The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 10, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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    EI I j C Tv
i 3
n oC Buy iIimk uf Eif'.'o for the vla-
City Desires to Make Three
x ' C3n.tCarTo!LAni.cnclmcrjt
SJptrative by , Legislative
Enactment First.
The blanket franchise ofthe Portland
Hallway; Light Si Powor company, the
" fianchlne of George F. Ileuaner and the
franchise of ,-tht, Hellls-Dlcklnson con
jiany were considered'.- yesterday tfti
commute in conference with . City, At
torricy , Fl ank S.'iOrant, And after :the
committee had ordered several amend'
mems, the-different franchises "were or
dered aunt to tho council to ba made a
Freclal order of business the first thins
tomorrow morning, ' -
At tho suggestion of .Mayor Rushlight
and City Attorney 1 Grant, the clause
inall of the franchises referring: to the
rlghta on the Broadway bridge were left
blank. ' The original drafts of the rneas
vires provided for trackage over the big
viaduct,, but Mayor Rushlight called at
tentlon to 'the fact that If the Broadway
bridge should be tied up In any ran
uhiae for a period of 25 years the recent
charter amendment providing for 3 cent
tolls on all bridges might prove to be
usBlees as . far as the city is concerned
Bridge Clauses Blank C'U.;:fe
It was decided, therefore, to consider
tho franohlBea without reference to the
bridge and t draw; up a legislative act
mtlfyina; the S cents per car toll on all
Hty 1 bridges. ! This act will bo drafted
by City Attorney Grant end aubmitteu
to the council for us "approval. ; Mayoi
ramlillKht will then submit the proposed
I 'ho county court for consideration
MSnTid if the court approves it the measure
will bo sent to the state legislature with
a request that that body consider It at
early aa. possible. , - :-. ;
The street committee also made
changes in several sectlons- of the pro
pdaed frauchlbe of the Southern Pacific
on' Fourth street. One of the changes
'provides, that the compbnymust accept
the franchise for 25 years regardless of
whether or not the United States su
preine court Khali decide In a loner-pend-
lug suit that tho company has certain
vested rights on the street.'
FUa to Avoid Remonstrance.
'At the - suggestion of City Attorney
Grant the committee determined to ask
the state legislature to pass a law giv
ng the state railroad commission the
power to lower or raise the grades at
all railroad crossings In municipalities.
If such en act is passed it will then
be possible to compel the O.-W. R. & N.
and Portland Railway, Ught & Power
companies! to construct an overhead via
duct at the Joint crossing of the two
companies on the Bandy boulevard.
-The companies, it is believed, are will
ing to do this, but a majority of the
property owners affected have held up
the improvement by threatening to re
rnonstrato it out. The passage of the
k'glnluUve act would prevent any re
monstrance and make the railroad com
tulsHlon arbiter of all damages, that
might ensue to property owners by rea-
COtffilfiEO TO Mil
A 'statewide crusude to bring persons
from every city, in Oregon to Salem
next Thursday morning to join in a per
sonal appeal to Governor' West to - re?
prleve the five murderers Sentenced to
hnnor Friday until another vote on capi
tal pu'iiibhinen Tcan be laEen, waia 'starfT
cd in Portland, today."v5;v.?;,:,;-;r..v.;::-.jf!''.V
The ci-Usado is the result of the re
sponse to a prpposal at Sunday's antli
capital punishment meeting that every-
one present' seo the governor In person.
Dr. Nina N. Wood, who presided, la de
voting1 all her time to this , ef for.t to
save the condemned men, r,v , V
"We expect to have a big party from
Portland," said Dr.. Wood. .. lf 60 per
sons go, we can get a special round trip
rate of i and a special car. I ask that
all Intending to go call me at Main 9284
or A-5185, or leave word at 18 Selling
HIrsch , building. 1 ' 1 '
"We ask that everybody, In any part
Of 'Oregon, who feels as we do, that
hanging is nothing less than murder,
travel to Salem Thursday morning and
help us In presenting our appeal for
mercy." - ,
Two milkmen between whom
t) . there has been much 111 feeling,
settled their differences in pure-
1 y American atyle, "a la bared
flats," . unhampered by; referee.
? squared ring, padded gloves or
timekeepers, at 6 . o clock this
4 f morning y at Bast Twenty-fifth
t and Tillamook streets.
One contestant drives for the )
- city Dairy, one for the Sanitary
Dairy. The City Dairy man de
clared the Sanitary driver, who
covered, the same territory . at
an earlier hour, wrote notea or-
derlng . delivery stopped, and
placed these notes in the City
man's bottles,
The City man obeyed- these
forged notes. On the same day,
the Sanitary , man went -to the
houses and said: "I understand
you are having trouble about
your milk; hadn't you better let
the Sanitary people serve you?"
And, according to the City man,
the Sanitary man got the new 4
customers. ,
; This morning toe rival milk
men, met.
"You did," said the City man.
' "I did not," said the Sanitary
man. , -
Biff! Smash!! and the City
man took the count
"I'll clean you yet." said the
City man,; nursing a bleeding
nose. .
And it is ald that a police
man kept rigorously out of sight,
for It was an affair of honor, as
he explained later.
Reynen-Valmont, new man and wo
man novelty vocalists, at The Louvre
.1... l 4 A - A .A .M .lb A A
IQia ween, o iu o, xv vj id y. ui, , -
Journal Want Ada bring results.
UlllWtl Clf (Cl
The first of the series of December
vesper services at - the Church of Our
Father (L'nitarlan) was held Sunday at
4 :30 o'clock. The choir rendered a' num
ber of inspiring selections, quartets and
solos and several pleasing organ num
bers were alno given. "'
The minister, Rev. W. J. Eliot, gave a
10 minute sermon, He read the Christ-
ipfglOry'aua Il-OSirflreW'scltHo ICS
Rons on the beauty and inspiration of
the titdtht such a night as that on
w.hlch "shepherds watched their flocks.'
He Said In parti
"Probably none of us here think of the
story I have just read as an absolute
fact 1n detail, but sontetimes the myths
are trUer . to . the deptb of feeling than
to outward . feeiing. ; Suppose all the
wonder stories about the birth of Christ
were true, even then their only worth
would be What they mean to. us, Tha
meanings are true and real and It is
the true and real that we want m this
lire. - -.i-.-v '-;'-"-:- --v ?..;"'
"How many of us really appreciate the
true worth ind Inspiration of the night.
Its beauty . cannot always be put on
canvass, because its lmpressiveness, its
silences ana Its sounas are uicu""s
the artist cannot get The only thing
that can even hint at the-wonders of
the night is music, the noeturnerthe
lovely pastoral do In a measure convey
the beauty of the night ;' r-
!'nni . tin. Auric , thtnirs of r life'- can
throw Into relief the things of light and
life. The darkness of illness In only a
r uVirtnrlncr-liri- thrt HtarS Of VOUT
comes look up and If your heart is right
and your vision clear you will behold
that "multitude of,' the heavenly" houl
praising God and saying, 'Glory to God
in the highest and on earth, peace, good
will toward men.,".; L-;;'". ;',i,-.v' ,v
i Two Utah men have patented a simple
Implement which cores and quarters an
apple iti the Same operation. . . ; . -
m Making ;
biscuit and all hot breaHast 1
. cakes,: use. Rumford Baking
- Powder. It not only makes r
. thenv lighter, better , fla-
- vored, more tender and
digestible, but - it adds
nutritive value to the '
food, Make to-morrow's
breakfast cakes .with
Hie Best ol fhm gloh-Crade Bddnq Powderg Wo Alum ,
' i i i if-
Where Can Yon Maie a
Better Badsess Investment?
Taking your delivery department out
of your expense account and making
it, show an actual caen prom at tne
end of every month. That's what a
. VOU. I
Located in the business district for
your, convenience.
The White Company
ilLJ U
" 1 1 - x. , . t
TSs MeMsifeiMi:
of a Jeweler
Should Determine for You
. - . j .if
Because "Reliability" Stands for "Quality"
The Next Important Factor is "Price"
If You Look My Goods and Prices Over, You Will Be a
V Permanent Customer
Following Prices Are Made to Attract Your Attention
A nice little Diamond Ring. ..... . ; . .$25.00
A nice little Solid Gold Hampden, Elgin:
or Waltham Watch ....$25.00
A good, reliable, nicely timed and ad-, -.
justed Gent's Filled Watch .$25.00
, v Solid Silver Knives and Forks $25.00'
Solid Gold Handle Umbrella. . . . A .$25.00
Beautiful Chime Clock $25.00
Lady's Neck- Chain, with beautiful gold
and pearl pendants, solid gold . . . . . .$5.00
A Nickel Stem-Wmd-and-Set Watch
made by the Waltham Watch Co. . . . .$5
Set of Plated Knives and Forks priced at
only $5.00
Good Eight-Day Half-Hour-Gong-Strike- J
Clock... .$5.00
I carry a full line of Gillette Safety Razors and Blades
BM ' ... w m
Mail Ordera Given Prompt Attention
. - , . . Branch No. 1, First St, Near Madison
Send for Catalogue
We're Ready to Serve You Now With Bigger, Broader Stcdrsl Ycur Every Vr
xllas Been Anticipated in This Great Showing of Chrittmas Goods. Extra Sa!;rr -pie,
Extra Bundlers and Extra Cashiers in Attendance to Serve Customers Protrpll
8:30 A. M.
i miiiiilMMiiiiii,iiiial!i'' - 1Jl..-...;-i'';Y'''-S!!uL'1
5:30 P. M. !
Great Crowds of
Christmas Shoppers
Are Coming- Now !
Check the Things You
Want oh This List
and Bring It Along !
Every Department is busy now and growing more
so every day, which means that our untiring efforts
to fill this store with the BEST in Christmas mer-
I chandise af e a d p r e c i a t e d by our store friends
throughout the city and vicinity." May we offer a
. . . . i? t i f: n
very unponani suggesuon icr your ucucm as wcu
k v :i ":Xk r 'V',V r ';' ' ;
'J ..only 13 ..
; 4 j mot dms io
1 Xmas
Santa Claus' Headquarters
A Main Floor Doll and Toy Department in
' Domestic Aisle.
- The greatest and most beautiful line of
"Toys and Dolls, Books and .Games we have
ever offered. Everything to make tjie hearts
of the children glad on Christmas morning
)v here. 'Don't put off your Doll or Toy
' Buying! until the last minute. Buy while
assortments are complete. A small deposit
will hold, for future delivery, any or as
many articles you might select.
: 13-inch Kid Body Dolls special at only 25c
"Baby Mine" Unbreakable Dolls,' small 25c
"Baby Mine" Unbreakable Dolls only 50c
15-inch Kid Body Dolls special at only 50c
17-inch . Kid Body; Dolls, hip joint, only 75c
large Character Dolls specially priced 89c
i. JfU 4v -'1
19-inch Kid Body Dolls special only $1.00
24-inch Large Jointed Dolls special $1.49
Mechanical Trains that run 35c to $4.00
Teddy Bears at' 25c 50c, 75c, $1, $1.50
Solid Wood Blocks for 15c, 25c and 50c
$5.00 Doll Go-Carts on special sale $3.98
A Great Sale of Christmas Silks
Never were Silks prettier or lower priced than in this great Annual Sale. "No
such silk values elsewhere,"is the way several customers put it the past week, and
: that must be the general opinion, for ve are doing the biggest silk business of the
75c CREPES DE CHINE AT 50c YARD A special lot of fine, pure silk Crepes de
Chine, shown in rich bordered and Bulgarian striped effects, pretty colorings.. Beau
tiful silks, especially adapted for scarfs and holiday novelties. L Best regular AQp
75c quality specially priced at . . : . . ftOL
pery and Kimono Silks, shown in an unlimited assortment" of beautiful, rich floral
' effects, also Chinese, Japanese and Egyptian designs." Many are exclusive patterns
shown here for the first time. It is an assortmenffrom which all may be suited.' '
' $1.00 A YARD for choice of yard-wide Black Paillette de Soie, Black Peau de Cygne
and Black Chiffon Taffetas,. also yard-wide Swiss Taffetasplain shades and, change
able effects, yard-wide Swiss Mescalines irr solid colors, i Silks of the finest quality
specially low priced for this sale at $1.00 a yard. , . ,. ' ..
Xmas Showing Dainty Meclkweap
Among the reallv practical gifts, none is more acceptable than
a handsome Neckpiece. And what an assortment we have and at
what ridiculously low prices! Come early for choice of these dainty, . stylish . wear
ables. The assortment indudes bows, plain and beaded; Fancy Stocks, Media Col
lars, the popular Robespierre Collars, Jabots, etc
- Regular 35c. Neckwear-special at, ea. 25c
Regular 50c Neckwear special at, ea. 35c
Regular 75c Neckwear special at, ea. 48c
Regular 85c Neckwear special at, ea. 65c
Regular $1.00 Neckwear special, each 75c
Regular $1.1 5. Neckwear special, each 89c
Regular $1.25 Neckwear special, each 98c
Hie largest and most beautiful assort
ment in the dty; (displayed so well you
can tell at a glance just which box you
wish. These specials for tomorrow : '
Reg. JOc kind, embroidered, each only 5c
Reg; 15c kind, embroidered, each only 9c
Reg. 25c kind, embroidered, each at 18c
Reg. 35c kind, embroidered, each at 23c
Air Linen Handkerchiefs with imitation
1 A fmprnin Ann pAv? Ir Vinrf pi
AAU Linen Handkerchiefs,-edged with hand TTANCT RIBBONS AT- LOW F.C
made Armenian lace, 75c kind. - ea. 48c
All Linen Handkerchiefs, edged with hand
' made Armenian lace, 8 5 c vals., ea. 65c
Regular $1.50 Neckwear special, ea, $1.19
Regular $1.75 Neckwear special, ea. $1.25
Regular $2.00 Neckwear special, ea, $1.48
Reg. $2.25 Neckpieces special, ea. $1.75
Reg. $2.50 Neckpieces special, ea. $1.93
Reg. $3.00 Neckpieces special, ea. $2.25
Reg. $3.50 Neckpieces special, ea. $2.43
Hartdsome Seco Silk Scarfs, shown both
. plain and fancy, best values to '. Q,
$1.00, specialat each .......... O -L
Scarfs of beaded; and metal chiffon, all
colors, also Silk Scarfs, all shades, QQ p
values to $1.75,' each . ... J... ,sOv
Scarfs of chiffon cloth, Liberty silkand
Crepe de Chine, in plain and fancy Dres
den patterns values to $4.50, 01 (10
special, each ...vl JO
Fancy .Ribbons, best grade to 30c, at Zz
Fancy Ribbons,' best grade to 35c, at IT :
Fancy Ribbons, best grade to 65c, '