1n n 01. ( f ry THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL', PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER li MR SPEECH wmwk UKEDBYCOUf Many Telegrams Received by President-Elect; He Prom ises Everlasting Disgrace to Disturbers of Prosperity. rjnltod Ptm Uu& Wire.) New York, Dec. 11 Congratulatory telegrams poured In on Woodrew Wilson hero today following his speech at the Vanquet 0 . the Southern, society last jilKht, during the course of which he wainfd panlo makers that any, financial upheaval would bring down the wrath of popular vengeance on their heads. Wilson's warning followed as a result f sinister predictions of what would come If the Democratic party put Into effect changes in economlo policy. "I give this warning," said the president-elect, "not as a threat, but merely to convey the Intimation that the men responsible for financial upheavals must atand up and be counted, There is just as much money, in the country the day after a panic as the day before, but It is differently distributed as a result of the panic," . . ' 7'.- - ' - v ,' Brandela Praises Address. Louis D. Brandeis, the Boston attor ney mentioned frequently as a cabinet probability, praised Wilson's address. 'It simply meant." said Brandeis, "that Wilson will carry out his prom iocs to the people, and wss absolutely slnrers In making them. I was not afraid when he made his pre-election statements and I am not afraid now. "The speech was an announcement that Wilson will follow a direct and -i, and ra tnrouerh With the fight regardless of any opposition. He made his statement so cieariy uu nu 1 iin.t.nAln, la ImnnnslhlA." "It was a wonderfully clarifying dec laration, said wiuiam jt. jaccomDs, rhnlrman of the Democratic national committee. "Nothing could be mora Wilson received a number, of callers today. Among his visitors were aic rnmht wniiani a Mc.Adoo. Consress man A. Mitchell Palmer of Pennsylvania and Senator Owen. ' Won't Allow Panic V -America." said Governor Wilson in Ms address .before the Southern society, "is not going to let a panlo happen. Its Urn wid linen. . But I sneak aS if I (tmected It as if I feared it I do not I am not afraid of anything. Tn mine riifi nan In has come natur ally, because of a mental disturbance of peoole with reference to loans an J money generally. But the machinery is In existence by which the thing can be deliberately done. Frankly, I don't think there is a man living who. dares use tie machinery ror mat purpose, it he does, I promise him, not for myself, but for my fellow countrymen, a gibbet as high as Hainan's. I do not mean a literal gibbet, but the gibbet of publio disgrace, which shall live as long as the members of that man's family sur vive." ,,1;.; ,. & .1-r At this stage of his speech, Wilson re ferred to possible changes in economic policies, but be mentioned no specif la 'policy. ;" v "Since I left the academic walks." be said with . a. smile, "I find an increasing temptation to' .profanity. I think, bow ever, Jthat the recording angel probably does not bear those things against me, for there Is such a thing as righteous anger." ' v.-'-'" Throughout his address the speaker was frequently interrupted by applause. Vice Chairman William O. McAdoo of the Democratic national committee lauded Wilson's declaration, saying: There Is everything la the president elect's speech to reassure legitimate business. It also contains a warning to wanton obstructionists that they will not be tolerated." Wilson and Bryan to Meet. (Cnl ted Frets tued Wire.) - New lork. Deo. 18. President-elect Woodrow Wilson and William J. Eryan wlU meet here for the first time since - the election at a testimonial dinner to be given Saturday night 'by Governor- elect William Bulzer of New York. It Is believed that Wilson will go over his cabinet appointments with Bryan at this time. It was reported here today that Bryan does not want to be secre tary of state, preferring either the sec retaryship or the treasury or the de partment of Justice portfolio. " - - COUNCIL LOPS SALARIES OF MAYOR'S APPOINTEES ' " (Special te The JoaraaL) Bprlngfleld, Or., Dec 18. Cutting off salaries was the effective manner in which the majority of the city council Monday night finally rejected the ap pointments of two police officers and city; attorney made by Mayor Welby ACTUAL STARVATION Tacts About indigestion and Its Belief Tbat Should Interest Ton. Although Indigestion and Dyspepsia .o mv: prevalent, most people do not thoroughly understand their cause and vur. j-iiera la na rpunn sk, people should not eat anuything they desire if they will only chew it care- lull ST- And v Ihnrniisrhlv Mnw .Ma.Mii.M sUrve themselves into sickness tbrough vi eauos every, good-looking, good smelling, and good-tasting food, because it does not asree with them The best thing to do is to fit yourself uigeai ujr KOOa lOOd. - We believe we can relieve Dyspepsia. We are so confident of this fact that we guarantee and promise to supply the medicine free of all cost to every one Who Will use it. whn la ...-.,.. satisfied with the results which it pro- uCa. bwici no promises, and put vn, uuuer any oDiigation whatever uu.c, uuviuiis coma ds zairer. We are located right here and onr reputation iivmu we Buxxicieni assurance of the genuineness of our offer, 1 We i want everv ana ,.v Indigestion or Dyspepsia In any form to come to our store and buy a box of XSexa tl Dyspepsia Tablets. Take them home and give them a reasonable trial according to direction. Then, if not Kiiaunu, vomm j.o us ana get your money back. They are very pleasant to take: they aid to soothe the Irritable stomach, to f strength and. Invigorate the digestive ora-ans. and in . healthy nd natural bowel action, thus jPBuiiiK q perrect ana ceaitby dlgestlo and aHSimllatlnn. - . A 25c package of Rexalf Dyspepsia jui luruisnes is days' treatment n oramary cases, wis is sufficient t produce a cure. In Snore chronio cases sary, ana aepenas upon the severity the trouble, For such cases, we have iwo larger sues which sell for 60c and i uu, bold only by Th Owl Drug Co. Mr'S in i Portland, flnnttta Knolt.n. ton Francisco, Oakland, . Los' Angles Stevens at the meeting a week ago and rejected at that time by a vote of three to one. ' , Ths result was attained by the pas-sae-a of Councilman Fischer's resolution forbidding the Issuance of any city war rant for labor or supplies. un bill had been audited by the finance committee of the council, or tor the pay ment for labor unless' the appointment of the off lcetLhad , been confirmed by the council. . ' - The resolution comes as a result of a deadlock In the council. "The reason the majority of the coun cil has opposed the mayor's appoint ments la because we feel tbat if our policies are to be carried out we must have officers who are In accord with us," said Councilman Fen wick. "We had another meeting Thursday night, and Councilman Lepley suggested that the mayor drop his candidates and we drop ours and all pick new pnta. but the mayor refused." v , 4" 1 Mr. Fenwick criticised past street assessments as inequitable, and unjust, and also objected to the delay In se curing a report on ' the past year's expenditures, ; The city attorney -; ex plained 'the apparent discrepancies, and said, If the situation were otherwise, "Boine one had been lying," , . "I , guess somebody has lied to me, . said Fenwick. New Jersey Is about to purchase 110.000 acres of land to protect the water supply of a number of Its towns from contamination. " . i. i hul tj i i " i -n i nr-si i-h i 111 in - aji i .w u,' 1 1 fill ' I II III 111 III , L imilAJl Iff SANTA CLAUS DIDW Four Big Strides in Town's Progress Made in One -Day. (BjMtrUl to Ths onrnal.) Medford, Or Deo. 18. -Four announce- nanta tnp tha hnttrmn t Of Medford have been made during the pat 24 hours. They' are the winning of the MaAfnril . hrMira ma asanrance of a cannery for this city, an application for a franchise ror a street ana lnieruman railroad by eastern men, and local ap Dllcatlon for a franchise for a motor bus streetcar line. ; "V v ' The rats case has been hanging fire ,lminmi Aahlanit neonla enloined the building of the bridge here across Bear Creek, i tie matter was urni aecinea against Medford and went up to .the nrim, nmirt whn Mndfarrt was mi. tained and the county's original plan to assist in me ouuaing oi xne oriage will "be carried out. At a meeting of the Medford Mer T FORGET luIE Construction on the Street car line began Monday. The contractors assure us that within sixty days the line will be ready for operation. You will then be able to ride out to WESTOVER TERRACES. It will be the finest car ride in America and there will be thousands of tourists who will visit West over Terraces every year. You will be very' proud to have a home there then NOW $4500 chants' association Monday evening 12400 was subscribed to start a cannery In less than 10 minutes, A committee is now soliciting further funds and is meeting with success. W. A. Vawter. local banker, will ap ply to the council for a franchise for an electrlo line In Medford arid through the valley at ths next session. He jrep. resents R. A. Bullis of New Tork. J. A. Westerlund, C Y. Tengwald of Medford and Axel BJerkander of New Tork, will ask at the same meeting for a franchise for a trackless car service after the Denver plan. . , E It f (Special to The Journal.) ' Coeur d'Alene. Idaho. Dec. IS. A man and woman, both unidentified strangers, wore shot in a room In a notorious re sort called the Olympia at St. Maries last night. The woman was killed in stantly whits at last accounts the man i. alfira K vla wnnnila nra p.tnulAri4 fatal, j The shooting was evidently done irum wunuui, u uv irui vi meariiio was found in the room-or on the per sons of the victims. Forty-five dol lars In naner money was found tucked away In the dead woman's mouth. MUD RED W OMAN HAD MOUTH FULL OF I R FAB CROWD TO SEE in More Want to Hear Talks Than Kennewick Halls . Wili Hold. (Special to The Journnl.) ' Kennewick, Wash., Deo. 18. The dem. onstrstlon train of the O.-W. R. & N. arfved in Kennewick at o'clouk last evening and ths management was greet ed with a very large crowd of the citiaens Of town and valluy, Artange ments for lectures by member In the vlBi ting party had been made by , the local Commercial club, but Kfore the hour of the beginning many ware tuinpj away. The audience listened fur three hours . with keen interest to the talks, Myron T. Hunter epoke n "Economic Pork Produotion," : I Tyv", Hanmn on "Dairy Inspection and Cow Testing," I,. S. Smith on "The Babcook Test," and F. - W. Rader on "Selection of Dairy COWS." :,, s",':. , C. I Smith gave an hour's talk on a number of topics relative to dairying Director and liog raising and dwelt particularly on the growth of valuable crops SSit dairy feed. The exhibition stock is be ing inspected by a large crowd of farm ers this morning and thoee In charge of the various departments ars advis ing the ranchers along their rtspoctlve lines. RAILROAD MEK SEND M GOULD MESSAGE (TJntteA Preu teaied Wire.) , Bt Louis,-Mo Dec, 18.- Miss Helen Gould,' whose engagement to F. J. Bhep ard, a prominent railroad man, was an nounced recently, la In receipt today of a telegram of congratulation from em ployes of the Missouri Pacific railroad, one of the Gould lines. . v c , v ? The message read: ' "You are very deir to ths hearts of ths Missouri Faclflo employes, and hence the announcement that you, will soon become the wife of one of our number, a model man' whom ! we es teem mosf highly,' is exceedingly grati fying to each one' of us. Please be as sured of our sincere, cordial wishes for a blissful future."; : :1 ; -;' Fun and exercise skating at v' Oaks rink..; . MAC ; llg823.' Spal3mg Building ffl!Uli;0 HEllilS . DRYOYABIGVOTE Bond issue to Complete Power Plant Defeated by 58 Votes. (TTolted Front Ltuti Wire.) Ashland, Or., Dec. 18. Ashland re mains dry by a vote of 1368 to 405 at yesterday's -election, in wmcn eo V'rf. cent oi tne votes were cast py wwviu O. H. Johnson was elected mayor by, a majority of W over ffi. D. Brlggs. ? A bond Issue of $26,000 to complete the city power plant was defeated by 58 votes, but a S6000 Issue for an auto mobile fire truck carried. ; A PLEASANT SURPRISE i A pleasant surprise awaits your fam Uy on Christmas, morning If your gift to them is one of these pianos or player pianos the Bush & Lane Piano Co., I5S Washington street, are selling at such, low prices and on the easiest of terms. Open evenings. . ; . r I 1 , 4-