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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1912)
1012. 10 THE OREGON DAILY JOUP.NAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, pECE!!Ci; ild aim m m'i mm UIU IBM IP UJ-U VIII- IE FOB Ol'lll Scarcity of Vessels and Big Demand for Carriers Result in Harvest for Men; Freight Rates Attractive. As result of th scarcity of vessels In comparison to the demand for car riers, owner of Old windjammers ars reaping rich harvests. A few year ago lth freights at Jedroolc these same old nailers were 4ruf on the market, , A vivid Illustration of how some of these old-carriers have been converted Into veritable gold mines was furnished here last week when the old Russian bark Clan MacFarlane )eft down the Co ' lumWa river bound for Durban, Strath Africa, with a cargo of lumber, under charter ito tba Ii P. JUo lumber com pan v. " ' . -. " The Clan MacFarlane cost originally, when built fcy a British company, about 175,000, but sailing vessels going out of popularity because of the introduction of steam tramps, was sold and resold until some time go she passed into ownership of a Russian company for the small sum of 1,000. At that time freights were at low ebb and the price was regarded .'. Soon thereafter freights began to climb until a few months ago the vessel commanded SO , shillings per thousand feet of" lumber from Columbia river to South Africa, Having on board approximately 1,400, 00 feet, the charterer pays about 28, 000 for the run, or nearly twice as much as the owners' initial investment In the vessel. .,, v Shipping men estimate f 000 win cov er all Ujo vessel's expenses from the time she arrived here and began loading till the cargo will have been delivered, unless something unforeseen happens, thus leaving a clear profit of about $18, 000 In less than six months, a liberal atowance of time for loading, sailing and discharging. ',.., , . . ' The Clan Macfarlane came hers la ballast from the West Coast, but had a rood freight from Europe to the West Coast, and possibly "made inoney as fast on that trip as she is doing now bead ing for the dark continent : . Lr , -5 DALLES CITY ASnORB piver Steamer Is Blown on Sandbar . and Delated. Blown aground by a very heavy east erly wind yesterday afternoon, the steamer Dalles City of tho Regulator line, did not reach the harbor from The Dalles as usual last night but was ex pected to get in at 1 o'clock this after noon, i Telephone reports to local offi cials of the lln stated that the Dalles City bad been blown on a sandbar at Carson but sustained no damage. It was not learned at what hour in the afternoon she went on the bar, but she was aground for several hours until the wind went down,, when she was able XQ pull herself off. The only harm done was a few hours delay to tbe passengers and freight .i ., SCHOONER LKES RECORD Gas Boat Tillamook to Fast Ran :'Down Coast. . On her last round trip between As ' torla and pandon, the gas schooner Tll- lamook made a record, according to Cap 1 tain Birsch, who says that the little i vessel made the run down the Oregon ; Coast and baek to Astoria fn i days and hours. The best before that, says v the captain, was six days. The TlUa : piook arrived in the local harbor at 11:10 last night and will load a return 'cargo of general freight for Bandon and way ports. r ; J STEAMER WILL TIE TJP W'eowa to Remain at Pock; M1J1 Closes Down. ' Closing down of the Portland Lumber ' Company's mills for the holidays will . cause the 'steamer Weown to be tied --.tip about December 21 and she will re main at her dock until the mill re sumes operations. It is understood that the mill will close down ay , usual at this time of the year on December 21 and remain closed for about ten days, .7 LONG PASSAGE ENDS lrUiah Sltip Metropolis Is ia From ' Buenos Ajres Alter 12 1 pays. ' Completing the longest passage of the present grain season, the British ship ' Metropolis, Captain Abblt, was sched uled to vonie in over the bar today at noon. Hi hours out from Buenos Ayres. . The Metropolis arrived off the mouth of. the river yesterday after- , noon and the bar tug Wallula got a line ... aboard of her at $ o'olock In the even ing. The British bark Boadecia. which sailed from Buenos Ayres some time ; after the Metropolis, made the passage ; In 87 days. The Metropolis was under charter to the Portland Flouring Mills ... . company but because of her slow pass- age she did not arrive here until after - - the cancelling date. J ALONG THE, WATERFRONT The ateamer Ocklabama arrived at LInnton this morning with th? German bark Adelaide, from Santa Rosalia In '. tow.' She Is under charter to M. H. Houser for a cargo of grain to the 'United Kingdom. Laden with 800.000 feet of lumber, . ' the steamer Aurella, Captain Carey, . .. has cleared for San Pedro. ' . Eleven days out from San Francisco, : the schooner Kona arrived in the river . last Bight, and she will load a cargo of lumber for New Zealand. She wa char- - tered at a rate of t 3d. Captain George H. Dickson, formerly Bitulithic. is making good every day. You save money, - 7 :J ' ', V " " Mr. Taxpayer, when you boost for Bitulithic master of the oil tanker Argyle, arrived In Portland this, juorolng to lake com mand of the steamer Koanoke in place of Captain F. G. rlngton,. who has ror Signed. Th Roanoke will sail tonight v The British steamer Cape Breton, Captairt Wilson, has cleared at the cus- Inm hnui, with 1723.333 feet Of fir, f valued at ?2,S0O, for Melbourne, fche bi a total Of S.J746,?S9 icet or Jumuer. valued at istflJHLT. a' pari of ids csv being loaded at iGallfornla ports. :, i. J. Moore is Co., have announced that the British steamship kalis and the Norwegian steamer Titaola, which are now on the way to Australia with lumber, will return with coal to Quay- mas and come up be coast la Daiiasi to load lumber cargoes .,. again. The Ik-alls took a.be4resaat cargo. Jatt .. MARINE JfOTES - Antoris, Or,. Dee. ilj Arrired at 9 s. m. British brV Mfitroioll8, from Buenoa ayrca. Left tip St 11 Schooner Kona. PnUra' at 10:30 s. a. Steamer Breakwater for" Coo 11 -M ' Honolulu, Pec. 10, Sailed Schooner Behome for Culomliia rlT. , . .' " San Pedro, Bee, 10. Sailed 6teanr Geo. W. fclder tor Portland. '.. . ; i AMorla, Dee. lu Arrifed at 1 sad left op at 2:20 p. m. Steamer Voaemlt from 9n Yanclco ArrlTed t 7 p. to. Schooner Kona from Sua Jfrauclaoo. Attired at $.30 t4 Ml up at 9 p. jn. Summer Saa Pedro from Sua Sin . yranclaco. Dee. 10.--Arrtred--8feanMr Beaver itttm fias Pedro! atratntr Uiwbellt from ColiimNa rlter. -Ue4 Btcamer Korth land for Ban Pedro; at 8 p. in. Steamer Ca Wlno for IortIitnd. ' " ' .'. Baata Hfwittlla, Not. 28. Balled German bark Bnrmlnk far Portland; Aitorla, Dee. , U.CowUUos at the, mouth 6t the river at a. nw smooth; Uwl south at, 25 mil: weather, raloiuc. XI ties at Astoria Tliuradaj Hleh water, t:3S a. m.. 7.0 feet; i:36 p. is- S.l feet. Low jater a. jt feet; 9:40 p. m., H-1 , ', Sue to ArTle Btr. Bearrr. Snn Pedro1......... Dec. 13 Bee. It Dec. 1A ......Dee. 18 ......Dee. 19 , Dee, 22 ......Dee. iiS Str. Geo. W. Kldor. Ha a Wego. , tttr. Bnkwater. Cooa Bar Str. Boar, Han Francisco Str. Alliance, Eureka Str. Roanoke, Sao lleo ... Str. Boa Uty, San Pedro..,.. Due te Depart, Str. Klamath, San tUgo .... Str. yoaanilte, Lou Anirelea.,, Gaa atr.' AutII, Kandon.. ... Str. Break watrr. Co Bay ... Str. Boaiivke, San Diego ..... Str. Ttru t ltr in Pcdra .. ....... Tiee. 13 .......Dec. 13 .;.-".; .bee. IS .......Bee. 17 ', Dee. II .......Doc. 12 .Det. 1? ...... .Dee. 1 .Becr-83 Sir. Bearer, Ban Pedro,..: Str. Geo. W. Ellin. Baa DIfgo.... Btr. Bear, Sag Pedro Ta Laave San francUco. Str. Harrard, Kno Pedro. Str. ale, Sao IJlceo ";.. , , Veaaels is Fart Boatnn. IT. 8. 8.. ...Dee. 11 ....Dec. Vi ....Stream St. NlrhoUa, Ats. ah...,. North Klr, Am. ae. ...... Berlin, Ant. bk.' Ijni Qi. Bargeaa, Anj. bk.., IHirj' yreeman, s ...... BaUioa. teh. .............. .......... .Ajttorla ...... ......Coble ...... ....'...Goble .Coble ..........Drjdock ......... Weatport Astoria K. C. Rickmera, Ger. bk.. Cape Bruton, Br. te.,..'.... Eat'era Westers Goidbek, Ger. ah... ..Kastern ft Western Anchendale, Br. aa ..PprtUud buntwr Co. Qaeen Ellaabeth. Br. as. .......... ...Bt. Jnhiia Marechal it Vlllera, Tr. bkU.. ...... .Linntoa RaTenblll, Br. tr... .. . ...Elerttort Boadlcea, Br. ab Albert, Am. bk.. Isebek, Ger. bk., LUbeth, r, tk. Jenbek. Ger. bk. Linntoa ....St. Uoleiia ....... I.liinton ........Atorl . .Stream ...North Bunk Moucomont, Br, bk . . I'oloor, Br. oa.. AdeUtde. Ger. .bk ... Metropolis, Br. ab Arabian, Dan. aa....'. Cilial Mra No. . .... Llnnton LJnntoQ Aatorla Oeenulc ........ Iumaa-f otilaen Montgomery JCo. 2 . .Portland Iunoer i0$. lAJUSUHiOt JtM SMB. G- Msralid. Per. bk.... Grain Tonnare ta Itoata sad Xiated. Aberlour, Br. atr...,. ............ ..Kn)ll efts Augunt, Kor. aa...,- .........Sub I'ranclace Bausor. Nor. atr.,.., Antwerp Petmoid, Br. au -Sun franclscu Fltzpatrtck, Br. atr Coronel Geo. d Negrier, Sr. bk ..Sbleldi Inrerelrde," Br hk.. .....Buo ' Arrea InIuTiUe. Fr, hk ADtofogU KUloran Br. bk ...KlO Janeiro Metrnpolla, Br. bk ....Bueaos A.rrea Ultuia. Gar. aa ....Taltal Prescription That Soon Knocks Rheumatism The only logical treatment for rheu- sons thai settle la muscles; joints and , back, causing severe pain, must be dis-, solved and expelled from the system or ' there, can b no relief. This prescrip tion from a noted doctor Is said to be working wonders all over the country, faundreds of the worst cases were cured by it here last winter. "From your druggist get one ounce of Toris camoound (In orixlual sealed Daekacre) and one ounce of syrup of Sarsapariila compound. Taka these two ingredi ents home and put them Into a half, pint of good whiskey. Shake the bot tle and tnke a tablespoonful before each ' meal and at bed-time." Results come the first -day. If your druggist does not have Torla compound In stock he: will get U In. a lew hours from his . wholesale house. Don't he Influenced to take some eaten t medicine instead of this. ' Insist on having the genuine Torls compound in the original, one ounce, scaled, yellow package. Sore Feet Corns, Callouses, Bun ions, Frost Bites, Acting and Sweaty Feet. A spoonful of Calodda in the foot-bath gives instant relief. Get a 26c. box at any drug store. nitlinei No lines no cement no lodp . . .." ing places tor dust and dirt, fust perfect sieht. with the discomfort and unsisfhtliness left out. Every desirable feature de manded in modern glasses of today is generously taken care of in our (shop in each pair inade. trices are entirely reason able. . " THOMPSON OPTICAL INSTITUTE. -209-1041, Corbett Bide.. Fifth and . Morrison,' Second Floor. SEE THAT I a. CIIWIAT LOSES 110 IN urn (United Preas laaed Wire.) ' 1 . Cincinnati, Deo. 11. Fire which de stroyed three of Cincinnati's largest es tabllshments the ClVson hotel, Ren-dlgs-Lotham department store, and the W. Ik Douglas Shoe company Is esti mated to have caused a loss of .7Q, 000. : More than 109 offices in the 17 story , Union Trust building also were ruined. Whije np fatalities ar,e report id. It Is feared several person's perished. Osaa. Ger, ...,...., .,;..,..........CoquliDho OHterhek, , Ger. bk......,........Woulerlili Beue, Ft. bk .Sjduajt Trrpalcbare, tier. aa....'. .....filo Janeiro Tbtwa, r. aa.,.. BMeldl stlaeaUaaeoos Faralca te AnriT. . Bay of Blaear, Br. aa. ........... .......CVlae Cbrlatlan Bora, Nor. str.,,,.....Baa Franeiac Druaunulr, Br. aa..... ........... Uua Ifranelsco Dundee, But. bk .........Sanjtoa Expa nalon, Am. sch .............. .'. Valparaiso Frank br, Br. atr,. .............. .Sea franelaeo Krankmoont. Br.t atr...... ............. Victoria Geo. K. BiUlnca, Am. Sch ..Baa Kmnolice necia, am. oa i,,,. Saa Franciiice . . . , Honoluls ,,.,.San rrHiiclai'O ...:..',.".. Cardiff .....Baa Praiu'laco ........Port Allea ...... ,,.AutrUa Hornelen, Nor. atr.... Mukaa-eii, Am. tr.... Murleebea,' tu. bk Stratbtarn, Br, atr... VeDDachar, Br. atr..., Strathlowrle, Bt. tk. Doily River Headings. , 8f a J. I2 a STATIONS Leu I toe .. Blparia L mat 111a .., Butreee Albany .... Baleni ..... WllaonlUe Portland .. l.t 0 I .or .08 .04 .01 -4.l' .4.2 9 ............. te 0.21 e.el ( ) Falilog. HIS PINT OF OYSTERS 55 PER PENT WATER A fine of 15 was given the Olson Oyster house this morning In the mu nicipal court ' for selling oysterr con taining too much water. Fred ,Buch tel. qity sealer, submitted evidence show ing an east side resident' pur? chased what ha thought wa f pint of oysters from the place, but upon meas uring it found about B$ per cent water and f per cent oysters. The Judge re cently held that a pint of oysters, to bo Legal, can contain no more than J I per cent liquid. ' Journal Want Ads bring result. THE IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT The New IMPROVED TONE SHUTTER Construction GRAF01LA FAVORH WITH 12 DOUBLE FACED DISC REC ORDS, including: the SEXTETTE ROM "LU CIA" and QUARTETTE FROM "RIGOLETTO' MAKING TWETfiy-pOUR SELECTIONS FOR $59 No Interest Columbia Ph 371 WASHINGTON STREET GREAT YEAR-END If MT Most niDC of the Reliable Better Quality Why Not a Nice Fur for a Christmas Gift BUY YOUR FL'RS FROM THE MANUFACTURER Save 1 fi o niiH11rrianA nrnfit W of fine furs, and it is to your interest to ptt what we are offering you in this annual year-end sale. It's a case of furg from trapper to wearer. Nothing but whole skins, ate put in our garments aad every fur rightly named. Take advantage of the great price reductions we are offering - in thi extraordinary tale. . , Finest Mink Real Beaver Black Marten 1 ' Hudgon Seal Golden Fox Russian Sable ' Mole A"d all the rarest and staple furs to be had. - -f 286 MORRISON . STREET ' k". ''''A -'r'';"';i ' J;:'!: BUSiriESS AtiD HEALTH TOPIC OF It's nearly as dangerous to go Into business as it is to grow old, for, ac cording to an address, delivered by Dr. A. K. - Higgs before the Rotary club luncheon In the Commercial club yes terday, 93 per cent of all business men fallonly 16'per cent leave enough prop erty to have a will proba ted and 50 per cent of all men who live to be more than 5 are supported by charity. Dr. - Hlgg also - presented the . Rot ar ians with some more startling XacU. He said tht 1.600,000 people in this country are constantly1 ill from entire ly preventable 'diseases, that 850.999 die annually from pneumonia which, they, needn't have it they keeptheir feet dry and bodies protected. ; ' "Nothing." added, Dr. Higgs more of a menace to health In Portland than; cold,: wet -feet" v;-'-;;."-;. The speaker ald people -who work over desks and use their eyes at close range constantly Invite blindness in old ago by not getting out viewing land scape. ':v,;;'-'VI-V' ';' ,:f: "I believe the greatest enemy to jhe human head is a .cold In the head. Nearly all - cases of ' chronic catarrh are simply colds that didn't get well. Dr. Higgs concluded with a little de fense of doctors generally. He said that the common idea as to their great Income is erroneous, that doctors only average an income of f 900 a year. ' II. C Judge discussed yesterday the evolution in the lubrication of -mat- chine ry that ranged fromviara to the products of .petroleum. F.' JB." Thompr son related the history of copying. . GIRL DIES FROM BURNS 1 IN - INCENDIARY BLAZE : ; v. T! i '..'.V-V.i :.;;..'; (United Preaa Leaned Wire.) ' Seattle, Wash., Dec. ll.r-Oamma 'Whal- ley, the 14 -year-old daughter of Robert MIXED HARDWOOD REDUCED PRICES Holman Fuel Cot ' Kain 8B3, A-3353. TfreQne Unexcelled instrument No Extras onogra Oa or !n OPPOSITE ljrtaMwX(r! i naa Ml J-PeATION MANUFACTURING FURRIERS. DISCUSSJON phC Ilk, jfsm, I .v T. Whalley, prominent resident of Beaux Arts village, on Ijtke Washington, whose home was destroyed 'on Wednes day, of last. Week, died today from the 1 burns she received. Whalley, his wife 'and four children all were caught in the burning house and were burned in making their escape1. - -. The suspicion that the Whalley home was fired by Incendiaries has been prac tically confirmed by an Investigation made Quietly by' the sheriffs office. The (ire started at about 2 o'clock in the morning, when the family was asleep. It was stated at the sheriff's office today that an arrest may be ex pected within a day or two. GOVERNOR WILL NOT BE ABSENT ON HANGING DAY Salem Bureau of Toe Journal.! 1 . . Salem, Of., Dec. ll.4-6overaor West today gave out the following statement: f Referring to the useless discussion now being carried on through, the col umns of a portion of the pressi ad1 to my being absent from the state on a hunt ing trip at the time of the executions at the prison next Friday, I want to say In this connection that I have never had any intention of being away on this date.:.' ' 1 ' "Oa the other band, I Intend to be hp in order that my services may be alWole should certain prominent in dividuals, who- are clamoring for the r . . ,. i i LlYpur Interest Buy Th? Presents If .you had a few hundred . dollars in this bank a year ago, you needn't worry about the ex pense of Kift-Riying. For the interest due you now will make several sub-' jStantial presents so you .don't have to take from your daily earnings to re member your friends oa .Christina?. , m t t , . Think this over carefully, arid eveij if you haven'jt a savingj account now you,'U start one in time so that it helps you by next 3mas time. :-; ; You can easily: have M least one hundred dollars by then earning yr-i- k Four Per Cent Portland Tro$t Comiir of OrefQB Thirid and Oak Sts. Tbs Bank lot favlnas O OO Of o O o o - - O V -o-o o o 0 o o o o o AO . o o o o o o 0 o o O 0 O ' v o o ' o o o o o o o V 0 0 o o o o .. o o o o o o o o o O 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o Or ; OH friends : -rJfe Cotonei, the jimmy pipe and the tidy red tin of Prina Albert tobacco. . $olace, happiness born pfpipe tobacco that can't bite the tongue. Prince Albert give$ pipe smokers a real Jdeaxtf what a pipe smoke should be. : P. A. is not only delicious, fragrant tobacco-welcome in any home or off ice-but it wiU neither sting the tongue nor parch the throat. Thaf s cutout by a patented process. Forget the old days of broiled tongues and parched throats, you men who have tried the re-brands. r P. A. will be a revelation io you J mm makes tlie bullicst cigarette yon ever pul between yoyr lips, bar none. It's a scream when you hook it up to a niatch. . You take some real say-so and buy some P, A. nd roll tip a few. Say, get tlie flavor and the freshness and the Ions burning! ' jVell, you Certainly cash in right the ye.ry first tjme. No', sir. no more (-brands and cAfl-brands for yours. Wise up i uet a jiew lease on jcigarette ioyj Prinem Albtt ia SU icerywtier in 5c ' toppy red bags fOe tidy red fine and hand $pme pound and half-pound humidor: ' , R. REYNOLDS T03ACCO C0 Wlasloa-Saleiji, N. C. o er o o o b n Bflfl ooOOQOOOOOOOOOOO n n a a n n a o lives of thes nion, desire to liavs tne take them on a personally conducted tour to the penitentiary on this dats te view this axuceoilie epectacle." ., " 1 1 " '' 1 ', ii I, Vohorsd Rider, ' Bhelbum, Or., Deo. n. John ZlflH, young farmar of this place, had a ,mi -jiLi j M H (Hi1 WK il-LHN A Promptiy gtops Fermentation and Every Form or atomach Distress, Minions suffer from distressed stom ach, acid stomach, belching of. sour food, a miserabls heaviness at pit of stomach, even though MI-O-NA. Stom ach Tablet are guaranteed 'or moaty back. , ' . . Millions psrida a' foul ' breath,' dis play a dull eye, stand for attack of biliousness and dizziness, even though MI-O-NA. Stomach ?ab)ets are guaran teed or money back. .,. ( Many get so nervous and irritable from fermentation of food in stomach and the action, of polsonouf stomach gases that they have headache, regu We are showing a taipple Jine of the world' tandard makes of High-Grade Pianos and 88 note Player J, Pianos; 1 a Lowest Prices Best Terms PJANOS RENTED 'lil Reed-French Piano Mfg Co. WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTING AGENCY 184 Seventh Street . the national joy moke ii in ill ui . it ii j av ... a i mv mi r At OOCOOOOOOOO row escape from death Sunflny evenjrt;. A horse he was riding- to water berams -frightened and ran away, throwing him violently to the ground, lie struck a Stump, which fractured several ribs and otherwise injured him Internally. While chances for his recovery ars good, he will t laid up for several weeks.' ,: m ' ' i i n,i-Lia DANISHES 1HDIGESTI0II GAS AND SOURNESS or x our ptoney pac snabe- I larly, have bad dreams nightly corns despondent and unfit 'for active Joid atlll' JUJ-O-NA Stomach Tablets are guaranteed to end all these troubles Of jnoney 'back. . ; What excuse hava thcie jpeople for suffering, V- 'i MI-JO-VlA, ths univer sal stpmach prescription, can be bad for 60 cents a bQJtt Ask for MI-O-NA Stomach' Tablets. At any drug store., Booklet on Stomach piseases and trlsi treatment free from JBootn's Ml-o-na, Buffalo. N.' V. " OPEN EVENINGS Reasonable term! of payment will be extended to retail buyers at greatly reduced prices: Select an instru ment now have it delivered and begin paying in January. New Journal Building 10 9 0 0 0 9 0 O O O 0 0 1 O O 0 O O 0 0 o o o O 9 O0 o V O 0 0 O 9 oo o 0 0 0 u 1 A A oo o V 0 O V Q O 00 0 o o o o o oV o o o 0 o o o o 1 o O Ot :.-.VV-nMLiAccoJ J r o a oooo O Q o 0-0 o r -'0 - --0 ' ---" m w"u a "A