The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 18, 1912, Page 15, Image 15

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Tluef Misses $100,000 in Jewelry
fled to the hills on the Mexican stde of
the International border.
filing a lock on the door of a general
cell. They made their way through the
sheriff's office and walked out Into tho
The prisoners gained their liberty by
main strt of t! t i
scrof, Into M x!;o, ,1 "y
sued by rurales.
on in is
Pi I
Vast Area East of Rockies
Has Only Twice as Much,
Whole United -States Only
: me Times as Much.
, (Salf m Bnra of The Jwirmtl.)
J tj&lem, op.v Uea 18; Venn' nlands
preeminent ernong U16 -tnt? In forwit
aUh," declares SUU Korenter kY A.
KUIott In hitf biennial report now being
Ijreparel.. 'lt in extremely difficult 'to
cbnvey an Jdea" of thai magnitude of Ore
gon's, forest, resources by qubtlnj flfr
urea In terma'of board fet or acre of
timber MncLl 'Thla point can,' however,
tfa brought out .emphatically by com
parlaon wltlj the forest iieaourccs In th
tfthor ,;. timber relon of tha United
States; Statistics prove that Oregon has
almost twlc ;aa much timber as Is
found In all New England, Pennsyl
vania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Mlnne
nota. a territory commonly known as
the Great Northern Forest Region.
t "Tha Central Forest Region, ' extend
ing from southern Michigan to southern
Tennessee and from the west slope of
tli e Appalachian mouhtalns westward to
Oia prttirles, has long been famous as
fia source of our hardwood,, yet lt;con
Oilns only half the amount of standing
timber as does Oregon. v ... j
i "In other words, It Snay be stated
that Oregon contains as much timber
A that portion qf tha United States
east of the Mississippi river and north
eff a Una running from that stream due
oast to the southern boundary Hue of
tennessee atid continuing In tha same
course through North Carolina to tha
AtjRla ocean.
Vf" aj ituci as East of Bookies.
Carrying this comparison a Step fur
ther. It Is found that the1 territory, to
tha south of, this line, extending from
the Atlantic ocean to the eaatern base
Of the Rocky mountains, lacks 43,000.
000,000' board feet of having as much
liierchantable timber as Oregon. Or,
oonalderlog as a unit tha three forest
regions mentioned above, the interesting
and significant fact Is disclosed that
Qregon has approximately half as much
Umber as all of the states east of tha
Rocky mountains put together,
Via the light of these comparisons
there can be no question but that Ore
gon's forests constitute, next to land
ljself, her greatest natural resorce. This
Immense wealth still remains to us,
e,Ven though the Oregon forests for cen
turies have been subject to toll levied
by destructive fires and Insect pests.
It is conservatively estimated that near
ly' one-sixth of the present forested
area, or 4,000,000 acres has been denud
ed by fire. Had this wealth been avail
able for taxation the past year It would
have yielded a tax revenue of not less
'than $1,400,000. Due to carelessness
anfl Indifference In the pant, the tax
payers of Oregon are deprived of the
above amount each yean
v; : One-fifth of All XT. 8. Timber.
The total amount of timber in the
United Btates Is estimated by the fed
eral government as 2,800.000,000,000
feet, board mesure. Of this amount
Oregon has about one-fifth, or 645,000,
000,000 fee t The value of this stand
ing Jlmber is not less than 1G80,000,00),
and when manufactured It will bring
Into the state for circulation at least
t6422.600.000. It would seem that with
all this forest wealth Oregon should be
the foremost lumber producing state,
but owing to the present anaccesslblllty
of much of the timber, the development
of the lumber Industry has been greatly
retarded. With the great increase 'In
transportation facilities In Oregon dur
ing; the past five years, and with cer
tain prospects for further development
along this line, It will ,be only, a few
yjears until Oregdn will lead all states
la the quantity of lumber manufactured.
Our mills are now sending large cargoes
of lumber to the orient, to Australia
and to South American ports, and the
demand from these countries is bound
to increase.
' ' Southern Timber Going1 Tast
T'The greatest' demand for Oregon tim
ber products will, however,- come from
our eastern states. The opening of the
Panama canal will unquestionably re
sult In an excellent market for Pacific
coast timber. The present forests -of
New England, the northern pine region
and i- the central hardwood region, are
each year contributing . a smaller per
cent of the total amount of lumber used
In the United States. The growth, of
the lumber Industry In the great yel
low pine region of the south, which
furnishes about S3 per cent of the total
lumber cut, has reached Its maximum
and must necessarily begin to decline
within a very few years because It
lacks the forest resources to sustain
ne present rate oi exploitation, ine
I eastern states, as well as those In the
Mississippi valley, must, therefore, look
to the heavily timbered northwest for
large, share of the lumber they re
quire. Oregon having more than half
again as much timber as Its nearest
competitor, Washington, will, natural
ly,', derive the greatest benefit from
the increasing demand for lumber in
tha United States and foreign countries.
Near Tdp In lumber Cutting.
'" ."Burins? seven years. 1901-1910-, the
amount of lumber cut in Oregon has in
creased over 100 per cent In 1901 Ore
gon ranked loth among the states, while
11 1 ' .
I '
: tr a sfr iym
yh . v. - .'i&vjp
t ' ..XT t
W W ' A . , v r sir
Mrs. Arthur Iselln.
li r:
(Cnltra PrH Tnaed Wire,)
Ban Francisco, Cal Dec.. 1?. On the
supposition that a Judge who divorces
people might be useful in bringing heart
hungry Individuals together, Alexander
Ponald McEvoy , of rrovolt,' Or,, r has
written to Judge . Thomas V. Oraharo
here today, istatlnn tliat he would like
to ' marry Mrs. Kmma V. Wilson, to
whom Jude Ornhom granted a divorce
three Tfceeks ago. '
"I Be you have granted a divorce to
Mrs. Emma Wilson, Judgo," reads the
letter, .. Vlf she is a ood hearted wom
en, I would like to have you place me
In correspondence with her. ' I am 81
years old." . f i'' .? ; : i i
McEvoy stated in his letter that he
was a former member of the Ban Fran
cisco police 'force in 1891, and left to
take up mining. , ' . ; .
(tlnltea Pre Lees1 Wire.)
Nogales, Aris., Deo. 18. Wight pris
oners In the county Jail here, Including
one murderer, escaped yesterday and
T 0
(By the International News Serke.)
New York, Dec. 18. The man, who,
posing as a telephone Inspector, gained
entrance to the home of Arthur Iselln,
In East Sixty-ninth street, and deft
ly pocketed stick pins and watch be
longing to Mr. Iselln Valued at $900,
In -his haste overlooked Mrs. Iselins
Jewels, valued at more than $100,000.
The Jewels of Mis. Iselln were lying
loose on the top of a safe In a room
adjoining the one from which the stick
pins and watch were stolen. Among
Mrs. Iselln's collection was a $10,000
diamond tiara, and the society leader
is receiving the congratulations of her
friends on her good fortune of still
having these gems In her possession.
Prospector Escapes Natives in
' . Papua After Witnessing
Savage Rites of Natives.
: For Infants and Children.
Tha Kind You Have Always Bongrif
denature of g
vmwmmbmJ ' C35SBBES!3flBK8Q
- Cr.ltecJ Prwi l,o4 Wtr.
Sydney, N. S. W., Dec. 18. Frightful
massacres Instigated by a notorious
native chief in Papua, the British sec
tion of New Guinea, have been made
public by James Arnold, a prospector,
who has Just returned from that coun
try. At the head ef his murderous gang
the chief recently swept down on sev
eral native villages, butchered the in
habitants, devastated their homes and
dined off the tenderest portions of the
slain. The chief did not confine him
self to the native villages, but attacked
European -sections from R-hlch he was
repulsed. Arnold himself had a thrill
ing experience. . His camp was near
one of the native villages and he was
alone. ' He witnessed the awful butchery
and after the blacks were satiated with
the blood of their brothers they turned
their attention to the lone white man.
Grabbing his rifle Arnold defied the
murderers, who after, he had killed one
and wounded another, turned and fled.
in 1910, only three states surpassed hef
in the quantity of lumber manufactured.
Figures for 1911 are not yet available,
but it is certain that Oregon retained
her rank as the fourth greatest lumber
producing state, and it , is extremely
probable that she will advance to third
place during the present year."
HAS $150,000 CAPITAL
The. Northwestern Lumber company,
capitalized at $50,000 has filed arti
cles of incorporation with County Clerk
Fields. O. It. Meuefee is general man
ager of the company and offices have
been opened on the fifth floor of the
new Journal building. . The company
will operate largely as a selling agency
for the products of the Rose City Lum
ber &Shlngle company and allied in
terests. , . ... .. ...
The Tent Department Store company,
$160,000; o. W. Elliott, M. O, Waper and
A. E. Wheelock, incorporators; general
merchandise. , v
Tho Sugar Bowl company, $5000;
M. W. Seitz, Mildred McDermOtt and
Guy U Wallace, incorporators; whole
sale and retail candy and cigars.
(Salem Bureau of The Jonrrul.)
Salem, Or., Dec. 18. The Southern
Pacific Railroad company has made ap
plication to the state railroad commis
sion to fix a date for a hearing In con
nection with tha Clackamas Southern
Railroad company crossing the South
ern Pacific's tracks at Oregon City. Ac
cording to the agreement between the
two railroad companies, it was left to
the railroad commission to designate the
sort of interlocking or other safety de
vice to be put at the crossing, instal
lation of which is to be at the expense
of the Clackamas Southern.
Mrs. James Mackenzie of E73 Main1
street wishes to inform her friends that
she 1 not the Mrs. Jnntea WncWnrl.
is the anti-capital punishment crusade.
On the occasion of the special visit
of some of the anti-hanging "crusad
ers" to Salem last week, a Mrs. James
Mackenzie was among those who missed
the train because of a misunderstanding
as to the time of departure. This was
not the Mrs. Mackenzie of 673 Main
street, who has taken no part In the re
cent agitation' against capital punish
men since the anti-hanging bill was de
feated in the last election.
E. H.Holt Piano Company, Inc.
318, 313, 314 and 315 Merchants' Trait
' Portland, Oregon.
Territory now open for reliable deal
ers on consignment basis for our stand
ard line Of Knabe, Bennett, Haines
Bros., Strohber, Holt-Schoenberg, Arm
strong and other fine pianos and player
pianos. t ' ,
Readers of this announcement who
contemplate the purchase of a new in
strument and live in a locality where
our line Is not represented, write to
our mail order department for our 10-
day free trial offer and terms and buy
direct from a wholesale house.
(0. L. TR8)
on miln line of Grand Trunk I'tciflc,
nd 1'aclflc and Hudson Bay, at June
Hon of Frar and Willow BWera, Brit
Ub Columbia, ia the southern and Dear
eat gateway to the Rreat and wonder
ful I'oiice riYpr country and "SPELLS
OPPORTUNITY tor the man or wo
man who wtahet to Judiciously loveat
amall or largo amount." Euay pay
menta; no lntereat; no taxea. write
today for mapa, plats and printed mat
BSO Pacific Bid., VanconTer, B. O.
Local repreaentatfre, V. Paga Harris,
600 Henry building.
The gift
Here's the gift, that
every man who
smokes a pipe or rolls
his own cigarettes will
be grateful for. It's
delicious Prince Albert
tobacco. It can't bite
histongue, it's fragrant
smoked in the house,
it's the delight of every
man who knows good
1 ! '
ilJliiiaJrJ .
the national joy smoke
makes it possible for every man to smoke a pipe! Give "him" a jar of P A :
and get him interested in a jimmy pipe. You've no idea how much solace and
comfort it means after supper or any other time.
The haridsome glass humidor holds a pound of Prince Albert and lasts a long
while, whether he" smokes it via a jimmy pipe or a cigarette. A sponge in the
top of the lid keeps the tobacco moist and delicious.
It's your duty to make "him" P. A. ioyous this Christmas.
Bay Princ Albtrt at aO tobacco stores in pound (loss humidor, hmV '
pound tin humidon and also in th 10c tidy red tin and 6c toppy rid bag, j ' , !
R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., VVlnston-Salcm, N. G
MliAd 11 d lr ME
1 1-
Commencing tomorrow, and continuing each day until Christmas, we will give each customer a beautiful and useful present one that anyone would be ; glad to
give or receive. Take advantage early. As an added incentive for you to get your Christmas wines and liquor of us we are cutting the price on a number of
well known brands of Whiskies, Wines, Cordials, Brandies, Etc. Note the following; - . . .-,,-;'.--;,;,;
Real McCoy, full quart, bonded. SI. 00
Wilson Rye, "That's All" ...J 51. 05
Billie Taylor, White Label,, quart. ........ ...J 51.25
Imported French Cognac , SI. 50
Imported French Creme De Cocao $1.50
Walker's Grape Juice, pints 20
Napa & Sonoma Zinfandel Wine, quart .35
Imported Maraschino" Cordial .S1.40
Repsold Sparkling Burgundy, quart $1.00
Imported Laubenheimer Wine, quart 75
Imported Creme de Cassis ...1.35
Private Stock Whiskey, full quart 65.
Sparkling Wine, pints 40, 3 for .....$1.00
Portland Club Whiskey, full quart 65?
Napa & SonOma Riesling Wine, quart...., 50?
Imported Creme de Menthe .$1.40
White Seal .Champagne, pints. $1.75
Jas. E. Pepper, full quart $1.00
Special Christmas
Virginia Dare Wine
Peach Cordial, full quart .................
Cream Rye Whiskey, full quart
Imported German Kummel
Noilly Prat French Vermouth ............
Imported. Anisette Cordial
Repsoli Sparkling Moselle, quart
, Crystalized Rock and Rye
Sunnybrook Whiskey, gallon, bonded.. .
XX Bourbon Whiskey, full quart
Apricot Cordial, full quart .'; .. .
French Pommard Wine, quart
Asti Special Sparkling, pint
Russian.Kummel, imported
Carbonated Apple Cider, pint
House of Lord's- Scotch Whiskey ........
Blackberry Cordial, quart
Sunnybrook Whiskey, 90 proof, quart .......
. . .55?
. .65t?
Monogram 7 Whiskey, full quart.. !.......,.....G5
J. H. Cutter, Bourbon Whiskey. .V. .95
Imported-Marsala Wine, quart .,-..; .80
, Coronet Dry Gin y .......75?
Impiorted Apricot Liquor .$1.65
Cinzano Italian Vermouth, quart. . ............ .65?
Madeira Wine, quart . .55
Imported Port Wine, quart - .95
Mountain Corn Whiskey, full quart. .......... . .65
Malaga Wine, quart . . . . ..... .55)
Imported Munchen Beer, pints. ............... .25
Imported Chianti Wine, quart ,,.70
C. & C. Ginger Ale; pints . . . . ." . . . . . V 'if . . . . : . 15t
I mported Acquavit Swedish ............ iff. $1 .25
Imported Sherry Wine, quart . ... . iff,', . .95(V
Mumm's Champagne, pints . . . ... . . . . i:?"fSl75
Imported Curacao Cordial, jug $1.40
Dubonnet Wine, quart ,...........$1,00
Extra Special
A beautiful basket filled with six pints extra
quality Sparkling Burgundy and White
Wine. Regular price of wine is 75c each
and basket is t worth $1.50. flj A A A
Extra special . . ... ......... . . tPTTtUU
Paul Massoh Sparkling Burgundy or
White Wine. These are the highest grade
of California sparkling wines.
Pints extra specially priced at O C
..... .... .uuw
bnlvV. . . a
Quarts extra specially priced . (r 1 All
at only . .9.1 -aUU;
Extra Special
Choice of the following well-known Whis
keys: Old Crow, Jas. E. Pepper, Barbee,
Old Lewis Hunter, worth from $4.50 to
$6.00 a gallon. Extra special j
Mail Orders
will be securely packed and promptly shipped at
these prices. We will also inclose one of the pres
ents, but we will not prepay express charges.
We) Are Sole Agents For
Alt Heidelberg Beer
Main 6737 A-7775
FTOE RAPID DELIVERY ' - Tne finest beer brewed in the Northwest. : Try it
. First and Burnside - r-it's fine. , Importers' French Cognacs, "Rhine
i ' Win rpnrh PnrHhk Rnnnkh Rhrrif? Onnrtn
i i
who has been taking an Interest of late .
. i'.V'! f-i-i I - .
1-1 1 1? Tl?