THE OREGON DAILY ' JOURNAL', PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, , DECEMBER 17. 1912. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 Exchanges :.' $1500 Z acres, all In cultivationClose ' to Falem: trade for 4 or 6-pas-etnger auto.'' ' $1600 16-roonir apartment 'houserent $75; wint lots, house or. acreage. $2500 j0 acis near Beavtrton. Want house .In Portland. $2900 Modern ti-room house, near car; ' want to 5 acres on interurban out of Portland. $3000 acres near Tlgard. B 'acres in ..ciover meadow; want, b or -. room house . iu Portland about value. - - $330011 acres close to electric station. . 3 miles south of Spokane; 10 acres in cultivation. 6 acres or- inaro, pari in Bearing, guuu umvn at acreage. f $5500 B-room modern' house ton Mt. Ta bor; .want 10 to Zi acres im. a proved, near car on electric out of Portland. AIvord-Carr-Hunter Co. ' 218 Board of Trade Bldg. , ltiu.ACRE farm. located in LaKe CoT near town and rlslit in line of ,big development! 80 acres fenced, 25 acre under plow, all level plow' land.. Good buildings, food water; clear qf incum brance. Price $3200. ' I want a bouse and lot Clause Cole, 911 Board of Trad bldg. -- BUSINESS CHANCES 1 20 . . Pacific ' -Incorporators Company SPECIALISTS IN INCORPOR- ATING. Incorporate your business. It will aid you in netting required capital without liability of partnership.- Corporations formed promptly In any state. Expenses small. Advice free. When you incorporate, incor porate right' , PACIFIC INCORPORATORS ; -. . . "- CO., ' r - 913 Lewis Elds. -' T. ji. e A. EMPLOYMENT DEPT. Employment membershin guarantees member will secure cmployent or refund of membership fee: gives two months' full membership privileges, 10' months' social privileges and undertakes to keep member employed during the full term of membership without further charge. Kecord for it months ending Novem ber 30: v .v . Call for men ..200 Positions filled ...........1574 r te becretary Employment Depart ment, Y M. C. A. ' - - Save Money . BUY FROM nwwjrn IS room roomlnr housa. alwava full. cost $3500. The very finest furniture nuiw:iron. xnis nouse wiu tnaae you $109 Per month WkMm vnnr vwn rooms. I am forced to sell at once and am will ing io lane $1600 and give come terms. f. L. WILKINSON, 820 Montgomery st FOH SALE, with part trade, flats on east side, bringing ; 7 per cent on $1T,000. Can be bad at a snap. $09 Ry. Ex. Ford. " SWAP COLUMN 3 WHAT' Rave you to exchange for first class carpenter work? W -160, Jour nal. -- WANTED REAL ESTATE 31 LIST your property with us.' For sale or trade. We advertise. NELSON BROS., Main 7591. 804 Lewis Bldg. WE buy, sell or exchange your real e ta . -Prank... Vara Co.. 326 Cham ber of Commerce. Phone Marshall 748. 14 ROOM house in ft connecting suites, running water, gas range, fumao-j heat and every convenience; excellent furniture. Positively ona of . best Places on- west aide. Leaving for east next week. Snap for cash. Will consider trade for good lot or equity In small house In good location that will stand strict investigation; no agenta. Mr. v., bub commercial tnock. ' WHOLESALE GROCERY. , Will sell 3000 shares of stock to one or two good men, position and salary to go with stock; the stock will pay better than 15 per cent Buyer mustiiave some experience in the grocery business; full nvestigation invited. . it. H. GOODKIND CO.; INC., 1005 and 6 Wilcox bldg. JwainTEo heal estate, cash or trade. Miller ft Conklln. 619 Henry bids:. r WE CLEAR LAND. 7 Jaekela B -08.. 814 N. 17. Phone A-1899 ROOMING HOUSES Beautiful Place 63 91 KO PA9H REQUIRED. II rooms, new furniture, fine carpets, Toss mattresses, best, location In Port land to rent rooms, fine home; $50 month profit above all expenses. This must De sold regardless oi pnc. CALL M 10TH. NEAR STARK. Bargain Hunters Here It Is, an 18 room rooming house, t years' lease, rent 160: good furniture; ; clearing $75 above all expenses. Has ... 4 1 .I,... tnjiA XJ . IlflVer KUtu ivva man ftfw, y .v., ; If taken today, $300 for all. Peters of ' course. Henry oiag. J ii rooms, fi ute furniture, steam lieate' running water In all rooms, clearing $75 per month; $250 cash, balance $20 er monm. ai iienry uiug. Wtl.L anil mv 18-room rooming house - cheap; wife sick; or tade for clear lot jiot too lar out, no agenvs. aa-ioo. uuf i rial. - ta booms, aleeantly furnished, mod em building, west side, clears better rroflta than any house In Portland for h. aizit- hln must aro: see this If you want a good one; price cut for quick gale. Call S lUtn si., near etarn. 10 RoomsI 0 ; Tn A-1 location, rent 132.50; swell fur iilture, one apartment rents for $30, fTM. dIspk is worth $650. Will sacrl- jm, - . . -a. ... linn lice, ir laxen ui ouie, iui uv. 607-9 Henry omg FOR KALE BY OWNER. 11 tfooros, rent only M5. For quick aIk will take $300. See owner. ZU J 1th st. TO LEASE 30 2 room apartments, new tmlldinz: rent j.u per ruoiu. rr tlculars room sui iienry piag, in ROOMS, located nar 10th and Wash lngton; rooms all rented, clearing $75 above all expenses. This is a bargain. Bee the price. $600, Vi cash. Call 8$ 10th, near KtarK Tav OWNER, furniture 10 rooms, mod ern. Good furniture, same trade. 381 11th or A-.H70. JWRNITURE 10-room house, boarders, ISOO; terms. nl uusan. jviarsnau isvo. CO you want 8 furnished H. K. room Tnp'fiDWT uu 4ui rain, BUSINESS CHANCES 20 $550 CONFECTIONERY SNAP $650. Called away ' at once, must sell my place, worth $800, for quick action $550 lanes n; receipts iiis to szu per aay, cheap rent; neat little Place and a good money inane r. uurry it you want tnis snap. 006-1008 WUCOX biog WANTED Immediately, reliable party to take charge of an industrial plant; an investment of a few hondred dollars required; salary $100. Inquire 669 Mil wauKia at. rnone eseuwooa isos or a 2442. FOR SALE Clear, tobacco, confectlonerv. Ileht grocery store and ten rooms furnished In connection; $t00 for all: quick sale; all conveniences. On business atreet near 23d. Phone Marshall 3734. MOVlNG-PiCTURE show for sale or trade; cheap rent; owner unable to handle on account or other interests will sacrifice for quick sale. , Inquire Ueo. rj. Chamberlain, Oregon Theater, tH first st. SALOON for sale, in one of the best lo catlons In the cltv: fine bar fend fix tures, nice stock of liquors, Independent license, very reasonable rent. Owner, write, call Marshall 4380. Y-173 Jour nal. ELP WANTED MALE CHAUFFEUR want situation. Young man, Y. M. C, A. graduate, deslrea po sition driving. Can take cave of own car. First class references. 610 Swet- land bldg. . Main 6611 or Tabor 1180, YOUNG man wants situation to learn . good business with good show to ad yance. T-173, Journal. , ExDerienced Salesmen - To sell our homes in all parts of the city on easy payment plan, and close in, restricted residence lots; on both, the east and wmit aides: also rlnaa-in acre age. We furnish, aome prospects and assist In closing sales. We supply lot snd build to suit purchasers. Liberal commissions. Ask for sales manager, Provident Trust Co., 2d floor Selling WANTED Drygooda man to take charge or drygooda department In de partment store town of six thousand juubi d iaiiiiiir wun an orancnea or the work. Includinsr window trimming. Qood opportunity to take interest in the business u agreeable both sides. Ad dress giving full particulars. SX-168. journal, i SITTTATIO?f wanted br voune Enrllsh woman. understands coo King ana laundry, work. General housework or day work. 66$ Borthwlck st. LACE curtains, dollies, battenburg, French laundry, done by experts, zoe ep. All work guaranteed. W'lawn Z8S4 HELP WANTED MISC. 49 LOCOMOTIVE firemen and brakemen for nearby railroads. 880 to 1100 monthly. 18 to 86;' experience unneces sary; no strike. Promotion, engineer, conductor, nanroaa employing neaa quarters; over 400 men sent to post lions mommy, mate age; send stamp ror nnpncauon, ax-zuu, journal. OKtGON AU'iO KCUoOU Practical f.istruction in rauairlnc and driving automobiles; tuition reasonable: part cash on enrollment, balance at time of graduation; we assist our graduates to positlona WANTED Immediately, reliable party to take-iUiarge of an industrial plant; an Investment of a few hundred dollars required, (salary 1100. lnauife 669 Milwaukle at. Phone Sellwood 1855 or B-244Z. 50' MEN wuated at once to get fitted in suits for Christmas. Best $25 suits made to order in the cltv; S. & H. green trading stamps iree; u. , uuuen, sa mat te st. 5ft LADIES Wanted at once to eet fitted In nobby up-to-date made to order suits. Best m city. Green trading tamps free. Q. r . Rusch, 825 Stark st. SITUATIONS MALE SITUATIONS FEMALE FURNISHED ROOS1S EAST SIDE B2 RIVERVIEW HOTEL. '; ' 3d and E. Burnside. ' The best equipped fireproof hotel In city. , Centrally located. , Private phones, elevator, 78e per day. Private bath $1 per day and up. Special low rates to permanent guests. Limousine buns free to and from all trains. "THK MONTGOMERY," East Morrison r.nd East 8th. nicely furnished rooms reasonaoie. " - HOTEL EDWARDS. Grand avenue, E. Morrison: rooms 13 week ut: absolute ly resDectable: private baths. E-823. wftweTgwr M n. iAwa EAST Stan fKIYATB TAXXtaT 74 .-w--w.- I $1.50, $2.75 weekly, clean furnished H. K. rooms: sas. free heat. laundry. baths. Phone East 6039. 40$ Vancou ver. i- " EAST 8XDB PEITATB TAMXLT Tl COMPETENT woman wishes - position to take charge of widower s home, or chamber work In hotel, can 381 tayior, V 0T t T 17 XT T7 F . mrman wanll Minntr Uhnn. WMAfl avn inm ' LACE curtains .Land laundred, spec prices to hotels. Phone Main 1486. day trf" DVTC-lII?n It U Katk .' uaiiioiiii i uu uit iiuv, iickim vatui gentleman: J month. cargo au u car. ' MODERN S room house. North Irvine- ton, $20. 'Call 441., Failing it. Phone woooiawn 678. '' , RELIABLE woman wants day work. rnona tcast zi23. LADY would like position er. 492 Columbia st. housekeep. Phone Main 1770. WOMAN with goodi references wants gay worn. , ivmiii hi. ; DKE!sS5;AKLTa 40 DRESSMAKING Fit and workmanahlp guaranteed. Phone Main uta. NURSES 60 MATERNITY nurse wants ease; will do light house worn; Main m. FURNISHED ROOMS WEST SIDE HOTEL BAKER, ! 25H Fifth St. Opposite City Hall. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT, MISS E. NEWCOMB. MGR- Whv live, so far out when you can get a beautiful room with steam Tieat, hot and cold water In a new fireproof building right down town? . Hiva rriB.l a anaclaltv of comfortable beds. Roms. $3.50 and up; elegantly furnished double rooms with bath at moderate rates. Clean ana quiet, uom phones. Jefferson car Depot MEN, VVOM.iiN, get government jobs, $20 week. Writ immediately for list of positions open. Franklin Institute. Dept. 83 W., Rochester, N. Y. RAILWAY mail clerks wanted, $90 month, Portland examinations soon, coaching free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 140 W. Hocnester, w. r. Hotel Madras ItTH AND WASH. Is making special inducements on $4 s vuli rnfima- ataam heat hot and cold water and good service. Get in while the settings kooo. THE ARTHUR HOTEL. iri.penth hiw,n Morrison and Yar hill Ropentlv onened. Every modern convenience. Conducted above reproacn. Plenty hot water and heat Beautiful lODDy ana parior, fii.av up; .v t bath LOCATIONS tor all lines of business In a new town which lias an assured fu ture. TIMBER TOWNSITE CO.. 608-9-10 Northwest bldg., 6th and Washington. $2500, $500 CASH, store building. 62x66; 4 room house, on main county road, near 6 cent car line. Will consider ex change of acreage. Call owner, Tabor 8571. ONE-HALF or whoi interest In fine photo postcard business making good money. Can teach you in 2 days. 250 Third st UkN wanted lu learnt a lucrative pro- tession. If you are dUsatlsf led with your occupation fit yourself for good paying business. 409 Commonwealth bldg. HEADQUARTERS International Corre spondence Schools, 605 McKay bldg., cor. 3d and Stark sts. Tel. Main 1026. Open Wed, and Sat, nights HOTEL ALMA Centrally located, new anil modern: steam neat. Diiunea iu rooms; all conveniences; specie, tw. to permanent guests, mn ami ftar. van uriRluiM HOTKL. otu iti, h Wo ah and Stark, rooms IV. 7S , ( - always warm, xree pnonea in t room, ii a oay una ut, t " f WANTED 2 men to learn to drive and repair autos. Mauison uarage, nil Hawthorne. MEN and women to learn tne barber trade in 8 weeks; positions guar anteed. Ore. Barber College. 233 Madison. UNCALLED for tailor made eulla. $.6u up. HirviPl Tailors, it In nt. UlsCAIXED tor tailor made suits, $4.60 uo. Taylor the Tailor. 286 Burnside et ihTnv HnTRu 11th and StarK it-intiv mruitrn. beautifully furnished, hot and cold water, steam heat and free nhnneH In each room, 11 weea ana up. COMFORTABLY furnished rront rooms, nice locality, furnace hest, electric light, and board If preferred; reason- ble. bvi MaaiBon. STAN DISH Hotel, 54 8 K Wash, st, newly rurnisnea, an outsiae sunn rooms, steam heat, hot and cold water In rooms; rent HQ up. new manager. HELP WANTED FEMALE 2 HELP WANTED MALE WANTED For cooking and soma house work, reliable woman not afraid of work. Seven in family. Permanent po- ition with good wages. rnone rJ. 434. $30 AGAINST $16 Why work for $16 a week when there Is a possibility of making $30 by learning a trade that af fords such returns. Learn to operate a moving picture machine and fortify your earning capacity. You are taught In the lamphouse of a show, the right place. Northwestern Film Co., 600 Yeon bldg. WANTED Salesmen for Timber town slte. It is a live one; two thirds of business section is sold; we want live ones to sell balance tract. Prices soon; leads furnished. TIMBER TOWNSITE CO., 609 Northwest bldg. WOMAN between SO and 40 to manage and care ror is nouseiteepmg rooms. Will give Interest In buslnesu to right party. 864 E. Morrison. EXPERIENCED saleswomen wanted. Apply at once. 203 ewetiana Diag., 6th and Wash. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework, wages $30. 461 Hassalo. WANTED Girl for general housework. Phone Marshall 4418. WAIST finishers, experienced, wanted; come ready io worn. 44 Morrison. WANTED A woman experienced in making hair goods. 10.1 urana ave. LAND CLEARERS. Will give gilt edge Portland property (leBS than cash value) for land clearing DELICATESSEN AND CONFECTION Very cheap if sold at once; owner has other business; terms to right party. Call Tabor 1180. IOR SALE Milk route best in the city, aclline- on account of other business: Ina reasonable offer refused; come and , see It DX-167. Journal. , JOB PRINTING plant, best buy in city; big cash trade, 8 platens. $3750. spot cash. No money, don't answer. K-157, Journal. WANTED Party with $10,000 cash to - go in a cash store; big profits; refer, ences required and furnished. L-151, Journal. IF y6lj Yes, look For sale 2 lots, " .grocery store, hotel and feed barn; Will take part trade. B. & M. Dobson. P. O. Box 15, Crabtree, Or. WANTED At once; 10 good shlnglers at Golf Links Club House, Sellwood. Enquire of Anderson, on Job. Ira R. Slkea. . u aNTKD A Aw youna men to learn , watchmaking and engraving, profitable work, plenty 01 openings, ror miorma. lon write 210 Glohe bids.. Portland. Or. WANTED immediately, real salesmen and solicitors for special holiday gift offer new and high class. Call only 9 to 12 a. m. 129 H' Grand ave. FOR KALE Livery business and mail route. Half cash, bal. three years. P. O; Box 166, Wlllamlna, Or. WANTED Good grocery salesman; steady position: one who can invest $;500 In the business. K-13Z, Journal. WANT good live partner In real estate office; can snow iouuu commissions nade this year. R-106, Journal. FOR SALE By owner, restaurant and ' creamery, including milk route. Will "Sell tine or both. Phone B-1279. . fcMALL grocery or confectionery; must ' be a bargain for cash. Neil Smith, 532 Foster road. Phone Tahor 1931. WOODWORKING PLANT At a bargain. Special line. Established trade. Cell sfter 4. Tabor 629. 500 Business Cards, $1 $11 Buchanan bldg. 286H Wash. Bt. GOOD cash meat market for sale. Thone wooniawn zwzs. FOR SALE Moving picture outfit on easy terms. 411 m. 4isi st. WANT bov about 16 years old for page; must have clear speaking voice. Ap nlv assistant manager. Hotel Mult nomah. WANTEI That E. C. Ruland answer this ad at once. Have position you want K. C. R.; P-152. Journal. BOY wanted to act as messenger for an office, with bicycle preferred. lournai. A-229, WANTED Young medical graduate for partnership, general practice. Call Main 9474. BAKER Sober and reliable; mustbe good at economical noma uaaing 8-155, journal. CHKF. Headquarters and Helpers. CAUFOKMA Wirshi UlfifUT. ?M Ysmhlll Street. WANTED 3 men to learn automobile repairing and driving. Pacific Gar age. 268 llth st WANTED At once, t men to learn to drive and repair automobiles. Call at . . AL S - . I , I . A MEN wanted to take their 'luraiaa oatns St the Corbett bldg. Datns. BOYS wanted to deliver on wheel. 283 1st St.- MAN to work on ranch for small wages and willing to bach. Box 881, city. WANTED--Work, day or hour. Phone in evening. East ID 44. rtooin . STOCK salesmen wanted. Abington bldg. Apply 303 WANTED 1000 women to buy those $2.60 dons, c. l&a uranq ave. APPRENTICES wanted to learn beauty parlor worn, 6io swetiand tyqg, WANTED School girl for light house work. Good Home. 43 1 etn st. APPRENTICE, hair dressing, $16 full course, uomoings oougm. m. 116, HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE S MOLER BARBER COLLEGE wanted Men ana women to learn tne barber trade tn 8 weeks, tools Tree. chance to get In business for yourself. Send for free catalog, or can mJ!i N, llil PI. MAN and wife to operate picture show. 330 per week: small Invest ment required. Call at $07 6th st Main 7966. SOLICITORS for Xmaa trees. CallMo Kercher. Kast zb tonignt. WANTED AGENTS 6 ONE man's commission last wtek $13$, selling Wssblngton Nursery Co. treea If vou csn walk, talk and write an or der, write us tooay lor territory, wasn. lngton nursery uo.. Toppenisn. wasn LIVE salesman on a live proposition liberal commissions. bldg. 609 Northwest SITUATIONS MA LE COMPETENT, young man, lately re signed charge of district office, com. nletlntr five veurs of Panama canal aerv ice, desires to locate In Portland; about six years previous N. Y. experience. R 109, journal. HR8T-CLAS3 mechanic wants work driving or repairing automoblleji ; ref erences lruiu mat ciuuiucr. v-xaa, Journal. AMBITIOUS young man wishes posl Hon where advancement is In store salary no ohjegt, Phone Woodlawn 848, YOUNG married man wants position as Janitor, porter or nigni watchman References. Address W-1&4. journal $18.00. Completely furnished clean $ Residential section, one block from "V . rooms. ' Phone, bath, sink, laundry, oar. gas range. No objections chlld 826 E. . . . , Stark. $ and 4 room unfurnished apartment; $4-ONk nicely furnished ' room Jot J? !! city; all $ w5mras? ?r'n.r w eusj it io. a ir-1 uutiuri si v$ iuuji UNFURNISHED ROOMS, f 10 TWO large unfurnished front rooms; phone, gas, water. 52 Yamhill st. y ROOMS ATCO BOA RD 15 BEST room snd board in city, $, $$.60, 88 per week, steam heat pnone, pain. 84 k. Maoison. least eoi. T BOOK AlfD BO ASS PKIVATB 7A10Z.Y ra 3 meals a day. lncludi!) BunUay. 120 a (MMteU TU ahI kKah. " s iiivii lii. Jin. tn fxiiu viivuv. URN I SHED room, with or wltnout board. 812 Halsey. E. 8381. ROOM and board reasonable. 180 E. 45th st. One block Mount Tabor car. THE MANITOU, 261 13th st; steam heat, excellent table. 125 to 830 mo. WIDOW would like to board and care for 1 or 3 children; any age. E. 3013 CASA ROSA Board and room 300 Jef ierson st. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD 89 WANTED Room and board, with piano suite, two young men. Near Russel or moims streets. 5-184, journal. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS WEST SIDE CAMBRIDGE bldg., large, light house- Keeping rooms. lumlshed and unrur nlshed, central, cheap rent, room 86, 3d and MfTison sts. TYvO nice furnishml housekeeuin rooms; also 2 nice unfurnished if. K. rooms. Hot-ami cold water,, phone. 615 Mill. j TWO housekeeping rooms, $4 week; nice sleeping rooms, $1.60 and $2; bath, phone. 181 14th, corner Yamhill. ATAKTMENTS 4 I THE BUETNOR, 20th at Lovejoy. WALKING DISTANCE. I WO furnished housekeping rooms with bath. Tight and water, $15 per month. $44 E. 2d st. north. Phone East 1326. SUITE of $ housekeeping rooms, block BARRETT BROS., Agenta 303 Board of Trade bldg. ,ur apply at premises. from car. 749 Mississippi ave. HOUSES FOR RENT $30. 9 room Ifousa. 330. No. 635 East Burnside. cor. 12th. wan ralkina rilntance! lawn' an4 anrrian Key, $23 Chamber of Commerce Main 8606. . THE VILLA ST. CLAKA. 12th and Taylor. Moat -nagnlficently rrunished apart. J2 1 mcnts In the city; location perfect rent. ience, banquet hall and roof garden, high class service: references required. Both phones la all apartments. Main 2219. ANKENY COURT New maDagemaiu; I 9 mnA at mam anlsi ai aktaar Kitnlna wtatta.- SIX room cottage. 411 Ivon st, near furniture, hot water neat; main' line Inman-Poulsen mill, and one fclock phones in every apartment: $21 to $ i9: rrom tirooaivn canine, tif per montn everything first class. E. , Ankeny or n V.,7 V, ? Biirrvu uuueui i MOntavllla car. H-2624, East 2800. FOR .ftENT-t : room modern house" m?u LUCa COUrt Mar." JoS 1 B m H CilSBAer r V Aa V at 1 1 i r a I S T O n aa I yH 1, . . - . A & "-"...'";i, a i un xucretia st.. near wasn. and $25 per month. Security Development most exclusive 2 to 5 room unfurnished Company. 4th and Pine sts. I apts. In city: references. A-8637. , J::jL, nt oue 12l2& i1? APARTMENTS, 1st and Sheridan; new -i51!lKl?Sliy wer. CO"" E. th building Just completed, thoroughly and Brooklyn sts. ,34 per month. Bur- modern. $20 to $30 per month. 4 and i rell Investment Co.. isoU Third st. rAnrn. ' MaVhaiHu NEMCJi"35?ai hMm f0J rent, near Bell- LpLENDID corner apartment," cbeapl wood Mohair Mills, furnished if de sired. Phone Sellwood 1665, or call 670 Linn. ! Call East 208. FOR RENT FLATS ' U FREE rent to Jan. 1st. six room mod- ern nouso, cor. .bbi zeru ana oaimou, I FOR KENT $16. A modern 5 room East 232. I flat In ttaaA condition, aleotrlo UrhtK. FURNISHED and unfurnished, choice Security Development Company, 4th and locations, Irvlngton. East 273, W. H. Pine sts. Hsrdman. 1 , MODERN 6 room lower flat fireplace, NICE five-room cottage on East Side, furnace, gas range and water heater; big corner lot Frank Lucas, Main all outside rooms; large yard, cared for H586, East 658. i py nwnerj no cmiurwi, vvo mu. mauumi. 5 ROOM attractive bungalow, excellent HOLLADAY addition, 6 room upper location in Sunnyaide, Phone Tabor flat alcove, porch; good location; $49 1811. . 1 Clackamas. C-1001. FOR RENT $10 per month, 6 room cot-1 EIVE room modern, walking distance,' tage. 15th and Beacon st Take Sell- 301-308 V4 E. 12th. near Hawthorne,. Wood car. I ai.pu ana to, uem hi en;, cam ,m. 8 HOUSES for rent west side, low rent CLOSE in. up-to-date., tree phone. 4 M. E. Lee. $11 Corbett bldg. room flat $18.. Phone Main 7167, ur 12 ROOM house at 268 2d. near Madison, if"1?! 8' ' 4' ,1' - Lease, cheap rent Ineuire 240 3d st. ftiuiAcxvw " vww uiwk hviui ' i r . . .I,. . , nA .t,ol nrtHa-e. frontinr river: beau- F826 hTgTf? ' r0m COttage" tlful" ltlon:UtlV.60.""PhBone E. 3 18 ii: I CLOSE in west .Ide room modern ELa'k. house. 393 llth Bt. Main 2556. A-4198. -7 ; house, walking. distaucu; ky mnnth rent, a iare, J ' room flat n jku k r n 11 nnnna ianiiaiu' i w - - -. . . v..., v. ..v... -v.. i w,.h hHnement. Only 1 DIOCK ironi HOUSEKEEPING and furnished rooms. Gem hotel. 665 1st st. Steam heat, new bldg.: rooms $1 week up. free 'phone 6-ROOM modern house, cor. E. 16th and I carline. Inquire at 748 Water st. . aio a.iia,.A.j dt r - 1 - yreucnun ai.B.r uei i wu j o . . tpyxir K rlinm flat with furnace. '27th iast 4Z81, FURNISHED HOUSES SO and E. Flanders. $20. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 291 Eleventh st Rent reasonable. Phone A-2703. THE UPSHUR, 40Vi 26th st Furnished 2-room apts., steam heat, light $1$ up. Main 86. Take S. 28d or w. car. FOR RENT Two modern 5 room flats. " i itai, cv. . NEWLY furnished four room cottage. . '"qu'r . n rzz Bath, gas, etc., close in. 328 Wheeler I MODERN 8 room f lat reasonable, 06 . st. Phone East 3927. Vancouver ave. Woodlawn 1953. NICELY furnished cottage in West- THREE room unfurnished flat for moreland: $25 per month, phono rant: 227 Market at. , Sellwood 1222. MODERN 11 room flat 624 JNorthrup; - FURNISHED bungalow, including pt- Maln 8475. V ano, on aiauison, 120 per montn; MODERN 4 room upper iiat wun ai- - references. B-2012. COVe attic and basement Main 6416. UHN1SHED rooms, always warm, hot and cold water, close, to P. O.; 76c and $1 day. Special terms by week or month. Hotel Arminiuw, 1 wiirrwiin HOTEL La Salle, 10m and Burnside tiH fire proof, elegantly furnished, steam heat hot and cold water, special rates bv month. Phone Marshall 4049. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM 862 Wasn.; new and modern, steam neat, piivato hatha. 13.50 weeK ann up. Mam si. 110 MONTH Newly turmshed and clean sleeping room; excellent board next door II desirea. & eixtn st. WELL furnished room In modern, first class apt, 16th and Taylor. Phone Marshall 2818 NEWLY furnished single rooms, 7 min utes from postofflce. to two young men at $3.60 week. 870 6th st THE COLONIAL Mosi central and comrortaoie, 100 iviu, wr. mwiiwu, Ju st renovated: light, steam heat i to 35 TWO room suites, hot and cold water for laundry and bath. $3 up; winter rates. 308 Mill st. FUKJiirtKD U.K. rooms, modern, $1.60 S car to 207 bberman. Marshall liT 462 H Washington st Front housekeep- ing ana steeping rooms, yt ween up. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 314 Stxth st Phone A-1548. THOROUGHLY clean housekeeping rooms. 141 w. 16tn si. THE MITCHELL 7th & Flanders. Ii. K. sleeping rooms. Verv moderate. HOTEL MASON YiTm ree pnone ano mm. mam im. FURNISHED rooms In modern hotel. steam heat dm in. j per wee ana up. Hotel Medford, 122. 6th st THE KING 309 Jefferson; nicely fur nished rooms; moaern, neat, centrally located. $2.25 week up. . HO'lEL Glenwood 248 Salmon, modern note!, rurniBneq rnum, j.ou w k. up. FURNISHED room in modern nout, 82.5ft; week snd up. 466 Alder. Hcfl EL ANTLERS Warm, clean roams. terms mooerBie. mtn ana wasn. THE BUSHMAKK. modern, steam heated hotel, tt wk. up: 682 H Wash OUTSIDE rooma, board, bath, $5 week up; meal tickots $4.60. 284 Main et. THE LINDELL, steam heated, rooms 2 weeK up. tea marnet. wain tni. THE RANDOLPH, steam heat, free hathB. $2 week UP. 252 Columbia. CHEAP furnished rooms; use of kitchen; si-3 weeic. zbb iztn. WEST rtrKVISHES &00M8 8ZS FBJVATE FlUUT 70 np.TO.nATE furnished rooms. Both S hones, natn, electric ngnt, i, ana per month. 311 Main st Half block from courthouse. PLEASANT front room, meals If de slred. reasonable to one permanent Marshall 4766. . FURNISHED rooms, good location blocks from postofflce. Heat, light phone, bath, f 3.50 and up. :3 6tn st. SLEEPING rooms with or without board; reasonable; walking distance. 850 Clay st FURNISHED ROOMS EAST SIDE 62 THK Larrabee. 127 V Ierrabee. Rooms $2 wk., up. , Brick bldg., steam heat hot eoM wilf. hath, pnone. electricity. SIX good unfurnished rooms, $11; fur. nlshed. $14. lawn car. 419 Webster st Wood HOUSEKEEFINQ BOOMS WEST SIDE PRIVATE FAMILY Y3 FURNISHED sleeping and housekeeping rooms, newly papered and painted; very reasonable; 229 6th, opposite Hotel Consress. after 6:30 p. m. TWO front ground floor housekeeping rooms, come and see mem. tag xay lor. FOUR furnished housekeeping rooms, modern. 116: wanting distance; phone Main 7778. 8-ROOM house, thoroughly renovated. 336 l argo, sell- $1S 4 ROOM furnished house and yard. 359 a. 16th, cor, Mill St. MODERN furnished 6-room house, $25 montn. woooiawn in, FURNISHED FLATS 5U NICELY furnished 3 room flat, fur-, nara heat, hot water, electrlo lights. FURNITURE FOR SALE 32 walking distance. 60 waraet st, onve. . . Main 344o. 325. C UJ 1 rVUUI, IlifJAs 11) out v nmii-v.. u..i1 ta rva ft 1 f nminA t. fit At' FSs7nane ZAttTUl i '&ZtiSu 1 Mlcb.-, Bve $375: investigate; $100 cash; E. 6190. FURNITURE i room cottage for sala. 6 ROOM flat, modern, furnished, $15 per month. 898 commercial st. ; yard roses, facing W. Park. 9588. Main HOTELS 5 FURNITURE FOR SALE 65 STORES AND OFFICES ' 11 TO EXCHANGE Good kitchen range rmt riaairahla store room. 389 wa'ter heater abo?' ifiT' ran" a 10' and water heater. Tabor $55. 0rand ave.: suitable for shoe. Jewelry, OAK dressers, buffet and chairs, new, bakery and delicatessen. Inquire Me- good quality, cheap. East 6978. Carger, Bates A Lively, Yeon Bldg. APARTMENTS Warehouse 100x100 ' fine location, $18. wood 10il. ' ONE large front H. K. room; also 1 sleeping room Dam, pnone and wood free. 434 7th. H. K. ROOMS! Gas and cook stove, running water. 12.76 per week. Close In. 850 Clay at NICELY furnished housekeeping rooma; bath and pnone. 221 l4tn st. TWO basement housekeeping rooms $12 per montn; oatn, pnone. tti im. 361 TAYLOR Comfortable rooms, com- plete for houweKeeping. 1, 2; 3 H. K. rooms, strictly modern, 10, iz. 814 montn. pij o. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS EAST SIDE 48 TWO very -clean, nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; kitchenette; bal cony, bath, gas; good neighborhood; near two carllnes; walking distance. 772 East Taylor. East 6260. IF' you are looking for clean, cheap housekeeping rooms, . single or en suite, one room apd kitchenette, gas furnished, $10 per month, 409 E Salmon, nhone H-1971. 'NICELY furnished, 2 or 4 room apart- nicnts, many conveniences, ror io to $18 tier month. Take "U' car, get off at Russell, no. duo runt street. FRONT corner suite nicely burnished bath, gas, phone, $15 month. 461 E, IturnHide. near r.igntn. FURNISHED housekeeping rooma, plfasant outside rooma, $2 to $3 per weeK. 1U4 I nion nva., cor, neimoni. THREE neatly furnished rooms for light housekeeping, very reasonable 488 Tacoma ave., Sellwood. TWO front rooms, furnished for house keeping; sinit, not ano cold water. 475 E. Burnside. FURNISHED and H. K. rooms. JTS Hawthorne at hi. itn. HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms by day. ween or montn. k. uiay. SOVSSKESFIirO BOOMS BAST SIDB PRIVATE 7AKXLY T4 TWO single rooms furnished for light housekeeping. 7 earn. 44 East 7tn, THE DEZENDORF. .n RaiI Mill Co.. Albina Columbia 215. ONH TO iFruom Fi Kr FtooR HANDSOME corner ator marble front. ' ??.REDAPT.'. orKwildLfur:L J" "JT buslnes.. - l.t anJ Hnennan; marwnau mi. NEW brick store for rent, splendid lo- cation tor drug, eiectncai, enoe anu UNFURNISHED APT., OR WILL FUR. NI8H TO DESIRABLE TENANT, MAYO APARTMENTS. Union and BacrameniO ex, I,.,vj trine- nr harhar ahon Rent 115 46th Just completed, the finest and most I!,An.2LSiri2I "nop" "ent "' u up to date apartment nouse in city. ilea. sonable prices. Phone East 920. Pverton Apartments andr Hawthorne ave. STORE and modern . living rooms. 1st, near Harrison. 32$ Front Mar shall 1923. briJ list "and OveKon; beautiful, new. mod- STORE, 279 Hawthorne, near brUge, n $. $ and 4 room apts; $12.50 and up. large i basement, aide track . n rear. Marshall ano. 1 Appiy nnwiw t -,. PnUlAn DESK room for rent, use of desk if de- braV baDieS sired. 60$ Board of Trade , Main er Phon K'.v 9 rnnnit nntn.. 1'ill nn! ataam I 6534. A-5070. heat, electrlo light walking distance, I MODERN brick building, store 24x85, ; -eteam neat, cement easement niuna - Main 7157. Iirfb- lV4i SW aBU i8 lOthc A-2629.. Lincoln Apartments 4th and Lincoln: all outside 2 room apts.. $22.50 to $30. Main 1877. A-3472. $9 to $12, fine store next to Jeweler. 6388 roster ttoaa. Ananei. FOR RENT ILALLS : 5 TWO LARGE HALLS FOR RENT. Large one for Monday. Wednesday or Saturday nights; small on for Monc'iy or Saturday nlghta. Special rates for New 2 and 3-room apts., completely afternoon meeungF. central icmuMii, reasonable. Main 1739. 1 reasonable, v-aii n l uinnmvui mn. SERENE COURT. EAST 1ST AND MULTNOMAH STS. Ona beautuui s room auartment. ele- gantly furnished. Close In. Phone E. 1426 .flu . , m A . $41-14th St.. at Market furnisAed THE M1LNER Under new manage- LARGE steam-heated hall for Saturday mant aleam neat, recent y renovated. 1 "" ouuuaj njeiiia..- uH"" heart of buslnes district j and 3 room I Davis Co., Ill 2d Bt 360 Morrison. apts. and offices. THE DAVENPORT. All outside 2 and 3-room apartments; steam heat, strictly modern, walking distance. 605 Jefferson. Main 6436. Drickston Apartments SMALL hall for rent Howe-Davis Co 111. Id st. WANTED TO RENT T WE can rent your place for you. Wat- ton st Tnergeisen co, sus-sue opaiu- 44$ llth, near College, 2 and I room I Inc Mdg. Main 7692. suites, strictly first class. Marshall 67. WANTED To rent 6 room modern fur- SUNNYMONT APTS., 26th and BelmoriC nlshed flat, walking distance. 0-27. SS car, best In city for the price, and Journal. . the price Is. right. Phone Tabor 1889. WANTED To reut modern, $ room THE DEL MONTE, attractive, furnished, house, close In. Will , pay $25 per room apts.; reaaonaDie, waiKing dls-imontn. Y-lsz. journal. tance. 167 Stout st.. near ZOth tz Wsah. THE DE LAIR. 619H Williams ave; modern furnisned 8-room apts.; pri- HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC 19 T vate phones, baths. $25 up. East 4189. GOOD pair of ponies cheap or will' am THE UPSHUR. 408 w 26th st Furnished L change for 1100 or 1200 lb. horse. 14 3 room apts., steam heat light iiT union ave. I WW ... aula., dvvo... ' " V. ,11 I ' . up. Main 859. taKe h, zso, or vv. car. A nick diamond ring to exchange tor THE ELMS, 191 14th st Modern 2 and good horse. 14 Union ave. 9 room furnished apts.j excellent ioca- WANTED Use of team for their fed. ' tlon. walking distance; reasonable. Good care. Phone Woodlawn 1105. Jeff Evidently Doesn't Care for Those Conversation Dinners e e e e e s By "Bud" Fisher JEFF, t KNOW HOW WE CAM Save this areK is KWlClOUi AND TNli corn " WHAT'S 1 N(M t TMINH. I I TJVJi. a. ii a. I I I i , : tub rBAw AlM$U I K J n ojBUUWj: r . k. $ L II a PIIBa, W rtB-Baa9 'III VI w SB I I I t 1 I IMi.lbT , ' - , ' THB CM6AAl r . Y ' StSiKX. PIEASC V J IS SOUK - Mt ( WONT I PAi,TMe j M " ' '