Ai 1. ,vLLU ULUn.i URiiEY PR;CES;Ar CLOSiNG OF HOLIDAY kiur.try Interests Try to Hold Up ' Consumers for More Than 30c a Pound, and Lose Out by Holding Back Their Shipments. t , ,.. , a All Observe Holiday. All financial and market ex- changes ot th country observed 4 a- Jx'ew Year's day and no trading t was shown , anywhere. - In the t Yont street trada there waa no f business reported -"tils, morning 8 and the livestock, market at '"""North " Portland r, was-likewise' $V, closedr An unexpected slump. occurred In the price of turkeys In the dressed poultry trade along Front street late yesterday afternoon, sending the pries' down to s24o ft pound. This was a cnt of 6c from the figures that have been ruling recently, r . ... --:' At the last moment thera were very liberal offerings, which were unex pected. C6untry-Interests were trying to hold out for still higher prices than 30c a pound; therefore held back their shipments until the. last moment In the hope of obtaining a further advance. This caused the downfall of prices be cause the trade, already had about all the stock It needed at the nigh point Greed was the sole cause of the sharp advance in the price of turkeys and the ..subsequent decline. Some' of the F. U. B. buyers purchased turkeys at low ' prices early and then boosted the mar ket in order to hold up consumers for more moneys .'-; AGRICULTURAL ADVISER FOR LEW1ST0N FARMS . y,, .. Spc'-" to The Journal.) Lewlston, Idaho. Jan.- 1. An agrlcul . tural adviser for the farmers of Lewis county , will be employed at the-next meeting that will be held at Nezperce, was a decision reached at ft meeting at tended by zoo farmers and business men of the prairie town. - The Interest that has been manifested by the -Chicago grain commission in this Innova tion prompted by the local business and agricultural-interests is responsible for the movement. .-' Dr. W. I Carlyle, nekd of the depart ment of the University of Idaho, was present at the meeting and strongly fa vored the employment of a farm ex pert. IMPORTANT CHANGES . IN FRUIT INTERESTS (Saeclal to The JonrutU - Milton, Or, Jan 1. Tha Milton-Free-water Fruit Growers' union will hold Its annual business meeting on January 9. A committee consisting of F. K. This bank is an ideal institu tion for business men's bank ing., its policy is liberal and accommodating, as far as safe business methods permit. It believes in stimulating the business activities of its cus tomers. UNITED STATES National Bank Third an3 Oak Sts. Savings Deposits IViade January 2d and 3d Draw interest for the full month-at 4 per cent per annum. Interest compounded semi-annually. lumbermens National Bank ) t l- Corner Fifth and Stark RESOURCES 6 MILLIONS Eadd'&Tiltoh ESTABLISHED 1859 Capital Stock - - $1,000,000.00 vv Surplus and Undivided ProfiU $1,000,000.00 COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS ACCOUNTS Lettersof credit, drafts and travelers checks Issued, available in all parts of the world Corkier Third and Washington Streets FIRST NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL $1,500,000 SURPLUS $900,000 OLDEST, NATIONAL BANK WEST OF THE ROCKY. MOUNTAINS oa. Jhoff, O. C. Calhoun, K. V. Jensen. 1.. L, JohnMi arid Harry Jluber ban been in ppsslon for two days to pie pare the business for the meeting. Many important changes riave been recom mended ty tlie committee . who were assisted by a largo number of the busi ness men ..oX-Freewater and Milton. The changes include the reduction of the number of directors from seven to three; the discontinuance, after one year, of the paying ofOnterest on stock; the vesting of more power In the manager, and the increase of the pay of the di rectors. A meeting of the growers will be called before the annual meeting to discuss the amendments. . : PORTLAND JOBBIXQ TIUCE3 Throe prtrt art those at which wtiolwilert kill te retallerai except aa otberwlaa stated: Butter, . Eft and Poultry. . BUTTSU No3)iul. extra cream ry. cubes snd tuba, 8Tcv prltxtu, ac; dalr, 84e. EGCJ3 - NofflinM :Bdll local extras. 83 (R33e; ordinary candled, 31e; apot ta.viug price. Ion oft, 2Sc f.- o. 6. Portland; bt maters 80c; piguoua. old, 81; yoimr, $1.60 down. LIVE POULTRY " Hens, 15c; aprlngs, 15c; geeae, 14c; IVkln dncka. 16c; Indian Ituo sera, 14c; turkejt, 20c; dressed, 24c; plgeona, old. l; young, l.5o kim. tiAMK Jauitrabbita, 81.60 per doeta; wtid feeoe, 5 doses. BGTTKB AT Producers' price, tor Port (and dWImy, per lb., 88c 1 ' fiaBSBSomlnal: ttmh Oregoa fancy, fall eream. twins and triplets, 19c; dalales, 191o; Yoaug' America, 20c. v . fruits and Vegetable. ' . FRESH 1HU1T8 New uael oranges,' fi.aj ft 3.00; banana, 6c lb.; U-mona, S6.;5Qb.5u: Ue. $1 per 1W; grapefruit, 3.&04,4.6u: plu .piles, 6c lb.; pears. 81.0001.60 box; 4 Tapes, bankets. 15c; cratea. 1.00ivl.l0; eranbefrtea, local, 9.7B per obi. ; eaatern, 10.6o4jll,W; truan daws, 7H lb, ,vv APPLES locteW.'-W; cooking, SOQdOe box. POXATOK eUlng price; Extra cbolcto. vbli tie; choice. ; ordinary. Sue per aack; buying price, carkwda, 4utiioc cuuntry ,polata; awuet. 126 per cental. ONIONS fet.lS01 Jto; aaaoclaUoD wlllnl price, t&e per cental, f. o. n. antpplng pointa; CaUtornla onions, sogaoc; gwllc. 7HUSe. VEUKTABLK8 New turuipa, 90 ft J6c; new becta, fcl.OU; carrot. Oo.jc per aact; pa anlpa, 11.23 sack: cabbage, $11.25; toma. toes, per box, 1.501.T5; string beana, 81a JOc; green onlona. luc dotes boncnea; peppera, uttL 10c; lb-i bead lettuce, $2.00 per crata; cel ery, 7&8&o doaen; egg planta, SlOe lb.; peaa, lOe lb.; cauliflower, 1.00iai.25; rbubarb, 1.25'-box. : Meats, Fits sasfrtTlaioas. DRESSED MEATS Country killed: Hegs. fancy, lOiie; ordinary, 8tt(flt0c; rough nd heary, 8c; fancy teal, 14Ui,c; ordinary, 13c, poor, 10c; laiuba. 104ioc; mutton. ISiHe: goata, Wc; beef, 710c. UAMa, BACON, E'fu Hama lsaiSe; break faat bacon, 18V4iil26c; boiled bam, 27c; pic Blca, lac; cottage, tee, . . UEAltt facaing bouts Steers, No. 1 ttnek. 12ttc; cow. No. I stock, 11 He; ewes, 1041 loftc; wetbera, UtJUHc; Umba 1 p,,, lolna, 17 Ve. . OKSTfciiS Sboalwater bay, par gallos ( per 100 lu. aack ; Olympla, per gallon! 3.25; per 100 lb. sack. ; canned. eaiternT 66c can; I8.&0 down: eastors In abelL ai.i&3 X per 100; tasor cUlna, 2(g2.25 boi. v ifisll Nominal llock cod. loe lh Ifloonders, 7c; baUbut, llct striped baaa. I oc; catUab, 12c; aalmon. lG12Vc; aoletT li ke lb.; lobatera, 2oc lb.; berrtngs ); DjS baaa, 20c; tturgeon, llte; allrer etnelt, 70i bUek eod, 7c; eaatern vyatart, fuU measure, tolld pack. 13 per gallon. LARD Tlercet, 13Vc; componod, tierces, joe Hops, Wool and Hides. WOOL Wiliameue'' valley, coara. Cotlwold l(20e lb.: medium Bbropablrs, taei cbolci Uncy lota, 22c per lb.; eaatern Oregon. 144iOt according to abrlokag. HOPS Producere' price 1912, lB20e. ac cording to quality; 1913 contracts, 16c lb. UOHA1R i12, 82e lb. CH1TT1M OR CASCA.RA BABS 1912 onm Inal, car lota tyc; lets car loU, 3c lb.; XM bark, car lota, 60; teat carlott te lb. Hl)S-Brr bides, 2122c; green. i2c;"alt. ed bidea, 13c; bulla, green salt, 9c; klpa lsta Uci calves dry 442Sc; nit aklnar.rt.e1 or green, 1819e green bidet, 1Q1UC leaj tban aalted; sbaep pelu, salted. b5cal 10 try. 13 lb. ' Bank Express Ballings Tntsdsys." rast Mail Sailings Tbarsdsy. ' .FOB ' ICM5 ON - PARIS - E SCIDi Saillara m SATURPATS fee THE MED1TEBRANEAN THRCT WDTTIB CKUTBES TO TXJ - Panama Canal West Indies JAN. 16 FEB.M MAICI 17 ' j the 5. S. 'Crssser Ksrlucnr OSLNIOM CO etntrai gents t Broadway, M. T. or LOCAL A dim It Robert Capelle, O. As P. O, 260 Powell st, opposite SL Francis Hotel, Kan Fran-.. Cisco; A. D. Charlton. Oen. Pass. Agt N. P.; C. W. Btlnger, Ticket AgU O, R. A N Co.; Tourist Agent and -Travel - Bureau.68 6th tve. z X CYnrJFYSHORTUHE AUSTRALIA 1 9-DAYS VIA HONOLULU AND 8AMOA Th Pleasant and Comfortable Bout SPLENDID TWIN SCREW 10.000-toa tteasMri "SIERRA," "SONOMA" tod "V ENTURA," j FOR'REST. RECREATION snd PLEASURC im sthst trip comparts with (bit in SUMMER or WINTER. i STEVENSON eaid of Samoa; "No part of th torld exerts the aunt attractive, power upon tha tuitor." $110 HONOLULU rai SYDNEY 1303, ROUND THE WORLD-SSN lat cabin; $375 2d csbla TSsOeyion, Egypt, Italy, etc. Liheral top-ovwm. ' Sailings every two woeka: DSC. 8. 17, 31. Write or wire NOW for bertha. Bend for folder. OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO, S7S Market St, San Frtsdw STEAMER HASSALO for Astoria Leaves Portland 9s30 P. M. dally, except Saturday, . Leaves Astoria 10 KW A. X. , daily except Sunday. Get Tickets Ash-Strsst Sock or City Ticket Office, Third "d "'wTssbtortoa. New YorK-Portland American'ilawaifan S. 5. Co. XZKVAXTEPKO BOXTTB rtelfbt Carried on Schedule Ttma WW &ATXS. -Frequent Regular Sailings. C V. KEHUKOT, Agent IU KaUway Exoaaug MXig. bos Augls and Ban Dlsj o YALt Steamship. HARVARD Railroad or any ship to San Francisco, the Kxposltion City. Largest, fastest and the ONLY strictly first class pas senger ships on the Coast; average speed 28 miles per hour, cost $2,000,000 each. bats raAjrcxsco, fobtz.ano it x,oa ANGELES B. 8. CO. FRANK BOLLAM, Agent Main 26 184 3RD BTBEET. A-4596 EXPRESS STEAMERS FOB San Francisco and Los Angeles WITHOUT CHANGE. , BS. Bear Bails 4 p, nu, January g Th Ban Pranclsoo St Portland 8. 8. Co. Tloket Office 133 Third St. Phone Main Q60 aad A-S6S9. BAN FRANCISCO, 1XM A5GKLE9 AND SAN DIEGO DIRECT XOSTB PACXriO B. & CO. B. B. SOASOXE aad B. B. EXJ1EB Ban Every Wednesday, 'tarnatsly, at p. oa. Ticket offlc 1Z1-A Third SC. near Aldsr fbosaa Main in. MARTIN J. H1QUCY. Pats. Agent. W. H. SLUBBER. Frtlght Ag-taL ANCHOR LINE STEAMSHIPS Ssw York, IiOH(iondjtry and aiasfow, Bw York, Palsrmo and Say!. Attractive rate for tickets between New York and all bcotoh. Knclish. IrlsH, Con tlnenUl and Msdlterranean Points. Btu rlor Accommodation, Kollal Oalalat fficlent Barrio. Apply foi Keaarra tloa to local agent of Anchor Lint or HKNDEKSON XIUOB Ueneral Agents, Chicago, 111.: 1 COOS BAYLINE STZAX1ES BUAKWATSft. Balls xrvui Atnsworth dock, Portland, at k p. m., Nov. 26, and thereafter every Tuesday evening at 8 p. m. Frelsht re ceived until i p. m. on calling day. Pas-; senger fare first class (10. second class 17, including berth and meals. Ticket office at Ains worth dock. Portland ft Coos Bay Steamship Line. L, H. Keat ing, agent. Stocks. Bonds, Cotton, arain, Eta. 16-317 Board of Trads BsildUa'. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES If embers Chicago Board ot Trads Correspondents of Logan ft Uryaa , , Chicago. Nsw Tor a. J. C.WILS0N &C0. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANOB NEW YORK COTTON KXCHANQB CHICAGO BOARD Or T RADIO THB STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGE SAN FRANCISCO , PORTLAND OFFICE 869 Oak St, Ground Floor, Lewis Bldr. Pbooe Marshall 4120, A-4187 The Canadian Bank of Commerce HEAD OFFICE, Toronto, Canada. Established 1876. A General Banking Business Transacted. Interest paid onetime deposits. PORTLAND BRANCH Corner Second and Stark Sts. F. C MAtTAS, Manager. w 0YERBECK&C00KEC0 ', T'JDAY We Move FRIDAY The OREGON BUILDERS "Portland's Pioneer Home Builders Ct5 1 J We have outgrown our present quarters and will occupy our new offices January 3, 1912, Rooms 1405, 1406 and 1407- Yeon Building. x . i t ' . 1$ Our stock, now sell-, ing at 30 cents a share, is Portland's, best in vestment opportunity; Q Let us show you how you can become a part ner in this great coop erative profit - making company. I Three dollars down and $3.00 a month will start yqy,,.,, r No lessihan 100 shares at 30 tents; no more than 10,000 shares to any one in vestor. f Send for our free monthly paper; it gives full details. ' The OREGON HOME BUILDERS 0. K. JEFFERY President 1405-6-7 Yeon BuilSng Portland, Or. MORTGAGE LOANS Money to loan on good improved city real estate, including residence, busi ' ness and apartment house property, in amounts ranging from $1000 to $500,000, and up to 50 per cent of a conservative ' val uation. Special terms ar ranged where loan desired is much less than half the value of the property. Money furnished without any unnecessary loss of time, and at lowest pre vailing rates of interest. Wilfred Shore & Co. Investment Banker. Lewis Bldgv 4th and Oak Sts. For Sale by Owner Tract of ISO lots, close in on Division street. Street graded, sewer and water in. J. H. M'MAHON, 1263 Division St. Apartment Site On west side, Just off Washington st., close In. Good six-room house, rents for $40 per mo. This is in apartment district and easy walking distance. A safe . Investment and will double in value. FXOTZDEST TKTJST CO, Zd Floor Selling bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS First mortgages on farm property. Mortgage Co. for America Kad oi rice, The Hsgns. Vsiharlaada. Ainswortn Building, Portland, Or. CITY & FARM LOANS $1004 and up at current rates. C M. ZADOW 401 Corbstt Bldr. MUI, atarshan 97. Fearey Bros.. Inc. -aoi Wereester-Bldr. DZSCOVHT KOOTIABUQ rAPZB CAMP meets every A 1'dnes-lny pveuim: In W. u. W. tcmtilf. 12a 11th sL AU luenibers pKtfA tn attend. 107. :pTLaMD CAMP, i' Visitors welcome. , iliEKAlAN BCttAUlS, , ci ii 'i.-rj iif t.uii wilt tia siven V Kureka. Cironcll No. 204. Knights a an id 913, East filde Woodrrian liall, tast Sixth an Alder. Good frizes and goou rausi Welnbertrer orchestra. AQmissiuu pt conpTe. extra ladles 15c A REGULAR-meeting of the Fruit and - Flower mission will be held Thursday, R. N. dr. rm Cam ix meets t'rl. Allflty hall. 3d and Morrison. eve- MAKKIAGE LICENSES nr. i,i t i iia it. tTdpHann atraet. ffiS, and Berths Johnaoo, 1H8 Baat Harrlaoa Julius Wanlatea, 41 "Eaat Tenth streat sortli, 23, aud Ida HeniUog, BIO Ualgbt aTenaa, 5U. Munaoo, Henderson, claiaup STenufc 83,. and Jeasla Nelaoo, 819 Clatsop aenns, 2. J Walter Kamaey, Aonei hotel, OTer 2U ; sna Eatr M. Uance. 122 North Eighteenth street. nauian jotbbuibii, o. ! ""'H -' V Zl, and ids wrtgni, wi -"v'? ben tttlsehreld. 88 DlTrtlon aireeiev. Mary Wheelan, 62ti aat T-eutjecon4. iireet, SO. . ;A . John Brehm, 873 Eaat Bixrn axrw, Rubj Cllna. 871 irand areaue, 19. tSeorite Jolinaon, SO'i Dlrlslon atreet, 2S, snd Katherlne Wlrp. 49S Clatsop street, 1. W. V Uulchay, Third and MontgoinarT streets, 82, aud Cataheruie Moody, Street, 29. .. .- . George Gredlng, 831 Market street, SB, and Boaa Mullen, 335 Thirteenth atreet, 28. Kmln Uunilln, 4'JS lo aTenuo, ,.-!.. Hopkuia, &3 l'eulno srenne, 19. i .k unnn fUh Walnut atreet. S3, asd Lens. Dltrlch, MS Wstaut atreet, . . William ISelK, unenaua, -rla O. Jnbb, fenlnauU Hotel. 60, - faul W. Schulta, jM 1 , Columbia strt, W, tod Dollle A. Cuntj, 2U Columbia street, 21. John i. Hoogatraat, B. K. U. h tat, SH, snd Carolyn V. Uajes, 634 East Thlrty-flrat 'Hji'.i'V i?.'ri,. sis Salmon atreeL 24, sad Lnella Quna. 611 Morrlaon atreet. ttw. street southeast. 90, and Clara F. Blohm, 412 Kant Thirty -amn stiwr norm, James W. Allen, St. Helena, Or.. "i and Charlotte M. Young, 4S03 Thirty-second srrnue aoutliBast, ov 18. Edwuril V. Cooper, Wit Tyndall street, orer Zl, and laa it. atoaea, W. G. Smith & Co, c.$ Washington hldir.. cor. 4th. on Wash'ton. UUESS suits for renl. all sises. Unique Tailoring uo., aoa Biarn ev. U.ARKK BROS., "orlsta, tine (lowers and riorai oesigne. ta? ammy" . BIRTHS CAHRES To Mr. sad Mrs. Oaorge J. Carres, lOSl East Tweuty-cignin aweei, ctuiu.,i, TINGLRY To Mr. and Mrs. Joss. B. Tlnglay, Baa Koselawn avenue, wmuiwi i, SALISBURY To Mr. and Mra. Claude M. Balls- burr. 1035 Eaat Serentn atreei norm, ik--w- ber lw, a Doy. . , CLNNlNOUAM To Mr. and Mrs: P. D. Cm- nlngbam, 7 East rJigniecniu mm Peceiuber 2S, a girl. TOMLINSOK To Mr. and Mra. Arthur C. Tosv- llnaan, SUO BortbwlcS aTtnue, uewuuiw , a girl. y SWENSON To Mr. anfl Mrs. Airrea r. owro son, Whitney apartuienta, Fourteenth and Market streets, December 22, a boy. IS K1.SON To Mr, d Mrr-lrl Kelaeo, 61 Sumner street, necemoer j, vuj, ill and boy. )0KR1TY To Mr. and Mra. Clare Dorrlty, iMi ri...l,nit innnn December 21. a SlrL BOI NKKR To Mr. aud Mra. James Boonker, 130t Garfield arenue. December 22, s boy. LINTON To Mr. and Mra. George K. Linton, Brantwood, December 28, s girl. . MANN To Mr. and Mra. 0. Vi. Mass, Brtsh wood, DeceoiDer a gin. HOWLAND To Mr. and Mrs. Jobs M. How- land, 809 Tnurman atreet, iecniDer u, a BAI.L To Mr. snd Mra. W. Weed Ball, TT0 Tborman atreet, Uecemoer ia, a Doy. ti.iniuuinv T u- ,n(1 Mra Claranea w. vv.hhi.riM. S4l North Seventeenth aueet, De- ROUN To Mr. and Mra. Hubert B, Bonn, MS Gideon atreet, December 22, a boy. ttOLDSTElN--To Mr. and Mrs. Moms Gold stein, 88T EleTenth street, December 2. s giri. CLASSIFIED AO .KATES 1. .. Anrll 1 1B10. ALL PUtVlULU KATE8 CANC'ElXJtD, CASH ADVERTISEMENTS Dally or Sunday. 1 time, e per Hue. A --.... lima, ftn Tf lln Mr lnarflAit. 3 or more conaecutWe timaa. To per lln per Insertion; or I uweruoua m iirtv vi o, ma mA AMinrAri fnr than 2 llnea. The aboTS rates apply to "New Today" and all other deallocations, except Ultuatlons Wanted, To Rent and Wanted to Bant ada. Slrbationa Wanted, To Rent and Wanted ta Rent ads (Apartmenu auu uuieia uccpico; tha rates are: So per Una first Insertion. 4o per Una each aubaequant lnsertles. No ad taken for leaa tban 16c, CHARUH AUVjturiB&susjxxa 1 time, loo per Une. 8 conaecutiv im, u rtr lln rtw lnaerttan. or more conaecatlre times, 8c per Un par Inaerttun lnaeruuu. a-kA ,m flnnlr fa "Nir Tontr ' inn all other claaalflcatlona. except "Sltnatlona Wanted, To Rent and Wanted to Bent" ada. Sltnatlona Wanted, To Rent and Wanted to Kent aaj (Apariaieiua auu mi tcyieuj the rate la Tc per line per Insertion. u . ., I . .. . . .1 1.... flinn lw. llnM ' iILt The Journal will not be responafbls for mors than one incorrect inaertlon of any auvertlae mn rrAn. mnr iBofi than OTlft time. Contract rates upon application. A phone call will bring a aollrttnr. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS CERTIFICATES of title made. Title A i rust U). mu,, m ana jn. W. R. HAlZLIP CO., Inc. Abstractors, 171. 4th St.. bet. Morrison and Yamhill. DEATHS AXD FLXEKALS T iVriprn nsAAmr,a 'tt tj t--tt wiffl ot L. D. Layfield, aged 24 yeara 9 months and 21 days. The remalna are at the parlors of F. B. Dunning, Inc., Eaat Side Kn own I Directors, 414 Entt Alder streets Funeral notice In a Inter Issue OLttON At tha residence, 2008 Kast Alder, IVimtti. fit... iruit 1 mm.h In...... V. w.uvuj wwvu, . W1IUI. iuiou, uau,u' ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Olson. Funeral aerrlces wlU be held at th sbore realdenc. Thursday, January 2, at 3 p. m. Friends ln- Tiiea. interment noee uuy cemetery. MtiaEIV-faiillne Krliter, 1S0O Olenn a?nu., TiaattiKaw fm e, raa.1 K mknthsi anl.lfl BAKTU.NG Maria Hartung, 2S Ninth' street north, December 29, aged 9 months, enteritis. CLARK Clara M. Clark, 1208 Kerb? atreet, December 80, aged 14 yeara, typhoid ferer, WORDEft Elizabeth M. Worden. 84 East Sev. euty-aecond atreet north. December 29, aged 67; cancer. 11 U RK LAN D Oacar V. Burkland, 1075 East .Mntn street, ieceniDer , aged 29 dayB hemorrhage. CHURCHMAN George Churchman. Good Ra. marltan hospital, December Si, aged 69; In- Tennai onsirnction TONSETH FLORAL, CO., 133 6th. cholcs cut flowers for all occasions; prompt service, m. eiua, A-iiua. MAX M. aMITH. florist, 14 li, 6th st, in peinng oiag. Main yzid. MONUMENTS PORTLAND Marble Works, 284-286 4th st. opposite city nan. Mam 8584. 6TTO SCHUMAN. granite and marble worns. n.asi aq ana nne. mast 14a. PORTLAND REALTY DEALERS OREGON REAL, ROTATE CO THB Grand ave and Mult. B. 67, C-170J. nrj Awn.m a m hv iviu'biMi Ground Floor Lewis Bid. M snd A-1741 CHAP1N-HERL.OW MTG. et TRUST CO: tin Chsmber of Commerce. Main 1641, SHIELDS. J. H. 05 Oerllnger Bldg . Msln I4S6. . BRUBAKEK 4 BENEDICT. . 101 McKay Bldg. Malp S4I , FUXERAI4 , DIRECTOia East Side Funeral Directors. 414 II. Alder, East 8. B-2BJB, A, R. ZELLER CO, Hot h phones. FRirQHM UNDKKTAIUNU CO., MAIN C.niUOUIl133. A-22H5. UDY ASSISTANT I PRPH Undertaker. Lady assistant LLnUrl B-1888. E-781. E. th-Alder. PEARSCNluS'.1052"; MR. EDWARD IIOLMXK. the leading funeral directm-, 220 Third street, cor ner Salmon. Lady assistant Fhons A 1511. Main 607. . , , Dunnins & McEntee keirn' every detail. 7th and Pine, Malp 430. A-455 Lady asBlstsnt. J. P. FINLEY&SONktfndant Montgomery FUNERAL SERVICE At firtti st. jHKAl STOCK. 17 K -13th. Sell. 71. B iizs, ana univers. r-arK. col. 34-3. - - VOW SALE HOUSES 01 Council Crest t-room hillside French chalet, horns. commanding unobstructed view ot city, rivers and snowcapped mountains. The exterior Is shingled and painted a light gray with white trimmings and tile roof. The first floor contains a large cabinet kitchen, butler's pantry, dining Morntnald'a wim-furnacAroottL: iiUw age, laundry and toilet. The awning room is finished 3 In.", the qld English with paneling and plato rail. The panels are Inlaid with tapestry loth; The coll ing is plaster beamed in typical French style. In one corner of the room is a large red pressed ' brick fireplace. French ddorB on east side of dining room open on a large view veranda. A wide open stairway leads to the main reception hall on the floor above. This floor has a livlnsr room 16x8i.' with massive stone . lnglenook fireplace on a witn private cam and dressing room. ne living- room la rinisned in tne- eariy Inglish. Paneled and heavy beamed ceiling. The walls' are artistically de orated. French doors in living room and bedroom open onto a large glass en closed view porcn, wnicn nas a targe stone fireplace. The bedroom Is fin ished in the old Ivory enamel and dec orated In Japanese grass cloth. The den 4s finished In the old ivory, and, the walls are daintily, decorated, large open book-cases. From the large main reception han in rront a wiae open stairway leads to the floor above, which contains Z very large sleeping chambers and complete bathroom, large linen closets, dressing rooms. Clothes closets and store rooms. One bed room has a large pressed brick fireplace. The walls are tastefully decorated. This home Is very unique In every detail and us nuisicie location is unexceuea ur view -snd architectural landscape. - For Immediate sale price by ownej 110,000. Will take first mortgage pa per Provident Trust company bonds or 13000 cash and balance to suit. 5 ROOM modern bungalow, Rose City Park, built-in buffet, bookcases, Dutch kitchen, two large bedrooms, fine bath, large attic, walls tinted, electric lights, fixtures in. fireplace, furnace, full ce ment basement, view of city and Mount Hood, cement walks, curbs, water, gas In and paid; near fireproof school, S blocks to can $3350, terms. Three rooms and bath, now; corner lot, 100x100, on west side; 'high and sightly, view of Tualatin valley; two blocks to car, 15 minutes to postofflce; walks, graded streets and water: fine neighborhood; $2100; small cash pay ment, balaneo like rent. 4 room house, modern, new. restricted district, in Rose City Park section. 1 oiocKs to car; 92400; terms to suit Three rooms and bath, corner lOOx 185, west side, S blocks to car; $1800, very easy terms. 3 rooms and bath, lot 60x100. new, west side. Tualatin valley view,, two blocks - to car; walks, graded sts., and water; good neighborhood, 15 minutes to postomoe; 61550, easy terms. PROVIDENT TRU&T CO.. OWNERS. becond Floor Belling Bldg. SEVEN room residence near Broadway carllne. 4 rooms first floor. S rooms second floor snd bathrooms, all very large and well lighted; double construc tion; 8 thicknesses floor on first floor, double floors on second; full cemen basement, large furnace, bulltln book cases and turret, largo rirepiaca, oaK floors first floor, dresed fir second floor, lafge closets well lighted. The kitchen is very large with lota of cabi net work buijt In and finished in tho light natural fir, wax finish. The in terior finish is 4 coat work hand rxl- lshed; 3 coat work on exterior; street Improvements all in; east front, a blocks to Broadway' car. Owner; price $6200; fiuuu casn. balance to suit win take good mortgage or Provident Trust Co. bonds. B-987, Journal. BIGGEST BARGAIM Ever Offered on PORTLAND HEIGHTS. I am forced to sell at once my strlot lv modern 9 room house, ldeallv located on tha Heights overlooking the city. ii you want a genuine Dargain in a beautiful Portland Heights home, see this at once and make me an offer. N 173, Journal, 6 ROOM houi,e. good barn, large lot, fruit, lawn, rosea, 1 block to school. 2 to car, renting $80 month; $3260; 25 minutes to 3rd and Washington. 8 room house, corner lot, cars 1, 8, and 6 blocks; school 1 block; $6000; 20 minutes to 3rd and Washington. 1 homo site, 66x100, $900; another 75x100, $1060; 1 block from car and school: 80 minutes to city. Owner 826 Holladav ave. 4 Room Bungalow 60x100 lot. glass porch, cement base ment, Dutch kitchen, bath, built-in ef fects; just a cozy place, worth mora Price $1900; easy tprms: a new place.. BEOGS - THOMPSON COMPANY, - 1008 Spalding Bldg. ' ELEGANT Irvlngton residence, modern In evory respect, hard surfaced street, etc.; all paid for; also nice garage; $4650; terms. WATSON & THERKELSEN CO., 306 Spalding bldg. M. 759!. NOTHING DOWN. $2200 New 5 room bungalow. $2750 6 room house, RoBottty Parle ivoo 6 room bungalow. Alberta. $2500 7 room house. East Taylor st Just monthly payments. La Barret zua commercial dik. main u. - Ladd's Addition $6000-New, modern 8 -room -house with attic, full basement, furnace, two fireplaces, sleeping porch, hardwood floors and built-in conveniences; lot 60x 118; faces east on 20th st, not far from Hawthorne ave.; an attractive, sightly location; terms reasonable. STRONG & CO.. BOS Concord bldg. SIX room bungalow, block from car on E. 35th st;.40xlOO feet lot, hard suriacea street, sctnctiy modern; J3600; terms. rv WATSON & TftERKEJLSEN CO.. 306 Spalding bldg. M. 7693. BIGGEST HOME BARGAIN. The man-who has $1200 can talk here, A dandy 6 room, well built residence on 40X150 lot, Mt. Tabor section near East Stark st. Owner now in country; ha paid s'jkuo casn; tnis weex fizuu cam and assuming iibuu tancs it, A. IS. POULSEN, 18 Railway Exchange, StnnLaSnan! - r - -. r . Nice 6 room home, easy terms,' $2250; on carllne;- $350 will handle. See Stringer, room 3 Washington bldg. $1200 equity-in $3900 bungalow, balance payable $12 per month. , to exchange Mir vticum ium ur scirasn..m assume. WATSON THERKELSEN CO.. 806 Spalding bldg. - . - M,. 759J. THREE beautiful homes, Irvington, easy payments, van up ior partlcu lars East 273. W. H. Herdmat. , GOOn bouse, 50x100 lot 2 blocks to car. $850; terms. Owner, room Railway FOR SALE Lot 100x100, 4 room house, 1 block from Mt Tabor carllne. $1676, A BEAUTIFUL, .home, Willamette Heights, 75x100? everything modern, at a pargam. Tciepnona Mam BJ73 WILL sacrifice my $1500 equity in room strictly, modern residence. Fins SUNNYsIDH room tiome, 50Kl0d i lot ar surfaced-strecr$;5 mdntlily. 1073 E. Morrison st Main 1163. . . , Just as you wish it.- You can f. i your rhnire of lols in nny one of our l city subdivisions on either -the- cast v west eitlea and wJl close in and on p i 1 car lines. Our architect will draw jour plaps find specifications uul superin tend the construction, --W will f.u;u sntee satisfaction in every partleuui-. If you want a hlffh-cla?s housa we will build on any of our sites on Council Crest, Portland Heights, Lorain. Heights, Kings Heights, Oliustead Park, Irvins ton or Laurelhurstr A small cash pay ment down, balance to ' suit. Cotno in and talk It over and see how easy it Is to own your own home. Don't pay rent . - ' , . , ' Provident Trust Co. ppcond floor, Rolling bldg. llflliElfi my beautiful S room bungalow In -the heart of Laurelhurst. The place Is new and strictly modern In every way.'' Ao tual cost to me is $5740. Will sacrifice for $4500 ..seeing is believing, ...Phons TaT)o43iS: -r- -n For Sale or Rent . 8 new modern houses, Just finished, 3 rooms and ' complete bath room, Dutch kitchen, etc - Will rent for $10 per month, or sell for $1S50. J25 down and $10 per month. They are 2 blocks from astmornland th hlch plana nnl. lege addition, 8 blocks to car. 6c fa-" J far" 16 una uuiy u minutes irom f ront st Aiwater, ezs .Henry ..bldg. Phon snail sin. - FOR SALE LOTS West Side-lota. 7 Glenelyn Addition Choioe building lots on West Bids, In side the three-mile circle; fins view of Tualatin valley and Mt Hood I walks, graced streets and water in and inoluded in price; $400 and up. Select your lo and we will build to cult you on small cash payment. v .Provident Trust Co. Becond floor, gelling bldg. 100x100 HAWTHORNE BARdAm. Southwest corner of 41st and Clay. Just 200 feet south of Hawthorn avev cheap at $3000; pries for a few. days $2500, with $300 down, balance monthly. A. E. POULSEN. 418 Railway Exctiangs.: SEE Le Nolr & Co. for west side pro rop Ids eriy. exclusive oeaiers in west realty. 837 Chamber of Commerce. LARGE) Firland lot. $376; terms 6g month; graded street and water. 720 Chamber of Commerce. Tabof 771. FINE ROSE CITY CORNER "1 Southwest corner of 60tn and Stanton, 60x100, fine homeslte; oheap at $1000; make a cash offer. LB. POULSEN, 418 Railway Exchange. ACREAGE 07 Acrease on Macadam Road 1 mile from city limits, 3 blocks to good carllne, near good school: bearing ' irun xrees, swo eon,nign ana signtiy. vve win ouua ior you; Bold on easy payments. ACREAGE ON WEST SIDlSU 1 Excellent soil, large area of beaver dam land and good drainage; part of this tract is under cultivation, part In stumps and some heavy timber; IV,, 6 snd 10-acre tracts; prices range from--$375 to $600 per acre; Inside the 6 Vi-, mile circle; will build to suit purchaser; sold on very easy terms. ', i- I acres and 2-room papered heuse, an West Side, Mi -mile, to carllne: rood soil' and good drainage; an ideal looatlon, , near scnoot macadam road, 10-mlnuts car ride to business' center. TERMS TO SUIT. - - One acra and 6-room modern buns-a. low, bearing fruit, best of soil, good: view, on macadam road, near school, 6V4 miles from postofflce, $ blocks to good carline and BO minutes to business cen ter; 4000; small cash payment, balance , to suit. PROVIDENT TRUST CO., OWNERS, : Second floor. Selling bldg. Sixth and Alder sts. Acreage On Fourth street 11ns of tha i Southern Pacific, now being elec- trifled ; land Ilea gently rolling, deep rich soil, no rook or gravel. ' and only 30 minutea from 4th , and Washington sts, with tha roads completed and every com munity convenience assured. ' s Electrlo lights, mount "- tain water under pressure . and most modern transpor tation, means much ta thla locality. We can satisfy you on all of these. v, Any rfUed tract from half acra up and they will sell ONE HUN DRED DOLLARS per acre high. A er when new cars are running. '" v The Shaw-Fear Co, - ' : Main 86. 102 Fourth St A-86W, 6 ACRE tracts, down tha river an the west side, only IU miles back from the river and Bo car fare; good cordwood timber and richest of. soli, for $175 per -acre on monthly payments. The .Shaw-Fear Co, - Main 35. 102 Fourth st A-IBOO. 5 and 10 Acres Cheap . 20 up to $45 per acre, on terma. Tracts of 6 acres or more; deep, red shot soil, well watered; easily cleared, t Ideal for general farming, fruit vege- I tables, dairying snd chicken raising; lo. ! cated on county road, close to live town on R, R. and river near Portland. Own rsr 708 Lewis bldg.,-4th snd Oak-sts. Mam soys, evenings Kast 894. 80x175, All Cleared - 8 tnln. east Of Sellwood; right at sta tion, school and store. Fare Hcta. $19 down. $8 per month. Savs remt -AKERSON & GOOCH. 401 Board of Trade Bldg. main oiu a-i.diu. CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Port- water, free wood 10 acres, $400, $500J $600 per tract; 20 acres.4800; 40 acre7 lizou; ou acres, suuu; to acres tlmbef $2400. Ranches all kinds for sale. - Eaa terms. Frank McFarland Realty Co.. 8 x eon otu.K. rui iwnn, jr. cash, balance easy, right at sta tion on electric line. 22 miles from Port land, creek, some timber. 214 Lumbar mens bldg. -- .. - - - Gibson 1-2 Acres Good soil, city water, clow ta carllne; easy terms. Phone Marshall 1686, Sell wood 476. John H. Gibson, owner. xin'ti-a vnll isk "tM.raon' If so, it will make your first payment on a 10' acre tract of good land, 1 hour and 30 minutes from Portland. Room 215 Lumber Exchange bldg, corner 2d and Biara bib. TEN acres finest soil, heavy Umbered, .close in, at very easy terms, ii-iu, Journal. JUVERFRONT "acre, 125 assorted fruit trees, 8 miles up river, snap,. $2000; , terms. Write owner. T176, Journal, ;.) , FOR SALE FAItMS . 17 WILIj sell, 29 acres of land fos $IR00; soma' improvements on H; 1$ miles 1 from Portland,. Chris Xuothe, llolbrook. ur., it. i. Ml MILLIONS In walnuls-but not ever v. ' where. Wlthycombe knpws wherf. Sea him. 421 Hamilton hlrlg. Main 227R, . 40,ACRJ1 farm 16 miles from PortlaiTdr ery cheap. Phono Main 6611, v - - f ' V. rrt;