THE OREGOfl f DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER ID, 1012. iViTE BOARD OF K&MIE CONTROL URGED M Willis Would Put Management of State Institutions in Hands of1 Governor, Secretary of State and Treasurer. " u C. N. McArtbur, who is to be speaker of the house of representatives when the legislature meets in January, Is preparing a bill to place, all state Insti tutions under a state board of control, to consist or tne governor, secretary state and state treasurer. ' This measure, which abolishes the responsibility of management, will nave the aproval of Governor West, despite the fact that It takes over the manage ment of the penitentiary and the aol dler's home at Roseburg, at present un der exclusive Jurisdiction of the gov ernor. . "Centralisation of the institutions in one management will, believe, result in better business management," said Governor West, "so I am in favor of It. A variety of boards cause confusion, and is opposed to economy and , good business.. Believes la Centralisation. ' "It is possible that some of the plans under way at the penitentiary would be affected by the change if the majority of the board of control did not agree with me. : That Is a matter that will have to be met when we come to It. I do not know Just what would be done, bu I do believe the management of the institutions should be centralised." Mr. McArthur's argument is along the same line. Explaining the provisions of the proposed bill this morning, lie said: "An experience of two years as sec retary to the governor convinced me that a separate board for each institu tion is unbusinesslike. My idea is to abolish all the boards and commissions that exist at present and to merge them Into a central governing board. The oldlers" home and penitentiary should also be included, as there is no reason why the secretary of state and state treasurer should not share the manage ment and responsibility of those institu tions with the governor. The late Gov ernor Benson was strongly in favor of a measure such as I propose. Acting Governor Bowerman recommended it In his message to the legislature two years ago, and Governor West and the other members of the present state boards are also in favor of it a. I ' Separate Board xreeded. " "What the state really needs is a separate board for the management of these institutions, as our state officials are already overworked with the regu lar duties of their offices; but the peo ple are opposed to the creation of new offices, so the state officials must do the work for a while longer. The time will : come, however, ' when a separate board of control .will be an absolute necessity. 'vi:.;i:4"V'' "The new board will have a clerk, but this will not mean an extra office, as the clerkship of the present state pur chasing board will be abolished when that board Is merged into the proposed board. .The secretary to the governor has heretofore acted as clerk of most of the institutional boards, but the pro posed bill will take the management of all institutions out of the governor's office, permitting; the governor and his secretary to devote their , time to the duties that pertain strictly to the exec utive department. '"The task of preparing the proposed bill involves much labor, but I have undertaken it for the reason that I am familiar with the vork of the execu tive department and the state institu tions. If any state official, member of the legislature or citizen has any sug gestions to make in connection with the proposed measure, they will be given careful consideration. What I hope to do Is to prepare and assist in the pas sage of what I regard as a very impor tant piece of constructive legislation. Vli.n this mcNmre la passed it will cover eight or ' ten pages In the code, but its passage win repeal three times that number," , A Cheshire Mitchell, manager of Gear-hart-by-the-Sea, came to Portland yes terday and is storplng at the Multno mah hotel. Mr. Mitchell is an enthusi ast over the ideal, winter climate of the Oregon coast and never tires of compar ing; the delightful winter weather at the Oregon beaches 'rlth the; balmy breezes for which the southern California coast ia justly celebrated. Are the Children T nnOlfl InrTnire? Perhaps you're won dering what to give them now that they've passed the days when toys or dolls pleased them most. Give them each a start on a savings account. As little as one dollar each will start an ac count for them and it will be an inspiration for them to save part of their own pocket money. ' , Have them try to see who can save most in the year the one who . does will have the most interest, too. We Pay 4 Per Gent Portland Trust Ciof 117 sf Oreiii Third And Oak St. "Tne Bank for SaTinfs" ' Recommendations for three new post tlons to ba created, were made at yes terday's session of the council ways and means committee. The first of these In importance la city appraiser. This of ficial will have charge of the sppraisal of all street extensions under the new proceedings authorised by charter amendment , last month. The appraiser will work under the direction of the city engineer. He will not be paid a monthly salary, but will be paid for each dav ha works. An appropriation of $1500 to pay the appraiser's salary for the coming year was also recommenaea. The office of city curator also was approved by the committee and an ordi nance recommending its creation pre pared for submission to the council. The curator will have charge of the munici pal museum at the city hall, He will draw $75 a month. On recommendation of the chairman of the police committee of the city ex ecutive board the temporary position of Inspector of construction of the new city Jail building was also recommended to be created. The inspector win be paia $150 a month. In order to make It more efficient the license department of the city auditor's office will be transferred to the police department. The license commission ers will work under the police chief In stead of the city auditor as heretofore, that is, If the recommendation of the ways and means committee are fol lowed by the council. It Is fig ured that the license commissioners can keep closer tab on pool halls and other licensed places by being in more Inti mate touch with the rank and file of the police force.. President Walker of the Illinois see tton of the United Mine Workers, has recently been selected to represent the American Federation of Labor at the British Trade congress. CURES ECZEMA Boils, Sores, Bores ft li many years (at leaat 20) since 1 first Died PCRiriNA. Althonih I have tried many other ointments, have found nothing ao food. W. f. THUKSTON, at. D., Lot Angeles, t'tU Sold by Clarke. Woodward Drag Co., Skid nor Drug Co., Arm . Pharmacy, Laoe-Darls Drag Co., Hlekman Mfg. Co., 70 Cnrtlaodt 8t, New York City. Slses 10 aad 25c NEW TODAY Warehouse, 100 by 100, four stories and basement, on track, Thirteenth and Hoyt WILLIAM GADS3Y First and Washington WANTED Stock and bond salesmen of experience to assist in placing a very high class investment, which is now on a paying basis. Ap plicant must furnish referen ces. Address K-155, Journal. Platting Proposition JUG TWEE IT POBTLAITD AMD OBEfJO CITT WEST SIDB OT BIVEJt. 30 Minutes Out 177 seres for sale at practically farm land prices. QUO. E. WACrOOHXX, 805 Teon Bldg. Fearey Bros., Inc. 602 Worcester Bldg. DISCOUNT VEOOTIABLB FAFEB MORTGAGE LOANS rirst mortgages on farm property. Mortgage Co. for America Head offlcs, Tne Hague. Hsthsrlands. Ainsworth Building. Portland, Or. your name ap. pears in either pnone book you can teiepnone your ad to Tl-nr3A-6051 and hav It eharv Bills will be mailed 4ye44.iie"feltewmt day for payment. The Journal can not guarantee ao curacy or assume responsibility tor er rors or any Kind oc- in tele phoned advertise- wents. FOR RENT CITY & FARM LOANS $1000 and up at current rates. C M. ZADOW 408 Oorsott Bldg-. A-1416, Marshall 93. 'liwnSoitE your u jLfV2&. wot u nua III aW 'aw AUCTIONS TOMORROW AT Wilson Auction House, cor. Xd and Yamhill, special auction sale 10 a tn, tomorrow. . ' ' . FORD Auction House, 111 1st St., auc tion sale I p. m. special orrenngs. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS CERTIFICATES of title made Title A Trust Co., Lewis bldg,. 4th and (Jan. Hurry MuGraw end wife tu ! A. Tofts, lot 4. block 10. Babdlvltfloa Klvervlew addition ...........-...... Frank J. Kupper ud Wife to M. Solo Dian. north 111 feet of lot 11, aouth 12 feet lot 12, block 2, Itocbollo. ... George II. Prlinroaa and' wife to Mabel II. Ireland, hit tt, Prlraroee Acre..... Charles M. Koaa et al to Kiulllo Rett Dtaa, kit 8, block 2, Croaa fark. . . .. . Clrwirm If I'rlmrma mnA rlf tn 1. W. .600 8,000 1,600 600 Hrfacna. lot M Prlmniaa Ami . . . . . ,t 8.000 Joaephlue C. Clereland and huahaoa to . Kinll Nelfon, kit 15, block so, Lurei- narac bud Clark, guardian, to J. H. Rlnetaart, 7,000 unaiTiueo ft or lot 11, inocx , Ainma Homestead .. ... 200 Hlbernla Sarinra Bank to Robert W. wilaon, lota 14, 15, 10, block , vap Itol Hill Charles B. Roae and wife to Gluaaeppt I'atltarcl et a I, kit 6, block s, eunny; aide addltloa ' 4,150 Belle McDonald Xaoy to W. 11. Annand wat ion rest or iota e anu i, dmjcs 1 Grahama addition ................ TOO r. X, Haya and wife to Auguat L'her- mita et al, lot 21, ewca a, woou lawn Heights .... Weatern Oregon Truat Co, to Mark Cranaton Hhallock, lot 9, block 9, ieu. ton, aildltlun . -.... 200 W0 Mlnole Collins to Mlaalon Tea Co, lota 25 and 2tt. block 1, Vaughton fars V. Kennedy et at to the puulie, ratify ing act of C. E. Kennedy under truat deed in 480-31 i bcglunlug at north eaat corner section la, fownahlp I outh, range 2 eaat, tnem weat 20 cbalna, thence aoutb 10 chalna, thence eaat 20 chalna, thence north 10 cbalna to beginning, containing 20 acrea, ex cept a 40 foot atrip runnlug through ceutcr of aaid. land north and aoutb reaerfed for road George I'. Uanaer and wlfo to W. r. Maaa et al, lota x ana a, oioia. Piedmont 1,900 Ceo. V. Ikhalk et at to Mary B. rrlce tract 90. Sycamore Acre" ProTldcnt Truat Co. to Clarence J. Rua- 400 200 sell hit 7, block ST. imugion t'ara addltkm .":.: Henry V. Kllppel and wife to Oltye u. -Babaon. lot 17. block 61, Irrlngton.. 11,000 illbornia savinga nana iw oiumy . Lathrop, kit IB. block to. capimi riiu 600 100 Vf. I. llaynea to I. Oenrta aous in, vi hUmk ttO. Lanrelburat Joale I' Stewart and buaband to Karl Merbrlng, lot l, oioca a, " . itKHlTlalnlt 900 Oeruade Wleaner and bonband to iamea U Conley et ai, ioia n oi i. block 8, Baatoer addition ......... 4,000 175 U B. Wenefee et al to Henry uinr lot 3, block 0, rairmount anainon Uaglnnla ' Land InTeatmcnt Vio. to HentT' ' wuiaicy et ai, m a, uivt , 2, Goodhue Park .2a0 W n tiki'AUv LIU.. Inc. Abstractors, 171, 4th St., Pet. Morrison ana iainuni. CLASSIFIED AD llATKS In affect April 1, 1011 -ALL PBEVIOUM KATKS CANCELLED, CASH AUVEUi'ltiKllENXS Dally or Sunday. ' f Km, 0 ruP lln 2 eonaecutlTe tlmee, 8c per line per insertion. S or more coaMcuttre tlmea, 7e per lln. per Insertion; or inaeruooa iur inii-w vi v, . Ko ad counted for leaa tbaa 3 Unea. The aboT. ratea apply u -now ioaay ana all other claaaitlcatlona, except aituauooa Wanted, To Kent ana waoieq u ten aoa. Situatloua Wanted, To Kent and Wanted to Rent ada (Apartmeota aud Botela excepted) to ratea are: 6c per line nrax inapriioo. , 4c per Una eacb aubaequent loaerHom, No ad taken for Ifee than 15c. CHARGE ADVEUTISEMBNTS i ,1mm. iim mt Una. 8 eouaecutlTe tlmea, sc per line per Insertion. or more eonaecutlTe iiuin, oo jmr uw v tnaertloo. . . .... . . The abore rate apply to "New Today" and li n,hr rlaaalflcationa. except "Biiuauona Wanted. To Reut and Wanted to Rent" ada. situations Wanted. To Kent and Wanted to .ri. ( Anartmeuta and Tote la excepted) tne rata Is 7c per line per Insertion. No ad cnargea lor wwm uiu i. nuc. tk. journal sill not be reaDonatble for more than one Incorrect Inaertlon of any adTertlif ment ordered more more hum. Contract raiea upon ipimouvu. a call will brlna a aolldtor. UNCALLED FOB AJI-WEltS " The following letters in answer to advertisements appearing in The Jour nal remain uncalled for; A 206, 180. - in' ill IKS 148. O-114. JV 769 206. 138. 14. D 116, 137. pT 43.' 111. 144. 82. 139. 32, 104. 130, 148. G 136, 134. H 161. 89. 164, 149. 138, 182. K 16, 144. . M 110. N 37. O 201, 80, 211. 83. P-130, 139. - 4 R 100, 9B. 13, o. 8141. 139, 134. 144. T 119, 32, J04. y-lll: HI 137. 134. 117. W 13. X 473. . . .. Y 171. ........... . MEETING SOTICES v 41 WEBFOOT CAMP. NO. ate A7rtrtTTiPri of tntf , world, meets every Fri day night in W. O. W. Temple, 128 Eleventh street All members re quested tobe present Visitors welcome. v W. GERMAN. C. C. A. I ARBUR. Clerk. COLUMBIA LODGE, NO. 114, . A. F. & A. M. Special com munication this (Thursday) evening at 8 o'clock, Masonic Temple, Labor in the F. C. degree. Visiting brethren welcome. By order M. FRED U OLHOIN, ec R. N. A. Ore. Rose Camp, meets Kri. eve.. Alisky hall. 3d ana Morrison. MARRIAGE LICENSES r. While. 2noW MeMllton street. 60. and Cora Howard. 1130 tVani'la arenne, 48. C. T. Baker. Grand linioa bolel, 67, and Maggie Harrlaon, 31. Olaf Danlela, 600 KTerett, 25, and Mae Eck- Innd. 80S Horthwloa. W. W, 6, Smith & Co. c.Hi Washlnarton bids-., cor. 4th. on Wash'ton. DRESS suits for rent, all sizes. Unique Taiiorin Co.. au mars si. CLARKE BROS., florists, fine flowers and floral designs. z Morrison st. BIRTHS STEVENS To Mr. and Mrs. Orrllla G. Stereos 8300 Fit tr-ilf tb street aoutneaat, vecemoer 17. a boj. , . WH BATON To- nr. ana sn. waiter i. Wheaton, 40 Eaat Thirtieth atreet north, D eerober 17, a girl. BBOH8ART To Mr. and Mrs. Stephen S. Broaaart, 684 Frankfort street, December 11, a girl. HUDSON To Mr. and Mn. Vf. T. Hudaon, 4331 SUtr-seTentb. atreet soutbeaat, Decem ber 16, a girl. . KIRK LAND To Mr. and Mrs. Howaril II. Ktrkland, 700 Eaat Wygaut atreet, Norcm ber 16. a boy. BOPEY To Mr. end Mra. Italph 1.. Boiley, 1070 Vi-rnon arcnue, Deceniber 1.1, a boy, SPA I) V To Mr. and Mra. Henry ? party, 880 Mcolat atreet December 8, a boy. FLANAOAN To Mr. and Mra, William Her bert Flanagan, 10" Eaat Tblrty-Mftn street, Decemlw 11. a girl. DOUOHTyTo Mr. and Mra. 8. W. Doughty. 207S Holladay avenue, Deoeniber 10. a boy. EHK'KSON To Mr. and Mra. K. A. Erk-kaon, 053 Gantenbeln atreet, December 17, a boy. WH1TSETT To Mr. and Mra. V. Q. Wbltaett, jS4 gFlfty-flftb arenua southeast, December BUCK to Mr. and Mm. Artbnr Buck. 287 Eat Elerentb atreet, Dereraber 4. a boy. : DEATHS AKP Ft.tiEKALa ; BOBEBG The funeral aerrleee , of the late Oacar B. Koberg will be belt! today (Thurs day) December 10. at 1 p, m., from the family residence, SH2T Eaat Klfty-aecond street aoiitli eaat. Frlenda reieetfally Invited to attend. Interment at Mount Soote Park -nwtery ACKLEY At (b funiily" residence In WIkcou aln, In the Mtb year of bis age. the Honor able Henry M. Ackley, belored father ef Mrs. w. a. m. nreca or inia eiry. HKNURICKSEN Julius Heodrlck-ea, Thirty-a-renth and Hancock street, Deceniber 10, agwl 27: suffocation la accident. 'WHlPPtB 4.arles t. Pblppte. St. 'Ylmnfa boapltal, December. 13, fd 61; gangrene of long, i., .- , - i-. ; k. DEATHS AXD FUXKRALS CHOUT Olenn Grout, Bt. Vlncant'a boaplUl, December 12, aged IT: typhoid f.r. , KAY Johanna nay, 85 Tenth treat, Decern Iwr 13, aR.d T2; uraemln conrnlalon. BITTER Carl Ueorse Rlttrr, Eaat Ulxtyie. enth and Dlrialon etreet, Deoeniber 12, aged 17: dementia. - 81 HA 11 ON John Strattnn, t Vincent's noe- nuai, inx-emner i, aged on; pneumonia, . M'CHKANEWllllain J. McCbeane, 67 Weat ' I'urk atreet, December la, aged 70: nnphrltta. BOLVIO Oacar B. HolTta, 1'ortlaod Conalea- cent home, December 15. afd 03; pernlcloua anai-uila. 1 . . TONSETH FLOKAL CO., 183 th. choice t cut nowers ror an occasions; prompt lervlce. M. 810?, A-1102. - MAX M. SMITH, florist, HIJ 6th St. in eeiiintr.ninn;, Main tzid. FUAKItAL DIRECT OK9 MR. EDWARD HOLMAN, the leading funeral director, 220 Third street, cor ner Salmon. Lady assistant. Phone A lelL Main 607. J, Pi FINLEY & SON Lhhv Attendant Montgomery FUNERAL SERVICE ai nnn et. Dunning & McEntee Undertakers Modern In every detail. 7th and Pine. Main 430. A-466S. l.ndv BBBlHtant. - F. 8. JOUNNiNO INC. East Side Funeral Dlrr-tnp 414 E. Alder. . Kat sa n.?K?n I FRPH Undertaker. Lady assistant LCnUn B-188S. E-781. li gth-Alder. Ai Ri ZELLER COr B9otY'ohIonn21I' LniUOUIN em. A.2235.- Lady ass t. Poarcnn On Funeral directors. i 9 rUdldUll LOi 371 Russell st. E. 10S0 MEMSTOCIC 1687 JUX 13th. Sell, il, B- MONUMENTS PORTLAND Marble Works, J84-288 4th st. upposite city bsll. Msln 8584. OTTO SCHUMAN, granite and marble worns, jtijast 8d ana Fine. East 743. PORTLAND RfcALTY DEALERS CHAPIN-HERLOWMTO. A TRUST CO. til cnamnr or commerce. Main lt. SHIKLDsi, J. IL , "" 306 Oerllnger Bldg. MSIn 84IS. 603 McKay Bldg. Main 64 OREGON RKA I. E."STATie Cf. THM "' Grand ave and Mult. E. 87. CM 703. BRON(i-M AN AR V L'IMaWV" Ground Floor Lewis Bid. M and A-1743 FOR SALEHOUSES 61 Wilt alra tinI n. ,..,!., tin, ' -" ' v..w vvv vi miuii; v& fitvv in modern, 1 blocks of car; you will have iv nun; ii. ;uu nun iniB ana,p. icor ap. pointment, call at 227 Stark st. Phone Main 7711. A SNAP HDlendld llttlA home. U hlnolr ff Woodstock carllne, near Holgate st; beautiful viow of city; not far from Reed Institute; 31200: good terms. laude Cole, 917 Board of Trade bldg. THREE rooms and bath, lot EOxinn new West Side, Tualatin valley view, i blocks to car; walks, graded streets and water; good neighborhood. 16 minutes to postofflce; 31560, easy terms. rKUVIJJKNT TRUST CO.. OWNERS. Second Floor Selling Bldg. Hawthorne Beautv New modern 6 room bungalow. Come and see for yourBelf. 323 East 44th. near Hawthorne ave. Phone Tabon o51; easy terms. MAIN 9444. A-3363. My new suburban bungalow, 45 min utes out, different and better, for sale. $2760; 3 lots; all details by phone. Il lustrated circular mailed if you desire. jib it xur air, uooge, Misfortunft New S room bungalow, will sell to re sponsible person on your own terms; close In. Q-160, Journal. A BEAUTIFUL Irvington home of 7 rooms, everything modern, fine, lawn. a garage, all for 34600; part cash, bal ance to suit Watson & Therkelsen Co.. 306 Spalding bldg. Main 7592. 11600 Terms. . 4 Rooms and Bath. 1 block to car, -L. S. Metcalf. 310 Teon. Marshall 2433. 1 WILL BUILD on your vacant lot, and finance your house on easy terms. A. C Furlong, contractor, room 38, Washington bide. Main 1429. 31600 Terms. 4 Rooms and Bath. 1 block to car. L. S. Metcalf, 810 Yeon. Marshall 2432. 1 HAVE just the bungalow you want, and just your price; terms, down mv. mont and up to date. Come and Geo. s. mn. Real estate nat, 627 Henry A NICE' 7 room bungalow in Alameda Park. This is modern in every wav; a very small cash payment will handle tnis. w a i son & - nerseisen Co., 300 ispaiamg oiag. Main lovi. 6 ROOM modern house and 2 corner lots' fine garden, near car line, for 81800: on easy terms. Nell 8mith. 6532 Foster road, rnone JSDor isui INVKSTIGATE 4 room bungalow, porch an arouna, ocauutrai jots, city water, $1700; real snap. Tabor 3064. evenings. ' REAIITIFITL, HOMK aIaa 1 nna i Inn 1 vnnm m oms tl payment, bal. monthly East 273. W 11, If AvHman A MODERN bungalow of 6 rooms. 3 blocks from Alberta car. This is very nice: terms to suit. Watson & Therkef- sen Co:. 806 Spalding bldg. Main 7693 $1600 $400 CASH, new modern 6-room l- En.l r.n lt -nm an mail. beamed celling, decorations, etc. Call Tabor 3571. ONLY $3650. Lot 60x100 and 7 room house on Union ave. south of Going St. Bell eg negieier, tui vrrninarer pigg, THREE rooms and bath, large lot. Own er. THbor 48. $100 DOWN, $10 per mo., new, modern . 11,7 a room wiuiic iiei. Tomorrow Is the Day You should send in - youf classified copy for The Big Sunday Journal This will not only facilitate matters for your-. .self, but. will iive us a better opportunity to handle your copy to the best advantage. Should you wish to phone your' ad CALL MAIN 7173 OR A-6051 Adshajgc4nly4Q - listed in either " rff the telephone directories. CI For Quick Sale House and lot for 1750: 875 cash. SIS per month, including;': interest; house piped witn'JJuu Him water ana gas; lot fidxlOO. in -(K)d nelahborhood. 8 blocks to Rose City Park carllne and anoy road; carllne recently: ooudio tracked and Bandy road paved. D-149, journal A I'' :';': KASY . TERMS ' "liM. . structed throughout, all built In coiu venlences, Dutch kitchen, furnace, east front .lot, only II blocks to car. For in- rormatjon and appointment ,v . Call Tabor 3089 ' ' THREE rooms . and bath, new: corner lot, 100x100, on west Side; high and sightly; view of Tualatin valley; 2 blocks to car. 16 minutes to postofflce; walks, "raded streets and water; fine neighborhood; 82100; small cash pay ment, balance like rent, ' PROVIDENT TRUST CO.. OWNERS. Second Fl oor Selling B ldg. S-ROOt bungalow on West Side. I rooms on first floor. 3 large rooms On second' floor; well built; commands fine view of Tualatin valUrmearly H acre or grounu. good lawn, roses ana iruit: close to car and 15 minutes to postofflce. januu: terms can te arranged. PROVIDENT .TRUST CO., OWNERS. Beco'd Floor Selling BIdgr. $200 Cash ' BALANCE RENT from Mt. Tabor carllne. This Is a bar gain if taken at once. Call 2115 E. Tarn hill to see property, -Phone A-2603, Main o i VOJX SALE LOTS 10 West Side Lots . : Glenelyn Addition . Choice building lots on west side, in- wide tha 3 miles circle. Fine view of Tualatin vaney aud Alt. Hood; walks, graded streets and water in and includ ed kin price; $400 and up; select your lot and we wlU build for you on small cash payment.' PROVIDENT TRUST CO.. OWNERS. 2d floor Helling- bldg. SACRIFICE . ... ' FOR $376. FINE JRA8T - FRONT LOT IN WESTMORELAND, 1 BLOCK FROM CAR LINE. MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE. $185 CASH WILL HANDLE. SEE WARD. . WARD & YOUNGER. SUITE 426 YEON BLDG. IT REQUIRES only $6600 to handle one of the best investmentu in Portland. Our client, in order to save other prop erty, must sacrifice 36 60x100 foot close in residence and business lots in splen did west side district, for less than half tholr actual value. Act immediately. Security Realty Co., 426 Lumber Ex change nifig., za ana starit sts. THIS is the biggest bargain yet Over nnA a .fa tin faA IK tnfnilt rlrin ideal location; sickness compels party to sell; cash. Phone mejor price. Do not wait if you want a snap on some thing extra fine. M. E. Lee, 311 Cor bet t bldg. 60x180 $350 IS down. t5 monthly, liberal discount for cash; 35 minutes from First and Alder; high, level lots, good school, meat market and store: 6 He fare. A. C. Marsters, owner, 202 Wilcox bide. Main 3617. A-7340. Tabor 1770. FOUR big, beautiful view lots, 40x160 each, fine soil for srardenlng. fruit and berries; 20 minute car ride; water piped to them; a nargam you cannoi Deal. nl. Q il A aoE ooh eiR tia, mnnlh M. E. Lee. 311 uoroett Diag. LOT at Firland for sale by owner, price trada on house. Call evenings. East 4154. SEE Le Nolr & Co. for west side prop- erty, exclusive neaiera in west side realty. 837 Chamber of Commerce. LARGE Firland lot. $375; terms $5 month; graded street and water. 720 Chamber of Commerce. Tabor 771. A BEAUTIFUL view 60x100 loi, near station. 20 minute ride, west airU. $350; $15. cash, $5 per month. M. E. Lee. 311 Corbett bldfr. SEVERAL LOTS, IRVINGTON. 1 cor. Russell street lnoom ISft n month; all cheap. East 273. W. H. TWO lots st Council crest for cash or terms. Watson & Therkelsen Co- sos Spalding bldg. Main 7592. - 75x81 ft.. 64th st $300 below value. Only $426. Tabor 2547. ACREAGE 57 ACREAGE, 1 mile from city limits on macadam road, 3. blocks to good 'car line; bearing -fruit trees, good soil, hiarh and sightly. We will build for you Bold on easy payments, r PROVIDENT TRUST -CO., OWNERS. Second Floor Selling Bldg Gibson 1-2 Acres Good soli, city water, close to car line easy terms. Phone Marshall 1685 Sail. wood 476. John H. Gibson, owner HAVE YOU 35 1N CASHT If so. it will make your first payment on a 10 acre tract of good land; 1 hour and 80 minutes from Portland. Room 215 Lumber Exchange bldg., corner 2d and Stark sts. FIVE acres or more, 6 minutes' walk to Oregon Electric station, store and school; deep, black, rich loam in culti vation; best loganberry land in Oregon; $200 per acre; small cash payment Owner, E-206. Journal. 5 Acres $400' on electric line at station, 20 miles from city, creek through the place, fine for chickens or fruit; terms. 214 Lumber mens bldg. One Acr& Bargain Within city limits. 4 room house and other buildings. Price $700 below value. No trsdea. Phone after 4 Tabor 629. iO. ACRES $350. Good soil, roads and new school, 1 hours from Portland; your own terms. 216 Lumber Exchange bldj., - v yjor. za ami eiara BIS; I ACRE partly cleared and second growth timber; not far out, adjoining carllne, for $760; easy terms. U-166, Journal. those .vliQSC-iumcs-re VOJX SALE HOUSES AdtKAGK 57 " Acreage On Fourth street line, the fran-' cliise matter is now settled nd electric cars will be running In til few weeks When the new cars are running f It Will sell ONE HUNDRED DOL LARS PER . ACRE higher than -now, --' - .- -'. ' ' Let us show you these tracts, ". roads all mude, three ututlons on the ground, best of soli and will be only 80 minutes out with the ' new cars and in the valley west . of city. . Tne Shaw-Fear Co. ' Main 36. 102 4th St. ' A-3600. 7 6 ACRES '-. 1 Suburban home, 40 minutes out on the electrio line, only t blocks from station, fine trout stream through the place; is in tne corporate limits or a uve ni tl town: citr water and electric llaht on the place; 8 minutes to 'high school, gooa Stores srra cnurcnes, gooa neign bors; a new bungalow of 5 rooms; 6 acres in cultivation; Is all rich, black loam, no gravel; commuters' fare 16c; a UUU 1IUIIIQ amaav a iiuiii mo start. Price only; $3750, half-cash, bal. W. H. LANQ CO., 315 Ablngton Mdg. Acreage on West ( Side Twn1l.n4 att tarty sa VAC ff haavaf. lliAWOlirn w dui "vntvi- dam land and g03d drainage; , pant of this tract is Under cultivation, part In stumps and some heavy timber; 2 M,r 6 and, 10 text) .tracts; prices range from $375 to $600 per acre. Bold on easy terms. Inside the mile circle. , PROVIDENT TKUM' W UWWJUKa, ' OtHifjim i' nyi "?' " ""B' 5 and tO Acres Cheap r $20jip to $48 per acre, on terms, rracia of 6 acres or more: deep, red shot so'.!, well watered; easily cleared. Ideal for general farming, fruit, vege tables, dairying and chicken raising; Io cs t-d on county road, close to live town on R. R. end river near Portland. Own ers, 703 Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak sts. Main 8076. Evenings East 34. $75 CasF Makes first payment on 12 acres; no rock or gravel. Home clearing; 3 miles to river and railroad transportation: lVt hours from Portland, on road, close to new school; less than mile to macadam road; easy terms. ' i 21S LUMBtU HiXUliAINUrc BLUU,, Second and Stark Sts. ; Acreage Down ihe river on west side. , mile from new St. Helens Hall fite and will be only H mile from the proposed car line to be ex tended down along the ridge from Willamette Heights north. Here ts another opportunity to get In Just ahead of high class devel opment and at farm land prices. See us. The Shaw-Fear Co. Main 35, 102 4th St. A-3500. Acre Tracts $550 110 down. $5 monthly. 40 minutes from 1st and Alder sts. Oregon City pr. 10c fare, extra fine soiL cleared. level, sightly. A. C Marsters owner, 202 Wilcox bldg. Main $517. A-7340, Tabor 1770. CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Port land. Best soli, good roads, spring water, free wood 10 acres, $400, $600, $600 per tract; 20 acres. $800; 40 acres $1200; 60 acres, 12000; 40 acres timber, $2400. Ranches all kinds for sale. Easy terms. Frank McFarland Realty Co, 309 Yeon bld g, rortiano. ur. HERE is a bargain. 6Vj acres, 8 blocks from Clark's station, for $2700 per acre. Watson & Therkelsen Co., 308 S KM 1 Hi ACRE, very best of soil, close to station; price $660. $13 per month. T-167, Journal. FOR SALE FARMS 17 We -have two fine stock and dairy ranches, one of, which we want to sell immediately. Good terms can be made on either. One consists of 772 acres on the bank of the Columbia river, ad joining a railroad town, within 25 miles of Portland; splendid buildings, running water. We cut our alfalfa .three and four times a year and everything else grows with perfect profusion for feeding dairy stock. This prop erty can be bought with or with out dairy stock now on It, amounting te about $10,000 worth, and consisting of over 70 head of milch cows, 80 young heifers coming fresh in the spring, bal ance young stock. This Ts one of the best dairy herds in the Columbia river valley, principal ly registered Holsteln and Roan ' Durhams. Have Implements and horses to run place with. Will give a close price if you mean uslness. The other, consisting of 1307 acres, is located In - the Willa mette valley. 80' miles from Port land; within 2b miles of railroad to be electrified within six months; gooi buildings; fenced and cross fenced; running water and finest of land; over 600 acres bas been cultivated; all could be If cleared of timber. We have photographs of this farm in our office. If will pay you to look this up, as party wants to sell Immediately. Sr N, Steele & Co, . Main 255. 432 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Two Dairy Ranches That can't be excelled in Oregon or Washington. 80 acres, 3'4 miles from R. R. station; boat landing, creamery and condenser; 0 cows, good young team, hogs, chickens, farming imple ments and dairy fixtures, - including good cream separator. There are 66 acres in cultivation; R. F. D good spring, can be piped Into the house; good house when completed of 7 rooms; absolute ly no waste land; for the remarkably low price of $8000; $3000 cash, balance long time at 6 per cent 40 acres 3 Vi miles frbm town and boat landing, about 12 acres In cultiva tion; no waste land; good 8 room house, barn and other - outbuildings; fine stream, 3 cows, some hogs and chick ens.' at the remarkably low price of $3600; $1200 cash, balance long time. We have many other good buys and we are after your business. Don't be afraid to cull in our office and make us prove it. U. & Smith &-U0, 432 Chamber of ' Commerce. 20 Acres $2500 . 20 acres, acres .In cultivation, bal ance in light brush, all fenced and on main county road; new 4 room house, small barn, good spring-and well, one horse, 80 chickens, 2 pigs. One buggy, wagon, all small tools; 4 miles from end of electrio line at present Price $2600. Terms. . . 1 Thompson. & Swan , Sixth end Main 8ts. Vancouver, Wash. . 20 . Acres $750 L 20 "acres,. aJi- good level .land;. lmlla from good country town ana a. Mt. sta tion, on main traveled road.. Can . make good-terms. Here Is your chunee to get a good piece of land. - This is in a thickly settled locality and V mile to school. R. F. D. and telephone. . Thompson & Swan .-. Sixth and Main Sts. Vancouver, Wash. X7 'id MM " 7 in cultivation, balance In pasture st present; 6 room .frame house, barn ltis 18, chicken house, family orchard, well water, berries, cow, uhlckaris, farm tools; Vj tulle to school,. 3 miles from Oregon City; will trade fur, nice home of 1 acre with house between1 Oregon City and Ouk Orove on Oregon City carllne; price for 10 acres, $3000. , 1 . ' ' All In high state of cultivation; fine 7 room plastered house with fireplace; three large- chicken houses, all new, equipped with brooders, etc.;1 large barn, with 8 tons of hay in it; good wood shed with winter's wood; family or chard,' strawberries and raspberries; 2 . good wells; 200 chikens, t fine' Jersey cows, hog, team,, pigeons; new 2Vs lcb Mitchell wagon, new buggy, good hack, disc, plow' harrow, bonecutter, feedchop per, incubator, . seeder, shovels, hoes, carpenter tools, harnesses, berry crates; everything goes with place mile to graded school, 2 miles to Oregon City, In a thickly settled neighborhood, like living in town; price $6500; will take a home in Portland to the amount of $3000 and $1500 cash as first, payment,, balance time. i ":-:, '. rty A'.r Wis'. 6 acres in cultivation which is fins black bottom land, balance upland, not hard to clear: Ilea on two county roads. Will- subdivide in two acre tracts nicely located one half mile from the town of Willamette and 8 miles from Oregon City, Southern Paclf to new electrio line, that is being built from Portland to tia I em, . passes within 10 minutes' walk of this tract. They have also surveyed a branch line from their : main line running to Tualatin vallev 'that passes within 100 feet of this VOli SALIC tract. Acre tracts witnin 6 diocks or -this land are being sold from $600 to -$800 per sere, 'so why is this not a snap at $300 per acre? We will be safe in saying that this will be $500 -fCL ':' acre when the line Is completed. Price- $3000. Will trade for residence in city 1 of Portland to that amount. Will not v assume. . E, P, Elliott & Son End of Suspension Bridge. Oregon City, Or. ; Good Farm Buy -98 Acres for $6500 Here Is one 'of tha best farm buva that we have had on our list in a long time. There are 98 acres, 30 acrea In nigh state of cultivation, balance easy clearing and good pasture. The general lay of the tract is good and the soli is very fertile. An abundance of pure, clear spring water right at the premises. Good 6-room house, union- did red barn( 32x20. with sheds. Other outbuildings. Splendid 6-arre orchard lust coming Into bearing, ao older bear ing orchard of. assorted fruits. Lots of berries of all kinds. About the house is a cluster of symetrlcal firs which combine with the bearing fruit trees and berries in making the place home like and restful. PERSONAL. PROP ERTY: Team, wagon, buggy. 2 sets harness, cow, 100 chickens. 4 stands bees, lots of hay and train, a-ood xiulo- ment of farming implements, and some household goods. Price for everything only $6500. Located In splendid com munity about one mile from school, church and store, and about 80 miles east and a little south of Portland. Just a short distanco to car line. Hargrove & Sons 122 North Sixth street Corner Sixth and Gllsan Main 4381. .. A-726. Columbia River Dairy (6 acres of bottom land no re- ' marks necessary regarding qua!- ' ity of soli. About 25 acres sub ject to June overflow, 20 acres now in cultivation and crop, 20 " acrea open pasture perfectly cleared has been in crop, balance pasture with some brush and tim ber. NICK 7 room house, good dairy barn, etc. Plenty of fruit for family use. Also a fine dairy of 14 milk cows, 6 heifers, 3 horses, hay, kale, farming tools,' etc." On main county road, 1 miles from good railroad town,, where there are creameries, high , school and all conveniences. Boat landing on the place, $7600, easy terms. ALVORD-CARR-HUNTER CO, . 218 Board of Trade bldg. Fine 25 Acre Fruit Farm In the Willamette valley; all the best of land; 10 acres tn full bearing fruit trees; 8 acres in cultivation, balance In brush: fenced and cross fenced: small old house and stable; 4 miles of town of 6000 people, and 1 mile to rail road station and also electrio road. The 10 acre orchard Is worth the price we are asking for the entire tract. The owner needs the cash, hence has s bar gain offer. Price, $5000. S. N. Steele & Co.. 432 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Maln255. " 80 ACRES $35 PER ACRB Tn Clarke coilntv.- 2fi mlloa from ltv miles from R. ft. station, store and P.jr O.. 1 mile of school, on county roadand" I pnone line, an level, mostly Old Durn and easily cleared, nice trout creek, good small house, large barn, 13 acres cleared . and fenced with woven wire; $400 to $800 cash, balance good time; must be sold at once, 211 Lumbermena bldg. British Columbia0 Land - 40 Acre Tracts : These can be bought on easy terms, $16 per acre, $50 cash, $16 per month. Land is level, good soil, splendid vege tatlon. We have field notes and pho tos to show. Call at our office. . RUMMELL & McBP.lDE. 274 Stark. A Chance for a Poor Man 10 acres Improved with 8 good houses, barns and outbuildings, fine well, lies Ideal, no rock, 2 miles to Sherwood and electrle car, 13 to Portland, 1 mile to rock road, only $1200; $200 cash, balance $100 per year at 6 per cent W. H. SEITZ & CO., $10 Spalding bldg. Main 6584. TWENTY acres, 114 miles from R. R. station, 30 miles- from Portland; everything first class, good house and barn, running water, springs, a good team, cow. 2 doas. chickens, farming Im plements all go with place. Watson & Therkelsen Co., 306 Spalding bldg. Main 7502.'" 1 - - -, : - .-. LOOICI LOOK! I need money; will sell my 200 acres fine land, finely watered, on good coun ty road, 6 miles to R. R. T. and boat , landing, school across the road, not far from Portland; $18 per acre for quick sale: some terms. 1203 Yeon 4ridg. ' IDEAL country htfmc. Improved 80 acre farm In fruit valley, on county road. K, k. ana laper -mn rrom Vancouver I Fine fruit and berry land; no gravel o?vl hardpan; $200 par acre; $6000 cash. umauva ihuiibubs on ruruana properly mu nwnrr, moor wu, I to 9 a. Tn FOR SALE Dairy ranch, 66 acres, down . the Columbia, good house .and barn, 10 acres cultivated, - watered bv creek and spring, family orchard; $3200: $1200 down, balance easy terms.- Rainier Realty Co., 204 Ltimher Exchange. itt-ACS3iiOO250aki,2 W...iuUea to Sherwood, 13 miles to Portland, i , good houses, barns,, well, no- rock, lies , Ideal, 1 mile to rock road, best soil, -or will cut In 1 acre tracts. W. It. Helta & Co., 410 Spalding bldg. Main 6584. ' 36 ACRES, with all improvements and stock. Must sell. Pries $2100. fee owner, 233 11th st.