The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 12, 1912, Page 11, Image 11

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    ,ILV JOUiw.ViL, 1 vJ i v i LAI 1 1), xIIUTCk
Lilt CiilO lluul
"Don't Make Pupil's Mind Fil
ing Cabinet," Says E. S.
, Evenden to Teachers,
th advantago in belns a ctitld now
adays J a that you grX out of bounding
Uia states. ' All that has gone by the
board In th beat educational circles.
Thin good news lor children- and teach
era, too. If you' recollect what used to
happen In jreography class was told
, at this morning" session o the Mult
nomah county teachers' lnstltuteby ,B.
N. Uvenden , of the ; Oregon : , Normal
school.: '
. The modern method, as Mr. Evenden
explained It, Is designated to make a
child think rather than become a filing
- cahlnot for useless geographical Infor
mation, Ilka the number of persons to
the square yard In Russia and the size
to which rubber trees grow In Peru, to
say. -nothing of " ! -'K. ''s-f
"Well, how many of you teachers can
bound the state of Maine, yourselves?'!
asked Mr.. Evdnuen. The response was
not. enthusiastic. "Why should you
bound ItT" he went on. "What partic
ular Interest have you in what bounds
It on the north,, and on the east, and
on the west and on the south T
Slnst Saterert Child rixst.
, "The way to teach geography Is to
interest the child in his subject first,
make him bo interested that be wants
, to find out all he can about it, and then
In this way guide him into learning
facts of real value to him particularly
facts la commercial and political geog
raphy. , - ' ,
. "I will go bo far as to say never ap
proach the subject of geography even
until you can get the genuine interest
of your class." . ; . ' - -.
i Then Mr. Evenden went on to show
he meant by awakening the Inter
of the class. . Just ln'the telling of
it he made it seem so interesting that
one's impulse was to hunt, up a geog
raphy book somewhere and start in to
study post ' hastei But he also took
pains to explain that ' the text book
should really be a small part of the les
son. . . .,. . ; i
"A good many teachers in geography
are lost without a text book, he said,
and to per cent of the pupils are. The
text bookisn't' so important -.The im
portant thing is for the teacher to know
her subject.'. - .,,..;
"How many of you, for instance, can
tell me ; where - Kelly ist" he asked
sharply. "If a a large- stty Every
body looked .Wank. "Then, where Is
Fort Smith?" There were a few re
sponses.,. "And where is Davenport?"
More hands.
5 Tex Book Teaching.
"Well," went on Mr. Evenden, "there
is a sample of text book teaching of
geography; - Why should you load your
minds up with a lot of that sort of in-1
formation? When you see news items
in the papers from these places, there
is always the abbreviation of the state
after-tha i name f the city. The time
could be better spent in teaching the
abbreviations.., --.,,r..7.:.-.i , ;
"On the other hand, in studying a
group, say like the . middle Atlantic
states, you. will teach the children that
New York Is a larger city than Boston.
Well, why Is it larger? What commer
cial causes give it supremacy? .if a
child saya Boston is larger, make him
defend1- his " oliolca and tellt why.i r The
Same with the One who says New York,
f heyJearir-thav'-way "Without 'knowing
they are learninsW L i !x . t 's, x .- ;
o illustrate further whSt ha meant
by awakening Interest before beginning
stuay oi a subject, Mr." Evenden told
' 1 To
llie p: ' I'itTicn of fli t c-.1 r: 1 1 f r. Cnnada
Wua to lie (studied. .Hut the claws had i
no natural Interest In Canada, and she ,
didn't know how to awaken one,' until '
one little boy happened to say tnat nis
uncle had Bono there two years ao and
hadn't come back.'
' "There was her opening," said Mr.
Evenden. ."'What is there about Canada
that Johnny's uncle liked so well he
wouldn't come back? she asked her
uncle '.'Why do thousands of other
Americans go there every year and not
come back?' One of the best lessons I
ever heard' came from that opening,
Geography Hardest to Teaoh,
"Geography Is really the subject of
all subjects In the public schools, and It
is the hardest to teach. You as teach
ers must remember that you must be in
terested yourself before you can Interest
and . teach others. ; The teacher that
Isn't bigger than the text book in geog
raphy will never do more' than that.
"Examination papers are good mirrors
of the way in which children have been
taught. Take this answer, in a paper
sent to me for marking, in answer to a
Question to define a watershed:
: :" 'A watershed,' ; said the boy, 'Is a
small building near " the livery stable
where they wash the buggies off.'
"He was right it Is. That was the
kind of a watershed he knew. You see
he had not been taught geography so it
Interested him a watershed to him was
a mere definition to be forgotten at
orice. . pis teacher was really, reflected
In thai answer."
' Experiments in$oll physics were Il
lustrated to the teachers ' by George
Severance of Washington. State college,
and Professor E. D. Bessler of O. A C.
talked .Interestingly on "Specialisation
in Teaching." The Institute will vend
tomorrow. '. 'j;... '-..'i' :"
ZD ill I'oyZnnO, llli Floor, 2 p; LI. to 5 P. U. Caiiy,
v JlIio Largest end Most Complete SlocZi ol Holiday Goods to Dg Found in the Entire 11
V fc . .
scop cere in cc::rcrj
The Daylight Store
"The Fresh Air Store"
Closes Dee. 2 llli
Now is the time to Ret in m l
work hard for your favorite in.
stitution. Votes with purchases.
Branch OIHce Wells, Farco Express Co. Main Floor-IIcadquartcrs for Trading Stamp Premlun:
(Boedtl to Tse JonnwH
Astoria, ,0r Dec. 13-Wlth: heavy
polling In all the city precincts, a re
markable municipal campaign came to a
close last sight with the result that
Edward E. Gray, Republican nominee,
Is elected mayor by 126 votes over Dr.
1L L. Henderson, Democrat, Incumbent.
For the first time the women of Astoria
voted, over 700 taking advantage of the
latest amendment to the atate constltu
tiOn. - V-.t" ' hj '
Other candidates elected are: , H. V.
Prael, treasurer; Olof Anderson, auditor-police
Judge; A. W. Norblad, city
attorney; D, P. Belcher, superintendent
of streets; I. C Rogers, surveyor; L. TV.
Glaser," councilman at large; Charles
Wilson, Councilman First ward; Oeorge
Kaboth, councilman Second 'ward; C A.
Lelnenweber, councilman Third ward;
John Nordstrom, councilman Fourth
ward:' A. M.. McFarland. water commis
sioner, First wardV C. R. Hlgglna, water
commissioner Second ward;. E. Hauke,
water commissioner Third ward; It. O.
Belland, water Commissioner Fourth
Ward. :i.-r.,y ,j.;L
The ' proposed amendment to appoint
the city surveyor Instead - of electing
him under the present plan, was badly
defeated The proposed amendments to
reestabl leh- therasHjf the city streets
and providing for a sanitary and recla
mation commission met practically no
(Continued From Page One.) v - ;
3 1
ffipeai MrolMay Sale Woraieim's Eeaiy-So-WefflF Appat
Aw v s A
1 " Y
Tremendous Savings on New, Seasonable Merchandise of the Best Quality
$45 Suits at $22.98
$35X3 Softs pnlyj $17.98
Worocn'a tiid tnisjes' new Tailored Suits
In latest models. Cheviots, diagonals,
serges;: homespuns;' tweeds," broadcloths
and .fancy mixtures. Skirts with high
waist line, with pleats and panels. Sizes
14 to 44. Regular $35 Suits, 7 QQ
on sale tomorrow Jfor:bnly' sf lf ZfO
Tery desirable plain tailored styles, some
with . belted . backs and r velvet collars.
Splendid all wool materials . in popular
colorings. Skirts, with high waist' line,
with pleats and panels. All sizes, includ-
, ing some;stouts; buits worth 09 QQ '
to $45, on sale tomorrow a t
$55.00 Suits Only $27.98
Plain tailored styles, Norfolk? and belted
effects. Dozens of models in this great
lot. Bedford cords, cheviots, broadcloths,
serges, homespuns, wool ratine, zibelines,
ttc. Handsomely finished.. 'Sizes " 14 to
20 and 34 to 44, - Your choice QQ
of these Suits tomorrow for P& '0
025 Coats, Special $14.98
Three-quarter and" full length Coats for wom
en and misses. plain boj? backs or belted ef
fects in diagonals, tweeds and fancy mixtures.'
Some with'large storm collars;, others with
tailored collars. ; Splendid fitting, well made,
stylish Coats, in all sizes' from 13 to 19 and
32 to 44. Coats that are worth up a 14 QQ
to $25 are now on special sale at eP itelO
$35 CoatSt Special $17.98
Splendidly tailored and of the very newest
styles. Any woman twho is likely to need a
coat soon will do well to see these. Single
and double-breasted styles in tweeds, mixtures,'
diagonals, broadcloths, etc Plain tailored or
storm collars. All sizes for worn- 17 QQ
en and misses, values to $35, only vl lew O
$45 Coats, Special $24.98
VVomen'a and rnissesltylish new Coats in the
season's most wanted fabrics and-colorings.
Models made especially for motor wear. Large
satin collars, ragfan sleeves, deep cuffs and
manr with belted backs. Sizes 36 tt04 QQ
to 42. Coats worth to $45 now at eJAt?0
At Reduced Prices
The best Christmas gift; Our entire
line of women's Furs on sale at spe
cial reduced prices. : Only a few men
tioned here; .. ' V;; v
$22.50 Natural Mink Scarfs $16.87
38.50 Natural Mink Scarfs
65.00 Natural Mink Muffs at f 48.75
125 Natural Mink Muffs tt f 93.75
20.00 Black Lynx Scarfs at $15.00
555.00 suck Lynx Mutts at fi.aa
$20.00 Black Fox Scarfs at $15.00
$18.50 Black. Fox Muffs at $13.87
$32.50 Mole Scarfs, special at $24.37
$65.00 Mole Scarfs, special at $48.75
$42.50 Mole Muffs, special at $31.87
$10.00 Jap Mink Muffs, only $7.50
$15.00 Jap Mink Scarfs, now $11.25
$20.00 Sable Squirrel Scarfs, $15.00
$15.00 Sable Squirrel Muffs, $11.25
$40 Natural Raccoon Scarfs, $30.00
$25 Natural Raccoon Muffs $18.75
$8.50 Bath Robes $4.95
' An Xmas gift that's always appreciated.
A large assortment of Bath Robes in the
great offering. ;"Good heavy eiderdown
and blanket materials, with V necks"and
roll collars. Handsomely finished with
satin - bindings, buttons and girdles.
Robes here worth up to $8.50 A QC
each. On sale tomorrow, only eJIwe
$10.00 Dath Robes at $6.45
Women's Bath Robes of extra good
grade blanket materials in a great va
riety of pretty patterns and colorings.
Come with sailor collars and V necks,
t neatly trimmed with bands of silk, fancy
. buttons and girdles. Good assortment of
sizes and styles to choose from, A f
Robes in this lot worth $10.00 fU.'fr)
$7.00 Silk Walts for $3.69
Beautiful new Silk Waists with high
or low neck and long or short sleeves.
Handsomely trimmed .with lace yokes,
embroidery, ' jeweled and covered but
tons. Others with fancy Vest effects;
some in shirt styles. All sizes in the
lot to start with, but come early o CQ
and get first choice; va!s. to$7 $0)ij
tStllH tip- '' I
This Vagon
Passes Your
Door Daily!
.The Troy Laundry wag
ons have been a familhr
sight 1 to Portlanders for
yearsl t
1 Our delivery service has.
reached a point .where
patrons tell us we have a
right to be proud of it.
. From YOUR own ex
perience, YOU KNOW
that a great part of a
laundry's efficiency is
measured by tts DELIV
. The Troy -will get back
ALL 'of your laundry , on
timel: . r ,
.If you've .had causc-for
dissatisfaction lately., try
the Ttoy next week.. '. , '
Phone )ast 33, B-6113
(Botslord 8rvict.)
virtually the . same arave . crime, fur
nished a busy arternoon zor Sheriff
Mass and his deputies yesterday.
George, .Taylor, 60 years of age, f
Canby, was arrested by Sheriff Mass
on a charge preferred on account of his
step-daughter, aged 14. William Llllle.
WAil known In Orecrnn CAtv. nrvti nn
account of his own daughter, , made f
good his escape, after having driven
Constable George Brown from bis
farm , at the point of a shotgun, and
after' having taken the daughter away
from her mother and, the deputy. Llllle
then took the girl and escaped..
Constable Brown, accompanlel by
Mrs. Llllle, who Is divorced, and the
daughter7lrovetd "theTaiHe farm yes
terday afternoon to get a bundle of
clothes belonging to the daughter. It j
was thought the accused. jnaii was 4n (
the stats of Washington, as ha had
disappeared a week ago or so, when
the complaint was sworn out Deputy
Brown was going tip a ladder leading
to the upper story of the- crude name,
when a shotgun was poked In his
face, and from the darkness , above
came Llllle's volca: -
"Brown, you get down from there."
lie then ordered the surprised deputy
from the premises, after forcibly taking
the daughter from Mrs. Llllle. The two
returned at once to Oregon City, and a
posse with shotguns drove quickly to
the Llllle farm, about six miles from
town, on the Clackamas road. Llllle
had crossed the Baker's Ferry bridge
with the girl and started out through
the woods with his shotgun over his
shoulder, according to neighbors. - :
Llllle has long brooded over his do
mestic troubles. Several weeks ago he
applied before the county court, for the
custody of his daughters,on the ground
that the mother was not a proper per
son to care for them. This request was
denied by Judge Beattle. The daughter
Is about IB years of age. f
j Sheriff Mass had no trouble arresting
the other man accused on his farm near
Canby. The complaint was sworn, out
by neighbors. .Taylor Is married.. '
Gpeatt EolMay Sale. Womeiu's Maedtoags
With 10 to 50 Extra .Grccn Trading Stamps!
Main FloorA ercat soecial offerine in order to induce early shopping. Extra "S & H." Green
Trading Stamps will be given on Women's Leather Handbags, as below. Stamp booths main floor.
10 Stamps FREE.
Women's all ; leather Aned Hand
Bags, . gilt,' "silver and ' gunmetal
frames,-several Q Or
trimmed ' frames,- several
shapes. 10 extra stamps., At
$2.75 Handbags at $1.93
. . 20 Stamps FREE. ,
Coat seal, -. saffian and novelty
Inside purse and leather
spienoia gut. ri six
lined.- A
"20 extra" stamps.". Special
30 Stamps FREE.
Genuine seal and novelty effects In
new flat shapes. All colors. - $6.50
-values for f 4.98 and the &9 OQ
$5.00 grades priced only waleOJI
$10.00 Handbag at $6.98
40 Sfctf Stamps FREE.
Exquisite new Holiday Bags In
genuine leather. Every, bag war-:
ranted. $13.50 Bags at
fV.Btf and $1U grades at
$18 Handbags at $12.50
80 &l Stamps FREE.
High grade imported and domes
tic novelties in a great variety of
styles, all popular col- tlO Cfl
ors. 50 extra, stamps ? IiIU
$25.00 Handbags at $17.50
60 Z$C Stamps FREE.
Women's genuine leather Hand
Bags in very latest, shapes and
leathers; 50 extra (Pi 7 Csl
I CS.i U v o W VAU m
stamps.' $25 Bags only
SS.OO "Kayseii SIllcHosc S1.9S
Hosiery Department, Main Floor
Women's Italian Silk Hose, fancy self
embroidered patterns in popular colors.
Regular $3 values. Special for QC
tomorrow's sale at, the pair, ePleee
'Kayser" Silk Hose, Only $1.50
"IX ni1artAt" rtlirST r if
II VUVlvllvVt . jLuav ea vbk t v
4isle- thread Jinedoles; anigarter .top.
Black, white and all desirable CI C A
colors, on sale tomorrow, pair vlewy
Silk Hosiery, Special, $1 Pair
"Kayser.T "Remember Me," "Onyx" and
"McCallum". Silk Hose in black, white
and all colors. Street and s A A
evening shades: all sizes; pair efleUU
with- JU-
Silk Boot Hosiery, ' Special, 50c
Women's Hose, pure thread silk, with
double lisle thread garter welts and soles.
Black, white, tan, sky and pink; Cflj
all sizes. Special at, the pair, only ejVC
"Pony" Stockings, Special, 25c
Two styles heavy ribbed for boys and
light ribbed" for girls., Give very "besr
of wear. Double strength heels. OC.
knees and toes. Special at, pair. JC
Child's Silk Hose, Special, 85c
Children's fine ribbed Silk Hose, with
double heels - and toes. White,, black.
sky and pink, bizes 6 to 10." Jor
Xmas gifts. Excellent grade, at
"Merode" Union SuiU
Give Silk Hose for Xmas
Women's "Onyx" Silk Hose, $1.35
and $1.50 Values at 1 pair. ; Black,
white, and colors. H
$2 Onyx Silk Hose, $1.35
"Onyx" Silk Hose, in heavy, me
dium and gauze weights, $1.35 pair.
Regular $1.75 and $2 grades.
$1.50 "Onyx" Hose, $1.10
Women's "Onyx" Silk Hose, self--embroidered.
Black, white and
colors. Regular $1.50 quality.
$1.75 "Onyx" Hose, $1.35
Women's "Onyx Silk Hose,' with,
lisle tops and " soles. Hand-embroidered.'
Regular $1.75 quality. '
$3 Onyx Silk Hose, $1.95
All black, hand-embroidered; also
popular colors. Richest of designs.
$2.50 and $3 qualities.
$5 "Onyx" Hose at $2.85
Women's "Onyx" Silk 'Hose, in
beautiful embroidered " designs.
$375 and $5 values;
"Merode" Union Suits for wom
en, hand .finished wool and cot
ton mixed. High neck, long
sleeves and ankle 01 fr
length. All sizes, at vlelJ
"Merode" Vests, Tights
Hand finished, winter weight
cotton .Vests and Tights, high
neck, long sleeve vests and knee
or i ankle length tights. CC
All sizes. Garment, only vC
ftlr. Teamster
"'f 4.;' r: V'',w; '--'; V
- Don't - blame
- .your , horses-.
'; when they .
- , slip! : : . '
',.z. !,;
. Cody, Wyo., Deo. 12. Colonel W. P.
Cody (Buffalo , Bill) and a party of
friends have been spending- two weeks
hunting- in the vicinity of Pashaka lodge,
the colonel's fine country place between
Cody and Yellowstone park, t ColoneC
Cody will spend a portion or the win
ter at the ranch.- "1 - 1
Colonel Cody's fellow citizens here are
urging- him to remember his home town,
the town that bears his name. In the
distribution of his collection of stage
coaches. They want the old Deadwood
stage coach with its battered and bullet
riddled sides. Governor Carey and oth
ers have requested Colonel Cody to give
It to the state .museum in Cheyenne, but
the people here believe that it should
be left In Cody.
. The old yellow stage coach which
used to run between the Cody depot and
the Ir ma hotel, after It had seen long
service on trips between towns, has been
shipped to Miss Elizabeth Gentry, the
chairman of the old - trails ' committee
of the Missouri IV A. R. of Kansas City.
Although few people knew about the
presentation, it was brought down from
the T. E. ranch by four horses and pa
rsded up and down the streets here be
fore shipment . .
li-vifc : r yrrr"y ;
A Musical Horned
Will te yours If you take advantage of
th4ow. prioea aud -easy- terms blng f.
fered by the Bush & lUane Piano Co.,
365 Washington street, on pianos and
player pianos. Open evenings. -
Harry, Ulynn, Khgllsh baritone, at The
Louvre. Musical program S tQ 8, 10 to
Marabout Stoles,. Only $4.75
Extra grade," 5 strands, 2 yards in
length. Natural or black.' A very ac
ceptable Christmas gift. JC
Our leader at, each, only eyl I D
$2.50 Evening Scarfs at $1,37
Remarkable values in women's beau
tiful EveningScar fsTresden'solid"
fffecls, crystal . dew , drops t 07
-orchif fonjTeter-$2.50-values 4
$2.50 Fancy Ribbons at 89c
Sale of fancy holiday Ribbons tomor
row on the main floor. Widths up
to 9 inches. ' All newest coloTOQr
ings.Vlues to $2.5Q,now at OJC
Put up in
boxes, always most acceptable 'as
fift. Great variety of styles. QQ
'rices range from 35c up to VOZ
VaL Laces, Special 5c a Yard
2000 yards dainty Valencjcnnes Laces
in widths from "J4 up to IH inches.'
French and German mesh.- On C
sale at'12, 9 and as low as yV
Very Painty: Christinas Gifts
Exquisite semi-made Waists,' Gowns,"
Chemise, Corset Covers, etc., in daint
iest of patterns. The prices 'if
range from 83.48 upto pUtvf
Neckwear - Special
fancy Christmas holly
It costs you no: more to buy good,
reliable Gloves than-to buy those of
inferior makes. Let this store supply
your Christmas needs. Main Floor,
Morrison street way. . j
Women's Cape Gloves at 95c
Two ; styles -one-clasp gray or ' tan,
silk lined mocha and one-clasp capes,
P. X. M. sewn, with Paris AC
Point backs. Special, the pair TfDZ
"IrelandY' Kid Gloves at $2
One pearl clasp, full pique sewn, with
si, row stitched back. . White with
black stitching and black An
with white. Special, pair, at 9vU
Women's Eskey Gloves, $1.50
Two-clasp overseam v sewn; a soft,
pliable, perfect fitting , Glove of real
kid. Black, white and all t$l Pfl
shades. All sizes. Pair at OlJU
"Bacixio" Cape
Gloves, Pr. at
"Bacmo" Cape Gloves for women
one of onr leading makes. -- One-clasp
style, P X. M. sewn,, with one-row
stiched back. In white and ,s?1 JC
tan. sA.ll sizes. Pair, only
Chad'sT-inecT GIoves at 95c
Children's .vypoL lined Gloves, one
horn clasp, - pique sewn, with spear
back. Cape or mocha; $1.25 QC-quality-tomorrow,
at, the pair VOL
Children's Mittens at $1.25
Children's fuf-top Kid Mittens, one
clasp style, oyerseam sewn, -fleece
.lined, fur tops Complete e? OC
line of alt sizes. - The pair rlW
Child's ; Kid Gloves at $1.00
Overseara sewn style, with one-clasp
and Paris point hacks, lined with soft
warm fleece. White and tan.., ff t(
All sizes." Special, the pair . vIeUU
"Lady Violet" Gloves at $1.39
For women.. One pearl clasp style.
Pique sewn, with three-row embroid
ered back. Black, white, tan. M 9ft
cream; all sizes. Special, at $ !)
"Bacmo" Mocha Gloves $1.75
Women's "Bacmo" - Mocha ; Gloves,
silk lined; one-clasp styles, pique
sewn, .rans ,foint backs.
Black, tan, gray. The pair
r vt "
Grea! Sale of Upholsiered Furniture
Third Floor--Chairg, Rockers and Davenports, overtsuffed and upholstered in latest -designs.
A ChristrnaslGifrthat will surely please her. Notethe foTlOTnnggreat reductions of prices:
$20.00 Grades only $16.00
$28.50 Grades only $22.75
$30.00 Grades only $24.00
$35.00 Grades only $28.00
$39.00 Grades only $31.00
$45.00 Grades only $36.00
$50.00 Grades only i vlO.UO
$55.00 Grades only 1 144.00
$70.00 Grades only S 56.00
$72.00 Grades only $57.50
$ 75.00 Grades at $ 60.00
$ 80.00 Grades at $ 64.00
$ 85.00 Grades at $ 68.00
$ 95.00 Grades at $ 76.00
$150.00 Grades at $120.00
Men's Wear Section, 'Main Floor. 200 dozen men's fancy; Xmay Ties,;
cut silks, reversibles and wide flowing ends; stripes and plain colors.'
Hundreds. of choicest patterns; 50c qualities.-- -r ' ,
Buy Lace Curtains Now!
2000 Pairs In This Sensational Offering:
Drapery Department, Third Floor. In this lot are fine Scrims, Braided
Rennaissance, Irish Point Lace, French Lacet Arabian; French Novelty
Nets." Brussels Nets, etc, in hundreds of the most beautiful, patterns.
$2.25 Late. Curtains,, pair; f 1.50
$375 Lace Curtains," pair, f 2.75
$4.50 Lace . Curtains, pair, $3.25
56.50 Lace Curtains, pair, f 4.50
p.50 Lace Curtains, pair, f 5.00
10.50 Lace Curtains, pair, f 7.50
$4 White Wool Blnnkets; $3.25
Third Floor. ' Fine quality 'White"; Wool ; Blankets, with pink or blue
borders; Full bed size and good heavy grade.
$6.00 White Wool Blankets, 4,75 -$8.50 White Wool Blankets, f 6.85
$7.00 White Wool Blankets, f 5.75 1 $5.00 Gray Wool Blankets, f 4.25
tTalTlbridflc,, Rugs
Priced at 02 to 012
Ygli 4 vex i ust, ire t.e?iy e dj frqnvthg Commission of
"the Blind - of "JJo'stbri," Mass., a"Iine assortment"
of "Cambridge" Rugs., These artistic ,Rugs
are made byithe blind and it's wejl worth youi1
time to see them; Helen Keller is interested
in this great work.' We are sole Portland agents
75c Sleeping Dolls for 48c
ToyJand, Fourth Floor.. 17-inch Sleeping
Dolls, with nice long hair. Sewed wig and
kid body, with stockings and shoes, if 0
Regular 75c Dolls' on sale tomorrow at OC
$1.00 Sleeping Dolls, Ohiy 68c
Paoier Mache body, long hair, with switch.
jointed limbs and arms. Extra well , made.
Regular $1 quality.
50c Jointed Dolls, at Only. 29c
Jointed Papier Mache Dolls, with sleeping eyes
and long, curly hair and sewed wig. Regular
' ;. price, SUc eacn. , ...
25c Kid Body Dolls, 12-inch, now on sale at low price of 15
$1.50 Folding .Doll Beds, specially priced tomorrow at 9Se
$2.00 Trimmed Doll Beds, specially priced tomorrow fl.25
75c Folding Doll Beds, specially priced for tomorrow at 481
Vopkc" The Quality Shirt, Special at $3.00
A high grade, fine "quality Shirt for gentlemen's wear. In fancy im
ported patterns and cloths. Exclusive, nobby styles.- New line just in.
Stripe effects in blue, gray, black and tan.- The best gift possible.
Sale Men's Wool Sweaters
He'll appreciate one of Jhese fine Wool
Sweaters for Xmas. A splendid line here
to' choose from $1.95 up, to 88.50.
Men's Silk.- and Wool Pajamas
Men's high grade silk and wool Pajamas in plain
colors, military collar with frog trimming and
pearl buttons. A suitable Christmas .gift. $1.50.
45.50 Plaid Wool Blankets S4.65
$7.50 Plaid Wool Blankets S6.25
$2.25 -Wool Nap Blankets at 1.85
$2.75 Wool Nap; Blankets at $2.35
$3.75 large Cotton Comfters $2.95
$2.75 large Cotton Comfters $2.35
$2.25 All Feather Pillows at S1.65
Butter lt.
O. W. K. "SPECIAL" BUTTER, 2 lbs. 701
Grocery Department on the Fourth Floor.
35c Preserves, specially priced, the jar, 25
California Grape Fruit, special,' each, 5
Florida Grape Fruit, special, 3 for 25e
Infants' $2.85 Sweaters, for $l.9S
Infants' knit wool Sweaters, in white, gray and
cardinal, plain and fancy knit. ' Ages 1 to 6 years.
Regular $2.85 quality.-, , ' ,
Infants' $5.00 Wrappers at
Second Floor.; Infants' cream cassimere Wrap
pers, .embroidered. In white, pink or b!u .-.
Daintiest of designs $5 values.
$2.75 Embroidered Dresses M .
Infants' dainty hand-embroidered Drre5p ! '
.0t.shortstylcs.lTjje8c, are the rcirv.Iar ... ' '
Infants' Silk Bonnets, $1.50 to 4.75, at
Infants' Cassimere Coats, now st j t 1
Infants' Knit Leggins, fU'm .
Children's Coats from t
Chlldrrn's Drr-'-, r. ' :