J 31 EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE - WANTED Carload of lumber, horses or dairy cows In exchange tor 20 acres fruit land In Hood River valley, value 1-000, unimproved, . but unincumbered. 1 asy terms on balance. ' See : A. W. Onthawk, Hood River, Or., or address H. ('. Hateham, owner. Rupert, Idaho. liKRK are 15 acres of orchard, all first class trees, miles fiera R. K. sta tion; will trade (or bouse' and lot in city. - . ; : WATSON THERKELREN CO, 306 Spalding bldg. 7 7 .. Main 7592. :-"'---- ;... TO trade for-Portland income property. 12(1 lots. 1000 ft. from depot, best small fruit town in Oregon, I want your listing. - Geo. S. Hall. Real Estate Kxclianpe, ozf Henry tHcig., Mar. . iaiiU itiuUern house, Ivt 50x100, cor. rte; price o00, bo incumbrance, to exeiuTHae for small improved farm. Will not assume. sot Henry bide;." - - ' WANTED PEAL ESTATE 81 Sell -Your Property If you wish 'results, list your -property- with the Terminal Realty Co. They; are gettin the business. 525 ypon bids. Phone Marshall 2U04 WANTED Lot in Irvjngton, must, be cheap! please give nurnDr or lot ana block, state price and bow much balance of assessments to be assumed..! Oil 7, journal WANTED for-cash 8 or 4 acres in cultl- vatlon' with Improvements, not too far from car, not over JOc fare, not over $5u acre. Woodiawn 3186, WE CLEAR UKD. Jar-kola' P om.. 814 N, 11. Phony A-1399 Wfi buy, sell or exchange your real cs tate. Frank B. Ford CO., 826 Cham ber of Commerce. Phone Marshall 748. V a.VIEo Htal estate, cash - or- trade. Miller OrKHn, 819 Henry 4ld. ROOMING HOUSES' 03 i: 1ft-J3nnmc10, 77 In A-l location, rent $3J.60; swell fur niture; one apartment rents for $30. Tlfia place is worth 350., Will sacrifice If taken at once for 1300.' Peters, 807-8 Hehry bldg. f 'VV'- ': " J2nOOM8, ' centrally located, steam heat, . running water n all rooms; clearing $75 a month; $260 required, balance $20 per month. J01 Henry mag, 1 WILL sell my 18-room rooming house , cheap; wife sick; or trade for clear lot not too far out; no agents,- C-223, Jour nal. $2 $27&1WX$275 W;nva am i 1 l.rAnm l-ftnml n mt liAliaa , trncA leae, rent $60, always full, good loca tion on west aide. This place la easily worth $1100. i See this at once if you want a barjtnln. Peters, 607-9 Henry bid. TO LEASE 3o" two room apartments, new building, rent $3.80 per room. Particulars room goi Henry tug. ROOMING house of 10 rooms for 9 housekeeping; ? baths and toilets; 48HVjj Washington; owner. (2 ROOM hotel, dining room, price $900, terms. E. 1017. ; ' WILL sacrifice furniture 9 rooms, fur- - nlshed 2 months; terms. 69 Ella st. STOCKS AND BONDS' 77; 08 STOCK I have $2600 worth of Portland Mausoleum Co. stock: which I will sell at a discount.: J. P. Morris. $07 Yeoa, Marshall 166. ' - " .- 1 '-' --. BUSINESS CHANCES. 20 ESTABLISHED slab wood business for : sale, horses, wagons, wood, and wood raw, etc; doing a good business in this Utv. Main 8709, A-7386. i ?.. JOB PRINTING plant, best buy in city; ' big cash traoe, i! platens, idbo. spot cash. No money, don't answer. K-157, Journal. . Grocery Store Owners I have some Portland lots and cash to . 'r'rnot (v''r $1500v Main 6377, lf1?0t-;Yes, look For sale '' fMMt grocery store, hotel and feed barn; will take part trade, p. & M. Dobson, r. u. tiox i&, craptree, ur, SPLENDID location tailoring, cleaning .and rresslnc. - Store Sunnvelde ants. , bldg., 87th and Belmont, for rent, $15. invest i pa te mis. PARTNER wanted in real estate office, lady or gentleman with $600, security given for your money, Call or address 8 i 2 Henry bldg. RESTAURANT, confectionery, cigar, I living rooms, rent paid till March 16, 1913: steady boarders. , Consider team, 338 Russell st. FOR g ALE A stock of shoes, MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE. Inquire at 249 I armi in sc. b'i. . uE for sale cheap. Confectionery; light groceries, good fixtures. Wood- lawn ass. CoKN'Kil store on Washington st. Con fectionery, cigars, delicatessen and grocery. Sell or trade. Call Main I88. 1UH UKNT or sale on easy terms, 8 room house, by owner, 116 W, Sum- rier st. ;j -n '-. C H fXp Good candy business, west nlila location; dvn some terrna. J-lfiO ' Journal. FOR RENT Furnished dining room. New Urand Central hotel. , Ud, ; and Flanders. "1-UH sALE tSroiory " store; fixtures, $450; stock, $1100: monthly trade, Slum, uwner, t-ib, journal. WAftibAoUve partner in well es tabllshed paying fuel business; $100 an la ry for rigtn man, x-nu, journal, IkNANT wanted to lease 60x60 tile end brick bldg., for grocery and market. Good location. Call Tabor 3671. WILL sell 62x66 garage and 4 room house 82800: $600 cash. Call owner. i Tabor 8571. . , k jeAUTSiSll with $800 to "take half In" w teres t in duiiui teres t in builulng; new house for sale. l(lrHS t)0 S(, WOQCIStOCK l'OH SALE By owner, restaurant ami .- creamery, including milk route. Will sell one or both. Phone Main 1178. . WOODWORKING PLANT At a bargain. Special line. - Established trade. Call after 4, Tabor $. 500 Business Cards, $1,00 ' RQgK CITY PRTNTKRT, 12H d, 500 Business Cards. $1 811 Buchanan bldg. $86H Wash. et.: BAHRF.R sh6p for sale, t cbalrs. itS W Yamhill st. OH,1 LOOK . WHO'S BACK FROM VACATION! L;,.j qyisif ..'-'" " - -"' --' J. '::,.. . ;f;,.'::.'-.r';.':- ,;':.- -vv.'; j-, V-'.H.-y :-yJ- itJ.'-.yK- '.i. s,::v'... :-.'-'" ",' --J ';'.- .'... v,:'-;.... I r , ..j",:.',': ' 1 T.. " ' 1 1 - """'' ' i ' ' ' ' ' ' i ' i mm mm mm m i i i PvaiiH pv f ra ..'..'.. , i r "('.' ',''. ..i :."''.'.','. : , '' ' '.-v :, , . ,f ;':' ,. i '-,. ' - . ,-.,- i "'l ' ' "'.,':'' ';' . . ' ... ..,.. i , - ' , , v , .. . ;,,.,..,,,.,,,' , ...... . ... .. . , .. - .',',:... w . .t ,..-..-' .. , . ' . , , . r , , ,t .... . : . , . x j - O ' ' ' :"'.'': ..'"."";...', "' ' "'. ' , " . -'.7 .'.'"-. '' - EL'ii;ii;:i ciiaci:j I WILL PAY CASH ' FOR A GENERAL MERCHANDISE STOCTC I mean bnslnetss. If you will sell at a discount, see my agents at once andI will call on you. THK HARBOLT-WILSON CO.. INa 710-18. Lewis bldg.. ; ?:rr. 4th and Oak sis. : Saloon Wanted - Have party for saloon, independent license, good lease, no high rent, well located; quick action ceceKsary, '- 30 Railway Exchange. BRANCH MANAGERS wanted We want branch managers with a few hundred doUars to open up rich terri tory; large returns, as tins la one of the best-paying businesses. Northwest ern Film Co., 600 Yeon bldg. toK bALt, Uutieraji mercnandise busi ness. Excellent location. Will sell be low invoice, Good reasons for sailing. Will sU or lease bldgs. For particulars write or call on owners, JX U. Kangas Cos Hocklnson. wash SAWMILL foreclosure for mortgage t but , $1500; cost new one year ago $8000; 30 IL $5,000 -per day capacity; fully equipped: at Vancouver, Wash. Make me an offer. Brooks, 918 Cham ber of commerce biag. r Mam mbv. I WOULD like to comniunicate with a - man interested ' In automobiles 'and has 81000 to Invest In a, legitimate busi ness that will pay in less than three years iut tou&o per cent, u-iii. jour nal.; ! WANTED A 'Hilacksmltli. I have . a blacksmith shop and tools for sale, rent or trade. Must have some money. None but a rellabie smith need, apply. i-w A4 a , r.. . ...... 1 ,, juurimi. t AM retiring Jrom business, will sell my stock of general goods at invoice, or will lump, it off! store for rent, also 5 living- rooms. ,McMahon.l261 Division St., city.: ..,u:...v,,.;...... . ::. .? ., BLACKSMITH SHOP, tools, end stock with 4ease, rent $30; running 8 men; nrica 82000 outside valley town. In- qulre 4 K. 6th. Tti;sINKs lacationa in live lumber town. Call at the Timbet Townsite company, Btn ana wasnington sts MEAT market for sale, cheap. Tel. East 4610. IiULP WANTED RIALD AMBITIOUS YOUNG. MEN. between 17 and 25, who are not getting alone well, miss a great chance if they fail to investigate the United States navy. You ought to know in full about tne good pay, steady advancement, free board and lodging,. fine training and compan ionship, chances to learn useful trades, and to save money, .and the opportunity to travel and seethe. World.. -.Call t Navy Recruiting Station, Railway Ex change bldg., Portland, Of., and get full particulars. . Or write for "The Making of a Man-o-Warsman," fascinating free book about navy life, etc. Send today to Bureau of Navigation, Box 327, Navy department, yvasningwn, v. Y. M. O A, EMPLOYMENT DEPT. Employment membership guarantees member will secure employent or refund of membership feet gives two months' full membership privileges, 10 months' social privileges and undertakes to keep member employed during the full term of membership without further charge. Record for 11 months ending Novem ber 80: Call for men ...20,0 Positions filled ........1574 - . See secretary Employment Depart- ment, 1. M. C A. EXPERIENCED salesmen to sell our homes in all parts of the city on easy rayment plan,, and close-in restricted residence lots on both the east and west sides, . also close-In acreage.' We furnish some prospects and assist in closing sales. We supply lots and build to suit purchaser. Liberal commissions, sk for sales manager. PROVIDENT TRUST ' CO., OWNERS, Second Floor Selling Bldg. SALESMEN Plenty of good leads are coming in from our ads. We can use three more live salesmen on, these. Act quickly. Get In while the rf going is good, 109. Nortu 't r west bldg. ' -: WANTED Salesmen for timber town site. It is a live one. Two-thirds of business section is sold. We want live ones to sell balance tract. Prices ad vance soon. Timber Townsite Co 608 wormwcEt ping.- teaos rurniBPea. WANTED Carpenter to finish 1 room - cottage as first payment on same, balance monthly. Lemmon, 161$ Mis sissippi ave. - v a. j cL A few young men to leant . watchmaking and engraving, profitable work, plenty of openings, for Informa- noH write i mooe rang.. Portland, or. BOY wanted, about 18. Opportunity to learn a ood trade. Myers ft Sin clair, manufacturing Jewelers. ' Belling Hlrsch bldg. , - . CUiUF Headquarters and Helps CALIFORNIA W1NB DS re. EPOT, 185 Yamhill Street. VVANTui 3 men to learn automobile repairing and driving. Paclflo Oar- age, zee tun st. WANT1'U--At once, $ men to learn to drive and repair automobiles. Call at VVANTiit-li'oung man with some ex perience as typesetter, to operate automatic card machine,-- Apply 103 4th, WANTE1 -Teams to naul brick, Stand ard Brick & Tile Co., Canyon Road. niam x l 1 WANTED Metal polisher. Apply Ore gon Plating Works. " ' HEN wanted to sell hominy and horse radish. 404 E. Everett st. MEN wanted to take their Turkish baths at the Corbett bldg. baths. J HELP WANTED MISC. 4 MEN, WOMEN, get government lobs, $20 week. Write immediately for list of positions open. Franklin Institute, Dept. 838 W Rochester. N. Y. GOVEhN-u:NT positions are easy to get.- My free booklet, Y-368. tells how. - Write today-now. Earl Hop- RAILWAY mail clerks wanted, $80 month, Portland - examinations soon, coaching free. Franklin Institute, Dept. o w. no:nesxer. r. x. UNCALLED for tailor made suits, $8.69 up, mrrim isiiors, si sc. UNCALLED for tailor made suits, $6.50 up. Taylor the Tailor, 285 Burnslde st II LLP WANTED- -Very Important KEEP OUT OF THE RAIN. Lprn moving picture operating; $25 to $40 per week; easy inside work; short hour, dayand evening classes. Call and se us before making arrangements elsewhere. "Lessons reaBtfnabre. NEW MAN MOTION PICTURE CO., 526 ft Washington st., near 17th. LOCOMOTIVE firemen and brakemen for nearby railroads. $80 to $100 monthly, 18 to 85; experience unneces sary; no strike. Promotion, engineer, conductor, Railroad employing head quarters; evejr 400 men- sent to posi tions monthly. - State age; send stamp for application. AX-200, Journal. CRfcUON LAW SCHOOL. A" thorough practical course In law. No tiw lost from regular occupation. Recitations evenings. Terra commences October 1. 1812.- Bamuel T. Rlohardson, dean. Address M. Morehead, secretary. 816-817 Commonweal th bl d rt.. Ore. OREGON AUTO HOHGOL. 166-68 11th St., Cor. Jefferson. . Practical instruction in repairing and driving automobiles; tuition reasonable: part cash on enrollment, balance at time of graduation; We assist our graduates to positions. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS UADQUARTER8, 8'6 Mc Kay bldg., 3d and Stark. Main 1026. We will prepare you for spring examine- MEN wanted lu leara a lucrative pro teeslon. ; if you are dissatisfied with your occupation fit yourself for good paying Dusinetis, os ommonweaitn bldg. MEN and women te learn tne bai-ber . trade- in 8 weeks; positions guar anteed. Ore. Barber College. 833 Madison. - HELP V.' ANTED FEMAJiE 2 JEWELRY SALESWOMAN ' wanted at once by the Meier & Frank store. - Must be thoroughly experienced. Apply at , superintendent's office be fore 8:90. s WANTEDYOUNO LADJE3 FOR TEL. EPHONB "OPERATINO, WITH OR WITHOUT v KXPERIENCB. . FArb WHILE LEARNINd. APPLY AT THE PACIFIC. TELEPHONE AND TELE GRAPH COMPANY (EAST OFFICE), COR. (TH AND EAST ANKENY BT3., OR " (MAIN . OFFICE)," " 'WEST PARS AND ALDER, TELEPHONE EAST ISO. EXPERIENCED SALESWOMEN wanted by the Meier & Frank store for the book, silverware and handker chief departments. Apply at superin tendent's office. . . ; . ' ."'',' ''' '. . WANTED- Girl general house work; no washing; tike ' car. 774 Hancock st, APPRENTICES wanted to learn beauty parlor work. 810 Swetland bldg. WANTED Millinery apprentices. Paid while learning. Lowengart & Co. APPRENTICE, hair dressing. 815 full course. Combings bought M. 1916. WANTED First class bonbon dippers. Apply toaay. ewetianqs. FINISHERS and operators on pants; steady work. 83 Russel bldg , WANTED Girl for general housework. Phone Marshall 4418. HELP WANTED MALE AND '::,-'- ' -" ', ;., FEMALE 29 MOLER BARBER COLLEGE Wanted men and women to learn the barber trade la 8 weeks, tools free, a chance to ret In business for your. self. Send for free catalog, or call at 3i North 4tn street. WANTED-AGENTS ONE man's commission last week 8838, selling Washington Nursery Co. trees. ir you can waiK, tarn ana write an or der, write us today for territory. Wash- ington Nursery uo., Toppenish, Wssn, SALESMEN w ah ted to aid us In sup- piying the Driss demand ror nursery stock. Address. Capital City Nursery Co., Salem. Oregon. SITUATIONS MALE 3 YOUNG man, good character, speaking three languages, served three years in U, S. army, with good recommendations, desires steady position as cabinetmaker or itny kind of wood work inside. Any other position welcome. J. J. Schwarts, x. m. u. A. WANTEDr-Position by good watchmak er and plain engraver. Do not drink or use tobacco. Wages reasonable. Ad- dress J. B. c, box 101, Sprinirfield, Or. CAPABLE man wants employment of any xina. anywnere; nanay wita tools; not afraid of work; country preferred. j. w. fiowara, lYontn st. - Main ,izt) MIDDLE aged German . wants inside work. Understands all hardware bus, nets from common to office. A-216, Journal. : '" YOUNG man wants work in store of any kind, wui work. Has worked in dry goods before. Cheap. B-162, Jour nal. DRAFTSMAN :' wants position; many years' experience aesigmng ana im proving machinery and methods of doing work. Phone Columbia 344. SAUSAQEMAKER, all arottnd man, wants position. F-138, Journal. WANTED Position by druggist, small town preferred- can furnish best of rf0renrpn. 1-1 fin. .Tnumal. A YOUNG man would like to have work forenoons for room and board, Y-150, Journal, COMPETENT man wants position In office. Small salary. Address W-14S, Journal. . ; '- AUTO driver wants a job driving truck. E-114, Journal LAW student wants office position. Sal ary no object. . V-144, Journal. SITUAflOXS FEMALE LACE curtains, draperies, dollies, bed- laundry done by experts, 25o Ail work gnarRnterdi Woortlawn 2684. WANTED Chiidien to care for; good ... care and references. 933 E. J 7th. North corner I'rpfcott. Tnke B car. " . MIDDLE AG ED woman desires day work forJ Thursday and SnturdaT of this week. No half days. Wpotllawn 840. EXPERIENCED woman wishes work by nour, , Atrs. Kenneay. a-na aiter LACE CURTAiNS, draperies, linens, laundered by experts, 25 cents up. Ta- Dor all LIGHT work- wanted by ladyL home iimrw oojeci rnsn wagci. ioi xu. ai.u. YOUNG woman wants work byisy or hour. East 4260. - STENOGRAPHER of year's expeil- ence wisnes position. t -2131. WOMAN Experienced, wants day work, '11 . .,1 , . - A ' DKESSMAKIXO 40 WILL ' make evening gbwns, dresses, tauormaoe suits very reasonable our Ing - the holidays. Eit guaranteed. Madame Le Melne, 115 N, 23d st. Phone Marshall iiB49. -: v -y DRESSMAKING and ladies' tailoring neatly done; satisfaction guaranteed; prices reasonable. Phone East ' 6849. Cody Apts., cor, E. 7th and Taylor sts KOOm Bt. '- ' ' " - EXPERIENCED ' dressmaker and tailor- , ess by day. Tabor 14i)6, DRESSMAKING Fit ' end workmanship guaranteed. Phono Alain 63fts. fl NOISES . " 60 PRACTICAL Burse would like few more cases. rnone xaoor s. - -CRNIS1IEP SOQJte. 9 WEST HIDE . . - Hotel Madras ' 12TII AND WASH, ' Is making special Inducements on $4 a Week rooms; steam heat, hot and cold water and good service, 'Get in while the gettlng's good. - y-jfvTfW ARTHUR HOTEL, Eleventh, between Morrison and Yam hill Recently opened. Every modern convenience. Conducted above reproach. nenty not water and heat, f Heautirul lobby and parlor; $l7.5u up; $22.60 up. uain, 6TANDISH Hotel, (64814 Wash, St., newly furnished,, all outside sunny rooms, steam heat, hot and cold water in rooms; rent iitt up.' JNew manager, FURNibUED rooms, euways warm, hot ana coia water, oiose to u.; ibo ana $1 day. Special terms by week or month. Hotel Arminius, 410 Morrison st. HOTEL La Halle, lOttt and Burnaioe tI. fire proof,, elegantly furnished, siaani heat, hot and cold water, special rates oy montn. ynone Marshall 40. LARGE, steam heated rooms, attrao UVttly furnished, running water, beau, tlful parlor; reasonable, Maxwell Hail, 14th, near Taylor. . '-- HOTEL ALMA Centrally located, new and modern; steam beat, phones la rooms; all conveniences; special rates to permanent guests, mh and Stark. VAN GORDON HOTEL. 106ft 18th be. Wash, and Stark, rooms always warm, tree pnones la every room, i a aay ana up, h wk and up, THE COLONIAL-Most central and comfortable, 165 10th, cor. Morrison; just renovated; light, steam heat. 88 to$a HOTEL. BUCKINGHAM iii', Wasn.; new and, modern, steam heat, private pains, xa. ip ween ana up. wtm , FURNISHED rooms, modern hotel. steam heat, not water, f 3 week and up. i-totet tjievenger, 4ia wasningtun. M fdl V E & 'Ml A K ITll M A H 8th su rooms UUw B IkSa UUlimiVWUU : 1 1.60 60 UD per WeeK. Free ptiune ana bath. Main f75. FURNISHED rooms in modern hotel, steam heat, bath, $3 per week and up. jioiei meaiora, izt. Din si. THK K I Nt') :) J of frmin- ntil f,ir- nished rooms; modern, beat, centrally luvaieu. ween upj 4821s Washington, one door west of 14th st; furnished front rooms; gas, heat, sa.BO ween. - v NICELY furnished front parlor, suitable lor one or two gentlemen, tj n. 15th st., near iavia. ' HOTEL UlenwooU i4 tialmon, modern notei, Turnisneq rooms, in.pq wk. up, FURNISHED room in modern botei, 49 KA WAslr mri tin 1KR A M., HOTEL ANTLERS 'Warm, clean rooms. term as lllAriora la lAtli nnA UTnat. ,sjs iiiuMviM mn anu ti anil. THE BUSHMARK, modern, steam heated hotel. 6a wk. tin: Waah. NICELY furnished rooms, $1.75 and up. 123 12th st., cor. Washington. THE LINDELL, stesm heated, rooms Yi weex op. Z8 taarxet. Main 6861. THE RANDOLPH, steam heat, free baths. 33 week up. 262 Columbia, VERY nice, clean furnUhed rooms, $1.60 and $2 per week. 171 13th st THE Karlsworth, just opened, modern rates, reasonable. 838 Clay, Mar. 3887. rxrwnsHED BOOMS WEST XSB FKIVATB JTAMTXY 70 NICE large furnished front toom. toilet and bathi In small private family, within 10 blocks Qf-poetoffico 0n weBt Siae, sio permontn. A-I47, Journal. TWO first class rooms furnace heat, electricity ana gas; an conveniences, 10 minutes from postoffloe. Mar. 373 4. IT 9 K a-.t waaL t)Ad t aam nhAna l . t urn . ter. bath of if hall, home comforts. 773 Roosevelt, near isa. Marshall 4116, SLEEPIN6 and housekeeping rooms, fh-st class, warm, $2 to $5 week. 879 Couch St., cor. 18th. - HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms. Very nicely furnished, $10 and $13 month. 233 Eleventh st FURNISHED porch room, bath, phone, $1.60 week. 181 14th, corner Ya m h 1 1 1. FURNISHED ROOMS EAST. SIDE 62 "THE MONTGOMERY." cor. East Mor rison and East 8th, nicely furnished rooms, reasons Die. HOTEL EDWARDS, Grand avenue, E. Morrison; rooms $3 week up; absolute, ly respectable; private baths. E-323. THE Larrabee. 227' Larrabee. Koomi - $3 wk., up. Brick bldg., steam hest, hot, cold water, bath, phone, electricity. ruKNis : i ld r.ooMS EAST 6IDIS . , ; RIVERVIEW HOTEL. , 3d and K. Burnslde, " The best eouirined firenroof hotel In citv. , , Centrally ' located. Private phones, elevator, 75c per day. Private bath $1 per day and up. Special low rates to permanent guests.' Limousine bus free to end from all trains. - UNFURNISHED KOOMS 10 LARGE 4-room flat. $12. 192 V Market m.t Tiear r ront. - BOOMS Am) BOARD 15 CASA ROSA Board and room.; $09 Jef. lerson hi. . .- KOOM AITS B0AO VBIVAXB fAHUY ra LADT wants children, to board; food nome ana close to school.' f none beii wood 1884. Address 122 4.7th st. Wood stock. '-" - ;-' - ''.- ROOM and board, 825 month, 9 meals a day, Sunday included: family style, bath, phone. 328 14th. Main 5608. ROOM and board tor 1 or, Z men. waik n ing distance, near steel bridge, 364 KOS8 st. East HAVE 4 vacant places at the table for gentlemen only, -185 llth. - EoOM'atid boariLhome privileges, $5 per ween, is js. iBtn st. . - YOUNG lady, can find room and board very reasonaoie at 412 Taylor st. WANTED HOOM AND OATtD 39 ROOM wanted on Portland Heights by young man. Unmarried. Y-165, Jour nal. - ' - ' 1 : ' ' ' vT ' - HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 'n 8 WEST .SIDE . :J BASEMENT-Totmisjr heat, fuel,'-4: bath, lieht and' telnnhonei nil conveniences. Comfortable home for working -family. .treasonable walking distance, , Hall, near Park. - - '-.-.;- CAMBRIDGE bldg., large, light house keeping rooms, furnished and unfur nished, central, cheap rent, room 89, 3d and Morrison sts. - , ' HOUSEKEEPING and furnished rooms. new bldg,; rooms 81 week up. free phone THREE housekeeping rooms, furnished, $15 month; walking distance. .615 Jef- xerson st. FURNISHED H. K. rooms, modern, $1.60 up. ear to xui tsnerman, Jdarsaaii THE MITCHELL -7th A Flanders. H, E. sleeping rooms. Very moderate. TWO front ground, floor housekeeping rooms, i n, xe t4tn st. : ' ' ROUarBXEBPISO BOOMS ' -WEST SXSB PSXYATS PAJaXXiT T3 3 ROOMS, corner suite, 2nd floor, fully furnished,: K beds, clean, , coxy and quiet; fine neighborhood; gas and wood; water and bath free; walking distance, $14. S. & F. cars to 134 H Porter st. juarsnau du.'u. BASEMENT housekeeping and sleeping rooms, warm, dry, suitable for plain working man or small family, $6 to $7 mo. 676 Couch St., cor. 18th. ? 2 THOROUGHLY clean H. K- rooms. tunning water, sink, gas range. 428 TWO housekeeping rooms, phone, batt free wood, $i week. 181 14th at, cor. Yamhill. V ATTRACTIVE 2 room suite, gas range, running water, furnace heat, phone, light, bath. 347 Hall St. Marshall 4980. $27.60 Elegant S furnished front rooms, private bath, phone, steam heat; also t rooms. 189H N. 23d. , TWO single H. K. rooms, modern. 724 - 1st st., cor. Hooner; reasonable. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms!! 208 Park st Main 4349. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 48 EAST SIDE GOOD, clean, furnished housekeeping rooms, beautiful and healthy location; modern conveniences; rent reasonable. 682 H. 6th st. THREE neatly furnished rooms for light housekeeping, very reasonable. , MODERN It K. rooms, free heat. $17$ weeit; 3 commercial, U, or K, b. car. FURNISHED H. K. rooms; walking dls- tance, yi.tiv up. sih b. Morrison. HOTSEXXEFTira BOOMS BAST SZZB VBIYATB TAMJXT T4 TWO suites of furnished IL K. rooms, two rooms each, also 1 single fur nished room, with privilege of garden. Rent reasonable. Apply 929 JL Davis st or pnone East 1SQ9. ; oall for pay. rooms 2d floor; free phone, water and bath; wood and gas stoves. Just what you want: walking distance, 564 East 6th st Phone Sellwood 1109. $1.60, $2.76 weekly, clean furnished H. K. rooms; gas, free heat, laundry, baths. Phone East $039. 408 Vancou ver, LARGE housekeeping room. $7 per month. Home privilege. 151 E. 16th $10, 9 housekeeping rooms,, $16 for I, with electricity, wood, gas range, pne large room $9. 651 B. Morrison. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms. $17 mo. 467 Ev Pine. ROUSES FOR RENT I 12 $1.60 6 room modern, built in ennven. iences, garden, berries, 205 E. 23d N. Phone E. 1218. Rose City Park car $16 G-ROOM modern cottage, - newly tinted, shades, lawn; Woodstock; Suil- wooa WAVERLY HEIGHTS, modern 6 room house, with furnace. 916 Ellsworth, peuwuua IBB, TO RENT Coxy room cottage, rhod ern, 226 E (1st st, t blocks from Hawthorne ave. Call B-3532. FOR RENT Modern $ room house; phone E. 836. 6-ROOJi modern house, close in, ' 393 li tn st.; wain zubb, a-4196, 6-ROOM modern house. 3i4 Monroe st Upper Albtna; U car; adults. 609 HOLGATE st, cottage 5 rooms and bath, rent $16. FOR RENT House, west Side, very low rent, $11 Corbett bldg. 12 THE- MEIER-- - FRANK STOIiES , FREE RENTAL AND 1NFOKMA - TION BUREAU. Is for the convenience of both Port land people and atrangers in the city who may be looking f(r homes, apart ments and flats. - Ws have an excellent firivate list, as Well as the. combined ists of sll real estate dealers. We can also give advice as to the new buildings la course of construction. - House hunters.' especially Will find relief in this special service, for we help you to get quickly, comfortably and desirably located. When-you want to rent, visit . ' - . , THE MEIER & FRANK RENTAL .1 BUREAU, 4th Floor, Main Bldg, FOR RENT One acre of ground and 6 room plastered house in the city; lo cated at 6825 Powell Valley road; lots of fruit and berries, $17.60 month. , HARGROVE A SONS. - 12? N. Sixth St.' Main 4381, A-7259, Se VEN room modoru bouse in Laurel hurst, with garage, completely f ur Ished; will rent for the winter or sell to the right parties on reasonable terms. Phone Tabor 3409 or call at 1212 East Glisan-st. : - - - - TWO 7 room houses. 871 and 873 Kelly st.,; near Gains, : 1 -all 7 modern con veniences, $25; other In good repair, $18; American neighborhood. Phone Sell- wooa iio. $206 room modern house,, gas, berries, fruit, hard surface street, corner lot; Union ave. . car; Cleveland & Maegley, rnone peiiwooa is4. can ror Landers, oiiAuiiruu a room Dungaiow, new, modern, fireplace, furnace, only 125 per month. 430 Worcester bldg., Main 1HV LIST your houses for rent with Wag ,per & Hunt... They're young and alive. 435 Chamber of Commdrr. . ..i. FIVE-ROOM modern oottage for rent, $16; furniture for sale, 1094 Alblna avc. L car to Sumner st . FOR "RENT One 6 and one 8 froom nouse, onoiew locations 805 Vancouver ave, woodiawn 3285. FOR RENT Modern 4-room flat, lino . leum in kitchen, gas and wood stove, laundry. 891 Alblna ave. Woodiawn 8879. $18 ( room bungalow. Grand ave. N., $20: 6 room close in, E. Stark. Phone Woodiawn 2661. FURNISHED HOUSES f 30 NEWLY furnished 4 room cottage; bsth, m gas, etc. Close In, 828 Wheeler st. rnone xa. 37. $)18 4 rooms, nicely furnished, near 3 canines, aauits. JZ02 Borthwlck, a riva room lurnisnea cottase. sas. riei-tricity, piano; iazs ueimont st neat: 4 room furnished col tag e, ttua- k riVslrla ; Innttlxs 1 fill JTIne..lan 4 umj v. ainjilll q gq IHU1 I IBUII S3 k, : THREE room house, furnished. Inquire mi m ivm sc. sautn. flO S furnished, rooms, 1 block from if i tV Kam aa ieiL a. Jlae 8UUf Mtklt AOS JU Oin Bi, FURNITURE ''FOB SALE " . HOUSES FOR RENT . 82 FOR SALEf Furniture and leu. In modern 9 room house, fine residence section west side, good furniture with or witnout piano; nice home, can keep roomers, very reasonable; some trade, rtainier neauy co., 204 mumper Ex. FOR RENT 6 room house, furniture tor saie: x oiocas irom carj call at ivao cj. pnerman st, FURNITURE 6 room cottage for sale! yard, roses, f acini W. Park. Main voss. NEW furniture, 8 room house, bargain; gmng- bmuiii, rem iz mast xutn. FURNITURE of 8 rooms for sale cheap. 827 Front st Main 8830. FURNITURE FOR SALE 03 11 ROOM house, furnished com Diet oi v. for Sale, all In 3 room housekeeping suiis. ii suia oy tne tain price . tuuu. i n. liin. . jnsin bijo. FURNITURE. Of 4 room bungalow at less than half price; used only 10 mo.ithe; perfect condition. 650 Mason, aner i p. m. NEW furniture of 8 room house for sale cheap. Call $0 E. 16th st, or phone B- FURNITURE 4 room flat for sale: $ buys If sold at once, 166 E. 301 Mh, near aeimont. Kents ror 8io. BUFFET, table, chairs, steel range, ueoa; an new; guuu quality; jg. 03;a, APARTMENTS 43 THE DEZENDORF. $08 16TH, NEAR TAYLOR. ONE 4-ROOM, 1ST AND TAYLOR, UNFURNISHED APT OR WILL FUR NISII TO DESIRABLE TENANT. Overton Apartments,. . , tlst and Overton; beautiful, pew, mod ern i, t and 4 room apts; $32.60 and up. Phone Msrshall 880. ' Lincoln Apartments - K 4th and Lincoln; all outside 2 room apts., $22,60 to $30. Main 1877. A-8472. THE DE LAIR, 619 Williams ave.; miulRrn t urnlshad irmm' ,nn vwt vste phones, baths, $26 up. East 4189, THE MILNKK under new manage ment steam heat, recency renovated, heart of busines district snd 3 room apts. and offices. - 650 H Morrison. ... . THifl DAVENPORT.-. - ... .... All outside 2 and $-room apartments; Steam heat, strictly modern, walking distance. 60$ Jefferson. Muln 6435. . Drickston Apartments 448 11th. near Colleae. 2 and 9 suites, strictly first class. Marshall 67. SUNNYMONT AP'16 36th and Belmont - eo car, vm jh tiiy xur me price, ana ine price iw riijiii. jruune lauor iSiiy. t It .t y ' J...- f. rr RUSSELL apartments, 300 Russell. st Nicely furnished 2-8 room apartments. Kent reasonaoie. rnone jrnt Z743. THE DEL MONTE, attractive, furnished; I room npia. ; reasonaoie, waiauig ais tsnce. 167 Stout St., near 30th ft Wash. THE ELMS. 191 14th st. Modern 2 and . B maam f r, ( a V, A mntm v .. 1 1 - 1 .. tlon. walking distance; reasonable.. MODERN 6 room aoavtment. 10 min utes walk. 641 6th, Main 7065, A- tinoi. THE UPSHUR, 404 ii' 2tfth st Furnished ' - - we wvw a svwkia w v a u I 11 IS 1 1 r 2 room apts., steam heat, light, $17 up main line r uu, ur w. car. THE GODFREY COURT New brick, for housekeeping, 2 and S room apart- ments. E, 841. 6t0 Vancouver sve. FURNISHED four room steam heated flat, modern. Cottel Drug Co. BY. Eousr.3 ror. f.ent THS VILLA i r. ." '.', 12th (.J 'iavlur. Most -nspuUicentiy fruu.h J t- ments in the city; location in, f, i als reasonable; every nioi.if civ ienoe, banquet hull and roof if high class service; rcieif noes rtii. Both phones la all apartmeuu. & ti'i. AN KEN Y CULRT N 2 and 3 room apts.; new builduig, r,? furniture, hot water heat; main phones in every apartment; $21 to $.!,; everything first class. E. Ankeny ev Montavilla car. B-2634.- F.aat 2K0O. Taylor Apartments Newly furnished 3 room suites $8.69 a week and up. Phons and bath. ZutVi ist, corner -layior. jSilis Lucretia Court un j-ucretia st., near wash, ana la, most, exclusive 2 to 5 room unfurnished u, . ju...cuy; reterencne, ' ' . Gray Gables ICoV V nnm untsi 17A tin sa m .lctrio light, walking distance. Qua . lnik aA0Art furnished -Apt,,-Steam Heat - Light housekeoDinir: also atncla Hffihi. Btrn , , - , " w ------ 841-14th St, at Market fitw a ana s-room apts., completely furnished; reasonable, Main 1739. FOR RENT FLATS 13 MODERN 5 room lower flat, fireplace, - furnace, gas range and water heater; all outside rooms; large yard, cared for by owner; no children. 0s li, Madison.' MODERN 6 room flat, 10 mlnutea' waJk nwt oiub, iit.ov, 641 sta SL Phone Main 7066, A-8661. C-2245 hju.au itt tii s and 4 room flats, view. , low rent - 663 Market st. near Chai marf.""v"'----rT'T-Tj'r-'------ : :x MODERN! 5 room flats. 3 blocks north Old Steel bflltfll frnntln S ... tlful location. $17'.60. Phone B. 3612. CLOSE in, up-to-date, free phone, 4- luuuj utii. . rnone juaia,7l7, or Columbia 368. - MODERN S-room flat; reasonable. 706 tmicuuTer ave., wpoaiawn, l&3.'' MODERN 4-room upper flat, with al- amo ana casement. Mam 5415. FOR RENT 7 room flaC 821 Ccr- mtjh pi, . lye a.1 B14 IQIOett St FURNTSHETi FLATS 60 - w w . wa Sit isil electrio light, furnace . heat,: walkln distance.'. 604 Market st, drive, $26 mo. MODERN 5 room lower flat, beautifully furnished. Phone M. . 1083 or call at morion apartments, apt 1. 6 ROOM flat modern, furnished, lir. per month. 998 Commercial st HOTELS OA HOTEL PORTLAND European plan vnij ar.n up. BELVaoaHE. European. 4th and Alder. STORES AND OFFICES H FOR RBNT Shop 45x100 and sheds. ground space 80x100. corner Russell and Vancouver ave., -7 blocks f rom Broadway bridge. ' Woodiawn 2445. Warehouse 100x100 For rent on railroad, ad lolnlnr ftnM, en Rod Mill Co., Alblna. Columbia 215. FOR RENT OFFICJBJ KPaCk WIT H" both phones; $10 month. 809 Ry, Ex, Ford,' - .,'.' ,".;,,'-. i ,'.,....:, STORE, 273 Hawthorne, near bridge, ; large basement, side track In rear. Appiy Mawtnorne dock co, Kast 2063. MODERN brick building, store 24x85, sieam neat, cement casement. Phone Main- 7 157, ., . SMALL store, with counters .and shelves, $15; 842 Front st 2'-yy',FOR RENT HALLSfi 4; C9 '"TWO XARGB HALLS FOR RENT Large one for Monday, Wednesday or Saturday nights; small one for Monday or Saturday nights. Special rates for afternoon meetingie. ' f Central location, raaannAhlit. - Pall vn3 rV,mmAiu,tal hlb LARGE steam-heated hall for Saturday and Sunday , nights. Inquire Howe- uavia co., in ia si. SMALL hall for rent 111 2d st. --', . Howe-Davis CoH FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS S3 BARN 23 stalls near Broadway bridge. for particulars phone Sellwood 1361. WANTED TO RENT A LADY alone, able to give best -refer ences, wtu tan care of furnished cot tage or flat for some months snd psy small rent for use. M-161, Journal.- - WE can reut your place for you. Wat eon & Therkelsen Co., 206-306 Speld Inc bldg. Main 7392. , HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. . IS A "BARGAIN for cash or on time, a team, mare and horse. Weight 2100 lbs., harness and farm wagon., Phone Sellwood 1788. ' - - - . 6 HEAD OF HORSES suitable for any kind of work. -Come and make an offer, trial allowed, 267 EAST 8TH. ' ! 10 ACRES of 'ood land at Falls City; .will take $1000 cash or exchange for, horses or cattle, or what have you? , 14 Union ave. ill ST sell good farm team, weighs 2200,' With harness and farm wagon, all for $136; house 781, 6 blocks wast on, Insley ave.; take Sellwood car. WANTEDA cheap mule, about 1100 or 1200 lbs.; will buy or traded horse for him. 14 Union ave. GOOD farm outfit mare and horse, weight 1200 lbs. each, rood harness and SV inch wagon. .267 East 8th, near nawtnome ave. A GOOD 2- ton -camelback wagon; will -exchange for good horse. 14 Union ave, -'-.':,,.:,.:.;. GOOD pair of ponies cheap or will ex change for 1100 or 1200 lb. horse., 14 Union ave. CHEAP ranch team for sale; must sell at once. 1967 K. Stark St., Montavilla. A NICE diamondTlng to exchange for good horse. 14 Union ave. i 'BUD" FISHER,