THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVEIJING, DECEMBER 10, 1012. m mm PROVIDES PROPER RIVER FRONT USE Cuiiding , Construction, Sea Walls and All Other Matters Will Be So -Regulated -as to ' Protect Public's Rights. - 1 tty J. 1J. Zlcgler. ' k Tli new duck ordinance proposed by ' tli dock commission end submitted ito a public hearing last Thursday after noon, Js a very comprehensive, .thor ough and important document, and when applied will , revolutionise the ap pearance as well a efficiency of, Port lands waterfront and wharfage, it is the .result of on enormous '' amount of investigation" and detailed ntudy, and provides ' for some draetic ; vhanges, among which are a widening of the harbor at narrow points,; wall construction at some points, fire proof structures, automatic sprinklers, end, above all, , assumption 4 of public Jurisdiction anlfc. regulation by the com- mission.'-. .-,'. " .... i Embodies 60 Districts. , - . ; The ordinance embodies 50 sections. The first five bound in4 detail three zones the inner, north Outer and south outer oties.(.',-.v-;.n. i.-Vv. V ..; The inner Includes both sides of the river between Market street .: and the Lower Alhina ferry, the harbor line and various streets being the first ones par allel back of the waterfront, connected at intervals by intersecting streets, and where there are no streets by - a" line, roughly speaking, 200 feet back of the hurbor line. - Inside tins sone all struc tures must be of incombustible mate rials and fireproof construction, down to the subaqueous foundation, which roaches to the five . foot level, United States engineers datum plane (3 feet -J-below the city datum planeK t f The subaqueous foundations required are classified to adapt to the character of the river bed upon which they are ' placed, "-i . ; ' j- .;""'-':. '"'-.;. - .a..': On the dock proper loft feet inshore from the harbor lino only two istory structures are permitted, either on sin gle or double level docks. These; must ' be fireproof .throughouL'-vv.i.v.. " in all xones. specifications ; must be furnished, both as to character ' - of ' structure proposed and the river bed upon which it In to be placed, and per mits obtained from the dock commls- ' . elon,' ; w-v -,. -i- v.:.-.-;:.-.;.v. In the outer aones. pile foundations and ."mill construction" may be used with - various safeguards, such as transverse fire wa.'.e. curtains and solid timbers of specified size, lit ait zones the automatic sprinkler systems are required. for seawall construction : within the inner zone, : applicants for permits are required to furnish very full data as to the Eoil conditions, character of founda tion and materials to be used. Founda- tlons are classified ' and constructon prescribed for each class. . For tiie two outer cones, pile founda tion s. ' wooden material and mill con struction are permitted ; and t size of , beams, etc., prescribed. , Grain elevators and coal bunkers In north outer zone are limited to a height of SO feet,- but this was taken under advisement at suggestion, of Mr. Bage hot, who'said the standard height was 100 feet and that 90 feet would be un economical. . All pile foundations in the outer tones must be inclosed by a sheathing of two thicknesses of two inch lumber down to low water mark on all exposed sides except the front, nd transverse par titions similar every 100 feet. -u.v.t. Where bulkhead or retaining wall con structlon is employed for the sole pur pose of reclaiming or filling In the land on the harbor front the outer face of Buch bulkhead or retaining wall shall be r distance of not less than 100 feet . back of or inshore from the harbor line. Huth bulkheads or retaining wall may be either of .piling, brush, concrete or rock, or a combination of two or all. ' The commission reserves fho right to mottify the general provisions of this ordinance to meet Vie requirements Of specific rases and each will be consid ered on its merits. . . . STATE DISGRACE 0. P.lHoff, Labor Commis sioner, Makes Plea for Ed-, ucators in Report. . Sletn Bureau of Tbc Journal.) . Salem Or., Dec. 10. Declaring that . the people of Oregon should feel hu miliated over the low salaries tbey pay their school teachers, State Labor Com missioner O. P. Hoff is making & strong appeal In behalf of the teachers in his iiienritnl 'report, now being prepared. He says: "Outside of the pay. wb have reason to feel proud of our school system, its buperviuioh and -our teachers, ..for by comparison with our neighbor on the south the illiteracy of native born in this state is less, while the teachers in Californhv receive, on an average, during the school year, more than 60 tier cent greater pay than do ours. "We t ertainly nhould - feel humiliated over our treatment of them. "Holding that education is an essen tial factor-tn the- advancement of the laboring people I have in each o? my former reports called attention to thil condition, and whil the salaries have been in many instances advanced in the lust few years, still for a state ranking so high in educational matters as does the commonwealth of Oregon, Justice demands a still higher Compensation to those who pass their lives in the school room tot the purpose of placing the ris ing generation on a broader and higher plane' of human intelligence, "; "The demands of ' society aiVeuch that a teacher expenses increase with the passing of time, and in order to live :omfortably, appear creditably and save for future need, such remuneration should be given that will retain for the pulilio. school and college the best brains In its service and also be an inducement tor others ranking high intellectually to enter the field.- ','- , . . A patent has been granted a Kansas en for a combined wash hnnrh jn Ing table that can be folded Into com-i - .. TOW . , f Ptarh slalns can be -removed front Piifii by dampenltiff them. sprlnlUInc i iriii with powdered cream of tartar nun iij.-acinrig litem in the sun. MB PAY A According to recent French figures but oiia ouarter of the1 accidents sus tained by aviators Sre due, to defects In aeroplanes. All TnflnmmshAnSnf HUm-m- - - C Clt an A 5ram Purlfln. t entlwrtle. .nothing and quickly henlt nil nkln troubles - The tint .ppllctloii poRltlrely coiiTliice fuu. - ruecewtui . rw ull. ifimr.ntiH'A or mney refunded. 8u4 by CInrke.. Woodtd lrj Co., Fkld morn DriiSf ' tJo., Aeme I'h.rnnry, t,aue-U.vl Drog Co. Hlekmai) Mfg. t'., 70 7irtlaildt 8t., New Vork City. Bliea loc ard XEY TODAY TWO GRAND PLACES ' ON WILLAMETTE RIVER -V'B0''ACRES."Yl::mnc rtvef, ferand view, 16 miles '(rotn post 100 AwK&d. l-i ot mtie ironiing vu Willamette river. "This one -of .the bestJ developed and finest places in the state. v Only IS miles fronrpost- office. If you are looking lor a grana place, this will suip you. , for price and terms, 9ee '. ' MORTGAGE LOANS ririt uorttragei on farm property. , Mortgage Company For America Xad office, The Eague. JffetherUnds. Alnswortb SaUdug. Portland, or. Mortgage loans? ON" IMPROVKU PIlOPEHT AT CUR RENT RATES', i-':,,.,::r ' C-: ':; 4 GallanMIKaiser : -: H : 733-24 : Tsoa BldJ. '-1 'V Closing Out Sacrifice Sale ..Millinery, beautiful trimmed hats at $1.46 and up. 'lowers ISc and 26c buncbt KverytblirfK below eost-' 1 . 383 YA4sJuXiXi ET. CITY & FARM LOANS $1000 and tip at current rates, , C. M. ZADOW 408 Corbett Bldg. A-1416, tears!! 9X FearejriBroSe; Inc. 609 Worcester Bldg, lISCOT7MT NEGOTIABLE FA PER riBST AND CLAY, GOOD COBWEB, two-story building. - riNE ZBCOISB. Sell at a bargain. Phone East 1628. , If your name appears In either phone hook you can telephono your ad to A8D51-- end have it charged. JJUIs will be mailed to you the . following day for payment. The Journal cannot guarantee accuracy or assume, responsibility for errors 1 of any kind oc curring in telephoned advertisements. v CLASSIFIED AD RATES In affect - April 1, 1012. ALL PltEVKM S It AT US CANCKI.LED. ' - CASH AUVKUTlSKMiiNTS Pally or tiunday. 1 tlm flp wr 11ni 2 cotMeeutlva tlniea, fie per. tine per insertion. i or mora corwecutlTe tlniea, 7o )er Una per lasertioo; vr l insertion. lor -price ct . No ad counted for leas than 2 Suet. 1'liu above rate apply to "New Xoday" and all other clarification., - except bltu.tlun. Wanted. To Kent nnd Wanted to Rent ada. Sltuatiou Wanted, To Ucut and Wanted- to Rent ad. (Apartment, and Hotel, excepted) the rnte. are: " . " ";.:' c;.,; .,. 6c per Una flr.t Inaertlon. 4c iw Una each .ubaequent InMrtloe. . o ad .taken for lea. than 15e. CHAItGB ADYEUT1SEMENT8 1 time, loo per tlue. .1 conecutlTe time., 0e per line per Inaertioa, 7 or more coaavcutlra time., 8 per line per - Insertion. ; ' . . Ibc bae, ratea apply to "New Today" and all other cl.nulf lcatlona. except "Sltuatlona Wanted, To Rent and Wonted to Rent" ad. Situation. Wanted, To P.ent and Wanted to Rent ada (Apartment, and Totel. excepted) the rate la 7c per Una per Inaertlon N ad cbarxed for lea. than two line, or 15e. The Journal will not be re.ptinalble for mora than one Incorrect Insertion of any adTertiaa nient ordered more more tban One time. , Contract 'ratea upon application. A pbona fall will bring- a solicitor. REAL ESTATE TRAASFEIW CERTIFICATES of title made. Title A Trust Co., Lewis bldg., 4th stij QaO. Loui. ll.rlmi(t and wife to 1). W. Hhea- . baa. lota 1, 0 and 3, block 48, Weat Portland Fark ....................... SCO Arthur Dowaett and wife to J. M. fcbort undivided H of aouthwest M of eouth eaat and aoutbeaat aouthwet ',4 aetloa 19, township 1 aoatb, range eaat ...,,..... ' 4,000 L'lva A. fitlce to J, 11, Zlulcr, lot 6. . block U, Katharine SCO Henry O. Grleeel and lf to W. S, , Everett, lot fS, blotk 8, Laurelbnnt 1,400 John Tolfree to Bnrab F, Kaowle. ' hit 3, block 4, etewart P.rk. .. ..... 1,800 IIllMTtiU BuvIhr. liank to S.-ldon 0. Hamilton, lot. 1 and 2.' block B Leo- ; - os addition 1.200 Simon W, Roger, and wife to Margaret ' -.11. Rtma et nl. lot 18. block 15. Uood Morning Addition . Wo pniplre inrcitpifm fa, '"".i ' Trt-lr mi.i l,dniuclitr eL al. kita It and 1 :. block 8, "B" Bt. Ctoud Height....... 1,673 A. C. Nutter, to John O. Johuaon, Jot 3, block Ti, Urentio(l JJ0 Cltlai'iia Rank to AlU'it K. Johustoa - Jot 7, block R2 Tremotit 1'lnce. 1,000 L, Slmnalian to Cutiii-rine Mrtrnane, l-t 4, bknk 13, : Capitol Hlll.....,v,.... 800 V 0 mm- - us REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS i Selina t.. Drown nt himband to O. II.- ' Kern Turk ... ....,4 , EWr CArmm in W. r. IhKlimiiu. lot S.' 00 Oitisoy tiuhiirbna Acre Tract -., ,.,...$ Clqnrt -8. Hurrl. and wife to W. K. : Arnutrroitt ; lot " 16, Mk' . T Bisdv way aitdltlou ...'...,.......'. .. Ceoiy. ltliihin mil to Ili-Ile Iliiiu- ban h lot 10, block 3, Cnunuu. ddl tlnu . , , . . . . , Ann Pojhl Peteiw-n to -Sybil i. Try -.Jut 7, block 6, lionmlMlr A. J. Kronert and wife to Pe City Lumber tfhliiirlD 14. M acre ' beginning ut a ;Kt(ef tit nnt bank 'f Wllhinielto-rWnr li. Julin waud I). I.. ' C beliijf MUlbMUt rornee of tract i mtw or. formerly owned by M. Hou- tn ...... itOO 1,25) 2.700 415 ion A. 8. KHIK to W. W, Ki.niiwin, loll l nnd 1, blwk 12 Crlnwold Tract 1,730 till. I. VMt ... t,. It.nk ef - f f seltwomr-int tilr-tiltirfc- -A?tImwit: Ch.rle A. phe, tiuftef.-to All.e Bmwn Alar QHII, 1111 O, UtW. Wt vnj - Turk,' trmteea.,, . H, L. Haciblet. trnntee, to Kranli U MeOuIre; lot 8, blix'k 17. Fulriort. . . L. i. Ullletta et al to iHirn Ainli'v9ii, lot II, blwk T Kalrmoiint addlii'in.,... Wellealey l.aiid Co, to J. U. Ilibuelt ,, -ID nd Ji, bWxk 0, A syie Pa rk -.-4', . -v w , iv . . .'.' -. nn i2 850 - 1W 82 George W. tWwt and t W, A. Pill ion et si, befflnnlj g oh oiitb H 1 , denwl tied, hi M 2l IW0 tut. et.f fcontbwent ruriier of antd tract ' thence e.t 'iiaraltel . wltb aouth line , ; of lnil, 330 tect, tlietiee iKWtU panlUel ; . with Oregon City road M.d feet, taeiu ' : ' ' went a0, feet. thew north 77 feet,-,- -' thepce weat W feet, tben south 115 ( . kaa ' feel to boglnnlng' y - . B. '-h.' Wolff and wife to Addle A.V, Wheeler;.. kt 8, -. block ' i Malilewood . addltlim ... .30" J'. D. Fltintfrnh to 0. W. Land, M 19, l 37.1 WriCttlZaPoTi. Abstractors, i 171. 4th ut.. bet: Morrlwon and Yamhill. UNCALLED FOR AZJ-WEUS TUB following letters In answer to ad , vertisoment apnearing In The Journal n ni, 199. ?.fVi"vi-.: -s-wv , j: 375, 166. , , u , h G-1,1I, 134, 12H.12J. ' J 178, 82, 0, 79. - J 27. 07, -129, lit, H3. K 129. ' ' - I. 112. 79. 131, 12, 84. , , M 133, 110, 134. . '" N 128, 87. ' f) 82, 118. ' ; , , . P 18. , v 1181, 69. S15S, 12-6, 133. T-tJlH. . T7 131. , - V113. 134. c 1 . X 11S, 79. 117. ? Y 128, J 19. 55104. 79. 1 ' . AUCTIONS TOMORROW U . AT Wilson Auction House, cor. 2d and Yamhill, special auction saio ly tomorrow, -.--..v ---''" ' " FORD Auction Houhc. 211 1st St., auc- t Ion snle2 p, m. wppciai oirennRa. ' MEETIXO XOT1CES 1 R. N. A. Ore. Rose ' Camp, meets FrL eve., Alleky Imlfi 3d and Morrison. MARRIAGE LICENSES; Al ritnopg. S47U Yamhill street. 22. and M.rle Templea. asiii-Plii street, ll. '. H. Dnncanaon. 3710 tjlxty-elehth street outbeaat. U, and Cliira II, .Carter, W03 Blxty ninth atreet aviitheaHt, Ci). ' C. W. Ifowell. 1300 Mllwaukle itreet. 84. and Marie Kennedy, 1200 Mllwaukle .treet, 10. KUvrard B. vaniey, 10Ut Eaat lrtiiiS .treet, :3. and Mar A. Crouch, 15 Hast TweutylxtU atreet, 111. " , - i John W. Scott; Mllentone. Mont., 152, and Mr.. Laura B. Foster. 4118 Sixty -eiehth street aontheaat, 53. iharlea W. Meaner,. 633t4 Fir. atreet, 82, and Eva B.. Mitchell, b.uH Flrat atreet, 20. Cbarlc G. Wrlaht. til W'e.t Hickory atnet, 31, nd Maude. Leiavage,. Olympic hotel, 81. - Aiircu jorgensen. Hilton thiiei, zt, na auaa Lahtl, 651 Lovetoy .treet. 23. Michael 8. Williams. 962 Union tvenne, C, and llyrtle Simpeon, 082 Union avenna, . 24. Perclval M. .. Hchaeffer, 1170 Commercial .treet, over 21. and Katberlne Edwards, lug Twelfth atreet, over 18. ' W, G, Smith & Co. 7'c.SS on Wash'ton. DRESS suits for rent, all sizes. Unique Tailoring Co., 809 Ptark St. v ' CLARKE BROS., florists, fine flowers and floral designs. 289 Morrison St. BIRTHS FOCKAI Anton I'ockal, St. Vincent', hospital, llecvniher 7, aged 2Ii; fractured skull. M'UIJIRK John 1. JloUuire. ;ood Kamarilaa iKwpUal, Iiecemlter 7, aged 6; menlngltlii. rADAN -Evelyu Padan, Bt. Vincent', hospital, December 8. accd lid: abdominal tmiwr. - KDCKLKU Margaret Rockier. K13 Ea.t Tblr- leenin street - norm, iwceniotr- f.-Bgeu- osr tulH-rt'iilnela, .- ... ... - . . . SAUNDERS Ellaaboth 'Jane 8annder, 1024 Eat Nineteenth, - atreet. December 8. aged 6S; paralyals. DEATHS AND hi .EKALS PEMBROKE December 9, -Winifred, Fay Pembroke, aged 15 years, 8 months. 24 days, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Pembroke, 323 Cook avenue. rrie.ndH may view tha remains at the above residence today Tuendayh De-. cember-10. after I p. m. Funeral serv ices will be held at the church at St. Paul, Or., Thursday, December 12. The remains will be sent to St. i'aui by A. R. Zeller com nan v "nt 6:45 a.- m Wednes- dav, December It,- Tayio-r street dock. POWERS In this city, December 9, wary 1G izaoeth rowers, a c:ett isvears. mother of Mrs. John H. Jiaaak, of .126, Kast Fifty-eighth street, uunerai serv ices win be lieiQ Weanesaay, December 11, at 2 o'clock p. m. - from, the new chapel of 3. P. Flnley & Son, Mont gomery and Fifth streets... Friends -in vited. IXGALLS In this cityr December 8, Wallace lngalls, aged' 65 - years, 8 months, 2 days, of bi)U 46th ave. S. K. Friends invttea to attend funeral- ser vices which - will bo held at Holman's funeral parlors at 2 p. to. today Tues day), December 10. Interment in Mount Scott i'arK cemetery. . ' 1 AMilLOTTI To Mr. and Mrs. Alex Amzik'ttl, WB! Eleventh street, December 6. a -girl.-TK-Ml'LKTON To Mr. and Mra. Frank Tem pletou, Eaat Mata street. December 7. a boy. - 1 MQLVEIt-To Mr. and Mrs. John liolvor, 878 Kodney avenue, uccemtier , a noy. LlLLIS lo Ur. and Mr.. BenJ.mln t. Lllllf, "'655 " atreet, Ilecember - H, a girl, BOHTON To Mr. nnd Mia. Clyde M. Boatao, - 151 Eaat Sevetity-fourtij atreet nortb,fiovem. her 24. :&irr:. T..;' . GOKKINKLk To Mr. and Mra. Nelaoa Gor fiukle.i. lltft Ka.t Seventeenth .treat north, December 6, a girl. SPRINGER To Mr. and 'Mra. Angust Springer, 0028 I'lfty-secoiid avenue southeast, - Decem ber 6. ft boy. - - -..,--' ';.. '.-1.. -. - ;. - - TONSETH FLORAL CO., 183 6th( choice cut flowers vfor all occasions; prompt service. M. ais, a-uuz. , MAX M. SMITH, florist, 141 Cth St., in Keiung Ding. mam zjo. , FUNERAL DIRECTORS J, P.FfNtEY&SONK dant Montgomery FUNERAL-SERVICE At if litn Bt. Dunning & McEntee fflS'S every detail. 7th and Pine. main i au. a -4 b h . - ii&s f -n e 1 s t a nt . ' I CDrli Undertaker. E adv aKSlstant. UUOVJI I B-1888. E-761, E. 6th-Alder. A. R. ZELLER CO. Both phones, FRIPQfiN Dndertaklng Co. Mala CnlUOUlii 6133. A-2235, Lady ass t Psaronri On 1 Funeral directors, 69 roCIoUll OOi 371 Russell st. E. 1080, HEMjJ'IoCK. 16S7 E. 13th. Sell. 71. R- 1122, and Univers Park. Col. 394-395. FUNERAL DIRECTORS MR. EDWARD DOLMAN, .the leading funeral director. 220 Third street, cor- ner tjalmnnf 4dy-eie-taTrtr Phone"'AT 1611. Alain bo 7. - F. S. 1UNN1N.U INC. Eaut Side'uneral Directors. 414 E. Alder. East 62 Ii-2325. i JIC.NU3IIi.T3 PORTLAND Marhla Works, 24-265 4th et. Opposite rlty hull. Mwln Hhti4. O'J'Ti) kCi-II'M AN. irrunlte and nidlbl works. Knt 8l end Pine. Kaet 743 I'OJSTIANU.. KfeALTY DKALEIU; CHAPIN A UERLOW. 883' Chamber of Commerce. Main 1 Rt. 205 nerllmrer Hldw. - Main 1480, GKKUUN UKAL. fcm'l'K'CO, TUB rnd eve and Mult. K. 87. C-170S BltTiNfi-AlANiARV tJOMPANV. Ground Kloor i.ewla Bid. M and A-I74I 803 McKay ' Hid. v Moff E4 BHMiJi.lL IU5AL LSTATE 62 CHOICE APARTMENT CORNER . mo ra 1.1,1 50x116 feet' corner lot. 8 Moclra west of new library, If this looks good to yuu,, investigate, 'owner. A-216, Jour rml. . - t. . , 'JO LEASE 'A3 ;.- Warehouse Factory - Brick-' -building."1 2 Storloa. levtftr crane, well lighted, on ear track. Kither , ,wriniouBe or lactorv. , c; Jack son. Joutnul Pub. CO. Main 7173. ' VOll SALEHOUSES ' Jl . , A- 6 Room Burjgalow Just completed, Rt 4ith and " . Uroadway, , one block . from ' var; hardwooii, floors in -, s every room, sleeping: porch. . . furnace, etc., . etc.: living & , room,lJ,y 28. The best m - . ?oy -nose fjlty Park. ; Xook thia over. ! then see -''. , rue at 72.1 Chamber of Com- " s inerce bldg., or phone even Insi Marshall 653. - Tony G. Anderson HAWTHORN R DISTRICT. , S 82860. - ; $350 DOWN,-"" -V"' TERMS ON nAX.iNrw. Built bV daV'Inhne ntv n.r..ln tiow, uouoie t'onsiructea, nil built-in feHturcB, reception v hall, ; large coat rlosct. tier clnna Annv: hnnrtu,,,,. er.. jl'lK'e. bookcases, beamed ceiling, paii- v. uimiin rwim, ourier, uutcti kitchen, all built-in conveniences, ironing board eta: largo bedrooms and closets; bath' room equipped with latest and best of fixtures: large .attic, full cement base .launJ'y fays, .etc.; beautiful light fixtures, shades and screens; no street assessment; ouly 1 block to one of the best -carllnes, in the city. - For appointment call , . . TAROR-8089. . ", ' ' Hawthorne' District.4 -' . A Jaldy 6 room bungalow, with all built-in conveniences, modern In every lespect; electric and gaa fixtures, shades and screens; faces east; surroundings neat and clean; two blocks from Haw. thorn ave. .Price 13100, $200 cash, bal a.nceter.m8' J- L; Karnopp, owner, lit Ky. Exch. bldg. Ml. 2574 or A-7489. . ' $200 Cash BALANCE RENT. ! rooms, modern bungalow, 1 block from Mt. Tabor carllne. This is a bar gain if taken at once.- Call 2115 E. Yam Main f37 prope''ty- - rhone At2693, t SNAP OB SNAPS.' i'JiaXfi h0UB? ?nd 10t that mUt B sold. Nice, neat home. 40x120 lot; 20 toot.alley. Lot fenced and has some fruit and-shade trees. Good neighbors and a real bargain, , Price 8650;- that's nil. Seo Davioa. - . ' ,;, CHAPIN-HERLOW MTO. & TRUST CO. rd floor Chamber of Commerce. WANT to go south. Will offer my bun galows at very low price, easy terms SI. illr0,int for cash- 371 E. 60th. JS250, $200rdown; 465, E. 63rd $2750; $160 down; 62nd and Lincoln, $2600. $60d down. Houses unlocked. Tell me your Hh.P- & Weiler. 401 IL 60th L Ta bor 3740. -. -. , ",r7-;.nr'760.":"--." :v' s Cozy shack houso. size 10x30,feet. on full lot six blocks frnn ilh.,i. plenty of fuel free, $12 monthly and L -wiii'imeiem,- nuy inis ana stOD paving rent Call 212 Selling bldg., and a.8k, Kynolds-or- Comte. or phone Main 1800, A-6261. $3600 -Rose City Park, 6 rooms and sleeTJlne nflreh Tfiir rmont t.o. furnace, buffetbookcases, hardwood' floors, shades, mirror door, laundry trays. 2 toilets, block tn Wr .r.t TaboV 21611 0wner" . i'hone! B"2,55. FI V Erooms, Bunny Bide, modern except wrn.acer"fif" ""wplacc,- cabinet kitchen, street improvements all la and pai,6L bulocIJ tp.Mount 'Tabor car; good neighborhood; $3360, terms. -PJtOVIDENT . RUST COr, "OWNERS - . , rVIIHIfi J,Jt,g. THREE rooms and bath, lot fiOxlOO, new . i iub, . i uaiaun vaiiey view, 2 blocks to car," walks,- graded streets and water, . good neighborhood. 15 minutes to postoffice, $1500, easy terms. , " le PROVIDENT TRUST CO., OWNERS t(iR SALE Owner, bargain; Wcodlawn. 2V4 blocks from car; 6-room house, 2 lots, on corner, well improved; $1900 $150 cash and and -one vacant lot wlli r?,!. JettL lf interested, address W-142, Journal. ' . - - . FOR SALE7 ' ' Seven room modern home, near Jeffer son hljth school: all street fm In and paid; very reasonable, good terms. Vwuct, 1JIIUIIH WWIIIftWR iilfl. I WILL BL'iLD " on youjr vacant lot, and finance, your house on easy terms. A. a BhirnW I contractor, room 88. . Washington bids Main 1429. . , . " - $20 Per Month $20 " Out of work, must sell my new $ room bungalow at cost. Your own terms. E-134, Journal. ' - 4 ROOM house, modern, new, restricted distrtct, in Rob City Park iictioS. 7 blocks to car; $2400; terms to suit ' PROVIDENT TRUST CO., OVVNERS - Kecond Plonr Hr.!Hn "a - -. THREE rooms end bath, corner lAfix, 18j, west side, 3 blocks to car; $1800 very easy terms. . : . . ' , PROVIDENT TRUST CO.,' OWNER"? Second Floor Belling Bldg, ' b room ( bungalow - furnished comnlet -with, good furniture. Price $1600, $500 cash, balance $15 per nionth. Phon Marshall 2189. Owner, - none FOR SALE cheap; , flats near iew $1,000,000 streetcar shops; $1000 cash, balance 2 years at 7 per cent. 63$ East 17th st. -' - - - " , BEAUTIFUL HOME. , " Choice location, 7 rooms; small cash payment, bat monthly. East 273, W. H. lAJR . faAist, o AND 6 ROOM HOUSES : Bungalows and othsrwlBe, modern and Well located; $60 oown and $26 mont.-i. including intereet, 309 Ry Ex. Ford. A MODERN 6 room house In Irvlngton' ;Just completed, two blocks from Ir vlngton car. Price $5000. Good terms, owner, nn i-i. j vtn St. N. tSLi.ii HntTHTO A MrV t r'i torn 1 ' ' Rose City Paiik; lot 40x100, .1. block to car;' terms e.ay; 603 .Bwetlantf bldg. FOR SALE By owner, modern 6 room houseln Overlook. Restricted dis trict. Woodlawn 1462. , . , It, aU KAKCE Chapln-Herlow Mortgage Kr TrilHt Vl ' a.t ri,.nr r-hn..K.- 7. Commerce bldg. Roth phones. - $2 1 50 Ueauttful new bungalow, lot 60x 200 or more. - Get illustrated circular SlaUHQn-Cralg Co., 304 Oak t. $200 CASH and $25 monthly, including Interest for new bungalow, hear oar close In.- Owner, 630 Worcester block OX si i t-h ,4iue i tis i , m o d'errr- g Too"rn fiomes in rnniana ror only 11600. 1400 each. Calf Tabor 8571. " ' ' BEAUTIFUL - 5 -room bunw.low, -highly restricted district, paved Mtreet, Btrcet car, price $3 "00. Phonei lOast 1628. 5 ROOM bunjialow. CallT8"ET?TirsT , N. I'hono Woodlawn 1770. , ,. I OJ; SALK XJOUbK3 Ci 4 Room Plastered Cottage ' Completely Furnished . ; This find little! home is only 4 blocks vii inn nw euvu. vnr inie; iiib lunwura . ure, leieoiioue, ouny man, eu;, - v coat $260 a few months- ego and' the! Splendid for the fanner who Wants A house was only built last eprlng. The'sinrill farm close to the city. -house ami lot is worth $900,. but we i Ideal for the working jnan'to get will throw the furniture In for a Chrlnt-1 sway from the grind and high cost of mas present At lenst 4 cash required, living. , as this is snap price. .- "--..Excellent for the "business man who Un rh Al lni I nnri f 1 170 Fifth st.. Opposite P. O. f6r BALKLOTS 10 XDT on weaf end Icilfingsworth ave,; Willamette boulevard now being, hard surlaced and patfues Within 100 feet of this lot; also ' St, JohnH road being surveyed fori hard surfacing from this point di--rect to new Broadway bridge along river bank. This means hard surface from 7th and Washington by wav of Dioudway bridge and , Urns by auto and near the river, ; with pood view of both mountains, and for sale at a' sacrifice, for ' iBh. . Coll "tip evenings after 7. .Phone Colu'mbla 408. $1000 LAURELHURST - lot. f ins ew, t com $15o0: must sacrifice. . $1560 InurtUhurst- corners lot, cost IZUOU. $11560 La urulhurst nesr Ollsnn at 8EK OUU LIST OF HOUSES AND LUIS, , ; - - CHAS. RINOLER & CO.. ,211 Lewis bid. ' rLlYlT.'L LnlLlU... 1- el.- ui,la VAiWtV.aM ayiiii.ij iif IU(3 via lilt) Biuvi Inside the 3-mile circle: fine view of Tuaiaiiu' vanev and Ml. Mood: woikh. araded streets and ' Watr includeid in price; 1400 and up; select your lot ana- wo win tiuiiu ror vou. I'roviuoni Jirusi Co:, owners, 2d floor Belling bldg. FINE,' sightly hti acre at Ryan station, on Oregon Electric Ry , 20 minutes from Portland. Gcfare for lobs thtn you can buy city lot. Lovely location for family home, "garden, , fruit, etc. Your own terms. Box 336, P. O Port' land. - HALF acre, 6 cent fare, 1$ minutes car ; nua, oesi or boh; wnere you can raine your own vegetables, small fruits and berries. Ideal borne place, big future; $600, $26 cash, $10 per mo., M. E. Lee, 311 Corbett bldg. t " -' ' iLots in ,Hollyrood Addition ; East Irvlngton, corner 34th and Knott sts.. second, privilege - given, highly restricted district; will finance your building. - Phone East 1628 80x120 LOT, good view, water piped to front, best of soil 20 minute car-ride; west Hide; this is a bargain. $400, $15 caRh, $ pernio. M.. E. Lee, 311 Corbett bldg. -- . -. - TWOlots for sale by owner; 41st st. ' and 47th ave.. corner, on Woodstock car tracks; teims. t Staffer. 105 3d st. jvisin iu(. TRIANGULAR 1)T, FIR LAND,' $375. J 10 down. 85 monthly. Fred W,. Ger man, 436 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6445. SEE L Noir & Co. for west Bide prop erty., J-Jxoiumve aeaiers la west side realty. 837 Chamber of Commerce. - . SEVERAL LOTS. IUV1NGTON. 1 cor. Russell street, income $50 Der month; all cheap. East 273. W. H. LARGE Firland lot. $376; terms $5 month: graded street ana water. 720 Chamber of Commerce. Tabor 771. 'A. s 76x100 feet, 64th st, snap, $476, Tabor !547. 1 ' ,. - - ' 50x100 best buy - in--the city easy terms. A-32 1, Journal. ? " - ACREAGB 5 ACRES LOGANBERRY LAND All in high state of cultivation. 13 minute walk from electric -Htatlon. 45 minute ride from Portland: good deep, rich soil, no rock or gravel; two crops of loganberries will pay jfor this land: jiftu cash, balance i& per montn at 7 per cent interest. ' Purchase prioe $1500. Phone Main 3712 or A-7718. THE WESTLYN TRUST COMPANT, - No. 91 Fifth st. .5 and 10 Acres Cheap .; - $20 up to $45 per acre, on terms. Tracts of 6 acres or more; deep, red Shot soli, well watered; easily cleared, ideal for general forming, fruit vege tables, dairying and chicken raising; lo cated on county road, close to live town on R. R. and river near Portland. Own. ere, 703 Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak sts. Main 8078. Evenings East 394. Get 80x175, $550 n $19 down, $8 per month, 5 minutes east of Bollwood station on ground, school store.-' .'-.,'"'"-'-.""" ;-.,, AKERSON & GOOCII. 401 Board of Trade bldg. ----.-.--'v.;,-.... Maln.670,,.A-7570.; ?-'-'--s" FOR SALE by owner, very desirable 2 acre home place jit-Woodburn. Or, only 7 blocks from P. O. Oood 2 room house, woodshed. Well, chicken house. 35 fruit trees, berries, lawn, etc,-An ideal homeslte or poultry farm. Bar gain at $12b0.-i (Short time only.) Part cash, balance terms.-; Call evenings or Sun. a, m. 550 Mill st., city. ; Acre Tracts $550 ; $10 down,' $5 ruonthly, 40 ; minutes from 1st end Alder mts. Oregorl City car, lOe fare, extra fine -soil, cleared, level, sightly. A. C. Marsters, owner, 202 "Wilcox bldg. Main 8517 A-7340, Tabor 1770.- - -.'- ' - ' ."- CHICKEN and fruit raitches near Port- land, Best soil, good roads, spring water, free wood. 10 acres, $400, $500. $600 per tract; 20 acres, $800; 40 acres $1200; 60 acres. $2000; 40 acres timber, $2400, Ranches all kinds for sale. Easy terms Frank McFarland Realty Co.. 309 j cm mi 'j-n. v , ACREAGE on macadamized road, 1 mile beyond city limits? 4 blocks from car line; high and sightly; good soil; bear ing fruit trees: sold on easy terms. PROVIDENT TRUST CO., Owners. " HAVE TTOU $36 IN CASH? If so. It will make your first payment on a 10 acre tract of good land, l hour and 30 minutes from Portland. Room 215 Lumber Exchange bldg.j' corner 2d nd ritai'K fits. One. Acre Barenin , , . Within city limits. 4 room house and Other buildings. - Price $700 below value. No trades. . Phona after 4 Tabor 629.' - EIGHT acres on Villa ave., on ML Hood x car line; email stumps, good soil, $600 per acre, $2700 cash, bal.-2 and Z years, 6 per cent.. s , LE.K-STEVEN3 CO.. " . ' ' 308 Corbett bldg. 50 acres for sale or Tanf'Btiildinirs, stock and implements for sale, $500 will handle It. 6 miles east Oregon City.- R. D. No. 3, box 88. A. F,-Maiden. Gibson 1-2' Acres Good soli, city water close to carllne; easy terms. Phone 'Marshall. 1685 Sell wood 476. John H. Gibeon,' owner. 10 ACRES $360., s Good soil, roads and new school, hours -from Portland; your own terms. 215 Lumber Exchange bldg.. - Cor. 3d and Stark tfl. SALE. OR "TRADE. I ' 10 acres fine cultivated land on Salem Electric, no gravel, running water, easy terms; might .constder eome trade. , t,: f. LA BARRE, 209 Commercial blk. ' -, , - 3V4 MILLION TIMBER, - i 160 acres, - Douglas county, " cruise guaranteed, $3000. Will trade for gro- Cory; m owetmnu -.. mag. FOR SALE--160 acres 1ft Sherman Co., or.; all seeded to wheats might take part trade; for particulars write A, IL tienton, Tvewoerg, or. FREE water, irrigated land. MarysvlUo, ' Cl. A. M. HighhoujBe. 617v iioard of A I rttIC M'J5, !1. ACRES," 6-room house," chicken i iiuusc, iiuiii, dun, D-ceni- ia" city. qjiLg. .. y ui i.iyti -SMO .Aiianji f.,A(.H .S. adtominD' rnr . Utio all cleared. fine.soiL price $1375, terms. Tt-167, .lo'.irnnl. : -'. - -' " - - -' 'iVz ACRES extra fine soil, $S76, tormp. C-217. Journal. . . f.OOlv. 10 , acres '.fine. Uu.-l a50;' your own tcrmfi. i:;n Yeon iig. At'RE.UH-: 0 ACUKS eont Un than a city lot. liny ' nciniKB for profit, 1, 2, 3 and S -acre tract clone to . pnrtliind, on eleotrlo carllne, $200 to $100 pep. acre," easy j terms, , excellent,' soil, plenty-. ludghborai I OPDi tclates a beautiful home Wltn HS I'U'ge spacious grotindu, electrio car serv ice and nplendld auto road. V " , Investlpato, compare values. We can Interest ?you, Wiy now on our easy terms. Completion, of Panama cmi'tl hound to increase values rapidly. J. w. llefferlin, owner. 807 Railway Exchange bid flf., Portland, Or. - ' ' " . - Acreage In vallev. directlv went of Council Crest and only 40 minutes Hrom Fourth end .Washington, etreets. Land lies beautifully, very, fertile, soil large rjlattlnc, with roads : conipletid alonif ca.h tract; 3 bta tions on the platting and uv 'sized tract from one-half aor uo at farm land prices and upon " installment plan., See us. The Shaw-Fear, Co. ' Vain 35. , ; 102 4th St, A-3500 V Acreago Down the river en W Side. H mile from new tit. Helens Hall. . ilte 1 and will be only one-half - , mil from the proposed carllne to- Imi extended down along the rtdga V" from Willametto Heights north. ,', 'Here is gnotlier opportunity to get. In lust-ahead of high class de :.: velopment - and i at farm -land prices. . See us, . '' .-.." " :'r ' The Shaw-Fear, Co, Main 35. 103 4th St. A-3500 Acre Tracts' Gilbert Station blocks from s tret car. all cleared, good ull. Ton can -buy an acre Tor $900, cash, balance $15 per month, 6 per $100 cent will rive 260 Interest. Ry paying $250 down we build you a good 4 room house and you th acre and Iioubo for ,$1500, cash. Deitz Blaney Co, ; 801 Wilcox hlrtg. ' Acreage . 8 Acres Powell Valley road; clos in, .;. . $700 per acre. t Acres1 Pane Line wjul, close in, on car line, $375 per acre. 15 Acres Cornell road, west side, $225 per acre, ' 34 Acres Cornell- road, all cleared; .- house and barn; fine for dnirv ramh- IJ75 ocr acre. . WE HAVE ALL KINDS OF TRACTS. CHAS, KlNULl'R & CO., ' 211 Tewts llldg. . . -,. : Acreage on West Side Inside SH-niile circle; excellent soli; good drainage, large area of beaverdam eoil; part .of thls.Tract is under cultiva tion; part -in etumpa and -some- heavy timber; 2i, 5 and 10-acre tracts; prices range .from $375 to $600 per acre; suld on easy terms,;,;; We, wjll build to uit ptlrchnaer. ,-.-'".-.--""-i,J..--- .'--- PROVIDENT TRUST CO., OWNERS. ' i - Second Floor SelUnar Bldg.- - I ACRES, all cleared, close to eta- , tion, 40 minutes, out, H cents commutera' fare, 3 room new bun- . galow,.furni8hco complete; this is-; a nice little place and maybe had ' with $500 e8h payment, balance to suit. C-115, Journal. FERTILE 5-aere tract on- county road and railroad, in fruit valley. , mL city limits Vancouver, Wash. Fine fruit and garden land; $500 per acre, 1-5 cash. Call owner. Tabor 3571. FOR SALE FARMS -15 acres under -high Ptate of cultiva tion, 4 miles from Hillnboro and 2 miles from North Plains, on good county road, Jubt 18 miles -from Portlund. -It has a fc!x-room house, orchard, barn and all kinds of small fruit; the land just across the rond is selling- in five-acre tracts for . $300 per acre, with no improve-ments.'- Owner suld let this go for $150 per acre; $2000 as first payment, -or $3000 worth of city properly. r $30. Per Acre Only M miles from Portland close to electric line,, enough live cordwood "on place ta pay for it end have money left. Can you beat this for a chicken ranch, or anything else? No rock, good soil, and nearly all tillable. - Price $1200; $460 cash; balance 3 yearn at e .par pent. .' Guy D. Bell 15 Henry tldg. CO 8NMP.siJj.E8;:8SMP 4V4. miles northwest of Forest Grove, On good rocked road, with IL F. D.. milk and telephone route;' excellent soil; 6 acres under cultivation; welt and living water; .2600 cords of good wood, enoug.i to pay for the place: 4 room boa housj. barn 24x30, with shed and outbuildings. annut s or s Dearwg iruit trees; good horse, new wagon.- harness, plow, cultivator,-efou go .with place; mile le church and school, in Kplemlio, well set tled neighborhood; a snap at $2500; $750 cash. $500 A within 1 "year and balance at $100 a year at 6 per cent. ' ' " 325 Lumber Kxeange ' - 135 ACRES, good house and barn, 65 acres cultivated, SO acres old pasture, 50 acres anh bottom, with stream; team large, young horses, large mare and edit, two cows, turkeys, geese, hens, hogs, wngon, hack, harrow, plow, incubator, separator, orchard,, berries' On county rosd, R. F. D., school Joins farm; hot nnd cold water, bath. $8000, $2000 cash, bal. terms. J, I. ilawley, Lebanon, Or.. It. II. 17, xo. British Columbia Land ; - v 40 Acre Tracts : i These can be bought on easy terms, $1 per acre, $50 cash, $15 per month. Land is level, good soil, splendid vege- tos to show. Call : at our Office, ' 80 Acre: Farm to Trade G ood ' 4 toottC housertiarTi4 6x 48, " ifreek, all level, mostly"asy : clearing, some cleared and well fenced! .2 miles to R. R. station, store and P. O.; 25 miles from Portland; price $& per are; 2200 mort gage, balance trade -for lots or small nouse and ioc, zi i,umDerniens oiug, 80 Acre Farm to Trade - r Good 4 room hOuser barrt "46x48. Crtek. all level, mostly easy , clearing," soma cleared end well fenced; 2 miles to R. R. station, store and P. O.; 25 miles from Portland; price 4 per acre; j.'auu mort gage, balance' trade for lots, or : small houne find lot 214 Lumbermens bldg. 80 'acre' farm, with ail implements ar!3 stock, about 811000 worth of oernonal property, 6 room house, 2 acres orchard. , 35 acres in cultivation, Dat. pasture. end timber. Irtiher. 4U miles from Cahliv. 17000. 2600 cash bal. 5 years, 6 per cent. Lee tevens Co., 308 Corbett nldir. FOR SALE 20u acres, well stocked and t equipped, if you want a farm .that Is paying-big -Interest on the investment now and have 810.000 t ash to Day down. Just write to owner, Knappa, Or., lock box 131. and he will tell you all about it. 'TIMBER' 2 FOR BALE 100 ' acres fine'' Mmoth-jH land and H) acres' timnerr 6 miles East of Lewiston, Idaho, in Clearwater country." Cull Woodlawn 2741. TIMI'ICR l.ANIW BOUGHT AND SOLO. L R. MUCK, 214 COMMERCIAL BDG. 1 1 TWO yen- leano free, on b.-st 10 eercs i in Lincoln county. Purly tnuat imve . 600 to buy huk-h and ltnprovement. i'AIho- six ucreH for ale.l mile of To- " i'i nn,nif rruit weoo,. i ij acres Logan and rttsMrriesi 6 rooiri house, on county road, right of way to boat land In. NO trades. Address Chas. M. Davit,' . Toledo. Or. lti0 ACKKS for rent, 10 miles from Van couver, wash.: $126 per year. E. V. Oellrke. MlMvaukie, Or. " iSlPROVEb 65 acre farm. Including nut An'kvT.UlrheUr ' Volt8teln-"S!U5 WAKTEGFARSIS . 33. WANTED To rent farm of 10 r iJ acres on lease' 3' to 6 years." ' Cash rent, - Must --be EOoalifiid." 1 5?: Journal.- . . - Zt HOMESTEADS 47 $275 '.- . U.27E HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENT -f4 milo from P o and sawmill. II miles 1 rom United Eloctr-io line. Lens! than 86 inlles by wngon from Portland. v Plenty.. water,-; fine '.outrange,-'good noil, on load, rjmall houso, neighbors adjuln mir. 214 LiimWrmenn bldg. HOMESTEADS, 160 acres; ready to - plow; timber,- water;, exchange for work., See one day. . . COVEY, 2H7 Oak; Room 21. ' GOOD lionieiiteadt), Tillamook count v . going Deo. 15th. K D. Nlcklln. 2d3 EXCHANGE HEAL EST-1..J 2 1 For. Trade ' , Choice 18 Acres Ibis Is a vory obuice piece of aeieage. There are 18 acres, 11 . acres m a high state of cultiva- , lion, balance very easy to clear. All tnn very best of land, no rock ' ....... am m. enure iracr, 1 lies perfectly. No buildings. Lo cated - in : Washington county, . ; Just 12 miles west of the -center of Portbtnd. and Just U mile , front ntatton.v Price $4500; no in-'. rumhrance.! Trade even up for . I'ortlnnd propel ty. - 1 . 'Hargrove & Sons-. 123 N. 6th .t., Cor. eth and Ullsarw 1 Main 4381, A-759. , ' ' ' SOME - TRADES 9 acres, $2000, incumbrftnc $675; want clear lot or small .house for equity. Lot and good $350 demand note; want 4 or 6 puss, auto worth $700 or $800. .6 room bouse, $5500, fine loca tion; want 5 to, 10 aorea Imnrnvsil no-, r . .iv vi ,u luuway, v .v., ......... , - aiti.n ... e . . - m v . WBHl grocery or conrectionery. , 10 acres mar Reavertonj J2500: want bouse in Portland - - A- v.- , ALVORO-CARRrHUNTETl' CO.. ' - 218 Board of Trade. ' lit VINGTON Modern .6 room residence ll.r,nn t,, a , , , .w v-v...u.r.c .ui iiut-'iuTvu i.ariii of 0t leant 25 acre", "down the valley; will not assume, .-" , Kauffmann k Moore r"""' ' 315- Lumber Exchange. ' . . Want1 Grocery f - ' Exchange for iny equity n fine-double coiiBtructed 6 room houses Dutch kitchen, fireplace, Improvements all In and paid for; balanca $1200; etralgni mortgaget , price $3000;, (R-36); J. E. Nichols 'o., 616 - Yeon bldg. ; 4 iciiu $ uu ivuuiiigaiiueis I .will exchange my 180 acre farm in" Clare county, Michigan, I miles from jood town, 4 miles from county seat. Good house, barn and all outbuildings and orchard; 60 acres in cultivation. For good rooming house clear of debt and reasonable rent. Now hurry, as I want a house right away. 218 Board of Trade. ' - -. . Hotpl Owners ", 10(1 acres. Just 3" miles from one of the best towne in the valley. This place is all in cultivation, has extra goouV buildings, and ' is all stocked and equipped, ready to move upon, price $11,000. Owner will exchange for good hotel either in Portland or fceottle, for full amount A DeYoung, 614 Chamber of Commerce. " . -. - v - WILL TRADE. . ' All or a portion of 40 acres set to nignesi graae or -.winter ' apples, two years old; located In best tart of Grande Itonde Valley; have small lncumberance dae-lti' three years. Will take unen-. cumbered property in Portland fop equity. .Give full description and all details ef your' property when writing. : . JJECURITy LAND, & TRUST CO. . La Grande, Ofepon. HERE are 16 acres of orohard, all first ' class trees, IV. -miles from R. It. sta tion; will trade for house and lot in" city. - - WATSON & TIIETIICELSEN CO 806 Spalding bldg, " Main 75H2. . MODERN home, new, to exchange for v food . farm. - v. - -Imber claim worth $10,009, tor good home. - .: - -' . - , . Business property,' worth $8800, -foa timber. - - - . - . . BEH OUR EXCHANGH1 LIST, - .r Chas. Rlnglcr Co.. 211 Lewis bid. , ' Cheap Land - I hav some cnoit Portland Inta nA 1 cash to trade for cheap sknA in Oregon or Washington, billy r Togged off. T - liu room hotel, noslllveiv beat In Pnrl. land, financial showing at this of fice, -never been offered -for trada be fore, for clear property with cash value of $7500, Don't offer anything: else to tis. 619 Board of Trade. HAVE fine house with 63x168 foot lot close in, Los Angeles, to exchange for acreage near Portland and near carllne. WATSON & THERKKLSEN CO- , . 806 Spalding bldg. . , Main 7692. I HAVE $20,000 worth "of"choice lois In! ' Irvlngton, free of Incumbrance. -1 will trade for good farm or income proper ty; can pay some cash. -1 want in hae from owners only, and.'detaUs la first letter., Z-103f- JournaL . . Zlhi ACRES. 12 acres .in onl Mviiinn balance cordwood, fair farm building and livestock, mile from railroad; price? $3400 to eitcbange for house and lot or lots. - 801 H e nry bl dg. f-''V HAVE -82000, CLAIM ' as' part payment 5 on houso, and bal ance cash up to $4000, either Hawthorno. Hunnyslde or Laurelhurst ; 309 Ry EiT Ford. -- -. ... -': ' ... --w - 100 ACRES fertile land, near Canby. . Or.; i suitable for', subdividing into small tracts; vilj. exchange for stock of merchandise." ? G. A. Cobb, 1018 ; Yeon omit..- Triinnq, or, 'THE sun looks as ruddv a'nii rl . bright.'1 Griffin & Small, with their Clean-cut and honest trades. " Try them. 4j3,;RothcMM.lddg."K'::.,, FIVE aoreo, all . improved, $ ,,' room houseete., Close to railroad station. $1000. Will sell or trade for house in -city. g30 Lumber Exchange bldg. EEST located unincumbered -Peninsula lots to exchange for nrortgage or con tract. ! R. B. Carey, Pen, Sta. . W'd'ln 40. 60x100 warehouse corner,, will trade fori " auto and mortgage, Eastlund, 603 Worcester niog, t.-r. ' ..i...,J . ' ' 1 - "ou wn l"re & Baker0 444' SS bide.. 3d ini On Mar 2654. ONE to four houses and $1800 mortgage ' - for cheap; land.-dalry ranch, apart ment house. Parker, 603 Corbett bldg. WK 611 and exchange , farms, houses and- autos. Wagoner Hunt. 435 Chamber of Commerce. 81 695. , , TEN acres of land et Eulli CityfllOOO. V-wiu exchapge for Btock. 14-Unlou ave." a; -"'.: -r, -:-""- -.- ; "; TO TRADE Fine orchard proposition for .hotel or routiilnsr house. U-147, Journal. ' WILL tcmle lot for visible typewriter. V-110,' Journal. v I'OU RENT I AKMi -1 , t