The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 10, 1912, Page 25, Image 25

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Sen. Chamberlain Will Recom
mend Soldiers' Home Com-
mission Be Superseded. ,
:::'- -Vm v...;y
(United frem tf edWIrt.,)
TTT S'rnciBii"o, l)eo. 10. ''I'do'not
chains the management ot ,the home
with dishonesty or cruelty, but Incompe
tence seems to be the fault." Th! state
. mcnt vwa made here by United States
Senator Oeorge H. Chamberlain of Ore
gon, a member of the Investigating oom
mlttee, Investigating condition! at the
' rfatlonal Soldier' home at Sawtelle, who
, la today en route to Washington.
; ',The home," continued the senator-,
"Is now under the actual care of Colonel
T. J, Cochran, a retired soldier, although
former Governor H. H. Markham ' , Is
; head of the board Of directors.", "
"Many of the complaints by inmates
' are well founded. The mess Is undoubt-
edly bad.' I shall present to the senate
.' the plan advised by tit inmates' them
i ; selves, whicli" Is the removal of control
. of the institution from the commission
that now meets in New York, and plao
- lng It in th hands of the war depart
ment." '
(SpecUl to The JonrnaM . ..
La Grande, Or., Deo. 10.M. K. Hall,
mayor; Lee" Warnlck, recorder; J. II
fcLachlln. reelected chief; Ray W. IO
gan, reelected treasurer; E. C. Davis, re
elected councilman- First ward; W. B.
I Earnrnt, Third ward! F. V. misten, eo
LgsstTWard. and Louis Wright, Fourth
administration. Four councllmen held
The election held yesterday saw in the
neighborhood of (00 votes cast by wo
men and though void of undue excite
ment, the campaign and the election it
self wers unusually warm. The So
cialists have lost ground, evidently, as
they failed to seat a single official, in
the face of remarkable success last year.
(United Press tested Wtr.l
. Salem, Or., Dec, 10. No decision was
Jrfinded down today by the supreme court
hn the case of the Humphrey brothers,
convicted of the murder of Mrs. Eliza
Griffith near Philomath. As no deci
sions will be handed down now until
next Tuesday, they will not be hanged
with the five men to be executed next
Friday,, at the state prison.
Red Blood
Firm flesh and vigorous -vitality
are the real defenses
against cold.
. Warms, feeds and strength
ens you. thus raising your
power of resistance so that
you can fight any cold and
drive it quickly out of your
In 10 oz. and 8 oz. brown bottles
Generous Quantify
Hcalth-Glvinfl Quality
Vrite for three-ounce sample bot
tle MAILED FREE by Ozonralsloii,
548 l'earl St., JNcw lork.
: . 7 " r - un.ucnrvic1
3? kPn?n . the original and rentilne
tlDtllncMtrll.nri u.kA. A. .1.1.1- , .., ":V.J 1
It acta. 8ooths end hiU, ,to .bnomal dll
ctirgeaDd reraores thsntiM o( Mtwi h. Spitmlid
-- n nv .LuuiAcu. par leT.r.
-n sPa. CO., aWnM.Mt. i.L
A simple, sale ana effective treatment for
bronchial trouble, avoiding drug. Vapor
lied Cresolene stops the paroxysms of
Whooping Cough and relievo Spasmodic
Croup at once. It is a boon to sufferers
from Attains. The air carrying the anti
septic vapor, inspired with every breath,
makes breathing easy; soothe the sore
throat and stops the cough, assuring rest
ful night. It i invaluable to mothers
with young CMldren.
Send uj postal fr
dctcriftw bookUUl
fp FvwWIflWe'iAWwiWPfc
Throat Tnblatt (or Uxtt ir
rilMnt throat. Thoy an
dm pie, elf -ut arid witl
ptle. Of yourdnKurlBt
or from us. 10c In iiuup.
,2 CartUaat St., N. Y.
Col.,C. B. Montague Was Ex-
Mayor of Lebanon; Fun
eral Tomorrow.' .
: Colonel C. B. Montajue.
In Lebanon. Or., of which he was the
first mayor and where he passed many
quiet but happy years of his life, Colonel
C. B. Montague, who died yesterday
St the home of his daughter, Mrs. J. S.
Courtney, will he laid to rest tomorrow.
Funeral services . will bo held this
afternoon at o'clock at the home of
Mrs. Courtney, at S8 East Oak street.
Rev. Mr. Hutchinson, pastor of the
Third Presbyterisn church, will conduct
the services. Then the body will be
taken to Lebanon, where the final ser
vices will take place at 2 o'clock to
morrow afternoon.
Colonel Montague's Ions; life was one
of great events. A Scotchman by birth,
born In Argylshlre In 1830, he was slso
a pioneer of California and Oregon and
a staunch American citizen. Hs was a
veteran soldier of two nations, and of
three great wars, the Mexican, the Cri
mean and the war between the states.
He had come to Amerllca at the age
of 17 years, and promptly enlisted when
the Mexican war broke out. He came
to California in the early 60s. He was
a member of Walker's filibustering ex
pedition to overthrow the government
of Nicaragua.
In the Crimean war he eervea wnn
such ' distinction, ss a member of the
famous Ninety-third Scots Grays that
he won a Victoria cross. After the war
he ertnrned to the United States and
cama to Oreson.
Ho helped organise a company or Ore
gon volunteers when the Civil war broke
out, and later served in the east on the
staff of the union general, Jen k..
After the war. Colonel Montague, as
a regular army officer, went to Alas
ka to represent the United States in
the transfer of that territory from the
Rusisan to the American flag. He re
tired from the regular army not long
ofter and became the first mayor of
Sitka, Alaska. Removing to Oregon, he
settled at Lebanon and was elected Its
first mayor. In 1901 he was elected
to ths Oregon legislature from that dis
trict. Colonel Montague leaves a widow and
the following five children, all of Port
land: E. E. Montague, R. B. Montague,
C. D. Montague, Mary E. Glboney and
Mrs. J. S. Courtney,
Ranmrnantn 10 Munirtr Mc-
Credle of Portland, today traded Pitch
er Elmer Koestner to Manager iiogan
of Vernon, for Pitcher Al Carson. Car-
ann win a. memMr oi tne roruana team
in 1808. being drafted br the Chicago
Positive testimony that Harry Leess
was la the crowd which beat and kicked
Adam Baker to. death at Second and
Yamihll streets on the night of July
28 was given in the testimony of
Charles Christensen at the ' trial of
Leesa for manslaughter before Circuit
Judft-e Kavanaughvthls morning., Chria
tensen, who has already pleaded guilty
to manslaughter in connection with the
killing, stated that he struck, the blow
that knocked Baker to the street and
that he struck so hard he was thrown
back to the ground In the opposite dl
Christensen testified that Leese
struck Baker In the face. Hs declared
Leess was In the crowd that followed
Baker and Henry Rost Baker's com
panton, to the scene of the killing, and
passed by him as he lay on the ground
after striking Baker. Deputy District
Attorney Page says that he will Intro
duce Leese's signed confession to show
that be was present when Baker was
killed. .
Yesterday's testimony was largely In
favor of Leese s plea or -not being pres
ent at the time Baker was beaten and
kicked to death.
Francis J. Flu no, M. D., C. S. D., of
Oakland, Cal., who is In Portland, will
speak In the Masonic Temple, Thursday
night, and In the First Church of Christ
Scientist Friday night. :
Dr. Fluno is a member of the board
ef lectureship of the Mother churoh, the
First Church of Christ Scientist, in
Boston. After lecturing in this city he
will visit Baker, Pendleton, Salem, Eu
gene, Grants Pass and other Oregon
Salem, Or., Dee. 10. Attorney General
the 'state veterinarian has authority un
der the law to burn boghouses if neces
sary to cleaning and disinfecting the
premises.' .This question was raised in
connection with the effort being made
to stamp out hog c hoi era, ,
If . rw,
: r ''-i
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Monday's Delayed
Resume of World Happenings Received From 8 o'Clock Yesterday
..f,;;;;,. Afteruooii. Until S
Thorough revision, : scheduls by
schedule, of the present tariff by the
next congress was indicated by the de
cision Monday of the Democratic mem
bers of the house ways and means com
mittee to have hearings on the tariff
every Monday, Wednesday and Friday
In January, beginning January 9.
'The movement to have the govern
ment acquire "Montlcello," the home of
Thomas - Jefferson,- received a - setback
Monda when the house, by a vote of
101 to, 41, refused to adopt a special
rule providing for consideration' of the
senate resolution, authorising the ap
pointment of i commutes . to inquire
Into the wisdom and cost of purchasing
the property from. Us present owner,
Representative Levy of New York.
. The Indian ' appropriation bill, ss "re
ported to the house of representatives,
carries a total of 1233,783 for the Indi
ans of Oregon In lieu of 8266,283 as
recommended ; by" the secretary of th-J
Interior. The principal reduction Is In
the appropriation for the Chemawa
SChOOl. . " , '. : ',!'..;... V,!.1
Carrying appropriations aggregating
334,800,583 for the operation of three
great departments - of the government
during the next fiscal year, the legis
lative, executive and judicial appropria
tion bill was passed Monday by the
house. ... . :-:;,.:'.
Radical changes in patent of floe pro
cedure were recommended to congress
Monday in a Special report by the econ
omy and ef f iciency commission, trans
mitted by President Tsft. The principal
recommendation are limitations upon
thS Uf of patent to 19 years from
date of application and an Increase
from 116 to 20 for the filing fee. '
A report of the secretary of war to
congress declares that present and pros
pective commerce does not Justify th
improvement of Nehalem river at' this
time by the federal government. .,
A general congressional investigation
of the canning industry of the country
was proposed Monday Jn a resolution
by Representative Allen of Ohio. The
resolution sets forth that conditions in
certain canneries are "filthy." that dis
eased workers ire employed In these
particular canneries and also that wo
men and young children are employed
under adverse conditions.
The judiciary committee considered
President Taft's Judicial appointments,
but took no formal action. Republican
members received definite information
that Democrats of the senate would
probably try to hold up many appoint
mcnts in southern states.
! Political.
The 'Itepublican Speakers' League of
the United states," with Senator Kllhti
Koot and other prominent Republicans
at Its head, will begin work early in
1813, on an active propaganda for the
rehabilitation of the Republican party
and the election or a Republican presl
dent In 1916. This was decided on at
a meeting of the league held In New
York Monday.
Senator Borah of Idaho Is not In fa
vor of the proposal of Governor Hadley
or Missouri, to call a convention of Ke
publGlcans next summer for the pur
pose of perfecting plans for the reor
ganlzation of the Republican party. He
does not think sudh a convention would
be practicable r successful.
Hugh C. Wallace of Tacoma. who
also maintains a residence in washing'
ton, is an active candidate for secretary
of the interior, and is said to have the
Indorsement of Chairman McCombs.
Wallace: aavs SSO0O to the Democratla
national campaign fund.
Eastern. . . (
Four workmen were seriously Injured
by the explosion of a quantity of dyna
mite or nitroglycerine at the powder
house, of the O'Loughlln oompany, at
Bellwood, a Chicago suburb, Monday
afternoon. Three cottages were demol-
The possibility of extensive thefts
of federal naval stores, similar to that
alleged at Mare Island, Cal., where a
carload of brass and copper fittings
was stolen, was admitted in Chicago
Monday afternoon by united States
District Attorney Wtlkerson.
Herbert Mowrey, a prisoner In the
Lima, Ohio, city jail, armed himself
with a heavy Iron bar, felled a doien
or more guards and prisoners, escaped
to the outside corridor and struck
down every one near- him. He then
Jumped from a second story window of
the jail and terrorized pedestrians on
tne pupllc square before being captured.
Mowrey had been suffering from delir
ium tremens.
F. A. Umstead, who dreamed of a gi
gantic Bteel combine to compete with
the United States Steel corporation and
thereby incurred obligations aggregat
ing $2,000,000, was discharged In bank
ruptcy In the United States district
court at Chicago Monday.
The Jurisdiction "of the Interstate
commerce commission over the Union
Stockyards & Transit company of Chi
cago, has been upheld by the supreme
court, which sustained the commission's
right to bring suit to have the com
pany's contract to pay 150,000 to Pfael
zer & Sons, packers, for erecting a plant
adjacent to Its track annulled, as
amounting to a rebatel "
M. Jusserand, the French, ambassador
to the United States, announced Monday
at a meeting in New York of the French
institute, a gift of 100,000 from James
A Oirect Suggestion
0.-W. Limited
A through, solid electric lighted
train " leaves Portland Union
Depot daily at 10 A. M.
News Briefly Told
o'Clock This Morning.
SttUman,banker of New York, to the
school of fins arts In Paris. 7 ..'
A suit alleging 214 specific violations
of the child labor law by the Diamond
Match company, for which fines aggre
gating $22,400 are asked, was filed Mon
day , by the Wisconsin industrial com
mission.' . , " ; -
O. M. Auerbach.of Chicago, '09 Prince
ton graduate, has been sentenced to
life Imprisonment for the murder of his
employer Harry Fisher, f ormer Chica
go promoter. Fisher was killed while
hunting with Auerbach and the defend
ant declared the killing was accidental.
A gun of 14-inch caliber and of SO
tons weight, the largest and newest
type built by the United States gov
ernment at a cost of $130,000, exploded
Monday , at the Candy Hook proving
grounds. The big gun blew to pieces
without causing a scratch to the men
around "It. , , '
' Austria has Inaugurated measures
along the Adriatic coast to prevent tho
spread of cholera. ;. All passengers ar
riving from the meaiierrsnean ana
Adriatic coasts are being inspected. ;,It
is expected that the cold weather will
atoo the sbread of the disease.'
Canada's gift or three powerful oat?
tleshlns to Great Britain, to cost $35,
000,000, will not curtail Great .Britain'!
naval program. This much was made
practically certain .Monday When win
ston Churchill, first lord of tne aa
mlralty, speaking in the house of com
mons, urged "the aid given by Canada
should be in addition to the ., existing
British naval program."
The Nobel peace Prlzs will not be
awarded this year. This Is the first
time since the establishment of the
Nobel foundation that the committee o
Norwegian parliament has found no per
son worthy of the award. The commit
tee states that It has decided there has
been "no work deserving of the prise."
Pacific Coast.
The police of San Diego are looking
for three burglars who entered the house
of Dr. Francis Mead, city health officer,
Sunday night and got Jewels valued at
$3000 while Dr. Mead was dining with
Admiral Southerland. A servant met
one of the robbers who held a revolver
to her head until his companions ea
Thomas V. Redman, a notorious coun
terfeiter, has been sentenced at Los
Angeles to serve seven years at Mo
Nell's Island. Redman admitted having
passed $30,000 in spurious coin In Port
Money, jewelry and other valuables
to the amount of $10,000 were recovered
Monday in the mall sack, which was
stolen by bandits from the Shasta
Limited nesr Delta, Cal., on November
8, and which was found Saturday on the
river bank about a mue rrom tne scene
of the holdup.
John P. Jones, formerly United States
senator from Nevada, who died In Los
Angeles two weeks ago, left an estate
valued at $2, 000,000. He left no will
Fred W. Morrill, baggageman for the
O.-W. R. & N., said to have" aided
Thomas Crow, the young stenographer,
who was arrested at Spokane on Friday,
charged with the forgery of railroad pay
checks amounting to $5700, was caught
In San Francisco Monday.
Severely burned about the legs, arms
and body, a little daughter of William
Children Cry
The Kind You Have Always Bought has borne the signal
tore of Chas. II. Fletcher and has been made under hla
personal supervision for over 80. years. Allow no one
to deceive you in this. Counterfeits. Imitations and
"Just-as-good are but Experiments and endanger tha
health of Children Experience against Experiment
Castor! is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. 16
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms 1
and allays Fcverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels,. giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's FriendT
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
In Use For Over 30 Years
ths oentsuh comsanv, vr MUMsav Tsrrr, acw VoMK errv.
Oregon Short One
t ' i
r a.. 1 :
J r
I, H j
Virgil It. Massey of Cornelius, repri-
eontaU ve-clact from w ashmgu o
county; Republican.
(RtxMul to Tb Joiiriml.
. Hlllsboro. Or., Dec. 10;Vlrgll H. Mas
sey, member of the lower house, Is a Re
publican, born at Wheatland, Yamhill
county. He lived on a farm until the
year 1908 when he entered the employ
of the Southern Pacific as agent at
McCoy, Or. In February, 1909, he was
transferred to Cornelius. Washington
oounty. He was elected justice of tho
peace for the Cornelius district In 1910
and recorder of the city of Cornelius in
1911, which two offices he now holds.
He is the editor and publisher of the
Cornelius Tribune and a son of George
W. Maasey, a well-to-do farmer and
hop grower Of Amity, Yamhill county
H. Mallard of Aberdeen, Wash., lies
suffering at her home. 1 The little girl
stuffed a lot of paper in a closed beat
lng stove and the gas generated ex
ploded and' tho flames Ignited her cloth
Kdwara- School of Albany was re
elected president of ths Central Wll
lamette Poultry association in the an
nual election following the close of the
association's first annual poultry show
In that city Saturday night.
S. M. Garland of Lebanon, one of the
leaders of the Democratto party In Linn
county and the present state committee
man for that county, lost two fingers
Sunday while cutting kindling with an
The contract has been signed and the
bond approved with the Federal Con
struction company of California for pav
ing 13 blocks of the bunlness section of
Lebanon. The cost ot ths finished pave
ment will be about $2.05 a square yard.
President Taft, unless tentative plans
made Monday go awry, will leave Wash
ington on Friday and Will sail from
iton.! irirrr.iAd
for Fletcher's
Signature of
ii. mill n i . .hu"ju
Portland and Poget Soand
Leaves daily at 8:00 P. M. from
Portland Union Depot
Phones-Marshall 4500, A-6121
"V jr 1 1 1
Kef West ort th battleship ArkanHas to
spend Christmas at Panama. He will
not number President-elect Wilson as
one of the members; of his party,:, ';c;T.
Luis Mena. loader of -the recent
Nlcaraguan revolution, Is en route to
Washington to testify before, a senate
committee regarding acts of American
officials during the outbreak. After his
surrender Mena 'was detained" in Pan
ama by United States Officials. , .
Losses aggregating $130,008 were
caused by two fires at Winnipeg Mon
day. Tha first destroyed the building
occupied by the Saturday Evening Post
and the second damaged the warehouse
of MacKentlo Brothers to the extent of
$80,000. , . - ;- . v: , :
The census bureau announced Monday
that cotton ginned in the United States
mr to December T a m oun tedto 11.84
432 bales. Georgia led all tha states
with 1,563,44$ bales, and Alabama was
second with 1,180,637 bales. . ' ,
Increases in the freight rates on po
tatoes, ranging from ft cent to 8 cents
a hundred pounds from points of pro
duction In ' Nebraska, South Dakota,
Colorado and similar territory, to all
destinations east, have been held by the
Interstate Commerce commission to be
Two men, one seriously Injured, one
perhaps fatally, and damage estimated
at $16,000 was dons at. Calgary Monday
morning when 'the rear end of the
Queen's hotel was wrecked by an explo
sion of natural gas.
The common towel was ordered abol
ished from railroad cars, vessels, all
other Interstate vehicles and- from sta
tions, by Secretary MacVeagh Monday,
in an amendment to the Interstate quar
antine regulations.
General Maus, commanding tho de
partment ot the Columbia, has submit
ted to the war department a report
trongly recommending the fortification
of the entrances to Grays Harbor and
You men and w onsen who ean't get
feeling right who have headache,
coated tongue, foul taste and foul
breath, dlzainess, can't sleep, are ner
vous ana upset, Dotnerea witn a aica,
gassy, disordered stomach, and are all
worn out
Are you keeping your bowels olean
with Caacarets or merely dosing your
elf every few. days with salts, cathar
tio pins, castor oil and other harsh
Cascarets immediately cleans and
ALSO 23 Be
Cures Dandruff, Stops the
Hair from Falling Out and
Makes It Grow.
There Is nothing new about the idea of
using age for restoring the color oi
ths hair. Our grandmothers kept their
hair dark, glossy and abundant by the
use of a simple "Sage Tea." Whenever
their hair fell out or took on a dull.
fsded or streaked appearance, they made
a brew of Sage leaves, and applied it
to their hair with wonderfully beneficial
effect. i
Nowadays we don't have to resort to
the old time tiresome method of gather
Greatest Nerve
No. 2
I have given per
sonal inspection to
the working of M. I.
S. T. on the human
system, and must
say that it entirely
meets with my pro
fessional sanction.
Lets Demonstrator of
Anatomy. Philadel
phia Medical College
What Ve Guarantee
RHEUMATISM, no matter how lonir standing.
Any case ot Inflammation of the Bladder or
Enlarged Prostate Gland, no matter if the pa
tients have been for years forced to use a
It is no stimulant, its enects are permanent
and lasting. Will cure any vase ot Stricture
without local treatment Will remove entirely
from the system Cancer and. Cancerous Germs.
In addition to ths above, M I. S. T. No. t
has cured maoy eases of Paralysis, Locomotor
t nthera.
Arlrlrcfts I. S. T.
1 -V4 Al
nt ii- am ii in Hi mMSSmammt m inn ni -virVi,ri'ii'fir m ,r.f f icf((t i
Tot sals by rbea Terry, 031 Sherlock 3d ad C
to 6 p. in. Phone iiain 7:4. Ova tnads.'s 19 . hi. ' j
alwnys freth,
Wiilapa liar bur, 4.11 Urn Wa,. ;.!!;,;, .1
- Nino men are believed to 1im b, h
killed Monday when a snowiU! en
Copper mountain, near Cordova, AtaaU t,
carried away seven buildings ot th
Great Northern Development company.
Eleven men were buried under the ava
lanche, and only two have been removed
alive.-'. Vt '' r , j, ":
Florence Will Light Up.
Florence, Or., Deo. JO The town of
Florence has purchssed from the local
electrlo plant 40 lights, paying 1500 a
year for them.
It is impossible to be well,
simply Impossible, if ; the
bowels are constipated.
Waste products, poisonous
substances, must be removed
from the body at least once
each day, or there will be
trouble. Ask your doctor
about Ayer's Pills.
sweeten the stomach, remove the sour
undigested and fermenting food and foul
gases; take the excess bile from tha
liver and carry off the constipated
waste matter and poison from tba
A Cascaret tonight will straighten you
out by morning a 19 cent box will keep
your head clear, stomach sweet, liver'
and bowels regular and make you feel
cheerful and bully for months. Don't
forget the children their little inside
need a good, gentle cleansing, too. 1
,i.H Mil
ing the herbs and making the tea. This
Is dons by skillful chemists batter than
we could do it ourselves; and all ws
have to da is to. call for the ready made
product, Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair
Remedy, containing Sage in the propar
strength, with the addition of Sulphur,
another old time scalp remedy.
This preparation gives youthful eolor
and beauty to ths hair, and is one of
the best remedies you can use for dan
druff, dry, feverish, itching scalp, and
falling hair. Oct a 60 cent bottle from
your druggist today,' and you will bo
surprised at the quick results. All drug
gists sell it, under guarantee that ths
money will bo refunded if the remedy is
not exactly as represented. Agent
Owl Drug Co.
and Blood Tonic
no. 2
r.l.l.S.T. !o.2 Will Guro
Ataxia. Spinal Trouble and apparently Inout
able diseases ot the nerves.
M. I. S. T. has been on the market for over 9i
years, and baa cured thousands of sufierers. 1 1
Is prescribed by leadlns pbyaieiana all over the
country. It le pleasant to take and absolute t
safe. It never increases or diminishes tti
action of the heart. If you are lufluriu front
any ehronlo disease you are urged to writ t
us,' no matter bow many doctor or UIqvJi
medicine yon have tried without relict, VV &
That you may Juflse of the value of the Great Specific for yt" i
elf, wo will send you one week's treatment by bmil t h !
onlr askliur that when cored yourself you will reraiwmfri.t il
Write e nnfldentlally to our nseOu'il driartf s.
.giTIagMmpwai.iUer40JW!!I,r, ,