The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 12, 1912, Page 23, Image 23

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''Money Trust" Witnesses Say
Stock Exchange Borrows '
, $25,000,000 Daily.
(United Preas teased Wire.)
Washington, Deo;' 12. Indignant de
nials of allegations that brokers In th
Now York stock , exchang are. unduly
held In Washington to testify before the
house committee investigating the mon
ey trust wa made today by Representa
tive Pujo, chairman of the committee.
"The moat? sensational testimony,"
Vujo said, "la yet to come. There are
CO more witnesses to be examined. When
we finish with these men, they will be
. excused, and, not before.'1 ' i
" "li-wi expected -that '.the hearing
. would adjourn at 7 p. m. today until
; Monday. The committee probably will
excuse the witnesses early, next week
until early in January, adjourning for
the holidays.
; president DeAgnero ,' of the Consoli
date Exchange, of New York, . was the
first witness today, He described the
feud which exists between his organi
sation and the New York stock ex
change. , DeAgnero charged the steel
trust and the ' Pennsylvania, Lehigh
and Santa Fe railroads with dlsorlmlna
tlon against the consolidated exchange
and that many other Interstate corpo
ration limited trading In their stockl
to the New York stock exchange. He
asserted that members of the Consoli
dated exchange were barred from the
floor of the New York stock exchange:
J. 1L Orlesel and Charles Turner as
serted that 125,000,000 loans were made
dally to the New York stock exchange
without any official record being made.
Orlesel testified .that the biggest
lenders to the stock exchange were the
Cltt, National bank, the Chase National
l&Kuk, the Bank of Commerce, J. P. Mor-ra-an
ft Company, and Kuhn, Loeb & Com
pany. , .
y A voluntary non-suit was granted S,
A. D. Puter at bis request by Circuit
- Judge McGinn in his suit to recover
1(0.000 from Albert W. Fl field this
morning. Puter sued charging false ar-,
. rest last June, whea he was Imprisoned
en the charge of being a fugitive from
Justice from Minnesota. The taking of
. testimony of Puter' witness was car
ried out this morning without cross-ex-
- amlnatlon that the testimony may be
used in damage suit which Puter will
probably start in Minneapolis,
Piles Quickly
Cured at Home
Instant Relief, Permanent Care Trial
Package Mailed Free to All
in Plain Wrapper,
- . Tlie lyrinid Smile.
Many cases of Piles have been cured
by a trial package of Pyramid Pile Rem
edy without further treatment. When
it proves its value to you, get more from
your druggist at 60c a box,, and be sura
you get the kind you ask for. Simply
fill out free coupon below and mall to
day. Save yourself from the surgeon's
knife and Its torture, the doctor and
his bills. ,, . ,
Pyramid Bldg., Marshall Mich.
kindly send me a sample of Pyramid
file wemeay, at once by mall. FREE,
is piain wrapper.
Kama.... .,.
City . . . ....... ..iState....
sfTf gr rrt -i
;t,;V -T 7 olson Oak
Via- Blanehard's Bosero fcotioa
J01 y Druggists.
.' MtBB diagnosis, instruction and ad
vice by C E. Blanchard. at 231 Bth st...
ortiana. Me win also state now the
leeas will act and difppcflr under the
disease wurncrandisaD
use of this lotion. Cell from 1 to 7
svm, or write zor symptom- bianx.
Financial institu
tion are got to and
sometimes do put on
"airs." An informal
atmosphere prevail
here at all times
making: it in reality
a financial home for
htm who would bo
cared for in i home
like way.
I Hartman-
Fourth and Stark -
"'v i i .... i
Notes of Wednesday's Happenings
Brief Taingraplu Giro Journal Reader the New of !Late Yesterday
.Afternoon and
.V'-.'"'-,- Congressional. -) '
Tt have heard much of slavery in
the south, but no brutality or Infamy in
all southern slavery Is so villainous as
this license authorising Jack Johnson,
a negro prlxe-fighter, to .wed,a white
woman and bind her in the wedlock of
black slavery This was the declara
tion in the hons Wednesday of Repre
sentative Roddenberry, . of Georgia, in
proposing; a constitutional 'amendment
prohibiting inter-marriage of white per
sons and negroes. II bitterly attacked
the Chicago authorise for granting the
license to jonnson.
Congressman Warburton, of Tacoma,
Wash.,' is endeavoring to secure an ap
propriation from Congress for a tl-foot
plk from Lansing, Mich., to Chicago
and Springfield, III., north to Madison,
Wis., west to De Moines and north to
fil paut. This plan Is to build a con
crete base and surface the road., with
vitrif iei brick., rrrrrr.-y-'.
"7 That a law authorizing a physical val
uation of railroads, considered most
necessary In the proper estimating of
freightand passenger rates, could be
passed with a little agitation, among
Senators Is the belief of those who ad
vocate the measure. The bill was passed
in the house of representatives, It is
said, wltti the belief that It would be
buried in committee tipon reaching the
(Senate. . y-c'Q"W:ti''' f '-:'; ;UW
; Secretary Btlmson told the house com
mittee on military affaire Wednesday
about the plans of the government for
the ? fortification of Hawaii through
works back of Pearl Harbor; and about
plan for guarding the Panama Canal
on land by troops stationed along It, as
well as at its two and. The protecting
fore would muster 8,000 or 10,000 men.
He particularly urged the seed of In
creasing the field artillery. -
Democratic representatives in Con
gress from New York stat have come
to the rescue of their fellow member,
and have gone on record In a caucus as
opposing the proponed purchase 6f Mon
tlcello. The Senate has passed the
necessary resolution, and It la up to the
house for action. '
While it Is settled that several In
come tax bills will be introduced this
session, the opinion is general among
Democratic leaders that it will not be
worth while to press such bills this sea.
Ion, but rather to wait until the special
session, when the Democrat have full
control of Congress. .-.
A bill dedicating SS per cent Of the
proceeds from public lands to construc
tion and improvement of publlo roads
has been introduced by . Representative
Mondell, of Wyoming.
Congressman Hawley appeared before
the House publlo building committee
Wednesday, presenting in detail the
claim of Roseburg, CorvaHIs, .Oregon
City, Grant Pass, Ashland. Astoria and
Klamath Fall for publlo buildings, also
10,000 additional for Albany: .
WiB. Andrson and ELH. Wright, at
torney for Jack Johnson, negro prize
fighter, appeared in United States Judge
Carpenter' court Wednesday and asked
to nave their names stricken from the
record in the white slavery case in
which th negro is implicated. They
said they refused to have anything to
do with Johnson since his marriage to
LucliU Cameron, a whit irl.
California societies In Illinois and
New York will Petition Washington au
thorltie to allow them to charter th
first passenger steamer to pasa through
th Panama Canal, following In the path
of the first battleship to ttiak th trip.
Forty "thousand letter in five months
represent th total of Governor Wilson's
mail since he came into prominence as
the Democratlo candidate for President
last July.
The excls board of the District of
Columbia promulgated yesterday a aras
tld rule which-forblds any saloonkeeper
to sell anything not to b flruna on in
premises, "except In original pack
ages." Th new order specially atate
it is aimed at "the growler trade.'
The le-west recorded price for a stock
exchange seat lnce 10T was reached
thia week, when John H. Reynolds, Jr.,
sold his seat to Frederick Lewlsobn for
$65,000. Three weeks ago seats were
sold at $73,000.
The board of education of New York
Cltv ha adODted a rule abolishing all
secret societies in th schools, on the
ground that the have a detrimental in
fluence on the students.
A case probably unique 1n th annals
of th Supreme Court of th United
SUtes under the Sherman Anti-Trust
law was argued before that tribunal on
Wednesday, when a "trust" in churns
nri butterworker was asked to pay
threefold damages, or mor than $400,
000, on a charge of driving a competitor
out of business.
With th melting pot at white heat
and molda waiting for the liquid metal,
Glacinto de Carrlo and hi wife wr
arrested Wednesday at their Horn in
Braddock, Pa. The officers confiscated
many counterfeit half dollar,
pacific Coast.
An abandoned full sised balloon with
wicker basket attached wa found by
Fred Chappell, Df. J. A, Chappell and
Jesse Reeve, while the trio were hoot
ing quail about 20 mile from Ballnaa,
Cal. . -
Fear that h would follow hi wife
to the Nana insane asylum caused w,
R. Ross, 45 years old, to blow out his
brains at Ban Ffanclsc Wednesday.
RcswlfVwaa Taken -to Napa a few
days ago and sine he tia been obsessed
with the dread that officer wer com
ing for him.
As a result of the Mar Island navy
yard's underbidding all rival concerns,
the treasury department today ordered
.the revenue cutter Manning to Mar
Island, December 20, when repairs coat
ing $60,000 will b started. Repairs
also are to be made this month on th
cruiser Denver. .
After examination on Monday for in
sanity before Superior Judge Harris at
Oakland, George Skinner, a tailor, was
bo elated at being declared sane that
he went to the . Seventh street bridge.
Wednesday, slashed his throat and other
parts of hi body with a razor and then
jumped into the bay to flrown. II was
pulled from tho water, but died later.
Although an avalanch of bricks foil
about .them, two men employed at the
store room of the No Ice Refrigerating
company escaped injury when a build
ing In, the heart of the buslnes dis
trict of Lot Angelet collapsed. The
damage wa estimated at $10,000. v
Two beans, on of which has sprouted
into an embryo plant, : were removed
Wednesday from the bead of a Mexi
can laborer at 8an Bernardino.- Th
beans had entered hi heed through his
leu ear. u n growing piant wa nearly
an inch lonit and aoDarentlv had flour.
ished in the ear tube, :
jura, tiuriwii iiiur, vrno ay mi
she wa bom In Danville, Hi., was taken
into custody by immigration inspectors
as she stepped from th Pacific Mail
liner Teraia, from th orient at ftui
J1 1"TT4'9,5il4-el
ported, on th trip ero-he Pacific
Mrs. Blair was second in a cigarette
smoklriif contest, her Record having been
tv cigarette a eay for IT days.
The logging camps in the Astoria dls
trlut er running full fore, bnt it is
understood they will cine down about
December n for . the Christmas hoti
Oay While, there no shortage- of
Last Night.
logs, nor Is on anticipated, th demand
Is strong and price good, , ;
iv:v'.V';:-- ForciRn. ' ; V.
Queen Elisabeth of Belgium celebrated
her $7th anniversary Wednesday, She
propose to use part of thrglft mad
to her In assisting the suffering vic
tims of the Balkan War, as th is in
sympathy with the etruggte of tho Bal.
kan state against Turkey. , .
Reports have been rife of difference
between the civil ! lords and ' th aea
lord of the British admiralty and these
led Wednesday to close catechism In
th house of. commons by Charles
Beresford of Winston Spencer Churchill,
first, lord of - th " admiralty. Mr.
Churchill admitted ' that certain aea
lords had been asked tov resign,
The Greek steamer Ahtonioa, from the
Hungarian seaport of Flume ties been
lost with all hand, It is feared, oft the
Sicily Isles.' Quantities of wreckage
marked Greta Holme, the former name
of th Antonlos; hav been washed
ashore. ;-i i-.---r; Wi r-r-
Rebel forces recently mobilised below
Juarea, have evaded the two federal col
umns moving against them. The com
bined rebel force, mor than 100 mounted
men, are. moving rapidly Into the Casas
Grande dlstrlat, recently evacuated ty
General Blanco' forces.
' ' Miscellaneous. '-. ,
According to 'Officers of the Pacific
Mall , steamer Peru, eight Nloaraguan
generals, who took an active part in the
recent uprising in th Central Ameri
ca republic, escaped with their liv
through the intervention of American
authorities. Th former rebel leader
are now living a exiles la Salvador,
and Include Juan Carrlllos, Antonio
Castro, I. Chaves and son, B. Ballnaa,
D. Vlllavlcenclo and Caleo Barleto.
Because a steel rail, part of a load oa
a work train near Renp, Nv., , rolle-1
from the car, sweeping off a gang of
laborers, two are dead and three bad
ly injured. Th rail acted a a lever
and threw two of the men under the
wheel of the train.
Joseph P. Nash and Charles Bridge
man, of the firm of Nash V Brldgeman,
of Clyde Park, Mont, were awarded th
$5000 first pris for the best f iv
bushels of wheat exhibited at th North
west Products exposition held at Mlnne.
epoli in November.
uuring the past fiv year all coal
lands told by the government to pri
vate corporation hav avaraaed $1$ an
acre, while the prlo received by private
individuals for th same lands has aver
aged $180, according to facts presented
to Representative Mondell of Wyoming
by Secretary of th Interior Fisher.
Arter attending a Salvation Arm
meeting- in Chicago, Stephen La Port
confessed that he killed Walter Taylor,
a rancher of Tucson, Arlx., mor than
"ve years ago, ,
President Tift u i-mUx
dent of the American Red Cros at th
eighth annual meeting of th orga ta
xation held in Washington.
in Battleship Nw Hampshire got
hurry orders Wednesday nlrht to nrn-
fl to San Domingo. The New Hamp-
ir i aia jo nave considerably less
normal sunolv of com in .r
bunker, but she did not wait to r
pienisn it, but sailed at midnight. It
is understood another serious uprlstns
vrvxm ounn me island republic.
Her refusal to marry Peter Jorgeri
sen, mining engineer at Sheridan.
"J-, cost Maxln Clayton her lif
Wednesday. Refused for th last time,
Jorgensen ended a wooing that began
in uieir cniiahooa by shooting her
through the heart and sending a bullet
tiirvugn uu own head.
(speetil to The Jonrnal.)
Mil ton. Or, Dec. 12 A larculv
tended meeting of business men and
rancher was held in the rooms of th
Freewater Commercial club to obtain an
extension of the Walla Walla Valley
Railway company from Freewater to
Vincent in th Hudon Bay country. L.
A. ROth. the right of way man of the
company, wa detained at Th Dalle
and telegraphed to hav th meeting
A committee, consisting of C B, Mil
ler, D. C, Sanderaon, H. O. Mansfield
and H. V. Murray, was appointed to get
the necessary data to place before th
meeting to be called later.
Th city election in Milton called
forth no opposition to the caucua ticket,
the following being; elected: Mayor, H.
A. Williams; eouncllmen, R. Vanoll, R.
McEwan, O. W. Johnson, N. T. Manela:
recorder, Roy Samuels; treasurer, Tom
Th ordinance to vote $11,000 to ex
tend the pipe lino for the development
of mor electrio power for th extension
of th lectrlo power system failed to
pass. - - .. . ...
Tlmo It! Ko Indigestion, Ga or
Sourness Five Minute After
Taking "Pape'g ptapepsln.
If what you Just ate is souring on
your stomach or lies like a lump of
lead, refusing to digest or you belch
gas and eructate our, undigested food,
or hav a feeling of dizziness, heart
burn, fullness, nausea, bad taste in
mouth and stomach headache this 1
Indigestion. , ,
A fun case of Pape s Dlaoenstn coats
only fifty cant and will thoroughly
our - your out-of-order stomach, and
leave sufficient about the house in case
some one else In the family rnav suffer
from atomach trouble or. Indigestion.
Ask your pnarmacist to show voti
th formula plainly printed on thes
fifty-cent cases, then you will under
stand Why dyspeptio trouble of all
kind must go, and why. they usually
relieve sour. Out-of-order stomach or
indigestion In five minute. Dlapepalri
1 harmless and taste Ilk. , candy,
though caoh dose contains power suffi
cient to digest and prepare for assimi
lation into the blood all th food you
eat; besides, it makes you .go to the
table with, a healthy appetite; but what
will please you most Is that yau will
feel that your stomach and Intestines
re clean end fresh, and you wilimot
need to resort to, laxative or liver
Thi cuy win nave mnyv Diapeosin
cranks, as som will call them,
but you will b cranky about this eplen-
aia aiomacn ' preparation, too;.
ever try a little for indigestion or gas
tritis of any other utomnch misery. '
uoi some now. tma minute.and for
ever Hd yourself - of stomach troUbfa
and lndlffciitlon. r '
smell ia
new Members elected
to state legislature
Georre W. Johnaoa of Balem, repre
. aentatlve from Marion county;
(stlta Burets et The Jonrel.l .
Salem, Or, Dec. 1 J. George W. John
son, who served In the 111 lower house
and wa reelected this year, i on of
th group of Marion legislators who pro
poses to set tight on the expense lid,
"It is going to be my Job to help re
duce taxes," declared Mr. Johnson, who
has been a resident of Marlon eounty
for 6S years and a dealer in merchan
dise in Salem for the last' JO years.
When Mr. Johnson was two year old
hi father crossed the plain with an
ox team and young Georg has been
growing up with th country aver since.
, - (Sla Bansa of The Jennet.)
Salem, Or., Deo. 1I.TO think that
these boy and girl ar doing the most
essential things In life th Work In
th homo and In th school and ar
happy in doing It"
That sentiment wa expressed many
times yesterday by DrWallac ButtrickJ
of the Rockefeller Foundation while he
was visiting somaof Oregon's country
schools and studying th plan of giving
school credits for home industrial
work. He wae accompanied by State
School. Superintendent Ik R. Alderman,
who took the New York visitor to the
Oak Point and Buena Ylsta schools in
Polk county.
- .Dr.. Buttrlck wa intensely interested
in the horn industrial credit plan and
said h thought it on of the best
schemes yet devised for developing th
child naturally and wholesomely.
"By giving sohool credits for thi
horn worit-you- aigniry th work," he
said, "and boys and girl like to do
work they think is worthy of their ef
forts." Dr. Buttrlck assured Superintendent
Alderman that he Intended to keep In
touoh with the new movement and give
It more attention.
(Special to The' Journal.)
Centralis, Wash., Deo. 12. At the
lection In Central! Monday $300,000 in
bond was voted for purchase of the
local water plant of the Washington
Oregon corporation and the construction
of a municipal gravity water system
from the headwatenrof the Newaukum
river. The proposition won by ?JT to
SOS. every ward in th city being car
ried. Of the $300,000 voted $1SS,000
will be used for th purchas of th
old plant. In. view of th ,1100 regis
tratlon. a decidedly light vot was cast
Smoke of Herbs
Cares Catarrh.
A Simple, Safe, Reliable. Way
and It Costs Nothing to Try.
This preparation of herb, leav,
flower and berries (containing no to
bacco or habit-forming drugs) is either
smoked In an ordinary clean pipe or
smoking tube, and by drawing th medi
cated smoke into th mouth and Inhal
ing Into th lungs or sending it out
through the nostrils in a perfectly nat
ural way. th wort case of Catarrh can
be eradicated.
I,,1' l not un-
Prtimm '"S,Banl " use.
CONTAlnl and at th sama
1 1 r 1 V hlrml.
and can b used
y "an, woman
or child.
Just as Catarrh
la contracted by
breathina cold or
dust and germ
n 'r. Just so
thi balmy anti
septic smoklna;
remedy goes to
all the affected
parts of th air
Dassasea nf v..
head, nose, throat and lungs. It can read
ily b seen why the Ordinary treatments,
such as sprays, ointment, salves, llaui.l
or tablet medicines fallthey o'o hot
and can not reach all th affected part.
If you have catarrh of the nose
throat, or luniis. chokin. t,nt,o,i ..
feellnc. colds, catarrhal headncti.... K
you are given to hawking and spitting!
this simple but aolentFno treatment
BflVUlU UIV juu.
An illustrated book which
oughly Into th whoi question of th
cause, euro and prevention of catarrh
will, upon request b Sent you by Dr
J. vV. Uloss, it Walton street At.
lanta, Ga. .,
lie will, also,, mall you five "days'
free treatment. You will at one see
that it (s a wonderful remedv. and
it only coat one. dollar for the regular
treatment It is within the reach of :
everyone. It 1 not necasaarv tn t.n,l l
!2Lr.nrTIl' M'KSr
huui uwu All va uwu nini n nil i i pn i i iu i t
package will b fnejled yo immediately.
The antlaeptle powder to abahen Into the
anoea. 70a want ten ajid comfort tat tired,
at.lng, awolleu a weat!n Ust, u AUau'a Foot
Ba: It wllevea eorns and bohloncs' of all Pla
and prevent bllatera, ear Ind callpu apota.
Juat tha thing for- Danelng Parties,: Pnterit
Ii-ather Bhoea, and for Hrenkln In New Shoe.
It la th tr!t comfort dlacoferj of tha
Trjr it today. Hold etarywhar, 2S eete. IWt
arcept any suwtuuta. . iror riuiis UM. pack.
eg, address Altai & OhiMtead. Le liy, .K. X.
1 HO
t ywot wars
.ii" nuiwteiaTnao
Bpee!i t The Jeurnal. ' . '
' Bpokane, Wash., Dec. 12.- Investlga.
tlon into the deaths of Mrs. Ralph Scott
Mrs, William B. Rost and Mrs. Jennie
rtosa, following the drinking of whiskey
which apparently contained Some viru
lent polnton, he failed to ; reveal the
nature of th poison1 or the exact man
ner in which It was taken. Th health
department will order investigation of
th brand of whiskey fitunlt by . th
victims. Several bottles of the same
liquor hav been confiscated but doctor
hav been unable, to deuct poisonous
adulterations In it,
Coroner Sehlegel today declared h
has practically concluded the poison wa
contained in, food th women at in
stead of th whiskey, examination of
the stomach of Mrs. William B. Rost
who died Tuesday, wa mad last even
ihg but no trace Of poison could be
found. ' The Btomach and contents will
be tent to the state chemist' at Wash
ington, State college for analysis. ...
Mrs. Ralph Scott died Monday at mid
night after suffering from, intense palfy
partial paralysis and blindness for sev
eral hour. The other two women, who
it was at that time believed would sur
vive, gradually grew worse, both be
coming speechless, blind and paralysed.
James B. Kerr, addressing several
hundred members and guests of the
Progressive Business Men's club at
luncheon at the Multnomah hotel today.
urged m behalf of th workmen' com
pensation bill framed by a commute
of which he wa a member, that it deals
Justly with the employer, th employ
and the state, that it places a premium
on care in the haxardou industries, and
that It avoids many of the difficulties
encountered in the law of other state.
Among those who listened attentively
to th address, wer most of the Mult
nomah delegation In the next legislature
and many prominent business and pro
fessional men. Mr. Kerr presented a
brief statement of the injustice of th
present system of liability Insurance
and contests In the courts, and outlined
th features of the proposed act.
Mr. Kerr pointed out that While th
law is optional In form, to avoid its be
ing held unconstitutional if made com
pulsory, it becomes operative in all
hazardous occupation, unless th em
ployer elect in writing to remain out-
aldlh act an It he doe so, th or
dinary defewtrt of fellow servant con
trlbutoryMgllgence and risk of employ
ment ar removed.
Jacob Kangier wa chairman ef th
day. One-minute talk wer mad by C.
H Moor and A. Q. Clark, the new and
retiring president of th Ad. club;
Chkrles Bird, vice-president of that
club; Vice-President Turner, of th af
filiated engineers and architects; J. E.
Werleln president of the Transporta
tion club; Bishop Charles Scaddlng and
Dr. L, B. Dyott.
Eugene R. Brookings, president of the
Progressiva Business Men's club,' was
elected th club's representative on the
Rosarlan excursion to San Diego, with
his expenses paid.
To escape continued- misfortune, ino
clUding deatn or a loved one, disease,
accident and poverty, Mrs. Sophia Bor
usclwlskl tried to buy poison with
which to end her sorrow. Patrolman
Hennessy was attracted by her furtlv
actions and taking her in charge later
gave her into the keeping of Mrs. Lola
Q. Baldwin of th department of publlo
safety. '
Mrs. Borusclwiskl gave as her rea
sons for wishing to end her life that her
husband was recently killed in an acci
dent in British Columbia, and her baby
child lies dead at a baby home. Besides
this trouble, because she was unable to
pay board she and her $-year-old son
were driven from her father-ln-Taw"
home at St. Johns.
Proper relief will be provided th un
fortunate woman.
(Sneelut to The Jonrnal.)
Tillamook, or., Dec. 12. As a result
of disclosures made on Saturday when
Clyde Clemens, a saloonkeeper, was
bound over to the grand Jury, Clemens
and two other Saloon men and one bar
keeper were each fined $60 by City Re
corder Handley today.
In the testimony on Baturday, Lewis
Atterbury and Bruce Wade, schoolboys,
admitted that they had purchased liq
uor at the saloons of B. J. Stephens and
Al Perry and also from Clemens on
another occasion than the on charged at
that time. Clemens, Perry, Stephens
and Charles Armbuster, a barkeeper for
Stephens, were arrested and fine fol
lowed. C. A Cornforth, th proprietor of a
restaurant, was also found guilty of
selling liquor without a license and the
same penalty Imposed. ,,
(Special to The Journal)
Salem, Or., Deal 12. Governor West
said today that -the bill conveying title
to Sand Island, near the mouth of the
Columbia river, from the federal gov
ernment to the state of Oregon, has been
drafted and will be introduced in con
gress by Senator Chamberlain.
Governor West altto said that an ef
fort will b made to recover from th
government about $60,000 collected as
rental for islands now leased as seining
grounds. In 1864 this island was
granted to the stat for military our-
poses, but a it was never used for such
th .federal government retained con-
Urol' '
- JfeW Lumber Company at Albany.
Albany, Or., Deo, 1 J. -Incorporated
with a jpapltal stock of 110,000,. the Hub
City dumber company has Just taken
over' the Albany plant of the Charles K.
Spauldlng Logging company, - The stock
holders of the -newly organised company
are: J. F. Potter, D. B. Hill and- H. A
Smith. Potter ft Hill own a sawmill
near Mill City and th cut Of the mill
win v,. i,o4i.i( k.,. n aih,. t . .
Smith, the .ecretary and treasurer of
v. , , b in a a . m a
th company. Will b th local, manager
in Albany, r .
Iimwtigtinif-Vlee' ftmndnt.-
" Further investigation into the-vie
scandal' la being mad by th grand Jury,
and will continue until tlie whole matter
i aifted to th bottom, Harvey O'Bry
an, th insurance man, was appointed
foreman toy Circuit Judsce Morrow. Th
five tuen who etole many head of calves
about Portland and Vnnrmiver wttj M
Jrouht befor the body, and q.ueatloud.
John W. Carey.
:' Who.hted him tlllholswafd at th ten
der age of one, and lamped the public
offices for which, perchance, to run?
Who nailed em "all fjom constable to
governor did bet Who's been a. li. R.
iehktor. alniie '.'ii B. Cf - "WWaatated
after many years hU toga now to doffT
(And we'll believe he's done it when we
see hint take it off.L Who'll then be
just like you and , me an everyday
gaabe with not a thing to do except
to look Ilk Honest Abe 7 Who's served
his country 60 years since he wa Just a
lad, and so deserves a rest by now?
That Shelby Cullom, lad. '
$2000 FOR Y. M. C. A.
(Special to Th Journal.)
Albany, Or., Dec, 12. Two thousand
dollars 1 th sum that th T. M. C. A,
directors expect to raise next Friday
for the purpose of closing a deal for
the Alco club property and providing
for the work of the association during
the year 1013. A finance committee has
been appointed consisting of A. C.
Rchmltt L. E. Hamilton, J. A. Howard,
W. A. Eastburn, J. L. Thompson and
C. C Bryant They will be assisted by
th executive commute and. the offi
cer of th association.
A soon as th money Is obtained the
deal with the Alco club will be closed,
th club property taken over and the
work of renovation commenced at once.
A membership will thw b commenced
and the regular T. M. C. A, work begun
Delos Foster of Kellogg, Idaho, has
been asked to accept the position of seo
retary. He has been assistant secretary
Of th Kellogg Y. M. C. A., which has
about 400 member.
8700 Acre Stock Ranch Bold.
(Special to Th Journal.)
Milton, Or.. Dec, II. A big land deal
wa mad her this week, when the Mo
Mlilan company ox Preaeott Waah.
sold 870 acres of a big atock farm
on Basket mountain to Atnoa Demarta,
a wealthy rancher living south of Mil
ton on th Walla Walla river. Mr. Pe
marls gave $1$0 per acre, the deal
amounting to $24,0s for Which in part
payment he gave two houses, th New
man store and four lota on Depot street
in Freewater,
Booth to Be Chief Justice
(United Proa Leaaed Wlre.i
Washington, jjec. iz.--it was an
nounced her today that Presdeht Tart
will nominate Associate Judge Fenton
Both to be chief Justice of' th court
of claims, to succeed retlrfn Chief Jus
tice Peella. Henry Boutelle, American
minister to Switzerland, will be named
to fill th court of claim vacancy, resulting!-from
Booth' promotion.
Thcro to Only Ono
t jajBaajj3S " ' MMssBMsM "n r--'----'J?-"--'7';:;
That is : . 1 " ;
usEo rne world oven to ems a cold m out day.
Always remember the full name. Look fTTU ' $ ,
for this rignatort on every boi.
Hair coming out? If dry, brittle, thin or your scalp Itche
and is full of dandruff UielDanderine.1'
Withtn ten minute after an applica
tion of Danderlne you cannot find a
single trace of Dandruff or a loose or
falling hair and your scalp will not
Itch, but what will please you moat will
be after a few weeks' use. when you
will actually see new hair, fin and
downy at first yes but really new
hair growing all over the scalp.
A little Danderlne will immediately
double the beauty Of your hair. No dif
ference how dull, faded, brittle and
scraggy, just moisten a cloth with Dan
derm and carefully draw it through
your hair, taking on small strand at
Turn th rascals out th headache, biliousness,, constipation, th sick, sour
stomach and foul gases turn them out tonight with Cascarets.. -
Don't put in another day of distress. Let Cascarets sweeten and regulate
your stomach; remove the sour, undigested and fermenting food and that fnls
erymklng as; take tie excess bile from your liver and carry off the decom
posed waste matter and constipation poison from the boWe'a. Then you will
feel great. . .
A Cascaret tonight will straighten yon out by mom...g a 10-cent bo from
any drux store will keep your head clear, stomach sweet, liver an towels rer.-.
ular and make you feel bully and cheerful for months. Don't forget trio cnufii.
J V. w
lU IlilL
v (Special to The Jonrnal.)
Oregon City: Or.. Doc. IZ, Circuit
Judge Campbell last night gav a tooth.
ing termon to Frant Kraxbortter ami
wife and dismissed their divorce caaq.
Judge Campbell's advice went right hmne
to both plaintiff and defendant, and at
th conclusion of his remarks, the rou-
pl returned to their farm, happy at
th outcome.
The Kratbergers r of Mackshure;,
and ar of German descent By thrift
Ines they have amassed their share of
this world's goods, and had raised a
family of eight children before their do.
mestie relations becam disturbed.' Krax
berger is a rural mall carrier, and during
his dally work of delivering Uncle Sam
mall to th good housewives of the Au
rora country, th little ' green serpent
rrept into their home, according to Mr.
Krsxberger s complaint Judge Campbell
most sensibly pointed out to the coupi
the error of their ways, and If their
happy demeanor counted for anything.
K VHV J 1C1 L1J V V-V U( V UUUOV J 1 Jb II '
It's a safe bet that th Kraxberaer of
Macksburg will live happily ver after
f finite Prw Letaee trlre.l -
Ban Francisco, Deo. 1$. Despite th
decision Of the . supreme eourt, which
declared illegal th relation between
th Southern Pacific and Union Pacific,
the former company probably will
form a suitable tariff agreement with th ,
latter, thus maintaining control of th
road, according to th belief current lit
railroad and financial circles. While
such an agreement might be construed
to b a violation of th spirit of the
decision, it is . not believed that th
court will interfere. Thi view I
based upon the activity -in railroad
stock in Wall Street - ,
(Cnlted press Leased Wire.)
San Francisco, Dec. 1$. Undaunted
by his experience late yesterday when
the engine of his hydroplane went wrong
and he was forced to descend in San
Francisco bay, Aviator Slla Chrlstof
fersoh of Portland announced today that
he would continue his flights. Carl WaU
len, a photographer, waded ashore, th
water being only three feet deep Where
the hydroplane alighted. Chrlstofferson
remained with his machine and after it
had skimmed tha water for. nearly a
mile, it ascended and the aviator mad
a successful descent near Harborvlew.
Smith Jury Disagree Again. -.
. For th second time a Jury ha fallf d
to agre after the hearing of th evi
dence in th charge of contributing to
th delinquency of a minor against Al
fred W. Smith, a real estate dealer, in
Circuit Judge Gaten's court The Jury
wa out all night and at 10 o'clock this
morning cam back Into the courtroom
to ask question regarding the point
of th case. A short time later they
appeared and stated thty were hope
lessly divided. - ,."
- McKlnley'g Uncle. Diee.
(United Pre Leaaed Wire.)
San Francisco, Dec. 13. After an ni
nes or eeverai day, Benjamin Frank
lin McKlnley, uncle of th lat Presi
dent McKinley and for many year as
sistant postmaster of San Francisco,
is dead today at his home her from
oneumonla. H was 80 vr nM xtn.
Kinley, who is survived by a widow
and daughter, cam"1 to California In
1859. Ua was th father of Assistant
Attorney General Benjamin - I Mc
Kinley. '
a time, The effect is amlnayour
hair will be light, fluffy and wavy, and
hav an appearance of abundances an
Incomparable lustre, softness and lux
uriance, th beauty rand shimmer f
Qt a tt-oent bottl of Knowttoh'
Danderlne from any drug store or toi
let counter, and provo to yourself to
night now that your hair la as pretty
and soft as any that it has been ne
lected or injured by careless treatment
that's all you ufe1y "n have beau
tiful hair and lot of It If you will Just
try a llttl- Damierin.
ti-.'J 1 t 1
I.t.ver t ,
rout a
ua ucn nit
r ev (') -
esiri af , arc.,