- . 1 .. .. . . ) TIIS OKEG6tT DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVCNIKG, IyCS"giff 3 12:'. ' . ' J ;.i;o pictures DEPICT INDIAN LIFE T Indian will eonio Into hi own on t f afternoon and evening or leeniber i:; tho linker theatre, when, through :. photouraplitc art of 4 ward S. Cur t f.f Seattle, rJ the musical genius ,.f lionry K. -Gilbert of iioslon. the his rv (if i.!a vaco In sonh" tory and pic i.ivn will be rrefeiitpd l;l a novel enter JUDGES PICKING THE WINNERS; AN INTERESTING FEATURE OF THE SHOW r , , ; f i f - : J )' ; 1 . X -Brcad-'&r "Cause it's filiin"' N ' v Vv- V A 'PJxppp n ,, pp.Ptmrpmxv appk p ky$L -; , : i & J pii-ph'cs of the Visiting Nurse associa 1 1 orw .. " ;v-,; V V;"' k i ;S"f ?;y In piving an outline of tills wonderful miorUlnmcnV whlcU has Jieert Riven with phenomenal success in all of the lurse eastern citi!. and in some of them many times, Mr. Curtis BaId:;-r.-V-'.i:-;' ' For' this picture-nrusleal entertaln ' incut, I have selected the mont iniport nnt, the fnoBt beautiful pictures of my Ufa work, and arranged tbeni in; series i.-pietiiiK great ceremonies, Illustrating important thoughts, picturing the trage dy and the pathos of life. . To accom pany each of these aeries, Henry F, Oi bert, the gifted New Tork composer, has written musical setting- which Rives, !n a striking and beautiful' way, the composer's interpretation of the picture, , "'Kor-i)(8'.basi';,lnteriarnSlr.v61lbfrt h.-.s drawn uponHhe inaTiy hundred of phonographic records ' I liaVo made" of Inilisn songs, prayers and chants. The resultant production of original Indian ' music, is so full, of color and oharm that it can almost be said that Mr. Gil l"'i t has painted pictures in music the liirinony -between the pictures-and the music is such that one can scarcely till whether his emotions have been reached through his sight or through 1 l-i In urlng. "1 have Iouk wanted to place before the people of Portland something of the atmosphere of Indian life that part of the life which the artist and poet would t-f'c und feel- the part which the Indian would express only when In touch with . sympathetic nature. 'Tictures alone, however full of mys tery and atmosphere, can hardly reach that subtlety so much deslrod; written vords, however poetic, caa scarcely ex press It, . But pictures combined with music the cooperation of the composer and the artist should be able to reach cvt-ry emotion, and so it has proved.", I i: - '-:?'?' WfPP I- :i : vM . 'Ct:-;.. i.u.Jii-"1..- 1 j. luil,jji...;, i l ..I;1!11,!!1... ."'..J .,'Mi'iJ ' :i vjs,.:,. PPPsmKPPm - 1 ' f Av -1 i ! J ? .... P V P - ' Stoa iiii lit ii 1 1 1 in im im rw r BOWS OF BLUE RIBBON . AT CHICKEN SHOW ARE CAUSING BIG SMILES - (Continued From Page One.7 T" ; Newbtrg; fifth, Sunny Crest I'oultry Farm, JilllBaale. C'ii aerelfi Flrt-t, R. A. Palmer, Port land; second, 3. C. Carter, Salem; third, It. J. Hanney, Vancouver; fourth, Wi l. lirown, fot-Uand; fifth, U W. Frassler. MHwaukle. i-!atk Mlnorcas Pullets First, U II, Baker, Portland; second, tiorensen Bros., Gresliam; tall others V disqualified ). Cocks First, i IL Baker, Portland; sec ond, A. W. Parks, Portland. liens Fir&t, u It Baker, Portland no others). Cockerels Sorensen Bros., ", third (no lu st or second). , . ' -. White Minorcas Hens First, Colura l ia Poultry Yard, Peninsula; (no seo- C. Brown Leghorns Cocks First, Warren pray. Jefferson; second, Walter LHlinn, Hillsboro; (no third), Cocker els First and second. Warren Gray, Jef ferson; third, fourth and fifth, , Joe fcauniters, Portland. Pullets First, Joe Saunders; fifth, Sorensen Bros, r - 31uC Andulasians Pullets First, So renscti Eros.;- second. Dr. Everett M. Hood, Portland,; Henai First, Sorensen Bros. Cockerel Second, Sorensen Bros. S. S. Hamburrs Cocks, flrat, Walter Roswurm. Forest Grove; second, E. C Fcthy, Portland. Pullets, first and ec ond, Walter Roswurm. Cockerels and hens, first,, second, third, Walter Ros ' wurm, Wljite Fa4- Black - Spanish Hena, first and second, E. J. Hufford. St Jolins. Cocks, first and second, E. J. Hufford. Cockerels, second and third, K. J. Hufford.- rullet, first and second. 13. J. Hufford. - - ... Columbia Plymouth Rocks Cocks, first. Mrs. F. K. Walsh, Olympla, Cock- ; mi . '.V:;'::;:':v:::::''': ; -I P,. ' i; " . ' "PP ' ' -v ' ' ' :'P, JJ 'r-lf A3 4 , . - , P' ' At top H. H. Collier, judging a cockerel. Large cockerel at left is'prlze winner In Buff Leghorn class, owne4 by G.; "W. Lonsdale, 8723 East . .Forty-ninth street. Below Miller Purvis, judge, and Light Brahma cockerel, winner, owned by Edward Shearer, Estacada,' Or. v erel, second, Mrs. F. K. Walsh. Pullets, first, second, third, Mrs. F."K. Walah. Hens, second, Mrs. F, K. Walsh. While Wyahdottes Cocks, first, 3. A. Griffin, Eugene; second, J. R. Hamilton, Metzger; third, C. II. Chrlsman, Port land; fourth, D. N. Lash, Woodburu; fifth, Harry Marx, Lents. Cockerel, first, Mrs. R,- J. Longtln, Portland; second, J, R Hamilton rthlrd, W. D. K&lly, Port land; fourth. El Pornemlr Poultry yards, Portland; fifth, Harry Marx. STATE MlNE CONGRE S The regular business of the Oregon branch of the American Mining con gress was' Tield yesterday afternoon in the Portland hotel, ; Officers were elect ed and several resolutions dealing with work in connection with the plans of the government adopted. Delegates from the mining districts from all over the state were present, i Those who were elected are Thomas C. Burke, of Baker, president; C B. Wat son, of Medf ord, vice president; H. N. Lawrle, Portland, secretary : and treas urer; C. W. Rlddell. . Portland; E. H. Sessions, Portland; II. , H. " Schwartx, Portland; T. C. Baker, of Baker; J. A. Howard, of Baker; Frank Betta, of Cor nucopia; H. M. rarks, of Coryaiys; F. T. Newman, of Medf ord, and S. Blanch ard," of Grants Pass, f fiirecters.7 ' T; (Among the resolutions adopted vwas ona i urging President-elect Wilson i"to appoint as secretary of the interior a man from, the land states, and another urging congreas tc- pass a bill giving to land and mineral claimants th right Of trial in the federal' courts and the right of appeal to the supreme courts, v Copies of these resolutions are to be sent to President-elect Wilson and to congress, also to other branches of the mining congress. - UNCLE JOE SURE THAT T. R. WOULD RETURN IT i (Special to The Journal.) , Washington, Dec. 10. The attention of "Uncle Joe" Cannon was called re sently to the subscription of $1 made by "J. 0. Cannon.' Illinois,"' to the Bull Moose campaign.' The - list which In cluded, the name, was filed by the Na tional Progressiva committee. " ninclo Joe's" full name Is Joseph Ourney Can non. He has beeu a standpatter for more than half a century. ' :tWhe tht question was put. to tlnole Joe today he looked a trifle dazed and a letter he was reading slipped out of his hands and fioatea to the floor. "I, not Why should I?" inquired he peevishly, then a slow smile spread over his features. o "Believe me," he said with expression, "I have no doubt that If I contributed a dollar to his campaign and he heard, of It. Theodore would send It back.1?: And be chuckled. -' A clip to be fastened to the edge of any utensil to prevent a knife, fork of spoon sliding Into it has teen patented by an Illinois man. ; - ' - Records Given Away Free. We have received 1000 more of the new demonstration records. : Every caller -at our beautiful daylight talking machine department (second floor) who has a dtso talking machine and has not heretofore received one of these demon stration records will ba glvsn .one frea. Ellers Music House, talking-machine headquarters, Seventh and Alder. , . The Light for the Home r StSE use the Jaest lamp you can buy is the Kayo. : There is no glare; no flicker. The light is soft and clear. "The Rayo is a low priced lamp, but you cannot get better light at any price. Rayo lamps are lighting more than three million homes, . Save the Children's Eyes and .Your Own, , The 'iST. Made In various si PortUaJ, . Lighted without removing chimney of ' Easy to clean ana rewtciu styles and for all purposes. ' At Dealers Evryuher9 STANDARD OIL COMPANY t (Callfamia) , t . - ' Saa Fraaebca Christmas Specials On Fine Wines, Liquors, Etc. Good until December 24th. Order To-Day! 3ES3 Christmas Special No. 1 1 rull Quart Real McCoy. Bonded. .... .$1.25 . 1 Full Quart Rose Oty Spcud.....,...$li3 . 1 Dottle Ctus Noble. Bourbon.., .tlJi 1 Botlli Monticello Pye.......... .V..I13 ExprtM prrptld ( rear laml - exprei afilce fw. .... ..... ' 12.00 .$4.00 Christmas Special No. 2 1 Full Quart Rose City Sfcll,.,v..'ll 23 I Bottler Cognac Brandy $1 25 ' I Quail California Port Vine..,.,.t0.7i 1 Bottle Apricot Cordial , 11.00 1 Bottle Barllett Prar Cordial,. ....... tlU 1 Bottle Rock and Rye, for cold $0.73 $6.24 .$5.00 Expnti prepaid t yedr nnmt tsprcu pt) tea for. , . ,, J Christmas Special No. 3 S Cation of Extra Fin Port Wine, refu -lar price $1.00 I plloo. to.00 Hardwood Keg .'...Y....S1.23 Neat Faucet.;.....'. .......... Si ' Frdrnt prepaid! to your ntart j (tatioa for . -ei' I6A0 .$5.00 Christmas Special No. 4 , 8 Pints of California Sparkling Wine. aim- ... ' . flat in Champngne, packed In a bcauuV fui basket. iikh may be used for pl, - ntc lunches, etc : Regular price el ' 73c eyh i.;L.iJ,.......;..$4.M . Buket ................,.'. ....JIM. $6.00 . Eiprea prepaid t yoor sum exprea ttice for. .$4.50 1 n -ll W- : ll'lS -1ilr Silfj (rri? fp' ffryf"f rrvr WA, :ff.ff.&RaY.-fiROff.R: s FOUR STORES 401 HAWTHORNE AVE SS2ka , 595 WASHINGTON ' 142 SECONDS Telephone All Delivery ler to. East 867, B-1615. . 405 HAWTHORNE Wvwvwvv SUGAR Dry Onions F Potatoes j Vmy's Rose Flour 18 pounds .$1.00 J2 pounds for 25 pcr sack .75c " ?-Z0 y 4.65 Per sack . . . $5.50 20 pounds for . .25c Pcr sack. Per barrel. " ' 1 L' ft'" t - , - i H- , DOUBLE S. & H. GREEN TRADING STAMPS On all goods bought at our stores and carried home by the customers Wednesday. Also We' will give double stamps on all orders phoned in tonight, Tuesday, after QrSQstofes openall night Delivery made Wednesday Good telephone systeml . T ' , ' - ' - - AOIONDS WALIVITTS SODA CRACKERS J BELLAMY'S JSEW POPCORN 2 Years Old. BRAZIL NUTS. FIL- 25c PACKAGES BLEND 40c COFFEE Extra Dry. Sure to Pop. BERTS 20c PER POUND TODAY t LfC 3 Pounds for. . . . . . . .$1.00 3 pounds 25c 10 lbs. 70c : '- "': v -" ' ' ;' : -i :: Tha Best VU-mggX .Ws.".. . Double Btamps 10 extra Stamps with 3 lbs. .. .. ,-v t, Phone All Orders for Delivery to Main Store, B181S; E. 867 WiM Rlarlrhprri fn fW HOME PASTRY DEPARTMENT-r405 HAWTHORNE AV. Vlia DiaCKDerneS m yuart Jars tcmonPIc,.;) Cakes to order, 10c, PumpkinPlc.V l ull Jars Home Product Only Store in , ; Chocolate Pic. (Q A 15c, 25c and Up. Apple Pie. , (1 P Cleanliness AKC ,er City That Can ; Mlncc Pic; . ; . Tril)le gtamps with Crainberry Pief 1 Guaranteed "g Jar Supply This Article Crcam Pie ..)vugoodg taken home. PcachPlc. : fe A Premium of 50 Extra Green Trading Stamps tb Every Customer Purchasing a $10 Order m Wwvww' 5f ROSE CITY IMPORTING CO. 17 North First Street, Portland, Oregon L HANDSOME CATALOG FREE CANNED MILK , 3 Tins Carnation. . . ;25c 2 Tins Holly....;, ...... 15c 4 Tins Yclloban... 25c -Enisle Milk pjr tiiit-m-r-rloc- CANNED FRUITS Apricots..... .',.,.,15? and 25? Peaches . . , ... ...... .15? and .25? Pineapple. . ; . .".15.? and 25? Raspberries, quart jars. .35? eJ-HtIckreberfres;-qtTjarsr:745r NORTHERN SPY APPLES $1.10 PER BOX ORANGES Very Large, Fancy 40c PER DOZEN ;15 PER BOX: Pi-V-- ftrmii r".wil...jiUj fpuTi r ?! r? r i; ffP'Pf ? 1 CwvrayAv $3 ... . , . 1 f Si : it . . ... ; c i ; Vj-I JIJTJLILIULU j.J WWWV' Vwwwvw DELIVERIES MADE AVEDNESDAY TO irvington, mount tabor, Brooklyn; west side.- SELXWOOD'TIIURSDAYr ... .J 1L Great Northerh Railway . TRANSCONTINENTAL SERVICE ; v f ; ELECTRIC UGHTED TRAIN For St' Paul Minneapolis and Chicago Leaves Port . land Daily 7:00 p. m. rThfough Standard p ... , A v 1 and Tourist Sleepers '. . TO CHICAGO IN 72 HOURS '. . - , ; Leaves Daily at 9:55 a. m. ' . Coastj iine'r Service ; ' For Tacoma, Seattle, Vancouver, B. C, and Interme ' - diate Points . . " . THREE DAILY TRAINS ' Leave Portland 10 a. m., 5 p. m., 12:15 Midnight All Trains From Hoyt Street Station, ! i 1th i and Hoyt Tidcets, Berths and Parlor Car Seats , at City Ticket Office, 122 3d . . Street, and at Depot H. DICKSON, C. P. & T. A. fel