THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, frOKTLANP... TUESDAY EVENING, v DECEMBER , 10; 1912, , : EXCHANGE-REAL EST AT K. 'SI DiO ACRES, Kuihinth county farm, under . Government ennui; smull buildings, fenced, bargain at $0 per-acre, r . fi-room modern limno, East Burnslde nd 10. iiotfi st:. 3760, 24 total in orio body in Denver, Colo., laoon, . ,-'! . -..: Win take Portland property in ex change fur part, and give euy terms on t... i.. . .- - aim iuiii i F, J; Stein met?,' Owner, Grifl Gerllnger bldg. 71 Acres $4000-, Pn Heron bottom . lntul r .whtrh II seres u'a cleared; house, barn and other buildings; minuter walk to storepost office and station: 34 mile, from Port- Iwe-OrTa-W-ahingUm oaiuiiU'y;free Jtrom jneumnrances; xraau lur o-room inou eriNiuiiKalow; will not assume; the county road run through tile place; also . inau route,' v . ... u - .; ';:;'',' avr D. BELL, :; -j, v': ''"ti 505 Henry bldg, 'I'S WANTED i'KAL ESTAT."! 31 ' ' Do You Want Quick Results? ; List your- property with the- fl. It ; Kleluwritft Co,,. 418 '.Board of Trade bldg.. and you will get thum, Main 9(10, .' Sell "Your Procertv . If "you wish' results, list your prop erty ' with me 1 Terminal itoauy w They ! se, getting the. business. (20 ieon bldg. Phone Marshall iiOO,,'- ;i'J'':i,,w;.',WB CLEAR LAND. ;'-: JsctJnl Il4 N 17 . Phone A-.W89 VE buy, sell or exchange your real es tate. Frank B. Ford Co.,, 824 Cham ber of Commerce. Phone, Marshall 748. 1 MM;i.i Hal estate, cash or trade. Miller A Cnnklin. 1 H-nry bldg. . ROOMING HOUSES ; 03 Apartment House. Buyers k - : .Attention AVe offer for sulo a strictly modprn ' apartment house at 38 per cent less than you could furnish the home, for the location cftn't be beat; the furnishings are first class and the house is cost- lively clearing over $1,60 per month. If you have (1750 cash and want the bar. gain of your life, call at once. No trade considered; we must have $1750 cash. This house is too good to trade. In vestigate at once if you want It. j ( l'irtn m.. upposue r. u. 25 Rooms $350 If you have $350. I will cell vou the best 25 room nicely furnished house In l'ortlnndi with the cheapest rent, only .560. -Tills Is absolutely a bargain, and vou will make a mistake if you do not Investigate it before buying. See the owner 'at 505 Yeon bldg. HOW'S T1US? 34 rooms. Rent K125. .All' furnished, with a lease. Centrally located. If taken at once it is all yours for $300. furniture alone cost over $2500, This In a snap. 50fi Yeon bid. Beautiful Place $150 CASH REQUIRED. ' It rooms, .pew furniture, fine carpets, flosg muttrcsses, best location in Port land to rent rooms, fine home; -$30 month profit above nil expenses: This must be sold reirnxdlotffl of price. UALl, 1UTH, NISAlt olAKK. 5275" $275 $275 Buys an 18 room rooming house, good lease, rent $60, always full, good loca tion on west side. This place is easily worth $1100. See this nt once If vou want ti bargain, Peters, 607-9 Henry bid. 15 ROOMS, modern, fine furniture, Is ... clearing $100 mo. above all expenses; snap at $10u0; price $700, half cash. xL K. JAMKS CO.. 10th, mar Stark. I WILL sell my tS-room rooming house Cheap; wife sick; or trade for clear lot not too fur out; no ugerits. C-223, Jour nal. 10 Rooms-r-10 In A-l location, rent $32.50; swell fur niture; one apartment rents for $30. Thin place is worth $650. Will sacrifice If taken nt once for $300. Peters, 807-8 Henry bids'. li ItOOM.-T centrally located, steam heat, running; water in nil rooms; clearing $75 r. month; $25n required, bnlnnce $S0 per month. Sol Henry bldg. . 8 ROOSTS, tloso ln7 nfsar Wabhinston sC 1 fine furniture and a money-maker; traded for this; prtre no objeot; must be aotd. See owner, 88 10th. very well furnished, beauU- ful location: Rood house; worth tiiOO; yours for $250: on terms. This is a snap. Hurry. Good home and fair pi-of-llw. EOS Yeon bldg. J4 ' liOOMrl fine furniture, good looa. tlon, clearlnir $75 per month; $200 will ' n"dle thl". Unom 301 Henry bldg. To 'LICASl t 3o two room apartments, new building, rent $3.80 per room. yartienlars, room 301 Henry bldg. iiOOMlMi boube of 10. looms for housekeeping; 2 baths and toilets; 489 Viiflilnirfon; owner. 63 ROOM hotel, dining room, price $900, . termfc. E. 1017. ma sacrifice furniture 9 rooms, fur nished 2 months; terms. 50 Ella st. dlOOMS, all housekeeping; ."imp, $400; your terms, .lnmes. 8S 10th. STOCKS AND BO. VPS 58 STOCK I have $2500 worth of Portland Mausoleum Cp. stock which I will sell at a discount. J. D. Morris, 607 Yeon, Marshall 185. JJl'SINKSS CHANCES 20 PA RTNEIt with $800 to take half in terest in building: new house for sala Artdrews hnx 87. Voodstoek. (in ka .H (v -owner, restniirsnr nfi .. 1 . . . i ... . ' 11 " ' creamery, including miiK route. Will sell one or hnth. Phono Main 1279. ""' "TVOOUWOKKINO PL A N'T At a bargain. Special line. Kstabllshed trwdo. ("all after 4. Tabor ?!. 500. Business Cards, $1,00 'BOSK tTTT PRINTKRr. 192H 3d. 500 Business Cards, $1 1 511 Buchstmn bldir. 288 A Wanh, st. BUSINESS locations in - live lumber town. Cnll at the Timber Townsite rompany, 6th snd Wnshlngton sts. FOR SALE Barber shop. East 375. Won't KNOB 5 66 SO!- - wir. iU oust er wet I ' SS,k he Vt-W LU 1) , il $S V66- MEAK TSKT L04 THt S BEFORE H Ei,., I XjU ! Ir. Ij '., . f CT v7 i I IUM6ERMN hR.E5HPINl V KNOWS 1T.HM.tiy I UfW-""V ' I . T" I M4 ' ' ' BlJSI.VESd CIIAiitES ' 20 UEST hotel propoaitlon invPortlnd clearlnir almont iiu.000 a year. - Wll buy tijt in -18-months of good man agement. About $0000 cash handles it. If 'you are short a little come In and let's see if we can't get together. Pa cific Coast Brokerage Co., ; 61 Board of Trade, " - .'' - - . 1800 niiLinATKSSEN 1800. ' Heart of th cltv. uheaD rent, receipts $18 to $50 per day; clears from $100. to 1150 nor month. Owner needs a rest. This place is worth w v than . price uHeu, 1 ' '.. - Jt. It. GOODKIND CO., INC., Will You Drive and Collact for $35 a week and at the same time be learning" -"Kuoflrtraae? t -"have-a good paying business , but can t depend on hired help so ), will take a partner In for $3uo , and , teach a good mun th business. 613 I,Aimber Kxcimnge bldg. $ 560 -CON t'b'CTKJN Lit V ?,; (SWAP $560. This . place will invoice $700; cheap rent, receipts $12 to $20 per day! neat and clean; owner called away;. must sell quictf; gooa location. . . ,, . It. II. OOODKfND CO,. INC., K !' lOllft-A Wllonv ' Rlilff. -f BRANCH MANAULES wanted VVe want branch managers with few hundred' dollars to open up . rich terri tory: 'large returns, as this Is dm of the best-payiug businesses. Nortiiwest ern Film Co., 600 Yeon bldg.' tun cAi.i General inercnaiidiae busi- ness. Kxcellent location. Will sell be low invoice. (Innd rpnson for Selling Will sell or lease bldgs. For particulars t,M' ' " ... 1-w 1 1 I. m rr n a I uocKinson. wash. $350 Buys Cigar Store One of the best loeauons In city, worth $850. Now don't tur until you see this store, for this is one of the rare' bargains. Call 613 Lumber .' change bldg. I WOULD like to communicate with a man interested In automobiles and has $1000 to invest in a legitimate busi ness that will pay in less than three years 100 to 150 per cent. B-157, Jour- nal. ' ; Grocery Store Owners I have some Portland lots and cash to trade for one not over $1500. Call Main 8377, ' ' ' - A SPLENDID paying confectionery, cigar, fruit, etc., store, on Washing ton street. Kent $30 ner month. Price exceedingly low. Way under Invoice. 505 teqn bldg. - WANTED- -A blacksmith. I have, a . blacksmith shop and tools for sale. rent or trade. Must have some money. None but a reliable smith need apply. Ua-xiz, journal. $350 buys a good office business which owner guarantees will pay for itself inside of 60 days, or will trade. J. Kiley, Salem, Or. ' LLAC1CSM1TH SHOP, tools and stock with lenso, rent $30; running 3 men; price $2000; outside valley town. In quire 4Nth. BEST chance in the city for two young men: well esiamisnea ornce oueiness: good reason for selling; might consider some exchange. 8-185, Journal. tij'i AiSL.iaXtts.lJ slabwooj business to.' sale, horses, wagons, wood, and wood saw, etc; doing a good business in this city. Main 3i0, A-7358. fci'LIONLlO location tailoring, cleaning and pressing. .Store Hunnyslde ants. bldg., S7th and Belmont, for rent, $15. Investigate this. siuithi lor sale cneap. confectionery. light groceries, good fixtures. Wood- lawn 233. CUKM0H Btora on Washington st. Con- lectionery, cigars, delicatessen ana grocery. Sell or trade. Call Main 3089. t'uk KENT or sale on easy terms, 8 room; house, by owner, 118 W. bum- ner et. I"OK SALE Grocery store; fixtures, $4500; stock, $1100; motlily trade. $1 100. Owner, T-160, Journal. WANTED -Active partner in well es tablished paying fuel business; $100 salary for right man. Y-140, Journal. LNA.NT wanted to lease 50X80 tile and briclf bldg., lor grocery and market. Good location. Call Tabor 3571. $350 WORTH of grocery store fixtures 437 Chamber or Commerce, AT)i wants partner with $160, to Join me in opening restaurant and oakery. X-131. Journal. - MKAT market for sale, cheap, 4810. Tel East BAKU 10 H shop for sale. 3 chairs. 245 ft Yamhill st. HELP WANTED MALE 1 Tm!Ta7mTloy1Ien . Employment membership guarantees member will secure employent or refund of membership fee: gives two months' full membership privileges, 10 months' social privileges and' undertakes to keep member employed during the- full term of membership without further charge. Record for 11 months ending Novem ber 30: Call for men loso Positions filled 1374 Ste Secretary Employment Depart ment, Y, M. C. A. EXPERIENCED salesmen to sell our homes in all parts of the city on easy payment plan, and close-in restricted residence lots on both the east and west sides, also close-In acreage. We furnish some prospects and assist in closing pales. Ve supply Jots and build to suit purchaser. Liberal commissions. sk for sales manager. PROVIDENT TRUST CO., OWNERS, second floor Belling Bldg. WAMED Salesmen for timber town Site, It te a live one. Two-thtrde of business section is sold. Wre want live ones to sell balance tract. Prices Ad vance soon. Timber Townslte Co.,- 609 Northwest bldg. Leads furnished. ttAiViKU A few young men to learn watchmaking and engraving, profitable work, plenty of openings, for informs Con write 310 11ohi bldg.. Portland, Or. BOY wanted, about 16. Opportunity to learn a e-ood trade. Myers & Sin clair, manufacturing Jewelers. Selling Htrsch bldg. CHEF Headquarters and Helpers. CALIFORNIA WINK DEPOT. 28S Yamhill Street. WANTED 3 men to larn automobile repairing and drivins. Pacific Gar age, 26H llth st. BIDS wanted on plumbing and plaster ing 6 room dwelling. Call E. 52d and Lincoln st. W, A. Rlgdon, foreman. ' . ! . , ., ' !.,.'' ... . . ,.-. .'-''..: , , . ' '..! .'--.''."'. 1 1 ELI' wa:tkijmale 1 SALESMAN for lots In North Battle ford. S(ik..Cuniida.' ' "We have Just returned from North Battleford and are opening an office In connection with our other offices in Canada. We want five good salesmen; ; will ? pay 15 per cent commission, 50 per, Cent as col looted. NortiKiiitHttleforcf U on the main lino of. thrf Xanadlan Northern: divisional point; payroll $60,000 per month. Three oiner roaus uumiing in. ir your ciionis had purchased lots In Calgary or Kd monton two years ago at thin price 1 ho .would have made sale at $1,800 to $l!000. . .. . ,. PALMER & BRANDS. : 405 Hwetland bldg,, 6th and Washington ED At once, 3 men to learn to ' drive and repair automobiles. Call at Hs w 45 . Ha wthorne M-N wanted to take their Turkish bath! t the Corbatt bldg. baths. HELI WANTED -MI SC. 4tJ LOCOMOTIVE' firemen and prakemen for ' nearby raitrbads, $80 to $100 monthly,-18 tev 85; experience unneces sary;, ho strike. Promotion, englnoer, conductor. Railroad employing head quarters; over 400 men sent , to posi tions -monthly. State age: send stamp for application. AX-200, Journal. , '" 'OklSUaN LAW tCH'OOL.' ;' A thorough -practical course in Uw, No tt-- lost from regular occupation. Recitations erenlngs. Term commences October- l,- 1 9 1 g. - Ha muet-T Rieha rdson, dean. ..Address M. Morehead, Secretary, 318-317 CommonweHlth bldg.. Port.v Ore. OREGON AUTO, (SCHOOL, ' 268-88 11th St., Cor. Jefrerson. ' Practical instruction In repairing and driving automobiles; tuition reasonable: part cash on enrollment, balance at time of graduation; we, assist our graduates to positions. a . INTKHNaTIuNaL COBRHSPONDKNCa SCHOOLS KADQUARTKRS, 6'6 Mo Knv bldg.. 3d snd Stark. Main 1026. We win prepare you for spring examina tlons for governm ent position svj LKARN moving picture 'operating;' full 'course taugh; secure positions. Peo- Ele's Moving Picture Co., 404 Rothchlld ldg., 4th and Washington sts. MLN wanted lu team a lucrative pro fession, , If you are dissatisfied with your occupation lit yourself for good' paying husinfisa. 409 Commonwealth bldg. MKN, WUM.'-N, get government Jobs, $20 week. Write Immediately for list of positions open. Franklin Institute, Dept. 838 W., Rochester, N. Y. RAILWAY mall clerks wanted," i0 month, Portland examinations soon, coaching free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 340 W. Rochester, N. Y. ' MKN and women to learn trie btu-bef trade In 8 weeks: positions guar- snteed. Ore. Barber Collg". 233 Madison EAST SIDE Practical Telegraph School, 759 Wasco St.; day, evening sessions. UNCALLED for tailor made suits. $3.50 up. Hxrvnr'l I h I lor, a 3,1 B t'NCALLiOD lor tailor made suita, 36.60 up. Tsylor the Tailor, D85 Hurnsios st HELP V.'AXTED 7EMAI-3 2 Salesladies Wanted; At Once Apply side door GOLDEN EAGLE STORE, Third and Yamhill. GIRL to assist In housework in small upartments and help with baby, sleep home, waxes $16 per month. Aiit. 101 Park apartments, corner Park and Har rison sts. Phone Marshall 1206. THERE are many of th- best homes need nc competent girls ror coona ana general work. Call at Domestic Service Bureau, room 306 Central bldg., 10th and Alder sts. STENOGRAPHER wanted at once; ex perience unnecessary. Apply 618 lioaru of Trade. Ask for manager. TEN extra salesladies wanted. Apply before 8:30 a. m.. Wednesday. Golden "Eagle, stoie, 3d and Yamhill; WANTED neat lady consetiere to take orders for tailored corsetB. Apply 646 14, 1st st., room 4. APPRENTICES wanted to learn beauty parlor work. 610 Swetland Mrtg. APPRENTICE, hair dressing. $15 full course. Combings nought. M. 191b. WAN TED -First class bonbon dippers. Apply oday S wetlands. WANTED Girl for general housework. Phone -Marshall 4418. HKL1 WAX TED MALE FEMALE AXD COMPETENT stenographer as assistant to general bookkeeper In wholesale Need not be competent book! keeper but must have some knowledge of the general principles and be quick and accurate at figures. Address In own handwriting. State experience, reference and salary expected. A-211, Journal. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE Wanted men and womca to learn the barber trade in 8 weeks, tools free, a chance to get In business for your self. Send for free catalog, or call at 35 North 4th street. SITUATION'S MA LE YOUNG man, good character, speaking three languages, served three years In V. S. army, with good recommendations, desires Htcady position as cabinetmaker or any kind of wood work insid?. Any other position Welcome. JrJ. Schwartz, Y, M. C. A. WANTED Janitor work, strong, younij, out school hours; exchange rent few rooms, walking distance; references. N-161. Journal. WANTED-Position by good watchmak er and plain engraver. Do not drink or us tobacco. Wages reasonable. Ad- drccs J. B. C. Box 101, Springfield, Or. DRAFTSMAN wants position; many years' experience designing and Im proving machinery and methods of doing work. Phone Columbia 344. ALL-AROUND painter wants work; will work for $3.25 per day. Drop card to Box 1H, 1'. R. 1. Milwaukle. Or. WANTED Position by druggist, small town preferred; can furnish best of references. F-150, journnl. COMPET10NT man wants position In office. Small salary. Address W-145. Journal. SA1SAGEMAKKR, all 1ect matrimony. P-148, around Journal. man. LAW student wants office position, ary no object. V-144, Journal. Sal- HANK IS NOT GOING ., - :, : - -- ' . . ' ''i V ,- V " '" - '-'. - ' y'':' ' ; -J WANTED--A G EMS ONK miin's commission last week 1238, ' selling Washington Nursery Co. trees. If you can walk, talk end write an or ner, write us today for territory, waeiv inifton Nursery - Co .' Toppenlsh. Wash it:,yf: SITUATIONS VliUALB WIDOW ust, from, east, refined, ; neat - iipoaring, umncumuereu, . ase wishes position as housekeeper, In wid ower's home or rooming house; Call at me . Adrian, 386ft Eaut Morrison st, Apartment - I'hone least 888, NttAT. experienced woman w6uld like . Warit Huui.tlni, -nut, I, V.i-ilMu V . . . ' An t ,r. .tau.ments. Useful In kitchen, fiJllnlng room, anywhere. - Mnln 717.' J ' . LaC cunalns. .draperies,' dolllest bed- Jioaun, uuilci, utiiivuimiE, r rain n aundry done by experts, 25a up, All w"rK gMf.raiiteed. Woortlawn Z'4 tlon 4n small restaurant, hotel or boarding house, Tel. Main 2771, room ir 4 uj i x immuu ity m iia,mv in a laundry. piooworR or ironing v. . . . .. ... .. ' ' tmrinwicK si. . vvoociiawn ztvi WANTED Children to otire for;" good r. care ana references. 33 3 (tn. worm corner rret-eott. Tone a car. MI DDLKAtlKD woman desires day work ror .Thursday and Saturday or thl weeit. no hair days, woodiawn C4tf. llELlABLE married ''woman would like . tnanarement of. a rooming house) tnoroughly experienced." IJ-300 journal. EXPERIENCED' woman wants worli. can do ironing, 'washing, cleaning, .eft.;. .. Majn- 71.7., '.', . . ; . , ..,... , W'ANTIOD PoRitlon as etenoKrapher; tfcferences furnished. Amelia Bohle, Z34 Curry street. vPERNCED woman wishes work by hour. ;Mrs. Kennedy. B-2723 lifter LACE CURTAINS, draperies, linens, laundered by experts, 25 cents'up. Ta- nor 0 f LIGHT work wanted by lady; home mnio nhlei't Ihnn unroll 9f.5 n S9th. YOUNG woman wants work by day or hour. Knst'4260. AN experienced colored girl wants maid or waitress 300. Main won. WOMAN Experienned, wants day work. Phone Woodiawn 1572. BY able, experienced nurse; reasonable. M. Uiimore, phone A 5201. WOMAN wants place for day work, or to rare for sick. 3548 68th St., a. JS, LACE curtains hund laundered, special prices to hotels. Phone Main 1480. DKESSMAKIXG 40 make evening gowns, dresses. tailormade suits very reasonable dur ing the holidays. Fit guarflnteeu. Madame Le Meine, 115 N. 23d st. Phone Marshall 'J549. NURSES 00 PRACTICAL nurse would like few moro cases. Phone Tnhor 39. ELILMSllliD :;ooJb WEST SllE Hotel Madras 12TH AND WASH. It making bpeclal inducements on $4 a week rooms; steam heat, hot and vol water and good service. Get In while tlm gettlng'H pood. THL Alt l HU 11 HOTEL. Eleventh, between Morrison and Yam bill. Recently opened. Every modern convenience. Conducted above reproach. Plenty hot waler and bent. Beautiful lobby and parlor; $17.50 up; $2.60 up. bath. STAN DISH Hotel, 648ft Wash. St., newly furnished, all outside sunny rooms, steam lunt, hot and cold water in rooms: rent $10 up. New manager. CRNaSmiuij looms, aiwuys warm, not and cold water, close to P. O. ; 7 Bo and $1 day. Special terms by w-eek or month. Hotel Armmlus, 4HH Morrison St. Hu'i'iiiL Lu Salle, lutli und Bui miUe bti., fire proot, elegantly turulshed, steam heat, hot and coid water, special rates bv month. Phone Mnrwhull 40-C. LARGE, steam heated rooms, attrac tively furniaiied, runt tng wuit-r, beau tiful parlor; reasonable. Maxwell Hail, mn, near layior. HOTEL ALMA Centrally located, new and modern; uteam heat, phones in rooms; all conveniences; special rutes to permanent gul-sls. K'lh und Stark. VAN GOKivoN HOTEL. 105 ft 12th be. Wash, and Stark, rooms always warm, free phones in every room, $1 a day and up, ti week and up. tTTe COLONIAL Most central and comfortable 105 loth. cor. Morrison; Just renovated; light, sloam heal, J J to J5 HOTEL BCCK I.NUHAM 663 Wash.; new and modern, steam heut, private baths. $3.oQ ween ami up. Alnln 31. 1-CK.MSHED looms, mot.ern hoteL steam heat, hot water, $3 week and lip. Motel Clevenger. 41 a Kj Washington. yi!riM l(Vi;A!R!fi4Nl ' . 6t& "l- r00"" Will U uubirnwuvi 11. 60 up per-weeK. t'qe. tihone und ha in. Main f 7 5 4. i'L'RNiSHEU roums in modern hotel, eteam heat, bath, $3 per week and up. Hotel Medford. 122. 6th st. THE KING 309 Jefferson; rrteely fur nished rooms; modern, heat, ccutrally located. $.'.26 week up. 482ft Washington, one door west of llth St.; furnished front rooms; gas, heal. $2.50 week. NEWLY furuiahcd single rooms, 7 min utes frfim postoffice, to two youna men ut $:) 50 week. ' 370 fith st. RlCELY furnished rooms, heat, light lmth. 814 Mill, cor. 6th. A-2&70. NICELY furnished apartfhentsr$H, $18, J20; si nglrooinB.$8. 404 Park. HOTEL Gleuwood -48. Sulmon, modern hotel, loiuitdu-d rooms. $3.6u wk. up. FURNISHED room in modern hotel, $2.50 week end up. 455 Aldor. lluXLL AXTI-EKS Warm, clean rooms, terms modernte. H'th and Wash. THE BU'SH.MARK. modern, gteam heated hotel. J wk. up; 5B2ft Wash. NICELY furnished rooms, $1.75 and up. 122 12th st.-, cor. Washington. THE LIN'DELL. steam heated, rooms $2 week up. L'9 Market. Main 5561. THE RANDOLPH, steam heat, free baths. $2 week up. 252 Columbia. VERY nice, clean furnished rooms,$1.60 end $2 per week. 17i 13th St. T1I10 Karlsttorth, Just opened, thodera rates, reasonable. 235 Clay. ilar. 3887. TO COPYRIGHT FURNISHED ROOMS WEST. SIDE . '. NICELY furnished front parlor, suitable vfor one or twp gentlemen. .72 N, 15th rii., near Davis. rvsugnsHTES booms WXST SZSB PBIVATB rAMTXT 70 ROOMS for two or more working Kirls, man and wife; kitchen If deBlred; modern. 772 Lovejoy st., near a at. car. Sunday ana evenings, COMFORTABLE furnished rooms; nice locality; furnace heat; electric light; reasonable. 5a Madison, $1.25 per week; heat, gas, phonehot wa- ' ter, bath, off hall, home comforts. 17$ Koosevelt. near 23d, Marshall 4116 i'ilIt( A Tit. 1.1 , rnnma 1 60 n 4j morriaon. ) U tilOKEEPlNG and sleeping rooms. Very nieoly furnished. $10 and $12 montn. - zaa Kieventii si 1 liXVE t elegantly furnished rodms, steam heated, nne view, warning ais- tsnea. Rent reasonable. . 126 N. 23d st NICELY furnished i-oomsr-one' $8, $9. iv Ltsr tuuiikxi. (juiu uuviica,. ua lu. sit mitin bi PLEASANT , sleeping room, fine loca tiou. Heat and paths, walking dis- tancei main a. EaROE front bedroom, with alcove, suit able for 2 pr more people. 329 Halt. FURNISHED porch room, hath, phone, si.&oweeK. 1st i4tn, corner lamniu. FURNISHED ROOMS EAST SIDE C2 RIVERVIEW HOTEL, 1 3d and E. Burnslde. Th best equipped fireproof hotel In city.. Centrally. located. Private Phones, elevator, 75e per day. Private bath $1 per day and up. Special low rates to permanent guests. Limousine buss free to and from all trains imijl,, llA,,m(..ii,,.., tt I -. . Y , . .. AflEi JH.UJ I, t)Or. J1.BLSV IUI- rison and East Sth. nicely furnished HOTEL EDWARDS Grand avenue. E. Morrison; rooms $3 week up; absolute- 1 .. .n.K.n,.kl.. v. n . u .. I. 044 THK Larrabee. 8!(7ft Ijtrrabee. Rooms $2 wk., up. Brick bldg., steam heat, hot, eold water, hnth. phone, electricity. UNFURNISHED ROOMS 10 LARGE 4-room flat, $12. 192V4 Market st.. near Front. ROOMS AND BOARD 15 CASA ROSA Board and room. 100 Jef ferson st. . BOOM AITS BOARD FBXVATB FAOX, T 79 LADY wants children to board; food home and close to school. Phone Sell wood 1884. Address 6122 47th St., Wood stock. FURNISHED room with' board for gen tleman, Scandinavian preferred. 11 North 10th St.. bet Stark and Burnslde. ROOM and board for 1 or 2 men. walk ing distance, near steel bridge. 354 Ross st. East 2195. ROOM and board: home privileges, $6 per Week. 166 E. 16th st. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD 89 ROOM wanted on Portland Heights by young man. unmarried. Y-156, Jour nal. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 WEST SIDE BASEMENT rooms; heat, fuel, bath, light and telephone; all conveniences. Comfortable home for working family. Reasonable walking distance. 847 Hall, near 1 arK. C A MHR1DGE bldg., large, light house keeping rooms, furnished and unfur nished, central, cheap rent, room 36, 3d snd Morrison sts. HOUSEKEEPING and furnished rooms. Gem hotel. 66S 1st st. Steam heat, new bldg.; rooms $1 wee.k up. free phone ONE, two and three strictlV modern H. K rooms; first floor; $10 and $12 arm $15 a month. 680 Second street. FURNISHED H. K. rooms, modern, $1.60 up. S car to 207 Sherman. Marshall 1193. NICELY furnished 1 and 2 room apart ments, $8 to $15. Residence 352 Col. lege St.. NEATLY furnished housekeeping $2760 per weeK. Also sleeping rooms, mod ern conveniences. 476 layior. LARGE front suite housekeeping rooms. " piano, free light, bath, phone, $5 a weeit; running water. 348 clay st. FOUR furnished housekeeping rooms, $22.50. 30$ Columbia st Marshall 2195. TWO nice housekeeping rooms. Alio 2 nice furnished housekeeping rooms, hot and cold water. Phone 615 Mill st. THE MITCHELL 7ih & Flanders, ii. k sleeping rooms, very moderate. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, nice location. 429 Main, The Lebanon. FRONT eingle housekeeping rooms, $S, 110, 12; walking distance. 475 Main. TWO front ground floor housekeeping rooms, in. zv inn st. -tOUSEKEBPIWO BOOMS WEST SIDB PRIVATE FAM-LT 73 TWO housekeeping rooms, phone, bath, free wood, $4 week. 131 14th st, cor. r amtuii. T WO large light housekeeping rooms. Phone Marshall 848C, or call at 694 6th st. TWO corner rooms, furnished for housekeeping; gas, electric lights: also furnished sleeping rooms. Call 666 Rth st. ATTRACTIVE 2 room suite, gas range, running water, furnace heat, phone, light, bath. 347 Hall st. Marshall 4980. $27.50 iOlegaut a rurnlshed front rooms, private bath, phone, steam heat; also 2 rooms. 189 ft N. 23d. TWO single H, K. rooms, modern. 724 1 st St., cor. Hooker; reasonable. 361 Taylor, suite of 2 rooms complete for housekeeping, reasonable. SINGLE housekeeping room, very con ve n i e ntga s an ds to ve, $7. 3 11 M ai n. THfTfoTO furnished housekeeping rooms" 208 Park st. Main 4349. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. 2Q8 Park st. Main 4347. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, $10. 615 Clay st THIS IDEA By Farren ti xrriwtv- tuvAnrd: both aso-v SMOoa OKx-aa-asAOH NEWLY furnished or nnftirnished housekeeping rooms.' furnished sleep ing rooms,, house newly papered, , 309 mi pi. TWO room front hutte. furnished ?of housekeeping; -bob, wood, bath and telephone free.' 850 YttnihH',; near 7th. TliVO housekeeping: rwmsT private fain. . lly, walking tllbisncef conveniences; furnished, . 190 N. 22d St. ''.' HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 48 EAST SIDE FURNISHED V'vwHtMng "rooms? ' clean,1 respectable, convenient, walk ing distance, $3.51) up. 692ft E.Morri son. Phone East 6901. ' UboD, clean, f urnlshed 1i6usekectifii3 rooms, beautiful and healthy location; modern conveniences; rent reasonable. 683 E, flth st. MODERN IT. K. rooms, free heat, $178 week; 693 Commercial. V. or R. S. car. HOTJSEKEEPrNO BOOMS BAST BOB PftlVATB rOMTT.T 74 TWO suites of furnished II. IC rooms, two rooms each, also 1 single fur nished room, with privilege of garden. Rent reasonable.. Apply 920 E. Davis et vr i.hiiib i',mt -j aua, i uuior uay. 1WO very .clean nicely furnished house keeping rooms, kitchenette, balcony, bath, gar, good neighborhood, .Dcaf two carlines, walking., Uiatance. , 772 E, Tay lor. East 5260. - $1.50. $2.75 weekly, clean furnished H. iv. rooiiiH; gas, ires neat, laundry, baths. " Phone East 6039. 406 Vancou. Ver. LARGB1 ' housekeeping room, $7 per month. Home privilege. 16$ E. 16th st 3- OR 4 clean furnished housekeeping rooms, private family; bath, gas. phone. 687 E. Morrison. TWO clean, nicely furnished, large front rooms; bath, sink, laundry, gas range; phone; reasonable, 825 E. Stark. $10, 2 housekeeping rooms.. $15 for 3. with electricity, wood, gas range, one Urge room $9. 861 E. Morrison. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, $17 mo. 467 E. Pine. DOUSES FOR RENT 12 HOUSES FOR RENT. 19th room; Raleigh st. cor. $359 rooms; 76J E. Burnslde st, near E. 22d. ,. ,J25 rooms; 438 E. 26th st near AM1UU1UUK, MODERN FLATS. $204 room, and $22.50 for 6-room at corner, li. 38th and Rtnrlr mta- ram ranco linoleum in bathroom and kitchen, light iiAiurea ana snaaes, furnace. fto o rooms, 884 10. 1st t N, near acnuyier; new stove and gas heater, fire place, shades and fixtures. Jt- p- PALMER-JONES CO., 404 Wilcox Bldg. Phone M. 8699, A-2668. Houses for Rent Wa have a numKo. ne fu,l.l,.A mA unfurnished houses for rent, close In. You will find the prices are right Call and see us. Both phones. Chapin-Herlow Mortgage 4 Trust On. d Floof Chamber of Commeroe, FIVE-room flat for rent In Holladay i-ark; 863 Halsey st; sll modern Im- Drovementy nnlv ttn- whlnk cheap rent for this. Furnace, gas, elec- twin I t. l. , . , , ' 11 1 ,1-ovci, iino uainroom, large rooms and closets; ft block from atrectcar. vrt:t wcy bv next aoor. FOR RENT One acre of ground "and" 5 room plastered house In the cltv: lo cated at . 6825 Powell Valley road; lots of fruit and berries, $17.60 month. HAKUKOV- & SONS, 122 N. Sixth St. Main 4381. A-7259. 6 ROOMS, modern, furnace, gas snd electricity, on paved street, between 2 carlines, near Jefferson high school; 997 Commercial st. H. P. Palmer-Jones Co., ii yvhcox Pidg., puones wain 8699, A 2653. SEVEN room modern house tn Laurel hurst, wRh garage, completely fur lshed; will rent for the winter or sell to the right parties on reasonable terms. Phone Tabor 340i or call at 1212 East Gllsan St. TWO 7 room houses, 871 and 873 Kelly st., near Gains, 1 all modern con veniences, $25; other in good repair, $18; American neiirhhorhond Phn,i cii- wood 1640. - - - FOR. RENT 12 E. 24th st. near" An keny. 7 rooms and bath, good order, near stores and school. Get key near uy ana pnone owner njasi Clas. $20 6 room modern house, gas, berries, iiuii, uiiq Burtace street, corner lot; Union Ave. rnr- PUvalnnif A. nrnntH.. Phone Sellwood 1664. Call for Landers. 6-ROOM house, Waverly Heights, oorner mi, veiiient Duaement, rurtlace, fire nluce: modarata runt. Iina Wait. i,ic Couch bldg. ' LIST your houses for rent with Wag . ner A Hunt. They're young and alive. 'ja ' nniiioer or commerce. FOR RENT Modern 4-room flat lino leum In kitchen, gas and wood stove, laundry. 891 Alblna ave. Woodiawn 2879. BL'NGALOW, 6 rooms, modern, close in; $18. White. Main 8281. 316 Rail- way exenange, HOUSE for rent, 7 rooms, 4 blocks from the new steel bridge. Inquire, ,269 vvaseo St. $15 5-ROOM modern cottage, newly tinted, shades, lawn; Woodstock; Sell- wooa isia. Waverly heights, mod ern 8 room house, with furnace. 915 Ellsworth, Sellwood 786. TO RENT Cozy 6 room cottage, mod ern. 225 E. 51st St., 2 blocks from Hawthorne ave. Call B-2532, FOR RENT Modern 6 room house; phone E, 836. 6-ROOM modern house, close in. 393 llth st; Main Z55S. A-4196. FOR RENT 8-room house, cheap. East Z'Jtn ana iviicmtat. uroaaway ear. NEW modern 7-room house, fireplace, rurnace woooiawn ii. c-zzijs. ONE new 4 room plastered cottage; $7. I inuuiie vvuuujhwii iv.iti. 4-ROOM modern house. 304 Monroe st Upper Alblna; v enr; adults. H)9 HOLGATE st., cottago 5 rooms and bath, rent 315. MODERN 7 room house $25,' Inquire 283 Lincoln, near i-ourtn. HOl'KES'iOlt .RENT I , - : hor iicnt S modem West m,l.t tuinf II each; both, In line leshh-me, di ?,,.'0.b ?il.l,-Jtnf wthl"" WHlameii Th4 Nob Hill plane $5. the Will rnnnn 'till Hi. an:i; " inline -per I pprnih, i The Shaw-Fcar Co, JTaln -35. ,102 Fourth 1 St. x- : A.1oa .FURNISHED i HOUSES 8 1 4-ROOM bungalow, nicely, furnished, compete; nicely located,, with garagu. Enst 330.1. " f - - - , NEWLY furnished 4 room cottage! bath, as. etc. Close In. $2 Wheeler it. Phone K. 3927, - - - ; ' -' --. TLIUUbu , '' i i .. l l i i mctijr lurmsneq a room moffern 8VunaioW' ' jaonable. . . 876 , Ualht $18 4 rooms, nicely fuAilehe, near 2 cjrllnew, adults, 1202 Borthwlck, , FURNISHED house of 6 rooms, wltS piano, rent $25. HQS Belmont st a. vivi?" ' e.-'LVi.:1!.!" "-''i.-' ''" "'" electricity, piano; 1326 Belmont st NEAT 5 room furnished Cottage, 'Suit - nyslde. Inquire 188 Morrison st. - FURNITURE FOR SALE 83 ,i . HOUSES FOR RENT FREE rent, grwery bill. It room (4i ' suites), almost new furniture; 1 baths, etc.; bargain; terms. . East 6H). FOR RENT fi - room - housr,- furniture " , nJ,'i? sale: 2 blocks from car;-call at. .,'- gi. nocrmnil St. FlTltNiTljRE 6 foom cottage for ' sa lei yurd, roses, facing W.' Park. Main 9688. KbW furniture, 6 rooiii' house, bargain: . going south; rent $20. Ia9 East 20th. t FURNITURE of rooms for sale cheap, ' 327 Front st. mi Main 8830. FURNITURE FOR SALE 05 i2 ROOM house, furnished completely, for sale, all in 2 room housekeeping suits. If sold by the 26th price $600, , 14 N. 17th. Main 8136.' . LEAVING for California for my health., will sacrifice my furniture of 7 room I home. A snap. East 6976. -. BUFFET, table, chairs, steel ranee. .' beds; all new; good quality; B. $976. - NEW IDEA gas range and water heater. ueu t momns; reasonaoie. war. ltil. AT ARTMEXTS 43 THE VILLA ST. CLARA. lzin. ana 'layior, ' Most -isgD'.flcently frunished apart t ments in the clty; location perfect rent-, sis reasonable; every modern conren- ' lence, banquet hall and root garden, -high class service; references required. . Both phones la all apartments. Maio . 2276. - ' ANKENY COURT New management; -; 2 and 3 room apts.; new building, new furniture, hot water heat; main Una v phones in every apartment; $21 to $26; everything first class. E. Ankeny or atontHvuia opr. H-2S24, East iSSOv. Tavlor Aoartments- Newly furnished 2 room suites $1.50 a week and up. Phone and bath. 201 V isi, corner layior. MONTGOMERY APARfMlSttTd "' Cor. 3d and Montgomery; building new and strictly modern; all outside fur-' nlshed 2 room apts.: automatic elevator; close In, $25 up. Main 9466. THE DEZENDORF. : 208 16th st near Taylor. ' '- ": Handsomely furnished or unfumtshel i 8 room apartments,-pleasant surround- - ings, convenieniiy located to cars. M'arm8i5ri3 Lucretia Court' On Lucretia st, near Wash, and IJ, most exclusive 2 to 5 room unfurnished apts. in city; references. A-3617, Gray Gables New 2 rooai apts., $20 up. steam heat, electric light, walking distance. 289 10th, A-2629. Overton Apartments .r 21st snd Overton; beautiful, new, mod. ern 2, t and 4 room apts; $23.60 and up- t . . I K -1 1 i L ; Furnished . Apt,, Steam Heat Light housekeeping; also single rooms. Main 8259. THE WINSTON, $41-1 4th St., at Market New 2 and 3 -room apts., completely furnished; reasonable, Main 1739. THE DE LAIR, 619ft William. av.; modern furnished 3-room apts.; pri VSte phones, baths. 325 ur Kut aisa ' THE M1LNER Under new manage. ' ment steam heat, recency renovated, " heart of busines district 8 snd $ room ' apts. and offices. 350ft Morrison. THE DAVENPORT. All outside 2 and $-room apartments; steam heat, strictly modern, welkin distance. 60S Jefferson. Main 6436. Orickston Apartments- 441 IJth, n-ar Colleae, 2 and 3 room suites, strictly first class. Marshall f. SUNNYMONT APTS.. 36th and BelmbnTT 6S ear, best In city for the price, snd the price is right. Phone Tgbor 1889. .- .' Rl'SSBLL apartments, 90 Russell st Nicely furnished 2-3 room apartment. Rent reasonable. Phone East 2743. - THE DEL MONTE attractive, t urnlehedj 3 room apts.;. reasonable, Walalng dis tance. 167 Stout st.. near 20th Wash, THE ELMS. 191 14th st. Modern 1 an j 3 room furnished apts.; excellent loca tlon. walking dlstenee; reaaPnable. MODEltN a room upa.-uuent, 10 mln utes' walk! ' 641ft 6th, Main 7066, A- CStjl.; ' . . T J i'w'uPSHUK. 406ft 26th,st Furnished! room apts., steam beat, light $17 up. Main 8a9. Hake s. 23d, or v. ear. t THE GODFREY COURT New brlcfi" uuueeKvt-ying, i anu 3 room apart' ments. E. 841. 600 Vancouver ave. h URN IS li' El.) our room stejm heated fist, modern. Cottel Dmr Co.. FOR R EXT FLATS IS 8 BOOM flat, 851 Washington st Cal lan & Kaser, 72224 Yeon bldg. Mala 1633. MODERN 3-room flat; reasonable. rot Vancouver ave.; vvoooiawn I6J. MODERN 4-roora upper flat ' with al cove, attic and basement. Main $415, F"0"R RENT 7 room ffat. 21 (Vr bett st. Key at 814 Corbett,it ,