pleating, butVini cotena. foow ponged, hgawtltclilug. 86S Aldet. Mala &3ia. ACCOUNTANTS rUBXIO COLL18, BKRBIDGB THOMPSON, 824 MT cuter bldf . Main 6567. ' AOYCBTISUia FOSTER k KLEISEK, outdoor drtrtUlW, - painted batletuia, painted wuU, Itera. k. Tth and E. Kreretl at. Kit 1111. B--4. AXCHIXXCTS BU1-DSB Plant, Mtlmatea turelitaed. Betpre -yoo buUd m WlllUnn, a McKy bidar. ART EEALEBft PICTURE framing, looulding, plctorei, Um tban tiuwber. js w. rars. a-. A-TIl-ICIAI. ZX-BB DO YOU wear left Ciet the bwu It pr. Write tor catalogue, 'ibe faerieM ArllUcul Mrob Oo., 43 Wmblmtott. . ARIIS1IO WIRE AMD IRON Reliance Wire sad Iron works. But 10th tnd t'landera t. Kt ABSAY-KB WELLS CO., aiMjsrt, analytical cbcmlita, aM VVMhlngtou. Mla 7608. HUMAN A, Away olfice, laboratory, teat lag. Mirhll 72U. Ibtf Korrlnon. AXX0-EY8 A. B. COOPER, Attorney it Uf. General practice; abitracU emmlneC 1W4-142S icon blag. Hutu 878, A-WTl. ACXO TUtS REPAIR N0 OREGON Vulcanising co.;Ttie Tlrt Bbop,1 660 Wtthlngtou. atamhull 87W. . AOiOJtOBltS 10 RNT 82.00 per boor. Duplex Auto Co. 4314. Office 3o9 Btrl , 614;- A- SAZSB KINO'S TnrkUh Batbi, Imperial hotel, rineit aod Urgeat la tb city. Expert corn doc tor. TV employ tbe bel rubbers only, uioum preaaed Wall yoo bathe. tknat twua lor lo olgbt. Main 6070, A-71S2. BXXT REfAIRlMO PORTLAND Belting Repair Co., 65 First; belt repairing. Motorcycle ueits a up. BLANK BOOR MAKERS HOWE. 1JAV1S COMPANY, 109 8d it. Blanx Book miuulacturera; agent for Jones' Iib pruTed Louao-Leaf Leiigera. (See the new lu trt leaf. Ajiyiaa. laiu 138. BUILD tNe AKD REPAIRINO BU1LD1NO, repairing. Jobbing, practical, relia ble; reaaouable," day or comracu eeucwicx. Seiwood 1003. .. ' CANDY MANUFACTURERS THE Aldon Candy Co., 12tb' and liliian its. lilgb grade cuocqiatea. CARP-NTBH-t'ONTHACl'OR New or repair work. J. B. louug, wouoawcK in, aatn au A, . Wl oTUOM, bouae, office, tor repair ing, remoaenng, Diog. wwquwn big. CARPET CLEANING JOYCE BROS., Electrlo Cleaning Work, ear- peta cieaui-a iuu iuiu, rcLiiuu uuc aiivviaii. E. 440, B-1D03. 'M K. lata . . UUMUit aud Cadillac, electric and hand uower cleaueta, lor aaie or rem; vieauuig doue. BenUey Co- 47Vt Waablngton. CARPET WEAVING NORTHWEST KliU WORKS, ruga from old carpeta; rag ruga, carpet cleaning. 153 Union avenue, peer aaai wnrnim, 1-tMNOoi.A Hug Worka, rag carpet and ruga. Ibis ration ave. nwiuu CHIROPODISTS CORNS, bunions. Ingrowing nail, etc.. re moved M1 CUTea; UCW iubiuoo, inraiu.cij uo Data. Dr. J. W. Waiui), bow-iu normwtai uiog. Bill and Waahlngton. . 0HIROPRACTI0 PHYSICIAN DR. HELEN W. JACK, 322 Htn at., nervous and chronic uiaeaaea, o ireaiuivuia u. 690S. 1 ' ... AWlISTMKNTS rtstor health naiurally, 10 month. Bam oitica, n nu i.uiugi.on. CIRCULAR LETTERS MULTIGRAPHING, priotlug. : steuograpbers. Hill Co.. tienry mog. MULTNOMAH Multigraphiug Co., facalmils Slgnatnrea. oire giUera uiog. COAL AND WOOD ui.iviiN bUOHT WOuu, ,. INSIDE GREEN fiHOUX, J.jO. DRY SHORT WOOD SAWDUST for fact and bedding. The Eortland Slabwood Co. Main ifliO, A-7001. CONSUMERS' FUEL CO, (Amer. Coal Mining Co ) Coal direct from mine 10 consumer, oave middlemen1 profit. East 118, B-lllo. Bunker East 1st aud 'laylor. PAC. SLABWOOD CO, iirn alabwood. bis aud amall Inside block wood, planer trim lugs, cordwood. FULTON Wood Co., dealer la dry and green alabwood. 'fry us when ordering good dry wood. 12W Macadam, at. roone uam isuu,, A-2W0. NEER & FARR and oak cordwood. Alo wed to order. rrompt oeuvery. f '1 A I aln 4598, A-4547. i V"1- Yamato Wood and Coal Co, - EAST 818. B-1867. DELIVERED - PROMPTLY Minn S1O1. f. J. BVEitra, root-Curry street. ECONOMY Fuel Co., SI Grand ave. coal that give beat and aatiafaction. Eaat 814, B- 2343. Prompt errlce. . 1 , RAINIER Slabwood Co., ueceore to South Portland Blbood Co.' Country alaba, block, Inside wood and aawdimt. A-8820; Main 8lBi. Bi)X, plaucr, block, alab, cord wood and coal. Htandard Wood Co., 817 E. Stark. Et 21S. n.lftHS. - ;' iLUlNA FUEL CO. All kind of green and dry ' wood, ttoes upring ana Mendota coal. li 11 . i! Hl,, ..iu-n nui 11 Lri 1 .' -1., 1 lll U. r? MjWRHT PRICES Pflon Mala B967. COAL and alt kinds of wood. . Phon Uolgate Fuel Co., Scllwood 45. . in 1 1 1 1 1 b in 1 1 . I, , ., 1 1 11 1 i , ii I PHOENIX Fuel Co. Dry wood Sl.AO per load. B2I...Pawert wain .11, Eli Et&EN kaudiee wood aud coat flOM V Tr TOW CHATTi:i,S, SALA1HE3 a MONEY sold on Installment; confiden tial to salarird people. ; 1". A. New ton, 614 IJenry bldg'. ', MONEY TO LOAN ON DIAMONDS, J. E. NICHOLS. -615 YEON BLPO. WONKY TO LOAN 27 '.:'-''-REAL' liSTATH LOANS on real" estate and chattels, contracts bought. Room 212 Commer cial block. ; , : ', MONEY TO 'LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. . A. H. HARDING. 813 Chamber of Com. PRIVATE pai-ty With muuey to loan. Call 465 Montgomery st. Main 7344, MONEY to loan on improved real estate. Call at 327 Monawit, pnone. Main laua. MONEY to loan on- Improved real estate, I. i wnite, lui commercial i;iuo piutr. H'OOO ' TO "LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. - . FLETCHER. 225- Ablngton Bldg. - CITY and farm loans; mlga. purchased. "Henry C Prudhomme Co., Wilcox bldg. MONEY to loan, to 8 per cent. . W it Selta & Co., 310 Spalding hldg. ilIOHTGAGK loans. and ,7 per cent. Louis Salomon ft Co 229 Ktarx st. W 1 UL.-4oan-i 20.080 :rr '- reai osta ta Farrlngton. 416 Commercial ClUD Ding. 120,000 or part for Immediate loan on real estate, . Tabor .771. ;T ;.y'v.- coixicnosB CURRENT and delinquent Out of town col- lections a specialty. Uoneat, ' efficient terr Ire. Higbeat refsreiK-ea. 13-23 Yeou bldg. Tbe Standard Mercantile Agency, E. W. Angeil, Manairer. Main 49. .. ..... ' ........ COlXKOTIONa a apeclalty, liaut and. adjuat- menta. Grimm Agency, . 431 C. of C. COHaUSSlON MERCHANTS SHEROD Ranfb Egg Co., 114 Uuloa are. But. egga. nunitry, thi. d oga. HENRY fcVKKOlNU, 4C.-1.' Kront lb Butler, egg, poultry, Teal, Dog, niaea. DAISY AMD CREAMERY BPTftm MONROE A CR1SELL, 146 Front, dairy, chefraa , factory luachlairr and anppllea , DA1CCIN0 PROF. WAI WILSON'S Dancing School. "Walta, - two-step, threeratt'P, acUottlacbe; lemons, -Very morning, afleruoon and erenlng. All dance guarunteed first leaaon. Do you know, anyone who walka ran learn to dance' Stag and fancy dances taught dillj. bo Vi 6th at., between Stark and Oak ts. Main 7037. aikAl'U'S xjanclug, Aiadewy, private leaKiua morning, afternoon and rvalng. Clait Mon day and Friday evening, aaswmiily after. Iu0 2d. between Washington and Stark. UEA'l'xl'S acnool, leaavna dally, walls, ' two step, tbrea-step, Haiti morn or ac-bottlacba taught In flrat . leaaon. AUaky bldg., 8d aud Mnrrlaon 1. UlNGLKR'S Dancing Academy, a aelevt 100001 for social and fancy dancing. 231 H Morrlaoa. Mannall HIS. Noel a 1 Wednexdar, saruraa DR. A. W. KEENS, Dentist, Maleitle Ttieatra bldg.. 851 H Waah. at. Mariball 3206. PENTI8I ARTIflCIA TEETH SeerlalUt on phrtr work.-rhta one thing I .' a Globe bldg.. llth and Waahlngton. do, DERMATOLOGISTS Uoles, wrlnklea, scalp apeclallat. Mrs. Court, right, 711 Deknm bldg. Mala 6042. - DR68MAiUNO bCHOOt - ValenUna'a tyatem ladles' tailoring, dress making taught, lbi Grand ave., between Mor rison and Belmont. IX-CXHIO MOTORS AND DYNAMOS WE BUY, sell, rent aod exchange new and second-band motors; repair , work a specialty. Weatern Electric Works. -i; ttth at. Motor aod ujruaniora bought, sold, repaired. U-M-H Klec. Co., 31 N. Mrl. Main M.iu. Lletulc motor apeciaiiau. jaiuea, Uckeuxl JKlectrlc workl. 4UW j'nlon. Kaat 117. .. ENGRAViRS EMBOSSED stationery, engratad cards. Gar dam Co., 408 Mancbeater bldg. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Treatment by ipecIaUat. Glaaaes fitted. Dr. t. ' Caaawday. 1S Ofkum bldg. FARM IMPLEMENTS AND VEHICLES P. E. KSBENSUADE, 214 Vront. farm Imlpa menta, toula. lawn and field fence. ti. M. WAit, CO., o l awiburu av. Wboleaftle agricultural luiplgaiema. FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP PnoenU Iron Works, E. lid and Hawthoru. Uoral machluo and tuuuury work. , FURNITURE REPAIRING BOWERS A - PARSONS, 100 ft front Mala T44B. FuiultUfB hoapltnl; packing. FURS AND lA-iDERMISX UE MODELING and. new work. , a". B. stnley, mldermiat, 2tS (Columbia at. " GLASS AND GLAZING Timma, Creaa & Co., 14S- 2d at. Prompt service, ttlug Main or A-2U2J. GASOLINE ENGINES STATIONARY and marine electric oiulpmaaUj lauutbe, acauMorie, wbuai aud leWll, ugiiittTiepairiug, ktaraou avuiucij Co., tail Morrison. - . GENERAL REPAIRING GENERAL machln aud electric work, rep of electric luoiors aud uuaiuo oeciaiiy. E. Hlppaly, 2 Oak. - HAIR PREa81Ntt DP TO DATE halrdrt'Mlng, manlcurliig, face and aualp treatmeula. ilir oia uiada up. 010 swetland umg.p HAIR GOODS FEBVET a HANEBUT Leading wig and toupen luakua, finest stock ef huuiuu hair guoda; hair dreaelng, manicur. Uig, lata aud scalp irualiueuu it, 7iu, uaat Morriaou. m. oo. IFAjilORY LADIKS' and gentlemen' bat cleaned and blocked; au work guurauteea or no coargea, W mak a ucialy of ladies' beavw ha la. Phone Main 8442. The Royal Mat Work, 21.M lat HAY AND GRAIN G. R- KMU11T, iOH-oO N. 17 lb St. liar, grain. rerd, Hour uuo aningle, INSURANCE PACIFIC STATES FIRS INSURANCE CO, Only -Oregon fire Insurance cuuiyany. fhOAli, ua about your fire luauruuce. Malu 4W. ' Mallory ' Co., Inc., BIO Wilcox bldg. 4ici.AnUAit, Bale & Lively, Uul vua bldg, liiVurj Iwria -vl luturnuw, wiuui. JUNE D-AX-RS HIGHEST prlc paid for tools, old machinery, copper, runner, uottiea, ni. cajio. LADIES' TAILORING HIGH grade tailoring, rxpert cutter and fitter suits altered auo remoueiea at latest style. We also make up 1 your own material. Work unranieed. H. Cordan, Ziua Sd. M. 0874.' LANDSCAPE GARDENING PACIFIC Landscape Gardening company, 616 Rotfichlld bldg. t'bone Mamnall iWOtt. LANTERN SLEDS : STEREOPTlCOhS sold, rented; operator fur- nlshed; reaaotiaoie. Banner, snow euros. algn. ; Knterprpie ai-t, vo., law otn. - , LEATHER AND FINDINGS CHAS. L. MASUCR at CO., 74 Front Leather of avcry Jieacripuou, up uauuiaciurer, nuu Ing. ; ; : ". LOCKSMITHS V, J. Foychek, 224 Maiu St., locksmith, gun repaired;' ; saw ineo, eya wiu . Machinery B. TRENKMAN A CO., hydraulle and special pipe, smvae aiawa, on i.ui,, luimusj uii chlnery, repair. 104 w. tn 1 ENGINES, boilers, sawmill bought, sold and ieh ngea. ! ne si. wariia vo... t-oriiano.ur, ; HEN'S FURNISHING OOCDB 4 NeusUdter Bros., 6tb and Ankeny, Importer of men' nirmnning gooi, ...;'w-' '--- ' - -rsaEVAEM .. . HASTY' MESSENGUU CO., open Bight and day. Main na. a-:w, - M0RTGAGS LOANS f OHr- r? K.-wwrlf "iw-tstmr," -tmtortBC, 'W . Xsoa bldg. uaiu yv j ?;ox;-:y io LOAN' ciiath:lh, salahu h ::o.i:v i.i.ai, i: m i; Mortga.co Loans On real estate security at rrnsonable rates In' sums from 5u'o and up. The Lawrence Co, 171 4th st. ' ' Ttetfc'eefl" Morrison nhl-Tarhhin. - 1IARTMAN-THOMPSON BANK,-' Chamber of Commerce Bldg. : We have on hand funds for invest ment In good first mortgages. If you wish to borrow on your real estate, con fer with our mortRHgo loan depHrtment. - MONEY TO LOAN On farm or city property. : - ' THE IIARBQJ.J5T-WJLSON CO., IN& 710-718 T.EWIS BUILDING. 4tH and Oak Btsv , Marshall 4200. " A-T1S8. , . MONEY TO IOAN ON REAL ESTATE. J ' BLAUSON CRAIG CO, , Mortgage Loan Department, oui uhk di ficvt ruin. MONEY TO LOAN ON BEAL ESTATE, ;,$250 AND UP. ':"'.,'--'..'.'.:.. r-i,,.: , , J. E. NICHOLS. - ' -i,? 615 YEON BLDG. 100 TO 1300 to loan on real c-ollecteral -- security, for a short time, a'-207-Ore- yon tan bldg.. g ; -' in r fimm lU.A-mimmi-iir-r-rr rr,l- 100v000 on mortgages, . city - or farm property, fire insurance. Mc-Kenrle & Co., Oerllnger bldg.,1 2d and Alder. - KTJSIO SCHOOLS AND; TEACHERS T E. LAW80N, 130 1U. Mala 0197. Plane im, ow cenia. s M1?8I0- SCHOOLS AND T-CHS " RAGTIME piano playing positively taught aay person' iu SW leaoim; aucceas guaranteed. Write now for free booklet. Chrlatenaan'a Bnhnni of popular Music, 201 Good Dough bldg., corner ota itu mmoui am., roriianq, ur, tVsV KISSiyEK,'- vtoilulst, practical tMcnlnai. 10 lcMons SIS. IB Breedea bide H. BL nr 8rt and Waahlngton. NuRlUWKS'l'EttN School of Music. - Bpacial holiday offer." 12H Grand ave. Kaat IB3. PIANO, violin, mandolin, guitar, banjo iaatruo. uinii, ouc. nawinoroe ave. E. H11EL1IOKN. Violin teacher; pupil Be VcikT 5 niwlner. A-41tt0t MarakaU 1629. HA GUM hi guaranteed in- 10 to t'opolar prlci-i. H-B42. Journal. 20 ORNAMENTAL WIRE. AND XSOff rORTLAXO WIRE 1EO.V WORKS, 394 2d at. Architectural wire and Iroo. - OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. ULLKBKLLK PATTERSON, spaust oa nerves, acute and chronic dbteance, 41& Co- mnuna nina;. main buoi. DR. W. ARNOLD L1NDHEY IjpeclalUL oa Uheumatlmu. Hlomach and all Nerroua -Dla- eaaea. ui.l iTium oiog. Mam iffs-i, Dll. AGNES M. BROWN, but Journal. tldgT Honw 10:a0-4:S0. M. 8909. Ret. Tahor a21. PATENT ATTORNEYS - PATENTS procured by I. K, Mock, attorney. at-law, lata of V. 8. patent office. Book free. KilO Board of Trade bldg. PAINT, OIL AMP 0LAB3 PIONEER PAINT.C01M VbPt ,t. Main 1834, THE bb.AVr.ll VAiliMSd WOlIKii Bukvt good prouiK-i. a.i your qea jer. KASAil bbKN & UO... "Ulith Standard" paint t. k. corner au ana Taylor. NM.-A-1T71. PAINTING AND- JAPE; RING Main 607 for figure on patntln iug anu uuuug. covapest aud best 247 Vi 'Tyk street. toil beat work, price right, call Jt. 82 K. Waah. Sell wood M.ti. GOOD work nir utotlo. A. Uabouru, Sod lit 3. ivaariiigwn. B-ilu, east 14. WALL pitper ht irk. MjHrtUig. 'tlnttof, etc.H tou iy., J'iivt PA VIM O COMPANIEB Warren Construction mi ntr .... " lug, sidewalk aud Groaning. 7th floor Jour nal building. TUB BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO. Port- una ornce boo Kigctrlc building. PHOTO STUDIOS Tbe Arna studio will ramova ftr j,nn. 1 to B45H Waahlngton. - PIPE PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. factory and of. flee X4th and O'ork. Main X4HU. LPj43UJ AMD HEATING. CONTRACTING, repairing, honeat prices, eatl mate furn. T. H. C'rowther. 06i 2d. M. 7883. PLUMBING SUPPLIES ii. L. KLINE, 84-86 lout St., wboleaa'.t plumb- ma iveia auppiiea. POPCORN CONFECTIONS STANDARD CRISP CO., 213 Gllaaa. Popcorn Viwf. tHltcu IIUIB, PRINTING ANSLEY Printing Co., Sin Oak. "HtUf 4871, HOOrlNU, PAINTING, REPAIRING TIN roofliig, repairing, painting. Jobblui. J. Loall, 21i Jeuerauu. Main 1-U4. liUA.K io.i.u, kucvI uieul Work, tltt ahop. 052 'fhuiuiun. Malu 8-'42; A-laW. RUBBER UXAMPtt AND 8EAS STENClUi and office itailvuery. C'unnlnitain- bAUuiui, Uuue uiuvka, Uiu.. aigiw, teuvil. areui pro,., xit u. jaaranail lot I, BANUAUIUM ROSE CIl'X SAMTAhlUM, trlcUy maUralty uwyiiit. in, nurm u l. POltl'LAND lvlug-lu Hoapilal Maternity caae oniy. 010 ct. i:u at. juarnall o4. BASH, -OORS, WINDOWS UNITED Glaaa & CiUzlug Co., saab, door, plate giiHi. i.m mua miaaii. aiain 4401, BiluwCaa-B AND 1LETURES IUB JAMES 1. MARSHALL MFU. CO. New aud old attuweaaoa. cabluets, a lure. offlc. wIuoaiW tutuiga, 4ih and Couch. ell mt CASUS of every deacripUoo, bans, bar auu imis iixiuieav tuau la uiaei, 'iu j.uik Mlg. Co. - . SIONS AND SHOW CARDS WAHALA.soii.tt V.U., bis Cuuiiuonivaaltb bldg. - duo v. raiw, i:mmu rifeii,, wiuuuw ti'liaa. TOWEL SUPI'LY CLEAN towel dully, cuuiu, mush, aoap. Towel buppiy Co. uta sua couca u si per month. Portland Laundry Do. Phones Malu 4io. A-4-ili. TAILORING SCHOOL ,- KIESTER'S Lauiea' laduiiug VAilleg. Lran dreaaiuaalng, laiionui;. 14o- ir.u. TRANSFER AN. bTORAGE C. O. PICK Transfer a Storage CoM offices ana, comuiouiuu B""v. otik wari-aouae, wlta separate lion room and ureproof vauil for valuublea. N. W. corner 2d aud Pin at. Piano and furniture moved tud packed for hipping." Special rate uiaue ou gouda la our througu ear 10 an ponisaue auu loreiaa fiuinu. Main b9b, A-1906. - OREGON TRANSFER CO, . Katabllahed Transfer aud torwaruiug agents. Storage, free trackage. Office aud storage, 4i4 Ghana street. ISth and Gllaan. Main 0, A-HHO, PUii'iLAD Van Blorag,, Oo.; 1 uc, - Utu nd Everett; moai moueru torage warehouse In cltyi low tiro insurance rate proof of ibis. r ret, u.vMiic,. ww,,.,, yx aui,,uf, re duced freight rate on bouacbold goods la lUruugD car 10 a no iroui eaaw bin 0040, A' IA20.' ' 1 '' ' ';. ,,: ' ., .: " -: bAUi.AOni Omulbua Xrauafer Cu.Baggsgt rheraea ai jour uoiuo, mrniiurer nitin-a. stored or pacsea inr tnipmeui, 4-ark aud IH- via at, pnone Minn cww; A-aaya. TYPEWRITERS. TVPKWiirrKus.- iiguti used. l. ( k,... add ull olhcr.make at rediiced'"lirlce end ey t'-rms, L. C. Smith eVEro. U'ypewflu-r Vmi, 2H0 iQlill t::;.i,:::.r'-v H;." . ' ' " : ',''-''.? ALL makes reuted, repaired, aoli tSo'aluT' ham Co.. 2111 Stark. Mala 140T. WHOLESALE JOBBERS . M. A. CONST A Tn. j DlSTRIlll'TtlKS OF FINE ClOAuS kVMUflNU ai FArtiib.1.1, produce and i-omnii. km merchant, 14l Front V Portland, ir. Phone ' Main Yi.--"-'":':' 'ti-':..-,, ? Mil KUAN WALL PAPER CO.. XH) 21 at- b- ALLEN A LlSVVU-UROCEUlKa , i tldard MAr- . k, PPr- I J.XWard, x 7i :.;o;.v so i,;m. 1 1 - in:.L i;st.vi :j MONEY to loan. 1 u 1 r v o , I '..rt " imilieitv; tiiieclitl lai llitn-s fur ). . loans. Title & Trust V"., 4ih una 1 ,: ; MONEY to loun; large loans a !?!. -j,, 1 v building loans; lowest ratos; liro In aiirance. W. G. teck, 31 5-3 1 1 Knillm--i'O loan, rstate fundii on real cslatn a- qurrpnt rates. Inquire attorney, rmio 10-12 Mulkey bids.. 2d and Morrison". m success In all my work 1 m . tnoronel, painstaking and careful to give just the right treatment retired in each individual cade For. IS years I have been proving , Iny ability, and my business methods Lave always been atrlqtly reliable. . MY unnuallfied success la due to a tnorouah medi cal education, supplemented b ' years ..ynisuv, li Ulcus-- ,4l via" orders only. My treatment la as cor rect as modern science can make It Maybe you have been treated and only helped temporarily or not at ait Has your troupia still the upper band of you 7 Do not despair. . Consult me free and let me teu you whether you can ever be cured. If-1, take your case I CURE you. 1 will give my time, my attention to your case so thaUtfou will go away cured and grateful. You need not pay a nickel until you are satisfied that you are cured, i have treated thousands. I, have cured thousands. Let me cure you. - - " . . x, ''. -;,: THE NEW GERMAN REMEDY FOR BLOOO BOISON, . It Is now two years since the in troduction of the NEW GERMAN REMEDY for BLOOD -BOlSON, and during that time 1 have administered this preparation in several thousand cases. I have given this remedy a severe test and can say without tear of contradiction that it Is tho great est discovery of the age and the best remedy on earth for Blood Foison re gardless of the stage of the disease. Don't believe doctors who tell you O.hQsTWieSO 1 r'v' " l Introduce It directly Into the bldod by the INTRAVENOUS meth od, giving you the genuine German Remedy. You come to my office, re ceive the treatment To about your work as usual and in ten days' time the symptoms disappear. Why should you continue taking. poisonous and Loiurlo audruga... inut your stomach for years when you can come to me and be cured! . - WEAK. NERVOUS MEN, ' Don't despair. Science has. .-at last found a sore cure. ANIMAL SERUM properly administered is the remedy that never disappoints my patients. Don't persist in old-fashioned . treat, menta that always fall, when" 1 can offer you a lasting one. My practice la limited to the disor ders of the male, apd is further con fined tq these special and chronic affections of the pelvic -4ract These Include oat v itality, Enlarged veins. Hydrocele, Blood D.lasdvrs, ; Con tracted Ailments and Bladder , and Kidney Diseases, f 1 have take up these yalluients , especially, because thousands of men are held down by chronio weakness which the aver age practicing physician does not understand and usually tries to paake light of by telling the. patient that nature will soon repair the waste. CONSULT ME FREE. -vX, My advice and consultation -are free to the afflicted, whether treat ment is taken or not I am always glad to explain my methods and give friendly advice to all who- calL If you cannot come to see me, write for self-examination Diann. tiours, a. m to 9 p. m.; Sundays, 10 to 12 only, 6. 1.WLI 221V MORRISON ST., COR. FIRST, SEE ME FREE. It you are worrying about any ailment la eluded.: among those within which i ape--talus, I invite you to call at mF Office and I wilt giye you FREE a conaoientloue examination and di agonals -and advise you of the ' proper course to pursue U a.M .raif f orever of your worry and voU ailmVnt 'il y-r ot expeaienoe audi-nullifications have made me In eioert in tbetreatment of the all m..r!ta with which MEN are afflicted. ffiEvy matt caning at EOSALVARSAW . Improved German Remedy for BLOOD POISON 1 administer the remedy according to the very lateen method. .i u Come to roe If you have any of tbe following disorders: , knlargtai Velo Bimplea, Nervous Debility, Nerve, Blood and Skin Disorders. Bladder Troubles, Blood Poison, Eruptions, Ulcers, Special Ailments. " I'll or Fistula. .1 - - 8 to 67 to ( Dally: Sundays 10 to L Examination Advice Kree, . J. J. KEEFE, Ph. G. M..D. Roams 11-13 Lafavette IVdar. 81SV WASHINGTON ST.. COU. 'JTH.J HJKI'LANU. UK. BE A WISE MANI No matter what ha failed or. how" lilt Mil r i K TTjjQ) your case is, get a bottle of Dr. Bi-owji su Specific Antidote tor men'a - ailtnenta and blood poisoning. Will positively re lieve most obstinate cases in from rive to ten days or money refunded. I he only remedy that can be uaud Internally and externally. Contains no balsams, oils or finy- metallic astringents and will not frrttat.e.or cause stricture to the most senBlttve persons. Remember, that It will cost you nothing to give this remedy a complete trial, if you fail to get resutts we wilt absolutely re fund your money. Don't hesitate. Get a bottle to lay.4ind it will rnre yuu easllv, quickly alid surely. Price for the double treatment $2,00. Absolutely guaranteed and for sale In Portland by, th HX-DTOWD DSTJO CO"' v' - 2:0- MORRISON ST, ' ' BROHJ v, Ulves rfomrlt aad tHectual Kenei '.'.!, without Inconvenience, in the ) j MOST OB3TINATU CASES 'I. . NoOther treatment rrn,ulitrl, i 1. BOLD BY ALL DRUGGIST!?.. . - 4 1 i