: X LAT3 6 I'OiiM T'.nt, modern, furnlhed. t . r jMor.it,. 9:itt Commercial at KOTELS' l.OTI.I, PORTLAND Europeaa plan j V inUi.kK, I iiroi.Hn. 4th and Alder. biOUES AND OFFICES H lull KENT Shop 40X100 ana snefla, rroiind spar 80x100. corner Russell Mid Vancouver ave.. 7 biocka " z mm j'roHdwny bridge. Woodlawn Warehouse 100x100 For rent, on railroad, adjoining Gold en Hod Mill Co.. Alblna, Columbia 816. llNti opening for drygoods, hardware or delecatosnen, new building, hot wa- cr heated. 6Sd and Bandy blvd. Owner, " "hr sis. FOR HENI omCJJ SPACE WITH Ijojh phone.; $10 month, .09 By. Ex Handsome corner store, marble front suitable jor any . business, 1st and nuiTiimii, miMii ma. bTuJtK, J!7 Hawthorne, near bridge, large DHBenifni, niun w in rrar. Apply Hawthorne Pock Co. East 20a. MODEHN brick building, store 24x86, steam heat, cement basement. Fbone ..Main 7157.. FOB KEKT IL1LLS rn ov TWO LARQB HALLS , FOR RENT. ljftrae one lor JMOIIiibv. vyeuneisany or Ml iTASLsl. Tr.fr ?, or Haturdav nlshta. . Special rates for afternoon meetlngr!. Central location. raonable. Call ZOi Commercial blk. D via Co"" m Id""" lnQU'r H0W'" t" .. I : , a ..a-, ui naiuiuai nmi-u unu u mm iivt-wii. v, in is nv. I. OH RENT SUSCELLANKOU8 83 for partlculara phone Sellwood 1361. WANTED TO KENT WANTED To rent 4 or 5 room unfur nished modern house, near Vernon chool; rent must be reasonable. 0-135, Jmimsl journal. WE can rent your place for you. Wat son & Therkelsen Co., t06-10t Spald- Inc hldg. Mam Yb2. WANTED, to rant S room modern fur nlshed flat, walking distance. T-16, journal. tl'iNTEn. to rent mnilorVi 4 room hr.na lna In. 'Will nav ttS nr month. B-l 57, Journal. POItSES, VEHICLES, ETa 18 MMMwaWaM riAAn 4 wrnab hnMad ah. nal piack. weigntjuuo iDwiin harness and wagon.- Pair of red roans. weight 2800 lba., with harness. ' Both of these teams are A No. 1 workers. Mnat be sold. 14 Union ave. Horses All Kinds- . . Madlaon stables, 185ft Madison st, at bridge, west aide. All norsea guaran teed. MUSI? sell good, gentle farm team, weight 2208, with harness and farm igon: ail for 1135. - Take SeUwood car InalAV av walk a blorka mnmt to I inaiey a.ve want piocaa east "M wagon to ' n I,, ', . I MUST be jwld regardleaa of price, by ibar27. four head of young work single or double, true to horses i'u,, " ".w .". I wagons. . 1867 E. Stark at, Montavllla, : 'I n u uua ayeuia jwuug uursoa, wciga i 2600 lbs. Pacing mare, record 2:10: 1 will aell cheap if taken at once. Foot of I jviain eireei, wrai mue. I 8 HEAD OF HORSES riit.-M fnm anv Lini nf nrir " rvvM. I and make an offer, trial allowed. 267 EAST 8TH. 10 ACRE3 of rood land at Fall. City; will take $1000 cash or exchange f3r p.ectU9- or wbAt.have yout 14 - - i uuuu xarm ouuil . mare ana norae. ... weight 1200 lbs. each, good harness and 8 V Inch wagon. 247 i Eaat 8th, rear nawtnorne ave. , , WANTED, to buy good aaddle horse, about 1100: elate age, height and price. Box 68, Vancouver. - WANTED A cheap mule, about 1100 or lzuu ids.; wiu ouy or traaea horse for him, 14 union ave A GOOD 8 ton camelback wagon: will exchange for good horse. , 14 Union ave. - . uon nalr of nonlea eheao or will t change for 1100 or, 1200 lb, horse. 14 . union ave. . - . . CHEAP ranch team for Bale; must sell at once. i67 m. star st., Montavllla. A NICE diamond ring to exchange for goea norse, union ave. -flORSES fed at Hilla.-a farm for win- ter. Main 847, after 4 p. m. LIVESTOCK 83 6 FRESH cow for sale. 4 K. (Oth It. Montavllla. POULTRY 87 FOR SALE Finest and beat Andai. uslana and light Brahmas, breeding stock. Price 2 to $3 each. Hatching qjl nin. .ow Bailing. Mr iu A j 'g v aa vara vj v r 4-Qq. SALE beautiful White Orpington cock erels cheap, t Incubators; : Marshall 86T4. -;- .. DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 46 OREGON BIRD CO. Roller canaries, bird supplies, ate.: ti'i '2d at. WANT young Airedales, chtiap. Must be game and strong. H-l 13, Journal. AL'TOaiOUlLES-MOTOECYCLES 44 Now You . Can Afford To buy a. car, We are offering special prices on used cara to clean up before Jan. L Write or call for price list, ' Also- 1912 White Demonstrator, good as new. 20 h. p., S pas., list price 32775, Including self-starter. Call or write for special price. The White Co, 13 SEVENTH ST. WANTED No. 1 old auto tirea. tc lb., delivered; No. 2 auto tires So lb. Inner tubea. 15c to 23c lb. J. Leva, 183 Columbia st; Main 6198. LOANS . . en Autos Bauer, 206 Alder st SE VEN paaaenger touring car, will trade for good real estate. Phone iso. 1180 "Alblna ave. LARGE 6 passenger foredoor Cadlllao auto. 32.50 hourly. Rex Auto Co- 8(0 Alder. Main 6S98, A-3277. SO II.. P, Lambert runabout, feheap for raBh. 86 hi Kllllngsworth avV east MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 34 'XEAV1N0 city; will etore high grade player-piano with reliable party who guarantees good care for Its use. L-149 Journal. - 1LL exchange first clasa piano, nearly few, for tailoring. M-156, Journal. FOR BALE Ba and iniri drum cheap. 313 7th st, 10K SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 WELL drilling machine, also No, 3 Clip. per grain and seed cleaner. P. O. Box 7 OTal I man. Or. Ii:tiiHABLE niche in Iris Chamber, at Crematorium for sale, below cost Phone Main 8218. J C. SMITH typewriter cheap for caah. W-147, Journal. OMi water heater, gas range, office (isk, tmnirary couch. Phone E. 4432. ItiC X uLiii- 3 It . and -iv Bargalo 4a iiitil orr cle. 1 111 M adlaon. 3T0 NEW lTOMK aewing machine, all RM'Thmerits. U3 Oratid ave. Hi MV lJl-.hk.S and office furniture. .."'eyjeak , Cn,, 210 7th at. Main 67. ii iviivii liUiuer, Lut.t 49, .,1 mwsrsses CO FOIl SALE MISCELLANEOUS 10 16 l''OR BALK New and second-hand Cor- am and nock fit Millard table, and bowling alley and accessories; bar fix tinea of all kinds; easy payments. The Rrunswlok-Balke-Collender Co., 4S-4S 6th at. Phones Wain 769, A-1760. Holiday.. ShoDDing Yes! Chairs, bds. bureaus, any article for the home, eW low prices. Note display. Removal' an 1ft- Grand Rapid Furniture Kxrhanga, 309 II. Morrison. Eaat 768. national, men ree-latera. credit rcala- I ter8( computing acalea, electric coffee imins ana an star appliance. Dougnc, laold and rf paired. Sell for caah or pay. Iments. The Pacific Store Service Co, 827 Stark. Main 7711. - I CXFioK-NVw and aecofid-hand! larc j assortment! mares opened and re- Paired.. Mosier bar .CO IV a at I l'hnne Main 7678. UIslOI) MACHINES, all niakea, caah or f terms, Price right Singer Sewing Machine store. S2 Morrison at. R-1 905 Fetti 1 IZCf E. 530 ' All kind manure delivered any place, ONE camera, 6x7; 1 walnut bedroom set, i i rt,u ton desk, in urana ave, uy block wood for sale. Kaut 10th and Stark ats. East 2103. WANTED MJSfJELLANEOTJS B NOTICE TO MOVERS I m. wu uuy'i everyiuiHg: in iur I niture. stoves and ruga that we can We want to buy every thing In fur- l ffAt. i 111 ttr AMlr'la mn Innnrtlinltv tA make you an offer. A VI U pay all th. I oinh It l wnrth. Phnna V. WANTED by the Kagle Furniture bouse. ..'grt: m j ffa 9sSZl$-M&l your secona-nana zurnuure; nigneai an prices paid. - m. j. Calmer proorie i union ave WANTialeopl, of Portland to know that I pay the nlgheat caah price for secona-nana nouaenoia gooae. N. M. j neater. umnn . fnt lhHZ. ' r. " - - - Pr I" talking " iiinnninjt nu i rir rnr ninnrt m mnr vt. I Mat , Pnntlanil Dh,nnR...nk X A , H1HK,T,RH A ,;'Myti. v KION CO. . 1'aya the beat price for your aacona nana furniture, carpeta and aioves. : xv isi. Main suzz. WHY sell your furnitdra at auction we pay highest prices. Make no mi. 1 uk! address M. R. Beater, 2a-fi0 Haw- Itnorne ave. Phone Eaat 1134. FEATHERS curled, cleaned and dyed. Price vary reasonable, rhone Main BARQEHS' AUCTION HOUSE. 168-270 E. Morrlaon at Ev 1D22. iloBt worm or good rurmture at once. WE Deed the KOOds. YOU Deed Lha man, Iey, Roae City Auction Houae, 8-17 faja wlfiE; get more for your second. I h&nd furiuturt by elllnr It to Ford I A nnfinn i"n 1 1 1 mt Molt. TlAEI A J a K WILL pay caah for second-hand fur- niture ana etoves. 14 E. Morrison. CASH PAID FOR DIAMONltSI Martin, 120 Lumber Exchange bldg. WANTED iiodaka, cameras, etc Cam- era fcxenange. zt Morrison. LOST AND FOUND 21 THE following la a list of articles RaX'v Lbta'RLS nuJUf"3 turady,ln It ft Xff.SSp?fti-'iS5 lu . n 111 the Olfferent Uivlslon oointa. Ownnra mav iwnn rouna on the cars of the Portland points. Ownera may secure same by applying at barna aa indicated. Turned In at the East Ankeny barn. December 12, 1912. Phone B-1168. 1 hif i nb. .i.h... i ? esmpis case. 1 ariove. Turned la at the Piedmont barn. De- ituiutr a, jv.11, jrnone C-XZZ. t tim breliaa, 2 paire gloves, 1 roll blue prints, 2 auitcasea, 1 puree, 2 miscellaneous pags., J. nananag, 1 key. " Turned in at the Sellwood division bam, December 12. 1912. Phone R.aifi P.urset 1 Pf y laaea, 1 pkg. fiah, i Pka- doughnuts. rembfr 1J Mill1 IE'a'kbrk" ubllM s' lunch boxeJ ? t nf. ? pin, i pac'k;g9 of ehoea. 1 lunch box, S iiiint-eimiieuus yitrceis. THE following articles have been found on ixaine ana turnea in at the union depot! ." ;..--.. .'.. On 0. K train No. 20. lady handbag; on N. P. train No. 833 lady's umbrella. t fiuii n. . . ; TnT.-V-. r collar, brass trimmings. Return to G. R. Din trie. 829 Kujtt (Jolnc at.. jSDLii bu itewara. PERSONAL 23 HAVE YOU SUPERFLUOUS HAIR? ofii.v-iAU rx, juvn IU DAYS. To any lady with hair on tha fgM neck, arm, hands, bust, eyebrows, moles or warts, we will give free treatment to convince you what can be done by ex- iki is. vumo iu. nave a numoer oi hair reuioveu, waicn me results. KL,KCTKOL.YSI8 COMPANY,' B04 Swetland bldg.. 6th and Washington, FOR RICH ANn pnnw One dollar six months' treatment rn or money reiunaea, registered guarantee. , I-i n 1 A...n.,n,l.n.. . , w.ww v m - wv. ..viiunui;. ' aiiBwereu. Hour 10 to 4 p. m.; Sat 8 p. m. 820 Swetland bldg. The Standard Medical oocieiy, inc. MRS. bVEVENS; . 18 year Portland imuiui pauniBi e,nu clairvoyant, ha her late book. "Palmlatrv Mart. ,-. on eale.- 667 U William ave.. corner ivuuii, uii.cn uuurs IV a. m. to s n. m Vn... S- l . a . - THE atudy of Practical Paychology will bring you Into perfect health; It makes no difference what your ailment lav Private InstrucUon and by maU, oov vvuiL-nnier oiock. Marshall 2751 V'ei1- W1N. eplrltual adviser) 2 U 4 Jefferson aar. cih u.-i.. Monday, Thursday, at 8 p. m.. ana vveaneauay at a p. in. Marshall 4239, A- SP1RITUAL' ". MEDIUM, REV. may1 av rnicjii. HUAlilNas. HEALING,, DAILY. CIRCLES TUES.. ICWE'Ik AND SUN. 8. 804 MONTGOMERY N1SBE.THS SANATORIUM, eaulDDoi with'all modern bath, bake ovend massage; Swedish movement 818 Lov- Joy st--- A'0 treatments for rheumatism! M. DeBarr. office ,16, first floor. Mllh ner bldg. ' GRADUATE chiropodist manlmiri.T massages and tub batne. snx svyiip nvi.ei, vumer n ana stark sts.' MRS. A. V. KROPP. spiritual adviser; avenE 8 lf 0rn,i MRS. A. V. KROPP. B. 8348. SP. I ATlP,A W1?h 10 'th caae I OOlrt l lt can't cur no drua-. n. lAii.l.. T f eta ti- Z mfl DR G. V. K'l'CHUM-VVomen1 mtl: l!' was"., oor. 4th and Wash., room 41. Marshall 448 ftiiuNU as appnea in Science." Prac titioner tit uiay t. Suit 84. Afr.r. noons. EASTERN trained operator, massage! electrical treatment, lis 8th st Room 2. - Hour 11 a. m. to lo n. m SCln-NTlFRJ massage, by appointment onlv. Marshall fif. 'utTi? i?.1?".1 Hm, in a , MADAME ESTELLE, spiritual medluS wR'.a, dal Vi.JIUi at,, new V HtllllU VVUt MSiOTSj. fc JK?"?.. .'ropodist err 613 tlliiftCITril ttrt Wt a r 11 1 " 1 ' 1 1 " ll u anj?. Wn BfE WAYLAND -Scalp specialist Office 2. 850 Morrison st bAVE 32 t? ,310 by. buying trunk ah"3 Buucaae m oss vvasn. 17th and Wash ,JSS MW&llA adjust: ...,-ni.. gao vimiii. vi voni. Mam 8269 Mi.",LE'.ll0.SiaE Physical culture; 'oil f 4-a 9 5M f nr.1 OCAW 1U. ' V vu aawva a ay JW-lUCr BU BAA.M of Figs, remedy for disease of women. 606 Davis at Main 8216. SPIRITUAL and mental scientist con ultatton dailv, S2iA Bt.ru ' V HAiRU?,?3Sfa and manicuring par lorn. SIS Tiifr.ii km- h-.- u- MRS. Aj HAMOT Expert chlipodTTnd ..ii i-inmw, Q&vyg. otnrK SI, u?ijBas8f).t Native Herbs for constll yauuu, iv taoieta, zee, ah druggist. LADY'S barber shon. 410 Hovt ami imW wrr-near -North Hank denot. M N?'lithUstry Way' 6llrltl,al mu'mTSI MANICURING Most thorough and sat- xlUry. urric 60S Northwet bldg. THE OREGON DAILY JOUliNAL, PORTLAND,' FRIDAY BMJJkMJuiMjuBussw TEKSONAL 112 LEARN the truth about different rema dle before you rlk your health and money. Moat of them are either illegi ttmate, poiaonous and dangerous or ab solutely worthless. Antlko No. 8 la the rarest, remedy In the world for 111 of women, uoniaina no noinona and la hat-minus t. ih. mmi ..'.m.. ",,",; v '' '-'"' , nflH.?n K?.'0.. A j;?1 w th YwI confidence. For sale and guaranteed ;," i-urmnu oy in teiuxona irug Co., 220 MorrlHon st Lm-ORMATION wauled about , my brother, Ole Thompsen, age 4.'over 8 it.. rthrr Hllm Imi, ,lrk ii,,a ..... straight nose. He wrote from Portland fceb. 28 that he was going out to work us worxea mostly in lumber camps). Since then we have not heard from him. Anyone giving Information In re gard to hia whereaboutB w would be very thankful. T. K, Thompson, Monte, video, Minn. NOTICES 0 SEALED bid- will h Fields, county clerk at tha courthouse, I rurnuno, vir unm iu a. ni on, Monday, tiomah wunfy With 600 yards more or iena. or carnut or victnrin. nnAv nrnk, aels, Bundhar Wilton or Us equal grada 1 aiiu biso lor. izuu vartifl. mora nr ir or linoleurof of Newark "A" quality In. laid, or Us eaual. Price to be ouoted ! n tarpet . to Include sewing, laying and maaing 01 me carpets, and furnishing iwu iincKncBiies ox rea iining wnue cot- i ton filled. All carpets and linoleum to I be laid In a first class workmanlike! manner. .Also for 824, tnoro or less,' window uww iur tower six stories 01 west Wing Of new couithoiisa. Rnnclflcatlnna may be seen at the office of the county I vviiiiuicniuiiviv, ruurtfiuuHe X. J-. CLEICTON, County Judge. W. L. LIGHTNER, ' . ' County Commissioner. C V. HART. SEALED bids will be received by F. S. ' 4vun, vvuuii vioilk 8J ieias. county clerk at the courthouse, I Portland. Or. ' until 10 a. m . on Thnra. aay, uecemoer ue, 1912, for the follow ing furniture for Multnomah county: , , more or lea, roller top desks, 64 I. more or lea. flat inn d mi its 2. more or less, tables. 96x40 innhea. i0"Ow,!!'5.b'?'23 Ap.hsA i. ft v' e"" Vwier uesa, tx uiuuea. ' ..is.'". 15, more or less, revolving chairs. 48, more or less, office chairs. 1. more Or leas, tvnewrirer ehatr Furniture to be of oak and similar to that In the county Judge'g and county . - w..,.u. ho v. una xvi.Li aiiuiiimr ui vviiiiuiBBivuer unices. T. J. CLEETON, ' County Judge. W. L. LIGHTNER. County Commissioner. V, V. JMAUT, County Commissioner. EXTENDED C6o Bay Port Bond Bale. All bids received up to 10 o'clock a. m. December 9. 1812. were ordamd a. acted and returned unonened tn tha 7C ".," i"".iiig oil uia yiviiiwvun mm Ufflt IOT DlOQing was extended to Monday. Januarv 12 iitt at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, at Which uino nu mas wiii do opened. uaiea uecemDer , ii2. . ANSON OTIS ROOER8. . Treasurer Port of Coos Bay. " NOTICKL Two promissory notes for 32600 each, dated about November 12, 1912. payable I 6 months after data. . to Ihi nrH., I vunriea p. AUicneil, bearing 8 per Cent intoreat, will not be paid by the under-1 signea, pecause same were s obtained luiuuau iiauu mua necenrmn. inn iMui icucirm tiiereior, (Signed) TOM IP. COWTNrt . AUI J. COWING. December B, 1912, Makers. OFFICE Q.. M., FORT ROSECRANs! , CaL Dec. 10, i?12. Sealed proposal in-tripucaM, wiube received In this offlcaunUl il:00k m..jV oi at. th. nnA . wharf.tlanding float and board walk at f "J1':.0' oa? u,?b! cat Further Information may be obtained by apply, ing at thta office. C A, LOHR, lt Lieut A, Vi., . M. . ,...:,,.. 1 M HI varlmio VAa.l a,...j arrest and conviction of th P ill? which wero published In The Journal durlno- Jim. nt 1011 nerepy witnarawn. . .. L . ... . " m " w v. .. a,, a JOURNAL PUBLISHINQ COMPANY. 1J?P underaigned will not bo responsi bla fOF debts lnClired fnr mamhra , , . . . V, view v4 uertiiun snip Aoeiaiae. M, H . &OUSER. Agent v. vajujk,k, Master. THE undersigned will not be respond Ibl for debts Inenrrerl tur nnnkin of crew of the German ehip Isebek. M. H. HOfaSER, Agent. THEi unlerlgnd win r,nt V. A. a. W1K.BTBOM, house, office, ttore repair lSgn; ,lnf, remodeling, bid,. Voodl.wa Of crew Of British shin Hmicrnmnnt J. MACDONALD. Master. M. H. HOUSRR A pent THE undersigned will not be respon- A.ij uiiuaiDiBiieu nil! IlOl U reSDOn- I aible for debts incurred by member Of craw of German ship Goldbek. - n ifirinicpu ! M. IL HOUSER, Agent IAxANS WAITED 80 IP you want to loan your monew en I nrt class real estate, licit It at mm With th 4 . 1 HLAUHON-CRATfJ PO . I MORTGAGE LOAN DEPT- U4 uak St.. near 5th. I WANT to borrow 32500 for 2 year on I0ORK3, bifnln, Ingrown nail, quickly, pain valuable income property not far from I lelr cured; most careful, cclentlfte treat- roruano, zuiiy insured, uver 3&U0 year- I ir iiiuuuiaw will nav a nar cent intar. Wll. T-11J, UUlUllHl ..r . .m lr . , - WANTISD To borrow $18,000 to 320? 000. 6 veara. 650 acres'. lmnrovi4 farm - close to Portland: no arentn..1 nam., I Ii A-222. Journal-. i WANTED From private party, first mortaaxe loan of t4snn. tnr veaea at 1 8 per cent, on 112 acres partly lmnroved land, Washington Co, 613 Henry bid. t-AX aw per cent, a year, for 31350, on 9 I vuy iu, a-1i journal. WANT to borrow 3400 on 46 acre of guuu mini, box sua fortianci. FINANCIAIi 01 CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES. Or seller's eaultv In contract of eala I on n esmie in waamngton or uregon, I H. E. Noble. Lumbermen bldg. Loan. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 67 MOWEV warn WiTOIiTME ISM ON SHORT NOTICE TO ANY ONE WORKING LOWEST . RATES ' EASIEST "PAYMENS NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSER 1 NO PtTBLICITT REBATE) GIVEN IF PAID BEFORE B DUE. STATE SECURITY flS0.; 80S FAILING BLDG. Open Evenings till 9 o'clock from howl CHATTEL and real estate loan, no red tape; conditional; mortgage bought I ' Adolphua Lane. 414 Ablngton bldg. j ' MONEY loaned On diamond and Jewel." I ry: strictly confidential. 141U 8d. LOAN for th aaklnn, salary or ehal UL Th Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bids. ssss!ms!mmMt MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, HALAKIE3 67 NEED MONET I Soo Us Toil ran trot It TOniT Thta NlW COMPANY wa organised w .mhii.ju.7 : temporary loana with assistance, ana to pay on 10a the HIGH RATE money lenders. Special November Kates: f .40 Weekly Pay a a 8 .98 Wet'kly Pays a 10 Loan 25 Loan 60 Loan 81.40 Wt 81.80 W .3.20 We eekly Pays a Weekly Pays a 75 Loan Weekly Pays a 3100 Loan Other H11 inn In Pronortiun. Ixians for one month to one year. Business confidential. No extras. PRIVATM Ob'FICKS. NO Investigation. No red tape. 1 1 We Buy and Sell Mortgage. Portland Loan Co. 207 Macleay bldg, . ftT JTTT AMI! WAfilT CfTM OPEN MON. AND SAT. TILL P. M. PRIVATE PARTT LOANS at special rates on furniture, pianos, storage reoeipta, watones, aiamonas, jeweiry, , eto.; no l0 iVnffZ too large or too amait, BTR1CTLY CONFIDENTIAL' Private offices, ' . When In need you will make a saving by getting our terms first. Write, call or, phono Main 4617. ' ,, : 320 Lumber Exchange. ELBlf COMPANY. MON Ex TO LOAN ON DIAM'oMbS."-" J. B. NICHOLS. 818 VEON BLDO. MONET sold on Installment; oonflden. tlal to salaried ceODla. New ton, 614 Henry bldg, . : ABBTBACT8 JOHN A. BERRY. Att'y.,' eoilaetlons, abatraats Itloi 817 AUnkr bMg. Mrhii 8S2Q. written opinion oa ipu -" IT. Hlenhan. IhIIm' tiillnr. aeeordeOB. BlOB sad sunburit plettnj, buttons coTred, gevdt ponged, hemitltchlpg. 83 Alder. Mala 9878, ACCOUNTANTS PTTBUO 00tX3L BKRRIDGB A THOMPSON, -824 Wor- ptw bids. Main 6567. ADVEansraa FOSTER KLK1SBR, evtdoer advertlalns ; sainted bulletlna. Diluted wa IU. Doatera. . w . ... - mh. tib ana m. Kvereti tt; nu, A0HrTEQT8 fcBTOJEBIi Plana, eatlmatee furnlihed. Btfora yea Dolld M Wliiumi, eo McKay pmg. AETmCLU lJin no vnn wear Iwl Oet tha bwt. It vara. Write for catalogue. The ttclm ArUfU-lal Limb Co., 408 Wellington. ABTIST10 WTAX AJTO IKOK . . ... n.. and runaert att. tint i mm. A8SAYE&S WELLS A CO., BMayert, aaalytleal chemist. 2Q4Mi WMblngton. Main 75u8. atON'l'ANA Ansa office, laboratory, ore tast ing. Marhll 2728. 180 M-MTlnon. ATTORNEYS KORNBGAY A TIIOMPSON, lawyer; general nrartlre. oollecUoni. abatractl examlaed. 402 wonnweai oiag., oid ana wuingiPB atrrrn. k. B. cooi'KU. Attoraey at Uw. General practice; abttracti exaulnai d. 1124-1423 Yeoa n nt. Main a-zuii. AUTO TiaS EEPAISINO yi-'Ti "i. i. tn.nijr'i nni 1 ii nnn sas 1 I OREGON Tolcanlilng Co.. "Th Tire Shop," 660 WasDIngton. alargnail bib. AUI0M0BILE8 TO REST - J." "Fx uw " a Br! BATHB wiii ,iw.iw...., " KINO'S Turklih Baths, Imperlil kotaL ' Elneat and largwt la tu city, aiiperc corn aoc tor. We employ the beat rubbers only. Clothe t . . ... . ..am BELT REPAIR1NO PORTLAND BelUug A Repair Co., 69 First - belt repairing. Motorcycle ; belt 89 Bp. BLANK BOOK SLASER8 BOWB. DAVIS COMPANY. 109 2d at Blank Book manufacturer; agent for Jon' lm- pruTd Loose -Leaf Ledger. Sea toe new go- rex tear. main iiw. CARPENTER AND EEPAIRINa CARPENTER-CONTRACTOR New or repair work. H. louiig. wouoaiocx t, awta n. CARPET OXEANTNO JOYCH BROS., Electric Cleaning Work, ear- pat cleaned ana laia. reiming ear specialty. ' VX B IOHH OiU K llllh w ... ? iM' B'19tt3-J w 11 DUKTLEY and CadlUac, electrla j nower cleaner, for lal or rent! and hand power cltauera, for al or rent! cleaning done. Bentley A Co.. 47BV4 Whlngtoa. OARPEX WEAVINO korthwest BCQ WORKS, nigs from eld earpau; gwg, carpet aleanhig. 108 Ualoa avenue, near. mhbw. t'KNiNSULA Rug Work, rag carpet and rug. 1518 Pattoa ave. wooaiawn xmo. CHIROPODISTS ment on coat. uauy nuum. vi uiop oiq OHIROPRACTIO PHYSICIAN DR. HELEN W. JACK, 822 14th it, Barvowl .hmnlii dliaaaaa. t trtatment 85. Main ao. AlunsTMKiiTB restore health naturally. 810 a montn, uatn oniee, cn ana tvainingroa. .tti TTnn IPHTVIl. W nrlnttna'. ' ; atafWiaranhaea. Hill Co., nza Henry mag. MbLTNOMAH Multlgraphlug Co., facalmll tlgnatuf e. 609 Eller bldg. MrhU 23a8. CANDY MANUFACTURERS THB Aldoa Candy Co., 12th aad Ollaea sts. Hlltn graae cnoeoiate, COAL AND WOOD pSuoln mm t.uKKN SHORT WOOD. t2.2S. OK KEN 4 FOOT WOOD, tl.bQ. INSIDH GREEN SHOUT, 8.50. " DRY SHORT WOOD SAWDUST for fuel and bedding. The Portland Slabwood Co, Main 8119, A-7001. V, D, Smith Fuel Co, The bet dry cord and slab wood. Kemmerer, Rock Springs and Mendota eoaL Eaat 4438, B-1S, WoodUwn 177, C-17T8. CONSUMEUS" FUKL, CO. (Amer. Coal Mining . Co.) Col direct from mine to eonanmer. Bar middlemen's profit. Eait 118, B-U1S. Bunker Bant it ana 'iijrior PAC, SLABWOOD CO, W09 Green slabwood, big ind small lnsld block wood.' pinner trimming. eordwood. vSuTooL0Tt aad greea labwood. Try u wnea eraering good dry wood. 12d0 Macadam lU Phone Uala, 7 SCO, MCCD St, C A Q D tot. t. 4 fir I1L.L.U w 1 nun and oak eordwood. Alo awed to order Prompt i: dellrery. QQ A Main 4598, A-4547. Yamato Wood and Coal Co, : EAST 818, B-1867. DBLI VKKED PROMirr.T Main. 8707. r. J. kvisktu, 1 Foot Carry treet. ECONOMY Fuel Co., 31 Grand At. Coal that aire heit and atlfactioa. Eut aia. n. 12343. Prompt aervlee. , BOX, planer, block, slob, cord wood and coal. - ia5." Binmu.ru nwu vw., 01 Hi. piarx, ( 9310, AL1UNA FUEL CO. All kind of "green anil pry wwm, mwa npringa ang wenaou coal COAL and all kind of wood, Pbona Holgat run, vu. uriiiiww iij. phoenix Fuel Co. Dry wood 31.00 per load. B"1 - K'SKN ""'"'" il eol. COLLECTIONS CURRENT and delinquent Out f town col- lection a uei'laltj. Honeat. efflcl.nt a.r. tee. Hlglieat reference. 1321-23 Von bill. The Hrnmlard Mercantile Ageucr, 8 W, Angell. Maoager. Mala 4U3. IIVLNIN'G, DCCi::iJ;:"i 13, MONEY TO im CHATTELS, SALAItIi:3 07 8ALART LOANS. CHATTEL LOANS. Ton ran get 33 to 8100 today at cheapest rates, bent and most private term a. D. Ii. Ilrnke. 807 Rpaldinar bid MONEY FOR SALARIED PKOPLE" and others, upon their own nami cheap ratea, easy payments, confldeutlHl. 1. IT. To I man, room 817 Lumber Kx, MONEY on any security, Confidentiul; no Jrlny, Realty Co., ' 208 Alder at Bom A desirable place for ladiea and gentle men to borrow money on" diamnnrfa no jeweiry at eastern rates. Dtamcsd I'aicwie. D34 Waah., opp. Owl Drug Store. MONEY TO LOAN 27 1000 TO 32500 to loan on real aetata w. p. Moore, wiicox oiag, MONEY to loan on improved real estate. 1. u. wnite, ;ui commercial club bid. 2000 tO LOAN for 2 years. Bail At Reg-" CITY ami farm loans; mUs. purchased. xienry v. rruanoinnn JO., Wilcox Dlag. MONEY to loan, 6 to 8 per cent. W, It nmtB uo.t aio Bpaldlng blug. 20,000 or part for immediate, loan on real estate. Tabor 771. . MORTGAGE loans, 6 and 7 per cent Louts Salomon & Co.. 228 Rtnrlc at. WILL loan 320.000 or lesa -real estate. Farrington. 416 Commercial Club bldg. MORTGAGE money at little ennt to bor- rower, wara, 210 AllBky bldg. ional and Biasioess Directory COMMISSION HERCHAKT8 HENRY EVERDINQ, 48-47 Front St Bnttea egg, poultry, veiil, hog, Mdea. 8HKBOD litmcn Kgg Co.i 114 Uuloa But- ter, egg, nomtry, - teal, nog. OA1BT AND CREAMEBY JBDTFLIES MONROE A CRI8KLL, 148 front, dairy, cbMM M l"'"'ij "lei-numrT ami iiippue. PjtlT0tqOlBT8) . Mole, wrinkles, scilp peclallst. Mr. Oourt- "', iwKurq Diqg. wain 604!l PRE68MAKIN0) 8CH001 Tlrat!it'( syatem ladle' UHorlng, drea. making taught. 15a Grand ava, betw Mor- rava rmu anesimHii, PAKCINO PROF. WAX WILSON'S Dancing School. Walts, "'fiv, mrn-itep, icotuacue; leaaons aoc. Every morning, afternooa and evening. All daaoe guaraoteed ttmt lenoa. Da yon know, anyone who walk can learn to dancet Stag auu lancjr aaoce laugat Oauy. KOH 6th at uriween Diarr ana oak at, if.in 7 ear S Dauclna Acadamr. nriiata lei WM.nlM(. .e.Hnn. .1 . I ... I ..... uwn auu vTviiiuav viaaa aiuu day and Friday evening, aaaembly after. 1U rmwq wannington ana Marx HEATH'S (chool, lemon dally, Wall, two- . , uniMwip, jsatunwre ; or cnotiiacna lausni in rirat laaaon. Allalrv M. M nA Morrlaon It. .J9 J': ,v llINGLKK S Dancing Academy, a aelect school iur ajciai inn ratir mini n. raiu uai. win. ainnuau aig. Bociat woueiiy, Baturaay. 1XZ0TBI0 MOTORS AMD DYNAMOS WB BUY, aelk rent and exchange new and ' mtviiuanna momri! rwtuiii mnrm m siraii it w Western Electric Work, 218 6tb t Hotor anil dyaaoHii-s bought, aold, repdred. iec. vo.. hi n. 'irt. Mln azio, Electric motor ipectallit. Jam, McKraal woraa, iuo union. .aI 111. jENQHATERS EMBOSSED stationery, engraved card. Oardam w, wa aiancneater blug. EYE, EAR, NOBE AND THBOAT , Treatment by apeclallit Glaraes ttttL Or, r. i;aaaeaay, 418 Dekum bldg. i AKM nfPI.FatENTg AND VEHICLES P. SV ESBEN3HADB, 214 Front, farm Imlp. mcuia, looia, lawn pq neiq rence, Hu. WADW U CO., Uawtaorue a. wnoiei agricultural Implement. POUNDRY AND XACHINI SHOP PaoeaU Iron Works, B. 8d aad Hawthorn. wenerai macnine ana rounory work. jrPRNITPRE BEPAPlINtt BOWERS A PARSONS, 100 'A Front -Uala to. rnruiture pospitm; packing, PURS AND XAXIDEBJU3X REMODELING and new work. V. B. Flnley, taxldermUt, 24w Columbia t. OLASSAND OLAZ1NO Tim ma. Cr A - Co.. ltft-a 2d at. Prompt Mrvlce. Ring Main or A-2028. OA80LINI ENGINES STATIONARY and marine "electric equipments launches, icceaaorlea. whnleaala mA ..,.11 ngln repairing, tiiertoa Machinery Co., 188 won irruu GENERAL REPAIRING GENERAL machine and electrle work, repair of electrle motors and daaoio specialty. W. UllFirriJ, VB1. OP TO DATS bairdreMiDir. mtBlcnrliif, fic uu mvmuu irjBLiuvnu. Jtinir van trnidti am alii kl.atlan' 1.1. 1.. - HAIR GOODS , FKBVET it niKRnnT Leadln wis aad touoea maker, flnaat atn.h or buuiao. nalr good; hair dreing, manlcur. ing, iac ana sciip irettmenta 147 7th, near HAT FACTORY LADIES' and .gentlemen1! hat cleaned and uiocaoa; au wora guaranteea or 110 charge. We make a uecllj of ladies' baarar hia. Phone Main 8442. The Royal Hat work, 22a lit HAY AND GRAIN G. B KNIGHT, 828-80 N. 17th st Hay, grata. ...U, ..UU. .U,. WAIliaiP. INSURANCE McCARGAR, Bates A Lively, 801 Yeoa bldg MTna avaiai v iuiuiaui'C uVUtll, PAOIFIO SXAXE3 HUifl INSlUANCJD CO. vjui jiT3jmi unf mnurance compatijr HIOHK8T' pric paid for tools, old ttachioerr. umnaw Mnkk.tS kAt!1.a AJ until , vryyvt iuuuei( wttren, wa, QAtTj, LANDSCAPE GARDENING ' ' PACIJTO LandBcape Gardening company, BIS notnenim mug, rnoue aiureuail ZilOD. LANTERN SLIDE Wlaylaaj STEREO PTI CONS sold, rented; operator fur- niaaea, resiouaDie, oaiiner. a now earria. lgn. Enterprtwe Art Co., T3i4 6th. LEATHER AND FINDINGS . - CHAS. U MASTICK A CO., 74 Front Leather 01 STiry ueacnuuon. wo mauuiacturer. find, lag; KATHEE1NH KING teiche tha hard-ef-hear. ing, bob ucntrm plug. Maraball 888. X0CK8VITES- V, J. Feychak, 224 Mtln at., lockamita,. guns rryairrut wwi iiiwu aca niaue. y MACHINERY B.' TRENKMAN CO.. htdraullo and anal.1 filpa.- smok stack, oil tauka, mining ma nery, repair. 104 N, 4th. MESSENGERS HASTY MESSENGER CO., opta night aad dar Mala 63, A-2153. MORTGAGE LOANS JOHN KER, mortgage tain, lasuraaca, 808 IRffl wni. iiniu iii. MOVING PICTURES KEEP OCT OF THE RAIN Learn moving picture oDoratlnc: gai tit tin per week; eay iiMlue Work; hort hour; day - - . - m.j. w. ur , 1 ,i a making arrangement cUewhere. Leaaon rea sonable. Newman Motion I'lctare Co.. 62SU Wiahlogton t, ner 17th. 7 MUSIC SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS Ph P. F. KI88SER, vlollnlat, practical teachlna Sir 8d and VVasblugtos, av r'u. ... tii.ruEU uiuir.. (n . 1,1 1C1 .HONEY TO LOIN KEAL ESTATE ' HARTMAN-TIIOMI'HON BAN1C, 1 Chainliur of Commerca lilda. We have on hand funds for Invent - merit In good flrtt moilKaeta. If you wian to borrow on your real estate, con fer with our mortirnfre hmn department MONEY TO LOAN on city or farm property TUB irARROLDT-WlLSt. tTmrmwVi 1 710-718 LEWIS BUILDING. 4th and (Jak a la. Marohnlt 4200 A-7183 MONEY TO LOAN' ON REAL ESTATE, fi LA U rfO N-CR A IG CO Mortgage Loan Dept. 804 Oak St.. near 6th. MONEY to loan on improved farm or city property, first mortgage. R, Bue- iiaorer, z9 aimon, 6 PER CRNT MriNKir 1 A10J?2..aA ,V.er c"1' '. W!!S 7 JZ . 1 ' ' K0""- w?rl'l?iiLiH MONls,Y to loan lmpioved Portland yivyvi'.ji mwmiti lacuitip" lor tnrve i , r. ,v , r ,,wr fin Hlllf IIRK. LOANS on reul eatate and chattels, con tracts bought itoom 212 commercial Work. 8100.000 OB mOrti.'aaa. iltv nr farm X property, nre Insurance. McKensle St VP,, yeruiiKfr nun,, zq and Alder, TO loan, estate funds on real estate at ' current rates. Inaulre attnm.v rnnmi 10-12 Mulkev hlrtg,. 2d and Morrison. MONxui to loan; lurge loans a speoialty, ounaing loans; loweat ratea: fire in. suranoe. W. G. Beck. 816-316 Falling. MONEY to loan on city property; Jaa. viviv, . wva uci linger UJOg. JfUSIO SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS MASS l!.oJlnir?.d0J.1"- nttr. b.nJolntrn. MbXlUIJI RtUlUilleMl hi JO to 20 Uwqom. Pnntilnt m-lta.si 11 v a "w v"" g ,,n ' , WtMUtlHl, . ''."'- lLuU,mt!iS .T""B teher; pupil STClk JgftH?11""'- A-4li Marahall 182!). "K-"t NFimiWESTEUN Kebi,TlTnile"uT v " , 1 uinii.i nr. r.aat i3. -AW!-ON. 135 i4th. Mala 6197, leaaon, 60 rent. ' Piano OBKAKENTAL WIRE AND IRON PORTLAND WIRB ., IRON WORKS JBAM t Architectural wire nd Iron. ' M OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. UI.T.ICRIRI.r.n limaiian .. .. . inmhl. bldg. Ma I n Rfiii 1 . u Co W. ARNOI.I1 l.iMiiiir? - Hfaeumatlun. Btom.ch ami .'ii T"""r.?" eae. 618 lieknm bide. MhIm mm 'vu" ?; AiNl5 M- BKOWN. m Journal bid Hwir 10;oQ-4:30. M. B8(. Res. Tah! SHil, PATENT ATTORNEYS . .7.. V jeT" "'i 'lee. Hook iviw ix-aru or xraila h rlir PAINT, OIL AND GLASS PA-7043a PAIXT C-' 1St " ,fc WJ1334. BASMi;8SBN CO., "Ulxh Btand.rd" pataiT N. B. corner 8d and Tylor. M.-A-lffl THE BKAVEU VAKNISH WORK8 make m& Product. Aak Ae in-u. sod PAINTING AND PAPERING "S! SS2& PSrt.Mhi't f'U A. Doa-e. n bp; painting, paper hS; GOOD work "mraiotto. A. 0.bourn.'8S8 Eaal Waahlnrtnn. n.aiftT v.. a .01. T"" niK. J. A. ' nsrnOsl Mnln IQQi - . w PAYING COMPANIES WARREN CONSTRUCTION C0.-Str4 M "tSIHSi .w55 . Jr-tory ad of. .... mi.,, main uMf, PLUMB PACTOBY MRS. HARTNKSS fa.th.. ..i.'l i 171Twi?,TSiJ?'Wlt,,.,,,,ptal D w,,rk. PLUMBING SUPPLIES POPCORN CONFECTIONS STANDARD CRISP CO., 293 "GTlaa. 'ponX. Crln. Kornnt. ..lt "u, Wpcora PRINTING EOOHNO, PAINTING, REPAIRING ISHXffl ft UINXL11. .h. ,.,.i rr- hop. 648 Bavler. Main 8342, A-13B8L " " RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS 8TN.CI2 ot2?!!"' Cunning". MuiaMi, tr.ua check, bra. )an. .,.! u" avreo pro., 114 g.a.1 Marehll 1871 " SANITARIUM PORTLAND Lying-in UuspUal Maternity cil only. 816 N. 2-.'d St. Marnhall SMA ' ' SASH, DOORS, WINDOWS UNITED Glj t Glazing Co.; .ash, doer. DUte gl. 12th and (illei. Main 44SI. P SHOWCASES AND PLXTUBES ?'KL?-"iES?.A.f1' MFG. CO. Smw Window fixture. 4th nA th . SHOWCASE of etory deacriptlon, bank, bar nd .tor flxurea mad. to orderT Th. Utkl , , - -i SIGNS AND BHOWCARPB WAHAXANPER CO., 618 Commonwealth bldg Show card, cloth .lent, window trim. 'a' ; SPANISH TEACHER Helen Wood". BnanUh: tr.n.i.. ..a . Term reasonable. Eaat 61181, Wl TOWEL SUPPLY C.t?WeIS..diiLyl b"hl.P. Towel i, ""fi'v . n "ucu in,, j pet month. Portland Laundry Co. Phone Main 410, A-4410 TmOBjT SCHOOL KIESTBR'S Ladle' Tailoring College. Lean ' TRANSFER AND 8T0BAGB WCTranfM toTaaiT "tv,1 oMt'zL and : eommodlou 4 torv hi-Tev . .r.K,....- with separata iron room, and fireproof vault (or valuables, N. W, corner 2d and Pine ts Piano and furniture moved and nacba r... hipping. Special rate, mad on good. 14 our luruuau umi iv an uuuiaaiio ana roreixa Doinra Main 69, A-1098. " OREGON TRANSFER COT Establlibed 1870, TfPfer and forwarding agenta, ' - Storage, free trackage. -' Office and itoraxa' 474 (lllaan mrm . . 18th and GUaan; ' Main 69. A-11RA. PORTLAND Van A Storag Co., Inc.. 13th and Kterett; moat modern tori-a war.tim,.. la elty-4ow- flre-lnttr8!- -rate proof of thl Fre trackage, movlug, packing, ahlpplug; rel duced freight rate on household good in through car. to aad from eaat. Main 6640, A- ui!, . t - a BAUGAtim Ic Ooiuibu Traaafer Co.-nBaggag checked at your home, furnltere A. BLintiu iir yiv,(ii mr auilifueiu. ' rars ana Ua via t. ri i'bone Main 9l; A -8322. TYPEWBITERS TYPEWRITERS, lightly used, L, c. Smith 1 and all other make at reduced price and eay terms. L. C. Smith A Bro. Typewriter Co., 280 Oak t. ALL make rented, repaired, aold. Cunnlnc . ham Pa., 231 Htark. Mnln IW, VIOLIN MAKER 0. Kodee, violin maker, expert repairing, 813 Atlaxy Ping., xw Morrlaon. irorfie 8d. WHOLESALE JOBBERS DISTBlBUTllftH . OF 11 Nil CIGARS fllK IXiAWll, UK. KKDING A FAKItflXL produce and nunmla. Ion merchant, 140 Front t(- Portland, Or, ini muni 1 1 . ., MOUUAN WALL PAPER CO., 2,'iO 2d at., be tween Salmon and Mnln. Moni:y to loan lj heal estate 1 Hartman-Thompsorv Bank Mortcnge Loan Department, Fourth ami Nturk fiticeln. Chamber of Commurue Bldg. tXr. tf t . 41,. . 1 1 , .nllnnftftn. for fir8t mortgage luana, all of whi. H pave neftii apiiruvca by our muriguKe loan dcpartniunt: 36O0 On 20 acres near Sunnysidn, 10 7o nines from Portland, improve ments valued at 33200. L'tm 'valuation i800. Mortgage ' two fears. , ' jizoo un property valued at 3i'"'. lot 7 h'.'a rut aii nr. mrkriiH. i'iok to cwr. , line. 31000-On 7-room houae and lot near Johns carline In University park district. Total value of security I 32200. - 800 On 5-room house and 50x100 lot, oy Just off E. Glisan at., In Monta vllla.. Total value 31 sou, , i -On small house and 100x100 lot on Oregon City road,- Total value of property, 31600.. 'j. 700- 7e $ 400 On large ' unimproved lot 'on 107 Sandy road, just beyond cna oi paving, valued at 31200. , Hartman-Thompson.Bank ' Mortgage Loan Department, ,. Fourth and Stark Streets. ' Chamber of Commerce Blug. , MONEY TO IiOAN ON REAL ESTATE. liou AND OP. T tji Mir-rTrtt a -615 YEON BLDG.' - . Li. 1 ! ill JU !-.U.. ;L!J Li .'9 ?- Y Oil t My ' Secccss In all mr work Y am thnronah. painstaking and careful to give lust the right, treatment required in each Individual case For 16 years I have been Drovina; mv ahllltv. and mr uuaines metnod nave alway been strictly reliable. . My unqualified Success la due ta a thnrmisli medi cal education, upplcmented by year u. v&yerieiiue in men special aisi orders only. My treatment la as con rent as mnrlern anUnn. ... . mni,. 1 , Maybe you have been treated and only helped temnorariiv'ar not at a.11. Ha your trouble still the upper hand of you7 Do not despair. Consult me free and let me tell you whether yuu tiuii over oe curea.- ,'ir 1 take your case I CURE you. I wilt give my time, my attention to your case SO that you Will EO a.wn.v-cured and grateful. You need not pay a nickel until you are satisfied that you are cured. I have treated thousands. I have cured thousand. Let me cure yuu. ' ii... " .I,.." AliHi NKYV Ul'JKMAN ItKMEDT FOR BMion porsnv It 1 now two years since, the. in troduction of the NKW firrrRMAM REMEDY for BLOOD POISON, and during, that time 1 have administered this preparation In several- thousand case. I have given this remedy a severe test and can say without fear of contradiction that it Is the great est discovery of the age and the beat remedy on earth for Blood Poison re gardless of the stage of the disease. Don't believe., doctor who , tell you otherwise I introduce It directly Into the 0100a ny tne intra venous meth od, giving you the genuine German Remedy. You come to my office. r- ueive uie treatment, go aoout your work as usual and In ten day' time the aymptom disappear. Whv should you continue taking polsonoua and injurious arugs into your . stomach fur year when you can coma to ma ana De curea 1 , - - WEAK. 'NERVOUS MEN. - Don't despair. Science ha at' 1t found a aura cure. ANIMAL SERUM properly administered 1 th remedy mat never -aisappoims my patient. Don't persist In old-fashioned treat ment that always fail, when I can offer you a lasting one. . . My practice is limited to the disor- aera 01 tne male, and la further con fined to these special and chrorrio affection of th pelvlo tract These Include Lost Vitality, Enlarged Veins. Hydrocele, Blood Disorders,,. Con tracted Aliments ana Bladder and Kidney Diseases. ' I have take up these ailments especially, - because thousands of men are held down- by rhronln wenknnun , whtnh tha av.. age practicing physician does not understand and usually tries to make light of by telling the Patient that nature will soon repair the wast. It CONSULT ME FREE. ' My 1 advice and cnnaiiltntlna . a free to the afflicted, whether treat ment la taken or not I am always glad to explain my method and give friendly advice to all who call. If you cannot come to see me. writa ni self-examination blank, Hours, I a, m to 9 p. m.j Sundays. 10 to 12 only. OR D UU 221 MORRISON ST., COR; FIRST, T. eawijaiil rfa , WIUW41:; SEE MB FREE. If you are worrying about any ailment In cluded among those within which I ap. "laltze, I invite you to call at my office and I ..will give you FREE a conscientious examination and di agonals and advls you of ' th proper course : to pursue to rM vAtiraai' forever of your worry and your ailment, My year of expesience and mv nnaiif ication hav mads m an expert In the treatment of the all. ment with which MEN are afflicted. Every man calling at my office la assured of my personal and individ ual treatment until tcure i ef fected. NEOSALVARSAN Improved German Remedy for , BLOOD POISON I administer the remedy according to the very lateat method. . Come to me If you have any of the following disorders; Enlarged Veins. Plmpies, Nervous Debility. Nerve. Blood and Skin Dlaordara rtiaA.il Trouble. Blood Poison, JEruptiona ..Ulcers,. Jpeiial. Allintiiim., l'iiM tti iifaiuia. 9 to 6 t to 8 Dally; Sundays 10 to L Examination Advice Free, ', J. J. KEEFE, Ph. G.:M. D. Rooms 11-15 Lafavette I!d. 813V WAHMINGTUN ST, COli. 4T1X VOHTLAND. Oil f ii n, -"Sr "j. HSfcajajiJsiifV hi ALLli.N A Lli13-GIU)CXUi.J . fate-