EVENING. DECEMBER 13, 1312. V on but About two weeks afro tlirv committed a crime, Elomert .takinir 20 from the man's pockets, lie turned It over to Kroll, lie says, Kroll areing to set It mandlnff $15 to let him go free; This story, the detectives say, was concocted by Kroll in order to, keep all the money. Blomert also charged Kroll with cheat ing, and they agreed to dissolve the holdup partnership business, An soon as. Kroll was quizzed by the detectives he told of Blomert. The lat ter has not worked for several weeks, Kroll has been waited by the police for stealing bicycles. He lives with his parents at Twenty-second and Roose velt streets. ;l . i -. t ) changrd and give him half. Kroil's excuse for not dividing the $20 was that a patrolman arreted him, Ue- huj .iai!!.iimui i. l-ul-ilj" , ' jj AT THH M ssW Ryan Cash Grocery Co. o:::;go:i daily journal", roiiTLAND, Friday DEFESBBQE Lad Admits He Was Former Partner of Youth Caught Wednesday. V Ilenry Blomert, 17 years old, was ar i c last nljcht, and bag confessed to belief th holdup-. partner of Albert Kroll,', the 19-year-old lad, captured Wednesday 'night by F. W. Isherwood, 1064 Qulmby street, by lnvltlns him home to eat Blomert has admitted as sisting in three Crimea. - ' i , The youthful highwaymen dissolved partnership two weeks ago, when they quarreled over a division of their spoils. Both are now telling the detectives on the other. The stories show a daring i course of Conduct for boys of this age. , Detectives Mallet and Hamroersley ar. rested Blomert last midnight St his home 889 North Twenty-second street, je shortly af,ter he came home.' ' In the 1 municipal court this morning Blomert "was turned over to the Juvenile court i 'KroU Is held). to the grand Jury, v v The boys confess ; to ! the following ':; ' hoMups: ,.,.:; ;i ',;',;:-,, v'.:', ' W. Jacobean and It. T Tobln,; No ; ' yember : 8, ; at 1 Fourteenth and Kearney ,' streets,' In which Sbout $21 was taken. Richard Syke, November 17, at Four teenth and Marshall, In which the boys ,!gOt J7.V;iv --;.j..vp:,:Vi. Another crime two weeks ! ago at Twelfth and Lovejoy, whloh was not re ported to the police. -; ' - Attempted holdup of a man on Six teenth street Tuesday night The man ran, supposed to have been X A. Foull- . noux, escaped, ' .. v Kroll is the one who held the pistol, ' while Blomert searched . the - victims. rc 'us ; iwm Fresh Eggs.... i..:..35 Creamery Butter 654 and 70e? "Best Creamery. . .v .75t Dairy Butter . ...... . , 60 Largo can Milk . . . ." ,...5t Full Cream Cheese,' lb. ;...-.22 Picnic Hams, lb.. . ; . . .14$ Bacon, pound ...,17 to 20t Eastern Sugar-Cured Hams 18 5 lb. Lard Compound... 1:55 . 5 lb. Pure Lard. ...... .... .75 Saturday Is Our Chicken Day La Grande Creamery ' 864 Yainhill St tiialaf MEAT AND FISH Pork Chops, lb. ......... .17 20 Loin of Pork, lb. ........ ......18 Hind Jeg- Pork, y; ... .". . . . : , . . . 14 Bteak, lb. .:.......12H15 IT Bacon EnJs for Beans, lb....l2H Boiling Beef, lb.'... 8 Pot Roast, lb 10 12 V4 Lamb, lb. .,.,' ..7 to 15 Veal, lb...!...., .12 .to 20 Hind leg Veal, lb Id Picnic Hams, lb ' ..14 Salmon, 2 lbs.,'. ..,.25 Bmelts, 2 lbs.j 15 Tom, Cod, 2 lbs. .............. .15 Link Cod or Salt Codfish, lb.i.,10 Mackerel each J....,,.,. ,....10 Mackerel, ? Norway, f . for, 25 Holland Herring, keg..... ...$100 Fresh killed Chicken, lb; .. . ...18 . Wild Ducks, Qeese and Rabbits. r TEA,COFFEE SPICE 5 o'clock Tea, ib... ......50 Lipton ellow Label Tea, lb..60 Old Dutch Coffee, lb......... .25 Hoffman House Coffee, lb...... 30 2 cans Cocoa .....15 - BAKERY Fruit Cakes, lb. ...... ...35 50 Plum Pudding, lb.,, .....40 Honey Cake, pkg...... 10 Kisses and Macaroons, lb.. i, 60 Lady Fingers, lb 50 Van Duzen Cakes.. i. 25 to $1-00 PreUels, lb 15 CANDY Chocolate Creams, lb. .... . . . . . .40 Nougat, lb. ...................30 Taffy and Asstd. Chews, lb. ...20 Plain Mixed, lb., 15 2 for... 25 - All kinds fancy boxes reasonable prices. ' J BUTTER, EGGS, CHEESE Oregon Mist Butter, lb. ...... .40 B. & M. Special Butter, lb. .....35 Elgin Butter, 2 lbs. ....... ....80 Sllverjon Butter, I lbs..,. .,..80 Honeysuckle Butter, S lbs. .....60 Minnesota Tub Butter, lb. .....35 Bulk Butter, 2 lbs. ............ TO Oleo Butter, Ib .'.25 Best Oregon Eggs, 2 dos..,...85 Fine Eastern' Eggs, I dos..t...G5 Baking Eggs. 2 do , 45 Valley Poultry Farm Eggs, not . over days old, dos...,..,..50 Tillamook Full Cream Cheese, ; per Umv. 22tt Imported Swiss Cheese, lb. . . . .35 Domestto Swiss Cheese, lb.. ...30 Block Swiss Cheese, lb.. ..25 Prlmost Cheese, 2 lbs......... 35 Mt Vernon or Pioneer Milk, 2 cans ......................15 DELICATESSEN Home Made Bauer Kraut, qt..10 Dill Pickles, dos... lO Fresh Hominy, qt...... .10 Large Spanish Olives, qt.,,..,45 New Summer. Sausage, lb,.,.. .30 Lea h Perrln's Sauoe, bottle.... 25 Genuine Paprika, can. ... ,,., 10 Home Made Raspberry Jelly, ' Jw .25 WASHINGTON CORNER FIRST, AND WA3H I NGTON ST. FRUIT, VEGETABLES Fresh Huckleberries, 2 lbs. '....25 Bananas, dos.......lO 15 20 Spltzenberg Apples, dos., ,,..., 10 Large Fancy Pears, doi. .... . .20 Florida Qrape Fruit, each,.. ....5 Small sice Grape Fruit, 7 for. ..25 Large size Qrape Fruit. 2 for, .15 Large Fanoy Navel Oranges, ' box .....J ;..$1.75 Sweet Oranges, dot... .... .-. . ,15 Largest Ornage grown, dos.,U 35 Walnuts, 2 lbs.,,.i..f . i35 Brasll Nuts,' lb. i V ... i ..... 15 Mixed Nuts, 2 lbs.,.t..M....A35 Lemons, doa. '": . ...... ,,15 Irish Potatoes, sack!..,. .....75 Irish Potatoes,: 23 lbs... ..25 Sweet Potatoes, 11 lbs. ....... ,25 Dried Onions, -"18 . lbs..... . . .25 Squash, each. ....... ,5 10 15 Cauliflower, each. . . .... . , .5 10 Celery; bunch, 5 t for...... 10 Celery Hearts, bunch, 10 I.. 25 Cucumbers, 2 for. . . . . 10 California Lettuce, head, ea..,..5 2 for ...10 Green Peppers, lib . .. , . . , .. .... 10 Radishes, 2 bunches.......... .'.56 Sprouts. lb ' 1Q62 for. ... . .25 GROCERIES II lbs. Gran. Sugar....... .. ,$100 lb. sack Oraham.,.., .......25 4 pkgs. Com Flakes.. ...... ...25 2 "pkgs. Quaker Oats..'. ....... 25 2 pkgs. Puffed Rice or Wheat.. 25 1 pkg. Pancake Flour,,',. ......10 2 cans Salmon ......,.,..,..25 2 cans Tomato or Corn., ...... 25 Pumpkin, regular 180, ea..,.,.llc Asparagus, regular 20o. es,.... 19 4 pkgs. Mince Meat..,......, .25 5 lbs. Italian Prunes. .... ,. ...25 4 lbs. Fancy Peaches .....25 2 lbs. Silver Prunes.. ...... ...15 4 lbs. Seeded Raisins, lb, pkgs. ,25 2 lbs. Citron ........,,.-..,...356 2 )bs. Dried Apricots........... 356 2 ibs. Mission Figs, black or . white - ........ ..4. .25 New Dates, lb .10 Seeded Raisins, pkg. ............ 5 2 combs good Honey.,.. ..... ..256 2 eombs best Honey .. .356 Honey in 7-lb. palls, per pall... 906 Ammonia Blueing, bottle... ..... 5 EASTERN BACON Sugar cured (Guaranteed) 20c per lb.' ' ROAST OF BEEF IOC: Per lb. TENDERL'N STEAK , 15c : Per lb. ROAST OF LAMB 8c Per lb. EASTERN HAMS (Guaranteed) 18c Per lb. 5 lbs. LEAF LARD . , v - . -f? Per can Loo'i for the SEATTLE MARKET In the Washington Poblic Market v , Corner Flrot nnd Waohlngton Everything sold on a cash basis, which enables us to give our patrons the lowest possible prices, Bring us your, list of wants this Saturday, and let us show you what we are able to do for you. ) V ; V'O V- Look Over This List and Report Early, W, specials roa sattobat AXS JUUXj KXXSS VXTTS. 8 LBS. ....... ,...35 20LbsPurcGran-d:i00 ulated Sugar for With 3 orders, exclusive of Snrar. ! .,b'- Jtw Granulated Sugar 506 13 lbs, Cube Sugar ...R1.00 H5"2eBt rde' "ack 1.25 Best grade, barrel.... 4.65 SUaAR-loO-lb. sack ......... ,f 5.45 'yi 20TAT0SS Fancy Burbank Potatoes, sack,:.. 706 30 lbs. Burbank Potatoes......... 256 ' opeoiai prices to boarding houses, res taurants, or orders over liC Fancy Cooking Apples, box . ... . , T06 Fancy Spltaenberg Apples, box SI. 10 Fancy Baldwin Apples, box.......gl.OO Special 2 -lb. tin Ger.-Am'can Coffen 1 3-lb. tin Royal Club Coffee ....ft 1.10 Bulk Coffee, Ib....... 25-30-35-406 itancn jggs, 00S, .406 S0A2 AITS rOWDZB ,' 26e pkg. Gold Dust, Citrus. or Pearl Ine wasnmg powder ...............206 pkgs. Small Pearllne ...........256 7 pkgs. Nox-Em-All Powder....... 256 bars Lenox. Crystal White. Fairy. r Sunny Monday, Golden Star or Naptha Soap for , 25 2 pkgs. Gloss Starch .............156 lOo bottle Blueing , 56 3 bottles Ammonia .....256 CABBAGE Sack, solid .' . ... . . . . .506 11.25 BOX SODA CRACKERS ..,.75 MATCHES T boxes ............. .256 BROOMS Each . ...... ...30-40-5O6 WASH BOARDS Each ...30-35-456 ' 'MZSCSLAHZOTTSJ BABOAUTS 10 lbs. Table Salt 15; 2 for...... 25 SO lbs. Table Salt ........50 4 lbs. Small White Beans.,. ......25 5 lbs. Mexican Red Beans, ...... ..25 3 cans Corn .....................256 3 large bottles Cider Vinegar 256 2 large bottles Catsup ...........256 26o Snider Catsup 206 2 pkgs. Corn Flakes 156 l ib. Black or White Pepper 306 1 lb. English Breakfast or Gunpowder Tea for 356 25 lbs. Italian Prunes S1.00 4 lbs. Dried Peaches ..256 2 lbs. Sago or Tapioca 156 3 cans Lye or Dutch Cleanser .....256 12 lbs. Fanoy Lge. Sweet Potatoes 256 15 lbs. Dry Onions 25 Good Assortment of fresh Vegetables. Ryan Cash Grocery Co. WEST BTBB SISTK ADD DAYXS Phones i Main T633, Marshall 4283, A-K844 SvSB e. Is si i iL s!1mbsJ jT""Lje s -is mm a. THAN EVER! At the . "State" the Market of Low Pricei. flte, mm f me .Moil POM Nice, Choice, Roast of Pork, for Saturday Only STEAES ' Nice, Choice, Juicy " Steak, for Saturday Only Hlb 5 lbs. Compound 40c 10 lbs. Compound 80c Roast of Beef, per lb... 10c and W2c Our Home-MaHe Sausages Are the Best You Ever Tasted. FRESH EGGS AND POULTRY IN ABUNDANCE S T A T IE MARKET: Jobbers ' Wholesalers Retailers 221 FIRST, STREET, CORNER SALMON CHAS. S. RUDEEN, Prop. F'EOIPILE'S AMiJOAIL HOLIDAY SAlLE - IPEO FILE'S A HJ A Free Delivery ' SELLWOOD TUESDAY ' ..MT; SCOTT, LENTS, ROSE CITY, . WEDNESDAY. - MONTA VILLA, THURSDAY DAILY DELIVERY , TO OTHER - PARTS OF THE CITY Do You A pleasure it is to do your Xmas shopping at the PeopleV H Portland's Biggest Busiest Market. A saving the People's af- .. yfljy fords you on supplie&for your Xmas festivities. Read theseprices IRggllig over careM our store, and we are sure you will realize. Free! Free! Free! BASKET WITH EACH $2.00 OR- DER TAKEN HOME ; , SUGAR EXCLUDED A 1 Q IL E ID) A Y 1 Q Pounds Gran- (Pi M ulated Sugar P A ltts. Pure Orsaulsied Vas;sr. ..... $Q4 100 lbs. rare OrsaaUteA nr. . 5.45 100 lbs. Pace Trait larsjr ..95.65 13 lbs. I.of Suffer ......... n. .SI. 00 t lbs. Powdered Buffs ...........254 Domino Suffer, 8 lbs, 351 8 lbs., 65 ' ty " ' '.:'.. i ' '(SBBBSSBBSl "aBI'B"MMSaSMaiaMIMBMSWSMMMM . Just Visit Our Coffee . and Tea Department - Try eur Orsnd Bpeels ICoffst, lb. 254 out Tin Coffee, 3541 3 lbs...gi.QO Oresoent, M. J. 8- Ooiden West, CU .tnond W, Boysi Club sad e41 ether standard breads t ffTesUy redooed '. ttrics. T .-. Special Blend Tea. Ib......,;'.;.'.;.; au sen ffrea.ee Tea, id.. W-lb, ean White House Ooooa, ....ikj MM H VV IUH saVHSe VBVWMtt i All Best Grades of Flour Sack $1.25, Barrel $4.75 SS.!:::::::::::::::::::1:B , East.ru Bye and Wheat flour COm-B5-Ib. sack, 65! 60-lb. seek.... 81.25 pound, 10-lb. sack ..............30 : Fresh Corn Meal M Smell seek 25 10 lbs. pastry Plour ......... .25 A E Cereals 10-lb. sack Olympic Pancake flour 40 Aunt Jemima's Pancake Plow, pkffs. for ...25 Small tack Buckwheat Flour..,. . .45 BUreddsd Wheat, pkff. i....10 ' Vnole Sam's Breakfast Pood ;.... 20 3 pffs. ro.t TOasties , 25 Cream of Wheat, pkff. t .1. ....... .15 aermaa Breakfast Pood. Dksv. . . . . 2K B vkss. Quaker Puffed Kioe or Wheal 1 or .zne p-lb. sack Bollod Oats .35 X.arire pkr. Olywpio Wheat Xsarts 25 ids. 4ayo Beans ....,.,,..,.25 S lbs, larre White Beans. .25 a ids. i.iina seans o ids. srvxeu moi i. , . e-lo sack cracic.a somla a ins. j-iaa.a tkomiaj ...... 1 .... Presh lye Hominy, per quart. ..... 10 05. Meats - Lard - Butter - Eggs Veal Vetl Loin or Leg Rost, ib... ...,20 Shoulder Veal Roast, Ib. ...15 Breast of Veal, lb. . . 15 Shoulder Veal Steak, lb 15 Loin Veal Steak, lb. ...,. 20 ; Loin Pork Roast, lb. ............. .'.-........lrK 1 Shoulder Pork Chops, lb ................. i . . '. 1 5 Loin Pork Chops, lb. ....,'..17' Fresh Side Pork, lb.. .........i..l5 Salt Pork; Backs, lb. ..................... ...15 Salt Pork, Sides, lb 15 Pickled Pork. lb. .17$ Shoulder PorW Roast, lb..., i......l2ja and 15f ;w Mutton Loin Mutton Chops, Ib ;,......... . . . Shoulder Mutton, lb.r.V..i;..........;8 and IQf : Mutton Stew, lb.if.' ...T and.8 Shoulder Mutton Chops, 4b... 4... ...... -0f Breast for Stuffing, lb .18 Mutton, Leg or Loin Roast, lb. . . . . . ,,,,,,, .12 . . j.Saiisage ' Wienerwurst, lb. ;J.......12U Bologna Sausage, lb. ...12" Head Cheese, lb. v.10 " Liver Sausage, lb. . ; I. . . . 10 Light Breakfast Bacon, lb .......... .20 and 22 Milk i 2 cans Aster Milk.,..., .V. . Vl5j Dozen cans Aster Milk . ....... . .OOt Case Aster Milk .$3.50 2 cans Carnation ............ r. ..... . .15 Dozen cans. Carnation .00 Case Carnation ...,............... $3.50 S cans small Carnation ., .'. , .25 . Borden's Eagle'Brand,':ian.ti;it015. Z Borden's Eagle Brand, dozen.. m . .$1.75 2 cans Pioneer Milk .......... ....... 15t iDozealPionee-;;t:!.V ; Case Pioneer , . . . . , . ......... $3.50 Beef Beef Sirloin Roast, lb. ... .. . .. . .". .12" Sirloin Steak, lb. 124 Shoulder Steak, lb. , . ..... ..... . . , .12 Rib Boiling Beef, lb. ............. .....8 and 10 Lean Beef Stew, lb. ......... ,t ..... . . . 8 and 10 Beef Shanks, lb, .........5 Round Steak, Ib. ....15 Pot Roast, lb. .....................10 and 12J4 Pure Lard 3s ......;.B5 5s'... .....80 10a ........ f 1.50 Lard Compound r ' 5s ' : i;. . .'. .. .... ....55 lOs-.V. i . . w ..$i.oo . Cottoleno ............. .35, 65, $1.50 Kaola ' ... .60, 90, $1.60 Swift's Cottosuet, 5s 65 JOs ",, ; ,; ; . . . ......$1.25 Crisco, can.....;Vv;r..V..i..;.30f 55, f 1.05 Dairy Products Best Oregon Creamery Butter, roll. . , , T5 and 80 Oleomargarine, 2 lbs. , .... .... ........ . . , ,50 Good Eggs, 2 doten . .V. ..,., 1 1 ..,. .55 Domestic Swiss Cheese, lb. ........ . . . . . . . , . . 30 Best Oregon Ranch Eggs, strictly fresh, 2 dozen 85 Cream Brick Cheese, Imported 25 Limburger Brick - . ,........,,,25 Tillamook Full Cream Cheese, 2 lbs.. ....... ....45 In order to give good delivery service Saturday, we take phone orders until 10 o'clock Friday evening, - Main 570O.A-6255 MAILJ ORDERS SOLICITED PROMPT AT TENTION GUARANTEED & Fruits, Vegetables and Nuts Oregon Potatoes, 20 lbs, 25 sack 75 Sweet Supds, 10 lbs...................... 25 Extra Nice Cape Cod Cranberries, none better . in Portland, 2 quarts ........................25 2 large bunches Fancy Celery .15 California Head Lettuce, 2 for ........... ..,.15 Large Cauliflower, each ............10 and 15 Extra large Green Peppers, 2 lbs.. . .... . ... ,, .25 Cabbage, Pumpkin and Squash, lb........ 1 Large Navel Oranges, dozen . , 30 Fancy Spitzenberg Apples, box ........ .$1. 81.25 Belhiower, Baldwin, Jonathan and other fine Apples, per box .... ..........75 to $1, Filberts and Brazil Nuts, lb. 20 Almonds, hardshell, lb. .......15 English Walnuts, lb. ..............15 Peanuts and Shelled Popcorn, 3 lbs............ 25 Hickory Nuts, lb. 10 Mixed Nuts, lb. . .15 Popcorn on cob, Ib. ' 5 Honey Specials Pure White Cdmb Honey, each 15 Dark Comb Honey, 2 for ....25 Pure Extracted Honey, pints 25 quarts 50 Gallons $1.25 Fish took risk, Id...... 20 BHos Cod rUh....,.20 ,oo run, ...... ,.io alt Balmos, lh. .... 15 a lbs. for......... 25 Fish Xpperea Salmou, lh. 20 BloaUrs, e for..;.,. 25 Keokerel, S for. . .. .25 Alaska Herrtair, aos.30 Xes; Bollaaa Xerriss; 91 Home Made Dried Fruit Silver Francs, 3 lhs,,,.. White and Black fifs, lk Currants, pks;. v, S pkfs. Seeded Baialss... Sulk-Jtaislas, 3 Iks. ........... Bleached Balslns, S lhs Brled Aprloots, a lhs.. ......... Prases, 8 lbs.....,'.,......... Dried XUspherxlss, lb.... 25 .5 10 ...25 ...25 ...25 ...25 ...25 ...25 ...30 Canned Fruit teeaeeee 15 BA4 lMtn earn Aprloots maeeppls, eaa raohes, can JUvtf Jar Applehtttter....,..., ric&lo Freserres, a Jars........ Boiled Cider, large bottle.., .... Hood River- Older, allon lemon, Orange or Citron reel, Ik 8 pkc. XOnoemeat ...15 25 ..15 15 25 25 35 35 20 25 Syrups Stonaroh Cane end Kaple Crrap, . ralloa . ......75 People's Pancake Drips, relln....45 Parrell's Peerless Syrup, small can. 10 ParreU's Weddinc Breakfast, 1. .90 1 rallon Sara .,.55 Molasses, gti. 45 H aal.......25 ill CD L X Grocery Y is oniGiiiAL J1 cA2H-sron j . ' . Made in Our Own Candy Kitchen. Cream Taffy and Peanut Brittle, lb. .... . 15 Cream Cocoanut and Panoche, lb., 20? Fruit Fudge, lb. . .i5t Special sale on large assortment of Christmas . . cancues, .. ? OK. . ..Tomatoes Z cans :..: . . . . . . I . . , . . ....2o cansCorn .......................... . .25 Case Corn . ... i . .. 1.90 3 cans Chipped Bsef.. ......... .,..25 3 cans Alaska Salmon..... ........ e cans Bomestlo Oil Sardines...... 25 3 eons Imported 0U Bardlns......25 8 cans Mustard 8ardlaea........25 3 cans OTSters, Clams or Shrimps. .25 -8 cans Peas. . . v . ; . -i-ittTviTtri-n-t-iTt 5' ' 8-lh, can Asparagus.. .v. . .........20 1 Id. Xamford's BaUsg Powder. ..30 1 lb. Wadoo or White Bouse Baklnr Panojr Cookies, 6 pkas...t,i,.v..,.25 SSo bom Craoktrs. ................ .20 $1.10 box, Crackers' ......... ....85 Olnfftr Bnops la small paper bar ;'f" WIS ' ..''''.r.;,'' ,'.. .if. ',20'.:. Balk Olng-er Snaps, Ik. 10 Vneeda Biscuits, e pkft i: . ..25 Bpeolal sole ; ea Soaps, . Washls Powd'r, etc ''K:'yr.-,'f::, 10 bars People's SaVoa ... . . . .25 .7 bars White Wonder..'. ...25 8 bars Pels Btptho, Polrr, Sunny . . . .Monday ...... . . . . . ............ .25 8 faU lh. bars Laundry Soap..,.. 25 BEOBi C'OBP