The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 10, 1912, Page 18, Image 18

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r to J :---z4J
RBf.f O. SllB '
Ncv Pastor of East Side Bap
tist Church Delivers Sal- :
-; utatory Sermon. f ; ,
Los Angeles Fight Fans Re
semble the Bunch of Jef
fries' Palmy Day.
r-n ..a fiM- f aail liT- v
Los Angeles, Dec. 10,- Before another
day has passed either Jim Flynn or
Luther Mccarty will be eliminated en
a i immediate contender for the -white
heavyweight championship of the world.
The men meet tonight at Vernon In a
ae-hedaJed 20 round bout, the winner to
tnett'Al Paser on Sew Wi Jay for
McCarey'a; heavyweight championship
belt and a valid -claim to the tlt:.
Flynn will probably': enter the rlnj
weighing about 190 pounds.- The Puebl'i
fireman , hag' persistently refused to t
mount the scales before witnesses and
the report ' baa gone abroad that; he
weighs, less , than in any of "his pre-
; vious appearances in: Los rAngeles. : lt
'. Is known, , however, that he is. In won
derful shape, and he has been mad an
even money choice against his heavier
opponent ' v 5
McCarty with 205 pounds of virile
young muscle, ' nas won many friends
among the Los ; Angeles fans by tils
preliminary workouts here, and will not
go to the post without substantial back.
The fight tonight; baa created mora
general interest than anv heavyweight
battle staged In Los Angeles since tho
raimy days of Jim Jeffries.; Practical
ly every seat for the performance has
been sold out and Promoter McCarey ex
pects one of the largest crowds that evr
lined the famous Vernon fight shed.
Several attractive preliminaries have
been carded. These Will be out of the
way for the heavyweight battle at about
io clock tonight .
Mt. Angel Defeats Dallas,
" 48neial to fh Inurrul 1
Mount Angel, Or Dec. 10. The Mount
Angel college basketball team won its
opening game of the season Here by de
feating Dallas college by a score of S3
to 11. - The Mount Angel center landed
Ithe ball in his own territory without
any difficulty and the speedy, forwards
by Quick unaerhand passes dropped it in
the baskets. Dusseau was the bright
light of the game, scoring five goals.
Van Ordel and Smith played well for Dal
las, . The lineup: Mount Angel, Kennedy
and Scholi, forwards; Carson and Dus
seau, center; Sullivan and Kronberg,
guards. Dallas college, Farley and
Smith, forwards;' Van Ordel, center;
Foster and BurUe, guards.
, Corpse Challenged Oldtimerc.
. ' Fnlted Prew LeMi ttlre.i '
Xew York. Dc. 10. "The 'corpse
dared us to take him on one at a time,
He said be could lick the whole outfit."
This was the assertion of veteran
Broadway sporting men today who Jour
neyed to JSheepshead Bay to attend the
newspaper made funeral of "Brooklyn
Jimmy" Carroll, aa; old time prhw
flghter. -A New York newspaper had
Jimmy dead from injuries received In a
train accident. The "corpse" eat at a
window when an imposing - array oi
taxtcabs drove up to his door. One
vehicle carried 1500 worth of flowers.'
'. Oakland Fans to See Fight. -
lUutted Pre Uiied Wlr.i
Oakland, CaL, ,Dec 10. Fight fans
here today look forward to the scheduled
match between Tommy McFarland and
Baba pjcato before the West- Oakland
club tomorrow night with a great, deal
of expectancy, Picato was arrested In
Medford, Or., recently for appearing la a
right with Bud Anderson, and it waa
feared that the litigation resulting
might prevent hla appearance here. A
telegram from Picato, however, Ceclares
that he will be on hand. j
Crown Beats Riley. ,
f United frem Lrued Wire.)
. New. York, Dee. 10. Knockout Brown
f New York today has to hit credltan
easy decision over Toung Riley, also of
la all caaes of excessive brain tag, nerr
oonea, iadlceition, colds, grip, coryza,
OTer-liiduJeeuce. or headaches from any
ranae er hi all condition ol pain, (out, '
neuralgia, acute or chronic rheumatism,'
eta, ata. prompt, sale itliet is to and in
TkM wii fill rtniii nttar iti
Itanium. Trf 1
s. Ask Yew Dragglat ft
I Automobile
Zcrolene leaves prac
' tically no carbon. It
.'"stands up" under
any speed and heat.
, Sold in Vt, 1 and S gallon,
cans the small cans flat
lhape, easy to handle just
fit itt the tool box.
For Sale Everywhere
Standard OilCompany
., , .Call fornla.
1 1 ' Portland San Franrlar
l ''r""".. iiwintis mmtm 'ft j.
" " '- - ' -
Caspar vWeia, dwarf, appearing at
the Empress , theatre.
Caspar Wels, midget at the Empress,
Is the husband of Queen Mab, also a
dwarf, with whom he appears in vaude
ville. . He was born In Oermany and
his tiny helpmeet Is a native of France.
The dwarfs are the owners of. the
Fanny ' Davenport estate near Canton,
Pa., and they make that their home
when not engaged on the stage fn this
country .or abroad. Several rooms of
their mansion are fitted up especially
for them and for dwarfs who visit them
and other apartments are kept in shape
for "big people."
That part of the house Where the
stage pigmies make their abode Is like
a huge aoiinouse. Tno chairs are or
the baby type, a piano hardly larger
than a cracker box is in the parlor, the
beds are like cribs, the stove is a tiny
affair and everything needed by the
housewife Is there in miniature. Wets
Is smaller than TomThumb. lie ap
peared in Portland for the first time
IS years ago as a member of the orig
inal German Lilliputian company. At
that time Wels could not speak a word
of English. Now he Is fluent in the
use of several languages. His tiny wife
also la a linguist.
New York. Each of the 10 rounds be
longed to Brown, who completely out
classed Riley.
Dundee to Meet Britisher.
(United Preu Leased Wire.)
New York, Dec. 10. Johnny Dundee,
the local featherweight. Is matched to
day to meet Eddie Morgan, the English
crack. In a 10 round bout hero next
Thursday night Dundee recently re
turned from Lo? Angeles, where he de
feated Frankie Conley in a 20 round
Hirers Is Offered Fight.
railed Prw teaaed Wlrt.
New "York. Dec. 10. To secure Joe
Rivers, 'the Mexican lightweight, for a
10 round battle against Knockout Brown
here January i, Dan McKettrlck, fight
promoter, announced today that he had
wired an offer of J 3 000 to come east.
McKettrlck expects a reply today. ,
The blanket franchise desired by the
Portland Railway, Light & Power com
pany will have included in it an amend
ment providing a stopover not to ex
ceed one hour, If a recommendation by
the East Side Business Men's club at
luncheon in the Clifford grill yesterday
afternoon carries with, the city council
and executive board. -
The study which the club has under
taken of the advantages of municipally
owned lighting and telephone systems
was furthered by facta presented by It
D. Wagnon, who said that an automatic
telephone service In Alberta owned by
the state, and by the city of Edmonton,
has resulted in a charge of $30 a year
for business and 20 for residence, al
though elaborate extensions are being
met out of these charges.
As to the economy of municipal light
ing plants ha cited the Instance of Ta
coma, where the largest city owned
power plant in the United states Is lo
cated, and which supplies power at 2.4
cents a kilowatt hour down to .98 nf
cent per kilowatt hour, and thus fur-
nisnes reason ror lactones seeking cheap
power to com there. Mr. Wagnon as
serted that the city now controls power
from its head works on Bull Run and
from Its reservoirs sufficient at least to
light the city, and undoubtedly suffi
cient to furnish power for many pur
poses. L. M. Lepper, chairman of the day,
speaking in relation to telephone ser
vice, declared that where lm ram, from
in California the Pacifio Telephone com
pany cnaggea ji a month for residence
telephones and 12.25 a month for busi
ness, or less than half the charge here.
The amendment proposed to the fran
chise la Intended to favor east side and
west side people altica who have una for
stop-over privileges.
(Coifed Prraa leaned Wire.)
London, Dec. 10. With a crowd of
Americans bent on spending Christmas
at homo,-" Madame Lutaa TetrazjsJnl is
today on her way to New York aboard
the Mauretania. When asked concerning
the story that she , was afraid to sing
at the Metropolitan Opera, House, Mme.
Tetrazzfni laughed heartily.
"Nonsense." she aak. "I sang there
12 times last winter and enjoyed it I
shall not ting there this season be
cause my engagements require my pres
ence elsewhere, including San Francisco,
where I am to open ..the new Tlvoll
Opera House." '
DOals Is niountlrur th rnrirlnrn limt
forward of amidjihVps to avoid inter,
ferenoa with tbe propellers and to keep
the craft from skidding on turns.
' Gillette Vazors all kinla, .Kau,
Stornjif Applause Greets Tina
Lerner in Concert, at Ma-"
sonic Temple.
Tina Lerner, Russian pianist, played
at the Masonic Temple last night and
completely captivated her audience. The
people sat spellbound to the conclusion
of each successive' number and then a
storm of applause swept the auditorium
In a way that left no doubt as to Us
genuineness. There was no: restlesBijees
or wearinces when Miss Lerner played;
she seemed to iiypnfttize, with the very
first touch Upon the keys. . .. '
Miss Lerner la a recognized artisc
Of the first rank: in Europe.; This Ja her
first American tour, and consequently
first visit on the Pacific coast, and one
rMlzes soon that she Stands far above
the averase concert pianist.1 Her read
ings and technic seem to merge so per
fectly that the most difficult ' composi
tions are played with as much ease and
assurance as the ' most almjilo, from
witicn, oy tne way, sne seems capable or
bringing out a most remarkable weaiti
of charm and beauty. If anything, tnls
woman pianist knows how to produce
that luscious, singing tone that so few
artists inaotd understand how to" bring
from the piano. ' -' - v ! i
..The program last night ".Was .ekoep-,
tlonally, well chosen, consisting of Mo
zart's Larghetto, Weber'a Rondo Bril-
llante, Schumann's Sonata, op. 2. F
sharp minor; three Chopin Etudes and
Nocturne, op. 48; Tauslg's . Valse Cap
rice on Strauss' "Man Lebt nur Elnmal";
and Liszt's "Sonetto de Petrarca" and
Spanish Rhapsody. While- the recalls
were almost endless, Miss Lerner did not
respond with any -encores,' and to- this
respect, too, she showed excellent dis
crimination. , ' r .
Thla was the Initial concert of the
Portland Musical association's first sea.
son, and it could hardly have been a
more, brilliant, success." The club's next
concert will be at the Ilelllg, January
15, when Maud rowell violinist, will
be the artist. Officers and members of
the club are Mrs. Warren E. Thomas,
president; Mrs. Rose Bloch-Baucr, vico
president; Mrs. John F. Logan, acting
secretary; Mrs. Delphine Marx, treas
urer; Mrsr. Rose Coursen Reod, Mrs.
Robert Strong, Mrs. Emma B. Carroll,
Mrs. F. P, Young, Mrs. Beatrice Dlerke,
Mrs. Lulu Dahl MUler and Mrs. W. A
T, Bushong.
Tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock the
club will ' present Miss Lerner In an
Invitation concert at Christiansen's hall.
The purpose of the association Is to
give Portland opportunity to hear first
class artists at reasonable prices.
(United Piwe Itw Wire.
WashlnRton, Dec' 10.--An appeal was
mde to President Taft today for action
in purifying the national capital by sup
pressing "brothels and certain hotels."
Tho appeal is the outgrowth of a 'meet
ing last night, presided Over by Senator
Kenyon of Iowa, father of a bill which
would eliminate the segregated district
.r .V;
6 O.
T l .
nL y.-A
. .c, 'CXrC'V
Jltls great to b praaidenf-sanatoq
a great scholar, but )t is. much greacer
to be a preacher, and send forth the
message of the gospel, said Rev. W
O. Shank, the new pastor of the East
Side Baptist hurch in nis 'initial ser-
jrion to an . audience that filled to ca
pacity the structure ..Sunday morning.
Rev. Mr. Shank arrived in this city Frl.
day to take charge. of the pastorate, left
vacant by Rev. Albert Ehrgott, several
months ago. 1 '
The address of nelcome to, th new
pastor was given by Rev. C. A. WoodJy,
representing the Baptists' association Of
the state and of the entire- northwest
In his opening greetings to tho Con
gregation Kev. Mr. Shank said that he
had no special Address of weloome to
give, but ttrtit his welcome to' the peo.
pie. of the "Church ; would" continue
throughout the year and very. day. .
"My creed isi lo preach the gospel of
Je.?us ChrlBt,- help men. and women and
lead t, to. Christ" ho said. . 'That
Is the. creed -of . the Baptist church-as
I understand it." ' - '
- Tbe new paator took his subject from
Daniel sell: 2, "And they that are wise
shall shine'as firmanent' ,
"The question, 'What is Wisdom,' has
been asked through ages and a great
many answers have given," he said.
"The scholar .sought for tho answer in
vain and the scientific man had looked
for it in tho blowpipe, but found It not.
The stole, the Hindu and the atheist had
sought the answer, but failed, and gaO
to the human family no answer.
The stoic said that It consisted In v!r.
tue, but placed the human pace and the
animal . on the same plane, whereas
man differs from the beast in that he
has a souL. The answer is not ia tne
pleasure of eating and drinking, and in
the .pleasures of life. The fear of
Lord Is the beginning of wisdom and Is
the answer to the question, and Chris
tianity Is tho fundamental of Ufa
"Perhaps the greatest Invention from
the genius of. man Is, Wireless teleg
raphy. The wirttess spark being sent
forth from the .' Titanic when it was
sinking brought an answer and help.
If the genius of man can do this won
derful, thing. It Is not unreasonable to
think that the' supremo being can alao
telegraph his messages to his peopl
Wireless requires that the sender and
receiver shall be in tune in order to
transmit the message, and so the hu
man soul must be in tune, to recetv
this message from God."
An informal reception to the pastor
and his family followed tho sermon, and
was offielntX'd over by Rev. F. B. A.
Smith, senior deacon of the church.
Rev. Mr. Shank came here from Win
field, Kansas, where he bad charge of
a Baptist pastorate for several years.
He Is a graduate of the Baptist Theology
college of Rochester, New York.
The Illinois Manufacturers' associa
tion has deckled to form a casualty In
surance company to write accident In
surance under the new workmen's corfl
pensatlon law.
Out of
the Duke's
Mixture Sack
Many men arc
rettins untold
pleasure out of
the Uszett&Mvers
Duke'B " Mixture sack.
One 5c package holds
many plpeful3 of pure, mild
mokinff or. If you Dlease.
it will make many cigarettes of
the food old-fashioned kind that you
roll yourself.
Duke's Mixture, made by the
Liggett & Myert Tobacco Co. at Dur
ham, N. C, is the favorite with ciga
rette (smokers. It's the tobacco that,
makes 'rolling" . popular with men
who want the true taste of pure,
mild, selected tobacco. I -: -
We're maldnff this brand tho leadsr of
its kiad. Pay what yoti will, yon cannot
Sit better granulated tobacco thaa thiko's
a utt "tiU Bet the Bam8 b,S onB CT' f
half onnca sack enough to make man
cigarettes for 6c And with each sack
yon get a book of cigaretto papers and a
present coupon, FREE.
Save tha Present Coupons
"With the coupons you can pet many
. handsome, desirablo presents articles
suitable for men, women, boys and girls.
Something for every member of tho
household. ,
, Special offer for November end
Pecembcr only--
-.OST iUust catalogs of pres
ents will be scntiree to anyone who
ends us their name and address.
. N ATI ID A f 1 IT 3-.V. . rTtA.jr :
ETTES. and cihtr Un or eouon HtYA
tsstvdbw, tf
Addressmnhun-Dt . fk
r , t Louis, Mo, p'
St, Louis, Mo,
V;.....;: (United frmm T,a4 .Wire.)1
- Belgrade, Deo. 10. F.xcltement prevails
as a result of a report that Austro-Him-galrian
authorities at Flume had seized
the steamer Hegedlsch, carrying a cargo
of. 800 tong of flour consigned to the
Servian army At Durazzo. Austria, it
was announced. Intends to confiscate the
flour for Its own army, If the report
u Is TeneraHy TieneveoT that war
between -Austria and'Servla will be de
clared' at once. 4-Ti";
Tokio, Dec 10. Co.unt Terauohl has
not accepted the premiership of Japan.
Friends her today say Tcraueht will
not accept because ha cannot get a free
hand in his cabinet selections. Great
political confusion prevails over the
situation. . .
Don't pay 50 cent for worthless hair tonics-Us8 toI3,
reliable, harmless Llandenne Uet results:
Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy
hair Is mute evidence of a neglected
scalp; of dandruff that awful scurf.
There Is nothing so destructive to
the hair as dandruff. It robs the hair
of Its luster, its strength and its very
life; eventually producing a feverlsV
tiess and Itching ot the scalp, which
if not remedied causes the hair- roots
to shrink, loosen and die then -the hair
falls out fast1 ' ' "7 . .
A little Danderlne tonight new
any tlma-vwlll surely save your hair.
" ySpecialOffer!
M ' I, III A Five-Gallon Keg of Extra Fina (m
17- -: fff
I 1 and a neat faucet, securely packet! ia :.
EUi a plain case, freight paid to your eta- 11
( g Hon, for $5.00. Wu
J3WH Rose City Importing Co. W-
" 'SL 19 North First SL, Portlana, Oregon Ml
su'. ii. r , m. ,v:.k hi ' mis i mbbsbhmw. sssr- "w .urn, i t. v'
every claim that is made as to the relief
given women by the safe, speedy and'
certain action of the famous well-known
remedyBeecham's Pills. Headaches, H
backaches, lassitude, worry, extreme
nervousness re deplorable. l v -'
They come to many women, at times,
as results of improper nourishment and
poor arculation. When you suffer
try this economical and convenient
remedy Beecham's pills.
They have
, conditions so mvariably whenever
tried,, that" they deserve
Tie fail jfWoinei
Seo how certamly
be improved and
strengthened. It
that you can be so
distress and your whole 9ystem toned up. -
Your blood ' will bo purified-rand
.then your eyes .will' oparkle, '.. your -complexion
be Epotless, your lips rosy,
your spirits iheerfulif you place justified
reliance t
tuA Ail A-umJ ii-LJ fStV
- At all dragists, 10c, 25c (
Directions of. special valiu to women art with every boa
'. i.'j m'w .yi mtm ,. m m w'.-tfjn.
The San Francisco &
Balling 4 P. M, December 12, 16,
BAN - FRANCISCO First class 10.0d,
Honolulu, Japan, China. ' Mnni la -Around the World Tours.
KXH3VCHO BAXS9 TO HOJfOli'Cn.U, $69 one wayi 110 ttonad Trip
For inside room bertha on Th Big 4, 3H. Mongolia, Manchuria, Korea. Blhtria.
AsTAJtaV UCME See th Certal l,ow Eacnrslon' Bates
it,.clr "fwco. Central and Boati .a,miloa and Wyr Tork, Rmy 10 Bays. '
(United Preu Txied Wlre.1
Washington, Dee, 10. Representative
Allen of Ohio has introduced In the
house a resolution' demanding 1 that
special house committee Investigate the
canning industry in connection - with
revelations made by a new organization
in New Torlc state. It is alleged that
deplorable conditions both as to cleanll
nesr and-chiia-iaborliexisiirar"wrean
ning industry lq practically all states,
with Mew Yorte and California worst.
It Is 'possible the congressional Inquiry
may be countrywide. ;
Christian Science 'Lectures
Francis J. Fluno. M. D.. T 8. D.. mem
ber of the board of lectureship of The
First Church of Christ. Hcinntlst of
uoision, mat's., win aenver iwo rree leo.
tures on Christian Science, the first.
Thursday evening, December 12, at I
o'clock In the Masonic temnle: th see
ond, Friday' evening, December 13, at 3
o'clock, In First Church of Christ, Sci
entist. The publlo is cordially invited.
Get a JB eent bottle of Knowlton's
Danderlne from any drug store or
toilet counter, and after the first ap
plication you will say it was th best
investment , you ever made. Tour hair
wjii jmmeaiaieiy tan on " that life,
luster and luxuriance which Is so beau
tiful. It will bucAnii van mil
and haveithe appearance of abundance;
on mcumpunun kioss ana soztness, but
what will please you most will b after
lust a fer weeks' use. v'k
actually see a lot of fine, downy hair r
new nair growing an over th scalp.
corrected such1
your digestion will
your bodily organs
will seem marvelous
quickly' relieved of
.! iiiiuihii ..
Portland Steamshin Co.
22, 27 and 81 and every five days.
$12.00, $15.00. Second Class 11.01 1
. Ill , .. ,, 1
s.ZlMZi&Q,m&l.. Kicoad, Class
Creata Bla&oa SparlltnJ
Burgundy is a medal wins)
pronounced 'tia ekoicegt of
Its type, I addYcest to
L JTWyrepaJtMad - Vy-
tand of tho ciolceit g"nrpa
of tks famocu Craita
BlaneaTtasyardf ia Lirer
mora Valley, Catforaia,
aaturally fermented K
tlta lest foreign cban
pagncs, tmootted and mel
lowed oy tjt
Sparkling Burgundy u a '"
wine that is witWt a psar
ia its ippeaKnl bouquat.
Drinlc it at your Lome, tV
your dua or ia tka res
taurant It ii as ruparior
ia quality at tk famotu
aU-over-tke-Vorld medal
winner Creata ; Blaaea
Sauterna, Iteoetiona-tlurd
taa priea of caampagac
Bowen Co
iq Frandicsv
. Portland Retail Dealers
Brnnn & Co.. 14a 1st St.
J. . KeNy.'... 164 Morrison fit
fiealy-Dreafier Co 290 Stark Bt,
National Win Co....,.29J Stark fcu
V. Oermanuss........2!8 Morxisoa St.
Woodard, Clarke i Co .,,,
Rose City Imp. Co., 1st and Burnsld
Moltz Dept Store, ,
Keystone Liquor Co tl its St.
Nd Burnphig.
No Jarring
Nd Chuck Holes
Special Christmas Offer
' Bend 60 cents In stamps and re
ceive three months trtaf subscrip
tion to the BtTNSET, lnoludins; beau
tiful mld-xvlntr bumher and Stand
riCTIONABT, defining over 0,000
words and conslstlnf of 200 paces.
This Is a special offer and, must be
Accepted prior to Deoember"jl. 1911.
Address - THUD XOCHiET, North
weetprn Manncer, BtTN3ET THB
PACiriO ISOITTHLT, Portland. Ore,
iowcaoyaja n y
X "
Foster;& KIcIsepV
, PAINTED WiUU , , 1 ,
, - . osas' -
rsst B(vata' aa4 Zaal Zvnett Rtreu
East mi. , . . . B-aaaii ,
Oceiori Humane Society
Office 330 Union Ave., Cor, Market St.
irho&e ast 1433,-B-a5l9.
rtor?e ambulame for sick or disabled
animals at a moment's notice, price
rnafonable, Wejirrt all caves of eruelty
to tills off let, Uiiuo liuy and tiluht.