The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 10, 1912, Page 26, Image 26

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A IMzr Q Frank Merchandise Pond Pest Solves tiro Gift
Problem Issued in Any Amo
Complete Stool: Gillette Razors, C5-QC0-:;t Fir., llzv; i::-
, 1 (1-r..T Bjgi n 111 j in. i ii pi ..i .in i . .n ii ii i i ..i i.i u .I, ,
Sale of Men's S25 to S40 Society Drand Overcoats at C 1 '
The ' Picture Framing you wish to have ready in
ttime for Christmas should be brought to our Picture
Framing Department tomorrow. Experts to do the
work at lowest prices.
7 Fair tonight and
Ask about our special offer on the Columbia Graf
onola Talking Machine? $57.60 for complete outfit.
And you may purchase on our Club Plan of easy pay
ments. Fourth Floor. , '.,,,'
WEATHER fev tomorrow; easterly
FORECAST - -QAV winds. . . -
6th, 6th, Morton and Alfler St.
m a?
Etb, Cth, Morrlioa and Aide Its.
Silk Hosiery
at $1.00
Famous McCallum, Kayser
, and "Silk-Maid"
IN THE selectiqn of your
gifts, remember that
every woman derives a great
deal of comfort and satisfaction
from SilkHo?e of good quality !
' Three makes' of Silk Hose
that.enjoy a distinguished repu
tation for quality,, are: the , fa
mous McCallum, Kayser and
"Silt-Maid .' All three are con
sidered the nearest to perfection
in the art or Hosiery making.
Packed in 4"a; fancy holiday
box, are three pair of McCal
lum or Kayser Hosiery, ' in
black, or three pair of "Silk-
Maid" in colors. Ihe pair $1.
Fancy Hoi id ay Cox Free
With Silk' Hoe Purchases,
rmt rioe Mala sauoiar
. Mall Otdats rUlA
Gift Suggestions
for Notion Section
TfVEN the Notion Section
U holds SCOreS Of inex
pensive and dainty Holiday Nov
elties. A few of them are men
tioned here: .
Fancy Needle Books In assort
ed colors, leather and enamjl cov
ers. Each, 15 to f5. ... ,. ,
Nickel-Plated Holders Made in
combination for spool, needle and
scissors, each,' SO ; ; . ;
Ribbon Runners Made in three
colors, in fancy box, each, 25.
Fancy Round Garter In glass
and burnt wood boxes. AH colors,
Each, 25e to f 1.
Fancr Frilled , Elastic Of silk
and satin. AH colors and grades,
yard, 33 to
Glove Mendine Silk, in assorted
colors, strips at," each, 10e.
Fancv Glove Darners Of col
ored celluloid, each, 25e.
Infants' Frilled Surmortera Of
fancy silk, pair in a box at 25f .
Misses' Fancv Supporters.' in all
colors, of fancy, silks. Pair in -holiday
box at 50.
Wonderful Sale off Men's, Women's' and 'Children's KercMels 1 1
: NSW w
Choose Tomorrow for Gifts at SavingsMorthWhile
MEN and women have but to remember the immensity of the stocks of Handkerchiefs here at The Big
, Store to appreciate the full importance' of this wonderful sale tomorrow; Styles here for every mem
ber of the familyKerchiefs for ordinary use and beautiful quality style especially suitable as gifts. --
Never has our stock of Handkerchiefs for both men.and women been more splendidly complete and
-Varied than now. Even at regular prices, here are Kerchiefs of better quality, of finer fabrics than found
elsewhere.; And the value or each, oe assured, is just as represented. Choose Kerchiefs for men tomor
row in our First Floor Section. And for women, the entire Knit Underwear Aisle, First Floor, given up
to the event.
Women's Real Lace Kerchiefs, with edges
of Duchess, Rose Point, Princess, Canck
Mdcross on fine linen centers." 1 ,
at 7vri
for the Men!
Fancy. Kerchiefs 12c
New and beautiful English cross-bar
Handkerchiefs for men, of corded white
lawn, 14-inch- hemstitched borders.
Handsome colored designs iciaI
one corner, special, each onljl2 C
Six Kerchiefs 69c
Men's Kerchiefs, of fine
mercerized cloth, with : Japo
nette silk initial 6 in Q
Christmas box, forVtv
50c Kerchiefs 25c
Men's fancy silk nd linen
Handkerchiefs. In beautiful
patterns and colors. Regular
w 81
50c grade 6 in a box f)JTn
for $L35 each at only-ti
Six Kerchiefs $1.00
Men's pure linen Jlandker-
cliiefs. Plain otT initialed
styles. racKea o in
box. on sale tomorrow
25c Kerchiefs 17c
Men's Kerchiefs of pure
Irish linen, H and -inch
hemstitched hems. Regular-.
v 25c. Tomorrow, 3 1 n
for 50c each at only J. y
Sir Kerchiefs $1.35
Men's Handkerchiefs of
fine quality pure linen. With
beautiful block or openwork
initials, tomorrow, fljr JK
each 25c box ot o wa.vv
35c Kerchiefs 25c
' Men's Handkerchiefs of
fine quality pure linen. Cross
bar style. Regular 35c Hand
kerchiefs, tomorrow, OKp
vour choice at. each wv
75c Kerchiefs 69c
Men's Handkerchiefs ' of
superfine quality linen. Hem
stitched, beautiful 3-inch ini
tial. Very new. Regularly
75c, tomorrow, the (ZQn
box of 6 -$4.00 each Uil
Six Kerchiefs $1.75
"Men's Linen Handkef
chiefs, of extar fipe quality
imported linen, and -inch
hemstitched borders. Block,
script or long initials. Each,
35c 6 in a Christ- (Pi rrr
mas box, for only I O
35c Kerchiefs 25c
Men's Handkerchiefs, of
pure imported , Irish white
linen, cross-bar style, -inch
hemstitched borders
larly 35c, tomorrow,
your choice at, each
Kegularly $3 to iO, now
' Pure Linen Kerchiefs 10c
Men's pure linen - Handkerchiefs, in
plain white. Have j4-inch hemstitched
borders. Regularly sold at 15c; ia
tomorrow's sale, special price, ea. 1 UC
. Fancy Kerchiefs 25c
Men's pure linen Kerchiefs. With
inch hemstitched hems. White with
colored borders. Regularly 50c, OC
tomorrow's sale price, each at uC
' Six Kerchiefs $1.35
Mens extra fine quality Kerchiefs, of
pure Irish linen. Have new QC
style long initial ; 6 in box, for 0 1 , 00
Three' Kerchiefs $1.00
Men's Handkerchiefs, of
extra fine quality sheer linen,
Hemstitched and initialed.
Regularly 50c, tomor- di
row, each 35c 3 . for
I2V2C Kerchiefs 5c
Men's Handkerchiefs of
white cambric, with J-inch
hemstitched hems. Regular
ly 12 Jc, tomorrow, the f'p
dozen, 50c each, only til
10c-15c Kerchiefs 6c
Men's Kerchiefs, of cam
bric, cotton and mercerized.
Fancy patterns. Regu- p
larly 10c arid 15c, each Ui
Six Kerchiefs 75c
Men's Handkerchiefs, of
pure white linen, plain or
hemstitched, with H-inch
borders. Tomorrow, f7?
on sale at, 6 for only i u y
Six Kerchiefs 49c
Initialed Handker c h i e f s,
Regu-ffor men. Of white cotton,
neatly made 6 in
box, on sale tomorrow
Holiday Kerchief Annex in
Second-;' Floor- Millinery Sec
tion, where i Kerchiefs of less
than 25c are shown. ;.
Linen Kerchiefs ist 25c
- Hand-embroidered Kerchiefs for worn
en all linen, embroidered corners and
initials ; also colored novelties, Kerchiefs
of famous Irish makes, such as Donegal
Uonluce, Ambray, isretonne and Amn-
swyl. bix m a holly box for Q P
$1.40 ;r special each at only DC
$5 to $7 Kerchiefs $2.9S
French, hand-embroidered . Kerchiefs
for women. Of Appenzelle work, daint
iest of patterns; one in a fancy box
Regularly $5, $5.50, $6, $6.50, Asi rfn
$7.00, tomorrow, each at only Da0
Initialed Kerchiefs 25c
Women's dainty Armenian lace-edged
Handkerchiefs and hand-em- nj
broidered initialed styles. Special DC
Linen Kerchiefs 50c
Women's hand-embroidered, all linen
Kerchiefs, in French and Irish embroid
ery. Of the famous Appenzelle,
Madeira and Spanish work. Each DUC
Embroidered Kerchiefs 25c
iine quality Kercniets, tor women.
Embroidered corners, packed 3 in np
fancy box; special tomorrow, box JC
Six Lawn Kerchiefs 69c
Kerchiefs of sheer lawn for women.
Embroidered corners. Six in a n
fancy gift box, tomorrow, box UmC
Six Kerchiefs 98c
Packed in Japanese straw basket are
hese Kerchiefs for women. Have AO'
embroidered corners, 6 in box for JJOC
Kerchiefs For chil
dren, three white hem
stitched with white or
colored initials. 1
In picture box IOC
Women's $5 to $50 Kerchiefs, of real Ap-
pcnzeiie nan a-e moroiaerea aamuiy
nemstitched and scalloped; Each j . fff
in a holly box Tomorrow at just V
Highest .Grade Kerchiefs V
Women's linen Kerchiefs. Of finest
hand-embroidery, in Madeira, Appen
zelle, Catalona, iJonluce, Donegal and
Armenian lace-edged. Each 50c 75.
$1, 91.25 and 91.50. ? ,
-Three linen Kerchiefs 79c
All linfn Kerchiefs for women, hand
embroidered with initia 1 and wreath,
packed three in a , box. Spe
cially priced for tomorrow, box JC
Three Linen Kerchiefs 89c
Kerchiefs of all linen for women. Em
broidered in Bretonne and Amriswyl,
three butterfly designs. Three Qf
Kerchiefs in box, special for only 0C
Three Kerchiefs $1.00
Kerchiefs, for women. Hand-embroid
ered corners. Donegal and AmriswvL
Beautiful designs. Three in Ai
ancy box, special tomorrow at
- Three Kerchiefs 39c
Kerchiefs for women, embroidered
corners, packed three in a fancy OA
older, tor tomorrow, folder JjL
Every child accompanied by
parent who purchases Ker
chiefs Wednesday, will be given
free the fancy picture Kerchief.
Holly boxes, free.
Kerchiefs For children, white and
lored hemstitched. Three in1 a a "
ix. Tomorrow the box only 1UC
Kerchiefs With
Mother Goose Nursery
Rhymes printed in col
ors, box of 3 1 mr
now for only J Q
U Off For '
And with SUCH a joyous, jolly,
happy . Toytown as this awaiting
gum 'tis enough to cause any lit
We youngster to start out a-hurry-ing,
arid surely a sight to gladden
'the hearts of young and old is the
thappy throng of young Portland
.rs gathered here in Santa Claus
'Headquarters Fifth floor. Many
ft whoop of joy a happy laugh
a cry ot delight is heard I Eyes
open wide and cheeks crow mrf
las little tots eniov th wnnArr n
lour various exhibits of toys, play-
tnings and specialties. .
Santa Gaus Is Here From 10
to 12 a. m. and"2 to 5 p. m.
25c Pr.
HERE it is aain the offer
, injs: that many have asked
about men's Silk Hose at 25c a
pair. . And safe to say no
.Haberdashery in Portland can. of
fer you hose of like quality at
anywhere near the price. In fact
you'll find Silk Hose here only
at this low price 25c for a 5pauv
In black,- tan and navy hun
dreds of pairs reldy for your,
choice at 8 tomorrow morning in
the main aisle, main building: I?ur
chase them for your own use or
for gifts Men's Silk r
Hose, the pair at only J Q
Osautitul Bohemian
Glassware at 14 Oil
A Special Purchase Means Choosing Gifts
for Less
HUNDREDS of women who are. lovers of
: ;the dainty Bohemian Glassware will re
ceive this announcement with great interest. We've
just received direct from the manufacturer at Haida,
Bohemia, an immense shipment of gold decorated
Bohemian Glassware, comprising:
Happies Rose. Bowls Flower Baskets
Relish Dishes Ice Cream Sets
Plates Vases Bowls
Fruit Dishes Olive Dishes
, For four days, beginning tomorrow, we will place
on sale our entire stock of Bohemian Glassware. Of
thin, clear quality and decorated in gold, in artistic
Bohemian fashion. Choose Bohemian ACff
Glassware for gifts during this sale at
Artistic $1.25
Comports at 74c
Just as illustrated tall and
graceful, are .these Bohemian
Glass, Comports. JJseful, as
serving dishes for jellies. Deco
rated in gold. Regularly
$1.25, for this sale, each
51.25 Boa Bon Dishes at 74c
Only 500 of these beautiful hand
led Bon Bon Dishes, as illustrated.
They'll sell rapidly at the price.
vv uiiucnuiiy suiiea lor guts. Made
in assorted shapes and deco- m k
rations. Reg. $1.25, this sale 1 4C
$1.50 Bon Bon Dishes at 99c
r "' , , ,
, An artistic and pleasing decora
tion, you'll find, these Bohemian
Bon Bon Dishes, as illustrated.
Regularly $1,50, Special aa
(for this sale, each at only' jiJC
G1.75 Don Don Dishes. $1.1 7
j One style just as illustrated,'
are these Bohemian Ti
SJ . . . . uuii
' S$ ' designs, and reduced for this
7- sale. Regularly $1.75, A m
; . , ' special for tomorrow at 1 J
i rtm t " a jis . i-ti
I iazgiiiig jrrray ot hmmmn jewelry
s in v
A Host of Gift Suggestions in First Floor Section of the Xmas Store
fOME to The Big Christmas Store tomorrowyou'll find an amazing and dazzling array of Jeweiry just
what you've been wanting for gifts you'll find included in this sale at prices that mean decided savings to
you. Merely an inkling is possible hew.
$1.50 Jewel Cases for 9Sc
F a r i 1 an
Art Silver,
Ormolu gold
id i-l-l-ver,
Ilk . lined
Jewel Cases.
Reg. 11.60
tomorrow at,
each 98
Silver Purses
on Sale 69c
German Silver
Mesh Purses, as
Ulustrat'd. Draw
string and finger
ring style, to
morrow, ea. 694
$17.50 Mesh Bags $12.50
Silver Mesh
Bags, 4-inch
size, as Illus
trated, plain
or band-en-
r a v d
frames, ev
ery link sol
dered. .Reg.
$17.60, sal
at $12.50
Germ. Silver Purses $2.75
teed German
es, as Illus
trated, etch
ed deslffn.
,11k - Wne
with Inner
gold pocket.
curb chain attached These for to
morrow, each, 92.75
$5.00 Bracelets, at $2.98
Gold-filled Bracelets. One style
Illustrated, each f 2.9S
Girls' Bracelets Special 75c
Brace lets,
tone set
ting or sig
net. In lined
box, 75$
1 M X I
$2 La
for 98c
Silver -La
VaJUers, platinum fin
ish, with pendants of
rhlnestones, pearls,
etc. In lined case, to
morrow, each 984
10-year, 'gold-filled
Rosaries, one style as
Illustrated. Made with
various color'd stones
-each 75$. '
- r
Links, Pin
Solid Gold Link
Buttons and Scarf Pin
Sets, for men. In vel
vet ease; engraving
free. The set $4.98
Parisian Ivory
Clocks, . at . 98c
Imported Guaranteed
Parisian Ivory Clocks,
spel for this sale at,
each 98$
Great Sale Neck
laces! 98c Each
Pearl Bead Neck
laces, as illustrated;
with to rp e d o AO
catch, Each, at 70C.
Gold Filled Watches $10
G u ar anteed
t0-year, gold
filled v "Watch
es, T - Jewel,
Walt ham or
Elgin, open or
(closed) case.
Sites for men
and women,
. each . $10 -U ,
The Kraemer
Lighters at 75c
Famous guaran
teed Kraemer
Lighters, complete
In case with extra
wicks, sparks and
cleaner, b e n t o 1 n
retainer and filler.
Lighters, ea. 75$
Men's Signet
Rings at $6
1 Solid Gold Sig
net Rings for
Men, as Illustrat
ed. Heavy wgt
Engraved free, at
each, $6.00
Gold Beauty Pins, Pair $2
Heavy Solid
Geld Beauty
Pins, - one style
as illustrated, set
with stones or
plain design ' of
engraving, the
pair, $2.00 .
$4.00 Barrettes for $1.98
Solid Gold Barrettes in great va
riety, one style Illustrated. Inlaid
lr rhlnestone. . Reg. $4, tomoifow,'
each, $1.98 . .
GFses $5.98
Imported French -Opera Glass
es, high power, guaranteed Acro
matic lens., silver or gold finish,
handle and plush case. Regularly
$10.00 tomorrow, each,: $5.98
Pincushions; Clove
and Kerchief Cases
Purchase of Over ,500 Pieces Dainty and
: Practical for Gifts
offering this
of sample Art Pieces
at XA less than you'd
pay for them if bought
in the regular way.
And just the sort ot a
special women hare
been waiting" for the
opportunity to purchase
at savings the pieces
here included and
which are so popular
and acceptable as gifts.
Included are the
fancy Pin Cushions, beautifully trimmed with laces, all
and hand-embroiaerea styles.
Round, square and oblong shapes. Then the daintiest
ases, made ot satin riDDons,
silk ribbons, cluny tops
of Glove and Kerchief Ca
with quilted silk lining. They're beautifull
Visit the Third Floor An Section tomorrow choose
gifts from these 500 and more sam- f Drior
pies of art pieces. Reg 25c to $12" .I MM
Third noorMaln Building MaU Orderl fllltd
' . . 1 . ; .... .... , i a
Canary Birds, $2169
The "Hartz Mountain"-
Every One a Singer
EVER, think.. what a
bright, cheery addi
tion to the home is a pretty
(Singing Canary Birds? An
other shipment here-just-in
time lor mis . vv euncsuay
sale and our special pur
chase makes possible our of-
ferat.UU. . , "
They're the Hartz Mountain Birds every .one
guaranteed a singer, j Purchase $ O A
Canary Bird tomorrow-ur price only JitC, VU
Fr ench Mixed Candy 22c
Purchase the Christmas supply
offer pure, fresh and wholesome
French mixed Candy, spe- QO
cial 'the pound at only tCuC
rorttaad'a ntopplaf Oemte Blaoe 1857,
New Walnuts, pound : 18i
Fancy Mixed Nuts 2 lb: 35
Shredded Cocoanut, lb. 17
SnCedTiheappIeTJ cahT50'
Jersey Butter, 2 lbs. at 65
Raisins, 3 fpkgs. for 23
Meierfrahk Coffee, lb. 35
Bulk Peanut Butter, lb. 20
White Grape Juice, bot 38
Faricy Dry Apricots, 2 lbs.
at 4o$.
Mixed Peels, citron, lemon,"
orange, lb. 17(.
Victor Cocoa, pound at 25
Grocery Specials
High Grade Bakbg Powder,
lb. 17. ' , . .
Corn Meal, in sacks, lb. 28
I ' A