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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1912)
i u:: salesiiscellaxeous io J OU SALU L'ndftrwood No, 4 typewrit r, ciitan for cash: will-Bell or trade fi r i!ir foiiru-ini." iau riroaasr. i snlid tfinlnjr room chairs, 6 sections mis-1 tlmata poisonous and dangerous or tU fciun oak- sectional bookcase; 2 bras par. ! solutely worthless, Antiko No, $ la the im- Ktnmls, 1 set Encyclopedia Brlttan ! i. ninth edition. C-218, Journal. I un bALhi New and feecond-hand Car om and pocket billiard tables, and 1nvilin alleys and aooessories: bar fix t ins of ail kinds: easy payments. The Jiimiswiok-Baike-Collendor Co.,' -,. ( Hi st. Phones Main 7b, A-rit. Holiday ShoDDins Yes! Chairs, beds, bureaus, any article for the home. See low prices. Note display. Removal sale Grand Rapids Furniture Nxr-hange, 88 K. Morrison, aast a NATIONAL cash registers, credit regis ters, computing scales, electric cot tee mills and all store applianoes, bought, sold and repaired. 8ell for CaBn or pay ments. The Pacific Store Service Co 227 8lark. Main 7711. FOR SALE 1 8x10 Munday Togging en Bine end 1 loxis wuiainene twu 'LiSr;i MACHlfilia. all maKesi cash or terms., i'rlces rigni. cuuger Machine Store. 882 Morrison st R-1 905 Fertilizer Ei 530 All kinds marthts deliverer nny piace. WELL drilling machine, also NO. Cli p per grain and seed cleaner. I', O. Box 70. Tallman. Or. . , iVm haLe 1 good fur. lined overcoat. 1 dress suit, r 7 SeUing-Hlrscn bldg, Main 3713, L. C. SMITH typewriter cheap for cash. W-l 4 7. J ournai. cikv. uxtrr heater, teas range, orrice desk, sanitary couch. Phone K. 4433. 1 n-t v block wood tor sale. East 10 tf and Stark sts. East 2102. WELL, rotted fertilizer. East 492e WA2fTED--MISCELLAXEOC8 B NOTICE TO MOVERS We want to buy every thlsg in fur niture, stoves and rugs that we can Ket. AU we ask is an opportunity to lnaks you an offer. Will pay all the ash It Is worth. Phone E, 636. '.' jantp.Ii bv toakaale Furniture house. your second-hand furniture; highest cash prices paid. M. J. Falmer proprie . tor. Phone , Woodlawn 166, , 925. N., Union ave. ' ?'',' :-' WANTED People of Portland to know that 1 pay the highest cash price for second-band household goods. N. ' M. boater, 1Z4-1I8 uranq ave. aaBt ions. Vli.L pay part cash and fine talking machine outfit for piano or motorcy cle. Portland Phonograph Agency, 3SQ Alder, COVELL .FURNITURE COMMIS SION CO. Pays the best price for your second hand furniture, carpets and staves. 204 1st, Main 3028. WHY. sell your furniture at auction f We pay highest prices. Make no mis take; address 11. K. Beater. 24-60 Haw. tnorne ave. Phone East 8134. FEATHERS curled, cleaned and dyed. Prices very reasonable. Phone Main BARGERS' AUCTION HOUSE. 368-370 K. Morrison st. E. 1022, flOOO worth of good furniture at once. VvE need the goods, you need ill moiw ey, Rose City Auction House, 3(3-170 Hawthorne ave. East 68S. BE WISE; get more for your second - hand furniture by selling it to Ford Auction Co., 211 1st, Main 8951, A-2445. CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS , Martin, 820 Lumber Exchange bldg. OFFICE desk, roll top, for sale cheap for cash. A-1843. WANTED Kodaks, cameras, etc Cam era Exchange. 24$ Morrison. 1 LOST AND FOUND 21 THE following is a list of articles found on the cars of the Portland Hallway, Light & Power company, and turned In at ths different division points.? Owners may secure same by applying at barns as Indicated. Turned In at the East Ankeny barn, December 13, 1912. Phone B-1168: 1 board, 6 umbrellas, I stick pin. w r. r. iSi.V n. TiEnUo?' 'lurnea in at the piedmont 1 rember 13. 1912. Phone C-1227 1 knifej R umhrAllflii 1 crnM arnnii 1 book, 2 overcoats, 6 misc. articles, i - Turned In at the Sellwood division barn, December 13, 1912. Phone B-6164; 1 book of tickets 3 umbrellas, 2 lan terns. 2 valises, 3 purses, 1 basket, 1 spectacle case, 1 roll of paper. . Turned in at the Savler-street bam. December 13, 1912. Phone A-6585: 1 purse, 1 book tickets, 1 key, 1 package mercnanaise. umoreiias. THE following articles have been found on trains and turned in at the Union On S. P. train No. 20, lady's hand bag; on N. P. train No. 833. lady's umbrella. LOST A cameo pin Thursday, Deo. 12. Call Sellwood 1631. - Reward, TEIiSONAL FOR RICH AND POOR. One dollar six months' treatment Cure r money refunded, registered guarantee. Free trial. Corespondence answered. Hours 10 to 4 p. m.; Hat. 8 p. m. 820 .S wetland bldg. The Standard Medical rwiriety, in' lam. 6'i'KViiNS, IS years Portlands leauing paimist sna clairvoyant, has ner ime. dook, -raimtstry Made Easy, iu saie. oti', vviiiiams av corner tvnou. un ?e nours lu a. m. to p. m MRS. W. R. WRENN, spiritual advlsen 29 Jefferson, cor, 6th st. Circles Monday, Thursday, at 8 p. m., and W ednesday at 2 p. m, Marshall 4239 A- iun, ' - fePlRITUAL MEDIUM, REV. MA MARRY Thousands tired living alone. plan); Tells how. Mrs. Hyde, 2679-Z. Minslon San Francisco. ELECTRIC treat mums for rheumatism . M. DeBarr. office 16, first floor, MU- ncr bldg.'- '' URADUATE chiropodist, manicurist. massages and tub batna. 204 Bur poyne hotel, corner 12 and Stark sts. ill HA. A. V. KROPP. spiritual adviser: consuitstion dally 10 to 4, ei Grand nve. B. 8346, 'SPIA'tlPA W1,h to the case I Ovln I lUrtcan't cure no drugs). Dr Dou Bias. D. C. 338 Union ave. N DR. G. V. KETCH UM Women's inalaT dies, acute disease. Wash. bldg.. cor 4th and Wash., room 41. Marshall 448. MIND as ar-plied In "Science. " Prac tltioner 424 Chfy St. Suite 84. After noons. EASTERN trained operator, massage' - electrical treatments. 125 6th st! Room 2. Hours 11 a. m. to 10 p m MADAME ESTELLE, spirituaTSdlum" Readings daily. ; 128 ft 13th stTnear Washington. , MRS. POTTER, painless chlropodisT a Ar.(MA VDI1A. .... . " .iB piant st, hlVf)Rr.FA Peclaity; lawyer. &i h ESSIE WAYLANDScalp .specialist" ht:yi?rAKSr FVPt truk and nnui;(o ai vut nsii. 1 ( in inn WabVi FREE SB advice, divorce, claims, adiust ent 828 Cham, of Com. Main 9269. men SiLLE, ROBERGE, nhysical culture: 'oT-l ji'-s us, aa iioor, soum. Aider st. 1 kAi.M r Figs, remedy tor diseases iI women.- 606 Pavls st Main 9216, fal'IKLlUAL and mental scientist con sultatlon dally, '326Mi Stark st, li.VlliUHESiSING and manicuring nar lors. 218 Tilford bldg.. Miss Hedlund ;Vl I :.s.ATiTAMOT Expert cliiropodysnd riwurig imm nains. MrK st. USE Haskell's Native Herbs 'for const;. Blue. These engines lire in tirst ciass oonvince you wnat can ne aone t i nniiifion snJ will sell them at a sacri perta. Come in, have a number of Mlovtn safes "Vped and re 504 Swetland bid.. 5th and Washington. UBSOI 1 1. "t, i 1 AB . OA . KHUk'fH H H i M A TORI I IM. wniinTUI, Vhnne Main '7676. ..wilwH-i:'t6y.-AH- (lHiKglit9. j THT!"'uiider.siiiBd will n,t h ru,.,n. ;il;s, Malinry Hay, Spiritual medium, 21 1 ".flble for debts incurred by members X. lltii m. -.- v.-,;'.;..-.C.Jf.-creir of British ship Hbugomonf f.ANti'S M i iTt af'Wonder has movedlo Aider. i siauuate niaaseuse, . S l "PKlN'r Must tlmrouKh and i lfx ioi v. Office 605 Northwest bldg. THE PERSONAL LEARN tn truth about different rem- - die before you risk your beaitn ana moncir. Most of them are either "Megi- remeay in ins iron wi u "v women. Contains no poisons and harmless to the m?t-sensitive persons, and It may therefore be used with every confidence. For sits , and. guaranteed in Portland by the ileidf ona vrug iu Morrison sc. 1A FORMATION wanted about my brother, Ole Thompsen, age 46, over o ii., rainer sum, nair uarK, oiue eyes, straight nose. He wrote from Portland Feb. 23 that he was going out to work (he worked mostly lu. lumber camps). salesmen we nave not neara irom him. Anyone giving Information In re gard to, his whereabouts we would be Very thankful. T. K. Thompsen, Monte video, Minn. HAVE VOU SUPERFLUOUS ' HAIR? SPECIAL OFFER FOR 30 DAYS. To ny lady with hair on the face, neck. arms, lutnds. bust, eyebrows, moles or warts, we will give free treatment to ex- hairs with all modern baths, bake oven and masfage; Swedish movement, 616 Love- j"y it LOAXS r&mTEl ao IS" vou want to lonn your moner on first class, real estate, 'list It at once with the : SLAUSON-CRAIQ CO., " v MORTGAGE LOAN DEPT. 104 Oak St., near 6th. WANTED To borrow I18.000 to 120.. 000. 6 years, 650 acres. Improved farm Close to ronianq; no agents, uwner, A-222." Journal, WANTED From private party, first mortgage loan oi iuu, ior ) years, at 8 per cent, on 112 acres partly improved tana, wasningron v;o. , in rienry Diog. PAY 10 per cent. S years, for 11360, on 9 city lets. A.-m, journal. ' FINANCIAL 51 ? CASH PAID FOR MORTGAQES, Or seller's equity In contract of sale en real estate In Washington or Oregon. H. E.. Noble. Lumbermens bldg. Loans. NOTICES , 6 . SUMMONS. -In ths circuit court of the state Of Oreeon for the county of Multnomah- Oregon Lumber & Fuel company, a cor poration, plaintiff, vs. Ladd Estate com- any, a corporation, a. . legei, u. n. lauiDton and Blsbv. partners, doing business under the name tf Hamp ton & iiisby Co., W. L. Van Alstyne, A. TusUo, A. D. Doane and Q. H. Hampton, defendants. Ladd Estate cotnpany, a Harris and Gertrude W, Harris, his wife, O. H. Hampton and Jane Doe Hampton, his wife, W. L. Van Alstyne, A. Lusko. A. D. Doane. Oregon Lumber & Fuel company, a corporation, . Frank Masson, S. Ban Shingle company, I. P. Arnold, L. L. Smith, H. T. Drennen lighting company: Keenan & Doaa, a. F. Flesel. G. II. HuniDton and Bisby, partners doing business as Hamp ton & .uisoy vo., cross defendants in tna name of the state oi uregon: You. A Lusko. fl. H. Hamilton and Jane Doe Hampton, his wife, and Hamp ton & Bisby, partners doing business as Hampton & Bisby Co., are hereby re quired to appear and answer the cross complaint filed against you herein on or before December 113, 1912, that day be ing more than six weeks from the date of first publication of summons herein, and If you fail : to appear, and answer herein the cross complainant will apply to the court for the judgment prayed for in the cross complaint on file here in, to Which reference is hereby made and which is particularly as follows: Wherefore, the Ladd Estate company prays for a decree foreclosing the mort gage executed by V. Pasre Harris and Gertrude W. Harris, his wife, to the fcaia ,Laaa instate company, said mort gage bearing date of the twentieth day of May, 1910, and given to secure the payment oi said promissory note in said complaint described, with interest and such other expenditures as might ua muurreu tnereunaer, tne payment ox which said . mortgage and nromissory note was assumed by G. H. Hampton scribes lot numbered and the west one - half of lot numbered 10 in block numbered 2 in Blumauer's addition to the city of Portland, county of Multno- man ana state oi uregon, ana that there ne aecreea to oe due to Ladd Estate company on account of said mortgage and note the sum of four hundred and iirty aouars . (J4&y.i)0), with interest thereon from the twentieth day of Feb ruary, 1912, at the rate of seven per cent per annum, and the further sum of one nunarea ao liars (8100.00), attor neys' fees for the foreclosure of this mortgage -and for Its costs and dis bursements herein, and that said mort gage given by the said V, Page Harris and Gertrude W, Harris, his wife, to the ouaio vuuipttll. nuu UM.IVU I HO twentieth day of May, 1910, on the prop erty above described, the payment and discharge of which was assumed by G. 1L Hamilton as aforesaid, be decreed to be a first and prior lien and claim- upon said property and prior and superior to the lien and claim of all other persons, firms and corporations whomaoevnr. an.i that said mortgage covering and describ ing lot numbered 9 and the west one half of lot numbered 10 in block num bered 2 In Blumauer's addition to the city of Portland, aforesaid, be foreclosed and the premises cov ered thereby and described there in be sold by the sheriff In the manner provided by law, and that the Ladd Estate company be permitted to purchase said premises upon execu tion sale by the sheriff, and that the Jiroceeds of such sale be applied as fol ows: First, to the payment .of the costs and expenses of suit and sale, Sec ond, to me payment ot the amounts de creed to be due to the Ladd Estate com pany under and by the terms of its said note and mortgage insaid complaint de scribed and set out. Third, that nnv balance remaining thereafter be paid Into court and distributed among the parties who may establish their claim and riirht thereto: and. further. th LiHaa estate company prays that the above named defendants and cross-defendants, V. Page Harris and Gertrude W. Harris, his wife, G. H. Hampton and Jane Doe Hampton, his wife, W. U Van Alstyne, A. Lusko, A. D. Doane, Oregon liumoer & Tiei company, a corporation, Frank Masson. 8. Ban Shingle corrmanv. L P. Arnold, L. L. Smith, H. T..Drennen Lighting company, Keenan & Lodd, A. F, FlegeL. G. IL Hampton and Eisby, partners, doing business as ,4autvui4 u. VjU.t uwu inm vi iiirin be barred and foreolosed of all riirht, Unmn- It. I) l-l.,t tr nnJ n n l A . V. - title, interest, claim and demand In, to or upon said mortgaged property, and every part thereof, save and exceot only the statutory right of redemption. ana ior sucn otner ana surtner relief as is meet ana proper in tne premises. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof in The Oregon Dairy journal, a newspaper of general circula tion, published in the City of Portland, county of Multnomah and: state of Ore gon, and by order of the Honorable R. (i. Morrow, judge of the above entitled court, which order is dated the 9th day of November. 1912. The date of the first publication of mis summons is saiuraay, tne tn day of November. 1912. and the date of the last publication is Saturday, the 14th day ok uecemDer, ivii, wnnn lurriMT a ttth . uttvt Attorneys for 'Cross-Complaint Ladd Es- laie i;.omp&n TItE various rewards offered for the arrest and conviction of the murderers of the- Hill family, which were published in The Journal during June of 1911, are uvrr.ny wiLiiurawn, JOURNAL PUBLISHING COMPANY. THE undersigned will not be resDonat hie for debts incured for members of crew or. uerman ship Adelaide. I " M. H. 1IOUSER. Agent, - - v;. iAiL.ii;K, Master, THE undersigned will not be rHnnn, Bible for debts incurred by members ot crew ot tne uertnan snip isebek. W. HAAS, Master. M. H. HOTTSER, Agent.' J. M ACDONA U, Master. m. li, iiutiHi'iit, Agent. iilE undersigned will not ba reaoon tiible foj debts incurred by members vi view ok jennan snip (oiuoeK. - O. KALE'ISf'U. Master. M.IL J10,USER,.Agent OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, zssrri. - -J'.1 NOTICES 0 vfiTTr-m aw KfEri at. ELECTION. The legal votirs residing within th limits of the territory hereinafter de scribed are hereby notified that a spe cial : election win ds neia wiumi territory on the 16th day of December. 1912, between the hours of 1 p. m an.4 7 p. m.. to determine the question of the annexation to the town of Linnton of the said territory, ' v , ,,L; All qualified, voters ' residing within the limits of. said territory are Invited to vote upon the said question of annex ation...; , v . - , ; ' -,- Th trritorv so nrODOsed to be an nexed is contained within the following bminlnr1fi! -" '. Beginning at" the -quarter section cor ner between sections 2 ana au, townmuu i, north. ranu l east. Willamette Merid ian, In the present west boundary of the city oi rortianu. . w ' Thence west, tracing the south boun dary of the north half of said section 30 to the quarter section corner be tween sold section 80, township 1 north, range 1 east, and section 25, township 1 north, range 1 west. - ' Thenca north, tracing the boundary between sections 25 and 30, aforesaid, to the northwest comer of said section 30. townshin Ijiorih. range 1 east. ? .. . Thence west, tracing the boundary be tween earn eec aa auu oeu. .i, i. i, M. li. 1. West to the corner to Bees, 23. ' 24. 25 and 26.i T. 1. N.. R. I. W.i thence North, tracing the boundary be tween saia bees, zs ana a, to tne cor ner to Sees. 13. 14. 28 and 24, T, L N. R. 1. West; , Thenca West, tracing tna boundary between said Sees. 14 and 23 to the corner to Sees. 14, 16. 22 and 23. T. 1, N. R. 1. West; Thence North." traclnff the boundarv between said Sees. 14 and 16, to 'the quarter section , corner between said bees, it ana is; i -- Thence West, tracing the South boun dary of the N. E, quarter of said Sec. 16 to its intersection with the center line of the "Cornell Road"; Thence tracing the center line of said "Cornell Road" through the N. E. quar ter of said Sec. 15 and into the S. E quarter of Sec. 10, T. 1, N. R." l. West to a -point where said center ' line is Intersected by the boundary between the Geo. J. Watts and W.-W, Baker D. L. Clrlms In tne S. E. quarter of said Sec. 10; " . :'':-!:. Thenca Northeasterly, tracing the boundary between the said Watts and Baker D. L. Claims to a point where said boundary is Intersected by the center line of the "Germantown Road" n the N. E. .of . Section 11 -T. L , it. i, west; .. . ' Thence tracing the center line of said "uenr.antovvattoaa ' to us intersection with the center line ot the "St, Helens Boulevard"; . Thence tracing the center line of said "SL Helus Boulevard" to a DOtnt where said center line is Intersected by the Nortnwesteriy boundary or a certain tract of land known as the "Govern ment Moorings' In 8. W, of Section 12. T. 1, N. R. 1, West; Thence traclnnr the North wpstcrlv boundary of said "Government Moor ings" and said N. W. boundary extend ed in a straight cotirse, to Its inter section with the center of the main channel of the Willamette River In the Westerly boundary of the CMy of St. Johns, Oregon; Thence southeasterly tracing the cen ter of the main channel of said Willam ette river and the westerly boundary of said city of St, Johns, Or., to the south westerly corner of the boundary of said city of St Johns, Or., said southwesterly corner being at the intersection of ths center of the main channel of the Wil lamette river and an extension of th west line of Ida street, as located on the map of "Nortnern Hill Acres." Thence southeasterly tracing the cen ter of the main channel of the Willam ette river to. a point where said center of main channel of the Willamette river is Intersected by an extension of the west line of McKenna avenue, as laid out In Portsmouth; said Intersection be ing in tne nortnwesteriy boundary of the city of Portland. Thence southerly, tracing the wester ly boundary of the city of Portland and following the center of the main chan nel of the Willamette river and the center of the channel thereof west of Swan inland to tne west line of Section 20, Township 1 north. Range 1 east; thence south, tracing the west boundary of the city of Portland, along the east line or sections is ana 30, Township 1 north. Range 1 east, to the quarter section corner between Sections 29 and 30, Township 1 north. Range 1 east to the place oi Deginning. The following have been designated as polling places within said territory: At real estate ornce on mock 8, Wlll brldge, St Helens road, Multnomah county, state of Oregon. By order of the council of the. town of Linnton. SAM GOODWIN, Recorder. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the District Court of the United States, for the District of Oregon. In the matter of Walter C Dey, doing business as Washington Creamery, In voluntary bankrupt, No. 2159 in bank ruptcy. isotiCA is nereoy given uiat on the eleventh day of November. A. D., 1912, Walter C. Dey, of Portland. Oregon, the bankrupt above named, was duly ad judicated bankrupt; and that the first meeting of his creditors will be heU at the1 United States grand Jury jroom. poslofflce building, Portland, Oregon, on the twnty-seventh day of Decem ber, 1812, at io a, m., at which time said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other busi ness as may properly come before said meeting.- .,, .- Claims must be presented in form re quired by the bankruptcy act and sworn r-l i i.'c"r t.'i n iii-uduu " " Referee in bankruptcy. Dated December 13, 1912. SEALED bids will be received by F. a Fields, county clerk. at the courthouse, Portland, Or., until 10 a. m:, on Thurs day, December 26, 1912, for the follow ing furniture for Multnomah county: lz, more or less, roller top desks, 84 Inches. 8, more or less, flat top desks. - tf more or less, tables,- 68x0- Inches. 4, more or less, tables, 72x84 inches. 1. more or less, typewriter desk, 63x36 inches. , 15, more or less, revolving chairs. 48, more or less, office chairs. 1. more or less, typewriter ' chair. Furniture to be of oak and similar to that in the county judge's and county commissioner b unices. T. J. CLEETON, 1 county judge. W. L. LIGHTNEH, County Commissioner, D. V. HART. County Commissioner. EXTENDED Coos Bas Port "Bond Sale. All bids, received up to 10 o'clock a. m.. December 9. 1912. were ordered re jected and returned unopened to the bidders, In view of the late mailing of the prospectus and time for bidding was extended to jnontiay, January 13, 1913, at 10 o'clock: in the forenoon, at which time ail dios win De opened. Dated December 9. 1812. ANSON OTIS ROGERS - Treasurer Port of Coo Bay, MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 27 MONET TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. 8260 AND LT. J. E. NICHOLS" 815 YEON BLDG. MONEY to loan, Improved Portland AAnll ....INH... Rani Title r Trust Co.. 4th and Oak 1100,000 on mortgages, city or farm property, fire insurance. McKenzl 4k Co.. Gerllnger bids',. Zd end Alder. I HAVE the money. You can borrow on real estate. .Reasonable rates'. G. A. Taylor, B17 B. of T. bldg. Main 8667. TO loan, estate funds On real estate si current rates. Inquire attorney, rooms io-ir Muiney maa-., zn ana Morrison. MOlvfcV to loan; large loans a specialty. ouiiamg loans, lowest rates; lire in surance. W. G.. Beck. 815-818 Failing. MONEY to loan on city property; Jas7 a. wiock, sua twrunger Diag. . H0--t88wO to lewn ew-reaf estdti w. is. Moore, wiicox Ding. MONEY to loan on Improved teal estate I. L. White, 701 Commercial Club bide. $2000 tO LOAN for 2 years. Belt 4c Keg- imer, tvi vreriiriBer Diog. lTY snd farm loans; mtgs. pnrchaed. Henry- C. Prudbomme Co.. Wilcos hlilg MONEY to loan, fl to 8 per crntrWTlI. fitJU A. Co 810 Spalding bldg. PORTLAND . SATURDAY MONEY TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE . 27 MONEY TO LOAN On city or farm property. THE HARBOLDT-WILSON CO., INC. 710-"18 LEWIS BUILDING. 4th and Oak sts. M-srshfin.4200 A-71S8 , , , , MONEr TO LOAN ' ' . ON REAL ESTATE. , - ' 6LAUSON-CRAIG CO. V Mortgage Loan Dent y,y':" t04 Qak st. near 6th. 20,000 or part for immediiite loan on real estate. Tabor 771. -. ABSTRACTS JODN A. BERHY, Atfy., collections, sbstraets xaminea, written i-opiuinns -on ws. h" tlon. 817 Allnky bldg. Marehull 8826. ' : A0C0SDE0S KJEATIHft tr ctnh.n i.jiu't llr.r. " aivordeos. Side tnd iunbuiBt pkstlng, ' buttons cotered, wds iponted, heaigtlUhlnK. 3a Alder. Mla ai. ACCOTOtlijSMrBLIO COCtlS, BERR1DGB A THOMPSON, 82 Wor- cerpr mas. Juain B.mi. ASVXBTISINO FOSTKB KLE1SEB, 4 cotdoor savsruiini i painted bulletins, painted wull. pojtitrt. . Tth nnd R. Kverett t. Kat lilt, Br22a4. AROHIIECia BOTLPEBg . Plan. MtimatM fnrnlBhed. Before roa build es W)lllmg, )9 McKay bldg. AaTglCIAI. ItHM 1)0 YOU wear t leg I Get ths bMt. It ws. Writs for cstslogiio. Ths Peerless Artitlclsl Limb Co., 408 Wmjjblngtnn. ' ARTISTIC WISE AND IBOH Wir and Iron work.East 10th and t'landera ata. Eaat i:a8. - ; A6SAYEK3 WELLS CO., saaayem, analytical chamlsts. )4A waanington. Main iikjo. MONTANA , Asaay office. !aooralory, ere test- lnc. Maranaii nm. iw grrr.u. ATT0SNXY3 KOBNKOAI A THOMPSON, tawyers gesertl practle.. collecttons, sbatracta xamlned. 40. Northweat bld ie sad WaaMngton ttreeta. A li COOFtH, Attorney ai nnetlce: abatracts exauhud. 124-1428 Xeoa blda-. Main 873. A-2Q71. ' i.-'y AUTO TIBlt BJEgATBIMO '; OKEQON Volcanlslng Oo.,ii"The Tire Bnop, ' 650 Waanington. Maran oi. , -y AUTOMOBILES TO BEJT' . ; 12 60 per hour. Dnplex. Ante Co. M. 614j A 4S14. Office 808 btars. BATHS KINO'S Torklh Batbs, Imperial boteL Inest and largeat in me cuy. f"" tor. we employ tna neat rouor mj. y.v-. pressed while you bathe. Elegant beds for the night. Main 6070, A-71S2. BELT BEFAIUlNa PORTLAND BelUng 4t Bepilr.Co.,08 Jlrit; belt repairing. Motorcycle Dens s np. BLANK BOOg MAKEM HOWE, DAVIS COMPANY, TOO Sd . Blank ,na.t.,ror- aeenta fur Jonas' Im proved Looae-Leaf Ledjera. te the new Eu- reaa leax. a-oiao. Mw , , , CAEPESTEB AND BEFAIBXNO CARPENTEB-CONTUACTOR New or nd work. 4. d, touiiK. niwu A. H. wiw&THqU, houae, otfke, store repair ing, remoaeiins, ii"n. r,.,,-" . CARPET CLEANING JOYCB BROS.. Electric Cleaning Works, car- Deta cleaned aua ni""s 1. 40. B-1B63. 204 E. 10th N. faUNTLEY sad Cadillac, electric nd -hand power cleaners, ior i m ;?" SZ Wentley Co- 473H Waahlngton. CARPET WEAVING NORTHWEST RCQ WORKS, rngs frjJ old carpets; rag ruga, carpet cleaning. 188 Unloa a renne. near Eaat Morriaos. - - - - - - "ENINSULA Bug Worka, rag carpet and rugs. JOIS 1 llH'n O.F. TT.....-- CHIROPODISTS CORNS, bnnloos, lngrowa naila, quickly, psla leaaly cured moat careful, scientific treat Lady attenda'nt. 207 Olob. bid. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN nr TTRTVIM W. JACK. 822 14th St. and chronic dlsesaea, ueatmests 86. Usui 88Q8. : , , , " ADJUSTMENTS teators health satursUy, 10 a month. Bath office. 4th tnd Waahlngton. CIRCULAR LETTERS MULTIGRAFHING. printing, Hill Co., 222 Henry bldg. stenographers. MULTNOMAH Multlsraplilng Co.. imlls signatures, w aiiem CANDY KANOTAOTUBERS THB Aides Candy Co., 42th and GlUaa aU. Hlgn graae cnocuii';. COAX AND WOOD rr BPECIAIj fc. PRICES ON UKBfcN SHORT WOol, M.2-',. iiiiRKM 4 FOOT WOOD. i.60. 1NBIDB OREEN BUORT. 3.80. DRY SHORT WOOD SAWDUST for. fuel and bedding. The Portland Slabwood Co, - Main 8119, A-70O1. V. D, Smith Fuel Co, Te beat dry cord and slab Wood. Kemmerer, Koek Springs and Mendots eotL rjaat 44-it p-i'v. mwna.w mi v-iii.i. CONSUMKKS' 1UEL CO. (Amer. Coal Mining coal oireci iruia uuuo w vuunuwrt, obt middlemen's profit. Eaat 11 B-U18. Bunkers Eaat lat and Taylor. . t PMTSLABWOOD CO, a'too09 Green slabwood, big and small lnalde block wood, tilaner n-irauiiusn, ie"m FULTON Wood Co., dealers In dry and green slabwood. Try us wueu oniniuf gwou ary wood. 1200 Utctaam st. rnonea aiuin isw. A-209. M CCD X, FARR A;i ? ItLl-ii sio i nun and oak cordwood, Alae mrn.1 to order. Prompt delivery. fn A I Main 4E06. A-4M7. Yamato Wood and Coal Co, EAST SIS, " B-1N8T, DELIVERED PROMPTLY" Main 8707. F. J. EVERTS, Foot Carry street. ECONOMY Fuel Co., 81 Grand tee. Coal thtt gives heat and satisfaction. East 214, B- 2343. Prompt service. BOX, planer, block, .slab, cord wood and coaL Btaodard Wood Co., 847 E. Stark. Eaat 2318, B-I0D5. ALIUNA FUEL CO. All kinda of green and dry wood, hook npringa ana Menaott coal. COAL and all kinds of wod. Pbona Holgats Fuel Co.. Bell wood 436. I'HOEMX Fuel Co. Dry wood Jl.50 per loadV r.oi K.vlnr Mnln R.'U4 EOl.Kr HEN handles wiwd and coal. COLLECTIONS CURRENT snd delinquent. Out of town col lections a specialty. . Honest, efficient serv ice. Highest references. 1321-23 Yeon bids. The Standard Mercantlis Agency, E. W, Allgell, Ma n ger. Main 49H. , ' ;- -. --COMMISSION- MEECHANI HENRY UVERDINQ, 43-47 Front st Butter, eggs, 'poultry, vea, hogs, utiles. SHKltOH Ranch Egg Co., 114 ' tr, eggs, noultry, veal, bogi 114 Union tve. But- DAIRY AND CBEAMERY SUPPLIES MONROE k CRISELL, 14S Front, dairy, cbtese factory machinery and supplies. DENTAL SPECIALISTS DR, A. W, KENE. Dentist, Majettle Theatre bldg., , SUM Wash, st. Marshall B20B. DENTIST ARTIFICIAL TEETH Stee4Ua sis plats saseki "This sws" thing do.' aoO Globe hliig., 1 Ith and Washington. fl DERMATOLOGISTS Uolea, wrinkles, scalp speclaltsf. Mrs. Court right. Til Ifrknm 'hlilg. Mnln 5M2. . - DRESSMAKING SCHOOL ' - Valentine' system ladles' ' tailoring, drees mukliis tmiKht. 1R2 Crand ave., between Mor rison, and Belmont " ' ' EVENING, DECEMBER 14, MONEY TO LOAN IIE.1L ESTATE 27 HARTMAN-THOMPSON BANIC, Chamber of Commerce bldg. We have on hand funds for invest ment In good first mortgages. If you wish to borrow on your real estate, con fer with our mortgage loan department LOANS on real estate and chattels, con tracts bought Room 213 Commercial blork. MORTGA GE loans. and 7 Dr cent. i.odib Miiomon tst. w, jsas titarK St. WILL loan $20,000 or less real estate. Farrlngton, 416 Commercial Club bldg. ainid.. Bosimiess DANCIN0) PROP. WAL WILSON'S Danelnff School. Walts, iwo-fiep, tnree-atep, auottlacne; leaaont zov. Every morning, afternoon and evening. All diincet guaranteed tint lesson. 1 io yog know, nroM who walks can learn to dunce? Stage and fancy dance taught daily. MS'A Bth st, oeiween nrars ana t)at ata. Main 7IT, 11KA1U 8 Dancing- ..Academy, private leaaon morning, tfternooa nnd CTenttig. Claaa Mon day and Friday evening!, aaseuihly alter. 100 2d, between Wathlnrtuu and Stark. HEATH'S achool, isi.iia""daily. Wain. two. atep.j three-aten, -'j Baltimore v or - achottlaehs tauirbt In first lesaoo, Allaky ; bldg., 84 and ,.'1 1 ivuu BIB. , liivnirn-j 1 f i.. ... .. for Social and- ianuy danelng. Morrlaon. Marahall 813. Social Wednemlay, Saturday. ; ZXECTBIO X0T0BS AND DTSAM0S : WE BUY, sell, rent and exchange new tnd second-hand motors; repair work a specialty. Tt'-....... I.' ) . .1 . i n.A . . . irririq w urKn, OlO at. Motora and dynatnora sold, repaired. n-m-n niec, yo,, 31 in. yirsr. Mam ibiii. Klectrlc uiotor specialtHta. iuiue. Mckleuxls Eleetrle worka, 108 I'nlon. Kant 117. ENGRAVERS EMB0S8ED ststtonery, engraved csrds, Gtrdtm Co., 403 Manctieeter blilt. - --- - .-EYI, QEAB.o yoSE AND THROAT ' Treatment by specialist. Gtaases fitted. Dr. r. V. Caaaeday, 418 Dekiim bldg. ' - TABIC IMPLEMENTS AND VEHICLES P. B. ESBENSBADE, 214 Front farm Imlpe- menta, tooia, lawn tnd neia fence. it, M. WADE & CO., 322 Hawthorns svs. Wholesale agrlcnltural Implements;. FOmTDRTAND MACHINX SHOP Phoenix Iron Works.: E, 8d sod Hawthorns. General machine and foundry work. rUBNITTJRE REPATRrNQ BOWERS PARSONS,. 100V6 rront. Mtln 7448. Furniture boapltal; packing. FJR8 AND TAXIDERMIST REMODELING and new work. taxldermlut, 240 Columbia it. F. B. rinley, OLAS3 AND gLAZLNO Tlmms. Crest Co.. 1484 2d St. Ptomnt service. Ring Main or A-2023. GASOLINE ENGINES STATIONARY snd marine electric equlpmenta; - launches, accetsorlea, wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Kit raon. Machinery Co., 188 Morrlaon. ' '.' . OESIBAI. BEPAIBDIO GENERAL machine and electric work, repair f elactrlo motors sua ayntmos s specialty. B. Hlppely, 224 Oak. - - - HAIR DRESSING DP TO DATS halrdretalng, msnlouring, ftce snd scalp treatmenti. iialr work mads up. 810 Bwetianq ciog.p WISS ECKUOLM, hairdreulng, shampooing, nlcuring. 347 Pan at., opp. Motel wegon. HAIR GO0DB FEBVET A- UANEBCT Lea (tint wig and tounee maker, flneat stock of human hair goods; hair dressing, manicur ing, faoi and tcalp treatments 147 Tth, sear MomaoD, in. oi. - EAT TA0T0BT LADIES' and gentlemen's hats cleaned and blocked; all work guaranteed or no charges. We make s ' apeelaly of ladles' bearer hats, Phone Main 8442. The Royal Hat worka, 223 lat EAT AND GRAIN O, B. KNIGHT, 828-30N. 17th at. Hay, grals, 1. anil aaKltifllAtf 8,tgTfAf ww snu simuj,i. rNSTJBANCE PAOiriO STATES FIRB INSTJBANCB CO. Only Oregon firs lnanrance company. TUNS: SEALERS HIGHEST price paid for tools, old machinery, copper, rubber, buttles, M. 32TB. LANDSCAPE GARDENING- PACIFIC Lssdicaps Gardening eompaay, 818 Rothchlld bldg. l'bons Marshall 2a0tt. LANTERN SLID STEREOPTICONS sold, rented; operator fur nished; reasonable. Bannert, ahow - etrda, ela-ue. Enterprise Art Co., 73 8th. LEATHER AND FINDINGS CHAB. L. MASTIC K k CO., 74 rront. Leather of every deacrlptlon; Up manulscturett, llnd Ings. IIP BEADING) KATHBRINH KING teocliet the hard-ef-hear- lug. 808 central bldg. aiarabaU ZDs. LOCKSMITHS - V. J. Foycbek. 224 Main St., locksmith, guns repaired, saws filed, keys made. . MACHINERY ... . B. TRENKMAN k CO., hydraulle snd special flpe, smoke stacks, oil tauka, mining ms nery, repaira, 104 N. 4th. MESSENGERS HASTY MESSENGER CO., open night and day, Main 88, A-2153. ' MORTGAGE LOANS JOHN KEIt, mortgage loans, Insurance, 808 XT I.M. ll.U fl'tDK . I wn uiu. p-ctf. ' ' M0YING PIOTTJRES KEEP OUT OF THE BAIN Learn moving picture operating: 828 ts 840 per wek: easy inalds work; abort Bonn; day ana evening ciaun. im cuu mem at oeiors making arrangements elsewhere. - Lsssmbs rea sonable. Newman Motion Plctnrs Co., 62H Washington at., near 17tn. " T KTJ8IO SCHOOLS AN1V TEACHERS - P. P. K1RSSKII, violinist, practical teaching. 10 lentous 115. 10 Breeden bldg., N. & cor ner 3d tna wusnington. VlANQ, vlohii, uiunilolln. guitar, banjo lnstruc- tiuiia, vtvv. we riHwurorne ave. jRAGTIME guaranteed - in 10 to 20 lessons. Popular prices. H-242. Jonrnal. - . THlELHOUN, violin teacher pupil Sevvlk. 825 Fliedner. A-41tt0; Marshall 1629. - - NORTHWESTERN School of Music, Special nonaay oner, lai; urnna sv. Eaat 8193. , T. . LAWBON, 1S6 14th. Main 6187, Pltno lessons, ou cents. ORNAMENTAL WIRE AND ZB0S PORTLAND WIRE It IRON WORKS, 204 Id i. arcnneciurai wire ana iron, "v OTEQIATHlCOJPHpicTHS DTT.-LILtEBELtE-PATTEESlNV"ipeciaIlat "on nerve, acute ana enronio Olseaaes. 10 LO- lumhla imig. main 8U1, Dll. W. ARNOLD USipSEY, fSpeclalUt, on Rheumatism, Sijimach tnd nil Mervous Dls- case. 6ia uekum Dldg. Main 6784, DR. AGNUS M. BUOWN, S0 Journal bldg. Honrs 10:30-4-.S0. M. Htioft. Res. Tthor 2021. PATENT ATTORNEYS- PATENTS procttred by J. K, Mock, attorney' tt-law, late of U. 8. patent office. Book free. IQlO tumta wr -iraini, wig. PAINT, OIL AND GLASS PIONEER PAINT COv 188 Flrat St. Mils 1334, 1 A-TUIi. - . 1 .' RABMUSSKN k CO., "Hlrh Standard" usInL pslnl 771, N. B. corner Bd ami Taylor. M.-A-I JUIC BhAViiR VARNISH WORKS wakes good" prooiicta. aa ynineK ter, PAINTING AND PAPERING FOR best work prices rlclit. call P. A, Dome, 8S2 E. Wsbu: Sellwood TINTING (2 rwim up; piin(lu(( puTjo-r daua ing. C. A. Ilanics. Mnlu LJill.,' V 1912. MONEY TO LOAN EEAL ESTATE 27 MORTGAGE money at little cost to bor. rower. Ward, 210 Alteky bliig. MONEY TO LOAN 07 . CHATTELS, SALARIES MONEY sold on installment: confiden tial to salaried people. F. A. New ton. 614 Henrv bldg. CHATTEL and real estate loans, no red . -tape;. conditional; mortgages bought Adolphus Lane. 414 Ablngton bldg. gDirectoiry PAINTINO AND PAPERING) GOOD work mvmotto. A. Oabourn, 888 East Wsshlngton. B-21S7. East 4214. Xrik X YP1tC?111 ANTES WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street ptv- Baiaebuiidl!iV "d cro""u ttb tk THE BAKliltKASl'HALX ' PAVING CO: Port: .mm .uni uw r.iecrric OllUdlllg, PIPE ru tiLANU W4JOD piph CO. Factory and of flee 24th and York, Mnln 34 H9. ' ' PLUME FACTORY MRS. HARTNES3, feather worker, hae ae ered her couaection with Iniperinl Dye worka - PLTTMBIirO SUPPLIES M. L. KLINE, 81-86 Front it., wholesale plumb- as s-tt m supi'iirn, POPCORN CONFECTIONS STANDARD CRISP CO., 203 , Gllssn. ' Popcorn ' VIp. homut. salted nnta. PRINTING ASH.V Prlnt,,"f Co- 230 Oak. Mats 4071. '1'rlutltig to please. ROOFrNO, PAIN TING, EEPAIBINO 1 - -i Tr, 11 I , mam Alt, ' I8S &ilKFi'tt .ihl't mettt works, tla' anon. D48 Muvlir Mul u . 1 oa , " 11, un" 1 i rf t, Jt'iumi, !" JtUBBES STAMPS AND SEALS STENCILS and office stttlonery. Cunningham Co.. 21 Srek U.I.. 1 ' w,,mimi BAlMita ud checks, braaa tlgua, stenciLT Krebs Bros., 114 2d. Marshall 1H71 , BABTTAKIUX BOSS CITY 8ANITARI0M, strictly mtttraUy hosnltal. 181 Korth VIA - miwv UKEK lii'i:lu U"Pti-Mateiuity case! onr- 315 N. i!d at. Marshall 3564. BASH, D00BS, WINDOWS UNITED Glass k Glaring Co., sash, doors, slats Hess. 12th tnd Ollsen. Main 4';i. ' SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES THE JAMES I. MARSHALL MFG. CO. Ntw ttriTl. We. " ,m mm-B, SH0YVCASK3 r very dcacrlptlosl bank. " bar tnd aurs futures made to order. Ihs Lotk. SIGNS AND 6H0WCARDS WAHALANDER CO.. 518 Commonwealth bldg Bhow card, cloth signs, window trims. SPANISH TEACHEB Terms reasonabln. Kust ftWtl, TOWEL 8UPPLV CLEAN towels daliy, comb, brush, soap. Towel (Supply Co. 9th and Couch sts., 1 per month Portland Laundry tVi. phones Main 4ln, A-4410 TAILORING SCHOOL KI ESTER'S Ladles' Tailoring Collegt. Lsara orewimaainy, tmiormg. JS.M utn. TRANSFER AND STORAGE v , C. O. PICK Transfer k Storage Co., offices tnd commodious 4 ttory brick warehouse, with separate iron rooms and fireproof vault ior vaiusuie. n. n. corner zoj and 1'lns sts. Pianos and furniture moved and picked for shipping. Special rates made ou goods is our through cars to all domestic and foreign points. OREGON TRANSFER CO,'" Kstabllsued 1870, Transfer aud forwarding agents. Storage, free trackage. Offices snd storage. 474 Uliaan street. 13th and Gllsan. Main 6ft, A-lllM. OKI LAN I) Van k fitorags Co., Inc., lath tug BTwrvi, num. ihuucoi uiifv wareoouss la cltyj low fire Insurance rats proof of thla. rreo tractage, oiovmg, pacsing, auippiog; re duced freight rates on household goods in through cars to sod from east. Main titwo, A. 1620. : BAUUAGB k Omnibus Transfer Co. Bsggsgt checked tt yonr nome.- furniture moveii. ttored or packed for shipment., fark and Da vis sts. rnoiies Main tw, n-eiiii. TYPEWRITERS TYPEWRITERS, allghtly used, L. C. Smiths and til other makes at reduced prices and easy teem. L. C. Smith U Bros. Typewriter 1:0., igtii lias at ALL maketv rented, repaired, told. Cunning- ham IV. 231 Htark. Xtaln 140T O. Knden, violin maker, expert repairing. S13 . All-trw KM . OAK OA WHOLESALE JOBBERS M. A. CUNST A ro., - ' DISTRIBCTORS Or" IINB CI OARS nwiMftP, urt. KVERD1NU k Ji'ARUKI.L pruduce.and commit- tion merontnts.; iw rront St., rortland. Or. rnone aiam iiu. MORGAN WALL PATER CO., 230 2d it, be- lir.ii riniiiioiv enn Biein. ALLEN k LEWIS GROCERIES THEPC HESir '- UflE mmm Is the dream of centuries come truef Take ONE HOUR off and Jet me administer this celebrated treatment. It is perfectly safe and positively will not lay you up , one hour. You can take it secretly and- ydur closest companion need not know that you have taken it, provided it Is given the right way. I will opea the tube, prepare it -In . your presence, and then painlessly udmlnlster . It, You .will be thankful to me as long' as you live, be cause it will give you a new Lease on Life. 1 give an- honest blood 4 test thereafter, to prove that you are cured. - I introduce it DI RKCTLY INTO THE BLOOD by the INTRA "VEN0U8 METHOD, the only proper method of administering it, and the one recommended by Prof. Ehrlich himself. iwii mm Is treacherous, cruel and relentless. It is no respecter of persons. It leaves misery, dis figuration lanif blasted Uvea in its paulwav. AU former methods of ? treatment held tt only in 'check and continually recurrino symptoms remind you that ths TAINT is yet C. K. HOLSMAN M T -In your blood. As long as ONE SYMPTOM uuman, M. V. remains, remember the virus is still there and no man can tell what d some fatal complication will develop. 0 " " can wu wnat aay BLOOD POISON even in the mildest cases. Is always a most serious dl. ease. SCIENCE has at last discovered a Curative Remedy and it s crlmt nal necleit on your part if yow refuse to save yourself now . . I 'Don;tenyourself health and air the hapt.lness and freedom "that PURE BLOOD brings. If you have ever had Specific Blood Poison you need this Wonderful Discovery. f ALSO TREAT SAFELY AND THOROUGHLY AND AT THE LOWFRT COST, ENLARGED VEINS, HYDROCELE, VITAL WEAKNESS SKIN Tiiq EASES, KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISORbERS, n"( ERS SORKfl PAIM fUL'SWELLINGS, NERVOUSNESS, LOSS OF BTREN ITH AND V1TAI ITV AND ALL SPECIAL AND DELICATE DISORDERS OF MEN 1 I invite you to come to my office. I will explain to you mv trestmrnV for Knlarged Veins, Hernia Nervous Debility, Iilood Dlsonfers. lMlos Fistula Bladder, Kidney and all Men's Disorders and give you VRK S i sneeul exarnlnatloti. Every person should take advantage of tls opportuhitv - to learn their true condition, . . 1 . - . ' "'""y yinvfr-THwwsyoMotrT HIGlifc2ST DEGREE of professional skill. If you need holp do not hZltaU one day longer.. You now have a chance, to get cured at your own T terms! You may depend upon the greatest privacy. . ' own t""1 OutroMown men WRITE for lnfornlation or my Symptom Chart Hours t a. m. to 8 p. m. dally; Sundays, 10 a. m. 4 12 p. m. . vnari" "our" 11M C7 ."Mil'' 6-. IMET: 810,826;860;876,81 ONSHOHT NOtIC'K TO ANY ONE NO , - WORKING "T ii ' ' IS -. INDOHSER , - PAYMiiNS 1 NO PUBLICITY REBATE GIVIiN: IF PAID BEFOK13 ! . DUE, , . , STATE 8ECMHWTYGD..:, 308 FAILING BLDO. Operi Evenings till -9 o'clock from now x until Christmas. - . NKKD MONET T . . Seo Us " Toil can get It TODAY. This NEW COMPANY, was organised : to help people In need ot temporary assistance, and to pay off losns wlin , tbe HIGH RATE money lenders. special Kovemaer nates 8 .40 Weekly Pays a i .85 Weekly Pays a 11.40 Weekly Pays a 81.80 Weekly Pays a 12.20 Weeklv Pavs a 10 Loan 25 Loan 60 Loan 75 Loan 100 Loan utner Bums in x-roportion. Loans for one month to one year. Business confidential. No extras. PRIVATE OFFICES. No investigation. No red tape, We Buy and Sell Mortgages. Portland Loan Co, fiT 1( .1.... V.t - - i JtOXKY id LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES COR. 4TH AND, WASH, BT8. JL I j MON, AND BAT. TILL P. M! OPEN PRIVATE PARTY LOANS at special rates on furniture, pianos, storage receipts, watches, diamonds, - jewelry, etc.; no loan too large or too small. , BTRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. -' . Private offices. 'When in need you will make a saving by getting our terms first. Write, call or phone Main 4817. - 320 Lumber Exchange, ELBY COMPANY. SALARY J-OANS. CHATTEL. LOANS. "Ton can get "i tB to I J 00 today at cheapest rates, best and most private terms. D. P. Drake. 307 Spalding bldg. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE and. others, upon their own names; cheap rates, easy payments, confidential. D. H. Tolman. room 317 Lumber Ex. . MONEY on any security. Confidential; no delay. Bolol Realty Co., 206 Alder st. A desirable place for ladles and gentle men to borrow money on diamonds and jewelry at eastern rates. Diamond Palnce. 384 Wash., opp. Owl Drug Store. MONEY TO LOAN ON DIAMONDS. J. 15. NlUHUi-a. (15 YEON BLDO. MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewel ry; strictly confidential 1 41 Mr 3d. LOAN for the asking, salary or chat teL The Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bldg. SEE ME FREE.' If you are worrying about any ailment in cluded among tboso within' which I spe oiaiuse, I Invite you tit call at mv office and I wilt give you FREE a conscientious examination and di- agonsis and advise you of the proper Aniiraa to nursue tl rid yourself forever of your worry and yourallment. HJ J" f l!! exDertln tb? treatment of the ail. menPtn Every man calling etiy office le lecUd"NEOSALVARSAN : Improved German Remedy for BLOOD POISON X administer the remedy according to the very latest method. Come to me If you have any of ths following disorders; Enlarged Veins, Pimples. Nervous Debility. Nerve, Blood and Skin Disorders. Bladdst Troubles, Blood Poison, Eruptions, Ulcers. Special AUusnta, pua vr Fistula,- - S to 5 T to 8 Dally) Sundays 10 to L Examination Advice Free. J, J. KEEFE, Ph. G. M. D. Rooms 11-15 Lafayette Bldg. WASHINGTON ST.. COR. STH. PORTLAND. OR. 2J1 MORRISON ST, Corner First St. EOUTI.AND, OR KG ON. KEEFE cmw . fob KILO Jill .POISOM Si v I