THE' .OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, : PORTLAND TUESDAY EVENING, , DECEMBER 17, 1912. lie fiefer. 6 franr Sore s JVof Open Tonight Bui Will Remain Open TomorrouMigM 'Till 9:30 NURSERY Mothers who wish to come "to the store to shop will find comfort in bringing the children to' our Nursery, fourth floor, v Miss Elizabeth King, a trained nurse, is in charge. The Nursery is ' under the auspices of the Portland Fruit and Flower Mission. Toys and other amusements provided for the. entertainment of the children while parents shop. MAIL ORDER PATRONS will find great satisfaction in the: service- rendered to them at this season 'through bur splendid Mail Order Service. They'll be relieved, too, from the crowded traffic of the streets. Expert shoppers to make the same careful selection as if they . purchased in person. All Mail Orders "carefully filled the same day received. IJeier (Sb Frank's at the Height of Holiday Readiness-;?The Xmas Store-Helpful i 6th, 6th. Horrlioa md Aldw Bts. RED CROSS SEALS Use them on your Christmas packages and help, in the obliteration of the white plague. Secure the mat special booth. First floor. In the morning, Misses Ailsa MacMaster and Harriet Cummins are in attendance. : In the afternoon, fturnft mnA Clemen- tine .Lambert ; t f The Big White Autowhich meets the various incoming trains is for the special convenience of out-of-Portland patrons. Just a few moments' drive and you're at Meier & Frank's, Portland's "Christ mas Store Helpful.". No charge fori the service. A Meier & Frank Merchan dise Bond Is the happiest so- . lution.of the pondering question as "what to give." Attractive litho graphed bonds, issued , in " any amount. The recipient choosing from 'any section of the store the article he or she most desires Gift Suggestions Hundreds of them will be found in the lit tie folders specially made up for your convenience. Ask any floorman for them they'll facilitate your gift choosing, and act as reminders as well. Don't fail to ask for the little gift-suggestion folder. Dine in Our Tea Room On the. 7th loor Away from the rush and turmoil of the holiday throngs.; Quick and efficient service but one of the many attractive fea tures. Unexcelled cuisine, orchestra music and singing. Music dur- ing Afternoon Tea, 2:30-5 :30." Mimiik HolMay gale Men's and Women's NedLwear-Chcose Today for Gite At25c YouU find a surprising as rsoxtment. of .Neckwear for women,-ev.erjr, one y suited . for . gifts, j being packed ' in iridividuaMakcy boxes. In great variety you'll: find -Jabots, Collars, Stocks and Robespierre Collars. , . ... At 79c 'AVe have an . exceptional offer to make in women's Neckwear,: each piece Jn a holly box. Beau tiful hand-embroidered Neckpieces, trimmed with real Irish-' and Cluny Lace. Every one I Af Off You'll- find tjie popular and " ' much sought plauen or roint tie Venise, Neckwear, for women showing collars, yokes, chemisettes, coat collars and Stocks, in 'wonderful variety. Neckpieces ihat sell regularly" at $1 to $6. , - ( t f , . ,. ... " : : kyi''i-r,:',ff - '- ' ' ' A f" CAm We offer regul ar 75c ni WU lengths of Shadow Lace Tleating2 and V inches wide, V yard lengths. Each piece in separate box. At 50c We include a very pleasing line of women's Neckwear, each packed in a holly box for gifts. In this lot are jabots, cascades, stocks, Robes pierre collars, bows and Plauen collars. At $1.98 There's a most attrac tive array of regular $3 to $5 Neckwear. A beautiful display ot Irish corchet and Cluny jabots, collars, stocks and chemisettes. You're certain to find a most appropriate neckpiece in this group. ' ' A JKg We have grouped together t, SVJt t dainty lot of Shadow Lace and plain net Guimpes, in white and ecru just the kind yon would ordinarily pay 35c . and 50c for. They're made wit,h lace yoke and lawn body, taped at waist. At 25c Choose a dainty Fan of Ostrich or Caribou. For party use or theatre they're always popular. Each Fan packed in a separate box. Maribtm Stoles (& Muffs Off More popular this season "than ever before are Maribou Stoles and Muffs. Tomorrow we offer our entire line $5 to $35 at off. Stoles 2 and 2 yards long, 5 to 10 strands; also 18 and 24 inch ostrich Boas. SQL Real Lace Neckwear at Off Exquisite ? Neckwear, of Irish crochet and Cluny lace. Dainty and beautiful Coat Collars,' Yokes, Fichus and Stocks that you'd ordinarily pay from $5 to $50 for. 'During this sale a remarkable re duction of 1-3 is offered on entire lot. "At Think of purchasing regular nh $10 to $15 NecHwear, In the' most charming of designs you'll find - real " Irish crochet and Cluny collars, yokes, coat collars, chemisettes and fichus. Truly an ; exceptional opportunity. ' At 9Bc Satin RotesP'erre Collars, , Jabots attached, of ecru ' lace. Ordinarily you'd pay $1.25 and $1.50 for these beautiful Collars.. A O C Beautiful chiffon, crepe and silk Scarfs. In figued, plain and changeable styles, Also Spanish lace and Egyptian silver spangle Scarfs, 36 inches wide, 2 to 3 yards long. Regular $10 to $20 Scarfs, special for this sale, each only $5. '2:':i:k--'- ' "' :il-:r:, v;-' At There's a charming assort- rt'fjlU ment of Endic6tt beaded Neckwear. Egyptian colored and each one a style that any woman would appreciate as a gift. ' At $2.98 We've a - wonderful array of figured trepe and chiffon Scarfs. Purchased in the regu- I lar way, you'd pay from $3.50 to $6.50 for . just such Scarfs as these. They're two . yards long, 22 to 36 inches wide. Also of plain crepe, m all colors. ' v ' - A f CI OR You may choose froaUil .7; " . i the latest conri-ntinn ., - in Neckwear for women, fetching conceits . in , Robespierre Lace Collars of Shadow Lace. In-white, black and. colors. Neck-, wear that sells regularly at $2.50, $3, $3.50. ', At 25C The PP"laf "College Wid- ; . Xl. 4J qw" Bows, made of narrow velvet ribbon with rosebud " decoration. Each bow in a separate box and a winsome gift selection. Regularly 35c. At 16c Neat and attractive Jabots of - fine quality lawn. Trimmed with Val. lace. Each in a separ ate box. Regularly 25c JUST FROM PORTLAND CUSTOM HOUSE Novel Bracelet Watthes Gunmetal Bracelet Watches $4.98 Gold-Filled Bracelet Watches .$7.98 JUST as we, were completing this page adver tisement today our enthusiasitc jewelry chief hurried into the advertising office and placed on the desk a just opened box that had only a few mo ments before been rushed from the Portland Custom house. " "Here they rae," he said "the fad of the hour and the greatest values in the new and novel Gunmetal and, gold-filled Bracelet Watches that Portland has ever 8eenJ''.i;.nd; Jhe.,.moment you see them in. our jewelry section ; tomorrow :. you'll agree heartily with his unprejudiced opinion. Beautiful little Bracelet Watches One as sketched above -purchased by our Paris office the moment they were obtainable jn Switzerland and sent in bond ex press to the Portland Custom house. f All have the unique adjustable arm band. Sun! a gift to please the miss and woman are these hand some little Adjustable Brr.celet Watches. Gunmetal Watches at -S4.98, 5-year gold-filled P.rarrlpt Watrlips at S57.fS ' REG. 25c KNITTED NECKTIES ONLY They're a most appro priate gift these knit 4-in-hand Ties! You'll find them in endless variety of colors arid' patterns, and every one in a fancy Xmas box. , 25c SILK TIES ON SALE FOR ONLY 19c Beautiful Ties for men. Four-in-hand styles, in a great variety of hand some patterns and. col ors. All silk, each one neatly packed for gift purpose in Xmas box. 50c KNIT AND CROCHET TIES Exclusive styles and patterns of silk-knitted and crocheted Ties, ev ery one in four-in-hand style. Endless assort ment of styles and pat terns. COMBINAT'N SETS FOR ONLY 5c Beautiful Silk Tie nd one pair of Hose to1 match, or Silk Tie and : Handkerchief to match. Made up in Combination Sets and packed in fancy Xmas boxes. All solid colors. " 29 c i if' COMBINAT'N SETS FOR MEN $1.00 An acceptable gift for any man is the combi nation, of Silk Tie, Hand kerchief and Hose. All packed together, in ap Eropriate holiday gift ox. Other sets at $1.50. $243 KNIT AND CROCHETTIES $1.15 Handsome and exclu sive patterns of knit and crochet Four - in - Hand Ties, all of pure silk and high grade. Of bias, cross and diagonal stripes. Also- all wanted plain shades. , MEN'S FINE SILK REEFERS ONLY $1.15 Why not choose for the man one -of these beautiful Silk Reefers? Made of fipe quality ribbed silk, in choice of black or white. MEN'S DRESS PROTECTORS AT $1.29 An ideal gift for the man of discriminating taste would be one of these Silk Dress Protect ors. Always worn with evening dresses. Choice of black, white or gray. Ties That Sell Regularly at 50c and 75c Each in a Holly Box BY FAR the greatest Necktie offer of the week! Mowhere else has such a sale been attempted! Vast assortment of Silk Ties in flowing-end style is included in this. lot. Every desired pattern, including all the newest; In light, medium and dark shades. Every Tie in a fancy Christmas box. Choose tomorrow from this great array of 50c and 75c Silk Ties for only 29c. Just Xnild th MorrUon street Entrance CSV OLLAR tlSZ. -ThePrideoftheWearei THE BEST SILK HOSE MADE TO SELL AT $1.00 THE PAIR it Q ILK-MAID" Hosiery has won for itself an enviable reputation both for wearing quali ties arid beauty. Every pair is fully guaranteed to give sat isfaction. Feet heavily reinforced, 7-inch double welt tf tops. In black and all colors. And always, the pair vomen'i 65c Hoe--Of -silk lisle, imported make. In black only, reinforced at all wearing points 6 prs. AC $2.50 the single pair iC Children's ztc Hose And also sizes for misses., , Of fine black lisle, with seam less feet 3 pairs for C L 65c the1- single -pair' wv Alto Silk Hose F 6 r women. Of pure thread silk;" In black only. Fine quality and well known for C A wear'g qualities, pr. 1JU Women's $1 SUk Hose-In black only, with purple band at tops. Of thread silk, with lisle split soles. Spe-.'TC-' cial sale at, the pair I wC Kayser-s $1.50 HoseOf Italian Silk, Made in colors only." Beautiful omality Silk Hose. Priced, pair 1 Kayser's Hose Of thread silk, with double lisle tops. Made ln..,black only QC, Price, the pair, at only V JC Women's $2.50 Hose Of extra heavy . weight : ' All thread silk. Made in col-, tfO ors only. Special, pair Misses' $1 Hose Of thread silk. J Have lisle 1 tops ; snd soles. Made in black only. Specially reduced for EQ this sale only, the pair vVQ Fnncv Gift Box Free With $1 Hosiery Purchase l " - ' -''' v"., Every Man Finds Comfort in Bath ILobes O C 1$ Our Price on tjf J O J $5 Garments A FORTUNATE purchase by our clothing chief makes possible this exceptional reduction in the price of these Bath Robes for men! They're here in all want ed colors and patterns, exceptionally well made and a, gift from which any man would derive great comfort and usefulness. Made in all sizes -to fit men. of every build. In blue, gray, tan, red, maroon. . With cord or button fastenings. Sleeves piped with satin. They're regular $5 Bath Robes, and an unusual offer, in which we offer you your choice, each $3.85 , The Kin's Btor Tlilra rioor Fflricy lGift Aprons A DAINTY and thoughtful gift to choose for any woman r pr miss would be one of these Fancy Bib Aprons! nicies a .wuimruus .variety 10 select trorn. Uf fine lawn and Svlsviunlilj-trimmedin-- lacer emhrotdnyand 1 rffl" ribbon. AH s included in this sale- at exactly F HCG 47c Fancy Aprons, special 25 73c FaLngy Aprons, 'special 5Q ?1.C3 and $1.48 Fancy Aprons, specially priced tomorrow, at 7. eons rioor-jr,w BttfUUnff Holiday Sale of Gotham Shirts $ 1 .50 and $2 Grades 98c $1.50 and $2 Grades 98c EVERY Shirt in this immense special showing is of the famous high-grade Gotham makethe name that means highesKquality, smartest patterns and perfect fit and make. . ' . ' And the purchase is due to the yearly concession the Gotham Manufacturers make at the Hol iday time and that due to the immense quantity buying of this famous , line. Gotham goods are sold here only. in Portland. . ; . : - See the great display in the men's Underwear section tomorrow you'll find every Shirt fresh; crisp and new. Of. excellent quality fabrics, cuffs attached plain and pleated fronts. Not a Shirt in the lot worth less than $1.5& many of them $2 and.even more. Choose for gifts or personal use ' ' - ' ' ' " ' ' ' Tlr new Jnu Inia Aliw Btrtrt Bntrtee.( Give Her a "Nemo" for Xmas Special Holiday Offer $1.50 111 OMEN who participated in the first. "V, Christmas Gift Sale of a year ago 'will welcome the news of this second splendid offer I And the special offer at $1.50, as advertised all over the land by the Nemo manufacturers is indeed a splendid one. Not a regularly made "Nemo," but a model specially made for this one, event alone. And you're safe in concluding that it's a model sure to give satis faction in every sense of the word. ' ) Not a self-reducing model but a corset suitable alike for stout and medium figures. You'll find in them the same materials and workmanship as fftund in higher priced Corsets. ' Have ' the Triple-Strip Re-enforcements, assuring long . wear. Front steels are the "Nemo guaranteed." 1 - ' . Hose Supporters are the Lastikops. Model is of fine coutil, with medium low bust and modish long hip. Every size 19 to 30. Choose for , gifts for wife, mother or sister. -. 1 ' ' Nemo Special at $1.50 : eond nx Kw BnU&iiur Sbil Oidws 7 tiled 1 1913 Srccuv Mid-Month;Sale oflGroceries j . . j : 7 , tised on This ' 1 . 1 J"- . .Page" w ' ' 1 ' . Tl. portl4'a Bhopplnf Center lnos X8S7. r. Telephone Private Exchange Marshall 4600 or A-6101. TELEPHONE ORDERS TAKEN AFTER 7 A. M. DAILY Special Coffee, the pound 27 Victor Coffee; pound only 30 -Early-Dawa-CoffeCr pound 32 Meierfrank Coffee, pound 35 New Dried Apples. 2 lbs. 25 ' New Dried Pears, 2 pounds 25 New Dried Peaches, 3 lbs. 25 New White Figs, 4, lbs. 25 Seeded Raisins, 3 packages 25 Golden Dates, 2 pounds for 25 Layer Raisins, 2 pounds at 25 .ParU-JMfxedCandyr2 lbs.25 Pop , Corn,, 3 pounds for , 25 Cranberries, 2 quarts for.25 Aster Milk, four cans at 30 Eastern Lard, medium pail, 77 Small White Beans, 4 lbs..25 Searchlight -Matches, 12 bx. 40