10 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 10, 1912., i iPORTATlOHS OF It ESPECIAL Thousands of Dollars in Du ties Being Paid Here; Great Care ExerciseirtoPrevenj Pests. Thousands of dollars In duties are -' bain paid into the local custom house 'M? plants and bulbs coming from for eign countries on-steamers arriving at New Toric and San Franciso, and cus toms officials Bay that not only are an ' unusual amount of bulbs and plants coming this fail but extraordinary pre , cautions are being taken j to prevent MMitHcy In with thnTYl " Practically a l of the Imports in this ' ftv MmiTir from the Netherlands. It Is said," although Some are coming In on atearoers rrom japan ana omer ior tsn countries. Over $1600 In duties was naiii nti nn Khicment the other day and represents but a emaU'part of those - a ! ready paid In. , , fill ot these bulbs and plants are ex 1 ainlnaul Sv thk .tat. hoard of horticul tiire, as weUs by the customs officials. ti sea taat -tnere are a peais anions rthem. In this the department of agri culture Is carrying out a provision of an act to prevent pests being Imported ana secretary n, m. u a. 11 SaRaberry, of the state horticultural lumrH hav bien BDOointed BKents Of the department' here to look after the examination. 'i. , - Another feature of : th ' Importing of 1'uibs and plants this year is the fact tiiat they must be accompanied by a permit or tne reoerai aorucuiutrai Doara of the department of agriculture before they can be taken out of bond. While - these Importations are made every fall tney are saw 10 oa me neavi ur tht vmr that thev have ever been aod already hundreds of 'thousands pf fruit tree plants, rose plants and other various lorma oi piama ana nuios nave l.ct-n brought In to stock Oregon gardens ana orcnuius. . r- CAPTAIN . VLh MARRY Bpnedicf will be the title of Cap Are You FAT? I Was ONCE. I Reduced MYSELF r J Impulse, i took every mltH-l VieM. J, r w I fouW find. I Stum, fiweiwo. S t -i-i. Doctored nml change 'elliBnlf w t . wbrt W (ligation, f,.t IU m l..i.rti..l ninr gaiwa isftu - 1 h.-re i not i jlltl not try. I Ul.ei u reUa u. w.-Jabt 1 'drt-imod-jwelety.- as 1 did not care lo Ya U to Dire mr friendi tall uie " Im M-Mf.n, rm .ne kww H lfer Ihnn Sii KOMKTHINO MAD TO RK DONE i besaa to tody Uie came of.yaT. Wh, i md.OTerjj! the cue I foand the remedy. The that..- Reamed the obJeetLW Sur . .. uivr v"7wnn wiicb, ana zojn I trlid m KnRRAMKn UTTif mv -.u ma u, ponmia r air lmnli. er, kirmWi, Dpiilew lPihod. It waa a plrawre Ihm to coaUnne until i thciIbmi m irm.l Kit in .lie. 1 i 15 yeaiTjiiwtr jiillr.ly diMppearfd. I can walk or work tm," . . . , nlu normal in alae 1 cub neigh Juat what I want to weleh. I am i.i Bidftef vt my own hody now. -I did not atarte it Mil ete all I wanted to. 1 did not take Sweat k Itatua., 1 Uld not Uruff. I uvd no Rlectrlrttr f nr harmfttl eierclsia. but 1 fdiitid the Hlnini' . IS.ii.e. temmoe 8ene WAT of redurinir irV i::ht, and I applied It. I here tried It Va J nihrra. Jly Doctor aaya I am a perfect ulrttire t -health bow. 1 am on Irnirer allinir -1 am w happy, Iwaltby woman. Now 1 am solnis 1o help oiheff to bo happy. I have Written a lk ott the suhjeet. It you are fat. I want wm in hae It., It will tell you all about my ItermWt, Drnglesa Method. To all who end me their name and addreaa I mall It FMKE eg lui.j at the preaeat anpply ai. If 'aT(, you Mosey, Rae yon from B.rmfnl Drnn 8a e , ,ifui nutifiuii !'if, jiarmrui Exerctitea . I".tlhly aart YOUll I.IKE. It la yonra for the axkiaa without penny. Jut and your naino .1 tod addreaa. A Poatal Card will do and I'll he clad to send It o that yon can quickly learn bow to reduce Toorgelf nd lie aa happy aa I 4 p. Write today aa this adrertiaement may P4 mvyvms a.aiu lo ID1B paper. HATTTW BIPt. 70S Barclay, Denver. Colo. sit Cake-bakinfl time It is mighty hard to obtain uniform results in cake mak ing if you use butter or lard .-r-because both of these prod ucts vary so in quality. Cottolene is always uniform always produces good re cults. With its use, you can count on a certain kind of cakeibeing the same every time. , Cottolene sells at about the price of lard, and is so rich that one-third less is re quired than cither butter or lard. ; Cottoleae is never told in bulk al ways in '''ix' tight j- .n. t.if. .- un yan wuu-u yiv jr." -.Wi. . tect it from dirt. :WfJ? dust and odors. ' It tain diaries E: -Maro, master of the steamer Klamath, when he returns from Kansas City, according to Information received this morning. The captain has left tor Kansas City to get married and will be away from the vessel one trip during which time Captain C, E. Jahn. sen. former master of the steamer J. B. Stetson, will have command. The Klam ath wilt sail fbr-San .Diego Friday and tne steamer Toseftttte win sail for i.os Angeles on the eanie day. In spite of the fact that It comes on the thirteenth, the old superstition about it being Un lucky does not seem to hold good, . as both steamers are practically sold out in passenger accommodations. , EXCURSION RATES Steamers Harrard and , Yale Tlan Schedule for Holidays. , On, account of the Christmas and New Year's holidays the steamers Tale and Harvard will run south from San Fran cisco carrying passengers on special ex cursion rates 'December 20, 21 and 23, according to information received this morning by Frank Bollam. local, agent of the line. This Is the first time that this has been done and the round trip from Ban Francisco tb Los. Angeles and San Diego will be one fare of JS.70 to the former place and $10 to the latter. ALONG THE WATERFRONT Forty-five days but from .Callao, the German bark Lisbeth, Captain Hansen, arrived in the river at 10:30 this mors Ing. She made a good passage up from the west coast, coming In ballast t load wheat for the United Kingdom under charter to Balfour," Guthrlo & Company. !"r-9 " " ' , . Word was received by. General Mana ger Marcus Talbot of the Port of Port- land that the German bark R. C. Rick mera was floated at i o'clock last night, high tide, with the assistance of the tugs Winona and McCraken. The Rick, mers went aground because of an at tempt to take her down through a new channel which has been cut around out side a large rock at La Du's. Assisted by the towboat Ocklahama, the Danish steamer Arablen shifted yesterday noon from th North Bank dock to Oceanic dock. The German ship Goldbek has shifted up from the Linnton ballast dock and is discharging her ballast at the East ern & Western mills. The British steamer Lonsdale started working her cargo for Japan at tne ! Crown mills this morning and at noon' CHRISTMAS HI1MT lawwamj Hip GILLETTE SAFETY RAZORS Make appropriate and timely Christ mas Gifts for father and brother. We carry a complete line of these popular and widely known razors, in gold and silver finishes. 1 HONEYMAN HARDWARE CO. FOURTH AND ALDER STREETS rr His Favorite WHISKEY for the Man's Gift Hell appreciate a botUe or so of these delightful bottlea-ln-bond whlaklea for Christmas! You'll also want U for egff-noir, fruit cak S Uy .'1 . Nat'onal Portland's QUALITY Wine and Liquor etc Buy at the National Portland', on at.ittwi.. .a t in;,n. e.. - - BOTTLED IN BOND Cedarbrook B's. CI Jas. E. Vspper'fis, $1. Oolden weadlag- mye, full anart, 125. SHI Hill Bourbon, o,t., $1.25. Old aoTarnment Bourbon, 1.25. TeUowatone Bourbon, o.t,' 81. SO. Joel H. Frar(.r n 1 ir We can save you 25 per cent on shifted to Jdofigomery No. S to taka on more.- y r..r ' : ',. . Taking 2S00 tons of grain for San Francisco and ISO tons of salmon and prune for ,New York and Hamburg, the steamer Navajo la scheduled , to sail tonigtit ror gan Francisco. " Carrying nassengers and freight th steamer AUianca, captain Lofatedt. ar rived at 7 last sight from Eureka and Coos Bay. When the Peruvian bark O. Maaslni Captain Novo, leaves down tomorrow morning . In tow of the Monarch, he win have 887,088 feet of lumber for C'allaO. , '. ,.' '. ' ; .,' The German bark Jcrsbek. Captain Peitsmeler, cleared this morning for Tjueenstown or Falmouth for orders uh U3,?02 huthels of wheat, valiifld-a $138,722. - She la under charter to M H. Uouser. She will leave down at 8 o'clock this afternoon in tow of the Monarch, ThBAmeTtcanrbark Albert was shifted today from St Helens to the Eastern & - Western mills to load a cargo of lumber for New Zealand. The steamer Queen Elisabeth has ar rived up from Prescott to the Nortb Pacific mills to complete her-lumber cargo for Australia. MARINE NOTES , Astoria,, Or , De. .10 Arrlired at 7?30 and left up at a. nt. Steamer Klamath from oan rranciaco. 'Arrtwa at 10;30 a. jn. Jer man bark Ubeth from 'Callao.' San Fr.nclsco, Pt?e. !(. ArriTed eirame iiare.mout from Columbia mer. Arrived at ; a. ni.- steamer Waso from Colnmhla. river. I'oint Ueye, Dec. lftf Paaacd at a. m. Steamer Catault from Portland tor Fort San trfila. Astoria, Dec. 9. Arrived at 1 p. m. Gaao- UtM acboouer Tillamook from Dandon, Monterey, Pec. 0. Sailed M .8 . m. Steamer J. A. fbanslor for Prtlan4. San Pedro. Dec. O.An-lred Steamer Olym pic from I'ortland. Sailed Steamer Bearer for IVirtlaint. Arrived nd Bailed Steamer Ueo. W. Klder for hau Dieco, ,, San t'ranclacoi Dec. 0. Arrived Steamer. Avalofl. Northland nnd Leelanaw from Port land; iteamer l'oulsen from Columbia river. Astoria, Dec. 10. Cape line down; do bar report. TitM at Atorl Wedneaday Hlfh water, 2:57 a. m.. 8.9 feet: 1:5S p. m., 8.8 feet Low water 8:18 a. m.. 3.0 feet; 0:00 p. m., 0.0 foot. N Mnt Elopement Succeeds. (United Presa Leased Wire.) Ban Francisco, Dec. 10. An exciting silent" , drajna was enacted In City Clerk Munaon's office when Ralph Mler and Grace' Cloer, mutes, applied for a marriage license , while Mier's father protested vigorously lit the sign language. M unscm failed to com prehend. MUM - -Ma. av ah T f UV IMIU aVJSiMU4 VUI OTHER WHISKIES John Dewar"i Scot oh Whiskey, quart, $135. Jas. Buchanaa Black ft Whita, quart, $1-35. Watchoa'e 0. 10, o.t, $1.50. Old Smnsg-lar, 10 years in the SUwood Bourbon aad ICultBomah Holiday Cigars by the box. uj! jpa. - . j ANNOUNCE PROGRAf.1 OF TEACH mm The proprara for tha Multnomah Coun ty Teachers anniial institute, which opena at o'clock tomorrow morning In tha old-Lincoln high school auditorium. Fourteenth and Morrison streets, has just been announced. Tha nroeram In cludes addresses by a number of promi nent educerara of the northwest ao4 . Anion those who will .Mi-Ma tha teachers art H R. i?nflnn a ty,. a. partment of education of the Oregon CATARRH DISGUSTING AND UNNECESSARY "Vfhy suffer the numiliatlon of Ca tarrh, that dlscustlng' ailment -which leaves its stamp In tha form" of ichoked throat and nose, heavy eyes and Im paired faculties generally? Clover-Leaf Catarrh Remedy will fet rid of It in no time. Thla wonderful medicine imme diately benefits the mucous surfaces, cleansing and toning them, and relieving the Inf lammation-- Continuous use will effect absolute 'cure, leaving the nose and throat clean, sweet and wholesome, and allowing the pure air to reach tha lungs without obatf uction. . ' ? ; ' Get a 60c bottle of Clover-Leaf Ca tarrh Remedy at your druggist's today, and use it according to directions, if you find that it brings you no relief, we will return your money immediately. If your druggist does not carry It, send to manufacturer Clover-Leaf Pharma cy, Inc., Cloverdale, Cal. ' 1 IT AT- tar YOU HAVE INTENDED FOR A LONG TIME TO SHOW YOUR APPRECIA .; TION OF HER DEVOTION TO YOU. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE TO GET A PRESENT FOR A LITTLE MONEY. STERLING SILVER PICTURE FRAMES, HAND ENGRAVED 65 MEN'S AND BOYS' CUFF LINK AND SCARF PIN, in plush lined box.. PARKER'S FOUNTAIN PENS, 10 DAYS FREE TRIALi . ........ $1.00 STERLING SILVER THIMBLES 1 8-10 PIECE STERLING SILVER MANICURE SETS $5.50 26 PIECE ROGERS' SILVER TABLE SET, MAHOGANY OR OAK CHESTS ... ... . . ........ . : . ; . ...... $8.00 ELGIN OR WALTHAM WATCHES, 20 YEAR GUARANTEED (GOLD) CASE-LADIES' SIZE $11.50, MEN'S $9.00 ' j-tu vv nnrar WE RESERVE YOUR SELECTIONS ON SMALL DEPOSIT. placed ' rrt 4 j . we : dc Normal school; J2. T, Ressler of tha de partment ct pedagogy -of the Oregon Agricultural college; A. P. Armstrong, county school superintendent-elect of Multnomah county; Grace Da Graff, president of the Portland Grade Teach ers' association and ' vice president of the National League of Teachers' asso ciations; Mrs. .11 L, Coovert, instructor of vocal rnusla at Bt Johns and Gresham; George (Severance, superin tendent Of the western Washington ex periment station, and E. O. Elsson of tha department of Reed Institute. Sossions will be held In the mornings and afternoons beginning at I O'clock in the morning and will continue for three days. . yy. ,:,:y. ?;.;.; ::-j7i The program tomorrow morning will eoTisisrsr mnsis-inTiaafesrrDy isnx Ressler, entitled, "A Program, of Indus trial EdueauoaXor"PUlllo Schools." an address by A. P. Armstrong, entitled, "Let Us JReason Together," and an ad dress Djr1 George Severance,, entitled, "Agriculture in the Common School." . MUNICIPAL PHONES J ' W0ULDC0ST$3,00O,OOO ' TJnltd Freae Leaaed Wire. I Seattle, Wash.,; Dec. 10-It will cost Seattle J2.987.967 to instill a municipal phone system for , 80,000 'subscribers, according to the report of .Frank "B. MallK"tetephon ; .. ewert 1 engineer em ployed by the city to make Uia eetl- mate. This amount includes the cost of one main and eight branch buildings. Workman Asks Damages. , T. H. Moore, a laborer, on Oc tober , 6, 1911,, "While employed on the new Broadway tridgf, Stepped on a nail which waa sticking uprlghi in a board of the ataging at the east end, Blood poisoning developed later, and the foot had to be amputated. Today a personal damage suit Instituted by his attorneys against, tha Union Bridge & Construction company, Missouri cor DON'T FORGET YOUR WIFE CHRISTMAS urM WAltn Jplu.UU STANDARD JEWELRY STORE 141 Third Street, Near Alder Make your selection and get your order we will deliver it on Christmas morning The Wonderful Graf onola is the one fift of all gifts that will make this Christmas most enjoy able. Here is the one incomparable instrument of music ; the one in strument that holds at your command all the music of all the world ; all the recorded voices of all the world's great artists; without a" single exception. 1 Prices range from $17.60 to $250. One small payment puts any one of the 16 different Columbia instruments in your home and the balance ot purchase price can be paid year. Ask us to play for you the special now have on sale, or any other class of interested in.-' . EILERS MUSIC HOUSE The Talking quarters, Seventh and Alder, Eilers poration, which la building tha bridge, was started la tha United 'States dis trict courj. Damages amounting to $JS, 0.00 ars asked. .' ' .. OrientalRugs For GiftS Ycars aro the rusrs special 'sale were ; started by the weav ers of the East-rand perhaps three gener ations helped to pror '.duce one ru. Our buyers bought a (rreat i many at a low price-so ' now we've 1000 Rags nr a Sale just in time to help you , ,; choose. an unusually rich gift at a decided saving. ATIYEH BROS. Tenth and Alder Sis. AND UP . . . .75 AND UP on easy term next Christmas records music. you may . . Machine Head- BIdg. CREDIT EXTENDED I mmmmma.!tr $30,000 aYear , r A AMti aa. at a. a Tountf orood'dearinjp your iaea or a iaunary service? 4 -" " v.. .r Can't you recall the many times , when "you've been promised work back on a ; certain day, onlyto be dis appointed? The Troy will get your bundle back on time!- We ' spend " $30,000 a year for our delivery service. Our Idriyers are experienced, ef-T ; ficient latindrymen., , Resolve NOV to gve the , Troy a trial next week I ; You'll thank vourself vo'u , Jtook the,step . . .1' LAUNDRY CO. Phones: East 33, B-6218.. fot.ford BerrioeT SEE OUR COMPLETE DISPLAYS Of - . ; All the Newest Model . Gillette Safety Razors Pocket Sets $5.00, Combina tion Sets $6,00 to $25.00 America's Largest Drug Store Alder St at West Park. Something to be Desired for-both beauty anil service mar be se lected rrom aur tx t.n.lva MuMmMi a Small rurslture and Decorauva Novelties. Mirrors, Lampa, Candlesticks and Book Rests, Marble and Bronsa Statuary, Willow "and TVleker small ruraiture, Ma hogany, Library, SewiVig and tip-top Tables. I . ' , ,. ... P. A. Taylor 130 TENTH ST. . MarthaU 3819. A-4681 Angora Sweaters Regular $6.50, now $150 Regular, $7.50, now $6.00. Ruff Neck Regular $6.00, now $5.00 Turtle Neck Regular $6.00, now $5.00 - Coat Sweaters - Regular $3.00, now $2.00 We carry a full lino of Gillette Razors and Blades. Don't Fail to See Window Display Visit Our Two Stores Christmas Specials For Delivery ) aaaaasaaaaul Service TROY: m in i f II IJ X7 ii i J) BARGAINS : : L. i Onv "Ante 1 VirH tnd dependable. aFrenald OMJSffl "Wf NE CS'i the if. vl rxmsANS compact i urn PORTLAND and Over- PHONES MAIN 6499 OR A-4499 110 Third 86 Sixth ii...... n " urn i-ns STARK BT3.