THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 10, 1312. f 13 1"1 VH-room flkt for rent In Hollada i'liik, (si. 3 llnlKcy st; all modern im tiovetnents, only $20, which..., Ii ... very i iic:ip rent for tills. Furnace, gas, eiec n lights, rine bathroom. Uric room niul closets; block from H streetcar. ;it kv iifnt Ooor. - 1 WI.RT KIlllO. VI, A V 6 rooms with commercial basement at ICS 10th st. near Morrison; rent ftu. 11. p. PALMER-JONES CO., ' 404 Wilcox bids. ' Phones Main MK, A-285S.. MODERN 6 room lower flat, fireplace. iui iimci . " -- - all outside rooms; large yard, cared . by owner; no children. 61)8 E. Marti furnace, gas range ana water neater j'ara, csrea io laon, MODERN 6 room flat, 10 minutes' walk west side. 127.60. 641 6th St. Phone Main ,7065. A-6501, ozz40. BrUUTlUL-ad r-'" flats, .yUw, low rent. ti Aiarsei su, near vnap- nian. Moi)KRNS room flats, i blocks north old steel bridge, rronting river: oeau llftil location. U7.G0. Phone K, 8812. FCttXISHED FLATS 50 1 MODERN S room lower flat, beautifully , , furnished, ; Phono M. 1082 or call at Morton apartments, apt, r. i-KOUM modern lower flat, f urnlshed, gas and electric, 3 blocks from car; im. 1506 Qneonta at., Woodlawn.' j-llOOM modern slower flat, furnished, gas and electric, 8 block from car, $13. 1506 oneonta st.. wooaiawn. . KV modern 4 -room flat, walking: dis tance. to block from car. 669 Market. Wain 4079. Spaoe In garage. 6-ROOM flat, modern, furnished, $16pr month. commercial si. m HOTELS Bl HOTEL PORTLAND -EUroooaa plan only $1.60 an up. l K LVwJfc,RKi. Kuropc-an. 4th and Ad e r. li 1 OIUCS AX OFFlCKti H . Warehouse Factory . Brick building, 2 stories, elevator, crane, well lighted, on car track. Hither for warehouse or factory. F. C. Jack son. Journal Pub. Co. Main 7173 l uH RENT Desirable store room, m East Burnslde. between Union and Grand ave.; suitable for shoe, Jewelry.J tiakery ana aeucatessen. inquire sue Carger, Bates ft Lively, yeon mog. ' Grocery Store r - Good location, ih South Portland; rent $30. F. c. jsciuon. dournsi rub, m. Main 7i7S. FOR RENT Shop 45x100 and sheds. ground space 80x100. corner Russell and Vancouver ave., 7 blocks from Broadway bridge. Woodlawn)2448. Warehouse 100x100 ' For rent, on railroad, adjoining Gold en Rod Mill Co.. Alblna. Columbia 816. FOR RENT OFFICE SPACE WITH " both phones; $10 month, 30$ Ry. Ex. Ford. STORE, 279 Hawthorne, near bridge, large basement, side track In rear. Apply Hawthorne Pock Co. East 2063. SMALL store, with counters shelves, $15: $42 Front st ' and FOB RENT HALLS 59 TWO LARGE HALLS FOR RENT. Large one for Monday, Wednesday or Saturday nights: small one for Monday , or Saturday nights. - Special rates for afternoon meetings. Central location, reasonable. Call 1:08 Commercial blk. LARGE steam-heated hall for Saturday and Sunday nights. Inquire - Howe- Davis Co., Ill 2d st. SMALL, hall for rent. Howe-Davis Co., Ill 2d st. , FOR HEM aUSCELLAXEOUS 83 DESK room. Including- phone. 428 Hen- ry piqg. BARN 23 stalls near Broadway bridge, '' toT Particulars phone Bellwood 1851. WANTED TO RENT AVE can rent your place for you. Wat son & Therkelsen Co4 m-30 Epald- inc Riag. Main 7&z. upturn:. hOKSES. V EHIC 13 HORSES, MARES. WAGONS, SCRAP- ' ERS. ' The Gilbert Bros., well-known con tractors, will sell at sacrifice 16 bead horses and mares, consisting of one chunky 2700 lb. team, matched bay horses about 8 years old, very free walkers; almost new double harness, all $285: one fine 2400 fb. team Canadian chunks,1 8 years old, jest work like one horse, with heavy double harness, $225; ' one 2600 Ib.'team bay and gray horses, with double harness. $185; one 1400 lb. horse, $85;. one brown horse, light 3 spring express wagon, harness, corn plete rig, $100; 8 other horses and mares from $50 tip. These horses are all out of hard work and are true workers in all harness. Two weeks' trial given. Call Going & Black Btable, corner 6th and B streets. Vancouver, Wash. ' rTTTTT J 'W' i i. :. :'.!'. a i...... and 3 geldings, all good workers, weight lrom 1100 to 1300 lbs. Une spring wsgon, one surrey, two single harness, one double harness. 247 , Kant 12th St., corner Hawthorne ave. l'itt'e barn in park, liURES, mares and mules; wagons, light and heavy, also several sets har ness; can be seen at Lents Take Mt. Scott car to Lents. Inquire at Grange rtoro. ' 'MtiST sell good farm team, weighs 2200, with harness and farm wagon, all for $135; house 781, 6 blocks vast on Insloy ave,; take Bellwood can A GOOD cheap 2b00 lb. farm or work team, red roans, sound and good, true pullers, with good harness and light larm wagon. 14 Union ave. A GOOD theap buy, $125 for big team; one is trifle pavement sore; both A-l workers. 14 Union ave. A GOOD 3 to oamelliack wagon cheap, or will exchange for good horse, 14 Tnloh sve. PAIR small mules cheap for cash, or wilt exchange for horse. 14 Union ave. CHEAP ranch team for sale; must noil at once. 1967 E. Stark St., Montavllla. FINE team cf ponies; will exchange for 1200 lb. horse, 14 Union ave. LIVESTOCK 35 . FOR SALE Grade Holsteln bull. 2 1 years old and gentle. "Name." Nells ChrlUii)ibn. Willamette, Or., R. F. D. 5. Sherwood. Or. FOR SALE Good family cow. Phone Bellwood 651. JERSEY cow for sale or trade for good horse. 830 Lumber Exchange bldg. FINE young family cow, Jersey and 122 Main St., South Lents. Ay res n ire. J'pULTKY 100 CHICKENS for sale cheap. 1203 East Alder, corner 45th. lMXiS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 46 L i ORBGON BIRD CO. Roller canaries, bird supplies, etc; za za st. THOROUGHBRED Scotch Ollie pups; pedlgre given with each pup. Sell- wood 684.' - FOR SALE Imported canaries reason sble; 6416 42d ave;. phone Tabor 2481. ENGLISH Pointer pup for sale cheap; 435 14th. st; phone A-3560, A tMOBILMOTOlCLES 44 ; WANTED No. 1 old auto tires. 7c lb., delivered: No. 2 auto tires, s.. fh. . Inner tubes, 16o to 23c lb. J. Leva. 186 Columbia St.; Main 6198. , . , LOANS on - Autos Bauee, ;og Alder st. iOH SALE-7 passenger auto convert ed Into 'i860 lbs. truck. Inquire 23S Ivr st. Phone C-1846. LOWKSt KATES (13 A HI NUTON Bl.I., 106 81) ST. M'.VEN passenger touring car, ;wlll trade for good real estate. Photi 160 1180 10 if. I. Lambert runatbout, cheap tof S6Vt Kllilngsworth ave. east. ro:; kcxt flats AUTOMOIULICS-MOTOnCYCLES 44 -Now-You Can Afford To buy a- car. We are offering special prices on used .cars to clean un before Jan. X. Write or cull for price lint, 4 . Also J HI 2 Wlille Demonstrator, good a new,'?ft h. t-. 6 P price 2776,loMudlnit wK-atarter. Cull or writejSr special price. , The "White Co, . , , :::": ; 69. SEVENTH ST, ' :VV. To Exchange Will trade, mv new 1912 Chalmers $0 h. p. for good first elans real estate; pre Ur f sopertjr-up la $li)Uu I-., PACIFIC COAST I3HUKKKAU1S UU., 618-81 Board of Trade. LARGE 6 passengar roredoor Cadlllao auto. nouriy. ncx auio ldcr. Main f.S0. A-3277. MUSICAL IXSTRUMEXTS 34 YOUNG couple will give best , cars of piano for use, K"- 4081. ; . ' FOR SAJ-K Hnss and snare drum cheap, ais 7tn sr. . iAliNCIiKS AxXU BOATS . 04 FOR SALE 27 foot speed launch.,, 3 nul In tKtuit lns ratmlpl m hnrfrAfn at $400; come see It; will-give' terms, Charles H. Latourelle, Latourelle, Or. FOll HALE MISCELLANEOUS 1 FORCED OUTMUST SACRIFICE Every piece of furniture MUST BE SOLO before January 1. Buy now, MONEY WALKS $1 does work of $2. GRAND RAPIDS FURNITURH EX, 869 E. Morrison. Eaut 768. - .'UK tiALE New and second-hand Car- om and Docket billiard tables, and bowling alleys end accessories; bar fix tures of all klndst easy payments., The Brunswick-Balke-Cbllender Co.. 46-48 6th st. Phones Main 769, A-1769. NATIONAL, cash registers, credit regis- ters. computing scales, electric coiree mills and all store appliances, bought, sold and repaired. Sell for cash or pay. ments. The Pacific Store Service Co.. 227 Stark. Main 7711. NIAGARA range, 6 holes with reser- extension table, $6; dresser, $4. Call 430 iu. ijurnyioe. ELECTRIC nlckel-ln-slot piano for sale or rent, or will install on commission. Phono E. 407. B-1880. Call 112 K. 6th street. - SAFES New and second-hand; large assortment: safes opened and re. paired.. Mosler Safe Co.. 108 2d St. Phone Main 7676. USED MACHINES, all makes, cash or terms. Prices right. Singer Sewing Machine Ftore. 882 Morrison st. FOR SALE A 7-acre potato crop, only hall hours wain rrom postoiiice. Phone Main 7507. . L. C. SMITH BROTHERS $100 visible typewriter for sale cheap. Writes like new. 6S1 Worcester blag. L. C. SMITH typewriter cheap for cash. w-147, journal. $60 Buck stove for sale, $22. Like new. Phone Marshall 2761. 6NE water heater, gas range, office desk, sanitary couch. Phone li. 44S2. BICYCLES $10, and up. Bargains lu motorcycles. ' mi waaiaon. 10 NEW HOME sewing machine, all attachments. 152 Grand ave. DERBY DEdKS and office furniture. Haley Peak Co.. ZIP 7th st. Main 687. ONE camera, 6x7; 1 walnut bedroom set, l rou top qesk, in urana ave. DRY block wood for sale. East 10th and Stark sts. , East 2102. WELL rotted fertiliser. East 4926. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS Q NOTICE TO MOVERS' We want to buy everything In fur- nlture, stoves and rugs that we can get. All we ask is an opportunity to make you an offer. Will pay all the cash it Is worth, mono K. 638. WANTED by the Eagle Furniture house, ! your secona-nana zurniture; nignest cash prices paid. M. J. Falmer proprie tor.. Phone Woodlawn 166. 925, N., Union ave. WANTED Two compute copies of The CiinH.u fAiiraal i i , , I . n a 1,1, AM filing purposes. $1.00 will be paid for each copy when presented at The Jour nal or lice. WANTEO People of Portland to know that 1 pay the highest cash price for second-hand household goods. N. M. Seater, 124-128 Orand ave. East 1662. WILL pay part cash and fine talking machine outfit for piano or motorcy cle. Portland Phonograph Agency, 860 Aioer. CUV ELL s'liltNlTUKE ec COMM1S- 1UM cu. Pays the best price for your second hand furniture, carpets and stoves. 204 1st. Main 3022. WHY sell your furniture at auction? We pay highest prices. Make no mis take; address M. K. Beater. 248-60 Haw thorns ave. Phone East 3134. HIGHEST price paid for 2d band furni ture, clothing and Junk. Marshall 8721. BARGEES' AUCTION HOUSE. 368-370 E. Morrison st. E. 1022, $1000 worth of good furniture at once. WANTlfiD -To buy a wood saw, no pay nents down; .willing to make good Weekly payments. S-161, Journal. VE need the goods, you need the inon ev. Rosa City Auction Houaa 3n.370 Hawthorne ave. East 883. BE WISE; get more for your second hand furniture by selling it to Ford Auction Co., 211 1st. Main 8951. A-2446 WILL pay cash for second-hand fur niture ana stoves. 414 E. Morrison. CASH PAID EOR DIAMONDS Martin. 320 Lumber Exchange bldg. WAIST El) Kodaks, cameras, etc. Cam- era Exchange. 245 Morrison. LOST AND FOUND 21 THE following is a list of articles found on the cars of the Portland Railway Light & Power company, and turned la at the different division points. Owners may secure same by applying at barns as Indicated: turned in at the East Ankeny barn, December 9. 1912. Phone B-1168: 2 books. 1 pruning knife, 1 oil can, 1 pho tograph. 1 bank book. Turned in at the Piedmont barn. De cember fl. 1912. Phone C-1227:' 1 purse, i suit tatse, 1 book, 1 roll butler 1 laales' coat, 1 bunch keys. 1 carpenter's rule. 1 utone hammer. Turned in at the Sellwood division barn, December 9, 1912. Phone B-6164' 3 umbrellas. 2 suit cases, 2 purses, 3 bookc. 3 gloves, 1 receipt. 1 pair cuffs, 1 package of tea, 1 pair of shoes. Turnfd In st the Savler stroet barn. D'icember 9, 1912. Phone A-5686:-- i magazine, 1 package laundry. 1 piece Jywelry, 1 paclcace drygoods, 1 purse. 1 hand hag, 1 spade. WILL the person who was seen picking up the sealskin collar on the fourth floor at Olds, Wortman & King's Satur day afternoon, December 7, kindly leavfc same at the information desk on main floor and receive a reward 7 THE following articles have been found on trains and turned In at the Union depot: O.-W. R. & N. train No. IT, December 6, light overcoat. LOST' Last Sunday on Russell-Shaver or Beaumont ca or in Hfmnmont rameo brooch; finder please phone Mala ' KaK 6,337 and rrcolve reward.,. I L08T Last Saturday night, a New Zea land green stone with gold chain; re ward. Stanley & Smith Lumber Co., 515 Railway Exc hange. WILL the person who took red silk umbrella from Roberts' dress goods counter please return same to Roberts' accommodation desk? A POCKETBOOK; owner may have by ,We!!tyinK.an1 PP-ylng for this adv. Marshall 2708. 1 IN Sunnyside. lady's ' gold watch, eh-1 LAJbi uoia necklace, peirl and dia h10",". Pendant. Return to traffic of-. fleer Eth and Morrison, Reward. tOST Black velvet purse Sunday even tnr ' on 18th st., between Clinton and Division; call Bellwood 787. 7 " PERSONAL LEARN ths truth about different rem- dles before you risk your health and money, jviosi or mem are eitnor uiegi timale. poisonous and dangerous or ab solutely worthless. Antlko No. 8 Is the rareat remedy In the world for ills of women. Contains no poixons and U huriitluss to the most sensitive persons. ana it may tnorerore Do urned with every coiifidcnce. For salt and guaranteed in roriiana ay me iieiaionu uvug Li), isv Morrison si. , INI'URMA'IIUN wanted about my brother. Oie Thompson, age 4 6, 1 over 6 ft., rather slim, hair dark, bluo eyes, straight nose, lie wrote from Portlund rt'o. a mat ne was gointf out to work (he worked mostly la lumber camps). Stnca then we 'J have not heard from him. Anyone giving Information In re. gard to his wliflrcabouts we would be very thankful. T, IC, Tbompaen. Alonta, vioo. Aiiun. HAVE VUU SUPEHKLUOUa .HA1K7 SPECIAL OU'ER FOR 80 PAYS. To any lady with hair on ths face, neck, arms, hends, bust, eyebrows, nroles or warts, we will give free treatment to convince you what can be done by ex- peris, come in, nave a number or nairs iviiiuvi-u. nmun iiie icauil,. ' -.ELECTROLYSIS COMPANY,) 604 Swetlsnd hid g.t 6th and. Washington, hull RICH AND POOR. , One dollar for six months' treatment. Cure or money refunded under register, ed guarantee. Hours 10 to 6; Saturday evening to 8 o'clock. Office 820 Shet land bidg. The Standard Medical boci et y. Incorporated. . : MRS. bTEVENS, IV years I'ortiundK leading palmist and. clairvoyant, has her lite book, "Palmistry Made Easy," on sale. 657 Williams ave., corner Knott. "Offe nours 10 a. ro. o K pr rrt. THE study of Practical' Psychology will bring you Into perfect -. health; , it makes no difference what your ailment Is. Private instruction and by mall. 6a0 Worcester block. Marshall 2751. Uii.NLi!iJMAN with means, like acquaint ance of lady 40 to 60, matrimon ially Inclined, with some man9 tlml would Invest In .country home. B-156, Journal. . . ' MRS,' W. a WRENN, spiritual adviser, 294 Jefferson cor. 6th st. Circles Monday, Thursday, at 8 p. m., and Wednesday at 2 p. in. Marshall 1239, A- 4586. bUNG poems wanted make nwinty writing songs. ,W correct, revise and furnish melodies. Words and Mu sic association, 600 Yeon bldg. bPlltiTUAL MEDIUM, REVi 3Ta7 A. PRICE. READINGS. HEALING, DAILY. CIRCLES TUt'S.. 2; WED. AND SUN. 8. 304 MONTGOMERY ST. NlSSETH S SANA'IOKIUM, equipped with all modern baths, bake oven and massage; Swedish movement. 616 Love Joy st ' - ELECTRIC treatments for rheumatism. M. DeBarr, office 16. first floor, Mil ner bldg. MRS. A. V. KROPP. spiritual adviser; consultation -daily 10 to 4, 66 ft Grand ave. E. 3346. SAVE $2 to $10 by buying your trunk and suit case at 632 Wash. 17th and Wash. E. HURTT, spiritual medium, consul tation, 10 to 8. Room 26, 350ft Mor rison. . ' CPI A "l IP A Wish to eee the cass 1 OUin ( ivn can t cure (no rugs). Dr. lHiugias. J. v... 338 union ve. w. DR. G. V. KETCHUM, Woiiien's mala dies, acute disease. Was ft. bldg., cor. 4th end Wash., room 41. JUarshall 448. SCIENTIFIC massage, by appointment only. Marshall 117. Miss Carroll. Hoi irs, 10 to 6. MADAME ESTELLE, spiritual medium. Readings dally. 128 ft -13 tn at, near Washington. WIDOWER, 38, wants acquaintance oi widow, not over 36. C-I93, Journal. MRS. POTTER, painless cbiropodisc, electric vapor hatha. 327ft Stark st. niVHRPF specialty; lawyer. 6l( Ul VUnULORoUichlld bldg. 2117 ft Wn BESSIE WAYLAND Scalp specialist. yrrice z. bdu Morrison st. FREE advice; divorce, claims, adjust' mem. aa v;nam. oi torn, Main tf2t9. BAjM of Figs, remedy for diseases of women, 606 Davis st. Main 9216. SPIRITUAL and mental scientist con sultation daily. 826 'A Stark st. HAIRDRESSING and manicuring par lors. 216 Tilford bldg.. Miss Hedlund. Vis V1TAE Hemedies can be had at 49 union ave. iv. urnce open evenings. MKS. A, HAMOT Expert chiropody and electric light bathB. 326 H Stark st. MLLE. ROBERQE, physical culture; of flco 29. 9d floor. 850 Alder st. USE Easaett's- Native Herbs for const! patlon; 60 tablets, 25c. All druggists. LADY'S barber shop, 410 Hoyt and 10th St., near North Bank depot. ' ' MRS. W. HALL, graduate masseuse, room 7, 8404 Morrison st. MANICURING Most thorough and sat- gfactory. Office 805 Northwest bids. NOTICES 0 SEALED bids will be received by F. S. Fields, county clerk, at the courthouse, Portland, Or., until lo a, m., on Monday, December 23 1012, for furnishing Mult nomah county Tvlth COO yards more or less, of carpet of Victoria Body Brus sels, Bundliar Wilton or its equal grade and also for 1200 yards, more or lcr.s, or linoleum of Newark "A" Quality In laid, or its equal. Price to be quoted on carpet to Include sewing, laying and making of the carpets, and furnishing two thicknesses of red lining white cot ton filled. All earpets and linoleum to be laid In a first class workmanlike manner. Also for 324, more or less, window shades for lower six stories of west wing of new eouithouse. Specifications may be seen at the office of the county commissioners, courthouse. T. J. CLEETON. County Judge. W. L. LIGHTNER, County Commissioner. D. V. HART, County Commissioner. OFFICE Q. M., FORT ROSECRANS, Cal., Dec. 10, 1912. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be received in this office until 11:00 a. m., Jan. 8, 1913, and then opened, for construction of timber wharf, landing float and board walk at Fort Plo Pico, San Diego, .Cal. Further Information may be obtained by apply ing at this office. C. A. LOUR, 1st Lieut. C. A. C, Q. M. NOTICE. To Whom It May Concern: My wife, Helen Rickert, having left my bed and board, I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by her after this date, December 9, 1912. L, If. RICKERT. LOANS WAITED itO IF you want to loan your money on first class real estate, list it at once with the 8LACSON-CRAIO CO.. MORTGAGE LOAN DEPT., 804 Oak St., near 6th. I WANTED A loan of $2000 on well im- proved city property; value $5000; will pay 6 per cent interest. HAR GROVE & SONS, 122 N. 6th st. Main 4381, A-7Z&3, WANTED A loan of 15000. Will give first mortgage on well Improved farm valued $11,000. 1034 Tlbbetts. Sell wood 684. WANTED $1200 for three years on 6 room l'A-story bouse, 60x112 lot, near .Value $2600. ..Will pay expenses. Adrlresa Q-122, Journal. LOAN wanted at once; wilr pay 10 per cent Interest for one year.' for $800, security $11,000; will give first mort- J-Jbl. journal. FINANCIAL 51 CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES. Or seller's equity In contract of sale cn real estate in Washington or Oregon H. E. Noble. Lumbermen bid. Toan", MONEY -TO IX)AN KEAL ESTATE 27 MORTGAGE loans, 9 and 7 per cent , Ixu" t"""mor louis Salomon uo., za xnrn st. tt n tt nPf rnt W If "STrppSTdlrirMdgr"- MONEY to loan on city property; Jas. A, Clock, 808 Gcrllnger bldg. $1000 TO $2ifl0 to loan on rtal estate. W. 8. Moore, Wilcox bldg., $T20,000 or part for Immediate loan on real estate. Tabor 77 1. ,. MONEY TO LOAN '27 KEAL ESTATE MONEY TO I.OAN ON REAL ESTATE. $260 AND UP. J. K. NICHOLS, 618 YKON BMX. MONEY to "loan. Improved Portland property; special facilities for large loans Title Trust Co., 4th and Qnk. $100,000 on ' mortgages, city or farm property, fire Insurance. McKenrl 4k Co.. Qerllnger bldg.. 3d and Aldr. MORTGAGE inoney at little cost to bor rower. Ward, 210 Alisky bldg, J2o0 tO LOAN for i years. Hell A, Ueg later, 201 Oerllnger bldif. CTTY"and farm loans; mtgs. purchased. Henry C. Prudhomme Co.. Wilcox bldg, MONEY to loan on Improved real estate. s, 7QI Commercial C'uh bldg. Professional and Business ABSTRACTS JOHN A. BERIIT. Att'y.', eoilsetlona. abstracts xamlnea,. witieu opinient o w . uur Hon, 317 slinky bldg. MumhaM 88-t ,.'', AOCOKDEOV f LEATIITO K. Btcphan. Udles' tailor, accordsoa, side ind tonbiiriit pleating, button' cowed. I0"' iong-d, bt-mgtltohlnsT. 883 Abler.' Msla-WHs, ACC01TMT ASTB TPBLIO COMJS. tiEMUDOB TU0UP8OS, K WOC rmlrr Milg. Mtln sooi advib;tibio FOSTER A KLEISKK. outdoor saveniiiBf j Minted bii etins. Dsluted . wans, wra. lib .ml K. Kthk-U l. Kwt 1111. -22'J4. ARCHITECTS BUILDER! Planai "Mtlmat'es furhlsbed. Before yon build WlUUnm. o Mt'Kar lililf. AanriciAi. UMBB DO YOO wear a li-gt Oft the' beit It pays. Write for catalogue. Tb Peerless Artlllclal Umb Co., 40a WimhlDgtott. - ' ABTIOwm i AMP ISO J Eellanee Wire and Iron works. East 10th nil KlaiMfrs at. Kaat 1308. ' AS3AYERS WELLS A CO., aaaayera, analytical emsilats. 204H Waihlngton. Minn -ouo. BON'i'ANA Aay ofrk. laboratory, ors test- Ing. Marahall l!7Za. ISO nomwm. ATI0BMEY8 KOKNEQAY k THOMPSON, lawyeril ffawal praetlc. eollectlona, abstrarta examined. 403 Wortnweyi mog., via numt"M ""i c ikh'1.11 Atturnvr at Uw. benerai jracth-ej abatracta exaailaed. 1424-142S Xeoa bldg. Mals'g7. A-8QT1. AUTO TIKE BEPAIEXBTO OREGON Vulcanlilng Co.. "The Tire Bbop," D50 wannlngton. Mfcrtioaii bii. BATES KING S Turklah Baths, Imperial hotel. Finest and Urgent In tne cuj. .iperi ooro uoc- tor. We employ the beat niDDers oniy. iioui preaaed whlla roo bathe. Elegant beds for the night. Main 60T0, A-7182. BEIT REPAIRING PORTLAND Belting ft Repair Co.. 65 Urat; belt repairing. Motorcycle neiia j nP. MAHKJBOOKJKAmEM HOWB, DAVIS COMPANY. 109 2d at. Blank Book manufacturera; agenta for Jonea Im. preyed Looae-Leaf Ledgera. See the new Kb reka leaf. A-3133. Main 133. CARPENTER AND REPAIRING IF YOU are going to build let me figure with you. "Free plaua." 20 per cent discount tola week only, u-joa. journal. CAKl'ENTEK CONTRACTOR New or repair work. i. B. Young, wooaaioca A. K. WIKSTUOU. Uouae, office, store repair ing, remodeling, mug, wwumn CAHPET CLEASINO JOTCB. BROS., Electric Cleaning Works, ear- pcta cleanea ana win, remuu w 8. 440. B-1963. M K. 19th N. CAEPET WEATIHO NORTHWEST BUQ WOBKS, rogs frem old carpets; rag rug, carpet cleaning. 153 Union aTfnne. near East Morriaon. lE.MNSCJLA Bug Works, rag carpet and rugs. 1M8 Pat ton ave. Woodlawn 2808. CHIB0PQDI8T8 CORN 3, bunions. Ingrown nails, fli'jy. Pain leaely cured; moat careful, clenUfic ttyat- mnita on coast. I.ady attendant. 207 Olobs bid. CHntOPBACJIOJPBTICIA DH. H BlaBN W. JACK, . 822 14th it,. Mrroul and chronic dlaeaoea. 6 treatments $5. Main BG08. ADJUSTMENTS restore health oatnrally, $10 a month. Bath omce. m ana ,t CIRCULAR LETTERS Un.TIGBAPIHNa, printing, stenogrtphers. HI LI 4 Co., n uenry pigg. MLLTNOMAH Mulllgraphlng Co., tacslmlls signatures. 500 Bllera bldg. Marahall 23D2. CA1IDZ KAimrACTIIBEBS - THE Aldon Candy Co.. 12Ui and Gllsan ats. Hlah grade chncqlates. COAL AND WOOD hotige amm U URKKN SUORT WOOD, 2.25. GKEEN 4 KfM)T WOOD, fH.60. INSIDE GREEN BUOllT, $3.60. PRY SUORT WOOD BAWDCSTfor fuel and bedding. The Portland Slabwood Co. Main 8119, A-7001. V. 0. Smith Fuel Co. The best dry cord and alab wood. Kemmerer, kock Springs and Mondotn coal. Kant 443S. B-lft'SO. Woodlawn 177, C-1778. OONSUWEHS' KUEL CO. (Amr. Coal Mining O ) Coal direct from mine to consumer. Ssts middlemen's profit. Hast 118, B-1118. Bunkers Eat 1st and Taylor. . PACTS LAB WOOD C0t . M:l4m Green alubwood, big and small Inslds block wood, planer trimmings, corawooo. yi'LTON Wood Co., dealers In dry and green slabwood. Try us when ordering good dry wood. 12U0 Macadam at. Phono Mala 7800, A-2KM). KirrD JP rADDIor W dry 4 foot fir NtLll Oi rAfll) and oak cordwood, Alo sawed t ordfr. Prompt dellrery. pS A I Mnin 4fH. A-4S47. - VUALi Yamato Wood and Coal Co. EAST HIS, B-1887. UEUVEUEO rnOISWL PROMPTLY iijuln H77. K. J. EVERTS, Foot Curry street. ECONOMV luel Co.. 81 Grand e. Coal that gives heat and satisfaction. East 214, I). 234.1. Prampt eprvicp. 1JOX, planer, block, slab, cord wood and coal. tttnndard Wood Co., B4T E. Stark. East 2315, ll-uwr,. Al.KINA I'liEI. CO. All klnda of green and dry wood. Rock Sprlpga and Mcndota con!. COAL und all kinds of wood. IJUou llolgate KkrI Co., Bellwood 435. I'HOUNIX Fuel Co. Dry wood $1.60 per load, f2l Sailer. Main 8544.. KI)1.KISKN bandies wood and roal. COLLECTIONS : - , CURRENT and delinquent. Out of tnwlj col liicllona ft speclully. Hijiicst, efficient sert Ice. liighest references. 1821-23 Yeon bldg. Tbe Standard Mercantile Ageiicjr, E. W. Angell, MafiaWer. Mllln 408. , , , v., ., ' . . . COMMISSION KERCHANT3 SflEROD Ranch Egg Cfl., 114 Unios ar. Bnt tcr, eggs, nonllry, Tal, hog. C0UUIS8I0K MERCHANTS HENRY EVKRDING, 43-47 Front it. Butter, eggs, pmutry. Teal, bogs, bides. DAIRY AND CBEAMEBY 8UPPUE9 MONROE it CRIR2IA, 145 Front, dairy, ebeeae factory inncblnyry and supplies. DERMATOLOGISTS Moles, wrinkles, sen lo, specialist Mrs. Conrt- rltrht 711 IK-knm bldg. Main DRESSMAKING SCHOOL - Vnlcntlne'a system ludlea' tailoring, dress mtiklng taiiKht. Kj2 Orand are., between Ifor rlaoa and bclmoot. MONEY TO LOAN 27 HEAL ESTATE ; MONEY TO LOAN On city or farm property. THE HARBOLDT-WILSON CO., INC. , ?10-?18 LEWIS BUILDING. . 4th and Oak sts. Msrrhnlt 4200 - A-7188 HARTMAN-'hlOMPSON BANK, .hamhf., tit l Ntiiiinni'f,. Iililir We have on hand funds for Invest ment In good first mortgages. 'If you wish to borrow on your real estate, con. fer with our mortgage loan department. MONET TO LOAN on REAL ESTATE, SLAUSON-CRAIG CO. Mortgage Loan Deptv 804 Ouk St., near 6th. To loan, estate funds on real astta at current rates. Inquire attorney, rooms 1 10-12 uikevldiU-iL.and,JtIorrlson. DANCINO PBOE. WAL WILSON'S Danobg School. Walts, two-stun, tbree-itep. seottiScliB! lcsnona 26c. ETcry ntornlug, aflvrnoon , and erenlng. 'All dance guaranteed first lesson. .Do ynu know, suyoD. who walks can learn to Danes Stag ami luncy naacea taugnf uuy. li nll St., "riwvrii ni,r mm ItJtH BTB. JflHIII ,U.H. . UEA'IH'H iJuni'liig Academy, private ieaaons uuriung. aneruoon ana evesing. Ulasa won dny and Friday evening, asieinbly after, 101) in, nrrween wasnington ann PrnrK. liEATU K acbool, Icason dully, Walts, two. - step, three-sup, Baltltnorti or scuottlscb taught lu first luaou. ; AlUky bldg., 3d and I.IOI rilHMl sis. ILECIBIQ K0T0R8 AND DYNAMOS WK II UY, sell, rent aud. exchanga new and ascona-osna motors j rspalr' work a specialty. Wcntern Electric Works, 213 th St. Llorora aud Uyuainors bousht. soldi repaired. tl-l-H Klec. Co.; 81 K Vtmt.- Main 82U), A Electric (uotor pcclaliHia. , James,' Mceuals r.iecinc wqras, union. Kat 111. ENGRAVERS EMBOSSED stationery, en'graed cards. Gardam vta wwni'opster mug, EYE, SAB, KOBE AND THBOAT Treatment by apeclfllat. Clauses fitted. Dt. T. V. Casaeday, 418 Dekura bldg. - TABIC IMPLEMENTS AMD VEHICLES P. E. EfiBENSHADE, 214 Prat, farm Imlpa ment. tH)la( lawn awl field fpni-e. H. M. WAUli it CO., Vi Hawthorns tv. WnWeaale -agricultural ltuplcmenta. ' rOUNDRT AND MACHINE BHQg Phoenix Iron Works, E. Sd and Hawthorns, Central Piaclilns and foundry work. , - j njBNITPBE BEPATR1NO BOWERS A PARSONS.' 100H Front Main 743. Furniture hoapltal; packing. FURS ASD TAXIDERMIST REMODELING and new work. F. B. Flnley, taildermlat, 249 Columbia at. GLABS AND GLAZING TImma, Cresa Co., 143-8 2d at. Prompt service. Ring Main or A-2U2X GASOLINE ENGINT8 STATIONARY and marine electrle equipments; launches, accessories, wboleaale and retail; engine repairing, ltlerson Machinery Co., 1SU Morrison, - - -. GENERAL REPAIRING GENERAL machine and electrle work, repair of electric rootora and dynamos a specialty. E. Htppely. 224 Oak. HAIR DRESSING DP TO DATE balrdreaslng, manicuring, fact and calp treatmenta. Ualr work mads up. o Bwetiand Dlilg.p HAIR GOODS FEBVET UANEBUT r .41... ,1- mw.A ,n.,nAA niubdM ,Uut of human hair goods; hair dressing, manicur ing, facs aud scalp treatments ui un, near Morrison. M. 648. - AT FACTO BY LADIES' and gentlemen's bats cleaned and blocked; all work guaranteed or no charges. We make s apecialy ot ladies' bearer hats. Phone Main 8442. The Royal Hat worka, 223 lat H AY AND GRAIN O. R, KNIGHT, 328-30 N. 17th it. Hay, grata, feed, flour and shingles. INSURANCE McCARGAR, Bates St Lively, 801 Ysob bldg. Every rorm ot insurance, dodos, PACIFIO STATES FIRH INSURANClll CO. Only Oregon lira Insurance company. ' JUNK DEALERS HIGHEST pries paid for tools, old machlnary, copper, rubber, potties, m, agio. LANDSCAPE GABDENTNG PACIFIC Lsndscapa Gardening company, BIB Rothchlld bldg. I' bona Marshall Tim. rT LANTERN SLIDE STEREOPnCONS Sold, rented; operator fur- nlshed: reasonable. Banners, show earda. algna. Knterprlae Art Co., 74 8th. LEATHER AND riNDINQS CHAS. U MASTICK k CO., 74 Front. Leather of every oescnption; up manuiictnrera, find ing ' LIP READING KATHERINB KING teaches ths hard-of-hear- Ing, Central mag; Marauail a. LOCKSMITHS V. J. Foychek, 224 Main at., locksmith, guns repaired. '. tiieo, acyg made. JMACHTNERY B. TBENKMAN k CO., hydraulic and apecisl piDa. amuka stacks, ou tanks, mining ma- eblnery, repalra. K4 is. 4tn, T MESSENGERS HASTY MESSENGER CO., opes algb't and day. Main 03, A-Z1B3. MORTGAGE LOANS JOHN KER, mortgage - loans, Insurance, 803 Yeon bliiSx. ltam d8y; MO VINO PICTURES KEEP OCT OF .THE RAIN T,iirn moving picture operating: 129 to $40 per week: easy Imlde work; short hoars; day and evening classes. Call end see ua before making arrangements elsewhere. Lessons rea sonable. Newman Motion Picture Co., S20' Washington St., near 17tn. ., HUSIO . SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS 1 THIELHORN, violin teacher; pupil 8vciki 325 KUedner. A-4161); Marshall 162. MVSIO SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS P, F. KISSNER, violinist,1 practical teaching. 10 lessons $13. 1U Breeden biOg., N. E. cor ner 3d and Avmshlngton. ' "' PIANO, violin, mandolin, guitar, banjo lnstruc I tlons, WW. 482 Hawthorne a vs.- i KAGTlMK suarunteed in 10 to 20 lessons. Popular prli'O. H-242. Jonrnal. T. E. LAWSON, IM Uth. Main 6107. lessons, 50 cedta. ' Plana ORNAMENTAL WIRE AND IRON PORTLAND WIRE "t IRON WOWKS, 294 td at. Arcbitecturl wire and Iron. ' ' OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DB. LILLEBELLB PATTERSON, specialist es nerves, acute and chronic diseases. 416 Co- Inmbla-biflgr-Maift-swtttr lilt. W. AUNOLD LlDSEY. Speclaliat, on Ubcumatlaut, Stomach ifand all Nervous Dla cases; 618 Pekiim bldg. Main 37B4. ' r-; -. DR. AGNES M. MKOWN. ' -St it) Joiirnal bldg. Honrs 10:30-4 :SO. M. 36oa. Res, Tabor 2921. PATENT ATTOBNEYS PATENTS procured by j. K. Mock, attorney at-Iaw, late' of U. 8. patent office. Dook free-. 101 0 B-iaril Of Trade blilg. ' PAINT, OIL , ABO GLASS PIONEER PAINT CO., 180 Flrat St. Mala 1384, A-7043. - . , : . : , KASMl;SSE.N A CO., "High Standard" PflnU N . K. corner bb anq taymr. at.-a-itii. THii BEAVElt VARNISH WORKS makes good products. Awa your oiwicr, -PAIfcl-All APtlUJti FOR-bcst work, priceit-right,' call V, A. Doans, &H2 K. wasn. si-iiwoou i !. TINTING $2 room up; painting, pupcr baug- ng. c. A. Bwrncs. iwain i.i.h. COlit) work mv motto, A. Oxlmiiru, 8b0 East Waamngion. c-ioii r.aai nil. MOXEY -TO LOAN 7 - UEAL ESTATE , MONEY to loan; large loans a specialty, buildiug loans; lowest rates; fire ln sura nee. W. G. Beck. 816-816 Falling. WILL loan $20,000 or less reul estate. Fnrrlngton. 416 Commercial Club bldg. MONEY TO LOAN , CHATTEL, SALARIES C7 CHATTEL and real estate loans, no red tape; conditional: 'mortgages bought. Adolphus Lane. 414 Ablngton bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON DIAMONDS. J. li. NICHOLS.. 616 YEON BLDG. MONEY loaned on diamonos and Jewel ryi strlc'ly confidential. 141ft 3d. LOAN" for the sskina. salary or chat- -taUIlie Is Co,r414 Dekunvbldfr f :r Directbify JAYIMS COMPANIES WARREN CONSTTICCTION CO. Street pav. - i l f.ld1c1,aJki '" oroaalnga, 7tb floor four- nal building. ;',,. THBBARllER AH I' HALT PAVING CO. Port- mim miiiT i-iecrrie mllimns. " r- PIPE PORTLAND WOOD 1'II'B CO. Factory sad of flcs 24th and York. Main 849. ' PLUME YACT.0EY MRS.' HARTVfcSSt futhu....!... u.. ........ . nw.B. U HV J?er. eonnectlon with Imperial Dy works. PLUMBING SUPPLIES i KyNE M M rppnt it., wholcsals plumb- POPCOBlf JDONFECTIONS STANDARD CRISP CO.,' 8 Gllsan, Popcsra Crlap. korout. anlted nut. - .fr . PBIMTIMO ANSLEY Printing Co., 250 Oak. Mala 4871. a iiniii tu iiiraae. BOOFIITG, PAntTEfO, BEPAIRING n.f' ,rp'rIn, painting, Jobbing.. J, Loan, 212 Jefferson. Main 1424. ISELE k GIATUR. ahwil niuiMi. shop. 648 Bavler.- Main 8542, A-1990. , BUBBER STAMPS AND SEAL! ST,?NCl? i""1 offlc tstloiisry..- Cunning ham Co.. gill Btark. Main 1407. Auuit. trade checks, braaa signs, stancili. ... '' 1T u- arpnaii in Ml, SANITARIUM BOSK CITY SANITARIUM, strictly mtsmity ho.nlt.l 1111 tlk og ' r -' v. 'WH, .ml . V. Portland Lflng-Iu Hospital Mniernity cases . ... mm mi. jnaiBm,i 8564. BASH, DOOBS, WINDOWS t7fTD!!!M Lf"1 Co M.b, doors, put m jm witi uiirBu, mom -ioi. SHOWCASES AND FLXTURZS fHB JAMES I. MARSHALL MFG. CO. New ' intl Alii ahaiwnnauio Kln. w iiatmrm, wtu gnu VOUCO SUOWCASKa ot verr dtKrIptloo. bank. $ ,?na tort turea nd to oraer. Tb totkt saTg, Co. BIGNB AND SHOWCAfiDS WAHALANDKB CO., 618 CommonirMltk bid. . RhAW siriti .loth j i T ' v snu wnmow it inn. SPANISH TEACHES Helta Woods. Snanlsh trinaln i Terms reasonable. Kaat 6381. TOWEL SUPPLY CLEAN towsla dally, comb, bruah, soap. Towwl Supply Co. 9th and Couch its., $1 p sxmth. Portland Laundry Co. Pboncs Jlnln 410, A-4410 T AILORINO SCHOOL KI ESTER'S Ladles' Tailoring Collcg. hnn uirmmuMin;, inuorillg. mi) lltb. TBAMBJEB AMP STORAGE C. O. PICK Transfer k Storage Co., offices and commodious story brick warehouse, with separata iron rooms and fireproof vault for valuables. N. W. corner 2d aud Pine ats. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for ehipplng. Special rates made on gooda In our through cars to all domestic sad foreica notnta. Main 596, A-lfme. OREGON TRANSFER CO. v. Established 1S70. V Transfer and forwarding agents. ' Storage, free trackage. Offices and storage, 474 Gllsan afreet 18th and Gllsan. ' ' Main 69, A-l 160. PORTLAND Van k Storage Co., Inc., lata and Everett; moat modern storage warehouse In city; low fire Insurance rate proof of this. Free trackage,' moving, packing, shipping; re duced freight rates on household goods la through cars to aud from east. Mala 6640. A. 1520. BAGGAGE k Omnibus Transfer Co Baggage checked at your borne, furniture moved, atored or packed for shipment. Park sod Da vis its. Phones Main 6DNO; A-8822. N TYPEWRITERS - t. TYPEWRITERS, allgbtly used, L. O, Smiths and all other makes at reduced prices and esay terms.. L. C. bmith k Bios. Typewriter own II. w at ALL majtes rented, repaired, sold. Cuuaias- VIOLIB MAKER G. Kndea, violin maker, expert repairing, gll Allaky , bldg., 265 Morrison, corner 8d, WHOLESALE JOBBERS M. A. GCNST A CO.. DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS PORTLAND, OR. ' BVERDING k FARRELL produce and eommls. slon merchants. 140 Front St., Portland. Or. Phone Main 170. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO., 230 2d at. be-' tween Hulmon and Main. ALLEN k LEWIS GROCERIES TIE fp C Is the dream of centuries come truet Tk ONE HOUR off and let me administer this celebrated treatment, it is perfectly safe and positively will not lay you up one hour. You can take it secretly and your closest companion need not know that you have taken it, provided it is given the right way. I will open the tube, prepare it in your presence, and then painlessly administer it You will be thankful to ne as long a you live, be cause It, will give you a new Lease on Life. I give, an honest blood test thereafter, - to prove that you are cured. I Introduce it DI RECTLY INTO THE BLOOD by the INTRA VENOUS METHOD, the only proper method of administering it, nnd the one recommended by Prof. Ehrlich himself. mam ill Is treacherous, cruel and relentless. It ia no respecter of persons. It leaves misery, dis figuration and blasted live in its pa ui way. All former methods of treatment : hold tt only In check and continually recurring symptoms remind you that the TAINT' is yet la vour blood. As Ion a- SB ONE SYMPTONf refnalns. remember the virus is still there and bo man can tell ''what day some fatal complication will develop. , BLOOD POISON even In the mildest cases, is always, moat serious 41 ease. SCIENCE has at Inst discovered a Curative Remedy and It is crimi nal neglect on your part if you refuse to save yourself now, -j - --.'' -.. . Don't deny yourself health and all the happiness and freedom that PURS BLOOD brings. If you have ever had Specific Blood Poison you seed this Wonderful (Discovery, - - t't ALSO TREAT SAFELY AND THOROUGHLY AND AT THB LOWEST COST, ENLARGED VEINS, HYDROCELE, VITAL WEAKNESS, SKIN DIS EASES, KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISORDERS. ULCERS, SORES, PAIN FUL SWELLINGS. NERVOUSNESS. LOSS OF STRENGTH AND VITALITY I invite you to dome to my office. I will explain to you my treatment for Enlarged Veins. Hernia, Nervous Debility.. Blood Disorders, Pile. Fistula, Bladder, Kidney and all Men's Disorder and give you. FREE a special examination. Every person should take advantage of this opportunity to learn their true condition, t ' ' My name hss alway stood for the HONESTY, SINCERITY and the HIGHEST DEGREE of professional skills If you need help do not hesitate one day longer. Kou now have a chance to get cured at your own terms. You may d-spend upon the greatest privacy.- - " OUt-of-town "merr-TvRlTE-' f or-lnfoimatwnnnrSymp16nTWia"rroW a a. m. to 8 p, m. dally; Sundays. 10 a. m. to 12 p. m, DR. t EC. MILSffil!-: MONEY TO LOAN' C7 CHATTICLS, SAIiAHIllS 1111 mm Wmbm STRIA MWitTDJinM Twin: : rorrAiffTinn -mfc m t S10a526.S50.S75.S.fl9 " m ON 8H0RT -NOTICK TO ANY ON1B WOUKINa I.OWKST StATKS , KAb'IKST , I'A YMKN3 ' NO mortgage .no' indokser m NO -PUBLICITY REBATE GIVEN IF DUE. PAID BEFORH : ;.; '-.' .,, . STATE SECMRITY-COi : ' r- ' 808 FAILING BLDG. Opsn Evenings till 8 o'clock: from now until Christmas. . NEED MONEY T See Us Tou can get it TODAY. ' This NEW COMPANY was organlied to help people in need of temporary assistance, and ' to i pay Off loan wlU ths HIGH RATE money lenders. , . ; Special November Rates: ' , 1.40 Weekly pays alio Loan - ' -.88 Weekly Pays a : 25 Loan 1.40 Weekly Pays a 60 Loan 1.80 .Weekly Pays a 76 Ioan 2.20 Weekly Pays a $100 Loan Other Sums in Proportion. " . toans for one month to one year. ' . , Business confidential. No extras, - , PRIVATE OFFICES. . j No Investigation. No red tape, , We Buy and Sell Mortgages, ' Portland Loan Co. - .207 MacleayjWds. : ' COR. 4TH AND WASH, STa.. OPEN MONi AND SAT, TILL P. X, . PRIVATE PARTY LOANS '' '''. - at sneolal rates on f urnltnre, pianos, storage reoedpta. watches, diamonds, jeweiry, etc,j no loan too large or too small. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. . Private offices. When tn need you will make a sarins; by getting our terma first. Write, call or phone Main 4617. ' Hi Lumber Exchange. ELRY COMPANY. SALARY LOANS. CHATTEL LOANS. , You can ret - $S to $100 today at cheapest rates, best and most private terms. D. D. Drake, 807 Spalding bldg. MONEY FOR- SALARIED PEOPLE and others, upon their own names; cheap rates, easy payments, confidential. D. i. Tdlman. room 817 Lumber Kg, A desirable place for ladles and gentle men to borrow money on diamond and jewelry at eastern rates. Diamond Palace. 884 Wash., opp. Owl Drug Store. MONEY on any security. V Confidential; no delay. Bold Realty Co.; 206 Alder tV MONEY sold on installment; confiden tial to salaried people. F. A. New ton. Bl 4 Henry bid , MONEY to loan on diamonds or chattels; contracts bougnt: private party, in quire 605 Yeon bldg. " 11 !. 1 1 -I'J KEEf SEE MB FREE.' It you are worrying about any ailment in cluded among those within wbloh I spe cial lie, 1 invite you to call at my office and I will give you FREE a conscientious examination and di agonals and advise you of the proper rnurse to DUrsUS tO rid yourself forever of yout worry and your ailment My" years of axpeaienoe knd fnv ouallflcitlons hava mad m tnTr? to th treatment of the ail- .... Every man calling at .c" feCt NEOSALVARSAN v ; Improved Jerman Remedy f of - BLOOD POISON ' I administer thw remedy twQordln to the very latest method. Come to me If you have any of tne following disorders; Enlarged Veins, Pimples, Nervous Debility, -Nerve, Blood and Skin Disorder. Bladder Trouble. Blood Poison, Eruptions, Ulcers, Special Ailment, : Pile or Fistula. 8 to 67 to S Daily: Sundays 10 to X. Examination Advice Free, J. J KEEFE, Ph. a M. D. Room 11-1$ Lafayette Bldg. Sl$fc WASHINGTON ST.. COR, TBi PORTLAND. OR. C 1C HOLS MAN, M. D. 221 M MORRISON ST., ' Corner FlrBt St, PORTLAND, OREGON. mm in ' 'V'- I