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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1912)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 12, 1312, f '-.. . $HV Mi If your nama'appeari-la either phone book you can, telephone your and Iiftva It charged. Bills rwill be ' mailed to you the following day for payment. The Journal cannot giiarantee .accuracy or assume responsibility for errors ot any kind oc curring In telephoned advertisenrents,'.- 1 ; - t, AUCTIONS TOMORROW AT Wilson Auction House, cory 2d and Yamhill, special auction sala 10 a. m. tomorrow. . ' '". ' KURD Auction House, 21 i 1st at, auc tion sale 2 p. m. Special offerings. NEW TODAY Piedmont Home Fine five-room modern gtory-and-half house two bedrooms, hardwood floor, fireplace: piped for hot-water heat! but fet. Dutch kitchen: nice lawn. Thla U on a fine corner lot. iOxlOO: nr;"r' tacftd utreeta. Worth 26500, now 14600; liooo dow ana iz pw iwiiu . ' Hgain win you erei On liodney avenue, bee It. . 414 Corbett Bldr. A-1416, HMihaUM. Cafeteria . Best pa1ng cafeteria In the city; ea tabllshed two yeara, with leaae . for three more years, rem. i" " ,! .. 1 caA mnnth. This la a awell place. Owner muat go iat and will sacrifice if sola ar once wr tupv,, cabh; no tradeet no phone InformaUon. 414CortettBldr. - A-1416, HarahaUi MORTGAGE LOANS rixat aortfagas on farm property. Mortgage Company For America ; Had office, Tha Hague, Ketharlanda. Ainaworth BoUdlag. Portland, Or.' $5250 : Ijot E0 x 100, on Pettygrove. between m a. . . . mAn,.,..,l.lil umna place for flats or apartments. For quick Bale a250. . Come eaxly. . t 0. V EASOW, 414 Corbttt Bldf. A-1416, MarshaU 93. CITY & FARM LOANS $1000 and tip at currentrrates. G M. ZADOW 403 Corbett Bide. A-14H. HarshaU 91 Fearey Bros.; Inc. 60a Worcester Bldg. r BXSCOVHT BEOOXZABXB PAPBB : UNCALLED FOR ATI-AVERS TDK following letters lit answer to ad . .vcrtlsements appearing In The Journal remain uncalled for: -,... A 195. 194, 127.-19J.- B 224, 143, 120. C 179, 175. 126. 18$. 105. 95. 118.. . 1 131. 199, K 376, 166. F 1 1 1. O 133, 134, 125, 128. 11 78, 82, 80. 79. . .127, 97, 129, 118, 142. K 129. . 1118, T. 181. 128, 84. M 133, 110. 134. ; . N 128. 87. 82, 118. P18. - R 81, 69. K 165, 126, 133. T 104. TI 139. V 113, 134. X 118. 79. 117. - Y 128, 119. Z 104, 79. ' REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS CERTIFICATES or title mad - Title A Trust Co., Lewis bldg.. 4th an.i nan. Uur Herri It to Harriet i. Bonigardneif - Jot 15, north t kit 14, block 8. Knit imnston I nnA Ilronff.MiinarT f 'o. tn nAl. 've. JL" ill wiw .... unttWIfll, -kWr."". . lli'iry B. Vopeman nd"wifVto"Hi'n'- n 1.1 1. . , 1 , -BBO 660 hjh.i uncra, 101 w and 14, block 1 tMnt View addition to St. John 1.000 K. K. Uerge na wife to B. N-. Tom. . "' -" .". , wary, luud . Height .....,,,,, Weet Kt. John Land Co. - to W "s, tot 4, block 8, Wbltwood ourt juuikii 9.600 800 own,, vmi, aomn w of lot 12 north V, ot Jot block 18, Piedmont 1,000 noTe-lTioujpon Co, to Walter B, Conk- tin.- Lit 29 mni - !m ki.l PorUand Park 7T...7:. "T. , Lucy . Bollinger and 1iuuand in' Anna Weckendorf lot 22. north 15 feet lot 21, blockJ4 Hawthorn. Avenue AUdi- tim Joweph Vf. Howell nd wife to ' Chute 11. Steele, et si, lot 10, block 6 Oai'a addition to Alblna Swrtnton Land Co. to W. ff. GlUmore. 'lo'ii 19 mni , block 63 Bwiuton. . . .!. Ceo. W. Kisuaon and wife to E. Cowan lots 27 and 28, block "A," Gen. CororwoD' addition to Bt. John... Cornelius De Young et al to j, Quiocr Nt.heo and wife, lot 11, outh J. lot 12. block 113 lte City Park". J. If. Tipton Co. to XI. CDav'Vlot bloc-1l, Ilollyeood ................ Sam to me, lota 1, S. 4 and 6 block Si lota 1, 2, 8, 4, . 10, 11. 12! IS. 16, 1. 39, 20, 21, 22. 23. 24 25 160 8,285 50 BOO .1,000 4.600 lilork 4, UeadoH'burKjt 29 000 : ... nierr uu Biwiinu to xnoma t. ' lonard, eaat H lot 8 and 9, block 2, Kaat IrvlnKton Charles M. I'aj-n. to If. K. Adama, et at, . tx-(tuulnf at aontheaet comer of aoatb ; t j4 Bortheaat H section 13, town ahtp 1 north, rang 1 eat, tbeuc. cant 4.18 feet, :..,,.. Txinab Umamny and buaband to Harry , rioehn t al, kU aud 8, block 1.1, " Llherta .... rt,t, . . ........ n. K. Kobl and wlf'Mo fannle K. IVocta, )ati4 tioiJimenclDg In north tnd .) b eertloa lino tec tioa 30, town hip 1 aoutli, raiiit. I east,. Swt.Tt t--t north from ceuter of said sec 9.6O0 4,000 1,200 -40 Mi. Hood By. D. Co. to Fred Colburn et I. lul 4, and 9, block . 10, rctr ........;,.,..,.,.,.;.,, ... goo U. V, ft-tlbfiil and Wife to T. if. John. , ktun "ivwi'4 feet beginning at' north--..-I .t irwr lot 2, blurk "X.' labor -H-lgho adilltlon ......... i . 1,000 J u. Martin aud wife V" Srlfaiiua E. fe.. U rt ii, lit 3, hrcck 30, Ver-;-"' ' tu ...... J.500 5C" ' OCT 'v.'.' r " r. '.'?-;-I'IBi51 HEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS PORTLAND REALTY DEALERS E, E. Merges to Mary d wards Mergea, ' t CHAPIN & HERLQW, ' ' "C " purl of bit a and 6, block 5 IWutU 1 928 Chamber of Commerce. Main H 882. addition; alao lot 6 end 6, block ' '" ' SHIELD, J. It .'. - , Mirrtandlli-UUly 0 M5 Grllngar Hldg. MalnMKB. P. B. He-aer iul. wlfe to H. U. $02 McKay Bldg. Malr $49 Brockere lot 2, blink 1 Atl addition 400 n , " ; Z I Caroline l-ombaiduio n- ' l ; ,'.- TO LEASE 0.1 I , hulnni1, M 10, went Vi, tvt lot 11, w-. A,TkfcW ..tofcp;jo 00 r . Warehouse-Factory aad 11, bkk 3, St. m Hill add!.. iw) Brtci,.r,1,,,nV,,,tWM.. elevator. . ,: ' ", ' "Ct"7. L .,.-. crane, well lighted, on car track. Either W R. HAIZLlFCO., inc. atractora. for warcnoul0 or 'factor. ... 0. Jack- 171,' 4th ft., hot. Morrison and rgnhin. B0I1 ;jollr,m Pb Co . Ma)n 7173, -r . .'ii-n a r niTva VVANTKl to lease well equlppfd nm- CLAtMJrilu AD I,AItS ,.hno 8hop wUh privilege of buying y '" w"- terrain' aaine. Good aired ahop preferred. 11-S6, r - In atfwt AiH-ll' 1, 1U12. , ,1.. journal. . ALL rKBVlOl S KATKH CANlKLLED, l, rr 1 ' 'i ' 1 ,'.'. .. " ' : -JI oA3? , I Oil SALEHOUSES 61 1 tlino An nor Una S corwerutlv tlmini, Sc per line per lnacrtlon. 8 or mote eonwi.tlT tlmcn, 7e lr line ier luarrtlon; or T liiwrtloni for -prlw of U. No ad'eouiitvd"Tor Iwd than 2 tliwe. The auoe rti- apply to "New H'cday" and all other clanMflctlon, excupt Hltuatloua WanttHi, T Hnt end Wtintcil to kih ana. Mitiiailom Wuiitvd. To Kent and Wantfd to Rent ada (Ayui tuienta aud Hottli vxrppUd) tb rat are: , , "' ' v,- ': trj.-.v ... 'J. K imt line nrai inaertion. 4( ier line 'h atiuwquetit Inicftlon. s No ad takciv for lea than inc. CHAUOK ABVKHIISJSMBNTS 1 ttmii .liw rwr Hit i', 1 S conaerDtlT tluint, e per tine per lnaertlon, T er mor conaecuUte ,Mmctj ,Sc per line per liiaertlon. ' . . ,v. . . The abore rate ipnl.' to "New Today" and 11 nthee -Tliini4lflttiiii. , , fexceiit "Mltoattoiia Wanted, To Rent and Wante to Bent" ad. Kitiiailona Wanted. To Kent and' Wanted to Rent -d Anartmenta and Totela executed)! we rate i' 10 per nn pt innrriim, No art chareed for leaa man two linen or hk. The 1ahim1 will not he. . refloomlhle for mora than one Incorrect Inaortlon- of any adTertlae unit ordered more more than one time. . , Contract rate upon - application. A pnon call will bring a solicitor. MEETING NOTICES 41 wmnrnriT tamp. NO, . 86, Woodmen of the world, ineeta every Fri day night in W. O. W. Temple, 128 Eleventh street All membera re quested to be present Visitors welcome. V. W. GERMAN. C. C. A. L. BARBUR. Clerk. COLUMBIA LODGE, NO. Hi, - A, V. & A. M.,- Bpeclal com munication this (Thursday! evening at- 8 o'clock. Masonic Temple. Labor In the E. A. degree. Visiting; brethren wel come, iiy- craer - w in. FRKD U OLSON, Seo'y. VOTES for Men The Senate, 1952, whl be given by the Indies of Martha WashinRton chapter Women of Wood craft, at Woodmen hall on Russell at, near Rodney ave., JJe-cember la. R. N. A. Ore. Rose Camp, meet FrL eve., Allsky hall. 8d and Morrison. MARRIAGE LICENSES file, rraneen. 225 Market street, 80. and Annie Uanaen. 407 Kaat Thirty-fourth itreet 24. William Hlelve. Kront etreet. over 21. and Mj-rtle R, Sinllh 210 It Front itreet, ever 18. ' Cel a KoeDPler. 1246 CleTeland arenne. 24. John . Huber, T75 Eaat SerentT-flrat street north. 26, and Emm Tleae, 404 Knott street 20. , .-r t. Jim Horan.. S?2'i Croaby arreet 84. and Maudera CaUlna, 222i Croaby itreet, 81. -Andy C. Nutter, Arleta, 22, and Emtna Koonts, Arleta, 21. Klberson L. Hutrblnl. 110 Fatt Thnrman itreet. orer 21, and Mary Walburn, 949 Sa- Tier ntreet, oer 18. liar W. Oakley. San Mateo. Cal.. 27. and Ruth Potter. Thirty-fifth and Datldjon street. over 17. ."' A. B. Clancy. 134 Eaat Mxtt-etjrhtB itreet north, orer 21, and Lanra W, Uablgborat, 844 Hemlock afreet, orer 18. J rerdlnand urwn, loon Allierta itreet. 40. and Florence Eaitabrook, 628 Eaat Luclle itreet, 40. r- ' Joe van Deher. Dllley. Or.. 23. and Mary rirr, 8t Johns, 28. W, B. Mackey, t North Sixteenth atreet, 40. and Ann M, George, Portland hotel, 27. . Adolph W. Swanaon, 799 Bortbwlck atreet, S3, and Alma C. Nelson, 1300 Hawthorne ave nue, orer 18. Smith & Co, ffi c.. Wihlneton bide., cor. 4th. on Wash'ton. DHtSS suits tor rent, all sites. Unique . ' Tailoring t.n . an?, eirnrK kl CLARKU BROS.. florlHts. fine flowers ana norai oesigna. tv Morrison St. BIRTHS " HAXXA To Mr. and Mrs. Harold D. Hanoi, 1111 Eaat Lincoln itreet, . November 23. girl. - CLEMENT Te Mr. and Mr. WlUUm tilement, 410 Fifth itreet. December g, a boy. DUNG AN To Mr. and Mr. Leslie J. Dungan. 760 Eaat Fonrteentb itreet, December if, a bov. M'COXKEL To Mr. and Mrs. Margaret Me. Connel. 23SV4' Eaat Sixth street north, No vember 24, a girl. WILLIAMS To Me. and Mr. Frank L. Wil liam. S3 Cbnrch itreet. December (J, a boy. DEATHS - AND FKEKAlit B0UTLEDG8 In thli city, December 12. at - her late residence, 4S8 Eaat Davla itreet, Adeline Routledge, aged 65 yeara, mother of 10 children, seven boya ad three' girls, Frank C, Fred A., J. Ira., Italph B., Grace E. de ceatedl, Ceorge L., Clarence D. (deceased), Mra. J. B. Loshbaugh, Clinton U., and Huth Houtledge. Tbe funeral aervtcea will be held at the above residence at 2:30 p. m., Friday, December 13. Friend Invited. Interment lu tbe family plot In Ine Fir cemetery. ABUOTT The funeral aervtcea of tbe late William V Abbott will be held today (Thursday) at 8 p. m from the chapel of 1". 8. Dunning, Inc., East Bide Funeral Direc tor, 414 East Alder atreet. Friend Invited. Interment at Mount Bcott Pirk cemetery. i'ENSON Tbe tuneral larvice of the late Willi H. Penaon will be held today (Thurs day) at 1:30 p. m at the new chapel of Ftnley 4k Son, Fifth and Montgomery itreet. Friend Invited.. Interment at Mount Scott Park cemetery. - PEMBHOKE Wlnnlfred Fay Pembrofe. W. Vincent' hospital. December 8. aged 15; heart failure following oTatlon. -UIBSON Joaeph tilbaon, St. Vincent' .anltu- lum, December 8, aged 37; tuberculoala. BVliANDCatberlne liyland. St Vlncent'i aan- ltarlum, December 9, aged 69; geueral paraiy- I'ENSOS Willi H. Penaon. Capitol Hill, De cemlwr 9. aged 61;- nephrltla. POWEKS Mary Elisabeth Pow.ra, Portland anltarlum, December 0, aged 73: pneumonia. PLAZEV Ellialieth Plaiey, 402 Third atret December 9. aaed 29: birth hemorrhage: X ON SET 14- FLORA L CO., 133 6th. choice An f1nwr fnr all nA(AAlnnnf nrnmn fin v n.c in. vva, r-1 tun I "ft AT C1 fll A i1 1 AO MAX M, SMITH, flutist, Cth Ht, III neniitW uitjat,. inani lavjtj. FUNERAL DIRECl'ORS MR. EDWARD HOLMAN," the leading funeral director, 220 Third street, cor ner Salmon. - Lady assistant Phone A 1511. Main 607. JP.FINLEYONXUnt Montgomery At Fifth st. FUNERAL SERVICE n i inn in or ? MfFnQQ Undertakers kuimiiig, vxrtvtvtittu, -Modern in every detail. 7th and Pine, Main 430. A-4bS. lRy BBwlgtant.r -- - F. rj. DUNNING INC. - East Side Funeral Directors. 414 E. Alder. - East 62. B-2528 FRPH Undertaker. Lady assistant LLnbri B-1888. K-781, K. 6th-Alder. A,.R,ZELLER CO, Both1 phones. ERICS0N t'ndeitakinjr Co. Main 6133. .2S3'5: Lady ass t. Poo renn fA funeral directors. 869 rCdlt)UH UU, 371 RiiKsell at.- E. 1080. HEM8TOCK, l87ETT3tk Bell, 7X 1132, and Urrtvera. Park. Col. 894- 396. MONUMENTS PORTLAND Marble Works, 264-266 4th yppo8ue.cuy,liaiL..Maln. Jiafi OTTO SCH UM AN, granite and marble ; works. Eaet 8d and Pine. East 743. IORTLAND REALTY DEALERS OREGON REAL ESTATE CO, THE Grand ave anrl Mult. ' E. 7. C-1T03. BHtMi.MA',lMV 'lIVlUAMtf' Ground Floor Lewis Bid. M. and A174J RJlmUDIMll $300, Cash New. modern 8 "room huntalow. with fireplace, built In Dookcuse and buffet, panel walls lit dlniiiff room and beam celling: Dutch kitchen; lurs;e reception hull, with clouk room: furnace, fixtures and alludes; newer and aidewalks paid: pavemeiu uonaua. . ' ; - - Price $3200 " - Geo,. A. Ross.' Owner - 801 Orllnger Bhly. Phone Main 2970. A 6 Room Bimgalow Just completed, at 44th and Broadway, one block from car; hardwood floors In every room, sleeping porch, furnace, etc., etc; living room 14 by 28. The best buy in Rose City Park. Look this over, then tea me at 723 Chamber of Com merce bldgi, or phone even ings Marshall 663. . Tony 6, Anderson : Hawthorne District A-dandy'g room bungalow, with all built-in conveniences, modern hi every respect; electric and- gaa fixtures, shades and screens; faces east; surroundings neat ana clean; two diocks irom xiaw thorn ave. Price 83100. 820d cash, bal ance terms. J. L. Karnopp, owner, 826 rty. ncn. piog. - mi. zt74 or a-4. $100 Cash, $20 Per Month 82650 6 room modern bungalow, has nice bath, linen and china closets, pan eled dining room, with beamed celling, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, house Is double constructed, corner lot, 2 blocks to car. - F. A. BEARD 4 CO., 611 Qerllnger bldg., 2d and Alder. 8 ROOM HOUSE $2500. $1600 CASH. . ' This ia a pick up: lot 90x115. Im proved street, modern' bouse with nice Kas ftoiulan ilr o If An4aii(Ua mam and school. You save $1500 if you come right In. This la almost new. See Ad ams today. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. & TRUST CO. 3d Floor Chamber of Commerce. $200 Cash BALANCE RENT. R snAma --, n.arn Kn n area Inra 4 fl amIt from Mt. Tabor earllne. This Is a bar gain if taken at once. Call 2 US K Yam hill to see property. Phone A-2693, Main as i. . . . For . Quick Sale New i room house, lot 60x100, Bull Run water, gas, only 3 blocks from Rose City Park carline; nice neighbor hood; price only $750; $75 cash, $15 month, including interest. U-197, Jour nal. - -. $3600 Rose City Park, 6 rooms and sleeping porcn. run cement basement furnace, bufttt - bookcases, - hardwood floors, sbadea,mlrror door, laundry . tnll.,. I I Kl n.1 . n . . work vald. Owner. . Phones B-2667. Tabor 2161.. FIVE rooms, "Bunnyekle, modern except furnace; . fine . fireplace, cabinet kite. .en, street Improvements ail In and paid; 1 block to Mount Tabor car; good neighborhood; $3350, terms. fUUVlUiiWl 'IKUiSl-W,, OWNERS, Second Floor Selling Bldg. THREE rooms and bath, lot 60x100, new. west awe, 'ruaiatin valley view, Z blocks to car, walks, graded streets and water, (rood neighborhood. 16 minutes to postoffice, $1500, easy terms. PRO VXUEN T ,T RU ST CO., OWNERS, Second Floor Selling Bldg. $100 CASH and $i0 per month, 8 room cottage; lot 100x100, 3 blocks from car, 25 minutes out; plenty of berries of. all kinds and other fruit; fenced, chick en houee and garden. Price $1300. H IGLEY & BISHOP, 201 Hamilton bldg. FOR SALE. Seven room modern home, near Jeffer son high school; all street Improvements in and paid ; very reasonable, good terms. Owner, pnone wooaiawn ion. 8 ROOMS WOODSTOCK. Double construction, 6 bedrooms, bath, etc.; carline soon extended, within 3 blocks. Price $2800. Key at 6303 Mil waukte road. I WILL BUILD on your vacant lot, and finance your house on easy terms.' A. C. Furlong, contractor, room 38, Washington bldg. Main 1429. - $20 Per Month $20 Out of work,"" must sell my new 6 room bungalow at cost Your own terms. - IS-134, Journal. MAIN 9444. A-3363. My new bungalow, different and bet terfor sale, $2760; 2 lotsall details by phone. No names asked. Ask for Ml Dodge. A WEST SIDE snap; building, ground ana furniture, wun ia per cent in come on investment; 10 blocks from postoffice. Price $7000; terms, at 6 per cent EwenJRealty Co.t 811 Allsky bldg. 4 ROOM house, modern,-new, restricted district, in Rose City Park section, 7 blocks to car; $2400; terms to suit. PROVIDENT TRUST- CO., OWNERS,. .second f loor wening ttiug. THREE rooms and bath, corner lOOx 18j, west side, 3 blocks, to car; $1800, very easy terms. PROVIDENT TRUST CO., OWNERS, Second Floor Selling Bldg. MODERN . bungalow, 15 minutes' car ride, for sale; will consider $100 down, balance like rent; look through it Jor dan, 619 Lumbermen's bldg. ROSE CITY PARK, 4 room house, lot 40x100, 1 block to car, $1250; easy , terms, - 602 Swetland bldg. FOR HALE cheap; flats near new $1,000,000 streetcar shops; $1000 cash, balance 2 years at 7 per cenu. $92 East- 17th et. " 1 HAVE- a modern 6 room bungalow, rand new, in Hawthorne district, tha; I will sell to colored people on easy terms. P-154, Journal. BEAUTIFUL HOME. . Choice location. 7 rooms; small cash paymetit,- baL monthly. East 273, W. H. Herdman. . FUR SALE, 6 AND 6 ROOM HOUSES . Bungalows and otherwise, modern and well located; $50 down and $25 month, j , . . , qao r, i,"- y i , IIIUIIIUUIK intTTivrai. ow jvj lun.. i-vni. $60 DOWN, $10 monthly buys neat mod. rn house: lot 60X100. Price only $1260. ' 620 Lumber Exchange. r . FOR SALE--6 room modrfrn house, $500 down, balance on time, or will assume mortgage. - .t-io. journal. .jjigwuiuunv -amdaco. , Va , black r,aj oaij iiiuu;, terms. HIGLEY', & BISHOP, 201 Hamilton bldg. tOR SALE -By owner, modern 6 room house in. Overlook. Restricted' dis trict. Woodlawn 1462. $00 CASH tund $25 monthly, including Interest for new "bungalow, near car, clnwe In. fwner. 6:10 Woreefiter block. 4 ROOMS, jihistered. 170 6th st, , mm u inj OT" 01 4 Room flastered Cottage . Completely Furnished This rice liule, home lit only 4 blocks off the Mt. Scutt carlino; :, tlie furniture cost 22l0 a, few month afro ami the house was only built lust aprlnp;. .The lioune and . lot is worth IDoO, but we will , tlirow the furniture in for a Christmas present At lenet '4 cuhIi , required, aa this is a snap . price. . Ralph Ackley Land Co, , 170 Fifth t., uppoeite P. o. ' PORTLAND HKiyHTS Beautiful bun- ' BulftW A fnn ni u . ) hutli.itnm. ii.nauitfa siono nrepiace, automatic rhm . water heater, billiard room. 6 alecplnir rooms, rnti 11 v built-in ronvcnli'iii'CM: . hit beautifully wooded uroumla; built for a rat home; price and terms rtffhtl would consider mortRiiRes, roritracta or smaller, noma. in. good district in pirt payment I fenry C, Prudhom ma, ; owner. Wilcox ' KAST felLB HOME. Modern 8 room houe, hardwood floors, paneled dlninfr ; room, und dpn, lurge sleeping porch, fireplace and furnace; garage: mora than full lot, ,loe in. Price f7p00; easy terms can be nrranged ana pan trane mignt oe coiiHiapreu, .7. ,AX- v' PALMKR-iONES CO.. 404 Wilcox Bldg. Main 80911, A.-2661 FOR SALT LOTS 10 LOT on west end Kllllngsworth ave.; Willamette boulevard now being hard surfaced and passes 1 within 100 feet of this lot; also tit. Johns road being surveyed for hard surfacing from this point (11- . ; reel 10 new isroauwuy onage along river bank. This meana hard surface from 7th and Washington by way of Broadway bridge and ' less by auto and near the river, with good view of both mountains, and for sale at a sacrifice for cash. Call up evenings after. 7. Phone Columbia 466. East 17th St North, Between Siskiyou and Klickitat Streets. FULL LOT. $1175 TERMS TOO. W, A, Barnes '. - 408 Lewis bldg. 4th and Oak sta. , Main 2081. ' ' 60x180 $350 ; $5 down, $6 monthly, liberal dfscount for cash; 36 minutes from First and Alder; high, level lots, good school, meat market and store; 6 tec fare. A C. MarsterB, owner, 202 Wilcox fcldg. Main 3517. A-7340. Tabor 1770,- LINNTON ROAD. Unrestricted lot, 60x133 feet, fronting on Llnnton road, Inside city limits. Price $1600; terms. II. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 404 Wilcox bldg. Phones Main 8699, A-2653.' j SOME BARGAIN. 64x168 feet, 1 minute car service; fine chicken house, 2 runs. 8 klnda ber ries, all well fenced, Bull Run water, electric lights, both" phones: call uo Home phone B-6111. ask. for. 3021:. $70j IZj iown 6io per month, a per cent CHOICE building lots on the west side, lneide the 3-mile circle; fine view of Tualatin valley and Mt. Hood; walks, graded streets and water included In price; $400 and up; select your lot and we will build for you. Provlient Trust Co., ownerH. 2rl floor Selling bldg. FINE, sightly hi acre- at Ryan station, on uregom raectrie My., so ro:nutes from Portland. 6e fare, for less than you can buy city lot Lovely location for family home, garden, fruit, etc. Your own terms. Box 336, P. O., Port land. 80x120, fine view, water piped to the front; Ideal for home, only 20 min utes' car ride. Price only $400; $25 cash. balance -o per month. Al. E. Dee, 311 Corbett bldg. TRIANGULAR LOT. FIRLAND. $376. $10 down. $5 monthly. Fred W. Ger man, 436 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6445. . 60x100, west side, 20 minutes' car ride; good view, near ear line; ideal home site. Pries $350; $15 cash, balance $5 per monthTMr K.- Lee, 311 Corbett bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. Finest comer on the. Alameda, lOOx 100, $2600; $500 down, balance terms. 602 Swetland bldg. FOR SALE Lota 100x100, E. 21st St.. close to Sandy road, $4000, Including street Improvements. Phone E 6029. SEE L Noir & Co. for west side prop erty. Exclusive dealers In west side realty. 837 Chamber f Commerce. . SEVERAL LOTS, 1RVINOTON, cor. Russell street. income 81 month; all cheap. East 273. W, LARGE Firland lot. $375; terms $5 . month! graded atreet and water. JT2Q Cham her or lommerce.. iaoor (it 75x100 feet. 64th Bt, snap, $475. Tabor Z&4f. - 60x100 best buy in the city easy terms. A-221, Journal. FOR SALE By owner, Vi block. Call 834 College. -- ' "" ACREAGE B7 Acre Tracts $550 $10 down, $5 monthly, 40 minutes from 1st and Alder bis. Oregon City car, 10c fare, extra fine soil, cleared, level, sightly. A. C. Mareters, owner, 202 Wilcox bldg. Main 3617. A-7340, Tabor 1770. . " CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Port land. Best soil, good roads, spring water, free wood 10 acres, $400, $500, $600 per tract; ncrcs, .sou; u acre ti;nn: 60 acres. $2000; 40 acres timber. $2400. Ranches all kinds for sale. Easy terms. Frank McFarland Realty Co., 309 Yeon bid, g. Portland. Or. 22 Acres $1 1 5 Per Acre" d 7 iiii;o ,,v ,... uiic iniur from Portland, -Best Tualatin valley land ; fine for- hops, .. fruit, potatoes, chicken or dairy farm. Easy terms... Jk, A AUI1.I, CA7 WHlhlV V,ll V. nu:""-i ..w.i... ... .T......t,. mii,. ACRl&l-,'-m4l!tuiaiulllt'd road, 1 mile beyond city limits; 4 blocks from car line; high and sightly; good Soil; bear ing fruit trees: sold on easy terms. PROVIDENT TRUST CO.. Owners. Beconri Floor Selling Bldg. HAVE YOU $35 IN CASH? If so. It will make your first payment on a 10 acre tract of good land, 1 hour and 30 minutes from Portland. Room 216 Lumber Exchange bldg., corner 2d and Stark sts. i. ESTACADA ACREAGE SNAP. - 25 acres, 10 cleared, small shack well, etc 1 mile from Estacada. This is choice piece; $3000; $1000 cash, balance mtg. 502 Swetland bldg. , . 50 . acres for sale or rent Buildings, utock and implements for sale. . $500 will handle it 6 miles east Oregon City. R. 1). No. 2. -box 28. A.F. Maiden. Gibson 1-2 Acres Good soil, city water, close to carline; easy terms. ' Phone Marshall 1685, Sell wood 476. Johri H. Gibson, owher. 10 ACRES $360. Good soil, roads and new school, 1H hours from Portland; your own, terms. - Z16 uumoer ;xcnang oidg., . . - Cor. 2d and Stark sts. -u RIVER frontage on Willamette river; fljiest country homo site in Oregon. For further particulars see M. E. Lee, 811 Corbett bldg. . -' .. "" FREE water. Irrigated land. Marysvlllo, CaL A. M. Hlghhouse, 617 Board ot Trade -bldg. v:,"; '''-: -.'i.. 2 ACRES, adjoining car line, all cleared, fine 'soil, price $1376. terms. TTr-lfiTTJorrrvnT: 2ft ACRES extra fine soil,-$876, terms. LOOK -10 acres -fine land $360; yuur own tcriiiH. - izoa icon mag. acre, fronts carline, mac - dBm roeri, IB monthly, j-inn, Journal $12 a month. 2 acres for $700; fine sou; euDurtmn car. ii-iU7, Journal. FOR SALE HOUSES 57 . , ' . Acreage Down the river on Wont Side, H mile from new St.-Helens Hall site .mid will be only one-half mile frotn the proposed carline to be extended down along the ridge from Willamette, IfelKhta north. Here Is another opportunity to get In ,'unt ahead of high class de velopment and at farm land prices. See us. The Shaw-Fear Co, Main 36, , 103 4th St 1 A-3500 Acreage - . In valley, dlrctly west of Council Crest aud only 40 minutes from Fourth and Washington , Htreeta. Land lies beautifully, very fertile soli large flatting, with , roads completed alon-? each tract; 3 sta tions o:i the platting - und anv vised ''tract from ontir-half acrj un at farm lxnd prices and upon instalment plan, , Hee us, , The Shaw-Fear Co,, MAln 35. . 102 4th St. - A-3500 'Acre Tracts -: ' . Gilbert Station - S blocks -from st re tear, all cleared. good soil. You can buy an acre for $900, $100 cash,, balance $16 uer month. 6 oer cent Interest By puylng $260 ..down -we will build you a good 4 room house and rive you the acre and house for $1500, 250 cash. " .,., '. v.,... ;..: v.v. Deitz Blaney Co, 801 Wilcox bldg. Acreage on West Side-. YnaMa SlX.mtla rtrrln! Arrullant anil rnA HrntnnirA. Iftrare ares, cif hjo verilum soil; part of this tract la under cultiva tion; part In stumps and some heavy timber; 2V4, C and 10-acre tracts; prices range from $376 to $600 per acre; sold on easy terms. We will build to suit purcnaeer. PROVIDENT TKUsT fJt,l.( OWNERS. Second Floor Selling Bldg. 5 and 10 Acres Cheap 820 un to $46 Per acre, on terms. Tracts of 6 acres or more; deep,, red shot so'.l, well watered; easily cleared. Ideal for general farming, fruit: vege tables, dairying and chicken raising; lo. cated on county road, close to -live town on R. R. and river Portland. Own ers, iui juewiB oiueT., via ana ua sis. Main 8078. Evenings East 894. ' S" ACRES,, all cleared, close to sta tion, 40 minutes -out,14 cents commuters' fare, 3 room new bun- galow, furnished complete; this Is a nice little place and may be had with $600, cash payment, balance to suit C-115, Journal.; , Get 80x175, $55Q - HA lnitn tK rBa mnnth R mlHiil.a east of Sellwood station on ground, school store. AKEKSUN & UOUCH. 401 Board of Trade bldg. ' Main 670. A-7670. FOR SALE by owner, very desirable 2 - acre home place at Woodburn. Or.. only 7 blocks from P. O. Good 2 room house, woodshed, well, chicken house, 36 fruit "trees, berries, lawn, etc. An Ideal homeslte or poultry larm. Bar gain at $1250. (Short time. only4 -Part cash, balance terms. Call evenings or Sun. a. m. 6to Mill et., city. 5 Acres $450 --$'106 flash. - Bal. easy payments. One hour from Portland, Stt miles from Hlllsboro, Nine electric trains a day. Rich soli: level, no waster Finest in Tu- lalatln valley for hops, fruit or potatoes. liar pain at ooume me price, owner, . A. Nicnoia. 7 wncox piog. A SNAP Tea acre strip. City property lying Detween tne tsoutnern facuic and the Oregon Electric railway depots In a live town in the valley, population 1800. Extraordinary location for an ice plants lumber yard, warehouse, switch ing, etc Price lees than $350 per acre for quick sale. F-158, Journal. One Acre Bargain Within dty limits. 4 room house and other buildings. Price $700 below value. No trades. Phone after 4 Tabor 629, ONE acre Milwaukie Heights, small house, $750; address Box 174, Milwau kie, Or. j FOR SALEFARMS YOU can't beat this In the Willamette valley; 65 acres, 39 under high state of cultivation,, balance' pasture and tim ber, easily cleared, 2 acres fine bearing orchard. nice house and barn, hop dryer and small buildings. One and one-half miles from growing town on the Oregon Electric railway, ood county road and near boat landing. - Will soon advance In price; $9626, - half Cash, balance- years at 6 per cent. Bee Noe. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. & TRUST CO. 8d Floor Chamber of commerce. 133 ACRES, good house and barn, 55 acres cultivated, 30 acres old pasture, 60 acres ash bottom, with stream; team large, young horses, large mare and colt two cows, turkeys, geese, hens, hogs, wagon, hack, harrow, plow, incubator, separator, orchard, berries. On county road, R. F. D., school joins farm; hot and cold water, bath. $8000, $2000 cash, bal. terms. J. I. Hawley, Lebanon, Or., R. V. D. No. 3. ONE mile from Maloy Station, on Ore gon Electric, 49 acres, 26 in high state of cultivation, balance pasture and tim ber easily cleared. Fine soil, good house and barn, chicken houses and sma.ll. buildings; 5 acres in orchard,' plenty of small fruit. 300 cords of "wood and lo cated -on, good cotmty road.- Will make an ideal dairy farm or Is splendid soil for truck gardening. $8000, half -cash, balance 3 years at 7 per cent. This is a srood buy as an investment., nee fvoe. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. & TRUST CO. 8d Floor cnamber-or commerce. "$2500, Half Cash 150 acres 12 acres in cultivation, all lies fine house and barn,' 2 horses, wagon, hack, harness, plow, harrow, disk, sonje household furniture Including gdbd range. 4etty5-e-Hvliig water, abaut40 acres more easy ciearea; terms, o yeara tio balance at o per cent, .peper ei Matter, 444 Sherlock bldg., corner 3d and Oak Ht. British Columbia Land , 40 Acre Tracts These can be bought on-easy -terms, $16 per acre, $50 cash. $15 per month. Land is level,' good soil, splendid vege tation. We have -field notes and pho tos to show. Call, at our office. -----RUMMELL & McBP.IDE, 274 Stark. 10 Acres, $J 250 28 miles from Portland. In Oregon; 8 acres in cultivation, all kinds of builJ Ings, all fenced, good creek of water, all kinds of. fruit and small fruit, fine school Just across the road, postoffice, store and telephone service; some term.. Peper & Baker, 444 Sherlock, bldg., cor. 3d and Oaks sts. 'JL'WO well located 6 -acre tracts, within 3 blocks of station on Oregon Electric. Both in good state of cultivation, one has good improvements, other .fenced only. Fine chocolate loam and beuver- dam soli, good for truck gardening, es pecially onions anri celery, investigate before 'sold. See Noe, CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. A TRUST CO. 3d Floor Chamber of Commerce. 40 ACRES level rich soil, all in alfalfa, cut 60 tons thts yearH located 4 miles from Grand Island. . Nebraska, Price $140 per acre. Equity $3100; will con. elder house "and lot In Portland. W.111 aaauiiie, rfoiuan, oi J nmoerineiiB pwg, FOR BALE 200 acres, well stocked and equipped. If you want a farm that is fmviwg -hitt "Interest en 4h-4nTe)tvwerntr now and have $10,000 cash to pay down, just write to owner. Knappa, Or lock box 131, and he will tell you all about it. 80 ACRE dairy farm, near city limits, $200 per acre, '4 cash. Call -owner, Tabor 3571. t acres, 6 room house, chicken lioues, ull kljids fruit: Co fare, city liniits. Wolfsteln, 205 Allsky bldg, ' ACREAGE Von SALE FARMS 17 Mortgage Due BY OWNER. 40 acres of fine noil, 3 miles from Oregon City, on Puclfie highway, which is a good road; 25 acres In cultivation, more easily cleared; 1500 cords of wood In timber on the place: living water; good, new, up-to-date 7-room house, new barn 40x40, chicken hotine, hoghouse, 2 flood , wells, family orchard; phone .In muse, dally mall; 300 yards of school; sidewalk to town; teams, 2 cows, 1 calf, 100 chickens, wagon, hack, buggy, disc plow, harrow, cultivator, rake, mower, fanning mill, Incubator small tools, 10 nogs, 4U0 husiicls oats, 60 bushels Wheat. 760 bushels .. pulsions;, everything goes mentioned for ti'uick sale. 1 I am offer ing to sacrifice my place, as 1 have a mortgage that Is due the 2lh of Janu ary which 1 cannot meet. Junt across the road from my place 45' acres with only 20 In cultivation, sold ' last week tor fu.ouu, out, i am orrermg my piuco with avnrvthlnsr with It for 1.500: 15000 cash. I might lake less cash as first payment if compelled to. 1 was to have money from the cast, but did not get it. which 1 figured on paying off the morU gag'ej put as I . did not get it X am compelled to sell lift, One at a sacrifice. If you are In1 the market for a nice 4 acre home, well located, good buildings and well, Blocked, see my place at once. I have refused more money , for. this place several .times. ' Come now If you want a butgaln. Addreeti Route 6, Box 44, Oregon City. Or., or phono Farmers 220. Take-Pacific highway to get to my. place. , , t;. J" . Ht:il M I raui'itivtii oeiwr. 40 Acres . Only 25 miles from Portland, close, lo electric line; enough live cordwood on place to puy for It and have money left. Can you beat this for a chicken ranch, or anytning else. ' ino rocx, gooa son, ami nearly all tillable. Prlco $1200; $450 cash, oaiance a years at per cent. 38 !Acres ' li acres under high state of cultiva tion, 4 miles from Hlllsboro and 2 mlU'g from Nortb Plains, on good county road, just is miles irom. t-ortiana. it nas a 6 room house, orchard, barn and all kinds of small fruit; the land Ju.t across the "road is selling In 5 ao.-a tracts for $300 ner acre, with' no im provements. , Owner said let this g tor toti per acre; gsooo as iirst pay ment, or $3000 worth of city property. GuyU, Bell . 605 Henry bldg. A Little Home With Fruit 6 acres. 11 miles from center of Portland and In the Beaverton district; closd to. jtchool, church and store and in thickly Beetle I neighborhood; all the best of -sot) and all In cultivation; family or-" chard of apples, pears anJ plums; large tract of strawberries and other small fruit r buildings are old, but will do for'a year or two with a little fixing;" Prloe $1500; terms, $200 cash, good terms on the balance. Alvord-Carr-Hunter Co, 218-219 Board of Trade. A Little Farm 23 acres, 10 miles from the center of Portland and near Beaverton. School, Bv F. D. and telephone; 8 acres cultivated, balance good tim ber and pasture. Land lies roll ing, all tillable when cleared. All the best of soil, will grow anythtnfc Good house, barn and pther build- - lngs; young orchard and small fruits. Personal - property con sists of good team of horses, cow. pig, bunch of 'chickens and all farm implementa.-.A-lot of cedar . posts and some household furni ture. PTiee-$360.-good 4erm, Alvord-Carr-Hunter Co, - 218 Board of Trade. For Rent Will rent fractional 40 acre tract, all under cultivation, with gasoline pump ing plant; good ranch buildings; 3 acres in orchard, and sell . all stock. Imple ments and crops at very reasonable price. ' Includes 4 horses; 4 wagons, har. nesses, line nogs, lease ror . years and several hundred dollars' worth of products. Price if taken this week $820 cash. Place used as a truck farm and $8000 worth of products sold from same this year; 4 miles from Vancouver, on Columbia rlyer. Act now If you wart a oargain. Thompson & Swan . Sixth and and Main sts... Vancouver, Wash. 20 Acre Farm for $800 This is a splendid piece of rich land, nearly all ready for the plow. No rock or gravel; a large creek across one cor ner; close to school; close neighbors; $1 fare from Portland. This will make a ?ood home and splendid investment. This s adapted to -hay, grain, hops, prunes, berries, bees, poultry, dairy, etc. One man sold $1600 from 7 acres of logan berries this year. Stop and think this over. 20 acres of land for the price of a cheap lot In Portland. $100 cash, bal ance 4 years. We have other tracts for $500, $600 and $700. Claud Cole, 917 Board of Trade bldg. $1750.00. " This price is positively ONE THIRD less than actual value. The property Is 20 acres of good rich bottom land, all in fine state of cultivation, one half mile of a fine little town, cn the-main line of the Southern Pacific R. R. Obliged to sell tills to meet obligations the first of the year. 413 Abington bldg. 106 3d st --'"' .'. - - mso. 20 acres, all fine river bottom land I n cultivation -.Qna. .haLf-jnile of. good Willamette valley town, I got this prop, erty in trade and wilt sell It for third less than Its value. Investigate this: 1 8 Abington. bldg., 106 3d et. RIVER frontage on Willamette river; finest country hom site in Oregon. For further particulars see M. E. Lee. 311 Corbett bldg. ' m 131 TdmorrowIstheDay You should send in youi classified copy for ; The Big Sunday Journal This will not only facilitate' niatters for your self, but will give us a better 'opportunity '.to ,j. handle your copy to the best advantage, . - - . .Shdlild you wish to phone your tid- CALL MAIN 7173 OR A-6051 Ads-charged -tmlyTtohosirhosennamcTTf ? listed in either of the telephone, directories.- ' rOR HA LI' FAR3IS 17 "P) II if ' $30 Per Aero 661 acres; KO acres bottom land, most ly cleared; 50 acres 'inure can eiiHllv bo cleared; lialanue fine pasture ami timber; rich eoll; water In river, creek and wprlngs; can' ralHo' anything that will grow In vregon; lots of 1'rult ami berrlen; good bnlldtngs; 4 cows, 1 reg istered bull, 100 goats, 20 sheep, chick ens, 'team and farm Implements; hay . and "Teen fried;- will trade for a home ..: and some money; 1ml nra "time; Peper ft HaKer, 444 Hneriock bldg. flhfin StrirlT Ranrh VMVVIk W ' I IMIIVII 150 acre, gooa soil; 18 acres under'v cultivation, IS acres more slusNed aff seeded: about 25,000 feet of piling tim ber; 60 .acres- tie level,, balance rolling . and good for. pasture; small house, fair barn, located -mlle ifrom school, 4 miles from' small town and 6 miles from railroad station; fine spring water.:, This ' Is a bargain at $2,800 $1,600 cash. . Thompson &' Swan.. 6th and Main streets, Vancouver. Wash. FOR RENT- -FARMS 14 lV','V"WMeWS TWO year lease free, on best 10 acre in Lincoln county, f Party must have $600 to buy Btoac and Improvements. Also six acrds for rle-i-tnile of To ledo, 200 bearing fru,t trees, 1V4 aciva Logan and raspberries; 6 room house, 0,1 county road, right of tvay to' boat land' Ing. , No trades, Address Chaa. M. Davis, Toledo, Qr. ' .. . . TO RENT 6 td 10 years, 15 acres, 5 acres choice onidn land. . ; . MOODY LAND COMPANY, 1016 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. . . , j Maln-37f OR RUNT 28 acres berry and vegttu ble farm. E. 92d and Base Line; ex perienced Japs preferred; call Tabor 125. C. It. Campion. t 15 acres to rent to Japs, .3 or 6 yearn Improved, good garden land. 12 miles t..?,ty CttU 213 Board of Trade bldg. Miller. . . 60 ACRES for rent. 10 miles from Van Gellrke, Milwaukie, Or. HOMESTEADS 47 $276 -,::. i-v . ' . 27S : HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENT mile from P. O,, and Bawmlll.iJ3 miles from United Electric line f. iiian so mues by wagon from Portlaiunt. I pienty of water, fine outrange, good soll.S" 7 T. "m" use, neignpors aujoln Ing. - 214 Lumbermens bldg. WA5ITED--60 families for",Calil!orhu colony, irrigated land ready to plant (free water). Special Inducements t.i of Trd bhVg Jll8hh0U' ,: Cord TIMBER ... 8 TIMEER IANDS BOUGHT AND 80LD. L H. NUCK. 214 COMMERCIAL BLG. EXCHANGE- REAL ESTATE 2-4- 600 Acres, fT Miles From City Good electric caf service. Surrounu nr property celling at $175 to $275 per acre. Will exchange for city or Seattle property. Prico $65,000.' Will assume some mortgage. No phone Information. M1V111Y f.lvn rnuuiMv . .- 1016 Chamber of Commerce bidg. FOR SALE or trade for town property . or farm land near Portland or Cor vallls. 0 acres at Bend, Or., all under water, 50 acres cleared and in hay and other crops, greater portion fenced and cross fenced with best woven wire fence, good 7 room house. F. IL Taylor, R. 3, Hood River, Or. - i a . NINE business lots in Oklahoma town to exchange for equity in residence tironertv s-mcerieM ' Yi iv,nmlnn, furnishings. Might consider other pro- iJUBiimnB. jjoieii monigomery, ouil Main HAVE fine houeo with 63x158 foot lot" . cioae in, iah Angeies, tq exenange for acreage near Portland and near carline. , WATSON & THKRKELSEN CO,, , 306 Spalding bldg. '- ' Main 7592. - .d- liU room "iiotel, poalUveiy'..teet' in Purt- land, financial; showing at tola of-v flee, never been offered for trade bo--torerfo-lear proper4y-wUiv-alr-valu of $7500. Don't offer anything elg to .- on ora m iraae. I HAVE $20,000 worth of choice lots in Irvington, free of incumbrance. I will trado for good farm or income proper ty; can pay some cash. -1 want to hear from ownera only, and details in first letter. X-103, Journal. - TO trade for Portland income property. 120 lots. 1000 ft. from depot, best small fruit town In Oregon, I want' your listing.-- Geo. S. HalLJleaL Estate Exchange, 627 Henry bldg. Mar. 14'J.I. HAVE $2000 CLAIM as part payment on house, and bal-' ance cash up to $4000, either Hawthorno, Sunnyside or LaurelhursL 309 Ry, Ex. V V! J, " ...... 100 ACRES fertile land, near Canby, Or.; - suitable., for" subdividing into ' mall tracts;, will. exchange, for stock of merchandise. - U. A Cobb. . 101a Yeon . Bide;., Portlands Or. ' .,,-.,,,w., brocery-Store Owners- I have some Portland lots nnd ch a trade for not over $1600. Main 6877. THE sua looks as ruddy end-rises ss bright" Griffin & Small, with thole clean-cut and honest trades, " Try them. 403 Rothchlld bldg. LOT $1206Vclear of incumbrance, on Lin- wuiii niicoL, i-u vAuaiiKQ iur Krocery store: hard surface streets, walks ami curb. Jordan, 619 Lumbermens bldg. SU, Ml t.T.THM TtlWRPt! ' " . " 1AA kftfam llnildb, nnnmlv, mh.Ia ' wv -'I fc. Y ' " v. v. 1. 1 V 1 . I UIO. m guaranteed SJ5 million; $3000; will trade jri for grocery. - 603- Swetland bldg. ' & I BF.ST future corner on west side; will trade for good auto -and mortgage gastiunu, oua --uj dewier niajr. WE sell and exchange-farms, bouses and auto. Wagoner & Hunt. 43S Chamber of Commerce. Main 9967. BEST located unincumbered Peninsula- lots to exchange ior mortgage or con tract. R. B. Carey, Pen. Sta. W'd'ln 40. FO"R SALE or trade Or city property 20 acres no. i iruu or vegetable land. 1673 Haven et. 160 acres $3200; 80 cultivated, running water: want j-esiaence. 816- Allsky bidg Also some itno tots to traae. Vv'E exchRngermt-yotr tiavo for what you want. -Peper k Baker. 444 Sher lock bldg., 3d ana Oak. . Mar, 2664. -1 as r