oliNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY HORNING, DECEMBER .15, 1312. - wanted :.n;iO. 4 SALESMAN for general trado, staple line, $35week advance on commission. ), W. Barrows. Station A, Detroit. IlELP WANTED FEMALE 2 ; ,v Be Guild Employment - Association 314 Selling Bidg, Wanted 10 saleswomen for leather : roods, toilet articles. Must have . cx- fnrienen and first class references, lie ween 10 and 12 Sunday. ; The Guild Employment . Association SITUATIONS MALE 314 'Selling .Bidg, pXPEMENCKD SALESWOMEN . WANTED . By THE MEIER & FRANK STORE ror the following departments: Books, t Hllverware. Stationary. Art Goods. Toys. Z Crockery. Former employes of the atore iv-n reierence. Appiy at Hiiperui' ;tendent's office, 6ch floor befor 9:80. Chauffeur Wants Situation Ynun- tnan of eood habits, furnish good references, desires position -riving private car, In city or out of town. 610 Sweltland blug. Alain 6611, or Ta- bor 1180. AU-l-Vf'rt-orl9 V V I IClL d vy 1 1 CI vu 1 . i A No. l hookkeeDor. stenos-apher. capable correspondent'able to conduct business; accustomed to full charts of oiiioe. Humphrey,... . wvereii;. jar- sunn 4007. kXPERlENCK'D Biilfsmwi, good appear ance, with financial ana integrity rei erence, desires position'' with reliable firm who need a wan who can make pood. Am 30 years old and married. Would accept position either In house or on road. V-148, Journal. .' I. furnished i:oo:,i west side HOTEL. BAKER, 26514 Fifth St. , . - Opposite City Hall. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. MISS E.' NKWCOMB, MGR. . Why live so far out when you can get a beautiful room with steam heat, hot and cold water in a new fireproof building right down town? : . , Have made a specialty of comfortable beds. Rooms, 14.50 and up; elegantly furnished doubl e room with bath at moderate rates. Clean and quiet Both phones. . , .. WANTED 2 men to room and board, Drlvate family. 15.50 per week. 287 Cherry st near Williams ave. 322 14th. Main 6608. Room and board. 8 meals a day, Including Sunday. $ month. ' Bath and phone. ' ICE front room, . .board,. t week, 2 in room. $5 each. Free phone, bath. heat. 660 Rodney ave. - HOARD AND ROOM, WALKING DIST- ANCE, WEST SIDE, RATE REASON ABLE. 453 HALL. ST. MAIN 3158 FOR RENTTwo or four unfurnished rooms, modern, good house, fine view, 1 .. ...... I f .. 11.. KlnAlr nr HOME for Wnle. .!. first class car ' aJ "-" "u"4 FAINTER and expert tinter wishes 'work, experienced and competent; will work for very reasonable wage if Riven work at once. Can furnish own tools. Tel. Main 1483. BOOKKEEPER, timekeeper and all around reliable man witli typewriter experience; good local references. Can give all or part time. N-16S, Journal. Hotel Madras sriven. Phone C-3128. A.," 805 Portland Blvd. 1iTH AND WASH la making special Inducement on M week rooms; steam heat, hot and cold water and good service. Get' In while inegfitrtng'B good. WILL board children, make, their clothes; mother s care, no other chii- ren. 8 N. 14th St. WANTED, by young man, 19, place to work ort dairy farm or ranch. Phone Main 1662 or address C. Brown, 34? Jefferson.'".' v-:v . ?'-'' '.- 1 CARPENTER has money The' Munlclnal .JUeuarlruent. of Public Safety for Young Women, 407 Mer chants Trust bidg., will be glad to give advice or assistance to any woman or girl who may be in need. Interviews are confidential except - in cases de- - inunuing criminal action. uirice nours 8:30 to 5. Mrs. L. O. Baldwin,-stipt ' Wanted 2 first class cooks, man and" wife or 3 women, for Institution; sev eral good cooks for private - families. - Second girls, 1st class chambermaids, housekeeper for out of city. " Some of the best general housework places in ; the city, A-7668. Main 6326. . :3k, LADY of neat appearance and tact, to meet ladles and demonstrate an ; article of merit that will interest any I for right party, R-16, Journal. ! l'HB Olds, Wortman & King store re quires the services of experienced , Saleswomen; must furnish references, i Apply, superintendent's , office, I to 10 . m. . . j CHltlslTlAN young lady as companion, 1 homeless girl with musical talent pro. i 1 erred. State age, full particulars. L- j 160, Journal. ' ' services. What have.: Journal. .- - . , ,., - to go with you? B-184, HANDY young man wants work;, small wages; will go tanywhere. L.-170, Journal. : " ' ;-' TRANSFER girls and wrappers; must be 18 years of am or over. AddIV fciuperlntendent's office, 1 to It a. m., wonman et .mg. - Tn' ANTED Experienced cashiers; must nave reierences. - Appiy supenmena nf office. to 10 a. nu, Olds, ,Wort ! AMATEURS wanted for Monday night. . Prizes given. , Liberty theatre, 89 TOrth th St. ' ' '":'"'"' v.- ;'.-,.';-.',. "":,,'- JV ANTED Neat elderly lady to assist with housework; good home; small wages. Phone CoL 605. HOUSEKEEPER wanted by gentleman, age SO; neat 4 room cottage. W-121, 'Journal. ; 'XWO first-class starch work lroners. t experienced mangle gins. tjtanaara JiSundry. 298. Russell nt.-;.-- AvAlST finishers, experienced, wanted; come ready to work. 434 Morrison. UW ANTED Girl at U, 8. Bakery, East ixtn ana D-ianqers bib. - - .SVANTED A girl for general", hojuse- 4l) HIGHEST class financial representative wants big undertakinir. H-xuo, jour nal. ' ' '': ' -' ' - -' '' "- ' '' ; -' ' LACE CURTAINS, draperies, linens, laundered by experts, 25 cents up. la bor 817. . ; SITUATIONS FEMALE A LADY seeks position where she can have i good home for self and daughter of 7; applicant is refined, capable, nospuai trained nurse, but will accept small salary to be able to give child a moth ers care and keep In .achool; references exchanged. Address R. W. M J01 Har rison St.. Corvallls. Or. ' BUTTERMAKER wants position by 1st of January; over IB years- experience; can give best of references; winner of old medal and other prixes. Address MX-im, journal GARLAND ROOMS Are, the best in Portland for the money, 110 per month up, all outside rooms, newly furnished, modern, steam heat, hot and cold water day and - night: nhoncs in. rooms. Cor. Washington and WANTED I1003I AXD BOARD 3 WANTED Room and board, with piano, suite, two young men. Near Russel or Morris streets. 8-164, Journal. STANDISH Hotel. 548 Wash, st., . newlv furnished, all ..outside sunny rooms, steam heat, hot and cold water in rooms; rent 110 up. New manager. FURNIBHEjU rooms, always warm, hot and cold water, close to P. O.; 75a and $1 day. Special terms by week or month. Hotel Armlnlus, 410 Morrison at. HUTEL La Salle, l0u and Burnbida sts., fire proof, elegantly furnished, steam heat, hot android water, special rates ny month, r'none Msrsnan 404. LARGE' steam heated . roomt. attrao tively furnished, running water, beau- tirui parior reasonaoie, wuwiu wu. t4th, near Taylor. " CHEAP furnished , rooms; use kitchen; $l-3 week. 268 12th. of WEST BIBB SfBIYATB PAMXLT 70 POR "RF.NT. '., ',. Torero front room for rent." BTaS and heated, suitable for two; also one small room, neuteu. 241 om su . One large housekeeping room for rent. gas range. 241 &tn st. ' ' THREE nicely furnished front rooms ; en suite or single, suitable for 3 or 4: very reasonable. 400 Park st Mar shall 3321 " '- " ' YOUNG widow, deaf mute, wishes posi- ' tion as housekeeper for elderly widow er with children.. . Address room 337, Milton Hotel. : ' ' " ' WANTED By young widow unencum bered and experienced, charge of room ing house; will leave city. Both phones. Call New Hotel Houston, room ill. GENTLEMAN desiring well-furnished - room in new home with modern con veniences, call Marshall 574. Front ana Hall streets. ELEGANT front room for one or two people, first floor; neat, lights, nam and phone; 6 minutes to postofflce, 849 jetrerson st. ' : WIDOW '. desire's a good position as ' housekeeper in a nice home, lor some good natured widower, or in a rooming house. O-l 4 lf Journal. LIVE .WIRE experienced stenographer wants position jusi me one you ve STEAM-HEATED, outside room, in ele gant apt, house; uatn pnone, gentleman preferred. 189V4 N. 23d. Marshall 2851. ' ; - ' ' - NICE, comfortable front room, hot and rnlrl watnr hatti. Dnone: suiiaDie lor or 2 city gentlemen. 120 North 18th St., corner Gllsan. Main 3097. been looking for; journal. references. ; -154, work: no washing: no children iiassaio st. v ' .1 OUNG girl -for housework, help well -wnn cooKing. m tu Av ANTED A .' woman experienced la innKinR; nair kouus. 10a urana ave. ;, WANTED 1000 women to buy those v 32.60 dolls. 88c. 153 Grand ave. U APPRENTICES wanted to learn beauty parlor worit. sio wwetmnq piag. I -HIGH school girl, good home, in return 1 for light service, j-isa, journau f'.IRT. waritpH 1104 Hawthorne ., ave. WANTED First-class waist , help: no other neeq apply, zm I'oiumoia mog. WANTED School girl for light house- work, .Good home,. 431 Btn st. 11 HOROUGHLY experienced finisher on developing paper, can Main atzii. I i 'APPRENTICE, hair dressing. $16 full course. combings oougnt. m. ii. GIRL WANTED General ! Call B-2360. housework. 1IELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 29 , ; MSSENGER BOYS AND GIRLS; WRAPPERS AND INSPECTORS Wanted at The Meier & FranK store. AO. tily to . Mr, Porter, Delivery Department, uasemenu MOLER BARBER COLLEGE Wsnted Men and women to learn the Imrber , trade in 8, weeks, tools free, a chance to get in business for yourself. ;end for free catalog, or call at 35 N. 4th st. AN EXPERIENCED business woman must have position of trust; am down but not out Who will help me? Mar shall 4481. - " - - YOUNG lady d-ssires position as office clerk; can take slow dictation and use typewriter;, experienced, . good refer ences. Woodlawn 8136. mornings. COMFORTABLY furnished , rooms to rent cheaD to . worKing men ana women, modern conveniences. 47o Tay iur. NICELY furnished front room,, also back room, by day or weesu xteasun' able. 24 N. lotn st, CHEERFUL front rooms,, single or en suite, rurnace, rirepiace, mouern, erate. 847 Montgomery, near Park. IfiX PKRI knTied woman wants day - work, 200 per hour. , iwme ; laoor FIRST class bookkeeper, 11 years' ex- penence, - desires position. " unaer stand stenography. K-154. Journal.' YOUNG lady wishes position In doc tor's office, nad one year s nospuai training. N-148, Journal. AMBITIOUS young man wishes posi tion wnere advancement is in store; salary no object. Phone Woodlawn 848. REFINED unincumbered lady, deslrus position as housekeeper. Calls, re- ceivpd one week. T-163. Journal. LACE curtains hand laundred, special ' prices to hotels. Rhone Alain i486. LADY would like position as housekeep er. 492 Columbia st. rnone main nu. POSITION as housekeeper, first class hotel. 200 rooms, T-152, POSITION att housekeepers first class hotel. S-loa, J Journal. assistant Journal. GIRL wants housework. or call woodlawn iz. 6 S Beech st., WANTED To care for small 192 Grand ave. child SITUATIONS WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 23 W ANTED Position as janitor In apart- , ment house, by man and wire, nave engineer's license and can give good ref. erencm. mum ood, DRESSMAKING 40 DRESSMAKING Fit end workmanship guaranteed. Phone Main 5358, 12RESSMAKING' and family sewing, 31.60 by the day. E-170, Journal. VOU can make yourself a better eales--an, manager, or executive. flour's study a day will do It. Sheldon's School Spalding Bidg. Marshall 1722. ' VANTED Transfer boys unl girls; ' .must be 16 or over. Apply Superin tendent's office, 8 to 10 a. m. Olds, wortman & King. . WANTED AGENTS 6 AGENTS on salary or commission. The " sreatest agent's seller ever nrodticed; e very user .of pert and Ink buys it orr glglit; 2UU to ouv per ceni proui; one K gent's sales amounted to $620 in six ,davs: another 832 in two hours. Mon- Vp4 Mfg. Co. X-244, La Crosse. Wis. lAvlI your spare time to ouna Jip mail order, business of your own. We help you start for a share in prof its: 27 oDDortunltles: particulars free. "Mutual Opportunities Exchange, Buffalo, N. Y. - . .- . ' FURNISHED ROOMS WEST SIDE Tt-TTT. ATJTtTTTTt HOTEL - iriatranth halwMn Morrison and Yam hilL Recently opened. ' Evdry modern convenience. Conducted above reproacn. DI..I- km anla, nrf hant. HMUtlfUl lobby and parlor; $17.60 up; $22.60 up. oat 11. hhtpi. .' A T.M A. Centrally located, new and modern; steam heat, phones in rooms; all conveniences; special rates to oermanent guests, lztn ana eir. VAN lORDON HOTEL. 105H 12th be. Wash, and Stark,' rooms always warm; free phones in every room, H day and up, 4 weex ana d. AGENTS Make big money between ' now and Christmas, Our line a big money maker; no capital needed. Free sample case. ' write today. - m. m. 'eit manf 6430 ' SycaTnore st, Cincinnati. O. AN Intelligent person : may earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspa pers. No canvassing. - Send ' for par ticulars. Prs Syndicate. 708 Xock- 5 ALTON HOTEL, Ilth and Btara, strirtiv mndera. beautifully furnished. hot and cold water, steam heat and free phdnes in eacn room, ween arm up. 1 n m ... . h.at D-fta nhntiA hnt Wft, ter. Dam on nai, uoum ctuuuu .. m art.. .r 1 II , , , Roosevelt, near zaa. - aiarnn tuv. $3.00 WEEKLarge, clean, pleasant . . . . ...... i . uk iron l room; biovo uev, wmwu "6"i, bath. 171 13th st. WARM, clean rooms, electrlo light, fur nace heat, bath and phone. Main 8432. 294 Jefferson. Well furnished sleep ing rooms, lilgnt, clean, reaaonnme. FURNISHED basement room for rejot cheap. .4 JN. iutn st. TWO unfurnished rooms to let to party without children. 681 4thst NICELTTulrnTshed rooms $10 per month. Call at 188 Hooicer st. NICELY furnished front on first floor, rDii 9s 12th st. NICELY furnished' rooms he,a-tv- Dat"i phone, Vi.bV per ween. Tt wiw"n POOtI A KB BOa.H-3 PJS.1V Al JB 7a rOUSXEETTHa BOOK1? TAnS SlflJB PKIVTE r JiUZLT 74 TWO suites of furnished II. K. rooms, two rooms each, also 1 single fur nished room, with privilege of garden. Rent reasonable. Apply 929 E. Davis st. or phone East 2309. Call for Day. $12.50 Two clean,- comfortable front; rooms 2d floor; free" phone, watorand bath; wood and gas stoves.. Just what you want; walking distance. 564 East 6th st. Phone S'llwood 1109. Address' K. M. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS WEST SIDE 8 SINGLE housekeeping room, neat, clean and well furnished. Right down town. Only $2.60 per week. , Call 395 Yam hill, corner loth. CAMBRIDGE bidg., large, light house- keeping rooms, rurnisnea ana uniur nlshed, central, cheap rent, room 36.. 3d na Morrison sts. ::' ' " : TWO nice furnished housekeeping rooms; also 2 nice unfurnished n..Jv. rooms, Hot and cold water; phone. &i Mill. - "- ''' ' ; ' - -? - " ... NEATLY furnished comfortable down stalrs front housekeeping suite, con veniences, water In, heat furnished, $3 per week. 609 Johnson. " Mississippi oar. 713 Michigan ave, 21.50. 83.75 weekly, clean furnished II. K. rooms; , gas, free heat, laundry, baths. Phone East 6039. ' 40$ Vancou ver. - TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. tin . children. , Walkine dls. tance, Bath and phone. 406 E, Everett st, net. 8th and 9th. 818.00. Comuletelv furnished . clean 8 rooms. - Phone, bath, - sink, laundry, gas range. No objections child. 825 E. HtarK. , ' ' ' 810. 2 housekeeping rooms., tli for 8. with electricity, wood, gas range, one large room $9. 6ol E. Morrison. FIRST floor front suite, modern, cheap rent , walking dlstanoe , 387 ; E. FOUR furnished housekeeping , rooms; h HOUSES rou ri:nt la I IKNIXViU: l u .1 . FOR RENT 8 rooms, modern, 1008-Kelly, cor. Bancroft $16.00 7 room house, 663 Harold . . ave. 16.00 5 room house. 600 1st st. ... 18.00 6 room house, 489 Montgom- ery 15.00 ' room house, 1321 Corbctt. 18.00 . b room house, 645 Front ...12.50 1 room furnished bouse,- 1176 Clinton 30.00 4 room furnished house, 1009 E. 24th N. 16.00 The Lawrence Co, 171 4th t. Between Morrison and Yamhill". Main 6915. A-2815. WOOD "heater,- pip Bti.l stove t: it, bwt spritiKS nn.J in;ittr,., $ , " couch. Kprinir tvp. auumimu! washstand, $1; rticklns thali. i oak dresKt-r, 16; lawn niowi'. n chairs, gas plate, padt ni"i, . bowl, pitcher and Jar, window m i smn II library table, oak. ironing I .' I). Bf Acme slioticun, 12 kuihc; ., Mnun Ac Wesson 38 cat. and p... K, t : planes, saws, sets, liammm and imm, ous other articles; Sunday imtj . : Williams ave. FOR - SALE Furniture, of -nil. v. house. 1 a II new. at ereat sail : i i. East 4610. n, APARTMENTS ! ""SSSSSWSjSttSsJSjl THE MEIER ' & FRANK STORJa.3 FREE RENTAL AND IN FORMA- : TION BUREAU. Ta tnv th ronvenlenpa .of' both Port land people- and strangers In the city wno may do looaing ior. nom, pn- HOUSEKEEPING and furnished rooms. Gem hotel. 665 1st stv Steam neat. new bidg.; rooms 31 week np. free phone rooms, 1181 Kerby st. Phone C-Z667. it RONT corher suite nicely furnished; bath. ran. nhone, $18 month. Burnside, near Eighth. 464V. E. ' THE BRETNOR, . ' 20th at Lovejoy. WALKING DISTANCE. Residential section, one block from "W"' car. $ and 4 room unfurnished apartments; appointments unexcelled in the city; ail ments and flats.-. We have an excellent 1 large outside rooms, finished In white private list as well as tne compinea nmei ana every convenience uwwn lists of all real estate dealers, wo can also give advice as to the new buildings i In course of construction. - i ' r., j TTona hunters, esneciallv. will find relief in this special v eervlc for w help you to get quickly, comfortably and i desirably located. When you want to rent, visit ." ,v.' . L THE MEIER ft FRANK K1SK1AU BUREAU. 4th Floor, Main Bidg- HOUSEKEEPING room, with kitchen. , ette, $3 per week; light, heat, cooamg gas, not water inctuaeq. 44 jerieraou. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, heat hot water, phone. $15. 481 W. Park st. Phone Marshall 2885, - TVO large rooms for housekeeping; ximnlnrr nra v an era m fa n fo T O tin ffPA tAktiaia t , sk a bath, phona. 348 Clay, near Ytn. THE UPSHUR, 406 26th st Furnished . 2-room apts., steam neat, iigni, j.o up. Main 859. Take B. 23d or W. car. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, 270 Montgomery st, rnone y jaarBuau 1780. - --. '-"- ' all modern, T-l ' I 1 K'l tT t l-TA If ." V. rt II TV. U eiectno ngnis, oovn, pnonos, 880 Vt Morrison st, -. bath. FURNISHED H. K. rooms, modern, $1.60 up, b car to svl tsnerman, . .saarwiau 13. ' ' , . ; ' FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, em- . i . .. . . i . a, l . u 1. 1. n & A .. ?ie or m suivc, . it uu. uvu, ELEGANT front 3-room apartment, steam heat. batn. pnone, sao. . iBa North Z3d. THOROUGHLY . rooms. 141 jn. Clean 'housekeeping 16th St. .;- 482V4 WASHINGTON ST. Front housekeeping rooms, $2 per week up. l'HK MITCHELL 7th & Flanders. H. K. sleeping rooms, very mooem-a. SOnSBEEBBZHa ROOMS WXST SIDE PjUVATE PA10II.Y 73 s nnM5t corner suite. 2nd floor, fully furnished, 2 beds, clean, cozy and quiet; fine neighborhood; gas and wood; water ana Dam iree; warning; uisiauco. $14. S. and F. cars to 134 Porter St. Marshall 6020. HOUSES FOR RENT y 13 Houses "and Flats for" Rent 8 room modern house, 892 Thurman, $3S. 8 room modern house, 228 19th St., $15. 7 room modern house. 236 Sumner. 818. . 6 room modem cottage, 662 E. Morrison St, $16. 7 room modern house, Cleveland ave Walnut Park, 134. 8 room modern house, 695 Front st, $25 room house, 718 Brooklyn St., 816. 6 room upper flat, E. 9th and. Hancock stu iiu. r 5 room lower flat, E. 8th and Hancock 8t,$26. The Shaw-Fear Co, Main 85. - 102 4th st, A-3500. ' HOUSES FOR RENT. ' . 106 N. 15th St.. rooms, $25. 406 Park st, 5. room flat, $30. . 698 Overton st.. 9 room house. $45. , N. 23d, near Nlcholai, 6 room cottago I3.io, ,- EAST SIDE. ' 452 Larrabee St.. 6 room house. $20, 454 Larrabee st, 7 room house, $30; arranged for 3 families; will rent sep - arately. 73 4 Union ave., N., 5 room flat, $15. 868 Stanton, near Union ave., 5 room cottage, $15. - INQUIRE, LOUIS SALOMON ft CO., -iw Htarn nt., wear isecona. J J J J J J J OUR PRINTED RENTAL LIST Gives you first choice of the most desirable 'Tor Rents" in Portland. Ask for List. ' . The FRED A. JACOBS CO. 269 Washington St Main 6869. A-626T. 3 BASEMENT rooms, large, bright. warm, every convenience, heat, light, fuel, bath comfortable home for work ing family. Part rent for care of fur nace; walking distance. 347 Hall, near Park. ---- -- - - - - ' - - 2 LARGE, H. K. rooms,, everything homelike, near school; will furnish 2 beds. 245 N. 16th. . . NEATLY furnished housekeeping rooms, running water, private entrance. 32 N. Htn. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, reasonable rent oatn, gas, pnone. . Main. ! TWO front rooms, clean, warm, and very reasonaoie. sn tun. FURNISHED ROOMS EAST SIDE 52 DOUBLE parlors, nicely fitted for housekeeping, Sis per munin. m 16th st, near Alder. $4 PLEASANT H. K. rooms; heat, u-hfa hotti i btiH nhnnfl Included. l.giii.,, utt. , a m- ' 349 Jefferson st. . ; RIVERVIEW HOTEL. 3d and Hi. uurnsiae. ? The best equipped fireproof hotel In city. Centrally located. private phones, elevator. 75o per day. -Private bath $1 per day and up. Special low rates to permanent ui. lumuunu buBS free to and from all trains. 8-ROOM house, thoroughly renovated, flna location. $18. : 835 Fargo. Sell- wood 1011. HOUSEKEEPING or baching rooms. reasonable; factory cusinci. n&v i-ai- eigh near lfetn. "THE MONTGOMERY," East Morrison end East 8th, nicely furnished rooms reasonable. HOTEL EDWARDS, Grand avenue, E. Morrison; rooms $3 week up; absolute- ly respectaoiej private patnsj. rn-qjg. URN1SHED - rooms, good location, t 4 hinrku from Dostoffice. Heat, light phone, bath, iz.t ana up. zod Din bc WELL furnished single housekeepln ' rooms; reasonable; good location. 32 Montgomery ana eta, ONE large front H. K. room; also 1 sleeping room; bath, phone and wood rree. 434 itn, THE Larrabee. 287 Vi Larrabee. Rooms $ 2 wk up. Brick bidg., steam heat, hot. oli water, bath, phone, electricity. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms for rent, low rate, ngnt, neat, water. gas furnished. iat y, 4ut ist st. .SIX good unfurnished rooms, $11; fur nished. $14. 419 Webster St. Wood lawn car. SPLENDID room for gentleman, $5 per month. 915 Belmopt. bath. VERY nice clean furnished rooms, cheap rent 460 Davis, comer lzm. WELD, iurnlshed front room with kitch- CAST BEDS PRIVATE PAMTtY 71 For Rent Two furnished rooms In private family, E. 12th and Sherman sts., ' 8 carllnes pass house, across from Ladd tract, good neighborhood and nice yard, 80 minutes walk to town. Phone Sellwood 1198. TWO single H. K. rooms, modern. 1st St., cor. Jrtooaer; reasoimuic COMFORTABLY furnished front rooms, nice locality, iurnace Jieav, eieviriu light, and board if pref erred; -reason-ahle. W Madison. - ' Iti beautiful private home, 1 room, splen dld location, modern convenlencis, references. H-163, Journal. FORNIHEt) room $1.76, also larg. front, mom suitable' for two $2.76, Private family. Take R.-S.-or U ar. 216 Morris st. HOTEL RUCKiNGHAM-6&a4 : Wash.; new and modern, steam neat, private baths, $3.60 week and up. Main 81. $10 MONTH Newly furnished and clean sleeping room; excellent board next door if desired. 649 Sixth st i-jBKM is the one live seller of the year; needed in every home, office and fac tory; sells on sight; 100 per cent profit J Modern Supply Co., R-l, Box 66A, Lents, regon. - , WELL furnished room in modern, first class apt., 16th and Taylor. Phone Marshall . 2316. , ....... ONE man's commission last week 8238, selling Washington Nursery Co. trees. If you can walk, talk and write en or der, write us today for territory. Wash ington Nursery Co.. Toppenlsn, Wash. WANTED Agents capable of selling gilt edge mining stock. If you are a live wire this is the Job vo havo been looking for. R-114, journal. - WANTED Man or woman in every i town to1 sell autoinobila necesBlty nometinng new, sens on signt, pig money; particulars write 313 Wilcox bidg. . SALESMEN wanted to aid us in -sup-1 plying the brisk demand for nursery stock. Address, Capital City Nursery Co., fla'em. Oreron. jjlVE saUspeople, men or women, for "live propoBltlonr liberal commissions; ran devote all or part Of your time. 616 rfery bidg.- 1 EXCEPTIONALLY nige roomsall con veniences, close in. very reasonable. Phone Main 3187. 86 West Park st - THE COLONIAL Most central and comfortable, 165 10th, cor. Morrison; lust renovated! light steam beat 62 to $6 HOTEL-MMQklia ,Vi.R SttK- i- ree uinmo ana bath. Main ?764. " l.i DK'iBHEn room, lleht heat bath: gentleman; $6 month. 69 Fargo st U car. NICELY furnished outside rooms, mod- ern. walking aistance. 221 ,urrun st Phone East 885. LARGE front room for 1 or 8 gentle men: walking distance; light, phone nnrl heat. 39 a month. 464 E. Oak. fjIcMY furnished housekeeping? rooms. 435 E. Pine st. NICELY furnished room, furnace heat, suitable tor 1. 7zg to. jaornwon. UNFURNISHED KOOMS ,10 ONE large unfurnished room, use of light Dam, pnone; 1110 humisi iuuui, Main 9451. 1(1 laiiiBC TWO large unfurnished front rooms; phone, gas, water. oz mmimi m.. FURNISHED rooms in modern hotel, steam heat bath, $3 per week and up. Hot.l Medford.' 122. 6th st THE KING- 309 Jet ferson; -nicely fur nished rooms; modern, heat centrally located. $ S.28. wmzX.IX"?'' LIVE salesmai on a live proposition, - liberal commissions. 609 Northwest Wdir. AGENTS We have 0119. of. the best jpoposltlons you ever took hold of. prp see us. 601 Pwetland. SITUATIONS MALE YOUNG man wants situation to learn good Business wun guoa hiiowmq au vniu'A. T-173, Journal. , . "WOULD like a situation as watchman, hnst reference. V-l 69, Journal. ' AUTO drivewants a Job driving truck. E-114, jouriiii- WANTED Position by boy n a permit. CallC-280. by boy not 16, with I iriiLTABLE wan wniils place, to work ! for hoard and room. Tabor 41:16. H't' experienced inOvlng pleturu operator, city or country. U-203,. Journal, , THREE lsrge unfurnished rooms, rent reasonable. Call at 163 N. 14th st NiCJiLY furnished rooms $1.76 and up, or housekeeping rooms. 122 1st st, corner Washington. ' - 3 OR 4 rooms, tlrtu floor, completely . furnished for -Housekeeping, with tm th: nrlveiJ.li4lJi.-l--iarkfit at RQOMS AST BOARD 15 rfWTOT.m n nccunv elerant room In nrl vate family home, board optional. Call R W. cor. 25th at Prescott, Sunday Al- berta car to zttn. ll(Txdeaji,wetLittrnUhBdooitt-,wiUi. r. ioarcf. bath and phone, for one-or- two gentieinoM. , ww.,m ( Yamhill. ; THE MANlTOU, 26T 13th st. Sleeping porch and steam heated dressing room, excellent table, fo per mo, NEWLY furnished single rooms, 7 min utes irom poaioiiito, 10 iw young men at 33.50 week. 370 6th st LARGE sleeping rooms, - very nicely furnished, neat and cleah; reasonable. Call 895 Yamhill. GOOD room for one or two men, only $1.50 per ween. -mi aug lamiuii, ilOlEL Glenwood 843 balmon, modern hotel. furnished rooms. 33,60 wk. up. FURNISHED room ,i 1Z.B0 ween anu uy. in modern 455 Alder. bout. HOTEL ANTLERS Warm, clean rooms, terms moderate " 10th and Wash. . llri BtfSHMARlCinodern; ' steam heated hotel. 62 wkV up; 66214 Wash. (ii;TtslDE rooms, board, bath, $3 week tin: meal tV-ktg $4.50. ; 284 Main st. THE LINDELL. steam heated, rooms $2 week up. 269 Market Main 6561. "TIIirRANDOLrH. steam heat free baUis, $2 week up. 252 Columbia.. . tmuc. and mother's care for children past 4 years, or 'room and board for vn,.n- indv. 214 month. Tabor 2178. WANTED 'CKlturen ' to care for; good care and references, 933 i. 8itn. North, corner Prescott. Take B car, L'ivt vr,nm nnrl hoard in' cltv. 1 5. 85.60. 554 K. Madison. Kast oi. winnr im Vnlftn AVVV . ' w ' ..., PB1VATB lAMttT 79 LARGE front room, nicely furnished for 1 or s. nome cooaing ana pnv Ueges; neat ana patn. it k.- lotn BOARD and room In modern home for two. $ per weea. ta eaimon, cor, 12th. FOlkK'lfeHED room,, with or i witiiou board. ' 312 llalwey. E. 8381. BOARD and room for two . nrlsut. fnmtlv. tS week. ROOM and board reftsonable. ' 180 11 45th at. One 'block Mount Tabor car gentlemen, 895 NT 19th SIX room cottage, 411 I von st, near Inman-Poulsen mill, snd one block from Brooklyn carllne, $13 per- month, less discount $1. Burrell investment Co.. 250 8d at. . FOR RENT A tentTiouse, 12x20. Willi to the master builders of today. BARRETT BROS., Agents. 303 Board of Trade bidg. t ' Or appli at premises, Roosevell Apartments . $35, 6 room, ' ' Steam heated. Newly cleaned throughout. liOt us snow them to you. " Portland Trust Co. 1 3d and Oak sts. THE VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Most -lagDlficently frunished anart- ments In the city;' location perfect rent 2 rooms and city water, corner E. 26th ais reasonable; every modern conven and Brooklyt sts. 1. $4 per month. .Bur re II Investment Co., 350 Third St. NEW 4-ROOM house for rent, near Sell- wood Mohair muis, rurnisnea it ue- slred. Phone Sellwood 1665, or call 0 Linn. 1 FREE rent to Jan. 1st, six room mod- ern house, cor. East lira, ana baunon. East 232. ... ; , Vv'- WANTED to rent a $ room house or 3 unfurnished rooms near jMortn ax- blna. E-214, Journal. ' " lence, banquet hall and root' garden, high class service; references required. Both phones -in -all apartments. Main 2276.' - .v ; --. . - - - Store for. Rent $75. 108 11th st, near Washington. Can Give long lease. - Portland Trust Co, - 3d and Oak. ANKENY COURT Nev. inauageinent; 2 and 3 room ads.: nof v buifuina. new 6-ROOM, very desirable, rent $26. Wa- furniture, hot water heat; main Una ter free. .ast 46ta ana iawinorne. i fiioue in every pnincui, si 10 Tabor 1726. FIVE room house . on carllna Nice yard. Rent $10. 422 Chamber of 6-ROOM modern house, cor. E. 15th and Frederick sts.. $18. Beuwooa mi.. East 630. ir FERTILIZER. . B-1905 All Kinds manure deuvereq any puce. everything . first class. E. Ankeny or Montavilla, car. B-2624, Eait 2800. &!!.3Lucrefia Court Mar?S On Lucretia st, near Wash, and 3d, most exclusive 2 to 5 room unfurnished apts. in city; references. A-3687. THE DEZENDORF. . 208 16TH, NEAR TAYLOR. ONE FOUR ROUM, FIRST FLOOR, ut'UKlSHKU APT., OR WILL JTUn $14 MODERN 6 room house, full lot cnicaen oen. u I n insan. FOR RENT 4 room cottage, ? 472 E. NISH TO DESIRABLE TENANT, Pine. Phone East 1 1 2 f . , MAYO APARTMENTS. n Union V-ve. and Sacramento St Just completed, the finest and most UD to date apartment house In city. Re- SEVEN room strictly moddrn, nicely sonable prices. Phone East 920. ' FURNISHED . HOUSES SO J - J 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 ROOM modern house, ail furnlslidd, with fine furniture, with piano, lo cated in Woodlawn. on car line, lots 100 X100, fine lawn. Price $25 per mouth. o room. Dung alow, cement Basement, in Irvlngton add. Price $18 per month. 6 room cottage, located 102 East tn St., N. Price $12 per month. Ball & Kuntz : 431 Lumber Exchange Bidg. " Houses for Rent $17.50 489 Montgomery st, 4 rooms. $20.00 44 Buchtel ave., 7 rooms. $35.00 697 Main st, 7 rooms. $20.00969 E. Salmon St., 6 room a $23.00 329 Main st., & rooms. PnrttanH Truct C.n. lp VI UUMU 1 f UVh VW9 FOR RENT $27.60, 7 room house, E. furnished bungalow for 6 months or longer. No objection to children if over 10 years old. Rent reasonable. Player piano. Garden and small fruit 1147 East Harrison,'" near 39th st Haw- thorns car, can atter to a. m. NEW five room bungalow, completely Overton Apartments . ' 2lst and Overton i beautiful, new. mod ern 2, 8 and 4 room apts; $22.60 and up.. rnone jviarsnaii ago. - - TWO new Portland Heights Swiss Chalet apts. 6 rooms, heated, bath, pantry, laundry, fireplaces. Alpine air furnished, including: nlano. One block from W-W car.t 6103 4a st and jicenery,-tropical-comforts, Buperb Sunday. " Telephone evenings Sellwood exclusive home. References. Main 9195. - I i i it . Lincom Apanmenis JpUiX RENT b room cottage, furnished. modern, $30 or will rent unturmsnea 4th and Lincoln; all outside 2 room 220.--Upper Albina district ;B Phone Uptg., $23.50 to $30. Main 1377. A-8472. w oodlawn 1610 Sunday, fice. H. F. Lee. . Main 8926, Of- irnnNTRHiin mouses. Beautifully furnished home on Port SERENE COURT. EAST 1ST AND MULTNOMAH BTS. One "beautiful 2 room apartment, ele gantly furnished. Close In. Phone E. 1126 n? Jflvsnonible2 narties W J W"1 THE MAJESTIC APTS., 390 Clay St.- WArvsFR & HUNT 435 PCha of Com ,2. 3 nd 4;roon aPta- nely furnished; WAGNER & HUNi, 4ja na. or enm, cloae Jn an1 moern. reasonable to per- 6-ROOM modern furnished house; fine manent- party. "'Ski. VZrtZ'fnTi cLiZi Joar. FLORENCE APARTMENTS. Responsible party only. 0-137, Jour- Moern 3 and 4 room apartments; na'- ; , ; ' iii". high class service. Reasonable rent; S ROOM strictly modern house In Irv- 888 11th st ..- ----- -. - .. iagton. Nicely 1) .S,.S APARTMENTS-4t-d Sheridan; nv Very reasonable to responsible party. DuUding just completed, thoroughly Phone East 8692. modern, 20 to 330 per month, 4 and 6 MODERN 6 room bungalow, nicely fur- rooms. Marshall 4443. nished, 99Q J. lotn st, oiocas to I BUCK Hartford, 21st and Flanders: i car, iza. pnone wooaiawn quire 600 Going st 38th and Salmon: eas. electricv. fur. na..' 13 7 1 AH , fruit a nA V,m,K tuiaf car 'service; ' hear school, stores and I NEWLY furnished, four room cottage. rsasonable. churches; key next door. Bi 8. Coolte ft Co., 606 Corbett bidg. Main 958 Bath, gas, etc., close la, 828 Wheeler st. Phone ii;as 3 room furnished apt and 1 4 roorV unfurnished apt, walking distance, very Main zvsz; A-iiBso. COMPLETELY FURNISHED" ":..:. " ONLY $25 PER .' 6 room strictly modern bungalow. Owner. 403 Eliza. Call after 11 a. m. $209 ROOM HOUSE $30 No. 635 East Burnside. ear 12th; walk lng distance; 6 bed rooms; yard and garden. Call East 4743 or Main 3606 for FOR RENT: Two new modern six room houses, one block Williams avenue: previously rented price, good tenan Stark st. Phones: Main 2131; A-2181. FURNISHED 6 room bungalow, 2 blocks! from Richmond car. Will sell furni ture. Call at 1086 E. Shermannear 37th. FURNISHED tent house for rent, 1016 Commercial st, gas and water. Wood- Iawn 2426. $20, 6-room house, modern nicely fur nished, new piano, near car, Phone Woodlawn 2247. ' ' ! . ' NICELY furnished cottage in West moreland; $25 per month. Phone Sellwood 12ZZ. i uivv.ii v t iiuutuu - vjiiu , i nci r v uuu xii-Mi entcd at $20: make special VOlt RENT three room house fur e"oVlii?7.neA,290,2 jnl-hetL $6.60. . Cail Sunday. 1308 E. ISOLATED lower flat, newly papered, painted, electricity, gas, bath, shades, refrigerator, large yard, fruit, ideal home, snap to quiet adults; $15; water free. 1215 East Taylor. Sunnyslde. enet. 141 11th st, corner Alder. 2, 3 H. K. rooms, strictly modern. SIO. Ilz. 14 montn. osu in , 721 OR 3 furnished housekeeping rooms. 208 Park st Main 4349. FURNISHED or unfurnished housekeep ing rooms, son Clay st. TWO front - furnished housekeeping rooms; gas, electric ngnts. tt& etn. TWO to 3 years a 10 room elegant modern, private home, partly fur nished; furniture for sale if wanted Choicest residence section In city. Fletcher. 226 Ablngton bidg. $20 8 room modern house, gas, berries, fruit, hard surface street corner lot; Union avenue car, Cleveland and Maeg ley. Phono Sellwood J564.. Call , for Landers. ' " - NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms; bath and phone. 322 14th st - , TWO basement housekeeping rooms $12 per month; bath, phone. 267 7th. 361 TjtYLOR Comfortable rooms, com plete for houseKeeping, 1 2,-3 H. K. rooms, strictly modern. 910, jia, H montn. pan za. ' HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS ' EAST SIDE 48 TWO very clean, nicely furnished houseKeeping rooms; Kiicnenette; dsi- cony, bath, gas; gooa neignDornooa; near two carllnes; walking distance. 772 East Taylor. East 5260. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. pantry, sink, bath, eiectno light ana basement 408 Benton st, 2 blocks from Broadway bridge, j - , . finnn. . clean, furnished - housekeeDlmt rooms, beautiiui ana nennny location,. modern conveniences,' ira. icnauuio. 682 E. 6th st ROOMS, steam heat hot and cold water, pnone ana oatn, raieg i.ovi per weea and-uD. at the Hotel Clarno, 43 Hoi- llday. East 4529 or C-3199. FURNISHED housekeeDina- rooms. pleasant outsiae rooms, fa to rs per week. 164 Union ave., cor. Belmont TWO 7 room houses, 871 and 873 Kelly st, near Gains, 1 all modern con veniences, $26; other in good repair, $18; American neighborhood. Phone Sell wood .1640. ... -. A MODERN 6 room bungalow, very large rooms; fruit trees and roses. 944 Cleveland ave. Take U car. Phone Main 7516. FOR RENT 7 room modern house, 188 Halsey street walking distance; $25 per month. Security Development Company, 4th ana pine sts, $7.504 room, modern, new, St Johns. - 310 4 rooms, good shape, Alberta. '312.60 & rooms, new. Alberta. ' " SMITH-WAGONER CO., 313 Lewis bljg. EEAUTIFUL 8 room bungalow, fir niace. furnace, modern throughout Never occupied. $26 per month. Owner, 430 Worcester bidg. Main 1940. NEW S room bungalow and 6 room house with furnaces. Apply $2 E. 20th st cor.. Oak. ' vivtt ronm huniralow on Graham ave. close to Albina car shops. Phone East 2017. " - - .-' STIR RENT One 6 and one 8 room house, choice location. 605 Vancouver ave. Woodlawn szso. TWO furnished housekeping rooms, gas, sink, porch, wanting oistance, iu. 92 E, Morrison. East 6901. . . r HOUSEKEEPING. 'Clean.. cozy-.. xaoderttr- housekevplngf. THREE neatly furnished rooms : for Hirht housekeeping, very reasonable. 488 Tacoma ave.. Sellwood. MODERN H. K.' rooms, free heat, $2.75 week; 693 Commercial, u. or k. h. car, TWO front rooms, furnished for house- Keeping-; sins:, not anu . c.oiq watei-t 47r"Fr"BaF8ldg, FIVE furnished housekeeping rooms! half block from Hawthorne, car, $12 with water. No children. 291 E. 49th. FIVE-ROOM and 4-roora furnished cot tages 'for rent, West Side. Inquire 160 W. 16th. Main 7495. FUTfSllEfr" and unfurnished, choice locations, Irvlngton. East 273. W. II. Hardman. lth st, N. FOR RENT Furnished 8 room house. . now used tor Doaruing ana rooms; an ''HI. $40r 214 N- Union. 4tM-.-ri o raim iiuunii, ij . . , ht . able, east side, near car. ee owner, i v l . Hansen, 601 Board of Trade. THE DEL MUJM in- a - a . m 1 1 nim t rra FOR RENT Nicely furnished 8 room . house, thoroughly modern; good cation. .JjOL Yeon pldg. . : A FIVE room furnished cottage, gas. .l.A,M,ir- inlhn A 1 V'U H, fflAnT T THE WINSTON. ; 841-14th St, at Market New 2 and 3-room apts., complete iy furnished; reasonable. Main 1739. THE DE LAIR, 619 Williams av T . modern furnished 8-room apts.; pri- vate phones, baths, $25 up. East 41t9. THE MlLNER Under new - manage ment steam heat, recency renovated, heart of busines district i and 8 room apta. and offices. . 350 Morrison. . THE DAVENPORT. All outside 2 and S-roora apartmentst steam heat strictly modern, walking distance. 605 Jefferson. Main 6436. Drickston Apartments 443 11th,. near College, a and 8 room suites, strictly first class. Marshall 57. SUNNYMONT APTS., 35th and Belmont! 3 car, best in city ror tne price, and -none xaoor js. j- ttractive. furnished. 1 room apts.r reasonable, walniiiK dia- tance. 167 Stout St., near 20th ft Wash. TH ELMS. 191 14th st Modern 2 and 8 room furnished apts.; excellent Iocs-' tlon. walking diatance; -reasonable." mln- 6661. FOR KENT 5 room house, furnished. L. UPSHUR, 406 26th st Furnished m. r..in- ..... i room apts., Bieam neat. ugnt. ill MODERN furnished 5-room house, $25 up. Main 8a9. Take S, 23d, or W. car. month, wooaiawn a. GODFREY COURT New brick. BrROOM furnished cottage, close in, 1 - ror HouseKeeping, 2 ana a room apart- Kt Ride: nhone East 6145 afternoon, ments. E. 841. 600 Vancouver ave. $12.60 4 ROOM furnished house, St I FURNISHED four room steam heated Jpnns, DOXIOU lot. ia lewis viujf. tmi, uiuueru. wviei ui ug; u. 8 ROOM furnished house. 720 Taylor. I SPLENDID corner s Call East 208. apartment cheap. -FURNITURE FOR SALE HOUSES FOR RENT -82 FOR RENT FLATS FURNITURE of f rooms for. ,sale, flat fos-rent; spienaid location, can rent FLATS FOR RENT. A dandy five room flat, modem, oak sonf7ooms,1'.te.In heat Phone Main UloorIlngto - FURNITURE 6 room" cottage for sale, yard, roses, facing W. Park, Main places, $20. w FOR SALE Furniture of two cottages, west side, cottages for rent cheap. 150 North 16th st. Main 7495. WAGNER ft HUNT. 436 Cha. of Com. UOLLADAY addition, new o room mod- ern, lower and upper riat; linoleum. Stair 'carpet fireplace, J blocks from new Steel bridge at 226 Occident's. FOR RENT $15. A modern 6 room flat in good condition, electrlo lights. Security Development Company, 4th anj $16.60 a room modern, built-in conven iences, garden, berries. 205 E. 23d N. Phone E. 1216- Rsg City Park car. TO RENT Cozy $ room cottage, mod- law ome ave. Call B-Z533, $166 room hungalow. No. 860 Grand ave.; Z0 room, v eoa cj. Dtara. Woodlawn 2651. 7 "ROOM modern house for rent, 4 blocks frorn the Steel bridge. Inquire 269 Wasco st :- , ? FURNITURE of 6 room house for sale; - can rent 3 rooms out; 8 rooms more than pay rent; 408 E. Main st , , GOING east, furniture or room nous NIC ciean. modern. 5-room flat, fur- ior sale cneap: rent 4.ow, income nl8lie or unfurnished; near two car rooms 336: 678 Belmont. i " ,"' nnes. Brooklyn. $25 per- month. Phono Selwood 666. . MODERN 6 room lower flat fireplace, furnace, eas range and water heater: all outside rooms: large yard, cared for by owner; no children. 608 Iy Madison. HOLLADAY addition, (t room upper flat alcove, porch; good location; 340 Clackamas. C-1001. ' "."' FIVE room modern,, walking dintanco, i 301-303 E. 12th, near flawthorne, 22.60 and $25; ;best..in.. cltyi East 4133.- FREE rent, grocery bill, 11 rooms (4 suites! almost new furniture; price $376; investigate; $100 cash; E. 6190. SNAP Furniture for sale, house for rent; all rooms rented; 107 17th st. N. FURNITURE of 8 rooms for sale cheap. 327 Front st. Main 8830. FURNITURE FOR 8 ALE 05 FOR SALE Furniture of a wey-f ur- i ah,iLnain t I at aromn imri n- For particulars caU up phone Marshall 4,!gn0H Mat 5079'. A, f ' 1 iii.:--'.'i;i cL mi rt. n m i.r'j tin a Euiucii una .- u j i NICE five-room cottage on East Side, - big corner lot. Frank Lucas, Main KBX7TlSr !. flOUSE for rent furniture for sale, modern cottage, large yard, trees, eto. 1248 R Madison st. FURNISHED and II. K. rooms, 626 . Hawthorne Rt E. 16th, HOUSEKEEPING and aleeping, rooms by day, ween or montn. r,. ciay. HOTTSEKEEPniO BOOMS BAST SXSE BBJVATE TAMXLX 74 $6 ONE ' nicely ' furnished " room for light housekeeping, suitable for 1 or 2 women. East 2832. j; Wi f uralad,.liousokeliia jooiua-wU, bath, light and water, $15 per month, $44 E. 2d st, -north. Phone East 1626. TWO nice rooms.' bath, gas. electrlo llKhts. 82 E. 10th. East 168. SUITE of 8 housekeeping rooms, block from csr. ' 749 Mlwwifrfdppi ave. 'I'll E MANITOV?7 261 13th st.; steam beat, exuuUcnt table, $2 to $30 mo. TWo single rooms furnished for lixht housekeeping, $7 each. 44 East itlu RENT 8 room house, 294 Broadway. Ap ply 361 Sacramento st. Phone East 3219. 6 ROOM attractive bungalow, excellent location in aunnysiue.. pnone 'xaDor 1811. -w "-- - WAVERLY HEIGHTS, mbdern 6 room house, with furnace. 915 Ellsworth. Sellwood 76B, NEW modern 7 room house; furnace, v fireplace. 'QQwnJ,n,J2T2iM.s .. 1 . ROOM house, walking distance; okey at 4S9 6tn, or pnone lanaiauy. p-.mt. 609 HOLGATE st, Cottage I rooms and bath, rent $15. ' .;- "' '-; :."-.- 5 TWO 4 room house's and barn, near car, - $7. 202 8th ave,. N.. Lenta. Or. $10 4 room house, large yard, barn, chicken, house. v Maliv 1141, . icioll. in. . uy-iv-vvts, itctf ko.u.., andTsmaU wFlting desk, carved front. r 'Siras" v " ' good as new; also 1 electrlo student's Columbia' 8b8. : : .. ,,...,,. "" lamp. Will sell for half ... the original FOR RENT Modern 4-rooni fist llno- cost 1111 B. Salmon St. -." ' ' leum in kitchen, gas and wood stove. tinnrv. K!U Aioma ave. iirouimii.tK. SAi -AV tri w to dinir' with new laundry. 891 Albina ave, BWkttiFeSBr-f o-4 154-4-4 2 hea tin a a to v MODE RN 6-room flats,, two blocks iiuitti as good, as new for $10. 1396 Rodney old steel bridge, fronting river; be mi- . -rrr ,11 . , 1 . , I,t.., , n.l . Ill lllin 1.1 . A h I " BVe.' mono wywiaw in. .. n . ; i iuui iuuqu( y ... ,..,',' " . SIAP Must sell immediately; modern NEW 6 . room .flat with furnac, -.tu 6-room furnished house, fine condl- -and E. Flanders. $iO. ' i'.wt-4.Sl, tlon and location, walking distance. J'on RENTTwo modern 6 rooiuf ittta. I-1S1. Journal. '' . . ii,nnir th st. kITCHEN range, heater, combination vtiti " Rk'nT 7 . rooiii fiat'1 ill bopKcase anu aesit, wuiuuni una u mus i bett st rott furniture, , Call Sunday at 129 E. 20tli. - ". . NEW furniture of 8 room house for sale cheap. Call 80 E. 15th st. pr phone H 1048.' : '"" .-':- -"-"7 -FURNITURE 4 room flat for sale; $50 nar Belmont. Rents for $10. (. . . t MODERN 3 room flat reaoimbl, 70 Vancouver avo. wdlawnl'i., , fllREE room unfurnished rjnt; 22T waraet ..flat toe Corn. it' set luAfdture. t'flk ALET at half price. weathered oak dining room f Almost new. G-177. Journal.- COOK fstove, also steel ranee, splendid condition.. Very cheap. ' . Eust 6823. - BUFFET, oak dresser, rocker, new, good quality, East 6?ib. - ' MODERN 11 rom fiat, 624 .Noi'Umn ......Main- - i ,ai. e - w. . " ; MODERN 6 room ,. iinr, ; waiaing o.-r tance, izo.; MainB4. . FIVE room upper" fiat," 83 V.t I . near Oak smtr.'.Bl.,i'.I -' ' ' rthKR'N"" room nvr t '' cove, am.; w .; '.V. PAUL I I'.atii. g.n.