THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL", PORTLAND; WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 11, IDE COilViCTS PLOTTED 10 ESCAPE UIIDER cm OF FUES Fire in Penitentiary Auditorium Set by , J. J. Stanley fo That Purpose; Confesses and Goes to Dungeon. Salem. Or., Dec. II. Through the confession of a convict since thrust Into the dungeon,. plot to escape from the Oregon penitentiary came to Jight to day, i Of this plot we nre in vie yrjoun : auditorium, December 3. is now known to have been a-carefully planned de tail. ;' -.. v;-v. - a..; ,:- Tha convict la J. J. Stanley a seven year man.. His cellmate, who was to oannn with him. is Louis Huffman. Both have been In solitary confinement elnce they were caught by Night Guard Herron digging through the brick floor - of their cell the second night; after the ' filThIs floor Is about three feet thick, hnt thnv hart It cut. considerably mors thah half way through. Beneath is tne prison kitchen, the floor c-f which .s . 20 feet under their cell. In tha kitchen ' only a" castiron bar inches thick, set in soft brick, would have been be tween them and the, prison yarn. , Tha men picked out the window in tha basement through which to . crawl after filing the bar. 'The window opens within 20 feet of the brick wall around the penitentiary yard. t 'i - Th convicts made complete prepara- tionB for scaling this wall. They ' tended to make the break on a foggy night The- window opens at a point almost exactly . balC way between two wall, towers. , i t. .. Tha escape was to be made December S. and the fire in the auditorium was to create confusion. Since - Stanley's confession it has been recalled by prison guards that tha morning of that day was very foggy. 1 Stanley, whose ' cell is on the same floor as the auditorium, was doing some work in the library, which adjoins the auditorium. v - ; Other men bad been engaged that day In polishing the veneer work in the library. Stanley toot tome of the oil- soaKea rags mey useu, biuudu meui m a can, and used them to set the audi torium on lire. ' N Closing- of Door Spoils Tire. About two weeks before this day prison guards had discovered a hole in th flootLOt the auditorium, similar to the one Guard Herron arterwaras tounu in Stanley's cell. Stanley started his fire over this hole and, went out, clos ing the door behind him, This act prob- ably prevented a disastrous oiaie, -ior the draught was cut off and there was much smoke but little flame. "When the fir was discovered, a gen eral alarm called guards and convicts to fight it It was then believed the lire had-been, started by someone to burn over the discovered hole. With the finding of the hole in Stanley's cell, however, it is believed he started the fira to create confusion amid which he and Huffman could finish the hole In their celt -drop linto ; ths basement, emerge into the yard and scale the wall. . TJnsympathetlo fog Xlfts. ; . One thing that prevented this pro gram was ths lifting of the fog. Any one running across the yard would have . .. been discovered. ? . . . Another was the vigilance of a chapel uard named Fisher.-It Is said Fisher suddenly noticed five convicts drawing apart by themselves and casting uneasy glances outside. -' His suspicions aroused. Fisher Imme diately called Charley- Huddleson,. turnkey, and Instructed him to watch the walls. Tha walls were carefully covered for the rest of the day and that night. . ; y. m; c. a. budget for 1913 IS .,$190,000 ' According to a decision of the Y. M. C. A. budget committee at a meeting in the association auditorium last night. $100,000 will be required to meet the operating expenses of the big Institu tion for 1913J .While work in all de partments has expanded and the useful ness of the association has, greatly In creased, expenses due to skillful direct lng of departments have been lessened. tJeneral Secretary Harry Stone said last nigty that wc-rk along more than u 300 different lines constantly goes for ward in the Portland Y, M. C A. The various sources of Income of the Y. M. C A, Including membership, cafe teria and so forth, make It necessary to ask the public for subscriptions amounting to only about 10 per cent of the total operating expenses. The meet lag last night was presided over by the president, William M. Ladd. "I'VE BEEN ALL WRONG " ADMITS IAftK filinAHY v (i'ultrd PrrM Leued Wire.)' Kansas City, Deo. 10. The courts have ordered , the chllJren of Mr. .and ' - . Mrs, Jack Cudahy restored to their v. parents, who recently remarried after : their separation, when Cudahy, finding J ere Lillis with his wife, attacked and wounded him. ' n'hrotigrout the whole matter I have :'. been wrong;" said Cudalii'...lii a sUte- menf issued today. "I have grievously wronged my wife and children. Tho balance of my life will be devoted to doing what I can and It will never bb enoughto right the wrong I did .. them." - "TWO HOT RUMS" STRIKE FAR FROM SETTLEMENT UDitd frm Iied Wire.) London, Dec ll-The strike of rail-1 road employes at Newcastle, Leeds an.l other cities, precipitated by railroad of ficials reducing Engineer Knox In rank for alleged Intoxication, appears as far . from settlement as ever. - In presentng his case to Home Secre tary McKenna today, Knox declared ho - tok two hot -rums before reporting, for duty, but denied he was incapacitated for work, i, ,, The mayor of Newcastle is endeavor ing to end th strike, but his efforts have not met with much success. TEN FOOT CHANNEL IS s PLAN FOR CATHLAMET (Wtrtitnctna Burets at Tk Icarnilj Washington, Dec. ill. Congressman Warburton of Washington has been in formed that the district engineer has tortwl against deepeninjCathlamet, rrunnf-rtd " SO""Teet,tuChas approved dticiiing it to 10 feet There will be an opportunity to protest -against this rt-l'oit trfore the board of engineers fr river. and harbors In this city in "- U Is ronisirtpred profitable to coa t' l llie dcolblon WOODWARD PRESIDENT !AL CLUB ill Owlnir. to -b& inability to be present at the meetlngff of the North Portland Commercial club during the session of tha legislature. J. II. Nolta. representa tive-elect from Jlultnomah county, de clined the office of president of the club last night at its regular business meet lng held in the fir hall at Kenton. H Is the founder of the organization and was its first president - Sam u woodward was cnosen to mi the office. The other officers, who were elected are Frank Case, vice president W..R. Agnew, secretary: H. A. Ruble, treasurer; W. H, Payne, O. Hopstrans, A. Kechum, J. S. strlckler and E. N. Orth, dlrtctofs.i" ...'.: ;r- 'y':i-tj Q. S. , Carl, I C. Wilkinson, S. ,1 Woodward, H. L Ruble and Walter Dyer were1 appointed members of the committee' to look after the movement for double "tracks on Alblna avenue and for the Improvement of that street W. Keeier, I C. Wilkinson. 8. I Woodward, C F. Nichols and Q. Hopstrans were ap pointed on the vice and legislation com mlttee. , A committee consisting of G, & Carl, H. A. Ruble, S. L. ' Woodward and Walter Dyer was appointed to in vestigate the garbage Question. Following the election of officers. L. K. Reese and Mr. Nolta spoke on the question of the disposal of garbage of the city. , They stated that the garbage should be collected by A private concern, turned Into fertilizing material- and then should be sold to thsodty, so that it MRS. ELLEN MURPHY'S will io rnuoA I tu The will of Mrs. Ellen Murphy, moth er of Attorney Daniel R. Murphy of Murphy, Brodle & Swett, was probated ycsicruujr. ii provides xur uio eisinou- tlon of over- $70,000, the value of the estate. . Mrs. Murphy's death occurred in Seattle, wash., December 2. The es tate Is composed almost entirely of a note and mortgage, due July 28, 1915, signed by I B. end Hortenae Menefee. Mrs, Murphy left $20,000 to her daugh ter, Mary p. Murphy of Seattle; 110,000 to her daughter, Lucy M. Turner of Seattle; $100 to her daughter, Susan M. Kelly of Seattle; $25 for the St Joseph's church, Seattle, to Rev. p. Mahoney, and $200 to the Mission Sisters (Ital ian) of Seattle.1 The remainder la to be divided share and share among her other children, James C. and William M. Murphy of St Paul, Or,; Daniel R., Matthew P. and Joseph A. Murphy of Portland, and John J. and Catherine Murphy of Seattle. The latter is a member of a Cathollo order, and goes under the religious name of Sister M. Alodia, . ' ; In leaving a share to Joseph A. Mur phy, Mra. Murphy provided that his share be held In trust for him by D. R, and M. P. Murphy, his brothers. - Want Case Retried. Dissatisfied with the way Judge Tar- weu or the municipal court handled their case yesterday against Mary Hun ter, charged with selling liquor at 107 Fourth street Patrolmen Stewart and Huntington, and Tom Way, state agent appointed by Governor West, took the matter up his morning with Attorney E. R. Bingo, the governor's special prosecutor, in efforts to retry the mat ter. Instead of allowing the Jury to pass upon the evidence. Judge Tazwell directed that the woman be discharged, at the same time scoring the officers. Some people find pelasura bat a stepping stone to misery. iinir nniii ERC Gift Ideas For Christmas" DIAMONDS Gold and Platinum Mounted CLOCKS f 1.00 to f 150 WRIST WATCHES f 10 to f 500. Our $25.00 full jeweled Wrist . Watch is of special value. NOVELTIES IN THE CELEBRATED "POSEN" LEATHER We Are Exclusive Agents for Portland FINE UMBRELLAS' $5.00 to $10 Buys a Good One Established 310 Washington Graduate Optician Examination Free ISE A HLTER TO STRAIN THE AIB e.Jhlil.Qstrn8iC!ean, Healthy and Fres Of Germs ; With Ely's Cream Balm. er-'. The nostrils ar nrfrt "air fmra" and, . when kept, In clean, healthy state, "train every nit or air we breathe, catch ing all dust particles, foreign matter and, germs.. The air 'is full pf germs. You cannot dodge them, but you can safeguard yourself against catarrh and other diseases contracted In the 'pro cess of breathing by keptng the nostril "lean n4JeaVLhjr-.Calarxb.sermajsiU sometimes get in their work, and you may mistake the symptoms ' for an or dinary cold. . . . Pon't take arty "chances, "if you have a stuffed up feeling In the head, or If your throat is sore or filled with phlegm, Just grease tlia nostril with a little HIV RULES SESSION OFSTATE ncunsis H. B. Miller, Member of State Board, Who Was Present Made No Objection to Bii - "Under Discussion. . - Though H. B. Miller, member of the state board of horticulture, was present yesterday afternoon at the meeting of a committee or members or me estate Horticultural society, which is consider. lng legislation intended to do away with the state board in favor of a commis sioner of horticulture, he offered no au rect objection to tha, committee's bill under, discussion. A. C Goodrich and W. K, Newell, who, with Mr. Miller, are members of, ths state board of horticul ture and of the special legislative com mittee as well, were not present at the committee's deliberations, i : ; A majority of this committee, appoint ed at; the. recent: annual meeting of the State Horticultural- society, are in at tendance, however, and are. harmoni ously digging through a draft of the bill The new ml provides for me appoint ment of a commissioner of horticulture, at a salary not to exceed $3000 per year, with additional pay. for deputy and clerks and traveling expenses. This commissioner is to serve under the di rection of a horticultural commission consisting of the governor of the state, the president of the State Horticultural society, and the president of the Ore gon Agricultural college. The office of the new commissioner win be located in Portland. ': -'v -'':' r-. -"'. V" Those opposed to the plan of the ma jority' of the committee, would rather that the state board be continued wun Increased facilities and additional ap propriatlons. ; This faction of tha state society will also draft a bill , for pre sentation to the legislature and then both bills will be considered by the nor tlculturists of the state at large. - John F. Forbls of Dilley la chairman of th committee deliberations of which are being held at the imperial notet Cut This Out keclps That Breaks a Cold in a Bay and Cores Any Curable Cough "From your druggist get half ounco of Globe Pins Compound (Concentrated Pine) and ... two ounces of Glycerine. Take these two Ingredients home and put them Into a half pint of good whis key; shake well and use In doses of one to two teaspoonfuls after each meal and at bedtime." Smaller dosea to chil dren according to age. But be sure to get only the genuine Globe Pine Com pound (Concentrated Pine). Each half ounce bottle comes in a sealed tin screw too case." If your druggist does not have it he will quickly get it Many mix tiiraa ara of larce auantitv and cheaner. but It, is risky to experiment This formula comes from a reliable doctor and is certain. This was first pub lished here six years ago. and local rusrelsts say it has been in constant demand ever since. ' Sore Feet Corns, Callouses, Bun. - -ions, Tosi Biles, Acn lng' and Sweaty Feet. ' A spoonful of Caloclde In the foot-bath gives instant relief. Get a I So box at any drug store. la 1870. St, Wilcox BIdg. ElyUCream. Balnv' draw, the pure,aroH matia fumes back In the head, and you will be astonished at the effect. In a few minutes you will feel a loosening up In the head,' the nasty discharge will soon be stopped, ths soreness gone, and you will, feel a sense of genuine relief. .Ely's Cream Balm not only wards off catarrh, 'but will quickly cure veven a chronic, ,, longstanding case of catarrh. It takes the trouble right : where It starts, id the 'nose and throat, cleanses, heals and .strengthens ' ths raw, sore Inside skin, or membrane, and in this way drives out catarrh and makes you proof against this filthy, disgusting fllgfflnft, ,,',. , , - ,.'', ., mh , Colds, which often hang on for weeks, can be quickly cured with this cleans ing, healing, antiseptic balm, ' AU drug1 gists sell it for fifty cents a bottle, and the one bottle Is generally all that 1 needed to effect a complete cure. Try ft today. Agents owl Drug Co. BREEDS GERMS Tho committee will complete Its work tnis afternoon. . Those attending' the meeting are: John F. Eprbls, Dllley;v Frank W. Palmer, Portland; Charles L. McNary, Salem; D. M. Lane, Ashland; O. E. Sanders, The Dalles; -Professor C. I. Lewis, Corvallls; II. n.ALamb, Milton; C. A. McCrum, Portland ;A. B. Eatetnan, Mosier; H. B. Miller, Portland; M. Mo Donald; Orenco ; . A. : L Mason,' Hood River; Albert Brownell, Portland. RAOOAD TRAFFIC MEN ENTERTAINED O.-W. B, & N. trafflo men assembled here In conference to discuss, improve ments' of 1 service ; were entertained ' at luncheon at noon today at the Portland Commercial . club as guests of the com pany. It is expected to close the con ference which began yesterday morning in the ; parlors pf. the Portland hotel.. this evening. ' The ftnal subject for discussion will be the company's stockyard facilities with the view of reaching a decision as to V where feeding racks for livestock in transit can b established to the best advantage. A standard for new pens will also be adopted. , r , WILD bUCKS MUST- ' . BEAR STATE SEAL B..tNl. lAHi.M.. - I . t i v.iuiiuu( iviuvuvw every , wtia quck that is placed on sate or In chid storage anywhere in Portland will hv tn hau a state game department seal on it As the season for selling game ends Sun day, the game officials are going to see that nhm . Ir 1n 4n wtia or placed on sale after January JO. The . - - w vm au IVlkVI I symbol on them, and for the latterj mark, the sram offinnrn liava . v iv LaKB Will IltlVfl in flHTS IVII atl1 Uih their office. A iwviM viit t..n - ' ... of all game marked in this way, and after the date mentioned a search will be made to sea that it hi. n k oisposea or. , ' ... The Value of Real Estate , depends upon the demand for it. The more peoDle. the fc4 greater the de-fe mand. The more I & mills, the more g peopie.- Portland Glazed Cement Sewer Pipe is a Portland prod uct you should boost. . I trtVJ J) fp VELOURS . .. . . . THE KING OF - WINTER HATS , Pearl, Brown, Steel, Green, Black ' T;HE . ' Bl;EWBf Always the best $3 hat in the world ' Leading; Clothier MORRISON STREET AT FOURTH V Outpf-Town People TAXI VOTXOZ If In need of dental work, we are so equipped that we can do your work in one day if. necessary. HESS ASS OTIS PRICES r - i . Ctood Baltber Plates, eaeh. . U . . . . ... tenn The Best Bed Rubber Plates, eaeh, for ... ........ . T 50 82k. Gold and Poroelaln Crown for,. ...................... 33,50 Xp 1 .QLjm ?ZS, W. A. WISH. . Be sure- you see him in per - ..son. as .-unscrupulous- dentists are trying to mislead the pub- -arTEASr-ACf ivjb paicncs nr posTLAiror Wise Dental Co. HESiE FRAHCISE UNDER Discussior Rivalry between Councilman Menefee and. Dunning as to which of two fran chises for the use of Seventh street should be considered first- by the city council, featured a session of that body this morning. ' Councilman Menefee finally won and the lawmakers pro ceeded to review the proposed franchise of George F. Heusner. The application Of the Portland Railway, Light & Power company will be considered later today. - Up until 12:30, when the council took a recess, the franchise was, still bein considered. The Heusner Brant nrovldea for an lnterurban line from the lower end of the peninsula up to the Broadway bridge and on Seventh street front the west approach of the bridge- to Flanders street; up Flanders to Tenth; on Tenth to feairwm; on Salmon to Fourth! on rFourth back to Flanders And thence on Flanders to Seventluvvv-; . An error was made bv Councilman Menefee to secure the adoption of the majority report of the street committee providing for;- the construction of a standard gauge track for exclusive urban THE NATIONAL'S CLEANUP SALE com tun una xv ruxi, rosea 8 Every Suit and Cloak : ZV THB SAMFZ.XJ B00U3 , Must Go ? h e s e ' garments are all samples direct - from New York, In - all the latest styles and colors, represent ing ' the ' greatest values ever offered In Portland. $33 0 $15 OAS KLEKTS. $18.95 t28 TO 35 OAS-' ICE NTS, $14.95 is to tas OAS. JtEHTB, . $12.95 fl4 TO 918 OAS VESTS. $7.95 These prices are our . regular Janu ary sale DricdS. coming this month means a great sav ing. TAXBl elitatos ana noor Bwetlud BIdg.. Stir and Washington Bts. Entranoo on 6th, urn. v iviuu muop. National Sample Salt Cloak Company Ay , "rf twit ansrli tsi J Plates, With Plexlbls notion, The very best and latest in modern dentistry. No more falling plates.-Out-of-town patients' work-corn. -pleted in one day when necessary." au wihuto unuer tne - personal supervision of. Dr. Wise. , Lady at- tenoants. Our bridge w o r k n as ieen brought 0 the high--st state of Pa r, f ectlon. in teetnon this bridge a r e, 1 n t er.; changea b 1 at will with out remov ing from the mm mouth. ; , - rAirrwo. atrrtDnr THlBS AND WASHINOTOS. Southeast Corner. Phones Main 2029, A-8039. , (c T1TI0 car service beyond Flanders street on Seventh to Grant, but this was decisively defeated. : .': : ., . i Van Schnyver Estate in Probate., : The estate of Harriet A. Van Schuy ver,: widow . of . the : late . W. J. Van Schuyver, whose death occurred Decem ber 8, , was admitted to probate this morning and is worth about $15,000. W., O. Van Schuyver, a son, was ap pointed administrator by Probate Judge Cleeton. In addition to Mr. Van Schuy ver there are two daughters, Mary C. Mackay and Helen A. . Van Schuyver. All reside in Portland. , IT PAYS LISTEN I T P A Y S If s to attend to your ,Xmas shopping.;. Get your' Jewelry gifts where: all the" price represents - value. We're out of . the high-rent district : You're not paying rent when you buy our goods. It's reasonable. , Some Xmas Suggestions - DIAMONDS ? Rings ' Cut Glass ' Watches , , Art Silverware Charms , Brooches Fountain Pens . - - . . Umbrellas - LA VALLIERES 1 BeHiirig ..'.'.'.'. ' - SSSusT 45 THIRD STREET. A Gift That Is a Gift The New Princess Model Graf onola, Price $75 YovL Haven't Heard the Best Unless You've Heard the, Graf onola; at Eilers Music House, of Course. GRAFONOLA "PRINCESS" f 75 A Small Payment Now Secures Delivery on Christmas or the Day Before and Then the Complete . ..v Payment for the Purchase During L-lNextJYear. y ' "; V ;; v-V , x If you want to make a present that is a present, decide on "the - ' one incomparable musical instrument"-and get the one big pres- ent settled. , v , Other Columbia instruments from $17.50 to $250 any one' of , which will give no end of pleasure to all the family all the year T around. - ' f., If you already own -a talking nachine, add to your, collection '-some of the specially selected Christmas recordings we now have on sale, or any of the new recordings by , Alice Nielsen, David Bis : pham, Maria Gay, Giovanni Zenatello, Jose Mardones, "or Josef Hofmann, and hundreds of 'other -artists now making records for -ths-Columbia.' m ' " .... i, a.. , -i H-1 1 , ; - ' ! '"V- ' V'W""v ; Eilers Music House 7th and Alder Eilers Buildih MBS. COFFf.lAN HAS NOT . HEARD FROM HUSSAND Mrs. A, J. Coffman, whose husband, a well known ; confectioner, 1 disappeared from Portland December, i, because of financial difficulties in business, said this morning that she had not, heard from Mr. Coffman, and that she does not know where he is or when he will return. '...;. . , j p.,';.'.".': . - A short prayer from the heart Is more effective than a long one from .the lips. I T P A Y S Time MULTNOMAH HOTEL BLDQ.