1, it Good Faan Buy ; 98. Acres for $6500 , . Hern is one of the best farm buys : t'-.at wo have lmrt on our list In a ions : t mi. There are- 68 acres, -30 acres in etate of cultivation, balance easy ' r.l. iirlng and good pasture,- The general lay of the tract is good end the soil ls very fertile. An abundance of pure, ele?r bprintr water right at the premises, t Good 6-room house, splendid red baim, 22x20, 'with -sheds,-- Other outbuilding Splendid '6-acre orchard just comingtu ! to .bearing, an older bearing orchard of fissoiigu l runs. Dots or. oerries otuu Kinds. About the house is a cluster of symmetrical firs which combine with the bearing fruit trees and berries in making- th place homelike and restful. PERSONAL PROPERTY: Team, wsff on. hnps-v. 8 sets harness. COW, 100 chickens, 4 stands bee, lots of hay and grain, good equipment of farming Im plements, and some household goods. Price for everything -only 6aU0. LA laied In splendid coirfmunity about one mile from-school, church and Btore, and about 30 miles east and a little south of 'Portland. Just a short distance to cat ling. . , """Hargrove a Sons 123 North Sixth street. , Corner BiJtth and GliBan. Vain 4381. A-7258. - ONE OF THE BEST FAR lit 3 IN v- " -' " VlVEAaVi'. ISO- acres t cleared, balance easily, cleared, near Salem and 4 other valley cities; electric and ' ' county- roads, - . J' There ia a good orchard, 6 room house 4 ., ...... i,r.Aitn 4 a -r 1 1 rlrn r. -Raises Bumper Crops ' Price $26,000; $8000 cash, balance I per cent, your-own time. Call, " ' OWNER'S SON. 441 Hawthorne ave. Sellwood 1684 FARM House, barn. 12 acres in cultivation, lays fine, spring, creeK, county roaa, nhon lin. 25 miles from Portland; Price $2800; good terms on balance. 214 t ivumnermens ping. M-flSOMIPELLED TO iu 8AGRIFBGE ' ! : Have large equity in swell farm at Hubbard; o acres aivcrgjiiea iarm, well imnroved. at 1400 an acre. Pay- i ment down and easy terms. Hicks, 618 Board of Trade. FOR SALE Fine 34 acre farm 14 miles i from Portland on auto, road: good i fionse including furniture; new "barn, all ilnds of farm implements, brand new rStudcbaker wagon. 8 horses; 3 cows. 2 l 1. ...... . IK nT. I ..!., v-ttt tvi 600 sacks potatoes go with place; only $225 per acre, or would consider trade lor stocK rnncn. uaniier iteauy w 204 Lumber Exchange. NAAS ACRES 40 ACRES , $6ftfr:-$50 rtowTr,-$10 month. T. J. LONG. MAIN 2430 81 Fourth St. 25 ACRES of fine farm land, all cleared, 7 miles south or McMlnnvllle; big bar. gain, Mr, Drake, Mandra Hat Shop, 12 4th st. V1LL sell good farm, some cash and crop payments. II. N. Swank, 1034 juiuunner or commerce. WANTED FARMS 88 WANTED From owner, 2 to 60 acres of good land on Oregon City electrto line. Does not need to be under culti vation. Owners only. Provident Trust Co.. 2 floor Selling bid g. 1 HAVE cash, want wheat ranch ; pre vwfet Sherman county. I will pay cash for- a' good one; give full particulars and 1 will call on you no fooling; 1 lwnn rtutdness, L-135, Journal. HOMESTEADS 47 A FEW " choice 320 acre homesteads, ' good water, near two new towns hav ing school, stores, P. O., etc. Free transportation to the ground you locate; fee onlv $100. Our locator is a resident of the community. National Coopera tive Realty Co., 614 Abington bldg., Portland. Or. JOIN CALIFORNIA LAND EXCURSION to Marysvlllo, Jan. 11; irrigated (gravity water free) land ready to plant; early spring crops yield $500 acre; get started now; little money re quired; 50 families wanted. A. AL lllgh- honse,. 617 Board of Trade- bldg. HOMESTEADS, good ones, 160 and 320 acres, close in, near railroad and town. Covey, 267 Oak. room 21. TIMJJEIl 28 TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. 7 L R. NPCK. 214 COMMERCIAL BOG . EXCHANGE -HEAL ESTATE 24 IF YOU want a wheat farm, come and see niei I have them for sale or trade; 720 acre farm, Sherman county. Oregon, a fine place, nearly all in? cultivation. Price $30 per acre. 8u0 acre well im proved farm in central Washington. Price $25 per acre. 20SS0 acre farm, cen tral Washington, price 845.000. 117S Tcre farm. Morrow county, Oregon; well improved, close to R. R. Price $25 per jSior. ,-: L. K. Moore, 617 Board of Trade, 1'ortland. s0 ACRES in Clackamas county, near i. new electrlo railway. 6 room ham and hophouse, good creek and well, 3 horses, ; waptuu aim uuier implements; aiso isuo sacks of spuds. Will exchange Portland Tesmence or vacant lots. WATSON & THERKELSEN CO., 80S Spalding bldg. M. 7592, WHERE CAN" YOU BEAT ITT . $24,000 200 acres, adjoining Oregon j'jiecinc survey, witnin nve miles New here-, almost CO acres bottom land nil tivated and "tried -and 35 acres commer cial orchard, good" buildings, subdivided Into 5 acre tracts. 4 tracts sold and contracts included with trade, Mort gaffe -$9500. Trade for Portland prop erty. Pacific Coast Brokerage Co., . Board or xraqe. niarsnau 4Zy. SIX room bungalow on E. 47th St., with built-in. bookcases and buffet, good furnace, cement basement, shades, etc.; i value $3500, to exchange for about 20 (acres not too rar out. , H - WATSON & THERKELSEN CO., I ,06 Spalding bldg. M. 7592 Large; Wheat Farm price, $46,000. Owner unable to give inion, wm conaiaer exenenge lor 5ertv. A good subdivision rjronosl- '1' might be considered. L K. Moore, t iioarra oi x rage Plug. .012,000 for I noome Prooertv 12,000,000 feet of old growth yellow fir. I will exchange for close-In east side income property ior - 912,000. -BEGGS - THOMPSON COMPANY, 1008 Spalding Bldg. ffB have $1600 worth of property. In come and residence, at Ashland and Mrciford-torude for a farm near Port. lfttiuT'-WaieF & Hunt, 43a Chamber of Commerce.. Main 6557. - . .- ' ACREAGE TO TRADE. '5 and 10 acre tracts of fine. improved Iawl on Kaiem isiecirici aiso near ror est prove. Will trade fbr city property, IBarre, 209 Commercial blk. NVAIIREN 30, 1912 roadster, good as w new, 9tu; taaa nair trade ior lot, equity or piano, A. H, Akerson, owner, 401 noma or iraue oiag. Alain ou, Woodlawn 8058. FIVE room cottage, full 60x100 feet lot ; on 10. Hoyt st, one .block from car, alue $2000, to exenange ror acreage. 'WATSON &. THERKELSEN CO.. 106 Spalding bldg. M. 7895, TOR TRADE-A fruit and grain farm In the irrigating belt of New Mexico for arm hej-e, 33 .pniK.t,, Corvallla., Or. VV 1 LjIj mt A X 9, A MUNTH Tn rmrtv who in .... , . nrAA will l."l".iUUU """Y ' r limtfe and lor for mv anartmetit at 170 6Ui sU Phone .Marshall 4298. mat:;: 21 'New Year .Resolutions" Resolve to save your money and ,.: buy a farm, . ...L: . LBead Our Exchange List v i 6 acres, all under cultivation, 4 room cottage, ,- chicken house. , r'ace woven-wire fenced, on good , . automobile road, joins town of r Vancouver, Wash., only .lt miles ;. from business district of Portland. : . Price $2800. Want good house and lot This farm is cleaf of in - cumbrance and will not assume mortgage. .'.' -, ; "10 acres," 9 under plow," 5 room house, smalt barn, fenced, on fine . automobile road, close to school, lies right in Sunnyslde, 12 miles from heart of Portland;, $1000 v ...mortgage runs for S years. Want h&use and lot or vacant lota for , equity:: - 20 acres, all under cultivation,, . E room, house, good barn, team .. horses,., tow nihloteeflftls ..Tarm mkcWnery.TT'hls .place Is located lft miles rrom Keeaviue. Price $6500. Will trade equity of $3629 tor house and lot-, but must be at cash price. This place Is easily worth $7100. FINE 80 ACRES. 80 acres, near Reedville, 17 un der cultivation, more easily , cleared except some good timber; good 7-room house, good barn, chicken houses and parks, root cellar, fine orchard of assorted ' fruits, 2 good wells. Farm lo cated 14 miles from heart of Port land on gaod. road. -Price $7500, geod terms, eP will exchange for good house and lot, but must be cash price. ? ''".-FINE DAIRY FARM. 80 acres, 2 miles S. W. of Philomath; 60 acres under culti- . vatlon, balance in timber and pas ture. Fine young cherry and ap ple orchard, good 7-room house, , barn and small outbuildings. This . place lies level and is fenced and cross-fenced. Stock, Including 7 Jersey, cows, 6 Jersey heifers, t horses, 145 chickens, farm imple ments too jjtumerous to mention: hay enough in barn to last until new hay comes; crops all in. This place will suit parties wanting dairy or general farming propo sition. Price $10,000. "will take city property up to $5000. IF YOTJ FOUND WHAT YOU WANTED, WOULD YOU BUY ITT Look at 93 acres of the best land in Clarke county, 75 acres under plow. All woven wire fence. Fine fir grove adjoining barn; 4 acres of bearing orchard; tfiOOO - worth - f - new- buildings ; fine road to place, also lies on two county roads, 1 mile from It. R and Columbia river, 15 miles " from Portland, near Vancouver; best buy in Clarke county; would consider good residence in part payment, Dut must be at cash price. See this at once. Price $15,000. Bee oa for farms. Baker & Dryer - 'The Acreage Men" 204 Railway Exchange Bldf. MODERN, up to date home of 8 rooms and full basement, furnace, gas, elec tric fixtures, etc.; 34th near Taylor. Price $8000; want small heme closer In as, first payment, balance easy pay ments. Interest.. per cent. 1 n ct nrnhard tract, new 4 room house, Medford district, on new R. R, line. Price $3000; want Portland home. 220 acre iarm near jwcMinnviue, ur flowing stream, orchard; want modern Portland home, balance easy terms. In terest 6 per cent. 100x100 corner. Sellwood, 7 room house, chicken house, fruit trees; want acreage. .... . . Seven minion reei oi sugar imi jci low pine, $7000; no incumbrance; will trade for clear property. Portland or vicinity. . . NATIONAL COOPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY. m Room 614, Abington bldg., Portland. Or. main o94i. Will Trade This Income Prooertv For a well Improved farm near Port land. Property consists of lot 60x100, Improved with a good two story brick building, with net income of $250 per month. Property leased for number of years. Price $32,500, mortgage of $9000 at 6 per cent. If your price is right, we can trade. J, M. French & Co, 412-413 Abington bldg., 106 8d st. WHO. wants a stock farm? Consider exchange on the following: 1920 acres, unimproved land, plenty of wa ter, about one third tillable, all kinds outside range, price $8 per acre; 2000 acres, 133 acres umier irrigation canai, good buildings, some stock and farm tools, K. K. tnrougn rancn. rrn-fl 000; 1020 acre ranch, 280 Irrigable, very good buildings, lots outside range. Price $45,000. L. K. Moore. 617 Board of Trade, Portland. SIX acres at Tigard, close to car; 14 story house, good well, etc., to ex change for bungalow of same value; price 30U0. WATSON & THERKELSEN CO., 306 Spalding bldg. M. 7592, TMQO For my $2000 equity in a fine residence? One block from car line,- close in. will accept good mortgage, Improved or un improved land; vacant lots or automo bile. PACIFIC COAST BROKERAGE CO.. Marshall 429; A-ioui. 618 Board of Trailer ' 22 LOTS in Bandon, Or.,; will trade for good rooming house. 160 acres in Grass Valley; will trade for rooming house. 320 acres In iacnamas county; traaa for anything. ' 60. room notei; iraae ior city prop erty. Arnold & Co., brokers, room 15, Washington piag. WANTED To trade a general store in a live Montana town ror rortiana property: bare lots tn business district preferred; investigate; address F. P. Brown, 1085 Willamette blvd., Portland, Or. JbOR -SALE or Trade 120 acres fine land in wmameue vaney, an tiuaoie, 2 miles from station, want to trade for Portland property from $4500 to $5000. jVL. COCHRAN, Medford, Or. EXCHANGE by owner, 35 acre fruit farm, part bearing, 75 miles from Portland; want wheat land or Los An geles property. J-202, Journal. "WHEN my skies were the bluest, my dreams were the best!" Buy. sell and trade your property with Griffin & Small, 408 Rothchlld bldg. 480 acres timber, near R. R, and river, . clear, trade for good Portland prop erty, residence preferred. E-227, Jour nal WK sell and exchange farms, houses and aotos. Wagoner & Hunt. 431 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6967. . WE exchange what you have for wha you want Peper & Baker 444 Sher lock h1da, 3d and Oak. Marshall 2654, BEST future corner, West Side; will - trade for good auto and mortgage. Kastiuna. -803 Worcester Piag. FOR quick sale will exchange 18 room rooming house for clear lou; a snap. R-133, Journal. ; WHA'f have, you to offer as first pay ment on first class bungalow close in? TJ-197. Journal. WILL-trade Portland property for tlm- ber lund Otunimprovcd lots. C-222, 1 Journal, -i . -,- . . I v For trmlcH of. all kinds see GARLAND & Co.. 191 4th sU 21 Brins This Ad With. You 160 ai'ies land clear of Incumbrance for 7 pass., auto. SO acre improved farm near Canby, Or., with all stock and Implements- tor i LAcaANui; :i:.h i..;t.! 1'ortland Tropepty. lannouneo mat 1 am ready to serve you 3.20 acrei fiii. land . unimproved near just aafaitlifully as ever-.If yewan Westfall, Or very cheap, for a house to buy or sell, I will give you the bene and.lot here in city, as I am tired of j fit of eight years" successful experi paylng rent. - ! encS' In this business in Portland, As Lease on 12 acres of fine potato landjl loob back over the year that euria'to and big team of young horses, wagon f night I can't hel but be proud of the and all necessary farm implements, successes gained, but that Isn't enough; value 800. lor a rooming nouse on wesii side.- - I Small country hotel, including 7 lots EOxlfln on i-ti fnr VLP.rfa.au. Imnroved: VOU : may go la this hotel and stay one week wltliout any expense to prove it is i good paying business. . - - !- 400 acres at Dufur, Or..ell tihproved land;- want city property. . some line iota at warrenion, urv iur 2 pass, auto. Small rooming house, close in on west side, for trade. , -- - BP.OADSTKEET'S EXCHANGE. 618-14 Lumber Exchange. 2d and Star. 610-U Rothchlld Dldg. Headquarters ' for Exchanges l4 irmi Viaira bnv rrA tt nrnnnrtV tO rail a nnrnA n inH a lift Wa likely have Just what you want in exchange tor wnat you nave, we gei quic ;viu to tnese trades. 60 ACRES.. 6 . room house. 20. acres cleared, for Portland property. 20 acres, fine 7 room bouse, electrlo pump, 2600 gallon tank, a dandy place for home In city. .'.... 9 acres, 6 -cleared," 11 miles out, for Small house or acre tract, near city. , Greenhouse and 4 acres thoroughly equipped; wants city home. '- 40 acres on White Salmon, No. 1 land, for city property, and many others. J. J. FISHER, Main 4841. . Exchange - . ! room elegant bungalow, Portland Heights, for improved farm worth $12, 000; my lot Is 150x200x116x100, and is worth $12,000. BEGGS - THOMPSON COMPANY, - 1008 Spalding ffiag. leo ACRES near Ocean View, on Yahutes river 6 room house and shed, $8500; will exchange for Portland residence. WATSON & THERKELSEN CO.. 306 Spalding bldg. . M. 7692. WANTED REAL ESTATE 31 WANTED To buy strictly modern bun- galow or modern residence, in good UlLriCl.r ilUU4 UVTUQl. .AU.UO AAil A' AfcA'JAiJ OF INCUMBRANCE. Will pay some cash and balance in country property. M-166. Jourpal. WANTED At once, a lot or house and ioi or a m uou) v"y I indistanca of : Jefferson high school D-163, journal, WANTED Apartment site on westslda, ramar ir InulitM lnts Owners onlv. Provident Trust Co.JjJd floor Selling bldg. WE buy, sell or exchange your real es tate. Frank r. Dora uo -2 nam ber of Commerce. Phone Marshall ,7,48. WE CLEAR LAND. JACKOLA BROS. Hox 6S1K. 1, MoinrooK, ur. WANTED Heal estate, cash or tratie. Miller ft ConkUn. Bit Henry bldg. ROOMING HOUSES 53 Hotel and Apartment House Buyers, Attention Read this list over carefully and call at our office. If you ever expect to get a first class hotel or apartment at less than cost of the furnishings, this Is your opportunity. MODERN HOTEL. 76 rooms, strlctlv modern, west Side hotel, with grpund floor office and lob by, private baths, etc.: rent only $7 per room. This house is elegantly fur nished and is clearing $300 per month and the price only $7000; terms for a rirst class notei. MODERN APARTMENT. 60 rooms in the very choicest close-In west side location; strictly modern hjrlck bldg.; 2 and 3 room apartments, ffhls house Is elegantly furnished throlffh out: everything. Including -gas ranfes, go in the sale, and the house is clearing $150 month, although every apartment is under rented at least $6 each. But they are always rented. This house never sold for less than $8000. We can doliver this house at less than you could furnish half of it for. Full price only $3600; $1760 cash, balance to suit? Now get busy. ' MODERN APARTMENT. 61 rooms. Nob Hill location; etrctly modern and the rent is only $200 per month; this Is less than $4 per room for a modern apartment house; every apart ment is furnished and will guarantee this house Is clearing $150 per month over every expense. Remember, the rent less than per room. And, best of 11. the nrlca Is only $3300: $1800 cash. No trade considered. You could not furnish the house for less than $4500. Come early or you will lose the best buy In Portland.. RALPH ACKLEY LAND CO.. 170 5th st. Opposite Postofflce. WE IK lJ C W WWW M u ' 510-511 Rothchild Bldg, Rooming House Specialists We have Just now several first class and paying rooming houses and hotels that will exchange for good real estate In city or country, or sell on very easy terms. If you want to trade for a good rooming house or buy on easy payments see us. 14 ROOMS in 6 connecting housekeep lng suites, rurnace neat, an conven iences, place always full;, one of the best places on west side. Am leaving cltv and tnust be sold this week; part cash, balance easy, or will trade for lot close In. See owner, 608 Commercial blk. No agents. 9 Rooms Near 4th and Main $175 PHVB JfUUl iCllb I11V11. J , JV4 .lawn fc enough money we win loan u to1 you Call 513 Lumber exchange Diag.. za a nd Stark. 22 Rooms. Fine Furniture RDlendld location, clears $150 month: this Is one of the nicest little houses in Portland; bachelor owner anxious to sell; a big bargain for some one. (26-K) J. E. NICHOLS CO.. 615 Yeon Bldg. Today's Special 9 room rooming house,; close to Mor rison St., rent $30; all full; worth $500. Price Is taken today, $190. Peters, 607-9 Henry bldg. 17 ROOMS ONLY $500. Part cash, location close In on west side, every room full, part H. K.; clears $66 per month and your own apartment free; can you beat this? (K.-18) J. E. NICHOLS CO:, 616 Yeon .Bldg. 10 ROOMS, 6 minutes from postofflce, $376 if taken today. Phone Marshall 4286. ' FOR SALE FlnV apartment house cheap if sold at once: apartments all full except two; phone Main 6581. 12 ROOMS, well furnished, money maker, swell location. Must sell. Main Ate ft ' RENT ONLY $5 MONTH 62 rooms at 171 H Front at ' For na anvthlno- west side. A transient nouse always run. I'hone A-5301. A GOOD rooming house cheap, rooma all full. See owner, 474 Yamhill, cor- nor itn si. .'' -Today's Special, - 18 room rooming house in heart of A ttfrt . . A I...., Mld I,KL ' TCiEIBW LOCATORS r LniUr; ailayT.unf-ii,ortjiaiiawJie. 266,llta,JV tor ail ir sold at once iiu. l eteis, v0(-r Uonry bldg.. , J' i( f ' ' . Happy Now Year To all those to wh'ow I have sold a rooming house or hotel, or for whom 1 have sold one. I wish you a happy and prosperous new-yett l-wlsh.-to i i ue mo ui v mt. nu talk over the buying or selling of a pince ior you any umo. wisning every good luck. ttM R, finnnard 605 Yeon bid sr. FOR SALE or trade, 84 room hotel In heart of city; a nargain li sota at once. Phone Main 6561. BUSINESS CHANCES 20 TOE WES 510-511 Roth'child Bldg, Business Chance Headquarters i Country stores, grocery atores, cigars, confectionery, restaurant, lunch coun ters, hardware, furniture, or any kind of a business you maybe looking-for; all sizes, all locations and -ail prices. You will save time and money talking with us, Country Town Hotel ' : and Bar, $7000 Located In town 8500 population. This is a tip-top location; best corner, rent $130. sub-rents stores for $99; fine ground floor office, etc., dining room a-la carter half of the bar goes with stock of $1000. Don't be afraid of this. BEOGS - THOMPSON COMPANY. 1008 Spalding Bldg Rakftrv. $360 handles a good, little, neat stand, fine place to add a few groceries, etc,; I would look this up if I really wanted a neat little proposition for a man and wife. BEOOS-THOMPSON COMPANY, 1008 Spalding bldg. Pool Hall And splendid cigar ana confectionery Imi'lnnna AAmhlnnJ- iranr ViAtit 1 rtf CI 1 ftf! J . i ,,.U nhla nlotA nlaara "t'o"$300 month the yar around! why not look tnls up Prlce ,1900; Home terms. (K-Xl J. E. NICHOLS CO., 616 Yeon Bldg. Tndav's Snecial cigar Store on one of best transient streets In city, stock will lnvoico 4uu fixtures, $1100; but If sold at once, I wlTl give the whole thing away ror 39o; terms. This place cleats $7 dally. Peters, of course. 607-9 Henry bldg. Hardware Store Country Town $5000 Buys a good store $6006. B EGOS-THOMPSON COMPANY, 1008 Spalding bldg. WANTED Someone to finance a cya nide plant on a pit of sliver tailings of about 80,000 tons, said to assay $3 a ton; call or address J. II. S., 374 E. Morrison. Portland. INDUCEMENTS offered in a new grow ing town with a pay-roll. If you are looking for a business opening, consult us. Timber Townslte Co.. 609 North- west bl dg.. Sixth and Washington sts. ItENT or sell new restaurant complete. Good lease and civic center. Seats 60: lunch counter ponnected; rent $40. Call and see owner Vho is sick. 217 Vi Stark, ask for C. I. Fredrick. . A GOOD PAYING first class shoe store and repair shop In good location at In voice; can give terms. WATSON & THERKELSEN CO.. 806 Spalding bldg. M. 7592 IF YOU want an established furniture business in Portland that will net you $6000 a year you better hurry; rent only $60: very little money required. Own- er, B-179, Journal. FOR SALE Electric supply and fixture store and contracting business, in bus iness nearly 4 years in Sunnyslde. Ow ing to ill health cannot take care of same, sell at a bargain, all or half In terest, or part cash, and trade for bal- ance. Apply to Bristol, 1041 Belmont st MEAT market in town of 00 DOnula- tlon. sell at invoice, about 91000, gooa business. Reason for selling going into wholesale business. Powell & Harris, Houlton, Or. Phone 52. Printing Plant Threa nlaten nrestes. A-l In every re spect; now running; doing a good busi ness. G-169, Journah NEW lumber town offers Irduceraeats to those who get in on the ground floor. We will help you to get into business. Inquire 609 Northwest build in g.SlxUiandVashington FOR SALE 56 room hotel, very rea sonable if sold at once; cash or terms. Other business reason for selling. K- 179, Journal GROCEUV Good residence neighbor hood, stock xresn and clean, line open ing for meat market; good living rooms. Phone Woodlawn 63. Phone C-2268. MF4T MATtKET A fine location and cash business. I will sell cheap. This is private, T-159, Journal. WOODWORKING machinery, elective motor, nearly new, for sale or trade, for real estate or merchandise. TX- 160, Journal. FOR SALE Brlgjc machine and all equipments for brickyard, cheap. J. H. McMahon, 1263 Division st. FOR SALE cheap, furniture and lease of midway hotel. Terms or part trade. See owner, 832 Milwaukle. GROCERY, strictly cash, no delivery, good location, cheap rent, good busi ness for two; investigate. East 157. $250 to invest in some legitimate busi ness; no wildcat schemes. G-191, Journal. 500 Business Cards, $1 Rose City Printery. 192 3d st. FOR SALE Dyeing and oleaning works, or half interest. Call 355 Salmon st HELP WANTED MALE 1 HOUSES FOR RENT 12 Experienced Salesmen to sell our lionio.i in ail parts of the ciiy, on easy payment plan, and close in, restricted, residence lots, on both the east and west sides; also close Jn acreage, and build to suit purchasers. We furnish some prospects and assist in closing sales. Liberal commissions. Ask for sales manager. PROVIDENT TRUST CO. 2d floor Selling bldg. WANTED Steady family man to take charge of four horse team on big ranch and pay part of wages on small orchard tract. Must have some cash to pay down on same. School and store on premises." Salary $65per month. L 158. Journnl. WANTED Salesmen tor Timber town site. It is a live one; two thirds of business section is sold; we want live ones to sell balance tract Prices soon; leads furnished. v TIMBER TOWNSITE CO., 60 Northwest bldg. WANTED A few young men to learn watchmaking and engraving, profitable work; plenty of openings; for informa tion write mo uione Diag., Portland, or. WANTED A man to sell the best metal polish to buildings, bare, automobil lsts, etc.; also janitor supplies,. 8-171, journal. i WANTED At ojice, 2 men to learn to drive and repair automobile. Call at Hawthorne Garage", 446 Hawthorne. CHEF Headquarters and Helpers, -CALIFORNIA WINE DEPOT, -285 Yamhill Street. - WANTED- 3 men tb learn automobile repairing and , driving. . Pacing Uur- MEN wanted to lake tbeir Turkish bath at (be corbel t was. path,, i;;.U' v.tML;--:i.Li: AMIUTIuUS UUNU MEN, between 17 - i'i, who fo not get tint; alftirt well, misa a, tt eat -chance 1f tliey fail to iuvestigate the United States n4,w. Vou ouslit to know in full about the1 good pay, steady advawrment, true board Knd lodging.fine training and compau- njusnipr 4inani-a- jo learn useitH - trttoeHi ? t at.Tl?fwv,,ni1 the opportunity xavy itecruitl cnange mag. particulars. , ,; rir , - ir.i . i. I boot TyJ5" & jK&l"Xtn ng -Station, Kailway Kx- . mil nriftltir nf-nomfnrtabla 1 rf .Rooms. $3.50 .nd up. elegantly book about navy life. etc. acnd today V Jo Bureau of Navigation, Box 327, Navy pno"8: :' lepartment, WaHhtn;tori. I), C. . U'EW' Y. M-O A. ICMPLOfUENT JiKPT- Employment memberahiD cuaritnteeal member will secure euiployent or refund or memoerenip iee: gives two:months full membership privileges. 10 months' :;VV,r,,rV"J?":-" membtr cmniav during th u t-,lhot of mmhrnhin Tntthnu .fnr4h Poland both phones in every room; cen- ' Kecord for 11 monthi endinr Iovm. I candor meV.;vv.,..V..;..;..2oio Positions filled ........ .1...1ST4I Ba Secretary Employment , Dec-art 1 ment, Y. It. C, A. . - , ' t WANTED High class salesmen to sell . Dan- rrancisco exDOsition tour tickets:! easy t selling and good pay- ao artvances v-Apply' toom 352 - Multnomah madet hotel. - Open evenings. ; HELP ;. WANTED MISC. : 49 , rf-,,-t;,-o;,. MOVING PICTURE' BUSINESS Double your present income; learn to operate moving pictures. Operators earn $26 to $35 weekly. We have the onlv I school In Portland. Theatre experience 1 given. Terms reasoname. we surt 1 you in tne moving picture business on I eaav terms. 1 , JiEW YORK FILM EXCHANGE, , ; v&vy vt man nigiun, year inn. FREE illustrated boolt tells about over 860.000 protected positions in.-li.a. service. More than KLOao VaoancloS every year. There is a big chance here for you, sure and generous pay, lifetime employment. Easy to get. Just ask for booKiet c--6. mo obligation. Earl HopHins, wasnington, v. c. OREGON AUTO SCHOOL, 166-68 11th St.. Cor. Jefferson. D.....I..I I. . t - A driving automobiles; tuition reasonable: rr Miah nr. nrniimrnt tilling at Hm of .rkduatibn: weai.t ur VriduatM to w,sitlons. LOCALfepreaentatie wanted. No can- BnM& oneratlva Realtv V.c N.90B. t ardn blder.. Wrashinton. D. C. MEN wanted to learn a lucrative c-ro- fession. If you are dissatisfied with tit vmt.D.if a I tiavtn busfnesH. 409 Cammonwealth hide. T . L- . T . '.I. - " H -I MEN. WOM KW. set itovernment loon. I 120 week. Write immediatei v tor list of positions open. Franklin Institute. Dept. 338 W Rochegter. N. Y. RAILWAY mall clerks wanted t month, Portland examinations soon, coaching free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 340 W. Rochester. M. r. MEN and women to learn tne barber I trade In 8 weeks; positions guar- enteeo. ore. HarDer i.-oiicge. isaa Maaison. INTERNATIONAL Correspondence CAMBRIDGE bldg., 3d. corner Morri Schools, 605 McKay bldg.; Tel. Main son, furnished and unfurnished hduse- 1026. WANTED That E. C. Ruland answer this ad af once. Have position you want. is. c. k.. f-i6Z. journal. WANTED 2 men to learn auto repalr lng, driving; Madison Garage, 1111 Hawthorne. UNCALLED for tailor mace suits, 16.60 up. Taylor the Tailor, 285 Burnside st UNCALLED for tailor made suits. $8.60 up. Harvard lanom. st id u HELP WANTEDFEMALE 2 WANTED YOUNG LADIES FOR TEL EPHONE OPERATING. WITH OR WITHOUT EXPERIENCE. PAID WHILE LEARNING. APPLY AT TflE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELE GRAPH COMPANY (EAST OFFICE), COR. TH AND EAST ANKENY ST3.. OR (MAIN OFFICE); WEST PARK AND ALDER. TELEPHONE EAST 260. WANTED First class corset sales women: must thoroughly understand fitting and selling and have 'best of references. ArDly superintendent's of flee 8:30 to 10 a. m. Olds, Wortman & King. k TUl? F . A M Rli-H aniu -nimh an - v perlenced girl for pantry and dining room work; one who will live In the house. , WANTED Ladv to take care of 2-year- old child during day for room ad board; references exchanged, call sua Miller ave. after 6 p. m. WANTED Girl for general housework In small-family; phone C-1401, East 2250. EXPERIENCED cashier and phone girl; must be fast writer. V-183, Journal. APPRENTICE, hair dressing. $15 full course. Combings bought. M. 1916. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 9 MOLER BARBER' COLLEGE Wanted Men and women to learn the barber trade in 8 weeks, tools free, a chance to get in business for yourself. Send for free catalog, or call at 35 N. 4th St ' WANTED AGENTS 0 ONE man's commission last week $216, selling Washington Nursery Co. trees. If you can walk, talk and write an or der, write us today for territory. Wash lnKton Nursery Co.. Toppenlsh. Wash. WANTED At once, an experienced cou pon agent; studio situated lu aotown of 6000; a good proposition. OX-171, Journal. SALESMEN wanted to aid us In sup plying the brisk demand for nursery stock. Address, Capital City Nursery Co.. Sa'em. Oregon. SITUATIONS MA LE BOOKKEEPER wants position. 7 years experience, capable of taking charge of books or office; well known business men as references. I'hone (;--540. POULTRY dresser, experienced picker, with business ability, wants steady employment. AX-226, Journal. SITUATIONS FEMALE MIDDLE-AGED lady to assist with light housework or staying; with child: Hotel Summit, 147 13th st, between 2 and 5 p. m.; Marshall 14 4, A -6088. A LADY of considerable experience wishes position as working .house keeper in family of adults. C-248, Journal. WANT steady places foe. v washing, sweeping, moping; 20o hour; Mrs. C, 102 E. 8th st. N. toUNG widow wishes position as housekeeper for-gentleman; room 8, 187 4th st WORKING woman want to work for nice small family for room and board. Must be close In. Y-165, Journal, WOMAN wants to care for child; no other children; call 669 Bldwell ave., Pellwood. LACE curtains, dollies, battenburg, French laundry, done by experts; 26c nip; all work guaranteed. Woodlawn 2684. WANT child, prefer girl, to care for; good home, mother's care, reasonable; Mrs. J. E. 8mith, Parkplace. Or. POSITION as Janitress' lu office build ing; experienced; phone Marsh all 6262. fJACE curtains, draperies, laundered by expert 25c ip; Tabor $17. DRESSMAKING 40 PLAIN sewing done cheap at home or hy the day; Marshall 76. NURSES 60 MATERNITY nurse wants case imme- diatcly; 4 will h do .light housework. uu-iii. f p A TjT I C A 1 n trrsc iwaii I s ca ses," f 1 0 " to $18 weekly; reforeucea., Sellwood f 1 IHM . ili.l) IKK Vi;sT sii: liOTF.L lUKt'R, I'fisu Finn eu. Onnosita i'it Hall UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. . . V. Nk'tlTllMR wr.H. WTiy live so (ar out w'h.'n you ran got and cold water ,a a ew fireproof xurniBnea oouoio moras wiin rain moderate rates. Clean ana quiet. Both jerrerson far uepot. - NEW 12TH AT WASHINGTON ST. Absolutely fireproof; 120 - outside room, and suites. 70 with private bath and cold running water; steam heat Hy locaiea. i i.pv mo. mnu up. Hotel Madras . iith and wash. Is makln SDecial Inducements on St t week rooms; steam heat, hot and cold, water and good service. Get la wmie I k.U.ttNJiamiaJt tauiiia, always warm,. hot tahd cold water, close w K 0.: 15o and iir - ""i' kv. $1 day. Special terms by week or month. i-iotet Arminius. 4iov Morrison si. AlirON HOTEU Hth wand sura, strictly modern, beautlfuiry furnished, 00 aId cold water, steam heat and free phones in each room. M weeK and up, HOTEL La Salle, lOtn and Burnside ats, flra nroof. eleeantlv furnished, steam heat, hot' and cold water, special rate by month, rhone' Marshall 404J, rnRMiiiMnn aenm 1W!BT BEDS PBIYATB IAMH.T 70 NEWLY furnished front room, modern conveniences, centrally. reasonable. 404 Clay, near 10th. $1. PER WEEK, heat, gas, phone, hot water bath off hall; home comforts. 773 Roosevelt, near 23d. Marshall 4116. FRONT and back parlor, 2 beds, bay winaow, 4.tu weeK, including oatn, neat, ooi water. ss ta bu, near Jl ferson; 7 blocks to P. O. - - 1 L J W Zlt no fakoul . water ana leal beat, no laKe. HOMl Cadillac, 3rd st. near jeiierion. blocks to y, u, UOTf nA" a,.lL ,'c?i.Ml! roos;Tl?econvrn1Xer t permanent guegts. Itn a:ia tttftTK. VAN GORDON HOTEL. b- Wh. ndJSUrk, rooma always warm, iree 7, room. $1 a day and up. $4 weeK and up. THK K3lil L WORTH. 228 2D ST. - . V . .unaU..n Inn.tlnn omsbiu iino., .v-.w.., .u.. always clean ana warm. I J ween ana up, MirtilrO m ASfTTlfNl ?7', Stli at., rooma UliiU) U U.U. U'jWWWIAJ 91.6U up per week. Free phune and bath. Main 1104. :it Cn 468 Wash. st. lk.lk.93 wk. ud: new ma nagement, mouern. main 7mt, A-BOitl HUThlL BUCKINGHAM ibi'A Wash. new and modern, steam heat, private baths. J.i.faO wees ana up. Mam 91, keeping rooms $1.50 week up. THE COLONIAL Most central and comfortable, loa lutn, oor. xaorriaen: just renovated: light. Steam heat. 82 to $6 FURNISHED rooms tn modern hotel, team heat, bath, $3 per week and up. Hotel M edford.-J. 22. Jth at . MCE. clean furnished rooms, close in; cheapest rent in city. 6 ft so. St., cor. Pine. . . THE-KING 30i Jefferson; nicely fur nished rooms; modern, neat, centrally located. $i.26 week up. hoi EL Glenwood 246 Salmon, modern h o.tel, furnishert rooma jg.ftu wk. up. FURNISHED j&oin .In modern hoist. 92. 6U weeK ana up. op Aiacr. HuTEL ANTLERS Warm, clean rooms. terms moderate, loth ana Wash. THE- BUSHMARK. modern, steam heated hotel, 82 wk. up; bli Wash. THE lllNDELL, steam heated, rooms j-1 week up. 269 Market. Main 6661. THE RANDOLPH, steam heat, free hnths. t'i week up. 252 Columbia. HOTEL OAK, 347 Oak. steam heat, hot and cold water. $2 week up. THREE rooms $18 per mo. 14 15th st, near Alder. FURNISHED RCTMS EAST SIDE 52 RIVERVIEW HOTEL, 3d and E. Burnside. The hest eauiDDed fireproof hotel in - city. Centrally located. Private C hones, elevator, 7oo per day. private ath $1 per day and up. Special low rates to permanent guests. Limousine buss free to and from all trains. THE larrabee 227 H Larrabee. Rooma $2 wk., up. Brick bldg., steam beat, hot. cold water, bath, phonei electricity. HOTEL EDWARDS, Grand avenue, . Morrison: rooms 33 Week up: absolute ly respectable; private baths. E-323. rUBJOSKED BOOKS BIDS PRIVATE 7AMXLY EAST n NICELY furnished room for one or two gentlemen; walking distance. Bath, gas, heat and p-hone. $8 per month for one $12 for two. 321 Wasco st. cor. E. 1st - . H UNFURNISHED ROOMS 10 TWO large unfurnished front rbomai phone, gas, water, bt ;iamnlll st. ROOMS AND BOARD 15 ROOM and board, $25 per month, three meals a flay, sunaay inciuuea. wain 6608. 322 14th st. NICELY furnished rooms with or with out board. 630 Davis. A-3376. . ROOM AND BOARD PRIVATE PAMZXiY 73 OUTSIDE rooms, board, bath, $5 week up; meal tickets, i4.au. iiS4 main st. THE MANITOU, 261 13th St.; steam heat, excellent table, $25 to $30 mo. $14 4 furnished housekeeping rooms; gas plate, steot .range. 618 7tn st BOARD and room In private family, with bath and use of piano. 15 N. 9th. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD 39 WANTED-Boara and room for young man and boy or 6. J-ivi, journal. HOUSEKEEPING -ROOMS WEST SIDE 8 HOUSEjxEEPING and furnished rooms. Gem hotel. 666 1st st. Steam heat new bldg.; rooms $1 week up; freephone THE Ul'SHUIi. 406 V4 26th st Furnished 2-room apts, steam heat, light. $16 up. Main una. TaKe o. or w. car, NEW gas range and running water in rooms; free bath and' phone; right down town. 208ft 3d. H'IixisHKI) H. K. rooms, modem. $1.6 up. S car to 307 Sherman. Marshall Il3. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, single and In suites, $1.75. up. 608 Alder. THE GUman, 1st, cor. Alder. . Furnished H. K. rooms $1.60 week up. THE MITCHELL 7th & Flanders. H, K. sleeping rooms, very mooerate. HOUSEKEEPTNO EOOMS WEST BXPE gaiTATB XAXLLT 73 TWO rooms completely furnished house keeping; fireplace, gas range, hot wai.Pi-. furnace beat: also 1 room kltch. enetS next- to bathroom suitable for bachelor. 475 Clay. , ; ' ; NEAT furnished housekeeping suites. steam heat $2.60 and $3 week. The Llllv. -245H N. 17th, corner Marshall,. IlOUSEJIEEPlNG or sleeping rooma from $7 to $10 per xnonui. lh ev enings after 6 o'clock. l N. 14th. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, $2 week up. Phone, bath, ngnt iree. zb wont omerV. ' " ' HOUSEKEEPING eultea In modern flat. 1 rent reasonaoie; people empioyea pre ferred. 6!5,. GHsan. a v . - .: FURNl&'HED housekeeping rooma -with phone, gas anobatn. 134 Grand ave-, North. . ' - , ,.- HANDSOMELY furnished; front suite. . $15 a month. :" 405 13th st. TWO "grnnwri -f leor-rum selteeptfi g "room very reasonanm. r;asy wain. jitn 49'ICE. housekeeping auiteTliirV, Park fc I nmlrilni? t-liyht down town? Nl'.'l F.V fu'ni I .. i 1 ttin.Ji.ru apt. J-v -mi i e1t!('trl(- l!;.!iti.' ' ,t.V V.i to IJuion depot, c..v, FljRNlMlED ' !...;:., ... . . ; pleasant 'outside rmmis, Jj up. Vnlon ave., rnr. Pelnior-r. CLEAN front euUeT"biiibT!nii. free.. 464 -Kast 'RuniMld... . HOTJSBXEETIIfO KOO"1! SAST BIDB fKIVATE JAtiiiT 71 $16 Do you want a comfortable h o- rooms rurhi.vhed: ranee, ms. hat It. 245 East 37th.: Tabor lji8, Also-6-rm moaern flat. W. 8. Car. HOUSEKEEPING" rooms, a or 3 lur nlshed or uartlv . furnltihed: liath. phone; reasonable, 347 Grand avo. N., near ttroaa way. - " - $1.50, $2.75 weekly, clean furnished li. K. rooms: rag. free heat Inunrtrv. baths. Phone East 6039. 406 Vancou ver.""- ";"-.- : FRONT '- suites, modern, cheap rent. walking distance.' 837 B. Ankeny st. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms,-. .ground floor. 202 E. 45th st. B-1913. FiiBJilEaiiousekeptiiff-Woins, cU4 " in; no opjection to child. 484 r.. oaic. NEAT housekeeping rooms, verv rea- gmmuie. - oa union ave. rsorin. HOUSES. Ids RENT 13 THE MEIER & FRANK ' 8TORE3 . FREE RENTAL AND INFORMA- TION BUREAU. Is for the convenience of both Port-, land people and strangers In the city who may be looking for homes, apart ments ana rials, we nave an excellent , firlvate list, as well as the combined ists of all real estate dealers. We can also give advice as to the new buildings in course of construction. - v . - House hunters, especially, win ' una relief in this special service, for wt , help you to get quickly, comfortably and ', desirably located. ,. when you want to rent, visit ...'':,:.-:'-- '.'-";. THE MEIER &-FRANK RENTAL BUREAU. 4th Floor, Main Bldg. FOR RENT. 116 PER MONTH. . Nice,, new, modem :- bungalow, five rooms and bath. Large grounds, shsde tree and rosesr-Rear-Mount Scott car line. 4507 70th st., S. E. . Phone Tabor -1317 or Main 8458." 10 ROOM house with good furnace and fireplace, In good condition, walking distance. , No. 128 N. 18th st Call 434 Market at. Phone Main 2840. FOR RENT East Ankeny and 24th ats., 7-rooms and bath,- fine order, near school, stores and cars. ; Phone owner. East 6166. NICE,- new, modern bungalow, 6- rooms and bath. Good car service. . 101 E. 64th st., near Washington or phone Mar shall 5239. ' $16 5 ROOM modern cottage, shades, lawn, fine condition. Woodstock. Sell, wood 1335. 7 ROOM house, 17th St.. $16; 6 room house, 15th St.. $23. Call 62$ Irv- lng st. - - ." - . - - ' '-.- :- 6 ROOM house for rent, sleeping porch, bath, electricity and gas, centrally located. Inquire 433 Montgomery. .. $11.50 month, 3 large- housekeeping rooms, partly furnished, water and . telephone paid. 897 E. Couch st. E. 3065. 6 ROOM cottage, in. first-class" condU tlon, to responsible parties only. 880 E. Davis st; rent $20. Key at 125. 6th. 6-r-GrajidvenunKalowfclroonv nice yard, fireplace, wooaiawn 2ai. 7 ROOM house, walking distance; kvy at 469 etn, orpnone landlady, -B-Z032. 6-ROOM house near Sunnyslde sohooX $12.60. Can Tabor 3586. 248 E. 31sU - $10 Cottage and: garden lot, three blocks from car. ;194 E. Z2d. E. 8083. FOR RENT 6 room house, newly tinted. Phone East 836. WAVERLEIGH Heights, modern 6 room house, 816 Ellsworth. Sellwood 765. i ROOM house; ttntuirAJUfi Division st Phone Tabor 1463. " FURNISHED HOUSES 80 FURNISHED COTTAGE. 6-rooms. Completely furnished. Alt mod ern conveniences. Furnace, fireplaoe, fas and electricity, 960 Savler, corner 8th sts, Willamette Heights. Price $35 per month. THE SHAW FEAR COMPANY, , 102 Fourth Bt Main 35 A-3508. FOUR room cottage, furnished for housekeeping; no children: near Rus sell, and Williams ave.. 462 Flint E. 6571. -- -- . $18 Furnished 6 room cottage, modern, adults only. $027 89th ave. E. Ta- bor 1042 after 4 p. m. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room house, thoroughly rnodern. good loca tion, 301 Yeon bldg. - $306 room modern furnished house; lawn, piano. Koomja wasnington mag. FOR RENT- SU-room furnished house to adults only. Phone Tabor 133. ' 4 ROOMS nicely furnished; near 2 car- llnes. 1202 Borthwlck st- MODERN 4 room upper flat, with al cove, attio and pasement. Main 04io. FURNITURE FOR SALE 83 HOUSES .FOR KENT FURNITURE 8 room cottager facing W. Park; yard, roses, l'iioue Main siigg. Bargain.. SNAP if taken at once. 8 room house. 312 B sU inquire 808 3d st, nai $200 cash. - ' FURNITURE FOR SALE 65 TO BE SOLD TO ' PAY MORTGAGE. Gentleman's oak chiffonier, oak Ward robe, with full glass door, lady's dress ing table, fine oak bedroom sut, com-, plete library table. 4 rugs, chairs, fine range, heater, dishes and cooking uten sils. This is all the finest of furniture; no one has better, and haa to be sold to pay off mortgage, Come make us an oner, mere are mi n iumh w. have not mentioned. First one to see it will sure buy. N. 615 Yeon bldg. 450 DOLLARS will take a beautifully furnished 7 room flat 6 minutes" walic 1 from postofflce; modern, 4, 849ft 6th St. ; APARTMENTS 43 ANKENY COURT New ; maaagernent; 2 and 3 room apts.; new Duuojug, new furniture, hot water heat; main line Dhones In aver apartment: $21 to $26; everything first class. E. Ankeny or Montavuia car.- ' -oa, East isuv. tSSfifu Lucretia Court Marol On Lucretia st, near Wash, and IJ. most exclusive 2 to 6 room unjfurulshsa apts. in city;- reference!. ,--A- J. Gray Gables Av vfr m rvvuin vvbi 7v Ht ifia heat, electrlo light, walking distance. 283 10th. A-Z62. Overton Apartments . 1a m,-iA AtiaS'Ant " I. H tt I MAW Wf.A . era 2, t and 4 room apts; $23.60 and up. SAN MARCO APARTMENTS Cor. East Couch and 8th sts. Modern, quiet, easy walking distance. Reasonable. Phone East 176S. -"' , THE DAVENPORT. '-V " ''u All outside 2 and $-room apartments) team heat, strictly modern, -walking distance. 606 Jefferson. Main 6435. THE ELMS, l!U 14th st-r-4ioU. ru 2 aoi room furnished apta. exctlleut Iuca tlon walking distance; reasonable. THH FLORENCE ' I and 4 room apts. high class ssr vice; children accepted, thtt Uth st, THE DE LAIR. 619ft WiUlain av ! . modrn fumishsd s-room epts.; pn vete phones, baths, 325 tip. Fast 4tv. THE UPSHUR, 408ft 26 lb st Furnjeh-J room apts,. steam heat, llgiit, $1? ttMaln 859. Take S, JS'lrW. rc. 6UNNYMONT APX8., S5tn and '.1i.h...',' SS-car, best in city for the pric, the price is right. Phone 'l ahi.r ' THE DEL MoWCat t r h T. v r f . i - room apts.; reasonable, t.iiii. Unce. 167 Stout jit. n-r iiu, u v..,, BTfckTSpTsTl'ut i"Ji i' .i t room furnished end m i . ' i rn,' electric xlovitor.- A ---. '' FOUR linhL. . i - 1 1 i i. tusheu tor iioiin'-h phoni), jon-Uca, ttg. i L