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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1912)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 10, 1D12. :.:3ihi!iiE Council Has No More -Authority Outside City limits Than Council ToF Boston, Mass., Says Supreme Court. Balem, Or, Dec. 10.Th pelal flec tion held in April, 1110, by tb city of WcMJnnviUfl tinx certain tract! ot land to th city ! held t b void on more than on count. Jn an opinion 1 landed down today by th wiprtmecout tn the case of M. Thurber va, W. J. Jicndrrfwn. 0. W. Jotse, Martin Miller and .t(i city of i JJcMinovlIIe, the di t lalorV of h -circuit court forTamhlll county Is reversed and tba plafntlff 1$ given tho decret. - -, , '. Tlil wilt waa brought by Thnrbar to unjoin tha municipal ar.thorUlea of Mc WlnnvlUo from Haling lila property, whloh waa Included In the tract alleged to be annexed to the city, tor purpoaea of tnunicloal taxation. Before the ape clal election to vote on the question of annexation no election iiotlcea were posted In the district to be annexed, and on the day of election the voters of the diatrlct to be annexed were not allowed to vote., WhM&huyber took hla caae Into court the ItfWeroourt sustained the demurrer of the defendants and dl mlaaed It, and Thurber appealed, OonaoU'a rower Stop at Umlta. i-;A majority of this court has never held that a city haa the authority, by Virtue of the constitutional amendment last alluded to. to condemn lands out- alda'of the city 7imIta,T aayalbe"c6urt'B opinion. "On the contrary, we hold, that without express legislative authority granted to all cities of the same class, It haa neither power to condemn land for municipal purposes, nor any other extra legislative authority whatever. In the absence of such permission. Us at tempted legislation outside its limits is as powerless to affect outlying; terri tory aa an ordinance passed by the city council If Boston would be to regulate the affalra of the town of McMlnnvllIe." . Paying that, while thia disposed of the caae, the court's opinion went fur ther -to say that the , election notlcea were Insufficient . Other cases decided were aa follows: City ot Sllverton; appellant, -vs. Edna JT. Brown' mil J. M.1 Brown; appealed rrom Marion county' arnrmed. ( Cranston va, Weat' Count JUfe Insur ance company) appellant; appealed from linker: reversed. ; . r.y.....: .,'' Bowen va. Spalding! appealed from Baker; reversed and dismissed. When 'Tapers Are Solly rilad. The supreme court today . dismissed a caK on a ruling that papers would considered filed until they were in the possession of the clerk of .the court. Tho case in question waa Blair vs. Portland Hallway, Light A Power company, appellant. The time limit for filing the papers in the case expired on the fifteenth of , the month. The pa pers were received by the clerk on the sixteenth and the attorney mailing them tosjjLficiLaiiatJioJhft4P0teltliero.on the thirteenth, but the court dismissed the' appeal. CHRISTOFFERSON CALLS . OFF HIS COAST FLIGHT . ..' mi' y 1 (Dnltwl rreM jmt4 Wr. ban TTroiwUrn Dun. 1 0. Financial disagreements with those who were U hnn. mll tnr hln nrnlartrd fllnrht from this city to Los Angela this afternoon caused Silas enrtstorrerson, tne iori land aviator, to call off his air spin to the south. . ' However, wealth la not the only thing that is predatory. - ' 4 ST HI POO DAB O.-W. R. & N. Responsible for Not Protecting Shippers, Says Supreme Court. ' fSolcm Biippta of Tbe Jotiroal.l SaTeuv ' otVmsnt o.Tho ; supreme court today, affirmed the decision of th circuit f court s for Baker county, awarding P. J. Brown damages In the turn of 16000 against tho Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation company, for personal injuries sustained by Brown while endeavoring to load a shipment of cattle at the Baker atockyards. : The case Is Of considerable Interest because tho railroad company Is held esponalbls for not taking adequate pre utlon 1 to protect shippers while de livering stock to the company. . It was In April, 1911, that Brown, ith others, . was loading a consign nt of steers.. There waa no running board around tho top of the loading pens, and in prodding the animals to get thorn to go 'up the chute to the parsBrown threw hl leg over the fence to hold himself, - A' steer ran into his foot, causing an Injury to his ankle. gultly of contributory negligence In oc cupying the position taken by him at the time of the Injury cannot be sus tained,'" says the court's opinion. '; "lie had either to use such instrumental ities aa the company furnished htm, or fall to ship his stock." ,' ;, . . Another paragraph of ' the opinion says: , , ,. ; -;.,y , --fyyi -:- ; "Whether under, the circumstances de fendant should be held to have received the property when it allowed It to be placed In the pens, is .of no moment as it certainly accepted It for ahlpmont when It gave permission to load on its cars." i , ' ., J. S. Xnsby Mayor at Coburg. (Sptclol to The JotirnnU Coburg, Or., Deo. 10. At the city elec- tlon last week J. 8. Lusby waai elected as mayor for the year remaining of the present term.' D. Wigle waa elected re corder, Elmer, Cook treasurer,; It.' A.. Stevens marshal and J. P. Green, N.' J. Nelson Sr. and Hugo Hajyn councllmen. out or the lal votes cast porhapa one third of them were by women, with Mrs. Kate Sldwell accorded the horor of be ing the first Coburg woman to vote. One old woman of 84 cast her first bal lot. . , , The city tax levy for 1013 was put at 10 mills. CASTRO THREATENS ANOTHER REVOLUTION Paris. Doc. JO. That Clprl&no Castro, former,, president of Vensuola, is about to launch another revolution In that country la. the statement of Le: Temps, a French newspaper here today,. : The article declares Castro arrived In Paris but that bis present whereabouts are unknown. From Antwerp a telegram stated that Castro was en route to Ham burg to enters sanitarium. : . ACCUSED OF PASSING ; ' BOGUS BANK NOTES Charged with passing worthless state bank notes, Harvey Ho sale, D, 13. Raney and Mannle Duston are tinder arrest in this city on complaint filed by Secret Service Officer Steve Connell, The bank notes were greenbacks of state banks now out of business, and many of them dated back to before the Civil war. The three arrested 'today opai-utc-i In p.irt-. land, ,Bcattl and: ' other Umvuh .( , ,tin, north wat.':.,; ri.'n i .)', L;, 1 i ': PHYSICIANS PRAISE ; r CONSUMPTION REHIT0Y " ; r ' ' ' ' : - Moat Kmlnent Throughout l.uroiM) ;. .' ; Endorse rrcparntion Brought to Amorica. During the last year there haa been introduced into the United '(States a rem edy for Consumption, which cornea' to us with a moat, .remarkable list ,of .In dorsements from the lauding specialists of Europe. , ' . It, has been .used for several years oar the other aide, and case alter mseft'aa yielded to .lt. . y - This preparation is cnlUid Blrolln. and judging from the condition of some of the patients whom It has saved, no con sumptive need f ear that he la too far gone to be benefited by it. Blrolln builds up the body by lncreaa Ing the appetite and assisting dlgeatl'.iii. It checks the racking cough and lessens the gathering of mucous on tho luugs in a ,rmarkablft way. ; If you or any of your friends ate euf ferlng from any throat or lung ailment do not fail to send for full infomat Ion about Sirolin to the Slrolin Co., 2:8 'est Broadway, New York city. . , The Owl DruK Co. stores Vind all lead ing druggists are recommending and ilis- tributing Biroun wuu consiueraoie sue- ,. ces. ' ' ' .' I.. .. ' 11 'JH1A..1SS9 -;' f; iijonme "Gold BdsicP Tradliiiff Stamps Tomorrow onAEPureha Coinplete Stoclc of oyis; Polish Gam Goods and Pictures Located on the 6th Floor Ihfants Wear and Knit Goods oh the 3d Floor American Express Office on the 2d Floor Your Packages Expressed to AHParts of the World, Money Orders Issued, Post Office, 1st Floor f!lljfIillip ligilgl liMIJMll l51!!!!1!1?! If!!Hifs!i Xmas Gifts am omd AtiSpecial Price s JACCf (TOLO BOXD Mm ooijn bona $4.00 Silk Petticoats, $1,98 300 messaline ilk Petticoat! in fancy stripe in1 all the wanted shades, with deep ' accordeon-pleated llounce, tucked fuffle. They Ire regular $4.00 jl QO values. Special for this safe DXe0 $2.29 Kimonos, Only $L19 Women's flannelette Kimonos In empire .' effect, in navy, red or black, with Per sian stripe effect. New and attractive - styles.; They are our tegular CI 1 Q $2.29 values. Special at only.tDXeli licc Bows, at Only 10c In the women's Neckwear Section tomor f roy, '25 1 dozen new real Irish Crochet , Lace Bows. Regular 25c values. Priced very special for the, Christmas sale at your . choice for only 0M W ilAlMMOITjW u iii 10c Boys' $3.00 Sweaters, $1.98 500 boys' Sweaters, strictly all wool and 'all sites. Coat style,' with ruffneck ,nd military collars. Red. gray, brown and blue. These Sweaters are CI QQ th regular $3.00 values, at wltUO OOLO OMS HUWWXTAWi Ui4MltMHI ! J i OOLBOHI luniwtrutf $1.00 Indian Suits for 89c t Boys' and girls' Indian Play Suits, in sizes for 4, 6 and 8 years. Regular $1.00 values. On the third floor tomorrow we "will offer these Indian Play CQ Suits for the low price of only Oui 89c Pillow Slips, Only 59c ilathtArt Department, on the third . floor, tomorrow. Regnot muslin Pillow Slips, eixe 4Sx36, with .i plain borders. . Very neatly stamped id working. CQi Vry , specially priced at only J5L 50c Boudoir Caps; Now 23c dm one MND illtMMNOtTAHM ah nil aat.OH li.'jtN1 1 1 i i nmntma Dainty and beautiful Boudoir Caps, of sheer, materials, stamped - for "Lazy Daisy" and solid work. Offered in the Art Department.- They are ; the O O regular 50c values, on sale at pnly $!Jji0 Shawls, Special 98c On the third floor tomorrow more than . 200 knit and crochet Shawls,' square and t oblong, with fringed or scalloped edges; -white, .gray, black and ehin-AQjt chilla; $1.50 values, tsn sale at onlyivOl $1.25 Baby Skirt, Only 98c vC Infants ; silk embroidered long white flannel Skirts, nicely made and finished, - Regular $1.25 values. These Skirts are very specially priced for this QQ Christmas selling at only,. each vOL 39c Box Kerchiefs, for 25c . For tomorrow, 1000 boxes of our regular 39c sheer quality Shamrock lawn Hand kerchiefs. They come six in a box. We offer them very specially t Or. the low price of box of 6 for ut $20 Table Cloth, for $1.49 .Fine fringed, all-linen Table Cloths; size 62x62. inches, in many beautiful floral patterns. , They are a regular $2.00 value. WtW Ipecial them for, this Qt A Q ;. Christmas selling at only, each vXete7 20c Dollies, Special 12j4c Prettily, embroidered 12-in. round Doilies - with Jace edges. The re"eular 20c value. -rOffered-very specialijrM the balcofly" aT tnis selling at tne very Jow lOl. v price ot only your choice; at XA2v 39c Piilow, Slips, Only 25c .Standard size Pillow Slips, neatly em. .broidered and hemstitched, on good qual ity, fine soft sheeting. Regularly sold for 39c." We . price them for OC. -ITiisTOirtsritiSr's'cmilgTarijTryC- Xmas Gifts fili ljjl li! i iJi fill At Special Prices $3.00 Nenio Corsets, $1.50 The new special 1913 Nemo models, spe cially advertised for Christmas gifts,' put up in Christmas boxes. Regular $3.00 value. Very specialy offered CI PA for this selling tomorrow at' tPAeilU $12.00 Navajo Buss, $7.98 taiUi'iiiliTOil'MflwWlife On the fourth floor tomorrow, beautiful Navajo Indian Rugs, of large size. Nice for his . den. Regular $12.00 values. Offered special for this sale at On QO the' low price of only, each D I e70 $2.25 Blankets, Only $1.69 A practical gift, fine, wool flap Blankets In white, tan and gray; large double-bed size, with dainty colored washable bor ders.. Regular $2.25 jralues. CI Q SpecJil sale at only, each OXeOIr $5.00 Blankets, Only. $2.98 Great," large, warm, gray Blankets, extra heavy fleece, with colored borders and well-bound edges. .Regular $5.00 Blan kets. Specially priced for this CO QQ selling tomorrow at only, ea. veJO $3.00 Magazine Sub. $200 The Delineator Magazine, regular price $1.50 a year. Now offered at our pattern department for two years at the special holiday inducement at the low CO A A price of only. ...... . . , . . , $eUU $3.10 Subscription, at $2.00 the Delineator one year, Butterick Fash ion ofte year, 4 15c Patterns. A regular , $3.10 value, uAt our pattern counter for this Christmas selling at the CO A A very low price of only VeUU $2.00 Pictures, Special 98c 500 framed pictures, including etchings, colored photogravures, fac similes and imitation pastels. Values run up to $2. They are ( Offered very special QQ for this . selling at low price ofvOL $1.00 Pictures, Only $1.98 $6e5Q Silk-Waists at $448 $1Q00 Fur Sets at $5.98 ' " 200 beautiful, new Silk Waist go on tale in the Garment Sec tion tomorrow at a price that iiii hi! I At m ami meant a distinct saving on a tru ly valuable gift purchase. Some in plain tailored styles, tome ,v with Robespierre collars, others with tucked net yokes and fancy sleeves. All are X stylish and ew and are good fa m. i Special M.48 300 framed Pictures in oval and square frames of 4-inch molding. Fifty differ ent subjects. The values run up to as high as $4.00. Offered very CI AO special for this sale at, each u)le0 $2.50 Collars, Now at $1.89 New plaucer lace Coat Collars in beau- tiful white or ecru patterns; various shapes and sizes to choose from. Regu- ' lar $2.50 values. Very spe- CI QQ cially priced this tale at, each DleO 50c Roses, Special at 19c Ribbon Roses, made from fine quality Satin ribbon. Come in various sizes and colors, for neckwear and-corsage uses. Regularly priced at 50 cents. 1 Qn Your choice at this sale for only XJC 10c Bolt Ribbons, Only 6c '" T I II , I , 1 I,. 2000 bolts of good quality satin gros grain. baby Ribbons, .in 10-yard bolts. Also 5-yard bolts of holly and yuletide Ribbon. Regularly sold at 10c a n bolt Offered very special at only DC 39c Towels, Special at 25c Fine hemstitched and fancy bordered linen Huck Towels; size 20x36 inches. "Exceirehrforrisiraas''glTfa.'' Regularly sold at 39c Offered very special OCA during this selling at only, each tdVXs $L25Jullettes, at Only 89c In the Shoe Department tomorrow, 1000 'pairs of women's felt Juliet Slippers with fur-trimmed tops. Regularly $1.25 val ues. ' We have them In all siz'et.QQrf- .ani price them for tnls selling atOeC tomorrow FUR SETS of Black' French Coney. with broad shawl collar, finished at ends with braided ornaments.. Large envelope muff to match, A regular $10.00 Fur Set on sale tomorrow at The Holtz Store at thisdr- AO special low price, the set &uuO Real Lace Neckweaiv Special Purchase at '3 Off More than C00O pieces of Real Lace Neckwear purchased from a New York importer at one third off regular prices go on sale tomorrow at prices that mean a like saving for you. Hundreds of beautiful and dainty styles in real Irish Crochet and Cltmy Lace Coat Sets, Coat Collars, Stocks, Yokes and Collars. Sale prices from $1.50, to $7.50. SAVINGS ARE ONE THIRD Sale of 5000 Meri;a Regular $ 1.50 Values at 95c Each Buy them for Christmat gifts. white pleats and fancy stripes wonderful array ; 'also blue Fv3 is vtm m r i it ii w sr jmii chambrayg, plain or pleated bosoms. All new, fresh, clean merchandise -shirts rl you would expect to pay $1.50 for. Buy all you want at this very low $5e Xmas Gifts At Special Prices $1.00 Opera Chains, at 49c . ny . I i .i i. i. . 500 beautiful Opera Chains in silver, gun-' metal and gold, set' with rhinestones and pearls; wonderful duplicates of genuine stones. Regular $1.00 values. A Qp Specially priced for this sale t,TcIC $3.00 Opera Chains, at $1.49 This special lot of. Chains is one of ex tra value and. beauty!? The very latest things in Jewelry and really worth, $3. . .Very specially priced in this l1 AQ sale at this low price, only OxTrI $0.00 Toilet Set, for $3.98 A Toilet Set consisting of Comb, Brush and Mirror, With quadruple plated silver backs. Enclosed it) a - handsome box. Regular $6.00 value. Very QQ QQ specially priced at -tnly set, JO $L50 Sugar, Creamer, 89c Sterling silver deposit ware Sugar and Creamer Sets, in a nice assortment of pretty designs. ; Regular $1.30 values. v Very specially priced , for this OQp Christmas selling at : only set PC $7.50 Cut, Glass, for $4.49 Cut Glass Wa'ter Set. A 3-pint jug and - six tumblers, deep .cut, in rich designs. Regular $7.50 values. On very special sale "tomorrow at ' the' low fl4 AQ price of, the set at only tOTrxI $10 Silver Sets Only $5.98 Genuine Rogers 26-piece silver fable .Sets, six teaspoon, six knives, six forks, six tablespoons, sugar shell and butter knife, in oak chest,; A reg- QfT QQ ular $10 value, at only set wuyO 1.50 Toy Beds Now at 98c In the Toy Department tomorrow, chil dren's Brass Toy Beds, eiie 10x12x0 inches, with heavy wire mattress. Regu lar $1.50 value. - Extra special QQ for this selling at -only, each Ot $3J0 Kltch'n Cabihet $f.98 laOUBOND price. See Wash ington St. window Reg. $1.50 Neckties at 79c Hundreds of styles and all the lat est colorings in men's flowing-end 4-in-hand Ties. Persian HQ and two-toned effects, onlv I vt FREEWith each one of these Ties a 50c Stickpin, 500 styles FREE Men's 35c & 50c Ties 19c Men's Regular $8.5Q Sweaters at $5.95 600 do2. Men's Four-in-Hand "Neckties will go on sale here tomorrow at just about half ltheirjreatIyalueCjyiQrf:'thari-a thousand different rjatterns to choose from in all the bcauti- . ful new shades .anjd colorings. A special purchase of this large quantity enablesus to place before Amas shoppers an un precedented bargain, n 35c to 50c values for 1"C Buy him'a beautiful new white Sweater. One of the latest style ruff neck, heavy weight in Shaker and 'Jersey, knit. eomeHn -ailizes-and "are in " pure white; Reg- A r V C ular $8.50 values tjD.JIO Reg. $1.75 Gloves $1.39 Men's Dress and Street Glovea in tan and gray; outseam , sewn, with long A OA and short fingers bifij Child's Kitchen Cabinets in maple finish. Size 18x8x15 inches; numerous food sam ples in the cabinet A regular $3.00 value in the toy section tomorrow QQ at the very low price of Pi.0 Badloptlcons at Only $2.50 The new Tostcard reflecting Machine; when attached to electric light, any pic ture can be thrown on screen. Is priced ' very special ' in the toy de- QO FA partment at the low price of Dtll $600 Dolls for Only $3.98 Very handsome kid body Dolls, 25 inches tall, with natural eyelashes, moving .eyes and cork stuffed. Also Royal French jointed t Dolls; $6.00 'values.; (IJQ QQ Special at this sale tomorrow- tDO 50 $10.00 Handcars for 1 $5.98 Boys' combination handcar and wagon, 18x36 ins., with 12-inch wheel; a strong serviceable toy and a $10.00 value, . at this ' special i Christmas sale flP QQ for only- take your choice at tPOVO $1.00 Ticturcs, Special 47c Numerous subjects, in beautiful carbon Pictures in 12x?l-inch frames; many bar. gainst $1.00-each--We specialize these for tomorrow's selling at- the ATfa exceedingly low' priae ; of only tc I V Grocery Specials Economy Coffee, special, lb., 2G Ripe Olives, special,, the can, 17 Large cans of Asparagus, only 17b .ljQttfr Clamsjspccial.. the can, lt bperrys Flaked Hominy, pkg. ;7( Xmas Gifts At Special Prices $2.00 Opera Chains at 98c 300 Opera Chains of very attractivede-f sign, of gold, gunmetal or silver, set with pearls and rhinestones in brilliant 'ef fects. Chains that sell regularly QQ, 4 at $2.00, on sale at only, each wOl $5 IVfilitary Bnishes $2.98 now mmn IjTIUMlKiMMW Men's Military Brushes, with quadruple plate silver backs and extra good bristle face, Regular values, $5 pair. On sale at the .very low holiday price of onlyyour choice, the pair S2.98 $3.50 Desk Folios, at $1.98 Le'ather Writing Folios, in seal or wal rus leather, lined with smooth black: leather,: with ink well, pen, etc., and com partment for paper; regular Qi QQ $3.50 value, on sale at only ipltUO 75c Playing Cards for 43c Mac. i. w OOLO BOND Standard Playing Cards, put up In leath er caseSt in all colored leathers. A neat and appropriate Christmas gift and reg ular 75c value, specialized for this A sale at. the low price, the pack TttV $150 Collar Bajrs for 98c 1000 fine leather Collar" Bags, fn tan, black and brown leathers; cloth lined and: regular $1.50 values, in this great Christ mas sale tomorrow we special QQa' them at the low. price of. only Ol Holly Boxes Now Only 5c In our Stationery Department for your convenience, 5000 empty Holly Decorated -Boxes for mailing your Christmas gifts, , They-come in . size. op. to -5tf by fT-, 13 inches, on sale at low price, each t) C Christmas Cards; 7c Dozen : 10,000 Christmas Tost Cards, showing hundreds of style's; regular value 10c a dozen; in, our Stationery Department to morrow we place them on sale at Hn the exceptionally low price, dolea I C 10c Christmas Candles, 0c 10,000 boxes of Christmas Tree Candles, ' 24, 36 and 48 in a box; on the sixth floor tomorrow you may select them at the special low price, ; while the - lot J A" lasts, take them away for, the box DC 8c Tree Ornaments, at 4c Y&Wh A million Tree Ornaments, all shining and bright and ready,, for; the, Christmas Tree. They lend the proper tone An and trimming. Regular 8c values tH , 15c Tree Ornaments, on sale at only 85 $ljQ0 Toy Tables; for 49c Children's large size Folding Tables, in maple 'finish, 24 by 16 inches; regular values to $1.00 each. Exceptional value in the '.Toy Department tomor- A Q row at the low price of ? only Qui- $2.50 Dolls, Special $ll79 V fft Fine French Dolls, with bisque faces," parted wigs and natural- eyelashes; . 24 inches m length.- Regular $2.50 values, very special tor - tomorrow at : the low price of ' only r I OOU BOND 3S 0OU6OHt TBAMM4 .TAMP "t-.YLA-.t!. on, OOLO BOND $1.79 $3.00 Dolls, Special $1.98 Beautiful Dolls ' with: cork filled kid bodies, bisque . faces and double joints; , 21 inches tall and regular $3.00 values. -Placed on special sale for tor QT QQ morrow a great jalue at OltlOi Groce r y &P e :ci alaB Log Cabin Syrup, gallpft can $1.10 Royal Baking Powder, irlb. at 40' Bromangelon at, the packarre; 7 " UenoBpcciaLfiU-lhepackageS- Auinaiuca, in large size cans, at 1U? OOLO MWD A oo to rvrmtt 1 I 1 I' ' , 1 1 I " J . A' L I. V ' ii.AL.I III I I I I - ' - - - - - t urn in n m$ mft mm mm ii ii a p ip IHl'illPPl . , .. . .. ... ............... . --..-y:y y .- -. . '.- . ' ;. ; ' ,: . . - . :