THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL', PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 13, 131 ill HI COVER EAST SIDE Horth Portland Commercial Club Approves Scheme as Far as It Goes. After listening -to a report on the Greater Portland Plans last night it was the sense of the Joint meeting of members Of the North Portland Com mercial club and the, Woman's auxil iary, that the plans are all right so far as they go, "but that additions of ad vantage to North Portland and tha east aide generally should be made. ' To the end thatr such additions ma be consid ered, a delegation of 100 east side busl- mn with some women delegates, .ni Mniint Tnbor rptiresentatlves. will meet at the Clifford hotel on the eaH aide the night or ueceraoer jv. n i probable that at that meeting plana for hew specifications lor me ureaier fori lurnt Plana will ha recomrfiended." ; v 'The Greater Portland plans seem to meet with general approval so far as they go," said J. H. Nolta, ex-presldent of the North Portland uommercia ciuo hut It- la nur idea that some improve' ments can be made In fairness to ov section. At any rate, what we want nmthinr that will nrovlde for 'better plans right away. - We want action now particularly, glad as we are to nave aorae general plan offature action for a Greater Portland." , t The Greater Portland plan was ax trained h Marshall N., Dana. A reso lutlon later was adopted recommending the appointment 01 air. juana aa poai reaster of Portland to succeed the late C. B. Merrick. Xfr Nnlt Introduced a resolntlon look lng to the establishment of a trades school on tha east side, explaining that haaiina nf tha arrester number of peo ple to be served," and the lower real estate values, such a district is tne practical location for such an institu tion. It was also decided to have a "Broad way Bridge Day," to celebrate the open lng of the new bridge,, with Judge Mun ley as chairman of tha committee In charge of arrangements. Dn r.anlutlnn of Mr ' Nolta. it WSS Voted that the Oregon slough should be made a part of the city or roruana. so that when the slough la dredged and becomes of value because of shipping possibilities it will be under the control of the municipal government Mr. Nolta stated that he would intro duce a measure at the next session of the state legislature recommending that the slough bo placed la the control of the Port of Portland. IGHI SUBURBANITES OVE TO REDUCE SPED j, Suburbanites already have cham- ploned tha cause of fast travel by street j cars. Each mall brings to Chief of Police Blover a letter from soma street car I traveler. In which the chief la asked to not reduce the speed of ears; .'For sev "eral. mornings a special' speed officer has timed street cars, finding they are t" greatly exoeedlng ths limit -t Tuesday morning an officer timing : j Mt. (Bcott cars on Hawthorne avenue re . J ported 'tha cars going on an, average of 2B miles an hour. In view of this, the l',t following letter has 'been received '1 among a large number of others: 'J "l live three miles out on the Mount i Scott line. Every morning during the :"jrush hours I am SO minutes reaching ij Second and Alder streets. If the cars ,Jj were covering SO miles an hour,-1 ought to get Into the city In six minutes. On 1'jan average, tha cars make eight stops, :Sj losing less than one half minute at each ' stOD. ' That means a loss of four mln- v5 utea ; This added-to the six-minutes that a car should reach the city if com lng straight through, makes a total of ,;;10 minutes It would take to ride Into ' the city. If the- cars go SO miles-an y hour. So you sea the facts and the re- . port submitted to you do not coincide. n "as a matter of fact, the cars run too slowly. It Is claimed by Call for i nlans that the suburban cars running ;,.out of Los Angeles make twice as good t time. If the cars on Hawthorne avenue exceed the speed limit what about au to ll mobile? There Is not a morning that I'tnese trazs machines oo not go whls j'.sing by the cars, running at double the .' speed or the former. "W, L. KEARNS. ' j SOI Forty-sixth avenua Southeast." Jj ' Journal Want Ads bring results. Diamond Stord Open Evenings The Gift Beautiful-- A DIAMOND PECE A PLAIN THIN WATCH SOMETHING IN STERLING SILVER A GOOD, RELIABLE CLOCK Also hundreds of other valuable suggestions having a distinctive air , of refinement that captivates and pleases the most discriminating tastes. IVORY : TOILET WARE TEMAIRfcT OPERA GLASSES ' Bear Creek Bridge Suit Lost by Ashland Citizens 6& "f . ' .:'r;W?W?i' ;,r" s The reinforced concrete structure at (Special to The Jooraal.) Medford, Or., Dec. 1.-The new Mod ford bridge across Bear creek Is near lng completion. The total cost will ex ceed $40,000. Contract was let for the bridge by the county court last spring, the county-to pay $18,000. the Pacific and Eastern railroad, which will pass under the bridge, $2500, and the city of Medford the balance. Shortly after the contract was let, the county and the contractor, E. G. Perham, were enjoined by Benton Bow "UNDERGROUND PIPELINE" TO CERTAIN Oregon City, Or Dee. IS. The Bull Run pipe line, has been tapped for the Use of certain Oregon City people. Just where the tapping has taken place is not definitely known, but tha employes of the Bannon & Co. department store here are drinking nothing but the pur est of Portland' water. It all came about through Georre Peper, an employe of the store, who re- aides in Portland. Knowing the germ- ridden condition of the Oregon City water, and realizing that tha temptation to drink the Willamette river water oc casionally proved: too strong for tired clerks, Mr. Peper purchased the other day a huge demijohn one of those bulky propositions, dona up In wicker work. Each morning before starting for Oregon City, Mr. Peper fills up the TO GIVE FAREWELL . BANQUET FOR FIELDS A farewell .banquet to County Clerk Fields is to ba given tomorrow evening at, the Imperial hotel by employes of his offioa. ' Extensive plans have been made by the committee . in charge, H. W. Hodges, Carl Chrlstensen and Miss M. EL Burke, to make tha affair a happy ending for Mr. Fields' 10 ears of serv ice, 'v.'.'"-"4- ' ' .- : . A toast to Mr. Fields Is to be pro posed by Chief Deputy County Clerk H. C. Smith for the senior employes, II. M. Lull for tha juniors, Mrs. M. A. Dearlng for the women, James McCord for the former employes, Samuel H. Pierce for the press. Following Mr. Fields' response a complimentary toast will be given in honor of tha women by F. G. Wilde, to which Mrs. M. & Starr will respond. The remainder of the ev ening will b devoted to dancing and cards. SELECTING NAMES . FOR JURY SERVICE The selection of names for jury duty next year was commenced this morning by County Clerk Fields and as In the paat three years the list n being made up from the personal tax roll. Mr. Fields took the stand that the opinion of the state tax commission that personal taxes are collectible this year makes this course permissible, . There are 46,41 J names on the 11a t of personal taxpayers and from this list 1S66 names will be selected, each Initial letter having a proportional rep resentation. Only 1600 jurymen are re ESTABLISHED 1868 mi I .(f.. """I"' EACH DAY Importers Opticians Manufacturing Jewelers 283-285 Washington Street, Between Fourth and Fifth Feldenheimer's Solitaire Rings Makes a Christmas gift of unusual merit. The broad variety of sizes of our Diamond Stock affords splendid opporturiitiestin se lecting. The new all-platinum mountings, a feature. " - Medford, lltlgaJon over which has ers and others of Ashland and tha In junction precipitated a bitter communi ty fight between Ashland and Medford, which colored the political situation and resulted In the election of a Medford man as county judge against an Ash land, man. each city voting solidly for its candidata Tha enjolners claimed that the oounty could not legally con struct the bridge aa it was In Medford's city limits. The county claimed that under the Medford charter the county was obliged to build bridges on all CARRIES BULL RUN THIRSTY ORE jug and In the evening patiently lugs the empty 'deml" back to Portland. Peper has won everlasting -popularity with the Bannon employes. It la said the "deml" la a great asset for the busi ness of the store, too, for when the clerks have all had their little nip, Mr. Bannon picks out a good customer or two, gives them tha wink, throws the jug over bis arm like a Kentucky colo nel dealing out whisky, and together they take a little "shot" Patrons of the carline think they have a good laugh n Peper as he gets on and off the oar, lugging the big jug. The young man is calloused to their jokes, however, and enjoys the fun aa much as anybody, realizing that his water bottle would. In a dry town, ba a most suspicious looking canteen. quired but Mr. Fields expects to have about SE6 names eliminated because of the fact that lawyers, doctors, firemen and many others are exempt from Jury service. As there are no names beginning with the letter "X" on tha roll that Initial will not be represented. Tha let ter "Q" will have" but two members of tha list for there are. only S3 "Q's" on the list "S" leads Jtt'pflnt of numbers with 18$ to be seletTtTd and 4665 on the roll - ' POULTRY SHOW NETTED $1000 ABOVE EXPENSES The report of the board of directors which had charge of the recent chicken and pet stock show made last night to the stockholders of the Oregon Pet Stock association, showed that the af fair had been a huge success and that more than $1000 had been cleared. Spe cial features for the next year's show, .which will Include lectures for ama teurs, and for others Interested in stock, were discussed, -The following seven were elected as directors of the association for the coming year: J. C. Murray, E. H. Bauer, E.' J. Russell, B. D. Paget C O. Wlndle, E. II Shearer, W. I Fulmer. Officers will be elected at the next meeting. MRS. LYONS' CASE SET OVER; WIDNEY IMPROVES (United Preis Ieat4 Wire.) Ban Francisco, Dec IS. When the case of Mrs. Vivien Lyons, pretty Den ver divorcee, waa called In police court here today, Robert J. Wldney, wealthy Mail Orders Promptly ttende'dTo mm I, Just been ended in the gupreme court. county roads. Construction was halted for a period following tha inlunctlon. but noon the city's agreeing to pay the entire cost in case the Injunction waa sustained by the supreme court, tha contractor pro ceeded with the work. The new bridge or viaduct is the finest In southern Oregon.- It is of rein forced concrete, about 400 feet In length, 6$ eet wide, with streetcar tracks laid in cement Illuminated with cluster lights. . : - real estate operator of Los Angeles,' had not sufficiently recovered from the ef fects of the bullet wound received whUe in Mrs. Lyons' apartments . to appear in court, and tha hearing- was set over for two weeks, v- , Mrs. Lyons is at liberty on 11500 ball. She is confident that Wldney will not press the case. LEVEE COMMITTEE IS NAMED BY RUSHLIGHT Mayor Rushlight today appointed Councllmen Monica, Wilhelm and Daly a special committee to confer with the dock commission, the city attorney and representatives of the Southern Pacific in the matter of drafting a legislative bill to obtain for the city tha possession of the levee at the foot of Jefferson street Deputy City Attorney L. B. Latou rette, who is acting for the city In the absence of his chief, Frank S. Grant, says he wlU ask tha mayor to call a meeting of, tha conferees within the next few days. Attorney Jaynes, who was appointed by Governor West to in vestigate the status of the levee with a view to determining what are the rights of the publio thereon, will also be asked to Join tha coming conference. By agreement among several leading nations a detailed map of th world on a uniform scale of one inch to about sixteen miles is being made. Journal Want Ada bring results. - The really old-fashioned, homeli ke Chri s tmas -the kind you read about-. with all the Christ mas poodles arid suggestions - with the wholesome, well-cooked dinner You can enjoy them all, more than ever before, if vouMl accent our In vitation tor Christmas Dinner for your self and your Jamily at the IMPERIAL GRILL Telephone Mr. Metschan to'day that you are coming. mat d-aou tuo Do plant, We Sell Strong, Healthy Plants that live long and do well.. . . . . U V TL t M SB Up tO SD.VV. Imported Hart Mountain Canarie-The most beautiful singers on earth.- New ship ment just received. Call and hear them sing. GOLD FISH We have just received 2000 healthy, active little fellows. They will inter--est and delight the children. Prices 151 to 75e and up. ' , - Special this week, 2 small fish and globe, only 80J. Larger outfits 5f , . f 1.00, f 1.60 and up. , ( CUT HOLLY, MISTLETOE, CEDAR ROPE Special $1.25 Holly Wreaths 75'c Very low and special prices for early orders, before the big rush. Call early this week. We'll deliver any time you say, - fiTOREPENEVENING9 - Routledge Seed and Floral Co. : ' 169 SECOND ST, NEAR MORRISON RE An engagement ring, a quarrel, and then the municipal court were the three steps In a story told Judge Tazwell (his morning by Annie Bourland and Chris tina Wonsyld, the former the plaintiff. the latter the defendant Mlas Bourland said the ting Is being held unlawfully by Miss Wonsyld, The later Insisted the ring belongs to a brother of Miss Bourland. However, Judge Tazwell con cluded the action should be civil Instead of criminal, and dismissed the case. From the different versions given by those interested. It appears that Miss Wonsyld was engaged to Mr, Bourland. Some way the engagement was called off, Miss Wonsyld keeping the engage ment ring after the affair had been con sidered settled. ' , Miss Bourland now claims the ring end therefore had the young woman ar rested.' Miss Wonsyld claims the ring e The Portland's Christmas Dinner- It will be. a lorur-remembered one, for our Chef promises os that each guest shall go , sway gratified and satisfied. All the- traditional Christmas dishej will be served, with new delights to tickle the palate. On, Christmas Night 5:30 to 8:30 BOTH DINING ROOMS 91.50 . Tables may now be reserved by telephone, both for Christ mas Dinner and for the din ner on New Year's ere. Kindly say '"which';; 'dining room yon prefer to be seated. In. . NOON LUNCHEONS 12 to 2. AFTERNOON TEA 3 to 5:30. THEATRE SUPPERS PORTLAND HOTEL Q. J. KAUFMANN, Manager. N. K. CLARKE, Assistant Manager, Living Presents They are cheerful, Interesting" and different, and everyone loves them. you realize that a pretty flowering a beautiful Fern or stately Palm is HASGIRLAR STED FOR KEEPING FIANCE'S RING - an appropriate present in ANY home? ' All our Plants, nicely trimmed or with Jardinieres at very reasonable prices. Beautiful little Plants as low as 25f and up to T5eV . Magnificent large ones' as low as 91.00 and lJNTnrfl has always beon the property of Mr. Bourland, and exhibited letters in oourt to this effeot Bhe also said the ring had left her possession, and is now with her landlady. Judge Taswell said the entire transac tion should have been aired In the Jus tice oourt in a civil suit Tha plaintiff was so advised, if she still wishes to gain possession of the, ring. WARDENS UNHORSED; MOTORCYCLES TRIED : (Special to The Journal.) -Pendleton, Or., Deo. 18. Motorcycles Instead of horses may be used through out the state In the near future to' fa cilitate the work of tha game officials If experiments to ba tried during the ensuing month prove successful. Three district deputies, one of them Edgar F. Averlll of this city, are to be provided with the gasoline bicycles at once, tha THEATRES AMUSEMENTS- ENTERTAINMENTS Town Talk Crowded Houses. A v nth .nr1 Tavlnt Phones Main 1 and A-1122. iMME AUWeek,! RveryNlght , This Week 8l Main S; A-1020. Matinee Dally. AT THE ii UNO A LOW THKATRB, : Twelfth, and Morrison Streets. Mat 15c tSo, 50& Nights, ISo, too, TSe. SAKERTHEATRbr All n .I I 111 CER," an Intense, Interesting play with scenes laid at a western military ii post. First time In Portland. Evenlnrs, 26c, 85o, 60o. Mau., 25o. Neat week, starting Sunday matinee. "ChecKers." 'THE MACY .MODELS,' A Gorgeous Musical Comedy and 1 S Pretty Girts. f B OTHER HJSADLINB - ACTS ; Special Prices Matinees, any seat lOo. Evenings, 10c, 20c. 3ulllvan at Conaldlne MATINETD DAIL.T WEEK DEC. a Curtain S:0. 7:1S, . t YmC'THEATRErr. Ktatlng A Flood Co. Pre-entS day nights, continuous performances, com- . "The MerryManlao,' tha menclngat 8:30. Friday night, chorus girls laughlest of all laughing oome- contest. Next week, "Santa Claus' Jr." OREGON HOTELS OTEt'OIEG PORTLAND, OR. "BEST IN THE WEST" , An hostelry of Indescribable charm, unequaled In point of service, comfort and . ppolnt ments. Situated in tha very heart of things. European plan. WRIGHT A DICKINSON HOTEL COMPANY, Prop. itei lira Stark Street, at Eleventh' PORTLAND, OREGON 'Attractive rates for permanents furnished upon request Unex celled service and cuisine. An unequaled table d'hote dinner served nightly 6 till 8 seventy-fiye cents. " WRIGHT A DICKINSON. Managare. HE IILT I mt 1:1 ' i-T- EUU8 MTEL. IUJ HOUSH OF WELCOME . V PORTLAND, OREGON. Our 14-passenger brown auto bus meets all ; trains. A . high - class, modern hotel in the heart of the theatre and shopping district One block from any carline. One dollar per day and up. European plan. ' CORNELIUS HOTEL COMPANY. PROPRIETORS J. W. Blain, President 1 Third and East Burnslda ' CENTRALLY LOCATED Rates Lowest In ths City 75o PER DAY. PRIVATE BATH $1.84 DAT Limousine Bus Free to AU Trains. Special rates to permanent guests. JfcV RIVERVDEW MOTEL' a. - A-.awXj state fish, and game commission haying" recently authorized State Warden Fin ley to make the purchases, according to Chairman C. K. Cranston of this city, Tha , different" makes of machines are now being tried out and a selection will be made soon. t ' The sam authorities believe motor cycles will ba far more economical than horses and will render deputies many times more effective by reason of their superior speed. It is believed it will even be possible to traverse the moun tainous sections with them inasmuch as all of the national forests have trails, of good grade and free from obstruc tions. : ,-.--t w; ; ' Four German cities having proved tha worth of overhead - monorail railroads, tiamourg now is euuuing una. In the last 10 years New Torjnas reclaimed it square miles of land by filling It In with the city's ashes. PAUL j.'RAirifiys AFRICAN HUNT , MOTION PICTURES " Reserved Seats Now Belling for engate- ment PRICES, 60o and SSo. LOUISB JOSEPH AND COMPANY IN ' s BTrwii it mmmrnnirm is Blx Mora Feature Acts.' Geo. U Baker. Mgr. Mala . A-6SSS. week.' Mats. Wed. and Sat. The Baker i ..rixTtn rAiiuixmTlkTn rwp it MATINE9 UAILT Vaudevllle,h? WEEK DEC. ' 18 Minnie Palmer Presents tha ISIS CABARET REVIEW: Hollman Bros. Jane Madison ! fc Co., Pony Moore-D. J. Davey, Edna Madison, : Don and O'Neal, Pantagesoope. Popular prices, ' Boxes and first row balcony reserved. Curtain S:S0, 7:15 and . dies, written and staged by Chas. Alphln. Two performancea nlehtly. 7:80 and :10. Matinees dally at 2:30. Sunday and coll- OREGON HOTELS TEL SEATTLE ' SEATTLE WASH. "IN. THE SHADOW OF THE) TOTEM Located In the center of the financial and business districts. Modern . In every partloular. Magnificently furnished. Euro pean plan. WRIGHT ft DICKINSON HOTEL COMPANf, Prop. Only First Class Amer ican and Eur o p e a n Plan Hotel in the City ABSOLUTELY FIRB-PROOF "., FORTLAND & GRANDEHT HOTEL 100 rooms .... ...... $1.00 per day 100 rooms .$1.50 per day 200 fooms, with bath $2.00 per day '100 rooms with bath $2.50 per day Add $1.00 per day to above prices when two occupy one room. VERY ATTRACTIVE PRICES FOR PERMANENT GUESTS It C BOWERS, Manager, GAINER THIGPEN, Asst Ma:.rer. Fielder Jones, Vice-President ! tTEl ' 158 THE HEAHT IF TOE CSW. NOTE OUR RATES: lifpiu if . -J ' J Room with Bath Privilege , $1.00UP Two Persons ..,..$1.50 UP Room With Private Bath ............. $1.50 UP Two Persons . , ..$2.50 UP L. Q. 8 WET LAND, MGR. (Permanent Rates on Appl.catlon) RW',JfljWW JW W.5SjSjSV. ft mm i i .l-(; "f Portland Famouj Hotcl noted for the txcellencc; bfik Cuisine. European p!anj x " " s '' 1 f NICCtAXKiJ, At KQV if -" 1. Store Phones Main 595(5, A-3811 City Tree Yard Main 55, A-471S